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We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the ”last three feet” of foreign relations.
The podcast The One CA Podcast is created by Civil Affairs Association. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Please join me in welcoming Gretchen Peters, one of the best counter-network people I know.
Gretchen came in to discuss the current challenges with targeting kingpins and criminal organizations
and how she maps and targets a network to ensure that the leaders get prosecuted and that the arrests also collapse the criminal organization.
With our adversaries using criminal networks to forward their foreign policy goals, I felt this would be a pertinent discussion on how the US should respond. This is a two-part episode, so let's get started.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected] or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special Thanks to Jazz…venue for the sample of Paris Jazz Lounge. Retrieved from https://youtube.com/shorts/E2i8w6cdQR8?si=UqceqAb1c3oeElTy
Please join me in welcoming Gretchen Peters, one of the best counter-network people I know.
Gretchen came in to discuss the current challenges with targeting kingpins and criminal organizations
and how she maps and targets a network to ensure that the leaders get prosecuted and that the arrests also collapse the criminal organization.
With our adversaries using criminal networks to forward their foreign policy goals, I felt this would be a pertinent discussion on how the US should respond. This is a two-part episode, so let's get started.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special Thanks to Jazz…venue for the sample of Paris Jazz Lounge. Retrieved from https://youtube.com/shorts/E2i8w6cdQR8?si=UqceqAb1c3oeElTy
Today, we welcome Mick Mulroy to discuss Fogbow, his new humanitarian NGO, and their work in Gaza, Sudan, and Syria. We also discuss the growing number of veteran humanitarian organizations getting involved in some of the most distressed places on Earth.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special Thanks to Businside for the sample of Upbeat Background Music - Dance and Electronic Music. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/1MzdQLTBPPo?si=6cJR4qPYoJUaohh3
Rough transcript:
00:00:05 Open
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with a partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today, we welcome Mick Mulroy to discuss Fogbow, his new humanitarian NGO, and their work in Gaza, Sudan, and Syria. We also discuss the growing number of veteran humanitarian organizations getting involved in some of the most distressed places on Earth. So let's get started.
00:00:57 MIC MULROY
I've been to Syria several times, but I haven't been there recently and not since all of the Assad regime. So we are looking at the potential for what we as a group who supports humanitarian efforts can do in Syria.
00:01:11 JACK GAINES
I hope Syria straightens out. The new government actually does build out something representative for the population and the economy, that it becomes more centrist. I have a lot of hope. I think we all should,
00:01:21 MIC MULROY
have a lot of hope. I think we all should, right? It's a good thing, obviously, that Assad's... gone. I mean, hundreds of thousands of deaths are on his hands. So certainly a good thing. The question is whether the incoming crowd who took government control by force are going to be the reformers they say they are, or are they going to go back to their roots? I think the verdict is still out. We should all hope that's the case. I think the incoming or now the team that's in place is a bit more skeptical than the last. You can tell by whether they call them Jelani or Al -Shirar. That's the first indicator when I was doing my rounds on both the Hill Congress and the Trump team. I think there's criticism on just how inclusive they're going to be. But we should all hope that that is the case and that there's an election soon rather than the four years that I think they've been saying. But certainly when it comes to sections that are more related to Assad. They should be reconsidered, and we should look at what we're doing there long term. With the SDF during the defeat of ISIS, the crisis, if we pull out precipitously, both for our partners, the SDF and for the counterterrorism effort, but also our strategy against Iran and Russia to a certain extent, which right now, I think everybody would stay on their backside, especially when it comes to Syria. But when it comes to humanitarian assistance, there is a dire need, for sure. And I think that is something that a lot of groups are looking at, how they can contribute to the rebuilding of Syria and the promotion of a stable country that looks more inward. Their own people vice becoming a client state to actors don't have best interests Syrians like Russia.
00:03:10 JACK GAINES
And it's interesting that with their change of government and Lebanon being able to form a government because Hezbollah has their fingers out of the pie right now. I see it as a real strategic opportunity because if Lebanon can get on its foot, Syria can get on its feet, there could be a whole sea change of policy in that region to where Iran's behaviors are balanced, Russia's behavior are balanced, the nations down there can actually rebuild and have a more stable government and a healthier international relationship. I agree with you,
00:03:40 MIC MULROY
I agree with you, Derek. I think this is a very big opportunity for the United States. I use boxing analogies because I used to box. I used to coach boxing in the Marine Corps. This is a point where you see your opponent on the ropes, right? You don't back up. You go in and try to end the fight. I know we're not going to end the fight or the competition between us and Russia, but Ayoun is a partner, obviously the former commander of Lebanese Armed Forces. We have supported them for a long period of time. They were a very effective partner with us, and he was the head of it. So that's a huge opportunity right there. Iran, I think, has many strategic mistakes, and they realize that now, and they've seen it both in their major losses with leadership across the board, their capability, and of course in Syria. I mean, their corridor to fund and supply groups like Hamas and Hezbollah has been cut off, and they just don't have the platform that they have. And I think we should capitalize on that. Our policy should be... The promotion of U .S. interests, part of that, I believe, I don't know if we're going to today, is the promotion of democracy and human rights. But certainly, this is an opportunity to do both, our strategic interests and promotion of democratic values.
00:04:55 JACK GAINES
With Fog Bow, you have a pretty heady team. Some folks that I've recognized from other efforts, some new. Ambassador Smith is awesome. Roger Thompson, you've got a lot of great people here.
00:05:06 MIC MULROY
of great people here.
00:05:08 JACK GAINES
By name only.
00:05:08 MIC MULROY
name only.
00:05:10 JACK GAINES
Well, Chris, he'd be right there with him.
00:05:11 MIC MULROY
be right there with him. Yeah, so FABO is primarily veterans, but we have our humanitarian. And the skills that we have that I think are additive to the whole endeavor, which are air delivery. We've done that in Sudan. We've done maritime delivery in Gaza. We know Austere Logistics. We're a very small company, but we really focused on doing that. And that's why I said Roger's the MVP, right? So we have a lot of former SOF folks. We have a lot of... former special operations veterans, whose skill includes all the delivery and the planning and kind of figuring out hard problems where there's no easy solution. But Roger's done Marine Infantry, but he was also a Marine Logistics Officer. So that's why I say he's the MVP, because that's what we do essentially is logistics. Our mission accomplished, it's food delivered, people in need.
00:06:03 JACK GAINES
Right. I've had a couple people on talk about the Triton Pier. Some of the challenges with prepping in Cyprus for it, putting the peer out, getting as much aid as possible out, and how the thing broke up. But similar to that, Fogbo seems to be focused on some of the harder areas to reach with aid. It's not a typical aid organization. You go into very restrictive areas that have real security challenges, and you help make sure that humanitarian effort arrives. so that people can continue to survive until conflicts, until crisis or disasters are resolved. That's a tough space to work in. And that's why we get requested to come in.
00:06:42 MIC MULROY
to work in. And that's why we get requested to come in. When it comes to the pier, I would say this. We, Sam Mundy, Ricard General, you probably saw on the site, we briefed the last administration several times on the idea of bringing in aid. The Ameritimese, they came up with the JLOPS, the Joint Logistics on the Shore system. To be frank, we didn't think it was the best. Because of the sea states at the time, it could have been done a different way. But we're Americans, and by God, if the U .S. military is going to push up here from Virginia to Gaza, we're going to support it out of pocket. There's not a whole lot of countries that do something. In the United States, it did something, and it might not have been perfect, but it did still over 33 ,000 tons of food into Gaza when it's needed. So that's done, and we're still working to build facilities that can assist the storage of... Critical food aid, medical aid. For NGOs. The other point on how difficult, just to give you a highlight, in Sudan there was a very substantial population that got cut off from ground delivery of food because of that. Primarily the rainy season cut off the roads and the fighting, of course. They were out of food. And all it took was somebody who could come in there and deliver food via air in a very tightly controlled area because of the conflict. And that's where we fit in. That's de -conflicting battle space and airdrops, austere environments. That's what not just people in Fogbo, but that's what the U .S. military is pretty damn good at. So that's what we did for three months, and I think we did a lot of good. And now the situation has changed. It can get ground to leverage. But that's just an example of what we're doing. We're also looking to expand in others. And it's certainly not just about us. There's a lot of groups doing this out there. And if they see a need for our skill set, Give us a call.
00:08:35 JACK GAINES
And I'll put it on the show notes as well. I'm sure this must be an adrenaline rush for a lot of the veterans to actually be out in the mix delivering humanitarian supplies, which is a great reward for the skills that a lot of people have. What kind of feedback have you gotten from your logistics teams, your pilots, your air crew, about what it's like to work for the organization? It really comes down to a mission,
00:08:56 MIC MULROY
It really comes down to a mission, right? So we're all there because of mission, which is to enable humanitarian operations. We are a private company. That's why it's really incumbent on us to assist NGOs that are out there doing great work. I think the most feedback I've gotten is actually taking the skills that they learned over 20, sometimes 30 years, in our case, the U .S. military, a lot of it in conflict, and do something like this. So it's, and myself included, have really taken this mission on as important as any mission I've ever had. And that's what I hear. But of course, it isn't about us. I mean, there's other groups that are doing this, and there's certainly other groups that can do this, that get veterans that are really looking for something other than your standard jobs. This is an area where they can really have an impact really quick.
00:09:50 JACK GAINES
The reason I bring it up is that I had Scott Mann on, and one of the things he really challenged with, we're all cause -based in the military. We work to a cause. We have a bigger thing we're trying to reach. And people get out. Some go to church, some start a business, some start a pizzeria or a workout joint. But some just struggle with trying to find that sense of cause and how they place it, what they can do with it. And his challenge was it drove him to suicide because he couldn't find his place in life after getting out of the military. And so that's why he looked into other things like acting and writing books and lectures and veterans of care programs. Veterans Without Orders, who does water delivery, because I want to show veterans that there are opportunities out there. We can apply that sense of cause to make a difference so that they don't feel like they're alone in this world. When I was talking to the Veterans Without Orders folks, what they found is being on the ground, a lot of the NGOs were surprised at how fast and efficient they were. They went to Haiti and some of the World Food Program folks were like, wow, how long have you guys been working together? It seems like you've been friends for years. And he's like, no, actually, We had a phone call for 20 minutes, landed, met, got on it. But we just have a common language. We understand what each other's doing. We know we're both here for the right reasons. And you just build that instant trust in order to do a mission. And that's what I assume you guys are seeing there as well. I worked pretty closely with him on the Afghan evacuation.
00:11:15 MIC MULROY
I worked pretty closely with him on the Afghan evacuation. My group was called Dunkirk. We weren't a Team America Elite. We also did a lot with Scott. Because that was such a cause near and dear to their heart, that was the first. foray into humanitarian work. And I think that's stuck with a lot of them. And we're seeing a lot of that continue around the world where veterans say, oh, we can really do something here. I think that's great.
00:11:41 JACK GAINES
With Kabul on the midst of collapsing, I saw a lot of veterans rallying together to figure out how to get private logistics in there, getting buses, getting private planes. One thing that I bumped into was a lot of NGOs that were desperately trying to get help because they had people that were working with aid and with state and with the military that were not represented on those lists that needed to get out of there because they were part of the cigar report or they were part of distribution and the Taliban knew who they were and they were going to come after them. My part was just plugging those NGOs in with veterans who had logistics, who had access to help them get some of those folks out. But I did notice that... Once people got involved, it's just almost like there was a light came on and said, oh, I don't have to wait for the U .S. government to order me to do something. I can actually go make a difference. I can take my skills and help be a part of the whole foreign policy scheme and actually do stuff. I can do it without having to be a part of aid o
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, Brian Hancock interviewed Ismael Lopez about OHDACA and Humanitarian Relief and his experiences as a Marine Civil Affairs Officer.
Brian's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-j-hancock/
Ismael's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ishrlopez/
Transcript available below.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special Thanks to the creators of Jazz & Bossa Cafe for the sample of Positive March Music. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHeCxa0rMQ4
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today we have with us Major Ishmael Lopez to discuss civil affairs and the ongoing relief effort in the Gaza Strip. Let's talk a little bit more about that training piece. Part of readiness is being able to do your job. The Marine is an expeditionary force, perhaps becoming even more expeditionary with the expeditionary advanced base operations. construct, the chief of the Navy signed off on. So very interesting training opportunities for the fleet right now. And you mentioned Balakatan and some of those other exercise type missions that you've done.
And I know you've probably done Marine Corps Warfighting exercise and mentioned JRTC. But what are some of these other missions you've done? You've talked about a dock up. A dock up is joined at the hip with humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, HADR. The Navy has a huge role in HADR for just a whole bunch of reasons. Has your detachment participated in any HADR missions? Is that another training opportunity that you have with your Marines in detachment?
We as a detachment have not. However, I do have individual Marines who have participated in HADR missions. Not a whole lot of experience, but there's some resident within the detachment. And to your point, there is huge training opportunity there for understanding how to integrate into an HADR response specific to DOD's role in supporting the State Department. We do have the opportunities for training with USAID, but that's all classroom. And we try to get as much exposure to that as possible. But as far as real-world HADR scenarios where we're able to integrate with the State Department and even into a joint task force or a multinational task force, it is very limited. I know that that is being discussed for future iterations of Balakatan specifically to have a HADR response, which makes sense, right? Because Balakatan is becoming a massive multinational exercise that features activities across the spectrum of military operations. Once that piece of it is integrated, then it's truly a well -thought -out, deliberate exercise on how to integrate HADR, whereas right now it's sort of sprinkled on top. The Marines, sailors, and even the Army, civil affairs practitioners that are supporting, are supporting steady -state engineering projects. And I think that's a missed opportunity because there's so much more that we can provide than project management. And there are opportunities there, but... If I'm a commander sitting on top of a joint task force, that's not where I would place those assets because it's going to happen. They're not caught off guard and they understand, okay, where is the USAID person that I need to be linked up with? Who do I need to be syncing up with? Again, looking for those opportunities.
opportunities. I hear you. I know you've done a fair amount of work in South America with all the attention on ACOM and sometimes UCOM. I don't think we talk enough about, I think there are many opportunities in South America to do great things. And if we take a look at the Tierra del Fuego with all the earthquakes and the volcanoes and the things happening there and climate change and disasters, there seems to me more disasters, which is going to increase the chance that our government is temporarily overwhelmed and might have to issue a diplomatic cable and request assistance. For us in Title X, that's probably just some of our unique capabilities like rotary wing, pull up a nuclear ship and just start giving power to a large area. There's amazing things that we can do. And I know that there are disasters happening in South American countries, which tend to be a little more fragile. Do we have those opportunities? Is that something that we just haven't mapped out? How would we go about helping our South American brothers?
struggle with this because like you, I see the opportunities that are down there and they're plentiful. I worked down at the embassy in Bogotá, Colombia for three years during my FAO tour. And while I was there, I was a counter -narcotics maritime operations planner. So really fancy title for managing Section 333 funding programming. But our partners in that region are all about working with us. training with us, opening up their countries for us to train. They want to fight with us. In Colombia, we were trying to organize an additional exercise outside of the standard unit toss that goes on in South America. So as we started trying to test, does this concept work? What are going to be some of the challenges? What does it look like for closing ship to shore in a contestant environment? Colombia has amazing terrain that is very similar to that that you will find in the first island chain, surprisingly. A lot of people wouldn't know that, but it's there. So when you consider distance and cost associated with being able to provide realistic training that mimics the future fight, you have it in the same hemisphere. The challenge is, the NDS calls out very specifically, services, your priority is... UCOM. Your priority is AFRICOM. Your priority is CENTCOM. Your priority is writ large is Indopaycom. We'll focus on that. And so that automatically causes the services to look elsewhere rather than looking down south. And so that means that resources, manpower, etc. are going to get pulled to support efforts down there because it's not called out specifically in the NDS. And now it's being focused on other parts of the world. Fortunately, Marine Forces Reserve has shifted from trying to compete with the active component to adding relevancy by focusing on developing those opportunities in Latin America. I know the Army does a lot with the TSOCs down there, but more can be done and should be done, in my opinion. I think the relevancy is there and transferable to other parts of the globe. It's just getting past the, hey, I understood that this document calls this out. but there are opportunities here that align to what we're trying to get after in the NDS. And the other piece of that too is when you consider if we're having assets down there, it reduces the number of available resources that can respond to contingencies. And I think that's part of that equation.
I think so. It's really not a bridge too far from our existing mental models. The energy may be in PayCon, but at the same time, you're still going to JRTC. Is that the Deep Pacific? No, not at all. But there's still value in that training. If you can go to Columbia and move through similar islands, have similar river problem sets, similar terrain problem sets, and get that experience at a fraction of the cost of going to the Deep Pacific, that's not something we should overlook. And we can't ignore the fact that there's increasing levels of adversary activity in South America, I don't think we should take that for granted. And doing these mill to mill and working together side by side on various projects, there's nothing but good stuff there. So I'm hopeful that we may in the future put a little bit more energy into that theater.
Yeah. And the one last piece of it I think that we take for granted is the belief that our partners in the Western Hemisphere are going to stay aligned to us. because we have those shared values. But when you have our competitors knocking on the door and saying, hey, we want to train with you. We want to provide you money. We want to do all these things. And we're taking for granted that relationship. It's only going to last so much longer before the number of partners that we have on there are going to be very limited. Yeah.
You know, it kind of reminds me of the Sims game. I don't know if you've played this. But there's a relationship meter. And if you want to have positive relationships with another avatar in this simulation, you have to interact with them. You have to do that fairly regularly because over time, that relationship meter decays. Relationships aren't static like that. They're usually moving forward or they're sliding backwards. And if we're not in that game and we have hungry competitors, we can see where that could go. Let's talk about some of your work as a foreign area officer. That's a very coveted job for civil affairs and folks who think they may have a future intent to work for Department of State. A lot of folks don't get there. What did you do as a foreign area officer, and how do you get involved in that kind of work?
For the Marine Corps, I was actually able to use my experience as a civil affairs officer to springboard. into becoming a Latin America FAO. So in the Marines, we have two different ways of becoming a foreign area officer. There is the experience track, which is the one I fell into. And then the other one is a study track. So either route, you have solicitation for candidates, individuals who have experiences overseas, working specifically on the civ. side of the house, not necessarily the mill -to -mill piece, right? Because we're looking at international relations, foreign relations, etc. And then you have the study track, which is you get selected, you get sent to Monterey to earn a master's degree in international relations. Then they send you to the language school, DLI, for a language, and you get assigned a region. And then you get sent either to combatant command to work as a desk officer. or you get sent to a country overseas and you're going to work out at the embassy. So for me, I was able to parlay my experiences as a civil affairs officer, and then the board selected me as a Latin America foreign area officer. And what that did was that it opened me up to that role in the embassy. So my wife's active duty Air Force, and she's also a Latin America foreign area officer. She got sent to Naval Postgraduate School, earned her master's. Didn't have to go to DLI because she already spoke Spanish. And then she got orders to the embassy in Columbia. Family and I obviously went along. And as we were doing our introduction with the scout chief, she mentions my husband's a civil affairs officer and a FAO. And his eyes just lit up. He's like, we haven't had a Marine sitting in the naval mission for the Section 333 program in quite some time because we just don't have them. Part of the challenge is the cost associated with bringing one down. But since I was already there, in his eyes, he was getting two fails for the price of one. So because I had that, I was able to meet the requirement for the billet. And then I was able to serve as the program manager for the Section 333 program for roughly three years.
Well done. And what an exciting mission. If I was younger, I'd want to run off there too and do something like that. I mean, my Spanish needs to be a little bit better, but I know I could brush it up. Hey, let's talk about the... Very difficult situation in Gaza right now. I don't think we can approach that with anything but sympathy for all involved. Certainly there's great suffering there by many different parties. And I know you were one of those folks who raised his hand and said, hey, I will help with some of that Gaza relief and did that mission, at least for some time. Can you tell me a little bit about your experience with the Gaza relief mission? And are you comfortable sharing any lessons learned from your time?
Yeah, so it was very interesting when the Gaza relief mission kicked off for several reasons, right? The challenge there, very, very dynamic event, very tragic event. And then on one hand, we have to support our ally in Israel. But on the other hand, great suffering occurring to the people in Gaza as a result of the mission out there. So the struggle within DOD at the time was, what should we do from an ATA perspective to help those that are suffering in Gaza? So when we look at it from within DSCA, we were really waiting for inputs from OSD and even the NSC as to what is an appropriate humanitarian aid response. One that's not going to undermine our partner. But at the same time, sending a strong message to the people in Gaza and the international community that the United States is not going to sit idly by while people are suffering. So it's a very delicate balance that had to be found. So from an access property standpoint, I was looking into what could we do and how close could we get to provide items from the inventory that could provide life -saving support or even just support for those that are being displaced. into neighboring countries. What ended up happening was we, DSCA, specifically the humanitarian aid and the humanitarian demining division, was ordered to reallocate all the ODACA funding that had already been provided to the combative commands and used to support the Gaza relief missions, specifically the maritime bridge. So we had to deliver the bad news to the combative commands, like, hey, Any money that you have not obligated at this point, we have to pull. You were going to utilize that specifically for this mission. Concurrently, we had
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, Brian Hancock interviewed Ismael Lopez about OHDACA and Humanitarian Relief and his experiences as a Marine Civil Affairs Officer.
Brian's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-j-hancock/
Ismael's profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ishrlopez/
Transcript available below.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special Thanks to the creators of Jazz & Bossa Cafe for the sample of Positive March Music. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHeCxa0rMQ4
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today we have with us Major Ismael Lopez to discuss civil affairs, special missions, and the ongoing relief effort in the Gaza Strip. Mr. Lopez is the Excess Property Program Manager for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. He's also a major in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. where he serves as the Latin American Foreign Area Officer and Detachment Commander with the 1st Civil Affairs Group. At DSCA, he oversees ODACA -funded Humanitarian Assistance, HA, supporting disaster relief and capacity -building efforts in over 28 countries, including the responses in the Afghanistan refugee crisis, the Ukrainian crisis, and humanitarian support to Gaza. In his expanded role, he acts as a liaison for civil affairs, focusing on training, project continuity, and aligning civil affairs efforts with strategic goals.
With over 15 years of experience in security cooperation, Mr. Lopez has supported humanitarian assistance operations globally, including key relief efforts following Hurricanes Irma, Maria, and Iota. Major Lopez, welcome to the show.
Thank you, Brian.
Boy, you've been busy.
I certainly have. Unfortunately, I've been really busy to do the things that I love.
Now, let's talk a little bit about this mysterious full -time job that you do, the excess property manager for a defense security cooperation agency. Security cooperation being one of the three most important missions in the world, in my opinion. Can you tell us a little bit about what you do as the excess property manager? And if you're in the business of giving away property, how do I sign up for this?
What's funny is that, as you mentioned that, There is a running joke down at the Southcom HA office where they say, if you need a new refrigerator, Ish is the guy to call. Basically, what I do in a nutshell is I work with the combat commands and all the way down to the country teams to identify partners, to provide them non -lethal excess property in an effort to achieve very specific objectives in the country. What the program does is it'll take items that are basically pretty much brand new to a little bit of wear and tear, which we can refurbish in our warehouses. And then we issue them out or we donate them to the partner with the intention of meeting a very specific objective in that country. So aside from that, I also support DOD humanitarian aid efforts for any initiatives that are... utilizing the overseas humanitarian disaster and civic aid. So in a nutshell, that's pretty much what I do. And yeah, if you need a fridge, if you need a microwave, if there is an effect that could be achieved by me donating it to you, sure.
We're expanding NATO a little bit. And many of the NATO countries, about 32 of them, they're putting a little bit more money into defense these days for a wide variety of reasons. And if they decide they want to send up a new office somewhere in Poland or something like that, How would they go about saying, hey, all those esks and chairs and things that you have in Dermo, we'd like some of that. And who pays the shipping?
The folks sitting in NATO would have to work with ODC and Poland first. They will validate that requirement, then submit it on up to UCOM. UCOM will have their lawyers look at it. And then from there, it will make its way up to DSCA for execution. Now, what pays for all this is the Odaka appropriations that gets earmarked from the Odaka budget that provides transportation for this program. So the program comes at no cost. It's all funded exclusively through the Odaka appropriation.
Awesome. Let me talk a little bit more about that and ask you a few questions. Odaka is kind of a hidden gem that a number of us in the civil affairs community know about. Many other people don't, and you can definitely achieve effects with this, especially in competition, which is something that we're, I think, as a joint combined army, really struggling with, is how we get after having those influence and deterrence effects in the competition phase. ODACA is one of those tools that's available to us. It's the Overseas Humanitarian Disaster and Civic Aid Fund. Now, I have very limited experience with that program. Can you tell the audience a little bit more about the ODACA creation, how large it is, what it usually funds?
Yeah, absolutely. I'm able to see it from two perspectives, right? I'm able to see this from my seat at DSCA and then my seat in the reserve component as a civil affairs officer, where to your earlier point, ODACA is a bit of this hidden gem and it could be leveraged to help. achieving effects in the competition phase, but where there are issues is the lack of understanding of what you can and cannot do with the appropriation or how you can actually link it to creating those effects. And I get that because rewind the clock back to 2013 when I first delved into civil affairs, one of the metrics that are utilized to determine our success in country is How many projects can you nominate or how many projects did you complete? So then when you're aiming to achieve or hit that metric, you're not necessarily looking at the linkage. You're almost betting on that someone will create that linkage for you that you're providing the activity in support of. So Odaka, generally speaking, we're looking at about $26 to $30 million a year. But then that money... gets divvied up across the combatant commands and is prioritized based off of national defense strategy. So if it's called out very specifically country X or region Y is the priority when it comes to DoD humanitarian aid efforts, then preponderance of that money will be earmarked for that country or that region globally. Once you pull the thread on that, then there's different tiers. for the countries that are located in that combatant command or in that region of the world, and we're able to allocate money for those countries as well. Where it gets tricky is that what will factor into it is how proactive and how thorough the ODCs and the SCOs are with executing those HA projects and then the end -use monitoring piece of it. So their requirements are tied to these project nominations. The country team, the HA managers, the civil affairs teams that are assigned to or are deployed in that country are not providing the feedback necessary to determine the return on investment. Then the following year, what could end up happening is this country is a priority, but what we're not able to tell Congress is, are we actually achieving the effects that we're desiring in that country or in that region? And if we can't answer that with tangible metrics, then that will factor into a reduction of ODACA funding for the following year. Recently, in Indo -PACOM, the focus has been very heavy on the mill -to -mill engagement piece. What is starting to catch up now is the sieve mill piece. And so we have money allocated, but they're sort of playing catch up with the rest of the COCOMs as it pertains to. getting those funds and then executing projects and us being able to sustain them over an extended period of time.
Yeah, it is a challenging problem set. One of the taskers that we get annually here in our command is to measure the strategic effect of DACA projects, which are largely tactical, in a bunch of different countries. and were given one week. Now you've got a rotational force here of about 15 civil affairs folks of various persuasions. Maybe a couple of them can be dedicated to that task. They had nothing to do with the inception of these projects. They were not part of the construction. They saw none of the... assessment or staff estimate documents related to them. All they saw was probably, if they're lucky, the proposal that went into the website to get them. And they don't have time to do extensive interviews or measurement. And it's pretty tricky to take something very tactical and then indicate not as an MOP you completed the project, but as an MOE it actually influenced the local populace towards U .S. and NATO objectives. That is a very tough thing to do mathematically, especially without the data, documents, and time to be able to do that.
is a
What is the standard that is accepted by the panel who's controlling those funding and appropriations? What realistically do you have to prove?
So this has been a challenge for several years now. I saw it firsthand. As a civil affairs team leader in the South Com AOR, where I deployed to support a very specific commander, but as a, hey, by the way, while you're down there, there's these products that were funded several years ago. Do you mind taking a look? No context behind it. I can't do pre and post surveys on the local populace because I don't know what it was or what the baseline was prior to the construction or the completion. And then now. So it was very arbitrary. It was very much, yeah, it's good. Is the government still funding it? Sure. Are they employing people that are maintaining it? Sure. And I think back then, 2013, 2014 timeframe, I think the blanket answer to all that was, we're countering Russia, China. And so as long as you were saying that, then it was all gravy. And we've obviously have evolved from that to we're now tying these very tactical actions. to operational objectives, right? So are we supporting CoCom LOEs? And if we're supporting CoCom LOEs at the minimum, we understand that we should be integrated into strategic objectives, right? Because the LOEs are derived from those strategic documents. And we've gotten to that point, but now where we are able or unable to get that data or the metrics. really falls on the lack of funding to do it. So the easy button is, well, you have your security cooperation professionals that are assigned to the embassies. They should be. They can do that. Yeah. But the reality is all embassies, regardless of the size, they are overextended and under -resourced. So they're always dealing with VIP visitors. They're dealing with taskings from the State Department. They have their steady state activities they have to be supporting, and they're falling in on, let's just say, 30 projects over the last three years. And, oh, by the way, all these assessments need to be done, but your TDY funds are X. And there's no way of doing it. So then it trickles down to, hey, do we have any civil affairs teams coming downrange? Can they support? And I think we've gotten to a bit of a sweet spot. is this mutual understanding that civil affairs teams in country, as long as they're not being detracted from their main mission, are able to provide some sort of support in conducting those surveys and assessments. However, it's still not the right answer because they're falling in on rudimentary information, background information, and it's still very much from their perspective. At DSCA, we have increased our budget for AM &E purposes to help country teams that are in the red, so to speak, when it comes to conducting these assessments, especially countries that are a priority where we understand, hey, we need to continue engaging on the HA side of things and not the MIL side of things. So we need to get as close to valid or reality as we can. So we have contractors now that are assigned to the combat commands, folks within my office that can. be requested to go out and support. And again, we're working across the command and commands to see as appropriate where we can support. So a lot of work still has to be done there. But again, looking back to 10 years ago, even five years ago, I think across the board, DOD has gotten significantly better at providing metrics to validate activities vice. simply stating we're countering Russia and China and we're going to call it good.
As they should. All of these projects should be tied to a line of effort, tied to a strategic effect that's in line both with the COCOM and the chief of mission. And then you would need a way to measure them at a granular level and then aggregate them to measure progress against a line of effort aligned to strategic intent. I don't think that framework has been built. I hope we eventually get there. If you ask some of the SCAs in the embassy, at best, they're going to give you anecdotal information. So there's a lot of things that we would have to do. And if we send a civil affairs team, depending on their training and background, that can be more or less successful. Now, you're probably tracking that in the Army side of civil affairs, we've built that 38 golf program where I can have an engineer with 20 years of experience. It seems to me that's the guy we should be attaching. to a civil affairs team to go do one of these assessments. What do you think?
I completely agree with that. And that's 100 % a step in the right direction. O
Today, we welcome Colleen Ryan from OSCE, border training and management. We brought her on today to discuss the current challenges of border security in Europe.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
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00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. Or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassos.org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:39 Colleen Ryan
My name is Colleen Ryan. I'm currently the Border Advisor to the OSC in Vienna. I'm seconded by the United States. So I do need to make it clear that I'm not speaking on behalf of the OSC or on the broader political or organizational context right now. I'm specifically focusing on my work and my experiences. Wow. You're seconded? What does that mean? Yeah, I'm essentially loaned out by the U .S. to the OSCE to serve in this role. They pay my salary.
00:01:13 Jack
Nice. How did you get nominated? Where do you normally work?
In a past life, I was a police officer back in the U .S. before transitioning to working internationally. So I came to find out about OSCE and opportunities while I was doing my master's back in the States. And then I just ended up applying for the special monitoring mission to Ukraine. So I was out there as a monitoring officer up until Russia's full -scale invasion. And then went back during the war with a non -governmental organization working on humanitarian protection in the South. And then made my way to this current role. That's great. So you've been part of living history in a way. Yeah, to be out in Donetsk up until a couple days before the invasion. Working with border guards all across Europe and the changing security landscape has been an interesting role so far.
00:02:04 JACK GAINES
So you've lived what soldiers call the moment before. There's a feel in the air, and it makes you edgy, it makes you a little twitchy, because you know that you're about to go down with an enemy. And so did you get that sense? Did you get that feel that things were coming close in Donetsk?
We were there at the time to monitor the Minsk agreements, which was a ceasefire at the time. It wasn't until when the U .S. evacuated all U .S. personnel that you started to realize that, you know, it may actually happen.
00:02:36 JACK GAINES
Right. And so your current position is now training the border guards of Ukraine.
Yes, I manage a project that trains border guards across the OSCE, specifically on detecting porch documents and imposters. So if it's a forged passport presented at the airport or at the road crossing or for the train, we train the border guards, whether it's from Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Albania. So it really depends on the needs of OSC participating states in this realm. It's obviously a field that requires recurrent training because travel documents like passports are constantly updated. that national authorities can stay ahead of forgers. So it is something that we have to continue training on. And with the current war against Ukraine, they have the most need. They're one of the bigger border services in Europe. And then just the need in terms of half their border guard is currently engaged in combat operations, while you have the rest who are working to secure their western and southern borders and the surge in western and southern border crossings with the closure of Ukraine's airspace. You know, all of that contributes to an ongoing need for these skills and updated training on detecting passport forgeries and detecting imposters. And then you see that on the flip side with Moldova, they've seen a surge in the border crossings because a lot evacuated from Ukraine into Moldova. A lot of humanitarian NGOs and other people now fly into Kijanel to go to Ukraine. And so they've seen just a huge... spike in terms of the number of travel documents and also diversity in terms of different countries, different types of documents. And so that's why we've also been training Moldovan border police as well.
00:04:29 JACK GAINES
Sure. So you're there to teach them how to spot forged documents, but is there also a follow on either by that nation's foreign affairs office or their law enforcement that tries to find the forger and remove them?
Yeah, there is very likely follow on. in terms of criminal investigations when they find forged documents or if they identify an imposter. But our project primarily focuses on those who are working on the first line and second line document checks to just spot the person posing as someone else. And then we do some work with the forensic experts after the fact to make sure that they've got that next level of training as part of their investigations. But primarily it's focusing on the first and second line officers.
00:05:14 JACK GAINES
I'm sure they see all kinds of crazy stuff. Everything from the amateur glue stick to people who actually have passport printer creating forged documents.
Yeah, it's sad and it's also really interesting, the surge in the use of artificial intelligence and seeing the ways that they're incorporating things like morphing into the passport to their forgeries where two people can now travel on one passport using morphing images and things like that. It really just shows how quickly this field in terms of document forgeries is evolving and how much border services are struggling to keep up and to maintain their training so they can spot these techniques. Right, which is why they're starting to put chips and other special films that have a radio signature and stuff like that.
00:05:53 JACK GAINES
they're starting to put chips and other special films that have a radio signature and stuff like that. You could print it, but to actually find those films or chips that have that radio signature has got to be a lot tougher.
Yeah, and a lot of it is just down to, like, Order guards are under a lot of stress and pressure and they don't have much time to spot the fakes. They're getting crushed by people. Yeah. So a lot of it is just making sure that they can spot some of these easier to identify orgery trends and to make a quicker decision before it gets to the point of really having to do an in -depth examination of the document.
00:06:32 JACK GAINES
Yeah, I would imagine that you would see forgery trends because people would be going to the same forger and they would be doing similar patterns until that turned away.
00:06:41 JACK GAINES
And what's it like working with all these different border guards from different countries? I mean, everyone has got to be a little different, but the same.
For me, it's interesting because I'm one of the few who has worked in policing, worked in this operational arena, kind of understands a lot of what they've done. And so you kind of speak the same language. It's interesting to hear from them, like what they view as their biggest security challenges and what their biggest day -to -day challenges are in terms of their work life. Because you see common trends across a lot of the services. A lot of them can be underpaid and that contributes to staff turnover. And so then that means you go back to a country to do more training because you have new staffs. But then to see how a country's security... You know, their perspective in terms of their biggest border security threats in Albania, where I trained in June, might be different from Bulgaria, where I trained last month. But, you know, it's still the commonalities of document forgeries, imposters, making sure your airports are secure and things like that. So I like talking with the border guards, such a different perspective across each country. Right.
00:07:51 JACK GAINES
I think that's really helpful that you have a law enforcement background. helps break that ice.
I understand the perspective, but we're really just there to help and to fill the gaps that their service might not have the time or the funding to provide additional training because they've got the whole spectrum of border security issues to deal with within their service. And so that's where our organization or other international organizations doing these types of projects come in is just fill the gaps and help them develop their capacity. Especially with some other countries we train for where Frontex, maybe they're not working in that country. So then we can help supplement other EU or Frontex or IOM or UN initiatives and help to harmonize border security standards across Europe, South Caucasus, Central Asia.
00:08:45 JACK GAINES
I don't want to just keep circling around Ukraine. Is there any stories you have from some of the other countries you worked with? What's your favorite beer hall story on those?
Yeah, I mean, most of my stories are with Ukraine because I've trained Ukraine so much. So I'm happy to talk about that. Yeah, I feel very fortunate so far in the last year and a half to have trained almost 50 Ukraine border guards. And I was able to go to meet with their administration and their main forensic center in June to do a needs assessment to see how we could keep supporting. to make sure we weren't duplicating efforts from other international organizations or other bilateral initiatives there because we do know it's a crowded space there.
00:09:28 JACK GAINES
I'm sure talking to them, you could figure out pretty quickly what those border guards needed, even if they were getting training from two or three organizations, if they weren't hitting it on the head. Yeah. And what was nice for us is we were able to actually shadow them on their train from out west as entered from.
was nice for us is we were able to actually shadow them on their train from out west as entered from. Shamashil, Poland, and went to Lviv. And so we got to board on the Ukrainian side and just seeing what they're dealing with in terms of doing document checks aboard the trains now and the different challenges they have with that as opposed to what it would be like to check a document at the airport. It's a very different perspective and it gives you insights on things like lighting and being able to see different security features in the passport. With the lighting on the train and the time of day when they're doing the document check, the technical equipment that they have aboard and that may not be connecting to the cell tower or have service as the train moves. And so it gives you a different perspective to actually be there and see it instead of just hearing about it over a Zoom call or in a sterile training environment. And so then building on that. We've been able to take some of those lessons learned and put them into our training where we're encouraging them and reminding them to say, hey, how would you see this in different types of light settings, running different types of simulations, so it more accurately reflects the conditions that they'll be doing the document checks in. So what's coming up next?
00:10:57 JACK GAINES
What's the future of training? Do you have anything interesting coming up that you want to promote?
Yes, through the rest of the year, we have a couple more study visits. And these are important because they help the border guards to learn from other counterparts. They will look through how this country that they're visiting manages their forgery desk at an airport or in their border service. And it really helps with networking and sharing more information in terms of what they're seeing in terms of detecting trends or alerts on forged documents. We've got a couple of study visits coming up next week. I'll be in Madrid with another group from Ukraine. The following week, I'll be with Albania and Milan. And then a week after that, I'll be in Dublin, Ireland with forensic experts from Ukraine's border service to round out the year. So it's a busy stretch right now. That's very cool.
00:11:50 JACK GAINES
Do these multinational engagements, do they ever end up with countries with border guards doing a bilateral agreement on border protection? Or do they ever work on... building something like Eurogest, where if they find a forger from multiple countries, they'll work together to try to find out where the route is. Is that multinational cooperation starting to build, or have you seen it?
On a smaller level with us, we do see that. So at the operational level with these border guards, even in -country, being able to message colleagues around their own country. Or the experts that do our trainings are active document experts serving in their border service. So now they've got another resource, say, if we're using experts from Spain or the Netherlands or UK or Italy, then these trainees now have another resource to flag potenti
Today, Sam Cooper, founder of the news outlet The Bureau, guest hosts Christopher Meyer, a former U.S. official and China expert during the Bush One and Two Administrations. Meyer currently serves as the head of the U.S. Micronesia Council and founded Wide Fountain, a platform for in-depth geopolitical analysis.
In this the second of a two-part episode, Sam and Christopher discuss PRC strategic corruption and political warfare. So, let's get started.
Sam Cooper's The Bureau: https://www.thebureau.news/
Christopher Meyer's Wide Fountain platform: https://widefountain.substack.com/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association a
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special thanks to Cozy Ambience for a sample of "February Cafe Jazz - Instrumental Bossa Nova Music for Work, Study and Relax - Background Music" retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmq8Ht-sNwQ
Today, Sam Cooper, founder of the news outlet The Bureau, guest hosts Christopher Meyer, a former U.S. official and China expert during the Bush One and Two Administrations. Meyer currently serves as the head of the U.S. Micronesia Council and founded Wide Fountain, a platform for in-depth geopolitical analysis.
In this the first of a two-part episode, Sam and Christopher discuss PRC strategic corruption and political warfare. So, let's get started.
Sam Cooper's The Bureau: https://www.thebureau.news/
Christopher Meyer's Wide Fountain platform: https://widefountain.substack.com/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association a
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Cozy Ambience for a sample of "February Cafe Jazz - Instrumental Bossa Nova Music for Work, Study and Relax - Background Music" retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmq8Ht-sNwQ
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Sam Cooper, founder of the news outlet The Bureau, as he interviews Christopher Meyer, a former U.S.
00:00:44 SAM COOPER
official and China expert during the Bush I and II administrations. Meyer currently serves as the head of the U.S. Micronesia Council and is the founder of Wide Fountain. a platform for in -depth geopolitical analysis. This is the first of a two -part episode. Sam and Christopher discuss PRC strategic corruption and political warfare. So let's get started.
00:01:07 SAM COOPER
Today I'm excited to introduce Chris Myers. Chris is a longtime China expert and former U .S. government diplomatic and economic issues officer, and he explains how military intelligence and influence networks embedded deeply with organized crime are a central feature of the global strategy employed by the families that really are running communist China. And when I say that, we're going to discuss your research on the family of Xi Jinping, the Xi family, and you call it the Yezi clique. But first, tell our viewers your background in getting into China and your career.
Thank you very much, Sam. I started a keen interest in China when I was 16. And I read the history of the opium wars and I was outraged. And I decided I wanted a career to be involved in business and diplomacy between the U .S. and China. And then as an undergrad student, I did research on the special economic zones. This was in the early 80s and the special economic zones were just announced. And my research led me to see the geopolitical aspects. There were some. across from Macau, across from Hong Kong, and across from Taiwan. So I sort of had an eye to that. And then I did business. I was, for five years, I was with a Fortune 500 company. And I had the opportunity to do some business in Xiaomon. And I saw some things that set off alarm bells in my mind. And I kind of filed that. And I had some experiences that informed my research later. I worked in the government in Bush 1 and Bush 2. I was involved in Indo -Pacific affairs. really helping American companies do business in the region, and then became a consultant to part of the government that administered our territories in the Pacific. So I saw some things there that, again, set off alarm bells in my mind. And in 2016, I happened to cross an old colleague who kind of gave me some more information. And basically from 2016 until 2022, I conducted a lot of independent research. I decided I wanted to know exactly what was going on because proxies in the region seemed emboldened to take on the U .S. And they didn't have a government portfolio, but they acted like they did. And so my research sort of started in Micronesia. I had the great opportunity to come across your book. You totally informed. parts of what I was looking at and kind of put the spotlight on what happened in Canada. And I kind of worked the two sides to the middle and conducted most recently research that kind of takes us from Mao Zedong's death until the 90s. And I believe that there was a click. I call it the yes, she click. There were scores to settle. There were powerful families that were on the cusp of greatness or recognition for all their good work, and they were purged. And it led some individuals to become extremely militant in their conduct of political warfare against the U .S. So that sort of sets the table for what we might be talking about.
00:04:28 SAM COOPER
Yeah. So to get into this, let's start with the Ye family. They're mysterious, but for experts, they're very clearly a clan that has tremendous kingmaking power in China. So maybe let's start with who they are and then bridge into how they connect with Xi's father.
So the patriarch, Lie Jianying, was literally the kingmaker of Mao Zedong. He came from Guangdong province, and he was involved in the very earliest movements of the Communist Party in China. And he fled one of those, I think it was the Guangzhou uprising, with Zhou Enlai, and they escaped to Hong Kong. So Ye Jianying is one of the original revolutionaries in China, and he had the title of Marshal Ye. And when he crossed paths with Mao Zedong, he was actually the aide -de -camp to a very powerful Communist Party operator out of Beijing who had an army of tens of thousands. And he rolled up to Mao and his very small group of long marchers and said, follow us, we're going to Sichuan province. And Mao was like, no, I don't think that's a safe bet. The locals are going to tear you up. And Ye Jianying kind of heard a truth in Mao and he deserted this powerful general and with him brought the code books. So Mao gets Ye Jianying and the code books and he's able to communicate with the Comintern. And lo and behold, that general did get wiped out in Sichuan. He returned to Mao's base. With a few thousand troops from then, Mao became the most powerful leader in the communist ecosystem. So Ye Jianying had a very high regard for Mao. Mao called him the savior of the Communist Party and the Communist Revolution. And so fast forward it right through the revolution. Ye gets a very top position as the party secretary for Guangdong province, the largest and economically most powerful province in the country. And Mao wants to conduct his land reform in Guangdong, just as he does everywhere. And it's a violent thing where landowners are hunted down and put to death. Yeah, because he was a native Cantonese, understood that the landowners in Guangdong were not of the same ilk as those throughout China. They actually worked the lands. They had a very cooperative relationship with labor. And he tried to resist. But Mao forced Lin Biao into Guangdong. And Ye lost his government role. And if he hadn't been in the military, he would have been completely out of power. But because he had a military portfolio, he was able to stay on the peripheries. And he was actually part of the small group that brought down the Gang of Four and ended the Cultural Revolution. So Ye Jianying went through the Mao Zedong grinder, but he did it so early in the 50s that he was able to... maintain power and have it going forward. Another Long March hero was Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhong Chun. And his claim to fame in the Communist Party was he maintained security over the area where Mao was camped in Yan 'an. And he was able to provide Mao and his group with enough security that they could camp there through a winter and survive. Not only that, but he negotiated and he conducted diplomacy with the tribesmen in the Northwest, in Qinghai, in Xinjiang, and in Tibet. And he was loved. And he got a lot of rebels and insurgents among these minority populations to join the Communist Party. And Mao gave him great profs for that and referred to him as one of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period. brilliant statesman who was able to ingratiate with the minorities and make them part of the Chinese nation. Unfortunately, though, Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongchun, he was purged, but he was purged later. He was purged in 1962. And from Xi Jinping's age nine until he was 25, Xi Jinping's father was under arrest. Without trial, it was just the culture revolution. He was under arrest because his office published a book that was deemed not flattering to Mao Zedong. Basically, he was promoting some thought within the Communist Party that Mao didn't like. So Xi's father is in jail from 62 to 78. And because Ye Senior and Xi Zhongchun had a relationship, Ye Jianying kind of became a godfather of sorts for Xi Jinping. Xi was sent to work in the countryside and he escaped and he tried to get back to Beijing and it wasn't safe for him to be reunited with his family. And Ye intervened. And Ye made sure that Xi joined the Communist Party, even though these tragedies were all around him, and made sure that he got the semblance of an education, although he really never did. He was a guide for Xi Jinping throughout his younger years. in place of his father.
00:10:02 Sam Cooper
Before we continue how those families dovetail together, can you describe in China's political economy, what is the power of Marshal Ye?
So in the 50s, he was jettisoned out of the political arena. His main work was in the PLA. He was a marshal and he became minister of defense in China. And he was responsible for procurement. And to sort of give you a sense, when the Korean War started, the United Nations put a blockade on trade with China because they were arming the North Korean army. Marshal Yeh was responsible for making sure that supplies got to North Korea. And that was a big role that he fulfilled. And his sons kind of brought that along. So it's curious because Marshal Yeh was one of the most powerful stars in the communist lineup, but he was also a minority. He was from Guangdong and he was a Haka Chinese. So some people would say that Haka Chinese within China, there's a lid sometimes on their ability to move up. And so perhaps he was never considered for the echelon, but he did arise very high. But in some ways, and his sons adopted this even more so, they had to become very combative. in their political dealings. But no doubt about it, Marshal Yeh had a chance to handle huge volumes of military supplies, and there was an opportunity to skim and generate great wealth, which probably was the case. The way that Marshal Yeh fulfilled the supply chains for the North Korean army was through organized crime. And it just happened that two of The individuals, Henry Falk and Stanley Ho, were also Hakka Chinese. And they became the kingpins of organized crime in Hong Kong and Macau. Both of them are on record as saying they made their fortunes supplying the Korean War.
00:12:15 SAM COOPER
Right. So people that read my book are very familiar with Stanley Ho, according to U .S. government intelligence. the absolute king of Chinese international mafia with connectivity to casinos, banking, political influence operations in Canada, triad leadership in Canada. So I think we've set the table for the 90s in Guangdong, Fujian. Xi Jinping is now starting to come on the scene politically there. The Ye family, who were partners essentially of Xi's father. had a little bit of a godfather eye on Xi's movements within the party. We can say that they're the power behind a throne that they want to see continue to rise. So can you take us into the 90s, the sort of Stanley Ho connectivity to Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and how that combines the Hong Kong tycoons slash triad leaders with the communist powers in Fujian?
Yes. Mao passed away in 78. Deng Xiaoping came to power. And Deng was all about economic reform and catching up to the West. So in southern China, Fujian and Guangdong province, Deng looked to Ye Jenying and his sons. His sons were in their 30s now. And he also looked to Xi Zhongshan. Xi Zhongshan became party secretary for Guangdong province. in the early 80s. And Deng kind of put toget
Today, Sam Cooper, founder of the news outlet The Bureau, guest hosts Christopher Meyer, a former U.S. official and China expert during the Bush One and Two Administrations. Meyer currently serves as the head of the U.S. Micronesia Council and founded Wide Fountain, a platform for in-depth geopolitical analysis.
In this the first of a two-part episode, Sam and Christopher discuss PRC strategic corruption and political warfare. So, let's get started.
Sam Cooper's The Bureau: https://www.thebureau.news/
Christopher Meyer's Wide Fountain platform: https://widefountain.substack.com/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association a
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special thanks to Cozy Ambience for a sample of "February Cafe Jazz - Instrumental Bossa Nova Music for Work, Study and Relax - Background Music" retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmq8Ht-sNwQ
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Sam Cooper, founder of the news outlet The Bureau, as he interviews Christopher Meyer, a former U.S.
00:00:44 SAM COOPER
official and China expert during the Bush I and II administrations. Meyer currently serves as the head of the U.S. Micronesia Council and is the founder of Wide Fountain. a platform for in -depth geopolitical analysis. This is the first of a two -part episode. Sam and Christopher discuss PRC strategic corruption and political warfare. So let's get started.
00:01:07 SAM COOPER
Today I'm excited to introduce Chris Myers. Chris is a longtime China expert and former U .S. government diplomatic and economic issues officer, and he explains how military intelligence and influence networks embedded deeply with organized crime are a central feature of the global strategy employed by the families that really are running communist China. And when I say that, we're going to discuss your research on the family of Xi Jinping, the Xi family, and you call it the Yezi clique. But first, tell our viewers your background in getting into China and your career.
Thank you very much, Sam. I started a keen interest in China when I was 16. And I read the history of the opium wars and I was outraged. And I decided I wanted a career to be involved in business and diplomacy between the U .S. and China. And then as an undergrad student, I did research on the special economic zones. This was in the early 80s and the special economic zones were just announced. And my research led me to see the geopolitical aspects. There were some. across from Macau, across from Hong Kong, and across from Taiwan. So I sort of had an eye to that. And then I did business. I was, for five years, I was with a Fortune 500 company. And I had the opportunity to do some business in Xiaomon. And I saw some things that set off alarm bells in my mind. And I kind of filed that. And I had some experiences that informed my research later. I worked in the government in Bush 1 and Bush 2. I was involved in Indo -Pacific affairs. really helping American companies do business in the region, and then became a consultant to part of the government that administered our territories in the Pacific. So I saw some things there that, again, set off alarm bells in my mind. And in 2016, I happened to cross an old colleague who kind of gave me some more information. And basically from 2016 until 2022, I conducted a lot of independent research. I decided I wanted to know exactly what was going on because proxies in the region seemed emboldened to take on the U .S. And they didn't have a government portfolio, but they acted like they did. And so my research sort of started in Micronesia. I had the great opportunity to come across your book. You totally informed. parts of what I was looking at and kind of put the spotlight on what happened in Canada. And I kind of worked the two sides to the middle and conducted most recently research that kind of takes us from Mao Zedong's death until the 90s. And I believe that there was a click. I call it the yes, she click. There were scores to settle. There were powerful families that were on the cusp of greatness or recognition for all their good work, and they were purged. And it led some individuals to become extremely militant in their conduct of political warfare against the U .S. So that sort of sets the table for what we might be talking about.
00:04:28 SAM COOPER
Yeah. So to get into this, let's start with the Ye family. They're mysterious, but for experts, they're very clearly a clan that has tremendous kingmaking power in China. So maybe let's start with who they are and then bridge into how they connect with Xi's father.
So the patriarch, Lie Jianying, was literally the kingmaker of Mao Zedong. He came from Guangdong province, and he was involved in the very earliest movements of the Communist Party in China. And he fled one of those, I think it was the Guangzhou uprising, with Zhou Enlai, and they escaped to Hong Kong. So Ye Jianying is one of the original revolutionaries in China, and he had the title of Marshal Ye. And when he crossed paths with Mao Zedong, he was actually the aide -de -camp to a very powerful Communist Party operator out of Beijing who had an army of tens of thousands. And he rolled up to Mao and his very small group of long marchers and said, follow us, we're going to Sichuan province. And Mao was like, no, I don't think that's a safe bet. The locals are going to tear you up. And Ye Jianying kind of heard a truth in Mao and he deserted this powerful general and with him brought the code books. So Mao gets Ye Jianying and the code books and he's able to communicate with the Comintern. And lo and behold, that general did get wiped out in Sichuan. He returned to Mao's base. With a few thousand troops from then, Mao became the most powerful leader in the communist ecosystem. So Ye Jianying had a very high regard for Mao. Mao called him the savior of the Communist Party and the Communist Revolution. And so fast forward it right through the revolution. Ye gets a very top position as the party secretary for Guangdong province, the largest and economically most powerful province in the country. And Mao wants to conduct his land reform in Guangdong, just as he does everywhere. And it's a violent thing where landowners are hunted down and put to death. Yeah, because he was a native Cantonese, understood that the landowners in Guangdong were not of the same ilk as those throughout China. They actually worked the lands. They had a very cooperative relationship with labor. And he tried to resist. But Mao forced Lin Biao into Guangdong. And Ye lost his government role. And if he hadn't been in the military, he would have been completely out of power. But because he had a military portfolio, he was able to stay on the peripheries. And he was actually part of the small group that brought down the Gang of Four and ended the Cultural Revolution. So Ye Jianying went through the Mao Zedong grinder, but he did it so early in the 50s that he was able to... maintain power and have it going forward. Another Long March hero was Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhong Chun. And his claim to fame in the Communist Party was he maintained security over the area where Mao was camped in Yan 'an. And he was able to provide Mao and his group with enough security that they could camp there through a winter and survive. Not only that, but he negotiated and he conducted diplomacy with the tribesmen in the Northwest, in Qinghai, in Xinjiang, and in Tibet. And he was loved. And he got a lot of rebels and insurgents among these minority populations to join the Communist Party. And Mao gave him great profs for that and referred to him as one of the heroes of the Three Kingdoms period. brilliant statesman who was able to ingratiate with the minorities and make them part of the Chinese nation. Unfortunately, though, Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongchun, he was purged, but he was purged later. He was purged in 1962. And from Xi Jinping's age nine until he was 25, Xi Jinping's father was under arrest. Without trial, it was just the culture revolution. He was under arrest because his office published a book that was deemed not flattering to Mao Zedong. Basically, he was promoting some thought within the Communist Party that Mao didn't like. So Xi's father is in jail from 62 to 78. And because Ye Senior and Xi Zhongchun had a relationship, Ye Jianying kind of became a godfather of sorts for Xi Jinping. Xi was sent to work in the countryside and he escaped and he tried to get back to Beijing and it wasn't safe for him to be reunited with his family. And Ye intervened. And Ye made sure that Xi joined the Communist Party, even though these tragedies were all around him, and made sure that he got the semblance of an education, although he really never did. He was a guide for Xi Jinping throughout his younger years. in place of his father.
00:10:02 Sam Cooper
Before we continue how those families dovetail together, can you describe in China's political economy, what is the power of Marshal Ye?
So in the 50s, he was jettisoned out of the political arena. His main work was in the PLA. He was a marshal and he became minister of defense in China. And he was responsible for procurement. And to sort of give you a sense, when the Korean War started, the United Nations put a blockade on trade with China because they were arming the North Korean army. Marshal Yeh was responsible for making sure that supplies got to North Korea. And that was a big role that he fulfilled. And his sons kind of brought that along. So it's curious because Marshal Yeh was one of the most powerful stars in the communist lineup, but he was also a minority. He was from Guangdong and he was a Haka Chinese. So some people would say that Haka Chinese within China, there's a lid sometimes on their ability to move up. And so perhaps he was never considered for the echelon, but he did arise very high. But in some ways, and his sons adopted this even more so, they had to become very combative. in their political dealings. But no doubt about it, Marshal Yeh had a chance to handle huge volumes of military supplies, and there was an opportunity to skim and generate great wealth, which probably was the case. The way that Marshal Yeh fulfilled the supply chains for the North Korean army was through organized crime. And it just happened that two of The individuals, Henry Falk and Stanley Ho, were also Hakka Chinese. And they became the kingpins of organized crime in Hong Kong and Macau. Both of them are on record as saying they made their fortunes supplying the Korean War.
00:12:15 SAM COOPER
Right. So people that read my book are very familiar with Stanley Ho, according to U .S. government intelligence. the absolute king of Chinese international mafia with connectivity to casinos, banking, political influence operations in Canada, triad leadership in Canada. So I think we've set the table for the 90s in Guangdong, Fujian. Xi Jinping is now starting to come on the scene politically there. The Ye family, who were partners essentially of Xi's father. had a little bit of a godfather eye on Xi's movements within the party. We can say that they're the power behind a throne that they want to see continue to rise. So can you take us into the 90s, the sort of Stanley Ho connectivity to Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and how that combines the Hong Kong tycoons slash triad leaders with the communist powers in Fujian?
Yes. Mao passed away in 78. Deng Xiaoping came to power. And Deng was all about economic reform and catching up to the West. So in southern China, Fujian and Guangdong province, Deng looked to Ye Jenying and his sons. His sons were in their 30s now. And he also looked to Xi Zhongshan. Xi Zhongshan became party secretary for Guangdong province. in the early 80s. And Deng kind of put together this group. The Ye's and the Xi's were family friends. They celebrated Chinese holidays together. The Xi's were northern Chinese, but they kind of encamped in Guangdong province after a certain amount of time. And that's where Xi's father retired. But in Guangdong, the son of Ye, his name was Ye Xuanping. Basically, he was mayor of Guangzhou and the governor of Guangdong. And very quickly, he was referred to as the emperor of the south. So in the 80s, he was running Guangdong province. And he became so powerful that the CCP sought to have him step down. And he actually threatened to withhold tax to Beijing from the province of Guangdong unless they negotiated with him. He wanted a vice chair of the CPPCC, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Committee. And he wants to be a vice governor of the CPPCC. And he wanted to be allowed to maintain his power base in Guangdong. And this is a rare case where the CCP actually deferred to these wishes. Just to get him out of running the most powerful province in China, they said okay. So he goes over the CPPCC. And he takes with him the kingpins of organized crime in Hong Kong and Macau. Stanley Ho never had a position, but Henry Falk and the other top lieutenants in these organized crime entities all wound up on the CPPCC. And to give you a sense of like, what was some of the magic Stanley Ho had when he won the monopoly on gaming in Macau? He devised this VIP room conc
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. I'm your host, Jack Gaines.
Today, Colonel Andreas Eckel, commander of the NATO CIMIC Center of Excellence, joins us to discuss the center's work to prepare the alliance for future crises or disasters.
So, let's get started.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special thanks to Jan Křtitel Novák, Jimmy McHugh, and Dorothy Fields for the original version of Diga Diga Do, which aired in 1928 and was then performed by Duke Ellington.
Ellington's version can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3aJ_9IAIjQ&t=1s
00:00:05 JACK GAINES
Welcome to the One CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. Today, Colonel Andreas Echel, commander of the NATO Civic Center of Excellence, joins us to discuss the center's work to prepare the alliance for future crisis and disasters. So let's get started.
What we need to understand a little bit better, and I think that was a very brutal lesson we identified in Afghanistan and in Mali as well, is that military functions in different societies. very, very differently. We have an idea how military looks like and how it works. It might work more the Italian style or the German style or the US style. But basically, I think we have a common set of ideas how military works. And military works completely different in Mali than in Afghanistan than in Germany. And that is based on different societies. So how do we figure that out? It's a very good question. If I had a quick and sharp answer to that one, I think I would be the winner of the $1 million question. There are some ingredients to tackle that problem. And one of the ingredients is to understand the environment a little bit better. And that leads to civil military cooperation. The one centerpiece of civil military cooperation is to understand the environment better. to nest military activities in the civil environment in a better way. It creates more converging effects and creates less harm to the civil population. And I think the next thing is you need to have long -lasting relationships. Relationship that is built up, that's great. If it lasts one year, that's great. And if you just end it then, Basically, you have achieved almost nothing. So long -lasting relationships and to understand the civil environment better. And we have to understand that we are not the ivory tower of knowledge. What do we know? What does the military know about Mali and Afghanistan? Basically nothing. We have to be more and better in contact with the civil organizations, with academia, with knowledge centers. that are engaged in those areas since 20, 30, 40, 50 years. And we have to be in a dialogue with them and have to extract their knowledge about the key civil factors and have to integrate that better in military considerations.
00:02:32 JACK GAINES
So you have to be a diplomat in two directions because you've got to be reaching out to the partner nation like Mali, working with her counterparts there. You have to be a diplomat with partner agencies within the government and academia, as you were saying, or else you're going to miss a step. So you really have to work your way across the spectrum.
Yeah, I like your picture of being a diplomat because exactly as you mentioned, it's a diplomat in both ways, but you have to be a translator as well. So civil environment, civil actors, civil counterparts speak a different language than we. And we really have to make sure that what they say. is understood by the military and what the military means properly translated in how the civilians understand it.
00:03:17 JACK GAINES
You know, and that's a good point because I've seen civil affairs civic officers come in and try to brief leadership on certain issues. And if it wasn't absolutely clear and in the language that that matter knew, they usually were dismissed and it wasn't as effective an operation because of it.
And by the way, at the beginning of my career in the military function of CIMIC, it happened to me too. So one of my first appearance of the stage briefing the commander about some civil factors was a complete disaster because I underestimated how many minutes I only have to bring over some key messages to the commander. So I talked too long and did not come to the point. And I think that's the point where the CCOE is really in a responsibility. We have to provide in our courses the overview, the background, and we provide expertise and challenge them with tasks to apply the expertise. But at the very end of every course, we tell them, hey, CIMIC is important, and it is important to understand the environment, and it is important to integrate civil factors and military considerations. However, when you are confronted with decision makers, Your product needs to be crisp and sharp. If you provide a product to your commander, which exceeds three pages, then you can throw it in the dustbin. By the way, one page is better than three pages. And I think simakers have the tendency, and I include myself specifically into that one, to speak too long and to explain too long and not to come to the point. And if at the end of your statement there is no so what and what's next, well, then don't say anything. That's better.
00:05:08 JACK GAINES
Well, for this podcast, I appreciate you speaking too much. That's a good thing. But I also understand it's a challenge, but once you get used to it, I think it's super, super helpful.
helpful. What we both concluded coming to the point should not be mixed up with not doing your analysis. Only because you have two minutes to brief your commander about a major actor that will impact his operation. doesn't mean that your analysis should only be two minutes. So you have to provide the analysis for an in -depth briefing, if required, to integrate that knowledge and your assessment in the staff work of the other branches. So it needs to be both a very in -depth, precise analysis and assessment. And then it is your time on the stage. The light will shine on you for two minutes. That's it.
00:05:59 JACK GAINES
That brings up a story on my side. sent one of my pitch decks to a former boss. And he took it, he read it, and then he read all of the sources that I had put in the back. And so he knew the subject just as well as I did when we met. And I was like, holy cow. Yes, it's important to do good research before you put together your summary because you never know how deep somebody's going to dive into an issue. And if you've done bad research and they catch it, you're done. So one of the things that... Being that diplomat, both to the military and to other government bodies. One thing that I found at the Strategic Foresight Conference, and it was in your report as well, is that SIMIC needs clarification of capabilities in peace and crisis. And what feedback I got from meetings was that not all militaries have a strong relationship with their public. That's a big concern because if a military doesn't have the trust. When you get to a crisis or a disaster, you've got to really overcome a lot in order just to provide aid and support.
Yeah, that's a crucial point. I have two takes on that. The first one is we have nations that do allow, on the very lowest tactical level, the interaction between military and the civil world. But it is a question of being honest to ourselves. That is not applicable in all countries. Our countries in the alliance are very restrictive interaction with civil environment, with civil authorities, at least on the lower tactical level. And that brings me to my second point. It's a national responsibility. So when we talk about CIMIC as a military function, then we have to look at it from two sides. One is NATO CIMIC is embedded in a NATO command structure, NATO force structure. However, NATO is operating. on the soil of sovereign nations. So we promote and stimulate that nations build up, maintain, and integrate a kind of simic capability. We call that domestic simic. We made a proposal for what domestic simic is. However, nations are completely free to fill that skeleton with their structures. They can call it a domestic simic. They can call it territorial forces. They can call it Homeland Defense Forces. It doesn't matter how they fill in that skeleton as long as they do provide civil factor integration, as long as they execute civil -military interaction. And for the Alliance as a whole to plan and prepare and conduct successful operations, we need to plug in to the national simic domains and the domestic simic domains. And we have to do that. via the national military structures. So what we do in deterrence and defense -related scenarios is a little bit differing from what we have done in international crisis management in the past. When CIMIC teams from the alliance or whatever security force was implemented in that, we very often did the civil -military interaction with civil partners on the ground by ourselves without using any layer in between us. But when we do that now as NATO in Germany and Poland, Lithuania, Romania, and we have to plug into their military structures and via them with the civil actors on the ground. And nations consider that very differently. So there are nations that say, hey, great that you're in. Please feel free to speak to our civil organizations by yourself. It would be nice if you inform us afterwards. Everything's great. The nations are more restrictive and say, hey, guys. a ministry, whenever you talk to an organization, whenever you talk to civil partners, please do that via us and ask us first. So there is a variety of how nations would like to have that executed, and we as Symmakers have to adapt.
00:10:08 JACK GAINES
Right. What I've seen is that disaster relief and crisis coordination between the military and the civil governments is fairly good, but I'm not seeing the emotional side as much. What I mean is, We just had the Marine Corps Marathon. And people all crossed D .C. and around the country came. They ran their 24 miles. These kind of military events where people go, they see some type of form of patriotism, honor guards at sporting events or marathons or the military band performing on the park plots. Those things make a difference. And I don't know if that was also included in your... Have you seen anything like that?
In the last years, when we talked about the use of military assets in our nations, it was to overcome disasters. It was to provide military assistance to civil organizations to overcome flooding, fires, or whatever. But the situation has changed a little bit. And now it is not so much about military assistance in case of man -made big disasters. It's more about civil defense. It's more about stimulating the civil support to military operations and the mutual support in case of crisis and war. And I think that notion is quite new to many European countries. In Germany, it was... support of the military to the civil authorities in case of disasters. But when you look into Sweden, Norway, and Finland, they have since decades a kind of total defense strategy. They have a DNA about that the whole of the nation needs to be ready to defend the nation. And that starts already when you go into your cellar. Is there water? Is there food? Are there batteries? And when you do that in Finland, Sweden, Norway, the answer is yes, there is food and there is water. And I was quite astonished. A couple of years ago, I had a NATO course in Helsinki. At that time, when Helsinki was still a NATO partner and not a NATO nation. And it was an exported course from NATO School of Ammergau. And during the weekend, we had the opportunity to visit Helsinki. And we... came across a protection infrastructure was located to protect the civilians. And the lady asked us, do you have an idea for how many citizens of Helsinki we have shelter? And I said, well, 50%. And she was smiling and she was collecting all the numbers. And then she came up and said, for every citizen in Helsinki, there is shelter. And that's the difference. A regularly trained system of civil defense. And military defense working hand in hand. I think that makes a difference. And I see that coming up in Europe. And again, I would like to use the example of Germany. Since the last couple of years, a lot of more effort has been put into the training and the exchange of information and the exercising of those structures. And I think we are getting there. The point is... When you have dismantled those structures, those strategies since 1990, because our enemy was disappearing, never disappeared. He was just dormant and has been woken up a couple of years ago. But to reinstall that, reactivate that, revitalize that, that takes years and years. So we are at the beginning. I'm a very optimistic person. I strongly hope that we are getting to a point quick enough that when The Russian beer is looking again to Europe when he has solved his problem in Ukraine, that we are ready at that point. And there are substantial measurements that we need to be ready latest in four to five years. And CIMIC plays a role in that because your armed forces can be as good as possible when the civil environment is vulnerable and stays vulnerable and is not able to absorb shocks and to compensate the shocks at a better level after the shock. then you will lose the conflict. That's crystal clear. Even in that time in 2023, where it seemed, at least for some time, that the Ukrainians have regained the initiative, the Russians did attack the civil infrastructure, the energy infrastructure, the transport infrastructure, the health infrastructure. And they were still winning at that battlefield, although they had massive casualties on the fighting battlefield. And I think where Ukraine will run into massive problems this
In this episode Brian Hancock talks with Kurt Dykstra and Joshua Weikart to discuss the 38 Golf Program, the Functional Specialty Team Construct, and the recent Functional Specialty Team Symposium. Major Dykstra and Captain Weikert, welcome to the show. Thank you very much. Wonderful to be here.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in current or former military personnel, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with the people and leadership of a partner nation.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Special thanks to Art Music for a sample from the song "January | Instrumental Background Music."
Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E0orz_C33I
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with a partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected] or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes.
I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we have with us Major Kurt Dykstra and Joshua Weikert and Joshua Weikert and Captain Joshua Weikert to discuss the 38 golf program and the recent Functional Specialty Team Symposium. Major Dykstra and Captain Weikert, welcome to the show. Thanks very much. Wonderful to be here. Thank you, sir.
A quick disclaimer while we're here that the remarks of myself and the participants are solely ours. All right, gentlemen, let's jump into it. From the beginning, what attracted you to U.S. Army civil affairs? Well, I can start that answer. So I'm a bit older, as you might have gathered from my bio.
a bit older, as you might have gathered from my bio. And at various points in my adult life, I had thought about entering into military service. And for one reason or another, It just didn't happen. And it was always a great regret in my life that I had not served and saw it as something that I wish I would have done. And then about four or so years ago, I got a call from a friend of a friend who at the time was a major who was recruiting for this new golf program. And we really didn't know each other, but we sort of had moved in similar circles and knew the same people and those sorts of things. And my wife and I were hiking the Appalachian Trail and I was having breakfast one morning and got a phone call from Colonel Koinga, as he retells the story, I think within an hour or two, I said something like, sounds good to me, let's do it. Of course, I did talk with my wife and those sorts of things, but that's my pathway in and a bit unique perhaps, but I think a story that has some resonance with many of the other gulfs, particularly those who were not prior service, that this was fulfilling an opportunity that they had, that they had wished that they had taken earlier, which was to serve the country through the military.
the country through the military. Well, first of all, Kurt, you're not that old. You look very young and healthy to me. And so you're doing something right. So good for you. I'm thrilled that you have chosen to give both the Army and civil affairs a chance. We definitely need the type of skills that you bring to the table. Now, let me turn to you, Captain Weicker. Tell me a little bit about your journey getting here. Well, I was a prior service soldier.
prior service soldier. Also being the pre -law advisor at my university, I had a pre -law student who was interested in the Army JAG program. And she had asked me to look into direct commissioning programs in the Army in general, knowing that I was a veteran and had some experience in this area. And I stumbled across the 38 Gulf page on the Army Talent Management website. And it was such an immediately obvious fit because I teach politics, but I also do politics. I work for the House of Representatives. And for that matter, when I go out looking for faculty members to hire, I like looking for people who are practitioners as well as being scholars. And this really dovetailed very nicely into that model. And it struck me as something with a very clear need. It also struck me as something that, especially as we think about lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan and 20 years of deployments, that this was an area where the Army could really bone up its skills and get more into capacity building both within our formations and also the places where we operate. So it struck me as something that was both important and extremely interesting.
Well, very glad that you're here. The background that you both have in politics and helping. do governance on an almost daily basis. It makes me wonder, how would we train something like transitional governance? This is one of our core capabilities. I don't know if the program does things like that. I think there's a big future for us in this area. And both of you have the background to help us move in that direction. Well, in the early 2000s,
the DOD had... conducted a review of all the civil administration and civil affairs tasks that were out there that the Army engages in. And they came up with a list of something like 1 ,400 different tasks. And they combed through this list and started identifying things that are not currently met. So where are the areas where the Army needs help? And out of that derived these 18 skill identifiers within the 38 Gulf program, covering a broad range of civil skills. And these include things like... finance, education, and border security, and law, regulation, and policy, and this cultural heritage and property protection. And the goal of the program is essentially to enhance a commander's ability to operate in a stable civil environment, to foresee and address any likely challenges that should crop up, so that commanders can focus on accomplishing their primary image.
Yeah, if I might jump in a little bit on that as well, either read the book or see the movie Monuments Men, then that gives you a little bit of a sense. In World War II, The U .S. were heading across Western Europe. They needed help to identify certain things, whether it's art, whether it's the significance of structures. And those are skills that the Army just didn't have. So the George Clooney's of the world, who at the time were art historians and museum curators, were brought into the Army's orbit to assist in those tasks. And that's kind of the history of the program that goes way back when, and then it was recently restarted in many ways and broadened as Captain Weigert. has been describing. So in some ways, I describe our role as consultants with specific civilian side expertise that the Army simply does not have to assist the Army to be able to do things that it otherwise might not be able to do. So we get called upon to assist in some of those areas that are more specialized than what the Army generally might have. And in other ways, like other civil affairs officers, you know, we're kind of the Army's diplomatic corps. So it's really those combinations, but the Gulf program specifically brings a very specific and in -depth civilian skill set to be used for Army purposes.
set to be used for Army purposes. It sounds a little bit similar to some of the specialists we have with surgeons and lawyers, but also different at the same time. When we were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, we definitely could have used these capabilities in all of these special functional areas. The Department of State tries their best to fill that gap, but the reality is that they're a relatively small organization that isn't necessarily equipped to go to non -permissive environments for extended periods of time. So for transitional governments, I think the heavy lift tends to fall on the military, and you really can't rebuild a government without trying to rebuild the economy and those other threads that tie into that tapestry. I'm very excited for the future with you guys on board. One of the initial challenges is that there wasn't necessarily a clear career progression through every rank for these soldiers. They couldn't follow the 38 Alpha career progression. Has that been relooked at? We do have a quasi -path through your military education.
a quasi -path through your military education. We do not yet have a basic officer leadership course, though we are currently piggybacking on Medical Services Bullock down here at Fort Sam. which is actually where they both are right now. But my understanding is that a 38 golf at CA Bullock course is in development, and I volunteered some of my time doing some of the course materials for that. And of course, we do have the civil affairs captain's course as well as an option. Beyond that, I'm not certain at all. But for Major Dykstra, if he has more information on that.
Much of this has been like jazz. There's been a certain underlying beat that's there, and there's a lot of improvisation that happens along the way. And Captain Weikert is exactly correct that we do DCC largely with the JAG DCC. And then we sort of peg on BOLIC, either AG or AMED, and AMED seems to be the preferred course right now. And to me, this is an area for improvement. We've gone through two school experiences without having any sort of direct training for what it is that we do. And that feels to me like an area that we can improve upon. And I think that is in process, as Captain Weikert mentioned with. With large organizations, particularly the U.S. Army, all that sort of thing takes time. Yeah, it does. But I do think that as the program matures, as there are more people within it for longer periods of time, a lot of the questions about career path and specifics along those lines, frankly, either be worked out by doctrine or they'll be worked out by the process of having people going through these programs and through the ranks and getting OERs and those kinds of things. So I'm not as concerned about that. A ladder piece is what I think that it would be beneficial for the golf program to have better formal education laid out sooner as we see with most other MOCs.
other MOCs. It makes sense to me. It is clever, though, to piggyback on a professional MOS. Many reservists have a similar challenge who aren't 38 golfs because a lot of the professional military education that we funnel through. is geared towards combat arms. And of course, for reserve soldiers, what we do is largely support. But in terms of professional military education, understanding some of these other professions like medicine and pieces of logistics and information operations, professional military education historically has not been geared to advance the tradecraft of those individuals. So I think there's a larger movement within the Army at large, though, to create more specialized training. Unlike the Marine Corps, where they have fewer MOSs and folks have to be a little bit more of a generalist, the fact that we have so many specialty MOSs in the Army, I think, lends itself to the ability to stand up individual branches that can run its own training. And within the functional specialties of the 38 golf program, you might even need an entire course dedicated. to each of those functional areas because they're really quite different. 38 golfs are contained within the functional specialty team construct, like the building where they live within a civil affairs unit. Some folks tend to conflate the 38 golf program with the functional specialty team, not the same. But let's take it a step further. Since the functional specialty team which houses the 38 golf program is a military unit, It, of course, has non -commissioned officers in it as well as officers. Three of us happen to be officers, but non -commissioned officers are very important for us to get things done in the Army. What right now is the role of the non -commissioned officer within functional specialty teams? And gentlemen, where do you see that going? Go ahead, Captain Martin. I think that's exactly right.
right. And in addition, the just traditional roles that NCOs play in almost any unit in formation in terms of like training plan development and... upward input and things like that. I think the role of NCOs is all the more valuable and important in an FXFB section that includes a significant number of direct commission officers. You need that reinforcing experience even more in that set. And also, as we found out at the symposium in April, many of we had NCOs in attendance, and many of these NCOs are themselves fairly accomplished within their careers on the civilian side. So they have SI. contributions to make as well. So they're an essential part of this formation.
Yeah. One of our NCOs was a lawyer of 35 plus years, had done really remarkable things in the civilian side. So the idea that I, as a newly commissioned officer, would come in as the experienced person on the civilian side and he was more experienced on the Army side was true on the one hand, but it also was so much more than that because his civilian expertise was also first rate and really quite impressive.
first rate and really quite impressive. That's amazing. And I don't know if the functional specialty teams will select for that type of talent. It certainly exists, at least within the Army Reserve. We're very skill -rich. That is exciting to me. Now, prior to the establishment of the 38 golf program, who was ma
Today, we welcome Sam Cooper, an author and journalist based in Ottawa.
He came in to talk about his reporting on PRC political and economic warfare, its impact on Canada and the United States, and how those tools are being used worldwide, including Taiwan, to undermine the rule of law and each nation's sovereignty.
This episode goes fast and has a lot of great information on how China sets conditions for winning without fighting.
The One CA Podcast is here to inspire anyone interested in working in US foreign relations. - Often called the last three feet of diplomacy. We bring in practitioners from all walks of foreign service including the military, diplomacy, nongovernmental, development, and field agents to talk about their experiences and work.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail (dot) com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
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Special Thanks to Cafe Music BGM channel and their release, "Hip Hop Jazz & Smooth Jazz Instrumental." Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5yTtDZZiHg
00:00:00 JACK GAINES
Today, we welcome Sam Cooper, author and journalist based out of Ottawa. He came in to talk about his reporting on PRC political and economic warfare and its impact on Canada and the United States and how those tools are being used around the world, including Taiwan, to undermine the rule of law and each nation's sovereignty. This episode goes fast and has a lot of great information on how China sets conditions for winning without fighting. So, let's get started.
00:00:27 SAM COOPER
In the course of reporting, I discovered the compound of Tiger Yuan, an individual that was directly investigated in this Chinese underground banking story, had the most weapons in Western Canada, if not across Canada, for a citizen. And so, when my sources said this person is or was PLA, this person has connectivity to the highest levels of organized crime. And this person is very politically connected, and their activity outside of organized crime appears to be directing Chinese state -friendly people what to do in Western Canada. That's when I really started to dig into and understand the Chinese interference story, starting on the West Coast and then moving across. Literally, I started reporting from Ottawa. That's when I got into the political side of it.
00:01:20 JACK GAINES
So how many weapons are you talking about? And are you talking about small arms, large arms, tactical, technicals? What was it that you were able to find?
00:01:29 SAM COOPER
I'll start with the big picture. I was directed to a compound in Chilliwack, British Columbia. This is very near the United States -Washington state border. It's just outside of Vancouver, and it was a compound of tremendous luxury. In an underground massive parking lot, there were about 80 luxury vehicles. that indicated huge-scale money laundering. There were American military jeeps and vintage machine guns. There was a fire truck. There was a diesel-type rig. There's Ferraris. And so, I was told that this person has vaults of restricted firearms. So, we're talking tactical weapons that you hold against your shoulder and extend your arm out as far as it can.
00:02:16 JACK GAINES
Yeah, long guns.
00:02:17 SAM COOPER
Right. Long guns. These are military-style weapons. I can't say they're AK -47s or Noriko. He didn't let you in there to mark all the numbers and he didn't give you the inventory sheets.
00:02:24 JACK GAINES
let you in there to mark all the numbers and he didn't give you the inventory sheets.
00:02:29 SAM COOPER
He didn't give me the inventory sheets, but Canada has to keep a log of the weapons out there as best as it can. And in an open-source photo, you've got a gangster sort of standing downstairs beside a luxury car with a, I believe it was sort of a burp gun. And then in the back corner, you could see an open door with just a room stacked with weapons. You could literally see a vintage machine gun, one of those ones that would have a sort of stand so you can shoot out of a trench, maybe back in the 50s or 60s. And my sources said, we know that this person has the largest cache of restricted and unrestricted weapons in Western Canada. As I wrote in Willful Blindness, this is... Chapo Guzman -style wealth in a Canadian property, and it makes no sense.
00:03:19 JACK GAINES
Well, it sounds like this person is a hub for gun running and money and probably drugs. Because if he's got storehouses for weapons, that means he can rotate them out for criminal groups that are moving through the area so that no one really gets tied to a weapon if there's ever a crime committed. But it also sounds like they've got connections
00:03:47 SAM COOPER
Yeah. Well, I would say you nailed everything in your question. And to unpack that, on the organized crime side, the information is this person is literally a revered hero from the People's Liberation Army. It's not that China did well in their border assault on Vietnam. They did pretty badly. But this person, Tiger Yuan, is glorified in various Chinese language documents. military veteran, is assessed by Canadian federal police to be in charge of gangs. He would be a person that is handling Chinese mafia in Canada and giving them directions to meet some of the Chinese Communist Party's political objectives.
00:04:30 JACK GAINES
So, he's a kingpin.
00:04:31 SAM COOPER
He's a kingpin, an intelligence handler involved in organized crime at the highest level and also with the capacity to direct these high -level triads. I think we're talking about what's known as the company. This is elite China -based triads that are active running weapons and drugs sentinel around the world and yet have connections at the highest level to military and intelligence and political figures for the parties. So yes, the type of person involved in trade -based money laundering, the ability to send weapons in and out of Canada, the ability to collect weapons from... Chinese visitors who happen to buy guns in Canada and then want to get rid of them. As you said, this military veteran can be a node to move them. I'm told through police sources; this person is suspected to be involved in the Chinese police station activity. So, as you know, that would include what was exposed by the FBI in New York, where we have purported community associations that are actually running these illegal...
00:05:38 JACK GAINES
Community police stations in other countries.
00:05:41 SAM COOPER
Exactly. And these would be used to harass dissidents, to go after Xi Jinping's so -called fox hunt targets. So, Tiger Yuan would be central to that. He would be central to meeting with Chinese language journalists. And I'm told giving them directions or coaching on the type of reporting they should be doing. He would be central to types of... fundraising activities that could blend legitimate business with illegitimate business and have those monies go into Canada's political system. Well,
00:06:17 JACK GAINES
after reading your book, Willful Blindness, one thing came to me, and that is that it looks like China has successfully mixed profiteering and foreign policy so that they can successfully tie the profits from narcotics to influence and persuasion in countries to achieve their foreign policy goals. I had John Cassara on recently, and he talked about that China has probably half of the global illicit trade profit coming into it. And when people measure China, they measure its GDP. They don't measure that black economy. Because most of it goes right back out into the world to fund these illicit criminal groups that are also complicit with the PRC and the money that goes to the pockets of people willing to take the influence dollars to do what PRC wants. But it was really your book that opened that perspective. And it sounds like what you're seeing is the tuning of that process. and how they're really bringing it to bear to see how far they can go and being successful in moving a country's orbit into the PRC influence space.
00:07:37 SAM COOPER
Yeah, I agree with everything you said there, and thank you for saying that. I do think my book had a little bit of a cognitive advance in showing people that when we're speaking about the mercantilism of the People's Republic of China and the trade mixed into that, by design, I believe, is trade -based money laundering in which, of course, there are some honest tycoons or almost as honest as you can be within China's system. But there are many that have both legitimate and underground casino facilitation, capital flake facilitation, direct narcotics trafficking, weapons. But China doesn't look at those people as the government should have a distance from them. China sees those people as ones that have connections abroad, ones that have great influence in diaspora communities. And business persons that are involved in organized crime in Beijing's playbook should be used to influence politicians that are looking for votes in the diaspora.
00:08:43 JACK GAINES
Do you think that Xi Jinping and the PRC allow a certain amount of wealth and influence or affluence? in these people that are expats around the world in exchange for conducting these types of operations?
00:09:00 SAM COOPER
Yes, I think there's a lot going on, and I'm always trying to clarify my understanding, but some have coined the term strategic corruption. This is what we saw in Ukraine for years before Putin made his move. We saw the oligarchs and the tycoons, people like Semyon Mogilev ich, had great control over the Ukrainian resource industries. A person named Boris Berstein, who settled in Toronto, was a major underground banker and money launderer with connectivity to the KGB. So, we've seen this playbook in Ukraine, having people with gang connections or direct intelligence connections corrupt foreign governments and try to pave the way. And I think China is doing a bigger and even more sophisticated variation on that now, where they want people that are, as I've reported in Canada, we have major real estate developers, major portions of Vancouver and Toronto are in fact Chinese or Hong Kong money. And these big real estate developers, there's no question that Beijing has relationships with them, that they will be protected in their illegitimate business activities if they deliver objectives. to Beijing. And there's so much more going on, but yes, in a nutshell, Beijing offers protection to the highest-level criminals in the world if they will deliver political objectives wherever they are.
00:10:27 JACK GAINES
Are you seeing a cohesion of operations between them? How closely tied are they to Beijing? Or is it decentralized to where they say, look, if you build influence and you just let us know who you have contacts with, we'll let you know if we need you. Is it more of a mafia style relationship? How closely tied are they?
00:10:46 SAM COOPER
Well, that is the trillion -dollar question. I mean, I'm always trying to get my understanding. And I'm sure they don't just show you.
00:10:52 JACK GAINES
I'm sure they don't just show you. Here, here's our relationship map now. I mean, I spent a lot of time thinking about it.
00:10:55 SAM COOPER
here's our relationship map now. I mean, I spent a lot of time thinking about it. And as best as I can understand, and I'm always talking to experts to understand more. Sure. But it's not as hierarchical and rigid. I've been told that it is the most fluid. entrepreneurial system you can imagine. There's all types of competition. We have something called Guanxi, which is this very deep sort of transactional cultural relationships between people at high levels in China's system. And we have interrelationships of gangs, interrelationships of intelligence agencies. We have competition among both of those forces.
00:11:40 SAM COOPER
To boil it down, I don't think Xi Jinping is able to say, OK, mafia leader A, you're going to go to Canada, specifically Toronto, and achieve this. It's more that we have what you know is the united front system. That is, all these community groups at the end of the day have been co -opted by officials in consulates around the world so that the community groups are controlled directly by Chinese intelligence officials in embassies and consulates. And they have various levels of tasking to these community groups, who I am saying are almost exclusively involved, high -level tycoon type gang associates. And then within these United Front networks, you have intelligence handlers of the type to circle back to this BC case of this PLA veteran, Tiger Yuan, who is able to be like an area manager of legitimate and illegitimate. business activity in various regions. In my understanding, we have some bosses in Toronto, Ontario, for the Eastern Canada, who are this blend of an intelligence handler and a very high-level organized crime person. We have similar bosses in Western Canada. And I'm sure because I've read a corruption case involving a senator in San Francisco. We don't need to name the name, but this senator was allegedly involved in offshore arms trading, an FBI sting operation got him. He was involved in talking to the various families in that area. By families, I mean triads. And so, I have to believe in California, we have these very same type of PLA intelligence handlers that are into that fluid mix of gangsters, businesspersons, politicians. that one way or another, they'll get their guanxi from Beijing if they deliver objectives. Right.
00:13:40 JACK GAINES
And then you have the community police there to track people down if they take their wealth and disappear, or if they're not producing, or if they don't feel like they're part of the fold.
00:13:51 SAM COOPER
Yeah. The CCP police station really just made everything we're talking about in this fluid network much easier to understand because they had little bricks and mortar shops. Right. that the FBI and others have discovered have both gangsters and traveling CCP officials involved to look over the community.
00:14:11 JACK GAINES
Right. Because you have to have an enforcer. If you're going to run a
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. In this episode Assad Raza hosts Henrique Garbino, Joao Mauricio Dias Lopes Valdetaro, and Jonathan Robinson as they discuss their paper and the competing concepts around civil military planning and operations.
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Special thanks for Nakaboncajon for posting pandeiro // bossa nova. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npixMWE0QWk
00:00:06 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. Or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Also, today's guests would like to state that the comments in their interview are their opinions and represent themselves and no other organization. So let's get started.
00:00:52 ASSAD RAZA
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. I'm your host, Asad Raza. And today our guests are Henrique Gabino, Jonathan Robinson, and Jao Valdeterro. The authors of Civil Military What? Making Sense of Conflicting Civil Military Concepts. First, I really love your title. As a former civil affairs guy and working with the United Nations in the past, it really demonstrates the different perspectives that we have about civil military operations globally based off of these different lexicons that are out there. So before we start, can you quickly introduce yourselves with a little bit of background for our listeners?
Yes, I can start, I guess. So Enrique Garbino and thank you for having us here. Before I start, kudos to João for the title. That's his creation. So I started off in the Brazilian Army as a combat engineer officer. So I was there for about 12 years. I joined to work with peacekeeping operations after my first deployment to Haiti. I worked with Show Brazil Peacekeeping Training Center, and there I was coordinating the military coordination course with João, who is here with us. And we realized there were a lot of confusions with different concepts, Brazilian concepts, UN concepts, American concepts, regarding civil military relations. I worked for different NGOs, for example, and was in The Hague Civil Military Cooperation Center of Exile, COE. I also worked with a comparison, conceptual analysis between EU and NATO civil military concepts. That was when the CCOE became the department head for semi -military cooperation for the EU as well. And now I'm at the Swedish Defense University, where I don't study semi -military relations, but I'm working the use of landmines by non -state groups, landmines, IEDs, booby traps, things like that.
Thank you. Who wants to go next, John or Jao? Yeah, I don't mind jumping in. Johnny Robinson, and I'm porting the U .S. Naval War College's Humanitarian Response Program. So a global fellow at Brown University's Center for Human Rights Humanitarian Studies. For that, I spent almost a decade working in the Middle East for various humanitarian conflict resolution and private entities. We focused on aid worker security systems for civil military coordination analysis for the Carter Center, Caritas, Switzerland, the International NGO Safety Organization, amongst others. As you can tell from my accent, I'm not originally from the U .S., but I was born in the U .K., but ended up in Prince, Rhode Island, marrying my wife. So, yeah, and I got part of the project. And so, yeah, we've been on this journey together for a few years now.
00:03:34 ASSAD RAZA
Hey, John, thank you. One question. You talk about being a fellow at Brown University. Do you know Stanislava? Yes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know Stanislav. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stanislav did an interview with her,
00:03:40 ASSAD RAZA
00:03:42 ASSAD RAZA
did an interview with her, I think, last year on her book. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, when Rambo meets the Red Cross kind of thing.
meets the Red Cross kind of thing. Like, wow, really, really good. Yeah, no, it's great. Yeah, it's great. Perfect,
John. Thank you. Thanks, Ata, for having us. And my background's a little different from both of them. I'm still in the Army for the last 21 years. I'm a major engineer reg in the Brazilian Army. I've been working in peacekeeping issues for 10 years already. So I shared, we've got, you know, we worked structures back there in the Brazilian Peacekeeping Operations Center. Regarding Civil Affairs, I had two deployments in Haiti. One of them, I was a platoon commander, but dealt a lot with CEMEC inside the Peacekeeping Mission. And my second deployment, I was T3 of the Brazilian Engineering Company, and also had a lot of publics to attend to. I've also been deployed at Central Africa Republic. We literally set up the first CEMEC branch in the Central African Army. And that's it. This paper has been worked for a while already, and I guess it's almost ready to be published.
00:04:53 ASSAD RAZA
Jao, thank you for coming on. It seems like you have a wealth of experience. So let's get into the topic here. So in your opinion, based on your research, how have the definitions or applications of civil military concepts varied among the different organizations like the United Nations, the European Union, and NATO?
This is Henrique. Could you take a quick look at the conceptual framework? like the concepts used by different organizations to organize the relationship between civilians and military actors there is room for a lot of confusion so i'm going to give us some examples so we can kind of visualize them more for example the u .s army civil affairs concept it's a military capability that tries to achieve the military mission through showing civilian actors right The UN civil -military coordination, so the concept used by military UN peacekeepers, is a similar approach. NATO civil -military cooperation is also similar. So you have civil affairs, military cooperation, civil -military coordination, three different terms that mean roughly the same thing. Of course, there are differences between them, but overall, they all mean the same military capability. And you can also have the same term that mean different things. For example, the UN mission has this semi -military coordination for military peacekeepers, but they also have the UN humanitarian semi -military coordination, which is a concept dedicated to promoting and preserving the humanitarian principles in the interaction between military and civilian humanitarian actors in crises and emergencies. So it's a very different thing. The European Union also have the semi -military coordination concept, so the same term, but it's about the coordination between the headquarters level, military bodies, and the civilian bodies in Brussels. So it's something completely different from the other two concepts. The same terms being used, meaning very different things. And then if you start a little digging deeper, you come up with different concepts that you don't really know in which basket you put them, like military civil fusion, a concept being used in China at the moment. Civic military unions, a concept we found in Venezuela. So it's really hard for someone who is not really familiar with that organization in particular to really understand what that term really means. It can get very confusing. And I think the irony here is that most of these civil military concepts, they have a shared understanding between civilians and military actors. The concepts cannot agree among themselves. So I think that's a bit ironic and that's a gap we try to fill.
00:07:34 ASSAD RAZA
And I think a lot of people are confused on the different concepts or the terminologies. I myself at times was a little confused. You know, I had the opportunity to work in northeastern Syria and we would coordinate the UN civil military coordination center that was in Jordan on humanitarian aid and trying to de -conflict HA that was coming in from the UN into Syria and some of our operations that not really having a good understanding could never got tied to what these organizations did at the time. So it was a bit confusing. But it was a British guy on the other end. So John, you know.
Yeah, no, I was on the other side, as it were, from you. So I came in from the humanitarian community. And so we also got confused as well by all the different terminologies and civil affairs versus SIMCORD versus SIMIC versus humanitarian -military interaction. And so, yeah, it's a cool problem, right? I think it shows that. It gets complex quite quickly when you have these multinational civilian military environments.
00:08:30 ASSAD RAZA
Absolutely. So I know we talked about some of the challenges that you've experienced ourselves as practitioners on the ground. So is there any other challenges that we talk about that we might have missed?
Maybe you want to talk about Brazilian in Haiti. But it's the same as the Assad was saying. It was something that we used to do back in the old days, but we didn't call it civil affair. We had been doing that for a while. battalion to Haiti. The battalion commander was the man that, hey, send us your semi -mobster to the meeting. And then they were like, what's semi? We were dealing with local population. We were dealing with people in the Amazon forest. We were dealing with civil defense, but all different stuff. So when we arrived in Haiti, and we were teaching in the peacekeeping center, we had a lot of students who just arrived and say, oh yeah, we have this civil social action the army would do to the local population or dealing with local authorities. And when we started to study the UN SEMREC doctrine, it also developed through the time after the mission haze. Within the SEMREC doctrine, what we used to do as civil action, people were arriving in the mission in the beginning, and they were doing exactly the same that they were doing. back home, but we were able in the end to highlight what CIMIC was for them, and they started to do the right stuff. Not under the first contingent, but at least, I can say, half of the mission on, we were doing the right stuff in the head.
I think another aspect of this issue is that what this is referring to is a military civic action. Before, it was done by a soldier in Damned Force. It's not a specialized function. You don't go to special training to do this. The army giving dental care or toys or food to the population. And then in the UN mission context, then you should do much more. You should partner with local organizations. You should not take the lead as a military actor. And those clashes of principles, clashes of modus operandi, that was visible. It's something you need to unlearn first so we could learn the new doctrine.
00:10:50 ASSAD RAZA
Yeah, it seems like a really big challenge because you're trying to learn on the fly, on the ground, which causes frustration with some of the other participating organizations, right? Kind of going back to the biases that some people have, especially in a nonprofit NGO organization, like don't want to work in the military because of some of those challenges. So let's go into talking about your analytical tool, your concept that you guys develop. I know the paper, you were talking about like the four core parameters. So can you guys talk about your analytical tool? Yes, of course. Well, the main goal of the project was to come up with a way to sort different concepts so we can see which concepts are similar from each other,
goal of the project was to come up with a way to sort different concepts so we can see which concepts are similar from each other, which ones are different, and also why. So we can learn from each other when comparing, for example, civil affairs experiences with NATO -specific experiences, but we cannot really compare EU and SYNCORDS, so the EU and humanitarian and humanitarian coordination with civil affairs. So this was an abductive process. So we would study a specific concept in detail, like go to the guidance documents, try to break it down into what it means. Then do the same thing for the second concept and the third concept, and then try to find current aspects of that concept. And we tried maybe 20 different parameters, but it boiled out to four, which are the perspective that the concept takes, the scope of the relationship between civilians and military, The level of applicability and the structure. So for the perspective, is it mainly a military concept? It's a concept that serves the military mission. Or is it a civilian concept? A concept that serves the work of civilian organizations. Or is it a joint concept that serves both in an equal level? In terms of scope, to where the relationship between military and civilian actors are placed. For example, is it about internal coordination? For example, I mentioned the European Union concept of civil -military coordination, and that's an internal scope because it's about coordination within the EU, not between the EU and external actors. Other concepts are mainly external, so it's about, for example, the humanitarian organization dealing with military external actors. Some concepts are both internal and external. For example, if you take the UN civil -military coordination concept used by military peacekeepers, That has both an internal component, which is about facilitating the relationship between the UN military component within the mission
Today, we welcome Curtis Fox, author of Hybrid Warfare: The Russian Approach to Strategic Competition & Conventional Military Conflict, which is hot off the presses and in stores now.
We discuss the book's concepts and how they apply to current events. This is part one of two, so sit back, enjoy and come back next week for part two.
Link to Biography: https://www.linkedin.com/in/curtis-fox-mba-pmp-59b74223/
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Today's music is from the Disney film COCO and is a tribute to Ana Ofelia Murguia, whom I once met at a San Diego Latin Film Festival. Ana passed away this week at age 90, so this episode's music is her tribute. See you next week.
Great news!
Feedspot, the podcast industry ranking system rated One CA Podcast as one of the top 10 shows on foreign policy. Check it out at:
Murguia: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/01/movies/ana-ofelia-murguia-coco-dead.html
Link to music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJfoPUOUWBw
Transcript for Episode I&II
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:41 CURTIS FOX
This is Curtis Fox.
00:00:43 JACK GAINES
Curtis! Jack Gaines, how you doing?
00:00:45 CURTIS FOX
Doing good, man. You're very punctual.
00:01:07 JACK GAINES
Russia and Syria is a great example of a combination of, as you say, hybrid operations evolving into the full scale kinetic operations.
00:01:35 JACK GAINES
For the listeners? Sure. I can't even pronounce them. And I did read them, but it would be better for you to describe them. I mean,
00:01:42 CURTIS FOX
I mean, I tell you what, I speak Russian and they're still hard for me to pronounce. Maybe the first term we can go into is Maskarovka, because this is one of the Russians' favorite terms. And that literally just translates to camouflage. This is the hidden hand approach that the Russians have in history done so well. They don't want these things to be directly attributable to Moscow.
00:02:06 CURTIS FOX
Just literally means activity. And what they mean by that is all of the little things that you do in the background to try to frustrate a target nation's institutions from responding to the intervention that you're conducting. You do not want them to be able to get forces in the field. Preferably, you'd have them stay in their barracks. And you want to set up blockades that frustrate public transit and encourage people to stay in their homes. Or maybe come out in mass protest, preferably in front of city hall or a police station so the political apparatus is frozen. And then vignettes at most is surprise. But it's surprise of, you know, like speedy movement. And what they mean by that is if they can use soft forces to rapidly deploy and establish some sort of a foothold on a limited number of key objectives. then they need the rapid maneuver of heavy ground forces to entrench those gains. This was the secret sauce that did so well in the Crimean annexation back in 2014. So the VDV, the Russian Airborne Services, those are really the elite trigger pullers of the Russian armed forces. And once a number of Spetsnaz battalions had advanced far enough up roads and blackaded positions coming into the peninsula, The VDB immediately used a number of secured local airstrips to move in forces in mass. And they spread rapidly throughout the peninsula and secured all those gains.
00:03:43 JACK GAINES
You know, it kind of reminds me of Bosnia and Kosovo during the conflict and how it has resulted in Kosovo having a Bosnian shadow government in part of the border towns.
00:03:53 CURTIS FOX
There's some real similarities in the way Russia continues to manipulate and maintain influence in Georgia. and the Serbian approach in Bosnia. That's probably where they get a lot of these ideas from. If you look at Georgia, there's an autonomous enclave called South Asatia, and then another one called the Bukazia, which is right up on the coast of the Black Sea. And the Russians would have us believe that these enclaves had ethnic Russians in them, that they would have you believe that they don't want anything to do with that government. And they want to remain segmented off and autonomous from the country with no trade and political independence.
00:04:33 JACK GAINES
I remember Lithuania had that issue, too. They were arguing that there are Russians in Lithuania that want nothing to do with Lithuania. I remember them posing the same argument there. So it must be a form of foothold mentality where they're saying, look, these are our people.
00:04:49 CURTIS FOX
Sure. Yeah. Vladimir Putin actually talks about it as a genuine tragedy that these are Russian citizens that have been scattered across the globe and isolated from the government in their mother country. Never really offers so many resources to come home if it's really that big of a tragedy. And they don't seem to want to migrate to Russia on their own dime. But this being a civil affairs podcast, it's probably also worthy to point out something the Russians do very well. is they figure out what influencers have their hands on which buttons. They're very good at understanding which individuals have access to what information and which individuals run X, Y, and Z departments and who would it be good to make friends with.
00:05:36 JACK GAINES
Right. They have good influence operations. They know how to map people and their networks and reach. So your book is really large.
00:05:44 JACK GAINES
book is really large.
00:05:48 JACK GAINES
And I appreciate it. I mean, it's what, 500 pages?
00:05:52 CURTIS FOX
I tell you what, my publisher made me take out three appendices and an additional chapter. I actually wrote a chapter. It was a comparative glance on U .S. doctrine to highlight how is the Russian apparatus, the political apparatus, how do they actually create authorizations for these interventions? And then, you know, how do they actually deploy military force? from the available units that they have in SOF. And then I compared that to how we would do it in the United States. So that whole chapter was removed. And then I had separate appendices on the Soviet arsenal that Russia inherited in 1991, including the nuclear ordinance.
00:06:35 JACK GAINES
Huge maintenance cost. Oh, my gosh.
00:06:37 CURTIS FOX
my gosh. And then I had an appendice on the state procurement programs, GPV 2020 and 2027. And I go through. All the hardware that they've been purchasing over the last 10, 12 years, you know, for Army, Navy, Air Force, Strategic Rocket Forces.
00:06:53 JACK GAINES
So are you going to push those into a second book or are you going to make those online dependencies for people who just want to learn more about it?
00:07:01 CURTIS FOX
So those are on the website right now. You can actually go read those. And, you know, if you're, I mean, you need to be an Uber nerd to get into them. But if you want to know which electronic warfare systems Moscow is running in Ukraine right now, it's all there.
00:07:15 JACK GAINES
Well, if I'm uber lazy, could you send me the link so I can post it on the website?
00:07:19 CURTIS FOX
For you, anything.
00:07:20 JACK GAINES
I'll put it in the show notes. That way people can check it out.
00:07:23 CURTIS FOX
I'd love to pivot from that and talk to you a little bit about some of the units that they actually need to execute these strategies. And the reason it's such a relevant conversation is because a lot of these units have been hollowed out now in the current war, the Russo -Ukrainian War. Oh,
00:07:41 JACK GAINES
00:07:44 CURTIS FOX
has taken such extraordinary casualties that it was combat ineffective by the end of last year.
00:07:51 JACK GAINES
Is it kind of like that old saying about soft? The best time to train a soft person is 10 years ago? The best time to train a new VZV person is 10 years ago? Is that what they're facing right now?
00:08:03 CURTIS FOX
It's a little bit of that. The other issue that they're running into is they just have nobody they can recruit into the ranks. They have an inverted demographic. in their country, and so they just have no healthy young people that can serve as soldiers. So they can go through and round up the homeless, and they can go through the prisons, and they can round those people up. They have a vicious, vicious narcotics crisis in Russia, and they can put people who are addicted to substances in the armed forces, and you can throw those people in as cannon fodder, but they don't perform the soft mission very well. And they certainly don't make good elite light infantry. So they're in a real pickle as far as deploying elite forces go. And you need those elite units to conduct hybrid warfare. So maybe that's a good starting point.
00:08:51 JACK GAINES
Are they recruiting other people than the White Caucus people from the steppes so they don't have a race issue that's also blocking it?
00:09:01 CURTIS FOX
It's entirely possible if they get desperate enough that, yeah, they'll start channeling them into elite units. I don't really have any direct evidence that they wouldn't have put people from an Asian disposition into, you know, let's say the 10th Spetsnaz Brigade.
00:09:14 JACK GAINES
00:09:15 CURTIS FOX
But the big one to watch are the Chechens. The ruling family in Chechnya is allied with Vladimir Putin, and they're very willing to contribute troops. But one of the unspoken realities about that is that the more Chechens are organized into, you know, the Volstok and Zapad battalions and pushed into foreign wars. The fewer Chechens there are at home to cause trouble for Moscow. And there are other ethnicities that start getting uppity. Moscow will absolutely adopt similar tactics.
00:09:46 JACK GAINES
Sure. Now, the trick is, though, the surviving Chechens that are battle -hardened to come back to Chechnya, what's the risk that they'll flip the nation back towards independence?
00:09:56 CURTIS FOX
It's definitely on Putin's mind. But the goal is, first off, those individuals are loyal to the family and basically rules Chechnya through a puppet governor, let's say. It operates almost as an autonomous vassal state. And so they would first have to fight their own people. And then the second issue is that Moscow has absolutely no qualms about sending a special missions unit down there to round somebody up in their home. I mean, you can go to their Wikipedia page and they're open and honest about saying they still conduct operations in Chechnya all the time.
00:10:35 JACK GAINES
Actively hunting people down. Actively hunting people down.
00:10:37 CURTIS FOX
people down. And they're on the southern end of Chechnya. And those guys will have no problem going up there and getting them. Okay.
00:10:45 JACK GAINES
Okay. So it's dangerous, but it's unlikely. It's less likely right now. Yeah. Unless Russia comes out of this Ukraine conflict so battered that everyone starts seeing the blood in the water. Right.
00:10:57 CURTIS FOX
The one thing that could create a real separatist movement in Chechnya is if Kardarov and his cronies decide that they're just going to switch allegiances. Sure. If he decides that Putin is weak or that serving Moscow is no longer in the family interest, that would change everything.
00:11:14 JACK GAINES
Okay. So we were talking about the development and evolution of hybrid warfare.
00:11:20 CURTIS FOX
Yeah, yeah. We got a little off track.
00:11:24 JACK GAINES
That's okay. We'll just play as is. It's fine.
00:11:27 CURTIS FOX
Well, and, you know, Chechnya is a good place to start for this because the first and second Chechen wars were so taxing on Russian and international standing and resources and manpower and so embarrassing for Moscow that they realized they needed to come up with another way to do this. They needed a way that would limit their investment, limit their risks, limit their attribution, and let's say stack the deck in their favor so it was more likely that they could slant the outcome to victory.
00:11:57 JACK GAINES
And they've had a long term intelligence practice. And so do you think that a lot of their successes in intelligence were just incorporated into a more military style that they just weaponized it a little bit more? to what we want, our desires for Russia.
00:12:29 CURTIS FOX
Russia. So let me kind of outline the framework here, I guess, and I think I'll answer your question. Sure. There is a ruling class in Russia of about 200 individuals. Right. Those 200 individuals, they call themselves Slovy. Most of them were educated during the Soviet era. The education system collapsed when the Soviet Union collapsed and it was never rebuilt. And so their talent pool that is constantly getting smaller and dwindling. A lot of these guys are into their mid -70s now. Some of them, like Sergei Lavrov, came from the Foreign Service, but a lot of them are simply KGB men like Putin.
00:13:08 JACK GAINES
So these aren't long -term families of Russia? No. They're
Today, we welcome Rocco Santurri, who wrote "Spoils of the Status Quo," an article that describes the current stalemate in Korea as the best option for the international community.
Spoils of the status quo: https://divergentoptions.org/category/writers/rocco-p-santurri-iii/
Other points in the discussion
1-Beginning with the historical and current foundations of KJU’s legitimacy as Supreme Leader, how those could be degraded, and which internal groups could exploit that degradation. Given KJU needs the US “threat” to substantiate his narrative to his domestic audience, how de-escalating tensions through de-escalatory IO works against the KJU regime.
2-Expanding bilateral and trilateral relationships, and/or new relationships with NATO countries or the bloc itself to offset increased Russian influence in the region (more of a Eurasian Theatre-outlook, versus EUCOM and PACOM).
3-The rapidly expanding relationship between RUS/DPRK also presents an opening for the US; DPRK is still heavily dependent on China, especially economically, far more than any other country. China might be receptive to assisting US efforts to remind RUS/DRPK of their standing as lesser powers in the region.
4-The dream of denuclearization might need to die; it is very difficult to imagine a scenario in which KJU would voluntarily agree to any level denuclearization, and even if so, proof of compliance would be problematic. Taking that off the table could advance other foreign policy efforts, many of which it currently inhibits.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Music by
Escape One
Best of Japanese Jazz Fusion and Japanese Jazz Funk with Japanese Jazz and Japanese Jazz Music
Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z64nA4F_pbQ
00:00:05 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Roko Santuri, who wrote Spoils of the Status Quo, an article that describes the current stalemate in Korea as the best option for the international community. So let's get started.
Jack Gaines
So where'd you get the idea of Spoils of the Status Quo? I was thinking about how could I say that there's benefit from a stalemate because you don't really get too much verbiage about that.
was thinking about how could I say that there's benefit from a stalemate because you don't really get too much verbiage about that. You always hear spoils of war. We're used in that regard. And I thought, what about spoils of status quo? Because it definitely is providing some rewards to people. For Korea, I was looking at the four options, war, peace, reintegration, a stalemate. Looking at it and putting them all against each other for all the parties, stalemate was the one that actually had some type of significant interest for each party involved.
00:01:25 JACK GAINES
Okay. Everyone had what they wanted from it.
At least a strong portion of it, not ideal, was usually better than the alternatives. Yeah.
00:01:33 JACK GAINES
If the option is a fight or to get along awkwardly, most people will go for the awkward relationship. Absolutely. But people never rate you on able to keep the stability in a region. It's not as heard of, but it does make sense because if you are able to maintain a dam, So the floods don't come down and kill everybody in the town done well. So it's an interesting perspective. Can you tell me a little more about what your thinking was on the article? You mentioned this when we talked previously about Korea.
Korea. The idea of stalemate is definitely vastly superior compared to what the alternatives might be. And with the Korean War not being too far in the past and with politicians mentioning that as well, too, it's a thought that. Even though it's not ideal, we don't want to have a redo of what happened with the Korean War. And the previous president for the current one mentioned this specifically, saying that we cannot afford to have another catastrophic war on the peninsula and destroy all that we've built.
00:02:38 JACK GAINES
I think Kim Jong -il would use nuclear weapons if he was about to lose his regime. Absolutely.
I think that's the consideration of his decision -making calculus. And if KJU comes to that point, what really would prevent him from doing that? And that's what... A lot of people have been trying to get into that thought process and what that might look like. Right. Without question, an extreme threat. And now the advances in weaponry, it's just on the peninsula.
00:03:04 JACK GAINES
And the thing is, everyone's worried about Seoul, but he'd probably be just as happy blowing up forces inside his border with a nuclear weapon. The behavior of the regime seems to be fairly callous towards its own people and military.
It's tough to argue that the entire country isn't living in a horrible condition for the sake of one family to basically be billionaires. That argument could be made. This is not about the country. It's about the family. So you have a rare instance where a dictatorship is multiple iterations. He has a template going forward, which is good in a way because that did not involve nuclear weapons. But if it's all crashing down, one has to wonder. what his mindset would be like then and what he would be willing to do. And in that case, he might not have much to lose.
00:03:53 JACK GAINES
to lose. Could be that that template has other pages that we haven't read or seen. And that is the, what if it all comes down? What do you do? And his father has said, look, if this is what happens, this is who's in place for this reason. And you have him hit that button and you have this person do these things. and we just haven't encountered it because we haven't gotten into those phases of reality. Absolutely. And that's the great unknown,
great unknown, and that's something that it's really difficult to determine what that might look like, especially right now with the rhetoric, with the vitriol between the two sides. Sometimes it's difficult to separate between the two, and that might equate to actually some type of significant action. Fortunately, it seems as though it has settled somewhat. It's tit for tat. But it seems like that has sort of fallen into a pattern where it's not escalation. It's sort of a coordinated response, and it's almost expected at this point, particularly when it comes to the balloons, some of the other issues that are going on now as well.
00:04:57 JACK GAINES
Right. Shows of belligerence. No one's dying. Once people start dying, that's the peak, and then it all backs down from there.
I think so. There have been border issues, and soldiers have been killed, and those resonate still decades later. So I think that's very accurate. I think a lot of what happens right now in terms of balloons, I think a lot of this is for domestic audience consumption, to show that there is no backing down, to show that there is a response. But I don't think it's much beyond that at this point.
00:05:28 JACK GAINES
But you do have some thoughts about how his position and how his legitimacy can be degraded. You want to talk a little bit about those? His legitimacy with the domestic audience is extremely important.
the domestic audience is extremely important. And in some ways, he is facing threats that have been historic, even with his grandfather and his father. Some of those are similar threats, which include from the elites and from the military. He has purged a lot of the military, and he's, for the most part, seemed to have kept the elites relatively happy. He's a lot more secure in power than he was earlier in his ring. But there are still threats. From the younger demographic, he seems very fearful of South Korean K -pop culture influencing younger generations. And he's responded with very severe penalties against individuals who've listened or viewed bad content, including executions not long ago of two 12 -year -olds. So what he has employed is sort of an imminent threat, enemy at the gate, domestic audience narratives. So he constantly pushes that. the country is under imminent threat, and that this substantiates the difficult existence that most of the DPRK civilians endure. If that threat were to exist, the populist might question why they have to live in a state of deprivation, limited freedoms, why in some ways they couldn't live more like South Koreans, which they have access to some of what is going on here, and they probably would be pretty accurate to ask questions about why they're living the way they are. And that's where his... narrative comes into this populism.
00:07:07 JACK GAINES
But also South Korean dramas. Absolutely. I remember where popular people in North Korea seem to be bringing them in to watch TV shows, which I think is great. From a pop culture standpoint,
standpoint, it's important and has an effect. It casts South Korea in a very positive light. And this goes against a lot of the propaganda that you have internally against South Korea, against the United States. It's well -optimated even with the war. The history has been rewritten. The DPRK did not invade. The U .S. invaded. This museum's there, what the U .S. did during that war. So any type of ability to sort of swing the info war is definitely something that he sees as a tremendous threat.
00:07:50 JACK GAINES
So it's mostly an IO war right now. That and shows of force. Definitely shows of force.
force. Obviously, the nuclear program is a high priority, and they've really done everything possible to expand that and remain. completely committed to it.
00:08:06 JACK GAINES
Is there any broadcasts of North Koreans that have integrated into South Korea and are just living their lives that are going up to North Korea so people kind of know what's going on? There's a good amount of interviews with defectors and they'll talk a little bit about what their life is like here.
interviews with defectors and they'll talk a little bit about what their life is like here. They'll talk a lot about what their life in the DPRK and show the tremendous contrast between the two.
00:08:27 JACK GAINES
So that is promoted to a certain degree. Well, there's one thing. If you've got a person... in an interview, you've got them sat down and they're just talking about their lives. It could look scripted. Sure. But if you're doing a day in a life where they've got a funky hat on and some whatever clothes and they're going down to the tables with all the baked goods, buy a little snack and they're a little coffee and they're walking over to their job, something like that where it's not that they have a convenient moment, but it's just they're hustling to go work and have a life. A day in the life type of coverage, I think, would be really effective because it shows that But there's people who have left North Korea. They have a life. You know, here's our apartment. It's a mess. But it's probably a lot better than what they had there. And just show that. Matter of fact, actually, wasn't there just recently a movie about a South Korean girl family who crashed in North Korea and they helped her get back? And so it's kind of sparked a romance between a North Korean elite and her. And you remember that? I've seen a lot of different movies and some YouTube series as well,
lot of different movies and some YouTube series as well, too, and it sort of vacillates between the two. It vacillates between what you're saying, where it shows a very positive spin and it really promotes cooperation. Others will talk some about the defectors, and it actually is a little more realistic in that it shows that they are benefiting from being in South Korea, but they also expand a little bit upon some of the challenges culturally coming into a society and how there's growing division between the two. even in terms of language and somewhat with culture. So there's a lot out there that will try to sway opinion one way or the other. But I think it's encouraging that it's still going both ways. It's not all negatives. There is some positive aspects as well.
00:10:11 JACK GAINES
The last time I was at an exercise in Seoul, we were having a conversation about options that weren't explored. And I recommended that they just offer to KGU to make him emperor. Give him... $100 billion to become the emperor of all of Korea. He has no judicial powers. He has no powers at all, except for as a title. But he gets to be a hundred billionaire and all of Korea will be under his rule as emperor, but the most he can do is a parade.
He definitely does seem to like his parades and ceremonies. That's for sure. There's no shortage of those.
00:10:48 JACK GAINES
Everyone's happy. The family's wealthy. They're emperors, emperors of all of Korea. They won. in that aspect. And then South Korea, North Korea can then become one unified state. So you make sure he gets all the shit he wants, but the government is run by basically South Korea.
Welcome. Today, we bring Dr. Stanislava Mladenova to discuss the NATO CIMIC Foresight Conference.
Book: Rambo Meets the Red Cross. Found at: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538187722/When-Rambo-Meets-the-Red-Cross-Civil-Military-Engagement-in-Fragile-States
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Ambience Lord for the sample of OKTOBERFEST Music
Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/Kb_lr32vcrk?si=_V4vM_4BBv2zNxY2
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Dr. Stanislava Mildanova, author of When Rambo Meets the Red Cross. We met at the NATO Strategic Foresight Conference in The Hague this October. In this session, we reflect on our experiences at the conference and discuss some ideas for the future of civil -military relations. So let's get started.
We tend to very constantly think about civil as a human -to -human function on the ground or, you know, potentially function of the Navy when it pulls into port. And whenever I try to explain this to a civilian and what it means, I have to kind of think logistically through every function that the military could perform, which is any function potentially. And whether they join well, whether a domain joins well with another domain, or whether that domain needs to be able to understand what is in the civilian environment that it needs to better integrate with, that's where I think things can get a bit wonky, as you said. Sure. Yeah, I think at the moment, business is booming in Europe, for obvious reasons.
00:01:42 JACK GAINES
Very true. What did you think of the conference? It started off with... some panels, and then we went into some work groups, and then another panel, and then we had some social hours in between. Yeah,
I think I found that exactly as I expected to, which is trying to really be creative around the conversation of what the future means. Of course, I was with one of the groups where we looked at how the world could be in 2045 from a cognitive superiority standpoint. You know, ask a soldier to be a social scientist or ask a soldier to be an environmentalist or a techie. And that is by definition something very difficult to do. I mean, ask a civilian person to be a military person, right? And that's kind of the whole idea of putting yourself in the other's shoes. And it really gets at the heart of Sid Milne. So I think that within the constraints of how... creative and innovative, we can be within the three days. But also understanding that the military by default has this culture of, you know, creativity is not the place, right? You execute, you're kind of given orders and you just go about them. I think that I've gone to several of these conferences now with them. And I think that every time it just kicks the can a bit further down the road. And that's good. I don't think we can be too aggressive or innovative or get outside of our comfort zone, certainly whenever you're talking about the military and whenever you're talking about bureaucracies.
00:03:18 JACK GAINES
Right. The listeners should know, and that's that they did a 20 -year projection into the future. And most of the, I would say their military forecasters, projected pretty dour futures. Less freedoms, a lot more conflict, a lot more environmental challenges. Not a lot of peace, love and happiness in the future with those guys. I have to challenge it because I don't fully disagree, but I don't fully agree as well. I think there had some logic gaps because military forecasters, they look at risk and what future risk looks like.
00:03:54 JACK GAINES
look at risk and what future risk looks like. So if you're going to look at a military forecast, it's going to look like risk problems because that's what they're looking at. If you look at some of the other forecasters that are not risk -focused, you'll see there's some really positive things coming up as well. I just didn't think it was as balanced as it should have been.
Well, this is where I think trying to get a bit more in their community is very important. So let me give you a bit of the perspective of a development person. Let's say you're a development person that's working on climate.
00:04:22 JACK GAINES
let me give
a bit of the perspective of a development person. Let's say you're a development person that's working on climate. And we talk about all kinds of things get thrown around. on the climate, the seas are rising and everything's getting hot and you're going to have conflict and so on. And that's correct. And at the same time, when you're throwing the resilience conversation, it'll probably be a whole other podcast series. But essentially, you do have a lot of innovative strategies on how to leverage. the opportunity that presents itself. So are you looking at new types of horticulture? Are you looking at more exploratory ways to allow for livelihoods? Are you necessarily looking at, the assumption is always like, oh, people are going to move away from very hot areas where they can't grow food and go somewhere else and go on a huge influx. But we don't actually know that it's very hard for humans to just pick up and go elsewhere. likely they're going to try to adapt. And adaptation is part of being resilient. You don't have the shock absorbency to deal with something. So you need to come up with new ways to react to your current environment. And I think that there's also an assumption somehow that conflict will also cause people to leave. And that's also not necessarily a straightforward answer because people may be more willing to live in a place with terrible land. And more Cossack simply because they can provide for their livelihood and they don't want to leave their land and their families. So I think the more we can open up the aperture to think adaptation as opposed to shock, we're probably dealing with a more realistic scenario. And there are people outside of the military profession. Think about this. And their DNA is all about long term. How do you grow? In 30 years, how do you provide livelihoods? How do you lift people out of poverty by the end of the decade, by the end of the century?
00:06:25 JACK GAINES
Right. Matter of fact, I got to bring Gus Ferreira and Jamie Critelli back on because they are long -term economic agriculturalists. Another thing that struck me about the conference was the work groups. Did you attend any of the work groups or did you just present?
I actually facilitated one of the work groups. Really fascinating. You go and you facilitate, but you're also learning. And our groups were really very well mixed. We had someone from the police that from you, Paul, and we had also a couple of colleagues from the NGO communities. But again, I found that I think our difficulty was trying to really look to the future. We thought about the future in the construct of what we know about the presence.
00:07:14 JACK GAINES
Which is how most people project the future is what we know now and just kind of extend it out and see how things have changed.
Exactly. It's really hard to know, right? So we were kind of thinking like, well, what will NATO look like? And as some of us, is there a guarantee that there will be a NATO or there will be an EU? Which actually, if I can take us back to your question, I think it ties very neatly into really not underestimating how difficult multilateralism actually is.
00:07:44 JACK GAINES
Oh, yeah.
It's very hard politically, extremely hard operationally. And we now have 32 nations. I was with NATO, young staffer, when it was only 28, I believe. No, it was actually 26 when I joined. And it was a really interesting, up -and -close experience to see what it means to get everyone to agree and then to operationalize what a guidance means. Try to get 32 different countries whose military do things different ways. Yes, to join NATO, you need to be part of the force structure. There's a common denominator under which everyone needs to be able to operate. But these are still sovereign nations and sovereign militaries and culturally, mechanically, organizationally, technically, budgetarily, whichever way you want to spin it. There's very much a difference. So you will appreciate this. There's always kind of a bit of, you know, CA and SF and, you know, CA and something else. Well, take a small country's military where the soldier has to be all things, where there is no separation between the lethal and the diplomatic in development. And then you're just dealing with a very different mindset and a ballgame in terms of what and who you can deploy.
00:09:05 JACK GAINES
True. That reminds me of Switzerland. Even though they're not a NATO member, they're soldiers. They have to do everything. They have to know how to do disaster response. They have to know how to do offensive operations. And they have to have technical skills. It's a lot, but be diverse and be successful at it. And that's another part of it is Europe having so many wealthy countries that have good education and training. Get really quality people. I mean, and to be soldiers, the Simic teams that I met. Those people were brilliant, really capable. So it was impressive to talk with them and to work with them on different subjects. One thing that caught me, though, it seemed like a lot of people were hung up on Article 4 and 5. And they didn't really want to talk anything pre -Article 4 or 5, any kind of lead -ups, any kind of what I call zero -based planning, because that's not where the business is. They were like... Once the rockets hit and we go to Article 4 or 5, that's when we do our job. And so I found a challenge there, and it's one that I pitched at NATO, and that is to start a working group to discuss CIMIC in competition. Domestic CIMIC, where you're doing crisis response in a nation, even if it's your nation or if you're going over to a nation to support them, as well as... expeditionary civic, where you're deployed overseas or in a hostile zone, what kind of efforts can you do before the fight begins?
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Everyone says, oh, we need to be talking to each other before the crisis happens, so before Article 5. We say this, and yet it's very, very... deliberate, thoughtful, long -term, and kind of taxing to think about a worst -case scenario and essentially be able to think through every possible outcome. This is why I really enjoyed the work and the exercise that we had. As you know, I've been focusing a lot on this work and trying to mobilize the conversation as well in Washington for quite some time around research around the book. What actually very pleasantly surprised me from the conference is that signal is booming in Europe. The conversation is there, I think, for obvious reasons because of what's happening in the East. But again, it's booming because there's literally a crisis and there are boots on the ground. And I always wonder why we've not had the same type of energy and urgency. here in the US. And of course, we have it. We have it in the context of great power competition. Here it's China. In Europe, it's Russia. So you really have to bow to the moment and what people are talking about and thinking about. But it's exactly as you said, we need to be having these conversations in advance. And it's got so much other stuff to deal with. Bigger fish to fry. We'll feed people their signal vegetables when the moment comes. And I think this conversation around fragility This conversation about donor funding now increasingly going to fragile states. If we can focus on prevention, we can certainly focus the conversation more deliberately to start getting these signs to speak each other's love language. If we need to have the conversation around capacity and absorbency on the health or education side, we certainly can have the same conversation on the security side. The security relationship oftentimes is a political relationship. It's not necessarily focused around the fascism. But if you take up a multilateral organization such as the World Bank, they're now starting to operate in programming spaces that were completely off limits just 15, 20 years ago. So we have an impetus and we have plenty of terrain to see how some of this works by deliberately coming to the team.
00:13:21 JACK GAINES
When people are talking about crisis, they mostly are focusing on Ukraine. The one thing that I brought up was that Georgia is just as much a crisis as Ukraine because government is being toppled. It's just not with war. It's by political subversion. And that's where SIMIC can help a country if they were involved with Georgia in working with civil security, spotting risk, coordinating better responses so that they could work with the military on countering things like cyber incursions. or financial encouragements, while then showing the public that the military is there as part of the full -of -nation policy, it would have slowed down or even reversed the Russian attempts to subvert that government and bring in a bunch of politicians that are now rewriting all the laws in Georgia, a pro -Russian stance. And that's my challenge, is that if we lose in competition, there's not going to be a war. There won't be a need for a war. Everyone's equipment's going to be obsolete, because The gove
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, Brian Hancock talks with Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez about how the Marine Corps modernization is shifting Civil Affairs' roles and duties in the force and how those changes impact their work in the Pacific.
MSgt Andrew Gonzalez joined the USMC-CA community in October 2015 as an E7. CA activations of note include OCT 2017 CJTF-OIR, clear and hold Mosul after displacing ISIS, DEC 2021 in support of Operation Allies Welcome operating out of Fort Pickett, VA, a rare opportunity to support a Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission. MSgt Gonzalez was most recently activated in support of JTF-Red Hill, the safe and expedient refueling of the underground fuel storage facility on the island of Oahu. Allowed to meet with the Waianae Kupuna Council to discuss the transition from JTF-Red Hill leadership and mission to the Red Hill – Navy Closure Task Force.
MSgt Gonzalez has supported 1st Civil Affairs Group for nearly 10 years and continues to drive USA-USMC CA collaborative efforts, civil information management best practice, and USMC - Civil Military Operations training standards in direct response to OSD/INDOPACOM/MARFORPAC/IMEF demand for CA and Civic Action Team support.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to "Cool Jazz Hot Bossa" for the sample of Energy Jazz Music Playlist - Jazz Instrumental Upbeat - High Energy Jazz Music Mix. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/bdWUj2NYDYQ?si=_bLf2fdTw6Ba93oh
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock and I will be your host for this session. Today we have with us Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez to discuss United States Marine Corps Civil Affairs, Civil Information Management, and civil harm mitigation and response. Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez joined the United States Marine Corps Civil Affairs community in October 2015 as an E -7. Civil Affairs activations of note include Combined Joint Task Force, Operation Inherent Resolve, Clear and Hold Mosul after displacing ISIS, Support of Operation Allies Welcome operating out of Fort Pickett, Virginia, which was a rare opportunity to support a defense support to civil authorities mission. Master Sergeant Gonzalez has supported First Civil Affairs Group for nearly 10 years in direct response to the Secretary of Defense, INDO -PACOM, MARFOR -PAC, and IMEF. Boy, that's a lot of acronyms. Top, welcome to the show. Great to link up, Ryan. It's been a while. Far, far too long. The last time we worked together, we were lamenting the state of civil information management in both the Marine Corps and the Army because we saw the potential there to help us achieve strategic objectives that are often tied to the civil population.
Yeah, I can only speak for the Marine Corps. And then, you know, because you were with McTog at the time and then you had a leg inside, I think it was 351st KCOM. So that's what always made the conversation interesting. So you could just step into both worlds and say, this is what I'm learning on the USA, CA side. Conversely, this is what McTog is doing it. And really what it came down to was the commander's perspective.
Absolutely. I am very grateful to the Marine Corps for the opportunity to learn, you know, both from professionals such as yourself, as well as from some of your schools, like the Civil Military Operations Planners course back in Quantica. Amazingly good. I'm really excited to have you here today because you're going to give us a much -needed additional perspective and thought on some of these challenges that we're wrestling with, frankly, all over the world.
You and I had first connected, and all throughout that time, numbers are shrinking, toker shrinking, and we're like, where's value? And that came into our initial dialogues with civil information management, thinking that, hey, we could probably get some traction with this, but ultimately, it took several years, but then... I call it the great IF Sauron, right? The DOD looked west and said, hey, Indo -PACOM, this is the simple problem. But I just felt like when it came to developing relationships with the host nation, that's a given. We're going to be placed inside the host nation. But what's the commander's perception? And that's where I want to kind of pick up the conversation due to the fact that that has changed. And now it's coming down to IMF landing general saying, what I witnessed in Vallarta 1024. With respect to the civil affairs engagement in theater, I want more of it. I want more cowbell. And that's what we're going to deliver it in Balakatan 25. With the planning that's going on right now after the initial planning conference that I just got back from, I asked for it. And without hesitation, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, G7, responded with, we are going to give you civil affairs teams. So it's just a much more open, much more inclusive, much more inviting environment when it comes to the civil picture.
That's fantastic. In 351, a number of years ago, I was involved in Balakatan. And previously, when I was in the SIOP demand, now military information support and operations, we participated there. And it was not easy, and it was not friendly, and it was not open like that. And it was really just an opportunity to send some of our service members who spoke to Gallic to go on over there. There was some increase in capability of the Philippine Defense Force, but they were still very much struggling against Abu Sayyaf and MNLC and these other terrorist organizations that were operating at the Holo Archipelago. It was just a really rough time. So it's fantastic to hear that years later, fast forward now, and we have a much stronger relationship, a much more effective relationship, a stronger partnership. We're talking about reopening some of our military bases there. We've lost some of those bases years ago, which allows China certainly to say, OK, if you only got one major port where you can do roll on, roll off operations, boy, we know where to set up our ISR and target. Right. So the strength of that relationship and the work that you're doing out there, I think, is really important. I'm glad to hear how it's progressed.
I have a couple of relationships with 351st KCOM 3Shot. So maybe sometime after the podcast, we'll reconnect and talk through. Some of the collaboration, because it's been a while since I've talked with them. But during the initial planning conference, I reached into USRPAC to say, hey, we would really, really appreciate some USACA flavor. And the response was, what do we need to do? I said, can you put me in touch with 350 first? And it happened that day.
While you reconnect there, make sure our 38 golf program with all of those PhD level experts and everything from medicine to engineering, that is really taking off. 38 golf, got it. Yes, that MOS within the functioning specialty team constructs that we have in the Army is delivering incredible value. For instance, in our region, they recently did the NATO 7 resiliency studies of other areas, which is things we should be working in competition, and food resiliency within Medova and other areas. These things are such quality, they're being published in Military Review. And right now, the iron is hot because they're still trying to figure out... How do you utilize those 38 golfs and functional specialty teams? So make sure as we partner with you in the ground combat element in the core that we're fully utilizing some of those capabilities I think would add a lot of value to those of you who are doing planning on the Mew and doing assessments.
Yeah, it's very easy to say things like 1CA, okay? It's the people. It's individuals that see and understand that given the tyranny of distance, there's lots of things, right? Like expeditionary. advanced -based operations. And just that there's no possible way that one service couldn't cover all that distance and cover down on all of those requirements. So the bottom line is we have so much to learn from one another. And I am definitely going to discuss that with 351st S3 Shop for sure.
Fantastic. I really encouraged to hear that. And I know 351st will receive that well. Many of our listeners happen to be Army just because there's a little bit more civil affairs in the Army. The Marine Corps is a little bit smaller force. Let's level the table a little bit, help them understand some of the Marine Corps civil affairs structure. For instance, in the Army civil affairs, this is a non -accession branch, certainly for officers it is. But here's the thing, both officers and NCOs, once they get the MOS, can spend their entire careers in civil affairs. And the way the pyramid is built out, there's plenty of room and plenty of slots for promotion. So it's very realistic that you can be awarded. a 38 MOS in the Army, and then that's it. That's what you'll be doing for the next 15 plus years or however long you go until you choose to retire. Now, I understand the Marine Corps, it's not like that. Can you elaborate a little bit on how that process is for Marines?
Yeah, you're 100 % right with respect to officers. Once you get to E -8 and E -9 in the Marine Corps, you suddenly start to see how difficult it is for the O -4 and above. to get to kernel. And it is incredibly competitive. So what's also happening is the 17XX migration. But that came out of not just consolidating MISO and Comstrat and SIOP and civil affairs all under one MOS branch. And some space operations in there too, I recall. It's what's required, right? In order for us to work through any kind of distributed operations, we're going to have to rely on space substantially. Yes. But these changes are happening at the headquarters Marine Corps level where 17XX will now give officers a career path. Nice. In 17XX. And this is where you and I were having conversations about what does that mean for Reserve CA? Are we going to be completely replaced, supplanted, marginalized?
And in the end. From 21 to 24, we learned that even though our schoolhouse got completely consumed with consolidating the MISO, the PSYOP, the Comstrat, the CA schools, all in one building, to teaching the entire 17XX curriculum.
In fairness, the Marine Corps has done some massive changes, at least relative to, say, the Army, which turns a little bit slower. Look at their entire divestiture of tanks under Commandant Berger. And the standing up of these Marine littoral regiments. uh brand new formations the very new equipment that they're looking at that's tied into very specific missions the marine corps is innovating across stop gulf pp very quickly it's impressive to see i popped into third mlr in oahu when i was there from october to april 2024 and asked them about civil affairs
popped into third mlr in oahu when i was there from october to april 2024 and asked them about civil affairs And their concept of civil affairs employment wasn't so much about understanding the civil population. It was really just understanding that they're there. We're going to take this into consideration. But there was no real collaboration, if you will. But what they did was, as they reached out to requisition CA specifically, because they recognized that there was a little bit of a delta there. And they wanted to make sure that civil affairs had a seat at the planning table when it came to MLR and specifically overall combat team operations.
It's a part of their training tasks. And that's the commander's perspective that I keep coming back to. If the commander sees value, if the commander sees a necessity, then it will happen. Marine Corps, Army, Navy doesn't make any difference.
make any difference. So when you're referring to Marine Corps, civil affairs, I understand why we would say Navy, civil affairs. But the Navy itself organically had its own. civil affairs program. We'll talk about that later. They disbanded it. So I just want to make sure that the audience understands that when you're saying Navy civil affairs, you're still referring to United States Marine Corps civil affairs.
Yeah, but let's drill down on just one specific point. When it came down to BK -25, we reached out to the Naval Expeditionary Combat Command. And this is kind of analogous to your 38Gs in the USA. It's a very specific maritime focus for that commander. that says hey before i go into this littoral region with ships etc i'm not i need a really good evaluation of what's the host nation look like are they amenable and open to us being in the area yeah and then drilling down on that so we asked because they were clamoring to get involved in bk24 and immediately they responded with one of their maritime ca units great and then ideally we're going to do that in bk25 as well so i'm just trying to bring in the one ca mindset I really have to say it's not just lip service. Speaking about BK -25, Armed Forces of the Philippine CA is going to lend six teams. I see no reason why 351st CA leadership isn't going to lend at le
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, Brian Hancock talks with Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez about how the Marine Corps' modernization is shifting Civil Affairs' roles and duties in the force and how those changes impact their work in the Pacific.
MSgt Andrew Gonzalez joined the USMC-CA community in October 2015 as an E7. CA activations of note include OCT 2017 CJTF-OIR, clear and hold Mosul after displacing ISIS, DEC 2021 in support of Operation Allies Welcome operating out of Fort Pickett, VA, a rare opportunity to support a Defense Support of Civil Authorities mission. MSgt Gonzalez was most recently activated in support of JTF-Red Hill, the safe and expedient refueling of the underground fuel storage facility on the island of Oahu. Allowed to meet with the Waianae Kupuna Council to discuss the transition from JTF-Red Hill leadership and mission to the Red Hill – Navy Closure Task Force.
MSgt Gonzalez has supported 1st Civil Affairs Group for nearly 10 years and continues to drive USA-USMC CA collaborative efforts, civil information management best practice, and USMC - Civil Military Operations training standards in direct response to OSD/INDOPACOM/MARFORPAC/IMEF demand for CA and Civic Action Team support.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to "Cool Jazz Hot Bossa" for the sample of Energy Jazz Music Playlist - Jazz Instrumental Upbeat - High Energy Jazz Music Mix. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/bdWUj2NYDYQ?si=_bLf2fdTw6Ba93oh
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock and I will be your host for this session. Today we have with us Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez to discuss United States Marine Corps Civil Affairs, Civil Information Management, and civil harm mitigation and response. Master Sergeant Andrew Gonzalez joined the United States Marine Corps Civil Affairs community in October 2015 as an E -7. Civil Affairs activations of note include Combined Joint Task Force, Operation Inherent Resolve, Clear and Hold Mosul after displacing ISIS, Support of Operation Allies Welcome operating out of Fort Pickett, Virginia, which was a rare opportunity to support a defense support to civil authorities mission. Master Sergeant Gonzalez has supported First Civil Affairs Group for nearly 10 years in direct response to the Secretary of Defense, INDO -PACOM, MARFOR -PAC, and IMEF. Boy, that's a lot of acronyms. Top, welcome to the show. Great to link up, Ryan. It's been a while. Far, far too long. The last time we worked together, we were lamenting the state of civil information management in both the Marine Corps and the Army because we saw the potential there to help us achieve strategic objectives that are often tied to the civil population.
Yeah, I can only speak for the Marine Corps. And then, you know, because you were with McTog at the time and then you had a leg inside, I think it was 351st KCOM. So that's what always made the conversation interesting. So you could just step into both worlds and say, this is what I'm learning on the USA, CA side. Conversely, this is what McTog is doing it. And really what it came down to was the commander's perspective.
Absolutely. I am very grateful to the Marine Corps for the opportunity to learn, you know, both from professionals such as yourself, as well as from some of your schools, like the Civil Military Operations Planners course back in Quantica. Amazingly good. I'm really excited to have you here today because you're going to give us a much -needed additional perspective and thought on some of these challenges that we're wrestling with, frankly, all over the world.
You and I had first connected, and all throughout that time, numbers are shrinking, toker shrinking, and we're like, where's value? And that came into our initial dialogues with civil information management, thinking that, hey, we could probably get some traction with this, but ultimately, it took several years, but then... I call it the great IF Sauron, right? The DOD looked west and said, hey, Indo -PACOM, this is the simple problem. But I just felt like when it came to developing relationships with the host nation, that's a given. We're going to be placed inside the host nation. But what's the commander's perception? And that's where I want to kind of pick up the conversation due to the fact that that has changed. And now it's coming down to IMF landing general saying, what I witnessed in Vallarta 1024. With respect to the civil affairs engagement in theater, I want more of it. I want more cowbell. And that's what we're going to deliver it in Balakatan 25. With the planning that's going on right now after the initial planning conference that I just got back from, I asked for it. And without hesitation, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, G7, responded with, we are going to give you civil affairs teams. So it's just a much more open, much more inclusive, much more inviting environment when it comes to the civil picture.
That's fantastic. In 351, a number of years ago, I was involved in Balakatan. And previously, when I was in the SIOP demand, now military information support and operations, we participated there. And it was not easy, and it was not friendly, and it was not open like that. And it was really just an opportunity to send some of our service members who spoke to Gallic to go on over there. There was some increase in capability of the Philippine Defense Force, but they were still very much struggling against Abu Sayyaf and MNLC and these other terrorist organizations that were operating at the Holo Archipelago. It was just a really rough time. So it's fantastic to hear that years later, fast forward now, and we have a much stronger relationship, a much more effective relationship, a stronger partnership. We're talking about reopening some of our military bases there. We've lost some of those bases years ago, which allows China certainly to say, OK, if you only got one major port where you can do roll on, roll off operations, boy, we know where to set up our ISR and target. Right. So the strength of that relationship and the work that you're doing out there, I think, is really important. I'm glad to hear how it's progressed.
I have a couple of relationships with 351st KCOM 3Shot. So maybe sometime after the podcast, we'll reconnect and talk through. Some of the collaboration, because it's been a while since I've talked with them. But during the initial planning conference, I reached into USRPAC to say, hey, we would really, really appreciate some USACA flavor. And the response was, what do we need to do? I said, can you put me in touch with 350 first? And it happened that day.
While you reconnect there, make sure our 38 golf program with all of those PhD level experts and everything from medicine to engineering, that is really taking off. 38 golf, got it. Yes, that MOS within the functioning specialty team constructs that we have in the Army is delivering incredible value. For instance, in our region, they recently did the NATO 7 resiliency studies of other areas, which is things we should be working in competition, and food resiliency within Medova and other areas. These things are such quality, they're being published in Military Review. And right now, the iron is hot because they're still trying to figure out... How do you utilize those 38 golfs and functional specialty teams? So make sure as we partner with you in the ground combat element in the core that we're fully utilizing some of those capabilities I think would add a lot of value to those of you who are doing planning on the Mew and doing assessments.
Yeah, it's very easy to say things like 1CA, okay? It's the people. It's individuals that see and understand that given the tyranny of distance, there's lots of things, right? Like expeditionary. advanced -based operations. And just that there's no possible way that one service couldn't cover all that distance and cover down on all of those requirements. So the bottom line is we have so much to learn from one another. And I am definitely going to discuss that with 351st S3 Shop for sure.
Fantastic. I really encouraged to hear that. And I know 351st will receive that well. Many of our listeners happen to be Army just because there's a little bit more civil affairs in the Army. The Marine Corps is a little bit smaller force. Let's level the table a little bit, help them understand some of the Marine Corps civil affairs structure. For instance, in the Army civil affairs, this is a non -accession branch, certainly for officers it is. But here's the thing, both officers and NCOs, once they get the MOS, can spend their entire careers in civil affairs. And the way the pyramid is built out, there's plenty of room and plenty of slots for promotion. So it's very realistic that you can be awarded. a 38 MOS in the Army, and then that's it. That's what you'll be doing for the next 15 plus years or however long you go until you choose to retire. Now, I understand the Marine Corps, it's not like that. Can you elaborate a little bit on how that process is for Marines?
Yeah, you're 100 % right with respect to officers. Once you get to E -8 and E -9 in the Marine Corps, you suddenly start to see how difficult it is for the O -4 and above. to get to kernel. And it is incredibly competitive. So what's also happening is the 17XX migration. But that came out of not just consolidating MISO and Comstrat and SIOP and civil affairs all under one MOS branch. And some space operations in there too, I recall. It's what's required, right? In order for us to work through any kind of distributed operations, we're going to have to rely on space substantially. Yes. But these changes are happening at the headquarters Marine Corps level where 17XX will now give officers a career path. Nice. In 17XX. And this is where you and I were having conversations about what does that mean for Reserve CA? Are we going to be completely replaced, supplanted, marginalized?
And in the end. From 21 to 24, we learned that even though our schoolhouse got completely consumed with consolidating the MISO, the PSYOP, the Comstrat, the CA schools, all in one building, to teaching the entire 17XX curriculum.
In fairness, the Marine Corps has done some massive changes, at least relative to, say, the Army, which turns a little bit slower. Look at their entire divestiture of tanks under Commandant Berger. And the standing up of these Marine littoral regiments. uh brand new formations the very new equipment that they're looking at that's tied into very specific missions the marine corps is innovating across stop gulf pp very quickly it's impressive to see i popped into third mlr in oahu when i was there from october to april 2024 and asked them about civil affairs
popped into third mlr in oahu when i was there from october to april 2024 and asked them about civil affairs And their concept of civil affairs employment wasn't so much about understanding the civil population. It was really just understanding that they're there. We're going to take this into consideration. But there was no real collaboration, if you will. But what they did was, as they reached out to requisition CA specifically, because they recognized that there was a little bit of a delta there. And they wanted to make sure that civil affairs had a seat at the planning table when it came to MLR and specifically overall combat team operations.
It's a part of their training tasks. And that's the commander's perspective that I keep coming back to. If the commander sees value, if the commander sees a necessity, then it will happen. Marine Corps, Army, Navy doesn't make any difference.
make any difference. So when you're referring to Marine Corps, civil affairs, I understand why we would say Navy, civil affairs. But the Navy itself organically had its own. civil affairs program. We'll talk about that later. They disbanded it. So I just want to make sure that the audience understands that when you're saying Navy civil affairs, you're still referring to United States Marine Corps civil affairs.
Yeah, but let's drill down on just one specific point. When it came down to BK -25, we reached out to the Naval Expeditionary Combat Command. And this is kind of analogous to your 38Gs in the USA. It's a very specific maritime focus for that commander. that says hey before i go into this littoral region with ships etc i'm not i need a really good evaluation of what's the host nation look like are they amenable and open to us being in the area yeah and then drilling down on that so we asked because they were clamoring to get involved in bk24 and immediately they responded with one of their maritime ca units great and then ideally we're going to do that in bk25 as well so i'm just trying to bring in the one ca mindset I really have to say it's not just lip service. Speaking about BK -25, Armed Forces of the Philippine CA is going to lend six teams. I see no reason why 351st CA leadership isn't going to lend at l
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, Commander Jörg Grössl from the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence will discuss the center’s contribution to the maritime domain.
From research, I found that 80 percent of the world’s population lives near a coast, and 90 percent of world’s trade is carried by ships.
So, we are bringing in Commander Grössl to discuss the CIMIC role in the maritime environment and cooperation with Government and Non-Governmental Organizations to build awareness and mitigate the potential impact of military operations at sea or in the littoral regions.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Afternoon Lounge Jazz - Relaxing Jazz Music for Work & Study
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we have Commander George Grossel from the NATO Civil -Military Cooperation Center of Excellence, who will discuss the center's contribution to the maritime domain.
00:00:46 JACK GAINES
From research, I found that 80 % of the world's population lives near a seacoast, and 90 % of the world's trade is carried by ships. So it makes sense that we would have a maritime simic type of operation. So Commander Grossel, welcome to the show.
00:01:02 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, thank you. And to add some figures to what you said, we had in 2024, the crisis and the Red Sea, in addition to the Panama Canal drought and the Baltimore Bridge incident, a reduction of container traffic of 80%. We had... 3 ,400 ships in the Suez Canal less than the year before. So that is what we are talking about. It's how the CIMIC can support that and what does that mean for us as a society. That must be a pretty good size impact on the global economy to have that much slowdown in shipping.
00:01:32 JACK GAINES
must be a pretty good size impact on the global economy to have that much slowdown in shipping.
00:01:38 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, true. And approximately 500 ,000 containers waiting in Singapore to be transported because of all those interruptions in sea traffic are causing a delay.
00:01:49 JACK GAINES
Right, because the production doesn't stop just because the sea lanes have slowed down from shipping.
00:01:54 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, true.
00:01:55 JACK GAINES
I remember back at the end of COVID how the Port of Los Angeles had 100, 200 ships in harbor waiting, lined up for unloading, and it was just an enormous mess until everyone finally was able to get back to work and catch up with that delay. Yeah,
00:02:12 JÖRG GRÖSSL
we were never given that motor as that big container vessel. Grounded in the Suez Canal for six days in 2021, that resulted in a backlog of 400 ships and trade loss of almost $60 billion. So that is a mess what we are talking about.
00:02:45 JACK GAINES
defending themselves or prosecuting a conflict.
00:02:49 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, that is the one thing. And a good example was the blockage in Ukraine in 2022 -23 that caused effects even in Africa with the shortage of grains being transported there.
00:03:04 JACK GAINES
I remember North Africa and the Middle East were struggling to get enough grain for the simple breads that they use every day. And it was a real concern here in the United States. Did NATO have concerns about the wheat blockage?
00:03:18 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Well, it was more a UN or a nation's initiative, especially then when we had the agreement arranged by Turkey. But NATO as an organization was not involved in that.
00:03:30 JACK GAINES
Okay. And plus, Ukraine's got a border with Poland, so it could export grain that way into Europe. And Europe has a pretty robust grain agricultural system too, so it probably wasn't as big of an impact.
00:03:44 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, well, it developed to a bigger impact. They compensated it now, but especially at the beginning, it was all based on sea transport. And land transport was basically possible, but not in the same capacity as the sea transport. And they had to make that running via land. They went through Romania to the Mediterranean, things like that. But that was not established at the beginning. And so NATO had to be involved in?
00:04:09 JACK GAINES
so NATO had to be involved in? Deconflicting military and commercial maritime operations and also collaborating?
00:04:16 JÖRG GRÖSSL
NATO nations like Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey, they had their ships there, but NATO as an organization was at the beginning not involved. That developed then later. But in fact, NATO was not involved into protecting transport or things like that. So it was just putting the picture together and minimized the impacts. With all of the issues with commercial shipping,
00:04:41 JACK GAINES
issues with commercial shipping, grain shortage, how did you work with NATO to deconflict gray hole operations with commercial shipping and ensuring that they didn't get drawn into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine?
00:04:58 JÖRG GRÖSSL
They were basically, they were in the conflict. They were a kind of a bargain. from the Russian side to allow or deny the flow of goods. And that was a clear bargain that they used against Ukraine. And at that time, NATO was not involved because they didn't want to be thrown into the conflict and get into an active part. So it was more like the NATO nation, Turkey as such, who played a role. But the NATO as an organization observed that, but we didn't play an active role in it. Okay.
00:05:33 JACK GAINES
Now, with Turkey being effectively the arbiter between Russia and Ukraine on shipments and security, did what they learned help NATO out with their maritime summit programs?
00:05:47 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Turkey not just played a moderator role, of course. With them owning the choke point of the Boxboroughs and the Marmara Sea, they were also a nation that allowed or denied traffic going through. And so the key message that NATO learned from that was who owns the choke points as the joker in his hands. He who holds the choke points makes the rules. Yeah, exactly. You see that on the other side at the Bob Elman Depp,
00:06:14 JÖRG GRÖSSL
00:06:16 JÖRG GRÖSSL
see that on the other side at the Bob Elman Depp, you see that at some other choke points like the Panama Canal, who has control, writes the rules.
00:06:32 JACK GAINES
stop policy or promote policy, and those who run it have enormous power over the lives of the rest of the nations in that region. And we've seen some use by countries to influence that. Iran has used mines in the Straits.
00:06:50 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, absolutely. And we see that at the Bob Ellman debt, the moment where a rather short number of foodies have a severe impact to world economy. Right.
00:07:02 JACK GAINES
And that's been a real struggle on trying not to get sucked into a full conflict with the Houthis in the Red Sea.
00:07:08 JÖRG GRÖSSL
We all know who the Houthis are, that they're a proxy for Iran against Saudi Arabia, Israel -Gaza war, and the Israel -Lebanon conflict that we have at the moment will add some more oil to that fire. Well,
00:07:24 JACK GAINES
and that's the challenge that NATO faces. It's always been a networked organization with multiple nations that can forward foreign policy. And now other countries are starting to become regional powers and are using similar tools and techniques to influence policy in those areas. And so we have to start thinking of Iran, Russia, China as networked organizations. They're not just one country anymore because they've got partners, they've got proxies. Some of them have criminal groups that work as operators on behalf of them, and some have paramilitary groups. So it's a more complex environment for NATO. to work on international rule of law and stability and security.
00:08:06 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yes, absolutely true. But to make that clear, at the moment, NATO is not involved, for example, in operations in the Red Sea. It is only run by NATO Nations or the European Union. The NATO as an organization at the moment is not involved. We are doing other things that have the same importance, for example, in the Baltics, in the Mediterranean. but not in the Red Sea at the moment. Well, tell me about the Baltics. We usually call the Baltics Sea a kind of a swamped field. And sometimes you can walk with dry feet from Germany to Denmark or to Sweden because of that amount of shipping. And of course, you have basically the only ice -free Russian access to the north in the Baltics, but they have to go to the narrow of the Femont Belt and the Catechart in Denmark. You have Kaliningrad in the Baltic. You have St. Petersburg in the Baltic. And of course, in that rather small area, you have a high density of gray ships. You have a high density of white ships. And to have a picture on that is quite challenging. And NATO nations are working together to get a picture of what is going on above the sea.
00:09:25 JACK GAINES
Is that what the NATO Shipping Center does? picture and help coordinate between gray holes and commercial shipping?
00:09:32 JÖRG GRÖSSL
shipping? To some extent, the NATO shipping center is adding to that. But the NATO shipping center has no tools. They have no radar stations. They have no electronic devices. So they just use the picture that they get from the bordering nations. They use the information that they get from the ships that are in the Baltics, for example. condensed that to a picture that they can use to support the merchant shipping. Okay.
00:10:04 JACK GAINES
Explain to me how they support merchant shipping.
00:10:06 JÖRG GRÖSSL
The NATO Shipping Center, it is meant to be the link between the organization of NATO and the merchant shipping community. And basically, they are the point of contact to exchange and to get information, to propagate warnings to the shipping, and to interact with the wide shipping. The NATO Shipping Center as such is a rather small organization, but they have a quite extensive network of reservists that are captains of merchant shipping in their civil life and participate in the NATO Shipping Center when they do their reserve missions. And so they are the connection between the military part and the civil part, like passing information. passing warnings, and try to filter the information that are coming from the civil life and put them into the military.
00:11:01 JACK GAINES
They cover the Baltics. Do they cover the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as well, or does it go further than that?
00:11:08 JÖRG GRÖSSL
They're covering the Baltics. They're covering the North Sea, the Atlantic to some extent. It always depends on what nations are available if you have them. Like in the Baltics with Germany, Denmark, now Sweden, Finland, and Poland. For example, in the Mediterranean, only the northern part of the Mediterranean is covered by NATO nations and the southern part is not. So your picture that you have there is different than, for example, in the Baltic or in the North Sea.
00:11:37 JACK GAINES
That makes sense. And then, of course, whenever there's a crisis, like that ship grounding in the Suez, then they also probably put some type of focus on that because it's going to impact. shipping coming out of the Baltics in the North Sea?
00:11:50 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Not to that extent, because if there is an incident like that, then there is still the International Maritime Organization with their center in Kuala Lumpur. And they are basically responsible for the civil side of it. So it is not a NATO task to inform the merchant shipping about the civil incidents that took place somewhere. So they have their own organization to some extent. Okay.
00:12:19 JACK GAINES
What was it called again? The International Shipping?
00:12:22 JÖRG GRÖSSL
IMO, India Mike, the International Maritime Organization.
00:12:22 JACK GAINES
00:12:26 JACK GAINES
Okay. Do you guys ever partner with them or work with them?
00:12:30 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah, we cooperate with them when needed. Let's say it like that. Sure. Because you don't want to get too deep into their business and they don't want to get too deep in yours.
00:12:36 JACK GAINES
into their business and they don't want to get too deep in yours.
00:12:38 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah. And they're acting globally and we are not that much interested in about what is going on off the coast of Chile.
00:12:46 JACK GAINES
But sometimes, I mean, NATO gets pulled into, I mean, they got pulled into Korea. Yeah. Pulled into Iraq. So sometimes it's outside the borders and I'm sure there has to be some cooperation when NATO extends itself beyond.
00:12:59 JÖRG GRÖSSL
Yeah. But that is a case by case basis.
00:13:02 JACK GAINES
Sure. But can you give me your perspective of NATO civil -military cooperation in the maritime domain? What is your role? How do you apply it?
00:13:13 JÖRG GRÖSSL
CIMIC functioning in any domain, but especially counts for the maritime domain. What are the civil factors in my environment? How does this impact my operation? How might I impact the operation of the civil traffic? And we try to de -conflict that or to coordinate that, and if possible, even to cooperate
Today, Brian Hancock hosts Col. Jeffrey Fiddler to discuss his work helping manage the DOD response to the Gaza relief mission.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Natalia Lafourcade for the sample of Tú Sí Sabes Quererme (En Manos de Los Macorinos). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABLT6hdgEek
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with a partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website. at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock and I will be your host for this session. Colonel Jeffrey Fidler is a civil affairs officer with 34 years, thank you sir, of combined enlisted and commissioned service. He has a master's degree in strategic studies and a master's and bachelor's degrees in criminal justice. On the civilian side, he is a career law enforcement officer. currently employed as a special agent with the Department of Homeland Security. Colonel Fidler, welcome to the show. Great to be here, Brian. Thanks for having me. So let's talk about Gaza. It's a man -made disaster. Of course, natural disasters are on the rise as well. This one happens to be a man -made disaster, and the toll is high. At present, 96 % of the population of the Gaza Strip, which is an estimated 2 .15 million people, are food insecure. Now, you went to that region. You're back. You probably have a view of this from multiple angles. Can you tell us a little bit about the U .S. response to this crisis?
This was a complex operation. Yeah, no doubt. It involved a joint force across two different combatant commands. So you have Cyprus, which belongs to UCOM, AOR, and then you have Gaza, Israel, which falls under CENTCOM. And you have... IGOs out there, United Nations, UKAID, USAID, Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance, which is the most important one for us when it comes to HA, bringing all those actors, so to speak, together to form a coherent response. Like anything we do in civil affairs, it can be challenging at first.
But it's extra challenging because we're military. Many of these actors you just described... have a little bit of baggage when it comes to military, or they have neutrality requirements like the Red Cross that limits their ability to work with the military. If they don't understand civil affairs and what our role is and the heart we have for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief and our sincere willingness to help, I mean, if we are mistaken for folks who want to take a, you know, shoot them up kind of approach, then that... would not make that an easy group to bring together as a coalition of the willing. There is definitely some baggage from the wars, right? Yeah. There is.
There is. And we had the constraints. President made a decision. We're not going to have any boots on the ground. We follow orders of soldiers, right? So now you need partners on the back end. One thing the Army's always great at is logistic. So we can get a bunch of aid over there. And there'll be some friction getting it. Because you're dealing with civilian entities and organizations. There's always friction, but that's too easy. Really, the hardest part is once we get it on the beach, who's going to take it from there to deliver it to the people that are hungry? It's not going to be the U .S. military. And it's certainly not going to be really any military because you're dealing with organizations that can't necessarily work with a military organization. So it has to be civilian -led.
-led. And there can be mistakes if military forces of any branch are rolling in there. They may be seen as aggressors or a party to the conflict under the law of war. Very complicated. But getting supplies through there, tough. You're talking, you know, everyone with a gun is going to shake down an aid convoy coming through because that stuff is just worth its weight in gold right now. So you've got that complexity once it hits the beach. And obviously we want the humanitarian assistance to get to the needy who requires that sustenance to continue living. You've got a logistics hub, as I understood it, sitting there in Cyprus that was put together to do all of the loading and preparation. Then you're going out to CENTCOM, crossing a geographic combatant commander's boundary to set up this giant man -made dock amidst threats from some folks to attack this structure in what's kind of amounting to the Wild West. And then we have ARSEN, formerly Third Army in World War II. who's in charge of this mission. And then we have all these partners in the mix. You're being very humble, I think, but this sounds like a tough coalition to put together and get them all to work into a common purpose.
It's not easy. Yeah. And I'll touch on that. I'm going to geek out for a second for all of our real civil affairs people. I'm going to talk about the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance. Yeah, BHA.
I'm going to talk
00:05:00 SPEAKER_00
Yeah, BHA.
So you need a MITAM to get the HA. You need a consignee. in Cyprus to receive the goods. And that's easy.
The MITAB is a mission tasking matrix, kind of like a request from the host nation that you're providing support to saying, we need this type of thing here, there, which gets validated and vetted by the military.
Yeah. And it allows the DOD to respond, to actually use a piece of equipment to bring non -DOD articles or something to somewhere else. So the DOD doesn't get the bill. So you need a consignee from my team on both ends. The hard part was, who's that consignee going to be? It's a clear chain of custody. It's a requirement. Absolutely. So the World Food Program stepped up to the plate. But back to one of your earlier points of not working with the military, and look, that's their charter. Us and the military might hate it, but that's just the way it is. And WFP made it quite clear there's not going to be a military flavor to this when they receive the goods over there. And that's important to understand. So really bringing in everybody so that we could all get on the same shoot of music.
a clear chain of custody. It's a requirement.
bringing in everybody so that we could all get on the same shoot of music. One of the things that I'm proudest of, what we did for civil affairs is helping set up a multinational coordination center with the Cypriots. So when we first started it, there might've been 10 people at the table, Brian. By the time we left her at the height of the operation, it was about 50 people in a room from all these various organizations. And we made sure that the Cypriots were in the lead. It's their nation. Yeah, yeah. Sovereign nation. Yeah. Sovereign nation, which is a whole other point. And we could do a whole other podcast on that about how civil affairs operates over in Yukon. But Cypriots are in the lead. We're there to support them and their efforts. And it was something as simple as, you know, Major Alan Diggertullo, my CPI chief, he was down there with me. One of the things we did with Alan was he would liaison with the Cypriots,
Sovereign nation.
create a PowerPoint slide of... talking points that we were going to discuss during the MNCC. And that might not seem like a big deal to members of the audience out there that are Army. But other militaries, they don't necessarily do that. We weren't trying to insert ourselves. We were just trying to come to a middle ground where everybody could have a common understanding of where we were going. Trying to help facilitate. Yeah, exactly. So a lot of the friction points were wicked out during the MNCC. And then once a week, we would host a multinational decision board. where we would bring in senior leaders. So I'm talking one -star admirals all the way up to four -star generals in the army, plus the ambassadors. So you have ambassador level ranked from the Cypriots, other countries that are visiting, and the United States there, where if we hit a roadblock where we couldn't get something done during the MNCC, which is really like a working group, then you bring in the senior leaders for them to make a decision or something for them to action. So I think that's what kind of lessened some of the friction that we had.
that we had. Yeah. Sometimes that can increase, too, when you have different equities, different political equities, different concerns coming together. And, of course, for the military, it's usually pretty short -term involvement in HADR. So you hit a couple of good roadblocks, and that could really derail the mission. And it's awesome to hear that you guys had to figure out a process and that apparently it largely worked to keep that moving forward and get that aid to the people who desperately needed it.
needed it. It wasn't easy, but there was mistakes made along the way,
the way, for sure. Right. Mistakes don't define us. What we learn from them and how we pick up and carry on maybe does, but mistakes don't necessarily define us. Within the context of that, for the audience, we've kind of talked a lot about the Gaza mission. What was your specific role that you were assigned to?
Sure. And this goes back to, like we talked about a little while ago. You got to be aggressive, figure it out. Like I talked about, Hilda Fernandez, you know, came down to the Pentagon to do a job. She didn't necessarily end up doing that job, but she did what was required to do as a civil affairs officer. So my job was to go down there and to be the U .S. Army, Europe, and Africa, Army element, OIC, and just strictly focus on Army -related issues to support the mission. That completely morphed as soon as I got there, and we fell under a joint task force. And there was a need for a strong civil affairs presence in the MNCC and operations in general and civil knowledge integration. So we immediately shifted gears. I ended up becoming the de facto XO of the JTF. So I was dual -hatted as the senior civil affairs officer for the operation and the XO. And Major DeGratulo was the CKI chief and one of the operations officers for the JTF. So it just turned into that and it worked for us. Okay.
Well, you brought some handpicked team members there, so I'm not surprised that they were able to adapt. I think that's one thing that really defines us as civil affairs professionals is that we're very adaptable in different environments. We don't bring just like one tool to the fight.
Absolutely. I sometimes see that culture out there where it's like, hey, we're going to find a way to know. And one of the things that I appreciate about civil affairs, most of us have a mindset of let's find a way to yes and figure out the problem. For one example, both Alan and I went out to sea with the French Navy. That's not something I ever saw myself doing in civil affairs, but they wanted a liaison officer on the French warship to deliver aid. So we actually went within four miles of the shore of Gaza. And that was just to make sure the French Navy was comfortable, that they were able to talk to the U .S. Navy. They had an American officer on board. And, you know, we'd pull in, deliver the aid, and then leave. Did you do that under a French flag or were you international?
under a French flag or were you international? French flag. Sometimes they re -flag depending on the mission. So that's interesting. But you know, others in our community who might be involved in defense support to civil authorities, DISCA or humanitarian assistance disaster reef, HADR, what were some of the obstacles that you encountered in your mission in Gaza and how did you overcome them? Sure.
Like I said earlier, the friction points, that was difficult at times. And you said it earlier, Brian, there are folks that have been doing this for 20, 30 years in the civilian world. I think baggage is the wrong word. I'm going to say scar tissue. And you need to recognize that. If you see that, you know, you as the civil affairs officers, you're going to take part in this and kind of, if you're going to take a leading role to make this thing work, you need to recognize that and allay their fears that you're going to do everything you can to protect the process that they use. They're not showing up to be difficult. They have a process like BHA. They have a process for MITAM. You don't want to go to the left or right of that because that's the way that they do their business. And I think it's one of our jobs as civil affairs to make sure that our military understands that process so that eventually the two can come to a way to yes of how we're going to get something across the finish line.
Yeah, that's awesome. In civil affairs, we get access to some specialty training like the Jayhawk, the Joint Humanitarian Assistance Operations Course. the hard course. And I'm not sure that the larger force, especially in the combat arms, that they necessarily broaden with these kinds of things. But it's really important when we're working for BHA, that's always in a support role. And if we're doing DISCA, again, always in a support role, we ma
In this episode, Mariah Yager is interviewing David Luna and Jack Gaines as they discuss how adversaries use criminality to achieve their foreign policy goals while removing U.S. influence and capability.
The interview is based on a presentation at SMA (Strategic Multilayer Assessment), an online Pentagon forum. Link to the show and resources: https://nsiteam.com/smaspeakerseries_22august2024/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to the Epidemic Blues channel for the sample of Peter Crosby - Jailhouse Blues. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuyc-bIjQ10
00:00:06 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast, a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website. at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Hi, everyone. I'm Mariah Yeager, and welcome to today's guest, David Luna, the founder of International Coalition Against Illicit Economies. Prior to ICAIE, David Luna was the Senior Director for International Security and Diplomacy at the State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement. He focused on strengthening international cooperation and fighting threat to illicit networks. And David also helped launch the Organization for Economic Coordination and Development Task Force on Countering Illicit Trade. But with that, Mr. Luna, I'd like to hand the floor over to you.
00:01:11 DAVID LUNA
Thank you very much Mariah and Jack. It is great to be here to participate about the radar warfare in grey zones related to China and Russia, manipulating instability through co -option and coercive economics, including by weaponizing corruption. including election interference, as Secretary Blinken has underscored in recent months, elicit financial flows to support pro -authoritarian candidates that advance malign influence and that exploit governance gaps to secure friendly policies, while harming our U .S. national interests. This also includes the leveraging of criminal networks, proxies, and professional enablers. to advance policies to construct a multipolar world, exploiting grey zones in the process from small islands in the Asia -Pacific region to fragile democracies in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Europe. The United States remains unprepared for irregular warfare. China, Iran, and Russia continue to seek to undercut U .S. influence. They degrade American relationships with key allies and partners. and to exploit the global environment to their advantage, including by exploiting instruments of competition, strategic corruption, blind influence operations, terrorism, sabotage, and subversion through asymmetrical and clandestine efforts. And so we can dictate the costs related to these hostile actions by effectively prosecuting the strategic use of corruption. and predatory criminality by adversaries across race zones to ensure that democracy reigns over authoritarianism. Greaterly the rule of law and international -based systems must outlive targeted chaos, abversion, and malign influence. I think that we must use such current and horizontal threats to repressive threat convergence so that we can develop actional responses to counter illegality. that is corroding the rule of law and interconnected with the threats networks. Through this framework, I firmly believe that we can better help DOD, the intelligence community, the interagency community, our combatant commanders, and our warfighters to understand the threat and to equip them with pragmatic resource sustain, irregular warfare tools, and anti -crime capabilities. The Department of Defense and our interagency partners to develop more dynamic NASA security military strategies and to get ahead of the game in planning for future irregular warfare campaigns, using these innovative capabilities to expand the competitive space to the U .S. advantage of their allies. A few months ago, I had the distinct pleasure of delivering the keynote address at a meeting hosted by the Department of Defense. Office for Special Operations, as well as the Cali Narcotics and Cali Transnational Organized Crime Program. At that time, I focused more on criminal networks, and I would like to expand on that discussion. I've been focusing more on the policy actions that I believe are needed and that must be integrated into greater warfare strategies. Last month, the Office of the Director for National Intelligence released a brief report. entitled Conflict and the Gray Zones, highlighting non -relations, will increasingly feature an array of hostile gray zones activities. As China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia seek to challenge the United States and to gain advantage over other countries through deliberate campaigns while also trying to avoid war. These gray zones are more often than unexploited in places where corruption thrives. Criminals finance chaos, impunity, and insecurity. So I will focus again on some of these reasons to give you a better understanding how some of these adversaries are leveraging illicit criminal activities, using climate grids, using organized criminals, and other proxies to promote authoritarianism and weaken democracies. erode institutions and undermine the rule of law and global order. Russia and Iran and China continually work to gain access and gain control over strategic locations, critical minerals, ports, and other infrastructure, with the aim of becoming board operating bases for their military forces and intelligence agencies. The islands in the Pacific Rim have become a challenge in recent years that has corroded American influence in these countries and, of course, more globally. We continue to work across sectors with cutting edge research to help map these threat networks, to help the United States and its allies to really understand today's threat environment, to see the interconnections of illicit vectors. to pinpoint nodes of crime convergence, identify those gray zones that are being exploited by some of these malign state actors, and to track illicit rude supply chains and illicit financial flows that enable authoritarians to weaken democracies. So we hope that these challenges or relays will drive further analyses and investigations to disrupt illicit threat networks and their...
Hey, David, thank you so much. The Criminality Index, how were those calculated? How did that data come together?
00:07:19 DAVID LUNA
This is the Organized Crime Index that was developed by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. Without getting too much in the weeds of their methodology, they do look at various baskets of data sets from different international organizations. different governments to share more of their methodology.
And on that, I did post your white paper that you mentioned, and then these slides and your remarks, so everyone can look through the different sources. I mean, there's just some great resources there, from ACLED to some of the track stuff, so I will get those available.
00:07:57 DAVID LUNA
And we also emphasize that despite many successes within the law enforcement community, Global criminality and corruption has expanded greatly today compared to even a decade ago. Illicit entrepreneurial networks collectively continue to exploit the lucrative illicit economies, which, according to some estimates, are between 7 % to 15 % of the world's economy, or up to $20 trillion a year. They really go towards criminal networks. and they contribute to expanding these illicit economies. $20 trillion a year, that is staggering. Equally concerning, adversaries such as Russia, China, Iran, underwrite armed conflicts and malign operations against Western democracies and free markets. Among the reason local conflicts no longer end is that they are supported by illicit threat networks. For example, paramilitary groups supported by criminal opportunists, profit -driven, illicit companies who exploit conflict, and instability to expand criminal economies. In fact, rampant corruption and the violence wrought by organized criminals and terrorist networks help to soften the conditions for insecurity that are exploited to weaken other fragile governments. The state capture aided by criminality and strategic use of corruption results in democracies sliding into optocracies and through proxies helped to start and expand conflicts of regional insecurity. For example, if we look at Russia's Wagner group, who had assisted in a series of coups in Africa that had brought some lundas to power or enabled further optocracies to raid. In exchange, Proxies now rod global high -value commodities in those countries and allow for autocrats to remain in power. In the Central African Republic, Wagner's successors continue to employ active measures to disrupt African efforts to move their countries from violent conflict to stability by moving money and weapons around the continent through an intricate web of shell companies and through criminal networks that specialize in illicit trafficking and legal trading. and sanctions busting. What results is chaos, furthering the corruptive influence of extremist insurgencies in many cases, or regime protection of authoritarians who have faced sanctions and condemnations, including for their human rights abuses. Some of the dirty money that is derived by Russian mercenaries in Africa have helped Russia bypass global sanctions to fund its war in Ukraine, or to support political upheavals. paramilitary misadventures in the Middle East, the Balkans, and forward Soviet republics. Inland America, Russian proxies are selling some of the more advanced surveillance technologies to state and non -state actors across the hemisphere, greatly enhancing their ability to monitor and attack political enemies, law enforcement, officials, anyone else that they perceive as a threat. And as many experts correctly pointed out, Russia remains a criminalized state, led by a ruthless and thugish godfather. In fact, the Russian mafia is an extension of the Putin regime in advancing Russia's national interests overseas, and as an instrument of power operating in the shadows, elicit facilitators, super -fixers to other criminal networks. Russian cybercriminals not only penetrate businesses, it steals. trade secrets and bonds, but also to launch cyberattacks against enemies of the Gremlin. The Siloviki, too, may be asked to engage in kidnappings or assassinations on behalf of their masters in Moscow. Finally, one last point related to Russia. While annexation of Crimea and the recent invasion of Ukraine have significantly affected regionalized economies, Russian criminal networks continue to aid Russian intelligence and special forces in smuggling needed weapons and technology. Obviously, this undermines Western sanctions and transport bans for highly sought consumer goods and helps to londer the assets of Russian countergrants and oligarchs in places like Dubai, London, New York, and Western capitals. Now let me focus for a few minutes on the bigger threat. China. According to FBI Director Christopher Wray, China has become the biggest threat to our national security and to the homeland. This is not because of the global ambitions and active involvement of transnational crimes, but also through political interference operations. China's involvement in expanding illicit economies around the world has a triple whammy effect. Yet, first of all, it increases tremendous illicit wealth. hurts U .S. national security, American competitiveness, and innovation. Finances showing this ambition to become the predominant superpower by 2049. President Xi has openly stated, he would like China to become that predominant power. Through our research and through other institutions like the Terrorism Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, the CCP has leveraged corruption, illicit markets, Predatory crime to become the world's largest player in almost every sector of transnational crime, including counterfeits, trafficking of weapons, humans, wildlife, illegally harvest timber, fish, natural resources, the theft of IP, and trade secrets, illicit tobacco, organ harvesting, and other crimes. Several trillion U .S. dollars in the list of proceeds every year are generated from productive fences for money laundering that touch China's jurisdictions and markets and are often used to finance China's authoritarian regime. According to our ICAO research, China may very well be the biggest money laundering hub in the world. So, on so many fronts, China poses a serious geopolitical and organized criminal threat. Given its proximity to make money on crime and laundering dirty monies for drug cartels or other counterparts, terrorists, sanctioned rogue states, and other pariahs, China has also helped Russia, Iran, and others evade international sanctions, including on oil exports. threats will continue to garner more attention across different illicit industries driven by China as they continue to expand across the developing world. In Latin America and in Panama, for example, China is leveraging bribery of government officials to win concessions to control the port and other critical infrastructure along the Panama Canal. Alarmingly, China already controls or operates in more than 40 ports across Latin America. In many of these ports, the Chinese triads are also quite active. As the former Salcom commander testified a few years ago, China continues to be the number one underwriter for the Mexican drug cartels and other criminal networks. In Venezuela, China is firmly supported to corrupt the Jura regime. not only because of its access and investment in the oil sector, but because it truly is a strategic partner to counter American influence. If we look at Canada in recen
Today, we welcome back the author, actor, public speaker, Ret. Lt Colonel Scott Mann to discuss his new book "Nobody is Coming to Save You" https://scottmann.com/
The website Nobody is Coming to Save You is a practical guide for leaders who want to make a bigger impact in the world now. It distills what I’ve learned over my three-decade career as a Green Beret into strategies you can use to lead others through hard change. These are the same tactics Green Berets use to get vital stuff done when stakes are high and conditions impossible. You’ll also learn about human behavior, strategic influence and dynamic storytelling because relationships are rocket fuel for getting big sh*t done.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Ahimsaz for the sample of “Shahamat." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wmoH-fHhwQ
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Please welcome retired Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann.
00:00:39 JACK GAINES
As a Green Beret, Scott designed and led the local village stability operations program in Afghanistan. After leaving the military, he began to focus on using his experience with the struggle of transition from a fast -paced, high -risk lifestyle to civilian world of work and family. As a result, he launched Hero's Journey to help other service members, first responders, and their families cope with post -crisis trauma through storytelling. Scott also wrote and featured in the play and film Last Man Out, which portrays the impacts of war on our veterans and their families. Additionally, after Kabul fell to the Taliban, Scott and others launched Task Force Pineapple Express to help Afghan partners leave the country. Scott has made three appearances on TEDx to discuss his work with veterans and first responders and is now announcing his new book, No One is Coming to Save You, which will be released in October. So enjoy. Your book is coming out. It is. In October, right? October 1. October 1. It's a great book. I really liked how you took the turn. This is a lot of different things that the ESM would diagnose as issues with. adaptability, with coping skills, general anxiety, you were able to successfully build them down into a thing you call the churn. And that's really, really helpful because if I told somebody they have a bipolar and anxiety complexity disorder, they'd be like, what in the hell are you talking about? But if you say you're stuck in the churn, which is a culmination of all these different types of things they're struggling with. you created an object, you gave it a name, and it gave them a way for people's minds to focus on that and identify it. And then by doing that, preying on how to separate themselves from the churn and give themselves a break, give themselves some air so that they can recover a little bit. Because with any kind of condition that people are struggling with, they have to learn how to separate themselves from it in order to grow, to heal.
00:02:45 SCOTT MANN
Yeah, it's well said. And the thing is, I've been working on the book for years, and most of the books I've written have been either about Afghanistan or they've been about veteran transition. And a lot of folks have been after me to write a nonfiction, story -based, narrative -based book on how did we do Pineapple? How did we do Last Out? Because I don't have a title. I don't have authority. I don't have a lot of resources. Yet those were strategically impactful things, just like DSO. How did I do that? And so I decided to write a book, a very quick read, called Nobody's Coming to Save You. which was the rally cry in most SFA camps throughout history, but you can still get big shit done. And this is what this is. It's kind of a guide to getting big shit done. And to your point about the churn, the thing is, and this is Ivan Tyrrell again, he says that the brain is a metaphorical pattern matching organ and it has a mandate to make sense of the world. So metaphor and story is how the brain makes sense, right? And this is another reason that we want to be storytellers. And what I found is, for example, The Democrat or Republican sitting across from you at the holiday dinner table is not the enemy. The person that cuts you off in traffic is not the enemy. The person who wears a mask or doesn't wear a mask and points their finger at you is not the enemy. The person on LinkedIn that disagrees with your political opinion is not the enemy. The churn is the enemy. And I characterize the churn as the antagonist in this book. It is both an external and internal condition within our civil society that is novel and new. And it's something that we just have not faced as a country until the last five, 10 years. And we see versions of the churn over in Afghanistan, in Iraq, where tribal dynamics at play in groups and out groups. And you've also got your own internal resistance that you're dealing with. And that's just the nature of being in that roiling, churning environment. But it's weird to see it here in the United States, where we are supposed to be a society of abundance and rule of law. And out of many come one. And much of that has fallen away. And it was in that dark period of my transition that I saw, wow, there's a churn right here at home. And as Sebastian Younger says, most combat veterans are willing to die for their country, but they have no idea how to live for it because it's hard to know how to live for a country that's tearing itself apart along every imaginable line from race to economics to religion. And that is my assessment, the churn and that division, that distrust, that disengagement. As humans, we have an obsession for imitation. Back in the traditional world, we imitated animals when we thought animal pelts. Well, now we're obsessed with imitating machines. And the left hemisphere of our brain is obsessed with control while the right hemisphere is obsessed with the connection to the natural world. And the left has always worked for the right. But according to a lot of neuroscientists, it's flipped because of these things. We've become so obsessed with this represented reality that we've lost our connection to the natural world. And so my book starts off by framing the enemy. That's the first special ops imperative. Always understand your operational environment. Well, our operational environment has changed. What got us here is not going to get us there. So I take about one third of the book to lay out, look, your operating environment is different. And it's not just about transitioning from military to civilian. The civil society we live in. is different externally and internally. And if you don't know that, then you are at risk of being lured into shadow tribalism and a range of other things. If you do know it, the antibody to it is an understanding and appreciation of the human operating system. Another metaphor I use is the iceberg, right? So you've got the iceberg versus the churn and getting below the waterline of that iceberg part you can't see. That's where the innate human realities reside that we can leverage.
00:06:32 SCOTT MANN
storytelling, empathy, active listening, breath, a range of things that are available to us. They're innate. They're already in us. Our ancestors knew, but we need to access them in a new way with an improved understanding of how our environment has changed so that we can lead with those things. And the cool thing is, and I'll end on this for this question, is that that's available to all of us, whether you're working in diplomacy right now, whether you're working in civil affairs right now, or whether you are transitioned and you're trying to just lead your family, most people are victims of the churn. And if you have a language and a grammar for it, and if you have an understanding of the human operating system and a practicality and how you can engage using old school or personal skills, you can lead your way pretty much out of anything without a time.
00:07:20 JACK GAINES
One brilliant point you had in there was that the person on the social media that's Leaving comments is not your enemy. A person who cuts you off is not your enemy. Because if you are stuck in a churn, it triggers that they are the enemy because it's your natural instinct that they've wronged you and you have to defend yourself. So by separating the person from that sense, you can back away from potential fights, road rage, getting arrested. It does. Yeah.
00:07:50 SCOTT MANN
And all of that could happen. Think about how we're trained in these rough places around the world to respond, and the responses that have been ingrained in us are not necessarily appropriate for responses in our civil society here at home. Yet, the way in which our body physiologically responds, it goes into a trance state. We enter a sympathetic state of fight, flight, or freeze. Our bodies have been preconditioned to fight. Our bodies have been preconditioned to lean into the problem in a very aggressive way, for example. And that's a primal response that has been infused with training. Okay. Well, here, if you're watching your 401k erode over six months, kind of response that we were trained to do is not appropriate. Is to go burn down the hedge fund. Yeah. The reality is, so what's actually happening there is that trance state that Ivan Terrell talks about. We all go into it. A trance state is just a state of hyper -focus. And the churn has created these conditions all around us where people are in it all the time. And when you go into a trance state and get a secondary emotion of anger, anger makes you stupid. Anger reduces your higher intelligence functions. You can't look with a shared perspective. You're trying to survive. And so what are we going to do for those of us who have trained a certain way? It's not good. And so we have to manage our energy. We have to manage the energy in the room. And it starts, I believe, when emotions are low by reading about and learning about the charm that's out there and this human operating system that's old and primal within us and is going to act on us one way or the other. And the more that we can appreciate the human operating system and reconnect to it, the more we can manage our own energy in a possible way within this new context that we live in. and be the most relevant, relatable person in the room. Those skills that we learned in the military all of a sudden truly then become very relevant. But if we can't manage the churn or read it for what it is and then manage our energy and those around us, we will be a pawn for the divisionist leaders that are out there just like everybody else.
00:10:09 JACK GAINES
That's a great point. That churn of feeling like it's coming at you from every angle. allows people who do work in information and influence to then say, okay, you're all wound up. Here's the bad guy. And then have them lunge at that person or that issue and explode all that energy that they've been building up on a problem. It goes after what I want them to do versus them thinking through an issue and actually coming up with their own position, either agreeing or dissenting on what I want.
00:10:37 SCOTT MANN
It's a very good definition of what I call divisionist leaders in the book. It's at a basic level that the civil society we live in here in the West is based on the individual. The individual is above the group. Well, in most places of the world and where we all come from, the group is above the individual. Status society is where we all come from. Just like any other mammal, it's for the good of the group because it's the only way you can acquire resources, maintain resources, find a mate. It's all within your circle, your tribe, your quam. And the group is above the individual. Well, in America and other places, we put the individual above the group. That's not a natural state of affairs. Which is why cults are so popular. Yes. And it's also why leadership is so essential and why a lot of social scientists say that you need for a democracy or a republic to survive that way. You need social capital where you have faith in each other and trust as neighbors. You need institutions that you can. have trust in and then you need stories that you tell each other and the outside world that you believe in right how are we doing on that we are really struggling with all of those so as a result they've abandoned that stewardship of bridging and then instead they practice this divisionist approach where they foment instability from the president all the way down both parties to meet their own narrow agenda social media engineers Instagram and Facebook create algorithms that are designed to encourage us to share negative fear -based information about outgroups because they've done the studies and they know that we will share information faster if it's negative information about an outgroup. So in other words, you have engineers that have done deep research on in -group, out -group, tribal dynamics, and then they're using it. You orchestrate algorithms that will leverage in -group, out -group behavior. Now, that to me is insidious. That is a divisionist approach that is practiced in 24 -7 news. It's practiced in politics. It's practiced in social media. And if we're not careful as humans who are just moving along our day, we will enter into this represented world. It's not reality. It's a represented reality. It's not the natural world. And that world is their world. 24 -7 news is the world of the divisionist. It's not an even plank. And so it's so easy to just get sucked into that trance state where the primal condit
Today, Brain Hancock hosts Col. Jeffrey Fiddler to discuss his career and his experience at the Pentagon helping manage the DOD response to the COVID 19 outbreak.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Natalia Lafourcade for the sample of Tú Sí Sabes Quererme (En Manos de Los Macorinos). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABLT6hdgEek
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website. at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Colonel Jeffrey Fiddler is a civil affairs officer with 34 years, thank you, sir, of combined enlisted and commissioned service. He has a master's degree in strategic studies and a master's and bachelor's degrees in criminal justice. On the civilian side, he is a special agent with the Department of Homeland Security. Colonel Fidler, welcome to the show. Great to be here, Brian. Thanks for having me. I tell you, sir, with all of that experience you have in both infantry and military police, who actually rolls with more firepower than an infantry company, I'm making you think you just like to fire guns. Oh, yeah. Love shooting guns. Fair enough. So I'm going to ask you a little bit about your civil affairs journey in a moment, but let me give out the quick disclaimer here. A reminder to the audience, all of the remarks of the participants are solely ours. Now, sir, I met you here in Europe when you replaced the legendary Tony Vaja as chief of the civil affairs division at U .S. Army Europe and Africa. Boy, a lot has happened since then. It has.
has. A lot has changed. First of all, Colonel Vaja is great. Tough guy to replace. As you know, Brian, he was the DCO of the 353KCOM when I was in brigade command. So I got to know Tony for two years. We would talk at least a couple of times a week. The institutional knowledge that he has is just amazing. It's unbelievable. It really is. So I still talk to Tony to this day.
Tony to this day. And there's so many rich reasons why you join civil affairs. But the quality of the people you meet on that journey, I think, is one of the things that keeps us in this field. Absolutely. Yeah. So when I first got here,
we were G39. We had SEMA, Space, IO, Civil Affairs, PSYOP, Brigadier General Ellis, who's... Selected for major general, our old boss, our old boss's boss, he wanted to separate all those divisions out. So we're now fully functional G3 civil affairs division, which is interesting for USRAF because the 06 lead is going to be a comp of three person going forward, which is a little different from some of the other directorates and divisions that you see here in USRAF. Yeah.
Well, given the breakout, I wonder if they're just going to add a G9 shop at some point. I thought about that. The two -star level, certainly we have a G9 shop. Yeah. I'm currently filling a G9 billet for the 79 Theater Support Command. So that would not surprise me, especially given the importance that civil affairs plays in CIMIC and in competition and in all of the setting, the theater and shaping operations that we're doing right now. Absolutely. I went back and forth on that because I had talked to General Ellis about that.
and forth on that because I had talked to General Ellis about that. The reason why I like being in the G3 is that we have all the integrating cells, the G33, G35. Right. And for long -term planning, we do have an officer, Major George Warren. He's embedded with the G5 downstairs. And the reason why I like being in the G3 is that any organization that you go to, the three shop is the center of gravity. Always. So when those emergent missions come up, like Cyprus or the Greek floods, anything even remotely related to civil affairs, even in an infantry mindset or whatever, they look over to us and then we get the tap on the shoulder, which is pretty cool for the soldiers in the division.
in the division. Well, you must be doing something right to have that kind of demand signal. So well done. It's just luck. I'd rather be lucky than good in the final analysis. So I appreciate that. Yeah. Now, one of the things that I personally love about civil affairs is that since we are a non -accessions branch and Of course, in the Marine Corps, it's a B -billet for the officers. So while they're non -commissioned officers can be a civil affairs officer for their career, they cannot on the officer side. So there's a lot of rotation and change in both the Army and the Marine Corps on the officer side, which basically means almost every civil affairs officer that you meet is different, has different skill sets, has a different career path, a lot of awesome diversity, I think, that we have in the branch. And so let me turn to your story. You commissioned as an infantry officer in the 90s. And now you're a civil affairs officer. How did you get here?
So I think it was right after the surge in Iraq. And that was when they took a lot of the chemical folks because I was at the time. Made a mayor defense artillery. Yeah.
at the time.
So I was voluntold like, hey, you're going to go down to Fort Liberty. You're going to go to CA school. And then all started before that, I was in the Massachusetts Army National Guard and very tough to get promoted. Yeah, a few slots. Yeah, a few slots. So after Operation Noble Eagle, when we did all the defense of the bases, I transferred over to the Army Reserve,
a few slots.
had to pick up a basic branch that the Army Reserve had, which is an infantry. People out in the audience might know there is one infantry battalion in the Army Reserve. I didn't know that. I was thinking the Guard,
didn't know that. I was thinking the Guard, but I didn't realize we had it in the Compo 3.
but I didn't realize we had it in the Compo 3. Yeah, no, there's one infantry battalion in the Army Reserve, and it's out in Hawaii. A good friend of mine, Alan Perkins, Lieutenant Colonel Alan Perkins, just commanded that, but that's a whole separate story. So you want to talk about IDT travel, he had to fly from Boston to Hawaii for drill weekend. He probably hated that. Yeah, he probably did. But it's the only infantry battalion in the Army Reserve. All right. So we needed those influx of CA officers. So I got orders to go down there and went to school and the rest is history.
Yeah, he probably
history. You've spent most of your career in infantry law enforcement and the chemical corps. How do those fields assist you in your civil affairs work?
Well, two things come to mind. In the infantry, you have those type A personalities. And I'm not saying I am one, but you have to be aggressive in the infantry. For us as civil affairs to show our relevancy, you have to be aggressive. Agreed. If you sit back and wait for something to happen, you're going to be marginalized. Right. You're going to watch your budget go,
You're going to watch your budget go, dude.
Yeah. Exactly. So you've got to show some type of relevancy to that maneuver commander. So you don't necessarily have to be infantry to start up, but I think you need to be an aggressive officer. Like we say in the civil affairs division, we're not taking the foot off the gas pedal.
Right. We're just going to keep on pushing forward. You know, that's one of the things I also I've noticed about civil affairs formation, even at the civil affairs. action team cat level foreman and army doctrine. These folks are always volunteering for missions. They're always making suggestions. They're not waiting to be tasked to solve a problem that they think they can help and add value. They're speaking up. They're going to the three. They're going to the fire's chief. They're going to whoever and saying, hey, you know, I think we can help you with that problem. And they're very aggressive. And that makes them one of the hardest working and highest op tempo groups as a slice enabler. to combat arms in combat operations. But that's about a return on investment and earning your pay. So I agree. I think now more than ever, with some civil affairs battalions going away, there's force reduction in the army in general. It's not just civil affairs. I think now more than ever, we have to beat those folks who ship up and add value at every level of war to make sure that we're not only achieving tactical battlefield success, but we're also... achieving operational and ultimately strategic success so we don't keep going back and repeating crisis after crisis. Yes.
We're just going to
And I think on the law enforcement side, one of the things that they're looking for for training is negotiation training. Yeah. How do you do that? And I think in law enforcement, if you're a decent law enforcement officer, you've got to know how to negotiate with people. And I think for civil affairs, that's a huge thing for us because we're really that connective tissue between the civilian populace and the military. We saw that just recently down in Cyprus, that you dealt with a pretty big problem set getting humanitarian assistance into Gaza, and you have a lot of international players everywhere. IGOs that are over there that want to do something, NGOs, different militaries from other countries. How do you pull all that together? You have to have some kind of negotiation training, or have done that in the past, and I think a lot of us have in civil affairs.
00:08:03 SPEAKER_00
Yeah. How
I think so too. Many of the most important problem sets, there are ways to solve them other than bullets. And bullets may be expedient, but again, that tends to generate a lot of long -term animosity, which leads to that crisis after crisis, right? So critical skill definitely need more of that. And if we're not going to plus up civil affairs, maybe we need to start training some other people to understand that, or at least how... to utilize the civil affairs assets they have properly. And I think we're going to talk a little bit more about that later. Now, not long ago, the psychological operations groups of the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, known as USACAPOC, they did that reorganization. They took their separate psychological operations groups, their POGs, and which, by the way, had a broken officer pyramid. They had about 100 captain positions, which would go to 33 major positions. and then go to 505 lieutenant colonel positions, four of which were battalion command.
00:08:57 SPEAKER_00
So it really became hard to have a career in PSYOP. Those are now moved under the KCOM, theoretically integrated within the KCOM. So we have civil affairs and psychological operations not only working together, but actually coexisting the same unit together. KPOC started with some experiments in that, and there's more of that occurring now. You commanded a civil affairs and psychological operations combined battalion. What was that experience like for you? And do you have any opinions on whether combining those two elements is a good long -term strategy for the command? Sure. Well,
I'm not going to say any psyop jokes because I put my foot in my mouth in the past on that. There's a lot of CA officers that are dual -headed. I am. I'm one of them. Exactly. See? So I didn't do it. It's not going to be there in perpetuity. All right. But I had a CA PSYOP training battalion, Brian. So really, we're training NCOES, wasn't an operational battalion. Still counts as battalion command time for anybody that's out there that's looking for a battalion command. And those CA PSYOP training battalions are, in my opinion, you're not only getting your command time done, but it's also a good broadening assignment because you're running a schoolhouse. Right on. How often do you get that opportunity other than going into one of the more traditional training commands? Yeah,
00:10:28 SPEAKER_00
Exactly. See? So I didn't do it. It's not going to be there in perpetuity.
you don't. You either work for TRADOC or you become a defense contractor for somebody's school, right? Yeah.
It's a really different experience. I really enjoyed it. I learned a lot about running a schoolhouse. So that was, it was interesting. For example, so my S3 at the battalion was PSYOP. So, you know, you can't do anything without your S3. He didn't work too much with CA. I haven't worked too much with PSYOP, but at the end of the day, we're all wearing a uniform. We're going to figure out a way to make it happen. When I look at 353KCOM, I think they have 2POG underneath them. So now you have three brigade -size commands under there. So I think I understand why KPOC did it. I think we'd have to ask the folks down there, but they were direct reporting, right,
Today, we welcome Cleo Paskal, Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a frequent lecturer for the U.S. military about the Indo-Pacific region.
Cleo came in to discuss the PRC's efforts to infiltrate Guam and the regional islands to undermine US relationships with those communities, the threat it creates to national security, and how we need to do to respond.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Noel Flores for the sample of the Album Eat Your Greens and song Anger Management by Anita Schwab on his channel Jazz of the South Pacific. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/zfRUrnNhwfs?si=Afcsham-r5Gjnjaj
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website, at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Cleo Pascal, investigative journalist for Freedom for Democracies and a special lecturer at the Air War College about the Pacific region. Cleo came in today to discuss the PRC's efforts to infiltrate Guam and the regional islands around it to undermine U .S. relationships with those communities, the threat it creates to national security, and how we need to respond. So let's get started.
00:01:04 CLEO PASCAL
For most Americans, the idea is that there's the West Coast. Alaska,
00:01:10 JACK GAINES
00:01:11 CLEO PASCAL
Alaska, Hawaii. And then if they're being clever, they might go, oh yeah, there's Guam. But the distance between Hawaii and Guam and the location of Guam is often pretty fuzzy. So Guam is maybe two, three hour flight from Manila and maybe five or six hour flight from Honolulu. In fact, it's the other side of the dateline. So if you're going to be very geeky about it, you'll go, is that the west -western part of the U .S. or is that the most eastern part of the U .S.? Because, of course, it's the other side of the dateline. Right. And then what you really need to do is look north of Guam because Guam is the southern part of the Mariana's island chain. It's its own thing. It's its own territory. It's been... part of the United States as a territory since the Spanish -American War, so since the late 19th century, which includes the islands of Saipan and Tinian, and they are also part of the United States. This is where the United States shares a maritime boundary with Japan, and we're the site of some of the most fierce battles of World War II. We just passed the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Saipan and the Battle of Tinian. That became the busiest airport in the world in early mid -1945, where the B -29 bombers were taking off in wave after wave after wave to hit Japan. And that's where the Enola Gay took off from. And that is all the United States of America. Highly strategic, has been for a long time, right off the coast of Asia. In between Hawaii and Guam, there's a whole other stretch of islands, which is the Marshall Islands, the Federal States of Micronesia, and Palau. which are independent countries, but which have signed this completely unique document with the United States called the Compact of Free Association, which gives the U .S. exclusive defense and security rights and responsibilities in those countries. So these are independent countries, along with what is now CNMI, Commonwealth of Northern Marian Islands.
00:03:26 CLEO PASCAL
were all part of the Japanese Empire from 1914 to 1944. This is what enabled Japan to be in a position to hit Pearl Harbor and created this impenetrable chunk of the Central Pacific, which meant that U .S. forces had to go south through Guadalcanal, through the Solomon Islands, up through Bougainville, and then come up from the bottom through Tarawa to be able to start to fight its way across east to west. So that control over the Central Pacific that Japan had meant that Japan could keep the U .S. pushed towards Hawaii and isolate Guam. The Japanese hit Guam just after they hit Pearl Harbor and took Guam. So that gave them the whole stretch across the Central Pacific. And after the war ended, the U .S. Navy controlled an area that combined is about as large as the continental United States. and administered it under naval control. And there was all sorts of stuff going on. Saipan was closed to the outside for years. On the record, the Naval Technical Training Unit, I think, was the cover for it. But the CIA basically was running operations in Saipan to train a few Tibetans, but more Taiwanese that were supposed to be sent in to mainland China with disastrous results. The Marshall Islands were nuked 67 times in various nuclear tests. This was kind of an active zone for testing, training, very highly strategically important. And there was a real understanding in D .C. because you had people in Congress who had fought in the Pacific Theater, who knew people who died in these islands, who didn't want that to happen again. The U .S. strategic community knew how important control over this area was to keep the threat contained to the Asian coast. But some of that information has now been lost and the Chinese are all over the place. That assumption that the U .S. can safely get across the Central Pacific to get to its treaty allies and to get to Guam and to get to the bases in Japan and South Korea is now being questioned.
00:05:52 JACK GAINES
Is it U .S. defensive officials or is it strategy watchers in the region?
00:05:52 CLEO PASCAL
it U
00:05:57 CLEO PASCAL
Indo -PACOM is starting to get very concerned. And definitely the leadership in Guam and the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas is starting to say, we've got some serious problems here and we need help. And especially currently the governor of Commonwealth of Northern Marianas is saying, we're seeing Chinese activity that is very disconcerting. And we need help. In my mind,
00:06:21 JACK GAINES
we need help. In my mind, I see a lot of water and a few dots of islands reaching back and forth. It's hard to imagine it as a territory.
00:06:32 CLEO PASCAL
Yeah. And what you said is if you put your logistics hat on, a lot of water and a few islands, a few islands become really important. So the less land and the more water, the more important that land is.
00:06:47 JACK GAINES
Yeah. You want to talk about what? it is that's concerning them about the RC's activities?
00:06:53 CLEO PASCAL
Sure. So the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas, which the acronym is CNMI, joined the United States. But when it joined, it kept control over certain aspects of immigration and labor because its economy is so different than the rest of the U .S. Some may remember the issues it had with garment factories, for example. Early on, Chinese interests had set up garment factories there with some pretty horrific labor conditions. But because it was part of the U .S., they could put the Made in the USA label on it. From the beginning, the Chinese were eyeing CNMI's loopholes to figure out how they could use it to gain advantages in the U .S. When China was allowed to enter the World Trade Organization, the value of that disappeared. But it started to shift to earth tourism. where Chinese would come and give birth in CNMI and then they'd have little American babies. You had more recent issues, Chinese -linked casinos. One of them, a few years ago, running more money through it than the casinos in Macau. Billions of dollars. And it was almost exclusively Chinese gamblers. And the way that the money was coming out of China and... Working through corresponding banks to give these lines of credit to these gamblers made it look an enormous amount like money laundering. There was never any proper investigation done by the U .S. government. There are about 40 ,000, 50 ,000 people living in Saipan. And you've got billions in Chinese casino money flowing through the economy. So you can imagine how that distorts politics and the economics of the place.
00:08:39 JACK GAINES
Oh, absolutely. Just trying to wonder, what is it that they're laundering? Is it all the commodity trade that they're doing around the world? Is it the fentanyl?
00:08:48 CLEO PASCAL
It needs an investigation. We shouldn't be wondering. This is U .S. jurisdiction. So there's absolutely no reason that this question can't be answered. If you go to Garapan, which is the capital I've come with under the Marianas, it's the biggest town in Saipan, by far the biggest building. is this casino, which was almost finished. It had started operations, but it had a whole hotel complex on it. And they had a typical Chinese Communist Party -linked style. They had built it on a grave site, so the locals were just horrified. You know, they dug up ancestors, and there was no proper reburial or anything. Like, the whole thing was just horrific. It was very close to completion. And then one of the construction workers fell off the scaffolding and died. And it turned out that they were not there on a work visa. And this gets to this other question of the visas. So apart from these other loopholes, Chinese can get on a plane in Hong Kong and fly straight to the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas with no visa. And the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas is considered U .S.
00:09:54 JACK GAINES
the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas is considered U .S. territory. So they can take a domestic flight from there into the continental U .S.?
00:10:02 CLEO PASCAL
They're not supposed to. Supposed to stay in the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas. But there are successful prosecutions of people who have been illegally taking Chinese by boat to Guam. We talked to the mayor of Rota, which is the island closest to Guam. And one Chinese guy who got off the plane in Rota with an inflatable boat as his luggage. Yeah, there have been cases of Chinese sea people with boats on their docks and knock on the door and ask to buy the boat or to get a ride. And they did it for one of the Fish and Wildlife guys. You know, it's not hidden. But the other thing is that the woman who ran the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in the Commonwealth of Northern Marianas has been convicted of selling. driver's licenses, specifically to Chinese.
00:11:01 JACK GAINES
Oh, wow. So,
00:11:01 CLEO PASCAL
So, yeah.
00:11:03 JACK GAINES
Any idea how many she sold?
00:11:05 CLEO PASCAL
I don't know, but it wasn't one or two. This was a business. So everything I'm mentioning, there have been people prosecuted for bringing Chinese from CNMI to Guam. The Bureau of Mortar Vehicles woman was found guilty. They've also been using the U .S. Postal Service because, of course, once you're in CNMI, that's the U .S. domestic mail. So using the U .S. Postal Service for distributing drugs, over 30 members of Congress led a letter to Secretary Mayorkas. Why does this loophole persist? And that was in November last year. And they finally got an answer, which said that, well, the Chinese contributed a lot to the tourism economy of CNMI in 2008, 2009. So that was the justification. Oh, wow. The regulations that allow for them to come in say this can be suspended on national security grounds. So it's sort of inexplicable. They're now saying, well, we'll change it from no visas to some sort of electronic semi visa. But there's no reason it shouldn't be a normal visa like any Chinese national going to anywhere else in the United States.
00:12:18 JACK GAINES
What else are you finding happening due to the flow of? Chinese tourists into Guam.
00:12:24 CLEO PASCAL
We know that one of the big priorities is Taiwan. And we also know that they want to, as much as possible, win without fighting, which is a misnomer because they're fighting. They're just fighting on a different battlefield.
00:12:38 JACK GAINES
Yeah. Win without major combat.
00:12:40 CLEO PASCAL
Yeah. Win without major loss of Chinese life is probably the more accurate way. But if you're focused on Taiwan, one of your biggest challenges is Guam. You need to disable Guam or take Guam offline somehow. Make it inoperable or ineffective.
00:13:00 JACK GAINES
Sure. Because that's where all the aircraft that are going to support Taiwan defense are going to go.
00:13:05 CLEO PASCAL
Yeah. And other forms of military support and intel support and all that. And we know that Guam already had issues with Volt Typhoon cyber infiltration into critical infrastructure. And you also, ideally, you want people on the ground. To be very blunt, you can blow up the planes or you can disable them, but you can also kill the pilots.
00:13:30 JACK GAINES
But in the waiting without fighting mindset, how do you see their efforts in these islands?
00:13:36 CLEO PASCAL
If you've got the Chinese that have come in to CNMI without a visa, very hard to know who they are. There's no background check. They've just gotten on a plane and gotten off the plane. And then they've illegally come into Guam. you don't know who they are. So you have untraceable saboteurs, whatever. And the U .S. military has found Chinese nationals roaming around bases in Guam and have handed them over to the FBI, and I don't know what's happened to them after that. Guam is a problem for them. And being able to get people onto Guam without detection is an advantage. Now, two of the three countries, Palau, and Marshall Islands recognize Taiwan. If they recognize Taiwan, that gives them an added layer of defense because it means there's no Chinese embassy. And the Chinese embassies operate like these forward operating locations. You can run the influence operations and the intel operations more
Today Brian Hancock interviews Doug Stevens who is an expeditionary pastor, working faith-based diplomacy to improve international relations. The discussion is on his work travelling to partner nations to reach out to locals and leaders to overcome social trauma from war, genocide and help rebuild communities.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Links mentioned: Hope international ministries: Hope4nations.org
Special thanks to Dimitar Dodovski for sampling Keith Jarrett's album Spirits 20. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yeh7OX5m4E
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today we have with us Pastor Douglas Stevens to discuss religious outreach, relief operations in Ukraine, and mission opportunities in Ukraine. Doug is a graduate of both Cal Berkeley and Fuller Seminary. Doug is active with humanitarian missions in Eastern Europe. in Haiti and elsewhere. He is a people lover, culture watcher, mountain bike rider, and avid world trader. Isn't that the truth? A quick disclaimer to the audience, a reminder, all remarks are solely those of the presenters. Further, due to the subject matter of our session today, some of the content may be a little bit disturbing to some audiences. Now, Doug, I first met you in the United States. when you swooped in to rescue our church as God's quick response force. Do you remember those days? I do. I remember them fondly. It seems like a lifetime ago to me, so much has happened since, but our church is still standing, so you must have done something right.
It seems
Well, it was a great time. I have friendships from that that continue.
Outstanding. Some of the things that you do are similar to what we do in the Army of the United States, or at least there are some similarities to it. The way we view the American military is as an expeditionary force. We often go places with large numbers, with lots of equipment and logistics and partnerships. And oftentimes these areas we are going to are characterized by great suffering. Relief agencies may not be able to get in there to operate. So that's usually when the world often turns to the U .S. military. Now, it seems to me that you've spent much of your life in a similar capacity as an expeditionary pastor.
Well, first of all, I just want to say what you're doing and what you represent is not well enough known as a part of the U .S. military's mission, the humanitarian side of that. And I just want to encourage you. So thank you for what you're doing. Now, my experience is on a different plane and yet heading in the same direction, just trying to help people. and have been in a variety of places around the world. In Haiti, for example, serving in Colombia, South America. I have been to Bosnia during the war back in the 90s when things were very tense. That was with World Vision. I have been to Rwanda in East Africa. That was with International Justice Mission. I have been overseas to places like Beijing, China, Cambodia, in the aftermath of their genocide. And have seen light shining in some of the darkest places in the world, places that you wouldn't expect any good news to come out of. And yet some wonderful people doing some heroic work in those places. In fact, we have just returned from more than a weekend in Ukraine. I know that you personally have a podcast that you host.
know that you personally have a podcast that you host. Yes. Very, very inspiring. Hello, darkness. Stories that transform. And I'll tell you, having read about... The scenario in Rwanda you mentioned, I think a number of people have watched the movie Hotel Rwanda. Yes. Very dark. You've got Hutu mothers murdering their neighbors Tutsi Chol. Yeah. You've got massive numbers fleeing. Yes. You have the radio saying there is work to be done. Kill the cockroaches. Right. You have female leaderships in the government calling the men in the camps, often stadiums, other places where, Hutu have herded the Tutsis to kill them brutally with machetes and complaining, saying, well, you need to rape these women before you kill them. And they're saying, well, we're just too tired because of all this killing. It's what they were saying at the time. And of course, the international community, we have some bases there and some other things, but we are not allowed to leave the base. There is no protection that is offered by the international community. There is no sanctuary. Clearly, this was hell on earth. It was. Have you seen some light come out of something like that?
It went on for about 90 days back in 1994. That took nearly a million lives, as I understand it. We were there in the aftermath and the recovery time. And they had these wonderful trials for people who had been convicted of murder. But in these trials, you actually had the opportunity for reconciliation. You had the opportunity to extend forgiveness. potential repair of communities. And so we were close to that. We were supporting efforts as that was happening. There was a filmmaker who was there with us. So that was our time in Kigali and the countryside in Rwanda. And pleased to see the development since then. And of course, there are more complications now politically, and that's happening in our world. So that's a whole nother story.
I hear you. But I'm also glad to hear that some justice, some reconciliation, some path forward does exist there that you were able to see. Now, in Army Civil Affairs and United States Marine Corps Civil Affairs, both of us work with what we call united action partners. These may be local allies, they may be host nations, oftentimes the non -government organizations. We often can't work directly with them if they need to maintain a neutrality. help both sides, such as Doctors Without Borders. You are for World Vision and I believe a few others. What is it like working with a non -government organization doing this type of work? And did you ever have any interaction with the military in that role? And would you have even liked any interaction with military civil affairs?
Well, we primarily worked with churches and NGOs that were there doing a variety of things, and those folks are the heroes on the ground, often unsung and unrewarded for what they did. But they didn't do it for that reason. They were doing it for the people they loved, the people they were sacrificing for. And we worked very closely with them and wanted to support them because they were the ones who were on the ground. We're going to be there for a long time after we left doing whatever we were doing. And often we were bringing in humanitarian aid. Sometimes we were doing leadership training. Sometimes we were doing reconciliation, conflict resolution, working with local churches that were... suddenly coming back to life again and wanting to encourage them, and the work they were doing in drawing people close to the, well, the work of God, if I can put it bluntly, because what needed to be done seemed impossible. How do you crawl out of this deep, dark hole? But it was happening, and there was a tremendous resurgence of faith in the hearts of many people who were then living it out. Hard to explain how this happened except to call it a miracle.
And I'm glad that miracles still do happen.
They do. You have to invest in it. It doesn't happen because you're hoping for it.
Right. May of last year, you found yourself in Moldova. Now, that may not be a household name for many folks in America. I knew nothing about it until I went there.
knew nothing about it until I went there. Next door to Ukraine.
We have a regionally aligned civil affairs commands who get to know some of these places. And for the European region, civil affairs command is... the 353rd Civil Affairs Command, which is back on the East Coast. And in January 2023, they actually published an excellent article in our flagship publication in the military, the Military Review. You've arrived if you get peer review publication in Military Review. And the functional specialty team, a couple of brilliant captains, published. an article regarding food resiliency in Moldova. So this is a hot topic. Can you tell the audience a bit about the mission that you were doing in Moldova, as well as what you experienced?
Well, Moldova is a relatively poor country inside the EU, hoping to get in, not in NATO yet, hoping to enter, be approved, along with Ukraine, of course. that took in a million refugees in the last couple of years that were flooding out of Ukraine, looking to escape. The Moldovans themselves, many of them literally have their bags packed in case Ukraine is overrun by the Russian invaders. And they know that they would be next and they have no defense. And NATO is not officially obligated to intervene. So right now, for the moment, they look relatively safe, but they have absorbed an awful lot of special needs. coming in from Ukraine. Now, Moldova is also an agricultural country. They produce a lot of what they need, but they were overwhelmed by this crisis that took place. And so there is help coming in from other places. We were able to bring some of those materials in, and we were very impressed by the work of many different missions and churches working together in ways they never have before. And that's happening all across this area. People are working together like they never have. So it's a great thing to watch that happen and be part of it.
That's outstanding. And of course, right now, you've got a lot of Russian interference in going Moldavian elections.
We've heard about that. It's still a controversy because Russia apparently is jealously looking at other parts of other countries they would like to retake as part of the Soviet venture. Now, no longer part of the Soviet experiment, which closed down in 1989, 91, somewhere in there. but want to now reestablish, according to Putin, the Holy Russian Empire. And it now has a religious overtone, backed by the Russian Orthodox Church, that basically wants to reclaim all of these lands, whether it's Poland, whether it's Georgia, whether it's Moldova, Ukraine, the Baltic states. We don't know how far this ambition goes, but we've been shocked so far, so nothing right now is going to shock me.
I thought we had closed the chapter on large wars in Europe. Maybe not. It sounds like Putin styles himself a bit of a czar. We know how well that worked out. It's a shame that we seem to be heading that direction. Putin's language, of course, is, hey, we want to open another front just to take Ukraine.
And, of course, the war in Ukraine has been going on from at least 2014 when they took Crimea. And then the oblasts in the east, they've been occupying there. And now, of course, trying to come across. Right now, the front is essentially frozen, although I will defer to you and the military for a better estimate of what is actually happening. And we don't know where this is going. And my role, our role, is to come in and support those who are doing this good humanitarian work, especially in the faith -based areas.
Yeah, I'd like to tug at that string a little bit, because you just literally, a few days ago, got back from a mission in Ukraine. And I understand that it was a multifaceted mission. You're doing a number of different things, all important works, why you're there. Now, while most of the audience is at least to some degree aware of the mental suffering that's taking place in Ukraine, can you, having some firsthand experience, tell us a little bit about what you saw, what you did, and what you found?
A year ago, when I went into Ukraine, we went from Odessa all the way to Kyrgyzstan, all the way to the front lines, essentially, visiting along the way, doing leadership training, because the churches were asking for that. As people left, all kinds of new people flooded into these churches, which was a surprise to me. I didn't know about that. I wasn't expecting that. I thought maybe they'd be emptied out. But because they are serving so well, not just their own congregation, but the whole community now is looking to the church, even more than the government, which is busy fighting a war to supply those needs. And there are... Of course, other organizations that are there are Samaritan's Purse, World Vision, World Central Kitchen, various other churches in that area. And I had no idea how strong the church was in Ukraine, the evangelical, Protestant, Pentecostal, Catholic working together. Not the Orthodox so much. They tend to be a little bit more aloof. Some of them are still aligned with Russia, even though Russia is the invader. But the other churches working together and mitigating the trauma and the food insecurity and everything else that's needed and providing m
Today we welcome Patrick Alley, co-founder of Global Witness.
Patrick Alley and his team at Global Witness are credited with countering multiple autocrats and kleptocrats worldwide.
The most notable is collapsing the Khmer Rouge by exposing the illegal timber trade that was bankrolling the rebels.
They created the Blood Diamond campaign to counter the De Beers diamond cartel and multiple rebel groups in Africa that used the conflict to fund some of the most brutal civil wars in the late 1990s.
Their findings were also critical for getting the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Charles Taylor in Liberia and trials for crimes against humanity.
Patrick and Global Witness conducted similar operations in Europe and the Americas before he retired and published his first book, Very Bad People in 2022, and now his second book, Terrible Humans, which is available online and will be in bookstores around mid-August.
This is part two of a two part episode with Mariah Yager from SMA to cohost the discussion on DOD Integrated Influence.
Patrick Alley:
Global Witness: https://www.globalwitness.org/
Book, Terrible Humans: https://www.hachette.co.uk/titles/patrick-alley/terrible-humans/9781800962385/
Book, Very Bad People: https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/very-bad-people-inside-story-fight-against-corruption/
Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/lUIrYBtkfl4
SMA version of the interview: SMA version of the interview: https://nsiteam.com/smaspeakerseries_31july2024/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to the Juanes Channel for the intro sample of Desde Que Despierto Hasta Que Duermo. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZCeqUVeRMU
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Welcome, Patrick, to the show.
00:00:40 JACK GAINES
This is a quick introduction, and then we'll get right into it. Patrick Alley and his team at Global Witness are credited with countering multiple autocrats and kleptocrats worldwide. The most notable is collapsing the Khmer Rouge by exposing the illegal timber trade that was bankrolling the rebels. They created the Blood Diamond Campaign to counter the De Beers Diamond Cartel that used the conflict to fund some of the most brutal civil wars in the late 1990s. Their findings were also critical in getting the U .N. Security Council to impose sanctions on Charles Taylor in Liberia and the war crimes trials for crimes against humanity. Patrick and Global Witness conducted similar operations in Europe and the Americas before he retired and published his first book, Very Bad People, in 2022, and now his second book, Terrible Humans. which is available online and will be in bookstores around mid -August. So, welcome, Patrick. With all the unrest in Venezuela, Ukraine, Le Levant, Africa, we live in interesting times.
How are you? I'm good, thank you, and thank you very much for asking me to take part. It's a real privilege. I'm a child of the Cold War, and nuclear war was sort of ever -present when I was younger. We were really quite worried about it. And then the world seemed to be quite a nice place for many years. And it seems we've gone back to Cold War II, which is a bit of a worry. Yeah.
00:02:01 JACK GAINES
The reason I brought you on today is because I felt like EOD and the US government overall struggles with strategic competition. We are in action with Russia, China, the four plus one, basically, trying to figure out how to counter their foreign policy goals. And we're finding that they're... more and more using criminal groups or paramilitary groups that have criminal practices to achieve their foreign policy goals. And North and Central Africa are excellent examples with the Russians and Wagner helping to provide coups and then slowly taking over countries' management so that they can get to the mines and to the timber and then selling that to avoid Russian sanctions for the war in Ukraine. Yeah.
In the case of Wagner, and I have to give credit to the wonderful US -based organization, The Century, but I talked to them extensively for my book, Terrible Humans, and the Central African Republic, CAR for short, and how Wagner has sort of infiltrated. And many people in this call may know this well, but it was an extremely clever and strategic operation. Obviously, we all know Wagner is sort of the deniable arm of Russian military or foreign policy. But how they wheedled their way in, the Russian resource of Sochi with the new president promising him arms, and in the end, not all of the subjects of that conversation were made public, but what obviously transpired, was the Russians did everything for that guy. So first of all, they gave him personal security through Wagner. Wagner created a troll farm, and so they started manipulating public opinion. The Russians created the ruling political party, the Mouvement de l 'accord, the United Hearts movement in Central African Republic. The national election server is based in Russia. And as they were doing all of this, they were training the army in everything from straightforward combat to torture. And then... Wagner troops were with the army and various rebel groups against other rebel groups throughout Central African Republic, not just trying to win battles, but creating terror. The motto was leave no trace. So mass rape, mass execution was the order of the day. And you're right, they also set up companies, particularly in gold. diamonds and timber. A lot of this obviously became much more relevant when Russia unreaded Ukraine and sanctions started to bite, because these valuable commodities are leaving Central African Republic, as we speak, and making their way, or the money from them making their way to Russia. And when I finished that chapter, before the book was published, Wagner arrived in Niger, and there was a coup, the president was locked up. And I thought to myself, I wonder how long it'll be before the population are waving Russian flags in the streets. And it was the next day. And you think, well, they didn't just arrive overnight. There's something in the planning.
00:05:16 JACK GAINES
Well, you met the guy that goes out there to prep for an event and passes out flags.
Yeah, I didn't meet him. I talked to him on Zoom. He was only involved in the Central African example, but it's a really good example. He's called Abdullah Ibrahim. And he was related by marriage to senior people in the government and indeed to the president. And when the new president came in and he was voted in and there was no reason necessarily to think he was going to be awful at that time, this guy went back in and started campaigning politically and building up cells in France, the ruling party amongst the diaspora in France. But then it started getting a bit murky and he was asked, initially to organize welcoming demonstrations so when the first armored vehicles came in from russia they were met by enthusiastic crowds and he was the guy who hired the enthusiastic crowd and bought them the baseball caps and the t -shirts and the flags to wave and gave me the numbers which are frighteningly small i can remember top of my head like 25 30 000 bought a demonstration but then he got even worse and he was asked to impersonate a rebel general, and to call on the killings of these people and those people in order so that Wagner could take advantage of the populations and the resources in those areas.
00:06:38 JACK GAINES
so that Wagner could take advantage of the populations and the resources in those areas.
Yeah, black ops, which by that time he felt he had no choice but to do because he was in a very bad situation. In the end, he fled and he's back in France. So basically,
00:06:53 JACK GAINES
basically, Wagner came in, they helped with the governance and security by bringing in forces and training troops. But then they got so close and in tight with leadership in the government, they were able to also dictate the policy within that government and then open up new areas for them to exploit.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. And I think what's interesting about it is CAR is perhaps the best documented of the countries they've gone into. That's arguable, but I think it probably is. Wagner have a presence. And I was thinking, actually, just over the last day, what can you do about Wagner? And that's maybe the subject of this conversation or another, whatever you like. But one of the things I didn't think of, because it hadn't happened very often, is what happened in Mali over the last few days, where Wagner actually lost on the battlefield. And I think quite a few Wagner troops were killed. And that's not a common thing. Usually they've had the upper hand. So maybe there's another way.
00:07:57 JACK GAINES
And do you think that is more of an opposition leader frustrated with doing neocolonial control of the region? Do you think that's a reaction to that? Because I know the Tarigs are famously anti -government in most countries.
Yes, I think they are. And I honestly don't know the answer to that question. And of course, there were links with al -Qaeda, IS, etc. So it could be any number of reasons. I think going to the point you're making, which I think is the really important one about neocolonialism, is that's exactly what Russia is doing. They were doing it in Libya and Syria way before the invasion of Ukraine. But with the invasion of Ukraine, it's become probably much more important to them, I think, because of the resources that Africa holds. So in a sense, it's straight back to the colonialism perpetrated by the British, the Belgians, the French, the Portuguese a century or more ago. It's the same thing. And it's just as brutal. And it's just as essential. And the global north wants those resources. And I think those countries that we've talked about are important in their own right from a resource perspective amongst others. But if you start looking at places like DR Congo, which possesses two -thirds of the world's cobalt, essential for the energy transition, if the same thing happens there, and I believe Russia did sign a military pact with the Congolese government over the last few months, then, you know, you've got a globally significant problem.
00:09:27 JACK GAINES
Right. And we also had talked in the past about how you and Global Witness have also mapped some of Wagner's networks for getting either the resources out or funneling money to Russia in order to avoid sanctions that are going on with Ukraine. I remember you mentioning a gold transfer in the UAE, which now has stopped, correct?
Yeah, I mean, UAE, I think, is a very good point to raise because it's kind of mafia central, isn't it? It's where you want to go if you want to launder money or launder resources. So I know the US were particularly looking at the activities of a guy called Colotti, who was one of the major gold refiners in UAE, and literally billions of dollars worth of cash transactions, people actually coming off the streets with gold and walking away over a short period of time with billions of dollars for cash. But I think it goes further than that, because one of the things I mentioned in the book, and this was something I think it was CBS News tracked, is that one of the Aleutian 76 transport planes based in CAR flew into the UAE. They tracked it going there. Another Aleutian 76 flew from Russia to UAE, and those planes shared a runway for eight hours. Then they went back to where they came from. No one actually knows. what happened but my suspicions would be that resources were going out arms or whatever were coming in right in your book you were talking about how small banks in the car were being super funded with millions of dollars those monies were then transferred up into was it russia or was that other points basically well actually it was russia trying to bring money with the exchange of money and and the problem that russia had with that
00:10:58 JACK GAINES
your book you were talking about how small banks in the car were being super funded with millions of dollars those monies were then transferred up into was it russia or was that other points basically
that other points basically well actually it was russia trying to bring money with the exchange of money and and the problem that russia had with that was that because most of the correspondent banks, and I think all of the correspondent banks, of banks in CAR are based in France, which theoretically gives the French authorities the ability to monitor transactions. And they thought, well, how are we going to get around that? And then they thought, okay, let's fly the money in by private jet, which is what they resorted to doing in the end.
00:11:37 JACK GAINES
So with Global Witness, they're on the ground where they know people and they've got connections and they're building a case. through these observati
Today we welcome Patrick Alley, co-founder of Global Witness.
Patrick Alley and his team at Global Witness are credited with countering multiple autocrats and kleptocrats worldwide.
The most notable is collapsing the Khmer Rouge by exposing the illegal timber trade that was bankrolling the rebels.
They created the Blood Diamond campaign to counter the De Beers diamond cartel and multiple rebel groups in Africa that used the conflict to fund some of the most brutal civil wars in the late 1990s.
Their findings were also critical for getting the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Charles Taylor in Liberia and trials for crimes against humanity.
Patrick and Global Witness conducted similar operations in Europe and the Americas before he retired and published his first book, Very Bad People in 2022, and now his second book, Terrible Humans, which is available online and will be in bookstores around mid-August.
This is a two part episode. Next week we bring in Mariah Yager from SMA to cohost the discussion on DOD Integrated Influence. So, stay tuned.
Today we welcome Patrick Alley, co-founder of Global Witness.
Patrick Alley and his team at Global Witness are credited with countering multiple autocrats and kleptocrats worldwide.
The most notable is collapsing the Khmer Rouge by exposing the illegal timber trade that was bankrolling the rebels.
They created the Blood Diamond campaign to counter the De Beers diamond cartel and multiple rebel groups in Africa that used the conflict to fund some of the most brutal civil wars in the late 1990s.
Their findings were also critical for getting the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Charles Taylor in Liberia and trials for crimes against humanity.
Patrick and Global Witness conducted similar operations in Europe and the Americas before he retired and published his first book, Very Bad People in 2022, and now his second book, Terrible Humans, which is available online and will be in bookstores around mid-August.
This is part two of a two part episode with Mariah Yager from SMA to cohost the discussion on DOD Integrated Influence.
Patrick Alley:
Global Witness: https://www.globalwitness.org/
Book, Terrible Humans: https://www.hachette.co.uk/titles/patrick-alley/terrible-humans/9781800962385/
Book, Very Bad People: https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/very-bad-people-inside-story-fight-against-corruption/
Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/lUIrYBtkfl4
SMA version of the interview: https://nsiteam.com/smaspeakerseries_31july2024/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to the Juanes Channel for the intro sample of Desde Que Despierto Hasta Que Duermo. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZCeqUVeRMU
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Welcome, Patrick, to the show.
00:00:40 JACK GAINES
This is a quick introduction, and then we'll get right into it. Patrick Alley and his team at Global Witness are credited with countering multiple autocrats and kleptocrats worldwide. The most notable is collapsing the Khmer Rouge by exposing the illegal timber trade that was bankrolling the rebels. They created the Blood Diamond Campaign to counter the De Beers Diamond Cartel that used the conflict to fund some of the most brutal civil wars in the late 1990s. Their findings were also critical in getting the U .N. Security Council to impose sanctions on Charles Taylor in Liberia and the war crimes trials for crimes against humanity. Patrick and Global Witness conducted similar operations in Europe and the Americas before he retired and published his first book, Very Bad People, in 2022, and now his second book, Terrible Humans. which is available online and will be in bookstores around mid -August. So, welcome, Patrick. With all the unrest in Venezuela, Ukraine, Le Levant, Africa, we live in interesting times.
How are you? I'm good, thank you, and thank you very much for asking me to take part. It's a real privilege. I'm a child of the Cold War, and nuclear war was sort of ever -present when I was younger. We were really quite worried about it. And then the world seemed to be quite a nice place for many years. And it seems we've gone back to Cold War II, which is a bit of a worry. Yeah.
00:02:01 JACK GAINES
The reason I brought you on today is because I felt like EOD and the US government overall struggles with strategic competition. We are in action with Russia, China, the four plus one, basically, trying to figure out how to counter their foreign policy goals. And we're finding that they're... more and more using criminal groups or paramilitary groups that have criminal practices to achieve their foreign policy goals. And North and Central Africa are excellent examples with the Russians and Wagner helping to provide coups and then slowly taking over countries' management so that they can get to the mines and to the timber and then selling that to avoid Russian sanctions for the war in Ukraine. Yeah.
In the case of Wagner, and I have to give credit to the wonderful US -based organization, The Century, but I talked to them extensively for my book, Terrible Humans, and the Central African Republic, CAR for short, and how Wagner has sort of infiltrated. And many people in this call may know this well, but it was an extremely clever and strategic operation. Obviously, we all know Wagner is sort of the deniable arm of Russian military or foreign policy. But how they wheedled their way in, the Russian resource of Sochi with the new president promising him arms, and in the end, not all of the subjects of that conversation were made public, but what obviously transpired, was the Russians did everything for that guy. So first of all, they gave him personal security through Wagner. Wagner created a troll farm, and so they started manipulating public opinion. The Russians created the ruling political party, the Mouvement de l 'accord, the United Hearts movement in Central African Republic. The national election server is based in Russia. And as they were doing all of this, they were training the army in everything from straightforward combat to torture. And then... Wagner troops were with the army and various rebel groups against other rebel groups throughout Central African Republic, not just trying to win battles, but creating terror. The motto was leave no trace. So mass rape, mass execution was the order of the day. And you're right, they also set up companies, particularly in gold. diamonds and timber. A lot of this obviously became much more relevant when Russia unreaded Ukraine and sanctions started to bite, because these valuable commodities are leaving Central African Republic, as we speak, and making their way, or the money from them making their way to Russia. And when I finished that chapter, before the book was published, Wagner arrived in Niger, and there was a coup, the president was locked up. And I thought to myself, I wonder how long it'll be before the population are waving Russian flags in the streets. And it was the next day. And you think, well, they didn't just arrive overnight. There's something in the planning.
00:05:16 JACK GAINES
Well, you met the guy that goes out there to prep for an event and passes out flags.
Yeah, I didn't meet him. I talked to him on Zoom. He was only involved in the Central African example, but it's a really good example. He's called Abdullah Ibrahim. And he was related by marriage to senior people in the government and indeed to the president. And when the new president came in and he was voted in and there was no reason necessarily to think he was going to be awful at that time, this guy went back in and started campaigning politically and building up cells in France, the ruling party amongst the diaspora in France. But then it started getting a bit murky and he was asked, initially to organize welcoming demonstrations so when the first armored vehicles came in from russia they were met by enthusiastic crowds and he was the guy who hired the enthusiastic crowd and bought them the baseball caps and the t -shirts and the flags to wave and gave me the numbers which are frighteningly small i can remember top of my head like 25 30 000 bought a demonstration but then he got even worse and he was asked to impersonate a rebel general, and to call on the killings of these people and those people in order so that Wagner could take advantage of the populations and the resources in those areas.
00:06:38 JACK GAINES
so that Wagner could take advantage of the populations and the resources in those areas.
Yeah, black ops, which by that time he felt he had no choice but to do because he was in a very bad situation. In the end, he fled and he's back in France. So basically,
00:06:53 JACK GAINES
basically, Wagner came in, they helped with the governance and security by bringing in forces and training troops. But then they got so close and in tight with leadership in the government, they were able to also dictate the policy within that government and then open up new areas for them to exploit.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. And I think what's interesting about it is CAR is perhaps the best documented of the countries they've gone into. That's arguable, but I think it probably is. Wagner have a presence. And I was thinking, actually, just over the last day, what can you do about Wagner? And that's maybe the subject of this conversation or another, whatever you like. But one of the things I didn't think of, because it hadn't happened very often, is what happened in Mali over the last few days, where Wagner actually lost on the battlefield. And I think quite a few Wagner troops were killed. And that's not a common thing. Usually they've had the upper hand. So maybe there's another way.
00:07:57 JACK GAINES
And do you think that is more of an opposition leader frustrated with doing neocolonial control of the region? Do you think that's a reaction to that? Because I know the Tarigs are famously anti -government in most countries.
Yes, I think they are. And I honestly don't know the answer to that question. And of course, there were links with al -Qaeda, IS, etc. So it could be any number of reasons. I think going to the point you're making, which I think is the really important one about neocolonialism, is that's exactly what Russia is doing. They were doing it in Libya and Syria way before the invasion of Ukraine. But with the invasion of Ukraine, it's become probably much more important to them, I think, because of the resources that Africa holds. So in a sense, it's straight back to the colonialism perpetrated by the British, the Belgians, the French, the Portuguese a century or more ago. It's the same thing. And it's just as brutal. And it's just as essential. And the global north wants those resources. And I think those countries that we've talked about are important in their own right from a resource perspective amongst others. But if you start looking at places like DR Congo, which possesses two -thirds of the world's cobalt, essential for the energy transition, if the same thing happens there, and I believe Russia did sign a military pact with the Congolese government over the last few months, then, you know, you've got a globally significant problem.
00:09:27 JACK GAINES
Right. And we also had talked in the past about how you and Global Witness have also mapped some of Wagner's networks for getting either the resources out or funneling money to Russia in order to avoid sanctions that are going on with Ukraine. I remember you mentioning a gold transfer in the UAE, which now has stopped, correct?
Yeah, I mean, UAE, I think, is a very good point to raise because it's kind of mafia central, isn't it? It's where you want to go if you want to launder money or launder resources. So I know the US were particularly looking at the activities of a guy called Colotti, who was one of the major gold refiners in UAE, and literally billions of dollars worth of cash transactions, people actually coming off the streets with gold and walking away over a short period of time with billions of dollars for cash. But I think it goes further than that, because one of the things I mentioned in the book, and this was something I think it was CBS News tracked, is that one of the Aleutian 76 transport planes based in CAR flew into the UAE. They tracked it going there. Another Aleutian 76 flew from Russia to UAE, and those planes shared a runway for eight hours. Then they went back to where they came from. No one actually knows. what happened but my suspicions would be that resources were going out arms or whatever were coming in right in your book you were talking about how small banks in the car were being super funded with millions of dollars those monies were then transferred up into was it russia or was that other points basically well actually it was russ
Today, Assad Raza interviews Drew Biemer, an energy outreach strategist and senior advisor to the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission. Drew has experience leading domestic and international campaigns to support energy sector projects and came on the show to discuss how Civil and Public Affairs are key to building positive relationships between projects and the population.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to Sahraoui and Fadela for providing the sample of "Mani" from the album Arabic Groove. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCJI52eWDLw&list=PLloxRkIwt8TNujJnQFxjH7kJ0yjKJkpeg&index=7
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:39 ASAD RAZA
I'm your host, Asad Raza, and today our guest is Drew Beamer. Drew is a management and communications professional with 20 years of experience in governmental, public, and civil affairs. He is the current administrator of the Site Evaluation Committee, SEC for short, the Agency Directorate for Energy Facility, Sitting, Permitting, and Enforcement of Compliance, in the U .S. state of New Hampshire. Thank you, Drew. I've been following your Baseload Power newsletter on LinkedIn for a while, and you touched on a broad list of topics from leadership to strategy to include civil affairs and information operations. Thanks for coming on the show. Thanks for having me.
00:01:12 DREW BEAMER
00:02:35 ASAD RAZA
Drew, I really like how you are applying civil affairs strategies and information operations to civilian sectors, specifically the infrastructure development. So why are civil affairs strategies important in energy resource development?
00:02:48 DREW BEAMER
Well, one thing that energy developers need to realize, every single boot on the ground, is an arm of this operation. Every single person who interacts with the local community, whether you're a line worker on a utility project or you're a soldier in theater, the tactical missteps can create massive strategic problems. And one of the things that energy developers do not take seriously is that even if you're working on a domestic energy project in the United States, the local population is going to view you as an occupying force. That doesn't mean they'll view you in a negative light. It just means that they will view you as an occupying force. Most of the time, your construction workers and your contractors are going to be new people to the region. They're going to have cultural differences that may rub locals the wrong way. And what you really need to focus on is how do we endear ourselves to the local population? How do we let them know that we're going to be good community partners? is not achieved by simply telling them things. You need to actually build that capital and you need to build that capital before you need it. Because a lot of projects will just parachute in and they'll say, hey, we're here to help support our project. And that's not an effective strategy. You need to be on the ground in advance. You need to be listening to folks. You need to be helping them address their problems. And then once you've built capital, then you can call on that capital when it comes time to build something and you need local support.
00:04:25 ASAD RAZA
Drew, I like the way how you frame that. When we were in Iraq and Afghanistan, they had a saying about the strategic corporal, that corporal that's on the ground engaging with the local population. Any actions that they're doing can have a strategic impact negatively or positively. So what are some of the common pitfalls that developers fall into during the process? There's a phrase called the engineer's fallacy.
00:04:47 DREW BEAMER
the engineer's fallacy. And the engineer's fallacy states that an engineer will interpret any lack of support, any deficit in support as the stakeholders not having all the facts. So what I mean by that is I propose a project. You're a local stakeholder. You oppose the project. The engineer's fallacy says that I will address your opposition with just more facts because I believe in the project so much that I believe. that any opposition from you is just a deficit of facts. I don't take into account that it might be an emotional argument. I don't take into account that I've failed to build capital with you. And this engineer's fallacy is inherent in a lot of civil affairs context. You certainly look at some of the hearts and minds campaigns that we've embarked on in the 20th century and the early 21st century. is you don't win hearts and minds by just telling people why your way of life is the best, right? You don't win hearts and minds on an energy project by going into the region and just selling people on facts alone. You need to build capital with people. So one of the pitfalls that developers fall into is, first of all, they're not in the field early enough. They show up when they support, not before. And then they don't take into account the fact that a lot of these arguments become cultural and or emotional arguments, not necessarily factual arguments. So you need to exercise a good bedside manner. You need to make sure that locals know that you are there to help them solve their problems, rather. And once you've done that effectively, then you're going to get support. or minimally you're going to mitigate opposition.
00:06:43 ASAD RAZA
Interesting when you're talking about the engineer fallacy, engineers motivated or driven by facts when other stakeholders, specifically the local populations, are probably viewing the problem through either emotions or some other interest versus just the facts alone. So how do you shift the mindsets for engineers that are focused on the facts and driven by their own views and help them to look at the problem through the local population's eyes? That's a good question. I would say that civil affairs,
00:07:09 DREW BEAMER
that civil affairs, public affairs, government affairs is important enough that the person running the entire project should be from one of those disciplines. They should not be an engineer. And this goes into a lot of corporate environments and a lot of governmental environments where people promote subject matter experts, the leadership positions. And there's a saying that when you're a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. When you're an engineer in charge of a major. infrastructure project, every problem looks like an engineering problem. So one of the things that I did in the private sector as a consultant is I would get put over top of these big projects. They could be adjacent to energy development or they could be like disaster power restoration projects. We have to communicate real time with stakeholders in the community and you need to communicate with local elected officials and local governments to give them real time updates. So in those scenarios, they would call on people like me to lead an ad hoc team that we assembled. And that team would include people who are above my pay grade. I mean, they would have people who are directors and VPs of companies. You'd have external consultants. You'd have people who had more experience. And the way that you get them out of that engineer fallacy mindset, you need the person running it to understand the nuances of the campaigns. You need to demonstrate proof of life on your concepts. You need to be able to demonstrate how focusing on things like civil affairs and public affairs make everybody's life easier. Because when you avoid those small tactical missteps, you don't create major strategic blunders for yourself. And the other issue is once you've painted yourself or you've allowed opponents to paint you as an occupying force, anything you do positively or negatively will be held against you. I've worked in scenarios where we were trying to build an energy project and the developer had let the information space get away from them. And they would say things like, we may have to use eminent domain to get the property needed for this project. And people would say, well, that's corporations taking private property. Then the developer would say, well, we're just going to pay a lot of money. We're going to pay several times value for your project. And the opponents would say, now you're just paying people off. You want to avoid those damned if you do, damned if you don't situations. And one of the issues, circle back to the crux of your question, is the engineer's fallacy is avoidable for the same reason a lot of these types of issues are avoidable. I would recommend against putting a subject matter expert in charge of one of these projects. You need somebody who's more of a generalist and more of a manager. And just like a military operation, you want the commanding officer to understand all the different components. They don't have to be an expert in all the components, but they have to know how they work synergistically with one another to create a holistic operation. And an engineer, generally speaking, is not going to be very good at that.
00:10:13 ASAD RAZA
That makes sense. Engineers aren't developed to think like that. They're developed to be engineers and be subject matter experts within their field. So which makes sense. You hit something and you're talking about how your competitors can exploit these tactical mishaps. So how can some of these energy projects become proxy wars between their competitors or their meat peers? In the United States, you have a dynamic that's called astroturfing.
00:10:36 DREW BEAMER
a dynamic that's called astroturfing. I'm assuming it exists elsewhere in the world. But astroturfing is basically the manufacturing of grassroots, okay, through dark money. So when one company proposes an energy project, you'll see grassroots opposition crop up. They'll all be singing off the same sheet of music. The messaging will be dialed in. They'll have branded collateral materials. They'll have yard signs. They'll have t -shirts. And I would say nine times out of 10, that opposition is funded and ginned up by whoever your competitor is, usually an industry incumbent. Okay. So there's a dynamic that we've seen in proxy wars in the past hundred years anyway. And that is that In a proxy war, sometimes you want to defeat the enemy, but other times you just want to bog them down. You just want them to bleed out money forever and ever and ever. So you were building a hydroelectric project and your chief competitor in the market was a nuclear power plant. The operators of the nuclear power plant are going to have a cost assessment where they're going to say, if your hydro dam comes online, it's going to cost them X millions of dollars a month in lost revenue. So if it's going to cost X millions of dollars a month in lost revenue, then if they can delay you by a year, they've just made X times 12 in found money. So what they will do is they will hire political operatives to create a grassroots insurgency against your project. And bringing it back to the engineer's fallacy, the grassroots insurgency will be based primarily on emotion. It will be people who... at the grassroots level who've been convinced that your project is going to completely destroy their way of life for one reason or another. It's going to have environmental issues. It's going to have cultural issues. They're going to throw a lot of messages at the wall and they're going to see what sticks because one of these messages is going to saturate. And the engineer's fallacy is people will look at this grassroots opposition and they'll say, well, we can sway them on. facts and reason and logic. We're just going to tell them how clean the power is, how many jobs it's going to create, how it's going to improve energy security and lower energy prices. We keep telling them those facts. They'll have no other choice but to eventually support us. And that works almost as well as going into South Vietnam and telling people that the American way of life is the way everybody should live. absent cultural context, absent building capital, the facts are not going to matter, which is why one of the reasons I say, if you think you're going to build something somewhere, get in the field very, v
Today, we welcome Pavlo Kukhta, Ukrainian Economist and Special Advisor on Reconstruction. Additionally, Mariah Yager from SMA joined me as cohost of the conversation.
We brought in Pavlo to discuss the current state of conflict reconstruction, the strategy for post-conflict reconstruction, and how to overcome challenges like balancing government oversight with designing a system that removes major corruption while managing Ukraine's transition into the EU.
I set up this interview because I know that many diplomats, aid workers, and servicemembers are focused on helping Ukraine now and after the conflict.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Pavlo's info: https://ua.linkedin.com/in/pavlo-kukhta-93190091
SMA version of the interview: https://nsiteam.com/smaspeakerseries_20june2024/
Special Thanks to Jamming Edward for the music sample. Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/lRboIm0tlqE?si=be0Mai-k4EsIQr3h
00:00:07 Inroduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Pavlo Kufta, Ukrainian economist and special advisor on reconstruction, and Mariah Yeager from SMA to co -host the conversation.
00:00:52 JACK GAINES
We brought in Pavlo to discuss the current state of conflict reconstruction and the strategy for post -conflict reconstruction, as well as how to overcome the challenges of balancing government oversight with designing a system that removes major corruption while managing Ukraine's transition into the EU. I set up this interview because I know there are a lot of diplomats, aid workers, and service members focused on helping Ukraine now and after the conflict. So let's get started. I think it's critical that people are looking forward to the future of Ukraine, the vision of where it's going and how it could be. And your work has been seminal in going around the international community, talking to leaders, talking to people about how important it is to support Ukraine in its current fight, but also to look at the future and how Ukraine can be a partner in the international community and how they can help support making that happen.
00:01:48 PAVLO KUFTA
Oh, and by the way, I have to give a warning to you guys. If I drop out suddenly, this means there is a blackout. Because periodically electricity goes out, unfortunately, these days in Ukraine. So I will be back with you in a minute or two. I just simply need to shift to my mobile. Actually, that's kind of my main job these days. I'm working with a whole bunch of companies, mostly European, mostly from Central Europe, on getting them into the reconstruction effort. Right now, a lot of it is focused on energy. We spend about a third of our time here without electricity. I mean, I have a generator in my house. I'm also installing battery systems now. With all that, I should be going more or less independently. Most of Ukrainians actually live in multi -apartment buildings. Millions of families suffer from that, and into the winter it will be even tougher. And here I actually have to thank the American public for their help, because it's actually USAID spearheading the provision of gas generation. the small steel power plant running a natural gas to Ukraine for the winter to actually make it through. Because the blackouts will be with us for a year or two now, but one thing is to periodically have electricity, another is freeze to death in the winter. We really need that equipment here that aid is quite appreciated. It's life -saving.
00:03:17 JACK GAINES
Now, you're private industry, but you're also the senior advisor to the Minister of Finance on... Ukraine Reconstruction, right?
00:03:25 PAVLO KUFTA
Reconstruction. We're actually now out. You've heard about the old team.
00:03:30 JACK GAINES
Yeah, Mr. Mustafa, right? Mustafa is the head of the agency, and Mr. Alexander Kubrick,
00:03:36 PAVLO KUFTA
who was an advisor, he was the deputy prime minister for Reconstruction. Now the team for the Reconstruction is not in limbo, but it's hanging up in the air. We don't know who will be appointed, how will the system work now?
00:03:51 JACK GAINES
Well, like most cabinets in war, people rotate in and out because of stress, because of politics, family, everything else. Well, there's politics in every country, right? Yeah. Because as a private citizen working in a private industry, you're able to continue focusing even as the reshuffles occur.
00:04:09 PAVLO KUFTA
I've been working on that simply as a voice in Ukraine, respected and heard as one of the top economists in the nation, as someone who has close relationships to literally everyone in the government. These are my former colleagues for many years. Some of them I've known for more than a decade we've worked together. So I'm working with everyone, and reconstruction has been my priority since a short stunt at the front lines.
00:04:57 JACK GAINES
We all have skills that we have to go forward with. Right, but your work in economics is much larger.
00:05:04 PAVLO KUFTA
The magnitude is totally different. So since then, I've been engaged mostly in the efforts for reconstruction of Ukraine. I've produced some internal reports to the government and how to help construction so that it is most conducive to private sector. Because my firm opinion is that the key to get Western multinationals,
00:05:27 PAVLO KUFTA
because that is the type of economic agent. or let's say stakeholders that we lack in Ukraine. I mean, there are many multinationals here. They're working here, they're present in the market, but compared to the more successful economies of Eastern Europe who are in the EU, the share of international companies, multinationals present there is much larger. And consequently, the structure of the economy is much different, much less resource -based. more complex, more production -oriented, more knowledge -based. So that is what we want to do, right? We will not be rebuilding this old Soviet industry that has been destroyed by the war. It's useless. Just to illustrate, so these blackouts, why are they happening? Because the Russians have done a concentrated, unfortunately quite successful, assault and sprained on Ukrainian energy system. But what they have destroyed, they have destroyed all power. That's the bulk of the assets that they have wiped out. They've also damaged heavily old hydroelectric dams, but the main problem comes from these full power plants. These were old Soviet assets, essentially in our conditions in Europe destined for being thrown out. We're switching to gas. Europe is switching to green renewables. That's what happened to them anyway. So what the Russians have done is in a very destructive and catastrophic fashion, but they've... If destruction, that would have happened anyway. Because the coal power plants are out. We're not going to lose. But the question is what to build instead. Because depending on the success on that endeavor, that is actually, you know, the definition of victory here for me. Because victory is not just getting Russians out or getting to some stable peace. Victory is throwing them out, drawing the iron curtain behind them. and then rebuilding Ukraine in a way that would clearly make it as successful as its EU natives. Because that way, we will firmly get this territory and this nation into the West, integrate them in such a way where it will become fixed. In the same way as Poland has become fixed as part of the Western alliance, in the same way as Slovakia has become fixed as part of the Western alliance. Even Hungary, with all these political issues around it, political conflicts. still is firmly fixed in NATO, EU, Western political structures, and ultimately it's not about anywhere. And that is actually the goal, which I believe it's not just about restoring justice, it's not just about stopping bloody war, it's also about finally closing that tissue between the two worlds, between the West and the authoritarian Asia that Russia essentially represents. Because if Ukraine is no more in some kind of gray zone where we don't know what it is, the two sides can fight for it. Or at least Russia can pretend it's fighting the West over Ukraine, right? While the West was not really fighting and then had to come in to help Ukraine. So we close that picture. Once that picture is closed, once it's clear to everybody where the border between the two civilization and the border should run on the eastern border of Ukraine.
00:08:38 JACK GAINES
Okay. Have you been working with Parliament on building up better foreign investment laws to protect companies coming in with the government of Ukraine as well as going out into the international community and recruiting foreign investment?
00:08:54 PAVLO KUFTA
Actually, that's kind of what my career was mostly about. It's not about fighting groups or some kind of social justice. It's about an old Soviet corrupt model of the economy where essentially, Whoever is in power, whoever has begun, exploits everyone else, extracts resources from them. Versus the modern, liberal, normal market economy, where people earn money meritocratically, right? Whose ideas is better, who work more devoted wins, resources. And that's how it worked. And that's at the core of this question of Ukraine. Because you hear a lot of talks about Ukrainian corruption. Mostly these go nowhere. either descriptions of some corrupt officials, but this doesn't really tell you the nature of what we're dealing with. And we're dealing with this old legacy, because that is how the Soviet system essentially comes. You had the party and their apparatus, kind of keeping everyone else enslaved and then exploiting them. That's international, that's what Soviet Union was. Since that system did not really collapse, rather there was a kind of gradual transition. The former communists declared themselves now to be nationalists and pretended they are pro -independent Ukraine. Well, really, they are the former party bosses. Unlike to the West, unlike in Poland, where the system crashed and the new people came and the old guys were kicked out, and Ukraine did not happen. And that's why Ukraine went on this different path, much less successful. Because then no really quick and sharp reforms were possible. Well, there was a lot of shock here, but there was no therapy. because there were no real market reform. Instead, there was this mishmash of gradual introduction of market mechanisms into the Soviet system, which allowed to generate future profits, which created dollar guards, which created all kinds of injustices, instead of a normal market economy where you compete in whoever is better with. So that legacy is the problem, and that's what we're trying to get rid. And it's a fight right now. These days, it's a fight. I believe to win it, what we need is a proper... integration into the eu so it's kind of a carrot stick where the country has to change its system in exchange for money but not just giveaways for it to grow just hand something into the budget and you know they pay pensions with it no what we're talking about is an exchange okay you change your environment we give you structural funds to build up infrastructure to attract investment So the reforms create a better environment for the actors which we bring in to then change our economy, kick out the oligarchs. And then in a proper market time, really corruption, it doesn't disappear, right? Then you need a strong state, good institutions to fight it.
Thank you. What is the scope for greater political decentralization as a route to limiting corruption?
00:11:52 PAVLO KUFTA
So decentralization has been ongoing in Ukraine. It's been a tool used pretty heavily over Europe. So all European countries were pretty centralized, unlike the U .S. Federal nations, all European countries used to be very centralized at some point. Then they realized that it's very inefficient. And they've started descent. It makes the system more efficient because it introduces competition on the level of local authorities. The decision -making is much closer to people, so it's much more effective and more efficient. It's simply a better system. It's not necessarily a tool for fighting. Because what happens is corruption from the center and it moves to the big cities or towns, local buildings. Not necessarily better. I mean, the examples are everywhere, including the states. We all know, like, towns captured by corrupt officials who then start rigging local election systems. perpetuating themselves in power, even in very developed countries. So these things can happen in any of this environment. So no, decentralization, I would say it's just simply a necessary reform for a modern way of life, because our modern societies are way too complex to be governed for one capital city. And that's why, you know, when people start talking about using some kind of strategist model, free construction of Ukraine, right? Let the state control everything and it will run everything. They don't know what they're talking about because that is exactly the way to create new oligarchy, new corruption, and to fail miserably. We need to keep it as a free market competition, as many Western companies and businesses as we can get, as much Western funding, Wester
Welcome to One CA Podcast.
Today, Brian Hancock talks with Phillip Smith about his experience as commander of the 451 Civil Affairs Brigade, his time as a student at the Army War College and his work designing how Civil Affairs can respond to domestic crises and disasters.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to "Traveller" for the sample of Federico Abuele's "Contigo." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-AL7q5mDSc
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I'll be your host for this session. Today we have with us Lieutenant Colonel Philip Smith. He serves on an active duty tour at the Joint Staff J -5 in the Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasian Affairs Division. In his civilian capacity, Lieutenant Colonel Smith is an Assistant Attorney General in the State of Texas. where he works on general civil litigation. Quick reminder for the audience, all remarks are solely those of myself and the prosecutors. Now, you've done many things in your 26 -year military career, and can you walk us through your journey where you started in military intelligence, then moved to psychological operations, and now are in civil affairs. Tell us a little bit about that journey.
Absolutely. So going all the way back to 2002, coming out of Texas Tech, I don't really know that I had a great bead on where I was going to go. And I knew that I wanted to do military intelligence. I recall at advanced camp when I went through in summer of 2001, before 9 -11, we had what you call branch orientation day and all the branches presented their best foot forward. And I recall that we had the G2 from I -Corps there. And he didn't really put on much of a presentation. It was a lot like, hey, I get 5 ,000 or however many applications. And I know that he was addressing the active component there. But I had things pretty well sewn up as far as a unit. The 413th Civil Affairs Battalion was going to take me in as their S -2. So I knew that I had everything locked in. Well, then 9 -11 happened one month almost to the day after graduating from advanced camp. And I recall that they had to rebuild the sessions packets from scratch. Normally by about Thanksgiving, you would get your branch assignments, but we didn't get ours until spring break in March of the next year. So it was a different time moving from there to OBC. I went to Fort Huachuca at a time when seeing the ground invasion in Iraq happened, OIF -1 happened while I was at OBC. And I thought, oh my God, just like everything else that had occurred prior to this time. Desert Storm, Panama. It was going to be over before I had a chance to get over there, participate in something that made history.
You're concerned that it's going to be over before you can go in and lend a hand. That's very impressive. It's what you train for. You never hoped for it,
for. You never hoped for it, but when it happens, you want to be part of that effort. You want to be part of that victory. And so I moved very quickly afterwards to get to deploy over there. I went with... field artillery battalion for the West Virginia National Guard, and then stayed there for another year. So I did two years back -to -back because the unit that replaced us was the Texas National Guard. And being able to then spend that year in Iraq with those folks was another opportunity that your friends that you grew up with in Iraq can be able to partake in an effort of that magnitude with them. It was just a tremendous opportunity. So I stayed there another year and then came back home, finally, And then went and took a tour after I sat for the LSATs at the Joint Analysis Center and RAF Molesworth from USUCOM, working on counterterrorism capabilities for several North African countries and leading a team that put those together and directing them and helping to guide their efforts was another great opportunity. From there, law school, three years. for 15th Civil Affairs Battalion then after that. And then got back home to Dallas after graduating, went to the 345th PSYOP in Dallas. And from there, had the opportunity to go through the PSYOP -2 course with you and then got ready to deploy to Horn of Africa. Preparing for deployment.
for deployment. Do you remember those heavy days?
Brian, I absolutely do. And we had a great group in that class. It does seem like a lifetime ago, and that was a great opportunity to be able to exercise those skills that we learned. I think from one of the best in the trade, Greg Cisa, I think absolutely one of the best instructors that we could have hoped for and gotten really prepared us well for deployment. And then also my experience at the SOC pack. built upon those prior experiences. But yes, it has been a while. And I look back fondly. I don't know how fondly I look back at Camp McCall. But, you know,
know, we would take the bad. Now, the coordinating assignment for successful officer careers, of course, battalion command. Now, you were the battalion commander for the 451st Civil Affairs Battalion. What was that lot?
Just a tremendous experience to be able to work with some of the finest in our profession. in our regiment to take the 451 battalion that was coming off of COVID and in many respects not seeing each other in at least a year. It was a very trying time because you have to have that physical face -to -face. So that was one challenge that we inherited when I took command. We went in two CTC rotations, NTC, JRTC, and then we had a warfighter just before I relinquished commands.
That's a pretty ambitious schedule just coming out of what it mattered to a year at Reset. You're getting back together and trying to establish policies, procedures, stand up training and prepare for the mission. And then the missions just fall in on you back to back. Absolutely. How did you overcome them?
Correct response to a situation is sometimes no response, but to let the situation transpire a bit, get you a little bit more information and not to knee jerk, I think was one of the biggest lessons that I distilled out of battalion command. Sometimes you need to let things transpire or let your subordinates make the decisions and run with things and not interject. Let them grow and develop or let the situation transpire.
instance, we had a lot of unsatisfactory participants. And the problem was essentially getting people to physically show up. You mentioned problem solving and everything starts with framing the problem. How do we get people back to drill? So what I did was I sat down with my sergeant major and chaplain, and we decided to develop what we called the battalion wellness working. And what we did through that was we would have the sergeant major, the chaplain. And the first sergeants from the companies sit down and just see how can we engage these soldiers? Who are the problem soldiers that we're recognizing some of these signs and that we're not seeing things that we're having contact with, but we're not able to connect with? And how can we connect and bring them in? And our chaplain was tremendous in being able to facilitate that and provide some ideas and being a conduit for our companies to be able to bring. and reconnect the soldiers. So that post -COVID world was a great challenge. The other one that I have sticking out in my mind was NTC, which was our first CTC rotation. And we had a trucker strike. Our truckers would not cross the picket line to go into California. You just can't make this stuff, right? Not one bit. So I have soldiers there at Fort Irwin with no equipment. And it's, sir, what are we going to do? And basically it was, hey, you're going to have to try to hitch a ride. You know, a lot of it was just questioning the company commander to try to lead him to the right conclusion. And together we worked on it to resolving it was basically a nut you can't crack. You can't materialize those vehicles there. But at the same time, you know, you need some transport. So you're going to have to really knuckle down on that relationship with the supported unit. You're really going to have to do something at least until the strike breaks. So a lot of what I found working with my company commanders, and I had a tremendous slate of company commanders that were great. I had Courtney Bone was my HHC commander during the warfighter. I had Matt Horschow as my Charlie company commander. Both these challenges developed into something where I think that as a commander. You are more of a shepherd insofar as you've got to work with your people and you've got to lead them to the resources. Part of development and growth is to cause them to exercise the six most important inches of real estate on the battlefield. And that's the gray matter between your ears. And I think as commanders, we have to facilitate that.
Right. Give them the estate and give them positive feedback. I think that positive feedback may be something that we don't do the best job in the military. I'm not sure we coach and mentor as effectively as we could at times. But critical to learning, it seems like we have to experience things ourselves for us to really cement that learning. Well, let's look at the flip side. We've talked about some of the challenges. We know that it's not easy to be a battalion commander. And sometimes, at least in Comp3, there have been some difficulties in getting enough people to manage this. So, curious to you for throwing your name in the hat and getting selected. In that time, I imagine it was a very valuable experience, though. Did you do anything particularly novel or anything that you found in your good time? And can you tell us a bit about it?
Absolutely. I think that each one of those events and the outcomes from them are something that remain a source of pride for me during my command tenure. I think that the legacies that... Sergeant Major Hardy Hay and I left for the 451. I would like to think that they echo to this day. All of them are a testament to the dedication of the soldiers of the 451. One is Resolute Sentinel, Guatemala, where we sent CA teams down there. We had an enduring presence. They're going to Southcom and supporting efforts down there. And to great aplomb to the soldiers down there, that was something I'm proud of and how we were able to achieve effects. And then finally, the three -quarter warfighter exercise, we supported 1st Cavalry Division. A great opportunity to be able to go down there, interface with our active component brothers and sisters, and support them in an exercise of tremendous magnitude. Again, achieved tremendous effects in many cases. I couldn't have been prouder to see our soldiers really shine a light and set the example. That was the capstone for my command.
command. Earlier, we'd see one of the regional groups has had such a kind of doings, filling all the battalion command positions. They did the public report for how to be studied on. I think it was a missed opportunity that many of the battalion commanders that I had talked to and said, look, this is a very demanding timeline. You're looking at, oftentimes, 20 plus hours a week doing various things, whether it's... Signing papers, drafting things, reviewing things, making decisions, building plans, political coordinations, etc. So you've got that road when you are sitting as a battalion commander. Then you've got clearly a very challenging civilian career. Do you have any advice for the audience, those folks who find themselves in a very demanding civilian job, at the same time as a very demanding military job? How do you manage your time to make sure that you stay healthy?
I found that really kind of prioritizing things helps and sitting down and setting the time aside for all of those aspects that you mentioned really helps. And I've found just from other leaders and mentors that I've talked to and worked with, and this is what I've adopted, is setting aside the time to give to each one of those aspects every day. Obviously, when not on orders, what am I going to do? I've got a lot more time dedicated than to the civilian job. But I always set aside at least maybe an hour every day or period of time to look at the prioritized issues, especially when in command, what's being presented to. Now, that's not to say that fires don't pop up, things don't occur that demand immediate attention. heavily empowered my subordinates. I think you've got one battle as a commander where you really knuckle down on assessing your AGR full -time staff leadership. That paramount when you take command because those are the folks you're going to be relying on and you've got to assess everything. Exactly. And those are the people that are going to become the threshold filter and you've got to assess your confidence in them and where that contours of that confidence lie. And so, I was always confident in my operations officers that I gave them signature authority. My SSA, I gave Ms. Glasgow 451, I gave her signature authority because I could trust them. And that's the thing, trust and confidence. A
Please welcome Mickey Bergman, lead author of the book "In The Shadows," where he discusses his experiences negotiating the release of hostages and people unlawfully imprisoned in some of the most restrictive places on Earth.
In the book, Mickey takes the reader through his time working with Governor Bill Richardson and, after his death, transforms his legacy into the non-profit Global Reach, where he now brings in a community of people to continue the work.
This is part two of a two-part episode. Check out last week's episode to hear part one.
Global Reach Website: https://www.reach.global/
Link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Shadows-High-Stakes-Negotiations-Americans-Captured
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Today's music is a tribute to James Chance, who passed away this week. The solo is from his album White Cannable. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/vUfcWDHMEQY?si=gPGLKe6_05aFSE24
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Please welcome Mickey Bergman, lead author of the book In the Shadows, where he discusses his experiences negotiating the release of hostages and people unlawfully imprisoned in some of the most restrictive places on earth.
00:00:49 JACK GAINES
In the book, Mickey takes the reader through his time working with Governor Bill Richardson, and then after his death, transforming his legacy, into a nonprofit called Global Reach. This is the first of a two -part episode. The second part will air next week. Enjoy. I really appreciate you guys reaching out. I did finish the book. It was great. And in my perception of it, it kind of encapsulates the work and legacy of Governor Richardson and then that transformation that you had to do with his death into Global Reach. So it was kind of both a historical document. and continuing the work through the aggregate of other specialists in the field, and then continuing on with the mission. Is that similar? Am I right on your goals?
Yeah, no, you're right. It's interesting because, look, I wrote the book. Obviously, the governor was alive, and he hasn't even read it because I was waiting until the manuscript was final in order to share it with him because the governor referred to him as Gov. He was like my six -year -old father. You know, father figure, but also juvenile as a six -year -old. And I knew for the first time in his life, somebody else was telling the stories and the role that he played and not him. And that's a great thing to have. And I think it comes out really, really well in the book, but I knew that he's going to nitpick and find something and give me hell for it. So I was really, really dreading. point. And so I wanted to give it to him when it's done, when I can't do anything about it. It's already published, boss. What can you say? But then he died. And I'm sad that he didn't get to read it. But after he died, I figured that I can't publish a book and not address his death. So basically, I wrote it in one day. I wrote this section to him and telling the story of how I found out and then touching on the first mission that we did after his death. And that's where Global Reach kind of came in. So it was not intentional in the design of the book, but out of circumstances, it was important to convey that this continues. And not only that, the mission to Venezuela, where the book ends with us going, the book does not cover the actual mission and the fact that 13 Americans came home in December, partially because of that mission. So I like that dynamic. At some point, you have to cut.
00:03:13 JACK GAINES
You have to because you're constantly on another mission. Correct.
Because they just continue to go.
00:03:18 JACK GAINES
Yeah. Reading that last portion, that was my perception is you were focused absolutely on a good ceremony and burial for the governor. But this Venezuela issue was on the back of your neck the whole time. And so to me, reading it, it felt like you were like, all right, the best way to appreciate this is after the ceremony. Get back to work and finish his mission, his goals, and then find a path forward from there.
Yeah, and not only that, we had the trip to Venezuela was planned before he died. And we had a whole process. We knew exactly where the deal was stuck. We had an idea for it. We wanted also to make sure that the two Green Berets that were there in Venezuela, Luke Denman and Aaron Berry, are included in it because they were never designated. by the U .S. government as wrongfully detained, we were very worried that they would not be included. So we needed to get that commitment directly from the Venezuelan leadership to lock them into the deal. And we had that all set up to the extent that the day before the governor died, I actually shared with the families that were going. And then when I got the news the next day, and I was like, the first thing, of course, is the personal grief that you have. The second thing is, oh, shoot, he was my access over there. He had a relationship with Maduro. He had a relationship with Jorge Rodriguez. You know, I was like, oh my God. And it took about 24 hours to figure out, oh, he would love me to use his death for one last mission of rescue. In the WhatsApp group of the team and of the mission, we call that group the governor's last rescue.
00:04:56 JACK GAINES
Right. Wow. And that brings up an interesting point.
00:04:59 JACK GAINES
brings up an interesting point. And that is what in the tech community, they call the founder's curse. And that is the founder starts a movement or an organization and they are so entrenched in the details in the process that it's hard for them to separate the program from themselves. And often if that transformation doesn't happen, the legacy dies with the person. Almost sounds like he brought you in because he was considering his legacy and brought you into the fold and in the details to the point where he didn't predict his death. But he knew that by bringing some people like you and others in to understand the details and the nug work within the negotiations, he was sort of a life preserver to the mission versus passing away and the whole thing just goes flat.
Yeah, well, it's funny because, look, in his mind, he was immoral. Yeah. Of course, like typically they are. And he had a huge personality and a huge presence. And I worked with him for 17 years. You know, he gave me compliments and then he would balance them with punches. That's typically his management style, which was a lot of fun, right? But towards, in the last couple of years, he had these little sessions with me that were just so uncharacteristic to him. We just like to say, Mickey, you're better than everybody else just because you don't have a government title. Don't you realize that you get it better than the high officials? So he was very encouraging from that perspective, but he never spoke to me about what happens after. That is a conversation that we had without him, with his board, not because we expected him to die. Obviously, he died too soon. There was no underlying disease there or something that was expected. It was a surprise, but his mortality was not a surprise. And so we had that conversation. And then with the board immediately after, with the board of directors of the organization, because you're right, it's not the first government organization that I worked with. I've seen the founders curse. I've seen what happened immediately after the founders death, not even stepping away and retiring, just death. There is so much emotions and nostalgia because the board is made of his friends. Right.
00:07:10 JACK GAINES
Or chaos because no one knows all of the different things that are going on in the process and they have to rediscover it. Yeah.
But emotionally, we were all, including myself, like, oh, my God, we have to create a legacy. We have to continue with this. And everybody's like, no, we'll step in. We'll make sure it happens. And I remember the day after his funeral, breakfast with the board. Just informal. It wasn't a board meeting. It was just breakfast. Just to debrief. And I told him, look, the governor and I actually had a conversation after Kofi Annan passed away. The Kofi Annan Foundation kept the name, and they wanted to keep this because they were. blown in with that kind of emotional response to it. But we talked about how it just feels like all they're doing right now is fundraising full time just to keep the lights on. But there's no substance left. And it's a miserable way for an organization to die out. And so I raised it with the board. I said, look, we can try. We can see if there's sustainability in it just for a couple of months to see where things settle. But I know that despite our very raw emotions right now, life continues. And life happens. And I do not want to spend all of our time just keeping the lights on because that's not what he would love. He wanted to find a way to keep the work going. So if we can't keep it as Richardson's center and there is a law of diminishing returns on the name, let me work and put a proposal in front of the board of what it looks like to do the different pieces of this legacy. One, of course, hostages and prisoners, which is a huge chunk. And that came out to be global reach. Another one was around the program we did with the Rohingyas and humanitarian work that we did. And that we basically have moved it, found a different home for it. It's going to continue at the Stimson Center instead of the Richardson Center with the funder that funded it is moving there with our guy, Steve Ross, who's the director of that program. So he's moving over there as well. And third, I wanted more of a name legacy piece. And that's when we established and announced the... The Bill Richardson Heart of a Patriot Award, which we hope will be known as the Billy. We're trying to make that stick. And that's going to be awarded every year at the Foley Foundation Gala. And the award is going to be given to former political and policy principals that, after leaving government, use their credentials and their gravitas to help bring Americans home.
00:09:35 JACK GAINES
Let's just make it stick. Let's just start calling it the Billy Awards. I like the Billy.
like the Billy. The Billies. The Oscars, we have the Billies.
00:09:43 JACK GAINES
Well, I apologize if I cut you off on your string, but that makes total sense. So how do you guys stay afloat? If it's something sensitive, I won't add it to the show. Oh, no,
no, no, absolutely. No, as you can tell, we're an open book. We love that. So we were lucky enough that during the pandemic, because there was just no commercial flights, but we still had hostages and we still needed to go there and get people out. And the governor has met an American businessman named Steve Menzies. He's an insurance guy out of Omaha. He runs a reinsurance company called Applied Underwriters. And he's done very well for himself financially. But he's one of those, you don't see him flying rockets to space. He's a quiet guy. He does his thing. And he and the governor got to this. He said, hey, you can use my jet for some of these missions, especially in places that you can't go commercially. Right. But I'm coming with you.
00:10:37 JACK GAINES
Of course, he wants the experience. He wants to feel a part of the cause. Yeah,
he came with us in the middle of the pandemic on a mission to Venezuela. Later on, he did a few other missions with us to Russia, including the return and recovery of the Taylor Dudley. That was a month after Brittany Griner came home and we went to Russia and got the former Navy guy, Taylor Dudley, out. That's the one where you're driving through Poland.
00:10:59 JACK GAINES
the one where you're driving through Poland. That is correct. And that was Steve's plane.
is correct. And that was Steve's plane. But it's not only his plane. At that point, he already started integrating his logistics skills into this and helping us really set this up. And so when the governor passed away, Steve and I sat together and he said, Mickey, we have to continue this, not only for the name of his legacy, but for the work that it is. And he says, but. I'm no Governor Richardson. I know that what he did with you was unique. So you tell me, Nicky, if you didn't have budget constraints, how would you build that and structure this in a post -Richardson world to be not only as good as what you did, but better? And so he gave me basically a blank check to put a structure together. And we looked at, A, the piece of what we did with the governor, which was this intergovernmental mediation and negotiations. And on that, I said, well, I'm going to run that part, but I'm not going to replace Governor Richardson with a single person because there isn't such one person.
00:11:58 JACK GAINES
Right. You did an aggregate.
Yeah. I wanted a bunch of people that we have worked with over the years, former diplomats, former politicians, Republicans, Democ
Please welcome Mickey Bergman, lead author of the book "In The Shadows," where he discusses his experiences negotiating the release of hostages and people unlawfully imprisoned in some of the most restrictive places on Earth.
In the book, Mickey takes the reader through his time working with Governor Bill Richardson and, after his death, transforms his legacy into the non-profit Global Reach, where he now brings in a community of people to continue the work.
This is the first of a two-part episode. The second part will come out next week.
Global Reach Website: https://www.reach.global/
Link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/Shadows-High-Stakes-Negotiations-Americans-Captured
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Today's music is a tribute to James Chance, who passed away this week. The solo is from his album White Cannable. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/vUfcWDHMEQY?si=gPGLKe6_05aFSE24
00:00:01 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Please welcome Mickey Bergman, lead author of the book In the Shadows, where he discusses his experiences negotiating the release of hostages and people unlawfully imprisoned in some of the most restrictive places on earth.
00:00:49 JACK GAINES
In the book, Mickey takes the reader through his time working with Governor Bill Richardson, and then after his death, transforming his legacy, into a nonprofit called Global Reach. This is the first of a two -part episode. The second part will air next week. Enjoy. I really appreciate you guys reaching out. I did finish the book. It was great. And in my perception of it, it kind of encapsulates the work and legacy of Governor Richardson and then that transformation that you had to do with his death into Global Reach. So it was kind of both a historical document. and continuing the work through the aggregate of other specialists in the field, and then continuing on with the mission. Is that similar? Am I right on your goals?
Yeah, no, you're right. It's interesting because, look, I wrote the book. Obviously, the governor was alive, and he hasn't even read it because I was waiting until the manuscript was final in order to share it with him because the governor referred to him as Gov. He was like my six -year -old father. You know, father figure, but also juvenile as a six -year -old. And I knew for the first time in his life, somebody else was telling the stories and the role that he played and not him. And that's a great thing to have. And I think it comes out really, really well in the book, but I knew that he's going to nitpick and find something and give me hell for it. So I was really, really dreading. point. And so I wanted to give it to him when it's done, when I can't do anything about it. It's already published, boss. What can you say? But then he died. And I'm sad that he didn't get to read it. But after he died, I figured that I can't publish a book and not address his death. So basically, I wrote it in one day. I wrote this section to him and telling the story of how I found out and then touching on the first mission that we did after his death. And that's where Global Reach kind of came in. So it was not intentional in the design of the book, but out of circumstances, it was important to convey that this continues. And not only that, the mission to Venezuela, where the book ends with us going, the book does not cover the actual mission and the fact that 13 Americans came home in December, partially because of that mission. So I like that dynamic. At some point, you have to cut.
00:03:13 JACK GAINES
You have to because you're constantly on another mission. Correct.
Because they just continue to go.
00:03:18 JACK GAINES
Yeah. Reading that last portion, that was my perception is you were focused absolutely on a good ceremony and burial for the governor. But this Venezuela issue was on the back of your neck the whole time. And so to me, reading it, it felt like you were like, all right, the best way to appreciate this is after the ceremony. Get back to work and finish his mission, his goals, and then find a path forward from there.
Yeah, and not only that, we had the trip to Venezuela was planned before he died. And we had a whole process. We knew exactly where the deal was stuck. We had an idea for it. We wanted also to make sure that the two Green Berets that were there in Venezuela, Luke Denman and Aaron Berry, are included in it because they were never designated. by the U .S. government as wrongfully detained, we were very worried that they would not be included. So we needed to get that commitment directly from the Venezuelan leadership to lock them into the deal. And we had that all set up to the extent that the day before the governor died, I actually shared with the families that were going. And then when I got the news the next day, and I was like, the first thing, of course, is the personal grief that you have. The second thing is, oh, shoot, he was my access over there. He had a relationship with Maduro. He had a relationship with Jorge Rodriguez. You know, I was like, oh my God. And it took about 24 hours to figure out, oh, he would love me to use his death for one last mission of rescue. In the WhatsApp group of the team and of the mission, we call that group the governor's last rescue.
00:04:56 JACK GAINES
Right. Wow. And that brings up an interesting point.
00:04:59 JACK GAINES
brings up an interesting point. And that is what in the tech community, they call the founder's curse. And that is the founder starts a movement or an organization and they are so entrenched in the details in the process that it's hard for them to separate the program from themselves. And often if that transformation doesn't happen, the legacy dies with the person. Almost sounds like he brought you in because he was considering his legacy and brought you into the fold and in the details to the point where he didn't predict his death. But he knew that by bringing some people like you and others in to understand the details and the nug work within the negotiations, he was sort of a life preserver to the mission versus passing away and the whole thing just goes flat.
Yeah, well, it's funny because, look, in his mind, he was immoral. Yeah. Of course, like typically they are. And he had a huge personality and a huge presence. And I worked with him for 17 years. You know, he gave me compliments and then he would balance them with punches. That's typically his management style, which was a lot of fun, right? But towards, in the last couple of years, he had these little sessions with me that were just so uncharacteristic to him. We just like to say, Mickey, you're better than everybody else just because you don't have a government title. Don't you realize that you get it better than the high officials? So he was very encouraging from that perspective, but he never spoke to me about what happens after. That is a conversation that we had without him, with his board, not because we expected him to die. Obviously, he died too soon. There was no underlying disease there or something that was expected. It was a surprise, but his mortality was not a surprise. And so we had that conversation. And then with the board immediately after, with the board of directors of the organization, because you're right, it's not the first government organization that I worked with. I've seen the founders curse. I've seen what happened immediately after the founders death, not even stepping away and retiring, just death. There is so much emotions and nostalgia because the board is made of his friends. Right.
00:07:10 JACK GAINES
Or chaos because no one knows all of the different things that are going on in the process and they have to rediscover it. Yeah.
But emotionally, we were all, including myself, like, oh, my God, we have to create a legacy. We have to continue with this. And everybody's like, no, we'll step in. We'll make sure it happens. And I remember the day after his funeral, breakfast with the board. Just informal. It wasn't a board meeting. It was just breakfast. Just to debrief. And I told him, look, the governor and I actually had a conversation after Kofi Annan passed away. The Kofi Annan Foundation kept the name, and they wanted to keep this because they were. blown in with that kind of emotional response to it. But we talked about how it just feels like all they're doing right now is fundraising full time just to keep the lights on. But there's no substance left. And it's a miserable way for an organization to die out. And so I raised it with the board. I said, look, we can try. We can see if there's sustainability in it just for a couple of months to see where things settle. But I know that despite our very raw emotions right now, life continues. And life happens. And I do not want to spend all of our time just keeping the lights on because that's not what he would love. He wanted to find a way to keep the work going. So if we can't keep it as Richardson's center and there is a law of diminishing returns on the name, let me work and put a proposal in front of the board of what it looks like to do the different pieces of this legacy. One, of course, hostages and prisoners, which is a huge chunk. And that came out to be global reach. Another one was around the program we did with the Rohingyas and humanitarian work that we did. And that we basically have moved it, found a different home for it. It's going to continue at the Stimson Center instead of the Richardson Center with the funder that funded it is moving there with our guy, Steve Ross, who's the director of that program. So he's moving over there as well. And third, I wanted more of a name legacy piece. And that's when we established and announced the... The Bill Richardson Heart of a Patriot Award, which we hope will be known as the Billy. We're trying to make that stick. And that's going to be awarded every year at the Foley Foundation Gala. And the award is going to be given to former political and policy principals that, after leaving government, use their credentials and their gravitas to help bring Americans home.
00:09:35 JACK GAINES
Let's just make it stick. Let's just start calling it the Billy Awards. I like the Billy.
like the Billy. The Billies. The Oscars, we have the Billies.
00:09:43 JACK GAINES
Well, I apologize if I cut you off on your string, but that makes total sense. So how do you guys stay afloat? If it's something sensitive, I won't add it to the show. Oh, no,
no, no, absolutely. No, as you can tell, we're an open book. We love that. So we were lucky enough that during the pandemic, because there was just no commercial flights, but we still had hostages and we still needed to go there and get people out. And the governor has met an American businessman named Steve Menzies. He's an insurance guy out of Omaha. He runs a reinsurance company called Applied Underwriters. And he's done very well for himself financially. But he's one of those, you don't see him flying rockets to space. He's a quiet guy. He does his thing. And he and the governor got to this. He said, hey, you can use my jet for some of these missions, especially in places that you can't go commercially. Right. But I'm coming with you.
00:10:37 JACK GAINES
Of course, he wants the experience. He wants to feel a part of the cause. Yeah,
he came with us in the middle of the pandemic on a mission to Venezuela. Later on, he did a few other missions with us to Russia, including the return and recovery of the Taylor Dudley. That was a month after Brittany Griner came home and we went to Russia and got the former Navy guy, Taylor Dudley, out. That's the one where you're driving through Poland.
00:10:59 JACK GAINES
the one where you're driving through Poland. That is correct. And that was Steve's plane.
is correct. And that was Steve's plane. But it's not only his plane. At that point, he already started integrating his logistics skills into this and helping us really set this up. And so when the governor passed away, Steve and I sat together and he said, Mickey, we have to continue this, not only for the name of his legacy, but for the work that it is. And he says, but. I'm no Governor Richardson. I know that what he did with you was unique. So you tell me, Nicky, if you didn't have budget constraints, how would you build that and structure this in a post -Richardson world to be not only as good as what you did, but better? And so he gave me basically a blank check to put a structure together. And we looked at, A, the piece of what we did with the governor, which was this intergovernmental mediation and negotiations. And on that, I said, well, I'm going to run that part, but I'm not going to replace Governor Richardson with a single person because there isn't such one person.
00:11:58 JACK GAINES
Right. You did an aggregate.
Yeah. I wanted a bunch of people that we have worked with over the years, former diplomats, former politicians, Republicans, Democrats,
Today, we welcome back Major Gustavo Ferreira, a Civil Affairs agriculturalist.
Gus originally came on episode 123 to discuss agriculture's impacts on foreign policy.
Gus has published two articles,
"Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War?" and
"Taiwan's Food Resiliency—or Not—in a Conflict with China."
After publishing, Gus was interviewed on this show, which resulted in an interview with the Economist, a session at the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
and now resulting in a congressional testimony with the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission.
Gus was joined by two others but for this episode, I will only focus on his testimony and discussion with the commission. I'll include links for the full testimony and papers in the show notes.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Links: Commission link: https://www.uscc.gov/hearings/chinas-stockpiling-and-mobilization-measures-competition-and-conflict
Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War? https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/PDF-UA-docs/Ferreira-UA.pdf
Taiwan's Food Resiliency—or Not—in a Conflict with China
Special Thanks to Joyful Jamboree · CM BGM Room Bossa Nova In The Café ℗ Cloud Media Released on: 2023-05-16 Producer: CM BGM Room Composer: CM BGM Room Music Publisher: CM BGM Room.
Retrieved from https://youtube.com/watch?v=YCTzOnKNaSQ&si=v2hajnhu77yw3FzU
00:00:02 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. Or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:38 House Chair
We'll begin with Dr. Gustavo Ferreira, Senior Agricultural Economist with USDA and a Civil Affairs Ag Officer in the U .S. Army Reserve.
00:00:46 Introduction
Today we welcome back Major Gustavo Ferreira, a Civil Affairs Agriculturalist. Gus originally came on Episode 123 to discuss agriculture's impacts on foreign policy. Gus had published two articles, Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War and Taiwan's Food Resiliency or Not in a Conflict with China. After publishing, Gus was interviewed on this show, which resulted in an interview with The Economist and a session at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and is now resulting in a congressional testimony with the U .S. Economic and Security Review Commission. Gus was joined by two others. But for this episode, I will only focus on his testimony and the discussion with the commission. I'll include links in the show notes for the full testimony and papers. Enjoy.
00:01:37 House Chair
Dr. Ferreira will assess China's dependence on foreign agriculture. Next, we're happy to welcome back Dave Collins, Baker Botts Fellow in Energy and Environmental Regulatory Affairs at Rice University's Baker Institute. Mr. Collins will assess Beijing's strategic energy reserves. Finally, we'll hear from Dr. Zoe Liu, our Greenberg Fellow for China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Liu will detail China efforts and sanctions prove it to come. Thanks again to all the witnesses for your testimony. The Commissioners are very much looking forward to your remarks. I'll remind all the witnesses to please limit their remarks to seven minutes. And Dr. Ferreira, we'll begin with you.
Thank you. Good morning. Commissioners and staff, thank you very much for inviting me to this hearing. Please note that I'm not here today on behalf of the U .S. Department of Agriculture or the Department of Defense, and I'm speaking only for myself. My testimony discussed the intersect between food security and national security in the People's Republic of China, and specifically focused on grains. This issue is of the highest importance for the PRC's government, and therefore, it should warrant our attention here in the United States. For millennia, the ruling class in this country has been extremely sensitive about ensuring food security for its population, gives the precedence of famines and food crises that trigger political instability and regime collapse. While the PRC is the largest food producer in the world and has made remarkable progress in the food security space, the country also faces growing challenges to feed its population of 1 .4 billion people. Furthermore, recent events such as the African swine fever outbreaks or the war in Ukraine revealed fragilities in the PRC food system. One must understand that the term food security translates literally to grain security in the Chinese language. Not surprisingly, the nation established self -sufficient targets at 95 % or higher for rice, corn, and wheat. Despite early successes, self -sufficiency rates for some food products fell below those targets. And in early 2000s, BRC's imports of grains and oilseeds began to soar to unprecedented levels. The country is now the world's largest buy of key agricultural commodities. As an illustrated example, in the year 2000, the PRC combined imports of corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans were just above 10 million metric tons. Fast forward to 2023, and those same imports surged to 140 million metric tons. This 1 ,200 % increase was mostly driven by soybeans. as the PRC now accounts for about 60 % of the world's soybean imports, mostly supplied by the United States and Brazil. Early on, the United States was the PRC's top soybean supplier, but in the past 15 years, Brazil gradually claimed that title. As a response to this growing import dependency, General Secretary Xi Jinping made food security a national priority, and under its leadership, the PRC is now employing a multi -pronged approach to tackle this issue. Some of the main policies that I would like to highlight here include significant increases in public investment in agricultural research and development, the goal of boosting agricultural production and the domestic seed industry. Another one is the diversification of the PRC pool of agricultural suppliers to mitigate geopolitical risk for the United States. Also, a notice of expansion grain stockpiles, but these are a state secret. Therefore, outsiders can only speculate about their location, true size, and quality. Nevertheless, official communications state that the PRC has built nearly 700 metric tons of grain storage capacity. Furthermore, USDA data provide evidence that the PRC has amassed very large commodity stockpiles. As an example, in 2023, the PRC alone accounted for 67 % of the world's corn stocks and nearly 60 % of the world's rice stocks. Another important note here has to do with the question of how long this strategic research will last. in the event of a conflict or major disruptions to trade. Evidence seems to indicate that the PRC has somewhere between one to two years' worth of stocks. However, there are also questions about the conditions of those stockpiles, given the complexities and the difficulties associated with maintaining the quality of so much grain over time. Despite its efforts to improve its food security status, the PRC faces significant challenges in the future, and I would like to highlight a few. First, the loss and shortage of farmland due to rapid urbanization, widespread pollution, and uses of land for other non -agriculture purposes. Second, climate change and its impacts on agriculture production, not only in the PRC, also in Maine's supply in nations. Third, decreased availability of agricultural labor, which constrained ongoing efforts to expand domestic agriculture production. And the last one, water scarcity. The United Nations assessed that the PRC is now facing extreme water shortages due to growing demands for the agricultural sector, rapid urbanization, and pervasive pollution of water sources. Climate change will only worsen water shortage in the PRC. The bottom line is that it is very difficult for outsiders to discern whether the PRC's actions to improve its food security are just a government reaction to this structural challenge or another step in the preparation for conflict. Nevertheless, U .S. observers should attempt to identify and monitor developments in the PRC's food and agriculture space, especially those that deviate from normal market signals that could be part of a large political capitalist. An example of such an indicator would be the noticeable surge in soybean and soybean imports in the context of very low profit margins with Chinese hog farms or decreasing domestic demand for pork meat. Our main policy recommendation focuses on improving our ability to better assess the true food security situation in the PRC. To achieve that, I propose a close collaboration between non -Title 10 and 50 federal agencies that have expertise in agriculture and trade and the intelligence community, which will collect new information and data related to PRC's food security space. Such cooperation could yield important wins, such as identification of early food -related indicators that may signal potential preparation for conflict. Lastly, if the United States is to effectively leverage the PRC dependency of food imports as part of a broader economic statecraft, it will need to work closely with other global agriculture powerhouses such as Brazil, Argentina, Australia, or Ukraine. This will involve strengthening our economic and diplomatic ties with these nations. perhaps even beginning to design compensation mechanisms that will incentivize nations to use agricultural trade to pressure the PRC in the event of a conflict.
00:08:21 House Chair
Thank you, Dr. Ferreira. Going in, reverse alphabetical order. Start with Mr. Wessel. One benefit of having a last name starting with a W on this commission. Thank you all for being here. If I could get a fairly quick answer to my first question, because I have some others, but... As we look at the potential lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I think it surprised a lot of people as to the duration or the durability of the conflict. Have you seen an acceleration of stockpiling and other activities resulting from the duration of that, meaning that they think that the ability to sustain sanctions, or that a conflict could be of greater duration that they have to plan for more stockpiles. Thank you for your great question.
The conflict in Ukraine brought agriculture issues front and center, specifically strategic importance of grains and oil seeds. And he caught China right in the middle of an effort to expand his pool of suppliers. Ukraine was regarded as a key actor in their strategy. So that threw a kink in that plan. But what he did, he did alter the course in terms of stockpiling and increasing food self -revisation in the food space. I think he just accelerated. He really alerted the Chinese authorities about the perils of food supply chains, especially in an environment where some commodities are literally in the hands of two or three producers globally. And it takes one to be knocked out of the system to bring a lot of... external shocks to the markets. So, yeah, so I'll say it just confirmed the course and the need for the certain policies that are in place. Okay.
00:10:09 House Chair
Do you have any, is there any current reporting that you're aware of that would indicate sufficient capabilities to execute on a Taiwan contingency, or do we not know? For the food security space,
the Achilles heel, The PRC truly is the dependency on imported oil seeds. The thing is, in terms of how the PRC government is approaching this, first, it had to be acknowledged that we don't know the size of their stockpiles. As I stated before, it's a state secret. But even from conversations with colleagues, even the central government, Albert does not even know the true size of those stockpiles. I mean, they're massive. They're scattered across the provinces. There's issues with data, accuracy of data, reliability of some provisional data. So in terms of how to address this issue, the PRC knows there's no quick solution to it. And actually, the way they address it is eating the elephant one bite at a time. But none of those solutions will ever fix the issue. And I'll give you an example. So South America itself produces enough soybeans to supply the animal needs of China. However, that will put them on a very precarious situation because they will literally depend on the weather and crop conditions. One of the lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine,
00:11:42 SPEAKER_03
lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I think it surprised a lot of people as to the duration or the durability of the conflict.
00:11:53 SPEAKER_03
Either of the first two witnesses seen an acceleration of stockpiling and other activities resulting from the duration of that, meaning that they think that the ability to sustain sanctions or that a conflict could be of greater duration, that they have to plan for more stockpiles. Mr. Ferrer, can you start?
Sure. In the agriculture space, I think... Remaining a reliable and affordable supplier of food products to the PRC is probably the best tourist that we can design. We are intrinsically connected by this massive trade. And a conflict with the PRC will obviously result in the loss of that market and will have significant structural shocks into our agricultural sector. Now, if we want to be proactive and prepare ourselves and lean forward. We'll have to start designing policies of what to do with those surplus. We already started to diversify our exports to
Please welcome Retired Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann.
As a Green Beret, Scott designed and led the local village stability operations program in Afghanistan.
After leaving the military, he began to focus on using his experience with the struggle of transitioning from a fast-paced and high-risk lifestyle to build a healthy transition to the civilian world of work and family. As a result, he launched "Heroes Journey" to help servicemembers, first responders, and their families cope with post-crisis trauma through storytelling.
Scott also wrote and featured in the play and film "Last Man Out," which portrays the impacts of war on our Veterans and their families
Additionally, after Kabul fell to the Taliban, Scott and others launched Task Force Pineapple Express to help Afghan partners leave the country.
Lastly, Scott has made three appearances on TEDx to discuss his work with veterans and first responders and is announcing his new book, "No One is Coming to Save You," which will be released in October.
This discussion is split into two separate episodes.
The first one is to discuss Scott's work prior to the book "No One is Coming to Save You," which airs in October. The Second episode releases in September and is a discussion and the book.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Ahimsaz for the sample of “Shahamat." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wmoH-fHhwQ
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:40 JACK GAINES
Please welcome retired Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann. As a Green Beret, Scott designed and led the local village stability operations program in Afghanistan. After leaving the military, he began to focus on using his experience with the struggle of transition from a fast -paced, high -risk lifestyle to the civilian world of work and family. As a result, he launched Hero's Journey to help other service members, first responders, and their families cope with post -crisis trauma through storytelling. Scott also wrote and featured in the play and film Last Man Out, which portrays the impacts of war on our veterans and their families. Additionally, after Kabul fell to the Taliban, Scott and others launched Task Force Pineapple Express to help Afghan partners leave the country. Lastly, Scott has made three appearances on TEDx to discuss his work with veterans and first responders and is now announcing his new book, No One is Coming to Save You, which will be released in October. This discussion is split into two separate episodes. The first one is to discuss Scott's work leading up to the book, and the second is a follow -up discussion and the book. So enjoy.
00:01:48 SCOTT MANN
We run really, really hard and we've got a lot going on in our family and stuff, you know, just with my parents' help. And so getting time to just recharge and recover is, it's a long game, right? You got to play the long game.
00:02:01 JACK GAINES
Well, I don't want to get too deep into your persona. Oh, no, no, it's fine. Or your family or anything, but you're finding balance in that to where it's not killing you or anything. Well, I think so.
00:02:08 SCOTT MANN
or anything. Well, I think so. Balance is something I find myself pursuing, never achieving, but I think as best we can. My dad and I are very similar in the sense that we both, believe that when we leave this world, we will get the car in sideways with a yeehaw and roll out the door. So it's hard to turn that off, but I think you have to manage that because it's just not everybody runs at that rate.
00:02:31 JACK GAINES
Right. And also sometimes you don't know if you're going 70 or 90. Yeah. And you might be actually driving harder, faster to that skidding sideways. Yeah. Great. You know where you could have a fruitful, happy life if you pace.
00:02:36 SCOTT MANN
And you
00:02:46 JACK GAINES
Or if I just built the habit of running at this pace and I can't know how to stop?
00:02:50 SCOTT MANN
That's very well said. And, you know, you have to ask yourself sometimes, why am I running this hard or going this fast? Is it something I'm running towards or something I'm running from? That's the other thing.
00:03:01 JACK GAINES
Now that you've come full circle, you've done your time in the military, you've gotten out, you've got kids coming into the military. My audience are either diplomats or military or aid or field agents. They're in the mix right now. How do we help them to come to a better transition? Should they be working the same strategies and tactics they are with Partner Nation, with their families? Do you see them needing more space? They come home and transition. Do you support counseling? What are your thoughts on that?
00:03:34 SCOTT MANN
What makes that question even more profound is how contextually relevant to the audience that you just described to me. And you actually provided some answers in that as you asked the question, which is great. I feel like I learned more after I got out of the military about what it means to be more engaging, more effective as a father, as a husband, as a leader in the military. And I think the reason was because I went through a really, really bad transition. I went from... This place where I felt like I was very high performing as a Green Beret in Afghanistan, doing village stability operations, working very, very heavily in the interagency environment. Then all of a sudden you're out and you're walking around your house in your flip -flops, showering every other day. No one's calling. Yeah. No one's emailing you. It's like changing planets. The other part of it for me was coming back to a country that was so divided and just so different than what I had remembered. So all of that conspired to create an environment for me where it just got very dark, very disconnected, very isolated. And it caused me to really reevaluate everything about myself, everything, and question everything about myself, from my manhood to my abilities as a father, as a husband, my relevance on this earth, which was very scary. And I almost didn't come back from. But I did. And in that process, through the help of some very, very skunkum civilian mentors, was a way to kind of reconnect at the most basic primal visceral level to my own nature, to those around me, and really through old school interpersonal skills like storytelling to make meaning out of things that I had assumed that I understood. And I know that's a long way around, but what I'm getting at here is that my journey to even answer that question was really ugly and clunky, and it was post -military. And then it was reacquainting myself with the real primal realities of the human operating system and how humans navigate the world, regardless of our industry. And once I kind of reconnected with that, I found a lot of answers, I think, that I wish I had had when I was. engaging partner nations when I was in the interagency environment, when I was a father and a husband in a high stress environment. And so what I would say to maybe kick things off is I believe in the definition of leadership that Professor James Clawson puts forward out at Darden University. He says that humans are mostly energy and that leadership is the management of energy, yours and those around you. And I don't distinguish between the management of that energy with my sons. My wife, an ambassador, client at Capital One that I'm trying to work with, or an employee who's had a terrible family experience and is distraught. All of that is the management of energy in real time. Both parties trying to meet their goals. And only the context changes. And I think it's our ability to have a process for managing energy with human engagement that's so important. And I don't think there's a way of negotiating with ambassadors and a way of negotiating with your children. I think leadership is leadership and it really comes with how we lead ourselves.
00:07:02 JACK GAINES
That's interesting. You say it was an ugly transition, but it's a transition that, as you know, many veterans struggle with every day and that you actually broke through the wall. Yes, those are the first to break through any wall are going to get bloodied, but you have found a vision of expanding that voice so that others can see it. And I've kind of seen your efforts in plays and the books and the talks and the podcasts. as you trying to say, hey, yeah, it was hard. It was real hard for me. Let me help you avoid some of those things so you don't have to go that dark and you don't have to get banged up like this so that we can all come out and prosper together. Yeah.
00:07:40 SCOTT MANN
I asked myself a very troubling question, but actually a question that probably saved my life in those dark times was, do I still have relevance on this earth? Do I still have something to say? Because I felt like maybe I didn't. But as I started to really explore that question, I realized that I did. I had a lot to say. I had learned a lot as a Green Beret working in low -trust, high -stakes environments, in particular with village stability operations, because I had been gifted the opportunity as a field -grade officer to really be the program manager for Green Berets back out into the rural areas of Afghanistan, working very closely with civil affairs and SIOP, but also state department, development workers. Even the academic weeks that we would run before every deployment, it was my opportunity to put those things together. And I got to meet this amazing community of practitioners from all these different realms that would never sit in the same room together, yet they were looking at the same wicked problem. And when you brought their functionality of understanding, really, the human operating system, as I call it, this ancient creature that is hundreds of thousands of years old and how it's trying to make sense of a modern world. It was the synthesis of all these wonderful points of view from these various disciplines and agencies that helped me craft a methodology that I still teach today. I call it rooftop leadership, but it really is this ability to understand our innate realities as humans, what makes us tick at a practitioner level, well, not a clinical level, and then use those as filters in how we see ourselves and how we see the world that most people don't take the time to do in this churn that we're in. but also as levers for authentic influence, storytelling, active listening, nonverbal physicality, breath. And that actually informed the answer to my question because I said to myself, man, if I could share that, that I learned at the latter part of my career on how to go into these really dynamic environments and manage the energy in the room through the science, not just the art, but the science of old school interpersonal skills. What could that do in this time of low trust and churn here in the country? So for me, that was a real profound answer because then once I learned how to use storytelling to do that, storytelling became the modality by which I could bridge this gap. And then once that emotional breach was done, then come in with the things about the human operating system that we've ignored, we've forgotten, that can really address a lot of today's ills. And that started to give me purpose again. It started to give me meaning again. And frankly, it allowed me to evolve into, I consider myself an artist. I consider myself a catalyst. I consider myself a person who was put on this earth to leave tracks for others, as my dad says. So yeah, it's been a really cool ride, but I do view the rest of my life as one where I try to pour myself into other people. and really hold space for them while they figure out how they're going to have that strategic impact through human connection. And the interesting thing is that sense of purpose is universal in a lot of ways.
00:10:49 JACK GAINES
interesting thing is that sense of purpose is universal in a lot of ways. It's not just soldiers that struggle with that. Yeah. And they struggle with, is this all I am? Is this what my goal is? And it takes working with these folks and trying to find out what their vision is and the challenge of overcoming all the obstacles to achieve. Some sense who they are and why they are a part of this earth. It's a tough one, especially if people are really ambitious. That's a hunger. That's a beast to feed.
00:11:19 SCOTT MANN
feed. And we're taught to be that way in the line of work that most of your listeners are in. We're conditioned that way at a subconscious level. We already have drivers to pursue that, or you probably wouldn't be in that line of work. But here's the thing. You just gave a perfect example that I'd like to just back up and pull the thread on a little bit when you talk about purpose and meaning. So in my book, Nobody's Coming to Save You, that I've got coming out this fall, that is one of the areas where we go deep. And so purpose and meaning, we talk about it all the time. But to me, it was always kind of nebulous. Even when Simon Sinek talks about people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. I love that statement, but I couldn't help but wonder, yeah, but why is that? And I'm like a little five -year -old. Because I need to know why that is. The Green Beret in me wants to understand the science of it. This just I'm OK, you're OK kind of thing. This just good self -talk and I should do it because you said so. There was so much skepticism coursing through my veins. I needed to understand at a visceral fundamental level why meaning and purpose is so profoun
Welcome to the ONE CA Podcast. I’m LTC Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we have Major Megan O’Keefe-Schlesinger with us to discuss Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). MAJ Schlesinger, welcome to the show!
Megan O'Keefe-Schlesinger is an Information Advantage practitioner. She has served in the Nevada National Guard medical detachment, the Pacific, Europe and the Middle East in various capacities from the Army Medical Department to civil affairs planner and leader with special operations. In her downtime she volunteered with Team Rubicon assisting with disaster relief in the Mid West and COVID vaccine events. As a student at the command and general staff officer college she studied Defense Support to Civil Authorities and Homeland Security at the University of Kansas School of Law. She went on to study the impacts of automation on the Army and applying emerging concepts in multi-domain operations to large scale military exercises.
Disclaimer: A quick reminder for the audience that all remarks are solely those of the presenters.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at [email protected]
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to BluntedBeatz for the sample “Summer Breeze.” Retrieved from https://youtu.be/3P8Xz71BLes?si=r4-xvwcG21cLMWrO
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we have with us Jedi Knight, Major Megan O’Keefe-Schlesinger, an information advantage practitioner. She has served in the Nevada National Guard, the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East in various capacities, from the Army Medical Department to civil affairs planner and leader with special operations. In her downtime, she volunteered with Team Rubicon, assisting with disaster relief in the Midwest. As a student, she studied defense support to civil authorities, or DISCA, and Homeland Security at the University of Kansas School of Law. She went on to study the impacts of automation on the Army and applying emerging concepts in multi -domain operations to large -scale military exercises. Quick disclaimer before we get into it, all the remarks made by the participants are solely ours. Now, I first met you when you were out here in Europe on a School of Advanced Military Studies Utilization Tour.
And you were here at United States Army Europe in Africa in the G35. I certainly do.
certainly do. And boy, does it feel like time has absolutely flung. But being a student and a practitioner from the Advanced Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth really allowed me to appreciate and understand the value that that education brings to the joint force and certainly in a complex environment like Europe, where NATO multinational operations truly are at the forefront of everything that we do.
I love what you said about the complexity of the environment with all these different partners. Many of us spend much of our time in the tactical arena where we really don't have to think about sovereign first world governments allowing us to do this type of training or not do this type of training or capabilities that we don't have in our army that they bring and suddenly you're working with. It's super exciting, very different than what we're normally used to. I think we'll probably talk a little bit more about that as we go through some of our questions and some of the experience that you've had out here. Let's start with your current tradecraft. You have many diverse interests and are well -versed in many different topics, but we only have about 40 minutes here, so we'll stick to just a few. Let's start with information operations. Tell the audience, why did you settle on I .O. or have you?
Oh, I don't think as a voracious learner and a curious leader, you ever really settle in the Army. I think our best leaders remain generalists. And so that is some of the appeal of the role of information operations, which we have transitioned to this phrase called maintaining an information advantage. From my early days in the National Guard onto my volunteer time, with various organizations, like you mentioned, Team Rubicon, you start to appreciate the role that crisis communication has, the role of informing and protecting an audience. But I really got interested in this field as a captain when I got to see the interplay between civil affairs, the interplay of psychological operations, electronic warfare, cyber and space. And it's amazing when you as a military planner have the ability to nest these things together, just how rewarding the art of planning becomes. And so to be interested in a field like any functional area in the Army particularly, you can't just go into it as a lieutenant. You have to come from another assessed branch. As a lieutenant, you might assess into infantry or signal or intel, certainly. And then you get the opportunity later on to say, you know, maybe I want to apply that to a new field and try to become a specialist in a unique way. And that's really the field of the FA30s. We all come from a different background. And that complexity or maybe the dynamic backgrounds of the individuals help to spark creativity, help to approach problem solving differently. And so I don't think any two IO officers are alike in that sense, because like I said before, you become more of a generalist and learning how to apply a vast array of combined arms into orders and plans. And so I came into this field almost about five years ago. I wanted to be able to mature into a field where I could take not just CA, but the combined information forces in a way where as a leader and as a manager, I got a little more toys to play with, if you will.
I could see from personal job satisfaction, you're a pretty bright light. I used to be a pretty bright light. I'm going to get a little older, but One of the things that I love about some of these aspects of information operations is how they rotate us every few years in the military to keep our education going. It's part of that broadening that we do. But within FA30, you have all of those things that you've mentioned. Are you interested in space? Great. You can do it. Are you interested in cyber? Great. You can do it. Are you interested in psyop? Great. You can do it. All of those things, they're all available to you. They're all open to you. All those schools, all those. training opportunities, all those career opportunities. With one functional area, you can play in any of those, which I think would keep my interest for a long time.
Well, and what's unique to functional areas, and I did not know this until later on in my career, it is unique to active duty. And there's a great value in what the reserves in the National Guard are able to apply in the realm of information operations because you may not be a branded FA -30. But that's not to say that in our theater information operations groups, we don't have quite a complex and diverse background of leaders who may come from the fields of intel or civil affairs or psychological operations. and have the chance to go through the information operations qualification course at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. So there may be a lack of awareness of these things that we call functional areas because they are slightly more unique to active duty officers who kind of track. In a way that I think the reserves have a little more flexibility to explore career fields and continue to grow and expand their knowledge base without necessarily being bound to one specific area of concentration.
That's true. Many of us have like three MOSs. That's not uncommon in the reserve as you move units. They'll let you go to whatever bill at MOS you are sitting in at the time. And they're happy to do that because many of these fields that you mentioned are non -accession fields. So they have to take folks from other base branches and move them over. They are used to doing that and are happy to do that. Now, I believe one of the National Guards on the East Coast has an IO qualification course that COMPO2 National Guard and COMPO III Army Reserve can go to. A friend of mine went to that. And I assume they award the FA -30 a functional area upon successful completion. But that sounds like that that is not a normal career pathing for many of our I .O. folks. So most of the folks that I know I've worked with in FA -30s are, as you said, from COMPO I, from the active duty component. And that's been wonderful. I think being a generalist also probably gives you some job security if you think about it. Now, when I was growing up, there was something called the S -curve, which would measure the acceptance of technology when a new critical tech comes out and is released in business. How long does it take for that to be adopted, to become ubiquitous, and to change the way business is done? And that used to be about a five -year period of time where some disruptive technology would come out, like the microcomputer, and it would just change the way business was done forever after. But that's now down to less than two years, where highly disruptive technologies, which at times eliminate entire job fields. So if you're a specialist and you've got a lot of education in a narrow niche, there's a lot of risk there that that field could go away when a disruptive technology is released. But as a generalist, we may not know as much about a specialist in their given field. But if one thing just isn't viable anymore, we just switch to something else. So I think there's some other auxiliary value to your generalist approach.
Sure, sure. disruptive technologies. The Army is always attempting to forecast future challenges across the world, future problems it might face. And part of the approach to preparing for those challenges is through modernization and experimentation. And the field of information operations has been around for decades. And we think about the application in the Gulf Wars was quite successful. And as we come around now to moving into the nearly the 2030s, we're still applying some of those fundamentals. The common phrase that folks are arguably relearning is called multi -domain operations. We're really layering that space and that cyber maritime air and land across dimensions, right? Whether that's human information or physical. And so how do we collectively as planners As operators, think about how we have to fight across warfighting functions, whether it's the offense, whether it's the defense, or whether it's in response to disaster. Applying information, as it were, to the spectrum of operations that we tend to get involved in, from the small conflict battles to the larger campaigns. We are not in the Civil War era where we can think without the internet. And as a result, the information operations realm really looks to maximize our ability to continue the fight, protecting the command and control,
command and control, protecting data, and really trying to maintain an advantage.
Would you say that's a decision advantage? Because when we look at the information advantage doctrine, I don't think it's clear what the terminal outcome is supposed to be that is battlefield significant. I think it's decision advantage. We can run our OODA loop faster than the enemy. We make better, faster decisions, which allow us to gain and maintain the initiative and put the enemy progressively into a situation which they can't cope, which hopefully leads to their... early culmination. Is that how you see information advantage?
Oh, I think this is a topic of great debate right now. Yeah. And, you know, I'll say that the November 2023 publication of the Army Doctrine Primer 313 tells us that information advantage is offensively oriented, which is somewhat the American way of war in some debate. It is combined arms, not a new topic. perhaps with layered capabilities that are emerging and modernizing today. It is commander -driven and remains soldier -enabled. So what does that mean? That is certainly not for one random FA -30 to think about. It is a complex series of decisions, thought processes, planning frameworks that have to be applied to improve our decision -making ability. So what is information advantage? I think it is many a things. And we continue to evolve and debate what it means because at the end of the day, acronyms and terms of reference, they do matter, but that doesn't mean that they can't change.
Well said. You mentioned earlier warfighting functions. I think we traditionally think that way. I'm not convinced that all combat power is defined by what we call warfighting function. So one example that's close to home for both of us, information is not a warfighting function in the Army. But of course, much of our topic today is about that and why it's important. It is a joint function. And for the Marine Corps, it is a warfighting function. Do you think the Army is going to follow in that path? Or how do you think we in our branch are going to ultimately treat information?
So a warfighting function, for those that may not be familiar with these terms, we talk about intelligence, we talk about fires, we talk about these rather general terms that help bucket the way that we break down our staffs and prioritize who focuses on what. Whether as sustainment, you know, we might think of a logistics officer. Fires, we might think of a field artilleryman. But debatably, the realm of information truly does span the full warfighting functions gamut. And so to separate it out into its own might be dismissive of the integrated nature that it has across every single warfighting function. So I'm not here to debate whether it should be an army warfighting function, because I t
Welcome to the ONE CA Podcast. I’m LTC Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we have Major Megan O’Keefe-Schlesinger with us to discuss Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). MAJ Schlesinger, welcome to the show!
Megan O'Keefe-Schlesinger is an Information Advantage practitioner. She has served in the Nevada National Guard medical detachment, the Pacific, Europe and the Middle East in various capacities from the Army Medical Department to civil affairs planner and leader with special operations. In her downtime she volunteered with Team Rubicon assisting with disaster relief in the Mid West and COVID vaccine events. As a student at the command and general staff officer college she studied Defense Support to Civil Authorities and Homeland Security at the University of Kansas School of Law. She went on to study the impacts of automation on the Army and applying emerging concepts in multi-domain operations to large scale military exercises.
Disclaimer: A quick reminder for the audience that all remarks are solely those of the presenters.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to BluntedBeatz for the sample “Summer Breeze.” Retrieved from https://youtu.be/3P8Xz71BLes?si=r4-xvwcG21cLMWrO
Host: Brian Hancock
Production: Jack Gaines
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we have with us Jedi Knight, Major Megan O’Keefe-Schlesinger, an information advantage practitioner. She has served in the Nevada National Guard, the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East in various capacities, from the Army Medical Department to civil affairs planner and leader with special operations. In her downtime, she volunteered with Team Rubicon, assisting with disaster relief in the Midwest. As a student, she studied defense support to civil authorities, or DISCA, and Homeland Security at the University of Kansas School of Law. She went on to study the impacts of automation on the Army and applying emerging concepts in multi -domain operations to large -scale military exercises. Quick disclaimer before we get into it, all the remarks made by the participants are solely ours. Now, I first met you when you were out here in Europe on a School of Advanced Military Studies Utilization Tour.
And you were here at United States Army Europe in Africa in the G35. I certainly do.
certainly do. And boy, does it feel like time has absolutely flung. But being a student and a practitioner from the Advanced Military Studies Program at Fort Leavenworth really allowed me to appreciate and understand the value that that education brings to the joint force and certainly in a complex environment like Europe, where NATO multinational operations truly are at the forefront of everything that we do.
I love what you said about the complexity of the environment with all these different partners. Many of us spend much of our time in the tactical arena where we really don't have to think about sovereign first world governments allowing us to do this type of training or not do this type of training or capabilities that we don't have in our army that they bring and suddenly you're working with. It's super exciting, very different than what we're normally used to. I think we'll probably talk a little bit more about that as we go through some of our questions and some of the experience that you've had out here. Let's start with your current tradecraft. You have many diverse interests and are well -versed in many different topics, but we only have about 40 minutes here, so we'll stick to just a few. Let's start with information operations. Tell the audience, why did you settle on I .O. or have you?
Oh, I don't think as a voracious learner and a curious leader, you ever really settle in the Army. I think our best leaders remain generalists. And so that is some of the appeal of the role of information operations, which we have transitioned to this phrase called maintaining an information advantage. From my early days in the National Guard onto my volunteer time, with various organizations, like you mentioned, Team Rubicon, you start to appreciate the role that crisis communication has, the role of informing and protecting an audience. But I really got interested in this field as a captain when I got to see the interplay between civil affairs, the interplay of psychological operations, electronic warfare, cyber and space. And it's amazing when you as a military planner have the ability to nest these things together, just how rewarding the art of planning becomes. And so to be interested in a field like any functional area in the Army particularly, you can't just go into it as a lieutenant. You have to come from another assessed branch. As a lieutenant, you might assess into infantry or signal or intel, certainly. And then you get the opportunity later on to say, you know, maybe I want to apply that to a new field and try to become a specialist in a unique way. And that's really the field of the FA30s. We all come from a different background. And that complexity or maybe the dynamic backgrounds of the individuals help to spark creativity, help to approach problem solving differently. And so I don't think any two IO officers are alike in that sense, because like I said before, you become more of a generalist and learning how to apply a vast array of combined arms into orders and plans. And so I came into this field almost about five years ago. I wanted to be able to mature into a field where I could take not just CA, but the combined information forces in a way where as a leader and as a manager, I got a little more toys to play with, if you will.
I could see from personal job satisfaction, you're a pretty bright light. I used to be a pretty bright light. I'm going to get a little older, but One of the things that I love about some of these aspects of information operations is how they rotate us every few years in the military to keep our education going. It's part of that broadening that we do. But within FA30, you have all of those things that you've mentioned. Are you interested in space? Great. You can do it. Are you interested in cyber? Great. You can do it. Are you interested in psyop? Great. You can do it. All of those things, they're all available to you. They're all open to you. All those schools, all those. training opportunities, all those career opportunities. With one functional area, you can play in any of those, which I think would keep my interest for a long time.
Well, and what's unique to functional areas, and I did not know this until later on in my career, it is unique to active duty. And there's a great value in what the reserves in the National Guard are able to apply in the realm of information operations because you may not be a branded FA -30. But that's not to say that in our theater information operations groups, we don't have quite a complex and diverse background of leaders who may come from the fields of intel or civil affairs or psychological operations. and have the chance to go through the information operations qualification course at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. So there may be a lack of awareness of these things that we call functional areas because they are slightly more unique to active duty officers who kind of track. In a way that I think the reserves have a little more flexibility to explore career fields and continue to grow and expand their knowledge base without necessarily being bound to one specific area of concentration.
That's true. Many of us have like three MOSs. That's not uncommon in the reserve as you move units. They'll let you go to whatever bill at MOS you are sitting in at the time. And they're happy to do that because many of these fields that you mentioned are non -accession fields. So they have to take folks from other base branches and move them over. They are used to doing that and are happy to do that. Now, I believe one of the National Guards on the East Coast has an IO qualification course that COMPO2 National Guard and COMPO III Army Reserve can go to. A friend of mine went to that. And I assume they award the FA -30 a functional area upon successful completion. But that sounds like that that is not a normal career pathing for many of our I .O. folks. So most of the folks that I know I've worked with in FA -30s are, as you said, from COMPO I, from the active duty component. And that's been wonderful. I think being a generalist also probably gives you some job security if you think about it. Now, when I was growing up, there was something called the S -curve, which would measure the acceptance of technology when a new critical tech comes out and is released in business. How long does it take for that to be adopted, to become ubiquitous, and to change the way business is done? And that used to be about a five -year period of time where some disruptive technology would come out, like the microcomputer, and it would just change the way business was done forever after. But that's now down to less than two years, where highly disruptive technologies, which at times eliminate entire job fields. So if you're a specialist and you've got a lot of education in a narrow niche, there's a lot of risk there that that field could go away when a disruptive technology is released. But as a generalist, we may not know as much about a specialist in their given field. But if one thing just isn't viable anymore, we just switch to something else. So I think there's some other auxiliary value to your generalist approach.
Sure, sure. disruptive technologies. The Army is always attempting to forecast future challenges across the world, future problems it might face. And part of the approach to preparing for those challenges is through modernization and experimentation. And the field of information operations has been around for decades. And we think about the application in the Gulf Wars was quite successful. And as we come around now to moving into the nearly the 2030s, we're still applying some of those fundamentals. The common phrase that folks are arguably relearning is called multi -domain operations. We're really layering that space and that cyber maritime air and land across dimensions, right? Whether that's human information or physical. And so how do we collectively as planners As operators, think about how we have to fight across warfighting functions, whether it's the offense, whether it's the defense, or whether it's in response to disaster. Applying information, as it were, to the spectrum of operations that we tend to get involved in, from the small conflict battles to the larger campaigns. We are not in the Civil War era where we can think without the internet. And as a result, the information operations realm really looks to maximize our ability to continue the fight, protecting the command and control,
command and control, protecting data, and really trying to maintain an advantage.
Would you say that's a decision advantage? Because when we look at the information advantage doctrine, I don't think it's clear what the terminal outcome is supposed to be that is battlefield significant. I think it's decision advantage. We can run our OODA loop faster than the enemy. We make better, faster decisions, which allow us to gain and maintain the initiative and put the enemy progressively into a situation which they can't cope, which hopefully leads to their... early culmination. Is that how you see information advantage?
Oh, I think this is a topic of great debate right now. Yeah. And, you know, I'll say that the November 2023 publication of the Army Doctrine Primer 313 tells us that information advantage is offensively oriented, which is somewhat the American way of war in some debate. It is combined arms, not a new topic. perhaps with layered capabilities that are emerging and modernizing today. It is commander -driven and remains soldier -enabled. So what does that mean? That is certainly not for one random FA -30 to think about. It is a complex series of decisions, thought processes, planning frameworks that have to be applied to improve our decision -making ability. So what is information advantage? I think it is many a things. And we continue to evolve and debate what it means because at the end of the day, acronyms and terms of reference, they do matter, but that doesn't mean that they can't change.
Well said. You mentioned earlier warfighting functions. I think we traditionally think that way. I'm not convinced that all combat power is defined by what we call warfighting function. So one example that's close to home for both of us, information is not a warfighting function in the Army. But of course, much of our topic today is about that and why it's important. It is a joint function. And for the Marine Corps, it is a warfighting function. Do you think the Army is going to follow in that path? Or how do you think we in our branch are going to ultimately treat information?
So a warfighting function, for those that may not be familiar with these terms, we talk about intelligence, we talk about fires, we talk about these rather general terms that help bucket the way that we break down our staffs and prioritize who focuses on what. Whether as sustainment, you know, we might think of a logistics officer. Fires, we might think of a field artilleryman. But debatably, the realm of information truly does span the full warfighting functions gamut. And so to separate it out into its own might be dismissive of the integrated nature that it has across every single warfighting function. So I
Today we welcome Natasha Zieski and discuss her journey from growing up in Zaire to becoming a US citizen and joining Civil Affairs and the State Department's Office of Conflict Stabilization. This episode is a little different, but there is a lot of good stuff in it.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to the Cafe Music BGM channel for sampling Hip Hop Jazz & Chill Jazz Summer Beach Mix - Instrumental Cafe Music. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YROyrBBf9WQ
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Jack Gaines
Today Assad Raza hosts Pawel Bernat, Juneyt Gurer, and Cyprian Kozera, authors of Proxy Wars From a Global Perspective: Non-State Actors and Armed Conflicts: https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/proxy-wars-from-a-global-perspective-9781350369283/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Rajhesh Vaidhya and Bengaluru Ganesh Utsava for the audio sample. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_iVM-6z2j4
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Assad Raza
Showrunner / editor: Jack Gaines
00:00:00 Introduction
A quick note, the guests on today's show represent themselves and their book and no other organization. Enjoy the show. Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:45 ASSAD RAZA
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. I'm your host, Assad Raza, and our guests today are Pavel Bernat, Junaid Guerrero, and Saiprin Cozada, authors of The Proxy Wars from a Global Perspective. First, congratulations, and thank you for taking the time to talk about your book with our audience today. Thank you, Asad. Thank you, Asad. So, what motivated you to write a book on proxy wars and non -state actors in armed conflicts? Who'd like to start? Cyprian? Yeah.
It pays back to some gloomy January. Syvasa Center organized a great meeting. Cyprian said, hey, let's do something about that. Because this obviously merits deeper attention. And we started working. We got so inspired. We issued an academic special issue devoted to proxy forces. And then it was yet not enough. We still had more ideas. There were more people interested in the topic. After this academic general special issue, we decided, okay, we have to go on. And then we started to work on a book, starting with theory and history, and then goes into case studies in the last decade.
00:01:50 ASSAD RAZA
Thank you, Cyprian. Before we started recording this, we had talked about... You guys noticed that there was a gap within the literature and focused on some of the contemporary proxy wars versus some of the historical ones that had been written about years ago. Pawel, I know you wanted to talk about the evolution of proxy warfare. So there are so many people interested in proxy warfare,
are so many people interested in proxy warfare, trying to understand and define what it actually means. We find ourselves in this very special time. On the one hand, we've got this interesting and needed concept of proxy warfare, but we have observed this gap of understanding what it is. And on the margin, we have to remember that it is very important not only to understand from this academic point of view, but this is crucial for policymakers. A theoretical material does not really provide proper answers to the current proxy warfare. Those traditional old definitions, they were coined during the Cold War era. Basically, you've got armed conflict, two superpowers. So, you know, NATO and Warsaw Pact. And they fight against each other indirectly. So using the territory of the third state, like Korea, Afghanistan. And then in 1991, things changed. The Soviet Union collapsed. And this very significant... geopolitical alteration started. So traditional old Cold War definitions did not provide enough exemplary power. So this is the theoretical background behind the book. What we wanted to do, we have invited specialists on different areas on the globe to provide the field data. So we, with the book, provide enough end -of -row material for future researchers and policymakers understanding proxy warfare.
00:03:52 ASSAD RAZA
Funny that you say that because I think the average person wouldn't put in consideration these shifts within the geopolitical aspect and the way it impacts the operational environment. So on that point to Juneyt, how is proxy warfare in the context of international relations?
The key thing for us today is to understand the changes in the strategic element. International relations perspective is the state objectives basically are critical, but other non -state actors matter, which means the proxy group may have something to say in that interaction. So let's look at this issue from a different perspective to give us some more explanation.
00:04:35 ASSAD RAZA
Thank you, Jeanette. Having the different perspectives contributes to the conversation and the academic rigor to understand these complex problems. specifically in proxy wars. Let's shift now to talking about the current situations. How do contemporary proxy wars and the participation of non -state actors contribute to global strategic competition? So I'll shift to Powell.
So what I'm going to talk about is the Russo -Granian war from the proxy perspective, or how the proxies were created and used by the both sides. The first thing we should do here is actually to divide the time of the conflict. So you have this first stage between 2014 and February of 2022, and then the full -scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia. So in 2014, the Russian Federation annexed Crimea and started the occupation. There was some betrayal involved and the action was actually really well prepared. Russian troops in the skies were present there. This is a great example of efficient use of hybrid warfare because the level of disinformation was just enormous. This traditional fog of war, we had basically no idea what was going on. When we look to the Donbass region in 2014, this is actually very interesting because the Russian Federation created their own proxies. So obviously, before 2014, there had been many people living in Lugansk that were pro -Russian. So what Russians did, they created units from those regions and paid them to organize and to fight. So the proxies there, that actually were created by the sponsor state, the Russian Federation. The indigenous people were not the only ones involved. There were many Cossacks from Russia, there were some other ethnic groups from Ural, but there were also straightforward criminals invited and organized to conduct the basic fighting against the Ukrainian forces. But when we look at this from this global strategic perspective, obviously proxies are used by the sponsored state when the state doesn't want to take full responsibility. This direct involvement in the conflict, you use proxies to fight this fight indirectly. So with the use of intermediaries. And you can either use the existing forces or you can create them.
00:07:24 ASSAD RAZA
Pavel, thank you. One question when you were talking about Crimea and Russia's support to the proxy for the occupation or annexation, you were saying at the strategic level, state sponsors usually don't want to take full responsibility. So some of that responsibility shift to the proxy forces and how is that looked upon within the area that they're operating in?
Sure. From the strategic perspective, that's very important to explain to the Russian society why this war is being fought. So the main argument that is actually being repeated by the Russian state propaganda over and over again has been these are our Russian -speaking people and we will engage. in order to protect them because the Ukrainian regime treats them badly. And to support this argument, you create the indigenous units who fight beside you for their freedom. So having proxies in the Donbass region, that strengthened this explanation and Russia behind this strategic move of actually going to war.
00:08:34 ASSAD RAZA
Thank you. So we'll shift now to talk about Russia's proxies in Africa. So type in.
You don't need to involve a lot of resources to win with actors. And here I mean dislocating the Western powers, France, the US, from the Sahel and Central African Republic. So Russia not being able to counter the influence, use proxy forces to the point that the West still doesn't know what to do with that, how to respond. And is it warfare? That's a question I would like to raise here, because as Pablo started in this discussion, he introduced this issue of odd theories. The classic proxy warfare theories not really sit here nowadays, because in the classic theory, armed conflict, and then proxies. What happens now if you have hybrid warfare? Is it the fifth generation of warfare? It's so hard to define. Is it a complex or not? Are we waging war with Russia? Some sabotage is happening. And then with some assassination ordered by Russia in the Western countries, the West supporting Ukraine providing weapons. It's very hard to say. So even if we don't use the term proxy warfare, it's happening. Proxy forces are being used in Africa by Russia and strategic gains. So definitely proxy warfare. It's very efficient. in Central African Republic since 2008. In Mali, 2022. Burkina Faso, 2023. Niger, last month, when the Russian mercenaries arrived to Myanmar. And it was two days ago when we learned that the Russians moved into the very same base in Myanmar and standing outside the U .S. soldiers. The U .S. troops are not any more welcome in Niger. They're moving out. moved out from Burkina Faso, French from Mali, with a hundred, a couple hundred, three hundred mercenaries, they entirely dislodged the Western forces. And with that, the influence. And now we are facing a U .S. troop leaving Chad, and we don't know where Chad will go in the next elections, which is on the 6th of May in two days. What about Senegal? the new president speaking of emancipation deals with anyone willing to enter the deal. So, looking from this perspective of the Sahel and the Sub -Saharan Africa, we see that there's plenty of proxy hybrid warfare, which brings enormous gains for a very little expense. Russia is the winner there, and we still don't know how to react.
00:11:50 ASSAD RAZA
Thank you so much. That was a really good description of how proxy war is used in global competition. Before we move on, I wanted to ask Junet if he has any thoughts on the role of proxy forces in global strategic competition.
The other thing about the strategic competition is this is a competition between US and China, and now China and Russia international order. But what happens, interestingly, after the conflicts? I think we will see a lot of organized criminal groups in this new era of strategic competition.
00:12:26 ASSAD RAZA
But I want to ask you, what are your thoughts about the intersection with such terms like insurgency or counterterrorism or terrorism? I am not an expert in that field,
that field, but I have some experience actually working with my colleagues here at the Marshall Center. Interesting topic. What I would basically say, if we consider the new... international security domain that will shape around the strategic competition. We have to look at those definitions of groups or tactics from that perspective. It is a critical time right now, and we all agree after Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022, now we are in a new international security era. So that era requires us to focus on the outcomes. I think those should be the real questions.
00:13:18 ASSAD RAZA
So earlier in the conversation, we talked a little bit about ethical considerations. So what are some of the ethical considerations surrounding the use of proxy forces in armed conflicts? There is a plethora of issues that could be addressed here.
is a plethora of issues that could be addressed here. But very briefly and generally speaking, we have observed certain negativity linked to proxy warfare. So there is this pejorative undertone to it. And I think it actually stems from this Cold War era understanding. So basically you had two superpowers fighting against one another on the territory of another country, using this country for their struggle in order to avoid mutual assured destruction. You used the country, but also the people living in it. So this is my hypothesis. That's why this pejorative undertone linked to proxy warfare comes from. If you want to be academically honest, proxy war, it is not the case where the sponsor state uses some proxies to do their dirty work and the state does not want to break international law. So they use some forces to do that for them in order to achieve those strategic goals. But proxy warfare in itself is not. a negative thing so this is neutral okay but it also could be positive so this is something that i'd like the circle of the people working on it but also the republic to understand and remember we've seen not only the states but also a whole number of ngos but also private companies and informal groups participating by providing data by hacking the russian infrastructure so this is obviously manifestation of proxy warfare that proxies don't have to be military organizations. Very often they are, but they don't have to. That could be a very informal group of hackers that enters the stage of this armed conflict by, for example, hacking or providing some information. So in this sense, proxy warfare is not something ethically neutral.
00:15:33 ASSAD RAZA
You hit a lot of good things. I like the way you framed it. Is it being neutrally ethical, depending on the reasons behind the supports of some of these proxies, and the complexity behind it with the different actors that are supporting a proxy force? I like the example of the hackers. That was really good. I wanted to ask anyb
Today, Jack Gaines hosts Doctor Sandor Fabian, who published
"The Illusion of Conventional War: Europe is Learning the wrong lessons from the conflict in Ukraine."
This ten-point contrarian op-ed is focused on helping smaller nations build better national defense programs.
Article link: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/the-illusion-of-conventional-war-europe-is-learning-the-wrong-lessons-from-the-conflict-in-ukraine/
Sandor Fabian's Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandor-fabian-ph-d-3422b639/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Jazz Bois for the sample of Mellow Hive Live @ Root Budapest. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/EhGCsaiVm0I?si=zG3B1_1zaHjC_K2j
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Jack Gaines
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website, at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Dr.
00:00:41 JACK GAINES
Shander Fabian, who published The Illusion of Conventional War, Europe is Learning the Wrong Lessons from the Conflict in Ukraine. This 10 -point contrarian op -ed is focused on helping smaller nations build better national defense programs. I have a link to his bio and the paper in the show notes. So let's get started. One thing that caught my eye thinking about your paper are the points where you say that most observers are ignoring or misinterpreting things that they don't agree with. In other words, they have confirmation bias or they have a blind spot to things that they don't understand or refuse to include in their ideal.
Yes. And the base of my argument is... I traveled all over Europe and look at European capabilities. So throughout my personal experience and also studies in Europe, that these small countries, especially former Warsaw Pact countries, are trying to get integrated into the NATO system, which is driven mostly by the U .S. and the U .S. frame of reference of warfighting.
00:01:48 JACK GAINES
Sure. Division on division.
Division on division. But the issue is these countries could not. purchase, maintain, sustain big ticket items. Right. And small countries have very small training areas. You cannot train officers to conduct division on division war fighting. So you are missing major opportunities in the education and training of the professional military officers and NCOs as well. Tanks are very expensive.
00:02:19 JACK GAINES
These countries can buy maybe 10 tanks. When you buy 10 tanks, then you cannot really train with them because it's very difficult and expensive to actually get them to the field. You need the train system. You need the training areas. You need the ammunition for them. You train as you fight. These countries cannot afford to train as you fight. So by that definition, you actually going into any kind of war. in a suboptimal setting because you did not prepare your soldiers as they are going to fight. So there's a huge disconnect compared to France or the UK or the US.
00:02:56 JACK GAINES
Right. Because they can field larger armories and have more of a supply system to support them.
You have the supply system. You have a large training and education infrastructure behind it that actually prepares your military leaders to understand and to fight such kind of wars. And you have the infrastructure behind it and all that that is completely locking in smaller former Warsaw Pact countries. Right.
00:03:17 JACK GAINES
Right. Switzerland was able to stay neutral during World War II. And the strategic calculus that Nazi Germany had for not invading Switzerland was that their form of warfare didn't work well in Switzerland with all the mountains. So they would have had to change all their tactics. And they knew that the Swiss didn't have battle tanks. They had an air force. They had a lot of snipers. They had a lot of riflemen in the mountains that knew those mountains well. just realized that by going through those mountains trying to take Switzerland would have been such a cost that it wasn't worth it. So as you're saying, they created warfare in a way that was successful for them instead of trying to emulate what would have been the popular military style of that time.
Absolutely. And it's not just the Swiss. Ivan Ergun Toft, he wrote a book about how the weak actually defeats the strong. And he looked at all the wars of the last 150 years. And the primary determinant of who is actually succeeding in war is exactly what you just described. And the Ukrainian war actually shows that too. When you are not presenting a war to your enemy that he is understanding, he is organized, trained, educated for, he's active for, that enemy is immediately in trouble because you refuse to fight on his terms. So when you have a lot of main battle tanks and your enemy don't have main battle tanks... those battle tanks are not going to be useful because who are they going to fight with? What type of targets are they going to hit? And if that enemy has a million high -tech IEDs against your main battle tank, but zero battle tanks, that creates a huge dilemma for you. And also the Western frame of reference of the warfighting is when we win conventionally, we won the war. And the Iraq invasion showed that it's completely wrong. We run through a country, we occupy the country, we won all the engagements, and now we won the war. That actually has been shown throughout history. It's not the case anymore.
00:05:21 JACK GAINES
Right. You know, and that reminds me, H .R. McMaster in his book was talking about how when he went into Iraq with his tank division. I can't remember the size of the unit. I apologize. It was his famous battle where he went over the hill. And he knew that the Iraqi tank commander had trained in the U .S. because as they saw the formation, It was laid out exactly the way they had taught them how to do it. He was proud of them for doing that, but also he knew how to unscrew that type of defense and it was a very effective offense. He wiped out the adversary's tanks. So that's the other half of it is when you are living in somebody else's strategy, they also have control of how that strategy falls out.
00:06:05 JACK GAINES
Now, your observation is never present your adversary with a type of war that they are organized, trained, and equipped for, which we've already started discussing. And thinking of that and also the introduction about how people ignore or are blind to different aspects of a conflict, one thing that reminds me of is right now in Ukraine, there was a supply gap between what the U .S. and the EU were providing in weapons and material to Ukraine. But Ukraine didn't collapse, and it's because of something that no one's talking about, and that is that Estonia and the Czech Republic were finding weapons and material and delivering them. They were also going into the black markets in the underground to find other people willing to donate and give weapons and material. But then they also started fundraising public money in order to buy 155 rounds or other munitions to help the Ukrainians continue the fight. while the traditional Western systems were dry. And it's just not talked about. But it really comes down to that notion that Ukraine is not just at war with Russia. It's Ukraine and their network at war with Russia and their network. And that network is critical on who is going to win, who is going to succeed at different phases. So that just really struck me to your first point.
Yes, Ukraine in this case didn't collapse, thankfully, but they also didn't win. They are presenting the same type of war and we kind of enabling them because we are providing the tanks, we are providing the armored personnel carriers, we're providing artillery and so on. So we are incentivizing and pushing them into the corner of fighting along the terms of Russia. As long as that's happening, we are creating a situation when the two networks that you described is fighting pretty much a material war against each other. So the outcome is going to be determined who can sustain longer on both sides.
00:07:56 JACK GAINES
Right. And actually, the Czech Republic were also fundraising for combat drones. So they're trying to see through and around this quagmire that you're talking about.
Well, another thing I don't talk about in the paper that has been fascinating me for many years, we on the West are fascinated with fighting the war. But we don't determine what winning means and what's happening afterwards. So everybody celebrated that now the U .S. is providing all this aid again to Ukraine to win. But what win really means in this war?
00:08:27 JACK GAINES
That actually feeds to your fourth observation. Friends are important in war, but they can be detrimental as well. especially for your defense efforts, which is what you're bringing up now. And that is if your vision of success, of strategic success as a Ukrainian is to take back all territory and have Russia in a position where they can no longer fight, then that's success. But if your Western allies, if their vision of success is that you have sustained yourself and that... Russia can no longer go further. Their support is only going to go so far because once you have hit their success lines, that's when what they're providing you starts to dry up.
Yeah, and the Ukrainian president has made it clear several times that the official goal is getting everything back. And that's obviously the communicated Ukrainian goal, understandably, because they are a sovereign, independent country who lost quite a bit of territory to an aggressor. I'm not necessarily seeing the same very clear message from all the Western allies. However, obviously, you can make the argument there is no counter communication made. So the public and everybody else can assume that on the West, we think along the same way. However, again, if you are a very cold headed, completely objective analyst, then the evidence on the ground points to a different direction.
00:09:48 JACK GAINES
That's what I'm seeing. It's almost that Madeleine Albright, Saddam Hussein moment where Saddam asked, do you have an issue if we invade Kuwait? She said, the U .S. doesn't have a position. And he thought, oh, that means that they are okay with me invading Kuwait. But it wasn't. It just caused a misunderstanding that ended up with an invasion that started this whole mess in Iraq. So I get what you're saying. And the signals are never clear between nations on intent. And so you're right. You have to look at the behavior on supply and on policy and what they're giving away to help you in order to succeed. And I think it's going to be limited. So I would imagine Ukraine in itself is going to have to have a plan B in case the U .S. says, you know what, you've gotten 80 % back. I think that's fine. We're going to end our support there. Or the EU says the same thing and they're kind of stuck.
It is a very unique case. So when other European countries are looking at the Ukrainian case, I think they should be very careful because Ukraine could actually marshal a global network behind her struggle against Russia. And the same kind of support, the same kind of geopolitical situation, what we are sitting right now might not be recreatable in the future for some other countries.
00:11:06 JACK GAINES
Like Myanmar, the national unity government. just doesn't have the global network of support that Ukraine has. And it's a very different scenario, but it's also an excellent example of what it's like to not have that kind of support. Now, one thing that you were bringing up is that we shouldn't pay too much attention to Ukraine, as an example, because it's all in the field, it's all in trenches, it's very traditional. And one of your arguments, one that you have in this paper as well as in other papers, is that we need to start thinking about urban warfare, The fighting is going to hit the streets more often than not.
Yes, absolutely. Many analysts and previous studies are pointing to the war is actually back in the trenches, far away from urban areas and far away from the civilian population. It's not true. Right now, the current situation is more out of urban areas, but still the majority of the fronts includes small villages, small towns, and larger built -up areas. The Russians are attacking those urban centers because those have operational and strategic importance. If you look back at the early months of the invasion, almost all the targets that the Russians were going after were urban areas. If you kind of step back and look at the conflicts of the last 20 years, 30 years, urban areas are the future. We are in a very unique opportunity here that we can actually build our future battlefields. We are building the buildings. We are looking at road networks. We are wiring the CCTV networks, the communication networks in the cities. So why we are not thinking about this in how we are going to utilize our buildings, our underground structures, our communication for military or defensive purposes. And if you look at it, it's nothing new because the Finns are very good at this. During the Cold War, they had an amazing network
Today, we welcome Patrick Passewitz, who authored the Monograph "The Sicilian Connection: A Story of Allied Military Governance in 1943" while attending the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies. We brought him over today to discuss his findings and how they apply to current events. We will share the article link when it is published.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
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dependent. How can the military, diplomacy, and development workers manage the process to ensure a successful transition to becoming an independent partner in the international community?
Special thanks to DrSaxLove for the song "Happy Hour." Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8YIlU_30Kk
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Jack Gaines
00:00:04 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today we welcome Patrick Passewitz, who authored the monograph, The Sicilian Connection, A Story of Allied Military Governance in 1943, while attending the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies.
We brought him over today to discuss his findings and how they apply to current events. So let's jump right in. I did read your thesis. It was solid. And the thing that struck me, and maybe it's because of my time in Iraq, Afghanistan, and some of our other cooperative, not fully overturned the government initiatives, basically, was the lack of control of the markets and the lack of control of corruption and crime in those regions. For example, when I was in Iraq, we basically allowed the Iraqis that we emplaced, and we quickly emplaced a government. And anyone who wanted to give them a bribe was open to their market. And the Chinese flooded Iraq with all kinds of manufactured goods to where it wiped out everything from their shoe industry to their leather making to their textiles. And it really wiped out their economy. It made everyone unemployed. What I saw in your survey of Sicily with Operation Husky, they controlled the markets, they controlled the value of currency. And by doing that, they controlled the level of black market. And have you seen a similar comparison when you were writing that piece?
00:02:07 JACK GAINES
So the biggest thing to go all the way back, comparing a little bit of Husky to Iraq and Afghanistan, not that it's pure apples and oranges, but with Husky, it was very much in... the beginning parts of the process of the planning. Because we understood, hey, this is going to be the first time we as the Allies are going to interact with basically an enemy population. We did some limited governance in North Africa, but it very much went back to indigenous control after that. But this is the first time we're going to interact with an enemy population. We need to get it right from all aspects to include. governance, because if we fail to, we're still going to have to commit a lot of military resources to Sicily, because it was vital, particularly for the British, to control from Gibraltar all the way to Suez to keep reinforcing the Burma theater. So they had to get it absolutely right, so they brought in military governance very early on in the planning process. The second thing, once they did that, they broke it down into a systems approach. We understand that security, economics, and good governance are going to be late. And if you break down how they interacted with all of those, they made them mutually reinforcing, which I think was really brilliant and smart. And they balanced that system's approach with very immediate impacts, as well as the long -term strategy of stability that eventually happened about six months after the Allies landed on Iraq and Afghanistan. We were pushing the bull just a year at a time. I know there were some very smart guys in the State Department, and I was actually just reviewing David Kilcullen's book when he was in Iraq. They had the long -term stuff, but I don't think it was truly married or we married it late in the campaign compared to Sicily that was very early on. One of the brilliance, I thought, was they got the legal piece down. With the economic piece, if we see black markets, You're going to go to jail. We're also going to provide wage stimulation. We're going to give jobs. We're going to ration food, as rough as that is. And then if you're corrupt within any of these realms, whether it be the legal realm, the working realm, or the political realm, you're gone. The system was too important to fail. And help mutually reinforced it. And I go back to it. If you want your systems, forces, and functions to work, you got to change how it's structured. And I think we came in an altered structure to equal form and function.
Right. And one thing it helped do is weed out insurrections, criminal groups, black markets. And that was one thing that really struck me because one of the biggest problems with most of our foreign policy outreach to partner nations in development or in conflict stabilization. And post -conflict stabilization is the corruption and the insurgency. So it seems like they had a mind for it in the planning process.
00:05:17 JACK GAINES
Absolutely. And I lean on our doctrine a little bit, and that's why I not took a critical shot at doctrine, but highlighted where we could probably get better. If you look at how old 27 -5, the FM for military governance, you need to collect printing presses, wireless. You need to control that. atmosphere in that environment to be able to control the population and then enforce not necessarily your will but your economic reforms your legal reforms i think they'll be extremely difficult in today's age with how information flows that's why i think it's a little bit of apples and oranges but i think we can also wrap our heads around it and get smarter at it if we bring in the planning by all means i think or even a division can turn off some internet or restrict that so that we can enable some good governance and some stability mechanisms.
Was it helpful that Sicily is a smaller nation than some of the ones we've tried to tackle recently? I think that was very much a good starting block. Kind of a really awesome to test. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
00:06:26 JACK GAINES
Because if you look at it, right after Sicily, they went into Naples. which was roughly about the same size population -wise as Boston. And I think the Allies learned a little bit six weeks prior from when they finished Husky and moved into Naples that, hey, this is what's going to work. This is what didn't work. And ultimately, it definitely paved dividends when we finished up Italy and moved into Germany.
Well, one of the things I noticed in the paper was that each commander that managed different districts had a different attitude about the population and the controls. And same today, right? Anyone new that comes in, the last guy was an idiot. I'm a genius. We're going to do it my way now. Go do an assessment. And we got complaints about that. And so it seemed like they were also trying to address that issue by trying to homogenize some of the policies and practices so that whether you had a new commander, old commander, they were conservative, they were liberal, that they had guardrails. You've got to control the economic situation. You've got to keep people employed. You've got to allow local laws and governances to emerge and take over the population's practices and beliefs. But you've got to remove the poisonous actions of that fascist regime as well. It seemed like a balancing act.
00:07:46 JACK GAINES
Two things, Jack. First, spot on. I think the first part is going back to the planning. As soon as the Allies liberated a town... They'd find the public building and lay down their 10 proclamations of, hey, this is what allied military governance means. These are the new laws that you're going to follow. This is what occupation means. And this is what disillusionment of the fascist regime means. And now we're also going to put that onus on the division commander because you are now the military governor. And if you want your... Rear area secured because we're pushing forward through the island. To keep this offensive going, you need to secure your rear area, which means you need to accept military governance and really put some thought into it because it's going to sustain your offensive. The second thing I think we also did very well is you have a two -star division commander trying to keep the fight going. We also have the military governor starting to land and starting to work that consolidation area. He's also a two -star. So we have... a better cooperative through the ranks of, hey, I understand you need XYZ in your front area, but for that to happen, we need to work this with the military governor. And the ultimate end state of controlling Sicily to allow commerce to transit the Mediterranean was ultimately the goal. I think everybody understood that. And it goes back to, hey, if we bring civil affairs and governance and some of these enablers in early, it's a better product in the end. Right.
Now, another I saw happening was every time we've gone into a town or into a capital, we've allowed free press to go watch right off the bat. Did they do the same thing in Sicily or did they have more of a control or a censorship of public communication?
00:09:33 JACK GAINES
It's almost unthinkable now, but yes, there were no correspondents. We temporarily shut down the Italian press. We opened up our own newspaper and we controlled the narrative very much. And I don't want that to sound misleading. That was also our key way of informing the population of, hey, this is what governance now means. These are the new work programs that were starting to work. So it was more of a necessity than a censorship. But we also discounted the narrative from the opposing side to ensure that our actions were getting out to the population and then ultimately that it is going to work.
And I see the benefits of both, honestly. Because like Libya, in the middle of the revolution back in 2012, I saw a lot of radical radio and online social media popping up as we're supporting the fight. And I remember our PSYOP and IO folks had to send them a message saying, hey, the people that are helping you with Gaddafi, we're going to cut you off. And it squelched it. squelched it immediately. They knew that this was not acceptable. But in an environment where you have to control all aspects in order to get the rules and norms of the population to behave a certain way, to cooperate, to participate in governance, to participate in the economics, kind of have to control that narrative. And I know censorship is a bad word these days, but it might be something that we have to look at. A hundred percent. And to put it into context,
00:11:12 JACK GAINES
The Allies landed in July. The battle was only really 38 days long. By then, the first two weeks were starting to inch in the stability force. By the end of the 38 days, the military governor really takes control of the island because the Nazis flee back over to the Straits of Messina. And by 1944, so we're really talking about six months, we're giving everything back to the Sicilians, mostly with training wheels, and sometimes the training wheels came off depending on which... sector of the public sphere we're looking at. The economic piece was probably the longest standing one because we were controlling, as you mentioned, imports, exports. We were definitely working on exchange rates of what the lira was to British pounds. So that was probably the longest piece. But harvesting the daily public utilities, they went very quickly back over to the Sicilian population. Because they knew the systems. Yeah.
they knew the systems.
00:12:12 JACK GAINES
Yeah. And the courts were probably the longest as well. As we mentioned, hey, we wanted to have good governance. We built up the local system very quickly. By the time it got to the national and that, about six months, we handed it back over and we built in mechanisms because we understood, hey, we're at the due governance at first, not purge, but evaluate the former fascist judges.
00:12:37 JACK GAINES
former fascist
00:12:40 JACK GAINES
Right. When we found the ones that were on the level and not part of the party, but had to say they were part of the party, but were competent, we installed them fairly quickly. They were allowed to review sentences, grant parole, clemency, or reinforce everything. So it was pretty fluid in how they were able to balance the first two weeks. We were just doing human problems to make sure that the Army can roll forward after those two weeks when the stability guys got there. we're going to work on rebuilding this population and actually make it favorable to Allied efforts.
Right. Well, one thing I thought was interesting is that, yes, they reinstated judges, but they also had the Army legal system oversee the judgments. So it was as if they were auditing to make sure that they're following their own rules and laws, as well as international rule of law, effectively before they would back off and let them do their job. But they continued to monitor in case someone sta
Brian Hancock hosts Major J. David Thompson, a Civil Affairs planner out of U.S. Africa Command, to discuss military campaigning, just war with post-modern conflict and avoiding civilian harm in conflict.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Relax Music for sampling "Trio Riberto's song "Yellow Summer." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stpq54O2qO0
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Brian Hancock
Showrunner / editor: Jack Gaines
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we're going to explore the concepts of military campaigning, civil harm mitigation, and how to align just war with postmodern conflict. To get after this, I have with me Major J. David Thompson. He's a civil affairs major assigned to the U .S. Africa Command. He holds a Juris Doctorate from Washington and Lee University School of Law. He is a Ph .D. candidate at King's College London, where he is researching the ethics of proxy warfare. Major Thompson, welcome to the show.
Glad to be here, sir.
All right, before we begin, Dave, our quick disclaimer, a reminder to our audience that all remarks made are those of the presenters solely. All right, let's begin. Dave, can you tell me a little bit about your current positions and duties of what you're doing there at U .S. AFRICOM?
Thank you. So I am a same military operations planner at U .S. AFRICOM. That's within the JFOLA. With same forward division, we have also the humanitarian assistance portfolio, largely, I think, the ODACA programs. We have a number of interagency representatives from the Health and Stabilization Office of the Department of State, foreign policy advisor from State Department, a public health advisor from DHEP. We also have a liaison from Pacific Disaster Center of PBC Global, and the PBC Global liaison works with California. That's a lot. Yes, that is a lot, but luckily we have really good leadership and good control. Arrow Division.
Fantastic. I was worried you were never going to get to sleep with all those duties on your plate. All right, let's jump into our first varsity -level question. You recently wrote an award -winning civil affairs issue paper. Let me read the exact title. Campaigning the Campaign Plan, Focusing on the Fundamentals at the Combatant Command by Assessing Civil Affairs Operations, Activities, and Investments. The famous OANI is there. Now, it feels to me that the Army's come full circle. When I started my career 18 years ago, military campaigns were a thing. They were discussed. And then suddenly the term fell out of vogue. I never understood quite why. But now it's back. So campaigns are back on the menu, huh?
Afghanistan, partly with global war on terror. I had the opportunity to meet Joel Stane. He was talking to me and he was doing this battlefield circulation, was the commander, and I was telling him all the things we were doing about the Afghan security forces. And he said, what would you do if you hadn't stayed here until the war? And can you think that, well, I would... Probably spend a little bit more of a tele -focus on doing a partner for us so that way I could hand this off to somebody because I was doing it. And ideally, it needs to be somebody else for us to win. So that started me thinking of how my rotation fit into Baylor's attention. So then we changed our approach. And during that time, I made it a little, to use a sports analogy, the ball was on the 20 -yard line and I was going to try to get it to the 30 -yard line. And that will mean our soldiers doing more and us doing less. That's being within that advice in a such role.
That makes sense to me. And I love your analogy on incremental movements, right? When we're talking about all these very complicated systems and politics and economics where strategic objectives tend to lie, these are not things that are solved quickly, especially in areas where you've got deep sectarian violence and hatred. And, you know, at the end of the day, I think not only as civil affairs officer, but as military officers in general, you know, we need to keep moving that needle to the right. Love that anecdote that you mentioned with General McChrystal to one of the generals in, you know, the famous book, The Four Star. Very interesting individual. For the audience, I think that their experience with the word campaign is in a political sense rather than in a military sense. For clarification, how does the Department of Defense define that term? And if you don't mind, can you just explain how it's different from an operation, an engagement, or a theater plan, which are other terms we hear bantered about a bunch?
So there is Champagne, as in Philippe, which is in J .F. Station, Rio. And I'm going to read a bit of the definition here.
Now that differs from campaign plan and campaign, which comes from the joint publication final. So campaign is a series of laden operations with a given time and space, and a campaign plan is a joint operation plan. through a series of related major operations within its habit space. So ideally, you have the campaign plan, which lists LFP -CAN -8 objectives, the intermediate military objectives, and then the effects, subordinate to those IMOs or intermediate military objectives. Then you have the campaign formula, which provides TANAS to components. These TANAS generate operations, activities, and investments, or OAIs. So components can then have OAIs linked to tasks in the combatant command. It can have tasks linked to effects linked to IMOs linked to championing objectives. So if you think about it linearly, you should be able to draw a line between an operational activity or investment in OAI directly to the champion.
I know NATO talks a little bit about in -states as opposed to objectives, just a different way of looking at it. or desired conditions as you're moving towards things in a plan. It seems that based upon how DoD looks at a campaign, it's kind of on that cusp between operations and strategy with an ability to be broken down to tactical tasks and activities that support it. Let's go deeper into strategy and operations. In the paper that you published, you mentioned that the connection between strategy and operations is inherent. I know you've read Sean McFake's work. You're pretty well read. In that, he and other military scholars argue that America has actually lost every war since World War II, as measured by a failure to complete the strategic objectives of those conflicts. Now, given the potential connection between strategy and operations, what do you think went wrong? As a force, did we just suck at operations, and that in turn causes our strategy to fail in many of these wars? What do you think?
So first, one of the unique things about that paper was, it didn't call for any new .lltf piece, which just uses current dapering as what we have available. So anybody can go through and use it. Now the paper is published with the Silhouette Association as publicly available. Another kind of spent on looking at this, I talked to the OAIs and the campaign objectives. I forgot to mention maybe the measuring and assessments of those tasks, which are important and maybe lead to your point. You should be able to measure, both quantitatively and qualitatively, measure them with facts and measure the performance, if the OAIs are what people are being tasked to do for helping to reach the campaign objectives. If not, why not? Do there need to be new structures, new processes, more guidance? machine resources in the 40s. She must really do all of assessments comes into play. So he doesn't show McFay. So he wrote a book, The New Rules of War, about the same time that Richard Cox wrote, A World in Disarray. And they both looked at the same question broadly and approached it in two very different ways. And there were solutions to solving that. I think if you read those two books side by side, you can follow all conclusions.
Thanks for that. Obviously, these are hot political issues as well as military issues. To use an egregious example, if we take a look at the war in Iraq, I don't know if you read Mark Perry's book, The Pentagon Wars, but he makes a pretty cogent case that the Iraq War actually reduced security abroad, caused some chaos, empowered Iran. Russia and ISIS damaged relationships between the civil and the military, nearly bankrupt the nation, and of course got many, many Americans as well as Iraqis killed. And relative to the strategic objectives, it doesn't look like that is a victory. So going back to what you said about assessments, did we just... pick the wrong things to do, and then therefore the rosy assessments, which I saw were just measuring the wrong things. Yeah.
That's great. I think we could probably have an entire podcast on just talking about the different definitions of victory and competition. I think those are hot terms.
from maybe a political lens or a socioeconomic lens, perhaps not. So I think that's one of the challenges, and you talk about it in some of your other papers, with the graying of modern warfare, our definitions just kind of haven't kept pace. Let's move on to the next question. You spent some time addressing assessments in your publication and referred to it earlier. Now, these are critical, and particularly as we move up echelon, they often direct... Now, in my experience, assessing non -lethal effects are challenging. Many of the things we're trying to affect are complex adaptive human systems, which have a relation to operations, activities, and investment. Now, to use an example of a difficult non -lethal assessment, one of the taskings we often get at U .S. Army, Europe, and Africa is for a civil affairs action team or a four -man cat team. to assess a tactical ODACA project. You talked about ODACA there earlier in your office. And typically that team has not been part of that project before and may not have contacts or baselines. And it is asked to assess how that typically tactical level project has advanced U .S. and NATO strategic objectives. And unfortunately, the team is usually only given a few days to accomplish this. Now, given math and science required to conduct a statistically valid assessment, how do you think we can do this better? Can we do this better?
Perhaps I can put our CPM manager in touch and they can share some best practices. But I think one of the other things about this is looking when civil affairs forces are getting these very complicated tasks to do. I think that's one of the great things about being a civil affairs officer or soldier. We get tasks to do a hard thing. We don't solve easy problems. So we recruit and train. smart people when we put them through teams with other talented, smart people. And then we give them complex, challenging problems to solve. So, it's fascinating. And generally, they come out successful. Like, I would be hard -pressed to think of a time when I've seen a team take on a challenging problem and not come away with some ideas that were very creative and help solve it. They're really about success. So that's one of the great things about being a Civil Affairs soldier.
one of the great things about being a Civil Affairs soldier. If that appeals to anybody who's listening, who's not a Civil Affairs soldier, definitely get in contact with Colonel Hancock, myself, anybody in the Civil Affairs Association, I'm sure it's willing to help you. To the first part of the question about the assessment speech, right? So at the Geographic Combat and Command level, I think about assessments maybe a little bit different than like a tactical U .S. assessment. We want to know for assessments, are the things we're doing helping us reach our campaign objectives? So, great, let's keep doing. If not, again, what do we need? Do we need a new structure, process, guidance, resources? What is it that we need to do to help them achieve these campaign objectives? As far as the individual assessments of an evocative project, those are great, but at the command and command level, what I'm more interested in are all those assessments helping somebody else make a decision. I'm not so concerned about that decision, just that we have forces available working towards doing that and that they're informing people who are making decisions. The process of what we call civil knowledge integration.
I actually like your characterization of that, right? All models are wrong, but if it's useful, then it's worth investing in. in relation of a project to strategic impact is hard to measure. But if it moves the ball forward, if it teaches us something we didn't know, if it builds a valuable relationship we didn't have, then that is still useful in and of itself. All we're required to do as a government is conduct legal acceptance, which is more of an MLP, right? Let's say the project was to build a fuel pumping station, just making this up. Does it pump fuel? Does it hold fuel? Is it safe? Okay, yeah. And is the
Brian Hancock hosts Major J. David Thompson, a Civil Affairs planner out of U.S. Africa Command, to discuss military campaigning, just war with post-modern conflict and avoiding civilian harm in conflict.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Relax Music for sampling "Trio Riberto's song "Yellow Summer." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stpq54O2qO0
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Brian Hancock
Showrunner / editor: Jack Gaines
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we're going to explore the concepts of military campaigning, civil harm mitigation, and how to align just war with postmodern conflict. To get after this, I have with me Major J. David Thompson. He's a civil affairs major assigned to the U .S. Africa Command. He holds a Juris Doctorate from Washington and Lee University School of Law. He is a Ph .D. candidate at King's College London, where he is researching the ethics of proxy warfare. Major Thompson, welcome to the show.
Glad to be here, sir.
All right, before we begin, Dave, our quick disclaimer, a reminder to our audience that all remarks made are those of the presenters solely. All right, let's begin. Dave, can you tell me a little bit about your current positions and duties of what you're doing there at U .S. AFRICOM?
Thank you. So I am a same military operations planner at U .S. AFRICOM. That's within the JFOLA. With same forward division, we have also the humanitarian assistance portfolio, largely, I think, the ODACA programs. We have a number of interagency representatives from the Health and Stabilization Office of the Department of State, foreign policy advisor from State Department, a public health advisor from DHEP. We also have a liaison from Pacific Disaster Center of PBC Global, and the PBC Global liaison works with California. That's a lot. Yes, that is a lot, but luckily we have really good leadership and good control. Arrow Division.
Fantastic. I was worried you were never going to get to sleep with all those duties on your plate. All right, let's jump into our first varsity -level question. You recently wrote an award -winning civil affairs issue paper. Let me read the exact title. Campaigning the Campaign Plan, Focusing on the Fundamentals at the Combatant Command by Assessing Civil Affairs Operations, Activities, and Investments. The famous OANI is there. Now, it feels to me that the Army's come full circle. When I started my career 18 years ago, military campaigns were a thing. They were discussed. And then suddenly the term fell out of vogue. I never understood quite why. But now it's back. So campaigns are back on the menu, huh?
Afghanistan, partly with global war on terror. I had the opportunity to meet Joel Stane. He was talking to me and he was doing this battlefield circulation, was the commander, and I was telling him all the things we were doing about the Afghan security forces. And he said, what would you do if you hadn't stayed here until the war? And can you think that, well, I would... Probably spend a little bit more of a tele -focus on doing a partner for us so that way I could hand this off to somebody because I was doing it. And ideally, it needs to be somebody else for us to win. So that started me thinking of how my rotation fit into Baylor's attention. So then we changed our approach. And during that time, I made it a little, to use a sports analogy, the ball was on the 20 -yard line and I was going to try to get it to the 30 -yard line. And that will mean our soldiers doing more and us doing less. That's being within that advice in a such role.
That makes sense to me. And I love your analogy on incremental movements, right? When we're talking about all these very complicated systems and politics and economics where strategic objectives tend to lie, these are not things that are solved quickly, especially in areas where you've got deep sectarian violence and hatred. And, you know, at the end of the day, I think not only as civil affairs officer, but as military officers in general, you know, we need to keep moving that needle to the right. Love that anecdote that you mentioned with General McChrystal to one of the generals in, you know, the famous book, The Four Star. Very interesting individual. For the audience, I think that their experience with the word campaign is in a political sense rather than in a military sense. For clarification, how does the Department of Defense define that term? And if you don't mind, can you just explain how it's different from an operation, an engagement, or a theater plan, which are other terms we hear bantered about a bunch?
So there is Champagne, as in Philippe, which is in J .F. Station, Rio. And I'm going to read a bit of the definition here.
Now that differs from campaign plan and campaign, which comes from the joint publication final. So campaign is a series of laden operations with a given time and space, and a campaign plan is a joint operation plan. through a series of related major operations within its habit space. So ideally, you have the campaign plan, which lists LFP -CAN -8 objectives, the intermediate military objectives, and then the effects, subordinate to those IMOs or intermediate military objectives. Then you have the campaign formula, which provides TANAS to components. These TANAS generate operations, activities, and investments, or OAIs. So components can then have OAIs linked to tasks in the combatant command. It can have tasks linked to effects linked to IMOs linked to championing objectives. So if you think about it linearly, you should be able to draw a line between an operational activity or investment in OAI directly to the champion.
I know NATO talks a little bit about in -states as opposed to objectives, just a different way of looking at it. or desired conditions as you're moving towards things in a plan. It seems that based upon how DoD looks at a campaign, it's kind of on that cusp between operations and strategy with an ability to be broken down to tactical tasks and activities that support it. Let's go deeper into strategy and operations. In the paper that you published, you mentioned that the connection between strategy and operations is inherent. I know you've read Sean McFake's work. You're pretty well read. In that, he and other military scholars argue that America has actually lost every war since World War II, as measured by a failure to complete the strategic objectives of those conflicts. Now, given the potential connection between strategy and operations, what do you think went wrong? As a force, did we just suck at operations, and that in turn causes our strategy to fail in many of these wars? What do you think?
So first, one of the unique things about that paper was, it didn't call for any new .lltf piece, which just uses current dapering as what we have available. So anybody can go through and use it. Now the paper is published with the Silhouette Association as publicly available. Another kind of spent on looking at this, I talked to the OAIs and the campaign objectives. I forgot to mention maybe the measuring and assessments of those tasks, which are important and maybe lead to your point. You should be able to measure, both quantitatively and qualitatively, measure them with facts and measure the performance, if the OAIs are what people are being tasked to do for helping to reach the campaign objectives. If not, why not? Do there need to be new structures, new processes, more guidance? machine resources in the 40s. She must really do all of assessments comes into play. So he doesn't show McFay. So he wrote a book, The New Rules of War, about the same time that Richard Cox wrote, A World in Disarray. And they both looked at the same question broadly and approached it in two very different ways. And there were solutions to solving that. I think if you read those two books side by side, you can follow all conclusions.
Thanks for that. Obviously, these are hot political issues as well as military issues. To use an egregious example, if we take a look at the war in Iraq, I don't know if you read Mark Perry's book, The Pentagon Wars, but he makes a pretty cogent case that the Iraq War actually reduced security abroad, caused some chaos, empowered Iran. Russia and ISIS damaged relationships between the civil and the military, nearly bankrupt the nation, and of course got many, many Americans as well as Iraqis killed. And relative to the strategic objectives, it doesn't look like that is a victory. So going back to what you said about assessments, did we just... pick the wrong things to do, and then therefore the rosy assessments, which I saw were just measuring the wrong things. Yeah.
That's great. I think we could probably have an entire podcast on just talking about the different definitions of victory and competition. I think those are hot terms.
from maybe a political lens or a socioeconomic lens, perhaps not. So I think that's one of the challenges, and you talk about it in some of your other papers, with the graying of modern warfare, our definitions just kind of haven't kept pace. Let's move on to the next question. You spent some time addressing assessments in your publication and referred to it earlier. Now, these are critical, and particularly as we move up echelon, they often direct... Now, in my experience, assessing non -lethal effects are challenging. Many of the things we're trying to affect are complex adaptive human systems, which have a relation to operations, activities, and investment. Now, to use an example of a difficult non -lethal assessment, one of the taskings we often get at U .S. Army, Europe, and Africa is for a civil affairs action team or a four -man cat team. to assess a tactical ODACA project. You talked about ODACA there earlier in your office. And typically that team has not been part of that project before and may not have contacts or baselines. And it is asked to assess how that typically tactical level project has advanced U .S. and NATO strategic objectives. And unfortunately, the team is usually only given a few days to accomplish this. Now, given math and science required to conduct a statistically valid assessment, how do you think we can do this better? Can we do this better?
Perhaps I can put our CPM manager in touch and they can share some best practices. But I think one of the other things about this is looking when civil affairs forces are getting these very complicated tasks to do. I think that's one of the great things about being a civil affairs officer or soldier. We get tasks to do a hard thing. We don't solve easy problems. So we recruit and train. smart people when we put them through teams with other talented, smart people. And then we give them complex, challenging problems to solve. So, it's fascinating. And generally, they come out successful. Like, I would be hard -pressed to think of a time when I've seen a team take on a challenging problem and not come away with some ideas that were very creative and help solve it. They're really about success. So that's one of the great things about being a Civil Affairs soldier.
one of the great things about being a Civil Affairs soldier. If that appeals to anybody who's listening, who's not a Civil Affairs soldier, definitely get in contact with Colonel Hancock, myself, anybody in the Civil Affairs Association, I'm sure it's willing to help you. To the first part of the question about the assessment speech, right? So at the Geographic Combat and Command level, I think about assessments maybe a little bit different than like a tactical U .S. assessment. We want to know for assessments, are the things we're doing helping us reach our campaign objectives? So, great, let's keep doing. If not, again, what do we need? Do we need a new structure, process, guidance, resources? What is it that we need to do to help them achieve these campaign objectives? As far as the individual assessments of an evocative project, those are great, but at the command and command level, what I'm more interested in are all those assessments helping somebody else make a decision. I'm not so concerned about that decision, just that we have forces available working towards doing that and that they're informing people who are making decisions. The process of what we call civil knowledge integration.
I actually like your characterization of that, right? All models are wrong, but if it's useful, then it's worth investing in. in relation of a project to strategic impact is hard to measure. But if it moves the ball forward, if it teaches us something we didn't know, if it builds a valuable relationship we didn't have, then that is still useful in and of itself. All we're required to do as a government is conduct legal acceptance, which is more of an MLP, right? Let's say the project was to build a fuel pumping station, just making this up. Does it pump fuel? Does it hold fuel? Is it safe? Okay, yeah. And is the
Assad Raza hosts Heather Cotter, who recently gained a direct commission into the Army and Civil Affairs. In this episode, she talks about what it's like to go through the process and her first impressions of the Army.
Thank you FeedSpot for ranking One CA Podcast as one of their top 10 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to KaraokeMedia
for sharing Manu Chao's "Me Gustas Tu," instrumental version.
Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZsSs9aIDqM------
Sponsor: Civil Affairs Association
Host: Assad Raza
Showrunner / editor: Jack Gaines
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:42 ASSAD RAZA
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. I'm your host, Asad Raza, and today we have a very special guest with us, Captain Heather Cotter. Heather has a unique and inspiring story about her journey into the civil affairs branch, and she's here to share that with us today. Heather, welcome to the show.
Thank you, Roz. Great to be here.
00:01:01 ASSAD RAZA
Oh, we're thrilled to have you. Can you start telling us a little bit about yourself?
Yeah, absolutely. Well, professionally, for the last 20 years, I've been working alongside law enforcement and allied emergency responders like firefighters, emergency management professionals,
paramedics, and most of my career, I expect working at nonprofits that support the advancement of this idea of an integrated public safety community. And in 2020, about three months into the COVID -19 pandemic, I received an email about the 38 Gulf direct commission program. And I was immediately intrigued by this opportunity. After a couple conversations with Lieutenant Colonel Koyanda, I decided to prepare a packet for the commissioning board to consider. All my life, I've been behind the scenes supporting first responders, whether it was through research. training, policy development, or other supportive roles, but I've never been on the other side in the field. And I thought this was a great opportunity to grow as well as serve my country.
00:02:10 ASSAD RAZA
That sounds great. So welcome to the other side. So moving on to your decision of joining the civil affairs branch, could you explain to us what the 38 Golf does and what attracted you specifically to become a 38 Golf within the Army Reserves?
Yeah, you bet. So where do you go? They're also known as military government specialists. The expertise that 38 Gulf brings, specifically, there are currently 18 unique still identifiers for 38 Gulf,
identifiers for 38 Gulf, and each 38 Gulf carries at least one of them. Some of them carry multiple. For example, I carry the one still identifier of a six hotel, which happens to be Long Order Enforcement. And there are, like I said, 18 total. A few others include four Delta, which are laws, regulations, and policies. Six Charlie, which is finance, money, and banking. Six Delta, which is education. And six Victor, which is heritage and preservation.
00:03:15 ASSAD RAZA
Man, so you said there's 18? Yes,
there are 18 of them. And every unit across the United States Army Reserve. and doing their best to fill the billet with a diverse group of agency leaders who carry these different types of expertise.
00:03:31 ASSAD RAZA
carry these different types of expertise. Can you kind of explain what the process was like for you from submitting your application to taking your oath to office?
It's a lengthy process, to be honest, on receiving a direct commission. But from my understanding, this isn't unique to civil affairs either. Some of the other branches also have a lengthy direct commission process. But specific to my experience, it was pretty long. It took me about two years from the time I submitted my packet until I took my oath of office. And there was a lot of paperwork in between that time. So essentially, from the time I submitted my packet back in July of 2020 until my board met, there was really little communication about my status as a candidate. I focused my waiting time on learning more about civil affairs, scanning my civil affairs network by reaching out to people like you, learning about our main history, foreign policy, international relations, hard events, and also improving my foreign language proficiency and improving my physical physics. I even applied to graduate school to get a second master's degree in international affairs. So during this time, like I said, a waiting period. But I tried to maximize it. And when I finally did receive the letter that the board obtained my conditioning appointment back in November 2020, my status changed from a 38 -golf candidate to a 38 -golf selectee. So once I became a selectee, and this is what other 38 -golfs will go through, there will be new next steps to take, like criminal background checks, obtaining a clearance, going through medical screening. And more paperwork.
00:05:19 ASSAD RAZA
So as a 38 golf candidate, as you're waiting to go through the process, you said it took about two years. You got your second master's in international affairs and you're working on foreign language proficiency. Two questions.
00:05:32 ASSAD RAZA
What foreign language were you trying to improve on? And what was your thought about getting a master's degree in international affairs and how it's associated with your personal development to be a 38 golf?
That's a great question. So when I was lumber, More than 20 years ago. Actually, when I was in grade school, I was in a program with German and French through college. And then when I entered the workforce, I didn't really use those languages, but I still had a lot of knowledge there deep in my brain. So while I was taking my oath of office and from when I got the approval letter, I was improving my perfect easy in both German and French. And I had also reached out to my unit. to ask them what language needs they had. So they were telling me Mandarin would be good to know, Tagalog would be good to know, as well as Korean. So I just started dabbling in those, but I never got too far. I don't know about you, Roz, but the way I suffer to learn is classroom study, if that makes sense.
00:06:37 ASSAD RAZA
Yeah, absolutely. Having that foundational within the classroom, and I think using the apps later on as a way to maintain the languages. having that foundational within the classroom, especially PACOM -aligned languages, which are a little bit more difficult compared to European languages.
Yeah, you're absolutely right about that. And then to use second question about the degree in international affairs. So interestingly, before I even learned about the 38 Golf Direct Commission program, I was exploring opportunities before this pandemic hit us in March of 2020. So I think it was like January. I think it must have been a New Year's resolution. In 2020, I started exploring opportunities to get involved with humanitarian aid assistance and what that would require of me in order to go on humanitarian aid work. And a common thing that I saw was a degree in international affairs would be super helpful, which makes obvious sense, right? So I started realizing that This was before civil affairs became something on my radar. But I realized that a degree in IA or international affairs is something I wanted to do. And then, of course, when the pandemic hit, life changed for a lot of us. And then I received the email about the 38 golf program. So I started pursuing that. And when I got selected by the board, I knew. even more confidently that a degree in international affairs would be incredibly helpful for me as an incoming civil affairs officer. Because the one thing that I kept sad was there's a lot of downtime between when you start the process of submitting your application to when you get selected and when you take your oath of office. And for me, you know, time is something that shouldn't be wasteful. I'm going to maximize my time. For me, the best way I could do a service to civil affairs class would be to expand my knowledge in international affairs. So I ended up applying to graduate school at Arizona State University. And I started my master's in August of 2022. And I graduated just a few months ago in December 2023.
00:09:07 ASSAD RAZA
Congratulations on that. Seems like everything kind of worked out, everything kind of aligned itself. So once you pleaded all that, transitioned from being a 38 golf candidate to an actual 38 golf, and you took your oath of office, what did you do next?
So once I took my oath of office back in August of 2022, the same month I started graduate school again, because I got my first, this was after 20 years ago, but I... I took my oath of office in August of 2022, and I attended a few battle assemblies, really just to complete and processing with my unit. And then within a few months, I was at the direct commission course at Fort Worth.
00:09:50 ASSAD RAZA
So when you say battle assemblies, for our listeners that potentially wanting to be 38 golfs and never served in the military, what is that?
Well, essentially, it's an active duty training that we do. Typically on a monthly basis, so it's when you get together with your unit, basically you're working on readiness as well as other soldiering skills, whether it's weapons qualification or something else relevant to whatever the unit's working on. But the 351s, specifically, I can't speak to the other units because I'm not in them. But we meet in a hybrid model, typically quarterly in person. And then we'll do our other battle assembly remotely. And typically, there's kinds of online training and requirements that you have to complete on an annual basis, whether it's anti -terrorism training or cyber awareness training or any other readiness requirements is typically what we're executing. As well as if we're trying to get involved in the school, as well as any mission requirements. or meeting whether it's before you go on a mission or mission.
00:11:06 ASSAD RAZA
Interesting. Just a really quick question. Where is the 351st Civil Affairs Command located? In Mountain View, California. How far is that from where you're located?
I'm physically based in the Phoenix metro area in Arizona. So it's about an hour and a half plane ride when I do have to go in person. So I'll be at battle assembly next month. And I'll fly up there to San Jose, which is about a 90 -minute flight. And then I'll return home.
00:11:36 ASSAD RAZA
Nice. So you get to fly up to Northern California for the weekend. Sounds like fun.
It's not the worst place to be, that's for sure. It's a great location.
00:11:46 ASSAD RAZA
Awesome. Okay, so you mentioned the direct commissioning course at Fort Moore. Can you describe that to our listeners?
Yeah, we've got the direct commission course. developed for officers to receive a direct commission into the Army. So typically this course consists of mostly JAG officers, but you'll also see some civil affairs direct commission. You'll see direct commission into adjacent general, finance, fiber,
really any branch that the Army offers the direct commission to. So soldiers or those officers will attend the vaccination course at Fort Moore. And they offer this course throughout the year, I believe at a quarter of them basis, typically, and it's six weeks in duration. And throughout this course, you're going to learn how to review the uniform, how to do plan that, how to do basic rifle marksmanship. They'll take the ACFT a couple times, which is diagnostic. just to get you familiar with the requirements of physical fitness. And I'd have to say,
have to say, you know, my experience at Fort Moore was overwhelming and positive. The days were long. We had very little downtime. We were in the barracks and in uniforms, whether they were OCPs or APFUs about 98 % of the time. And we had staff duty in the middle of the night, training during the day. We ate a petite fast that we ate as a week, and we're information every three times a day. So it's a little bit like basic training, but it's designed for officers, and it's much shorter in length.
00:13:39 ASSAD RAZA
Nice. So you ate a defect three times a day, every day, for six weeks. Yeah. Did you get tired of the food? You know, I stuck with the salad box. Okay. That's great. I wanted to ask you, I know you said there was a lot of different other branches in there, like JAG and AG, Cyber. Were there any other civil affairs officers or 38 Gulfs in your course?
Yeah, in my cohort, there were a few of them. There was actually another one from my unit, which was fantastic, Capt
Recently, I partnered with SMA's Mariah Yager to talk with Professor Beatrice Houser about post-conflict stabilization.
“In Kuwait, preparing for the Iraq invasion, I asked the leadership, ‘Could you give us a little more detail about after we get to Baghdad and topple the regime? ' [The answer] was more than inadequate.’” -David Petraeus, speaking at Carnegie.
The U.S. and the West recently suffered monumental failures in planning and implementing post-conflict stabilization, resulting in massive corruption, instability and loss of foreign policy goals.
[Charley Wilson’s War]. “These things happened. They were glorious, and they changed the world... and then we fucked up the endgame.” -Charley Wilson’s end-of-film quote.
In this session, we turn the corner from commiserating on past failures to discussing solutions to planning and implementing the transition from conflict to post-conflict stabilization. To help partner nations regain their stability, security and partnership in the international community.
To help, we have brought in Professor Beatrice Heuser, renowned Chair in International Relations at the University of Glasgow and second to the General Staff Academy of the Bundeswehr, as Head of Strategy.
Dr. Heuser recently published a paper on post-conflict Gaza stabilization and reconstruction and wanted to discuss strategies for building an effective post-conflict strategy and operation.
Jack Gaines, showrunner and host of the One CA Podcast, is joining SMA to co-host the discussion.
In this session, Dr. Heuser, Jack Gaines, Mariah Yager and the audience will try to address three themes:
1. Planning the transition from conflict to post-conflict. How should the military shape the end of an active conflict to help the transition to post-conflict stabilization?
2. How to support the post-conflict stabilization. Typically, during stabilization, insurgencies rise, popular movements grow, and extremist groups attempt to usurp the transition for their political ambitions; how does conflict stabilization work with the military to minimize usurping groups while spotting and enabling popular movements?
3. Spotting and supporting the post-conflict transition and transitioning a post-conflict state that depends on aid and support to become independent. How can the military, diplomacy, and development workers manage the process to ensure a successful transition to becoming an independent partner in the international community?
Thank you FeedSpot for ranking One CA Podcast as one of their top 10 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks for SensualMusic4You producing "Hip Hop Jazz & Hip Hop Jazz Instrumental: 10 Hours of Hip Hop Jazz." Sample found at https://youtu.be/XEa0Xn9XAzk?si=eeWyVqE3c1uL6d2Q
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. Or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Hello, everyone. I'm Mariah Yeager, and welcome to today's SMA speaker session entitled Building Solutions to Post -Conflict Stabilization. I'd like to thank Professor Beatrice Huser for taking the time to speak with us today. And I'd also like to welcome back Major Jack Gaines of the 1CA podcast as our guest host.
00:00:57 JACK GAINES
I partnered with SMA to talk with Professor Beatrice Hauser on post -conflict stabilization. What you will hear on this show is the edited version. If you wish to listen to the full uncut version, I will have a link to it in the show notes. This is part one of two. The second half comes out next week. So enjoy.
So with that, please keep your video and audio off for the duration of the event so we have a nice clear line for our presentation today. All right, let me introduce Professor Beatrice Huser. She holds the Chair in International Relations at the University of Glasgow. She has degrees from the Universities of London and Oxford and a habilitation from the Phillips University of Marburg. She has taught at King's College London and at universities in France and Germany. Previously, she has worked on the international staff at NATO headquarters in Brussels as well. She has numerous publications. from nuclear strategy, history of strategy, insurgencies, and counterinsurgency. But today we're talking about post -conflict stabilization. And with that, I'm going to turn the floor over to Leijer.
00:01:59 JACK GAINES
Thank you, Mariah. And thank you, Professor Huser. Personally, I see a market gap in post -conflict stabilization. And to describe that gap, I forwarded Professor Huser three challenge questions to help her shape her presentation and the discussion. Those questions were, the military drives conflict to an end state. what conditions do we need to achieve to successfully transition a conflict into post -conflict stabilization? Second, during post -conflict conditions, how does the military and lead agencies spot and support legitimate efforts while also spotting and filtering out groups trying to derail recovery for their own benefit or spoilers or those who use instability for personal gain? And third, How do we work to transition a nation from post -conflict dependencies to becoming a self -sufficient member of the international community? These came to me after listening to retired General David Petraeus speak at Carnegie. He talked about when he was a division commander preparing to go into Baghdad and asking leadership about the plan after toppling the regime. The response was, leave that to us, which he states was inadequate. General Petraeus described the market gap. We needed to know the instate to achieve post -conflict conditions and then how to deter instability to support stabilization and transition. So that is the challenge for Professor Huser to answer. But I also wanted to use this talk as a call to action. We should take chalk to the State Department CSO strategy to either update our current plans and operations so they achieve the conditions for post -conflict stabilization and transition or Build operational templates that staff can plug into the back of any strategy or operation so planners can sketch out the steps to drive a conflict into a successful post -conflict environment with stabilization and transition. So with that, Professor Huser, good morning.
Thank you very much indeed. I'm very honored to be with you. If you can stop sharing your screen, I will flash mine up straight away and start. with a disclaimer that I am a very small and modern armchair strategist, and I'm standing on the shoulders of lots and lots of giants, which means that I'm going to introduce you in the first part of this whole talk to the ideas and the thinking of some very interesting and very important people of the past who've had plenty of experience. But at the same time, what is driving my interest is, of course, the present. And you will see all along, I think, like me, how these ideas that were developed by people a long time ago impact on the present. More still, there's a big debate about how much war changes and how much technology impacts war. I think particularly when it comes to insurgencies, peacemaking, counterinsurgency, intervention in foreign wars, there is a particularly strong continuity. even with allowances made for some of the modern technology. All the themes I'm going to be running past you today very quickly, I have got a very important role to play still in the present. So without further ado, let me plunge into the subject and I promise to you that I'll become more modern as at the very end during questions and answers. But I don't think it would make much sense if I simply ran you through. the NATO AGP 3 .28 contribution to stabilisation, let me take you back instead to a lot of ideas that have been around for a long time, some of which have found their way into this new NATO document. So these are the points that I'm going to be addressing. What happens when we're still at war affects everything else, then the difficulties of the transition to peace, post -conflict stabilisation, and how then to wean a polity from this foreign intervention. And then I have a big philosophical question at the end, which you will have to bear with me for, because it is very, very difficult and very morally problematic in every way. And I hope that I will not be misread when coming to this last point. So very briefly, let us look at what happens while we're still at war and how that influences the outcome and the intervention and the outcome of a stabilisation. process afterwards. One of the things that I've discovered trying to look into the subject of how to end wars is that causes of wars and war aims could be the same really, but they're not. Simply because during a war, particularly if it's more than seven days, more things can appear that will change the aims of the war. In theory, the causes of the war are grievance that you want to address. So if you've addressed the grievance, the war's over. But in fact, during the development of the war, things change. Existing causes and war aims can wax and wane in that context. The question is, in trying to make peace, what is at stake? Is it something like secession of a state or a part of a state? Is it to have better rights? Or is it something much bigger? Is it in fact something like... a world order that lurks behind that particular conflict. Is the war about ethnic tensions with interstate, as it was in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Kosovo? Is it about picking out a foreign occupation power, a colonial power, as in Indochina and Algeria on Indonesia? Is it about religion, as it was for the Iranian Revolution Phase II, the Arab Spring Phase II, Afghanistan in its last phase? Is it about kicking out, overthrowing a government that is non -democratic and corrupt and is trying to perpetuate its power as South Vietnam in Iran, the Shah and phase one in Iraq, in Niger? And one of the important things there was a realization by one of my heroes about you, whom you're going to hear more, a Spaniard called the Third Marquis of Santa Cruz de Mascinado, who lived in the early 18th century. and who even then said that a state rarely rises up without the fault of its governors. And a Welshman who was Catholic and therefore escaped Protestant England and Britain in the 18th century, the first cause and object of a revolt is to repel injuries, real or supposed. The second is to provide for future security, which can never be effectually done other than by destroying the sovereign authority. There is no alternative. Freedom or slavery is the result of it. Very interestingly enough, during the first phase of the American War of Independence, but this stark way he put it is very modern. Therefore, the sovereign in conducting such a war should, by a moderate conduct, diminish the idea of danger and leave room to a solid and hearty reconciliation. So reconciliation is already a very important idea to take away from the idea of how to... end the war and stabilize that result of war. The effects of the conduct of war will polarize warring parties even more, particularly if the war is conducted in a way perceived as being exceptionally cruel. Ukrainians cared little about Russians before 2014. By now, it is pretty unlikely that there are a lot of Ukrainians still around who have positive feelings about Russians and the many things we hear about Ukraine, about how they suddenly... ban Russian books from bookshelves and from the school curricula seem to suggest that. Equally, the feelings of people in Gaza, I imagine, are much worse now towards Israel than even when the war started in October last year. Christina Pizal, who is the only woman strategist I've ever come across in the early 15th century, wrote that cruelty increases and multiplies the number of enemies by making many people die. for their children are kin succeed them in hate. That is to say, for one enemy slain, several others spring up. This has got a path to reconciliation when, for every enemy slain, several others spring up. A very brief note about bombing. The idea in the immediate post -World War I period that you could end wars faster by bombing civilian populations. Pressing them to put pressure in turn on their governments to surrender has been proved to be quite unworkable. So in the Second World War, as a number of authors have shown, this was quite counterproductive because it created more solidarity, both in Ukraine and in Gaza. It has not turned the population against its own government. I think in both cases, the bombing from the air has had very adverse effects on the chances of making a good peace. making it soon and then stabilizing the situation. Let me touch briefly on the question of which external actors might be the best to intervene in something that is a civil war of a country, a non -international armed conflict. There are configurations in which somebody very, very external to the conflict might have been a good side to intervene. For example, I used to go around in the 1990s before the Easter agreements and the Good Friday agreements were signed in 1998, saying that in fact it would have been a good idea to bring in German forces because they weren't sympathising with either side and they weren't seen as enemies by either side. In the Yugoslav wars it was clearly an external multinational force that was the best. In African conflicts what seems not to be a good idea is to bring in previous colonial powers. There's a lot of atheistic reaction to say, ah, they're just neo
Recently, I partnered with SMA's Mariah Yager to talk with Professor Beatrice Houser about post-conflict stabilization.
“In Kuwait, preparing for the Iraq invasion, I asked the leadership, ‘Could you give us a little more detail about after we get to Baghdad and topple the regime? ' [The answer] was more than inadequate.’” -David Petraeus, speaking at Carnegie.
The U.S. and the West recently suffered monumental failures in planning and implementing post-conflict stabilization, resulting in massive corruption, instability and loss of foreign policy goals.
[Charley Wilson’s War]. “These things happened. They were glorious, and they changed the world... and then we fucked up the endgame.” -Charley Wilson’s end-of-film quote.
In this session, we turn the corner from commiserating on past failures to discussing solutions to planning and implementing the transition from conflict to post-conflict stabilization. To help partner nations regain their stability, security and partnership in the international community.
To help, we have brought in Professor Beatrice Heuser, renowned Chair in International Relations at the University of Glasgow and second to the General Staff Academy of the Bundeswehr, as Head of Strategy.
Dr. Heuser recently published a paper on post-conflict Gaza stabilization and reconstruction and wanted to discuss strategies for building an effective post-conflict strategy and operation.
Jack Gaines, showrunner and host of the One CA Podcast, is joining SMA to co-host the discussion.
In this session, Dr. Heuser, Jack Gaines, Mariah Yager and the audience will try to address three themes:
1. Planning the transition from conflict to post-conflict. How should the military shape the end of an active conflict to help the transition to post-conflict stabilization?
2. How to support the post-conflict stabilization. Typically, during stabilization, insurgencies rise, popular movements grow, and extremist groups attempt to usurp the transition for their political ambitions; how does conflict stabilization work with the military to minimize usurping groups while spotting and enabling popular movements?
3. Spotting and supporting the post-conflict transition and transitioning a post-conflict state that depends on aid and support to become independent. How can the military, diplomacy, and development workers manage the process to ensure a successful transition to becoming an independent partner in the international community?
Thank you FeedSpot for ranking One CA Podcast as one of their top 10 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks for SensualMusic4You producing "Hip Hop Jazz & Hip Hop Jazz Instrumental: 10 Hours of Hip Hop Jazz." Sample found at https://youtu.be/XEa0Xn9XAzk?si=eeWyVqE3c1uL6d2Q
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail dot com. Or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Hello, everyone. I'm Mariah Yeager, and welcome to today's SMA speaker session entitled Building Solutions to Post -Conflict Stabilization. I'd like to thank Professor Beatrice Huser for taking the time to speak with us today. And I'd also like to welcome back Major Jack Gaines of the 1CA podcast as our guest host.
00:00:57 JACK GAINES
I partnered with SMA to talk with Professor Beatrice Hauser on post -conflict stabilization. What you will hear on this show is the edited version. If you wish to listen to the full uncut version, I will have a link to it in the show notes. This is part one of two. The second half comes out next week. So enjoy.
So with that, please keep your video and audio off for the duration of the event so we have a nice clear line for our presentation today. All right, let me introduce Professor Beatrice Huser. She holds the Chair in International Relations at the University of Glasgow. She has degrees from the Universities of London and Oxford and a habilitation from the Phillips University of Marburg. She has taught at King's College London and at universities in France and Germany. Previously, she has worked on the international staff at NATO headquarters in Brussels as well. She has numerous publications. from nuclear strategy, history of strategy, insurgencies, and counterinsurgency. But today we're talking about post -conflict stabilization. And with that, I'm going to turn the floor over to Leijer.
00:01:59 JACK GAINES
Thank you, Mariah. And thank you, Professor Huser. Personally, I see a market gap in post -conflict stabilization. And to describe that gap, I forwarded Professor Huser three challenge questions to help her shape her presentation and the discussion. Those questions were, the military drives conflict to an end state. what conditions do we need to achieve to successfully transition a conflict into post -conflict stabilization? Second, during post -conflict conditions, how does the military and lead agencies spot and support legitimate efforts while also spotting and filtering out groups trying to derail recovery for their own benefit or spoilers or those who use instability for personal gain? And third, How do we work to transition a nation from post -conflict dependencies to becoming a self -sufficient member of the international community? These came to me after listening to retired General David Petraeus speak at Carnegie. He talked about when he was a division commander preparing to go into Baghdad and asking leadership about the plan after toppling the regime. The response was, leave that to us, which he states was inadequate. General Petraeus described the market gap. We needed to know the instate to achieve post -conflict conditions and then how to deter instability to support stabilization and transition. So that is the challenge for Professor Huser to answer. But I also wanted to use this talk as a call to action. We should take chalk to the State Department CSO strategy to either update our current plans and operations so they achieve the conditions for post -conflict stabilization and transition or Build operational templates that staff can plug into the back of any strategy or operation so planners can sketch out the steps to drive a conflict into a successful post -conflict environment with stabilization and transition. So with that, Professor Huser, good morning.
Thank you very much indeed. I'm very honored to be with you. If you can stop sharing your screen, I will flash mine up straight away and start. with a disclaimer that I am a very small and modern armchair strategist, and I'm standing on the shoulders of lots and lots of giants, which means that I'm going to introduce you in the first part of this whole talk to the ideas and the thinking of some very interesting and very important people of the past who've had plenty of experience. But at the same time, what is driving my interest is, of course, the present. And you will see all along, I think, like me, how these ideas that were developed by people a long time ago impact on the present. More still, there's a big debate about how much war changes and how much technology impacts war. I think particularly when it comes to insurgencies, peacemaking, counterinsurgency, intervention in foreign wars, there is a particularly strong continuity. even with allowances made for some of the modern technology. All the themes I'm going to be running past you today very quickly, I have got a very important role to play still in the present. So without further ado, let me plunge into the subject and I promise to you that I'll become more modern as at the very end during questions and answers. But I don't think it would make much sense if I simply ran you through. the NATO AGP 3 .28 contribution to stabilisation, let me take you back instead to a lot of ideas that have been around for a long time, some of which have found their way into this new NATO document. So these are the points that I'm going to be addressing. What happens when we're still at war affects everything else, then the difficulties of the transition to peace, post -conflict stabilisation, and how then to wean a polity from this foreign intervention. And then I have a big philosophical question at the end, which you will have to bear with me for, because it is very, very difficult and very morally problematic in every way. And I hope that I will not be misread when coming to this last point. So very briefly, let us look at what happens while we're still at war and how that influences the outcome and the intervention and the outcome of a stabilisation. process afterwards. One of the things that I've discovered trying to look into the subject of how to end wars is that causes of wars and war aims could be the same really, but they're not. Simply because during a war, particularly if it's more than seven days, more things can appear that will change the aims of the war. In theory, the causes of the war are grievance that you want to address. So if you've addressed the grievance, the war's over. But in fact, during the development of the war, things change. Existing causes and war aims can wax and wane in that context. The question is, in trying to make peace, what is at stake? Is it something like secession of a state or a part of a state? Is it to have better rights? Or is it something much bigger? Is it in fact something like... a world order that lurks behind that particular conflict. Is the war about ethnic tensions with interstate, as it was in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Kosovo? Is it about picking out a foreign occupation power, a colonial power, as in Indochina and Algeria on Indonesia? Is it about religion, as it was for the Iranian Revolution Phase II, the Arab Spring Phase II, Afghanistan in its last phase? Is it about kicking out, overthrowing a government that is non -democratic and corrupt and is trying to perpetuate its power as South Vietnam in Iran, the Shah and phase one in Iraq, in Niger? And one of the important things there was a realization by one of my heroes about you, whom you're going to hear more, a Spaniard called the Third Marquis of Santa Cruz de Mascinado, who lived in the early 18th century. and who even then said that a state rarely rises up without the fault of its governors. And a Welshman who was Catholic and therefore escaped Protestant England and Britain in the 18th century, the first cause and object of a revolt is to repel injuries, real or supposed. The second is to provide for future security, which can never be effectually done other than by destroying the sovereign authority. There is no alternative. Freedom or slavery is the result of it. Very interestingly enough, during the first phase of the American War of Independence, but this stark way he put it is very modern. Therefore, the sovereign in conducting such a war should, by a moderate conduct, diminish the idea of danger and leave room to a solid and hearty reconciliation. So reconciliation is already a very important idea to take away from the idea of how to... end the war and stabilize that result of war. The effects of the conduct of war will polarize warring parties even more, particularly if the war is conducted in a way perceived as being exceptionally cruel. Ukrainians cared little about Russians before 2014. By now, it is pretty unlikely that there are a lot of Ukrainians still around who have positive feelings about Russians and the many things we hear about Ukraine, about how they suddenly... ban Russian books from bookshelves and from the school curricula seem to suggest that. Equally, the feelings of people in Gaza, I imagine, are much worse now towards Israel than even when the war started in October last year. Christina Pizal, who is the only woman strategist I've ever come across in the early 15th century, wrote that cruelty increases and multiplies the number of enemies by making many people die. for their children are kin succeed them in hate. That is to say, for one enemy slain, several others spring up. This has got a path to reconciliation when, for every enemy slain, several others spring up. A very brief note about bombing. The idea in the immediate post -World War I period that you could end wars faster by bombing civilian populations. Pressing them to put pressure in turn on their governments to surrender has been proved to be quite unworkable. So in the Second World War, as a number of authors have shown, this was quite counterproductive because it created more solidarity, both in Ukraine and in Gaza. It has not turned the population against its own government. I think in both cases, the bombing from the air has had very adverse effects on the chances of making a good peace. making it soon and then stabilizing the situation. Let me touch briefly on the question of which external actors might be the best to intervene in something that is a civil war of a country, a non -international armed conflict. There are configurations in which somebody very, very external to the conflict might have been a good side to intervene. For example, I used to go around in the 1990s before the Easter agreements and the Good Friday agreements were signed in 1998, saying that in fact it would have been a good idea to bring in German forces because they weren't sympathising with either side and they weren't seen as enemies by either side. In the Yugoslav wars it was clearly an external multinational force that was the best. In African conflicts what seems not to be a good idea is to bring in previous colonial powers. There's a lot of atheistic reaction to say, ah, they're just neo
Today, we have a special guest episode.
Dana Lombardy of Lombardy Studios hosts talks on military history and current events. To find out more about Dana's work, check out LombardyStudios.com.
For this episode, he brings in retired Rear Admiral Michael Baker, a general surgeon who travels to Ukraine to teach combat first aid.
It's a great story about volunteering and working in a war zone to help Ukrainians save soldiers' lives.
Great news: FeedSpot ranked One CA Podcast as one of their top 10 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Max Jansson for posting the
Mark Knopfler and Chet Atkins instrumental "I'll see you in my dreams," performed live at Secret Policeman's Third Ball 1987. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wTVLIZaxMk
00:00:05 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with a partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the War College. My name is Dana Lombardi, and I've been using the facilities here for about 10 years to do War College presentations. They've been mostly historical. In the past couple of years have been trying to look at more contemporary things that are going on in the world. This morning we're going to talk about the events in Ukraine and also how this impacts ourselves and our allies. We have really good speakers who have personal experience with this. And they have a lot of things to tell us about what is happening there and also what they have done and some of their personal experiences. The gentleman to my immediate right is retired Admiral Michael Baker, a surgeon.
00:01:26 Jack Gaines
Today, we have a guest episode. Dana Lombardi of Lombardi Studios hosts talks on military history and current events. To find out more about Dana's work, check it out on LombardiStudios .com. For this episode... He brings in retired Rear Admiral Michael Baker, a general surgeon who travels to Ukraine to teach combat first aid. It's a great story about volunteering and working in a war zone to help Ukrainians save soldiers' lives. So let's get started.
Thank you for that kind introduction. So I got to tell you this story about how I got involved. Why is a general surgeon going to Ukraine in the middle of a war? In fact, a retired general surgeon. I mean, what am I doing? I decided after all my surgery training and medical school and everything, I felt grateful to grow up in this country, believe it or not. And I decided I would join the military. The military at that time was scaling down, but very short of specialists. So they said, well, we're going to put you in the reserves for now in case we ever need you and we'll find something for you to do. And I said, okay, I can do a couple of years in the reserves and then that won't interfere with my career and I'll go back to civilian life. So I signed up. Little did I know that they would hook me into doing more than those two or three years in the reserves, and I wound up spending quite a long time retiring as a rear admiral with a warfare pin of river and coastal patrol, which at the time was extremely unusual. I had all kinds of odd assignments, most of which had nothing to do with surgery. It was very strange. So Europe's been at peace for 75 years since World War II. How did this happen? If you believe Mark Twain, he says God created war so that Americans would learn geography. And normally I start this talk with some history and geography. We won't dwell on that today because of our time constraints. Normally this is like a 90 -minute talk. So Ukraine's been part of many countries. Borders changed all the time, but Ukrainians are not Russians. That's the key thing here. They never have been. There's a lot of reasons that Putin listed for attacking Ukraine. One of the big ones that's outlandish is NATO's getting too close. So I have to show you that one real quick on the map. And you can come up with some arrows. But if you look at the dark blue, dark purplish color, those are the original NATO countries sort of pre -1991. You know, England and France and Germany. And the purple ones... adjacent to Ukraine, those are all former Russian Soviet republics. So, you know, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, what did they do after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Well, they all rushed to join NATO because they're afraid of the Russians. What a surprise. Where is the border close? Well, they already share a common border. So how do you get any closer to NATO than sharing a common border? They also are pretty close to Turkey. Anybody know what that is? Hunt for Red October? It's Kaliningrad, Sean Connery's port of embarkation with a nuclear sub. There's a Russian naval base with nuclear weapons in the middle of NATO countries. Now, I'm a surgeon, so we would call this a metastasis. I don't know what to call it geopolitically, but it's right between Lithuania and Poland, and my prediction would be that the next place that the Russians would go if they triumphed in Ukraine would be to open that corridor. So the Russian effort backfires so extravagantly that previously neutral Finland and Sweden decide to join NATO. You know, it's kind of interesting. So now there's more NATO countries. It really did backfire because everybody fears the Russian bear, as you'll see. And I put that on there just to remind everybody that the bear is coming. There's really reason here why the Ukrainians stood to fight. Everybody thought it would collapse in two weeks, including all the NATO countries and the Western powers. They did stand. And I think it's well exemplified by the response. There's 18 guys on a place called Snake Island. And the garrison on Snake Island became famous because they were approached by a battle cruiser, the Moskva. And the 18 guys gave a response that became symbolic to the rest of the war with the Russian military. And it actually have we have postage stamps now that talk about it. Next slide.
Just days after Russia invaded Ukraine, a Russian warship ordered Ukrainian soldiers manning a Black Sea outpost on Ukraine's Snake Island to surrender. What happened next made headlines around the world.
It was the go F yourself heard round the world. And tonight we're learning the Russian warship that attacked Snake Island has been destroyed by Ukrainian forces. The Times of London reporting that the Vasily Bikov seen in this earlier video was hit during a firefight after the Ukrainians used a smaller vessel to lure the Russian ship closer to shore where a hidden missile battery could open fire.
You know, I'm a sailor, but I would never say anything like that. So what it really amounts to is the fact that fighting for your home is a lot different than being an invader who fights to loot and to rob and to rape and to destroy. Napoleon stated historically that the moral is to the physical as three is to one. It's really true. It might even be higher. I'm going to show you a video of a 15 -year -old boy credited with about 100 kills of Russian armor using his drone to guide the artillery. That's pretty amazing for a 15 -year -old. So how did I get involved with this? To tell you the quick story, I have a friend and shipmate named Malcolm Nance. He was an MSNBC contributor. He's an author. First week of the war, he predicted that Ukraine would beat Russia. He was an outlier. And then he went and joined the International Legion and went to Ukraine. So there's volunteers from over 50 countries. They get background checks and psyche evals, unlike the Russians who take them out of jail and prison. He returned home in August to promote his book, and he was at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. And so I said, I'm going to come down there and let's go out and talk after the lecture. He gave a great discussion about Ukraine. Interesting guy. And he wrote a book called They Want to Kill Americans about militias and terrorists. Great read, actually, fairly interesting. And even though I don't really drink, I learned what certain drinks like a French 75 was. I didn't even know what that was, but now I know. So I want you to meet my friend Malcolm Nance. He's an author. He's an NBC commentator. He's an intelligence guy from the Navy background. And he's the only one who predicted Russia would lose. So here's a clip from the Commonwealth Club. I said this on MSNBC. I said,
Club. I said this on MSNBC. I said, these guys are going to fight. I can tell by the look in this man's eye. He is ready to kick Russian ass and enjoy it. And, you know, he's a very short guy, he's a thick guy, you know. And the other commander, the commander of land warfare was General Serski. You know, guy's about five foot five. Five foot fives of five foot five inches of I cannot be defeated. No, really. And as I looked at them, I was like, whoa. I think there's something happening here in media that is not being factored. And I said this on one of the MSNBC shows about three or four days before the invasion. And they were like, well, you know, the invasion will be quick. Analysts were coming on. The invasion will be quick. They'll lose rather fast. And I said, hey. Let me tell you something. They were talking about the Ukrainians losing.
00:08:52 SPEAKER_01
were talking about the Ukrainians losing. He would be in there within two weeks. It would all be over. The entire war would be over.
He would
entire war would be over. Keefe would be taken in 72 hours. I kept thinking, this is why intelligence field collectors are the smart ones to listen to. We're on the ground. And I've been in the city of Keefe. It's the size of Chicago. It has a bigger population. It's five million people. And these 20 stories Soviet apartment blocks that are 20 buildings deep. And I'm like, no one's ever taking this city. All right. There's little old ladies right now who are woefully heartbroken. that they didn't get to throw their Molotov cocktails out the 18 -story window on top of Russian tanks. If you go to the checkpoints in Kiev right now, there are thousands upon thousands of Molotov cocktails in crates waiting for the reservists because they expected to be fighting hand and fist with the Russians. The Russians never got near going anywhere near taking. Kiev, except one ambush that the Ukrainians let them into the city and slaughtered them wholesale. And, you know, I said the same thing in the pre -war. I go, they're never going to, they're going to lose this war. They don't have enough men to win this war. The Russians. Yes.
So he goes back to put on his uniform and roughly a week later, out of the blue, I get some contact saying, would you be willing to go teach combat casualty care in Ukraine? And in this case, it was the International Medical Corps reaching out in the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. And it trains medical providers to deal with acute injuries on the highway, on the battlefield, wherever. But it's really very straightforward. It was introduced about 1980 because an orthopedic surgeon and his family went down in the airplane, and he felt that the family had been very badly handled and poorly treated. And he said, we've got to teach people how to do this right. There are ways to do it. So it's been taught to over a million doctors and other medical professionals. In the U .S. military, we teach it to physicians assistants and to dental officers because they got to know. You never know when combat will come their way. So here I am, retired guy, walks the dog, tells his kids, I'm going to go to Europe and teach ATLS. They're used to me going to South Korea and Germany, so they didn't think too much about it. And I come from a background where you don't really tell people where you're going anyway, because that's operational security. Some of you may know and nod your heads when I say that. It's 12 hours from San Francisco to Warsaw, but we had a layover, of course. It was 18 hours by the time I got there. Then it gets more interesting. I have to change planes, and I go to the desk, and I go, where's the gate for this city, and how do you pronounce it? And she smiles and tells me the gate and says it's pronounced Zhezhov just like it's spelled. And I go, okay, next slide, please. Yeah, I guess I won't be learning Polish any too quickly. So we fly into Zhezhov. And there we get a van to the border. And we actually get out and it's 90 minutes, but we meet a van on the other side. The reason is there's 10 miles of trucks backed up on the border and it would take us three days to get through. So we walk across, which is why they told us to only bring carry -ons, which was really good advice. But we didn't get to go straight because you don't want to travel with all those ammunition trucks and fuel trucks and stuff. So you get to take a few side roads. It takes a little longer. So we finally get there and Ukraine felt like a country that was at war, but it didn't really feel like war imminent. You know, there were checkpoints and fighting posts and armed guards and air raid sirens and bomb shelters everywhere. And going down the highway, you had these barricades with concrete blocks and sandbags. Those are called serpentines. You're met by the greeters, just like at Walmart. And the greeters sometimes will inspect your van or your truck to see what you're doing. And we got an app installed
Please welcome Maria Yager and Bas Waters to One CA Podcast.
Originally, I was cohosting the show with Mariah, but I got OBE'd (or overcome by events), so Maria covered until I arrived and helped with questions and answers.
This is part two of a two-part episode on influence and persuasion.
FeedSpot ranked One CA Podcast as one of their top 20 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Max Sedgley for remixing Sarah Vaughan's iconic signing of the theme to the show Max Gunn. Found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33GglmH6U1k
00:00:02 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:37 Mariah Yager
Hi, everyone. I'm Mariah Yeager, your host for today's SMA speaker session titled On Persuasion. We have Bass Waters, who is co -founder and CEO of the Cialdini Institute. He's the author of Online Influence, which is combining Dr. Cialdini's work with insights from other behavioral experts, creating a highly practical framework to boost online results.
00:00:57 Jack Gaines
Please welcome Mariah Yeager and Bass Waters to 1CA Podcast. Originally, I was co -hosting the show with Mariah, but I got OBE'd, or overcome by events, so Mariah covered until I arrived to help with questions and answers. This is part one of a two -part episode on influence and persuasion, so enjoy.
00:01:14 Mariah Yager
So after establishing the Cialdini Institute, companies like Disney, Bookings .com reached out to our speaker today. So he has extensive experience. We're happy to have him today. So with that, I'm going to turn the floor over to Mr. Waters.
00:01:28 Bas Wouters
Thank you, Mariah, for this great introduction. Thank you all for joining and to dive deeper into the practical application of the science of persuasion. I'm representing the Cialdini Institute. I'm aware that a lot of you know the great work of Dr. Robert Cialdini, and he is my business partner in the Cialdini Institute. I'd like to start with some things you may not know about Robert Cialdini, and one of the things that we are very proud of is this research in 2022. They established a jury of the top entrepreneurs in the world, which included Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. And they voted for the best business book of all time. And as you probably can guess, the winner was Influence from Dr. Robert Cialdini. And actually, they repeated this study with those top entrepreneurs. And in 2023, again, the winner was Influence from Dr. Cialdini. I understood from Jack and Mariah that most of you read his book, published in 1984. And Dr. Cialdini became a professor at the University of Arizona State. He started lecturing, PhD students, but he also started to do research. And one thing that fascinated Dr. Cialdini is why people can influence so easily. I'll give you an example. One day at home, somebody rings the doorbell. He opens. He makes a nice chat. Goes back inside and then he realized, why do I suddenly have a new energy supplier? I didn't need that. I didn't ask for it. I said yes to the request. So that fascinated him. So he started looking into the research that was already done for influence, the science of persuasion. But he found actually the first influence research of psychologists who were wondering in the 1930s. When Hitler came to power, how can a man who is an advocate for such a totalitarian regime, how can he move complete societies in his direction? So Dr. Cialdini was looking at approximately 40 to 50 years of data on influence research. And then he realized something important. These are lab studies. But influence is done in the real world. So I need to go out there where it actually happens. So Dr. Cialdini went undercover and he infiltrated a lot of training programs. So training programs on sales, marketing, VR. But he also infiltrated army recruitment and even calls. And after three years, he collected his findings and connected that to the 50 years of research that already was out there. And then he wrote his book, Influence. And in that book, first he wrote the six principles of persuasion. And later, in this new and expanded edition in 2021, he added a seventh principle. These seven principles of persuasion, these are the universal principles of persuasion. Sayers shows us these principles work in every culture, in every language, in every country. There's also research on what is the most powerful principle per culture, but they all work in every culture. The thing is what Dr. Cialdini wondered during his research is something different because everybody told him, well, we are from marketing. That's completely different than PR. Well, I'm from PR. That's different than sales. Sales is different from advertising. So everybody told him. how different everybody was. What he was looking for, what is the same? Which principles motivates in every case to move more people in your direction? Like I said, in 1984, he found six. Based on research, he added a seven principle. So these principles are reciprocity. If I invite you to my birthday party, you feel a pressure. To invite me back at your party. Liking. We like to say yes to our friends. To give you an example. If I walk here on the street. And a complete stranger is moving houses. And they say to me. Well boss. Do you want to help me? Most likely I would tell that stranger. I don't have time. Or no I don't want to help you. But if my best friend would ask me that same question. Probably I say yes. The fourth principle is social proof. There's something interesting with social proof. In its first edition, it was referred to as consensus. Dr. Cialdini created the term social proof. What it states is, when we are uncertain, we look to other people to decide what we should do. Think, for example, about booking .com. Which hotel should we pick to stay? A thousand people tell me this is a great hotel, so I booked that hotel. The fifth principle is authority. We follow the advice of the experts. This is an interesting one because how we base in our decision making if somebody is an expert is very interesting. To give you an example, if I go to my general doctor. I just ask him questions about whatever health condition I have. But who ever checked the diplomas of that general doctor? Probably nobody did that. But based on his title, I already trust him that he has expertise about whatever complaint I will bring to him in my health situation. Then consistency. It's about if we made a small commitment previously, we feel an internal pressure to act consistent with what we previously have said or done. Consistency is the most powerful internal driver to motivate into action. And that leads me to the second principle, and that's scarcity. Scarcity is the most powerful external driver that motivates us into action. And you can think, for example, about Black Friday. It started in the US, but now it's spread all over the world. And on Black Friday, everybody is moving into directions just because they assume they can get great deals. Then unity. This is the seventh principle that Dr. Cialdini introduced in his new and expanded edition of Influence. And it's about... Do we belong to the same group? We are all football fans. We are all Americans. So the fact that you belong to the same group may increase the motivation to say yes to a certain request if that is raised to awareness. Those are the seven principles. What's important, these principles are based on science. Everything we do in the Cialdini research has three core values. One is science. The other one is application. So you cannot change your outcome just with theory. You have to be able to translate the theoretical research into practical application. But that's another very important component of us, which we will discuss into a systematic way of applying today. And the third is ethics. And ethics, it's about these powerful principles. You have to use them in an ethical way because we talk not about manipulation. Influence is not manipulation. Ethical influence is not manipulation because it's raising to awareness parts of information that are also helpful for people to make a decision. And therefore, you create win -win outcomes. Because things are based on science, it can be taught. And if something can be taught, it can be learned. There are a lot of people out there who have a natural gift to be persuasive. They often end up in marketing, sales, or leadership positions because they have this natural ability to persuade. We know one thing for sure. People who master the science that don't have the natural ability to persuade are more powerful persuaders than people who have the natural ability to persuade. Can you imagine if you have both? One, you have a natural skill to be persuasive, plus you master the science. And why this is also important, I train a lot of people all over the world. And especially in sales and marketing, after a training, people told me, now I can actually explain what I was doing. They were successful, but they could not teach it. It's just what comes up to me natural. That is not transferable. So because it's science, it can be taught, and therefore it can be learned by everybody. And today we want to dive into the application. Dr. Neidert has been a right -hand man to Dr. Cialdini for the last 25 years. He is also a professor at ASU University, and he consulted the Fortune 100 companies, but also a lot of government agencies, including intelligence. And every time when he did such a consulting, he selected a principal that was most suitable for that case. And people asked him, of course, Dr. Neidert, why you've chosen reciprocity or why you've chosen scarcity to overcome our influence challenges? And this answer could not be, that's just because I do. Everything is science and research -based. So he developed the core motives model so we can teach you how to select the best principle in every given situation. Let me start by introducing the first core motives model. In an influence challenge, the relationship we have with a person is very important. To give you an example, let's imagine I'm in a very important meeting and my phone rings and I look at my phone and I see somebody that I don't speak so often. What would I probably do? I wouldn't pick up my phone. But imagine the same situation. I'm in that very important meeting and my spouse or your partner or friend that knows you are in that important meeting calls you. Now probably what will happen is you will excuse yourself and try to pick up the phone to at least know why they are calling you because you assume there's something urgent. You do this based on the relationship. you have with that person. And if you go back to the 50s, one of the communication models that was introduced was the sender -receiver model, which says, when you send out a message with words and images, then you have the receiver. That receiver processes the information they get and make it a message. Then you have the channel. Those channels are now extended in the online world. First, you had face -to -face. Then we had... face -to -face and phone calls. And now you have face -to -face, video calls, phone calls, text messages, emails. Also, the channel is very interesting to look at and which one is most persuasive in influence. Then back to the first core modus model. So as I shared with you in the situation, do I pick up my phone during that important meeting? Yes or no? So in any given influence situation, we have to establish a relationship. Some questions that you can ask yourself, well, how can you recognize a signal that you have to work on your relationship? Do people pick up the phone, for example? Do they answer my text messages because you see those blue check marks in WhatsApp, for example, but they don't reply? You saw that they got it, they read it, but they don't reply. People don't pay attention when you are in a meeting. They are distracted. Look at their phone. These are all signals where you should recognize in the future, I need to work on my relation. And the three principles that most likely will do the job to cultivate a relationship or repair an existing relationship are reciprocity, liking, and unity. So what you see... Pulling here is now we can recognize a signal. Why we might not reach our goals, why we get a no instead of a yes, can only be one core motive and the whole machine is start pinning again. So relationship can be one of those gears we have to work on. It's not a one, two, three step model. It could be in a new influence challenge, but it could also be just fix the relationship. So influence is start to move in your direction. So the second core motive that I like to introduce is uncertainty. In every decision -making process, we get uncertain most of the time. To give you an example, let's assume you want to buy a new kitchen. You go into Google and you type in buy a new kitchen. And then bang, you right away have like a million hits. Unconscious, we get uncertain. Where do I click? What are signals? What could you recognize when other ways that people are uncertain? Well, if you communicate with them, they might just say it. I don't know what to do. Or I doubt that this is the best decision for me. These kinds of expressions will help you recognize that people are still uncertain. Here's another thing people do. They start improving your offer. One of times we think, oh, but I am the expert. Why they don't listen to me? It's because they are uncertain. Those people don't want to act annoying. They know what to bother you, but they express uncertainty. And you should think I should m
Please welcome Maria Yager and Bas Waters to One CA Podcast.
Originally, I was cohosting the show with Mariah, but I got OBE'd (or overcome by events), so Maria covered until I arrived and helped with questions and answers.
This is part one of a two-part episode on influence and persuasion.
FeedSpot ranked One CA Podcast as one of their top 20 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Max Sedgley for remixing Sarah Vaughan's iconic signing of the theme to the show Max Gunn. Found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33GglmH6U1k
00:00:02 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:37 Mariah Yager
Hi, everyone. I'm Mariah Yeager, your host for today's SMA speaker session titled On Persuasion. We have Bass Waters, who is co -founder and CEO of the Cialdini Institute. He's the author of Online Influence, which is combining Dr. Cialdini's work with insights from other behavioral experts, creating a highly practical framework to boost online results.
00:00:57 Jack Gaines
Please welcome Mariah Yeager and Bass Waters to 1CA Podcast. Originally, I was co -hosting the show with Mariah, but I got OBE'd, or overcome by events, so Mariah covered until I arrived to help with questions and answers. This is part one of a two -part episode on influence and persuasion, so enjoy.
00:01:14 Mariah Yager
So after establishing the Cialdini Institute, companies like Disney, Bookings .com reached out to our speaker today. So he has extensive experience. We're happy to have him today. So with that, I'm going to turn the floor over to Mr. Waters.
00:01:28 Bas Wouters
Thank you, Mariah, for this great introduction. Thank you all for joining and to dive deeper into the practical application of the science of persuasion. I'm representing the Cialdini Institute. I'm aware that a lot of you know the great work of Dr. Robert Cialdini, and he is my business partner in the Cialdini Institute. I'd like to start with some things you may not know about Robert Cialdini, and one of the things that we are very proud of is this research in 2022. They established a jury of the top entrepreneurs in the world, which included Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. And they voted for the best business book of all time. And as you probably can guess, the winner was Influence from Dr. Robert Cialdini. And actually, they repeated this study with those top entrepreneurs. And in 2023, again, the winner was Influence from Dr. Cialdini. I understood from Jack and Mariah that most of you read his book, published in 1984. And Dr. Cialdini became a professor at the University of Arizona State. He started lecturing, PhD students, but he also started to do research. And one thing that fascinated Dr. Cialdini is why people can influence so easily. I'll give you an example. One day at home, somebody rings the doorbell. He opens. He makes a nice chat. Goes back inside and then he realized, why do I suddenly have a new energy supplier? I didn't need that. I didn't ask for it. I said yes to the request. So that fascinated him. So he started looking into the research that was already done for influence, the science of persuasion. But he found actually the first influence research of psychologists who were wondering in the 1930s. When Hitler came to power, how can a man who is an advocate for such a totalitarian regime, how can he move complete societies in his direction? So Dr. Cialdini was looking at approximately 40 to 50 years of data on influence research. And then he realized something important. These are lab studies. But influence is done in the real world. So I need to go out there where it actually happens. So Dr. Cialdini went undercover and he infiltrated a lot of training programs. So training programs on sales, marketing, VR. But he also infiltrated army recruitment and even calls. And after three years, he collected his findings and connected that to the 50 years of research that already was out there. And then he wrote his book, Influence. And in that book, first he wrote the six principles of persuasion. And later, in this new and expanded edition in 2021, he added a seventh principle. These seven principles of persuasion, these are the universal principles of persuasion. Sayers shows us these principles work in every culture, in every language, in every country. There's also research on what is the most powerful principle per culture, but they all work in every culture. The thing is what Dr. Cialdini wondered during his research is something different because everybody told him, well, we are from marketing. That's completely different than PR. Well, I'm from PR. That's different than sales. Sales is different from advertising. So everybody told him. how different everybody was. What he was looking for, what is the same? Which principles motivates in every case to move more people in your direction? Like I said, in 1984, he found six. Based on research, he added a seven principle. So these principles are reciprocity. If I invite you to my birthday party, you feel a pressure. To invite me back at your party. Liking. We like to say yes to our friends. To give you an example. If I walk here on the street. And a complete stranger is moving houses. And they say to me. Well boss. Do you want to help me? Most likely I would tell that stranger. I don't have time. Or no I don't want to help you. But if my best friend would ask me that same question. Probably I say yes. The fourth principle is social proof. There's something interesting with social proof. In its first edition, it was referred to as consensus. Dr. Cialdini created the term social proof. What it states is, when we are uncertain, we look to other people to decide what we should do. Think, for example, about booking .com. Which hotel should we pick to stay? A thousand people tell me this is a great hotel, so I booked that hotel. The fifth principle is authority. We follow the advice of the experts. This is an interesting one because how we base in our decision making if somebody is an expert is very interesting. To give you an example, if I go to my general doctor. I just ask him questions about whatever health condition I have. But who ever checked the diplomas of that general doctor? Probably nobody did that. But based on his title, I already trust him that he has expertise about whatever complaint I will bring to him in my health situation. Then consistency. It's about if we made a small commitment previously, we feel an internal pressure to act consistent with what we previously have said or done. Consistency is the most powerful internal driver to motivate into action. And that leads me to the second principle, and that's scarcity. Scarcity is the most powerful external driver that motivates us into action. And you can think, for example, about Black Friday. It started in the US, but now it's spread all over the world. And on Black Friday, everybody is moving into directions just because they assume they can get great deals. Then unity. This is the seventh principle that Dr. Cialdini introduced in his new and expanded edition of Influence. And it's about... Do we belong to the same group? We are all football fans. We are all Americans. So the fact that you belong to the same group may increase the motivation to say yes to a certain request if that is raised to awareness. Those are the seven principles. What's important, these principles are based on science. Everything we do in the Cialdini research has three core values. One is science. The other one is application. So you cannot change your outcome just with theory. You have to be able to translate the theoretical research into practical application. But that's another very important component of us, which we will discuss into a systematic way of applying today. And the third is ethics. And ethics, it's about these powerful principles. You have to use them in an ethical way because we talk not about manipulation. Influence is not manipulation. Ethical influence is not manipulation because it's raising to awareness parts of information that are also helpful for people to make a decision. And therefore, you create win -win outcomes. Because things are based on science, it can be taught. And if something can be taught, it can be learned. There are a lot of people out there who have a natural gift to be persuasive. They often end up in marketing, sales, or leadership positions because they have this natural ability to persuade. We know one thing for sure. People who master the science that don't have the natural ability to persuade are more powerful persuaders than people who have the natural ability to persuade. Can you imagine if you have both? One, you have a natural skill to be persuasive, plus you master the science. And why this is also important, I train a lot of people all over the world. And especially in sales and marketing, after a training, people told me, now I can actually explain what I was doing. They were successful, but they could not teach it. It's just what comes up to me natural. That is not transferable. So because it's science, it can be taught, and therefore it can be learned by everybody. And today we want to dive into the application. Dr. Neidert has been a right -hand man to Dr. Cialdini for the last 25 years. He is also a professor at ASU University, and he consulted the Fortune 100 companies, but also a lot of government agencies, including intelligence. And every time when he did such a consulting, he selected a principal that was most suitable for that case. And people asked him, of course, Dr. Neidert, why you've chosen reciprocity or why you've chosen scarcity to overcome our influence challenges? And this answer could not be, that's just because I do. Everything is science and research -based. So he developed the core motives model so we can teach you how to select the best principle in every given situation. Let me start by introducing the first core motives model. In an influence challenge, the relationship we have with a person is very important. To give you an example, let's imagine I'm in a very important meeting and my phone rings and I look at my phone and I see somebody that I don't speak so often. What would I probably do? I wouldn't pick up my phone. But imagine the same situation. I'm in that very important meeting and my spouse or your partner or friend that knows you are in that important meeting calls you. Now probably what will happen is you will excuse yourself and try to pick up the phone to at least know why they are calling you because you assume there's something urgent. You do this based on the relationship. you have with that person. And if you go back to the 50s, one of the communication models that was introduced was the sender -receiver model, which says, when you send out a message with words and images, then you have the receiver. That receiver processes the information they get and make it a message. Then you have the channel. Those channels are now extended in the online world. First, you had face -to -face. Then we had... face -to -face and phone calls. And now you have face -to -face, video calls, phone calls, text messages, emails. Also, the channel is very interesting to look at and which one is most persuasive in influence. Then back to the first core modus model. So as I shared with you in the situation, do I pick up my phone during that important meeting? Yes or no? So in any given influence situation, we have to establish a relationship. Some questions that you can ask yourself, well, how can you recognize a signal that you have to work on your relationship? Do people pick up the phone, for example? Do they answer my text messages because you see those blue check marks in WhatsApp, for example, but they don't reply? You saw that they got it, they read it, but they don't reply. People don't pay attention when you are in a meeting. They are distracted. Look at their phone. These are all signals where you should recognize in the future, I need to work on my relation. And the three principles that most likely will do the job to cultivate a relationship or repair an existing relationship are reciprocity, liking, and unity. So what you see... Pulling here is now we can recognize a signal. Why we might not reach our goals, why we get a no instead of a yes, can only be one core motive and the whole machine is start pinning again. So relationship can be one of those gears we have to work on. It's not a one, two, three step model. It could be in a new influence challenge, but it could also be just fix the relationship. So influence is start to move in your direction. So the second core motive that I like to introduce is uncertainty. In every decision -making process, we get uncertain most of the time. To give you an example, let's assume you want to buy a new kitchen. You go into Google and you type in buy a new kitchen. And then bang, you right away have like a million hits. Unconscious, we get uncertain. Where do I click? What are signals? What could you recognize when other ways that people are uncertain? Well, if you communicate with them, they might just say it. I don't know what to do. Or I doubt that this is the best decision for me. These kinds of expressions will help you recognize that people are still uncertain. Here's another thing people do. They start improving your offer. One of times we think, oh, but I am the expert. Why they don't listen to me? It's because they are uncertain. Those people don't want to act annoying. They know what to bother you, but they express uncertainty. And you should think I should m
LTC Brian Hancock interviews CW5 Michael Gudmundson on electronic warfare (EW) and how it shapes current and future conflicts. Gudmundson spent four years at I Corps and then transferred to the U.S. Army in Europe and Africa to plan and advise on EW.
FeedSpot ranked One CA Podcast as one of their top 20 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at: https://podcasts.feedspot.com/foreign_policy_podcasts/
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Zlatno Doba for arranging "Amazing Theramin Music Compilation." Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDYvQ8FsZB4&t=502s
00:00:07 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with a partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome to the One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Colonel Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session. Today, we're going to explore the amazing world of electromagnetic warfare and its implications for the civilian populace. I have with me in the studio, Chief Warrant Officer 5, Michael Gunmanson, one of the Army's foremost experts on electronic warfare. Welcome to the show, Chief. Thanks. Glad to be here. Hey, I'm glad you're here, too. Now, I understand we have reason to celebrate. You recently moved from Chief Warrant 4 to 5. So tell the audience, what does it feel like to not have to ever worry about a senior rater making comments on your OER again?
I was so worried about it before that like now I just keep rowing, just I'll keep doing what I do.
Yeah, explore the freedom. I think the rest of us are always fighting for top blocks and trying to get those rater comments, which seem to be 90 % of promotions. So enjoy the freedom. I was wondering why you are so happy and now I know the truth of the matter. Okay, fantastic. Let me tell the audience a little bit about you. I'm lucky to know you well. Chief Warrant Officer 5 Gunmanson was selected for the very first electronic warfare warrant officer course taught by the U .S. Army in 2009. Following the course, he spent nine years as a brigade combat team electronic warfare technician. He's completed two deployments, first to Iraq and the second to Afghanistan.
I know the truth of the matter.
And next, he spent four years at First Corps and then transferred to the United States Army, Europe and Africa, where he has spent the last three years planning and training U .S. Army cyber electromagnetic activities to include electronic warfare. Amazing. I'm really glad you're here. Glad to be here. Okay. Let's give him the standard disclaimer because I know you and I are both opinionated. Reminder to the audience, all remarks made by Chief and I are ours and only ours and do not necessarily represent the views of the U .S. Army or the Department of Defense. All right, Chief, this is a complicated topic and got some pretty smart folks involved in Army and Marine Corps civil affairs, but not all of them spend time working in electronic warfare. So just to set the foundation, I'd like us to define a few terms. that we're going to be using repeatedly through the show. Let's start with that term electromagnetic warfare, EW. What exactly is EW and how does that differ from cyber electromagnetic warfare, SEMA?
The way I define it is electromagnetic warfare is radio frequency propagation and how the... all of the spectrum -dependent devices that count on radio frequencies. Electronic warfare is the attack and sensing of systems that are dependent on the spectrum. Where cyberspace electromagnetic warfare and SEMA, it includes EW because so many of those systems touch the spectrum. For example... I have an image of a cyberspace person who is always on the keyboard, who is hacking and doing everything on the Internet. And that image, I see that as there is a point in the nodes from the computer. to the Wi -Fi from the Wi -Fi back into a landline, either into fiber or some other system. And then when it gets pulled into a company that's providing that service, it's going to hit airwaves again in another form. And there's just all these different areas where electronic warfare will deal specifically with frequencies and then cyberspace would have to do with the effects on a device.
Thanks for clarifying that. It sounds like... If we have the Internet of Things in our house, we're doubly screwed. And that's where it gets complicated.
screwed. And that's where it gets complicated.
Amen. You mentioned spectrum. Spectrum, I think, is very important. I don't think we have specific MOSs dedicated specifically just to spectrum. I may be wrong about that. You can correct me. But in modern living, spectrum is kind of like air, right? It's all around us. It's ubiquitous. And everyone is using it for almost everything. Communication. to information, to understanding. Tell us a little bit about spectrum. What is it and who's responsible for it?
Yeah, spectrum management for the U .S. Army, it's an all -NCO MOS that manages the spectrums. And it is what frequency is your device operating on and how much of a specific frequency does it need to function properly.
And I'm glad to hear that we have the backbone of the Army getting after that with spectrum management. I suspect that that's going to become more and more contested over time, just like airspace, probably carefully metered, especially in these dense countries that we operate in, such as Europe. All right, let's switch gears a moment to your current role here at the United States Army Europe in Africa. Tell the audience a little bit about what you do here.
What I do is I help make sure that there are enough electromagnetic and SEMA resources for all of the units in Europe and Africa to conduct their missions and operations and training.
So you're kind of like a facilitator or a broker? Absolutely. Well, at your level of excellence, I'm not surprised. You'd be a force multiplier to help all those other people get it right. Do you do any active SEMA planning or coaching, anything like that?
Absolutely. If there's a SEMA question that comes up... I'll give my experience and I'll show where electromagnetic warfare and SEMA will fit into the mission.
Great. I wish you would continue that coaching and advice to the people who make GoWarsim and JCATs and these other devices so that we could get a SEMA layer in there. And we'll talk, obviously, later in the show why that's really important from what we're seeing in Ukraine and elsewhere. But keep doing that influencing you're doing. I think we need more of it. All right, let's talk about authorities, right? This is a pretty big topic for any enabler, and SEMA is no exception. What authorities, if any, exist to conduct electronic warfare in Europe or Africa? And how difficult is it to get authorities if you don't have one that you need?
The Department of Defense has a spectrum management doctrine regulations at how -to, and every piece of military equipment is annotated in that process. And so that process shows which piece of equipment we work with in the U .S. Army and how much of it can be shared with each country. To get after the authorities, the step number one is can we use the equipment in the country we're in? And then the step number two is how do we assign the frequencies to it? Because we're sharing the spectrum, which is owned by the host nation. Each host nation owns every frequency. In order to transmit on what we want to transmit, we have to share the parameters of the equipment. And there's a process for that. And we make sure that that process is. So that's how we get to the authorities. How long it takes with the processes that we and relationships we've built. If all of the documentation is in order, we can do it in. It's nice to have 30 days, but we can do it much faster. And then if that documentation isn't in order, I think we can do it in about 180 days.
All right. I imagine that varies quite a bit depending on where you're operating. Germany, where we are right now, is a pretty well -oiled machine when it comes to bureaucracy process and paperwork. Certain other countries, I think, is probably closer to the Wild West. So I imagine that that could vary quite a bit. But that's great explanation. It's really important as you move up. that you have those authorities to conduct on frequencies for whatever period is time, for whatever purpose, whatever condition. And ideally, we want to build those authorities into our operations plan in advance so that they're pre -coordinated and train them in exercises too, especially force -on -force tactical type exercises. I think one of the interesting things about electronic warfare and the spectrum itself is that we use antennas as our sensors.
think one of the interesting things about electronic warfare and the spectrum itself is that we use antennas as our sensors. Your eyeballs are as close as you're going to get to sensing the spectrum. Light is on the electromagnetic spectrum, but most of the devices we use, we can't actually feel the spectrum being used. And so we have to go through another medium, a computer, to identify whether it's on or off.
Yeah. I think all those folks in the... Cuban embassy were feeling the spectrum when Russian turned on the microwave emitters. But maybe not normal.
Absolutely. That's where you got to say most. But to get those results from what I understand is very high power and very highly specific systems.
Okay, I got it. Many of these folks that we have listening to 1CA podcast are officers and NCOs who have the burden of making things happen. And they have to take senior officers and turn those good ideas into actual executable operations. So they're doing a lot of the sausage mating. So in the intermediate level education that we get on the officer side, one of the things we really don't talk about is the electronic warfare process as to how that moves through boards, bureaus, centers, sales, working groups, all the way to the host nation, the country team, to result in an approved concept of operation that allows us to emit within a host nation. Can you tell those folks who want to incorporate EW into their planning, into their exercises, into their staff products, How do you move an EW CONOP from good idea all the way to firing it?
Yeah, for the U .S. Army, there are units that have been fielded equipment or there are units that have requested for equipment and have acquired equipment. In order to do specifically an electronic and attack CONOP, you just need to find the equipment and the power level and then also to plan it.
Yeah, but can't you get that at RadioShack? Yeah, you probably could. Right? So there's more to it, right, to get an Army approval to do that.
Absolutely. In the scenario where you got something from RadioShack and you made a transmitter, you're going to classify the antenna. You're going to measure how far or how powerful it is and at what frequency it's tuned to. And then you're going to have a LAN to do it on. You're going to have to have a sensor to detect it or a device. that you're going to want to jam or interrupt. And the way we do it is you're going to put all of that data in a CONOP or in a request form with the five W's of how you want to perform your electronic attack mission or how you're going to perform your EW effect.
All right. How does that CONOP track through the process? You know, you and I sit at the computer. We ginned something up, and I think it's the greatest idea ever. I don't know if anybody else will, but what's our next stop with that after we've come up with that good idea and dropped it in the format?
We start with the signals section, the G6 at UCRF, and that's where they will look at the spectrum needs and determine if they have enough resources for it, if equipment can be turned on, if there is host nation trends. turning on that type of equipment in the location that we want to do it.
Okay. And, you know, like if it's a training area on foreign soil, we might have some type of standing arrangement which would grease the skids, so to speak.
And a lot of times in the planning conferences, if there's an event happening, a lot of people would love to have EW into their event.
lot of people
I really think so. You know, we keep looking at all of the CTC rotations, including JRMC. The senior leaders from Forcecom are talking and they say, every time we try and do any type of jamming, the movement goes to hell because nobody knows how to do that. They've forgotten how to operate without all of these bandwidths and all the devices that depend on it. And that doesn't seem to have gotten any better in the last 10 years or so. So I think at every level from tactical on up
With the death of Alexei Navalny, I called Ilya Zaslavsky, A Russian anti-Putin activist, and asked him to come on the show to give some perspective on what happened and its ramifications.
This show was a quick turnaround, so I apologize for the editing. I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible.
Also, a quick heads-up: FeedSpot just ranked One CA Podcast as one of their top 20 foreign policy podcasts. Check it out at:
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to the PilSkills Cheftain Channel for creating 11 hours of hip hop instrumentals for the sample. Found on YouTube at (+/-2:40:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgl9ZsT3jKs
00:00:03 JACK GAINES
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. Today, we have a special episode.
00:00:40 JACK GAINES
With the death of Alexei Navalny, I called Ilya Zaslavsky, a D .C.-based anti -Putin activist, and asked him to come on the show to give some perspective on what happened and its ramifications. This show is a quick turnaround. So I apologize for the editing, but I wanted to get it out to you as soon as possible. We've known each other for a couple of years now, right? Correct. And for this call, I just wanted to bring you on because of the whole Navalny announcement that he was killed, and it was right in the middle of the Munich Security Conference. It was right when his wife was about to speak, I believe.
Absolutely, yes. She spoke yesterday and she said that maybe it would have been a better choice for her to go to her family, but... She understood that if Alexei was alive, he would be on this stage speaking against Putin. So that's why she did it.
00:01:29 JACK GAINES
Right. Yeah. And so have you been getting prompt a lot since the Navalny? Do you mind if I just call it a Navalny murder? Even though he was in prison, it was timed specifically for this Munich conference and to send a message to the West. Does that bother you if I call it a murder?
No, no, no. It is a murder and it should be called a murder. It's a deliberate assassination.
00:01:50 JACK GAINES
Okay. I try not to editorialize too much, but when something like this happens, it's so obvious that you just kind of have to name it. And I thought of you because you get pinged on these things a lot because of your work with anti -corruption and anti -cliptocracy. And I thought this is a great time to reach out and just get your opinion on what's going on and also talk about how this demonstrates how cliptocracy becomes an ongoing national security threat. Absolutely, it does.
And this grave concern has been going on since the beginning of Russian war against Ukraine in 2014, for others much earlier, since actually Putin's speech at Munich conference, I believe it was like 2007 or something, just before Russia attacked Georgia. And within Russian opposition, both within Russia and outside in the diaspora, there have been lots of divisions and lots of different thoughts. But I would say... There were people who were still hopeful to do changes within Russia. And Navalny was their flagman, was their leader, was their organizer. Many people considered him one of the best people who can unite, especially young people and young professionals. Right. Him and Barbouris Nemtsov. And that's why when Nemtsov was killed. There was so much discouragement and tragedy, but people were still hoping that we still got Navalny. And then there was another, I would say, streak of thought and activity that is, especially in the diaspora, where some activists and experts were not hopeful about things within Russia and didn't believe that much can be changed. But they saw a global security. threat coming out of Russia. Sure. Out of Russian corruption and plutocracy. And because they saw it spread in the near broad, that's how Russia used to call former Soviet Union states,
00:03:40 JACK GAINES
of Russian corruption and plutocracy.
but also in Eastern Europe, in Western Europe, and then in Africa, Southern America, and then in the West, in US, in Canada, in Japan, among G7 and NATO allies. And I belong to the second camp. I don't suggest that they are mutually incompatible, but I never believe that we can actually stop Putin's regime anytime soon. But I always warned since at least 2012 that this is absolutely unprecedented kleptocratic regime. It's worse than Soviet regime in some aspects. And the West is partly complacent in giving resources,
00:04:29 JACK GAINES
resources, money. You're talking about banking. especially intermediaries that help with hiding banking and buying commodities and just feeding this regime allowing it to trade globally in the way that it wants rather than forcing them to trade on the western governance standards and that this will have grave security implications this will this is not something happening in distant russia you know with poor russian people and i sympathize i'm not make sarcasm here but
money. You're talking about
and just feeding this regime allowing it to trade globally in the way that it wants rather than forcing them to trade on the western governance standards and that this will have grave security implications this will this is not something happening in distant russia you know with poor russian people and i sympathize i'm not make sarcasm here but It will not stay contained within Russia. So this is not some distant story. We in the West will pay a price. In 2012, it sounded freaky and then alarmist. After 2014, it gradually became, the acknowledgement sort of grew. But it still took years and years. And only full -scale attack on Ukraine actually made it mainstream. And now NATO is talking about long -term conflict with Russia. which Russia is forcing on NATO. And everyone is talking finally about defense spending and collective action and containment. So to bring this back to Navalny, Navalny showed the actual magnitude of this corruption. Someone calculated overall, he and his team, around 100 major investigations. And I mean, it depends how one counts, but... I think if you include all the small and little regional investigations and various findings they did on individuals, it will be much more. Like this investigation of Putin palaces and yachts, but also... That's right.
00:06:08 JACK GAINES
That's right. I remember that, the ones that were off the Black Sea, right?
Yes, and it had millions of views. But what he showed isn't just the fancy and the scary part of corruption. What he showed is the systemic nature of it. And if we're talking about systemic nature, it is not contained within Russia. It is global. They're using global financial system and using lots of various partners, allies, and enablers, including in the West, to carry out what they do. And so that's the legacy of Navalny. For me, he not just mobilized people who wanted to do changes within Russia, but he also showed the international experts applications of This grant corruption for the rest of the world.
00:06:53 JACK GAINES
Then obviously Putin took him seriously because he went after him when he was living overseas and then he captured him when he was in the country. So does that mean that Putin is influenced or his government is influenced by the diaspora and how they think about Russia?
It's a great question. To be honest,
00:07:09 JACK GAINES
question. To
be honest, I'll be brief about this. I think Putin tolerated Navalny and actually tried to exploit his existence for his own political needs at the time. And his expediency and his needs fluctuated over time and changed significantly over time. I think he always hated the West and the U .S. in particular. Yeah, he blamed him for collapsing the Soviet Union. Yes, and he always had this revanchist kind of mind.
00:07:29 JACK GAINES
for collapsing
of mind. What we should not forget about him is that his cool nature is that he's a KGB recruiter.
00:07:40 JACK GAINES
a KGB recruiter. Right, so anytime you offer him an opportunity, he'll explore it to see if he can exploit it. or if it's worth cooperating with. But if it's not, then he'll go against it or undermine it.
Exactly. He sort of reached the ceiling of globalization. He exploited it to the best of his ability, and then he got disappointed in it, that he couldn't manipulate it further. But while he was still doing it, he was consolidating power within Russia. And I think until maybe 2010, 2012, he was using... Navalny and other investigations from third parties to keep a leash on his own boyah. It's a story ancient as Russian history. Corrupt and tyrant czar keeping at bay his boyahs through third parties and forcing them to fight each other. He basically wanted to have compromise on everyone and some of that compromise to be publicized. But that led some people to... even accuse, you know, Navalny of being a Kremlin's project, which is nonsense, just insane. But I'm sure Navalny was always a genuine activist and a genuine anti -corruption fighter.
00:08:52 JACK GAINES
fighter. He was probably trying to play within the rules at some point to cooperate and still be the opposition. But when he just got to be too dichotic, he just said, that's it. I got to just go all the way with this.
Exactly. I share the same opinion. Along that murky and bumpy road, Navalny did a lot of things. He removed all the cases that got in his hands, and he mobilized many young people, and he gave hope to many of them. But then the dire times started. Putin really decided to go full -scale against Ukraine, and I believe that's why he started to eliminate opponents physically. And openly.
00:09:36 JACK GAINES
openly. The chair flying contests out of all the windows in Moscow. Yes, and he did these constitutional amendments, which allowed him to basically stay for life and get reelected as many times as he wanted for rigged elections.
Yes, and he did these constitutional amendments, which allowed him to basically stay for life and get reelected as many times as he wanted for rigged elections. I think very few people in Russian opposition or among Western policymakers understood the scale of Putin's intentions. He would actually go at the full scale war with Ukraine, but also with the West. What we're witnessing over the last two years is almost total disentanglement of Russia from Western globalization, from Western economic ties. Something that has been built since even Stalin times. The first gas deals were discussed even in the last years of Stalin and then Khrushchev and Brezhnev. He disentangled all of that, even like the most sacred to some of his KGB colleagues and party bosses. So he was preparing for many years for this attack. And Navalny was one of the people who meddled with this policy. And he had to be either squeezed out of the country or eliminated within the country. So they tried to poison him. And then when he returned back to Russia, not receiving the signal to shut up and to stay abroad, they immediately jailed him and they started to isolate him. And they still couldn't manage to do that. because Navalny managed to be vocal even from the prison. So what happened over the last half a year is a clear preparation for the murder because they moved him around the country and eventually put him in this very distant northern region where no one can reach it. They opened criminal cases on his lawyers. So they squeezed two out of his five lawyers out of the country and the three others are now in prison. And he got new lawyers. So he kept on kind of being resurgent in his protest and in his activism. So yeah, they decided to kill him. In any case, it was deliberate and it couldn't have been done without the protest direct order. And you know,
00:11:45 JACK GAINES
there's two things that come to mind. One, a friend of mine who is very familiar with Russia told me a story. He said, when you get to the point where you feel like you can't win, it's like you live in a neighborhood and you really hate the guy next door. And so you start talking to people who are arsonists and you just start passing out matches and say, just go burn something, just go burn something, whatever, just go burn stuff. And you may burn down your own house, but eventually they're going to burn down that guy's house and you'll be happy. And that's kind of the mindset is if I'm going down, everyone's burning down. And so, which is a very dire view of current conditions. But to me, it shows the willingness to take that risk of losing his money. He's willing to do that because he'd rather take new money out of Russia. He'll take more money out of the foreign campaigns where Wagner and other groups are running mines in Africa. He can get more money. He doesn't worry about the money. It's the power and the position that he worries about. The second thing that gets me is I don't see a transition plan.
that's kind
00:12:40 JACK GAINES
I don't see a transition plan. So he doesn't care. Once he passe
Today, Courtney Mulhern interviews Dan Joseph, Author of the Combat Psych website and the book Backpack to Rucksack: Insight Into Leadership and Resilience From Military Experts.
His articles and tools are to help soldiers and families build mental fitness and overcome past trauma so that they can live healthier / happier lives.
As you know from Courtney Mulhern's episode, she is a practicing therapist and a terrific interviewer, so I put the two together for this episode.
Dan Joseph's info:
"Backpack to Rucksack: Insight Into Leadership and Resilience From Military Experts":
Website "Combat Psych" where you can find more information about him and the things he's working on: https://www.combatpsych.com
Instagram: @mhen2.mentalhealth
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of US foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to Amr Diab for the song and album "Amarain."
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6RC2T3Q7rs
Transcript for episode I&II
00:00:00 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. Contact the show. Email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes. Okay, testing.
Can you hear me, Dan?
Yes, loud and clear. Today, Courtney Mulhern interviews Dan Joseph, author of the Combat Psych website and the book Backpack to Rucksack, Insight into Leadership and Resilience for Military Experts. His articles and tools are to help soldiers and their families build mental fitness and overcome past trauma so that they can live healthier, happier lives. As you know from Courtney Mulhern's episode, she's a practicing therapist and a terrific interviewer. So I put the two together for this episode. This is part one of two. I'll have a link to his site in the show notes. So back to Courtney.
Hi, Dan, and welcome to the 1CA podcast.
Thanks for having me. Yes,
we've got a lot to talk about today. Looks like you've been very busy with several books out now and still more coming. So I want to talk to you about all of that. But before we get into that, I just want to hear a little bit about your military service.
Yeah, I was a combat engineer, training folks to go deploy, and was a platoon leader. Got to spend a lot of time with the Joes out in the field. And it was a short contract. I was only in for three and a half years. And I'm out now, but definitely I'm looking at rejoining in other capacities.
Okay. So kind of moving into your writing process, just kind of curious how you got into writing.
So the main crux of it was getting out of the military, trying to fit in society and realizing I was totally different. I changed in a big way that I didn't expect. It was quite subtle, to be honest. And I joined old. I joined at 32. So a lot of my buddies were 18, 19 when I met them. So I had to go through basic training before OCS. And so mental health was a big issue due to COVID. I was in the military during the lockdowns. I had a soldier survive his suicide attempt. Another friend of mine lost 13 men from his unit to suicide after Afghanistan, which is crazy, crazy numbers. I'm shoppable. I need to think about. And so when I got out, I just wanted to make sense of what was going on. What I felt as points of friction with my identity and who I was, I also wanted to apply, because I'm a big nerd, aspects of neurophysiology to the concept of being a leader in the military. What that means in an environment where your sympathetic response and their sympathetic response are constantly triggering on and off due to high intensity, high urgency, combat experience, things of that sort. Working with a lot of combat veterans. I witnessed the weight that they carried. And it just begged the question, how does a military leader stay tactically aggressive and at the same time show consideration and care and love for the men and women who are in their platoon, in their unit, who potentially are struggling with invisible weight? And so it's just one big constellation of variables. There's so many moving parts. So writing was just my way of kind of trying to process all this.
So where does one even start? How do you start to organize the thoughts pen to paper?
So my first book was a journal entry that turned into like 400 pages. When I got out, I thought about my soldier, Cody. He wrote the introduction to the book. The foreword was written by Austin, who lost 13 of his men. And I started journaling on what could be done to help those who are hurting and struggling with depression, with suicidality, with difficult feelings. So I started a journal entry about the neurobiology that underlies chronic depression. So it was kind of like this dual process of what does my gut tell me? And then what does the science tell me? And I was trying to make sense of this. And all of a sudden I realized, hey, this is an interesting dualistic process here. So I'm looking at warm, fuzzy feelings. And then I'm looking at hardcore functional MRIs and brain scans and all that. And I wanted to marry the two. And then that turned into multiple pages. And then I thought, well, I could write about another soldier right now that I know. I could write about a Marine that I met and an airman and a Navy rescue swimmer, a Navy EOD. And so I started piecing together kind of this crumb trail of service members who inspired me and touched my life even before I joined the military. And this book came out with a little nuggets of advice that hopefully will help. Incoming leaders, especially junior officers, have a special kind of consideration for the nuanced variables of being a leader.
So then Backpack to Rucksack. So was there anything specific that made you want to focus your thoughts into this book? Or how did this one start?
So yeah, this one started as the journal entries. And then I created the Combat Psych Handbook as a boiled down version of it. And I gear it specifically towards men because men tend to have less emotional vocabulary and they're much more inclined if you look at the rates of suicidality and successful suicides. It's way higher. I think it's four to one when it comes to men. And so there's just such a stigma on talking about feelings and discussing things. And so I wanted to give the troops some really, really boiled down lists of thoughts and phrases, self -talk, journal prompts. and just variations on how to describe their feelings, how to understand their feelings, and why it doesn't mean that they're weak because they experience very inconvenient feelings at times. Again, it goes down to the neurocircuitry of the brain. So that was a distilled version of Backpack to Rucksack.
I like how you organize the chapters. So you kind of give keywords at the beginning that will be discussed throughout the chapter with some definitions, and then an introduction, how to be a good... military leader, the psychological application, and then leadership advice?
While I was in the Army, during the lockdowns, things got slow, right? A lot of the pipelines were shut down. So Ranger School, Airborne, Aerosol, everything was just on hold. And so I thought, and what do I do in an indefinite amount of time? And I thought, well, Army offers tuition assistance. So I started an online organizational psychology degree. And what I loved about getting a master's in org psych is that There's no necessarily right or wrong answer when you give a prompt to the professor, but you need to back it up with peer -reviewed journal citations. And so I started looking at terms and definitions and ideas and concepts in the world of psychology, but based on peer -reviewed journals. So there's a community of researchers that agree or disagree on certain things. And so I kind of brought that muscle memory into this book. And so I wanted to offer terms that basically provide a sense of objectivity. that I'm not just talking about my feelings and my perspective. Yes, a lot of the book reflects that for sure. But I also wanted to inject some objective truth that regardless of my biases, I wanted to mitigate that as much as possible. So I thought, let me add some of the words, the definitions, let me add some journal citations and give credit to researchers who did the science and then expand on that.
Definitely. And throughout this book, you discuss many of your relationships and with just other service members both peers friends and mentors as a part of your research so what was that like talking to different service men and women and hearing their stories and and just making them a part of this book a lot of these people molded me before i joined and while i was in i had my own issues growing up i had my own experiences and
lot of these people molded me before i joined and while i was in i had my own issues growing up i had my own experiences and I was not in a healthy lifestyle before I joined and was asking myself existentially who I want to be in this world. I started meeting service members. I met some awesome Navy SEALs here at San Diego, started working out with them. I started meeting EODs who were coming back and forth from multiple deployments back to back in Afghanistan. I started having these conversations with people who were my demographic, my age range and all that, but they were doing some things in their lives that I just couldn't even wrap my head around. I saw their self -discipline. I saw their humility. I saw how focused they were and that they weren't doing horrible things with their lives like me and my friends were doing. And that rubbed off on me. I wanted to emulate that. And so this book is kind of a journey through all the different people who mentored me through the way they behaved, just observing them and seeing the qualities that they had. And yeah, I didn't have a great relationship with my father. And so especially for me, meeting male mentors was really cool to just understand what healthy masculinity looked like. And jujitsu played a big role in that as well. Getting me to just break my own ego or having black belts on the mats break my ego for me and allow me to reconstruct it in a healthy way. Just knock down my pride. I needed that. And then some of my sisters in arms showed me kind of their side of it too, what it was like being in the military with certain issues that they were facing. It was a family, you know, and so we all kind of bonded together. It was just cool identifying as service members wanting to strengthen America. And that was the overarching relationship that we had with each other. And anything else that we brought to the table, regardless of race, gender, any ideologies that we had, we just together in uniform, you know, we all needed to work together and that was it.
Absolutely. So how were you able to network across different branches and ranks? Like if there are units out there, you know, it's important. We're all brothers and sisters in this. So how would you suggest to network with each other?
One big thing was jujitsu gyms. I guess fight houses. So if you do MMA, jujitsu, Muay Thai, things of that sort, you know, CrossFit, go to a gym where you meet people with uniforms, right? So you meet. all these different service members who are driven, who are motivated, who are making healthy decisions with their minds, their bodies. And that's a way to connect. I met a lot through like groups groups and men's groups and things like that, where I was intentionally seeking mentorship and just kind of spiritual guiding as well. And then honestly, just having, having conversations with people from whether you go to MEPS and you're joining, you just talk to the people left or right of you, or if you're at a D shock at a dining facility, I mean, Having that openness to just talk to people like they're people, regardless of rig. And I noticed that just the more relaxed someone is in approaching others in uniform, you allow them to relax as well. And you can have these awesome discussions. And one thing that was so cool was I'd be working with a soldier, let's say a senior NCO, who's fairly reserved. And then I would just ask them a question. Hey, so how long have you been in? Where have you deployed? what's your take on things going on right now and we would talk about what they experienced in combat like things would come up that they'd want to share voluntarily it was just so cool to know that they did these things for our country and they weren't looking for the limelight or anything by just validating that and asking them to share some wisdom you know i'm a new officer tell me something that i don't know that you know that you learned in war that you wanted them and you just see them light up And say, yeah, you know what, when it comes to this, this should be your focus. So these are your priorities. This is how you care for people. And then it would just blossom into these discussions where you realize you're talking to the smartest person in the room and they're also the quietest. They're the most reserved. I love that. You know, I'm just naturally curious about people's inner world and what makes them tick. I love that because in the military, it's so easy to loo
Today, Courtney Mulhern interviews Dan Joseph, Author of the Combat Psych website and the book Backpack to Rucksack: Insight Into Leadership and Resilience From Military Experts.
His articles and tools are to help soldiers and families build mental fitness and overcome past trauma so that they can live healthier / happier lives.
As you know from Courtney Mulhern's episode, she is a practicing therapist and a terrific interviewer, so I put the two together for this episode.
Dan Joseph's info:
"Backpack to Rucksack: Insight Into Leadership and Resilience From Military Experts":
Website "Combat Psych" where you can find more information about him and the things he's working on: https://www.combatpsych.com
Instagram: @mhen2.mentalhealth
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of US foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special Thanks to Amr Diab for the song and album "Amarain."
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6RC2T3Q7rs
Transcript for Episode I&II
00:00:00 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. Contact the show. Email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes. Okay, testing.
Can you hear me, Dan?
Yes, loud and clear. Today, Courtney Mulhern interviews Dan Joseph, author of the Combat Psych website and the book Backpack to Rucksack, Insight into Leadership and Resilience for Military Experts. His articles and tools are to help soldiers and their families build mental fitness and overcome past trauma so that they can live healthier, happier lives. As you know from Courtney Mulhern's episode, she's a practicing therapist and a terrific interviewer. So I put the two together for this episode. This is part one of two. I'll have a link to his site in the show notes. So back to Courtney.
Hi, Dan, and welcome to the 1CA podcast.
Thanks for having me. Yes,
we've got a lot to talk about today. Looks like you've been very busy with several books out now and still more coming. So I want to talk to you about all of that. But before we get into that, I just want to hear a little bit about your military service.
Yeah, I was a combat engineer, training folks to go deploy, and was a platoon leader. Got to spend a lot of time with the Joes out in the field. And it was a short contract. I was only in for three and a half years. And I'm out now, but definitely I'm looking at rejoining in other capacities.
Okay. So kind of moving into your writing process, just kind of curious how you got into writing.
So the main crux of it was getting out of the military, trying to fit in society and realizing I was totally different. I changed in a big way that I didn't expect. It was quite subtle, to be honest. And I joined old. I joined at 32. So a lot of my buddies were 18, 19 when I met them. So I had to go through basic training before OCS. And so mental health was a big issue due to COVID. I was in the military during the lockdowns. I had a soldier survive his suicide attempt. Another friend of mine lost 13 men from his unit to suicide after Afghanistan, which is crazy, crazy numbers. I'm shoppable. I need to think about. And so when I got out, I just wanted to make sense of what was going on. What I felt as points of friction with my identity and who I was, I also wanted to apply, because I'm a big nerd, aspects of neurophysiology to the concept of being a leader in the military. What that means in an environment where your sympathetic response and their sympathetic response are constantly triggering on and off due to high intensity, high urgency, combat experience, things of that sort. Working with a lot of combat veterans. I witnessed the weight that they carried. And it just begged the question, how does a military leader stay tactically aggressive and at the same time show consideration and care and love for the men and women who are in their platoon, in their unit, who potentially are struggling with invisible weight? And so it's just one big constellation of variables. There's so many moving parts. So writing was just my way of kind of trying to process all this.
So where does one even start? How do you start to organize the thoughts pen to paper?
So my first book was a journal entry that turned into like 400 pages. When I got out, I thought about my soldier, Cody. He wrote the introduction to the book. The foreword was written by Austin, who lost 13 of his men. And I started journaling on what could be done to help those who are hurting and struggling with depression, with suicidality, with difficult feelings. So I started a journal entry about the neurobiology that underlies chronic depression. So it was kind of like this dual process of what does my gut tell me? And then what does the science tell me? And I was trying to make sense of this. And all of a sudden I realized, hey, this is an interesting dualistic process here. So I'm looking at warm, fuzzy feelings. And then I'm looking at hardcore functional MRIs and brain scans and all that. And I wanted to marry the two. And then that turned into multiple pages. And then I thought, well, I could write about another soldier right now that I know. I could write about a Marine that I met and an airman and a Navy rescue swimmer, a Navy EOD. And so I started piecing together kind of this crumb trail of service members who inspired me and touched my life even before I joined the military. And this book came out with a little nuggets of advice that hopefully will help. Incoming leaders, especially junior officers, have a special kind of consideration for the nuanced variables of being a leader.
So then Backpack to Rucksack. So was there anything specific that made you want to focus your thoughts into this book? Or how did this one start?
So yeah, this one started as the journal entries. And then I created the Combat Psych Handbook as a boiled down version of it. And I gear it specifically towards men because men tend to have less emotional vocabulary and they're much more inclined if you look at the rates of suicidality and successful suicides. It's way higher. I think it's four to one when it comes to men. And so there's just such a stigma on talking about feelings and discussing things. And so I wanted to give the troops some really, really boiled down lists of thoughts and phrases, self -talk, journal prompts. and just variations on how to describe their feelings, how to understand their feelings, and why it doesn't mean that they're weak because they experience very inconvenient feelings at times. Again, it goes down to the neurocircuitry of the brain. So that was a distilled version of Backpack to Rucksack.
I like how you organize the chapters. So you kind of give keywords at the beginning that will be discussed throughout the chapter with some definitions, and then an introduction, how to be a good... military leader, the psychological application, and then leadership advice?
While I was in the Army, during the lockdowns, things got slow, right? A lot of the pipelines were shut down. So Ranger School, Airborne, Aerosol, everything was just on hold. And so I thought, and what do I do in an indefinite amount of time? And I thought, well, Army offers tuition assistance. So I started an online organizational psychology degree. And what I loved about getting a master's in org psych is that There's no necessarily right or wrong answer when you give a prompt to the professor, but you need to back it up with peer -reviewed journal citations. And so I started looking at terms and definitions and ideas and concepts in the world of psychology, but based on peer -reviewed journals. So there's a community of researchers that agree or disagree on certain things. And so I kind of brought that muscle memory into this book. And so I wanted to offer terms that basically provide a sense of objectivity. that I'm not just talking about my feelings and my perspective. Yes, a lot of the book reflects that for sure. But I also wanted to inject some objective truth that regardless of my biases, I wanted to mitigate that as much as possible. So I thought, let me add some of the words, the definitions, let me add some journal citations and give credit to researchers who did the science and then expand on that.
Definitely. And throughout this book, you discuss many of your relationships and with just other service members both peers friends and mentors as a part of your research so what was that like talking to different service men and women and hearing their stories and and just making them a part of this book a lot of these people molded me before i joined and while i was in i had my own issues growing up i had my own experiences and
lot of these people molded me before i joined and while i was in i had my own issues growing up i had my own experiences and I was not in a healthy lifestyle before I joined and was asking myself existentially who I want to be in this world. I started meeting service members. I met some awesome Navy SEALs here at San Diego, started working out with them. I started meeting EODs who were coming back and forth from multiple deployments back to back in Afghanistan. I started having these conversations with people who were my demographic, my age range and all that, but they were doing some things in their lives that I just couldn't even wrap my head around. I saw their self -discipline. I saw their humility. I saw how focused they were and that they weren't doing horrible things with their lives like me and my friends were doing. And that rubbed off on me. I wanted to emulate that. And so this book is kind of a journey through all the different people who mentored me through the way they behaved, just observing them and seeing the qualities that they had. And yeah, I didn't have a great relationship with my father. And so especially for me, meeting male mentors was really cool to just understand what healthy masculinity looked like. And jujitsu played a big role in that as well. Getting me to just break my own ego or having black belts on the mats break my ego for me and allow me to reconstruct it in a healthy way. Just knock down my pride. I needed that. And then some of my sisters in arms showed me kind of their side of it too, what it was like being in the military with certain issues that they were facing. It was a family, you know, and so we all kind of bonded together. It was just cool identifying as service members wanting to strengthen America. And that was the overarching relationship that we had with each other. And anything else that we brought to the table, regardless of race, gender, any ideologies that we had, we just together in uniform, you know, we all needed to work together and that was it.
Absolutely. So how were you able to network across different branches and ranks? Like if there are units out there, you know, it's important. We're all brothers and sisters in this. So how would you suggest to network with each other?
One big thing was jujitsu gyms. I guess fight houses. So if you do MMA, jujitsu, Muay Thai, things of that sort, you know, CrossFit, go to a gym where you meet people with uniforms, right? So you meet. all these different service members who are driven, who are motivated, who are making healthy decisions with their minds, their bodies. And that's a way to connect. I met a lot through like groups groups and men's groups and things like that, where I was intentionally seeking mentorship and just kind of spiritual guiding as well. And then honestly, just having, having conversations with people from whether you go to MEPS and you're joining, you just talk to the people left or right of you, or if you're at a D shock at a dining facility, I mean, Having that openness to just talk to people like they're people, regardless of rig. And I noticed that just the more relaxed someone is in approaching others in uniform, you allow them to relax as well. And you can have these awesome discussions. And one thing that was so cool was I'd be working with a soldier, let's say a senior NCO, who's fairly reserved. And then I would just ask them a question. Hey, so how long have you been in? Where have you deployed? what's your take on things going on right now and we would talk about what they experienced in combat like things would come up that they'd want to share voluntarily it was just so cool to know that they did these things for our country and they weren't looking for the limelight or anything by just validating that and asking them to share some wisdom you know i'm a new officer tell me something that i don't know that you know that you learned in war that you wanted them and you just see them light up And say, yeah, you know what, when it comes to this, this should be your focus. So these are your priorities. This is how you care for people. And then it would just blossom into these discussions where you realize you're talking to the smartest person in the room and they're also the quietest. They're the most reserved. I love that. You know, I'm just naturally curious about people's inner world and what makes them tick. I love that because in the military, it's so easy to loo
This week, Rob Boudreau hosts Joel Searl, who created and runs the U.S. Marine, 1st CAG, podcast "The Human Dimension," their social media and public outreach programs.
The original is located at:
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of US foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
Special thanks to Gloria Estefan and Sony Music Media for a sample of Dingui-Li Bangui. Released 1990-09-16. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7J_DVryF-g
00:00:06 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes.
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. I'm Rob Boudreau, and today we're joined by Joel Searles, who is a podcaster in his own right. He is also a Comstratat Officer and Civil Affairs Officer in the Marine Corps Reserve. Before we get started, I'd like to just include a quick disclaimer that the views expressed today are those of participants and do not reflect the views of the federal government or any of its components. So with that, Joel, welcome to the podcast.
Hey, thanks for having me, Rob. It's a pleasure to be here.
Absolutely. Our introduction was through Jack Gaines, who made a connection, I think, with mutual contacts of both of ours. So my understanding is that you're a podcaster, is that right?
That's correct. Yes, I've worked on and ran and created three podcasts.
All right. So I know that you're a reservist. Are you able to provide a little information about what you do in the civilian world?
Sure. I currently run my own company. It's a small production company in the entertainment business. We focus on military and inspirational stories, sports stories, features, and television. Currently do that. I write within that company as well. I've been hired to write core screenplay based on a true story. And then also I do acting. And I've been able to act usually as a Marine or as a police officer or authority figure in some TV shows and feature films and supporting rules.
Wow, that's terrific. That sounds like it dovetails really well with your reserve career as a Comstead officer. It does. Yeah. How have you been able to blend those things? Have you been able to use your civilian skills? How do you pair those with your military service?
Well, this all came about during the pandemic. On July 1st, I was called by my boss. I worked at a boutique entertainment firm, finance firm in Century City. And he had called me to let me know. He went out of business. His deal flow went through the basement, basically, and he wasn't able to sustain his company anymore. And he'd had some of his assets acquired. So I got that call and thought to myself, how am I going to survive this? And, you know, how am I going to find a job when nobody's running or, you know, only a few companies are. So I called my reserve unit, which was the entertainment media liaison office. And I hadn't even been to public affairs QCORS yet. I told my boss and talked to him. His name's Joe. And he's like, well, I want to help you. I know you need to work, but we're closed. But what would you want to do if you could? And I've already done a few interviews of successful Marines in Hollywood. And what can you do during the pandemic? You can make Skype and Zoom calls with people and phone calls and write interviews. And so I pitched, how about I do a series of interviews with successful Marines in Hollywood? He's like, that's a great idea. It'll help with recruiting. You know a lot of folks, so give me a list, I'll prove it, and you go talk to them. And that led to me starting a writing career, and I'd just been hired by We Are the Mighty the month before because they'd seen some of the interviews I'd done and enjoyed them. And so I was kind of dual hat, and I was writing for the Marine Corps and, you know, getting things published on Divids, and then eventually over to We Are the Mighty, and I was viewing veterans during the pandemic like Robert Duvall. And Bob Gunton, who was the warden in Shawshank Redemption, Warden Norton, who's a Vietnam vet. And Roberto Barba, who's a showrunner, TV show producer, probably done 40 or 50 now. But through the Marine Corps, I was able to interview Don Balisario, who created NCIS and Magnum PI and Airwolf and so many other great shows. Bill Broyles, who wrote Cast Away and Apollo 13. I mean, you know, Oscar -level screenwriter and Vietnam vet. And then that eventually led to me interviewing Fred Smith, who founded FedEx and finances feature films, such as The Blind Side and Sicario movies. I know those are a lot of names and a lot of references, but that's really where this all started. And I started writing, kind of got a name for myself as a writer in a good way, and then, you know, started my own small firm. focused on specific genres that I'm comfortable with and that also resonate with a lot of veterans and the American audience. So that's really where it started. From there, it just kind of branched out. That's now three and a half years ago.
Wow, that's fantastic. So you live in the information space. How did you get into civil affairs?
So I was doing some research. I looked at civil affairs even seven, eight years ago and recognized a couple of things. My initial MOS was air defense and a LAD, Stinger missiles. That MOS has now since kind of restarted and gained some steam. But, you know, eight years ago, there was really talk about it all. If you wanted to have a continued career in the reserves, you needed to find an MOS that was more applicable and relevant. And so I looked at civil affairs, saw it was only secondary. I didn't know how that would allow me to continue. And so I held on it. Went to the entertainment office after making about four or five different inquiries about coming to the office on an MLS waiver. And they let me in based on my industry experience because I worked at a talent agency, actually for probably the only Marine talent agent left in Hollywood and packaged the film while I was there. But I digress. So after completing the time there at the entertainment office, I looked at civil affairs and knew some people in the unit. Got some intel and information about people who enjoyed it. And I decided to join the unit myself back in August of 2022. That's great. And you're with First Civil Affairs Group out of San Diego.
First Civil Affairs Group out of San Diego. Is that right? Camp Pendleton. Camp Pendleton.
All right. Close enough. But either way, you're living the Hollywood Marine dream as a civil affairs officer. I like that. Well, the way our intro came about as a result of a podcast that you launched with First CAG. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Absolutely, yes. Our CO and XO, and OPSO at the time, brought me into the unit, and they wanted to maximize not only the Hollywood style, being able to translate the narrative into action, but also some of my creative skills that I've been blessed with probably since childhood. I guess they kept that part of me alive and always maintained curiosity. So they initially wanted me to do a social media revamp. which allowed me to kind of structure and align our social media, develop a system that was accessible, and allowed the CO's voice and the Marine's voice to be heard and seen. And so I wrote an SOP, spent a good amount of time developing that, and got a lot of references and insights and help from people. So I'm grateful for that. And got the SOP signed and put it out into action. And then that's since led to an increase in our recruiting and efforts there as a unit. We've had people come in from all over the base. and even off base on the other side of the country. And they've seen some of the posts and they've seen what's going on with the unit. And they're like, yeah, I'd like to check this out. I'd like to join. So the CEO was happy about that. The hire, Marfor Rez, was happy about her social media impact and imprint. And that led to them being open to, hey, can I do a podcast? That's great. Yeah, you can highlight things within the unit, what we've done or what we're going to go do. You know, I have an OPSEC manager who comes in and makes sure what we've talked about is kosher. And I briefed the maroons beforehand to keep it on the unclassed side and things that are out in the ether are ready. So we're keeping our cards close to our chest. And I share it with the CO and usually the INI to get their opinions on it as well. And then I post it. And that's helped generate some interest, obviously, even from yourself. We're grateful for that. And you put in one of our podcasts on your page and sharing it. And that it led to... us doing an internal command messaging program called the CMP, not the Combat Marksmanship Program, but the Command Messaging Program. And we've put up displays inside the command to highlight what the Marines are doing so they can see current messages inside of our unit. You know, we've got stuff from the Gulf War, stuff from Mogadishu. We have things from OIF like 2 and 3. So everything on the walls, for the most part, is either 10 to 30 years old, older than a lot of the junior Marines that are there at times. And even some of the officers like myself, like I remember the Gulf War as a kid and watching it on CNN and PBS. But, you know, I certainly wasn't in the service. And I mean, I know people that served in that war, but that's a long time ago. So the CO wanted to be relevant. We've repainted the walls. We're doing some stenciling. updating everything. We've got a really engaged first sergeant. We've got some other engaged Marine sergeants and even up to company and field grade officers that really want to see this turn out well. And so it's looking good. We've got the electronic displays up and it's crossed into the 2020 plus decade and years to engage the Marines to know that what they're doing is relevant. And here's photos from a lot of different Marines of the unit and what they're doing.
That's amazing stuff. You made reference there to we had the privilege of rebroadcasting one of your introductory shows over the holidays, so we appreciate the opportunity to synergize there. Getting off the ground, you had a lot of resources and folks you're able to lean on. Is it fair to say that this is a fairly siloed effort by First CAG? And what I'm getting at is the social media stuff. That's not really being driven by hire, is it?
No, the CEO wanted it, and I wanted it too as a comms right officer. I've done that. sweet social media managers course, which is really tough. I went and did that and paid for it on my own dime to get better even before I came to the unit. Once I came, I was able to put it into use right away. So it is an internal CAG, internal generation, and an internal purpose and drive that is making positive ripples and waves far out from our unit.
That's great. And obviously, outside of yours truly, Have there been other folks from the Marine Corps or units that have looked into what you guys have been able to generate and ask you any questions or anything like that?
Yes. To my knowledge, the SOP I wrote was shared with Hire because they asked for it. I believe it was FHG asked for it because they wanted to know what we were up to because they were seeing a lot of activity and they were hearing positive things.
Yeah, absolutely. And it sounds like your reach, beyond the substance of that, you've also been able to provide. additional influence, if you will, in the recruiting lanes and other things that I think are outside the traditional mission, at least as we ordinarily think of it. So that's really awesome. Thank you. I'm blessed with some strong support and good Marines.
Thank you. I'm blessed with some strong support and good Marines. For sure. And sailors. Absolutely.
Can't forget our Navy brethren. Right. We've got,
We've got, I believe, our corpsman and then our logistics chief. And then I think the first sergeant, they were out doing woodwork to put up stuff and hold the displays we hang on the walls now. with the laptops and the electronic displays. So even the Navy's jumped in and done some carpentry and some staining to bring, I guess, an old core sense of work ethic of just getting it done and making it look new and fresh and taking responsibility for our structure and engaging younger Marines and the younger audience, the Marines and sailors and their families and the general public.
Wow, that's awesome. That's quite a concerted effort. Thank you. Leading up to the launch of the podcast, did you stand up an operational planning team or conduct any kind of formal planning for what it was going to look like?
That was just left to me. You know, I conversed with higher and I conversed with my wife's counsel on how to exactly do it. And then, you know, registered the website with the YouTube page with headquarters Marine Corps and discussed it with the INI and the CO and the XO. But there really wasn't OPT. Kind of like, just go out and make it happen. You know, do it, you don't. And there was planning that went into it. It was just, you know, more focused on what it
Today, we welcome back Curtis Fox, author of Hybrid Warfare: The Russian Approach to Strategic Competition & Conventional Military Conflict, which is now hot off the presses and in stores.
We discuss the book's concepts and how they apply to current events. This is part one of two, so sit back, enjoy and come back next week for part two.
Link to Biography: https://www.linkedin.com/in/curtis-fox-mba-pmp-59b74223/
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Please email us to either speak or guest-host at [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Today's music is from the Disney film COCO and is a tribute to Ana Ofelia Murguia, whom I once met at a San Diego Latin Film Festival. Ana passed away this week at age 90, so this episode's music is her tribute.
Murguia: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/01/movies/ana-ofelia-murguia-coco-dead.html
Link to music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJfoPUOUWBw
Transcript for I&II
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at [email protected]. or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www.civilaffairsassoc.org. I'll have those in the show notes.
00:00:41 CURTIS FOX
This is Curtis Fox.
00:00:43 JACK GAINES
Curtis! Jack Gaines, how you doing?
00:00:45 CURTIS FOX
Doing good, man. You're very punctual.
00:01:07 JACK GAINES
Russia and Syria is a great example of a combination of, as you say, hybrid operations evolving into the full scale kinetic operations.
00:01:35 JACK GAINES
For the listeners? Sure. I can't even pronounce them. And I did read them, but it would be better for you to describe them. I mean,
00:01:42 CURTIS FOX
I mean, I tell you what, I speak Russian and they're still hard for me to pronounce. Maybe the first term we can go into is Maskarovka, because this is one of the Russians' favorite terms. And that literally just translates to camouflage. This is the hidden hand approach that the Russians have in history done so well. They don't want these things to be directly attributable to Moscow.
00:02:06 CURTIS FOX
Just literally means activity. And what they mean by that is all of the little things that you do in the background to try to frustrate a target nation's institutions from responding to the intervention that you're conducting. You do not want them to be able to get forces in the field. Preferably, you'd have them stay in their barracks. And you want to set up blockades that frustrate public transit and encourage people to stay in their homes. Or maybe come out in mass protest, preferably in front of city hall or a police station so the political apparatus is frozen. And then vignettes at most is surprise. But it's surprise of, you know, like speedy movement. And what they mean by that is if they can use soft forces to rapidly deploy and establish some sort of a foothold on a limited number of key objectives. then they need the rapid maneuver of heavy ground forces to entrench those gains. This was the secret sauce that did so well in the Crimean annexation back in 2014. So the VDV, the Russian Airborne Services, those are really the elite trigger pullers of the Russian armed forces. And once a number of Spetsnaz battalions had advanced far enough up roads and blackaded positions coming into the peninsula, The VDB immediately used a number of secured local airstrips to move in forces in mass. And they spread rapidly throughout the peninsula and secured all those gains.
00:03:43 JACK GAINES
You know, it kind of reminds me of Bosnia and Kosovo during the conflict and how it has resulted in Kosovo having a Bosnian shadow government in part of the border towns.
00:03:53 CURTIS FOX
There's some real similarities in the way Russia continues to manipulate and maintain influence in Georgia. and the Serbian approach in Bosnia. That's probably where they get a lot of these ideas from. If you look at Georgia, there's an autonomous enclave called South Asatia, and then another one called the Bukazia, which is right up on the coast of the Black Sea. And the Russians would have us believe that these enclaves had ethnic Russians in them, that they would have you believe that they don't want anything to do with that government. And they want to remain segmented off and autonomous from the country with no trade and political independence.
00:04:33 JACK GAINES
I remember Lithuania had that issue, too. They were arguing that there are Russians in Lithuania that want nothing to do with Lithuania. I remember them posing the same argument there. So it must be a form of foothold mentality where they're saying, look, these are our people.
00:04:49 CURTIS FOX
Sure. Yeah. Vladimir Putin actually talks about it as a genuine tragedy that these are Russian citizens that have been scattered across the globe and isolated from the government in their mother country. Never really offers so many resources to come home if it's really that big of a tragedy. And they don't seem to want to migrate to Russia on their own dime. But this being a civil affairs podcast, it's probably also worthy to point out something the Russians do very well. is they figure out what influencers have their hands on which buttons. They're very good at understanding which individuals have access to what information and which individuals run X, Y, and Z departments and who would it be good to make friends with.
00:05:36 JACK GAINES
Right. They have good influence operations. They know how to map people and their networks and reach. So your book is really large.
00:05:44 JACK GAINES
book is really large.
00:05:48 JACK GAINES
And I appreciate it. I mean, it's what, 500 pages?
00:05:52 CURTIS FOX
I tell you what, my publisher made me take out three appendices and an additional chapter. I actually wrote a chapter. It was a comparative glance on U .S. doctrine to highlight how is the Russian apparatus, the political apparatus, how do they actually create authorizations for these interventions? And then, you know, how do they actually deploy military force? from the available units that they have in SOF. And then I compared that to how we would do it in the United States. So that whole chapter was removed. And then I had separate appendices on the Soviet arsenal that Russia inherited in 1991, including the nuclear ordinance.
00:06:35 JACK GAINES
Huge maintenance cost. Oh, my gosh.
00:06:37 CURTIS FOX
my gosh. And then I had an appendice on the state procurement programs, GPV 2020 and 2027. And I go through. All the hardware that they've been purchasing over the last 10, 12 years, you know, for Army, Navy, Air Force, Strategic Rocket Forces.
00:06:53 JACK GAINES
So are you going to push those into a second book or are you going to make those online dependencies for people who just want to learn more about it?
00:07:01 CURTIS FOX
So those are on the website right now. You can actually go read those. And, you know, if you're, I mean, you need to be an Uber nerd to get into them. But if you want to know which electronic warfare systems Moscow is running in Ukraine right now, it's all there.
00:07:15 JACK GAINES
Well, if I'm uber lazy, could you send me the link so I can post it on the website?
00:07:19 CURTIS FOX
For you, anything.
00:07:20 JACK GAINES
I'll put it in the show notes. That way people can check it out.
00:07:23 CURTIS FOX
I'd love to pivot from that and talk to you a little bit about some of the units that they actually need to execute these strategies. And the reason it's such a relevant conversation is because a lot of these units have been hollowed out now in the current war, the Russo -Ukrainian War. Oh,
00:07:41 JACK GAINES
00:07:44 CURTIS FOX
has taken such extraordinary casualties that it was combat ineffective by the end of last year.
00:07:51 JACK GAINES
Is it kind of like that old saying about soft? The best time to train a soft person is 10 years ago? The best time to train a new VZV person is 10 years ago? Is that what they're facing right now?
00:08:03 CURTIS FOX
It's a little bit of that. The other issue that they're running into is they just have nobody they can recruit into the ranks. They have an inverted demographic. in their country, and so they just have no healthy young people that can serve as soldiers. So they can go through and round up the homeless, and they can go through the prisons, and they can round those people up. They have a vicious, vicious narcotics crisis in Russia, and they can put people who are addicted to substances in the armed forces, and you can throw those people in as cannon fodder, but they don't perform the soft mission very well. And they certainly don't make good elite light infantry. So they're in a real pickle as far as deploying elite forces go. And you need those elite units to conduct hybrid warfare. So maybe that's a good starting point.
00:08:51 JACK GAINES
Are they recruiting other people than the White Caucus people from the steppes so they don't have a race issue that's also blocking it?
00:09:01 CURTIS FOX
It's entirely possible if they get desperate enough that, yeah, they'll start channeling them into elite units. I don't really have any direct evidence that they wouldn't have put people from an Asian disposition into, you know, let's say the 10th Spetsnaz Brigade.
00:09:14 JACK GAINES
00:09:15 CURTIS FOX
But the big one to watch are the Chechens. The ruling family in Chechnya is allied with Vladimir Putin, and they're very willing to contribute troops. But one of the unspoken realities about that is that the more Chechens are organized into, you know, the Volstok and Zapad battalions and pushed into foreign wars. The fewer Chechens there are at home to cause trouble for Moscow. And there are other ethnicities that start getting uppity. Moscow will absolutely adopt similar tactics.
00:09:46 JACK GAINES
Sure. Now, the trick is, though, the surviving Chechens that are battle -hardened to come back to Chechnya, what's the risk that they'll flip the nation back towards independence?
00:09:56 CURTIS FOX
It's definitely on Putin's mind. But the goal is, first off, those individuals are loyal to the family and basically rules Chechnya through a puppet governor, let's say. It operates almost as an autonomous vassal state. And so they would first have to fight their own people. And then the second issue is that Moscow has absolutely no qualms about sending a special missions unit down there to round somebody up in their home. I mean, you can go to their Wikipedia page and they're open and honest about saying they still conduct operations in Chechnya all the time.
00:10:35 JACK GAINES
Actively hunting people down. Actively hunting people down.
00:10:37 CURTIS FOX
people down. And they're on the southern end of Chechnya. And those guys will have no problem going up there and getting them. Okay.
00:10:45 JACK GAINES
Okay. So it's dangerous, but it's unlikely. It's less likely right now. Yeah. Unless Russia comes out of this Ukraine conflict so battered that everyone starts seeing the blood in the water. Right.
00:10:57 CURTIS FOX
The one thing that could create a real separatist movement in Chechnya is if Kardarov and his cronies decide that they're just going to switch allegiances. Sure. If he decides that Putin is weak or that serving Moscow is no longer in the family interest, that would change everything.
00:11:14 JACK GAINES
Okay. So we were talking about the development and evolution of hybrid warfare.
00:11:20 CURTIS FOX
Yeah, yeah. We got a little off track.
00:11:24 JACK GAINES
That's okay. We'll just play as is. It's fine.
00:11:27 CURTIS FOX
Well, and, you know, Chechnya is a good place to start for this because the first and second Chechen wars were so taxing on Russian and international standing and resources and manpower and so embarrassing for Moscow that they realized they needed to come up with another way to do this. They needed a way that would limit their investment, limit their risks, limit their attribution, and let's say stack the deck in their favor so it was more likely that they could slant the outcome to victory.
00:11:57 JACK GAINES
And they've had a long term intelligence practice. And so do you think that a lot of their successes in intelligence were just incorporated into a more military style that they just weaponized it a little bit more? to what we want, our desires for Russia.
00:12:29 CURTIS FOX
Russia. So let me kind of outline the framework here, I guess, and I think I'll answer your question. Sure. There is a ruling class in Russia of about 200 individuals. Right. Those 200 individuals, they call themselves Slovy. Most of them were educated during the Soviet era. The education system collapsed when the Soviet Union collapsed and it was never rebuilt. And so their talent pool that is constantly getting smaller and dwindling. A lot of these guys are into their mid -70s now. Some of them, like Sergei Lavrov, came from the Foreign Service, but a lot of them are simply KGB men like Putin.
00:13:08 JACK GAINES
So these aren't long -term families of Russia? No. They're not the Vanderbilts.
00:13:14 CURTIS FOX
Yeah, they're not oligarchs, for sure. They're only oligarchs in the fact that they wield in fun.
00:13:19 JACK GAINES
00:13:20 CURTIS FOX
Basically, the promise that Vladimir Putin made to the Russian elites when they started this project, w
Today we welcome Albert Augustine, the G9 at V Corps.
Albert came on the show to discuss the changes in army training in Europe and how they impact civil affairs.
Additionally, we discuss how CA members can get a tour and how to prepare for a gig at V Corps or in Europe.
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special Thanks to Backing Track Music for sharing Track C of Big Band Blues. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=bWzuzLgde28
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
This week, we introduce the USMC 1st CAG Human Dimension Podcast.
This is the first pilot episode 1st and hosted by Major Searls, with guests including Major Antonov, Captain Johnson, and Staff Sergeant Camos. The Marines discussed their experiences at Operation BRIGHT STAR 2023.
The original is located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpdSA_Z7pAs.
One CA is a product of the civil affairs association
and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.
We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of US foreign relations.
To contact the show, email us at CApodcasting@gmail dot com
or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www civilaffairsassoc.org
I'll have those in the show notes.
Lastly, special thanks to 90sHipHop Instrumental for sharing a sample of the song Jump Around by House of Pain. You can find the source at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szn7VARgmyo
Today, we welcome back to the second half of the interview with retired Col. Robert Curris, who drafted the opinion piece, "The Army needs to invest in Psychological Operations and not cut them." in the November first edition of the Military Times:
This is the first time I have had the honor of bringing in an expert on Psychological Operations. With the Army Reserve combining some Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and PSYOP commands, this is an excellent opportunity to give the community a voice.
Robert Curris Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-curris-29887188
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks for Jeffrey Friedman and Water Tower Music for todays theme song "OOOH". Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ksJXPrZfk
Today, we welcome retired Col. Robert Curris, who drafted the opinion piece, "The Army needs to invest in Psychological Operations and not cut them." in the November first edition of the Military Times:
This is the first time I have had the honor of bringing in an expert on Psychological Operations. With the Army Reserve combining some Civil Affairs, Information Operations, and PSYOP commands, this is an excellent opportunity to give the community a voice.
Robert Curris Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-curris-29887188
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks for Jeffrey Friedman and Water Tower Music for todays theme song "OOOH". Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11ksJXPrZfk
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today, we are rebroadcasting a Carnegie Connects interview with retired General David Petraeus about his new book and current world events.
I will have a link to the source in the show notes.
Carnegie interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=druqmRdjOow
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Broke For Free for releasing the song "Something Elated." Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxh4S2A8Q4U
Please welcome Angie Smith, environmental Scientist and Civil Affairs Officer.
Angie and her team travel globally to partner nations to assess resource use and advise on sustainable development.
Her team has helped countries like the Marshal Islands with resource management to mitigate climate change.
In this episode, Angie will talk about her trade, and how it helps the U.S. build foreign relations with the international community.
In a future episode, she will return with their new partner, Wisconsin University.
One CA Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jimmy Eden Moon for sharing the compilation "Hip Hop 1995 XIII Instrumentals." Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vnXH18FMoc
Welcome to One CA Podcast. This episode is from the archives. The former host, John McElligott traveled to AUSA in 2018 and interviewed participants on Civil Affairs. It's a quick episode, but a fun one for the Veteran's Memorial Weekend.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Broke For Free for releasing the song "Something Elated" (No Copyright Music). Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxh4S2A8Q4U
Recently, I organized a panel discussion on Taiwan with the Joint Staff SMA program (Strategic Multilayer Assessment), which is similar to a think tank but within the DOD.
They bring in people to present their work and discuss national security.
I had reached out to Dan Blumenthal and Fred Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute and thought it would be good to include SMA in the discussion.
Mariah Yager is running the SMA portion, and I am guiding the discussion. This is a two-part episode, so enjoy.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Perri Yellow Bird for the song "Tradish," retrieved from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TKmaoHBI7A
Recently, I organized a panel discussion on Taiwan with the Joint Staff SMA program (Strategic Multilayer Assessment), which is similar to a think tank but within the DOD.
They bring in people to present their work and discuss national security.
I had reached out to Dan Blumenthal and Fred Kagan at the American Enterprise Institute and decided to include SMA in the discussion.
Mariah Yager is running the SMA portion, and I am guiding the discussion.
This is a two-part episode, so enjoy.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Perri Yellow Bird for the song "Tradish," retrieved from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TKmaoHBI7A
Today, we welcome Captain Daniel Moriarty, Professor John Melkon, and Captain Tommy Daniel to talk about Westpoint's Center for the Study of Civil-Military Operations and the exciting new programs for students to learn CMO within the school and abroad.
They also requested that I add that their comments are their own and do not officially represent any institution or organization.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site. Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Today's theme is "On, Brave old Army Team" the Westpoint fight song.
Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/AKkAqIvFdAo?si=ctqv5MIlc4yZj7EO
This version of “On, Brave Old Army Team” is in the public domain.
Brain Hancock hosts Colonel Tony Vacha
They discuss his experiences as the Civil Affairs planning chief for the US Army Europe and Africa,
as well as his thoughts on the new Civil Affairs 38-Golf program and discussions about the new transitional governance doctrine.
This is part one of a two-part episode, so stay tuned.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site. Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. A quick shout out to LC38 Brand. They're offering 10 % off for 1CA Podcast fans. The promo code is 1CA10. LC38 Brand has a little bit of everything for the international adventurer. So check out their website at lc38brand .com. I'll have the promo code and the address in the show notes.
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Crump Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session.
00:01:07 Introduction
Today, Brian Hancock hosts Colonel Tony Vaja. They discuss his experiences as the Civil Affairs Planning Chief for U .S. Army Europe and Africa, as well as his thoughts on the new Civil Affairs 38 Golf Program and discussions about the new Transitional Governance Doctrine. This is part one of a two -part episode, so stay tuned.
I have with me in the studio, Colonel Tony Vaja. Colonel Vaja, welcome to the show. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Outstanding. Let's give you a little bit of background. Colonel Vaja is currently the civil affairs planning chief for the U .S. Army Europe and Africa. He has previously served for two years as the deputy commander of the 353rd Civil Affairs Command in Staten Island, New York. He has had a range of assignments in both civil affairs and force management. He served as the lead concept developer for the 38 Gulf career field and the development of the Institute for Military Support to Governance. Quick reminder for the audience that all remarks by myself and Colonel Vaja are ours solely, and they do not represent the views of the U .S. Army or Department of Defense. Well, Colonel Vaja, you have done so many things in your 31 years of military service that I'm not sure where to begin. Okay, all right. Your assignment as Deputy Commander of the 353 Civil Affairs Command, KCOM. Many of us will not have that opportunity to be a DCG of a KCOM, and the KCOMs are growing. What is that experience like? What is it like to be at that pinnacle position in civil affairs, be the deputy commander of a formation that is very nearly the size of division?
00:02:57 TONY VACHA
Yeah, it's a fun and exciting assignment. I always joke if you're going to come serve at a KCOM, whether DCO or in the G3, you need to make sure you come with your running shoes on. As DCO, I was blessed to work for two really strong civil affairs generals, General Tim Brennan and later General Dean Thompson, and watch them and get their thoughts on civil affairs and how to support a theater. I appreciate that commentary.
that commentary. As you're well aware from your work in Proponency and your lengthy service, the bulk of civil affairs originally came out of Special Operations Commander and the USASOC. And as a result, we are very tactically focused. And when you look at what we do in war games and exercises, I've never seen an operational or strategic civil affairs war game or exercise. So that work that you were doing at the strategic level at the KCOM, Any thoughts you can share? Because it seems to me the gulf between what we do tactically versus how we make that operational strategic civil affairs leap is vast.
00:04:05 TONY VACHA
leap is vast. Yeah, I think it's challenging in terms of how we allocate forces to a GCC or an ASCC is uniquely different than the tactical mission set. And, you know, I had the privilege of serving at the KCOM twice. the deputy G3. And so I got to watch through exercises, austere challenge, judicious response, civil affairs planning teams. And we've had some really strong colonels at 353. And when they take a mission, they lead it and execute it. And I've been privileged to see some of these colonels work at these headquarters. And it becomes an issue of the amount of time to spend someone up. on whatever the problem set is, right? The faster someone can do that, the more agile they are for the customer, whether it be the GCC or ASCC.
Outstanding. Let's continue in this vein on operational and strategic civil affairs. There's talk that the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command may soon reorganize and actually make psychological operations. and the theater information operation groups, or TIOG's, subordinate to the KCOMs. Is there any truth to this? Certainly that will put a KCOM at a division size. If they do that, are they going to make our KCOM commanders two stars? Yeah,
00:05:32 TONY VACHA
Yeah, probably not. Is this going to happen? And if so, what are the implications? I've been told it's going to happen. Unfortunately, a lot of that came after my tenure as DCO. It does make sense in some ways, because... as information -related capabilities, I think there's a lot we could learn from PSYOP. And I also think there's a lot they could learn from us. I know for some of the POGs, they have multiple theaters that they're supporting. So that can be very challenging, right? When you have three different theaters that you're trying to array your forces and align them to. I see goodness in all of it because ultimately, Like I said, the KCOM is built as a strategic headquarters with a general officer, right, who can engage in venues that a colonel can't. You know, when a KCOM commander comes to theater, they're meeting with maneuvered division commanders, core DCGs, you know, these types of people, ASCC senior leaders, GCC senior leaders. So that can provide some advocacy for PSYOP. So I don't see it all as just a bad thing. I see it as an evolution. So I served at UC KPOC force development under Major General Daryl Guthrie. And he used to have a quote. He'd say, it's a shame the first time I really learned about PSYOP was when I became the two -star commander of UC KPOC. And I think there's some truth to that, that we need to learn from each other because we share a common headquarters.
I appreciate that. It seems to me that actually, you know, I've spent most of my career in UC KPOC. We're a little bit late to the party. Now, we've been experimenting over the last few years, I believe even in the New York area Bayou, with putting some CA and some PSYOP together. What we're seeing at the larger level for joint combined operations, we're seeing formations like multi -domain task forces, which have been in development for 10 years now. We're seeing theater information advantage elements or theater information advantage detachments. We're seeing in our G39 that you're part of in USRAF. There's a lot more capabilities than just CA and PSYOP because we're moving towards this concept of convergence to meet the challenges of modern warfare, which means we have to synchronize every IRC and fire rapidly and continuously against every target to shape for a kinetic kill or to hopefully avoid a conflict. So at this point, we're looking at putting... eight plus IRCs together. So I think KPOC has some opportunity to advance that, but we're going to need to do, I think, a lot more than just putting CA and PSYOP together with a tie. Yeah, I concur. To stay relevant.
00:08:21 TONY VACHA
No, I completely concur. And I had the unique opportunity to be part of the information warfare design team that ARCyber did a few years ago, which kind of led to the evolution of what the tie is evolving to right now. And the one thing I'd always remind the other capabilities within the information arena is with current programmed forces, there's only two capabilities that go from ASCC all the way down to maneuver battalion,
00:08:44 TONY VACHA
current programmed forces, there's only two capabilities that go from ASCC all the way down to maneuver battalion, and that's CA and SIOP, right? So when you look at how we get them engaged in a future fight. Not probably, it definitely requires some synchronization and convergence at multiple echelons. Just from the fact that CA is unique in that a branch or organization only has one role by definition for the Army. We are the only capability in DOD that is solely focused on foreign civilian populations. PSYOP is very unique. Now they may. look at foreign civilian populations, but they also look at threat actors. They're looking at a broader piece than necessarily we are. But that civil component, that civilian portion of the operational environment, I've always said when we were developing functional specialist capabilities in 2012 to 2015, which includes 38 Gulf, but also includes AMED and JAG, other capabilities. Why wouldn't other branches want to use functional specialists? Yes. Right? I think it can be as helpful to PSYOP and I .O. as it is to CA. Absolutely.
I remember back at Rim of the Pacific a few years ago, building a fusion team with the evolving 38 golf program that I think we'll talk about here shortly. And they were the analytical brains with my SIM cell. Now we call it civil knowledge integration course, CKI. And together we produced products that the Joint Combined Task Force had never seen before. So there is, I think, incredible opportunity as a customer demand driven organization for the larger army and the larger joint force for us to provide that kind of information and analysis and insight that allow us to significantly reduce costs in terms of lives and equipment. And of course. Our struggle as a force is not winning a tactical battle. It's achieving our strategic objectives. So we walk away with having spent blood and treasure towards a larger purpose that really mattered. And that is very challenging right now. And the more destruction, the more death, the more crisis that happens in blunt contact. the more difficult that stability and achieving those long -term strategic objectives become. So a lot of opportunity in this space. I concur that the 38 Gulfs are going to be a big player in that. Let's talk about that. You were actually one of the founders of the 38 Gulf Specialist Program. Can you tell the audience a little bit about the history of this military occupational specialty and how it came to fruition?
00:11:37 TONY VACHA
Yeah, yeah, sure. So I was a doctor and developer at SWCC. Then Colonel, a later Brigadier General, now retired, Mike Wormack, was the commandant. And he assigned me as the OPR to do the initial research, did a lot of reading, read every manual, civil affairs manual, going back to FM 27 .5 in 1942. So yeah, I've been asked by a number of people over the years, people are doing research on something, they'll call me and they're like, what triggered the development of it? And it was actually a joint capabilities -based assessment and got validated by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council, which produced JROCM 162 .11, if anybody wants to look it up. So it assigned particular .mil PFP responsibilities to SOCOM and SWCC to redo or to professionalize functional specialists, basically. So unfortunately, the Army Reserve doesn't promote on skill identifiers. So, you know, at least when I initially came into civil affairs, you know, circa late 2003, people would get promoted as lieutenant colonel into colonel into functional specialist slots. Well, they may or may not have any background for whatever they're promoted into. So it hurt us. Because we were in busy years, you know, at that time. And so that's why the Jay Rockham said to professionalize the functional specialist program. 38 Gulf, a commissioned officer, was the way that was chosen. Ultimately, the commander of USASOC at the time was Lieutenant General Cleveland. And he also wanted to develop the Institute for Military Support to Governance. So these were two distinct yet related initiatives. and functional specialists writ large were designed to be operational and out and about. The IMSG was designed with some key functions that are currently missing, as a matter of fact. One, they were to inform the development of doctrine and training because you just can't expect a GS -12 doctrine developer to understand. the range of the specialties. We have 21 now or something like that.
We have 21 now or something like that.
00:14:02 TONY VACHA
So, so yeah, you had to, the experts were supposed to help us write what the doctrine should be. The second function that IMSG had, which is missing, they were supposed to be basically the talent management of all the functional specialists. Who do we have where, what are their specialty, look at their career growth, what kind of assignments should they have. And then the third function, which we've had experience with in my 10 years DCO, was to be a place that you could go for requests for information or requests for assistance. Yes. Right. And there'd be a clearinghouse. Because it's
Brain Hancock hosts Colonel Tony Vacha
They discuss his experiences as the Civil Affairs planning chief for the US Army Europe and Africa,
as well as his thoughts on the new Civil Affairs 38-Golf program and discussions about the new transitional governance doctrine.
This is part one of a two-part episode, so stay tuned.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site. Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
00:00:03 Introduction
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. This is your host, Jack Gaines. 1CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on ground with the partner nation's people and leadership. Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working the last three feet of foreign relations. To contact the show, email us at capodcasting at gmail .com or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www .civilaffairsassos .org. I'll have those in the show notes. A quick shout out to LC38 Brand. They're offering 10 % off for 1CA Podcast fans. The promo code is 1CA10. LC38 Brand has a little bit of everything for the international adventurer. So check out their website at lc38brand .com. I'll have the promo code and the address in the show notes.
Welcome to One Civil Affairs Podcast. I'm Lieutenant Crump Brian Hancock, and I will be your host for this session.
00:01:07 Introduction
Today, Brian Hancock hosts Colonel Tony Vaja. They discuss his experiences as the Civil Affairs Planning Chief for U .S. Army Europe and Africa, as well as his thoughts on the new Civil Affairs 38 Golf Program and discussions about the new Transitional Governance Doctrine. This is part one of a two -part episode, so stay tuned.
I have with me in the studio, Colonel Tony Vaja. Colonel Vaja, welcome to the show. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Outstanding. Let's give you a little bit of background. Colonel Vaja is currently the civil affairs planning chief for the U .S. Army Europe and Africa. He has previously served for two years as the deputy commander of the 353rd Civil Affairs Command in Staten Island, New York. He has had a range of assignments in both civil affairs and force management. He served as the lead concept developer for the 38 Gulf career field and the development of the Institute for Military Support to Governance. Quick reminder for the audience that all remarks by myself and Colonel Vaja are ours solely, and they do not represent the views of the U .S. Army or Department of Defense. Well, Colonel Vaja, you have done so many things in your 31 years of military service that I'm not sure where to begin. Okay, all right. Your assignment as Deputy Commander of the 353 Civil Affairs Command, KCOM. Many of us will not have that opportunity to be a DCG of a KCOM, and the KCOMs are growing. What is that experience like? What is it like to be at that pinnacle position in civil affairs, be the deputy commander of a formation that is very nearly the size of division?
00:02:57 TONY VACHA
Yeah, it's a fun and exciting assignment. I always joke if you're going to come serve at a KCOM, whether DCO or in the G3, you need to make sure you come with your running shoes on. As DCO, I was blessed to work for two really strong civil affairs generals, General Tim Brennan and later General Dean Thompson, and watch them and get their thoughts on civil affairs and how to support a theater. I appreciate that commentary.
that commentary. As you're well aware from your work in Proponency and your lengthy service, the bulk of civil affairs originally came out of Special Operations Commander and the USASOC. And as a result, we are very tactically focused. And when you look at what we do in war games and exercises, I've never seen an operational or strategic civil affairs war game or exercise. So that work that you were doing at the strategic level at the KCOM, Any thoughts you can share? Because it seems to me the gulf between what we do tactically versus how we make that operational strategic civil affairs leap is vast.
00:04:05 TONY VACHA
leap is vast. Yeah, I think it's challenging in terms of how we allocate forces to a GCC or an ASCC is uniquely different than the tactical mission set. And, you know, I had the privilege of serving at the KCOM twice. the deputy G3. And so I got to watch through exercises, austere challenge, judicious response, civil affairs planning teams. And we've had some really strong colonels at 353. And when they take a mission, they lead it and execute it. And I've been privileged to see some of these colonels work at these headquarters. And it becomes an issue of the amount of time to spend someone up. on whatever the problem set is, right? The faster someone can do that, the more agile they are for the customer, whether it be the GCC or ASCC.
Outstanding. Let's continue in this vein on operational and strategic civil affairs. There's talk that the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command may soon reorganize and actually make psychological operations. and the theater information operation groups, or TIOG's, subordinate to the KCOMs. Is there any truth to this? Certainly that will put a KCOM at a division size. If they do that, are they going to make our KCOM commanders two stars? Yeah,
00:05:32 TONY VACHA
Yeah, probably not. Is this going to happen? And if so, what are the implications? I've been told it's going to happen. Unfortunately, a lot of that came after my tenure as DCO. It does make sense in some ways, because... as information -related capabilities, I think there's a lot we could learn from PSYOP. And I also think there's a lot they could learn from us. I know for some of the POGs, they have multiple theaters that they're supporting. So that can be very challenging, right? When you have three different theaters that you're trying to array your forces and align them to. I see goodness in all of it because ultimately, Like I said, the KCOM is built as a strategic headquarters with a general officer, right, who can engage in venues that a colonel can't. You know, when a KCOM commander comes to theater, they're meeting with maneuvered division commanders, core DCGs, you know, these types of people, ASCC senior leaders, GCC senior leaders. So that can provide some advocacy for PSYOP. So I don't see it all as just a bad thing. I see it as an evolution. So I served at UC KPOC force development under Major General Daryl Guthrie. And he used to have a quote. He'd say, it's a shame the first time I really learned about PSYOP was when I became the two -star commander of UC KPOC. And I think there's some truth to that, that we need to learn from each other because we share a common headquarters.
I appreciate that. It seems to me that actually, you know, I've spent most of my career in UC KPOC. We're a little bit late to the party. Now, we've been experimenting over the last few years, I believe even in the New York area Bayou, with putting some CA and some PSYOP together. What we're seeing at the larger level for joint combined operations, we're seeing formations like multi -domain task forces, which have been in development for 10 years now. We're seeing theater information advantage elements or theater information advantage detachments. We're seeing in our G39 that you're part of in USRAF. There's a lot more capabilities than just CA and PSYOP because we're moving towards this concept of convergence to meet the challenges of modern warfare, which means we have to synchronize every IRC and fire rapidly and continuously against every target to shape for a kinetic kill or to hopefully avoid a conflict. So at this point, we're looking at putting... eight plus IRCs together. So I think KPOC has some opportunity to advance that, but we're going to need to do, I think, a lot more than just putting CA and PSYOP together with a tie. Yeah, I concur. To stay relevant.
00:08:21 TONY VACHA
No, I completely concur. And I had the unique opportunity to be part of the information warfare design team that ARCyber did a few years ago, which kind of led to the evolution of what the tie is evolving to right now. And the one thing I'd always remind the other capabilities within the information arena is with current programmed forces, there's only two capabilities that go from ASCC all the way down to maneuver battalion,
00:08:44 TONY VACHA
current programmed forces, there's only two capabilities that go from ASCC all the way down to maneuver battalion, and that's CA and SIOP, right? So when you look at how we get them engaged in a future fight. Not probably, it definitely requires some synchronization and convergence at multiple echelons. Just from the fact that CA is unique in that a branch or organization only has one role by definition for the Army. We are the only capability in DOD that is solely focused on foreign civilian populations. PSYOP is very unique. Now they may. look at foreign civilian populations, but they also look at threat actors. They're looking at a broader piece than necessarily we are. But that civil component, that civilian portion of the operational environment, I've always said when we were developing functional specialist capabilities in 2012 to 2015, which includes 38 Gulf, but also includes AMED and JAG, other capabilities. Why wouldn't other branches want to use functional specialists? Yes. Right? I think it can be as helpful to PSYOP and I .O. as it is to CA. Absolutely.
I remember back at Rim of the Pacific a few years ago, building a fusion team with the evolving 38 golf program that I think we'll talk about here shortly. And they were the analytical brains with my SIM cell. Now we call it civil knowledge integration course, CKI. And together we produced products that the Joint Combined Task Force had never seen before. So there is, I think, incredible opportunity as a customer demand driven organization for the larger army and the larger joint force for us to provide that kind of information and analysis and insight that allow us to significantly reduce costs in terms of lives and equipment. And of course. Our struggle as a force is not winning a tactical battle. It's achieving our strategic objectives. So we walk away with having spent blood and treasure towards a larger purpose that really mattered. And that is very challenging right now. And the more destruction, the more death, the more crisis that happens in blunt contact. the more difficult that stability and achieving those long -term strategic objectives become. So a lot of opportunity in this space. I concur that the 38 Gulfs are going to be a big player in that. Let's talk about that. You were actually one of the founders of the 38 Gulf Specialist Program. Can you tell the audience a little bit about the history of this military occupational specialty and how it came to fruition?
00:11:37 TONY VACHA
Yeah, yeah, sure. So I was a doctor and developer at SWCC. Then Colonel, a later Brigadier General, now retired, Mike Wormack, was the commandant. And he assigned me as the OPR to do the initial research, did a lot of reading, read every manual, civil affairs manual, going back to FM 27 .5 in 1942. So yeah, I've been asked by a number of people over the years, people are doing research on something, they'll call me and they're like, what triggered the development of it? And it was actually a joint capabilities -based assessment and got validated by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council, which produced JROCM 162 .11, if anybody wants to look it up. So it assigned particular .mil PFP responsibilities to SOCOM and SWCC to redo or to professionalize functional specialists, basically. So unfortunately, the Army Reserve doesn't promote on skill identifiers. So, you know, at least when I initially came into civil affairs, you know, circa late 2003, people would get promoted as lieutenant colonel into colonel into functional specialist slots. Well, they may or may not have any background for whatever they're promoted into. So it hurt us. Because we were in busy years, you know, at that time. And so that's why the Jay Rockham said to professionalize the functional specialist program. 38 Gulf, a commissioned officer, was the way that was chosen. Ultimately, the commander of USASOC at the time was Lieutenant General Cleveland. And he also wanted to develop the Institute for Military Support to Governance. So these were two distinct yet related initiatives. and functional specialists writ large were designed to be operational and out and about. The IMSG was designed with some key functions that are currently missing, as a matter of fact. One, they were to inform the development of doctrine and training because you just can't expect a GS -12 doctrine developer to understand. the range of the specialties. We have 21 now or something like that.
We have 21 now or something like that.
00:14:02 TONY VACHA
So, so yeah, you had to, the experts were supposed to help us write what the doctrine should be. The second function that IMSG had, which is missing, they were supposed to be basically the talent management of all the functional specialists. Who do we have where, what are their specialty, look at their career growth, what kind of assignments should they have. And then the third function, which we've had experience with in my 10 years DCO, was to be a place that you could go for requests for information or requests for assistance. Yes. Right. And there'd be a clearinghouse. Because it's
Sabrina Barton brought me on to her channel to talk about my experiences with the One CA Podcast as I reached my first year hosting the show.
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10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
In this episode, Brian Hancock interviews Jess Langerud, who works in medical security cooperation in Poland for the U.S. Army. Jess talks about the value of medical outreach as a form of diplomacy and how Civil Affairs can better integrate into security cooperation and security force assistance programs.
I also want to highlight LC38 Brand for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site. Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Rock Tee From ''East End'' for producing the Rip Slyme - Searchin' (Instrumental) (1998) (90's Japanese Hip Hop) (Jazzy/Lofi Hip Hop). You can find the music at this link: https://youtu.be/k8TQXU9Snas
Today, we welcome Courtney Mulhern, a professional therapist (MSW) and team sergeant for the 492 Civil Affairs Battalion.
Courtney talks about using her skills while working with partner nations' people and leaders to build lasting relationships and provides tips to help others with outreach. So please welcome Courtney to the show.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site. Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Today's theme is brought to you by The Shadows album "Apache". The recording was retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TELLAKvwK50
We bring back CMS Garrick Banfield to discuss the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade with host John McEllicot
Garric Banfield's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garric-banfield-aa13212a/
95th CA website: https://www.soc.mil/95th/95thhomepage.html
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site.
Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Broke For Free for releasing the song "Something Elated" (No Copyright Music). Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxh4S2A8Q4U
Today we welcome Richard Messick,
who served 14 years with the World Bank, advising on the rule of law and anti-corruption issues.
Richard now leads the Messick Group out of DC and recently traveled with UNODC to Southeast Asia to advise on anti-corruption in governance.
and also to Ukraine to advise the Ministry of Infrastructure on reconstruction.
There was a lot to unpack in this episode,
and we meander a little bit,
but I think you will enjoy the discussion,
so let's get started.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site.
Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
Thank you to NIGMA for providing the mix "Habano." Check them out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAxAxwE0Dgg.
Today we welcome Colonel Scott DeJesse, who is rebuilding the US Army Civil Affairs monuments program. Dejesse is an Army Reservist who works at the Department of State in cultural diplomacy.
For the monuments program, Dejesse is partnering with the Smithsonian Institute, The Met in New York, academic institutions and others to revitalize and develop CA teams who can work in crisis and conflict to protect a nation's cultural heritage.
We brought Scott in today to talk about the monuments program, its tie to the Civil Affairs 38 G program, and cultural diplomacy's impact on national security, so please welcome him to the show
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site.
Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Music: Special thanks to Fasol Productions for NEO SOUL Instrumental Music. The song is called "Cool Jazz." It's a terrific album, so check them out at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VNm3rGXPXs&t=3s
U.S. State Department Trafficking Tip Lines: https://www.state.gov/domestic-trafficking-hotlines/
DOD (CTIP): https://ctip.defense.gov/Domestic and DOD inspector general, 800-424-9098
DOJ: https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en
UNODC: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/track4tip/contact-us.html
Today we have a special rebroadcast of the Jordan Harbinger Show. Jordan interviews Paul Hutchinson about the film "Sound of Freedom" and the human trafficking trade. In the full show, Jordan threads the needle to disclaim the interview from any political bents and conspiracy theories that cloud the topic and just wanted to expose the trade and damage it causes.
As we work overseas on foreign policy issues, I suspect our soldiers, diplomats, development officers, and field agents will cross paths with this growing illicit trade. To help the team, in the show notes, I'll add the Department of State, DOD and UN contacts who can help you respond.
Show background and contacts:
Jordan Harbinger: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Sound of Freedom: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_of_Freedom_(film)
Paul Hutchinson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulhutch/
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site.
Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. In this episode, we set up a new remote studio for Brian Hancock. It was the first run, so you will hear some background noise, but it was a terrific conversation about Civil Affairs work at the 4-star level command and some of our work in Europe and Africa, so stay tuned.
Special thanks to LC38 for celebrating our People's Choice Awards nomination by offering listeners 10 percent off anything at the site.
Check them out at https://lc38brand.com/
10% promo code: oneca10
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Thank you to the folks at Afro Beats + Instrumentals for providing this episode's welcome music. Afro Beats features tracks from across Africa, exclusive remixes, and original instrumentals for DJs and artists. Check them out at: https://www.youtube.com/@afrobeatsyt
Today, we welcome John Cassara.
John started his career as a CIA covert operations officer, then moved to the US Treasury as a special agent, where he worked in counter-terrorism and financial intelligence. During that time, he was also detailed to the State Department's INL or International Narcotics and Law Enforcement to support counter-terrorism finance and anti-money laundering. John also worked at US Customs on counter illicit trade and illicit arms smuggling.
John is also a board member of Global Financial Integrity and the Coalition against Illicit Economies and a guest instructor at George Mason University for the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center.
Additionally, John Cassara published the book: Specified Unlawful Activities in China's illicit economy.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Book: Specified Unlawful Activities: https://www.amazon.com/China-Specified-Activities-Transnational-Laundering/dp/B0BW2S2SKN
John Cassara bio: http://www.johncassara.com/
CIA covert operations officer program: https://www.cia.gov/stories/intelligence-operations/
US Treasury as a special agent program: https://home.treasury.gov/about/offices/terrorism-and-financial-intelligence
State Department's INL or International Narcotics and Law Enforcement: https://www.state.gov/about-us-bureau-of-international-narcotics-and-law-enforcement-affairs/
US Customs, counter illicit trade and illicit arms smuggling program: https://www.cbp.gov/about
Global Financial Integrity: https://gfintegrity.org/
Coalition against Illicit Economies: https://icaie.com/
George Mason University for the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center: https://traccc.gmu.edu/
Music: Thank you to DJ WhiteShark from Barranquilla, Columbia. The album is Urban Beats, Vol. 1. DJ WhiteSharks SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/whitesharkmusic. Music retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMcNiB_Wvmc&authuser=0
Dr. Joseph Long comes on the show to discuss his theory on relational leadership, based on his new publication, The Future of Conflict: How Super-Empowered Populations Will Change Warfare, published at the Irregular Warfare Initiative. Joe is a retired Green Beret and is now a senior Lecturer at the Defense Security Cooperation University in Virginia.
Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-joseph-long-9021821a/
Other references from the episode:
Naval War College, Monterey: https://nps.edu/web/naval-war-college
SWIC, Robin Sage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMVnHMYxDGU
2017 Niger Investigation: https://dod.defense.gov/portals/1/features/2018/0418_niger/img/Oct-2017-Niger-Ambush-Summary-of-Investigation.pdf
3212 Un-Redacted: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15909364/
12 Strong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_Strong
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to JD Kid for producing Mac Miller Chill x Summer Type Beat // "Higher." Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Z9K6-hDtyjU
Dr. Joseph Long comes on the show to discuss his theory on relational leadership, based on his new publication, The Future of Conflict: How Super-Empowered Populations Will Change Warfare, published at the Irregular Warfare Initiative. Joe is a retired Green Beret and is now a senior Lecturer at the Defense Security Cooperation University in Virginia.
Bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-joseph-long-9021821a/
Other references from the episode:
Naval War College, Monterey: https://nps.edu/web/naval-war-college
SWIC, Robin Sage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMVnHMYxDGU
2017 Niger Investigation: https://dod.defense.gov/portals/1/features/2018/0418_niger/img/Oct-2017-Niger-Ambush-Summary-of-Investigation.pdf
3212 Un-Redacted: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15909364/
12 Strong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_Strong
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to JD Kid for producing Mac Miller Chill x Summer Type Beat // "Higher." Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Z9K6-hDtyjU
We bring back Joe Pastorek's discussion on the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade's Advanced Skills Detachment with host Sean Acosta.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Broke For Free for releasing the song "Something Elated" (No Copyright Music). Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxh4S2A8Q4U
In this episode, Mr. Carlos Dias from Global Integrity interviewed me on anti-corruption programs I have been working on for Civil Affairs and DOD. I also turned the tables on him to discuss current events and his experience growing up on the border of Columbia and Venezuela. This one is slightly different because I was interviewed, but it would make a great show.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Music: Gotta Serve Somebody, Thank you, Bob Dylan, and The Orchard Enterprises for the karaoke version. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYecYWQRuUI
Today we welcome Calvin Chrustie, a retired member of the RCMP who worked in conflict negotiation with the UN and
Canadian armed forces during the Bosnian war.
After the conflict, Calvin used his skills also to conduct international hostage negotiation
and then got into counter-criminal and state-sponsored threat networks.
In this episode, Calvin talks about his experience in conflict and hostage negotiation
and shares tips and tricks on negotiations.
Calvin Chrustie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/calvin-chrustie-llm-03b4686/
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Also, thank you to Taylor Swift for the music. The song is "Cruel Summer" instrumental. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MHSLNtuTc
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to @jambcbaba for the music from the Album Afghani BABA. Retrieved from YouTube.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to @jambcbaba for the music from the Album Afghani BABA. Retrieved from YouTube.
Assad Raza hosts Alexander Kenna and Matthew Alexander to discuss their research on climate impacts on foreign policy. The interview is based on their thesis, Climate Insecurity and Governance Competition: The Near-Term Geopolitical Consequences of Destructive Climate Events. See the link below in the show notes.
Climate Insecurity and Governance Competition: The Near-Term Geopolitical Consequences of Destructive Climate Event, Naval Postgraduate School, December 2022 https://calhoun.nps.edu/handle/10945/71489
Thesis Presentation (Video):
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to Jacob Gibson Free Instrumental for the beats.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today we bring Chris Hyslop, the Executive Director of the Montana World Affairs Council, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering global awareness and understanding in Montana’s classrooms and communities.
On the show, Chris talks about his experience in the United Nations; human rights work worldwide.
LI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-hyslop-a438b7/
The Montana World Affairs Council: montanaworldaffairs.org
Video on the United States Peace Corps: https://youtu.be/xAJHr_Ce6po
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to Pilskills Chefhane for the music. You can find him @PilskillsChefhain or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgl9ZsT3jKs at 3:30:00
Dr. Carrick Longley and Stephen Hunnewell of IST Research discuss Digital Civil Reconnaissance and how it supports Civil Affairs missions.
About Dr. Carrick Longley: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carricklongley
About Stephen Hunnewell: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hunnewellstephen
About IST Research: https://www.linkedin.com/company/istresearch
Book: "The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare," by Christian Brose.
One CA brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
To contact the show:
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Special thanks to Broke For Free for releasing the song "Something Elated" (No Copyright Music)
Today we welcome Josh Bedding-field,
who is studying at the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies or SAMS
I brought Josh in today to talk about his upcoming paper,
The Value Proposition of Shadow Governments in Resistance Operations
Which should be out this summer.
Josh will give us a preview of his findings and discuss how they are applied.
This is part two of a two-part series. Check out part I in the show history.
So, let's get started
Why civil resistance works: https://g.co/kgs/1LMQzM
Waiting for dignity, legitimacy, and authority in Afghanistan: https://g.co/kgs/6v8Vfp
Rights as weapons: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691166049/rights-as-weapons
SAMS podcast, The Operational Arch: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-operational-arch
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
We are here to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground diplomacy to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
The Civil Affairs Association website: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org
Music: Special Thanks to Wagram Music, Dokidoki éditions for the Rouge Rouge Music Ensemble, found on the Ce soir, après dîner album
Today we welcome Josh Bedding-field,
who is studying at the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies or SAMS
I brought Josh in today to talk about his upcoming paper,
The Value Proposition of Shadow Governments in Resistance Operations
Which should be out this summer.
Josh will give us a preview of his findings and discuss how they are applied.
This is part one of two, which will be out next week
So, let's get started
Why civil resistance works: https://g.co/kgs/1LMQzM
Waiting for dignity, legitimacy, and authority in Afghanistan: https://g.co/kgs/6v8Vfp
Rights as weapons: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691166049/rights-as-weapons
SAMS podcast, The Operational Arch: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-operational-arch
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
We are here to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground diplomacy to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
The Civil Affairs Association website: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org
Music: Special Thanks to Wagram Music, Dokidoki éditions for the Rouge Rouge Music Ensemble, found on the Ce soir, après dîner album
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today we have Juan Quiroz from the Civil Affairs capabilities integration and development office. Juan discusses his paper, "The oblique approach to irregular warfare: Civil Affairs as the main effort in strategic competition."
LI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-q-457a8853/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
We are here to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground diplomacy to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
The Civil Affairs Association website: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org
Also, thank you to Pilskills Chefhane for the music. You can find him @PilskillsChefhain or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgl9ZsT3jKs at 4:10:00
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today we bring Chris Hyslop, the Executive Director of the Montana World Affairs Council, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering global awareness and understanding in Montana’s classrooms and communities.
On the show, Chris talks about his experience in the United States Peace Corps and NGO work around the world.
LI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-hyslop-a438b7/
The Montana World Affairs Council: montanaworldaffairs.org
Video on the United States Peace Corps: https://youtu.be/xAJHr_Ce6po
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to Pilskills Chefhane for the music. You can find him @PilskillsChefhain or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgl9ZsT3jKs at 3:30:00
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
This week we pull a past episode from the Jordan Harbinger Show with H.R. McMaster.
One CA will continue bringing new content every two weeks, then use the other weeks to bring in shows from our vaults, partners, and special extended interviews.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Special thanks to Jordan Harbinger for sharing episodes from his show. He also has a free course on professional networking that is terrific. Check him out at the Jordan Harbinger Show: https://www.jordanharbinger.com/
Also, thank you to Pilskills Chefhane for the music. You can find him @PilskillsChefhain or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgl9ZsT3jKs at 4:04:50
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today we have Gustavo Ferreira, an agricultural economist for USDA and the Civil Affairs 38G program. Gustavo continues the discussion on agriculture's impacts on foreign policy.
LI profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gustavo-ferreira-71825729/
One CA brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
To contact the show:
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Music: Special thanks to Joe Leytrick. Prod. Riddiman for the beats. Found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEiZiMzKRvk
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today we bring Jamie Critelli to discuss assessing food stocks during peacetime and conflict and agriculture's role in foreign policy.
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/critelli/
For more information on Critelli, here is a link from the farmer veteran coalition: https://farmvetco.org/stories/4027-2/
One CA brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Our goal is to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground to forward U.S. foreign policy.
To contact the show:
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Music: Special thanks to Joe Leytrick. Prod. Riddiman for the beats. Found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEiZiMzKRvk
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
This week we talk with David Maxwell, a retired Army Colonel who now works with the Defense of Democracies and other institutions to achieve a peaceful reunification for Korea.
In the episode, David discusses current conditions, events that have made a difference, and strategies for peaceful reunification.
One Podcast aims to inspire people interested in working on-ground diplomacy to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
Have a story to tell? Email us to either speak or guest-host at: [email protected]
One CA Podcast is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Maxwell's bio on Defense of Democracies: https://www.fdd.org/team/david-maxwell/
Special thanks for Pat Benatar and Legacy Records for the song "We Belong," Which is an excellent fit for the story.
Thank you to the Irregular Warfare Podcast for sharing Episode 54: Plan Colombia: Anatomy of a Successful Counterinsurgency Campaign.
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
We are here to inspire anyone interested in working on-ground diplomacy to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and recommendations for working the "last three feet" of foreign relations.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Link to the original episode: https://mwi.usma.edu/plan-colombia-anatomy-of-a-successful-counterinsurgency-campaign/
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
In this episode, Brian Hancock guest hosts and interviews Marine Maj. Rob Boudreau on his experience deploying as a CA officer with the 31 MEU.
Brain Hancock LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-j-hancock/
Rob Boudreau LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rboudreau55/
The One CA Podcast info:
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Thanks to Assad Raza for guest hosting and Frank Sobchak for coming on.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
This is part two of the interview with former Defense Undersecretary "Mick" (Michael Patrick) Mulroy. If you missed the first episode, check it out on the episode list or at this link:
Links mentioned in this episode and the last show:
If you would like to come on the show or guest host, contact us at [email protected]
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
About Michael Patrick Mulroy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Patrick_Mulroy
Lobo Institute: https://www.loboinstitute.org
Case study on improving collaboration between CIA field operations and the military (MEI): https://www.mei.edu/sites/default/files/2021-08/Irregular%20Warfare%20-%20A%20Case%20Study%20in%20CIA%20and%20US%20Army%20Special%20Forces%20Operations%20in%20Northern%20Iraq%2C%202002-03.pdf
My Star in the Sky (Child Solder documentary): https://www.loboinstitute.org/my-star-in-the-sky/
ABC article on covert action: http://abcnewsradioonline.com/national-news/covert-action-and-national-security.html
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Daughters of Kobani: (MIlitary.com article) https://www.military.com/off-duty/books/2021/02/18/daughters-of-kobani-tells-riveting-story-of-women-combat.html
Music: Special thank you to The Cranberries
Today we welcome Michael Patrick Mulroy, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East. This episode is part one of two.
"Mick" worked for Secretary Mattis, Esper, and the transition to the new administration. He is also a retired CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer and a United States Marine. Today he discusses the integration between field operations, Civil Affairs, and diplomacy. Mick Mulroy is currently running the Lobo Institute, a National Security analyst on ABC News, and an advocate to end Child Soldiering.
In part two, Mick Mulroy talks about China's competition.
Links mentioned in the show:
If you would like to come on the show or guest host, contact us at [email protected]
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
About Michael Patrick Mulroy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Patrick_Mulroy
Lobo Institute: https://www.loboinstitute.org
Case study on improving collaboration between CIA field operations and the military (MEI): https://www.mei.edu/sites/default/files/2021-08/Irregular%20Warfare%20-%20A%20Case%20Study%20in%20CIA%20and%20US%20Army%20Special%20Forces%20Operations%20in%20Northern%20Iraq%2C%202002-03.pdf
My Star in the Sky (Child Solder documentary): https://www.loboinstitute.org/my-star-in-the-sky/
ABC article on covert action: http://abcnewsradioonline.com/national-news/covert-action-and-national-security.html
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Daughters of Kobani: (MIlitary.com article) https://www.military.com/off-duty/books/2021/02/18/daughters-of-kobani-tells-riveting-story-of-women-combat.html
Music: Special thank you to The Cranberries
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Assad Raza is your guest host and is talking with (Ret.) Col. Frank Sobchak.
Frank researched Iraqi and Afghan units that performed well against their adversaries, and what made the difference in training. He discusses the value of speaking the local languages, the ratio of trainers/advisors to troops, and the training consistency.
Assad talks with Frank about his findings.
So, stay tuned.
Frank Sobchak
Assad Raza
Books mentioned:
The Dictator's Army, Caitlin Talmadge, JSTOR: www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.7591/j.ctt20d89pv.8.pdf
Deny and Destroy, Michael Gordan, Politics and Prose: https://www.politics-prose.com/book/9780374279899
The U.S. Army and the Iraq War report, Army War College: https://publications.armywarcollege.edu/?s=The+U.S.+Army+and+the+Iraq+War+report&ct_post_type=post%3Apage%3Apublication
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Thanks to Assad Raza for guest hosting and Frank Sobchak for coming on.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Music: Special thanks to the Cranberries for the beats
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Assad Raza is your guest host and is talking with (Ret.) Col. Frank Sobchak.
Frank researched Iraqi and Afghan units that performed well against their adversaries, and what made the difference in training. He discusses the value of speaking the local languages, the ratio of trainers/advisors to troops, and the training consistency.
Assad talks with Frank about his findings.
So, stay tuned.
Frank Sobchak
Assad Raza
Books mentioned:
The Dictator's Army, Caitlin Talmadge, JSTOR: www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.7591/j.ctt20d89pv.8.pdf
Deny and Destroy, Michael Gordan, Politics and Prose: https://www.politics-prose.com/book/9780374279899
The U.S. Army and the Iraq War report, Army War College: https://publications.armywarcollege.edu/?s=The+U.S.+Army+and+the+Iraq+War+report&ct_post_type=post%3Apage%3Apublication
One CA Podcast email: [email protected]
One CA Podcast webpage: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/podcast
Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Thanks to Assad Raza for guest hosting and Frank Sobchak for coming on.
If you or someone you know would like to come on the show, or guest host, contact us at [email protected].
Welcome to the One CA Podcast,
This is Jack
Today we are bringing in a special episode from the Irregular Warfare Podcast called SLOW BURN: HOW US SECURITY COOPERATION SHAPES OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS.
A special thanks to Benjamin Jebb for helping make this happen.
The show has an excellent discussion between retired Lieutenant General Mark Hertling, Professor Derek Reveron from the US Naval War College and the hosts Ben Jebb and Barbara Elias.
The episode is the full uncut version.
I wanted to share it because it's relevant to our work with the last feet of foreign policy and to introduce the Irregular Warfare Podcast and its sponsor, the Modern Warfare Institute.
If you are interested in coming on the One CA Podcast or guest hosting an episode, contact us at [email protected]
the Civil Affairs Association sponsors the One CA Podcast. Check them out at https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
On this episode, we have Jodi Harman for the HillVets Foundation (www.hillvets.org)
HillVets helps service members and their families gain policy positions on Capital Hill and is an excellent resource for accessing military support and Veterans advocacy programs.
If you are interested in coming on the One CA Podcast or guest hosting, contact us at [email protected].
One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
On today's show, David Maxwell talks about grand strategy.
Col. Retired Maxwell is currently a senior fellow at FDD. He is a 30-year veteran of the United States Army, retiring in 2011 as a Special Forces Colonel with his final assignment serving on the military faculty teaching national security strategy at the National War College.
If you are interested in coming on the One CA Podcast, contact us at [email protected].
One CA is a product of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/.
Apologies, the original upload clipped down to four minutes. So, I am uploading the whole episode again.
Brigadier Chris Stockel comes on One CA to discuss his experience integrating Civil Affairs and Security Cooperation to improve how forces work with partner nations.
BG Stockel held various command positions within the Infantry, special forces, and Civil Affairs.
His last position was as the Commanding General of the 351 Civil Affairs Command out of Mountain View, California.
In that position, he was also the senior civil affairs advisor for INDOPACOM, which included synchronizing almost all CA forces within the region.
BG Stockel worked various leadership positions outside the Reserves, including a tour with the State Department Counter-Terrorism Bureau.
Additionally, he spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations in China and testified before Congress to the House Committee on State and Foreign Operations about Iraq.
He also is the current Vice President of the Civil Affairs Association - a proud sponsor of this show.
BG Stockel has a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Trenton State and a master's degree in strategic studies from the Army War College. He and his family live in New Jersey.
For more information, Click here for his Bio
Col. John Hutcheson discusses his experience with Hiring for Heroes training, coaching, and mentoring service that helps service members and families prepare for a career outside the military.
For more information on Hiring our Heroes: https://www.hiringourheroes.org
and our guest: John Hutcheson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jshutcheson
Host: Jack Gaines: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-h-gaines/
The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Tesla Government and LC38 Brand sponsor this episode.
Col. Gregory Fontenot, USA Ret., is a guest host and interviews BG Pat O'Neal, USA Ret. CA operations during the launch of Operation Joint Endeavor.
Col. Fontenot commanded the First Armored Brigade of the First Armored Division and reported to BG O'Neal, the ADCS, during Operation Joint Endeavor. In this episode, Greg and Pat reflect on the Civil Affairs' role and key points to help the force.
Special thanks to our sponsors LC38 and Tesla Government
If you are interested in interviewing, have an idea for the show, or would like to guest host, contact us at [email protected]
Special episode. John McElligott announces that he is leaving OneCA Podcast and introduces Jack Gaines as the new host.
If you're a show fan, it's a chance to listen and wish John well. Also, you are welcome to like, subscribe, and thank our sponsors for helping support the show.
Host: John McElligott: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnmcelligott/
Co-host: Jack Gaines: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-h-gaines/
The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
MAJ John Burns talks about the evolution of Ghost Team at the National Training Center in California and why it matters for the future training of Civil Affairs forces.
MAJ Burns is the Senior Civil-Military Operations Trainer and Operations Officer for Ghost Team at the National Training Center.
MAJ Burns previous Civil Affairs assignments include serving as the G9 for the 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command at Fort Hood, TX, Commander of E Company, 83rd Civil Affairs BN, CMOC Chief for E Company, 83rd Civil Affairs BN, Team Chief for CAT 723, Bravo Company, 97th Civil Affairs BN, and Assistant Operations Officer for the 92nd Civil Affairs BN.
MAJ Burns’ Civil Affairs Deployments include Civil-Military Support Element Cambodia and supporting US Pacific Fleet in Pacific Partnership 2017 and 2018.
The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
In this episode, our guest host Assad Raza speaks with Stanislava Mladenova, a doctoral candidate at King’s College London, on the relationship between military and civilian entities on low-intensity conflict and state fragility.
Assad Raza: https://www.linkedin.com/in/assad-raza-557727a5
Stanislava Mladenova: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/stanislava-mladenova-b55aa02
The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
“Special operators may be professionals of a sort. However, until special operations designate a jurisdiction over which it has the autonomy to exercise judgment, the organization is better characterized as a bureaucracy that manages a highly skilled force.”
Host Benjamin Ordiway in conversation with professor C. Anthony Pfaff, Ph.D. of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, to discuss his recent article in Parameters, “Professionalizing Special Operations Forces.”
We also talk a little about my ongoing work on coaching moral reasoning & ethical decision-making in field-training environments. This work is sponsored by the 1st Special Forces Command.
Benjamin Ordiway, former 92 CA and now a philosophy instructor at US military academy, interviews Dr. C. Anthony Pfaff (Colonel, U.S. Army, Ret.), who is currently the research professor for Strategy, the Military Profession and Ethics at the Strategic Studies Institute and a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council.
Dr. Pfaff has published "Proxy War Ethics" by the Journal of National Security Law and Policy, Military Ethics below the Threshold of War, in Parameters (Vol 50, No. 3), "The Ethics of Acquiring Disruptive Military Technologies," in the Texas National Security Review (Vol. 3, No. 1), "Western and Chinese Ways of War and their Ethics," in Parameters (Vol. 52, No. 1), "The Future of US-Iraq Relations," by the Atlantic Council.
Host: Benjamin Ordiway, https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminordiway
Guest: https://www.linkedin.com/in/c-anthony-pfaff-phd-2b42349/
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org.
Sponsorship links:
Tesla Government: https://teslagov.com
LC38 Brand: https://lc38brand.com
Third Order Effects: https://www.thirdordereffects.com
Nicholas Krohley, Ph.D., and Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Muehlich discuss their study of US civil affairs and NATO CIMIC doctrine.
Commissioned by the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence, the document compares and contrasts the two capabilities’ doctrinal tasking and highlights shared challenges.
The CIMIC doctrine also charts a potential path forward, through which civil affairs and CIMIC might make an evidence-based case to the forces they support for the value of their outputs and their worthiness for better integration and resourcing.
Dr. Krohley is the founder of FrontLine Advisory and proprietor of www.civilreconnaissance.com. Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Muehlich is the branch chief of Concepts, Interoperability, and Capabilities at the NATO-accredited Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence.
Hosted by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Nicholas Krohley, Ph.D., and Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Muehlich discuss their study of US civil affairs and NATO CIMIC doctrine. Commissioned by the NATO CIMIC Centre of Excellence, the document compares and contrasts the two capabilities’ doctrinal tasking and highlights shared challenges.
It also charts a potential path forward, through which civil affairs and CIMIC might make an evidence-based case to the forces they support for the value of their outputs and their worthiness for better integration and resourcing.
Dr. Krohley is the founder of FrontLine Advisory and proprietor of www.civilreconnaissance.com. Lieutenant Colonel Stefan Muehlich is the branch chief of Concepts, Interoperability, and Capabilities at the NATO-accredited Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence.
Hosted by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
John McElligott, host of the One CA Podcast, reflects on the past 100 episodes. He shares some statistics of the most downloaded shows, information about the growing audience, and ideas for the future of the show.
The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
US Army Reserve Majors Brian Hancock and Jack Gaines discuss the Theater Information Advantage Element (TIAE). Major Hancock is G9, 79th Theater Sustainment Command. Major Gaines is CA and Public Affairs Officer, who consults on strategy and policy in the DC area.
For more information about the TIAE, check out the presentation Majors Hancock and Gaines provided as a part of the SMA Speaker Series in January 2022.
Hosted by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
US Army Reserve Majors Brian Hancock and Jack Gaines discuss the Theater Information Advantage Element (TIAE). Major Hancock is G9, 79th Theater Sustainment Command. Major Gaines is CA and Public Affairs Officer who consults on strategy and policy in the DC area.
For more information about the TIAE, check out the presentation that Brian and Jack provided as a part of the SMA Speaker Series in January 2022.
Hosted by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Brigadier General Chris Dziubek, Commanding General of the 351st Civil Affairs Command, US Army Reserve, talks about his priorities, training exercises in the USINDOPACOM Area of Responsibility, and how you can get honest feedback from Soldiers before jumping out of an airplane. General Dziubek enlisted in 1986 into Field Artillery, commissioned through ROTC, and entered active duty in Aviation. He completed the Armor Officer Advanced Course and served in a few Engineer units. He later joined Civil Affairs and commanded troops at the company, battalion, and brigade echelons.
Hosted and produced by John McElligott. One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Mark Delaney, who served for the US Army in the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, talks about why he chose CA and how skills he gathered translate into life after the military. Hosted by John McElligott.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Music by Coma Studio.
Colonel Marco Bongioanni, a US Army Reserve Civil Affairs officer, discusses the Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer program and how it connects to Civil Affairs. We discuss what missions EPLOs conduct, where they serve, who qualifies to become an EPLO, and how people can apply. Hosted by John McElligott.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Music by Coma Studio.
Contact your US military command for details about the EPLO program and how to apply.
Major General Jeffrey C. Coggin, Commanding General, U.S. Army Civil Affairs & Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) presents updates called “USACAPOC(A) and Global Civil-Military Networking in an Era of Strategic Competition." His remarks were delivered during the 2022 CA Roundtable hosted by the Civil Affairs Association. Moderated by retired Major General Daniel R. Ammerman, Vice President, Civil Affairs Association.
Recorded during the 2022 CA Roundtable.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Colonel Caroline Pogge leads a discussion about Operation Allies Refuge to evacuate at-risk Afghans and resettle them in the United States. Colonel Pogge is G39 Civil Affairs Planning Team Chief, U.S. Army Europe & Africa.
Guests include: Deanna Swainer, American Red Cross; Colleen Denny, Spirit of America; Tyler Waterhouse, Department of State - Population, Refugees and Migration; Josh Mater, Department of State - Population, Refugees and Migration; Gina Kassem, Department of State - Population, Refugees and Migration (Camp Liya); Master Sergeant Larry Lloyd, USAREUR-AF G39 OAR Lead Planner; Major Susan Graler, 361st Civil Affairs Brigade Detachment Leader; and Captain Josh Black, B Company, 415th Civil Affairs CAT Leader, Camp Liya (Kosovo).
Recorded during the 2021 CA Symposium.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Greg Banner, retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army, discusses his recommendations for training for unconventional warfare. He wrote an article for the December 2021 issue of Army Magazine published by AUSA. Lt Col Banner spent time with US Army Special Forces and Civil Affairs.
Hosted and produced by John McElligott. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Chris Bryant, special operations medical sergeant with the 91st Civil Affairs Battalion, discusses social media and how it applies to CA forces. Chris handles some social media accounts for the Civil Affairs Association.
Hosted and produced by John McElligott. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Part 3 of the Civil Affairs Issue Papers presented during the 2021 Civil Affairs Symposium. Facilitated by retired Brigadier General Bruce Bingham. Presenters are Major Jim Munene and Staff Sergeant Courtney Mulhern, who discuss ways to build a global civil-military network by going back to the basics.
Produced by John McElligott. Music by Broke for Free. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Part 2 of the Civil Affairs Issue Papers presented during the 2021 Civil Affairs Symposium. Facilitated by retired Brigadier General Bruce Bingham. The first presenters are Colonel Brad Hughes, Lieutenant Colonel Tyson Voelkel, and Major Giancarlo Newsome, who discuss innovation as a weapon system. After the break, Sergeant First Class Nicholas (Jon) Kempenich, Jr., argues for expansion of operations NCOs for security cooperation.
Produced by John McElligott. Music by Broke for Free. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Part 1 of the Civil Affairs Issue Papers presented during the 2021 Civil Affairs Symposium. Facilitated by retired Brigadier General Bruce Bingham. The first presenters are Hayden Bassett, PhD, and Lieutenant Kate Harrell, PhD, who discuss the 38G Military Government Specialist program. After the break, Colonel Marco A. Bongioanni discusses individualism and collectivism.
Produced by John McElligott. Music by Broke for Free. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38 Brand. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Brigade commanders of the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (USACAPOC) speak as panelists for USACAPOC(A) Command Strategic Initiatives in Civil-Military Networking. The panel discussion was a part of the virtual 2021 Civil Affairs Web Symposium. Facilitated by Colonel Marshall Straus Scantlin. Panelists include Colonel Keith K. Kelly, Commander, 364th Civil Affairs Brigade; Colonel Reginald J. Kornegay, Commander, 360th Civil Affairs Brigade; and Colonel William J. Smith, 308th Civil Affairs Brigade.
Edited by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is a production of the Civil Affairs Association. Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Part 2 of a two-part series. Ryan McCannell moderates an interagency panel discussion about Civil Affairs in the U.S. National Security Strategy. Speakers include Andrea Freeman of the National Security Council, Jason Ladnier of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operations, Ciara Knudsen of the USAID Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation, and Pat Antonietti of the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability & Humanitarian Affairs.
The discussion was recorded during the 2021 Civil Affairs Roundtable.
Edited and produced by John McElligott.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Part 1 of a two-part series. Ryan McCannell moderates an interagency panel discussion about Civil Affairs in the U.S. National Security Strategy. Opening remarks from retired Colonel Chris Holshek. Speakers include Andrea Freeman of the National Security Council, Jason Ladnier of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operations, Ciara Knudsen of the USAID Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation, and Pat Antonietti of the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Stability & Humanitarian Affairs.
The discussion was recorded during the 2021 Civil Affairs Roundtable.
Edited and produced by John McElligott.
Sponsored by Tesla Government and LC38 Brand.
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Zach Hyleman and Captain Kevin Chapla discuss the Foreign Area Officer program and the connection with Civil Affairs.
Hosted by John McElligott. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government and LC 38.
Part 2 of a two-part series on Civil Affairs in Regional Competition for Influence. Moderated by retired Brigadier General Chris Stockel, panelists include Dr. R. Evan Ellis of the U.S. Army War College Strategic
Studies Institute and retired Colonel Timothy Faulkner of the United States Army Pacific Command G-2.
This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government.
Part 1 of a two-part series on Civil Affairs in Regional Competition for Influence. Moderated by retired Brigadier General Chris Stockel, panelists include Howard Gambrill Clark, PhD, retired Colonel David Des Roches, and retired Colonel Daniel Hampton, all of whom work at the National Defense University.
This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government.
Sergeant First Class Josh Spiers shares his perspective of a deployment his Civil Affairs Team had to San Pedro Sula, Honduras.
This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government. Hosted and produced by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Major Lauren Holl discusses the deployment of her Civil Affairs Team to San Pedro Sula, Honduras, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sponsored by Tesla Government. Hosted by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
CPT Josh Bedingfield discusses Human Network Analysis with host Sean Acosta. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government and the Civil Affairs Association.
This is part 2 of a two-part discussion with retired Lieutenant General Eric Wesley, who was keynote speaker at the 2021 CA Roundtable. The former Deputy Commanding General, US Army Futures Command, discusses "Civil Competition - Civil Affairs in the era of Great Power Competition."
This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
This is part 1 of a two-part discussion with retired Lieutenant General Eric Wesley, who was keynote speaker at the 2021 CA Roundtable. The former Deputy Commanding General, US Army Futures Command, discusses "Civil Competition - Civil Affairs in the era of Great Power Competition."
This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
U.S. Army Major General Hugh Van Roosen reflects on his career in Special Forces, Civil Affairs, and Psychological Operations. He offers some keen insight and recommendations for the future force.
Sponsored by Tesla Government. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Hosted and produced by John McElligott. Music by Broke For Free.
Brigadier General Jeffrey Coggin, Commanding General of USACAPOC(A), discusses his vision of Civil Affairs, what role CA may play in large scale combat operations, and whether CA, Psychological Operations, and Information Operations may increasingly train together in the future.
Episode sponsored by Tesla Government.
Colonel Mattia Zuzzi, Commander of the Multinational CIMIC Group, discusses the organization's mission and capabilities. Hosted by Major James Micciche. Sponsored by Tesla Government.
Jonathan Papoulidis, Fellow at Columbia World Projects and Executive Advisor on Fragile States for World Vision, discusses country coordination platforms, a new path for development cooperation, and how CA personnel play a role.
Sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Colonel Frank van Boxmeer, Director of the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence, discusses the CCOE, its priorities, and a CA-CIMIC synch project, with host Major Assad Raza. Sponsored by Tesla Government. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
LTC Matthias Wasinger, PhD, a General Staff Officer for the Österreichisches Bundesheer (Austrian Armed Forces) discusses European strategy and security policy with host CPT James Micciche of the US Army. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
This short episode requests guests who are ready to share what they include in a capabilities brief. We also request individuals willing to conduct some interviews for the show. Please rate the show so others can find it and enjoy the guest speakers.
Maj Rob Boudreau interviews Lt Col Jahn Olson and Lt Col Korvin Kraics about their experiences with Civil Affairs in III Marine Expeditionary Force. Music by Broke For Free. The One CA Podcast is supported by the Civil Affairs Association.
LTC Albert Augustine, G9 of the Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF), discusses CA missions in Africa. Hosted by CPT James Micciche. Music by Broke For Free. The One CA Podcast is supported by the Civil Affairs Association.
Maj Rob Boudreau speaks with retired Lt Col Justin Constantine about his deployment to Iraq, projects his team continued or created, and overcoming adversity.
John Steed, Director of Geospatial Services for Tesla Government, discusses geographic information systems (GIS) and how they apply to Civil Affairs forces. One CA is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. Music by Broke For Free.
Dr. Carrick Longley and Stephen Hunnewell of IST Research discuss Digital Civil Reconnaissance and how it supports Civil Affairs missions. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government. It was produced by John McElligott. The One CA Podcast is supported by the Civil Affairs Association. Music by Broke for Free. The book referenced is "The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare," by Christian Brose.
Joe Pastorek discusses 95th Civil Affairs Brigade's Advanced Skills Detachment with host Sean Acosta. This episode was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
Lauren Ladenson, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Holmes, and Lieutenant Colonel Kyle Kouri discuss US Africa Command's Defense Support to Stabilization (DSS) with host Sean Acosta. This episode was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
CPT Al Oh and SGM Chris Melendez discuss civil reconnaissance including the fundamentals of reconnaissance and its application across multiple domains. This episode is hosted and produced by Sean Acosta. This episode was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
E. Casey Wardynski, PhD, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, discusses the modern talent management system and how it applies to the CA force. Dr. Wardynski is the godfather of Army talent management. This episode was produced and edited by John McElligott. Tesla Government is the sponsor. The One CA Podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
US Army Lieutenant Colonel T. Scott Dickerson discusses outcomes from the Civil Affairs Force Modernization Assessment. This episode was produced by Sarah Kelly. Tesla Government sponsored the episode. The One CA podcast is brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association.
Major Ashley Holzmann discusses his research on the history of US propaganda and psychological operations. Hosted by Major Assad Raza. Produced by Captain John McElligott. This episode was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
Doowan Lee of Zignal Labs discusses innovating influence intelligence, collaborative information systems, network analysis and great power competition. Hosted by LTC Arnel David. Produced by CPT John McElligott. This episode was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
Lieutenant Colonel Marco Bongioanni discusses the U.S. Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program and how it applies to the civil affairs community.
Hosted and produced by John McElligott. Sponsored by Tesla Government. Sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
Paul Giannone served with the 29th Civil Affairs Company as an Army medic and public health advisor during the Vietnam conflict. Through a career in public health and development work, Paul witnessed some of the most dramatic moments in recent history. Paul wrote about these adventures in his memoir, A Life in Dark Places, published by Torchflame Books. Learn more about Paul on his website.
This episode was hosted and produced by John McElligott. It was sponsored by Tesla Government. One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
LTC Jeff Uherka and COL Steve Barry of Joint Task Force - Bravo, Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, discuss Civil Affairs forces in Central and South America. Episode sponsored by Tesla Government. Hosted by John McElligott, under the auspices of the Civil Affairs Association.
John Barsa, Acting Administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), discusses how his experience in Civil Affairs informs his work at USAID. He also mentions the breadth of USAID work around the globe, how COVID-19 may change USAID operations, the staff reorganization at USAID, and advice for young NCOs and officers in the CA community. Hosted and edited by John McElligott. Brought to you by the Civil Affairs Association. This episode is sponsored by Tesla Government.
Host Sean Acosta discusses Narrative Warfare with Dr. Ajit Maan. Dr. Maan is CEO of the award winning think-and-do-tank Narrative Strategies, Professor of Politics and Global Security at Arizona State University, Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Narrative Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, Faculty at the Center for the Future of War, Member of the Brain Trust of the Weaponized Narrative Initiative, and author of seven books including Counter-Terrorism: Narrative Strategies, Narrative Warfare, and Plato’s Fear.
Karen Walsh and Bron Morrison of Dexis Consulting Group share their perspectives on development, working with the military, and the Dexis approach.
MAJ Brian Hancock and Dr. Timothy Darr discuss their submission to the Civil Affairs Association "Call for Papers." Their submission, titled Integrating Civil Affairs Through the Application of Battlefield-Relevant Civil Information Management, discusses a future product of Civil Information Management and its relevance.
The submission can be read at: https://www.civilaffairsassoc.org/post/2019-20-civil-affairs-issue-papers-integrating-civil-affairs
U.S. Army Colonel Steve Battle discusses the Civil Affairs staff responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Korea. Colonel Battle serves as the G9 for Eighth Army.
U.S. Army Civil Affairs officers Lieutenant Colonel Rachel Sullivan and Major Mike Karlson discuss their work during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea and how they adapted to deliver valuable Civil Information Management products and CA support to staff operations.
Lynn Copeland, PhD, Civil Information Chief for the U.S. Army Special Operations Center of Excellence discusses the future of Civil Information Management, including tools CA forces will use in the field to collect and analyze civil information. Dr. Copeland encourages anyone in industry with tech solutions to support CA to contact her by email and pitch your concept. Produced and edited by John McElligott.
Part 2 of an interview with SFC Peterson and SSGs Bryant and McKneely. In this part of the interview we discuss recruiting through social media platforms, where we fall short in training, and how Civil Affairs NCOs can leverage the resources available and NCO experience to train develop soldiers at the unit level.
SFC Matthew Peterson and SSGs Christopher Bryant and Hailey McKneely join the podcast to give NCO perspectives on improving Civil Affairs doctrine, training, team organization and more in this two part series.
"If you just keep it all internalized, all it does is create this vicious cycle where people like complaining and there is never a solution. You just end up wallowing in your own discontent, rolling around in it, getting dirtier and it just brings each other down."
- SFC Peterson on issues from the Team Room
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, MAJ Ian Duke discusses his recent paper, "Civil Knowledge Battalion: Integrating Civil Affairs Information with the Information Environment." MAJ Duke placed 3rd in the Civil Affairs Issue Papers presented in Tampa, FL, at the 2019 CA Symposium. His paper is one of five that the Civil Affairs Association's partners will publish.
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00:01:01 SPEAKER_03
Because we're very good at talking to each other about the information we collect, but to have an objective organization sort of separate from the collection aspect of it, or the information gathering aspect of it, so it can focus on that, and then we can mass efforts into creating. information and taking that information and creating actual knowledge and then getting it out into the wider world, which is where it needs to be.
00:01:29 SPEAKER_04
Hello everyone and welcome to the 1CA podcast. I'm your host Sean Acosta and today's guest is Major Ian Duke, author of the paper titled Civil Knowledge Battalion, Integrating Civil Affairs with the Information Environment. Major Duke commissioned as a military intelligence officer in 2007. He deployed in 2008 as a research manager on a human terrain team for Task Force Kandahar. He served in the 75th Ranger Regiment from 2011 to 2015 on regimental staff, deploying twice to Afghanistan. In 2014, he attended civil affairs assessment and selection. He has deployed with the 98th Civil Affairs Battalion to Peru as a CIMC team commander. In 2019, he graduated from Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation with a Master's of Military Arts and Science. He currently serves as the Fox Company commander in the 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion.
00:02:23 SPEAKER_03
Sean, thanks. Yeah. Thanks for coming on.
00:02:24 SPEAKER_04
Thanks for coming on. And I know we were just talking a little bit offline about all this stuff, so we decided to turn it on and start capturing some of the good stuff. We were talking about the Civil Information Battalion that you posed during your paper. Right. I don't know if you want to kind of just start with the overall thought of what made you write this and what the concept of this Civil Information Battalion is and what led you to it.
00:02:49 SPEAKER_03
So one of the, I guess, keys to it was that just to see all the information that the teams are collecting to be utilized outside of the CA Regiment. Because we're very good at talking to each other about the information we collect. But to have an objective organization. sort of separate from the collection aspect of it or the information gathering aspect of it. So it could focus on that. And then we could mass efforts into creating information and taking that information and creating actual knowledge and then getting it out into the wider world, which is where it needs to be. And I think that's where civil affairs really needs to start heading out outside of ourselves into other elements.
00:03:34 SPEAKER_04
I agree with that. Your prior background was military intelligence, correct? Yes. And so having that background and you guys have, well, military intelligence has something similar to this. Is that kind of what led you to that,
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of what led you to that, your previous branching experience?
00:03:49 SPEAKER_03
Right. There's definitely some correlations to it where the collectors don't necessarily do the analysis. Right. So it keeps that separation. And that makes sense for a lot of different agencies. Intelligence agencies work that way as well. That just allows people to, again, mass efforts and have focused efforts on one thing or the other because one craft doesn't necessarily transfer to the other. And also one of the things I saw at the tactical battalions was that the teams were doing great things, but then there'd be a stalling point between the teams and the actual battalion sim section. Because the companies aren't designed to actually process things at a high level. They can process things, but just not at that high level where it can be used by the interagency, et cetera.
00:04:40 SPEAKER_04
That makes sense. I think that's one of the things I've noticed in my experience, too, especially within Special War First Center School and teaching those things. Civil reconnaissance is one of the tactical mission tasks we teach. However, analysis piece, which is pretty critical, is kind of glossed over.
00:04:57 SPEAKER_03
Right. And we can see, I think we started talking about the, instead of the CA NCO or the CANCO, it was the Human Network Analyst or something like that?
00:05:11 SPEAKER_04
I've heard something like that. I believe 95th is now calling them civil reconnaissance NCOs. Okay.
00:05:17 SPEAKER_03
I could be wrong about that,
00:05:17 SPEAKER_04
I could be wrong about that, but I think that's what they're referring to them as.
00:05:21 SPEAKER_03
Okay, well, so a civil reconnaissance NCO, I can see that person being tactically proficient, focusing on that. I see this separate unit being a second life for somebody. Either you could come up through your training, you're better at analysis than you are at collecting, because that just happens with a lot of people. They could focus on that from the beginning, or you get someone who's done a lot of recon work, and then before they move on to another job in the three shop or somewhere else in the greater, or get out of the Army altogether, we can take their, what they've... you know, collected and learned over a career and then analyze and make things at that. Because you learn so many things as you move on in your career and you see where things would have been more valuable later on. And that's where that analyst can add more to the picture. For example, if all the folks in Proponency, you know, DA civilians would be amazing if they applied their analysis to current information.
00:06:22 SPEAKER_04
00:06:22 SPEAKER_03
For example, I think that might have interesting results.
00:06:25 SPEAKER_04
No, I would agree with that. I think also one of the things that we,
00:06:29 SPEAKER_04
I don't know if it hinders this, but I think we could do a better job at is just that kind of that pathway of, okay, even the information we have now where it's analyzed, like we send that up. Sometimes it kind of gets lost in the. the stratosphere of information or wherever it is so we don't ever see exactly where is those what is this civil information actually doing for a commander to update their common operating picture how are they uh utilizing this information to to make better decisions right and then with that i think maybe these battalions could could assist in that and then push kind of hey this is some more of the civil data that we would like to collect the commander really likes this or etc you know could you guys focus in on this civil data more. So a couple of podcasts back with Chaplain Machici and Steren,
00:07:16 SPEAKER_03
a couple of podcasts back with Chaplain Machici and Steren, they talked about how storyboards weren't cutting it. And they did a whole survey of the CA enterprise and found that people didn't have confidence that their information was being utilized. And so this would be an element that would be mandated to focus on that and be rated on their ability to manipulate and integrate that into other agencies. And so I think it would help attack that problem or at least minimize that problem. I don't think it's ever going to go away collecting information that perhaps isn't as relevant as you thought it was when you first collected it. However, if you have something separate that can be – and it's not just a repository, but it's an active repository. So I had a few lines of effort where you do the human network analysis, which would be kind of your active stuff where you could stay as current as possible using AI techniques, machine learning. all the new, excellent, fancy stuff, and then turn that into engaging networks at a higher level that teams aren't capable of doing. And frankly, they're not designed to do. Teams are designed to operate at embassies, etc. But to get the knowledge integrated into areas where people will see value in having civil reconnaissance elements all globally positioned, that's a whole other level. of analysis that needs to take place. And I think you need a dedicated unit to be able to do it. Whether it's a battalion or not, that's kind of arbitrary. I just thought of battalion because it's an O5 and it's a commander and it's something the Army understands and can probably wrap their head around what it would kind of look like. But it doesn't have to be that necessarily.
00:09:03 SPEAKER_04
So you mentioned the lines of effort in your paper. Could you expand on those a little bit more?
00:09:09 SPEAKER_03
Okay, so yeah. I just noted three of them, and the first one being human network analysis, which the 95th and others are doing excellent work on. The battalion I'm part of, the 83rd, we have an excellent sim section, but it's vastly, it's undermanned. And they're not capable of doing high -level interagency work that would really benefit the teams. To have something dedicated to that to bring in other assets, that would be a line of effort right there. And then second, the network engagement, to actually engage those folks, to spend all that time integrating that knowledge and reaching out and keeping other types of networks alive, that would be a second line of effort. And then the third would be continuity and professional development. So the continuity piece, that's where you get a little bit of repository work. That's where you also get... knowing why we've been in a country for 5, 10, 30 years, what the changes have been over time. And, of course, with professional development, we can see, I think there's room for analysis of what, for example, a really good CA and CO. What's their future path after CA? What are they going to do when they get out of the military? There's plenty of options, and they should be able to feed back into the system. I see this as a... as an organization that should be a living organization that should be able to actively reach out to former members who are creating work that's worthwhile keeping and developing over time.
00:10:47 SPEAKER_04
Right. So I guess maybe what would your response be to some people that say we have some of those capabilities or assets at battalion level now? Is it just a size? So when we're talking about, like, human network analysis, we're looking at, like, SIM cells or H &A cells, I think, at the Brigade 95th. They have some of those. Right. And then when we're talking about kind of the network engagement, that kind of falls in line with that a little bit, too. Maybe reaching out to unified action partners, like civil liaison teams in the CMOX at battalion level. Is it just a size capability at that point, or is it a manning capability at the battalions?
00:11:28 SPEAKER_03
So, well, it's both. So you need some massing. So we need to take from, if it was a, for example, if we couldn't grow the force, we should take some of the elements from sim sections now and mass them together. Okay. And then you can flex them to different spots. For example, our... Sim Chief Jason Wagner, I mean, he's got a minimal team, but if he was able to call in a few more people to flex on a certain area over a given period of time, that would immensely help the effort. And there should be a unit that he should be able to reach out to in order to be able to do that. So I'm not saying completely eliminate a Sim person at a battalion, but if we could just... So getting the people there, and then you could do specialized training for those people. And then there's all sorts of things where someone could focus on it for a while. And then if someone gets good, there should be lines where they become possible DA civilians that are specialized in it. Because the real power of military intelligence is not necessarily the soldiers. It's the continuity through the analysts, the civilian analysts. And if anyone looks behind the curtain at any... Joint task force, they see it's these civilians providing continuity. And because the officers and the NCOs, they come and go too quickly. And they're too junior, quite honestly. And the senior ones have been in and out of multiple jobs, and they're more managers slash leaders at that point, as opposed to dedicated 10-, 20 -year analysts that have a wealth of knowledge. But, of course, the wealth of knowledge comes with risks as well because you can get... They can stagnate. But that's the point of trying to have tension between the different lines of effort. But that's a problem for the organization and the leadership of the organization itself.
00:13:23 SPEAKER_04
So I think that's a problem. I know I've had a lot of personal discussions with people about that same thing, where they've kind of talked about this, like a split, right? Who wants to go down the command path and who wants to go down the specialization path? Right. So they've talked about NCOs and officers being specialized. It's more, I think we discussed it more in like an AOR specific type thing where you kind of build up through an ASCC or a TSOC. But I think the specialty skill here would fall in line with that. And I think it also goes back to another thing within the regiment that we could address, right, is advanced skills after the schoolhouse and going through the qualification course. What advanced skills are we providing to our non -commissioned officers and officers to do that? In this case, analysis, whatever it
This interview is with MAJ James Ontiveros, whom has published an article in Special Warfare about "Megacities and Dense Urban Areas." He discusses many of the issues facing both the Civil Affairs Community and the US Military with the rise of these dense urban areas. He also discusses the importance of the 38G program and how important CA doctrine will be as the future of CA operations is changing.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, we have Captains Kevin Chapla, James Micciche, and Kyle Staron discuss their paper "Civil Affairs as a Function of Smart Power: Redefining Assessments, Reporting, Education, and the Role of Civil Affairs within the Evolving Paradigm of Great Power Competition." Theirs was one of a few CA Issues Papers the Civil Affairs Association selected for publication.
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00:00:46 SPEAKER_03
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00:00:55 SPEAKER_04
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00:00:59 SPEAKER_03
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00:01:00 SPEAKER_04
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But it's really being operationalized by our opponents who don't want to meet us in a hard power contest and instead are trying to utilize the seams. the gray areas, and compete with us at levels below conflict. And that's really where CA, and this is a big part of our paper, can come in and really make a difference in identifying where sharp power is being executed and also finding where its vulnerable populations on key strategic areas might be, as well as coming out with our utilizing all elements of national power and a smart power methodology to counter it.
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Hi, this is John McElligot, your host for today's episode of the 1CA podcast. We're joined today by three captains, authors of the paper, Civil Affairs as a Function of Smart Power, Redefining Assessments, Reporting, Education, and the Role of Civil Affairs Within the Evolving Paradigm of Great Power Competition. The three captains are Kevin Chaplin, who is an active component U .S. Army Civil Affairs officer. He has deployment experience. in Africa, Indo -Pacific, and he's currently assigned to Bravo Company, 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion, which is based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Captain Promotable, James Masici, who is an active component Army Civil Affairs officer with employment and service experience in the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, Afghanistan, Europe, and Indo -Pacific. He's currently a master's candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, or Boston MA. And Captain Kyle Starin, who's currently a planner at the 353 KCOM and a master's candidate in international security policy at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University in New York City. He previously served with the 83rd CA Battalion at Fort Bragg, and he has deployed to Bahrain and Niger as a civil affairs officer. Gentlemen, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast.
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We mentioned before recording here that we've got one of you in Fort Bragg, one in Boston, and one in New York. So I have not yet asked if we've got any Red Sox fans or Yankees fans or where you guys hail from. James, where's your hometown? Where did you grow up? Charleston, Virginia. So neither Red Sox or a Yankees fan here. So we're not going to offend anyone either way. Kevin, how about you? Yeah, so I actually grew up in northeastern Pennsylvania, and if you ever see me office, I grew up right outside of Scranton, Pennsylvania. So not much of a baseball fan, but I do support the Mets, and that's kind of disappointing persistently. Yeah. Is there any town in Pennsylvania that resembles the office, the actual town? Yeah, so that's actually a real place. Okay. The Steamtown Mall exists. Nice. And Kyle, where are you coming from? Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, so I have no loyalty to the Yankees or the Red Sox. I sympathize with the Mets just because I find them sympathetic.
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Or pathetic, maybe. Either way. They have the best jingle of all time. I don't think any other baseball team has their own jingle.
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Either way. They have
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Right. That's a good one. Well, gentlemen, we're here today to talk about your paper that you guys put together and the methodology you used, what kind of findings you had. Let me start with the first question. You talk about civil affairs as a function of smart power. So what does smart power mean to you? And this is a question I'll throw out to anyone. You could say who's responding or not at all. Just let us know how you define smart power. What does that mean? I'll take that one up front. This is James. If you look at smart power, smart power is coined by Joseph Nye, who is a political scientist of international relations. And it's a combination of... hard and soft power together. So what it is, it's using all the elements of national power, whether it's political, economic, military, law enforcement, even cultural power, to achieve national goals. Not having an overemphasis on hard power or overemphasis on soft power, but having the correct balance to pinpoint where, when, and how we can best... Okay. So you guys all came from civil affairs based at Fort Bragg, the center of the universe and the home of a lot of C -8 tactical units. So it sounds like what you're talking about is more at the strategic level. Are you generally arguing that civil affairs should be brought up from tactical operational to more operational strategic levels?
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massive structural change. I think it's more of a reformatting of the outlook. So to get back to what James was talking about, tying in elements of national power into a cohesive strategy going forward,
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of national
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going forward, even a tactical unit can inform tactical combat commanders in terms of how to use other elements of national power at a tactical level.
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unit can
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combat commanders in terms of how to use other elements of national power at a tactical level.
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of how
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So I think that's what we're talking about, is just getting after how to tie in military units with... initiatives put forward by the embassy in that country and vice versa, telling the embassy what the military has to offer in terms of capabilities to achieve strategic ends, even at a tactical level. So why would you say that using civil affairs as a function of smart power is needed, or why is that a wise move for the U .S. government? Hey, Kevin here. I'll take that one. So I think it's important to emphasize that as civil affairs, we're often working in areas that are Continuously being contested by a lot of different actors on the interstate scale, meaning that puts us in a real good position to kind of identify and determine how these peers are using their, in this case, sharp power to disrupt our efforts abroad or trying to exploit a population. maybe trying to desabilize the environment. So it really puts us in a good position, and I think that allows us to inform policymakers or inform the DOD to then inform policymakers to identify exactly which tools need to be used, why, and where, and for what end. So, Kevin, you brought up a new term for the audience here, sharp power. You mentioned sharp power in the paper. We started off mentioning smart power. So what's sharp power all about and who wields sharp power? Within the context of our paper, I'll let James follow up with this because this is pretty near and dear to his heart. But within the context of our paper, in this case, pure competitors like China, Russia are those wielding sharp power. And the National Endowment of Democracy. defined it as enabling authoritarians to cut razor -like into the fabric of a society, stoking and amplifying existing division. So in this case, it could take the form of China expanding its Belt and Road Initiative across Africa or through Pakistan, using their infrastructure back to exploit local economies on the continent of Africa for that. for that matter um but i'll let james kind of follow up with the details on that one yeah this is james so yeah sharp power it's a pretty new concept that's out there but i think it's something that we've seen in a while so uh i think the previous incarnation was known as soft balancing and what sharp power really comes from is the fact that u .s and our allies still remain the largest power brokers in terms of hard power around the world so even though our competitors are starting to make uh some small incremental gains in hard power levels we have, we still remain, with our allies and alliances, the predominant hard power in the entire world. And furthermore, to that point, if you look at this as well, the economic interdependency between the U .S. and our competitors is so much... uh ingrained after such a large period of globalization following the 90s on the 80s and all through the 90s and early 2000s that an actual armed conflict would be very detrimental to all parties so we have these system level deterrences in place and if you look at joint doctrine note 1 -19 so this is actually in doctrine it's we are in a part something called a competition continuum and of those three legs the competition continuum one of them is competing at levels below conflict And that's really where sharp power comes in. So what it is, it's manipulative, it's precise, it finds areas where there's instability, that you can use micro -level inputs to get macro -strategic -level gains. And this is being wielded by China. One can look at their three warfares, the strategic psychological operations they utilize, the overt and covert need manipulation, the exploitation of natural and international legal systems. Also, the Gerasimov Doctrine by the Russians. And you can also look at some of the regional actors out there as well. So Ron's use of the militias throughout the Shia Crescent, it really highlights this as well. So this is something that is out there. It's still being studied and manifested, but it's really being operationalized by our opponents who don't want to meet us in a hard power contest and instead are trying to utilize the seams, the gray areas, and compete with us at levels below conflict. And that's really where CA... and this is a big part of our paper, can come in and really make a difference in identifying where sharp power is being executed and also finding where its vulnerable populations on key strategic areas might be, as well as coming out with our utilizing all elements of national power and a smart power methodology to counter it. Good point. Now, the definition of sharp power referenced, I believe, authoritarian regimes, but sounds like... It's not just relegated to authoritarian governments to wield sharp powers. You know, your argument is part that the U .S. should be doing this as well, right? I would take a step back and say sharp power has negative connotations to it, specifically with trying to tear down democracies, tear down governance to make strategic ends met. So if you look at what Chris Krebs said, he's the director of the Cybersecurity Center for Homeland Security. He says, you know, Russia's not trying to. win the game, so to say. They're just trying to cause instability. They're trying to cause chaos, and they're trying to destabilize. So smart power is about stabilization. It's about governance. It's about building stable systems. Now, sharp power, inversely, is about tearing those down. So you really have two diametrically opposed constructs that we can see forward here. Okay. But I think the 95th, for example, is focusing on some governance and anti -governance. So would anti -governance, for example, if we were in a country where we wanted to help tear down the government or institutions to build up ones that were sided with the U .S. interests, then that could be seen as sharp power as opposed to smart power? Or is it really just based on your perspective? Yes, I think the resistance, counter -resistance narrative or the offensive or defensive resistance, as I've heard it also called as well, that can kind of be filled in the sharp power. The thing is, sharp power is mostly aimed at either unocracies or democracies. So we'd have to look at the kind of situation, state in which it's going on. All right. Gentlemen, you argue that the U .S.'s most dangerous rivals will utilize non -military means to compete. So maybe talk about some evidence that supports that claim, what's been happening in the news that we could talk about that's unclassed. And what are the global conditions that you would assume for this world of less military conflict with U .S. rivals? Yeah, this is Kyle. So James talked about the three warfares of China doctrine. That came out in 1999, so we're already 20 years behind that doctrine. And what they argued in that paper in 1999 was just a confluence of military and economic means to achieve national goals. And we're seeing that most clearly. in how they're executing the Belt and Road Initiative across really the world, across Asia, into Africa, into Southeastern Europe even. And not only are they achieving infrastructure development that they control and then directly benefits national Chinese companies, but also if a country cannot repay certain debts, the Chinese government itself gains complete legal control of key... infrastructure such as ports and harbors.
00:14:06 SPEAKER_04
Wow. So they didn't really get them over a barrel. Competing at a level below conflict in such a way that they actually gain key nodes in the globalized economy physically.
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such a way that they actually gain key nodes in the globalized economy physically. We saw in Russi
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Lieutenant Colonel Sue Gannon reflects on her time as commander of the 450th Civil Affairs Battalion, discussing her experience leading an Army Reserve CA Battalion, what it's like to be a Ready Force unit, and airborne training in the reserve.
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00:00:45 SPEAKER_03
Oh, could this vintage store be any cuter? Right? And the best part? They accept Discover. Accept Discover? In a little place like this?
00:00:54 SPEAKER_01
I don't think so, Jennifer. Oh, yeah, huh?
00:00:56 SPEAKER_03
Discover is accepted where I like to shop. Come on, baby, get with the times.
00:01:01 SPEAKER_02
Right, so we shouldn't get the parachute pants? These are making a comeback.
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making a comeback.
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I think. Discover is accepted at 99 % of places that take credit cards nationwide. Based on the February 2024 Nielsen Report.
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This interview with Lieutenant Colonel Sue Gannon was conducted in June of 2019. She's currently halfway through her Army Fellowship at Tufts University. Enjoy the episode.
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The thing with the Ready Forces, regardless of how we feel about whether or not it's implemented right or anything, it's there for a reason. It's being driven by a real threat, and it's something that we have to do as an Army, right?
00:01:40 SPEAKER_00
So it's incumbent on me and my battalion command team and my peers to help us figure out the best way to do this.
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incumbent on me and my battalion command team and my peers to help us figure out the best way to do this. so that we preserve good soldiers in the force. But when the call of this come forward, those are the soldiers we take to war with us.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Lieutenant Colonel Sue Gannon, who is the outgoing commander of the 450th Civil Affairs Battalion Airborne, Preserve Component Unit based in Maryland, recently relocated to White Plains, Maryland, in the southern part of Maryland. Lieutenant Colonel Sue Gannon hails from Eden, New York, a town south of Buffalo. She attended the University of Pittsburgh and commissioned through ROTC in 2003 onto active duty in the Air Defense Artillery Branch. One of the first women accepted into Divisional Air Defense, she was assigned to the 1st Infantry Division as an Avenger Platoon Leader. deploying in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 2. Colonel Gannon's remaining time on active duty was spent as a headquarters battery commander at Fort Bliss, Texas, with an appointment in Qatar, Kuwait, and as an action officer on the Joint Staff. In 2012, she left active duty and transitioned to the reserve component, earning her civil affairs qualification and serving as the commander of Delta Company, 450th Civil Affairs Battalion, Airborne. She has also served at the Civil Affairs Command level, as a theater security cooperation planner and airborne operations officer prior to taking battalion command in 2017. Lieutenant Colonel Gannon has a master's degree in management and leadership from Webster University, and on the civilian side, she supports the headquarters department of the Army, G357, as a requirements and congressional analyst for air defense and field artillery portfolios. Lieutenant Colonel Sue Gannon, thank you and welcome to the 1CA podcast.
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a lot, John, for having me.
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Absolutely. Now, ma 'am, by the time this episode airs, you will have completed your first command of a battalion in the Army Reserve Civil Affairs Battalion. What would you say stands out from that experience?
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out from that experience? Wow. So, you know, that's actually kind of a hard question, as these two years have really been quite a ride, and it's been great. I will honestly say, best job I've ever had, hands down. what stands out most for me is that when you go into a battalion command, you head into it with this idea of where you are going to take the battalion. You spend a lot of time learning how to develop a vision, a philosophy, how to set goals. But what they don't tell you and what you really need to consider when you take a battalion is where is that battalion really going to take you? The 450th is a great battalion. It has a strong sense of identity. It has a very, very powerful legacy and a strong alumni. understanding and respecting that legacy has really shaped the success of this unit.
00:04:50 SPEAKER_04
What was the legacy that you knew of? So you were a Delta Company commander, so you knew about it before you took command as the battalion commander. What was that experience like going from company to then battalion commander in the same unit?
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Quite different than I expected. When I came into the 450th off of the access component, I will tell you the 450th is unlike any unit I've ever served with, and I've served with great units. strong sense of identity, maybe some of it's the paratrooper identity in them, and also the unit has deployed multiple times throughout the global war on terrorism. So there's a really strong connection. So when I came into Delta Company, I kind of came in on the back end of that and really had to learn to understand this unit. So I had time in Delta Company that was an awesome command. I would say it was almost harder than my active command because the reserves is all about learning how to... motivate people to do things when you only see them two days a month, and that's really a great growth opportunity as a leader. But then coming back as a battalion commander, you know, it was like looking at the unit with new eyes, right? So as a company commander, I had my small little company, and then coming back as a battalion, really seeing the breadth and the depth of capability across the formation was pretty awesome.
00:06:06 SPEAKER_04
And you said that you thought you were going to come into the battalion command So when you started, did you come on with an initial set of areas of focus or anything that you heard from the outgoing commander who transitioned over to you that, hey, this is the kind of stuff you need to focus on for training?
00:06:27 SPEAKER_03
So, you know, I came into the battalion at an interesting time. So when I arrived here, I was technically the fourth battalion commander acting or appointed in less than a year. And that was due to some out -of -cycle promotions and schools that the previous commander, who I should have officially replaced, had gone through. And this had caused some significant churn within the organization. Because I was fortunate to be familiar with the unit, so I heard that some of this sort of, there's some trepidation for, great, here we go, here comes another commander, right? My initial focus was re -establishing that key leadership team and achieving some buy -in and trust. I knew there were great leaders here, but they were also very frustrated because it was a constant change. And my focus coming in and what I've told the leaders is our job is to prepare to train soldiers to go to war, come home safely, and provide the best ability to our supported commanders. And I wanted to ensure that these leaders knew they had the full support of the battalion command team. to do just that. The capability was there. They needed to know they had that full support to get that done.
00:07:36 SPEAKER_04
Could you describe the unit for people listening? Who do you have in not only a civil affairs reserve battalion, but the mix of people that I think is pretty unique to have just outside the Washington, D .C. area? How many soldiers do you have? How many Department of the Army civilians are in the unit? And what are some of these amazing, I guess, day jobs, civilian expertise that comes to the table?
00:07:59 SPEAKER_03
That's an awesome question. So from a purely numbers standpoint, so the battalion sits currently at about 225 soldiers, which is actually overstrength. This battalion is chronically overstrength, and I'll talk more about that. So those 225 soldiers, you have 12 active guard reserve soldiers that support us, so they're the full -timers. And then we currently have four PA civilians assigned. We have three other vacancies that are in the process of getting filled. unit is authorized about 200, 203 is what we're authorized. So we chronically sit anywhere from 130 to 150 % over strength. And that I would say is the number one strength of this battalion is the amazing talent pool that it has. Nowhere else in the army are you going to find over 200 people with such diverse and dynamic skill sets. We have soldiers of all ranks with multiple advanced degrees and professional experiences. I mean, these range from medical and law degrees to UN workers. We have a video game tester in the S6 shop. We have soldiers that speak more than one language in all sorts of different languages. And you won't see this replicated in an active duty unit. I would offer, John, you're an example of that incredible depth that the reserve component CA force brings to the fight with your time in the Peace Corps. The 450th, we probably attribute some of this fortune, I think, as you said, to the proximity to DC. But at the same time, There's something about this skill set and this mission that attracts people to have sort of these out -of -the -box professional experiences, and that's what makes the Reserve Proponent Civil Affairs Force so valuable, is that we're out -of -the -box from the traditional Army.
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Would you think that's why the Army continues to have the vast majority of the force in the Reserve Proponent?
00:09:50 SPEAKER_03
Oh, absolutely, and they need to stay with that, because... I mean, I spent nine years on active duty, and I didn't get anywhere close to being out of the box until I came into a civil affairs unit. I had very good active duty experience, but I did not have this. I didn't have professional experiences that really stretched me or had me look other than sort of a traditional Army way.
00:10:11 SPEAKER_04
So I guess that leads me, ma 'am, into the next question about the strengths and weaknesses inherent to a reserve CA unit. Some of the strengths you're talking about now are? the civilian jobs that we bring to the table. What else do you see as strengths, and what are some of the weaknesses?
00:10:28 SPEAKER_03
Additional strengths that you have, and it kind of goes more towards your talent pool and the professional level that you find within the forces. You have a group of soldiers that is very dedicated, reserve soldiers, and I'll admit it, I was one of those active duty soldiers that did not get what the reserves was and thought that they were just me. lazier than active duty because they only went twice a month.
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than active
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What I didn't realize is that the commitment and time it takes to be a reserve soldier really pushes you above and beyond a certain level. I mean, these leaders put in time unpaid, after hours, and unasked because they know that that is what needs to get done. And when you have people that are intrinsically that committed to their unit and to their team and to the mission, you can't help but be successful. I truly did not appreciate that until I became a reserve soldier myself and saw the work across all ranks that was getting done and how well it was being done.
00:11:27 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, and that's after coming home from a day job or in between breaks of a day job, you're working on Army stuff.
00:11:33 SPEAKER_03
Exactly, or in between coaching soccer games or putting kids in the tub. Yeah. You know, all these different things, all these things, these components of life, and yet all of these soldiers have chosen. to make space for this reserve duty. And I think that there can't be understated how incredible that really is.
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You know, all
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how incredible that really is.
00:11:51 SPEAKER_04
Yeah. And what would you say are some areas of weakness that you always have to be working on for people who are in reserve component? And for CA, is it any different from a normal reserve unit when you talk to other commanders?
00:12:04 SPEAKER_03
So I think, you know, with all reserve units, time is absolutely our biggest constraint. There just really isn't enough of it. Because in theory, you get 24 drill days a year plus two weeks of IEDT,
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two weeks of AT,
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of AT, excuse me. Maybe you get some more based on schooling and stuff, but you really don't have a lot of time together. So trying to build a team in that little bit of time, especially when that time is broken up every month, it can be really challenging. The other thing that makes it, and one of the biggest challenges I know that I've identified in my time that we continue to work on is If you don't have strict, tight administrative processes, which often get truncated and shorted when you're short on time, it impacts all other aspects of the talent. Everything from getting the mission done to making sure soldiers' promotions and medical and all that stuff stays on top of it.
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the mission done
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That requires a very close coordination and integration and appreciation of the full -time unit staff, both the AGRs and civilians. That full -time staff... carries the yeoman's work during the week to keep those processes alive. The TPU staff needs to be just as aware and integrated into that piece to make sure that those processes survive tu
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, we have author Sean McFate, PhD, discuss his book The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder and its application to Civil Affairs. Episode sponsored by Third Order Effects at www.thirdordereffects.com
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00:00:29 SPEAKER_03
This is part two of our two -part series with author Sean McVeigh. Thank you for listening.
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Hi, I'm Doug Hurst, CEO of Third Order Effects, the premier choice for governance and cultural advising. 3OE was created to fill the need for improved governance advising for use by the Departments of Defense and State, USAID, foreign governments, and the private sector. Contact us at thirdordereffects .com.
00:01:33 SPEAKER_03
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McKelligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Dr. Sean McFate. He is an author, novelist, and foreign policy expert. He is a professor of strategy at the National Defense University and Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, D .C. He is also an advisor to Oxford University's Center for Technology and Global Affairs. A specialist in national security strategy, Dr. McFate was a think tank scholar at the RAND Corporation, Atlantic Council, Bipartisan Policy Center, and New America Foundation. Recently, he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University's Changing Character of War program, where he conducted research on future war. His career began as a paratrooper and officer in the U .S. Army's storied 82nd Airborne Division, where he served under Stan McChrystal and David Petraeus, and graduated from elite training programs such as Jungle Warfare School in Panama, and he was also a Jumpmaster. Dr. McFate then became a private military contractor. Among his many experiences, he dealt with warlords, raised armies for U .S. interest, rode with armed groups in the Sahara, conducted strategic recon for oil companies, transacted arms deals in Eastern Europe, and helped prevent an impending genocide in the Rwanda region. In the world of international business, he was a vice president at TD International, a boutique political risk consulting firm. He was also a manager at Dyncore International, a consultant at Baring Point, and an associate for Booz Allen Hamilton. His nonfiction books include The New Rules of War, Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder, which we're going to discuss today, that was published by William Morrow, and The Modern Mercenary, Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order, which was published by Oxford University Press. His fiction books include Shadow War and Deep Black, both published by William Morrow. A coveted speaker, Dr. McFate has also written for and appeared on numerous media outlets. He has authored eight book chapters and edited academic volumes. and published a monograph for the U .S. Army War College on how to raise foreign armies. He holds a B .A. from Brown University, a master's in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and a Ph .D. in international relations from LSE, the London School of Economics and Political Science. He lives in Washington, D .C. For more information about Dr. McVeigh, visit his website, which is seanmcvete .com. Now, you talk about gray matter is superior to silicon, and... I want to talk about ways that we could really invest in training people and just instead of just investing hardware, you know, do both. But Americans are typically not inclined to speak foreign languages because most Americans don't have to. You know, we have we're bordered in the north by candidates, English speaking and in the south and Mexico and Spanish speaking. There's a growing population of America, of the United States that speaks Spanish. And we do have migrants who speak foreign languages and some of them join the military. What are the requirements you see in future war training or military personnel for the future warfare that you've envisioned?
00:04:51 SPEAKER_02
And we spend, I think, too much of our time investing in technological solutions to tactical problems and not enough time on training our minds, our thinking about, you know, how do we think out of this problem? And I think, you know, look at China, that's what they're doing. I mean, they are strategically, they're using strategic cunning to win places like the South China Sea and not, you know, blunt force. And at the tactical level, I mean, at the tactical level, we're actually quite good at this and soft in my opinion. it, but we need to become better. And of course, you know, Americans don't have to be multicultural because, again, as I was saying, we are the world's hegemon. We live in a country that's born by English speakers. Everybody speaks English, you know, mostly and largely in part of the last 70 years of dominance. You know, the business language of the world is English, but I think we can do better in terms of training and education. And, you know, think about this. Education, I think liberal arts is a great education for strategic thinking. Why do I say that? Because the liberal arts, when you read Dostoevsky's, you know, Brothers Karamazov, for example, you're not really reading about late 19th century Russian society. I mean, you kind of are, but you're learning to think about ambiguity. That's what good critical thinking is. That's what good liberal arts is, is thinking about ambiguity. And that's what, if you think about national, like, war problems, national security issues, it's all about wicked problems and ambiguity. But what do we train at academies? We train, you know, engineering. Engineering is the wrong model of thinking for modern warfare. So I think there's a lot of things that we can do that's not just languages. It's just education at large. But ultimately, we have to invest in people and not platforms.
00:06:41 SPEAKER_03
And do you see that as? For example, when someone raises their arm and volunteers to join one of the military services as being too late, does the United States as a nation need to invest in the liberal arts training or training that goes back to what Orson Scott Carr talked about in Ender's Game, starting when people were in their childhood?
00:07:20 SPEAKER_02
We get people like Abraham Lincoln, who is a great strategic thinker. We don't really, as I said earlier at the beginning of the podcast, we don't really have, there's no civilian universities for strategic thought. War colleges are more abundant. And I think, how old is an officer, how many years does an officer have before he gets a strategic education? Do you know?
00:07:40 SPEAKER_03
Typically, I mean, you have to get to, I think, 05. Yeah, 05. So you've got 15 to 20 years in. Why are we waiting? 15 to 20 years to teach our officers to think strategically.
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officers to think strategically. Why don't we do that when people are cadets in midshipmen? Why don't we do that in an A -knock and B -knock? I don't know. Why do we think that only officers can think strategically? And why do we think that only people in uniform can think strategically? Let's have a program where we invite, you know, we can recruit strategic thinkers from the civilian world. So I think we need to be a little bit more imaginative. That's why, like, Orson Scott Card, because in his book and, I guess, the movie, Ender's Game, they have a program where they identify strategic thinkers who are children, and they raise them up as children. I'm not saying we should do that, but it's a model that's kind of interesting to think about.
00:08:32 SPEAKER_03
Yeah. You also talk about, in the book, the balance of power between the executive branch and the legislative. And where do you draw the line between the powers the president should have for waging war as the commander -in -chief, which has really grown in power over the last several decades? And the check and balance that Congress has had with declaring war, you know, and funding them, right? So they really have the power of the purse. But, you know, where is that balance? Where should it be? That's an outstanding question. So this is a debate that's been raging since the founding of the republic, right?
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Where our founders distrusted standing militaries because they didn't want to have a military hunt up.
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up. And so it's curious that in the Constitution, you read it, they say that Congress was authorized to... This has always been a problem, and it's been a growing problem since the end of World War II. The last time our Congress declared war officially was World War II.
00:09:27 SPEAKER_02
So all the conflicts from Korea to Afghanistan, those are not technically official wars. Congress did not declare them official wars. This became a problem in the 1970s, and the War Powers Act was passed to sort of constrain what some saw as an imperial presidency. Others defend it. Say, look, we're a superpower now. You know, we have to have an executive who can act with power rapidly. We can't send it to a committee, you know. And those are the two camps. It's dangerous when, you know, we all love the military. I love the military. I'm a vet, but I teach at National Defense University in Washington. We have international students from around the world, and these are people who are going to become generals of their military someday. Some of them are kind of a little scared. degree of sort of flag waving and martial support in our country. Some people think that our civil and military relationship is kind of out of balance.
00:10:30 SPEAKER_02
And it's not that the generals are pushing this. It's not that. It's actually civilians. If you think about the Warhawk civilians from Madeleine Albright, you know, who's like, let's go to Bosnia, intervene there in Samantha Power, to like, you know, Wolfowitz and the neocons. In some ways, it's a reverse of Sam Huntington's The Soldier in the State, where the soldiers were seen as the bloodthirsty generals, for example, Dr. Strangelove, and the civilians are restraining them, which is the Clausewitzian approach. Now it's kind of flipped on its head. Now we have, like, bloodthirsty civilians who I think are mostly as chicken hawks, frankly, who want to go to war, and it's the military that's holding them back in a sort of Jacksonian way.
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want to go
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a sort of Jacksonian way. But I think we... need to have a national discourse about, not just about war, but what is our relationship to war, and who's in charge, you know, which branch of government is in charge. I see largely Congress, I guess, abdicated a great deal of power over the decades to the exact same branch, and not just in the sphere of warfare, but all sorts of areas. And that's, again, it's not a Republican versus Democrat issue, it's an American.
00:11:36 SPEAKER_03
Do you think that having so few Americans serve in uniform leads them to want to ask veterans to stand at every baseball game and be overly patriotic, if that's possible, but to defer so much to the military and say, well, you're amazing, let's use you as a tool for whatever the political lines are?
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was horrible. And I'm really happy to see American society hug their military as it should be.
00:12:17 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, much better approach than the Vietnam era. Yeah, you know, of course, sometimes from the jingoism of thank you for your service at the airport,
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at the airport, I mean, even if that's kind of rolled our eyes about this at the time. But I do think that, you know, if you think about it, you know, less than 1 % of our country serves in uniform. And we're asking our military to do...
00:12:40 SPEAKER_02
It's just not, you know, I think if we had a national service, it didn't have to be military national service. It could be civilian national service. I think Americans would be a lot more circumspect about foreign policy and listen to the debates a lot closer. Because right now, it's very easy for Americans to say,
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yeah, we're strong, we're USA, and you and the people go and fight the war for us. I think if we all had skin in the game, Americans would pay a lot more.
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After a break, we're going to return to our discussion with author Sean McFate.
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00:14:21 SPEAKER_03
Welcome back to the 1CA podcast. I'm your host, John McElligot. Today, our guest is author Sean McFate.
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So your fourth rule that talks about hearts and minds do not matter. I was reading and interpreting as that the United States should get its hands dirty and really dirty with troops in the ground, possibly for a longer term. And my understanding is that American society generally abhors. prolonged wars. There's little consistency across administrations supporting them, right? You talk about every 48 years, the wins change and the strategy changes if we have that. So unless more Americans get involved in fighting the wars, do you ever
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, we have Author Sean McFate, PhD, discuss his book The New Rules of War: Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder and its application to Civil Affairs. Episode sponsored by Third Order Effects at www.thirdordereffects.com
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00:00:06 SPEAKER_04
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allergies. I hope it's nothing serious.
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This is part one of our interview with author Sean McFaith. Please come back after the episode and listen to part two.
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Hi. I'm Doug Hurst, CEO of Third Order Facts, the premier choice for governance and cultural advising. 3OE was created to fill the need for improved governance advising for use by the Departments of Defense and State, USAID, foreign governments, and the private sector. Contact us at thirdordereffects .com.
00:01:44 SPEAKER_02
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Dr. Sean McFate. He is an author, novelist, and foreign policy expert. He is a professor of strategy at the National Defense University and Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, D .C. He is also an advisor to Oxford University's Center for Technology and Global Affairs. A specialist in national security strategy, Dr. McFate was a think tank scholar at the RAND Corporation, Atlantic Council, Bipartisan Policy Center, and New America Foundation. Recently, he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University's Changing Character of War program, where he conducted research on future war. His career began as a paratrooper and officer in the U .S. Army's storied 82nd Airborne Division, where he served under Stan McChrystal and David Petraeus, and graduated from elite training programs such as Jungle Warfare School in Panama, and he was also a Jumpmaster. Dr. McFate then became a private military contractor. Among his many experiences, he dealt with warlords, raised armies for U .S. interests, rode with armed groups in the Sahara, conducted strategic recon for oil companies, transacted arms deals in Eastern Europe, and helped prevent an impending genocide in the Rwanda region. In the world of international business, he was a vice president at TD International, a boutique political risk consulting firm. He was also a manager at Dining Court International, a consultant at Baring Point, and an associate for Booz Allen Hamilton. His nonfiction books include The New Rules of War, Victory in the Age of Durable Disorder, which we're going to discuss today, that was published by William Morrow, and The Modern Mercenary, Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order, which was published by Oxford University Press. His fiction books include Shadow War and Deep Black, both published by William Morrow. A coveted speaker, Dr. McFate has also written for and appeared on numerous media outlets. He has authored eight book chapters and edited academic volumes. and published a monograph for the U .S. Army War College on how to raise foreign armies. He holds a B .A. from Brown University, a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and a Ph .D. in International Relations from LSE, the London School of Economics and Political Science. He lives in Washington, D .C. For more information about Dr. McFaith, visit his website, which is seanmcfaith .com. Dr. McFaith, welcome to the 1CA Podcast.
00:04:03 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, and thank you for your time. I know you've got a lot going on these days. You've been connected to the civil affairs community for quite a while and know some people who are in the Civil Affairs Association. Today we want to focus the conversation about your latest book, The New Rules of War. What's at stake really with The New Rules of War? And you talk about in the book how the U .S. has such a huge lead on other countries in terms of military spending and technological advantage so that we could defeat many foes several times over. So why do the new rules matter to policymakers and military leaders?
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national image tarnished by low -level foes. Yet we have the best military, even our enemies know that. So what's the problem? Why are we struggling at winning wars? And that's why I wrote the book to answer that question. Like, why are we continuing to struggle with wars despite all of our advantages,
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despite our amazing military? What's the problem?
00:05:28 SPEAKER_02
And so you took, would you say it was a scholarly approach or scholarly? combined with your personal experience, because you have a lot of stories about what you've gone through in your career and applying it to the new rules. Yeah, so this book, it's not a scholar. Well, it's undergirded by real scholarship,
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by real scholarship, real rigor. But I wrote it like a magazine article. I wrote it to be read. I wrote it so you can read it on an airport or you can read it downrange or anywhere. It's not like a heavily footnoted academic home or treatise. It's written so everybody can read it. It's written like me. sold at Walmart and everybody would read it, and it is. Because we have to get, all of us have to get the word out. We need a national discourse about what does winning look like in modern war because what we're doing is not working.
00:06:13 SPEAKER_02
Yeah. And you mentioned you wanted to write this for your mother. Was your mother one of the early reviewers and gave you feedback on it too? No, she, my mother's not. My mother is like, you know, the furthest away from war. I wrote it so like everybody could read it. I mean, I wrote it so like I could go to a local parking lot. oh, this is interesting. It does not read like a think tank walk piece. It does not read like an academic press piece or some piece of political science. The ideas that undergird it are very serious, very rigorous, but it reads, again, it reads like a Vanity Fair article.
00:06:49 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, no, it's a great read. And I think you try to frame it by talking about strategic atrophy. What you argue is at the heart of why Western militaries have been losing wars for decades. There were many battles but losing the wars. So why does that continue? So look, the last time the West decisively won a war was 1945, right? World War II. Since then, the West has been struggling all the world. Think of like, you know, it's not just the United States and Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.
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It's the French in Vietnam and Algeria. It's the British.
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struggling, including our own. The reason, tactically and operationally, at those levels of war, we dominate, we rock, we kick butt. The problem is at the strategic level of war, the national security establishment, that's the problem. We have a low strategic IQ.
00:07:48 SPEAKER_03
We have an amazing military. We have other amazing instruments of national power, but the people in charge of deploying them are frankly not high strategic IQ people. Republican or Democrat. And I call this strategic atrophy. And I talk about this in the book, about what does that mean? So winning wars is, you know, it takes strategic thought. And that is the problem. Our strategic thought is atrophied.
00:08:17 SPEAKER_02
So we have a National Security Council. We have a whole body of government that has committees of oversight. We have all these agencies. Who are these people at the table who should be? developing the strategy?
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Great question. So the people who are developing the strategy,
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the strategy, if you look back to the last time the U .S. had a real grand strategy, it was the Cold War, it was containment, it was Kennan's long telegram and NSE 68. Those were strategic thinkers. The people who are in the National Security Council today, I'm not talking about the secondees in the interagency and the military. I'm talking about the political appointments. These are speechwriters. They have no background. There's no Dean Atkinson. This is not a partisan issue. This is not a Democratic versus Republican issue. This is an American issue. And that's the problem. We don't have strategic thinkers. And there's a lot of reasons for it. One reason is that in a civilian university world, there's nowhere you can learn to study warfare. War is just not politically correct. So nobody studies it. And in our war colleges, and there are no war colleges in the civilian world, in the war colleges, we've had to fade into war colleges. There's some war colleges that still teach, essentially stuff from the 1980s. That really is not relevant. War has moved on. We have to move on, too. And that's one of the reasons I like the CAA community, because I think the CAA community, they are on the frontier of warfare, and they see what's required. And one of the rules of the 10 new rules of war layout is that some of the best weapons don't fire bullets.
00:09:56 SPEAKER_02
Okay. Let's dive into this a little bit more. Well, before we do that, I want to ask you about being a futurist, right? So this is about future war. And in your book, you talk about how everyone else who predicts future conflicts is wrong. But that's what you do in the book. So why are your predictions any better than anyone else's?
00:10:19 SPEAKER_03
But war has moved on. We have not. That's the bottom line problem. That's why we struggle. So what's the reason for this? The reason is because our war futurists are backwards looking. So where does the Pentagon think? You know, when you think like, well, okay, the Pentagon wants to buy two more aircraft carriers. Who's driving that demand signal? It's war futurists. You know, there's obviously Lockheed Martin and Congress. They have their fingers in pots. Ultimately, war futurists have a vision of the future of war that we're buying stuff against, that we're training against. And who are the most powerful war futurists? It's not generals and soldiers. It's not even think tank people or academics. The most powerful war futurist is Hollywood. It's novels. Because they have the ability to fire up our imagination. So if you look at, and if you think about what do they base war on? For them, it's World War II with better technology. I mean, think about Star Wars. Star Wars is like midway in space, about a midway in space with light sabers, right? You know, most people, if you look at Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising, a book about World War III in the 1980s that everybody read, it was basically World War II with better technology. There's no nuclear weapons in that book, nothing. And so most war futurists, they think they're looking forward, but really they're looking backwards and they imagine the future of war being fought with the last war with better technology. And for us, that's World War II. And everything we're doing now, like F -35 or the Ford -class carrier, this is all for like some big battle of midway in the South China Sea using Ford -class carriers and F -35s. But that's not how China's winning the South China Sea.
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They're winning it without carrier groups. and that's an example of what I'm talking about.
00:12:10 SPEAKER_02
So you go back into history a little bit to talk about Billy Mitchell, General Billy Mitchell, who came up with some great ideas that were poo -pooed at the time. So that was from the 1930s. You've come out with an amazing book, which I think you probably know the numbers, read by thousands of people, purchased the books, downloaded copies, gone to the library. Has DOD given you the cold shoulder? Do you have what you call Cassandra's Curse as well? And it's actually being read widely within DOD.
00:12:45 SPEAKER_03
We can talk about the reactions in DOD, which are a bit nuanced. But basically, one of my heroes is Billy Mitchell, right? Billy Mitchell was a true war futurist. Most war futurists are fraud, but they do exist, and they're rare, these war prophets. And when they come out, they're usually, as you said, poo -pooed.
00:13:02 SPEAKER_03
And Mitchell's an example. So he was a U .S. Army aviator in World War I. And he saw the future of war, and it was air power, air power. And when he came back as a one -star to Washington, he told all his friends and colleagues, peers, the future is air power. We've got to prepare for it. And, of course, they were backwards looking, too. They thought the future of war would look like the last war, which would be trench line warfare. So they and, like, the French and others, what did they invest in? They invested the Maginot Line, the biggest trench system in history. Mitchell was saying, no, the future is air power, and nobody would listen to him. He went on this command tour of the Pacific Ocean. He came back, and he said, he predicted in 1924 that the Japanese will launch a sneak attack at Pearl Harbor on a Sunday morning at 7 .30 a .m. using airplanes.
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And guess what happened after this?
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And we know how this ends. You know, Pearl Harbor happened 15 years later. The military set was caught completely by surprise, even though one of its own called it. And that's what we're doing now. We are sitting behind our national lines of these big -ticket tactical warfare items like Bradley fighting vehicles and, you know, again, F -35s, which we spent $1 .5 trillion on. Trillion. You know, and these are magical lines.
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So it's not like we're asleep at the wheel. People are doing things, but you think they're the wrong things to be doing, the wrong investments that are happening. Yeah, at the strategic level.
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are happening. Yeah, at the strategic level. So at three levels to war, there's tactical at the bottom, operational in the middle, and strategic at the top. The strategic level, which is where wars are won and lost, you know, I think, again, you can win every battle but lose the war. That's where we're messing up. And we're investing in the wrong things. Things that we need to inve
Welcome to the Once CA Podcast. Today, we have Abubakr Elnoor, PhD, who discusses life in Darfur, the conflict there, and his research into the driving forces for violent extremism and terrorist recruitment.
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If the terrorist organizations are very successful in remote areas...
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Hi and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Dr. Abu Bakr al -Noor, who is a cultural conflict sociologist. He received a degree from Nova Southeastern University Department of Conflict Studies, and he's been currently working with refugees and assisting with the Valkomir team. We had previously interviewed James Pastor Christian and Dr. Alex Nesich. So they have an extensive team of experts, all of whom have advanced degrees and come from other countries. Dr. Elnor, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast.
00:01:15 SPEAKER_02
Thank you for having me, John. I really appreciate this opportunity.
00:01:20 SPEAKER_01
Absolutely. We're glad that you're here. And, sir, I wanted to go a little bit into your background so that listeners can understand where you're coming from, conflict that you have lived through, and how that led to where you are today. You and your family come from, how do you pronounce it? Is it Zakawa? People of western Sudan and Chad? From Darfur,
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northern Darfur in Sudan. So the northern Darfur region is predominantly inhabited by the Zakawa tribe and also the four tribes in some part of it.
00:01:58 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Could you tell people what most families do in that group? What's a typical family like, and what do people do to make a living? What they do for a living is they are pastoralists in nature,
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a living is they are pastoralists in nature, and also they do some farming. But the thing that they are not willing to do or they don't want to do is joining the military.
00:02:32 SPEAKER_01
So cattle and camels for sale? Is that you take the cattle and camels to market for sale? Well, the first purpose of having these animals is like social status.
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of having these animals is like social status. That's the number one thing. And number two, you know, like if you need anything, then you take one, two or three or, you know, as many as you want to take them to the market and then you sell them and then you buy your... your needs. Mostly they have them for social status. So the more animal you have, the higher status that is.
00:03:11 SPEAKER_01
Oh, I understand. So how many head of cattle or camels would a typical family have?
00:03:19 SPEAKER_02
Some people have like 400 heads. Some people like 300 heads. And some of them is like just 50 to 100 heads of animals. Especially like camels.
00:03:31 SPEAKER_01
Wow, so it's a huge area, land area, so there must be just cattle everywhere grazing. Is it a fertile area? Is there any grasslands? How do people get by with access to water and food for the cattle? It's a desert,
00:03:47 SPEAKER_02
pretty much. So that's why, you know, raising camels in that area, that's the ideal place to raise camels. Right. And also, you know, like the Zagawa,
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and then east of Chad and then the northern part of Sudan. So that is the expansion of the Sahara Desert.
00:04:18 SPEAKER_02
Yes, by nature they are nomadic. So even though sometimes they leave, you know, like you have a family, you leave your family and then you take your animals and then you go, you know, just roaming. grazing lands for your animals, and so on and so forth. So they are nomadic by nature.
00:04:43 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Dr. O 'Nour, you mentioned that people there would not want to join the military. Why is that the case? Well, because the Zahawa tribe...
00:05:06 SPEAKER_02
And they don't want to join the military because part of it also, the Sudanese military, you know, like officers in the Sudanese militaries, like they are from same tribes from the north.
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from the north. So whenever people from that region want to join the military, you just, you know, like just being like enlisted. Okay. Right. Not more of the officers. So that's why. They don't want to join the military. Working for someone. I think that's understandable.
00:05:43 SPEAKER_02
You should have that right to compete with others.
00:05:49 SPEAKER_01
Sure. And they're not on equal footing. They cannot compete for positions as officers like people from other tribes can, it sounds like.
00:05:57 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, that's the number two reason for not having or not wanting to join the military.
00:06:04 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Understood. Yeah. Sir, before you earned a degree from Nova Southeastern University, this was the Department of Conflict Studies, you had lived through conflict and experienced trauma yourself. And I wondered if you could talk to the listeners about what the Darfur conflict, the Civil War, was about and how that impacted your family because that was a watershed occurrence. That changed the trajectory of your life. I think they heard about this conflict at a distance. There were many celebrities who tried to shed light on what happened in Darfur, what continues to happen in their area. But could you talk to folks about what was the Darfur Civil War about? When did this begin? And how did it impact you?
00:06:57 SPEAKER_02
Well, first of all, the Darfur conflict, like the real conflict,
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You know, like we had a lot of, you know, back and forth and some sort of conflict, but not manifested as the way it is right now, or at least the way it was in 2003. But let me give you a little bit of a...
00:07:35 SPEAKER_02
The name Darfur, Dar in Arabic, is the home. And then four is the tribe. So pretty much the name Darfur means the home of the four tribes. So the four tribes is the number one tribe in Darfur. That's why they took the name. And then there's the Zahawa tribe, and then the Masali tribe, kind of like number three. And of course, there are other tribes, those who consider themselves. They are nomads, so they are roaming from one place to another. Prior to the Kingdom of the Four, there was a kingdom called the Tajo Kingdom, and that ruled the region from 1100 to 1480. It's about 380 years. And then after this kingdom came another kingdom called the Twindu Kingdom, and that also...
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And then the four kingdoms came, and the four kingdoms started from 1640 until 1916, about 276 years.
00:08:57 SPEAKER_02
And then after that, you know, like the...
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what they called the council of state the sovereignty kinds of council and that also started 1956 right after the independent for two years until 1958 and then after that um there was a general called ibrahim abud took over through a coup detail or the military coup that and he ruled from 1958 until 1956 so about
00:10:09 SPEAKER_02
it's about also four years and then another military coup took place by one of the general generals called Ann Mary and that was in 1969 until 1985 and then followed by a transition which is something a lot of people say that that was a military coup by Suara Dhab and that lasted for one year from 1985 until
00:10:38 SPEAKER_02
And then another elected government of Prime Minister Sadik al -Mahdi, and that from 1986 until 1989. And that government lasted only about three years. And then al -Gashir, who is the current Sudanese president,
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came through a military coup in 1998. And it's been like, it's been 30 years since. So this is kind of like an overall history or a background,
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a brief background about the Darfur.
00:11:30 SPEAKER_01
Even under al -Bashir in the last 30 years, I guess that's been the most consistent leadership, I suppose. A series of tumultuous times since the kingdoms had folded into the modern -day nation -state of Sudan. That's what happened exactly.
00:11:57 SPEAKER_02
We had like three elected, so to speak, three elected governments. It only lasted for like 10 years in total. So that's the problem. a little bit of his purple background you know like since independence we had pretty much five major conflicts
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conflict between Muslims and Christians. But so to speak, a lot of people say it's a struggle, it's a power struggle. But people have their own opinions. They may agree or disagree, but mostly about power. And also there was like, was still going on the Nuba Mountain conflict in the West and the Blue Nile conflict also in the West -South and the Pija conflict also that was in the East.
00:13:29 SPEAKER_02
or the middle of Sudan, not having a lot of policy makers from the region, from Darfur. So that's why people view political causes or political, but through marginalization of the region, that's like one of the drivers that contributed to the Darfur conflict. So we feel that, yeah, the Darfur people feel that we're not sharing. Right, I can see why. Yeah, that was the number one driver for the comfort.
00:14:06 SPEAKER_02
Also the inequality, people view Darfur are not equal as people from the north. Whether it's true or not, a lot of people view it that way. You know, inequality in education, in healthcare, and a lot of things that people perceive themselves as not being equal to their peers. And also in Darfur, As I mentioned before, there are some Arab tribes, at least those who identify themselves with the Arabs. So the government armed those tribes, gave them some weapons. So also that's one of the major drives for the Danforth conflict.
00:15:05 SPEAKER_02
Okay. Dictatorship, corruptions, and also we have the politicization of the religion, Islam in particular. Right. People are just trying to use that religion as a vehicle, trying to achieve some sort of gains through mobilizing people, you know, like, we are this, we are this people, we are...
00:15:38 SPEAKER_02
people and so on and so forth. Also there are some sort of external influences like the Arab League or at least some Arab countries helped or at least helped the Sudanese government in some way or another as having the Sudanese government identifying itself as being an Arab elite.
00:15:46 SPEAKER_02
like the Arab League or at least some Arab countries helped or at least helped the Sudanese government in some way or another as having the Sudanese government identifying itself as being an Arab elite. So the current government had a lot of support from the Arab League and some countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Muslim countries like Turkey and so on and so forth. So that is the political part that sparked WIDA for conflict. Other people think that there are other environmental issues also, the scarcity in resources, and that has led to conflict between herders and farmers,
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the pastoralists and the farmers. That's probably always been there, though. If there are nomadic peoples competing for resources for feeding families and growing crops and feeding livestock, I would think that in that region, over hundreds of years, those conflicts, have they always been there, though?
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It's been there for so many years. And as you mentioned, due to the scarcity of resources, you see the competition.
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on these lands and those who own the farms they want to you know benefit from the crop the crops that they grow so you see a constant conflict between these two uh two groups okay so that's that's one also yeah and also there are other cultural cultural facts or drivers that contributed to the therefore conflict and the notion of identity who are you know like some people identify
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that contributed to the therefore conflict and the notion of identity who are you know like some people identify identify themselves as being Africans. So that is a huge struggle in the Darfur region.
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And also, yeah, and there are also ethnic tensions between Arabs and non -Arab tribes and between, you know, like even within one group, like the Arabs themselves and African tribes themselves. So also that is huge. And the last thing that I want to add to this one is like, Even though that is, it looks like political, so the government enforced the idea of acculturation. I call it forced acculturation. So you have to adapt, you know, the Arab culture, whether you like it or not. So that's the identity issue, you know, like they force you to embrace other cultures that you don't like it or at least that is not yours. So these are the...
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It started in 2003. Continues today? It still continues. Not as it was in 2003 or 2004, but it's still not completely settled down. So I would consider it's still going on.
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would consider it's still going on.
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Folks, you've been listening to an interview with Dr. Abu Bakr al -Noor. We're talking about the Darfur conflict. When we come back, I'll ask Dr. al -Noor about the research he's been doing on the underlying psychological drivers of violent extremism. in some Muslim communities.
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The Civil Affairs Association continues to expand its value to its members. The Association recently established the Professional Publications Advisory Board and a supporting research library. Founded by the late Dr. Kurt Muller, retired Army Colonel, the CA Association Professional Publications Advisory Board, comprises scholars and policy and publications experts to assist civil affairs professionals in publishing papers and articles and establish professional journals. As a service to association members, the board also provides a research library to conduct research on academic or professional papers. Check out the website to find out which board members may be of greatest help and request their assistance by emailing the board. This is an amazing resource that you won't find in many other associations. If you're not yet a member of the civil affairs association, Go online to civilaffairsassoch .org and join today.
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Thanks for listen
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today we have Major Devin Conley discusses the Civil Affairs experience at National Training Center rotations. Hosted by Sergeant Sarah Kelly. Sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
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I'm Sergeant Sarah Kelly with 450 SCA unit out of Maryland. And today I'm interviewing Major Devin Connolly. He is here in NTC as one of the OCs. So welcome, sir. Thank you so much for agreeing to the podcast.
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Yeah, no problem. Thanks for inviting me on. Yeah.
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How did you get involved with civil affairs? I don't know,
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don't know, by accident, right? So I was originally an artillery officer in the Army when I came in as a second lieutenant. I think like 2006, 2007 in Iraq, we weren't doing a whole lot of shooting of artillery. right? I ended up, I was basically a civil affairs officer for an armor company, I guess you could say, right? Managing their CERT projects and doing stuff with local police, local sheikhs, local government, all the types of stuff. So I was kind of doing CA work as an artillery officer. And then one of my buddies, another artillery officer, I don't know how he heard about like active duty civil affairs and like the recruiting briefings that came to Fort Stewart at the time, but he went and I just went with him. Yeah. And I decided to join. I mean, cause I thought it was just... to be challenged and I thought it'd be something that would be fun. And I think it's been both. So how many years actually have you been in civil affairs?
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how many years actually have you been in civil affairs? So it'll be like nine years in like two months.
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it'll be like nine years in like two months. So yeah, it's about nine years right now I've been in active UCA.
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What kind of areas of the world have you mostly been with?
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So like most people in the army, I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan, but then also spent eight months as CA team leader in Tajikistan as well. What motivated you to become an OC here at NTC?
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motivated you to become an OC here at NTC?
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The primary motivating factor was HRC. sending me orders telling me to come to NTC. So, and I got, so nobody really, nobody volunteers really to be an OC here. But I think what keeps me or like, that's what made me an OC. But I think what makes the difference between this, like people who are just gradually come here and people who actually make this a worthwhile experience is, you know, a desire to take our experiences, help other units, help other individuals grow while they're here. Because for most people, this is, this is going to be the biggest and probably most worthwhile. training experience they're going to have. So I think a desire to teach and to help other units grow that really makes people at OC as opposed to just orders from Human Resource Command. So you liked it that much during your rotation and decided to stay,
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you liked it that much during your rotation and decided to stay, huh?
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Yeah, for sure.
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And what exactly is it that you do here? First and foremost,
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and foremost, just like OCT, Observer, Controller, Trainer, I mean, that really is what we do, right? Observing units and I would say helping them see themselves. A lot of times when units come in, they kind of have a false sense of where their shortcomings are. and where their strengths are. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. And I think that's one of the primary things that we do here is help them get an accurate picture of themselves. So we do that during force -on -force training here. Our team of CA and PSYOPOCs help run the sticks lanes that we do towards the end of NTC rotation. But then also we use our feedback for the scenario planners for ops group headquarters in order to continually improve the training, but also keep it relevant to what's going on with the force, you know, the way that units are being used, current conflicts are going on. on, like how do we continually make the training here most relevant, most worthwhile for units that come. And what would you say some of the units'
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what would you say some of the units' biggest pitfalls are? I mean,
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mean, the biggest pitfall is going to be, I think, integration. And then I think it's primarily because, especially for use of KPOC, CA, and PSYOP units, you just can't do that at a lot of other places, especially at the brigade level. So you maybe have opportunities at least to partner for a couple days or go to, you know, foot brag for some sort of training exercise that a brigade is doing there, but not at this level. So a lot of times the teams... Come in with an idea of how they want to integrate with battalion. Does it work out so well? And we see that teams get misutilized. And some of that, you could say, is on the supported unit. You know, battalion commanders not knowing how to use resources and stuff. But that's also on us to understand how can we talk to those units to make sure that we're being effectively utilized. So a lot of times, and I think you guys probably said during your rotation, some teams immediately got pushed down to a maneuver company. And then they seem to kind of disappear. And they have long stretches of time without doing anything worthwhile. Where some teams manage. keep themselves at the battalion headquarters. They do go down to line companies when it comes time for execution, whether that's doing civil reconnaissance or whatever, key leader engagements, but they go back to the headquarters and continue to build integration. And the company headquarters is always a struggle at the brigade combat team, especially if a brigade doesn't have an S -9 of how does the headquarters plug into all of the planning processes of the brigade. I mean, that's something that you just can't really train at home station, understanding. I think kind of how we talked about one of our big topics, you know. You know, in your AAR about IPB, intelligence preparation of the battlefield, how does CA plug into that? You know, and a lot of don't have a great idea of how that's supposed to work. I don't think it's a friction point that we generally see coming. Honestly, it's not really one you can do a lot to prepare for at home. There's some, but not a lot.
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Yeah, because I know for us, one of the biggest things we noticed really was communication, not just comms, but sometimes between different teams and within the teams themselves.
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Sure. So, I mean, communication is always one of these struggles for units here, right? And it's not just CA units, right? At the brigade level, communication. is one of the biggest friction points because until you've come to NTC, nothing can match the distances of NTC. The no training environment you're going to come upon is going to match that. You go to some training event at Fort Bragg or wherever at home station and you're like, yeah, FM communications, it works. It's awesome. It's easy. Sure, but because we're talking like a kilometer, two kilometers away, we start to get units and teams that are 30, 40 kilometers away. All of a sudden, FM is not going to do it for you. So then becoming understanding your second and third priorities for communication. having a pace actually is feasible, is understandable, and that we actually have the expertise and the training on all those systems to make sure that they can actually function. Yeah, it's difficult. I mean, that's probably the number one problem area as far as training that we see when units come in.
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Besides that, what other ideas for CA units to prepare to come out here, whether it be towards the KLE engagements or just kind of the understanding of the CA doctrines themselves? So,
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yeah, so understanding of CA doctrine, I think, is a big one. So I'll be the first person to tell you this. that doctrine is not the way it has to be done. Like, you can't just read this, and it's a guidebook, and it explains to me exactly how to do all of the things I'm supposed to do. No, I think it's really a guideline, and it's a set of principles about how you should be operating. However, it's not a very good guideline if you've never read it, and you don't know what's in there. It can't be used as a guide, so you still have to know what's in there. And I think it's totally fine if you understand the doctrine, you understand what it says, and that with the mission you've been given, the assets you have, you say, look, look, I make a conscious decision to not do, or to kind of... shift from doctrine a little bit because it's going to work better. I think that's totally fine. If, however, you're saying I'm operating this way, but I also don't really know what doctrine would tell me to do anyways, well, then that's a problem. So definitely a big one. I think more generally, it's, you know, the biggest thing for units is SOPs. And I go, it's a hassle because we talk about SOPs. It's like, oh, I got to write out like pages and pages of SOPs, which I got, I understand why that is such pain. But when it comes to communications, like understanding, not just like the physical equipment where using, but the methods, timelines, the formats of our reporting that we're going to be doing, having an idea before, especially before coming to NTC, about how we think that's supposed to work. Duties and responsibilities, not just on a team, the company headquarters level is even, I think, more complex because we have more people. And the things that the company headquarters could be asked to do, especially when you are plugged into a brigade headquarters and you've no experience doing this, understanding how we can break apart those duties and responsibilities so that we're effectively accomplishing all our tasks, we're making the use of every soldier. time, I think it's very beneficial. And I'm not saying that units should come in with like, here are SOPs. They're 100 % complete. We have validated them. We have done them. No, just like come in with, I don't know, like a 75 % solution. Like we think these are pretty good SOPs. We recognize that, you know, we've not actually been had a chance to test all of these very thoroughly. Awesome. Let's look at your SOPs on day one when you get here. Let's operate according to those SOPs for some days and we'll have some conversations about what is working, what is not working. You know, what do we need to add to our SOPs we've identified here so that when units leave NTC, I mean, they can have a very good idea of where they need to go in the months coming up. Like, what do we need to improve upon in order to make sure that, heaven forbid, we have to come back to NTC in six months from now. Like, we're better prepared.
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Now, do you see any difference between, like, a reserve unit coming out versus the active duty? I mean,
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mean, so sure, what you're asked to do, I mean, the structure of what you do here is a little bit different. Like, so reserves here, you guys are supporting a brigade combat team. We're on the active duty side. They're supporting Special Operations Task Force. But at the end of the day, like, the specific tasks, like healer engagement, civil reconnaissance, understanding the civil component of the environment, like all of those things are kind of the same. There's not this big difference between the two. There are like our differences, right? In the reserves, a lot of people, a lot of individuals have some great technical skills that they've got from outside of the army, whether that's, you know, law enforcement, medical, city planners, whatever. Active duty has the benefit of being on active duty and five or, you know, sometimes even seven days a week, they're training so they can put a little more time into that. So while there are differences at the baseline, I mean, I think the tasks are kind of the same, right? There's no, you know, I think what they're being asked to do is not drastically different. Have you ever seen an interaction together?
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Have you ever seen an interaction together? Or see reserve units teamed up together out here?
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Yeah, no, I think we have. Yeah, we have. Absolutely, right? And so then there are times when overlap where... and reserved teams may have a different purpose for what they're doing in a certain urban area, but it's very beneficial for the two to team up in order to, you know, both having, sharing a key leader engagement, elements from both teams, you know, talking to the same person with different purposes, and that's fine. Or it just comes down to just a sharing of information that just like if you have multiple teams from your company working in an area, you should be working together to make sure that we're not duplicating effort, you know, helping each other out, sharing information can be extremely beneficial. Yeah, we see it, I think, every once in a while, yeah.
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What about with PSYOP? advice to give when working with them better? Because sometimes it's certain teams that seem to work out better than others, and I don't know whether it's sometimes personalities of the Clash or just different ideas of what's expected of them out here.
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It blows my mind when we get PSYOP and CA units out here that just refuse to work together. And we've had some really bad ones where they just almost refuse to talk, and I don't understand why. I think it just comes down to personalities. While our tasks, you know, what we're trying to do are not exactly the same, one, we're kind of in the same boat, especially here at NTC. where you're being plugged into a brigade combat team that doesn't, one, doesn't exactly know how to use you, but also your supporting element. We come with, like we talked about some communication challenges, some equipment challenges. It always works
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, we have Retired General Anthony Zinni present his argument for a unified, interagency command to bring together Civil Affairs forces and personnel from the Department of State, USAID, etc. General Zinni also tells the story of his nickname, "The Godfather."
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Oh, could this vintage store be any cuter? Right? And the best part? They accept Discover. Accept Discover? In a little place like this? I don't think so, Jennifer. Oh, yeah, huh?
00:00:11 SPEAKER_00
Discover's accepted where I like to shop. Come on, baby, get with the times.
00:00:15 SPEAKER_02
Right, so we shouldn't get the parachute pants?
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These are making a comeback. I think. Discover is accepted at 99 % of places that take credit cards nationwide. Based on the February 2024 Nielsen Report.
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Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McGilligate, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by General Anthony Zinni. General Zinni was born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania in 1943 and raised in the Philadelphia area. He attended St. Cosmos and Damien Grade School and St. Matthews High School in Conshohock in Pennsylvania. He currently resides in Williamsburg, Virginia. His military, diplomatic, business, and academic career has taken him to over 100 countries. General Zinni joined the Marine Corps' Platoon Leader Class Program in 1961 and was commissioned an Infantry Second Lieutenant in 1965 upon graduation from Villanova University. He held numerous command and staff assignments that include platoon, company, battalion, regimental, Marine Expeditionary Unit, and Marine Expeditionary Force Command. His staff assignments include service and operations, training, special operations, counterterrorism, and manpower billets. He has been a tactics and operations instructor at several Marine Corps schools and was selected as a fellow on the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group. General Zinni's joint assignments include command of a joint task force and a unified command. He has also held several joint and combined staff billets at joint task force and unified command levels. His military experience includes deployments to the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the Western Pacific, Northern Europe, and Korea. He has also served tours of duty in Okinawa and Germany. His operational experiences include two tours in Vietnam where he was severely wounded, emergency relief and security operations in the Philippines, Operation Provide Comfort in Turkey and northern Iraq, Operation Provide Hope in the former Soviet Union, Operation Restore Hope, Continue Hope, and United Shield in Somalia, Operation Resolute Response and Noble Response in Kenya, operations Desert Thunder, Desert Fox, Desert Viper, Desert Spring, Southern Watch, and Maritime Intercept operations in Iraq and the Persian Gulf, and Operation Infinite Reach against terrorist targets in the Central Region. He was involved in the planning and execution of Operation Proven Force and Operation Patriot Defender during the Gulf War, and noncombatant evacuation operations in Liberia, Zaire, Sierra Leone, and Eritrea. He has attended numerous military schools and courses, including the Army Special Warfare School, the Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School, the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the National War College. General Zinni retired from the military in 2000 after commanding U .S. Central Command. General Zinni, welcome to the 1CA Podcast. Thanks, John. Good to be with you. Thank you very much. And going through the long list of operations makes me wonder who comes up with the names and how they do that. Do you know how that works?
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And I would think the foxes and the vipers and the springs, all the animals you can put on a coin would work out well, too. Yeah. So we're here today to talk about your connection with civil affairs, what you've learned throughout your career, and give some guidance to listeners about where you see civil affairs as a joint force, Army, Marine Corps, where it may be heading, and as a capability to support of the U .S. government interests. So let me start by asking you, during your time in uniform, when did you first come across the Civil Affairs Unit?
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Well, you know...
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in a hostile environment, and a lot of agencies that were going to show up, and non -governmental organizations, United Nations, other international organizations, and private volunteer organizations, and trying to figure out how this would all work. And that's the first time I really sat down with two civil affairs officers that were planners on our staff that I got to know very well,
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were planners on our staff that I got to know very well, and captains Elmo and Hess. who taught me a lot about what civil affairs could contribute. And I think for the J3 and our deputy commander at the time, we all were kind of saying, you know, we just didn't have this kind of understanding of what civil affairs could do.
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And I think one of the reasons why the operation was such a success is because the civil affairs participation in there, eventually we had a brigadier general.
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Because what we found, what I would say was the main effort eventually became that kind of coordination and connectivity with not only the people that were traumatized and were dealing with in their leadership, but with all these other civilian governmental and non -governmental volunteer organizations.
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organizations. And so that was an eye -opener, and I took that with me to Somalia. When I went to Somalia as the J -3 for the first task force, and then back again as an advisor with Ambassador Oakley, the second tour, then the third tour commanding the forces to cover the withdrawal. Civil affairs played a great deal in the planning that we had done,
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and my awareness of what they did, you know, really.
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So it sounds like the planning aspect of this is a key point, turning point, potentially positive way for CA forces to support their units. And you can't wait for you to be on the ground and hope, oh, the CA team is right over there. Of course we know what they do. And that rarely happens. It's kind of like getting an infantry commander to realize, well, logistics are key to your success overall. just as these other enablers like psychological operations or civil affairs may be, but that needs to start well in advance before you hit the ground and plan the operation. Does that happen routinely?
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And unfortunately, I think in a lot of cases, planners are not as aware of what civil affairs can do and bring as maybe we should be,
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especially when we're thinking in terms of, well, it's a combat operation, but in this day and age. You know, the kinds of environments we find ourselves in, it's combat rolled into all sorts of other kinds of missions. And I think, you know, up until the 1990s, probably everybody thought of civil affairs as an organization that came in, basically dealt with keeping civilians out of the way and tending to their needs. And then more in a support role, I think in the 1990s began to see. It was not only a major contributor, but like I said, at times it should be and could be the main effort.
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be the main effort. Certainly as you phased into maybe the drawing down of combat operations and now the more reconstruction efforts and stabilization efforts,
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the drawing down of combat operations and now the more reconstruction efforts and stabilization efforts, but still requiring military involvement. This is the ideal bridge and organization, but it has to be planned for and it has to be involved right from the beginning. But I think the key is that maybe in the 90s we began to see that it was more than just a supporting role, that it played a key role in the planning, and that it had operational level importance and certainly needed to be considered at that level,
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in the 90s
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operational level importance and certainly needed to be considered at that level, at the combatant commander level.
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Yeah. You spent most of your career in the Marine Corps and Joint Force elements. The Marine Corps still has civil affairs. The Navy got out of the business. The bulk of the CA forces are still in the Army, with most of it in the reserve component. When you, going through your experiences looking back and now what we have today with the force structure of civil affairs, is it the right mix? Does the Marine Corps need more or less civil affairs? And, you know, for the Army balanced active duty and reserve, do you think that's right?
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You know, I spent almost my entire general officer time.
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I think we have to think about it joint. Who are the best contributors? Obviously, the bulk of civil affairs will be from the Army. I think it's valuable that all the services have some civil affairs capability so that they're aware of it and its capabilities, and they contribute to the joint capability. I do think, though... And like we think of transportation command and all that, we need a joint command that does civil affairs. I don't think SOCOM is the right place for civil affairs. I think civil affairs is important. And there's a differentiation between what civil affairs does and what we do with special operations. And I think the integration and the requirement and the need to interface with other agencies. means that we should look at a unified or subunified command. And I think I would even go so far as if we really have people that want to think on a larger and more strategic scale,
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would even go so far as if we really have people that want to think on a larger and more strategic scale, this would be the ideal.
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It would help tremendously, I can tell you from a combatant commander's point of view, in planning because none of those other agencies plan at all.
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of those other agencies plan at all. They claim to, but they don't. I look at my deliberate war plans and I don't see a State Department or AID or other component about how we're going to manage things during the operations and in the later phases how we're going to do the transitioning.
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in the later phases how we're going to do the transitioning. I think a classic example was Iraq.
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Orha and CPA were disasters. You know, we keep trying to put lipstick on that pig, but it did not go well because it was a pickup ad hoc attempt at nation building, and you can't do business that way, even on a smaller scale.
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It seems like the last 20 years or so, maybe longer, DOD has been taking on... more and more missions that state or USAID had been doing traditionally, and the money has been going to DoD, and that slope just feeds the cycle of people saying, well, state and aid can't do it. Well, maybe they're not stepping up to the plate. Maybe they don't have the money they used to have. And DoD just continues to eat more of that mission set. Where do we get, do you think, the turning point where state and aid continue to pick up those missions or the Congress decides, hey, we need to fund them adequately? Otherwise, as General Mattis had mentioned, we need to buy more ammunition.
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Biden and Senators Curry and a number of others are on there. And this whole business of lack of interagency coordination and planning and then execution on the ground that really bothered them. And they formed a policy advisory group. And I was on it. I retired to sort of represent the military. And what surprised me is the lack of understanding by state and others about how extensive the planning had to be, the preparation. and the identification of the personnel and the people and the structure and the organization you were going to need. Because I was looking,
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when I was a CENTCOM commander, just on the Iraq plan, you know, where's the annex or where's the second part of the plan that tells me how we're going to transition this over? Who comes in behind the combat forces or with them, more appropriately, that begins right away restructuring the government? I did assessments after I retired in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Iraq for General Odierno and Afghanistan for General Mattis. And I kind of wandered around and looked at everything we had on the ground there. And what shocked me is seeing the percentage of organizations that were non -military that had military people doing that business.
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had on the ground
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-military that had military people doing that business. I would find the anti -corruption task force. You know, headed by Brigadier General H .R. McMaster with everybody. I looked around with one exception was wearing a uniform. The provisional reconstruction teams were 80 percent military, not counting security.
00:15:53 SPEAKER_01
You know, and you looked around and saw that we had no plan going into these operations because nobody did the planning. And we had no pre -coordination or pre -identification as to who was going to do all this. Therefore, you end up with those pickup teams with people that are coming in that have no clue,
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that have no clue, couldn't find the Middle East, you know, if they tried. And you end up with the military piece goes well, but the day after, the and then what question is up in the air,
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in the air, and that's where you end up failing. Right.
00:16:29 SPEAKER_04
So I want to circle back to a recommendation you had a few minutes ago. And this relates to a section of your book, which is entitled Before the First Shots Were Fired, that you've written with Tony Colts. And you cite a 2009 conference at which you recommended that civil affairs become, quote, a unified command responsible for integrating all the agency's efforts and providing the planning, administrative, and logistical support for the interagency teams on the ground, end quote. So we've already talked about some of what you've seen in your career
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have CSM Garric Banfield, Command Sergeant Major of the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade at Fort Bragg, NC, discusses the 95th mission and organization and offers tips for current and future CA non-commissioned officers.
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think there's a better job in the Army than being an NCO on a civil affairs team. There's nowhere else in the Army that a staff sergeant or sergeant first class has a strategic effect on a region or theater that they do on a civil affairs team. Our NCOs are routinely entrusted and engaged directly with U .S. country teams and embassies and indigenous partners and institutions around the world on behalf of theater commanders. The language skills and cultural expertise that they gain through a training pipeline is exceptional, and they'll always be confronted with and expected to solve complex problems with little more than the knowledge of the nation's interests and an understanding of the strategic intent.
00:01:29 SPEAKER_04
Hi and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Command Sergeant Major Garrick Banfield. He entered the U .S. Army in June 1992. Since then, he has served in numerous leadership positions ranging from scout team leader to brigade command sergeant major. He currently serves as the brigade command sergeant major of the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade Special Operations Airborne. CSM Banfield's assignments have ranged from the 1st Squadron 3rd Cab rudiment, 4th Squadron, 7th Cav, 124th Infantry Regiment, 15th Cav Regiment, and the 1st Cav Regiment in Germany. He then switched over to Civil Affairs and was 1st Sergeant for the 96th Civil Affairs Battalion Special Operations Airborne based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He's also served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Combined Arms Center Special Operations Forces Cell at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the Battalion Command Sergeant Major of the 81st CA Battalion in Fort Hood, the Brigade Command Sergeant Major of Task Force Sinai in Egypt, and Action Officer in USASAC for the Commander Initiatives Groups in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Command Sergeant Major has deployed on several contingency and combat operations to include Operation Desert Falcon, Operation Joint Endeavor, Operation Joint Guard, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation New Dawn, and the Multinational Force and Observer Mission. He holds a Master of Science degree in Defense Analysis and Regular Warfare from the Naval Postgraduate School and a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems Management from the University of Maryland University College. CSM Banfield, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast.
00:03:11 SPEAKER_03
Hey, sir. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me.
00:03:14 SPEAKER_04
I was trying to look up your name and the origin of both Garrick and Banfield, and it looks like it's an old English name. I think the finding, what I found from Garrick was one who governs with a spear and mighty warrior. Do you know the background of your first name or surname?
00:03:31 SPEAKER_03
Well, sir, actually, I was originally going to be named Garrett. However, my mother's best friend, who was pregnant at the same time, had her son a couple weeks before I was born, and she took Garrett. So Garrick was the next thing on the docket. So that's the origin of my name. I do appreciate your research and background, and I'm going to latch onto that and say it was the spirit of the warrior that she saw in me when she named me.
00:04:02 SPEAKER_04
Exactly. That's awesome. Thank you again for being here. Really glad to have somebody from the 95th. We wanted to dig in for the listeners to what the 95th is, what your responsibilities as a Sergeant Major are, and talk a little bit more about the battalions that serve under the 95th. So I want to start. By asking you, how long have you been with the 95th?
00:04:24 SPEAKER_03
Sir, this time around, I've been with the 95th for about a year. I assumed responsibility as the brigade command sergeant major last May. However, I originally came to the 96th in 2005 after graduating the civil affairs qualification course. I served with the 96th and dealt the company as a team sergeant. then the first sergeant in both charlie company and hhc 96 and then i left the 96 in 2011 to go out to naval postgraduate school in california on graduation from naval postgraduate school i was assigned to the combined arms center special operation forces cell at fort leavenworth kansas I served as a senior enlisted advisor to the CACSO South. And then I was selected on Battalion CSL in 2012 and moved out to Fort Hood, Texas. Served as a Battalion Command Sergeant Major for the 81st Civil Affairs Battalion from 2013 to 2015. In 2015, I was selected for an Army Brigade. Command Sergeant Major position, which I served in Task Force Sinai in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt from 2016 to 2017. And upon returning from that assignment, I worked up at USASOC as an action officer for the Commanders Initiatives Group. And then I assumed my current position as a 95th Brigade Command Sergeant Major. Wow.
00:06:07 SPEAKER_04
That's an awesome... careers director that you've had. So how many total years in service now since 1992, I guess, right?
00:06:16 SPEAKER_03
Right. So I've got about 27 in July 9th. I'll hit 27 years.
00:06:21 SPEAKER_04
Wow. That's awesome. Now, a lot of listeners are probably familiar with the first sergeant and maybe the battalion sergeant major. What are the responsibilities for the brigade command sergeant major and your job in the 95th?
00:06:35 SPEAKER_03
My principal duties as a brigade command sergeant major are what they are outlined in the AR -600 -20, which is to advise a commander on the performance, training, appearance, and conduct of the brigade. I'm also responsible for enforcement of Army policies and standards and administering the unit's non -commissioned officer development program. So what that translates down to in my eyes is I'm the commander's wingman. I'm 100 % committed to making sure my commander is successful, and I take a lot of personal pride in understanding his intent and then taking the initiative and providing guidance and direction to the force to meet his intent. Colonel Burnett, the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade Commander, and I had the privilege of serving together for two years as a battalion command team in the 81st Civil Affairs Battalion. which meant we didn't need to spend a whole lot of time getting to know each other when we began our current roles together. In general, the CSM is very similar to the role of the first sergeant and the role of the team sergeant. I see the role of non -commissioned officers abroad at every echelon as being the agile member of the team that provides balance and fills in the gaps wherever it's needed to accomplish the day -to -day business of the organization.
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the organization.
00:07:55 SPEAKER_03
get the training validation complete, and really enforce and uphold the standards of the organization. This allows the commander to focus on providing direction to the organization, whether that be at the team, company, battalion, brigade, or higher levels.
00:08:12 SPEAKER_04
Okay. Can you describe the relationship then, so between the brigade and the battalion sergeant major, sergeant's major? and what kind of direction or guidance you may provide to them, or does that come from their battalions only?
00:08:27 SPEAKER_03
So really the most critical relationship, although we're all one team, the most critical relationship in those command teams is between the command sergeant's major and that commander. So while I provide guidance and direction to the battalion command sergeant's majors and provide them guidance on how to accomplish the commander's intent, Really, they take their marching orders from their battalion commanders, who in turn take their battalion commander, take their marching orders from the brigade commander. So we are, the NCO support channel is almost an auxiliary channel that is there to support the chain of command. We have absolutely consistent and constant communication between the battalion command sergeants, Major and myself. We talk on a daily basis. They keep me abreast of issues within their formations that I sort of coalesce and provide that feedback to my brigade commander.
00:09:26 SPEAKER_04
Okay. Now, you've been with the 95th now for a while, as you've just described. What would you say is an elevator pitch or a capabilities brief for the 95th overall?
00:09:36 SPEAKER_03
Well, that's a great question. Several aspects to that. First is who we are. We're warriors, problem solvers. and regional cultural experts focused on the human component of the land domain in support of the geographic commanders, U .S. ambassadors, and at the end, the nation's priorities. But it's what we do as a brigade, and those break down into three key tasks, civil reconnaissance, civil and unified action partner engagement, and human network analysis. So our brigade has recently... refocus on developing our metal, and we currently have five tasks that are metal brigade metal tasks, and those are establish a civil affairs task force, conduct human network analysis, coordinate unconventional warfare, coordinate foreign internal defense, and coordinate foreign humanitarian systems operations. And the battalion metals are coalesced. in a line to support that brigade medal, which is passed further down into the guidance that the battalions give to their companies for their training. So we're trying to get to a sustained readiness model where it's medal -based, evaluated and validated against performance metrics that support the medal, as opposed to solely mission -focused training for an upcoming mission.
00:11:10 SPEAKER_04
You started out in the 96th, and the 95th Brigade grew out of that 96th Battalion in 2007. How many battalions are there currently under the 95th, and aren't they regionally aligned? Could you talk about those battalions and their regional alignments? Absolutely.
00:11:29 SPEAKER_03
So when I arrived to Civil Affairs, it was the 96th, and there were regionally aligned companies within the 96th. The Quadrennital Defense Review outlined the growth of civil affairs across the Army and directed the growth of the 95th Civil Affairs Brigade. And then we immediately went into growing the 96th into a brigade organization. And the brigade was actually activated in 2007. And it rapidly grew from one battalion into... five regionally aligned battalions that we have today. And those are the 91st Civil Affairs Battalion, which is focused on Africa and regionally aligned with Africa. The 92nd Civil Affairs Battalion, which is regionally aligned with Europe. The 96th Civil Affairs Battalion, which is regionally aligned with the CENTCOM AOR. The 97th Civil Affairs Battalion, which is regionally aligned with the Indo -PACOM Theater. And the 98th Civil Affairs Battalion, which is regionally aligned with Southcom. So they're focused on South and Central America.
00:12:43 SPEAKER_04
Would you say that the battalions will flex, grow a little bit as needed if there's more focus on CENTCOM AOR as opposed to AFRICOM, for example? Or now we're doing a lot of work in the Indo -PACOM area, so does 95th get more focus based on whatever the 95th? you know, hires telling the 95th and the 1st Special Forces Command and saying, hey, 95th, we need you to flex in this area more than others.
00:13:09 SPEAKER_03
So we're very, very focused on getting our civil affairs officers and NCOs regionally aligned by the battalions that they've been trained and educated for their language, their regional analysis and studies into those battalions. Each battalion has six line companies in a battalion with five civil affairs teams. And really based on the global employment requirements, we feel that we're right -sized right now to meet the requirements for contingency plans and persistent engagements throughout if we're manned to 100%. Roger.
00:13:55 SPEAKER_03
Some theaters require more teams than others. So while we do not like to break regional alignment, there's times that we have to. And we're going to, instead of piecemealing personnel and breaking their regional alignment and sending them into battalions and companies that are not regionally aligned, what we're looking at doing now for some mission sets in theaters is to deploy a company outside of their regionally aligned AOR. to augment those theaters an example would be in in centcom the 96 has a has a heavy requirement for civil military score elements uh within the centcom aor and they've been going pretty hard and heavy for the past uh past 16 years in the in the centcom aor right um we are now looking at taking rotating in companies from other battalions to pick up some of those missions within the CENTCOM AOR, specifically the combat -oriented missions that may be best suited compared to the civil -military support element missions for somebody that is not specifically regionally aligned to the CENTCOM AOR. Yeah,
00:15:11 SPEAKER_04
that's a good idea. So I've seen the public information on the website for the 95th that says that it's been in the process of growing, right? From 2017, there were about 1 ,200 soldiers to more than 1 ,800. Did that happen? Did that growth take effect?
00:15:28 SPEAKER_03
Well, we did get a good bit of that growth completely. We've sort of settled right now at about 1 ,700 soldiers, civilians within our brigade. We're not projecting any growth in the near future. And with minor exceptions, we seem to be about the right size to meet our current mission requirements. We've got 150 regionally aligned deployable civil affairs teams, 30 companies and five battalions that are able to meet the theater, special operations command, and geographic command and commander requirements. Wher
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, we welcome Justin Richmond, who describes the Impl. Project, a non-profit Justin founded which brings together professional expertise from the fields of diplomacy, development, and technology. The Impl. The project is known for community-led, data-driven solutions for international development and stability.
Connect with Justin Richmond on LinkedIn.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_04
These communities have an incredibly high threshold, a high tolerance for insecurity. So if they're the ones saying that it's dangerous, that's pretty bad. It's kind of like if people on the south side of Chicago were saying, man, security is really a big issue. You're like, wow, this isn't like rural America. This isn't like suburbia. You guys have lived in an insecure environment for a long time. If you're saying that this is bad even by your own standards, then why? We got to unpack why.
00:00:39 SPEAKER_01
Hi, welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Justin Richman. He is the founder and executive director of Imple Project. Before starting Imple Project, Justin worked as a forward -deployed engineer at Palantir Technologies. where he led field implementation during both the Typhoon Haiyan and Typhoon Hagapit responses in the Philippines. Previously, he served two tours in Afghanistan as USAID's District Stability Framework Coordinator, mentoring joint civilian -military Afghan teams on stabilization implementation in eastern Afghanistan. Prior to USAID, he served in the Army as a Special Operations Team Leader in the southern Philippines, focusing on stabilization, counterinsurgency, and information operations. Justin Richman, welcome to the 1CA Podcast.
00:01:28 SPEAKER_04
Thanks, John. I appreciate you having me.
00:01:30 SPEAKER_01
And we'll note for the audience that you're on daddy duty right now, recording from a park somewhere in the country, and we appreciate your time.
00:01:39 SPEAKER_04
Of course. Happy to do it.
00:01:41 SPEAKER_01
We want to talk about what you're doing at Imple Project. And for our listeners, that's spelled I -M -P -L. You said you pronounce it simple without the S.
00:01:53 SPEAKER_04
That's right. And looking back, I think I probably could have done a better job on the branding. But I wanted to make it pretty simple and straightforward. The focus of the organization is implementation and execution of tasks on the ground. I think the biggest frustration I had with civil society when I was both in the military and with USAID was there's always just so much talk and people aren't getting out there in the tough places and doing the hard work. That's the reason we started the NGO.
00:02:22 SPEAKER_01
That's awesome. Well, that was leading to my question about the mission. So that's how you started it. What would you say is the mission of the organization?
00:02:31 SPEAKER_04
So, yeah, the mission of the organization is really to focus on, like, sustainable, solid development work in the most vulnerable communities. So the gaps that we identified, myself, the other founders, one of whom was a civil affairs. officer back in the time leading up to 2010. The gaps that we identified were, number one, a lack of bad work, a lack of really understanding what the local communities needed and how to deliver it. The next thing that we saw, though, was that civil society wasn't doing a very good job at all of identifying which communities needed their work the most. I think anybody who's been deployed... can honestly look at their deployment and say, my goodness, we did a few good things, but I don't know if we did it in the right areas. Getting State Department, USAID, NGO partners to program alongside civil affairs teams has just been really difficult, partly because civil affairs teams tend to operate much farther beyond the comfort zone, the safety zone of civil society. So those are the gaps that we're looking to address, and I think we're doing a pretty good job.
00:03:45 SPEAKER_01
That's great. So I think that helps to answer a follow -up question I was going to have, which is how is the Imple Project different from other development nonprofits? So what are you doing that's new or better than others?
00:03:56 SPEAKER_04
A number of things. And I don't feel arrogant saying that. The places that we work, we have better data, we have better fundamental understanding of what's going on in these communities. It's partly because when I came out of Afghanistan, my biggest bone to pick was how we were doing work. was that we were spending so much money, but we really didn't understand the communities that we were working in. Even key terrain districts, which were strategic priorities, we just really didn't understand it. Outside of a couple people sharing some anecdotes, that's it. People will talk about the notes that they took at Ashura, and they spent $3 million according to those notes. I mean, that's not a representative sample of the community. So we really built this. After USAID, I went to Palantir for two years to really learn how to do data. And it was a great lesson for me.
00:04:42 SPEAKER_00
USAID, I went
00:04:47 SPEAKER_04
lesson for me. Granted, I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb, a 35 -year -old combat vet working at a Silicon Valley company. But it was a great experience. And that was what kind of led us to say, we can apply these things very rigorously with a live NGO. So let's try. That's cool. So the data side of it's huge.
00:05:10 SPEAKER_04
There's two more aspects that I think are pretty unique. One is that we work in really non -permissive environments. So we were the first international NGO back in Benghazi. In fact, this time last year, I had a team. Sorry, my son's really excited about going down the slide. Yeah, this time last year, I took a team of six expats into Benghazi, hired 45 Libyans, and we did the largest data mapping. of Benghazi ever 4500 face -to -face surveys another two three dozen focus group discussions key leader engagements and had a better understanding of the dynamics of Benghazi than anyone period so like we're able to create data scale really really quickly and work in areas that are really really tough so and these clients are for DoD USAID
00:06:03 SPEAKER_01
these clients are for DoD USAID
00:06:06 SPEAKER_04
across the board. Right now, if you were to look at our funding structure, it is pretty much even between State Department, USAID, DOD, and then private sector firms. We are waiting on a couple procurements right now that will then upset the balance. It looks like DOD is going to come out on top, and that's probably the thing that, that's the third thing that makes this kind of special. We will partner much more closely with... U .S. military or post -nation military than almost any other NGO that I know of will. And the reason is because we're not neutral. We completely believe that that's an antiquated paradigm. And I'll work with the military. I'll work with whomever is working in the best interest of the community. That's where my allegiance lies. Of the local community.
00:06:56 SPEAKER_01
the local community. Okay. Even if that's against U .S. interests.
00:07:00 SPEAKER_04
It usually isn't. I've never run into an example of where what's in the best interest of the community was not in the best interest of the United States. Now, the thing that I run into more often than that is when the U .S. doesn't know what the community actually wants, what they need, and so they don't know what the interests of the community are. That's the thing that I run into the most because, quite frankly, the people that are making a lot of decisions, whether it's the AOB, it's the SOTUS, it's the embassy, they almost never... They almost never get out to these rural communities. And we were working in Tillaberry, Niger, two weeks before the SF guys were killed there last year, or I guess almost a year and a half ago now in Tongo Tongo. So we were working in Tillaberry, and it was a really, really rough environment. And the problem was, you know, for us. We were telling people how dangerous it was, but people weren't really spending enough time with communities to get the sort of buy -in that they needed to have the type of protection. And essentially people telling them like, hey, today's a good day to come out here or today is a horrible day to come out here. Don't do it. There's a lot of bad guys waiting for you. So, you know, and that's one of the reasons that... we're able to operate in these environments is because we're closely partnered with the communities themselves. And whether they like U .S.
00:08:16 SPEAKER_03
And whether
00:08:17 SPEAKER_04
they like U .S. forces or not, they like us because we're actually bringing value. And once again, as a civil affairs person, civil affairs teams are able to bring value where other military assets are not.
00:08:30 SPEAKER_01
Good point. Let me ask you one other question, then we'll go to break. You talk about data collection. There are a lot of tools for data collection. So what does Invol use, and what kind of difficulties have you seen in infrastructure around the world when you're trying to collect data in remote areas?
00:08:47 SPEAKER_04
Sure. This is an easy question. It's actually a softball for me. So, look, when it comes to data collection, people need to understand what is the point, what is the so what that they're trying to get out of any sort of data collection. So, like, we have standardized our hardware. We use all. apple ipads or iphones we use commercial software to do the data collection it's able to do it disconnected so that that application is called a quick tap survey and then we also put that data into the socom instance of palantir nipper so like that's kind of the way we string all this together you know all this stuff has to work every time so if you're doing data collection first off if you're doing it by paper and pen you're already wrong because the time and energy you're going to waste coding that data into a spreadsheet is just waste of time it's No one's got the time and energy to do that, so having something that you can essentially do all the data management and knowledge management online in the cloud, that's exactly where you want to be. So those are the tools we use, and we spend a lot of time testing this. I mean, rural Niger, 2 ,300 surveys in 10 days. In Benghazi, Libya, 4 ,400 face -to -face in, I think, 15 days. And the reason that we were able to create that data scale is because we spent so much time honing the actual process.
00:10:13 SPEAKER_01
Yeah. Wow, that's a lot of output. It is. But this is the thing.
00:10:17 SPEAKER_04
is the thing. If you, as a CA Bob, would come up to me and say, hey, look, I'm really interested in opening Benghazi up again. But, you know, the funding stream that we're talking about is only focused on youth. How much do we have for youth? Then from that 4 ,400, if I start disaggregating, you can say, you know, or I can say to you, well, you know. Of the 4 ,400, 2 ,400 are under the age of 30. So we still have enough data scale and just samples that we can make some really good analysis based upon that data. Whereas if you only do 1 ,000 surveys and you're now only looking at doing women, well, you're now down to 500. Or you're only doing youth and you're at like 600.
00:10:59 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, for all the Barrick statisticians, you need enough sample size and the power of the data you're collecting to be able to extrapolate.
00:11:07 SPEAKER_04
You really do. And the problem is that, number one, the U .S. government doesn't know how to procure data collection at all. It's horrible at it. It doesn't know how to set the proper requirements. They don't know what it looks like. And so, in fact, we're getting called in for a certain monitoring and evaluation baseline. and a program assessment for a USAID project. And they're like, yeah, you know, we're happy with a, you know, a 99 % confidence interval with a 6 % margin of error. And I was like, really? Like you spent millions of dollars on that project and you're comfortable with that? Because I'm not. When we were in Benghazi, we had a 99 % confidence interval with a less than 2 % margin of error. If I'm going to be operating in a really dangerous place and spending other people's money, I want to have a really... good understanding that, like, this is what the dads say. This is how we can help communities.
00:12:00 SPEAKER_01
That's good use of American taxpayer dollars.
00:12:03 SPEAKER_04
Well, I mean, we've all seen when people have been bad stewards. So, you know, we're absolutely trying to correct that. And the good news is when you have that much data scale, you can come back to it. Like, if there are other questions, you know, we can come back and ask these things after the fact. We thought working with the youth was going to be a really good idea. Man, it turns out the women are the real power placer in this community. Can we go back and we look at what the women say? Well, yeah, when you collect enough data, you can. And you can really start doing first order, second order, third order planning and set those benchmarks that all programs require. Good deal.
00:12:41 SPEAKER_01
deal. Folks, you've been listening to an interview with Justin Richman, founder and executive director of Imple Project. We'll be right back and ask Justin about... the experiences with projects in the Philippines and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Stay tuned.
00:12:59 SPEAKER_01
Do you want to make some money? Do you have an idea about how to better integrate civil affairs? If you do, then check out the Civil Affairs Association Call for Papers. Civil affairs integration surfaced as the forefront issue for the future development of the regiment at the conclusion of last year's discussion at the Washington, D .C. Roundtable. However, in order for civil affairs to become a better joint force for integration across multiple domains in human geography, the regiment must first better integrate itself, then with those it works for, by, with, and through. The Civil Affairs Association and its partners invite civil military professionals to send an originally written issue paper by no later than the close of business
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we welcome Alexandra Lamarche, Advocate for Sub-Saharan Africa at Refugees International, discusses the internally displaced people and humanitarian crisis in Cameroon.
Alexandra was interviewed by J. David Thompson in his first episode as One CA podcast host. He is a Civil Affairs Major in the Army Reserve. We're so fortunate he agreed to join the One CA team! Connect with Major Thompson on LinkedIn.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_00
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00:00:16 SPEAKER_01
My poor baby. Got a cough and runny nose. Any ideas? Worried mama here.
00:00:22 SPEAKER_03
Sounds like the flu. Did you test for COVID? Probably just allergies. I hope it's nothing serious.
00:00:25 SPEAKER_04
I hope it's nothing serious.
00:00:29 SPEAKER_01
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00:00:45 SPEAKER_02
Protecting civilians is at the core of what you do, and it's at the core of what I do, and I think that there are opportunities for us to work together in a lot of these theaters. I think that it's important for us to sort of understand how each of our organizations operate and what the limitations are, but also what the opportunities to work together are. So I beg anyone from the military who's in, you know, anywhere that there's a humanitarian context to familiarize yourself with the OSHA, always have SIGs -MILs coordination guidelines, and to figure out where the red lines are, but where the opportunities for us to work together are and to build relationships with the humanitarian community.
00:01:31 SPEAKER_03
Thank you for tuning in to the One TA Podcast. I am your host, David Thompson. With me is Alexandra Lamarche. Alexandra is an advocate for sub -Saharan Africa at Refugees International, where her work focuses on conflict, displacement crises, and peacekeeping. She led a research mission to Cameroon in March and April of 2019 to look at the internal displacement crisis and humanitarian situation there. Follow her on Twitter at Ali Lam. Alexandra, thank you for coming on the show.
00:01:58 SPEAKER_02
Thank you so much for having me. I feel like... humanitarian groups and armed forces should be spending a bit more time trying to understand the ways in which we both work, so I'm thrilled to be here.
00:02:08 SPEAKER_03
Absolutely. To get started, can you tell us a little bit about your professional and educational history that got you to where you are today?
00:02:16 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, of course. Admittedly, it was not where I was anticipating ending up, but I'm pleased to finally be where I am. I actually studied conflict and security with a focus on violent non -state actors at both the undergrad and the graduate level. And I always found sort of conflict dynamics to be very, very fascinating, but I eventually realized, sort of overcome with guilt that I should be and could be involved in addressing sort of the human consequences of conflict. eventually shifted away from conflict analysis and resolution to work to assess and report on the needs of those displaced by the very violence that I was always working on.
00:02:51 SPEAKER_03
Wow, that's really interesting. So what got you interested in refugees and then more specifically to your area, IDPs?
00:03:00 SPEAKER_02
Well, I was overcome with guilt and coming to the realization that I should be doing more to help people. I was living and working in Lebanon, and with the ongoing crisis in Syria, we were witnessing hundreds of thousands of Syrians come into Lebanon seeking safe refuge. And as I began to sort of delve into this issue of displacement, I noticed that in the context of displacement, internal displacement tends to be under the radar. If the displaced are not showing up in neighboring countries or in Western countries, more specifically, they tend to be forgotten in the eyes of the public, in the media and policymakers and international donors. You know, most of the internally displaced are often staying with host families, whether they be their own family or their friends or just complete strangers who are offering them a warm welcome. People pay less attention to them and seem to think that they don't need as much as a refugee does, but in reality, often their conditions are far worse. So as I continue to work on displacement, that tends to be my focus because, you know, my heart bleeds for under -the -radar crises.
00:04:04 SPEAKER_03
Absolutely. I think the recent report from the United Nations Refugee Agency stated that there were nearly twice as many IDPs as there are refugees.
00:04:14 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, there's 41 .3 million IDPs worldwide. So that's a pretty significant portion of people if you consider it. I mean, I'm from Canada, and there's, what, 36 million people in Canada? So more than the entire population of Canada is internally displaced in whatever country they come from.
00:04:29 SPEAKER_03
country they come from. If you add up the populations of IDPs with refugees, including Palestinian refugees, it's like the populations of California and Texas combined. So pretty staggering numbers.
00:04:45 SPEAKER_02
Staggering numbers that, I mean, surprisingly, the world continues to turn a blind eye to, unfortunately. We're talking about it. We're not doing very much.
00:04:54 SPEAKER_03
Well, that gives us into Refugees International, where you work, which is a really unique organization in that they do not take any funding from the U .S. government or the United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR. Can you tell us more about the work of Refugees International?
00:05:12 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, Refugees International advocates for life -saving assistance and protection for displaced populations and promotes solutions to these very crises. We're not affiliated with any government. We don't accept any government funding or UN funding, which allows us to ensure the independence and credibility of our work. And that's something that I find extremely valuable in the crisis where I work in Africa, where, you know, there's a lot of government crackdown in NGOs. We get to come in and be an independent voice.
00:05:29 SPEAKER_00
that's something
00:05:38 SPEAKER_02
without fearing getting kicked out of the country or having our operations blocked. And we're also not tied to any of the international donors so we can be critical and target them in our advocacy. So our business model is that we conduct fieldness and two crises, assess the needs of the displaced and how effectively they're being addressed by the humanitarian community, and then provide policy recommendations on how to better protect and better provide for those affected. And then, you know, there's a long advocacy period after a report is published on that mission where we push for, you know, policymakers within governments and UN agencies to hopefully enact those recommendations.
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that mission
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So we continue to engage on the crises well after we've left them.
00:06:21 SPEAKER_03
Who were your main audiences post -report during that advocacy period?
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during that advocacy period?
00:06:29 SPEAKER_02
That definitely changes from country to country or crisis to crisis. Obviously, the U .S. government is always the main target, given the fact that we're based in Washington. But we're seeing an increasing amount of time that our advocates are spending in other capitals, you know, in Geneva, especially because a lot of U .N. agencies are based there, in New York because other U .N. agencies are based there, in Canada, and, of course, in Brussels with the EU being based there. I work in a lot of Francophone African countries. There's a lot more interest from other Francophone countries.
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of time
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of a mix depending on the context and depending who the key players are.
00:07:10 SPEAKER_03
Wow, so a very diverse group there. But let's talk more specifically about your recent trip to Cameroon. So recently you conducted research for Refugees International in Cameroon. Can you provide us a background of the situation or a history of the conflict that got us to the present day?
00:07:28 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, of course. Cameroonian has long been viewed as a model for stability in the region fraught with conflict. I mean, it's a pretty rough neighborhood, you know, surrounded by Chad, Congo, Central African Republic, and Nigeria. And it's always been sort of economically a little bit more developed and far more stable given the fact that it has, what, 200 different linguistic groups. However, under the surface... Tensions between its Anglophone and its Francophone populations have been simmering for decades. The Anglophone minority, which is mostly concentrated in the northwest -southwest regions of the country, has long been marginalized, discriminated against, and economically disenfranchised since the referendum that ended federalism and joined the two populations under one country in 1972. In recent history, in 2016, that instability... And that tension sort of gave way to violence when protests against the government's imposition of Francophone teachers and lawyers in Anglophone schools and courts were met with military action. What we witnessed was peaceful protests being met with pretty extreme violence from the Cameroonian military, and that sort of just fueling separatist sentiment that was bubbling under the surface, but not nearly as strong as it is now. Armed groups have since sort of... Multiplied and enforced school boycotts were about to approach the third year of children not attending school. And the subsequent violent confrontations between the armed groups and the armed forces have forced more than half a million people to leave their homes and 1 .3 million people in need of assistance.
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the armed
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than half a million people to leave their homes and 1 .3 million people in need of assistance. So it's pretty big numbers. pretty fast as well. We saw those numbers pretty skyrocket over the last year. Both our groups in Cameroonian forces have targeted civilians and blocked humanitarian groups from reaching those in need, and it's a truly dire situation. But with the right pressure and the right elbow grease, I think we can initiate some change.
00:09:26 SPEAKER_03
Wow, those numbers you're talking, 500 ,000 displaced, 1 .3 million in need of assistance. And that seems to be a common thing where Governments respond to peaceful protesters by using violence, and then it creates more problems for the government and the people.
00:09:47 SPEAKER_02
It does. I mean, you know, I can't go back in time and see what would have happened, but I don't think the crisis would be nearly as bad or the violence even from armed groups would be nearly what it is right now if the armed forces hadn't responded the way they had. But that's just my own. Absolutely.
00:10:09 SPEAKER_03
So from reading your report and hearing you talk, I noticed the tension between the government of Cameroon providing support for refugees fleeing violence from Boko Haram while simultaneously denying access to IDPs. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
00:10:25 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, it sort of goes against Cameroon's sort of longstanding reputation in the region as being fairly welcoming of refugees from neighboring countries. I mean, it has a relatively long history of welcoming people from neighboring conflicts. It still hosts, you know, scores of Central Africans in the east, and it's, you know, has obviously been grappling with the issue of Boko Haram with displaced Nigerians and also Cameroonians up in the area called the Extreme North around the Lake Chad Basin where Boko Haram operates. However, The access that has been afforded to humanitarian groups in those regions is much better.
00:11:05 SPEAKER_02
It has not been hindering humanitarian access in those areas the way that it has almost completely done in the Anglophone areas.
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not been hindering humanitarian access in those areas the way that it has almost completely done in the Anglophone areas. A group present in the northwest -southwest, you're speaking out against the governments and have reported that after they've publicly reported on the extent of the means that the government authorities have blocked their access to populations, not only the Anglophone populations, the northwest, southwest, but also in the extreme north. So there's, you know, some pretty significant intimidation from the government on that front. And some international governments have been calling for unrestricted humanitarian access, but frankly, these calls have been pretty weak. And the government's negative role in the conflict goes beyond blocking access. The government is perpetrating violence against the civilian population. It is repeatedly demanded that international NGOs and UN agencies publicly state that they support government forces. And if they did that, then they would provide them unrestricted access. But this would be against humanitarian principles, and that's not a possibility for a lot of humanitarian groups.
00:12:19 SPEAKER_03
Do you want to make some money? Do you have an idea about how to better integrate civil affairs? If you do, then check out the Civil Affairs Association Call for Papers. Civil affairs integration surfaced as the forefront issue for the future development of the regiment at the conclusion of last year's discussion at the Washington, D .C. Roundtable. However, in order for civil affairs to become a better joint force for integration across multiple domains in human geography, the regiment must first better integrate itself. then with those it works for, by, with, and through. The Civil Affairs Association and
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Jamie Schwandt, Major in the Army Reserve, talks about swarm intelligence, swarm learning, red teams, and how they relate to Civil Affairs. We also discuss lessons learned from Ender's Game. Major Schwandt is a prolific writer. Learn more about him and his ideas at https://www.jamieschwandt.com/
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Being afraid, my third point was leaders' fear that they would expose as frauds.
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Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by special guest Major Jamie Schwand. He's a maverick, critical thinker, leader, and innovator. He challenges the status quo. He's a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Red Team member for the Department of the Army. He's an accomplished writer, publishing in military journals, magazines, and blogs, including the Army Magazine. It's published by AUSA, a partner organization of the Civil Affairs Association. MOA, the Military Officers Association of America, and Task and Purpose. He is the recipient of the Douglas MacArthur Military Leadership Writing Award, sponsored by the Douglas MacArthur Foundation in Norfolk, Virginia, and administered by the Center for Army Leadership. Major Schwan is also the recipient of the Command General Staff College CGSC Iron Pen Award. He is an adjunct professor at the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship in the Department of Health and Human Performance. at the Fort Hayes State University, where he teaches. He's also the 2016 Young Alumni of the Year Award recipient at Fort Hayes. Major Schwant received his doctorate in education from Kansas State University and his MS and BS from Fort Hayes. He has published several books, including Succeeding as a Foster Child, a workbook, Finding Your Hero, and Succeeding as a Foster Child. Major Jamie Schwant, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast. talk with you about the writing you've done over the last several years, some of the more current stuff, and your background as a logistician for the Army, how that may relate to critical thinking applied to the Army and applied to civil affairs. So, sir, I wanted to start with a question about swarm learning. Some people may not have heard about that term before. You've written a lot about swarm learning and swarm intelligence. And I know that the term relates to large groups of insects. So what does swarm learning mean?
00:03:59 SPEAKER_01
example, an ant colony would use because it's completely autonomous, really. It's decentralized. There is no, you know, the queen ant doesn't give commands. Ants, you know, they'll go searching for food, for example. They'll shoot pheromones. Another ant will find those pheromones if it's strong enough, and they'll go to a food source, and they'll deplete that food source. Then they'll spread out, you know, spurs, and shoot more pheromones, you know, kind of like that, and they use simple rules. simplicity underlies complexity, simple rules, instead of complete command and control. And I wrote a piece that was discussing this idea with mission command, where I kind of argued that mission command is essentially swarm intelligence. But without going down a rabbit hole or in a rant, that's kind of the gist of swarm learning.
00:04:48 SPEAKER_04
Okay. How did you come up with the concept? Why was it in the forefront of your mind and in the connection to the military?
00:07:38 SPEAKER_04
It sounds like, I mean, some of that is very historical, looking at the Socratic method, where you may have someone who's an instructor just facilitating thinking, and I don't know if Socrates had all the answers, right? But his approach to students was to facilitate their discussion, and he wasn't always the person, certainly didn't have PowerPoint, but if he did, I don't think he would have used it. He would have just facilitated a discussion in the class.
00:08:50 SPEAKER_04
So that's at college, university level. Normally, as a professor, you would have to submit your syllabus, approved by the department, and, you know, under the auspices of that college, and therefore the provost is for the university, and you're locked in sort of to that syllabus for the semester of that session. How can you, do you have the latitude within a college or university system to adjust course during that semester? You know, I've never asked for...
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question sir because it might be difficult
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question sir because it might be
00:10:24 SPEAKER_04
That's really good to hear. Yeah, I asked that question to lead into my next one because it seems to me like professional military education, PME, is built on the same model for civilian education where professors have to submit their syllabus and for the PME courses that listeners may have gone through or will be going through, it's pretty rigid. And when you talk about taking command and control out of the classroom or reducing it somehow, That is inherent with the military structure. So would you propose that PME shift to the model that you're talking about, and how would that happen?
00:12:29 SPEAKER_04
that's where we're starting here. I want to encourage people to go to your website to find out more about swarm learning and read what you've already published. Sir, you wrote, quote, swarm learning not only teaches students to be comfortable with ambiguity, it weaponizes it, end quote. So could you describe that and offer some examples?
00:15:04 SPEAKER_04
It does, and I think that's the added value of why students are paying to be in person and learn from an instructor like yourself, to stretch their mind, to think outside the box, and to hear new ideas. Folks, you've been listening to an interview with Jamie Schwann, U .S. Army major, logistician, and author. We're going to come back and talk to him about how this is connected possibly with Ender's Game, a popular book, and to connect the concepts of swarm learning and swarm intelligence with red teams.
00:15:39 SPEAKER_04
Do you want to make some money? Do you have an idea about how to better integrate civil affairs? If you do, then check out the Civil Affairs Association Call for Papers. Civil affairs integration surfaced as the forefront issue for the future development of the regiment at the conclusion of last year's discussion at the Washington, D .C. Roundtable. However, in order for civil affairs to become a better joint force for integration across multiple domains in human geography, the regiment must first better integrate itself. then with those it works for, by, with, and through. The Civil Affairs Association and its partners invite civil military professionals to send an originally written issue paper by no later than the close of business Friday 30 August. To better assist authors, you can find recent papers, reports, and articles, as well as an array of cited references and historical documents, and the new online research library under the association website page, Resources. You can also call upon the new Publications Advisory Board for assistance. They'll help you in crafting the argument for your paper. The top five papers will appear in the 2019 -20 Civil Affairs issue papers, and authors will present them at the CA Symposium in Tampa, Florida in October. First prize is $1 ,000, second prize $500, and third prize $250. Good luck to all the authors.
00:17:09 SPEAKER_04
Welcome back to our interview with Major Jamie Schwant. Sir, I wanted to talk to you about swarms and preparing students. Those ideas were popular in Orson Scott Card's famous book, Ender's Game, where it had very young students brought together. They had been pre -selected by society and the military to train them at a higher level. They were fighting against these ant -like formics, and the student leader, Ender Wiggin, was the young warrior who succeeded in ambiguity. Did you get ideas for the swarm learning or swarm intelligence from books like these?
00:18:26 SPEAKER_04
I think it's still required learning for officers in the Marine Corps. I think when they're junior officers, tactical level, it's a book that the Commandant in the Marine Corps encourages Marines to read. That would make sense. It seems like the Marines have that.
00:18:40 SPEAKER_01
that. I love what they have to read.
00:18:43 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, exactly. And there are follow -up books to that. They had several books that Orson Scott Card put out after Ender's Game that carries through time and space, and then the popular movie that came out several years ago. Sir, I wanted to ask you if there are any parts of the military already succeeding with the ideas of swarming or swarm intelligence, whether it's people or technology. I guess I don't know the answer to that. I'm assuming there are.
00:19:09 SPEAKER_01
I mean, you look at some of the swarming robotics or some of the AI that's coming out. I know that I just read something on the U .K. the other day about adopting swarming AI and robotics. I know the military, I can't remember what the U .S. military has.
00:19:55 SPEAKER_04
Sir, I want to try to connect these concepts to red teams. You've gone through the red teaming program at Fort Leavenworth, which is amazing from everyone who's attended. I've heard it's a really good thing. We've got the red team member courses, the red team leader course, which is more involved and more lengthy. So if we can try to frame red teams for the audience right now, who are they? What do red teams do? Where do they operate? And why do they exist?
00:22:06 SPEAKER_04
I wanted to ask you where they operate. They're typically like a staffing element, right, that would support the planting cell.
00:22:55 SPEAKER_04
Okay, so that's connected to an article that you wrote, published in Task and Purpose, titled Five Irrational Reasons Why Military Leaders Hate Red Teaming. What are those five reasons?
00:23:06 SPEAKER_01
I forgot about that one. Sorry, go ahead. What did you say?
00:23:08 SPEAKER_04
Yeah. Sir, can you talk about what those five reasons are? And then the last question we'll get to to close it out is a connection you may see between swarm learning, swarm intelligence, and red teams. Possibilities for it.
00:26:38 SPEAKER_04
the swarm learning, the swarm thinking could be really tied well with red teaming. You just don't know if it is formally right now.
00:27:28 SPEAKER_04
Makes sense. Well, sir, I think we could leave it there. This has been an eye -opening discussion for me to learn more about swarm learning and swarm intelligence. I hope the listeners can go to your website, which is jamieschwant .com, and that is spelled J -A -M -I -E -S -C -H -W -A -N -D -T .com. Your blog is named The Honey Badger, which I think is amazing. The books you've been putting out are great. I really appreciate the articles. I don't know where you find the time with your family and the work that you're doing to put out those articles, but this is the type of critical thinking the Army needs and that the Army and the Marine Corps and everyone else in civil affairs can learn a lot from your thoughts. So I would encourage everyone to go to your website, look at the publications that you've put on there and linked. And is there anything that you have for any final tips for? the listening audience of civil affairs and some of the things you may have coming up in a few months.
00:30:10 SPEAKER_04
man. Sir, I really appreciate your time. Glad you came on the 1CA podcast.
00:30:15 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, thank you.
00:30:23 SPEAKER_03
Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
00:30:39 SPEAKER_00
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Colonel Jay Liddick and Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson discuss the ongoing Force Modernization Assessment, its phases, and potential outcomes for Army Civil Affairs. Colonel Liddick is the CA Commandant and Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson is the Chief of Concept Development, JFK Special Warfare Center and School.
Narayan Khadka, PhD, discusses Nepal, the caste system, and training Army and Marine Corps Civil Affairs. Dr. Khadka is a Psychological Cultural Anthropologist, and holds a doctorate in ethnic and cultural conflict from Nova Southeastern University, and three master’s degrees in conflict resolution, political science, and law from New Delhi, Katmandu, and Greensboro, NC. Originally a refugee from civil war in Nepal, he specializes in the pathology of family and community trauma and breakdown from violent extremism and extremist identity ideology.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today we have Colonel Jay Liddick, CA Commandant, and Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson, Chief of Concept Development, discuss CA in large scale combat operations.
COL Liddick and LTC Dickerson co-authored with Major Linda Chung a paper titled, "Calibrating Civil Affairs Forces for Lethality in Large Scale Combat Operations. Published in Small Wars Journal, the authors argue that, in the future operating environment of Multi-Domain Operations, "CA must counter enemy hybrid warfare in the expanded battlefield, specifically in operational and tactical support areas, as part of an integrated security team through civil reconnaissance, civil network analysis, and civil network development."
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My poor baby. Got a cough and runny nose. Any ideas? Worried mama here.
00:00:06 SPEAKER_01
Sounds like the flu. Did you test for COVID? Probably just allergies. I hope it's nothing serious.
00:00:09 SPEAKER_00
allergies. I hope it's nothing serious. Stop guessing. Just go. With Inova Go Health Urgent Care, reliable care is just a tap away. Book a virtual visit, save your spot, or just go. Walk into a nearby Inova Go Health Urgent Care today.
00:00:29 SPEAKER_02
You know, I think, again, as a military, and rightfully so, we're continually looking for technological advantages.
00:00:37 SPEAKER_02
But, you know, even with AI and the things that have been done, or that have been done in the past and are, you know, working on the future, I just don't believe you can never remove the human -to -human contact. We're never going to be able to put just a sensor out there that understands exactly what people are thinking, who key players are. properly engage and address an operational environment that takes face -to -face, on -the -ground engagement to gain understanding and to influence people.
00:01:19 SPEAKER_01
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. I am John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by a couple special guests from the Army CA proponent down in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. We have Lieutenant Colonel Thurman Scott Dickerson, U .S. Army, currently serving as the Chief of Concept Development at the CA Proponent. He began his career as an armor crewman in 1996 and was commissioned as a Medical Service Corps officer in 2000 from Radford University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Radford and a Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies from the National Defense University. Since 2008, Colonel Dickerson has served in... Diverse conventional and special operations command and staff positions within civil affairs, to include ARSENT CMO Officer Forward, Brigade Executive Officer, and 18th Airborne Corps Deputy G -9. He has deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times, Qatar, Yemen, and served a one -year hardship tour in Kuwait. Colonel Jay Liddick, U .S. Army, currently serves as a civil affairs commandant. He received his commission as an engineer officer from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1995. and holds a Master of Strategic Studies from the U .S. Army War College and a Master of Arts degree in International Relations from Webster University. Since 2004, Colonel Liddick has served in diverse command and staff positions within civil affairs to include Human Resources Command CA Branch Chief, Deputy Brigade Commander, and the Civil Affairs Advisor Irregular Worker Integrator at the U .S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. He is deployed to the Dominican Republic, Bosnia, Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan and Indonesia, and had a one -year tour in Honduras. Colonel Dickerson, Colonel Liddick, thank you very much for being on the One State Podcast, and welcome.
00:03:05 SPEAKER_02
Hey, thank you, John. Really appreciate the opportunity to talk to you and the platform to talk about something we love, civil affairs.
00:03:12 SPEAKER_01
Gentlemen, we wanted to talk today about what's happening within civil affairs and how it relates to large -scale combat operations. And this discussion is really born out of an article that you wrote together with a third author. I'll note it was Linda Chung, Captain Promotable, who by now may be a major, who is also working. Oh, that's great. Well, please tell her hello and congratulations for co -authoring this article with you.
00:03:44 SPEAKER_02
We will. She's an awesome officer.
00:03:46 SPEAKER_01
That's good to hear. I'm glad to hear that also and see that you and other officers are putting out. and some thought leaders within the branch putting out some articles like this. The three of you published in Small Wars Journal an article entitled Calibrating Civil Affairs Forces for Lethality in Large -Scale Combat Operations. For analytic to you, what is going on in sort of the big picture in the Army, and what led you to wanting to write this article?
00:04:27 SPEAKER_02
unprecedented, and I think you'd have to go back to post Vietnam, late 70s, early 80s, you know, creation of TRADOC, and to see similar major changes. The Army's looking at all its processes of how do we modernize, how do we be more agile in adapting and creating the force that's going to be required in the future operating environment.
00:05:01 SPEAKER_02
But with change, there's opportunity. And from a civil affairs perspective and things that we'll get into further as we have this discussion, it's really given us the right point to take a hard look at our force and see what does the civil affairs force of the future need to look like to be integrated at an echelon to help the Army win.
00:05:07 SPEAKER_02
that we'll get into further as we
00:05:19 SPEAKER_02
of the future need to look like to be integrated at an echelon to help the Army win. You know, in competition, but like we talked about, large -scale compound operations. and then getting back into returning to competition. I tell everyone when I speak, the Army's number one warfighting challenge is situational understanding. And my personal and professional perspective on that is, in large part, it's because civil affairs have not been able to deliver our peace to situational understanding, which is, you know, providing a commander that in -depth understanding of the civil environment. article is a thought piece on things that we need to do to adapt specifically in large -scale general combat operations. But I can tell you as a proponent, we're looking hard across force modernization, training, and doctrine, and even personnel, how we develop people, of how do we provide the commanders the right civil affairs capability to need to understand the civil environment, the human geography, if you will.
00:06:44 SPEAKER_01
So, sir, your article that was published in the Small Wars Journal, it depicts the evolution going from combined arms warfare to joint warfare to what we now call hybrid warfare. What would you say about, what is it about hybrid warfare that is fundamentally changing the way that civil affairs forces need to prepare to fight in the future?
00:09:55 SPEAKER_01
Are those actions that adversaries are taking in hybrid warfare mainly in the civil domain? Are they mainly within the wheelhouse of civil affairs forces? Yes. I mean, specifically, I don't want to use specific examples, but specific actions that are being done are proxy forces,
00:10:10 SPEAKER_02
that are being done are proxy forces, special purpose forces that are utilized by a lot of conflict and also in conflict that essentially weaponize forces of the population, create the force multiplier effect for their actions. and give credence to certain political narratives that are used to undermine the will of the adversary.
00:10:26 SPEAKER_02
certain political narratives that are used to undermine the will of the adversary.
00:12:41 SPEAKER_01
So, gentlemen, does that mean that this renewed focus on hybrid warfare, does that require a shift in CA core tasks?
00:14:44 SPEAKER_01
That's good to hear.
00:14:44 SPEAKER_02
That's good to hear.
00:14:45 SPEAKER_01
I just know it takes two to three years to develop something and get it approved, and if a hybrid worker was in mind when that was drafted.
00:14:46 SPEAKER_02
know it takes
00:14:54 SPEAKER_02
It was to a degree, but I don't think to the degree we're able to bring to it with what we're working through with our force modernization assessment that we'll get into.
00:15:42 SPEAKER_01
Okay, good. Gentlemen, could you describe, please, how civil affairs forces could assist land force commanders in securing support areas? And how do we then employ the civil components protection capabilities?
00:16:30 SPEAKER_02
force multiplier for protection through
00:17:02 SPEAKER_02
worry about security.
00:22:30 SPEAKER_01
Ladies and gentlemen, you've been listening to an interview with Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson, Chief of Concept Development of CA Proponent, and Colonel Jay Liddick, the CA Commandant. When we come back from the break, we'll talk with the gentlemen about how they see civil affairs as an ISR platform and some ideas for improving the network analysis capability. We'll be right back.
00:23:07 SPEAKER_01
The Civil Affairs Association continues to expand its value to its members. The Association recently established the Professional Publications Advisory Board and a supporting research library. Founded by the late Dr. Kurt Muller, retired Army colonel, the CA Association Professional Publications Advisory Board comprises scholars and policy and publications experts to assist civil affairs professionals in publishing papers and articles in established professional journals. As a service to association members, the board also provides a research library to conduct research on academic or professional papers. Check out the website to find out which board members may be of greatest help and request their assistance by emailing the board. This is an amazing resource that you will find in many other associations. If you're not yet a member of the Civil Affairs Association, go online to civilaffairsassoc .org and join today.
00:24:20 SPEAKER_01
and our interview with Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson and Colonel Jay Liddick from the CA Commandant's Office. Gentlemen, how do you see civil affairs as an ISR platform as you argued in this paper that was published in Small Wars Journal?
00:26:18 SPEAKER_02
takes face -to -face, on -the -ground engagement to gain understanding and to influence people.
00:26:29 SPEAKER_01
And it's connected to a soft truth, I think the first one, that humans are more important than hardware.
00:26:33 SPEAKER_02
Absolutely. Yes.
00:26:35 SPEAKER_01
So, gentlemen, in my few years in civil affairs, I've seen and heard about a range of tools and approaches to civil network analysis. And how do you think that CA forces need to improve what we do for that network analysis capability?
00:31:06 SPEAKER_01
is in line with, we started this discussion saying that focus more on the how and not the what. And what you just mentioned connects with a previous interview we had with a gentleman named Nick Crowley who did some work in Iraq with human terrain. Nick had talked about how civil affairs forces need more of a process. So we have the SIM process. We have those steps right now. And it ends with analysis and then goes from there. You have something, you produce it, and then you disseminate. And that cycle continues over and over and over again. He was arguing in the discussion that there's not as much information telling the CA forces how to do that work. Yeah.
00:33:40 SPEAKER_01
tied to that, I guess, gentlemen, what do you think that civil affairs forces should be doing to better integrate our reports and the civil information that come out of this process to support the ground force commander staff processes? And I guess, you know, to improve that, why is that not happening now?
00:39:23 SPEAKER_01
Yes, sir. Well, this has been a great conversation. I really appreciate your time. Ladies and gentlemen, Lieutenant Colonel Scott Dickerson, the Chief of Concept Development at the CA Proponent, and Colonel Jay Liddick, Civil Affairs Commandant. Gentlemen, thank you very much for being on the 1CA Podcast.
00:39:40 SPEAKER_02
Hey, thank you, John, again. Really appreciate the platform.
00:40:01 SPEAKER_01
Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
00:40:17 SPEAKER_04
the Virginia Lottery's founding family of scratchers in store. And try the new Bucs triple play online game in -app or online today at valottery .com slash Bucs. Must be 18 or older to play. Please play responsibly. 888 -532 -3500.
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Today, Major Giancarlo Newsome and Captain Jesse Elmore discuss turning the 38G Military Government Specialist program from strategy to reality.
Their article, "Civil Affairs 38G Functional Specialists: From Strategy to Reality," tied for third place at the 2018 CA Symposium. It was published in the 2018-2019 Civil Affairs Issue Papers on "Optimizing Civil Affairs." Copies are available to download on the Civil Affairs Association website.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_03
If they can dominate, let's say, a province's justice system, commerce system, we, and they are an enemy, I think the same logic and approach can be applied. And you train the generalists, just like you train military soldiers to go on patrol. The generalists are on patrol. identify targets, and just like maybe a soldier lazes a target, a generalist lazes a target for 38 goblins to come in and bring in the weapon system to take it out.
00:00:52 SPEAKER_00
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Major... John Carla Newsome and Captain Jesse Elmore, authors of a CA issue paper entitled Civil Affairs 38 Golf Functional Specialists from Strategy to Reality. And it was tied for third place among the CA issue papers from 2018. Major Newsome and Captain Elmore, welcome to the 1CA podcast. Thank you.
00:01:18 SPEAKER_03
Thank you, John.
00:01:20 SPEAKER_00
Gentlemen, I wanted to... I ask you if you could introduce yourselves to the listening audience, Major Newsom, you first. What are you doing in the CA community?
00:01:29 SPEAKER_03
Well, John, I am relatively new to the CA community, stumbled into it. My background is aviation, and I think it was kind of like discovering a hidden gem,
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think it was kind of like discovering a hidden gem, the Army's best -kept secret. And with my background, when I came in, the 38 Golf program, I was introduced to it, and it really fit well my background and just even my connections,
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in, the
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really fit well my background and just even my connections, and saw that it was a great strategy.
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my connections,
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that it was a great strategy. As I got more involved there, I realized that there's kind of a missing gap between connecting the strategy to reality, getting these 38 Gulf's talent as weapon systems into the hands of the 38 Alphas and the combatant commanders downrange.
00:02:03 SPEAKER_04
I got
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the strategy to reality, getting these 38 Gulf's talent as weapon systems into the hands of the 38 Alphas and the combatant commanders downrange. Yeah.
00:02:19 SPEAKER_00
Well, welcome to the community. I'm glad that you ran into someone who was CA or somehow got convinced to come over. Appreciate it. And Captain Elmore, how about you?
00:02:28 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, so I've been doing CA for a little while. Did a ROC deployment at the TNC for Civil Affairs 0809, and then was deployed in 1213 for a civil affairs planning team at Regional Command South in Kandahar. So the relationship between Major Newsom and I is more of a – he's got the brains on the 38 golf expertise. And I've seen firsthand the void, that gap that needs to be filled, trying to implement development things on ground, in theater, to have non -lethal and sometimes lethal effects. And not myself being an expert in a field such as – commerce or economics, et cetera. So the relationship there is one of where I have seen and felt the need for this assistance, you know, being able to phone a friend, as it were. And then Major Newsom is that expert to fill that gap, as it were, for this kind of a field.
00:03:31 SPEAKER_00
Right. Major Newsom, you're 38 golf, and Captain Elmore, you're 38 alpha, so you've got the tag team that you mentioned bringing together. Major Newsom, Could you describe for listeners who may not be familiar with 38 Golf what it means and how it differs from 38 Alpha or 38 Bravo?
00:03:49 SPEAKER_03
38 Alpha and Bravo, they're the kind of eyes and ears for civil considerations for the field, the combatant commanders on the field. They're identifying problems, threats that aren't kinetic in effect, right,
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to help the combatant commander realize it. his mission and achieve his lines of effort. 38 golfs are theoretically,
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and I say theoretically because it's not, the connection's not been made, that's kind of the point of the paper, is when that 38 golf runs into, let's say, a threat, let's say there's a power shortage, there's a water issue, there's rampant unemployment, there's law and order challenges. One of 18 different functional specialty areas that the Army has defined as potential, and I'll just define it, threat or instability areas. The 38 Alpha, the way I understand the process to work, is supposed to have reachback capability to get some expertise to help that. Today, per a paper that General Garner wrote, he was a former USKPOC commander, pretty much we just tell young captains, hey, just figure it out, go find a solution for that. power issue that commerce issue and of course our soldiers being great the good army ethos to figure it out you know take the hill with a knife we have to um they do a great job but we know that that's only a short -term result with some long -term disadvantages and i've heard it countless times from jesse and others that you know we might not got a an oer bullet that sounds good but we're we can kind of create some non -race problems and it's been a problem i've heard repeated over and over which hurts our relevancy as a branch. How did I do, Jesse? Yeah, that sounds exactly right. As a generalist of the Alpha, 30 Alpha, we can find problems. We run into them all the time on the battlefield, but we don't have necessarily the expertise to solve those problems or even fully understand them. So the bleach back to the golf that is one of those 18 specialties is a huge asset.
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a huge asset. point behind the paper.
00:06:03 SPEAKER_00
Yeah. So let's get to that paper. You already talked about how it's requiring a shift from a strategy to reality. Could you start by talking about the current state of the 38 Gulf program and why is it not a reality?
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I think the strategy that we just shared, you know, everyone nodded the vertical. Sounds great.
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The practical application of getting a 38 Gulf to leverage their expertise, their network support of 38 Alpha. That tactical function, the devil is in the detail, has not been worked out. So, you know, there is a process by which a unit says, I need so many, you know, M9s, M4s. And a unit acquires them, right, and gets ammunition to pay for them. There is no such structure to engage, let's say, these 38 Gulf weapon systems. Okay.
00:07:06 SPEAKER_00
Gentlemen, you described three steps to close from strategy to reality. First, you call for Army leadership not to give up on the 38 Gulf program. Second, you suggest resolving practical problems non -bureaucratically with a commercial off -the -shelf mindset and approach. And then third, you want to create an open API mobile app. So if we could start at the first step there. Do you get a sense that civil affairs or big army leadership cares for 38 golf program and will support its growth? And do you have any evidence for or against that?
00:07:40 SPEAKER_03
There is no program support for 38 golfs. There is no even informal group. Like I'm a commerce. That's my functional specialty is commerce and trade. I don't know who my peers are. I don't have a lead mentor to coach me, to share best practices. As like we do at the generalist level, there is no qualification course or even, you know, I forgot what the name of the course is, like for doctors, kind of that, you know, we bring in doctors and, you know, there's a formation course to help doctors know how to assimilate and be effective, you know, in an Army environment. Also, the IMST, Institute for Support to Military Governance, it was unfunded. So from my view, there's a missing executive champion. at senior army leaders and i just think we've you know it's uh not by anyone's intention it's just uh it's easier it seems easier to focus on the more traditional kinetic fight sure yeah okay yeah absolutely i would second i would second that too and um so my second deployment experience afghanistan regional command south was referred to as the stability platform at the regional command
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okay yeah
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my second deployment experience afghanistan regional command south was referred to as the stability platform at the regional command So it's a two -star command, and the leaf eater side of it is the stability platform, and ostensibly it's partnership with the State Department and USAID, which it was absolutely the case. But we came there as a civil affairs planning team, without gulfs,
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to do planning for four provinces for the future stability of the southern part of Afghanistan.
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And that came with all of its challenges to all the different sectors, all the 18 specialties that Major Newsome represents. And we came as a planning team, as reservists, and we didn't have on paper identified one golf. It sort of predated the program a little bit. But today, talking with colleagues that are coming out of the 95th, 96th, there's still a lack of integration of the golfs into any operational framework.
00:09:55 SPEAKER_00
Gentlemen, we have five core tasks in civil affairs. Do you think that there are some of those core tasks that are more closely aligned with 38 Gulf than others?
00:10:06 SPEAKER_03
We talked in the paper about just conceptually as the Gulf being a weapon system. So that concept as a weapon system then moves us away from some of the supports of civil authorities kind of thing. more touchy -feely parlance, and it moves us towards the real tactical find, fix, finish, and follow -through notions. And that's where Major Newton and I really connected on the topic was because he could see it from his aviation background and expertise in commerce and realized that, yeah, we have the five areas for civil affairs,
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we have the
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for civil affairs, but we're not even utilizing civil affairs in the context of action. It's really, at best, a supporting effort. And over the phases of operation, you know, we would posture that it could be a main effort. If you looked at this Gulf thing as a main weapon system, like you would look at operational deployments of main battle tanks, you know, thinking about how you're going to find, fix, and finish bad guys through civil domain. So that's a long answer to that question, but that's kind of the concept.
00:11:19 SPEAKER_00
Yeah, I think it's a good idea because that's the way we need to frame it for combatant command, certainly, and Futures Command or anyone else that's been working the last couple of years on lethality and winning the fight the same way that Chief of Staff of the Army or General Lucky for the Army Reserve or anyone else who's been talking about it. We need every soldier to be ready to fight as quickly as possible to engage with and destroy the enemy, and every program needs to be aligned with that. So I think you're talking about this in the right terms. It's the question now of how to turn it from strategy to reality. When I was at the IMSG, I got a chance to work at the Institute for Military Support to Governance. We went through the .mil PFP for 38 Gulf program, and a few of the hot topics were trying to figure out the appropriate levels of war in which to embed 38 Gulf. What are your thoughts on whether 38 Gulf personnel should be used at strategic, operational, or tactical levels?
00:12:18 SPEAKER_03
Well, maybe just to kind of connect Jesse's last thought, is the enemy operates at those three levels.
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enemy operates at those three levels. And the enemy can be lethal in ways that don't necessarily involve kinetic guns and bullets, right? If they can dominate, let's say, a province's justice system, commerce system. We, and they are an enemy.
00:12:51 SPEAKER_03
I think the same logic and approach can be applied. And you train the generalists, just like you train infantry soldiers to, you know, to go on patrol. The generalists are on patrol in these sectors, identify targets, and just like maybe a soldier lazes a target. A generalist lays as a target for 38 Gulf to come in and bring in the weapon system to take it out. Now, obviously, it's more complex, right? And I think maybe that's the challenge we have, but it's also an enormous opportunity.
00:13:24 SPEAKER_00
Yeah. Captain Elmore, what do you think about how 38 Gulf, should they be used at all levels? And how would you weight them? So if you have 500 personnel, do you think more of them should go to the operational tactical levels or put them as strategic?
00:13:43 SPEAKER_03
forward each of those expertise is at all the levels. We have an example right now of, you know, with Venezuela, where the humanitarian list is sort of that kick -in -the -door operation. Is that tactical? Is that operational? Is that strategic? You know, the jury's out on that one, but we can see that it's something that's at all those levels. How many get weighted towards which endeavor, which level? I don't know. I know that we have, all three of us, experienced some hemming and hawing over coulda, shoulda with previous engagements, whether it's Iraq or Afghanistan, and the forethought, or maybe lack thereof, that went into those mission plans and the effects that those had, strategic and operational and tactical. I can talk, having worked at tactical and operational levels,
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levels, that they're slowly needed and slowly lacking. And I've seen where we weren't able to get the desired effects to support a line of effort for support commander because we couldn't solve the problems in front of us. We could identify them, but we just didn't have the ability to solv
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Nicholas Krohley, PhD, Founder of FrontLine Advisory, and author of "The Death of the Mehdi Army," discussing human terrain and the need for better processes to integrate the mission of Civil Affairs with other military elements.
00:00:01 SPEAKER_00
With New Year's resolutions, many of us will make a vow to eat healthier, and that's a good thing. But what about our beloved pets and their nutrition? Greetings, I'm naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black, and here at Meow Greens, we're on a mission to provide better nutrition for all cats, because truthfully, all cat food is dead food, which is why we created Meow Greens in the first place. We bring their dead food back to life with live vitamins, minerals, probiotics, enzymes, omega oils, antioxidants, and so much more. All with a tasty formula that your cat will love. You can improve your cat's coat, digestion, and energy, and have less vet bills. Let 2025 bring a new year and a new pet. Get a Jumpstart trial bag, normally $20. Get a 100 % discount with promo code MEOW. You discover the shipping. Bring your pet's food back to life. Get your free Jumpstart trial bag. Go to meowgreens .com. Use promo code MEOW, M -E -O -W. So good your cat will ask for it by name.
00:01:00 SPEAKER_01
As soon as we took our foot off the gas and we backed off, ultimately withdrew from Iraq, it was remarkably fast that the Islamic State kind of rose up from the ashes. And it's a cautionary tale, I think, when you look at it. The money that was spent, the resources allocated,
00:01:19 SPEAKER_01
the intensity of the campaign that we took against al -Qaeda and Iraq. As soon as you stop, those gains are not consolidated by virtue of what you've been doing. It has to be linked up.
00:01:29 SPEAKER_04
It has
00:01:49 SPEAKER_03
and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Dr. Nicholas Crowley, who is a consultant and researcher. He's the founder of Frontline Advisory and the author of The Death of the Medi Army, the rise, fall, and revival of Iraq's most powerful militia. Nick specializes in firsthand examination of localized dynamics of conflict development and urbanization in the developing world. His work aligns strategic plans with local realities. and equips frontline operational personnel with the skill sets and local insights necessary for success. Nick had previously served as a social scientist with the Human Terrain System. He also contributed to various NATO initiatives to integrate social -cultural information into military planning and operational processes, and he was instrumental in designing and delivering research planning and collection training for the UK's Defense Cultural Specialist Unit. Nick has Ph .D. and M .A. degrees from King's College London and a B .A. from Yale University. His book, The Death of the Mighty Army, was excerpted in Foreign Affairs, reviewed in Millie's Quarterly as, quote, the best recent book on Iraq, and shortlisted by RUSI for the Duke of Westminster's Medal as Book of the Year in the Field of International Relations and Military Studies. Dr. Nick Crowley, thank you for being on the 1CA Podcast, and welcome.
00:03:11 SPEAKER_01
Thank you. Thanks for having me.
00:03:13 SPEAKER_03
Now, you're calling from London, where you're currently residing, and you've got your own firm. Where can people go to find out more information about Frontline?
00:03:21 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, if you look up frontlineadvisory .com, there's a whole overlay of business and what we do and how we do it.
00:03:28 SPEAKER_03
That's great. And where are you doing some of your work now?
00:03:32 SPEAKER_01
So our work varies. We're doing some work at Fort Bragg with CA around the concepts we'll talk about today. We're also doing some very similar work in Iraq with the Iraqi government. We're looking to develop capabilities along these lines. Then there's a commercial side of the business. And if you think about the skill sets of human terrain analysis and the idea of helping the military go into an unfamiliar environment and make sense of what's happening on the ground, we do a version of that for Western companies going into the Middle East and Africa. How do they take a local view of what matters about the human terrain, the landscape around them, socially, culturally? dealing with things like labor issues, security issues, community relations, and that sort of thing.
00:04:17 SPEAKER_03
That's great. And so that's built on your background of working in that area of operations, is that right?
00:04:23 SPEAKER_01
Yeah. So it's based around personal experience in the Middle East and North Africa, principally. And also, my work with the Army was formative in terms of how we think about... entering into difficult environments and the way we take a view on what's happening and what matters. My time with Human Terrain System was definitely a formative experience just trying to go into an environment like Iraq and figure out where do we start to look, what questions do we ask, how do we ask them, and then how do we integrate those answers into a practical decision -making process. So the lessons I took from that early experience back in 2008. has shaped what I've done since then, you know, on the military side from a training standpoint and on the commercial side, providing advisory services.
00:05:16 SPEAKER_03
That's awesome. And so you referred to some of the questions that we're going to get into. So I wanted to tell listeners about the article that sparked the interest in talking to you today. It was published by the Modern War Institute at West Point. That's part of USMA. It's entitled Moving Beyond Post -9 -11 Manhunt. translating tactical wins into strategic success. And it sounds to me very similar to what we're talking about in the CA community about consolidating gains. You've made some progress on influencing the human population for the commander's intent, moving towards some of the lines of effort and integrating civil information, for example, but how that can be translated to a higher level for strategic success. And I think that's the gist of what you're talking about in this article. Is that right?
00:06:04 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, and the word integration is key in all this. And you hit on that right there. It's how do we get all these different lines of effort joined up? And the article looks at some of the issues we've had where we develop extraordinary capabilities. And the article itself focuses on lethal targeting. We have this amazing capability, but how well are we actually joining it up with the other lines of effort that have to complement it? so that we can achieve a result. Yeah.
00:06:35 SPEAKER_03
So we'll talk about that. You argue that despite how the U .S. military has incredible efficiency in hunting and killing enemy targets, the U .S. government is just failing to turn these tactical wins into strategic success. And you argue that lethal targeting, largely through drone strikes, is something that's here to stay. And that can just continue to evolve as new technologies emerge. One article stuck out to me that you wrote, quote, a growing reliance on lethal targeting as a core instrument of foreign policy should be worrying. Why is that the case?
00:07:09 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, I mean, the short answer to that is because it hasn't worked in terms of delivering a strategic result. The lethal targeting approach, whether you talk about drones, you talk about direct action, it's here to stay, I think, because... At first glance, at least, it's a pretty good or pretty appealing solution to a lot of the asymmetric threats we're looking at in the Middle East and Africa and elsewhere. It's low profile. It's inexpensive comparatively. And we can romanticize this idea of sort of a surgical approach to counterterrorism, a surgical approach to counter -narcotics, and even aspects of stabilization. The problem is that you have to find a way to link it up elsewhere. We look at this idea. We can go in with kinetic action, lethal action, and achieve certain effects. And you look at how good we are at doing this. And the technology involved, the people involved, there are incredible capabilities there. But think about the theaters in which we've applied it. Let's think about one where it's actually delivered a result that's commensurate to our proficiency. And you just don't see it. I don't see a break away from this as an element or a core element of our approach. When you look at the frustration and the disillusionment, the return on investment we got from all the development and capacity building work done in Iraq and Afghanistan, billions of dollars were spent to very limited effect. I was in Baghdad in September. You can go around that city and challenge yourself to find the legacy of SERP spending. How many billions of dollars were spent? And the lingering effect of that are concrete T -walls. It really wasn't as effective as it ought to have been. And we can look back to, well, this didn't work and it's expensive and we don't want to do this anymore. The U .S. isn't in the nation -building business anymore. And it's tempting or it's kind of sexy as well to fall back upon this direct action approach, this lethal targeting approach to just surgically managing threats worldwide. you know, through special operations forces, through drone strikes, etc. But there's danger in that because, again, we haven't seen a result from it. And there are some examples in the article about, you know, instances in which it just didn't deliver. And, you know, what you wind up doing, you know, in the best case scenario, is this sort of never -ending whack -a -mole exercise where you're disrupting networks, like we did in Iraq during the surge, and you're keeping the enemy off balance. But at worst, you can have all kinds of unintended consequences. Civil affairs is very much in the second and third order effects business, right? And you can run these campaigns, and I talk about Mexico in the article. They ran an incredibly efficient lethal targeting campaign targeting the cartels, which had monstrous unintended consequences. We can talk about that a bit later if you want.
00:10:12 SPEAKER_03
I'm thinking back to a book that I read called The Mission the Men and Me by Pete Blaber. And he's a former Green Beret who wrote about some of his experience in training. And he talked about the need to always have a guy or gal on the ground. And despite the drone strikes that may have been called in, he felt like he needed to have someone on the ground to confirm or deny intelligence and to assist with the targeting. But to get a sense of... what enemy movements have been like and whether the local population is for or against you. And you just can't win things remotely all the time. Right. What has been your experience about having a guy or gal on the ground relating to the human terrain team or the work that you're doing now? What's the value added to that?
00:11:01 SPEAKER_01
the value added to that? I think having that human being on the ground is absolutely essential. And this is something that's sort of a big theme in the work that I do. And I was over at the staff college here in the UK yesterday, actually, talking about this to a group there. There's a big push toward, you know, the technologization, I guess, to make up a word of analysis and of intelligence and this idea that we can remotely understand what's happening to these various sensor systems and remotely man drones, et cetera. and just sort of keep our hands clean to a certain extent. My point of view is that local human eye is absolutely essential. You need someone on the ground to ask the right questions, to look at what's happening, to make sense of why things are happening, because technology and the systems we have can give us the all -seeing eye. You can have real -time coverage of all these different things, but nothing in that whole system or that system of systems enables us to make sense of it. What does it mean? We see these things happening. We see troop movements. We have various data streams on economic activity, instances of violence, etc. What does it mean? The technology and the rest can show us correlation that can identify patterns, but it can't explain any of it. And the challenge is to have someone on the ground or with access to people on the ground to get into it. Now, that's the first step to my mind. And it's easy, I think, to... not along to that if you think that way where it gets difficult is executing and this is where i remember reading the coin manual back in 2007 where you can read that and you can read the new ca manual i found it to be a very similar document where you can read it and agree and there's all these different you know assess this understand that you know remain cognizant of this monitor that there are these sort of statements of intent of things to do but how do you pivot from theory to action uh you know what do i do with you know i can sit there and think i have human terrain is a decisive terrain and the population is the center of gravity and all these great quotes but if i'm there you know in yemen on a thursday afternoon what do i do with that you know that's a big place where the human terrain system fell down is that it didn't have a systematic answer to that question you know what is the process what is the method through which When we're there on the ground, we figure out what matters. Because one of the huge challenges of any human terrain type endeavor or civil reconnaissance, whatever you want to call it, this is variations of the same thing, is where do you start? If you think about a place like Yemen or even a city, I think of a city like Mosul in Iraq. This is something I talk with the Iraqis about. How do you go into that environment and figure out what matters? How do you go in and take a view of... The fundamentals of the human terrain, what are the different things we have to be aware of? How do they relate to different objectives? How do they relate to the campaign of the enemy? There's so much going on. Knowing where to start and having a process to follow is absolutely critical. That was the biggest takeaway for me from my time with the human terrain system in operational terms. We had to develop on the fly. a process and a method you know our own system uh and then you know refine it over time by doing uh this is something that you know looking around you know
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Dale Yeager, CEO, Seraph the Problem Solving Company, provides tips to keep you safe when traveling abroad.
Host John McElligott.
Background song "Something Elated" by Broke For Free.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_01
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00:00:24 SPEAKER_02
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00:01:20 SPEAKER_03
podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We have a special guest, Mr. Dale Yeager, who is a forensic profiler and CEO of Serif, the problem -solving company. Dale's been working with clients for, I think it's about over 20, 25 years now. Your company, Serif, focuses on specialized consulting and training in the spaces of legal eye -building security. And the firms that you deal with tend to be in education, legal, business, law enforcement, and government. And the tie for today is discussing tips that you and the company could provide regarding travel safety. And since this audience is civil affairs and national security, we want to talk about tips that you may have for civil affairs folks, if they are operating or if they're government employees traveling abroad, how they can reduce their footprint, pack you know the right way how they can try to reduce their profile and as a target so um we want to welcome mr dale yeager to the podcast thank you hi john how you doing thank you for having me doing very well you know we've known each other for a couple years now and um really enjoyed hearing everything that serif has been doing over the last uh several decades could you tell people about the history of the company briefly well back in uh
00:02:58 SPEAKER_03
Washington, D .C., and the program was shut down. And I ended up, through a very close family friend meeting, Sam Sullivan. And for those of you who don't know, if you've ever watched the...
00:04:30 SPEAKER_03
That's great. Congratulations in 20 years. Thank you. Thank you. So you and the company put out a lot of travel tips. You have an amazing Twitter feed. You have blog posts that you put up. And some of the content focuses on travel safety. What are the questions that your clients bring to you regarding travel safety? And they're probably connected to what we want to talk about for civil affairs. Several years ago, I just... conflicts of Okay.
00:09:08 SPEAKER_03
And so how does it start? For example, if you're in the military, if you have a security clearance, you need to, whether it's personal or professional travel, you have to get a clearance briefing with the intel person. Let's go to the S2, for example, and say, hey, I'm going to travel, take a vacation to go to Costa Rica or Canada or got some work. I'm going to go to this country. Then you have to get a brief, and they have to say, okay, yeah, it's secure enough for you to go, or when you go, you need to keep these things in mind. When clients come to you, where do you start in that conversation? Which country do you want to go to, but how do you prepare for it? Well, forget the...
00:12:20 SPEAKER_03
Most countries are not ADA compliant or care about that. Correct. Right. So that's number one is your medical issues, your body, and all the people traveling with you. Next thing is, what are you going to wear? So there's a concept called the everyman.
00:12:38 SPEAKER_03
The everyman is preppers do this, people that are waiting for the zombie apocalypse. So how do you dress like an everyman? Anybody that's an intelligence officer has learned how to do this.
00:14:34 SPEAKER_03
They start looking at you from the bottom up sometimes. Look at your shoes first, right?
00:16:07 SPEAKER_03
Those are great points, Dale. So one thing I wanted to bring up with you is the off -duty operator. The concept of the clothing that 511 Tactical or some other related companies that are outdoor -ish, very functional, great pockets. So if you're a concealed carry or if you've got some wallets that you want to add somewhere else or whatever it is, a key for something, you're not going to have a ball cap that has the Fort Bragg 5K. Written on the back of it. Yeah. So the military, for the military folks listening, the military has some descriptions of what those items and what that attire would be. Are you recommending just throw that out the window and get into a country and buy local clothing? Or buy the, what is the nondescript? No, you don't have to buy local clothing. You don't have to buy local clothing, but the pocket pants, that is not something people generally wear overseas. It'll make you stand out. Yeah. Now, if you don't care, that's your business. But if you want to travel safely, you don't want to stand out like that. And by the way, nobody's buying that you're Canadian, so please don't try that either. But I think that you have to do some homework.
00:17:32 SPEAKER_03
some homework.
00:18:29 SPEAKER_03
It's not a big leap, but it's different. I have to humble myself and say, okay, these people know this weapon because I don't know this weapon. I know the M16. So humble yourself. You've been listening to the 1CA podcast and our interview with Mr. Dale Yeager. When we come back, we'll ask Dale about the importance of culture and other tips to keep you safe when traveling abroad.
00:19:05 SPEAKER_00
We're looking for a few good men and women to assist with one CA. Help us to record interviews. Heck, if I can do it, then anyone can. At least that's what my wife says. It doesn't take much. Just find an interesting person, prepare some questions, set your smartphone to record and have a conversation. And you may be famous. Think about all the lines you're going to skip outside of busy nightclubs. Or the easy access to scan groceries without needing assistance from a store manager. Whenever the machine breaks down or doesn't recognize the weight of bananas that you've moved into your own bag.
00:19:37 SPEAKER_03
of bananas that you've moved into your own bag. All of that and more may be possible when you're working on the 1CA podcast. If you're interested, then please send us an email at capodcasting at gmail .com. As a side note, I should say that producing episodes for 1CA has none of the benefits I just mentioned. But you would meet very smart people, learn more about civil affairs, and maybe just maybe. become a media mogul. So please email us at capodcasting at gmail .com. Thanks.
00:20:16 SPEAKER_03
Welcome back to the 1CA Podcast. I'm your host, John McElligot. We continue the conversation with Mr. Dale Yeager of SARA.
00:24:05 SPEAKER_03
Carry yourself. How would a person, especially if they had military experience, there's a tendency that even regardless of the clothing that you're wearing, there's a way that you may carry yourself with your shoulders and your head up that will kind of give it away that, oh, he's a person who's military trained or maybe American. Are there ways that Americans walk on a street that other people don't? And how would you change the way that you carry yourself to blend in?
00:26:03 SPEAKER_03
Yeah. Don't they have an inside voice? I go, no, that's their voice. And they were bad people. I mean, it's just that they were talking very loudly inside what is basically a museum. Yeah. So, again. Quaker or not.
00:27:52 SPEAKER_03
You're just asking for trouble. Yeah, nothing good happens after midnight. Yeah, nothing good happens after midnight. And people say, oh, that's nonsense. I go, well, okay. You look at the crime statistics, most violent crime on the streets is happening after midnight. So I think the stats tell the story.
00:28:16 SPEAKER_03
They do. Well, Dale, this has been a fascinating discussion. ask you where people could go to follow the company to get more information about Seraph, and if they're a potential client, where they can go to contact you? My email is very simple. It's dale, D -A -L -E, at seraph .net. And we have a website, seraph .net, S -E -R -A -P -H .net. We're pretty easy to find on Google. And the last thing I would say to you is get to know the staff. Yes. Please, I beg of you, when you travel, even if it's on government business, sign up for STEP. Literally, it will save your life. It's free.
00:29:29 SPEAKER_03
Exactly. Thank you. Dale, thank you very much for being here. Serif provides legal liability and security problem solving for the education, legal, business, law enforcement, and government communities. You've been doing this for the last 20 years. Congratulations on 20 -year anniversary. And if people have more questions, they can email Dale and go online to serif .net. There's also another website, which is serifproblemsolving .com. So check out their information. Check out the Twitter feed with free information about travel tips. And if you ever want to know a lot more about Dale's background, his bio and everything is online. It's quite extensive. And the company he's been leading for the last 20 years is amazing. Dale Yeager, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast. Thank you very much.
00:30:20 SPEAKER_00
Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
00:30:34 SPEAKER_01
Powder your wigs and fasten your buckles. The Virginia Lottery has a new family of scratchers. From Washington to Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, and Jackson, these new scratchers are historic to say the least. And with the new Bucks triple play online game, you get three games in one. Play in -store, in -app, or online today at valottery .com slash bucks.
00:30:58 SPEAKER_02
Must be 18 or older to play. Please play responsibly. 888 -532 -3500.
Welcome to One CA Podcast. today, we have Cori Wegener, Director of the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative, discussing cultural heritage preservation, Monuments Men, black market sales of antiquities, the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield, and work in Syria and Iraq.
Background song "Something Elated" by Broke For Free.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_02
There's a discussion going on right now about Mosul, about preserving or trying to reconstruct historic sites. Is that really what the local population wants, or do they really want their houses rebuilt, et cetera? So it's really good to be aware of the ongoing conversation and what the local values are.
00:00:39 SPEAKER_01
And welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Cori Wegner. She's the director of the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative, SCRI, an outreach program dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage and crisis situations in the U .S. and abroad. She's a former member of the civil affairs community for the Army, former CA officer, and has been working extensively on projects in Syria, Iraq, Haiti, Nepal, and elsewhere throughout the world. Corey Wagner, thank you very much for being on the One State Podcast, and welcome.
00:01:12 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, thanks a lot for having me.
00:01:14 SPEAKER_01
So we met in 2015 when we were doing, it was my first introduction, actually, to the civil affairs world training session at the Smithsonian. So you were working there at that time, and you walked us through essentially the history of the laws regarding cultural preservation. Talked a little bit about the modern -day mission of Monuments Men because I think this was shortly after the movie had come out. And it was still fresh in people's minds, so we made that connection as well. And then we went out to a satellite location, I guess, for the Smithsonian where a lot of items are preserved and maintained. And we talked sort of hands -on about that process for preserving cultural heritage. I thought it was amazing training. I think it's something that a lot of other CA soldiers and Marines should be able to go through, especially in the D .C. area. We're kind of fortunate to have so many federal agencies right there. So I want to get to some of those items later in the conversation. But first, talk about your connection to civil affairs. So you retired as a major in the Army Reserve. You spent 13 years in CA. I want to ask you who or what brought you into CA?
00:02:28 SPEAKER_02
Well, first of all, I enlisted right out of high school in the Army Reserve, and I did a couple different things. And then I got my ROTC commission, and I was in the Quartermaster Corps, and I went to the first Gulf War. I deployed to Germany, which was awesome, but I also was a little bit bored and thought I missed out.
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I also was a little bit bored and thought I missed out. My undergrad was in political science. I learned about civil affairs, and it kind of seemed like an obvious fit for me. I was living in Kansas City, Missouri at the time, so I switched branches and I went to the 418th Civil Affairs Battalion. So with that emphasis on political science and the cultural landscape and understanding what's going on in the communities that we're engaged in, I was hooked. And I also made my husband Paul switch branches as well. He was also a civil affairs officer.
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That's great.
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So you've been working in cultural heritage for quite a while. Can you talk to people about what cultural heritage means and who says whether something is worth preserving?
00:03:29 SPEAKER_02
Well, yeah, that last part is the really tough one, right? Because it can be different. People can have different values depending on, you know, even in the same community, people can have different values. For instance, just the conversation about Civil War memorials here in the United States, and that's just one example. But so cultural heritage is what we inherit from past generations. that really informs our sense of identity and community and history, how we see ourselves. It's also what we create now and hand down to future generations. So a lot of people divide cultural heritage into two parts. There's tangible, that you can touch, see, and feel, and then there's the intangible, things we know or things that we express. Tangible heritage can be museums with all kinds of different collections of art, history, archaeology, scientific collections. or libraries, archives, cultural and historic sites and monuments, cemeteries, architecture, even whole urban landscapes of buildings that are historic, and also archaeological sites. So that subset, some people also call cultural property, which is important when you think about the Hague Convention, which I think we're going to talk about maybe a little bit later. And then there's the intangible. expressions like music, dance, and poetry, and also craft and traditional practice like cooking and recipes or traditional craft making. And then even the really important ones like wine making and beer brewing. Those are all forms of intangible cultural heritage that we pass down.
00:05:07 SPEAKER_01
Okay. So I see why the Smithsonian cares about preserving cultural heritage. It's connected to the mission of the Smithsonian. But there is an overlap with civil affairs and the Department of Defense. Why does DOD care about cultural heritage?
00:05:21 SPEAKER_02
I think DOD should care about it or does care about it in part because it's an international treaty, of course, the 1954 Hague Convention. So it's part of the law of war. It's the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in Armed Conflict. So what we just talked about, the tangible and intangible, the Hague Convention doesn't really protect intangible heritage, but mostly the tangible, the sites, museum collections, etc. Another interesting thing that a lot of people don't realize is the Hague Convention of 1954 was drafted. in the aftermath of world war ii and a lot of the elements of it they were looking back to what they considered the successful work of the monuments men in world war ii so there was a lot of input from people who observed that that protective element of what they were trying to do and thought it was a good thing so hence the treaty um but implementing the Protections of Hague, it's not just about compliance with international law. I think DOD and military operators should be interested in it because it's also part of understanding the civil information environment. Cultural heritage is a subset of cultural awareness. So it's not enough to know how to drink tea or that you should avoid showing the soles of your shoes in a meeting if you're in the Arab world or things like that. Cultural heritage is... More, it's like knowing where these religious and historic sites are located, establishing the connections with those cultural caretakers and understanding the local value that populations place on these sites. And that can make or break mission success if you choose poorly. So it's particularly true in ethnic and religious conflicts, as one would guess. So it's part of governance, too, because. Unlike the United States, most other countries in the world have a Ministry of Culture, and so the management of all those cultural sites is a government responsibility. So I think that's why DOD should care about it.
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So you talk about how DOD should care about it. Has DOD been caring about it for the last several years?
00:07:34 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, I think we're definitely miles ahead of where we were. Say, for instance, in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq, there was there was attention paid to the planning. But then the execution, we just, you know, didn't have enough people and there wasn't enough attention paid to the particular sites. And there are a lot of good, viable reasons for that. And I think we learned a lot from that. Like it can really be a bad thing if internationally. There's this attitude that the U .S. didn't care about Iraq's cultural heritage enough to protect those sites. And so it's been a gradual thing, but I think they do care about it more now. There's become many different training programs. The Marine Corps CMO school at Quantico teaches 12 hours of cultural property protection in their civil affairs school. The SWCC teaches. some cultural heritage elements as part of their training and especially in their field training for the CA school.
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CA school. So it's gradually becoming more and more. There's stuff in various field manuals. We actually have GTA 41 -01 -02 Civil Affairs, Arts, Monuments, and Archives Guide that's available out there both online and in print. But, you know, I think we could do more. I know the 38 Golf Program has cultural officers as part of that program, and I wish we had more of those and that there was a way for them to come together and train together more. But overall, we're making progress.
00:09:08 SPEAKER_01
That's good to hear. So you mentioned the connection to Iraq. Could you talk about what happened during and after the 2003 looting of the Iraq National Museum?
00:09:18 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, I can talk about that a little bit. I know the 352nd Civil Affairs Command was the command that was deployed for that mission, and I wasn't with them at the time. I was actually scheduled to go to Afghanistan with my unit at the time, which was the 407th out of Minneapolis.
00:09:39 SPEAKER_02
I mean, the story's out there for anybody who wants to read about it in various books about the invasion of Baghdad and what happened with the general looting around the city. And the Iraq Museum was one of the many places that was looted by sort of, you know, the local population. But the Iraq Museum was a little tough because... There was some insider knowledge about where to find some of the hidden storage areas of the museum. The museum staff had worked really hard to evacuate collections out of the galleries and into hidden secure storage. And as some of your listeners probably already know, that Iraq Museum in Baghdad was the repository for... the entire country the flagship museum of iraq and held some of the most important collections of ancient history of humankind there ancient mesopotamia and the the knowledge of some of those looters to go in and find that material and take it out they lost thousands and thousands of objects and looters also smashed a lot of objects in you know for whatever reason as as looters or want to do but in some cases it was because they displayed images or imagery of the human form things like that so it was really a terrible situation i got called up a few weeks later and when it was the fastest deployment i ever had i only spent one week at Fort Bragg, getting my shots and shooting and all the pre -deployment. And I went directly to Baghdad to join up with the 352 and started working at the museum with the civil affairs team there on the ground and trying to advise about stabilization of the museum.
00:11:21 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Were you there as an arts, monuments, and archives officer at the time?
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you there as an
00:11:25 SPEAKER_02
Yes, I was. I was designated as the Arts Monuments and Archives Officer as the liaison to the museum. And we had several other projects around the city as well, but that was my main function. And I served as liaison between the staff there and other international organizations trying to come in and assist. But it was tough because... There just wasn't that deployability for the type of organizations that can help in a cultural situation in the same way there are for humanitarian aid organizations. There was really no Doctors Without Borders. coming to help us with the Iraq Museum. And wait as I might, they didn't really come. So it was a gradual process to get expertise in there to assist besides just myself. I had some colleagues from the British Museum and some colleagues from the Italian Ministry of Culture. But it was a slow process.
00:12:20 SPEAKER_01
Okay. So you mentioned there's no group like what Doctors Without Borders have. So that's 2003. And then 2006, you founded the U .S. Committee of the Blue Shield. So it sounds like you created an organization to do what you just described had been missing previously. So what does that blue shield symbolize? And can you talk about, is the U .S. committee connected to a global organization like the Red Cross, the American Red Cross, is the U .S. affiliate for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies?
00:12:51 SPEAKER_02
Yes, there's definitely a link and a similarity. The International Committee of the Blue Shield was formed in the 90s as a response to the intentional destruction of cultural property in the Bosnian conflict.
00:13:06 SPEAKER_02
The Blue Shield, I should say, is the organization's name for the Blue Shield symbol. that's designated in the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property, as well as personnel who are working to protect cultural property. So it's very similar to the Red Cross is the international symbol for the Geneva Conventions, and for personnel, the Blue Shield is the symbol for the Hague Convention for Protection of Cultural Property. So the international organization existed, but it wasn't really deployable. It was more about policies in individual countries for implementing the Hague Convention.
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Hague Convention. And some of the Blue Shield organizations focus on natural disasters in their own countries as well, just much like the Red Cross also does natural disasters in individual countries. So I learned. At the time, when I went to Iraq, and I'm still ashamed to this day that I didn't know it, but in 2003, the United States had never ratified the 1954 Hague Convention. We followed it as customary international law, but we hadn't ratified. And this caused a lot of problems in my office with the Coalition Provisional Authority. office representing the Ministry of Culture for Governance. And we worked in a coalition office with Italians and Brits. The Brits had not ratified either. And the Italians were like, wow, you know, we we are not working under the same set of standards and rules for the law of war. And, you know, the Italians were pretty upset about the damage to cultural heritage sites. So they were that's part
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, we have Major General Darrell Guthrie, Commander, US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne), discussing the command, his priorities and vision for Civil Affairs, and whether CA has a sales problem.
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We provide... Welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We have a very special guest, Major General Daryl Guthrie. He's the Commanding General of the U .S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, often referred to as USIC -KPOC. General Guthrie began his military career in 1985, commissioned as a second lieutenant after graduating from UAV. He then became a king of battle and field artillery, completed the civil affairs course, and went on to the Command and General Staff College and the Army War College. At some point, General Guthrie found time to earn a law degree.
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He has successfully held command and staff positions at company through division, joint and combined headquarters, and in support of the Department of State. His experience in civil affairs is extensive and throughout the country. And, sir, I'm not sure if you have time to do this anymore, but your civilian occupation is managing your own law firm. And for anyone who has attended UAB or Texas Tech, they will happily call you a fellow Blazer and Red Raider. General Guthrie, welcome to the 1CA Podcast.
00:02:04 SPEAKER_03
Hey, John. Thanks for having me. And go Blazers.
00:02:09 SPEAKER_03
And I think we say something like get your guns up at Texas Tech.
00:02:14 SPEAKER_02
Good. So are you still a resident of, you're on sort of active duty orders now, but you're from Texas, is that right?
00:02:21 SPEAKER_03
Well, I grew up in, I actually grew up in Alabama, just outside of Birmingham, but have lived.
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Civil Affairs and the 413th Civil Affairs Battalion there in Lubbock. But with this job, and now that my wife and I are empty nesters, we actually moved to North Carolina. So I'm a North Carolina resident for the time being.
00:02:51 SPEAKER_02
That's great. And I also read that you have four children with your wife, three of whom are serving the military. So this has become a family business for you.
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in the Marine Corps stationed at Quantico at present. And then I have a son that's in the 101st. He's actually in Iraq right now. And then a son that's at West Point in his third year. And then I have a daughter who's a physical therapist who can take care of me when I get old.
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take care of me when I get old.
00:03:25 SPEAKER_02
That's good. Well, congratulations to you and your family. So there's a lot to cover. We got some questions that came in from listeners from the podcast. A lot of people who wanted to get introduced to the command. So if we could, let's set the stage for listeners by describing the breadth and depth of personnel that are under use of KPOC, which is much more than civil affairs. Yeah, so use of KPOC is...
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500 people is a lot, especially when you're looking at the structure of those units because I'm on a team of five people. So would you say that that reflects there are numerous teams and companies spread throughout the country, spread throughout the world?
00:05:48 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, yeah.
00:07:19 SPEAKER_02
Definitely the type of forces that punch above their weight. Sir, I wanted to ask you about the Ready Force X. There's been a shift under General Luckey's command of the Army Reserve to tag some units as Ready Force X. How many of your CA, PSYOP, and IO units are in this Ready Force status?
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the Army Reserve to get after this idea of fighting fast.
00:08:53 SPEAKER_02
Sir, what would you say are some of the biggest lessons that you've learned since taking command?
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We're listening to the 1CA podcast and interview with Major General Darrell Guthrie, Commanding General of USA KPOC. When we come back, I'll ask General Guthrie about his priorities for the next few years and his vision for civil affairs.
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Mark your calendars for the 2019 Civil Affairs Roundtable to be held on Tuesday to April at the National Guard Armory Conference in Washington, D .C. This year's roundtable will conclude the seminal discussion of optimizing civil affairs, started at last fall's symposium at Fort Fragg, North Carolina, and in the 2018 -19 Civil Affairs issue papers to be published before the roundtable. At the roundtable, the discussion shifts to a more granular identification of dot mill PFP pathways to guide CA modernization and continuous investment in an innovative and adaptive force that is well -networked in planning, and operational relationships, and persistently engaged and aligned regionally to facilitate political military goals and objectives. In addition to the speakers and panel discussions, attending members and friends of the regiment will conclude by looking at how to advance civil affairs at a more ambitious multilateral scale over the next year's cycle. In order to maximize official travel for uniformed members of the regiment, the roundtable immediately precedes the PKSOI Training and Education Workshop. which will be held on 3 to 5 April at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. For more information, including the agenda and registration, go to the Civil Affairs Association website, which is at civilaffairsassoc .org.
00:15:48 SPEAKER_02
Hi, welcome back to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're continuing our conversation with Major General Darrell Guthrie, the commanding general, U .S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command. Sir, what are your priorities for the next few years? What's your vision for CA? Yeah, so I kind of start with I have four lines of effort.
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lines of effort.
00:21:02 SPEAKER_02
So does that mean building a force to combat a near -peer threat like China, Russia, or a massive ground force that may be needed for a place like North Korea?
00:23:58 SPEAKER_02
Sir, I could go on to additional questions here, the two that I mentioned earlier. Is there anything else before we do that that you'd like to share about any documents that you'll be unveiling to the force?
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We're working right now. the organization is thinking.
00:26:18 SPEAKER_02
That's good to hear, sir. Sir, I wanted to close this conversation by asking you a question about visibility and appreciation of the CA forces. Many Civil Affairs Association meetings have included discussions about the need to increase demand for CA forces or to secure greater visibility and appreciation of our capabilities for the Army and the Marine Corps. Sir, what's your maybe personal view on whether there's a sales problem within DOD or the larger national security community?
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operations. I've said here at the headquarters, and as I've gone out and visited some places recently, we all wear the same patch. And therefore, we've got to be willing to offer solutions to commanders. And those commanders have a lot of data points coming at them, a lot of inputs coming to them from a lot of people.
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now that only
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while at the same time we're probably changing some of our capabilities to be able to provide the best benefit on the battlefields of the future.
00:31:52 SPEAKER_02
That's right. Yeah, we need to adapt and evolve, and that's part of the reason how we're trained in civil affairs and SOAP and IO. And I would recommend to the listeners to continue to build up your personal professional skills. There's, for example, language money that's on the table for anyone who's CA qualified. And if you're not learning a foreign language, you're leaving money on the table that the command is offering for you to learn a language that would be relevant not only to your military career, but also your civilian careers. And there's a lot of self -training out there.
00:32:23 SPEAKER_03
a lot of self -training
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a problem, not just legally, but actually lead through the problem as well.
00:32:53 SPEAKER_02
General Guthrie, Commanding General of the U .S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command. Sir, the future is bright for CA. I thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast and wish you well with the rest of your command. Hey, John, thank you very much and thanks for taking the time to let me spend a little bit of time with you and talk about
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little bit of time with you and talk about for the future. I'm a big podcast listener and I indeed listen to the 1CA podcast.
00:33:26 SPEAKER_02
Sir, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Take care, sir. All right. Thank you.
00:33:40 SPEAKER_01
Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment. 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Kwadjo Owusu-Sarfo, PhD, is a cultural conflict sociologist with Valka-Mir Human Security, LLC. We discuss Ghanaian culture, the Dagbon conflict, his research related to Boko Haram, and how Civil Affairs forces could better integrate with host communities.
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you know, with few exceptions, each extremist, terrorist, uh, violent gang.
00:00:35 SPEAKER_01
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Dr. Kwajo Owusu -Sarfo. He is a cultural conflict sociologist and holds a doctorate from Nova Southeastern University Department of Conflict Studies. He was originally a refugee from West Africa's Akan Tui peoples and is now a U .S. permanent resident. He spent significant amounts of time researching the psychological, sociological, and cultural foundations of communities in violent conflict in West Africa, the Horn of Africa, and the Caribbean. He speaks English, French, and a contui, and specializes in the interface between human psychosocial culture and its categorization within ArcGIS. You are the lead researcher for the Valkamir Conflict Video Case Study on the Kanuri people and their involvement with the Boko Haram movement. Thank you very much for being on the WCA podcast.
00:01:34 SPEAKER_03
Yes, thank you very much for having me.
00:01:37 SPEAKER_01
Thank you very much for your time. You know, you were born to the Akan Tui peoples, and I know that the Akan Tui tend to be in the south -central region of Ghana in West Africa. And my understanding of doing some background was that Tui is a dialect of the Akan language. So could you talk to everyone about who are the Akan Tui, and what do most people from that group do?
00:02:03 SPEAKER_03
for having me. And yes, I am a member of the Akan people of Ghana. And I speak TRI, which is spelled T -W -I. So TRI happens to be one of the major dialects of the Akan language. Now, the Akan people...
00:02:57 SPEAKER_03
to be
00:04:40 SPEAKER_01
So that's a very short history of the Akan.
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a very short history of the
00:04:43 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, it's a very long history. And so you said the vast majority of people living in Ghana today are Akan people. And so that makes sense that they are throughout this society. Do people who are Akan in Ghana tend to be considered the ruling class? Or are there people in other tribes that are less populous throughout business leaders or political leaders, for example?
00:06:08 SPEAKER_01
Okay. So there's one connection I wanted to drill on with America and I think specifically with African -American fraternities, I believe, and maybe sororities as well in colleges in the U .S. with the kente cloth. Very common for men and women who graduate from maybe historically black colleges and universities to wear a stripe of kente cloth around their neck at graduation. And when I was in Accra, I was there twice, actually, and came over briefly from Cote d 'Ivoire and then went back for a different water project and was able to pick up some kente cloth when I was there. Could you talk about the sign or the symbolism of kente cloth being aligned with different tribes and what that means translating to U .S.? I mean...
00:09:43 SPEAKER_01
It's quite a powerful symbol as well because the colors are so rich. It really stands out when people walk across the stage or wear it in public.
00:09:54 SPEAKER_01
Right. The food I thought was amazing, by the way. So if there's anyone listening to this who has not been to Ghana or has not been to a Ghanaian restaurant in the United States, you should definitely go. If there's a Black Stars game on television, go then because the crowd will be rowdy and lively. Yeah, a lot of amazing mixes of groundnut soup, stew, sauces, the mix of rice and vegetables and chicken and meat. So good.
00:10:27 SPEAKER_02
Yep. If you don't mind me asking, what was your pick? What was your favorite?
00:10:33 SPEAKER_01
I like the groundnut. I got a bunch of that in Cote d 'Ivoire. I think ground up with some chicken was so nice. Or a grilled fish. It's so common to get grilled fish, and you get the whole fish, right? In the U .S., we tend to take off the tail and the head and everything else, but you get the whole fish, which is nice.
00:10:54 SPEAKER_02
Right. And what did you eat the soup with?
00:10:57 SPEAKER_01
Typically rice. With rice, okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I was using hands at first, and then that got really, really hot, and so I started using the spoons. Right. You know, locals made fun of me at first, but I didn't care. It hurt.
00:12:07 SPEAKER_03
There's fufu that's made with banana, but there's also fufu that's made with cassava. Right. So, yeah, cassava, which is known as manioc in other places. Right. So, yeah, and then there's jell -off rice, which I hope you have the opportunity to taste. Oh, yes.
00:12:26 SPEAKER_01
taste. Oh, yes.
00:12:28 SPEAKER_01
Yeah. I don't think I ever had the wrist strength or the forearm strength to make, in the mortar and pestle, to make... Fufu. Fufu as well as women who would do that every day.
00:12:40 SPEAKER_02
Yes, yes. Fufu takes a lot of work,
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lot of work, but, you know, you have to, you know, first prefer the cassava.
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While it's being pounded, you have to gather the pounded cassava together into a starchy paste to make the fufu. So it's quite, yeah, it's a lot of work.
00:13:21 SPEAKER_01
Definitely worth it. Yeah, it's worth it when you eat it because it's one of the major delicacies in Ghana.
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delicacies in Ghana.
00:13:30 SPEAKER_01
So I wanted to get into... After one more other question, get into your evolution of coming from Ghana, coming to the United States, and what had happened. But first, talk about your first name. And this may be helpful for others listening, traveling to the region, who see repeatedly a lot of quodros, a lot of coffees, a lot of people with similar first names. And so your name indicates that you were born on a Monday. Yes. Could you talk about that naming system for boys and girls? Right. So it's not necessarily unique in Khan culture,
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not necessarily unique in Khan culture, but there's definitely other ethnic groups in West Africa that follow a naming system or pattern which corresponds to the day of the week on which...
00:14:36 SPEAKER_03
If you were born on a Tuesday, you would be Wabena. If you were born on a Wednesday, it's Kwaku. Thursday is Yao. Friday is Kofi, as in Kofi Annan. Saturday would be Kwame. And Sunday would be Kwesi. Now, the names that I've given you, though, are, those are the males. Those are the names of males. So the female version of somebody, of a female child born in the account culture on... is the female version of Kojo. And then for Tuesday would be Abena, which is the male version, the female version of Kwabena. And then for Wednesday it would be Aku, which is the female version of Kweku. And then for Thursday it would be Ya, which is the female version of Yao. begins with a Y -A -E, which is Yao. But all the other names have a qua prefix. So that's one way to distinguish somebody born on a Thursday from the other days of the week. So I hope that helps you understand the naming system.
00:16:09 SPEAKER_03
the naming
00:16:11 SPEAKER_01
It is helpful. Thank you. And the pronunciation.
00:16:16 SPEAKER_01
And the pronunciation.
00:16:18 SPEAKER_03
Yes, yes. You know, the interesting thing about the pronunciation is it's always hard to let somebody else to, you know, someone who's not from Ghana or who's not from the Akan culture, you know, to really help them with the intonation and the articulation. It's definitely good, you know, because... When I tell people that my name is Kwajo, it's different from how you would say it in Ghana. It's Kwajo. When I say Kwabana, it's actually Kwabana. I've just come to accept that it's very hard for people to really know how to say it right.
00:17:01 SPEAKER_03
how to say it right. Just like it would be hard for me to get the articulation and intonation of some other cultures.
00:17:09 SPEAKER_03
cultures. names correctly. Oh,
00:17:13 SPEAKER_01
absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It's good to hear from someone firsthand to say, oh, I'm sorry, you know, pronunciation is this way. So that, especially for people listening to this, if they're going to go to West Africa, they need to take the time to sit down with someone and get to know them and really have an interest in speaking the language more accurately and pronouncing names correctly. Right. Okay. Yeah.
00:17:40 SPEAKER_01
Well, so I wanted to... Yeah, go ahead.
00:17:44 SPEAKER_03
I was just going to say that you've touched on an important point, which we usually try to stress at Barcamir,
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to stress at Barcamir, is that when soldiers are deployed to various places that are involved in conflict, talking to people and trying to, for example, trying to understand how the name is pronounced, these are all important ways of... engaging people and building that, you know, rapport, which is important if you're going to be able to successfully work with these communities and, you know, in counterterrorism operations.
00:18:24 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, you need to have an interest and a value in the people. Yes, yes, exactly. Stick around for the rest of my conversation with Kwajo Owusu -Sarfo. We're going to talk about the Dagwon conflict, his research related to Boko Haram, and how civil affairs forces could better integrate with host communities.
00:18:51 SPEAKER_01
Mark your calendars for the 2019 Civil Affairs Roundtable to be held on Tuesday to April at the National Guard Armory Conference in Washington, D .C. This year's roundtable will conclude... The seminal discussion of optimizing civil affairs started at last fall's symposium at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and in the 2018 -19 Civil Affairs issue papers to be published before the roundtable. At the roundtable, the discussion shifts to a more granular identification of dot mill PFP pathways to guide CA modernization and continuous investment in an innovative and adaptive force that is well -networked in planning and operational relationships. and persistently engaged and aligned regionally to facilitate political military goals and objectives. In addition to the speakers and panel discussions, attending members and friends of the Regiment will conclude by looking at how to advance civil affairs at a more ambitious multilateral scale over the next year's cycle, in order to maximize official travel for uniformed members of the Regiment. The roundtable immediately precedes the PKSOI Training and Education Workshop, which will be held on 3 to 5 April at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. For more information, including the agenda and registration, go to the Civil Affairs Association website, which is at civilaffairsassoc .org.
00:20:18 SPEAKER_01
Welcome back to the 1CA podcast and our interview with Dr. Quadru. Dr. Owusu -Sarfo, I always thought that Ghana had been a very safe place, especially in West Africa. There had been some turmoil. But there was part of, I guess, the Ghanaian history where you had an interest in leaving, right? So can you tell people, was that Ghana? What had happened in that situation? You know, why did you feel like you needed to leave and become a refugee?
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and being one of the more notable democratic countries in West Africa.
00:21:35 SPEAKER_01
You're talking about the part of the north closer to Burkina, like north of Tamale, that far north? Well,
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00:21:44 SPEAKER_03
the northern part of Ghana, yes, exactly. So in the northern part...
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hundred years.
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of sustained peace and understanding, 20 years of violence, and now we're back to a spot where you feel like this is back to what they had before, or they trade off one to the next? Okay.
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infrastructure. So the government getting involved in the peace process and making sure that, you know, the North catches up in terms of development and, you know, infrastructure development, if the North catches up with the South, I think will also help and go a long way towards,
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you know, sustaining peace. That's really good to hear. Do you feel like it, at some point, the North would stabilize enough so that you would go back and see friends and family?
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show that both sides are interested in showing a good faith commitment to, you know, keeping and sustaining peace. So from what I've seen, I think there's a very good chance that I can go back and, you know, see old faces.
00:27:33 SPEAKER_03
Yeah. Hopefully, yes. That'd be great.
00:27:36 SPEAKER_01
Well, sir, I wanted to focus just a couple questions here on your current research and what you're doing for Valcomere, what you're doing on the side. And your research is focused on the psychological, sociological, cultural foundations of violent conflict. And the regions you've been focusing on in the past have been West Africa, Horn of Africa, and the Caribbean. So what are you studying currently? Which groups are you studying? And what have you found? Are there common themes, for example, across looking at psychological, sociocultural factors in all these regions, West Africa, Horn of Africa, and the Caribbean?
00:28:14 SPEAKER_03
So I've been studying the conflict in the Kanuri community of West Africa. What I've been studying specifically is the cultural origin, the sustainment, and epidemiology of Boko Haram, which I'm sure you've heard about. You know a lot about. So concerning that, you know, the U .S. Army Special Operations Forces mission in this conflict is really to support its eventual resolution and prevent the conflict spread beyond its current areas of occurrence. Now, some background on the Qunari. The Qunari are, you know, there are people who are the most closely involved in the
, we welcome Manya Dotson, who shares her views on a career in the NGO community and the differences between development and defense. We also discuss the need for more mental health support for NGO workers.
Music courtesy of Broke for Free.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_02
You know, what I did was wrap it up in duct tape and throw it into the basement, hoping that maybe it wouldn't, if it was just wrapped in duct tape and compartmentalized and thrown into the basement of my mind, that it wouldn't come out, you know, that it would just stay down there. And it did for a long time. But then the thing is, you know, something happens and it's like opening the door to the basement, going down there and kicking those packages around. And then you're like, oh, wait, these now have thrown into zombies. And then they're, you know, stampeding up the stairs. into the house.
00:00:44 SPEAKER_01
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode, and we're joined today by Manya Dotson. Manya, I knew you under a different last name many years ago when we were serving in the Peace Corps together in Côte d 'Ivoire. Ivory Coast and West Africa. We recently got reconnected after many, many years and wanted to get you on the podcast to talk about your background, especially in the NGO community, non -governmental organizations, and talk about how it interfaces with the civil affairs forces of the Army and the Marine Corps. I understand you haven't worked directly with those forces, but I think it's really helpful for our listening audience to hear about your perspective in the NGO world. Because there's really no cases, I think, where CA forces are going in a steady state or in conflict areas, and there's not an NGO nearby. So they're always at the table. So thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast.
00:01:44 SPEAKER_02
Thanks so much, John. I have to say, John and you and I share a connection that nobody really shares in the world, which is that we lived in the same house and worked in the same... Peace Corps Village, and we know the same characters. So what an incredible connection that is. And I was so thrilled to hear from you. And thank you so much for having me on the podcast.
00:02:07 SPEAKER_01
Thank you. And so now you're a global health consultant as well, coach, writer. You do some speaking engagements. What's the best way for people to find out information? Go to your website.
00:02:19 SPEAKER_02
Yes. My website is www. Manya Dotson. And Manya is like Tanya with an M, M -A -N -Y -A -D -O -T -S -O -N dot com. And that's the best way to get in touch with me. I'm also on Instagram. I'm pretty active on Instagram as well. And that's just at Manya Dotson. Okay.
00:02:41 SPEAKER_01
So I wanted to dig into some of the things you talked about. Public health, social marketing, worked a lot of different issues in public health. Could you start by talking about what social marketing is?
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of using all of those very powerful tools that we use to develop and sell products and services and taking that mindset, tool set, and skill set and applying it to development challenges. Specifically, I've spent my life applying that to public health challenges. So, you know, there's a lot of things that people could be doing. And buying, that would be very life -altering in a good way. And we don't always want what we need. So I would say at heart, social marketing is about helping make stuff that's good for people also really desirable.
00:03:43 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Is it connected to behavior change and behavior change communication ideas? Of course.
00:03:49 SPEAKER_02
course. Yeah, of course. I mean, it's... We use the four P's of marketing, so looking at your product or service, really looking critically at that, looking at the placement of that product or service, looking at promotion, which is very much about behavior change, behavior change communication, and figuring out why people are doing what they're doing, figuring out the alternatives, the alternative options that they're choosing to the option of your product, service, or behavior. You know, assuming that people have the dignity of choice and make choices based on some sort of calculation about value and, you know, vote with their money or vote with their presence or vote with the opportunity cost for, you know, that choice. So we're looking at those four things. So pricing, people, placement, service, placement and promotion. marketing is that there's this really relentless focus on the customer and what they want and their vision of value which can be different than a public health orientation which is like this is good for you and if you just were scared enough about how bad for you it could be if you don't do it you would do this yeah and I mean I think we all know that there's all kinds of things that we do that are absolutely delightful and absolutely terrible for us things we should be doing that just don't feel, we just don't do them. Even though we're very scared about not doing them, we still don't do them. So it's, yeah, it's really interesting. It's a fun discipline. And we tend to look in social marketing at market, the entirety of a market system. So all of the different places that a person might access anything related to that outcome. And then we would look at, so that would be both public,
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them with the option to do this thing that would be good for them.
00:06:16 SPEAKER_01
Okay. It sounds very similar to, for folks in civil affairs, our colleagues who do psychological operations or information operations, they probably use very similar means, but very different ends in analyzing social media, analyzing how to engage with not necessarily selling a product, but maybe an idea or behavior. Much similar thoughts.
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work around how terrorist networks grow through very skillful marketing and how to take that same very skillful marketing and turn it to other types of behavior or alternatives.
00:07:02 SPEAKER_01
And when you think about public health, I was thinking recently of a funny way to get what could be an otherwise boring topic. but preparedness, getting families to prepare for a hurricane or natural disaster. CDC had a campaign for a while about equating that to zombies and TV shows and movies about zombies and saying, hey, you want to prepare for a natural disaster or a flood the same way you would for a zombie invasion. And that really resonated with a lot of people. Yeah. That's awesome.
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with a lot of people. Yeah. That's awesome. I love that. Exactly. That's awesome.
00:07:36 SPEAKER_01
That's awesome. That's awesome.
00:07:39 SPEAKER_02
I love that.
00:07:40 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, it was great. And it worked. People paid attention. It got in the news. Mania, so the national security community talks about the three Ds, defense, diplomacy, development. You spent a lot of your working career in the development side of things. What do you think drew you and friends of yours to work in development?
00:07:57 SPEAKER_02
I think I kind of accidentally fell into development. The Peace Corps for me was a way to prototype being a doctor before. being a doctor before committing to seven plus years and zillions of dollars to medical school. And at that moment, I was at this crossroads where I knew that magazine editorial, I was a health editor at Fitness Magazine, was really interesting, but I just wasn't feeling that individualized impact. And there was this desire to explore and see the world and this deep curiosity about the world. I've always had these four driving qualities. One is a drive to explore the world, to know the world, in a more extreme kind of a way. The second one is a deep interest in health, women's health, and sexy health, reproductive health, and all that stuff around sexy health. A third has been this, I'm very creative, and need an outlet for creativity. I really create. And the fourth has been a desire to be of service. And that manifested through volunteering and, you know, lots of different ways of attempting to be of service. So, you know, for me, public health, what I found was that being the medical profession. So for me, it was never really a question of diplomacy or development. It was that public health.
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driving pillars of my personality and identity in a way that can also be productive and helpful. And in ways that, you know, for me, that diplomacy was never an option, nor was the military. Those two things were not really a mental option for me. I was looking at it more relative to a medical career or an applied anthropological career.
00:10:10 SPEAKER_02
disciplinary. And being a doctor could be great. I loved working with patients, etc. But being a doctor is really being an auto mechanic working on a jelly donut. It's really procedural. Yeah, it's really procedural. And you don't really want your gynecologist to be super creative. You don't. You want your waxer to be a little creative maybe, but not your...
00:10:36 SPEAKER_01
maybe, but not your...
00:10:40 SPEAKER_02
So for me, sitting in that clinic and drawing mangoes and figuring out how to get, you know, how to have a conversation with the community that would get people excited about building a spring box or, you know, how to get the dads to buy the stuff that would help the mom prepare the things she needs to prepare so that the kid would get fed and fatten up. That was very creative and brought these things together. So, yeah, it was really, I just feel like I fell into it and got incredibly lucky to find this field that allows me to really express all of these things in such a fascinating way.
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me to really express all of these things in such a fascinating way.
00:11:25 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, so we both have a lot of friends who are still in development and have stayed. They may not be making as much money as maybe you could have if you stayed in publishing. But it's a career field that they really enjoy. Their heart's really in it. And there's the excitement to it as well. You could be living in other countries, speaking foreign languages, understanding and sitting with people, breaking bread, having different meals that you would never dream of before.
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would never
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It's very exciting.
00:11:55 SPEAKER_02
exciting. I've learned so much. I truly believe that I have...
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I hope that some things that I was a part of in some way have made a difference. I know that they have because the data is there, but I just feel so humbled by the incredible things that I've gotten to learn and see and witness and be a part of in the way that I've gotten to participate in the depths and breaths of humanity and the human experience. It's been very rich, really rich.
00:12:34 SPEAKER_01
That's wonderful. So, Manja, I'm not going to say that you can generalize for the whole development community, and it's really helpful just to get your perspective. But you've also been in a lot of conversations with fellow employees, host country nationals, working with you on projects. And in those other two Ds, defense and diplomacy, is there a general sense of how the development community views, for example, the military and defense?
00:13:06 SPEAKER_02
there's perspectives on different levels. First of all, when you're working in smaller countries like a Togo, the expat community is often a very tight -knit community, and that community cuts across diplomats, military, and development folks who are there as expatriates. Often, socially, those can be very tight -knit social communities. I think that those three three different Ds are fundamentally different. And the development objective is, and I would say like the main difference is that, from my perspective, is that diplomats are about bringing the U .S. to a foreign environment. Military is about protecting U .S. interests, U .S. interests in a foreign environment.
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USAID was pulled back under the State Department. But to be effective in development, development workers really have to integrate and really effective development happens when there is deep local ownership and where the local government and local players and local actors are driving the agenda.
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to align those objectives with global objectives coming out of the World Health Organization. So often I have found that diplomats...
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in the civil affairs branch. But my perception is that those activities also are fundamentally driven by a desire to ease entry and make the local population more open to U .S. military presence.
00:16:01 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, it's very helpful to hear your perspective. And I think if I asked the same question of many people who have worked in NGOs, I'd probably hear a similar theme there. Stick around for the rest of my conversation with Monty Dotson. We'll talk about the reluctance of NGOs to engage with the military or be seen working with the military. We'll also talk about the burnout and emotional toll that members of the NGO community experience.
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and where they turn for support.
00:16:40 SPEAKER_01
Mark your calendars for the 2019 Civil Affairs Roundtable to be held on Tuesday to April at the National Guard Armory Conference in Washington, D .C. This year's roundtable will conclude the seminal discussion of optimizing civil affairs started at last fall's symposium at Fort Frag, North Carolina. and in the 2018 -19 Civil Affairs issue papers to be published before the roundtable. At the roundtable, the discussion shifts to a more granular identification of .mil PFP pathways to guide CA modernization and continuous investment in an innovative and adaptive force that is well -networked in planning and operational relationships and persistently engaged and aligned regionally to facilitate political -military goals and objectives. In addition to the speakers and panel discussions, attending members and friends of the regiment will conclude by looking at how to advance civil affairs at a more ambitious multilateral scale over the next year's cycle. In order to maximize official travel for uniformed members of the regiment, the roundtable immediately precedes the PKSOI Training and Educati
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Major Wyatt Hughes discusses his experience training the Central Readiness Force, a component of the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force. Major Hughes had been a member of the Army Reserve Engagement Team
Japan. Haiko drum music courtesy of Bensound.
00:00:00 SPEAKER_02
Japan's known for Godzilla movies. So they had a new one come out called Shin Gojira, means New Godzilla. And the Simic team leader, Lieutenant Colonel Kawasaki, told me I should watch it because it would show me how Japanese military planned. And when I watched it, it was extremely obvious what she meant. Even as Tokyo was being destroyed, it took a while to get to a decision. You know, their decision -making process was very detailed. and had to be absolutely sure and and that's no i'm not finding fault in any way i'm just stating you know what they told me and what i observed because once they do decide they're going to do something it's very hard to make changes
00:00:53 SPEAKER_01
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Wyatt Hughes, a major in the Army for Civil Affairs, and he was a civil affairs planner for the U .S. Army -Japan's Army Reserve Engagement Team, also called an ARET. Major Hughes, welcome to the 1CA Podcast.
00:01:11 SPEAKER_02
Hey, good morning.
00:01:13 SPEAKER_01
Where are you now? What are you doing? I think you're in ILE, is that right?
00:01:18 SPEAKER_02
That's correct. I'm currently assigned here at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, going through the CGSC curriculum. I'm thankfully halfway through and should PCS around June of this year. Not really sure where I'm going yet, but I'm certainly enjoying the educational experience while I'm here.
00:01:33 SPEAKER_01
That's great. How long is the program?
00:01:36 SPEAKER_02
The program is 10 and a half months. It's changed a few times over the years, but currently they project that for the next few years it will remain anywhere from 10 to 11 months, depending on your report date. which also is tied to any preparatory courses you may have to do based on a specific branch.
00:01:53 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Well, we may get to that. If that's okay with you, ask any follow -up questions toward the end of this or maybe as a bonus. What we wanted to focus on for this discussion was a paper that you had written regarding your experience in Japan, and it's entitled Civil Affairs Interoperability, Japan Ground Self -Defense Force, Civil -Military Cooperation Education. So you were a CA planner, as I mentioned, and the ARET, those in Japan, and wanted to focus your discussion here on your experience working with the Japanese Central Readiness Force, or the CRF. And before we get into that, try to set the stage for listeners. So that's a part of what's called the Japanese Self -Defense Force, which was created in 1954 after World War II. The U .S. had been occupying Japan and essentially got rid of its... the previous version of its military. And so it helped to reestablish a self -defense force for Japan that did not have offensive capabilities. In the early years, I think it was mainly a police force helping to maintain a law and order within Japanese borders, not really going outside of Japanese borders, and has evolved to a very powerful force today. And it's now considering adding some offensive capabilities. So could you talk about, if you know this, the history of the Central Readiness Force in Japan?
00:03:12 SPEAKER_02
Absolutely. So the Central Readiness Force was established in 2007. It was established as part of a directive that was a national policy directive, which included defense guidelines for Japan. The establishment specifically of special operations and an unconventional warfare force. but primarily one that could provide defense of the homeland using special skills or be utilized in international peace cooperation activities. At the same time that the CRF was established, the International Peace Cooperation Activities Training Unit in Camp Komikato, Japan, was also established. So within the CRF, you've got the Special Forces Unit, which is in Okinawa. It works very closely with our own special forces for direct action and special operations in event that Japan itself is attacked, not for exportation of those skills or use overseas in any missions. However, from the International Peace Cooperation Activities Training Unit, what you see is a different focus. So looking at what for years was considered within CA as our core task, Two specific ones that are related to the IPCAT, or International Peace Cooperation Activities Training Unit, are populist and resources control, and also foreign humanitarian assistance. Since 2007, the CRF assumed the duties of deploying personnel, specifically personnel who are from the CRF, in support of various United Nations missions. Since 2007,
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There has been more than five instances where they've been deployed to places such as Rwanda or Sudan in support of the United Nations missions. But prior to the CRF even, the Japanese have taken part in numerous UN peacekeeping operations. So what you saw with the CRF was a transition from the Japan Ground Self -Defense Force, which is one of three branches of the Japan Self -Defense Force, a transition of the UN peacekeeping duties. from across the Ground Self -Defense Force to a specific population that was trained more so to be culturally focused and regionally focused in support of HADR, or Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Operations. Unfortunately, the CRF was disbanded in March of 2018. A little bit of history behind what happened. While I was stationed in Japan at Kamzama from 2015 June until 2017 June, The Central Readiness Force continued to focus its efforts where it had previously in the international peace cooperation area within the region. However, due to realignment within the Japan Ground Self -Defense Force and additional defense guidelines, the CRF itself was disbanded, although the capabilities remain. So CRF headquarters at Kamsama Japan was then switched to Tokyo itself, and then ultimately... The same capabilities exist, but were pushed back into the ground self -defense force in various units. So that's a little history there,
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not due to a lack of importance, a lack of, well, not lack of, but rather a realignment of the management of those capabilities. The Special Forces Unit in Okinawa was combined with a Western Army. or amphibious force that was within the Western Army in Kyushu. So this is just some of the basics, the dynamics, as the leadership changes and ultimately as some of their guidelines change under their prime minister, Shinzo Abe.
00:07:14 SPEAKER_01
All right. I mean, those changes always happen, certainly when leadership swaps out. So the buildup of capabilities, which are no longer in CRF but elsewhere, for HADR, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief that you mentioned. Why did the CRF become a regional go -to partner for HADR?
00:07:32 SPEAKER_02
Well, part of it has to do with the United Nations budget. So next to the United States, we contribute 25 % of the UN's budget annually. Japan is the next largest partner. They contribute about 11%. As such, and as part of that mandate, their focus is within their own region. They look at it as a preparation for...
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Japan is well known to be a place that has experienced every type of humanitarian disaster imaginable due to the fact that they have volcanoes,
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well known
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humanitarian disaster imaginable due to the fact that they have volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis. They've had a combination of events March 11th of 2011, which led to a complete change in how they looked at regional response. They're also, unfortunately, geographically situated in such a place that the plates beneath them could easily lead to a major disaster at any time, which is one that they've prepared for and hopefully will never experience, but could destroy a large portion of what we know now as Japan in the event of a massive earthquake.
00:08:51 SPEAKER_01
What happened in 2011?
00:08:53 SPEAKER_02
Well, in 2011, the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami took place virtually within minutes of each other. And then ultimately, as a result of the earthquake and tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear power plant was essentially, it led to a meltdown.
00:09:10 SPEAKER_01
Right. Inundated with seawater and contaminated everything.
00:09:11 SPEAKER_02
with seawater
00:09:14 SPEAKER_02
Absolutely. And as part of their national response and the combined response of United States forces that were also within the country, Japan continued to look at ways that they can respond internally to disasters in a similar way that we look at FEMA. In fact, within the CRF, there is a national welfare section, and that itself is tied to how they respond to disasters. They became experts by default. Due to that and several other disasters over the years. And as such, each division of CRF was not only focused on defense of Japan, but how do you maintain a response to a crisis internal to Japan? You know, it was never really focused on exporting these abilities or capabilities aside from humanitarian relief. And because they were so quick to respond to so many UN disasters within the region. or essentially like the ring of fire, you know, as it's often considered, then by default their expert abilities have continued to be relied upon, you know, as a go -to partner for United Nations.
00:10:27 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, that's a great one for Japan to have and to be able to export to its partners. So the CRF had stood up and is no longer existing, but the capabilities are still there. Does Japan have its own version of civil affairs forces or personnel assigned to do CIMIC -type missions?
00:10:41 SPEAKER_02
Absolutely. So within the original Central Readiness Force headquarters, they had a section, a CEMIC team, and their entire CEMIC capability was approximately 11 people. When I got there in June of 2015, by way of conversation with our foreign area officers that were assigned to the Eastern Army and also to Central Readiness Force, I was able to engage in a couple of critical key leader. discussions with personnel who manage the systemic team and also the engineer section that was within the Eastern Army.
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who manage the systemic team and also the engineer section that was within the Eastern Army. So to clear that up a little, Japan's Ground Self -Defense Force has five armies within the Self -Defense Force, each one based on region. The Eastern Army is the army that is in the same region that Central Readiness Force headquarters was located. Okay. Okay.
00:12:03 SPEAKER_02
I thought this might be a great opportunity as we continue to work together to build capacity. That was also one of the missions that U .S. Army Japan was charged with, was building partner capacity with the Japan Ground Self -Defense Force. Their headquarters was approximately half a mile away from ours. Both headquarters had both personnel located working together on quite a few different things.
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together on quite a few different things. So I saw this as an opportunity to continue to build that capacity. I engaged the CIMIC team leader, Lieutenant Colonel Kawasaki, who was a pharmacist by branch, and she had just been assigned there for a two -year rotation to lead the CIMIC team and essentially support any efforts for HADR within the region that required a CIMIC specialist. So civil -military cooperation training is different depending on what countries you go to and depending on what they're allowed to do. CIMIC is quite different than civil affairs. However, specific to Japan, SEMIC is even more different than a lot of other SEMIC forces around the world. And what I mean by that is due to their constitution. So the Japan constitution, Article 9, prevents them from having an army, a navy, a fighting force, and essentially declaring war on anyone else. You know, this is all the way back to World War II. So if you can't have all the other skills that civil affairs has, that we teach at our schoolhouse, then how do I modify this to support what they can do? So those discussions led us to create a new curriculum together, which pulled from our populace and resources control and foreign humanitarian assistance and build them a course specific to that that would give them something within a pipeline to kind of understand how they would work with us in conjunction, you know, throughout the region for FHA. or PRC, or what they refer to as HADR. Right. Same thing our Army as a whole refers to it as, you know, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts.
00:14:10 SPEAKER_01
Right. What the USAID calls HADR. Absolutely.
00:14:15 SPEAKER_02
So that combination of key leader engagements, right place, right time, because, you know, CRF had been relocated from Camp Osaka, Japan, to Camp Zama, Japan in 2013. So two years later, you know, I arrived there. I'm able to have this opportunity to engage their leadership. And from there, we began the planning process. Leadership within the CRF included Lieutenant General Kobayashi, who was assigned there as the commander in 2016.
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And he approved of our idea to create a course. So based on that, I reached back to the Special Warfare Center in school. and also to 322CA, which is over in Hawaii, to see what kind of support I could get to bring some instructors and some subject matter experts and begin the process of planning a modified type of course for the Japanese. Okay. Basically, what they were legally allowed to do, I put together a textbook. It was 367 pages worth of...
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367 pages worth of... civil affairs information focused on PRNC, FHA, and also the other core tasks, but only an overview of what the U .S. can do from that standpoint. Then I had it translated into Japanese. I attempted to do that, but not very successfully. So I had to work through professional translators to get it translated, and I reached back to SWCC to just get additional support. I knew that we did not have an exportable CA course, which is something I had wanted to do anyway, so I felt this was an opportunity to do a hybrid version. And I knew that having worked previously as the OIC
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have a bonus episode with Ryan McCannell of USAID. We discuss the future of Civil Affairs in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Thanks for sticking around for a bonus episode. The conversation with Ryan McCannell continues.
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In our original interview with Ryan McCannell of USAID, we talked about his civil affairs issue paper entitled The Evolution of Civil Affairs in Interagency Partnerships in Sub -Saharan Africa. Here's a little bit more about our conversation in the next phase of civil affairs in Sub -Saharan Africa.
00:00:35 SPEAKER_01
Well, your paper is titled The Evolution of Civil Affairs and Interagency Partners in Sub -Saharan Africa. From our discussion, it's clear, and after reading your paper, the evolution has been generally positive over the last 10, 11, 12 years. Where do you think it's headed over the next 10 years?
00:00:51 SPEAKER_02
I think that depends on some pretty higher, I'm not sure I have a real clear answer. Above our pay grades?
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answer. Above our pay grades?
00:01:02 SPEAKER_02
We have a new Africa strategy that was just rolled out two weeks ago by the National Security Advisor. I think that it speaks to the need for us to be thinking cross -training across this security and development divide. On the whole, though, I'm a little concerned about what the focus on great power competition means for our strategy toward Africa. It's salient to Africa. I think it matters, given that the presence of some of our competitors, particularly China, is growing on the continent. But there's a real risk, and you'll hear this from most anybody who's worked on the Africa region. There's a real risk in basically seeing Africa as a giant chessboard across which America and China are playing a game. And that removes agency from the Africans themselves. And kind of short changes, that's not a real convincing good message from the United States, that basically we want to save you from China or that we're concerned about China on your behalf. It's more about how can we work with Africans to help them understand kind of what their various choices and tradeoffs may be. And are there potentially places where we may actually have some... points of convergence with China and with other major powers in the Africa region, because conflict generally in Africa doesn't really serve anybody's interest. This is not the Cold War that we're talking about. It's largely an economic competition that's taking place on the continent right now. So those are some concerns that I have going forward with respect to that. I think that's way above kind of like, what does it mean for civil affairs?
00:02:49 SPEAKER_01
The piece that I see from civil affairs is the bread and butter that we need to continue to learn foreign languages, languages that pertain to the African continent. We need to pick up the paper or look online for news because very often people completely miss looking up anything that comes out of the African continent regarding current events. It's normally not going to be hitting the top of your feet on Google News or the nightly news if people listen and watch that. So you really do have to reach out to some of the good sources to find out what's happening. What tips would you have for civil affairs forces to learn more about African nations or to, we have DOD resources to learn languages, but to become current on what's happening in the continent?
00:03:51 SPEAKER_02
The hardest challenge for any of us, but particularly for civil affairs, is not the physical or combat -oriented stuff that's less likely in the Africa context, actually. And it's more of an intellectual challenge, which is developing an understanding and a narrative about how small -scale projects and activities like civil reconnaissance and civil information management can scale up to something. more valuable and enduring. And that really requires the sustainment of these networks and relationships that we were talking about. And I think actually that has been the secret to the success or the evolution of civil affairs is because the first time you hit the ground in the African continent, it doesn't matter how well studied you are, you're perceived as a novice. But it actually, the second and third time and fourth time, and the more you have actually, you know, a persistent presence that you can kind of get absorbed into. the more you're taken as somebody who can be part of a larger effort. And now I think that there is actually some groundwork laid for that kind of success. The other thing, though, for Africa is always being comfortable with paradox. Most of the problems in Africa, whether they're security or governance or development, have complex root causes that go back decades, if not centuries. And yet... African societies are evolving more quickly now than they ever have, right? So those of us who have known about Africa for a long time and, you know, could kind of sort of think we know the way that things work in Africa are being challenged on a daily basis. But the fact that it's not the same continent that it was 25 years ago, and in fact, most Africans have been born since then. And so the reality for them is different from the one of the generation that... Somebody like you who went out on Peace Corps or me who's been, you know, kicking around on the continent for 20 or more years. You know, things are changing on the ground. I think nothing encapsulates that better than the whole violent extremism threat, which a lot of us who worked in the Africa region, we kind of dismissed it because it was tied to historical, you know, context. And there were, you know, this has happened before and it didn't matter, you know, at that time. Or it was,
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you know, related to local, you know, issues or whatever. We just, we never, we didn't really see it coming. Like Molly, when Molly fell, that was sort of a wake -up call where we sort of realized, okay, like everything we thought was true, maybe we do have something to learn from our colleagues who look at this content from the perspective of threat, not just opportunity.
00:06:36 SPEAKER_00
Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of One CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Ryan McCannell of USAID discusses his paper "The Evolution of Civil Affairs and Interagency Partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa," which won the top prize among the Civil Affairs Issue Papers presented at the 2018 Symposium at Ft. Bragg, NC.
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00:01:00 SPEAKER_03
across the board, the respondents noted that I talked to noted that civil affairs and the military more generally needs all the training it can get about how civilian agencies work, particularly in steady state environments. And also the philosophy and the mindset of NGOs because they're, you know, what motivates them is different than national security often. And so understanding kind of where, you know, how they see the world is really important. But that also begs the question of whether we civilians are showing up to serve as resources.
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civilians are showing up to serve as resources.
00:01:38 SPEAKER_02
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligott, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Ryan McCannell, who is the author of an issue paper submitted to the Civil Affairs Association. It's entitled, The Evolution of Civil Affairs and Interagency Partnerships in Sub -Saharan Africa. Ryan, thanks a lot for being on the 1CA podcast.
00:01:59 SPEAKER_03
Absolutely, John. Thanks.
00:02:01 SPEAKER_02
You're currently serving as the Seasonary Advisor for the U .S. Agency for International Development, USAID, or other people will just call it aid, in the Bureau for Africa in Washington, D .C. From 2016 to July 2018, you were the USAID Advisor to the U .S. Army War College Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, otherwise called PKSOI. That's in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. And how long have you been at USAID?
00:02:28 SPEAKER_03
Well, first, let me update you. Since November, I actually have jumped ship in the Africa Bureau, and I'm now serving as the acting office director for our global office of conflict management and mitigation.
00:02:42 SPEAKER_02
Wow, congratulations. Yeah, thank you. And, you know, I'm the third USAID person that I know you've had on the podcast, and I think that says something about how... closely aligned our two communities really are.
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person that I know you've had on the podcast, and I think that says something about how... closely aligned our two communities really are. I want to thank you on behalf of my colleagues and me for your great interest in the organization. I would just say, just quickly for people who don't know very much about USAID, although the work we do is pretty different, the organizational, the sort of logic is pretty similar in that we're a matrixed organization. We have, in the same way that The DOD has its combatant commands that are regionally aligned. We have regional bureaus, so does the State Department. And then we also have a number of functional bureaus. And so I've joined the same one that is where both Diana Parzek and Kevin Melton, who are some of your previous interviewees, are now part of, which is called the Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance Bureau. And so I'm now in one of the sister offices of those two individuals who spoke already with you.
00:03:47 SPEAKER_02
Oh, that's great. Now, why the shift from Bureau for Africa to what you're doing now?
00:03:53 SPEAKER_03
The main reason is because I've been an Africa specialist for most of my career, and this was an opportunity to learn something different. And then I think also after three years in Carlisle,
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I think
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three years in Carlisle, one as a student and two as a teacher, it opened my eyes to... the great amount of work that we could be doing across the civil -military divide, and that's really what motivated me to write the paper.
00:04:17 SPEAKER_02
Clearly, it looks like the last couple of years of working in Carlisle at PKSY, would you say that's the strongest connection most recently you've had to civil affairs?
00:04:26 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, it's always been an indirect connection, and unlike I think a lot of folks that have been on the podcast to date, I don't have any military experience. The closest that I have been involved is on the planning side when AFRICON, the Africa Command, was being stood up, and then over the course of the last few years. I've also been really – another aspect of organizational logic being similar, we have the equivalent of a military occupational specialty among – USAID employees. And so my, we call them backstops for some reason. I don't know why. Mine is called crisis stabilization and governance. And so when the, a few years ago, when there was a lot of talk and interest about setting up an institute for the military support to governance down in Fort Bragg. that caught a lot of our attention because as a democracy and governance officer basically at USAID, you know, we wanted to sort of understand what it is that civil affairs was planning to do at that time. More recently, a lot of my students and friends at the War College, you know, the civil affairs folks know how to find us. USAID folks. And so its result, what's kind of weird, is that many of the current sort of colonels in the civil affairs structure were either in my class or some of my students, which is weird.
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weird. Very nice. But pretty cool.
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00:05:55 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, it gets to be a pretty small network, especially you keep running into people over and over at a couple of these, the 3Ds, right? And that's great because you know people who have been there before. You can call even if they've been retired. People are more than willing to share from their experiences. It's great. Well, Ryan, I wanted to dive into some of the topics of your paper. It's again entitled The Evolution of Civil Affairs and Interagency Partnerships in Sub -Saharan Africa. And so let's sort of set the stage for the listeners if we can, because people from the military may be used to AFRICOM or Army Africa and its area of operations. Does the Aid Bureau for Africa cover the entire continent, or does it overlap with the DOD side?
00:06:44 SPEAKER_03
on an important point of the coherence or lack thereof across the civil and military perspective. So the short answer is no. The way that we divide the Africa region up or the African continent up is similar to that of the State Department. In fact, it's identical. Where we consider sub -Saharan Africa, which is to say all of the countries that are south of the sort of northernmost tier that runs from Morocco to Egypt, all of those are part of our Africa Bureau. And then along the top, the countries from Morocco to Egypt are part of the Middle East Bureau for, and in our case, we call it the Middle East and North Africa Bureau. And so that automatically creates some complexity when trying to get any conversation going with AFRICOM because we have to involve two of our bureaus and so generally just the State Department.
00:07:37 SPEAKER_02
So more phone calls, more meetings, more people to clear up any confusion about who's going to be where and who's going to fund it and what they're going to do. That's right. Okay. Well, I've also been hearing a lot about, from the military side of things, the Horn of Africa, the Lake Chad Basin, a lot of violent extremist organizations out there, a lot of DOD activity for combating terrorism. And I know AID has some work out there as well. What would you say are hotspots for aid in African nations?
00:08:04 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, well, I'm glad you asked. I think one thing to keep in mind is that when you're dealing with Africa, and anybody who's listening will understand this, there are generally two parallel conversations that are always going on. And sometimes they talk to each other, but more often they don't. There's a security conversation that really, of course, focuses on the military, but also law enforcement. And then there's a whole development and governance kind of conversation that is where USAID and To some extent, the State Department really focused, certainly a lot of the NGOs that are active in the region. And so often what's frustrating about working in the region is that sometimes those conversations are going on in parallel without reference to each other. And so the two areas that you mentioned, Horn of Africa and Lake Chad Basin, are two obvious places where... Both of those are aligning pretty closely in terms of the concerns and threats that we have. And, of course, on the USAID side, we also break it down a little bit more in terms of long -term development, which is where most of our offices abroad, our missions, as we call them, focus, and then all of the special things that we have, like the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and the Office of Transition Initiatives. Increasingly, we've had a lot more engagement by those special elements of USAID's capabilities. that are focused more on addressing, you know, humanitarian challenge, like short -term humanitarian emergency relief kind of challenges and also political transitions, particularly in those two regions, but also increasingly now across the Sahel. So when you mentioned before I was a senior advisor when I came back from Carlisle, I was actually working on the area on the border between, okay, focused from Washington on the policy issues surrounding the areas. where Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso all come together because the violent extremist threat is really starting to migrate south. And so that's another area where we're trying to figure out how does development have a contribution in terms of addressing the grievances that people might feel that might lead them to make the decision to, I guess, become violent extremists or support violence.
00:10:18 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, that's incredibly complicated and nothing that one country is going to solve alone. And it's tough for outside countries, in my experience, to fund enough to give locals enough faith in their government and providing governance at certain levels.
00:10:35 SPEAKER_03
Well, just to turn it a little bit also toward, I think, where we're going to go, one of the places of convergence that actually where things kind of work relatively well. in our big, vast government, is at the country team level, which is where the ambassador of the U .S. embassy convenes the senior defense official and the defense attache alongside the USAID personnel,
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senior defense official and the defense attache alongside the USAID personnel, alongside the law enforcement folks, and tries to develop some coherence. And that's pretty easy. I can't say it's easy, but it's easier done at a country level than it is at any other level in our system.
00:11:14 SPEAKER_02
They're the people on the ground. They understand the flow of the culture and society, and it is a team. I mean, in my experience and what I've heard from fellow colleagues at aid, you know, colleagues of yours, they've said that that system has become stronger over the years from experience.
00:11:32 SPEAKER_03
Well, just as important, though, John, the authorities are clear, right? The president of the United States gives the ambassador the power to represent the president.
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power to represent the president. specific coordination role, whereas that's not necessarily clear kind of at a regional level. When you sort of draw back and are trying to do things across countries' borders, it gets more complicated. And then at a sort of macro level, it raises the question, the combatant commander, are they not sort of in more of a command and control kind of perspective than we might otherwise be? So, yeah.
00:12:08 SPEAKER_02
So your paper talks about the evolution of this partnership. And I want to start at what could be described as the beginning, 2007, when AFRICOM stood up. So it was established then. And your paper talks about the early days of CA, civil affairs forces working under AFRICOM. And I took it as being described as lacking strategic coherence, overlapping activities, lack of cultural awareness, a general blasé attitude to coordination. Is that accurate, and what would you say has been learned that may have led to the lackluster start to see a force as an AFRICOM?
00:12:43 SPEAKER_03
Sure. So I want to preface this by saying that there is a happy ending, right? Yeah. So I don't want to come across – and also,
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also, like, people are wondering, where on earth did this dude get all this information? So one thing that I did, I think what may be part of the reason that this paper got the attention that it did, was that I – I actually went out and interviewed about 40 people, a third of them actually members of the civil affairs community, and the others a like number from USAID, and then the
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Lieutenant Colonel Arnel David, co-author of Strategy in the 21st Century: People, Connectivity, and Competition, discusses the book and offers some tips for junior NCOs and officers in Civil Affairs. Available on Amazon, the book calls for rethinking how the U.S. national security community approaches population-centric warfare and strategic competition in the 21st century.
a00:00:00 SPEAKER_02
Simply put, I mean, it's the intersection of actors and interests, predominantly in the land and cyber. So, you know, the cyber domain is a thing right now. It's kind of hot. But we're saying that, you know, if you if you look at the construct of all the domains and how we organize, I mean, really, it's humans first that all war is eternally human, a human endeavor. So humans are always a part of this space. But what's happening in the presnt is that. This human domain is shaping, you know, modern competition and conflict faster with the speed of networks and communications. So networks, I mean, networks define the human domain and shape the current character of conflict and competition.
00:00:40 SPEAKER_01
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Arnell David, Lieutenant Colonel in the U .S. Army. and he's currently the chief of the General Staffs Initiatives Group for Army Headquarters UK. Colonel David, thank you for being on the 1CA podcast. Thank you.
00:00:59 SPEAKER_01
Can you tell us about your current position out there in the UK? We know you're a civil affairs officer in the Army. What are you doing in the UK right now?
00:01:09 SPEAKER_02
So I'm a civil affairs officer, but working for the chief of general staff in the British Army on strategy and advising. I'm working on their strategy branch, and we're working on a new strategy for their Army.
00:01:22 SPEAKER_01
Okay. Well, that's a great tie -in to our topic for today, which is your role as author of a book. It's titled Military Strategy for the 21st Century, People, Connectivity, and Competition. And you wrote this book with Charles Cleveland, retired Lieutenant General, Benjamin Jensen, and Susan Bryant. This was published by Cambia Press this last year. We want to dig into why you guys wrote this book, why now, talk about some of the pieces of it, and pique the interest of listeners to go out and buy a copy on their own. So let me start, sir, by asking you, what's your elevator pitch about the book?
00:02:01 SPEAKER_02
Well, obviously the title gives it away a little bit, but I just tell people it's a book about military strategy and human domain. We present some new ways to think about power and influence in this rapidly changing world. And we construct a theoretical foundation for this human domain concept that, you know, not too long ago, you know, had a lot of momentum and attention, but eventually it's fallen from the discourse.
00:02:23 SPEAKER_01
So it's fallen away from discourse. Is that why you wanted to bring up this topic and this topic now? Do you think there used to be a focus in this area and it's fallen away?
00:02:33 SPEAKER_02
Yeah. So, you know, General Cleveland had a good allegory for, you know, to this bowling frog story where, you know, ever vigilant to avoid the gigging stick. The frog's unaware of the rising temperature, and that's how he describes our current situation, you know, the United States and our military, is that we're the boiling frog. We're not really aware of, like, what's really happening, how the changing character of conflict is unfolding before our eyes, but we're not really reacting in a way that makes us relevant. So the four of us, we were together in the Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Studies Group in 2015. We all shared, you know, this common concern that the Army was going to pivot and shift to the... from the experience of our against and of counter -insurgency warfare to you know what we're most comfortable with you know full -scale conventional warfighting and rightly so you know what happened Crimea with Russia and everything and you know this multi -domain battle was emerging as a concept as well as the third offset was taking shape in the Pentagon so all of our collective experience and professional you know instinct told us that this shift this lifted shift you know Well, it might be necessary. You know, we didn't want to lose a lot of the harder insights from what we learned in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world. So what started as a series of articles that we were going to start publishing in places like War on the Rocks or Foreign Affairs, it turned into this book, which, you know, after two years, we finally got it published.
00:03:49 SPEAKER_01
Well, congratulations. Two years. To a lot of people, it's probably fast to write a book. It seems like you guys took a lot of those articles and pieced them together and then worked collectively. How did you divide the work? By chapters and focus on different areas?
00:04:04 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, so in the beginning, we outlined it by focus areas, chapters. Between two or three of us, we merged chapters. Yeah, it's tough. Four authors, making that coherent. flow throughout a book is quite the challenge. But Ben Jensen was kind of the principal. He's the best writer of us all, or the primary author, stitching everything together. And we met regularly to talk to get us back on. All four of us always agree on everything.
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on everything.
00:04:35 SPEAKER_02
But that book, at the end of it all, after two years, I think all of us can say that, yeah, that is definitely representative of all our ideas. And we're in violent agreement of what we're recommending in the book.
00:04:44 SPEAKER_01
That's wonderful. So I know your background in civil affairs. General Cleveland, I believe, is qualified. He's retired now, but was qualified in Special Forces for the Army. Do either Benjamin Jensen or Susan Bryant have a background in civil affairs?
00:04:58 SPEAKER_02
No. So Ben Jensen was a military intelligence officer, or he is a major in the Reserves. He teaches at the Marine Corps University and at American University. He's a prolific writer. He's writing about these topics regularly. Susan Bryant is a strategist. She's helped me become a strategist and influenced me to do it, as well as John Cleveland. She just retired recently as a colonel. She's had experience as a strategist, working with all different types of capabilities to include civil affairs.
00:05:27 SPEAKER_01
What has the response been so far when you're talking about the book and you're sharing with other people in the military community?
00:05:34 SPEAKER_02
It's been quite positive. I don't know if people just don't want to be honest or don't want to give critical feedback. So far on social media and as we marketed and talked to people, I've done a couple of speaking engagements and traveled to talk about the book. I mean, even in Kuwait, I went to a convention in Kuwait, and it was received pretty well, some of the ideas in the book. People kept coming up to me afterwards saying it makes total sense, and hopefully more people will continue to pick it up and read it.
00:06:00 SPEAKER_01
Good. Let's talk about some of the details of the book, and I want to start with the preface. In it, General Cleveland wrote, We lack organizations and leadership. at the highest levels oriented to the most prevalent forms of conflict, irregular and population -centric. Colonel David, why do you think that's the case?
00:06:18 SPEAKER_02
That's a good question. So that point was made early in the book for good reason. I mean, if you look at how things progressed in the global war on terror, there was a lot of initial success. It started with small special operations elements in Afghanistan with the infamous core soldiers with all these moves coming out now, in Iraq with 10th Group and General Cleveland. working alongside the Kurds and Peshmerga, and to the overlooked success of Joint Special Operations Task Force Philippines and a similar effort in Colombia. These are all led by special warfare leadership at the operational and tactical levels, not necessarily your civil affairs, your PSYOP, special forces leadership, not necessarily your surgical strike types. They are instrumental to the fighting of irregular population -centric conflicts. But as these things grow in scale, You know, the military response is, you know, like if you look at what happened in Mosul and Iraq when we went back in just recently, I mean, the only things we have to offer are, you know, your brigade, the Beijing Corps, field army headquarters of conventional leaders who are, you know, are charged to lead and prosecute these wars amongst the people. It's not that they are not good leaders, but by no means, I mean, they are the best in the world, but they are the best at bringing the hammer and violence. And these types of conflicts require, you know, those most intimate with its conduct and understand its character. And so a lot of the leaders that, you know, whether it's your special forces group commander or what have you, they might rise up to be a TSOC commander, commanding general. But in terms of managing these larger efforts, I mean, it's not likely the way we're structured right now that they would be in charge of prosecuting that type of war.
00:07:50 SPEAKER_01
And when you look, so that's the U .S. When you look at some of our adversaries, do you think that they're succeeding in having the leadership organizations formed for irregular or population -centric warfare?
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and publish such warfare. I mean, it's like what's happened with the Taliban. I mean, even though they're getting some support or external support from whether it's Pakistan or elsewhere, how can we, with all these resources and tremendous might of NATO and the U .S., continue to struggle in dealing with the Taliban and they're able to recruit? So I think they're way effective at controlling the narrative, their information campaigns, the way they're connecting with the people. I mean, they're really good. And one to look out for right now. I mean, for quite some time is Iran. I mean, how they're able to mobilize massive networks of people all over the world with their reach, with Hezbollah and all these different groups that are connected to Iran. I mean, it's pretty impressive. I was at a conference the other day at Chaser at Sandhurst, and this was a big topic of discussion there.
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Are there any other adversaries who are doing it well?
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Yeah, so I mean, there's a host of them, right? The Chinese, they went without fighting. I mean, they're fighting in this threshold below armed conflict with the way they're creating these networks. I mean, we talk about in the book the One Belt, One Road project they have where they're just creating these flows, these big networks, and it's to increase their power and influence in that whole area, the One Belt, One Road, all the different areas it's moving through. Russia, of course, is hybrid warfare stuff that they're doing, trying to avoid. That's a similar threshold of Article 5 with NATO, are doing a number of things in cyberspace and disinformation campaigns, to name a few.
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Right. Colonel David, in the book you wrote, America's military needs to be part of a global security network optimized for 21st century influence campaigns backed by military force as opposed to fighting 20th century military campaigns backed by information operations that often do not match the local context. Sir, are you calling for influence before force?
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In some cases, yes. I think that the information objective should have primacy and lead off. Ultimately, it comes down to every circumstance is different, and it might be a matter of sequencing, but too often, you know, and I've watched this in a number of campaigns or places I've been on deployments, you know, they plan the kinetic effect or the lethal aspect of the fight, and then they're like, okay, let's sprinkle in some magical IO dust after the kinetic operation. or even to use a little bit of it before. But it might be the main thing, the main object that we need to pursue. So on my last deployment, I was asked as the CIG Chief for Special Operations Joint Task Force Afghanistan, Sajid Afay. I was asked by the CIG to look into information warfare and assess how well we were doing it across not just Sajid Afay, but Resilist Support with NATO and the Afghans. And so I brought a Sergeant Major from Asymmetric Warfare Group, AWG. And we'd go around as we're doing our assessment, and he had a good way, a clever way of explaining it. He would say, hey, if I was, you know, if I just walked up to you and slapped you in the face, you'd be like, why'd you just hit me? But if I said, hey, stop this behavior, and then I walk up and then punch you in the face, you know why it hits you, and then that's kind of the way, you know, what should lead out. So the IO objective or trying to explain, you know, whether it's trying to intimidate or influence or coerce or manipulate. That may lead. That might be the main thing. And then you might be able to accomplish your objectives without even having to physically fight. So I thought it was kind of a clever way of explaining information warfare and why it matters and what should come first, you know,
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if that answers the question.
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answers the question.
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I think it does, and that's built on your experiences and those of the other authors. So let's talk about the three policy recommendations in the book. First, you and the fellow authors advise that we define the human domain. So how would you define it?
00:11:52 SPEAKER_02
So, of course, we define it in the book. But simply put, I mean, it's the intersection of actors and interests, predominantly in the land and cyber. So, you know, the cyber domain is a thing right now that's kind of odd. But we're saying that, you know, if you look at the construct of all the domains and how we organize, I mean, really, it's huma
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Michael Coates and Mark Grimes, creators of the Startup Radio Network, discuss their programs and how Civil Affairs members and veterans can start their ventures.
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K -12 public school students can submit their artwork to the Virginia Lottery's Thank a Teacher Art Contest, now through February 3rd. Turn your student's masterpiece into a lasting memory. Students could win a $200 gift card and $2 ,000 for their school. Winning artwork will be featured on thank you notes distributed during Teacher Appreciation Week. The Virginia Lottery, a win for education. Visit thankateacherva .com for details. Deadline February 3rd. Brought to you by the Virginia Lottery and the Supply Room.
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Open up to understanding that this is a very ambiguous thing that you're now working on. You better have a to -do list that's going to be 50 or 100 things. You're going to have a very hard time prioritizing it. And even if you do, something's going to come up 90 minutes from now, but they may take a whole new focus because it's a very unique opportunity.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Michael Coates and Mark Grimes, serial entrepreneurs based in Portland and hosts of the Startup Radio Network. Gentlemen, welcome to the 1CA Podcast. Thank you very much for having us. Absolutely. Now, you guys are serial entrepreneurs. You've both created many companies. There are many current and former civil affairs soldiers and Marines who start small businesses. especially if they're reserve. The Marine Corps, certainly an Army majority of the civil affairs community is reserve. So they're working for someone or working for themselves. And there are a lot of people who retire out of civil affairs, retire out of the military, who have an idea that may have been percolating around for years, and they just decided to launch this new venture and privatize maybe something they were doing in the military or continuing possibly with the connection with the VA or the government somehow. Or just starting a new venture that's totally outside of their military background. So maybe later on, if you guys could offer some tips for those people on how to translate that idea into a new venture, that would be great. Do our best. Thank you very much. Well, Michael and Mark, I wanted to get into your background. So, Michael, maybe if you could start. How long have you been an entrepreneur? What are some of the companies that you've been working on? And how did you get connected to Mark?
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Couldn't hold a job, so I didn't work forever.
00:02:25 SPEAKER_02
What does that mean? You didn't like to work for other people?
00:02:28 SPEAKER_03
The very quick background probably is I worked for Ross Perot's EDS company a long, long time ago. And that put my wife and I in San Francisco, where we both got exposed to the corporations, her advertising, what we call data processing in those days. We moved back to our Portland area. original home, we start an advertising agency together. Just from an idea. She has tremendous graphic background. And we did that together for 15 years. She still runs the agency. And then I started just looking for other things to do, including business brokerage.
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And then I got involved in the startup community and put on the first startup weekend in Portland. And this Grimes, who headed up Netspace, gave us his space for free, which we desperately needed because we didn't have any money. And we actually got reconnected. We had met years before and then didn't see each other in between. Netspace is a co -working space. Mark is very, very startup friendly. And he is a true serial entrepreneur. He said some very big things globally.
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And then I just loved what he was doing. in this net space community is that I've got to be part of it. And we started helping out, and we had this idea to do a round -the -world startup -a -thon interviewing startup people in local, the area, different countries of the world, one country per hour, and have that hosted by an investor in that same country. It didn't quite come off that way. This was about three years ago, but we liked the whole. podcasting as it turned into media. And so January this year, we turned our podcast business into Startup Radio Network, which is a global discussion of entrepreneurs. That's about as succinct as I've ever been in my life. That's the shortest I've ever been. I'm really proud of myself.
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Congrats. Well, thank you. Your turn,
00:04:39 SPEAKER_03
Well, thank you. Your turn, Mark. So in 1989, I started my first company.
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1989, I started my first company. called Arts Marketing Association. It was a global network of marketing directors and performing arts groups. Nothing like it existed at the time. This was obviously way pre -real internet, so all this stuff was done via mail and phone calls and everything else. And found after doing that, we got it cash flow positive in under 90 days, and it ran it for about two, two and a half, three years, and then sold it, and I was hooked from...
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actually the bootstrap founders that are really getting into the grindstone and really making it happen and really building a solid, real business. Like Michael said, we connected a few years ago. Out of it, the Startup Radio Network has really flourished over the last year. We now have a network of four shows that we run every Friday back -to -back, four shows in a row. those, and then every week we have anywhere from 50 ,000 to 180 ,000 listeners to the show, and we'll be adding more shows to the network early next year.
00:06:04 SPEAKER_02
That's great. Are most of the listeners based in the U .S. or Western Hemisphere?
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The last time we looked at the numbers, I think it was like 30%, 25 % to 30 % were overseas. Wow. Which, to be candid, that's what we're looking for. US -centric -based network.
00:06:28 SPEAKER_02
Right. Well, I guess it's all in English, but English is sort of the language of business around the world, right?
00:06:35 SPEAKER_03
So you'd think it was all in English, but we actually have a show called Latino Founder Hour that's all in Spanish, talking to Spanish founders around the world.
00:06:44 SPEAKER_02
Oh, fantastic. Yeah, I wanted to go into some more detail about the four shows that you have. I wanted to ask you, though, first, what is it about the bootstrap startup that... really draws your attention to them? The people.
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That's what we love about the four shows we hopefully will be expanding by Q1 2019 to at least six, possibly eight, because we're looking for micro -slices of the startup community. I know this podcast is supposed to be evergreen. Hopefully this will be changing, but when you go to... digital guy in his 30s who sold his software company for a zillion dollars. And that's great to hear the first one. But after a while, how many people really can relate to a person like that? Whereas if you slice off who are Latinos who have started business, that appeals to it. That has a direct connection to a certain audience. LGBTQ, you know, with Dave Dolan. many ex -felons have started a business. Well, really quite a few and provides a lot of inspiration to mainly guys who are getting out of prison that they could do something like this. And then, of course, our veteran startups, which is near and dear to your heart. How about people who have had a military career get back into the public life and all of a sudden, what are they going to do? security background could be avionics could be you know all kinds of things you come out skills how can you turn that into making living entirely on your own and it's grasping you know taking control of the environment that you have out there looking for opportunity looking to serve others make a profit so that you can stay in business finding a pain or a need or something that people will
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know taking control of the environment that you have out there looking for opportunity looking to serve others make a profit so that you can stay in business finding a pain or a need or something that people will Trade their money for it because they do want it or they do need it. And that's what life is all about. That's leading a real meaningful life and leaving an impression behind you, too. And this is where wealth is built. Wealth is built by serving other people.
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And that's okay. Now you see the rambling. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So bring that back home. Bring that back home, John. So basically, while we do talk to it. founders that have raised a million or millions of dollars for their startups. The bootstrapped startup founders,
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you see
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founders, the ones that are just trying to grow real businesses and lean businesses, first of all, that's the majority of startups. That's 95 % or more of them. Those are real businesses and real people doing real things. The big companies, the people that are trying to build the Ubers of the world, Airbnbs, yeah, they need to have a full load of money. Those are also the unicorns. That's also...
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our customers. Let's find out what's going on. They're focused on what any real company needs to do anyway. That's a better answer.
00:10:12 SPEAKER_02
There are a lot of those. In the veteran space, there are a lot of veterans who will start up a coffee roaster or brewery or a service that provides training for disabled veterans or takes some hunting or fishing. You know, just have a clothes washing. I mean, it's all over the range. And most, you're right, most of those businesses are small and they stay small. And they may get sold or bought off by somebody else. Exactly. Well, they fold. And then they try again. Yeah,
00:10:44 SPEAKER_03
exactly. Well, a lot of times, a lot of first -time entrepreneurs, it's kind of like a first -time.
00:11:09 SPEAKER_03
Only after you started do you realize, oh my gosh, I need a company that's in the B2C space, not the B2D plate space, or I need a big staff, or I need very little staff. I mean, all those things you learn only after doing the first one, which gets into the whole, obviously, the serial entrepreneur thing.
00:11:28 SPEAKER_02
There's a great myth that all these startup companies that launched the unicorns, that they didn't have any problems, and that never happens.
00:11:43 SPEAKER_02
Let's go into more detail about the four shows that you have. You have the Veteran Founders Podcast. You have two hosts for that. What's the focus for the Veteran Founders Podcast and the other three shows that you have?
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on the side, but it happens occasionally. But, you know, they face a unique challenge, and of course, you know, especially the ones who come back from a combat situation, because they've got PTSD to deal with a lot of the times,
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deal with a lot of the times, and they come back with this mentality and an attitude that does sometimes translate to the society in which they decide to, you know, build a business, so they have to make some money. Real Real mental changes as well some personality changes too,
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changes as well some personality changes too, so they have difficult hurdles to jump Josh Carter and Carmen I have trouble that They are two veterans who start up businesses and Carmen's very very successful
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trouble that They are two veterans who start up businesses and Carmen's very very successful
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International. Josh has started Patriot Boot Camp. These are boot camps that are helping vets do that start because sometimes the toughest thing is to just start and do it because you're usually going to fail that first time and dealing with that is the hardest part. Let's see the other.
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either keep it in the closet if they want to keep their business going or keep their job. When they finally come out, they're just getting pasted and having to jump over that hurdle of finding a business, a place of pain that they can serve. Latino founder hour, I mean, we've got people who snuck in the border and had to wait X amount of years before they could say something out in public and say where they were really from and they had a business going. hardships in order to make that business work. No, didn't speak the language, no money, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, the usual immigrant story. And then ex -felons, excuse me, felony ink, but ex -felons, they've endured a lot of pressure pain, but what you find out is a lot of them are thankful for their time in prison because that's when they finally got a chance to look at themselves and to work on that. themselves. And it took being put in prison with nothing but time on their hands to figure it out. And they come out to do some fantastic businesses. That's the lineup for now.
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for now. That's the current lineup right now. And the film and ink is hosted by some people may know the hostess Dave Thal, who is the founder of Dave's Killer Bread.
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It's Tasty Bread. We have it in the local grocery stores near us.
00:15:16 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, it's so good. Where are you? In Maryland,
00:15:19 SPEAKER_02
Maryland, right by D .C.
00:15:21 SPEAKER_03
Okay, nice. Yeah, they've been expanding across the nation, so there's still some places they're not in yet, but doing a great job. Dave's no longer involved with the company, but we really find he pulls out really great stories from these guests of kind of turnaround, inspiration, and really the things that, like Michael said, that these guys are in there. And frankly, a lot of the things... that once they start selling a different product, which is part of their startup, that they actually have a lot of the skill sets that really work for a startup founder. They just need to sell something that's legal, not illegal.
00:16:03 SPEAKER_02
Right. Is that a photo of Dave on the brea
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Sergeant First Class Max Steiner and Major Mazi Markel discuss recommendations in their CA Issue Paper titled, "Developing Civil Affairs: Increasing Soldier Flexibility and Doctrinal Specificity."
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Picture it. The freedom to mow longer without frequent refueling. The convenience of controls that let you maneuver more terrain. The peace of mind that comes from comprehensive dealer support. It's what you get and more with John Deere walk -behind stand -on and zero -turn mowers. Complete your fleet today.
00:00:15 SPEAKER_03
Fatigue. Hot flashes. How you couldn't lose weight. While everyone is unique and will have varied results, here are extraordinary experiences from independent body affiliates and actual Belvital users. The combination of the fitness, the food, the breathing exercises,
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the supplements, it's just the magic that I was missing. I love the combination of the Pilates with lifting. This program has taught me what my body truly needs. It's helping me sleep so much better. I have transformed my body from the inside out.
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body from the inside out. Get hormone health for women at Belvital. There are a lot of jobs where if you describe something and then ask a soldier,
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are a lot of jobs where if you describe something and then ask a soldier, is this NA or SCA, they will have problems answering. I think that's problematic. So I think going forward, you should name your pillars after what you hope to accomplish, right? They should be goal -oriented terminology.
00:01:07 SPEAKER_04
Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for this episode. We're joined today by Major Mozzie Markle and Sergeant First Class Max Steiner, authors of an issue paper submitted to the Civil Affairs Association, and it's entitled Developing Civil Affairs, Increasing Soldier Flexibility and Doctrinal Specificity. Gentlemen, welcome to the podcast. I think it's all good to hear. Max, I wanted to start with you. Could you tell us what you're doing for civil affairs right now, what's your position, and which unit are you with? Right.
00:01:43 SPEAKER_04
been recently transferred into the 425 CA. I've yet to drill with them in the person. So I was drilling with the 416 CA in San Diego. And when I was promoted, I had already been deployed to Egypt. So I was deployed starting in October and then promoted in January. And in the reserve side, when you're promoted, you were often transferred units. And I ended up in the 425. And so that's where I am now. So I'm kind of in a long -term RST status, but still reaching back a little to do CA as much as I can. That's great. Thank you. And Major Markel. Yeah, thanks. So essentially the, I guess Max is saying, so I'm the Charlie Company commander with 425. So kind of actually new to the CA game, probably been with Charlie Company. I've been boots on ground now about three years. Kind of first was more of a... team leader slash XO and picked that command maybe 10 months ago. But long -time side guy and kind of needed the CA game. But love it. It's been a lot of fun. Well, that's good to hear. Sergeant Steiner, what do you do for your day job? Right. So I'm a diplomat with the Department of State.
00:02:55 SPEAKER_04
I'm currently seconded as a civilian observer with the MFO. The MFO is a multinational organization that verifies the status of the Treaty of Peace signed in Camp David between Egypt and Israel. So basically we drive throughout the Sinai and a small portion of Israel and verify the troop levels are in accordance with the treaty. So it's been going on for almost 40 years now, and so far they haven't gotten to war again, so we view that as a success. But, yeah, it's a semi -diplomatic role that's understood as a PCP mission.
00:03:31 SPEAKER_02
Major Markell, what's your day job?
00:03:33 SPEAKER_04
So, for me, I'm a DOJ guy. So, basically, on 1811, a special agent with the DEA down here in San Diego. And just doing God's work, I guess, down here in San Diego with kind of the anti -drug initiative. Yeah, that's good to hear. Well, gentlemen, let's get to talking about your issue paper here. I want to start with you, Sergeant Steiner. Can you talk about what led you to draft an issue paper that talks about CA doctrine and training? Yeah, so the short answer is I checked the CA website, the CA Association website, and I was reading the prior years, basically, papers, and some of them were very interesting. And I was like, wow, this is really great. And then I saw, I think, a day that they were soliciting further papers. My job, you know, it's not exactly deployment, but, you know, we're on a military base. Many times we're confined to base if there are situations outside. And so I had a lot of free time, and I can't go to the gym the whole day. So I decided I was going to brainstorm something and write it up. And I sent that to Major Markell and shot some ideas by him and talked to him. And the paper kind of grew out of those discussions. When you were brainstorming, What led you to training a doctrine, if you consider the dot mil PF approach? Why pick out those two? I had never deployed as civil affairs. I had two deployments for a total of two years, as I left Bravo before I went to college, before I became a diplomat.
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before I became a diplomat. So I didn't feel completely comfortable talking about how CA should do its jobs. I felt much more comfortable. with the aspects of CA that I personally experienced, namely CA training and my exposure to CA doctrine. So, yeah, judging, just going off of what I considered the areas that I knew enough about to talk about, I didn't want to come in and start swinging without having experienced a CA deployment. I think if you look at it, we're kind of going back and forth, the collaboration piece. And Sarnstein, incredibly intelligent guy. I mean, a lot of experience got me through good training. And I think he had questions that I think a lot of guys that I've seen just for the last few years, smart guys, they come through the training and they go through CAQC or they go through the reclass. And it's, there's just, there's still questions that they don't understand the doctrine and whether it's too broad. So for example, you know, we look at, let's say, you know, just the pillars and we're discussing NA and SCA, you know, they'll say, you know, I don't get it. Like I get it theoretically. I understand the definition, but it doesn't make sense. And my question would be, If you have guys that are super smart guys like Steiner, other guys in the ranks that are having the same questions, where are we lacking as a branch, essentially, with our training? Right. Major Raquel, when you received the draft ideas from Sergeant Steiner, how did you initially respond? Do you think this was totally on target, or was there a shift more focused on training or more on doctrine? Do you think it was pretty well balanced? No, I think he did a great job grabbing the paper. We basically went through... There were some items in there that we kind of took out, just kind of looked at the focus of it, kind of shifted the focus. So basically, the final submission that you guys have or the final page, the paper that he wrote up, it really kind of highlights, I'd like to say, the meat, if Steiner, if that's appropriate, the meat of kind of his intent, where he was going with it. And then, too, looking at it just from my perspective, both on the PSYF side, the DOJ side, and my short time here with the CA, but I think he's right on point. You look at what you have here. If you've got a guy that, because my thing is this, Steiner's an exception, right? You've got a guy that literally is doing CA essentially Monday through Friday, right? The Department of State guy has been, you know, both is in 11 Bravo, but also now kind of in a foreign environment with Department of State. He can go to a training and he can pick up, let's say, the CA tasks and kind of come back and still be effective and be an operator because he has that civilian background where he can kind of cut through the meat, let's say, at the doctor. you know, come out as an effective soldier. My concern is I've got guys that, you know, they don't have that background, so they work in a grocery store, they're a student. And I don't think the training and the doctrine really totally address their needs. And I think Max did a good job describing that here on this webinar. Yeah, that's wonderful. I look forward to reading the full paper when it comes out. Before we get to the training reforms and the doctrine reforms that you propose, I want to talk about the big picture and the future operating environment that you describe. And you argue that CA operators must prepare to work in a, quote, complicated environment of international and interagency actors. Moreover, CA soldiers must be able to explain and deliver CA capabilities to supported commanders, end quote. So to me, it sounds a lot like the same requirements of today. Sergeant Seiner, how would you say the future operating environment differs from what we have today?
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are the kind of engagements, the long -term, you know, nation -building that the Army will have problems with and that CA will be most challenged by. And as such, I think, you know, we should be addressing our efforts towards making sure that if we get into an Iraq situation or an Afghanistan situation going forward, that we are fully prepared to learn the lessons from our, I would say, challenges that we faced in Iraq and Afghanistan. And address that. I think one of the big problems looking back is how the army addressed Vietnam. And there was just kind of a denial the next 30 years about we're just not going to do a Vietnam again. And we had to in 2001. You can argue that it was a political decision. But the army went into Afghanistan in 2001. And it should have learned from what happened in the 60s and early 70s in Vietnam. And I think that we didn't really. A lot of lessons got. forgotten a lot of lessons, got pushed to the back of the institutional mindset. We wanted to do force -on -force engagements with a near -peer adversary, and we weren't adequately prepared for counterinsurgency. I think the next century, you know, we are going to be facing more conflicts like this, and that might not be the war the Army wants to fight, but I think it's the war the Army is going to have the most problem fighting. It's interesting to hear because I know the shift now in the Army has been back toward the near -peer threat and preparing at least to go head -to -head with countries like Russia or China. And there certainly is a shift away from what you're describing would continue. Right. And I don't want to be, you know,
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you know, that sergeant first class who thinks he's a general, right? Like, if you have a near -peer fight, you have one chance to win a near -peer fight. In Iraq and Afghanistan, we've had, you know, in the case of Afghanistan, 17 years, 17 years of opportunity. to win the civil affairs fight or at least influence the civil affairs engagement. So there is a difference in, like, where do you focus? Big Army, where do you focus? And between that, you know, like an armored brigade should not be focusing on CA tests. But I think CA, the big challenge for CA will be challenges like Iraq and Afghanistan, where we're fighting long -term insurgencies that involve a nation -building component. Major Markell, what's your take on the future operating environment? Yeah, concurrent. I think if you look at, let's say, if you take a near -peer fight, and now all of a sudden, Iraq, Afghanistan, you know, your focus is smaller. I don't want to say the scope is smaller, but the players, the different factors that are going to be involved, comparing it to, let's say, Russia, China, it's on a far more small scale. So I think it's critical when we kind of plan for those fights, we are now on the CA side of it, we have much more adept utilizing our UAP partners. NGOs, IGOs, to be more effective. Because if we fail to do that, we're not going to be able to secure the fight. So gentlemen, you propose some training reforms. So training reforms and doctrinal reforms. Let's talk about training first and then get to the doctrine. Could you describe what are the reforms in training that you're proposing? Two basic training reforms. One is to place more soldiers, active duty, and reserve component soldiers into the Department of State internship program. So the Department of State. has a summer internship, but it's all year. The majority of students go in the summer, and this is basically for undergraduate and master's level students to go and experience the embassy life. So they're typically two to three month trips down to a country, and then you work with embassy offices within that country. And you'll get an understanding of how the embassy works and how the embassy interacts with other unified action partners. You know, the embassy will just support them as NGOs, but we'll use the army terminology and see how the whole government approach works overseas.
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And that's really valuable for a student studying political science or studying international affairs or with a regional major. But it's also very valuable for civil affairs. And I've worked in an embassy. I've worked in a consulate. I saw that every student that came down benefited immensely from the program, and it just always struck me as something that this would be great for CA soldiers. Well, I think it would be amazing. How would that be operationalized? Who needs to approve something like that as a broadening opportunity? We discussed it basically logistically, especially on the financial piece. So what Steiner's saying, and I think it was logical, is you could probably have it to where you break it down, let's say, by commands, for example. You know, we're a pay comp. So if you can work with, let's say, you know, the recruitment folks that Steiner's talking about basically with the Department of State that typically organize those kind of internships, I think it's logical to see, I would say, two soldiers as a buddy team for travel there and back. But essentially, building is going to be provided by the Department of State as well as food. So, I mean, from that standpoint, you cover AT days. So I guess the question would be. I would provide AT days, and that's what the units could lo
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, we welcome Diana Parzik, Major in the Army Reserve, to discuss the role and capabilities of the USAID Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation.
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Now through February 3rd, K -12 public school students can enter the Virginia Lottery's Thank a Teacher Art Contest. Winners receive a $200 gift card and $2 ,000 for their school. Visit thankateacherva .com for details.
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Our primary role is that we are USA's primary point of contact with the Department of Defense.
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Hi, welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined with Diana Parzik. She's staffer now at USAID and a major in the Army Reserve Civil Affairs, former company commander down in Virginia Beach, Virginia, now at the 353KCOM, and recently promoted at USAID. So Diana, welcome to the 1CA podcast.
00:00:49 SPEAKER_04
Hi, thanks. It's a pleasure to be here. So we've known each other for several years now,
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known each other for several years now, and you used to be the I used to work in global health engagement and then more recently as the civil military coordinator for AFRICOM at USAID. What are you doing now?
00:01:07 SPEAKER_04
It's interesting that you mentioned this. As of this past week, I took on a new role as the acting division chief for policy plans division within the office of civil military cooperation. You mentioned I was the AFRICOM civil military coordinator. I've been with USAID for two years now, engaged in, and I'm also actually in a dual role capacity too. So not only am I in that supervisory role, That is looking at not just AFRICOM, but also INDOPACOM, SOCOM. It falls under my portfolio as a SOUTHCOM. All the different combatant commands and our civil -military relationship with all those different combatant commands across the interagency.
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So could you talk about the Office of Civil -Military Cooperation? You had a bunch of experience there. What's that office all about? What's its mission?
00:01:59 SPEAKER_04
Our primary role is that we are USAID's primary point of contact with the Department of Defense. And the way that what our objective there, you know, is that we are aimed to align our development and defense objectives and to leverage unique capabilities and our skill sets on both sides of USAID and DOD. So, you know, what that means, and, you know, I'll look at AFRICOM from. in my experience right now. We have a senior development advisor at AFRICOM and we have our deputy development advisor at AFRICOM. We actually have a USA person who also sits in the J5. With AFRICOM's, you know, approach and looking at the continent is in support of development and diplomacy objectives. And our colleagues that currently reside within the combatant commands really aim to put USAID on the table there in conversations. In a reciprocal relationship within USAID, we also have a number of military LNOs that reside within our office. So from all the different combat commands, we have a military LNO. I sit right next to my colleague who coordinates on AFRICOM and is a green suitor.
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a reciprocal
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Could you talk a little bit about those LNOs? What branches of the military did it come from? Does it matter in your opinion? Or sort of to the value of? of the office, what backgrounds they bring.
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We have had quite a variety, and so I think that the diversity in our office of not only services but of skill sets has really helped to enrich our conversation within USAID and teach USAID about what kind of skill sets the military has. So, you know, we've had Navy personnel, we've had Army personnel, we currently have Air Force personnel, we have folks that are, many of them actually are civil affairs. Both active and reserve component civil affairs have provided LNOs to help support this mission. And we have skill sets outside of that, foreign area officers and what have you. And I'm not even touching on the number of other military fellowship programs that are offered throughout the agency, too, that help to really inform USAID about what the military, their skill sets, their background, and how to coordinate with military.
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and how
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When I came into the Army, it was a steep learning curve for the lingo and all of the acronyms and the alphabet soup of what I had to try. And I'm still learning it, right? It never stops. And I would imagine it's a different world, a different language for someone from the military to come over to USAID.
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Absolutely. So I mentioned already for you to say, I've been with USAID now for two years.
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And, you know, I can't. I can't tell you. There's, you know, every day that I'm learning something new and, you know, sometimes it's not just a definition, a new acronym for USA, but, you know, DOD has a different acronym and sometimes they have different acronyms that have two or three different meanings within the DOD itself. And, you know, and so you're constantly having that conversation and trying to translate. between the two languages. And I find myself in the middle oftentimes of having to train, you know, I, Now that I've been here for a little while, I feel like I almost speak two different languages within the two different agencies. And I often offer as like a translator. So there's another thing I think that I'm discussing a little bit later, but there's some different courses and stuff that we offer in USAID. And one of the courses is often taught with a foreign service officer who's had that technical experience in the field.
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often offer
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And I turned around when I got to teach civil affairs communities and I turned around and I was like, so this is what this means for you. And to really make sure that the conversation that it's a desk officer, a foreign service officer has a meaningful impression on the military community. And there's a. there's a connection there and there's something that really resonates and how, you know, that can make the military be more effective or enlighten them in another way that will provide them a more informed decision, you know, about USAID and what USAID brings when they're working together in the field.
00:06:33 SPEAKER_02
That's good to hear. I don't know how long it's been going on, but I think it's a... It's a no -brainer now. People would probably wonder, like, how could we get along without talking to each other and sitting in the next office or next cubicle and working together the way that AID and DOD have been doing for years. Diana, I would think that your previous work, and we mentioned global health engagement, and then your role as civil affairs officer, would really help to enhance what you do now at USAID. How would you say that previous work set you up for success?
00:07:03 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, so prior to coming to USAID, I worked with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs in the Office of International Health, and then I went on to work. That was another office in transformation under the Defense Health Agency and then Global Health Engagement very briefly before I took the job with USAID. And I think that my prior work there really helped me understand the way that duty policy is drafted. It helped me to understand the impacts of policy and when you're going through a capabilities -based assessment, what that means. At the time, we were involved in looking at the global health engagement as a piece that initially came from DODI 3000 .05, and then the health community came in and drafted their own DODI. policy on support to stabilization for the military health system, which then kind of morphed into global health engagement. And what does that look like? And what are the skill sets that are needed across the Army, Air Force, Navy to achieve this new mission set, this new capability within the medical community? And we know we've been doing it for a very long time in the DOD. But, you know, what kind of, you know, what kind of skill sets, you know, and we got quite invested for a while in the .milpf process. So the doctor and the organization training, material leadership, education, personnel, and facilities, and looking at do we have the right skill set to achieve this engagement at, you know, at the combatant command level. And I think that... Like I said, it helped me to understand the policy level. But then I come here, and I'm working with USAID, and there's areas in which we intersect that are policy -based, like 3000 .05, again, stabilization. And there's other ones, too, on humanitarian assistance or foreign humanitarian assistance that, you know, it really has helped me to be able to, once again, translate. what DOD policy, how DOD policy works and how, you know, that, that takes effect into developing, you know, a capability or, you know, how that, how that translates down the road at the more tactical level for, for someone who's in the military.
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Do you find that your colleagues, if there's a question that's global health or health exchange related, they turn to you as the internal subject matter expert?
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Not anymore. And the reason why we actually have a person within the Office of Civil and Military that continues to... have that interchange with global health. And I mentioned one of our, you know, we have a number of LNOs. One of our LNOs is a military, is a Navy LNO, and that's, her background is in health. And so we have, we definitely have that piece of it covered down. And I think that USAID realizes that there is some overlap there with the DoD and global health and, you know,
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And so
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there is some overlap there with the DoD and global health and, you know, global health engagement.
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I can't speak to the most recent ways in which they've been engaged, but I know that that's a continued conversation that we have with the DOD.
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That's great. So what has surprised you about the work of USAID?
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You know, one of the things that I think that surprised me most about the agency was about how many technical skills that we have. It's really like, you know, we are an inch wide and a mile deep. And the number of people that we have in this organization that have PhDs and multiple, you know, master's degrees. And, you know, you can really talk to some people that have some very interesting subject matter expertise in agriculture or health or what have you. And it's always impressed me, you know, that this agency. that they have all those people from the field that there's questions that come back in Washington, that they have people that can offer them the most up -to -date research and what's going on and what the best practices are. And so I've really found that piece of it to be in our agency very interesting and sometimes very intimidating as well. Yeah,
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you're surrounded by a bunch of brainiacs.
00:11:39 SPEAKER_02
Yeah. That's good to hear, though, that you can draw on a lot of expertise, and the well is pretty deep. So I want to talk to you about the collaboration that happens between offices of civil cooperation and DOD. You know, the office touts using personnel exchanges, policy development, and training. I want to break those down a little bit and discuss each aspect. What are some current examples of personnel exchanges? I guess you'd mention the LNOs.
00:12:04 SPEAKER_04
Yeah. And I really think that's one of our strongest. One of our strongest aspects of our office is that we have, like I mentioned, our senior development advisors, our deputy development advisors, who reside at the combatant commands. And then sometimes we have more military personnel, like in Africa, and we have someone also in our J5. And then there are military LNOs that reside here. We also have folks that reside in the Pentagon. And really the point of this is that we make sure that our development objectives are lined with DODs and vice versa and making sure that our equities are represented in those conversations.
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And what would you say are policies jointly developed or routinely shared between AID and DOD?
00:12:57 SPEAKER_04
I mentioned one of the policies already, the DODI 3000 .05. I should also just mention, too, that USAID has a policy on cooperation with the Department of Defense. And then there's other policies, too, that CNC has worked on. One has been a memorandum in the past. About a year and a half now that it's been signed by our administrator, Mark Green, of mission civil military cooperation officers. And so each of the missions, each of our missions, now has this new, what we're referring to as an MC2, that is the point of contact for the Department of Defense, you know, on that level of engagement on the ground. So, and this is, I should also caveat and say this is outside of the humanitarian assistance. piece so there's they have there's someone else also at the mission the MDRO relief officer the mission disaster relief officer would handle disaster -related things. But this individual, if you want to collaborate, coordinate with USA on some sort of a MedCat, for example, or if there's radio towers or something like that, this is the person that is the point of contact within that mission to... really navigate through the mission and figure out who the best plans to contact are. So I mentioned previously, this kind of ties into the technical subject matter expertise that we have in the agency.
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So I
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matter expertise that we have in the agency. And, you know, a lot of times we don't, you know, coming from my DOD, my military experience as a CA officer, we don't know. who the best point of contact is. And it sometimes, you know, might not be the health person. It might be a program officer. It might be a person in education or what have you based on what you're,
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not be the
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or what have you based on what you're, you know, what you are interested in doing
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, we have Captain Will Ibrahim, S-9 of 2/1 CAV, discuss how an Armored Brigade Combat Team sees Civil Affairs and how CA units can work successfully with a heavy unit.
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You just talk about your personalities, talk about the training that you have, the experience that you have, and how best your element can support their mission, their maneuver element. It's not rocket science.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Will Ibrahim. who is a captain in the U .S. Army and serving as the S -9 for 2 -1 CAV. Will, welcome to the 1CA Podcast. Hey, John. Thanks for having me on. It's a pleasure. You got connected to us through a mutual officer who's in the Army Reserve, and he said that you guys went through the qualification process together and had served together on active duty. Were you trained in CA?
00:00:57 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, currently serving as the S -9 for the, as you mentioned, the 2nd Brigade 1st Cav here in Fort Hood. And yes, I'm school SWCC, that's SWC, Special Warfare School and Center, trained as a civil affairs officer.
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And was that something you came in, was there a different basic branch when you joined the Army? Yes,
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I did some time enlisted, did about five years enlisted time. I was an intel analyst. Back then it was, the MLS was a 96 Bravo. I got commissioned to OCS, and my basic branch was as an infantry officer. I did a couple years in the infantry, and then I switched over to civil affairs. After about three years or so,
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almost four, in the infantry.
00:01:49 SPEAKER_04
Okay. So why did you want to switch over to civil affairs? Had you heard about it from someone else?
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to be able to learn the language, to work in a small team, to do something outside of my basic branch and civil affairs appeal to me. I thought there'd be a lot of opportunities here, and there are,
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and there are, and so I jumped over.
00:02:13 SPEAKER_04
That's great. And so you took the D -Lab, I guess the Defense Language Aptitude Battery. What language were you trained in?
00:02:21 SPEAKER_02
I was only trained in just one language. And that's Indonesian, or Bahasa Indonesia, I would say. Why that one? I guess it was based upon needs of the Army, really. Yeah, I didn't really have a say to it. Like, we just, you know, we go through the qualification process, you know, put in your applications, you just prefer some languages. You know, you have your preference list of languages, but it's... It's not up to me the final language decision of which one I'm given and which one I start training for.
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start training for.
00:02:57 SPEAKER_04
Okay. Yeah, so it's not like you had any background in Indonesian. It was just you were good with languages and they gave you that one. Exactly. Yep, that's right. Well, I want to talk about your current role as an S9. What does an S9 do, and how do you think it applies to heavy BCT?
00:03:13 SPEAKER_02
The role as a Brigade S9 can really be... Well, down into two different areas, twofold. One, you're a civil affairs planner for the brigade. And two, you're the community relations liaison for the brigade as well. So these general guidelines apply to both like a heavy brigade, which I'm in right now, or a light infantry brigade. I've seen both sides of this. Bottom line, you're... As S -9, you're planning and synchronizing the civil engagements for the brigade commander.
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What are some examples during your training or if the brigade is going to go somewhere for a conventional unit? What are some of the civil engagements that you have planned for?
00:04:04 SPEAKER_02
When we deploy or when we go to these CTC rotations, there's always civilians. There's civilians in the area of operations, civilians on the battlefield. These civilian engagements are basically like KLEs, key leader engagements, SLEs, senior leader engagement, or meeting with local police officers, police chiefs, mayors, imams, sheiks, or it may be on the...
00:04:58 SPEAKER_04
So are you a one -man show? Do you have anyone else helping you in the S9 shop?
00:05:03 SPEAKER_02
That's correct. From a one -man show, the M -Tote across Big Army for the BCTs has changed over the last few years. This lot used to be for a major 04, but that has got downgraded to a captain because there's a shortage of civil affairs officers. But, yeah, one -man show. There's no NCO any longer at the BCT level for civil affairs.
00:05:32 SPEAKER_04
Okay. So you mentioned CTTs, and if people are not familiar with that, the military uses these combat training centers like National Training Center at Fort Urban, California, GRTC, the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana. And we use them to test warfighting concepts. A lot of it is about testing the ability of staff sections to perform their duties. And so CA teams and companies are certainly in those rotations. My unit will be providing support for 2 -1 CAV. And Marine Corps Civil Affairs units do similar exercises at 29 Palms in California and elsewhere. Yep. From your perspective, the S9th Brigade, what do you think that a CA team or CA company could provide and support as an enabler to 2 -1 CAV in that CTC or specifically NTC training environment?
00:06:22 SPEAKER_02
In my opinion, at the brigade level, the Civil Affairs Planner... To understand the operational environment, receive the brigade commander's intent. Sometimes you don't have a CA planner like myself on the staff. It's just that CA team or the CMOT chief, and they're the only interface for the civil affairs elements there. But receive the brigade commander's intent for civil engagements, and then... Start integrating the CA, PSYOPs, or SS, Special Forces, all those soft elements to support those efforts. And then lastly,
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synchronize the support elements within the formation. So those CA teams, PSYOP teams, or SF teams, or soft elements, synchronize those elements within the formations. The other part of that is that I believe the... The soft elements should take guidance from the S -9 and incorporate themselves into the information operations or non -lethal working groups in order to execute their CA doctrinal task,
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which supports that brigade battalion commander.
00:07:38 SPEAKER_04
Could you talk a little bit about the build on that, the non -lethal working group? Who are the people at that table and part of that working group?
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You should have a planner from the brigades, S -3 or a brigade ops cell. in there. You'll have the CA rep, probably myself,
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or the CMOC chief there. You'll have some of the SIOP folks. If you're lucky and you have one, you'll have an IO officer, an information operations officer there, or planner.
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PAO should be there. Other non -lethal enablers like the EWO,
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like the EWO, electronic warfare officer. And probably the S2 rep to be able to help with the non -lethal sales integration to the Intel side of the house as well. I actually got an excerpt from a smart paper from a gentleman named Kevin Merrill. He wrote it about a year ago. It states this, the non -lethal sale at the BCT, the beginning combat team. serves a critical role in aligning the ground commander's intent with the complex tasks of conducting unified land operations amongst the local population. In a decisive action environment, the non -legal cell focuses the commander's direct interaction with unified action partners on determining the conditions requisite or necessary for the return of responsibility to civil authority. Ultimately, that's what you're trying to do. Your plans, your actions, and that not only the working group want to take the brigade commander's intent and translate that to your actions so that you can ultimately transfer authority back to the local civil authorities.
00:09:33 SPEAKER_04
That's a really good summary. Thank you. What do you think a CAV battalion commander would like to hear from a CA team leader or a CMOC chief? in a capabilities brief to describe what his or her team can offer to support the battalion mission. Those battalion or brigade commanders, they want to hear how a CA team can support their maneuver tasks, i .e. something along the effects of we have language capabilities without the need of an interpreter in some cases, and if the battalion commanders want more to clear... or eliminate enemy forces from a particular city or town, the CA team's soft elements can set up some key leader engagements with the cities, with leaders in the surrounding towns or cities to communicate the appropriate themes and messages in order to gain the simple popular support against the enemy forces that you're facing. I would also mention that your element can
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Particularly CA, you can talk to local news agencies or PAO. You can talk to local news agencies to positively influence the information operations, which could suppress the enemy messaging in a given area. And lastly, tell that commander, battalion or brigade commander, about any special equipment that you have or special training that's going to assist you in accomplishing your mission.
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going to assist you in accomplishing your mission.
00:11:07 SPEAKER_04
Have you seen some examples where a brief like that goes terribly wrong? Not really. I think that, for the most part, elements prepare for it. It's not like something that's as strong as you might think. Sometimes you just talk about your personalities, talk about the training that you have, the experience that you have, and how best your element... can support their mission, their maneuver element.
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It's not rocket science.
00:11:42 SPEAKER_04
No, and I mean, from what I think, the team leader or team sergeant, since it is only a small team, that's it. You better know your people. You better know them well. Yeah. Will, do you think there's any CAV -specific terminology or lingo that CA troops should know before going into the box with a CAV unit? haven't been here long enough to hear a whole lot of stuff, but I'll throw out some stuff. It's just some basic stuff to know. So know, if you're having some conversation, know the difference between a spur ride, which is particular to cavalry units versus a prop blast, which is what takes place like an airborne unit or aerosol unit. Understand that army units are called cavalry, not cavalry. Calvary, you know, that's a biblical term where the hill in the Bible where Jesus Christ was crucified. But bottom line is just know your audience,
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research them, understand them, and any key words that matches like their lingo and the entity you're dealing with is going to be to your advantage.
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to be to your advantage.
00:13:01 SPEAKER_04
Right. I guess the CA units, CA personnel, we're trained to understand what kind of environment we're going into and should be able to do some of the background research before we arrive. So I'm anticipating that our company in supporting your rotation will be prepared and have done background information about 2 -1 CAF.
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We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.
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Do you have an idea for an upcoming podcast or know someone who may be a good person to interview? Contact us at capodcasting at gmail .com. Welcome back to the 1CA Podcast.
00:13:35 SPEAKER_04
So from your perspective as the S9, what do you think success would look like to a CTC rotation? It's straightforward, but it's pretty simple in my eyes. So success, to me, would look something like whoever's deploying out there,
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deploying out there, like your company is coming out, those IOP teams are coming out. Just a better trained element, CA or PSYOPs, and also some better informed battalion and brigade commanders on the integration of soft enablers. Personally, during the rotation, I would like to see a continual integration of the civil affairs throughout the rotation. To help assist in that, we're actually planning on doing... some training local here like it's called the tactical information operations course and that'll that'll bring in the the electronic warfare folks fires pao psyops ca intel into these non -legal engagements to support brigade commander's tasks um so what we don't want the opposite of success for the rotation what i don't want i don't want the ca and psyop elements on the outside looking in, you know, after the first few days in the box.
00:14:59 SPEAKER_02
There's some ideas we've been floating around with the Brigitte XO, like the placement of the CMOC inside the Brigitte Talk, just so they're continually engaged and they're knee -deep in that planning process and they're not forgotten about during the CTC rotation.
00:15:19 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, that would be great because we've been on some rotations where... you're helping to meet the commander's intent, but sometimes the commander's intent is to avoid populations. And if that's the case, it's tough to say, hey, these are our capabilities, but as you're rolling through the rotation, yeah, you're not talking to people. That's the human domain you're missing. So it sort of depends on what situation you're going into and what that rotation of JRTC or NTC is actually testing.
00:15:48 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, you know, do your best, do your analysis of the civilian atmosphere. Gather as much information as you can, and then continue making recommendations to whoever you're supporting. Yeah, I mean, if that commander's like, I don't want to talk to civilians, I don't want to mess with them, then that's their call.
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And the CTC rotation, they'll probably end up paying for it.
00:16:14 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, be as prepared as possible, knowing you're going to make some mistakes, and those mistakes are how we learn. That's true. Yep. Absolutely.
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The terrain I know at NTC poses a lot of p
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today, John McElligott interviews attendees of the 2018 AUSA Annual Meeting to answer the question, "What is Civil Affairs?"
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From my perspective, it's kind of like sales with a gun. So, you know, you've got to go out into the community and make friends and meet people and learn who the movers and shakers are, but you're armed at the same time. So it's sort of a professional military sales group. All right, thank you.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligott, your host for today's episode.
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I had the opportunity to attend the 2018 AUSA Annual Meeting in Washington, D .C. I walked around the convention center and asked people what they knew about civil affairs. Here are their responses. Being a guy who's in special operations myself, we work very closely with CA as well as PSYOPs. So I really appreciate what they do. I really appreciate the fact that they have... the ability to engage on the local level by, with, and through in the same way we do partnered and enable operations for kinetic strikes. You guys are doing very similar work with hearts and minds on the ground. So we think it's a great fit, and we actually think that PSYOPs and CA should be used more and have more interaction with SOCOM as a whole. I don't know anything about civil affairs. All right. What do you know about civil affairs? I know nothing as well, sir. Sir, what do you know about civil affairs? Not much at all. So my understanding in terms of the civil affairs, I kind of lumped them together like civil affairs and psyops, that might be incorrect. But in terms of those community, if you look at across everything that has to get done in the conduct of war, they're going to be filling in a lot on the infrastructure side and with the population and with whatever government that we're working with in terms of fulfilling whatever that role is via some of the decisive action on the battlefield. Great, thank you. And sir, how about you? Yeah, I'm going to go with what he said. I've got to be honest, I really don't know much about them at all. Sorry. All right, thank you. From my understanding, civil affairs is sort of the military's opportunity to do sort of PR within other countries and sort of do community building and just generally understanding areas that we don't have a lot of information about or we want to start building better community -level relationships with. All right. Thank you. Civil Affairs are the gang that helps bring to fruition actual projects on the ground to help the host nation country. Things like building schools, building wells, things like that. Sir, what do you know about civil affairs? I know that civil affairs works infrastructure with different countries, going in and establishing what they need, building schools, promoting U .S. culture, integrating it with their own host country culture, and trying to make things better for them.
00:03:08 SPEAKER_01
I know quite a bit. I am a civil affairs officer in my secondary MOS, and I served as a primary civil affairs officer for five years, including a deployment to Afghanistan in 2011.
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Was that with the Army or the Marine Corps?
00:03:26 SPEAKER_01
That was with the Marine Corps Reserve.
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My experience with civil affairs is that you guys are the multi -everything, you know, dealing with schools, government, police, fire, anything of that line or that sort. You help everybody else get established.
00:03:46 SPEAKER_03
Sir, what do you know about civil affairs? I know it's a... pretty small organization assigned to the U .S. Army here, and they're pretty valued asset to us when we deploy to either Afghanistan, Iraq, or any place in the world to help assist us along with the civilian populace here to kind of, so to speak, win the hearts and minds. of the fellow local citizens there but they're pretty much dispersed everywhere and without them it would probably be a little bit difficult to do our job.
00:04:21 SPEAKER_04
Well, I know quite a bit. I had the great honor and privilege of serving with two civil affairs brigades in Iraqi Freedom in 2008 and 2009. What I was able to see firsthand is how they can take skills, capacity building skills, go out end to end and really reinforce the efforts of the combat soldier. And then once things begin to stabilize, then they make magic happen. by getting water running or getting governance or getting rule of law or getting people just to get along. So a very valuable part of our service. Thank you very much. Yeah, cool. I don't know anything about civil affairs. I know they're special operations. All right, thank you. Not a whole lot. Civil Affairs does the civil -military coordination, so coordinating local resources with military and projects to help shape hearts and minds. Thank you. I don't know what else to say after that. Sir, what do you know about Civil Affairs? I'm looking to learn more today.
00:05:24 SPEAKER_03
else to say
00:05:32 SPEAKER_04
Ma 'am, what do you know about Civil Affairs? Civil affairs are the guys who are out there putting out the... Actually, I have no idea. All right, thank you. I know very little about civil affairs. Sir, what do you know about civil affairs? What I know of civil affairs, I'd refer to as CIMIC, and they are an arm or an entity that really assists with the civilian -military link, whether it be building bridges or developing wells or ensuring children go to school. And this would be within the context of the multi -block war approach, I believe.
00:06:13 SPEAKER_04
I have no idea what civil affairs do or what they're about. Thank you.
00:06:19 SPEAKER_04
I would say my experience with civil affairs is limited. I have deployed with some, not personally, but I've been out with teams that have been out with civil affairs. I know that they, in my, how I related to them, if our unit or a unit nearby somehow, they would kind of, how am I trying to put this? They were helping build the reputation again of our unit or the military if after we did something questionable or wrong, I guess, in a village out in Afghanistan, they would kind of go out and either help out with Do they give cash? I don't know if they'd give money to the civilians? I think that was my general thought of civil affairs. But also either spreading a message, either propaganda or something to a local populace. Either help the U .S., flee the area, we're going to come through. I think that's what I have. Alright, thank you. Civil Affairs is an organization or team that goes out in austere environments and helps develop and build infrastructure for those villages or cities that need it. All right, thank you.
00:07:41 SPEAKER_04
Sir, what do you know about civil affairs? Civil affairs engages with communities in various environments around the world to support and shape their communities in moving forward in their next levels.
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in various environments around the world to support and shape their communities in moving forward in their next levels.
00:07:53 SPEAKER_04
Great, thank you. Not much as I should, sir. I'll say that. From what I understand, is it close to public affairs, but just more of a civil aspect of it, working with the civilian populace? Working with the civilian populace, yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yes, sir? I mean, I got the concept. I got the concept. From my perspective, it's kind of like sales with a gun. So, you know, you've got to go out into the community and make friends and meet people and learn who the movers and shakers are, but you're armed at the same time. So it's sort of a professional military sales group. All right, thank you. What I learned about civil affairs is it's a group within the Army that... negotiates and interacts with civilians of foreign national countries when we go in and have missions. They help pay the way in order for the Army to accomplish their strategic goals and or mission.
00:08:57 SPEAKER_04
Well, I spent a year in Bosnia as a political advisor after I retired from the Army, and I worked very closely with the civil affairs unit that was attached to Task Force Eagle. Also the G5 who was usually a civil affairs officer. There was a guy named Toby Puckett. I don't know if you know his name, but he was actually an active duty civil affairs officer who was with the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Tuzla and then came back later as the G5 of the first... either m3 or armored division at the time i was with both of them but it was task force equal so he knew all the contacts and knew all the history of the area which was important because the civil affairs guys normally rotated every Six months. I think it was a year at that time. And what we really need in civil affairs and other folks is continuity. Well, with all the folks that we deploy. Because my experience as a retired foreign area officer with a lot of overseas experiences, we don't have that longevity. And, you know, every group that comes in has to start over and learn it again. And the locals kind of get a little... A little frustrated with us when they've got to help explain in detail what's what, what's not, how this works to the naive and very optimistic Americans as they come in. So my hat's off to UCA guys. Very important. I could talk for hours and hours, but that's probably enough. Thank you very much, sir.
00:10:27 SPEAKER_02
You know, I would say if I was to summarize it, building relationships. You know, I think you have to be able to build relationships internally and externally in civil affairs, so internally amongst those that wear a uniform or are part of other government agencies, you know, within DOD or in the U .S. government, and then externally, obviously, with partners or the civil component, you know. So I think building relationships is how I would summarize it down, and I think that's our capability. that we need to often sell to the commander that we're working for is how do we do that? And how do we build relationships that can be, you know, a force multiplier on the battlefield?
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Do you have an idea for an upcoming podcast or know someone who may be a good person to interview? Contact us at capodcasting at gmail .com.
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Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Scott Fisher is an Army Officer whom has worked alongside CA in Information Operations. He is an Assistant Professor at NJ City University and has just received his PhD. His focus areas are: Information Warfare, US National Security Challenges in East Asia, and Open Source Intelligence.
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K -12 public school students can submit their artwork to the Virginia Lottery's Thank a Teacher Art Contest, now through February 3rd. Turn your student's masterpiece into a lasting memory. Students could win a $200 gift card and $2 ,000 for their school. Winning artwork will be featured on thank you notes distributed during Teacher Appreciation Week. The Virginia Lottery, a win for education. Visit thankateacherva .com for details. Deadline February 3rd. Brought to you by the Virginia Lottery and the Supply Room.
00:00:35 SPEAKER_02
Welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot. I'm your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Scott Fisher, assistant professor at the New Jersey City University. His focus is national and international security. Scott has recently received his PhD from Rutgers University. He also has an MA in Security Studies from Georgetown and an MA in Korean and International Studies from Seoul National University in South Korea. His research focus is on information warfare, U .S. national security challenges in East Asia, and open source intelligence. Prior to joining New Jersey City University, Scott has worked as a crisis management analyst for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, deployed to Iraq as a DOD civilian, and served towards Afghanistan and East Africa as an Army Reserve Officer. Scott Fisher, thank you very much for being on the 1CA podcast. Hey, great. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
00:01:29 SPEAKER_02
Absolutely. Scott, we wanted to talk today about your work in information operations and the connection to civil affairs. When you were studying at the University of Michigan, you studied the history and cultures of Korea, China, and Japan. How did you make that leap from undergraduate studies to the Army, Army Reserve, and an interest connected to civil affairs and information operations?
00:01:53 SPEAKER_03
Coming out of undergrad, I really wanted to travel. Saw an ad in our school newspaper, teach English in Korea, we pay airfare.
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Mostly teaching, went to grad school, doing that kind of stuff. Really, really enjoyed it. So then when I came back to the States, it was probably about 10 years ago at this point, I wanted to continue working kind of related to that field. And frankly, it sounds a little weird, but every time I'd come home before that, I'd been home for a few months, frankly got a little bored, and then gone back overseas. So I thought, all right, well, if I join the Army, I'll at least be. So you went directly into the Army Reserve,
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you went directly into the Army Reserve, is that right?
00:02:47 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, went straight into the Reserve. I was living in D .C. at the time, going to Georgetown.
00:02:52 SPEAKER_02
Okay. And what was your branch in the Army?
00:02:54 SPEAKER_03
My original branch, I needed an age waiver, and so I could only choose from Signal, Quartermaster, and one or two others. So I chose Quartermaster, came in on that, and so that was my original branch.
00:03:07 SPEAKER_02
Right. Okay. And so you were with the CA unit, not qualified, I guess, as a CA officer at the time. Is that right? Correct.
00:03:14 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, I came in as a second lieutenant, one of those guys you see at drill who is, you know, in civilian clothes, hasn't gotten to basic training yet. So I did that for a couple months, and then...
00:03:36 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, it makes total sense. And then you switched over to information operations. Why do that switch from the logistics area to IO?
00:04:08 SPEAKER_02
That's great to hear. And we want to get to the connection between IO and civil affairs, but I want to first ask you about some of those deployments. You went to East Africa, and you've also gone to Afghanistan for IO missions. What were some of those big lessons that you learned?
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really do a lot. The JAG, sign off on most things. And so if there was something we wanted to do, we could generally do it essentially in -house. Occasionally you would work with a partner for us or something, but we could kind of do things in -house. Fast forward to East Africa last year, it's a completely different mission set. It's advise and assist, subject matter, expert exchanges. Completely different in that we directly couldn't do anything. It was working through bi -weekly. having to work with a whole bunch of other folks.
00:05:27 SPEAKER_02
Do you feel like you have a better grasp on what IO is and how to accomplish that mission? Definitely.
00:05:32 SPEAKER_03
So that was very clear guidance of how I could order everything. So to the extent that I could help him capture and kill the people he was targeting, great. But he was also interesting.
00:06:28 SPEAKER_02
Based on those experiences, Scott, how do you think, how have you seen or experienced information operations being connected to civil affairs?
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coverage in. And so that was my first opportunity to really work with CA, and it could not have happened without them. We can message all we want, but if no one has a radio, it's not going to do anybody any good. That was the first time I worked with CA. It had a demonstrable benefit. You could see surveys or information that we had gathered prior to that radio distro compared to similar surveys conducted after that radio distro and see a marked change in how the locals were viewing.
00:07:51 SPEAKER_02
Were there people from psychological operations in that mix as well?
00:07:56 SPEAKER_03
Yeah. For us on a deployment, it's CA, PSYOP, and IO that you're meeting essentially every day. Having lunch together, hanging out together. So everything we do is at the IO schoolhouse, they teach that you don't... et cetera. But it's really based on your success or lack thereof is based on how well you can get along. Okay.
00:08:30 SPEAKER_02
Do you call that a non -kinetic cell? Is there a name for the group that comes together? A lot of times,
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yeah. Sometimes it'll be an IO working group, a non -kinetic cell, the IO guys meeting. I mean, it's, but yeah, generally it's the non -kinetic cell comes together. What does he or she read? What radio stations do they listen to? That kind of stuff. Where are they located? But then also assessing the effects after.
00:09:00 SPEAKER_02
Does IO operate on the same structure as civil affairs and psyops in the teams and also supporting two echelons above?
00:09:31 SPEAKER_02
Do you find that there are a bunch of previous PSYOP and CA folks who go over to IO operations and units?
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areas, including I .O. So every I .O. officer came in as something else, and then you'll meet a lot of people who maybe came in as a quartermaster, infantry engineer, whatever it may be, maybe did CA or PSYOP after they did that, and then added I .O. somewhere along the way.
00:10:11 SPEAKER_02
Sure. So you have commission officers. Do you have senior NCOs and warrant officers as well?
00:10:16 SPEAKER_03
We'll have most of the training that we have is officer -specific or for EAD -9s. And for warrants. So usually when you deploy, IO is pretty much a planning effort. So it's mostly officers with a few senior NCOs and occasionally warrants. Though for whatever reason, our unit is usually pretty light on warrant officers. They have a hard time getting them in. And it's not a clear career path. The amount of time I spend in IO, I'm looking to make general. I'm not going to do that if I spend a lot of time doing IO. at some point to my main branch to be competitive when it comes to promotion.
00:10:56 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, I understand that's very similar to the way that the Marine Corps handles civil affairs. It's a secondary job for them as well.
00:11:03 SPEAKER_03
Exactly. For us, as a reservist, it can be not a lot of us are maybe trying to make general or make full bird. So people who do I .O. for a long time generally do it because they're attracted to it and want to stick with that specific field or maybe a subset within that field. If you're trying to make promotions and stuff, it's not a good good thing. place to come,
00:11:22 SPEAKER_02
frankly. Right. Well, it sounds like it may be a perfect functional area in the Army for the new National Defense Authorization Act had approved DOD to, I think it's down to the service level. If needed, they can direct commission some people and bring them in up to an 06 level, I believe, if they have some specialties and also allow in the officer ranks people to sit in a rank for a longer period of time and become more specialized.
00:11:51 SPEAKER_03
Especially the ones who deploy a lot who are really into I .O. itself. They would like that because, yeah, they're focused on, quote, doing I .O., not so much on, you know, becoming the I .O. kernel. There just aren't that many. Right. Yeah, that would be perfect. And then if we're getting people in off the street, you know, like everything else, we're affected by increased demands of technology, the cyber arena, et cetera. So being able to bring in folks with the cyber background and training would be a huge... plus. Scott,
00:12:19 SPEAKER_02
you talked about the training programs. What are the military training programs for information operations?
00:12:24 SPEAKER_03
So if you want to be the FA -30, then you need to go to the FA -30 school. And Iowa is interesting. You can go to the full -time school out at Fort Leavenworth, the active duty school. They take reservists and guards, people from the guard as well. Or the Vermont National Guard also has training for FA -30. And that one's a little different. It's six, seven months of online training with a culminating exercise for a couple weeks at the end of the training. And they also take active duty in addition to Guard and Reserva. So there's two ways to get your FA. That said, a lot of people on the IO side don't get or delay getting their FA -30 because... They have a gypsy course, Joint Information Operations Planners course. Fantastic. Best training I've ever had in government, let alone in the Army. And a month -long course teaches you everything you need to know about IO planning. And then coming out of that course, I felt, and most of the people I went there with, felt they were capable of stepping into an IO role, whatever it may be, in a SOCOM element, bigger unit, et cetera. And there you'll run in. force, Navy, Marines, you know, a lot of the joint forces.
00:13:41 SPEAKER_02
Scott, I want to ask you about parts of the U .S. military that you believe are effective in I .O. campaigns. Is it I .O. elements supporting, like, your element supporting SOCOM? Are other parts of the Army conducting I .O.? Dave, and that's a hard question to answer,
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to answer, because I .O., a lot of times, we're in a supporting role. We're not in the driver's role. They kind of joke around that you'll be on a deployment, the commander will go over, okay, here's the mission, we're going to do this, and oh yeah,
00:14:11 SPEAKER_00
the mission, we're going to do this,
00:14:13 SPEAKER_03
sprinkle some IO on. And so it's not really a focus. Occasionally you can get with a commander based on, frankly, oftentimes personal relationships, credibility, nature of the problem set, and be able to run kind of an information. in people, but it seems like it's, I .O. occasionally has success, but it's not something that's replicated often. The next mission, you may, just the certain elements of that mission, you may not be able to do something that achieves the success, or you may rotate home, and it'd be six months before you find out, you know, did we have any success on that? And then how do you measure success? If you're trying to measure public opinion, for example, you can have all the data in the world, like the U .S. election in 2016. Plenty of data there. Plenty of people made the wrong call. your plan, figure out how you're going to assess it, and then actually be able to assess it accurately. I always talk, you really got to get down into the weeds sometimes to make something successful.
00:15:28 SPEAKER_02
You think that's true?
00:15:56 SPEAKER_03
The example I like to give to this is, you know, why are the Russians effective? Counterpoint, flip side of that coin, why is the U .S. ineffective? It's a weird metaphor, but I think it accurately summarizes it, is the Iranian female Olympic swim team. You know, these Iranian women, they want to join the Olympic team. Decent swimmers, but for cultural, religious reasons, were forced to wear much heavier, thicker, much more covering swimsuits. So their performance was not as fast as some of the other ones. Does it mean they were a bad swimmer? No, it means they had certain requirements that they had to meet that prevented them from achieving everything they could achieve. IO in the U .S. is somewhat similar in that there's a lot of restrictions. There's a lot of concern and justifiable about the government, whatever component that may be, messaging in a way that influences the American public. Back before the Internet wasn't so bad. If you're broadcasting radio for Europe into the Soviet Union, you didn't have to worry about influencing much of the U .S. public. But now if you're messaging on the Internet. U .S. citizens could see that, especially citizens maybe of a group that speaks a language that you're targeting for a terrorist group or whatever organization. So then those concerns always raise red flags, and that prevents, especially at some of the higher levels, higher operational or the strategic level, of being able to do messaging because people are so concerned about it affecting U .S. citizens. Russia doesn't have to worry about that. North Korea is not concerned about that. Chinese, Iranians, etc. to take the gloves off a little bit more, kind of like we could back in Afghanistan, to bring the full capabilities to bear that we have a hard time res
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Aleks Nesic and James Patrick Christian of Valka-Mir discuss advanced social science research and courses they've designed for Civil Affairs and the human domain.
00:00:01 SPEAKER_04
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00:01:28 SPEAKER_03
the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined today by Alex Nessage and Dr. Patrick Christian, both PhD doctors. Alex, you're a doctor as well. You're both at Valcomere, a company that is building advanced special operations forces, social science training and applications, targeting deploying soft detachments for their training. Alex and Patrick, thank you very much for your time and thanks for being on the 1CA podcast.
00:01:57 SPEAKER_00
Thank you for having us, John.
00:02:01 SPEAKER_03
Patrick, I wanted to start with you. Can you talk about the origin of Valkomir? Was this related to your background in Special Forces that led you to believe that the training was needed?
00:04:32 SPEAKER_03
think what you've learned goes across all cultures and what you've learned in the human domain does it matter what country you're in as what you learn can be applicable to any country where ca forces may be or could be heading
00:06:00 SPEAKER_03
How did you decide to partner together in working at Valkmere?
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come you're different from other companies which offer related training?
00:09:15 SPEAKER_03
active duty and reserve civil affairs units, either in the Army or Marine Corps, if they're going to receive training from Valkymer, they would be hearing from people who have lived it firsthand.
00:09:48 SPEAKER_03
to turn to you. Could you talk about the name Valkomir? What does it mean?
00:09:54 SPEAKER_00
Well, thanks for that question. Yeah, it took us about a year to come up with the name, trying to understand who we are, what we stand for, what we research, what we have experienced. And we came up with Valkomir because Valka,
00:10:08 SPEAKER_00
came up with Valkomir because Valka, the root, the origin of the word is Valkyrie. It's a Nordic term for war. And it sort of translates across many different languages. It has that powerful sort of destructive force in the word itself. And then the word mir, it has Slavic origin, Slavic roots, and it means peace. So our original thought was that we exist right there in that space of war and peace, trying to understand. what creates war, what conditions, but then to be able to work within the space of peace. And so now the name has sort of stayed with a lot of our members, and now a lot of people call us the planet of Valkamerians. So we've kind of created our own little tribe, but it took a really long time to understand where we are in that space. Okay.
00:11:11 SPEAKER_03
Alex, Patrick talked about his connection through special forces in the Army. What's your connection to Valkomir and what drove you to get your PhD and the experiences that you bring to the table?
00:11:23 SPEAKER_00
Yeah, so that, thank you for asking that. So Patrick mentioned that we met in our doctoral program, but prior to that, so I lived through the Balkan conflicts both in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 90s. came to the States in 99 to study psychology, to study, to try to understand what happened in the Balkans, to try to understand how and why my neighbors tried to slaughter each other. So I did my undergrad in psychology. I was not very happy with the way I was taught because it was a very Western -centric approach to understanding human trauma and conflict. So then I ended up going to do my master's in cross -cultural conflict and communication, attempting to further my study and understanding of these conditions that create this level of violence that no political science class has ever been able to explain to me. And unfortunately, always continue to minimize the actual reality that many of us lived through, survived, are dealing with. and want to help others understand it better. So then interventions, development projects, aid projects, humanitarian efforts can be better. Then I spent some time teaching peace education, developing courses and curriculum in that space for a university down in Florida. And then after a while, decided to seek further education because I was still not happy with not having the right answers and not being able to analyze these types of intractable conflicts in a way that it would make sense and that would be applicable across all of the domains around the world where conflicts were happening. Because I keep seeing the same patterns of genocide happening everywhere. but not really being able to explain how and why. And so when I found the PhD program, that's where Patrick and I met. And I wasn't aware of the level of special forces operations until that point when we met and started to talk and then sort of found this common understanding because I was working with a lot of... groups that were going and intervening and helping with refugees in any kind of conflict space, helping them and even Peace Corps volunteers and anyone who's really engaged in a kind of post -conflict development space. But I wasn't aware that civil affairs were involved on that same level, even more so. And, of course, there was that mutual understanding that we need to put something together. We need to put educational and training programs to help bring that knowledge to the SOF community. And that's what we started to do. And I did a lot of work down at the Joint Special Operations University. Patrick has two. And we just kept building and building and building more classes and more knowledge and more content. And so here we are.
00:14:33 SPEAKER_03
Yeah. So let's talk about those courses. The conflict science courses that you're offering through Valcomere, how many courses are there and what do they cover?
00:14:42 SPEAKER_00
There are four courses. We started with the Foundations of Human Domain, which was General Linder's request to have Patrick and I redesign and develop an entire new set of... um that foundational class used to be the cross -cultural communication and everyone sort of knew that that was a very surface level very ineffective very ineffective in a sense that um soft community deserves better in terms of understanding what they're about to get get into that space of conflict that space that that that is latent with trauma that not everyone has the ability to understand and so we developed and replaced the cross -cultural communication class with the foundations of human domain in which we introduce the basic framework for analysis of the target audience that SOF deploys to. It's a 21 -hour class that's part of the LREC pipeline, so language, regional, and cultural piece.
00:15:48 SPEAKER_03
Okay. And that's all for General Lunder being the then commander of Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg?
00:15:54 SPEAKER_00
Correct. Yes, so that was under his initiative. That class was developed and is in the hands of the ELREC program at the moment. We found an overwhelmingly positive feedback from students, SF, CA, PSYOP, going through that class, wanting more, wanting even more advanced applications specific for CA, PSYOP, and SF. And so as we were finalizing that class on the side, we started to develop a separate set of classes specific for CA, the indigenous social engineering and re -engineering for PSYOP, psychosocial, emotional target audience variables. And then for SF, the non -kinetic engagement. Okay. So we developed two separate 40 -hour classes that our students are asking for. to be taught to them now in the pre -deployment phase. And then not only taught from an analytical perspective, but then also tailored to and applied to specific problem sets where they're deploying to. So I did a number of pre -deployment classes for teams going into Bosnia. Paycom -wide class, we're constantly getting requests and demand signals from students that have gone through the foundational class because they saw what that analytical tool looks like and how to use it and how to apply it.
00:17:29 SPEAKER_03
Do the students need to go through the foundational class before they can move on to the more specific course that's either CA or PSYOP or SF related?
00:17:39 SPEAKER_00
That would be ideal, but it's not necessary because in... all of the subsequent classes, the CSI, OpenSF. As we were saying, you said conflict science. Science is a science is a science is a science sort of thing, right? So there are certain elements that transcend all of the classes. That is that you have to be able to learn how to... research, analyze, understand that there is going to be trauma in the community that you deploy to, and how to engage and message that. Now, that's going to vary, and it's going to be taught slightly differently for different purposes, given that CA does a slightly different job than SF and then SIOP, but the underlying science is there, and it's taught in all of the other classes. So ideally, and that was the vision that General Linder had, was that they will all get the same foundational education, and then we can advance into the other classes. We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.
00:18:46 SPEAKER_03
Come on out to the 2018 Civil Affairs Symposium, entitled Optimizing Civil Affairs, which will be held at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, on Friday, November 2nd to Sunday, November 4th. Whether for special operations or conventional forces, the active or reserved CA soldier or Marine must be at the ready as the Joint Force, Army, or Marine Command subject matter expert on civil military operations. This requires continuous investment in an innovative and adaptive force, well -networked in planning and operational relationships, and persistently engaged and aligned regionally to facilitate political military goals and objectives. Given the new crossroads CA finds itself a century since its modern inception, policy and forced stakeholders must re -examine the culture for civil affairs. How can the regiment optimize its force going forward? To register for the CA Symposium, go to civilaffairsasoc .org forward slash events. Lodging is available on post on a first -come, first -served basis. For more information, go to ihg .com forward slash armyhotels. The symposium will be part of the Civil Affairs Centennial Week at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which will be held on 29 October to 2 November with a regimental ball the evening of the 2nd. For more information about the centennial, go to sock .mil forward slash SWCC. That's sock .mil forward slash SWCS. Or go to Facebook at facebook .com forward slash JFK Center and School.
00:20:23 SPEAKER_02
Welcome back to the 1CA podcast.
00:20:26 SPEAKER_03
Alex, I wanted to ask you about whether the courses are focused at the tactical level. And is that aligned with the professional military educational level of the students who are going through SWCC?
00:20:39 SPEAKER_00
Yes. So the content of the class teaches you how to understand your community, how to understand underlying conditions.
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how to understand your community, how to understand underlying conditions. and how to specifically engage with those on a operational tactical level this isn't that what patrick was referring to earlier that political science rational actor theory that everyone is just sitting in the capital building in the capital office somewhere thinking about the state -centric approach and solutions to their problems it is engaging how to engage and how to communicate through your key leaders, how to understand the community, how to ask better questions, how to understand the actual variables that people on the ground level deal with. So then when you step into that community, you know what kind of questions to ask. You know how to read that terrain better, how to engage with it. Otherwise, operationalizing your mission is going to be difficult if you're only taught. political economic sort of variables of a state, and I'm using air quotes for listeners, state sort of political economic entity that is supposed to be your community, right? And so it's highly operational, and the actual framework, analytical tool that we developed, that is where, that's the actual usability of it, because a lot of our students... You're familiar with PMICPTA scope and target audience analysis, right? This tool that we developed, it enhances or it deepens those other analytical tools because PMICPT gives you an overview,
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Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Norm Cotton, retired Colonel of the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) discusses his career in Civil Affairs and current work for the IDA on Department of Defense policy.
Recommended reading from Colonel Cotton includes: A Bell for Adano, by John Hersey, and Clausewitz Delusion: How the American Army Screwed up the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (A Way Forward), by Stephen L. Melton
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Hear that? That's your future calling. Air Force Lifecycle Management Center is seeking civilian professionals for numerous mission -critical positions in the National Capital Region to support the F -35 Lightning II Joint Program Office. To be considered for an in -person interview, register today at afcs .jobs because employing the world's most powerful Air Force means employing its most capable workforce. And that's where you come in. Learn more at afcs .jobs. Now we're getting back to,
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we're getting back to, okay, now we're doing civil affairs engagement and we're not sending a company of civil affairs. We're sending a team or a couple of teams. Because that's all that an embassy, that a country team can absorb. They can't absorb more than about 10 or 12 military at one time in the country.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Norm Cotton, a retired colonel from the United States Army, civil affairs officer, who's currently working for the Institute for Defense Analyses. Colonel Cotton, thank you for being on the 1CA Podcast. You're welcome. Thank you. I'm glad to be here. What have you been doing now at IDA, the Institute for Defense Analysis? Can you tell us what IDA is all about? Yeah, the Institute for Defense Analysis is one of the FFRDC's federally funded research and development centers and similar to RAND. RAND is something that's very similar to IDA. I'm in the Joint Advanced Warfighting Division where we do research projects that are joint focused. And so the National Guard Bureau and the Chief of the Guard Bureau is a member of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs now. And so typically, you know, on each year, he'll recommend a couple studies be done related to either Air National Guard or Army National Guard forces. And so I've been supporting some of those studies for the last year. And in the last six months, I've been working on some. projects with the Department of Homeland Security related to terrorism risk insurance analysis. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Is that related to your background or is this stretching? It's another growth opportunity for me. Okay.
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It's another growth
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All right. There is something called the Safety Act Program. Congress created this after 9 -11. They wanted industry to create more technology related to anti -terrorism. presumably make that technology, think of metal detectors, for example. The companies that would make metal detectors feared if there was another 9 -11 or a big terrorist event and they were held liable for their technology not working,
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The companies
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if there was another 9 -11 or a big terrorist event and they were held liable for their technology not working, then what you would have is companies that would normally make technology that would be very helpful. in combating terrorism and doing anti -terrorism. They would not make those products go to fear. No incentive to do it. No incentive. So to incentivize that, Congress created a program where they can have some liability protections. And so what we do is help the Department of Homeland Security identify the amount of insurance that they should carry and whether or not they should be designated as safety act certified. So that's kind of a stretch for me. It's new. I picked this up in the last six months. I'm still in training, actually, for it. So what I help with is the identifying whether or not there is a risk,
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to fear. No incentive to do
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a third -party liability risk, and then trying to determine whether or not the market, that they would still sell the equipment. uh, absent being designated, you know, and so looking at that criteria and then, and then insurance analysis related to that. So that's great. I guess it shows, uh, even if you didn't have formal education and finance or something that, uh, as a civil affairs officer, you're broad enough that IDA thinks you can take this on. And, um, from your military training, I'm sure it's applicable. Well, everything we do at IDA is all the research that we do, we do as a team. And each team that supports a particular topic is multidisciplinary.
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supports a particular topic is multidisciplinary. And so we'll oftentimes have people right out of college who have degrees in economics or science or whatever. And then we pair those with kind of senior people, me being one of the senior type folks. that has worked in the Pentagon, who's had joint experience. And so we tackle things as a team. Good. And that's the approach that we take to research is build a kind of a multidisciplinary team to look at topics.
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then we
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team to look at topics. Does it work?
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it work?
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I think it does. Yeah, I think it does. I think it's very helpful because a lot of the younger people that have degrees in science and technology, a lot of them are not in the military. And so we're doing studies for, you know. joint commands and joint entities. And so they don't really have a strong military background. And so we pair them up with people that are senior, military, retired. And that's a good approach. Okay. Can you tell us briefly about your background? How many years were you active duty? How many years reserve or AGR? What status were you in civil affairs? Yeah, my career kind of was broken up into kind of three. I guess I would say there were three distinct sections. The first seven years I was traditional reservist. I was initially enlisted in the Air National Guard. Then I went into the Army National Guard in Alabama, went through the officer candidate program. in the Alabama OCS program. I got my commission in 81, so I'm year group 81, field artillery. And then I spent about six years in field artillery total. Most of that was in the Army Reserve because I went to college in Missouri, transferred to an Army Reserve field artillery unit. And so that was like my first seven years. Finished up my college, did my advanced course in field artillery. I was in the process of applying to go into the Active Guard Reserve Program. So I went into the Active Guard Reserve Program in 88.
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went into
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went into the Active Guard Reserve Program in 88. So after seven years, I went into the Active Guard Reserve Program.
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in 88.
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Active Guard Reserve Program. And I was in recruiting, and then I went to the U .S. Army Reserve Command. And while I was at the Army Reserve Command as just an operations, battle captain kind of thing, the Army Reserve around that time, this would be in the early 90s, reached an off -site agreement with the National Guard, and it was called the off -site agreement, which is the National Guard would be predominantly combat arms division below, and then the Army Reserve would focus on combat support, combat service support, predominantly, you know, Corps level and above. And so the Army Reserve got out of the combat arms business pretty much. I mean, there's some exceptions. That's a more recent development. Well, it was the early 90s. When they made the decision after the Cold War ended to downsize the military, they basically reduced the military by about 30%. And it was kind of like a salami slice. Everybody took a cut. But the Guard and Reserve, you know,
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Reserve got
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early 90s. When they made the decision after
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know, didn't want to be in competition. So they said, okay, you focus on combat arms. We'll focus on combat service support. And so when that decision happened, you know, I was a young captain. I was like, well, I'm field artillery and I'm AGR now and I need a career. I need something, you know, more viable. And so I started looking into civil affairs and started a process to get qualified in civil affairs. Do you know if you found it or someone found you? Actually, someone that I was working with at the U .S. Army Reserve Command had been. A civil affairs officer on active duty with the first group, first SF group in Okinawa.
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Okay. And he said,
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And he said, hey, Norm, you should think about being civil affairs. And that's honestly, that's the first I'd ever heard of it.
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Right. And so as I began looking,
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And so as I began looking, I said, yeah, that looks like something I'd really enjoy doing. And so I started the process of that. Meanwhile, after four and a half years at the Army Reserve Command and working. budgeting and programming and the POM and all of that, the Army Reserve was looking to send people from the U .S. Army Reserve Command who had experience at kind of a high level there, send them to the Pentagon to work at OCAR. And so that's what happened to me. I got sent to OCAR and working in the programming, the PA &E office, working training programs, and then I went into the operations office working oversight of training resources and funds, basically Pentagon. Army, Pentagon work. And I basically kind of gave up on going to civil affairs. I was like, you know, it's not going to happen kind of thing. I couldn't get to it. I finished the phase one, which was, you know, the books that you do. And my boss, who loved to play golf, he played golf on Saturdays, and he often needed a foursome, you know. And I would be the guy he would call. If you couldn't find the fourth guy, kind of thing. You're like, Norm, we need a fourth guy. Anything for the team, sure. We know you'll lose. I'm a young major, and he's the colonel. If he invites me to play golf with him on Saturday, I'll go. So one Saturday I was doing that. I was basically the fourth guy filling in to play in this foursome. And one of the guys that we were playing with had just came back from Bosnia.
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for the team, sure. We know you'll lose. I'm
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of the guys that we were playing with had just came back from Bosnia. This would have been like 96, 97. And civil affairs colonel. And I regret that I can't remember his name, but he was, you know, talking to me. And, you know, we're in, you know, putting or whatever. And he mentioned that he was civil affairs. And I said, well, I tried to be civil affairs, but, you know, it didn't work out. And he goes, and so I told him my story. He says, listen, call this guy, Bragg. Call him tomorrow. You know, I called him on Monday. And tell him he finished with phase one. And my time had lapsed. It had been like an extra year. And he said, call him and see if you can still get back into the pipeline. Right. And sure enough, I did. And he required, you know, a piece of paper saying why, whatever. So I asked for the waiver. And within like a day, I got it back and said, yeah, you're back in. You know, when you want to go to the residence course. And so the same boss that I had played golf with invited me to play golf.
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saying why, whatever.
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He called out to St. Louis to the Army Reserve Personnel Center out there. And told him, listen, I got a major here. He wants to go to the civil affairs course. There's one starting in like two weeks, you know, get him in that course kind of thing. And so he did. He got me in the door. And that was Colonel Terry Lurge. So I owe something to him for that. So he got me into the course. And that was, I think, 97. I went to that. And I just absolutely loved it. It was just like, this is a good fit for you.
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he did. He
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he got me into the
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this is a good fit for you. Good fit.
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fit. This is what I want to do. This is what I want to do the rest of my career.
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And so it took about another year for me to get out of OCAR and get to a civil affairs unit. And so that was the 354. So the first part of my career was the seven years I was a traditional reservist. The middle part was that time from when I came on the AGR program in like 88. Until like 97, I got CA qualified. I was basically just doing staff work, you know, at Army Reserve Command and at OCAR. And then I went to the 354th. And from the rest of that time,
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you know,
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354th. And from the rest of that time,
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rest of that
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pretty much the rest of my career from 99 until basically I retired, I was involved in some way in civil affairs, you know, either in a reserve unit or... Or your civilian job at a policy level.
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your civilian job
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It's CA type work. You've been around the Washington, D .C. area for quite a while now. Yeah, I wasn't really in a civilian capacity. I was Active Guard Reserve. I was a staff officer. As most Active Guard Reserve people are, they end up doing a lot of staff work. That's why they exist. So I was at the 354th CA Brigade, and then I went to the Special Ops Command in Europe, SOC here, which at that time... This is 2004 to 2005 and 2006 time. Special Ops Command Europe had both Africa and Europe as their area. And so I was a civil affairs, head civil affairs guy there and followed Hugh Van Roozen. Hugh Van Roozen had been in the position before I got there. So I followed him there. And then after that time there, I went to... OSD policy to work in ASD SOLIC as a civil affairs policy person.
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Okay. So I wanted to follow up on som
Please welcome Kevin Melton, Senior Civil-Military Transition Assistance Specialist, USAID Office of Transition Initiatives, to discuss OTI's structure, functions, and connection to Civil Affairs. He highlights the Stabilization Assistance Review, a report drafted by DoD, State, and USAID.
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And they said, we would rather you not do these projects through SERP. We would rather be able to understand our political process and drive it through there. Because so much about what you do is less about the product that you're providing. It's about the process.
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Hi, and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We're joined by Kevin Melton. He is the Senior Civil Military Transition Assistance Specialist for the USAID Office of Transition Initiatives. Kevin, welcome to the podcast. Thank you, and sorry for that long, arduous title, so I did not choose that myself.
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not choose that
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Kevin, if you would, please tell us about your background, sort of where you went to school, what you've done. previously before coming to OTI? Sure thing. And let me just thank you again for doing this. I think off the bat,
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again for doing this. I think off the bat, it's important to recognize that it's this sort of coordination and cooperation is exactly what this position is for. So I think it's good that we're doing this sort of activity together and spreading that news. But a little bit about myself. So I've been doing... sieve mill, if you will, for quite a while, and also working in the sort of complex conflict environment space, both on the practical side, but then also on my academic side. I started working in this quite a few years ago, about 15 years ago now, with one of the implementing partners that actually OTI works with called Comonix International. And I was focusing at that point in the Africa region. And then they said, well, hey, if he's... This guy's crazy enough to be able to go to areas like South Sudan. Maybe we'll send him to southern Afghanistan. So I was actually out there in 2007 working on some alternative livelihood programming that was unrelated to some OTI stuff, but very similar to the type of activities that we would look at within OTI. And then after that, went into grad school in Australia, went to the University of Queensland as a Rotary Peace Fellow. So even Rotary is involved in a lot of this. I have to put a plug for that. And then after that, I actually went into Afghanistan with OTI, and that was my first time working with them on the ground. And I was, in a way, and I'll talk more about this, but lucky to be thrown into the deep end at the very tactical level to really start learning how, you know, what is SIFMIL really like in a very, very kinetic environment. So I still use that experience to help drive. what I do today, frankly, more at the policy and strategy levels. And so once I left, I came back to Washington and actually since 2012 have been involved both on the public and the private side doing work on research, but also now implementing hopefully how we can better strengthen our engagement.
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strengthen our engagement. That's wonderful. It's good. Yeah, a lot of good background experience that you bring to OTI. How many years have you been here? So overall, I mean, as I said from the beginning,
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the beginning, I've been involved with OTI. Even though I started with Chemonics on the private side, I was actually helping support a Democratic Republic of the Congo program at the time that OTI had ongoing. Overall, it's been 15 years that I've been in and around OTI, but this position in particular is pretty new and I think symbolizes where OTI wants to put some of its efforts. So I've only been here for about two months now in this one position.
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but this
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this one position. Much longer history before that.
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longer history before that. Not new. Not new to the game. That's good to hear. Well, if you could, Kevin, tell us about the mission of OTI, why it exists, and why does it matter to America? So I have to start by quoting our deputy assistant administrator,
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deputy assistant administrator, and he's also a former director of OTI, Rob Jenkins. And so he tells us a lot. He says, I want to quote Churchill by saying, the world is on fire. What are you going to do about it? And I think OTI very much was a response to that from... USAID back in 1994 when the wall came down. And the idea was, how do we now integrate ourselves through USAID to help these democracies build, to look at where civil society hadn't existed, what does it mean to do economic development, but in a very targeted local way. And since then, OTI has expanded the kind of work. that we do much more into the CVE, the DDR, even the stabilization realms, and has been seen as sort of that belly button when it comes to doing that non -security assistance when it comes to the gray zones. But I think that what's unique about OTI is certainly its culture and how we operate. I think that's part of what we call our secret sauce. in a lot of ways. OTI's mission does differ. from the larger agency, even though we do operate under its big umbrella. We are first and foremost aligned to achieving U .S. foreign policy objectives. We are certainly overt about the fact that we do seize political outcomes as part of our programming. And in that, we have to make sure that we're not setting ourselves up for failure through our program. So we're constantly doing different types of analysis and looking at what we call windows of opportunity. And in order to do that, it also takes a very specific but yet adaptable, flexible type of office and program to be able to work in these complex environments. And so over the almost 25 years now that OTI has been in existence, we've definitely had a lot of lessons learned, reintegrated back into how we actually do adapt and flex the type of things we do.
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I bet some of those windows of opportunity pop open quickly and briefly at times. That's right. You have to be nimble.
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of those
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You have to be nimble. And we do. So in order for us to do that, we have to work together with our USAID state and also DOD counterparts in order to make sure we understand that landscape and that environment correctly and we can make the best determination possible to whether or not we want to do a certain program. Recently, I've been saying, if you want to look at us sort of in the current way, it's, well, we're sort of the venture capitalists, if you will, of the larger development community, that our culture does. promote a lot of experimentation, innovation. We're not always going to get it right, nor do we necessarily think we're always going to get it right. Sometimes, you know, being 80 % right is better than being, you know, 80 % right, but being able to do something is better than being able to be 100 % right and not moving. Right. So that's really the mantra that drives our culture.
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culture. That's great to hear. And you talked about OTI being able to respond quickly. You have engagement criteria by which USA and OTI would follow before getting involved somewhere. Can you talk about what those criteria are and add on to that? Who makes that decision? So there's four criteria, really, that we look at whenever we assess being able to go into a country.
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look at whenever we assess being able to go into a country. And keep in mind that it goes well beyond just this four criteria. I mean, there's a... plethora of different political and foreign policy discussions and decisions that go into whether or not we move forward. And so in all honesty, a lot of that goes into... what our first engagement criteria is, is whether or not there's an opportunity or threat that's important to U .S. foreign policy interests. I think the second one goes into what we've already talked about a little bit, which is that window of opportunity. Do we see a window? Are there the right players on the ground that we could actually work with? Who are those players? There's, again, not going to get 100 % right, but based on our experience in the last... quarter century, it's the ability to understand where that window is, and we work with the mission and the embassy on the ground to help determine that. Thirdly, OTI, again, because of the way that we do our programming, adaptable, flexible, innovative, do we even hold a comparative advantage when it comes to entering that country? It might be that one of our donor partners, another country. already has a mechanism in place that can maybe take care of some of that, or really just working through the host government and advising the mission using OTI advisors to say, here's a way maybe you can use existing resources rather than having us duplicate it through a program, right? So it's making sure we check that box.
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we check that box. So in that case, if you're not engaged in a country, it doesn't mean you don't care about it, but... If it doesn't fit that criteria, then it could mean, as you say, the host country just simply has a mechanism in place or an allied nation has a better way of doing it.
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Correct. And there could be a myriad of other reasons, but what we're trying not to do is just rush to the assumption that you need a program, that we have to ultimately spend money, put people's lives at risk in order to get an objective that frankly may just need... you know, a facilitated planning session or maybe certain expertise coming from our different experts that we have who understand how to work in these environments that can also support the USAID mission and the embassy that is out there. And I think that speaks, too, to the fourth criteria, which is we, OTI, do not operate when we know that our implementing partners cannot operate. Our model is we are very much... in tune working together with our close partners that are all U .S.-based organizations, and they are the ones really running the operations when it comes down to it. They are the ones making sure that we can hire and vet the correct local staff, the local organizations, that we can even have offices in the specific country. And in countries where We don't have a footprint because security may be too tight. We still can do proxy -type operations, but we also have to make sure our implementing partners can do that and do it in a safe way. So that's really important for us in achieving success. Kevin, can you talk about where OTI is operating overseas today? Well, so I'll make the point here, actually, that we work where you work. I think it's important because rather than go through every single country, I'll tell you that at any point, we operate globally. We do touch on most continents, again, where there's foreign policy objectives in place. Currently, we're in 14 countries, and that's about average for us to operate. Again, I want to stress that... Even though we may not have a programming presence, because those countries are where we have programming, it's not that we're not looking at additional areas, nor advising. on other areas through our teams. And usually we do that both here in Washington, but also out at the missions and through phone calls and also with the State Department. More and more, we're having discussions with our DOD colleagues about that. Part of my job is actually to figure out a way to make sure we strengthen that engagement through different areas, both here in the United States, but also as we see each other. at the operational and tactical levels. You know, the idea being that when we operate in these countries that we know we're going to go in with a certain idea of what that plan is, but then that plan is going to change over time. And hopefully that means our program continues in those countries because we see, again, there's still a window of opportunity to be there. But there are times where there may be a decision made where that's... That's not necessarily where we're going to stick around, or maybe we need to shift the way that we're currently doing it.
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So, Kevin, you're the Senior Civ Metal Transition Assistance Specialist. Would you say that your role is that you talk about coordinating with the civil affairs community. Is that sort of at the tactical, operational, strategic level in terms of DoD speak? And I understand that you work with the active duty and reserve components. So are you sort of a belly button? and OTI for the CA community?
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Yeah, I'm a one -man show, right? Ultimately, OTI has, for a very long time, worked together with our uniform partners. We've done it mostly on an ad hoc basis. I'd say the first time we really put more momentum behind it was in Iraq and Afghanistan. where we saw ourselves really, really needing to deconflict and understand what it meant to work together at that operational tactical. I'm sorry?
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that operational tactical. I'm sorry? What do you think led to that need? What were the conflicts that needed to be deconflicted? Right. So I would say I think a lot of it did lead to that deconfliction in terms of... Understanding the environment,
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Right. So I would say I think a lot of it did lead to that deconfliction in terms of... Understanding the environment, so creating that common operating picture that at times understanding what the grievances were, where were the sources of conflict that we were actually trying to address at some of those very local levels so that we weren't working at cross -purposes. When you're working together in that close environment, One thing you do, because again, we're aiming for political outcomes. If you're aiming for that political outcome in a way that doesn't necessarily jive with maybe what the security side is trying to accomplish, you can put people's lives at risk. And frankly, that's not how we should be managing the taxpayer dollar in the best way. And so I think understanding that we usually face common missions, even though it may not be written as such, but we do understand that se
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Today, we have Dr. Larry Hufford from St. Mary's University of San Antonio, TX, who discusses the current situation in Northern Ireland, why lasting peace is so difficult, and what effect Brexit might have.
Recorded and edited by Sarah Kelly. Music "Kowloon Park Singers" by Robert Gilks
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Hear that? That's your future calling. Air Force Lifecycle Management Center is seeking civilian professionals across numerous mission -critical positions in the national capital region. To be considered for an in -person interview, register today at afcs .jobs.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is Sarah Kelly from the Civil Affairs 450th out of Riverdale, Maryland. Today I would like to introduce to you Dr. Larry Hufford. He is a professor down at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. Would you like to say hi, Dr. Hufford? Well,
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hello to everyone. Would you like to give a little background on just kind of some of the projects that you've been working on?
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Would you like to give a little background on just kind of some of the projects that you've been working on? Yeah,
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I, of course, got my doctorate from the London School of Economics. years ago during the Cold War. And so what I was studying was pretty much standard classical realist balance of power politics. How the Soviet Union and United States were vis -a -vis one another. My focus has changed in the late 70s and 80s, early 90s. I was very focused in Latin America, specifically Central America, in causes of war and conflict, resolution, reconciliation, and also looking at development in countries like Bangladesh and Haiti and the Altiplano region. in the last 10 to 15 years, I've been involved in looking at citizenship, how one teaches citizenship, how you write curricula for citizenship in post -conflict societies. For example, Bosnia -Herzegovina, where you have three ethnic groups.
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I say that's one of the reasons why this podcast today is going to be about Northern Ireland. They are celebrating the 20 -year anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, and it's an area where the situation still is kind of ongoing. It's not as violent as during the Troubles, but with the dissolution of the government in Belfast about a year ago and with Brexit, this podcast is about what the recovery can be done, because there are still scars that the people have, as well as the future for it, and if true and lasting peace. can be achieved within this generation or perhaps the next? Well,
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the 20
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that's one of the things we teach in, you know, the graduate program in international relations, that there is conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict reconciliation, and conflict transformation. Conflict management that you saw in Northern Ireland back in 1998. So any party that gets 325 members of parliament has a majority. Theresa May does not have 325 members of parliament. She came up short. She got 300. The Tories got 318 members of parliament. So what they did was form an agreement with the Northern... You know, I want to say that immediately the conservatives in Great Britain are not in a coalition with the DUP. A coalition means that you have different parties agreeing on a joint program, and the cabinet would have ministers from both parties. The DUP did not agree. new elections being called. And what's in it for the DUP? Well, the Tories agreed to give Northern Ireland a billion pounds over the next two years, spend more on state pensions, and maintain defense spending. But the interesting thing, as you pointed out, there's no functioning government in Stormont. You know, it's not functioning. And that broke up. It's been, you know, well over a year that there's been no functioning government in Northern Ireland. And one of the things that has to do is with the Irish language. There were DUP on two occasions changed Irish language to English, and that greatly upset. And the Republicans in, you know, who are Irish and call themselves Irish. And, you know, this gets to another issue. You think, well, language, why is that causing a government not to function? Well, it has to do with identity politics. And, you know, identity is very much a part. What are you? I'm Irish. Irish. You know, in other words, I'm saying, how can you teach? That is actually one of the changes, too,
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is actually one of the changes, too, in recent years. Recent polls have noticed that now it seems to be there's a rise in Catholic numbers as opposed to the Protestants, with Catholics making up about 45 % of the population and Protestants at 48. So with those numbers changing, it does really affect on that whole peace process and does come back with that self -identification.
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When you have a conflict that has been managed, brought to an end, the fighting brought to an end through conflict management, you have balance of power agreement. And there was a balance of power agreement within Northern Ireland. And one of the problems is that the major Protestant political party, major Catholic political party, have been part of this. government and want to maintain their position. They want to maintain that balance of power. The population shifts. Economic reality shifts. As you pointed out, the Catholic population is growing, but also in former years when there was a real working class, especially shipbuilding and those kinds of manufacturing industries, they were in Protestantism. And the Protestants knew that they had those jobs. They were good jobs. They were union jobs. They had benefits. They had retirement plans. So college wasn't that important to a lot of Protestant youth. Well, those factories are pretty much gone. They've closed. They've left Northern Ireland. And what's coming in are high -tech companies. And they're moving into Catholic areas because the Catholic schools. young people are going to college and universities. And so they have that labor pool. So the economics is shifting. Well, wherever you have economic downturn, you have growing fear in that segment of the population. Now you're finding more and more young Protestants who feel they are the ones who are oppressed. They're the ones who are not getting jobs.
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Kind of going with that, you were saying the fear of losing out, essentially, that does kind of tie in a little bit with the past, with what to do with the violence of the past and the trauma with it. Because you have the newer and the younger generations now, and with the children who had grown up through that, there was a come up with a question of what to do to kind of approach the violence, because it seems like the government's there, nobody does want to talk about that. So do you think the victims of violence, because some of them, they just want to know what happened to some of the... family members that had gotten kidnapped or murdered. Do you think that will ever be approached to kind of start the healing process on the violent wounds?
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lives from the other side who took innocent lives sometimes they meet and they engage in really hard dialogue and this doesn't happen in an hour it doesn't happen in in one day it's an ongoing process but it does lead to a reconciliation It doesn't happen quickly. And so there has to be incredible patience. Another problem with trying to achieve reconciliation in Northern Ireland is you still have neighborhoods that are over 80%, either Catholic or Protestant. Many are over 90%, either Catholic or Protestant. These are residential neighborhoods. So the schools... homogeneous with regard to Catholicism and Protestantism. They have what's called integrated schools, and they have tried to promote integrated schools. This is where Protestants and Catholic children go to school together. There's perhaps only 20 ,000, 25 ,000 children in Northern Ireland that attend integrated schools. So how do you bring people together? How do you have a
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I know one of the things that seems to be coming out is with Brexit, with Northern Ireland, because that was one of the big disputes right now is what to do with the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland there. Many folks don't want any walls coming up, and it seems like the ones in London are kind of saying that they're not going to put up a hard border. How do you think Brexit will play into maybe a greater sense of citizenship within Northern Ireland? Do you think they would want to kind of lean more with the rest of England or maybe more towards Ireland, which is staying within the EU? Once again,
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again, that comes down to Protestant, Catholic. The European Union, of course, does not want any change in the current situation. Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, doesn't want any change. The Irish in Northern Ireland would like to preserve the status quo. And Protestants, the DUP, that is saving May's government at the present time, are saying we want no special treatment. We are part of the UK. We are part of our Britishness. And we don't want any special treatment. That would mean a hard border, 300 miles of a hard border. That could lead to renewed violence. There are about 30 ,000 people that cross that seamless border today, every day. And, you know, you don't really recognize you're going from the Republic of Ireland into British -controlled Northern Ireland. You don't really realize that. But a hard border, once again, you go back to the... years of the troubles. And would violence break out? Some of the old IRA people say it probably would break out. So here you have a 300 -mile land border that is perhaps the most problematic issue in Britain leaving the European Union in Brexit. It gives it a future questioning of how that will affect things, and Brexit is going to have a major impact, I think,
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gives it a future questioning of how that will affect things, and Brexit is going to have a major impact, I think, on the rest of Europe as well. Most people don't realize... It will have a very major impact.
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realize... It will have a very major impact.
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They were still talking about how there will need two different currencies now, going from one place to the other with the exit of it, and how it used to be as in the past.
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Well, you know, England has maintained its currency. It's still the pound, so it never really went for the euro. So that currency would remain, the pound would remain.
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Yeah, definitely. Well, most people don't realize even going across the border there, Northern Ireland has many dairy companies, including Bailey's Irish Coffee. They do about 5 ,000 trips across the borders back and forth every year with their Irish cream, whiskey, milk, and paper products. Most people also don't realize Game of Thrones also is filmed in Northern Ireland. Maybe the answer is to say,
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about 5
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realize Game
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Maybe the answer is to say, look, we've tried politically, economically to bring Protestants and Catholics together. Maybe we should just focus on Irish whiskey. That might be the answer.
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It does. It does. Well, is there anything else you can maybe add just for further insight upon the Northern Ireland conflict issue?
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formulaic in many senses. Peace building is an art.
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I know they were, for some of the conflicts in the world, they were trying to model after the Good Friday Agreement in places like Iraq and other. Well, it does stop the killing.
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Well, it does stop the killing. It stops the killing, and it leads to a balance of power. The problem is you're kind of stuck in that balance of power framework for a long time. The Balkans are an example of that. I mean, Bosnia -Herzegovina. is an example of that the dayton accords were conflict management brought an end of the killing balance of power it hasn't resolved the violence is just under the surface could break out at any time in northern ireland hopefully the violence will not break out again but it is not leading to reconciliation in the minds of
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Well, thank you very much, Dr. Hufford. Your insight is very valuable, especially in the study of this and with civil affairs and what we do. Conflict resolution is a key part of it and just trying to slow the violence and trying to calm things down a little bit. Thank you.
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is very
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And how you move from management to resolution to reconciliation. To transformation. Exactly. Huge challenges.
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Exactly. Well, thank you very much, Dr. Hufford. Thank you very much. Thank you. Bye.
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very much. Thank you. Bye. Bye.
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Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have SFC Valor Breez and CPT Jarrett Redman discuss their winning paper titled, "Beyond Hearts & Minds: Transforming the Civil Affairs Regiment to Consolidate Gains in 21st Century Warfare." The paper was published in Volume 4 of 2017-2018 Civil Affairs Issue Papers published by PKSOI. Their co-author was SFC Sean Acosta.
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Short of teams actually, you know, picking up the phone and calling one another, you really rely on those platforms to kind of share information and build more importantly. Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot. I'll be your host for today's episode. We're joined today by two authors and current members of Army Civil Affairs. We have Valor Breeze, Sergeant First Class. He's currently serving as the S -9 NCO of 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group. And Jarrett Bredman, who's a captain, currently serving as the CMOC Chief of Delta Company, 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion. Gentlemen, thank you for being here on the 1CA podcast.
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Thanks for having us. We're looking forward to talking with you tonight.
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We wanted to talk about an article that you wrote for the Civil Affairs Association, published by PKSOI, the Peacekeeping and Civilty Operations Institute. It's published in Volume 4 of the 2017 -2018 Civil Affairs issue papers called Civil Affairs, A Force for Consolidating Gains. And this was edited by Christopher Holczyk, who is a retired colonel and senior leader of the Civil Affairs Association. Can you talk to us, gentlemen, about the title of your paper and summarize what it meant?
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was working, General Harrington at the time, the commander of USRAP, was he'd already stood up an operational planning team looking at ways...
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Gentlemen, what does consulting gains mean to you?
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One of the things we looked at, and we were, again, we were just kind of fortunate circumstances. Our S3 at the time had rewritten a paper previously for the Civil Affairs Association.
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And one of the points he mentioned, Major Clay Daniels, was that if we take...
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When our stated goal is to be ready to go forward with any contingency that can happen on the continent, and then you look at what we have. We have five teams right now. In six months, we'll have five different teams. The reserve CA component has these number of teams. The 95th has these number of teams. If our goal is to...
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These teams change over every time we move to a new location. If we've had a team...
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If it's within the military's realm, then it's passing it from one team to the next or the next command that's stepping in. If the military is pulling away from the area, then it's consolidating gains and passing it along to partners in the State Department or interagency partners who are going to carry the ball forward, if at all.
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Yeah, I think that's right. And that would be the goal.
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Right. Gentlemen, I want to read a quote for you from page two of your paper and then ask you to explain in more detail. You wrote, Quote, recent conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria have reemphasized that its competitive military advantage in technology and hardware has limits in terms of accomplishing long -term strategic political objectives. Could you explain what that means? Not to be too pessimistic.
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the human domain in which we operate in civil affairs could fill in that gap long -term and strategically that is created by the limitations on technology and hardware. That's right. Jared, thanks. And let me ask you a follow -up. Your team wrote regarding Crimea that, quote, there are crucial lessons to be learned from Russia's use of military force to achieve lasting political change. What do you think the lessons were learned from Crimea?
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wrote our paper, we looked at a
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your operational environment. And the reason that we have Special Operations Forces is precisely because of their understanding of the human domain and of those political, historical, and geographical factors that made Russia successful in their operations in Crimea.
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Yeah, there's a tie to another episode we have in the 1CA podcast. It's already been posted, an interview that I conducted with. A guy in my unit, actually, who's a specialist, but happens to have a Ph .D. in Central Asia and Russian history. And he was talking about that as well. So, yeah, there's a lot that civil affairs brings to the table, understanding that operational environment. And so you found that the U .S. could learn from that lesson to look at our future operating environments. If we knew more about the history and the sociology, we could try to exploit that to the U .S. military's benefit.
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Yeah, that's right. I mean, I think it's noteworthy too that, you know, in terms of the scale of the operations.
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Gentlemen, I wanted to ask you the question about the long -term objective of conflicts. In the paper, you had written that, quote, the objective of conflict is an enduring political end state. Do you think that's always the case? I think that war is incredibly costly, both in terms,
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costly, both in terms, financial terms, and then also, obviously,
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quickly and with it committing as few resources as possible.
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Jared, do you think that the enduring political end state could be seen from the perspective of U .S. interests politically, or do you think it is from the perspective of the host nation or achieving a political end state for the locals in whichever country we're having a conflict with?
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21st century is that the two are usually in line with one another. You know, so September 11th, one of the reasons September 11th was able to happen was because there was a
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You know what I mean?
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Yeah, absolutely right. The Afghans are the ones who have to deal with that on a day -to -day basis. But I guess the United States is only involved, really, as long as our interests are somehow tied to the region or having assets like the U .S. military country. I wanted to ask you about the Civil Affairs Regiment and whether the CA Regiment can lead efforts for consolidating gains through network engagement and using the CIM process. civil information management process and the various technologies that we have. Definitely. So I think another thing about modern warfare that we're increasingly realizing,
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increasingly realizing, and it's not just the military that's realizing it, it's a lot of private entities, and that's that civil information is incredibly valuable.
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Is there a future technology or future process that you've put in place to help fill that gap?
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So you're saying those platforms are tools to execute the SIEM process, but the process involves six steps, which for the audience are collection, collation, processing, analyzing, production, and then finally dissemination. So regardless of which tools you're using, which platforms technology -wise, you can still collate data from other teams or other services and disseminate the information out to them as well so you don't have the sort of team practice side.
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We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.
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Get published and win some money. The Civil Affairs Association and its partners invite you to send an originally written issue paper with recommendations related to some or all of .mil PFP. You should reference the new FM 3 -57 in the Civil Affairs Operations 2025 and Beyond white paper. Given the white paper and the Stabilization Assistance Framework, how can the CA Regiment optimize its force? How can the Army and Marine Corps organize, train, educate, and resource CA forces to synchronize and leverage the efforts of multiple partners and sustain engagements to mitigate conflict, shape security environments, and prevail across the range of military operations? The top five papers will be published in the 2018 -19 Civil Affairs Issue Papers. Authors will present them at the CA Centennial and Symposium at Fort Bragg, North Carolina on 2 -4 November. The top paper will receive $1 ,000 cash, second gets $500, and third, $250. Papers prepared jointly by civilian and military professionals are most welcome. The deadline is 7th September. So please send all papers and inquiries to papers at civilfairsassoc .org.
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Welcome back to the 1CA podcast.
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Gentlemen, I wanted to ask you about three recommendations that you included in your paper. The first was to establish a Joint Theater Civil -Military Operations Center, Joint Theater CMOC. Could you explain to the audience why that new structure is needed and also try to mention why multiple CMOCs in a theater do not share information and how your proposal would try to help that situation?
00:21:54 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, so, and again, we'll go back to our most recent deployment in supporting USRAP. the global force management process and the way that FTNs are generated and missions are sourced is there's goodness and badness that comes out of the current global force management process. The problem that we were seeing is that civil affairs teams were being sourced from use of KPOP.
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That one central CMOC would simply have to know who the players are and where they are in countries and solicit information and know when they're getting it, who it's coming from, the context in which it's submitted, and then go through the process. That's right.
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recommendation that you had in the paper, and that was to designate a warrant officer program. And your team had written about how this idea was discussed for years. I just had not heard about it in the past. Why hasn't this idea progressed, and do you think there's any traction today for it?
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guys as well about another recommendation you had in the book and that was to modernize civil affairs doctrine. What would you say are the gaps in doctrine today that need to be filled or updated?
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the pockets of security and stability during phase three. That's right. Well, gentlemen, we wanted to close the conversation with a final question about how others in the civil affairs community could submit an issue paper for consideration like what you did for the volume four issue.
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The two of you and Sean Acosta, a name people would recognize, also a guest on the podcast. I really hope that people will take you up on your advice and recommendations to submit their work for consideration in the issue papers that are collected by the Civil Affairs Association and published by PQSOI or other publications that are out there, as you mentioned. Vala Breeze and Jared Redman, you together with Sean Acosta, wrote a paper titled Beyond Hearts and Minds, Transforming the Civil Affairs Regiment. to Consolidate Gains in 21st Century Warfare. This was published in the Volume 4 issue, 2017 -2018 Civil Affairs issue papers, titled Civil Affairs, A Force for Consolidating Gains. This was published by PKSOI, Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. For listeners, you can find a copy of this and their other publications at pksoi .armywarcollege .edu. Valor and Jared, thank you very much, and glad you guys were here on the 1CA podcast. Thank you,
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and thanks for having us.
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Thank you for spending some time with us. Please subscribe and come back for another installment of 1CA. Until then, be safe and secure the victory.
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have John Stefula, Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, discusses the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) and the implications of their mission for Civil Affairs. He also talks about the value of company and field-grade CA members sharing their lessons learned from training and deployments.
Call for Papers by the Civil Affairs Association.
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Hear that? That's your future calling. Air Force Lifecycle Management Center is seeking civilian professionals for numerous mission -critical positions in the National Capital Region to support the F -35 Lightning II Joint Program Office. To be considered for an in -person interview, register today at afcs .jobs because employing the world's most powerful Air Force means employing its most capable workforce. And that's where you come in. Learn more at afcs .jobs. I think that's the other challenge.
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think that's the other challenge. We have expertise, but I think our enemies understand it's like if we can draw this out and make it protracted, the expertise is that our system, how our army is formed and how we mobilize is not set up to do a long term campaign.
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Hello and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for this episode. We're joined today by Colonel John Stifula, who is with the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, PKSOI, at the Army War College. Sir, good afternoon. Welcome to the podcast.
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All right. Thank you, John.
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It's a pleasure to be here. Yeah, thank you. We ran into each other at one of the Civil Affairs Association's meetings and talked about this podcast. And then you followed up with some interest in wanting to sit down with us today. Rural Maryland to Mount Airy. Beautiful rolling hills with a lot of farmland. So we're sitting outside, and if people hear any birds, that's where we are. Sir, I wanted to talk to you about what you're doing at PKSOI. You're currently with the Defense Information Systems Agency, or DISA, and now working for the Army at PKSOI, so the Peacekeeping and Civilty Operations Institute. Could you describe for everyone what your role is at PKSOI, and how does it relate to civil affairs? Okay,
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so... I'm in a drilling individual mobilization on my team. So it's called DEMA. So if you hear me say the word DEMA, that's pretty much it. So the difference between DEMA and a true programming unit is true programming. You have a unit that's reserved and you go and you drill. I'm a DEMA guy, so I go drill with PQSLI. Now, they don't drill on weekends, so I have to go up during the middle of the week, either one or two days. As a matter of fact, I'll be going up later this week. I'll be doing an exercise planning conference, and I'll be there for two or three days supporting. PQSI in that effort.
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And you just take time off from your... Yeah, I got to take military leave or my annual leave and put some pretty long tooth in the federal government.
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Yeah, I got to take military leave or my annual leave and put some pretty long tooth in the federal government. A lot of hours. I have to manage that really good over the years to try to line those days up. But it's only for one more year, 12 more months. Then I'll have to find some other gig.
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some other gig. So is PQSI a mix of... Is it mainly CA type folks?
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It's a great question. If you kind of back up in history and kind of take a look at PKSI, it was original roots where originally it was the Peacekeeping Institute. So then eventually the Army added on, hey, you're also going to be expertise in stability operations. So then that was like around, let me see my notes right here.
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1993 it became the PKSI, and then 2013 it was designated to Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. Okay. It's kind of broken into, I'd say, three divisions. There's a proponency division that looks at doctrine and getting after all the little eaches. So not everybody's a CA person up there. You have some DE civilians that are up there that understand how to do doctrine. You also have a plethora of other folks who are other branches, mostly all officers, who understand doctrine writing and how those things can go. They're a subset of the Army War College, so the Army War College has developed strategic leaders. So they teach a lot of stability operations stuff into the schoolhouse over there, and they also keep contact with the community of practice, whether it is peacekeeping or stability operations. So the next division would be the peacekeeping division, and they do a lot of interaction with... of the United Nations and how the United Nations can do those type of operations for peacekeeping and kind of develop out a curriculum. And then when it brings it back on in, they'll develop out the curriculum. So for primary order of instruction, if an Army unit had to go do a peacekeeping mission, they would say, okay, here's how you would do it. So there's actually institutional knowledge there. There's the Stability Operations Division, which gets into... each line of effort, and this is where you really start seeing different branches, like rule of law. You'll have people who have PhDs who are in there who understand rule of law. You'll have some JAG officers. You might have a PSYOPs officer. You might have, like, for economics, somebody who actually has an economics degree, an officer who's their background with that.
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Would you say that PKSY currently has the go -to experts? for the Army in peacekeeping and stability operations? Have they built up that subject matter? They have some subject matter experts.
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built up that subject matter? They have some subject matter experts. I wouldn't say they are, but if they don't know it, they're kind of the crossroads for a lot of things because they have interaction with a plethora of different folks inside and outside. So they can find the right people.
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they can find the right people.
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find the right people. They can find the right people, and that's really... As any institution that has a battle rhythm for the year, so there's like sets and pauses. Like they did recently, last month, the peacekeeping is to build the operations training education workshop. PISO2. PISO2. So if you hear me say PISO2, it's a really long word, but really... It's really like a small mini conference, which they have to put a conference back in. I'll put that up front, show everything else in the Department of Defense to get approval. They get a lot of different practitioners in the community, either in peacekeeping or civility operations, who come to this.
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They have people from the Special Army Warfare Center who come on up at the Civil Affairs Commandant. Colonel Bennett came on up to the last one. And so in there, they have these workshops, which they kind of settle down and they talk about the most relevant things. that are affecting either peacekeeping or stability operations.
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Okay. And so we reconnected at the PISO2, the recent one that was last month, so April 2018. The theme was struggle for legitimate governance. Could you talk about the PISO2 being a conference that happens every year and the workshop that was held in April? So the focus on legitimate governance. What do you think that means, and where do you think PISO -2 is headed with that discussion?
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Well, they break out in a lot of subsets in there. We were talking about the small group I was working with was dealing with civil affairs right there. And legitimacy of governments is what they come back in, because you can look at the U .N. operations and how they try to reestablish and try to get the government together. They actually keep folks fighting each other. And then, yeah, protection of civilians. There was a workshop that was dealing with protection of civilians and what aspects. PKSOI recently established a handbook they published and they put on out there, and that was a big effort by a lot of folks in there to get after that. So you can't say it's like there's just one switch you can hit that's kind of like, hey, this will solve all legitimacy. It's a series of switches that have to happen either in unison or over time. And that's really where... PQSI really tries to get it because things are just so complex on multiple different operations.
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different operations. How do you understand that complexity? It's complex in the U .S.
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It's complex in the U .S. You take a city or a state like Maryland or a city of Baltimore someplace, it's picking up the trash on time, it's making sure the water is running, you have safety and security from police and fire and all the different social services that you have. Put that in the context of another country, it's complex. What would you say were the outcomes of that PISO II conference?
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Well, the biggest thing is you really, because you have all these different practitioners coming here, one of the things at PQSOI they have, they have a representative from the Department of State and they also have a representative from the United States Agency for International Development, USAID, is there. So they have two high -ranking officials that are part of the staff at PQSOI. They understand the biggest thing is how do you go back to your... own institutions, if you look at Department of Defense, USAID, and Department of State, is how do you get into their decision -making process. Now, one of the big products that just recently came on out is the stabilization assistance review. It really got into, okay, we understand that every institution, Department of State, USAID, or Department of Defense has a different way they go after doing stabilization operations. And sometimes what we're really starting to see right now is, in most cases, it might be USCID is in the lead and Department of Defense is in the supporting role. Right. So right now, it's like, well, how is that done? There's some examples right now within, like, Turkey and Syria and Iraq. We've seen some of those things serving as one model. But really, it's really how do we operationalize that right now? That's really what PECO has done. Like, okay,
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do we operationalize
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we have this great epiphany where, you know, At the secretariat level or even National Security Council level, it's like, okay, how do we operate finances? And like everything, it runs in a simple process. We get back everybody's battle rhythm for the year. Okay, is everybody marching on a certain path to where we can make this work? Right. And really make it institutionally. If it's written in doctrine,
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And really make
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we're learning lessons learned. That's the other big thing that PQSID does is writing doctrine. is they capture Lessons Learned, which is part of the Psalms process. It's almost like Center for Army's Lessons Learned, except PQS has their own version of that.
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Which you can go in there and pull some stuff. I know 412 recently asked for some stuff from Psalms. They were amazed at the amount of stuff that was in there.
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of stuff that was in there. I see the federal government like any huge organization evolves. Federal government very slowly. especially agencies like in the 3Ds, defense, diplomacy, and development.
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and development.
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So with the stabilization assistance review, the SAR document that came out, would you say that for stability ops, we've evolved, we're more in step with each other as agencies, departments? I think we're starting to get a little bit better at it.
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think we're starting to get a little bit better at it. One of the big things that came on out recently,
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there's a book I'll promote.
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Nadia Shablau. Yeah, Nadia Shablau. She actually read the Art of Governance and War. But if you kind of read her other works on that, what she really gets into is there's a realm of competitiveness right now. You're starting to see this come out of national security strategy. And it kind of filters down to the Department of Defense and kind of hits the Army.
00:11:16 SPEAKER_02
Competitiveness within the U .S. government. Well,
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the U .S. government. Well, they're not competitiveness. They're talking in the whole world. Oh, okay. So if you look at the Army's Center for Internated Capability,
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okay. So
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you look at the Army's Center for Internated Capability, there was this guy named McMasters. We kind of know where he went after that. So we've always, the Department of Defense has always held this model of going to war.
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to war. We talk about it quite a bit. It's like phase zero, phase one, phase two. Phase two, we're going to dominate, smoke it. Okay, we're going to go into phase four. Now we're going to use to build the operations five. And so what this, you know, kind of sitting there, you know, kind of looking at that and get some smart folks. It's like, okay, that's one model. In all honesty, if you kind of look at how the Russians are doing things, they're going as more hybrid, gray. I've heard different things. And Dimitri Gerson, he kind of looks at it. It's like, why are we applying military capability against we can use other instruments of national power, which you can use economically? So his idea is, like, before I get the military portion, I'm going to apply, like, three to four of these elements of national power. I'm going to raise it up. It's going to be just a little shorter for you guys getting into your little, I'm going to do your five -phase or six -phase campaign, and we're going t
Welcome to One CA Podcast. Today we have Michael Schwille, Major in the U.S. Army Reserve, discusses his growth in Civil Affairs, experiences in Iraq and Djibouti, and how civilian work with the RAND Corporation relates to CA.
Find Major Schwille on LinkedIn.
Check out the Civil Affairs Association online for a Call for Papers and upcoming events.
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Hear that? That's your future calling. Air Force Lifecycle Management Center is seeking civilian professionals for numerous mission -critical positions in the National Capital Region to support the F -35 Lightning II Joint Program Office. To be considered for an in -person interview, register today at afcs .jobs because employing the world's most powerful Air Force means employing its most capable workforce. And that's where you come in. Learn more at afcs .jobs. The first target audience that you have,
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first target audience that you have, you know, it sure isn't the people outside of the gate. The first person you need to influence is whatever commander that you're supporting.
00:00:51 SPEAKER_02
Hello and welcome back to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot, your host for today's episode. We are joined today by Michael Schwilley. He is a major in the Army Reserve. He received his Bachelor of Arts in History degree from the University of Pittsburgh, did some study abroad in the UK, and then he went on to earn a Master of Arts in International Development Study with a focus on security from the George Washington University. For the last several years, he has worked at DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, with BAE Systems. as a counterterrorism human operations integrator. He's also working at Psychological Operations Detachment for the Army Reserve as a company commander of the 100 Soldiers PSYOP Detachment. And since January 2014, he's been working at the RAND Corporation as a project associate. He's been conducting research and analysis for Arroyo and the National Security Research Division and contributing to projects that relate to national security. with a focus on security cooperation, security force assistance, and building partner capacity, and a concentration in Africa and Asia. Major Schwilly, thanks for joining us. Thanks, John. Glad to be here.
00:02:03 SPEAKER_02
I looked through your bio and your background and saw that you led an infantry company in Dayal province in Iraq in 2010, and there you were helping to manage some civil military operations. What was that first experience with civil affairs activities like?
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Sure, so I guess right off the bat is a slight correction there. I was deployed twice in Iraq, and I was a field artillery officer, not an infantry officer. But the first time I was in Iraq, the battery that I was part of was, you know, just a brand new second lieutenant. And everybody, the entire... battalion, the field artillery battalion. We were all landowners, so we had an area of responsibility. So there was a lot of patrolling. We were securing main supply route, main supply route Tampa, up by a solid in the province. So we were based out of Camp Kaji, which was north of Baghdad. So that was my first deployment, and that was not too much civil affairs. on that particular one, a little more route clearance, you know, and a little more bombs and bullets, we'll say. But the second time that I went back was in 2008 and 2009, and it was that time that I was attached to an infantry company. I was a fire support officer. So I had a fire support team, about five soldiers, and we were responsible. It was in that capacity. So before we crossed over from Kuwait into Iraq that second time, I remember taking a class on collateral damage estimation, and that's basically how close a bomb can you drop to a building without destroying it. So that's what I was learning. When I got to Iraq, I wasn't really doing much of that at all. I found myself the effects guy. So back in 2006, and they took a lot of field artillery officers, and they turned the fire support cell within the infantry companies into what they called a COIS, which was kind of like a mini effects slash intelligence. So I was running that in Iraq, but I was also in charge of three separate Nihiyas, which are counties, basically. They were pretty large, probably about 300 ,000 Iraqis. So I would attend city council meetings. I would work with city managers, city planners, mayors. And it was really in that capacity that I got my first real experience in exposure to civil affairs and civil military operations.
00:04:58 SPEAKER_02
Was that something that you took over someone else who was doing that work and that integration before you had arrived, or was it something you had to start?
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Yeah, so we replaced, I think it was...
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There were definitely some things that were going on. You know, he had a couple different initiatives out there. But I really feel that it was myself and I was partnered up with another captain who was actually a civil affairs captain responsible for our AOR. And we partnered up, and we really, I feel, took it to kind of the next level. We were really active going to these different city council meetings and engaging. with the key planners across all of these different sectors, so water and sanitation and sewer and agriculture. Well, at the same time, we were attending these meetings, and we were focused on a lot of that. There was a lot of security, obviously, meetings and things that were going on, and a lot of what we were doing to bolster the civilian government. the time. So it was really an interesting time.
00:06:25 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, it sounds like it was fascinating. Now, was it that experience, I guess, when you were in Dallas that wanted you, you know, were you exposed to people in civil affairs or just the type of work that thought made you think, oh, civil affairs is something I want to switch to?
00:06:41 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, absolutely. So I remember, you know, it was one of the first meetings that I went to when I was there that second time. And I was working with it. provincial reconstruction team members. So they had the provincial reconstruction teams that were set up.
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up. And then they were up for a couple of years. And then they started to have these embedded provincial reconstruction teams. And those were individuals from the Department of State, USAID, that were out really doing a lot of work on the ground, trying to form these councils, trying to teach people how to hold a meeting with these meetings, with an agenda. You know, we got a copy of Robert's Rules of Order, and that's really what we used to kind of start holding a lot of these meetings. So, yeah, it was very interesting. What I would say is that, you know, it was through those experiences and through the projects that we were leading that really opened my eyes to the power of civil affairs and what value we have. military commanders that we're working for. It's much more than just getting civilians off of the battlefield.
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much more
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It's really an integral part of winning the peace. You can only kill so many bad guys at the end of the day, especially in a counterinsurgency environment. You really need to pull the population away from those insurgent groups. that Civil Affairs brings to the table to help affect that is really quite large. It's really impressive to see that.
00:08:32 SPEAKER_02
Do you think that your company leadership or battalion leadership in that time already supported the activities you were doing, or was this stuff that you had to come up with?
00:08:42 SPEAKER_03
Sure, great question. So the first time I deployed was with the 172nd Striker Brigade Combat Team. And that was in the 0506. And the second time was we re -flagged as 1st Brigade 25th Infantry Division. And my battalion commander, both the battalion commander and the brigade commander were really excellent, particularly my battalion commander, Colonel Brian Reed. He really understood counterinsurgency and the impact that...
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We did a lot of projects, right? So we did vocational school rehabilitation. I can't tell you how many trash removal projects we did and refurbishing an asphalt plant, refurbishing markets. I learned and I worked more with poultry and chickens than I ever thought I would like to know in my entire life. So we ended up partnering up with the Iraqi Grandparent Poultry Company. And it was two brothers, and they were educated in... England. Their father, I think, was an economics teacher. And they really had some, you know, state -of -the -art for Iraq, but I mean some pretty high -level biosecurity in these poultry farms. And we were really, really instrumental in, you know, getting them some loans and working with U .S. aid and securing some funding for them. And it was really a great strategy, you know, brought together a lot of disparate groups, Sunni, Shia. And, you know, there was a voucher system that was kind of put in place. But I remember when I had to fly down to the green zone down in Baghdad and brief some pretty senior USAID officials. And I remember I had to go to my battalion commander and ask him if it was all right to go down there. And, you know, I told him, gave him the con off and talked about the plan and what we were doing and why this was important. And he didn't really say too much during the brief, and then afterwards he said, Schwilly,
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go down there. Don't mess this up. That's the PG version of what he said. Yeah, a little pressure.
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a little pressure.
00:10:55 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, but no, he really did get it. And, yeah, I really think that had a large impact in that area at that time.
00:11:04 SPEAKER_02
That's good to hear. So then you took that experience, one of the civil affairs, and then you were commanding. a SIOP detachment. Are you SIOP qualified as well as civil affairs?
00:11:16 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, so when I came back from that second time in Iraq in 09, I actually had applied and got accepted to active duty civil affairs. After talking it over with my fiancée, soon to be my wife, we decided that active duty civil affairs wasn't the right path for me. So instead I... I applied and I went to grad school, and I went to George Washington University, and I got my master's in international development studies. And the reason, the whole reason of why I went and got my master's in development studies is because I didn't see the Army and the U .S. military general getting out of the civil military operations business anytime soon. And, you know, not disparaging anybody, but there was a lot of...
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know, not disparaging
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misperceptions, and a lot of folks didn't really understand the value of what some well -trained civil affairs personnel could do to support not only a company, a battalion, a brigade. And so that's why I went and got my master's in development studies. Following that, I did a few years in civil affairs. I transferred to civil affairs, but then I did switch over to psychological operations. which I kind of view civil affairs and PSYOP as two sides to the same point. We do a lot of the same type of work, not the same activities, but we're definitely influencing, whether that's a target audience or a select segment of a population. But civil affairs and psychological operations, I mean, that's our bread and butter. That's what we do.
00:13:03 SPEAKER_02
Yeah, I guess that's why they're... Command on the reserve side is together.
00:13:08 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, that's an interesting, yeah,
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that is why. I mean, I'm sure that, you know, both used to be under, you know, the Special Operations Command, and then, you know, there's been lots of conversation about whether that was the right thing or the wrong thing to do. It's interesting. In my job at RAND, I do a lot of force structure studies and, you know,
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know, look at manning. billeting and, you know, organizations and how things are organized. And there's definitely some benefits as well as some negatives having the active and the reserve components kind of divorced and not together. So I'll just leave it at that.
00:13:53 SPEAKER_02
I think we're going to try to have a conversation with the commanding general, Yusuke Kapok, and ask him that question as well. So we'll get to that on a future episode. So with the PSYOP detachment, Mike, you deployed to Command Joint Task Force Horn of Africa, HOA, which is in Djibouti. Can you describe what you're doing out there? Sure. So that was actually,
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I took command of the psychological operations company after I came back. I was actually deployed as a civil affairs officer to CJTF HOA. So when I was there, it was 2013. It was pretty much the entire year of 2013. was a bit more permissive than it has been in recent years due to the threats primarily of al -Shabaab in East Africa there, as well as the conflict in Yemen and ISIS, or ISIL, however you want to call them. But when I was there, like I said, you had the ability to kind of get out a little bit more. There were some team houses that were out there. There were some civil affairs teams. that were living and working in the communities that did a good job of informing the command there at Camp Le Mignet of how the local population was feeling, what their concerns were. It was a much different experience than a non -permissive environment from my previous experiences in Iraq. So for that, I had a civil affairs team that was out, that was regularly interacting. with the local community. But my primary job, I was tasked to be the liaison officer between CJTF HOA and then the French forces in Djibouti, the FFDJ. So the French are actually treaty. obligated to provide security for the country of Djibouti. And the French have a rather large military presence there. For the French, it's large. For the United States, maybe not quite as much. But they have, you know, Air Force and Special Operations. Marines, you know, they have all of the services kind of represented there. And they use the country of Djibouti as a kind of like as an NTC, a National Training Center rotation. So they'll rotate units down a
Welcome to the Once CA Podcast.
Please welcome Gonul Tol, the founding director of the Middle East Institute's Center for Turkish Studies, who discusses Turkey and Turkish relations in the region.
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What Turkey is trying to do in Syria today is curbing the influence of the Syrian Kurds and that has become in fact the backbone of not only Turkey's Syria strategy but Turkey's regional strategy.
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This is John McElligot, your host for this episode of the 1CA podcast. We're joined today by Gunal Tol. She's the founding director of the Middle East Institute's Center for Turkish Studies. She's also an adjunct professor at George Washington University's Institute for Middle East Studies. After three years of field research in Germany and the Netherlands, she wrote her dissertation on the radicalization of the Turkish Islamist movement Miliskurus in Western Europe. She was also an adjunct professor at the College of International Security Studies at the National Defense University. She has taught courses on Islamist movements in Western Europe, Turkey, world politics, and the Middle East. She has written extensively on Turkey -U .S. relations, Turkish domestic politics, and foreign policy in the Kurdish issue. She's also a frequent media contributor. Ma 'am, thank you very much for being here.
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Thanks for having me.
00:02:59 SPEAKER_04
We wanted to talk about what you're focusing on these days. What are you writing about?
00:03:04 SPEAKER_00
Well, mostly about Turkey and what Turkey is doing in Syria. Recently, Turkey launched a military incursion into the northwestern Kurdish enclave. It's called Afrin. And it's a major concern, especially for the U .S. and the U .S. military, because the U .S. is there working with the Syrian Kurdish militia, and that's called the YPG, and Turkey at the moment is attacking the YPG forces in Afrin. And recently, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to move into Manbij. Manbij is another northern Syrian town that is under the control of U .S.-backed Kurdish forces. And there are also around 2 ,000 U .S. Special Operations Forces in Manbij. So if Erdogan delivers on his threat and moves into Manbij, that could potentially... There is a high risk of a clash between the US and Turkey, so that's what we mostly focus on these days.
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Why do you think the average American should care about what's happening in Turkey right now?
00:04:13 SPEAKER_00
I think mainly because what the United States is trying to do in Syria is it's trying to confront the radical Islamic State in Syria. And it's working with the Kurdish militia there. And what Turkey is doing in Syria, the Syria policy that Turkey pursues,
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is doing in Syria, the Syria policy that
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has a direct impact on what the U .S. is trying to do in Syria. So what Turkey is doing in Syria is important for the U .S. national security interest.
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I've read a lot about that the last couple of years. And the Syrian civil war has been going on now for quite a while. What do you think would be the turning point over the next six months or year, considering other players like Russia as well?
00:05:03 SPEAKER_00
Well, it's very difficult. In 2011, when the uprising started, many experts as well as intelligence organizations, they thought that Assad only had six months because he didn't have the backing of the majority of the population. He was only backed by the Alevi minority. So people thought that he could not survive longer than six months, and that hasn't really happened. So it's really difficult to predict what will happen next in Syria. But what I see is because of Russian involvement in Syria,
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of Russian involvement in Syria, as you know, Russia militarily involved in Syria in 2015. And since then, I think it turned the tide in the Syrian conflict. So the regime gained a lot of territory, captured territory from the Islamic State and from the opposition. So the regime at the moment, the Assad regime, is quite confident that it will control all the territory that it used to control before the Syrian conflict started. So I think at this point, I'm not... hopeful that the Syrian opposition can put up a real fight. So that means probably with Russian backing and the backing of Iran and the Shia militias there, the regime is going to win. Again, they now, they captured a lot of territory and through diplomatic means as well, not just through military means. They have European countries, I think the majority of the international community now resign themselves to the fact that Assad will not go. So he is here to stay. And the main priority of international actors is to contain the Islamic State. And that's why toppling the regime is not a priority anymore. So when you combine that with the fact... that the regime is gaining military on the ground, I think the picture gets clearer that the regime will not be toppled. And also we have to talk about the state of the Syrian opposition. They were in a better place a few years ago now. Their international backers are not supporting them. They are not providing them logistical aid, financial aid anymore.
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financial aid
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They are very divided and the international community has their own suspicions because there are many radical groups inside the Free Syrian Army. So all these factors make it very difficult for the Syrian opposition to put up a real fight against the Assad regime. So that's why if I had to predict, I would say that the regime would probably win this war.
00:08:04 SPEAKER_04
It's connected to something you presented in 2015. You spoke at an MEI event and discussed Turkey's two objectives in Syria. The first was toppling Assad regime, which you've mentioned is unlikely now. And the second was preventing a Kurdish corridor along Turkey's southern border by marginalizing the Syrian Kurds. Could you talk about the background of the group Syria? Who are the Syrian Kurds and what's the connection to Turkey?
00:08:33 SPEAKER_00
Well, as you know, the Kurds are actually the biggest minority that do not have a state. There are around 30 million Kurds in the region, and they are spread across different countries, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, and Iran. And they are a marginalized group because in the countries that they live in, they are suppressed. In Turkey, for instance, 20 % of the population is of Kurdish origin. And yet they are still struggling. In fact, they've been waging a war against the Turkish state since the 1980s.
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are around
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So they want more political, social, economic rights. The Kurds in Syria, they are at a better place because since the first Gulf War, thanks to the no -fly zone established by the United States and the international community, they have an autonomous region. What started as a de facto autonomous region became a real autonomous region after the second Gulf War. So they have their own military, they have their own parliament, they have their own resources. So they are the ones, the Iraqi Kurds are the ones who have come closest to becoming a state. And in fact... They held a referendum in September 2017, an independence referendum. Unfortunately, it failed because all international actors, including Turkey and the United States, were opposed to the referendum. So they have become very fragile. Their project for independence is quite fragile at the moment. And the Syrian Kurds, again, they are oppressed by the regime. And until the Syrian conflict started, they did not even have ID cards. So if you do not have an ID card, you can't benefit from the services that the state is offering. So they have been very marginalized as well. And in Iran too, there is a sizable Kurdish minority. And in all these countries, in Turkey for instance, there is an organization that is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey. the US and the European Union, that is called the PKK. And it has its sister organizations in Syria, in Iraq, and in Iran. Their headquarters are in Iraq. So Turkey has been waging a war against the PKK. And it considers the YPG. The YPG is the group that the United States is working with, cooperating. They have become... an important ally in the fight against the Islamic State. So the United States considers the PKK as a terrorist organization, but technically the YPG, which is the PKK's Syrian offshoot, is not considered a terrorist organization by the United States. So that loophole created a lot of tension between Turkey and the United States. And Turkey thinks that there is no difference between the YPG and the PKK. What do you think?
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do you think?
00:11:44 SPEAKER_00
Well, I think they are the exact same organization. They share the same ideology. It's a Marxist -Leninist ideology. And they have the same leadership. And in terms of micromanaging daily affairs. The YPG might have some autonomy from the PKK, but I think they are the exact same organization. So that's why Turkey has been quite concerned about the fact that after the Syrian conflict started, the YPG started establishing this autonomous region in northern Syria. So that's why... Turkey's number one priority in Syria has become not toppling the Assad regime, but confronting the YPG and curbing its influence in Syria. So why does Turkey even care about the YPG?
00:12:40 SPEAKER_04
why does Turkey even care about the YPG? Do they hold strategically significant land or could? Economic interests? Why couldn't Turkey just forget about it, leave them alone? It's a very good question.
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leave them alone? It's a very good question. And you know, in Washington, D .C., we... talk about all different other things, but we don't actually ask this question. So it's a very important question. I personally believe that the YPG does not pose a threat to Turkey. The PKK does, obviously. The PKK is a terrorist organization and has been waging a war against Turkey since 1980s, but not the YPG. But Turkey considers it as a national security threat because the YPG started So in 2011, and that was when the Syrian conflict started, at the time Turkey had very close ties to the Assad regime. President Erdogan was friends with President Assad. They even vacationed together and Turkey had invested heavily in Syria. Visa restrictions were lifted. The two countries held joint cabinet meetings. Turkey, there were many Turkish companies, construction companies operating in Syria and Syria became Turkey's gateway to the rest of the region. So Turkey had very close ties, cultivated close ties to Syria. So that's why when the Syrian conflict started, Turkey did not immediately join the anti -Assad camp, thinking that Erdogan had leverage over Assad and Erdogan thought that he could in fact force Assad to carry out reforms. But of course that did not happen. So after a few months, Turkey came to terms with the fact that Assad was not going to leave and joined the anti -Assad camp. And when that happened, and Turkey did not only join the anti -Assad camp, but it became an organizational hub for the Syrian opposition. So in retaliation, the Assad regime allowed all the PKK leadership. who have been living in exile in Europe to come back to the country and basically gave a free hand to establish an autonomous region in northern Syria. And that's when Turkey's threat perception was heightened. Turkey thought that Assad is going to allow the Kurds to establish a continuous autonomous region which might link... to the Iraqi Kurdish region, so the Kurds will have access to the Mediterranean. And that's a major threat for Turkey because they think that if there is a continuous Kurdish autonomous region that has access to the Mediterranean right there, right on my southern border, then maybe my own Kurdish community will want similar things. So that's why Turkey is... turned its attention to the Kurds in Syria. So initially Turkey's number one focus in Syria was toppling the regime. Now it's become a secondary and maybe it's not even on Turkey's agenda anymore. So what Turkey is trying to do in Syria today is curbing the influence of the Syrian Kurds and that has become in fact the backbone of not only Turkey's Syria strategy but Turkey's regional strategy. Turkey is trying to do that in Iraq with the Iraqi Kurds. And that has shaped Turkey's relations with Russia. That's the main reason for the Turkey -Russia rapprochement. That's the main reason for Turkey -Iran rapprochement. That's the main reason for the problematic relationship between Turkey and the US. So that fear of Kurdish separatism has become the backbone of Turkey's foreign policy.
00:16:39 SPEAKER_04
It's interesting you talk about the connection there with Russia as well, because I wanted to ask you the regional power plays. And I was reading Peter Zeihan's predictions for Turkey and focused on three areas. One was conquer or ally with Romania and Bulgaria. Two, secure oil from Kurdish Iraq or Azerbaijan. Three, show interest in possibly retaking the Crimean Peninsula to the effect of being recognized by Russia as a regional power in that lower Danube area. and securing national gas exports. So there's the southern border that Turkey is focusing on heavily. But what else do you see going on with its neighbors? And where else is drawing, what other areas are drawing Turkey's focus right now? Well,
00:17:27 SPEAKER_00
again, I think the fear of Kurdish separatism is number one on Turkey's foreign policy agenda. And that's driving its relations with Russia. with Iran, with Baghdad, with Syria, and it's even creating tensions with the Gulf countries, and Turkey had close ties with, especially with Saudi Arabia. So currently with Russia, I think Turkey was so frustrated with the United States that the US chose to work with the YPG that it turned to Russia in Syria, because it was obvious. For a long time, the expectation in Turkey was that it was the Obama administration decision. So a few folks within the Obama administration made that decision. But once Obama is out of the picture, President Trump would have a different policy and would have a more favorable policy. So that was the expectation in Turkey. But the opposite has happened. Trump, in fact, took a major step and decided that the Pentagon would directly arm the YPG. So that was a step that Obama was reluctan
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Please welcome Roberto Carmack who received his PhD in Central Asian and Russian history. He is a Specialist at the 450th Civil Affairs Batallion (Airborne), U.S. Army Reserve. Roberto discusses Russian actions and the way ahead in the region.
Sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association. Produced and edited by John McElligott.
00:00:29 SPEAKER_01
NATO members in Eastern Europe and even larger countries like Germany and France are very concerned with the potential for Russian aggression because the Russians did, in fact, slice off a piece of a sovereign country, Ukraine, and annex it.
00:01:06 SPEAKER_00
Welcome to the 1CA Podcast. My name is John McElligot. I'll be your host for this episode. We're joined today by a special guest from the 450th Civil Affairs Battalion Airborne. Roberto Carmack is a specialist, but he also has a PhD, so we'll call you Dr. Carmack for this episode if that's okay with you.
00:01:25 SPEAKER_01
That sounds good, sir.
00:01:26 SPEAKER_00
We wanted to talk with you today about your background and the connection between what you'd studied and what you're doing on the civilian side now. and how you think that may tie into civil affairs. So you're really a history buff. You earned a master's degree and a PhD in history. If you could, for everyone, describe your doctoral thesis and what your focus was.
00:01:46 SPEAKER_01
Sure. So I defended my thesis in 2015, and it's about Central Asia during World War II, and in particular about mobilization in Kazakhstan. Basically, what I've done is compare how Soviet authorities, In Russia and in Central Asia, mobilized all these different populations for the war effort, from Muslim Central Asians to Russians to people who were deported to the region during the war. So it's mainly designed to understand how mobilization worked in practice and how all these ethnic policies changed as a result of the war.
00:02:26 SPEAKER_00
To conduct your research, did you have to go to those countries?
00:02:29 SPEAKER_01
Yes, I did. I spent quite a bit of time in Kazakhstan, about a year. I mostly did archival work to locate these government documents that discuss these policies. I also did quite a lot of research in Moscow, something like three months.
00:02:48 SPEAKER_00
Was that speaking Russian and other languages?
00:02:51 SPEAKER_01
Right. So in Kazakhstan, you can get by. using Russian. I do speak Kazakh, but most of the documents for that period were written in Russian because there's a heavy bias towards the Russian language in all Soviet regions.
00:03:07 SPEAKER_00
So everyone else listening to this episode knows Specialist slash Dr. Carmack speaks multiple languages and is actually, you're getting paid by the Army for, what do you have now, Russian and Spanish on the record?
00:03:22 SPEAKER_01
That's right, yeah. Okay.
00:03:24 SPEAKER_00
Well, I would encourage everyone to go ahead and take those language exams and to learn another language. How has the process been for you in taking those exams and getting paid?
00:03:35 SPEAKER_01
You know, these exams are in some ways difficult and others not too bad. I came to Russian pretty late in life. I started studying the language in grad school, so I had to learn it basically from nothing. It took many years to get to a level where I can speak it and read it comfortably. and it requires frequent practice. Spanish was technically my first language, so I was able to reacquire it through review. But yeah, I mean, there are many, many soldiers that have language abilities that they learned in their households or through education. So like you, I definitely encourage them to seek the opportunity to take the exam because it's really great for your record, and the money certainly helps.
00:04:20 SPEAKER_00
Absolutely. Yeah, a little extra cash on top of the Battle Assembly pay is wonderful.
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Dr. Carmack, I wanted to talk to you about the connection between the U .S. military and what's going on in Russia and to provide some background about the Russian Federation. So if we could try to break down the armed forces of the Russian Federation and how it compares to the U .S. It's my understanding that the service branches include ground forces. aerospace, Navy, strategic missile, airborne, and special operations forces. I'm not sure if they have anything related to civil affairs. And they have conscription, so citizens must join the military if they're age 18 to 27 for 12 months of service, which, based on my experience in the U .S. Army, that would take up a lot of your training anyway. And there was one estimate I found that mentioned approximately 5 .4 % of GDP spent in the military. Does that stack up against what you know, and how would you rank the strengths of the Russian military compared to those of the U .S.? Yeah,
00:05:26 SPEAKER_01
so that 5 .4 % of GDP going to military expenditures, that's actually quite high compared to most countries in Europe. You know, since 2008, the Russian government has initiated a pretty comprehensive program of military reform. Basically, their goal is to emphasize quality over quantity and modernize the military. So, you know, in general, from a technological and even strategic viewpoint, it doesn't seem that the Russians can match the United States or the NATO alliance in terms of sheer capacity. But thanks to these reforms, their military capacity has generally gone up.
00:06:15 SPEAKER_01
Your listeners probably know that Russia and Georgia, the former Soviet Republic, waged a short but pretty intense war. There were a lot of problems there, mainly because the different branches of the Russian military and even individual elements within the Russian army weren't coordinating their efforts. So there's a lot of miscommunications that definitely degraded their battlefield capacity. But now if we fast forward to recent events in Ukraine and Syria, it's very obvious. that the Russian ability to command and control their forces has improved dramatically. So are they a match for the United States and NATO? In the strictest sense, no. But it would be a mistake to underestimate them because they're improving their capacity practically every year. Okay.
00:07:01 SPEAKER_00
Well, you brought up a couple countries there as examples. You talked about Georgia, Syria, Ukraine. And I wanted to talk to you about the idea of a buffer zone. I've read about it very often, and I think it's a plausible argument. I read connected to geopolitics and the importance of geography. So do you agree that the Russian Federation needs a buffer, buffer zones? And what evidence do you have to support that idea?
00:07:28 SPEAKER_01
Absolutely. And that's not only something that I believe, but I think that the Russian government is definitely adhering to the military and geopolitical strategy. Really, the creation of these buffer zones is the only way to prevent offensive action against the Russian Federation, at least from the perspective of the Kremlin and the people making defense policy. The modern history of the Russian state is just filled with examples of foreign powers invading through vulnerable frontiers. The Nazi invasion during World War II is just a major example of that. It's not altogether surprising that Russian leaders are trying to keep their opponents like the United States and NATO away from their borders. For example, that was one of the major reasons why the Russians decided to intervene in Ukraine in the past few years. They need to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, and that way, by keeping NATO forces out of Ukraine, they have more strategic flexibility to wage an effective defense should there be a war with the alliance.
00:08:35 SPEAKER_00
And what's the connection with Georgia and the Caucasus region?
00:08:40 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, Russian military and diplomatic strategy there is largely similar to what's going on in Ukraine. I referenced the 2008 war with Georgia before. You know, this narrow strip of territory between the Caspian and the Black Seas is of highest strategic importance for the Russians. Not only is it a... oil transfer point. But many of these countries in the past, like Georgia, have tried or at least flirted with the notion of joining NATO and establishing very close relations with the EU. The Russians are trying to prevent that by any means at their disposal through economic pressure and, if necessary, military pressure. So we can see the creation of a buffer zone there as a preeminent Russian concern. Okay.
00:09:30 SPEAKER_00
There's another area I wanted to bring up, and I haven't heard about it since Russia took over the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. What has happened since then?
00:09:40 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, so I think one of the reasons you haven't heard much out of Crimea is because the annexation has become normalized in a sense. Western media outlets have grown accustomed to it, and they see it as something that's an established fact. Although there's not a lot of armed conflict in the region like there is in those two separatist provinces in eastern Ukraine of Donetsk and Luhansk, there's still plenty going on. On the whole, Russian control on the peninsula is quite stable. The Russians have militarily fortified the peninsula, so any sort of armed incursion from the Ukrainian side is not really feasible. The Russians have accused the Ukrainian government of sending in these small special operations type teams to conduct sabotage operations and collect intel. But for the most part, the peninsula is militarily secure. So inside, the Russians are slowly working to consolidate their control over the governing apparatus and even the population. According to several independent polls, mostly conducted by Western research outfits, the majority of Crimeans, something like 80 percent, support Russian control over the Crimean peninsula. And this largely breaks down along ethnic lines. And it's not too surprising that most ethnic Russians there support Russia as opposed to Ukraine. strongly opposed to Russian control. One of them, and perhaps the most important, is the Crimean Tatars. They're a Turkic Muslim group that's native to the peninsula. And the Russians have been treating them extremely poorly by arresting their leaders, shutting down their representative institutions, and silencing their press. So there's a lot of potential there for future conflicts. So we'll have to see what happens within the next few years.
00:11:40 SPEAKER_00
Yeah, absolutely. And you brought up... Ethnic Russians. I've read that ethnic Russians are in decline, and that may be one reason why Russia is trying to expand again to include non -ethnic Russians within the Federation. What's the history, and where do you think we're headed?
00:12:00 SPEAKER_01
Yeah, it's a good point. I mean, there's no question that Russia is facing a demographic crisis. You know, the birth rate is extremely low. for a European country. And really, within the next few decades, it's not going to be likely that they'll be even able to support their military force at current levels. It's something that the leadership is well aware of and is worried about. Hence, they're instituting these pro -birth policies in an attempt to kind of boost the birth rate. And part of the consequence of this is that we have to remember, you know, The technical name for the country is the Russian Federation because it's a federation of many ethnic groups led by the Russians, including many groups that are non -Slavic and even Muslim. I'm talking about groups like the Chechens and the Tatars, and there are many others. These Muslim national or ethnic groups tend to have a higher birth rate than the native Russian population. So what we're going to see in the next 50 years or so is that these Muslim groups are going to gradually outstrip the Russian population. And it's obviously going to have a tremendous impact on Russian national identity and even their military policies.
00:13:18 SPEAKER_00
Have you seen pushback recently? Are ethnic Russians pushing back against non -ethnic Russians, or are they more inclusive?
00:13:29 SPEAKER_01
Well, on the one hand, no. When we're talking about groups like the Tatars, Russians consider them to be citizens of the Russian Federation and not too different from them. Most sattars speak Russian. They're aware of Russian cultural values, et cetera, et cetera. Where the pushback is coming in is with migrants from Central Asia. We're talking about ex -Soviet countries that aren't part of the Russian Federation anymore, countries like Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan. These countries sent huge numbers of labor migrants to work in places like Moscow and St. Petersburg. And yes, there's tremendous pushback against these populations. This has been going on for more than 10 years. There's been a huge upswing in racist sentiment that breaks down along racial lines and anti -immigrant sentiment. And you're right, as the Russian population experiences this demographic crisis, it seems likely that these kind of extremist sentiments... are going to increase.
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We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor.
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Each junior NCO and officer selected will also receive a membership to the CA Association. If you'd like to support the podcast, then please visit the CA Association website at civilaffairsassoc .org. That's civilaffairsassoc .org. And please remember that all donations are tax deductible. Thanks for your support.
00:15:35 SPEAKER_03
Welcome back to the 1CA podcast.
00:15:38 SPEAKER_00
I want to ask you about, as the Russian bear flexes its muscles in Eastern Europe, how much flexibility, how much give do you think there is within NATO circles and those Eastern European countries? And where do you think, if we call it a red line or... Where do you think Europe would feel Russia is going too far if they started to annex more territories like Latvia, for example? What's your take on that?
00:16:06 SPEAKER_01
your take on that? Yeah, so if we're talking about the Russian sphere of influence or their perceived sphere of influence, I think we can divide these countries into three broad categories. The first includes one of t
Welcome to the One CA Podcast.
Please welcome Sean Acosta, Sergeant First Class and Instructor at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS). He discusses lessons learned from deployments and how his current role at the CA "schoolhouse" is helping to create the next generation of CA Soldiers.
Sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association. Hosted and edited by John McElligott.
00:01:26 SPEAKER_03
U .S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. Sergeant Acosta, thank you very much. Thanks for joining us.
00:01:36 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, thanks for having me.
00:01:37 SPEAKER_03
Sean, I want to talk about your background and why you got interested in civil affairs. So you enlisted in the Army as a combat medic in 2006. You went through basic at Fort Benning, AIT or advanced individual training at Fort Sam Houston in Texas, and then you worked for the Army 2007 to 2010. including a deployment to Afghanistan, also to Haiti. Those were in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and then Operation Unified Response in Haiti. Tell us about your experiences in Afghanistan and Haiti. How did you leverage your experience as a combat medic? Also let us know, was there any connection to civil affairs at that point?
00:04:07 SPEAKER_03
You mentioned SOCUM. Can you explain for people what SOCUM means and how that's different from being a combat medic in a line unit for the Army?
00:05:49 SPEAKER_03
So it was a...
00:05:54 SPEAKER_04
was a...
00:06:15 SPEAKER_03
assistance disaster response. When you talk to those guys, apparently they were very successful in helping to recruit you over. You mentioned you wanted to look for something different. Was it the interaction with different Army units? Was it interaction with locals? What were the things that really spoke to you and wanted to drop that packet to apply for civil affairs?
00:07:42 SPEAKER_03
You dropped that packet to apply for civil affairs and go to the civil affairs qualification course or CAQC. Tell us about that process. How long did it take? Did you get recycled at any point, having to go through any piece of that? How difficult do you think it was for you and the other folks who were trying to go through at the same time?
00:09:53 SPEAKER_04
00:11:18 SPEAKER_03
And so for that, was that pipeline about a year, year and a half?
00:11:23 SPEAKER_04
Typically it's about a year. The officers now have their own career course, Caps Career Course Act, or RSOC, Caps Career Course. So for the officers, it's probably about a year and a half. Enlisted, it's about a year.
00:11:38 SPEAKER_04
a year.
00:11:39 SPEAKER_03
Interesting to hear that HRC chooses the language for you. Did you have a language background already?
00:12:21 SPEAKER_04
to keep up on your own on a team. We do get an opportunity to do a refresher once a year, like a 30 -day refresher. So currently my DAR is a 1 +, 1+. I've been able to keep it at that level. I've actually dropped a little bit. I was at a 2 -2. But I'd say active duty side, being able to maintain your language is pretty difficult with operational tempo.
00:12:40 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, it's tough. If you have a background language, then you can carry that forward on the reserve side. I just happen to speak some French and a little bit in another language the Army doesn't really care about. But, you know, it's, yeah, it's the same thing. You just have to carve out time in the evenings or weekends. But once you qualify at any minimum language, even if you take a test and you score 0 -0, it shows that you're interested in learning the language. And you can get, I think, some funding through the Total Army Language Program and become trained in whatever that is. And so if you're a 38 series, 38 Bravo, 38 Alpha, they'll put some more money into sending you to learn that language, which may or may not be aligned with your unit and, you know, it's regionally aligned. So my unit is aligned with Central Command. It's in the Army's interest to send me to learn Persian Dari or Arabic or something else. But since I already speak some French, they could send me to speak and learn more French. Sean, I wanted to ask you about after going through the CAQC, you were then assigned to Alpha Company 81st CA Battalion, which is, was that under, can you tell us about the task organization on the active duty side and what was, I think, the 85th Brigade, now has been downsized, and the 95th Brigade. How are they organized now with battalions?
00:14:12 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, so they can talk about that.
00:14:49 SPEAKER_04
not just off. So the 85th stood up. In 185th, you had the 81st, which was South Com aligned. At Fort Hood, you had the 80th, which was at Fort Bliss, and that supported UConn. The 84th was at Fort Lewis,
00:15:08 SPEAKER_04
at Fort Lewis, supported. You had the 80th track, which is actually the only remaining battalion from that brigade that's still up. And they originally supported CENTCOM, although now that the brigade has the headquarters to shut down, they...
00:15:38 SPEAKER_03
CA Battalion, and then at some point you were tagged to go support Enduring Freedom, and then you served as the CA NCO, going on in support of operations that were in, how do you pronounce the district? Panjwaii? Yes,
00:15:59 SPEAKER_03
Panjwaii. Panjwaii District, okay. Kandahar Province. Okay. For what you're allowed to share, can you talk to us about What you did as a CA and CO on that team?
00:16:13 SPEAKER_04
Yeah, so we supported 4th Brigade, a 2nd Infantry Division. They were the battlespace partners that specifically supported a 3 -8. Alpha Company itself deployed and aligned under 4th Brigade. Each cast supported a different battlespace on our different battalion. My team was in Penguin District and we supported 1 -3 -8.
00:17:18 SPEAKER_03
I'm happy you're going to grade yourself and your team. How did you guys do?
00:17:23 SPEAKER_04
So, luckily, I had a very smart team leader, Captain John Ciesco at the time, now Major John Ciesco.
00:17:59 SPEAKER_03
That's wonderful. Well, thanks for going there. Sean, after you got back, you were reassigned. You went to HHC for the 85th CA Battalion, serving as an assistant operations sergeant in the S3 shop. How was that like, going from a CA NCO to working in the S3 shop?
00:18:19 SPEAKER_04
So, I'll just be completely honest, I think it's every NCO's worst nightmare to go to the staff position.
00:19:46 SPEAKER_03
It's really important for people to get that experience. I totally agree.
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We'll be right back after a word from our sponsor. OneCA is under the umbrella of the Civil Affairs Association, a 501C19 veterans organization. People can support the podcast through tax -deductible donations. Money raised will be used to send junior NCOs and officers to two events hosted by the CA Association. The first is a symposium held each fall. The second is a roundtable and workshop held in the spring. Each junior NCO and officer selected will also receive a membership to the CA Association. If you'd like to support the podcast, then please visit the CA Association website at civilaffairsasoc .org. That's civilaffairsasoc .org. And please remember that all donations are tax deductible. Thanks for your support.
00:20:54 SPEAKER_02
Hi, and welcome back to the 1CA podcast.
00:20:57 SPEAKER_03
So then from there, Sean, you went to the 83rd CA Battalion, and that you got your chance to be a team sergeant in Delta Company. This was supporting the 82nd Airborne Division's Global Response Force. And with a part of that, actually, you went over from Delta Company to Bravo Company and deployed to Cameroon. This was in support of Operation Juniper Shield. What was it like going over to support the 82nd? And let's go from that into a discussion about Cameroon.
00:21:27 SPEAKER_04
The 15 months that I spent supporting the GRF mission, 82nd's GRF mission, I think initially everyone kind of, I wouldn't say they're depressed, but everybody wants to kind of get out the door. Everyone is always looking for the next mission. When am I deploying again? In GRF, it's like unless something really bad happens, I'm going to be sitting here going.
00:23:15 SPEAKER_03
That's good to hear. And so you prepared these folks for the opportunity, if the balloon went up, to respond. And then there was a deployment that came up in Cameroon. So was that something you may have sought out? Or that somebody tapped you on the shoulder and said, hey, you know, you want this chance? Go to Cameroon to support Juniper Shield.
00:24:24 SPEAKER_03
So your experience in deployments before had been Afghanistan, Haiti, and then Cameroon. Quite different. How did the mission differ from where you had been before and what you had been training for? When you hit the ground in Cameroon, was it completely different from the plan that you had before you arrived?
00:28:56 SPEAKER_04
It's like the German USAID.
00:29:02 SPEAKER_00
like the German USAID.
00:29:05 SPEAKER_04
Yes, exactly. They're equivalent to the German USAID. Working with those organizations, we would kind of approach it from that angle and try to attack that critical capability and that vulnerability, utilizing our assistance.
00:29:21 SPEAKER_03
Yeah, it's a tough nut to correction on. I think when I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Cote d 'Ivoire, West Africa, and then transferred to Madagascar, Especially in West Africa, in Cote d 'Ivoire and some other countries nearby, you get the same issues that you saw in Cameroon. And sometimes for the students, it was in their interest not to have those IDs so they could forge them or update them and stay in school or play on a soccer team or get access to services that they otherwise would have aged out of. But you're right, that's the next wave of the violent extremist groups, organizations. Hitting West Africa and the sub -Saharan whole region. Yeah, we're seeing that in the news reports coming out pretty often now. Well, you mentioned something there about your experience in Cameroon, building on what you learned previously and leading up to the role you have now, which is as a civil affairs instructor at the Special Warfare Center School, or what we call SWCC. Tell us about what you're doing as an instructor. Is this as a part of the CAQC? some other course that's happening.
00:30:32 SPEAKER_04
So I've been at 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group at SWCC for only about 60 days now. However, I've kind of been in and out, I'd say over the past four months, kind of getting to know how things run there. But I'm currently assigned to Bravo Company, which is the company that runs the Civil Affairs Qualification course or the MOS space.
00:31:13 SPEAKER_04
the core task, moving more towards core competencies in the new doctrinal terms that they're using in the draft, 3 -57. Teaching them basic negotiation skills, mediation skills, how to conduct civil engagements, how to go through that BCA methodology and that operational design to identify where those vulnerabilities, the civil vulnerabilities are within a society and what's causing these cycles of violence, if you will.
00:32:09 SPEAKER_03
Is it the challenge that you thought it would be?
00:33:24 SPEAKER_03
Sean, what are some tips that you would have for the enlisted guys going through your course? For example, when I was going through the schoolhouse, they really did a foot stomp. You need to read the stuff we tell you to read. You need to come to class prepared. Of course, maintain yourself physically, be in shape so that you can handle whatever we throw at you in the field. But if you come unprepared, you're not going to have a... good conversation with the fellow students. Instructors will pick up on that. They'll know, and you'll be behind. But is it reading stuff? Is it the competencies you're talking about, the transition from core tasks to competencies? Are people repeatedly failing at one of those or not knowing negotiation skills? What are some failure points and tips for people?
00:34:19 SPEAKER_04
So I'll say in most other Army schools you can go to, Just being able to memorize things that are given to you during a class will get you by the test, right?
00:34:31 SPEAKER_04
So the instructor tells you one thing, I memorized this definition or whatever verbatim, and good to go. It's not the case here. Like I was saying, initially, civil affairs requires capacity. We need critical thinkers. We need people that are adaptable.
00:34:54 SPEAKER_04
the why behind why are we doing this why is this important and then how to
Welcome to the One CA Podcast. Please welcome Valerie Jackson, Colonel, USMC.
Valerie is the 4th Civil Affairs Group Commander, US Marine Corps. She discusses her journey in Civil Affairs and how the Marine Corps differs from the Army approach to Civil Affairs. She closes with some helpful tips for junior Marines.
Hosted and edited by John McElligott.
00:00:30 SPEAKER_01
extremely useful to a MAGTAC or any commander. They're like a utility player on a baseball field. They have multiple specialties and really will view the environment with a different perspective that can influence operations that save marine lives, shorten conflicts, help uphold the honor of the Marine Corps and American service members wherever they go.
00:01:16 SPEAKER_02
joined today by Colonel Valerie Jackson. She came through the Marine Corps as a communications officer, transferred to Marine Corps Reserve after a few years active duty, then went through the Marine Corps History Division in 2006. She then transferred over to civil affairs, joined the civil affairs branch of the Marine Corps, helped to develop the first program of instruction for the U .S. Marine Corps Civil Affairs MOS School, and she's currently the commander of the fourth civil affairs group. Ma 'am, welcome to the 1CA podcast.
00:01:48 SPEAKER_01
Thanks. Glad to be here.
00:01:49 SPEAKER_02
I wanted to start by going back into your history of the Marine Corps and then build up to some questions about what the Marine Corps is for civil affairs, what they're doing within the branch, and how that is the same or different from the Army. And then also, if we can, get into examples of what in the tactical operational strategic level the Marine Corps is currently doing in civil affairs.
00:02:13 SPEAKER_01
Okay, great.
00:02:14 SPEAKER_02
Meb, since you joined the Marine Corps back in 1994, what has been your balance of time on active duty and in the Marine Corps Reserve?
00:02:21 SPEAKER_01
It's roughly 10 years active duty, 14 years reserve, and that reserve includes three years of inactive time.
00:02:31 SPEAKER_02
Was that a mix that you had based on where you went to school at the time, a different job that you had on the civilian side?
00:02:38 SPEAKER_01
No, I had five years active duty. I got married. Pregnant with my first and did my husband's active duty as well. And so I didn't want to do the thing where you leave your kids behind. And so I got off active duty, was in the inactive reserve for three years. And then after 9 -11, got back into the operational reserve and was mobilized for about four and a half years. And then I've been a combination of what we call IMA and SMCR since then. Okay. So just sort of, you know, the periodic drilling and that sort of thing for the last seven years.
00:03:15 SPEAKER_02
On the Army side, IMA is an Individual Mobilization Augmentee. And what was the other acronym you talked about?
00:03:21 SPEAKER_01
The SMCR, Select Marine Corps Reserve, and those are our operational units. Our IMA support active duty units. The SMCR units make up the operational arms of the reserve. So, you know, our force headquarters group, our 4th Marine Division, 4th Marine Air Wing. and 4th Marine Logistics Groups all have operational deployable units, whereas an IMA detachment might be in support of a Marine Expositionary Force or a schoolhouse or things like that. They're in direct support of the active forces.
00:03:54 SPEAKER_02
You studied history. I saw that you went to Boston University and went through the Naval ROTC program. How do you think that studying history and then your first job, the Marine Corps as a communications officer, had prepared you for civil affairs?
00:04:09 SPEAKER_01
Well, it's made me that degree and my two master's degrees, which are also liberal arts degrees, really prepared me to look at the world through many different lenses to appreciate a country's culture, history, arts, strategy, human connections, all these things from peace through war. I initially, I loved history and the Marine Corps didn't care what my degree was in. That's why I picked it. But, of course, I loved the study of warfare and specifically wars that America had fought. And I think that point of reference is extraordinarily helpful when we go overseas to know the history of U .S. involvement in that area or European involvement and to connect those dots for people that may think this is the first time that we're here or someone like us is here. and to ensure people really are getting a full picture of our involvement in a certain area.
00:05:10 SPEAKER_02
Right. You talked about two master's degrees. You had a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Conflict Management and Resolution from UNC Wilmington, and a Master's in Strategic Studies from the Army War College as a distinguished graduate. What was the order? Was one Strategic Studies before the UNC school?
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a distinguished graduate.
00:05:29 SPEAKER_01
No. I mean, I say unfortunately. I was in a master's program for four straight years. I finished my UNC degree in May, graduated, and started that June at the Army War College doing the distance education program. So it was over two years. Wow. Yeah. So I didn't pick up a book for about six months after I finished the War College. I just read comic books and magazines. Wow.
00:05:57 SPEAKER_02
Ma 'am, I'd love for you to describe for the audience the force structure of civil affairs and Marine Corps. You're commander of the fourth group. How many groups are there? The number of Marines, and what is the current mix of active duty and reserve forces for the Marine Corps and civil affairs?
00:06:16 SPEAKER_01
Okay. So currently, the preponderance of our forces are and always have been, except for a brief period of time, in the reserves. We have four civil affairs groups. We have first CAG out in Southern California. Second CAG is in Anacostia, D .C. area. Third CAG is in Great Lakes. And then a fourth CAG is in Hialeah, which is just outside Miami. Each CAG, they don't mirror each other exactly, but they're pretty close. It has about 198 Marines and sailors. 179 of those are reserve Marines and sailors. And then we have about a 19 Marine active duty staff that sits at each CAG that runs everything for us during the month when we're not there, sets up all our training, runs all our admin, holds down the fort while we're not there. And really, they carry a lot of water because they have a lot of additional duties as well while they're there doing funerals. Marine Toys for Tots and that kind of stuff, really the interface with the community where our home training center is. So those are the CAGs. We are in the process of transitioning one of the CAGs to a train -advised assist unit, and that will happen during the coming year. So our overall civil affairs numbers in the reserves will shrink in the coming year. And that's sort of being played out right now, the details being hammered out, but that should happen here within 2018. And then the active component simultaneously is also in the process of reducing their structure. Each Marine Expeditionary Force, we have three, had a 50 Marine detachment as part of their structure. That detachment is going away. There are a few CMO planners that will remain at the Marine Exhibitionary Unit and the regimental level. So just a handful will remain. And so what that means for us in Reserve CAGs is we're reducing our forces, active component reducing their forces, demand signal is going up. So we're going to be busier than we ever have been. And I'm really seeing that play out in 4th CAG because... Our area of operations is Southcom, and we're picking up the responsibility of UCOM and AFRICOM, where the second civil affairs group, that's the group that's transitioning, that's where they're focused right now. So we're starting to pick up some of their operations and exercises and things like that. So we're not forward, and that's a good thing.
00:09:00 SPEAKER_02
Right. Do you think the waxing and waning of the force,
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is it? Is it a function of how the demand signal may have been reduced in the past, and then it takes two or three years to get everything signed off and implemented, and now if the demand is higher again, it'll take another few years to ramp back up if you need to?
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I think that's part of it. Historically, we only had, for the longest time, up until a few years ago, we just had first and second CAGs. And then no active duty forces. And we went through with OIF and OEF really realized the need for this very critical MOS doing COIN and stability ops. And so ramped up the reserve force and added active structure, made it a primary MOS for enlisted Marines. It's a secondary MOS for officers. And so we, as officers, will need to float back and forth between that and our primary MOS. We can talk about that later if it's better, a different point. But, yeah, I think we've done this historically where we think, okay, well, we just fought that war. Now we're on to something bigger and better. So we're going to reduce those forces that we don't think we need anymore. But the fact of the matter is, I mean, there's a need for civil affairs, Marines, and soldiers all the time in all phases of conflict. And it's just, you know, where is someone going to assume risk? You know, would they rather have more, you know, cyber operators than civil affairs Marines or, you know, train, advise, assist folks in civil affairs? And it's just, you know, it's just a product of, OK,
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I'm going to reduce these forces. You know, Congress tells us we can only have X amount of Marines. And so what do I want my force to look like?
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Right. And so we're, you know,
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And so we're, you know, we're taking some cuts right now. And that's okay because we still have the Marines that we can, you know, reform in a heartbeat pretty much that have been trained and have a lot of operational experience. And so if we need them again, you know, they're there.
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Right. Ma 'am, you mentioned the Civil Affairs MOS is secondary for officers for enlisted. Is it secondary or primary?
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Is it secondary or primary? It is primary now. I mean, there still are quite a few enlisted Marines that have multiple MOSs. That maybe came to the MOS late, but Houston Marines can get civil affairs as a primary MOS.
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Marines can get civil affairs as a primary MOS.
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Does that mean that you have promoted within the Marine Corps as a communications officer and not civil affairs?
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Right. Actually, in the Marine Corps, the path to success for promotions, past major, is command and street cred in your primary MOS. And so a CAG or time in a CAG is nice to have, but there's no opportunity for 05 level command. And so if you want to command in the reserves, you have to do it in your primary MOS at the lieutenant colonel level. And then there's only four for the time being, getting ready to be three CAGs that are 06 level commands. You know, all of us or most of us have had 05 level command leading up to this in our primary MLSs. So it's not always career enhancing. And I have to tell my officers, hey, you have to give back. As much as you love civil affairs, you have to give back to your primary MOS if you want to continue to advance in the reserves. So some of them don't, and they're very happy where they are. But for the ones that do, you know, that want to be CAD commanders someday, you know, sadly I have to let them go.
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Ma 'am, I had read that the Marine Corps and the Army share the same five core tasks for civil affairs. So when it comes to the Marine Corps' approach to CA, how do you see the two services as being the same, and how do you think that they're different?
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Okay, so for the Marine Corps, we always deploy and support a MAGTAP. So Marines are always, whatever type civil affairs section you have, whether it's a two -person team or a full team or a detachment or an entire CAG, we will always be in direct support of a ground commander. Sometimes a ground commander might be a logistics element, but more often than not, it's an infantry commander or a JTF or something like that, but a MAGTAF. The Army operates independently, so you can have your teams and your... platoons and companies out there conducting civil affairs operations independent, if you will, of a ground commander. And the Marine Corps does not operate that way. We have our same core task, but the difference is, and I don't believe the Army does this, is that we say facilitate in front of each task. As, you know, CA Marines aren't necessarily always the duty expert in that core task. For example, When we're in support of Department of State in an HADR scenario, we're not always executing for humanitarian assistance, but we're facilitating the execution of it. We're not always executing populist and resources control, but we're facilitating it for the infantry that we're supporting. Does that make sense?
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It does. So facilitating through other assets in the area, other NGOs or the host government or whoever they are.
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Yeah, sometimes it is us, but because it's not a primary MOS for us, we're CA generalists. And I know the Army has CA generalists as well, but you have more specialists than we do. And the only specialists that we have in the Marine Corps are our lawyers and our Navy doctors. So we'll say that they are... Definitely executing when they're, you know, advising on rule of law matters or carrying out, you know, public health missions or that kind of thing. But since it's secondary MOS and we're generalists, we're not always the one executing. Many times we are or we're planning for it, but it's not it's not always us. So it's just, you know, to some it might seem like semantics. But, you know, more often than not, if, you know, you have an infantry. platoon that's executing a checkpoint to control population flow, you know, over a border. Those aren't civil affairs Marines that are controlling that checkpoint. They might be advising.
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Many times
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Please welcome Jon May, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California.
Dr. May describes his work on a DARPA-funded artificial intelligence project called Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents (LORELEI) and its connections with HA/DR operations for Civil Affairs.
One CA is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association.
Hosted and edited by John McElligott.
00:01:00 Introduction
and welcome to the 1CA podcast. My name is John McElligot. We're joined today by Jonathan May. He received his PhD in computer science from USC in 2010. Prior to rejoining USC and the Information Sciences Institute in 2014, he was a research scientist at SDL Language Weaver. John's researching areas include language, a natural language processing, specifically machine translation and semantic parsing. and formal language theory. Dr. May, thank you very much for your time. Thanks very much for having me. It's great to be here. Sir, before we dive into the program that you're working on and how it relates to humanitarian assistance and disaster response and civil affairs branch of the military, we want to go through some of the basics of what your field entails. So if you could go into more detail about your background and the natural language processing field. Sure, great. I was a computer science major in college, and I started to become very interested in artificial intelligence.
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intelligence. I thought it was really cool that, you know, we could build systems that could, you know, try to be, you know, mimic the brain sort of, or play games against humans. And in particular,
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I like the idea of, I discovered this field called natural language processing. which is really about how humans and computers can talk to each other, really how computers can understand human language and then produce human language and everything that that entails.
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And today you see a lot of natural language processing, or it's also sometimes known as computational linguistics, in your day -to -day life. So if you're just using, say, Google and typing a search query there, you're just... You're using your own words to try to figure out what you want,
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want, and then a computer algorithm somewhere is trying to find a web page that's responsive to you. So that's natural language processing right there. Other areas are determining when you spelled a word wrong. A kind of classic example is Siri, who's listening to you speaking,
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to you speaking, understanding the speech patterns and turning those into words and understanding what those words are supposed to mean and then trying to give you an answer. automatic translation, which is, you know, where you've got some Chinese webpage and you want to figure out, you know, what does this mean?
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You know, maybe it's a train ticket booking page. You need to figure out how to buy your tickets and they don't have the data. Somebody didn't write a translation, so you have to automatically translate these words. And then you can actually engage in commerce there, even though they don't speak your language and you don't speak theirs. So I love all that stuff. It really is. It seems to me like a great way to, particularly translation, to unify the world. So we're all kind of speaking one language together. And yeah, there's lots of great accomplishments that have happened over the past 20 years or so. And I think there's a lot more still to be done. It seems to be a field that's advancing at a rapid pace right now. Yes, yes. In particular, the field has really been around about as long as computers have been around. Pretty much, you know, the early development of computers that were at the end of the Second World War were first used for calculating missile trajectories,
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of the Second World War were first used for calculating missile trajectories, but then the second use was trying to do automatic translation. In particular, like in the early 50s, the U .S. was particularly keen, of course, on translating Russian. And this was way back when, but it wasn't very good for a very long time. But in the modern era, we have... volumes of data available to us and really sophisticated fast hardware that's able to process this data and so we're able to take advantage of all this data and learn statistics about the data to help us that have led to lots of gains really practical gains and in the past say five to seven years in particular
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You've probably heard about these advent of deep learning, which is the use of this particular kind of technology called neural networks. And they have really led to some really stunning developments. Now, sometimes it can be hard to tell whether you're talking to a computer or a human. Wow. And so it's fascinating. And I wanted to ask you about a question that... was included in a brief that you had provided to some civil affairs troops recently. The question was, can we leverage artificial intelligence or AI to respond to disasters around the world? What inspired you to ask that question? I want to give credit to DARPA for really asking that question before I did. But I saw,
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well, I think they saw, and we all saw it together. I was working for... this machine translation company after graduation in 2010.
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And I remember, so this was a company and we were providing translation, many different kinds of languages to companies and also for some government projects and also to help human translators actually do their job better. And I remember there was the earthquake, I believe, in Haiti. And it was a big humanitarian crisis. Most of the people in Haiti, of course, speak Haitian Creole, which isn't a language that we've historically spent efforts on trying to build automatic translation systems for. There's not a lot of data. There's not too many people that actually speak Haitian Creole, the population of Haiti,
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which is relatively small. But I asked my boss at the time, I said, you know, is there anything that we could do? I feel like maybe we could be of some service. And he said, well, I don't think there's much we could do. I mean, you know, these people are in a crisis situation right now. And it takes us quite a bit of time to gather enough data to build a system. And even building the systems takes some time. And by the time we're ready to deploy a translation system to maybe connect, say, USAID providers with the people on the ground who are maybe texting out their requests. It's going to be too late. So we didn't do anything, but there were people who did. And there was a program where they went down,
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they went down, and there was a team of people who did what I do. But they also brought in native Haitians, expats, and they were trying their best to use what technology they could and also just kind of scramble to translate these things as fast as possible. But it was kind of like it would have been better if they prepared this sort of thing ahead of time.
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Well, prior to that, we had done, I worked on a team, I think, back in, I want to say, 2003. And we were looking into, you know, if we needed to develop a system in a new language for translation or for, sometimes translation is fine, but you actually typically get lots and lots of data thrown at you all at once. I think analysts can receive, you know, tens of thousands of documents that they have to sift through a day. And just translating them all is not really necessarily going to be that great. There's other techniques that are part of natural language processing, which is understanding the most important parts of a document, trying to provide a summary, or just identify the names of the people, the places, and maybe the events that are happening in a big picture to allow some triage to happen. So we wanted to know, could we build those systems? If we just learned about a language, and somebody said, okay, go, build a system, what could you do in 30 days? And back in 2003, we tried doing this.
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doing this. And I was really kind of taken by how surprisingly well we were able to do with the language at the time, the Cebuano,
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which is... Where is that spoken? I think it's in the Pacific, in the Pacific Islands region,
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and I should look that up. Give me a second,
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if that's all right. Maybe Papua New Guinea or someplace like that? So, I'm sorry. The Philippines. is spoken in... Yes, it's an Austronesian language, so it's native to the Philippines. It's the second most spoken language in the Philippines after Tagalog.
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It should have been fresh around now. But anyway, yes, so it's spoken in the Philippines. But I hadn't studied it before, and most of our team hadn't. And, you know, we did a pretty good job. It was kind of surprising how well we were able to do without too much specific Cebuano data, and we didn't talk to any Cebuano experts. And so this kind of, I think this idea was sort of stirring around, and then after 2010, at DARPA they came out with this program, which was about,
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the name of the program was called Lorelei, and it was about trying to be responsive to the humanitarian aid and disaster relief needs when you don't have a lot of resources available. in terms of data and in terms of time. So given very limited data in the language that you need to build a system for and given a very limited amount of time,
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very limited amount of time, really ideally 24 hours is what they're aiming for. What kind of systems can we build? What kind of technology can we build? And so that's been a major focus for me and for a number of researchers actually around the world over the past few years. And it's been great because we really... We get to work with people who speak the language but aren't experts in linguistics or experts in computer science,
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speak the language but aren't experts in linguistics or experts in computer science, and they teach us about their language in this really limited time frame. And we're able to build surprisingly sophisticated systems. It was surprising to me at first, actually. And, you know, if you have a little more time, you do a little better, but when you don't have a lot of time, you can still do pretty well. I think there's also been some nice interest in deployment. in various agencies. So it's been a pretty nice story.
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story. Right. Yeah, I think 24 hours is very fast for anyone, but especially for civil affairs and for the military, unless we happen to be on the ground or in country already, if there was a natural disaster or outbreak or some kind of man -made event, it would take a little bit longer for most teams to respond. But if USAID or some other assets were already, you know, on their way as a Dart team, for example, then we would be coordinating with them and having a system like this in place would be very helpful. Well, it's really great to hear that 24 hours is a little too fast because, to be honest, if you wait a week, it's a lot better. So, you know, we can do some early triage, but then actually the more we... The more we see how we're doing at the beginning, the better our systems can get. So in our early days, we did give ourselves up to a month. And by the time you're done with a month of training, you've actually got a fairly usable system. It's still not at the same level as, say, like a French -English translation system where we've got 100 billions of words of French and English, and we've been studying that problem for years and years.
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We do pretty well, and we learn more insights on the language over the time, too. So our first year, we were working with Uyghur, which I'm actually kind of pronouncing wrong. I think it's more like Uyghur. But this is a language that's spoken in China, in the Xinjiang region, which is in the northwest. So it's spoken by an ethnic minority. It's a Turkic language, actually. It has no relationship to... to Mandarin. And it's, you know, so we were working with Royale and we realized after a few days,
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maybe a week of working with it, that hey, you know, this language is actually quite similar to some language that we've already got data for. And we had a lot of Uzbek data. And so we were able to develop techniques for pretending that the Uzbek was Uyghur and actually transforming the Uzbek into Uyghur. And now... increases the amount of data that you've got available. And this is kind of a major part of this program, is trying to look around and see, you know, even though you don't have a lot of resources in the language that you care about, if you have a lot of resources in other related languages, you can figure out what those related languages are. Can you leverage those? Right. And furthermore, you know, there's, to some degree, all languages have things in common, right? So even though...
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Chinese and English might seem very, very far apart from each other, and in many ways they are. There's still kind of common understandings that underlie all languages, and you can take advantage of these things too. So there's kind of like language universal ideas.
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So if you have a bunch of news data, say, and it's in some language, you don't know this language at all. Maybe you're not even told what the language is. You can still assume that people are probably going to be talking, at some point about dates, right? You know, days of the week or months or years. Right. And, you know, we do tend to have, to segment our...
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calendar into, you know, roughly four -week chunks. And so there's, you know, about between 28 and 31 days in every month. And so you can kind of pick up on these common regularitie
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