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Listen to the Miracles of the Quran, Signs leading to faith, and Morality of the Quran. Based on the works of Mr. Adnan Oktar.
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El Sagrado Corán, que fue enviado a la humanidad hace 14 siglos como una misericordia, permanecerá como la última y única guía para la humanidad hasta el día del juicio final.
Hay innumerables pruebas de que el Corán es la palabra de Dios. Ejemplos de ello son sus cualidades literarias que ningún ser humano puede imitar. El hecho de que esté libre de toda incoherencia y la forma en que predice el futuro y contiene cierta información oculta.
El Corán contiene otro milagro que demuestra que es una revelación de Dios. Contiene un notable número de verdades científicas. En este libro, revelado hace más de 14 siglos, hay innumerables ejemplos de información que la humanidad sólo ha podido descubrir con la tecnología actual.
La gente de aquella época carecía de ciencia. Las concepciones de la naturaleza y el universo se basaban en la superstición y el mito. Por ejemplo, los árabes suponían que la Tierra era plana y que las montañas sostenían el cielo.
Sin embargo, todas estas creencias supersticiosas fueron erradicadas con la revelación del Corán. El versículo ''Dios es Quien elevó los cielos sin apoyo alguno. (Corán, 13:2), invalidó las falsas creencias de los árabes respecto al cielo.
El Corán contiene información sobre un gran número de temas que nadie podía conocer en aquella época: desde la creación del universo hasta la del hombre, desde la estructura de la atmósfera hasta los equilibrios terrestres. Recientes descubrimientos científicos han demostrado lo milagrosa que es esta información.
In Kapitel 2, Vers 1 bis 20 des Korans werden drei Kategorien von Menschen erwähnt. Die erste sind die Rechtschaffenen, die an das Unsichtbare glauben, beten und von dem geben, was Gott ihnen gegeben hat. Sie glauben an den Koran und die Offenbarungen, die ihm vorausgingen, und sind sich des Jenseits gewiss. Sie werden von ihrem Herrn geleitet und werden erfolgreich sein.
Die zweite Kategorie sind die Ungläubigen, die nicht glauben werden, selbst wenn sie gewarnt werden. Gott hat ihre Herzen und ihr Gehör versiegelt, und sie werden eine große Strafe erleiden. Sie werden von ihren eigenen Lügen getäuscht und weigern sich, an die Wahrheit zu glauben.
Die dritte Kategorie sind diejenigen, die vorgeben zu glauben, aber ihre Herzen sind krank vor Täuschung. Sie versuchen, die Erde zu verderben und Gott und die Gläubigen zu täuschen, aber sie täuschen nur sich selbst. Sie haben die Irreführung der Führung vorgezogen und sind wie diejenigen, die im Dunkeln wandeln, unfähig zu sehen oder zu hören. Sie fürchten den Tod und versuchen, ihn zu vermeiden, aber Gott umgibt sie mit seiner Kraft.
No Alcorão, capítulo 2, versículos 1 a 20, são mencionadas três categorias de pessoas. A primeira é a dos justos, que acreditam no invisível, fazem orações e dão daquilo que Deus lhes proporcionou. Eles acreditam no Alcorão e nas revelações que vieram antes dele e têm certeza sobre a outra vida. Eles são guiados por seu Senhor e serão bem-sucedidos.
A segunda categoria é a dos incrédulos, que não acreditarão mesmo que sejam advertidos. Deus selou seus corações e ouvidos, e eles sofrerão um grande castigo. Eles são enganados por suas próprias mentiras e se recusam a acreditar na verdade.
A terceira categoria é formada por aqueles que fingem acreditar, mas seu coração está doente de engano. Eles tentam corromper a Terra e enganar Deus e os fiéis, mas só enganam a si mesmos. Eles escolheram o desvio em vez da orientação e são como aqueles que andam na escuridão, incapazes de ver ou ouvir. Eles temem a morte e tentam evitá-la, mas Deus os cerca com Seu poder.
In the Quran chapter 2 verse 1 to 20, three categories of people are mentioned. The first are the righteous, who believe in the unseen, perform prayers, and give from what God has provided for them. They believe in the Quran and the revelations that came before it, and are certain about the Hereafter. They are guided by their Lord and will be successful.
The second category are the disbelievers, who will not believe even if they are warned. God has sealed their hearts and hearing, and they will face a great punishment. They are deceived by their own lies and refuse to believe in the truth.
The third category are those who pretend to believe, but their hearts are sick with deception. They try to corrupt the earth and deceive God and believers, but they only deceive themselves. They have chosen misguidance over guidance, and are like those who walk in darkness, unable to see or hear. They fear death and try to avoid it, but God surrounds them with His power.
수라 이브라힘(아브라함)(14장)은 꾸란의 수라(장) 중 하나입니다. 수라 이브라힘은 52개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 이 수라에 언급된 예언자 아브라함(평화가 그에게 있기를)의 이름을 따서 명명되었습니다.
꾸란 14장은 인류에게 중요한 메시지를 담고 있습니다. 이 장은 사람들에게 우주를 창조하신 하나님의 위대함과 그분의 능력에 대해 생각하고 묵상하도록 초대합니다. 이 장은 또한 믿음, 경건, 신에 대한 순종의 중요성을 강조합니다.
수라 이브라힘에서 하나님은 또한 이 세상과 내세의 삶을 설명하기 위해 의미 있는 비유를 제시합니다. 그는 하나님의 은혜에 감사하고 회피와 잘못된 인도를 피하는 것이 중요하다는 것을 상기시켜 줍니다.
수라 이브라힘은 또한 노아, 후드, 살레, 룻, 모세와 같은 선지자들의 이야기를 들려줍니다(그들 모두에게 평화가 있기를). 이러한 이야기는 인류가 이전 사람들이 저지른 실수를 반복하지 않도록 교훈을 제공합니다.
전반적으로 수라 이브라힘(꾸란 14장)은 모든 개인을 위한 지혜와 교훈으로 가득 찬 장입니다. 이 구절은 하나님과의 관계를 개선하고 그분의 종으로서 신앙과 실천의 질을 향상하도록 우리를 초대합니다. 수라 이브라힘의 내용을 이해하고 실천함으로써 우리는 이 세상과 내세에서 행복과 축복을 얻을 수 있습니다.
Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) (kapitel 14) er en af suraerne (kapitlerne) i Koranen. Sura Ibrahim består af 52 vers og er opkaldt efter profeten Abraham (fred være med ham), som er nævnt i denne sura.
Koranens kapitel 14 indeholder vigtige budskaber til menneskeheden. Det opfordrer folk til at reflektere og tænke over Guds storhed og hans magt til at skabe universet. Kapitlet understreger også vigtigheden af tro, fromhed og lydighed over for Gud.
I Sura Ibrahim giver Gud også meningsfulde lignelser for at beskrive livet i verden og i det hinsides. Han minder os om vigtigheden af at være taknemmelige for Guds gunst og undgå shirk og vildfarelse.
Sura Ibrahim fortæller også historier om tidligere profeter som Noah, Hud, Saleh, Lut og Moses (fred være med dem alle). Disse historier giver lærdom til menneskeheden om ikke at gentage de fejl, som tidligere mennesker har begået.
Alt i alt er Sura Ibrahim (Koranens kapitel 14) et kapitel fuld af visdom og lærdom for hver enkelt. Det opfordrer os til at forbedre vores forhold til Gud og forbedre kvaliteten af vores tro og praksis som hans tjenere. Ved at forstå og praktisere indholdet af Surah Ibrahim kan vi opnå lykke og velsignelser i denne verden og i det hinsidige.
La sura Ibrahim (Abramo) (capitolo 14) è una delle surah (capitoli) del Corano. La sura Ibrahim è composta da 52 versetti e prende il nome dal Profeta Abramo (pace su di lui) che viene menzionato in questa sura.
Il capitolo 14 del Corano porta con sé importanti messaggi per l'umanità. Invita a riflettere e a pensare alla grandezza di Dio e al suo potere nel creare l'universo. Questo capitolo sottolinea anche l'importanza della fede, della pietà e dell'obbedienza a Dio.
Nella Surah Ibrahim, Dio fornisce anche parabole significative per descrivere la vita del mondo e dell'aldilà. Ci ricorda l'importanza di essere grati per i favori di Dio e di evitare lo shirk e il traviamento.
La Surah Ibrahim racconta anche le storie dei profeti precedenti, come Noè, Hud, Saleh, Lut e Mosè (la pace sia su tutti loro). Queste storie forniscono lezioni all'umanità per non ripetere gli errori commessi dai popoli precedenti.
Nel complesso, la Surah Ibrahim (capitolo 14 del Corano) è un capitolo pieno di saggezza e di insegnamenti per ogni individuo. Ci invita a migliorare il nostro rapporto con Dio e a migliorare la qualità della nostra fede e della nostra pratica come suoi servitori. Comprendendo e mettendo in pratica i contenuti della Surah Ibrahim, possiamo ottenere felicità e benedizioni in questo mondo e nell'aldilà.
Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) (luku 14) on yksi Koraanin sura (luku). Sura Ibrahim koostuu 52 jakeesta, ja se on nimetty profeetta Abrahamin (rauha hänelle) mukaan, joka mainitaan tässä suraassa.
Koraanin 14. luvussa on tärkeitä viestejä ihmiskunnalle. Se kehottaa ihmisiä pohtimaan ja miettimään Jumalan suuruutta ja Hänen voimaansa maailmankaikkeuden luomisessa. Tässä luvussa korostetaan myös uskon, hurskauden ja kuuliaisuuden merkitystä Jumalaa kohtaan.
Sura Ibrahimissa Jumala tarjoaa myös merkityksellisiä vertauksia kuvaamaan maailman ja tuonpuoleista elämää. Hän muistuttaa meitä siitä, kuinka tärkeää on olla kiitollinen Jumalan suosiosta ja välttää harhautumista ja harhaanjohtamista.
Sura Ibrahim kertoo myös tarinoita aiemmista profeetoista, kuten Nooasta, Hudista, Salehista, Lutista ja Mooseksesta (rauha heille kaikille). Nämä tarinat antavat ihmiskunnalle opetuksen siitä, ettei se saa toistaa aiempien ihmisten tekemiä virheitä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Ibrahim (Koraanin luku 14) on luku täynnä viisautta ja opetuksia jokaiselle ihmiselle. Se kutsuu meitä parantamaan suhdettamme Jumalaan ja parantamaan uskomme laatua ja käytäntöämme Hänen palvelijoinaan. Ymmärtämällä ja harjoittamalla Sura Ibrahimin sisältöä voimme saavuttaa onnea ja siunauksia tässä maailmassa ja tuonpuoleisessa.
Surah Ibrahim (Avraam) (capitolul 14) este una dintre surah-urile (capitolele) din Coran. Surah Ibrahim este alcătuită din 52 de versete și poartă numele Profetului Avraam (Pacea fie asupra sa!), care este menționat în această surah.
Capitolul 14 din Coran poartă mesaje importante pentru omenire. Acesta îi invită pe oameni să reflecteze și să se gândească la măreția lui Dumnezeu și la puterea Sa în crearea universului. Acest capitol subliniază, de asemenea, importanța credinței, a evlaviei și a supunerii față de Dumnezeu.
În Surah Ibrahim, Dumnezeu oferă, de asemenea, parabole semnificative pentru a descrie viața din lume și cea de dincolo. El ne reamintește de importanța de a fi recunoscători pentru favorurile lui Dumnezeu și de a evita shirk-ul și rătăcirea.
Surah Ibrahim spune, de asemenea, poveștile profeților anteriori, precum Noe, Hud, Saleh, Lut și Moise (pacea fie asupra tuturor). Aceste povestiri oferă omenirii lecții pentru a nu repeta greșelile care au fost făcute de oamenii anteriori.
În general, Surah Ibrahim (capitolul 14 din Coran) este un capitol plin de înțelepciune și lecții pentru fiecare individ. Ea ne invită să ne îmbunătățim relația cu Dumnezeu și să ne îmbunătățim calitatea credinței și a practicii noastre ca slujitori ai Săi. Prin înțelegerea și punerea în practică a conținutului din Surah Ibrahim, putem obține fericire și binecuvântări în această lume și în lumea de dincolo.
Soera Ibrahim (Abraham) (hoofdstuk 14) is één van de soera's (hoofdstukken) in de Koran. Soera Ibrahim bestaat uit 52 verzen en is vernoemd naar de Profeet Abraham (vrede zij met hem) die in deze soera genoemd wordt.
Koran hoofdstuk 14 bevat belangrijke boodschappen voor de mensheid. Het nodigt mensen uit om na te denken over de grootheid van God en Zijn macht bij het scheppen van het universum. Dit hoofdstuk benadrukt ook het belang van geloof, vroomheid en gehoorzaamheid aan God.
In Soera Ibrahim geeft God ook betekenisvolle gelijkenissen om het leven in de wereld en het hiernamaals te beschrijven. Hij herinnert ons aan het belang om dankbaar te zijn voor Gods gunsten en om shirk en misleiding te vermijden.
Soera Ibrahim vertelt ook de verhalen van voorgaande profeten zoals Noach, Hoed, Saleh, Lut en Mozes (vrede zij met hen allen). Deze verhalen bieden lessen voor de mensheid om niet de fouten te herhalen die door eerdere mensen zijn gemaakt.
Over het geheel genomen is Soera Ibrahim (Koran hoofdstuk 14) een hoofdstuk vol wijsheid en lessen voor elk individu. Het nodigt ons uit om onze relatie met God te verbeteren en de kwaliteit van ons geloof en onze praktijk als Zijn dienaren te verbeteren. Door de inhoud van Soera Ibrahim te begrijpen en in praktijk te brengen, kunnen we geluk en zegeningen in deze wereld en het hiernamaals bereiken.
Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) (kapittel 14) er en av suraene (kapitlene) i Koranen. Sura Ibrahim består av 52 vers og er oppkalt etter profeten Abraham (fred være med ham) som er nevnt i denne suraen.
Koranens kapittel 14 inneholder viktige budskap til menneskeheten. Det inviterer mennesker til å reflektere og tenke over Guds storhet og Hans makt i skapelsen av universet. Kapitlet understreker også betydningen av tro, fromhet og lydighet mot Gud.
I sura Ibrahim gir Gud også meningsfulle lignelser for å beskrive livet i verden og i det hinsidige. Han minner oss om hvor viktig det er å være takknemlige for Guds velgjerninger og å unngå shirk og villfarelse.
Sura Ibrahim forteller også historier om tidligere profeter som Noah, Hud, Saleh, Lut og Moses (fred være med dem alle). Disse historiene gir menneskeheten lærdom om ikke å gjenta de feilene som tidligere mennesker har begått.
Alt i alt er Sura Ibrahim (Koranen kapittel 14) et kapittel fullt av visdom og lærdom for hver enkelt. Det inviterer oss til å forbedre vårt forhold til Gud og forbedre kvaliteten på vår tro og praksis som Hans tjenere. Ved å forstå og praktisere innholdet i sura Ibrahim kan vi oppnå lykke og velsignelser i denne verden og i det hinsidige.
Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) (rozdział 14) jest jedną z sur (rozdziałów) w Koranie. Sura Ibrahim składa się z 52 wersetów i została nazwana na cześć Proroka Abrahama (niech spoczywa w pokoju), który został wspomniany w tej surze.
Rozdział 14 Koranu zawiera ważne przesłanie dla ludzkości. Zachęca ludzi do refleksji i zastanowienia się nad wielkością Boga i Jego mocą w tworzeniu wszechświata. Rozdział ten podkreśla również znaczenie wiary, pobożności i posłuszeństwa Bogu.
W surze Ibrahim Bóg przedstawia również znaczące przypowieści opisujące życie doczesne i przyszłe. Przypomina nam, jak ważna jest wdzięczność za Boże łaski oraz unikanie szirk i błędnej drogi.
Sura Ibrahim opowiada również historie poprzednich proroków, takich jak Noe, Hud, Saleh, Lut i Mojżesz (niech pokój będzie z nimi wszystkimi). Historie te stanowią lekcje dla ludzkości, aby nie powtarzać błędów popełnionych przez poprzednich ludzi.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Sura Ibrahim (14 rozdział Koranu) jest rozdziałem pełnym mądrości i lekcji dla każdego człowieka. Zachęca nas do poprawy naszych relacji z Bogiem i poprawy jakości naszej wiary i praktyki jako Jego sług. Rozumiejąc i praktykując treść Sura Ibrahim, możemy osiągnąć szczęście i błogosławieństwa na tym świecie i w zaświatach.
Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (kapitel 14) är en av surorna (kapitlen) i Koranen. Sura Ibrahim består av 52 verser och har fått sitt namn efter profeten Abraham (frid vare med honom) som omnämns i denna sura.
Koranens kapitel 14 innehåller viktiga budskap till mänskligheten. Det inbjuder människor att reflektera och tänka på Guds storhet och hans makt att skapa universum. I detta kapitel betonas också vikten av tro, fromhet och lydnad mot Gud.
I Surah Ibrahim ger Gud också meningsfulla liknelser för att beskriva livet i världen och i det hinsides. Han påminner oss om vikten av att vara tacksamma för Guds välgärningar och att undvika shirk och villfarelse.
Surah Ibrahim berättar också historier om tidigare profeter som Noa, Hud, Saleh, Lut och Moses (frid vare med dem alla). Dessa berättelser ger lärdomar för mänskligheten att inte upprepa de misstag som har begåtts av tidigare människor.
Sammantaget är Surah Ibrahim (Koranen kapitel 14) ett kapitel fullt av visdom och lärdomar för varje individ. Det inbjuder oss att förbättra vår relation till Gud och höja kvaliteten på vår tro och praxis som hans tjänare. Genom att förstå och praktisera innehållet i sura Ibrahim kan vi uppnå lycka och välsignelser i denna värld och i det hinsides.
Сура Ібрагім (Авраам) (глава 14) - одна з сур (глав) Корану. Сура Ібрагім складається з 52 віршів і названа на честь пророка Авраама (мир йому і благословення), який згадується в цій сурі.
14 глава Корану містить важливі послання для людства. Вона запрошує людей замислитися над величчю Бога і Його силою у створенні Всесвіту. Ця глава також підкреслює важливість віри, побожності та послуху Богові.
У сурі Ібрагім Бог також наводить змістовні притчі, щоб описати життя світу і потойбічне життя. Він нагадує нам про важливість бути вдячними за Божі милості та уникати ухиляння й омани.
Сура Ібрагім також розповідає історії попередніх пророків, таких як Ной, Худ, Салех, Лут і Мойсей (мир їм усім). Ці історії містять уроки для людства, щоб воно не повторювало помилок, яких припускалися попередні люди.
Загалом, сура Ібрагім (14-й розділ Корану) - це глава, сповнена мудрості та уроків для кожної людини. Вона закликає нас покращити наші стосунки з Богом і підвищити якість нашої віри та практики як Його слуг. Розуміючи і застосовуючи на практиці зміст сури Ібрагім, ми можемо досягти щастя і благословення в цьому світі і в потойбічному.
천둥의 장이라고도 알려진 수라 아르-라드는 꾸란의 13번째 장입니다. 43개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 메카 수라의 범주에 속하며 예언자 무함마드(신의 축복과 평화가 그에게 주어지길)가 메디나로 이주하기 전에 계시되었습니다. 이 장의 주요 주제는 하나님의 존재의 표징을 중심으로 전개되며, 사람들에게 이러한 표징을 묵상하여 신앙을 강화하도록 촉구합니다.
이 장은 하느님에 대한 믿음의 중요성과 그분의 인도의 중요성을 강조하는 것으로 시작합니다. 천둥과 번개를 포함한 우주의 모든 것이 어떻게 하나님의 창조의 일부이며 깊이 생각하는 사람들을 위한 표징으로 작용하는지 강조합니다.
수라 아르-라드는 모든 권세와 통제권은 오직 신에게만 있다는 생각을 강조합니다. 특히 시련과 환난의 시기에 신자들이 인내심을 갖고 굳건히 믿음을 지킬 것을 상기시킵니다. 또한 이 장은 오만과 불신에 대해 경고하며, 믿음을 거부하는 사람은 이 세상과 내세에서 그 대가를 치르게 될 것이라고 강조합니다.
또한, 수라 아르-라드는 신의 계시의 개념과 인류에게 신의 메시지를 전달하는 메신저의 역할에 대해 언급합니다. 또한 영적 인도와 구원을 위해 이러한 메신저가 제공하는 지침을 따르는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수라 아르-라드는 하나님의 주권, 믿음의 중요성, 자연 속에서 그분의 표적을 묵상할 필요성을 강력하게 상기시키는 역할을 합니다. 이 구절은 신자들이 예배와 감사, 순종을 통해 하나님과의 관계를 강화하도록 격려하는 동시에 무심함과 불신앙에 대해 경고합니다.
Sura Ar-Ra'd, også kendt som Tordenkapitlet, er det 13. kapitel i Koranen. Det består af 43 vers og falder i kategorien af Mekka-suraer, der blev åbenbaret før profeten Muhammads (må Gud velsigne ham og give ham fred) udvandring til Medina. Hovedtemaet i dette kapitel drejer sig om tegnene på Guds eksistens og opfordrer folk til at reflektere over disse tegn for at styrke deres tro.
Kapitlet begynder med at understrege vigtigheden af at tro på Gud og betydningen af vejledning fra Ham. Det fremhæver, hvordan alt i universet, inklusive torden og lyn, er en del af Guds skabelse og tjener som tegn for dem, der tænker sig om.
Sura Ar-Ra'd understreger ideen om, at al magt og kontrol tilhører Gud alene. Den minder de troende om at være tålmodige og standhaftige i deres tro, især i tider med prøvelser og trængsler. Kapitlet advarer også mod arrogance og vantro og understreger, at de, der afviser troen, vil møde konsekvenser i denne verden og i det hinsidige.
Desuden nævner Surah Ar-Ra'd begrebet guddommelig åbenbaring og budbringernes rolle i at levere Guds budskab til menneskeheden. Den understreger vigtigheden af at følge den vejledning, som disse budbringere giver, for at opnå åndelig vejledning og frelse.
Overordnet set fungerer Sura Ar-Ra'd som en stærk påmindelse om Guds suverænitet, vigtigheden af tro og behovet for at reflektere over Hans tegn i naturen. Den opfordrer de troende til at styrke deres forhold til Gud gennem tilbedelse, taknemmelighed og lydighed, samtidig med at den advarer mod tankeløshed og vantro.
La Surah Ar-Ra'd, nota anche come Capitolo del Tuono, è il 13° capitolo del Corano. È composto da 43 versetti e rientra nella categoria delle surah di Meccan, rivelate prima della migrazione del Profeta Muhammad (che Dio lo benedica e gli conceda la pace) a Medina. Il tema principale di questo capitolo ruota attorno ai segni dell'esistenza di Dio, esortando le persone a riflettere su questi segni per rafforzare la loro fede.
Il capitolo inizia sottolineando l'importanza della fede in Dio e il significato della guida da parte Sua. Evidenzia come ogni cosa nell'universo, compresi i tuoni e i lampi, facciano parte della creazione di Dio e servano da segni per coloro che riflettono.
La Surah Ar-Ra'd sottolinea l'idea che tutto il potere e il controllo appartengono solo a Dio. Ricorda ai credenti di essere pazienti e saldi nella fede, soprattutto nei momenti di prova e tribolazione. Il capitolo mette anche in guardia dall'arroganza e dalla miscredenza, sottolineando che coloro che rifiutano la fede andranno incontro a conseguenze in questo mondo e nell'altra vita.
Inoltre, la Surah Ar-Ra'd menziona il concetto di rivelazione divina e il ruolo dei messaggeri nel trasmettere il messaggio di Dio all'umanità. Sottolinea l'importanza di seguire la guida fornita da questi messaggeri per la guida spirituale e la salvezza.
Nel complesso, la Surah Ar-Ra'd serve a ricordare la sovranità di Dio, l'importanza della fede e la necessità di riflettere sui Suoi segni nella natura. Incoraggia i credenti a rafforzare il loro rapporto con Dio attraverso l'adorazione, la gratitudine e l'obbedienza, mettendo in guardia dall'incuria e dalla miscredenza.
Sura Ar-Ra'd, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Ukkosen luku, on Koraanin 13. luku. Se koostuu 43 jakeesta ja kuuluu Mekan sura-kategoriaan, joka paljastettiin ennen profeetta Muhammedin (Jumala siunatkoon ja suokoon hänelle rauhan) muuttoa Medinaan. Tämän luvun pääteema pyörii Jumalan olemassaolon merkkien ympärillä ja kehottaa ihmisiä pohtimaan näitä merkkejä uskonsa vahvistamiseksi.
Luku alkaa korostamalla Jumalaan uskomisen tärkeyttä ja Häneltä saatavan johdatuksen merkitystä. Siinä korostetaan, miten kaikki maailmankaikkeudessa, myös ukkonen ja salama, ovat osa Jumalan luomistyötä ja toimivat merkkeinä niille, jotka pohtivat.
Sura Ar-Ra'd korostaa ajatusta siitä, että kaikki valta ja hallinta kuuluvat yksin Jumalalle. Se muistuttaa uskovia olemaan kärsivällisiä ja lujia uskossaan erityisesti koettelemusten ja ahdistuksen aikana. Luvussa varoitetaan myös ylimielisyydestä ja epäuskosta ja korostetaan, että ne, jotka hylkäävät uskon, joutuvat kohtaamaan seurauksia tässä maailmassa ja tuonpuoleisessa.
Lisäksi Sura Ar-Ra'dissa mainitaan jumalallisen ilmoituksen käsite ja sanansaattajien rooli Jumalan viestin välittämisessä ihmiskunnalle. Siinä korostetaan, että on tärkeää seurata näiden lähettiläiden antamaa opastusta hengellisen ohjauksen ja pelastuksen kannalta.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Ar-Ra'd toimii voimakkaana muistutuksena Jumalan suvereenisuudesta, uskon merkityksestä ja tarpeesta pohtia Hänen luonnossa olevia merkkejään. Se rohkaisee uskovia vahvistamaan suhdettaan Jumalaan palvonnan, kiitollisuuden ja kuuliaisuuden kautta ja varoittaa samalla piittaamattomuudesta ja epäuskosta.
Surah Ar-Ra'd, cunoscută și sub numele de Capitolul Tunetului, este cel de-al 13-lea capitol din Coran. Este alcătuit din 43 de versete și se încadrează în categoria suratelor Meccan, revelate înainte de migrația Profetului Muhammed (Dumnezeu să-l binecuvânteze și să-i dea pace) la Medina. Tema principală a acestui capitol gravitează în jurul semnelor existenței lui Dumnezeu, îndemnându-i pe oameni să reflecteze asupra acestor semne pentru a-și întări credința.
Capitolul începe prin a sublinia importanța credinței în Dumnezeu și semnificația călăuzirii de la El. Acesta subliniază modul în care toate lucrurile din univers, inclusiv tunetul și fulgerul, fac parte din creația lui Dumnezeu și servesc drept semne pentru cei care reflectează.
Surah Ar-Ra'd subliniază ideea că toată puterea și controlul aparțin numai lui Dumnezeu. Ea le reamintește credincioșilor să fie răbdători și neclintiți în credința lor, mai ales în vremuri de încercări și necazuri. Capitolul avertizează, de asemenea, împotriva aroganței și necredinței, subliniind că cei care resping credința vor suporta consecințele în această lume și în lumea de Apoi.
Mai mult, Surah Ar-Ra'd menționează conceptul de revelație divină și rolul mesagerilor în transmiterea mesajului lui Dumnezeu către umanitate. Aceasta subliniază importanța de a urma îndrumările oferite de acești mesageri pentru călăuzirea spirituală și mântuire.
În general, Surah Ar-Ra'd servește drept o reamintire puternică a suveranității lui Dumnezeu, a importanței credinței și a necesității de a reflecta asupra semnelor Sale în natură. Ea îi încurajează pe credincioși să își consolideze relația cu Dumnezeu prin închinare, recunoștință și ascultare, avertizându-i în același timp împotriva nepăsării și necredinței.
Soera Ar-Ra'd, ook bekend als het Hoofdstuk van de Donder, is het 13e hoofdstuk van de Koran. Het bestaat uit 43 verzen en valt in de categorie van Mekkaanse soera's, geopenbaard vóór de migratie van de Profeet Mohammed (moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken) naar Medina. Het hoofdthema van dit hoofdstuk draait om de tekenen van Gods bestaan, waarbij de mensen worden aangespoord om over deze tekenen na te denken om hun geloof te versterken.
Het hoofdstuk begint met het benadrukken van het belang van geloof in God en de betekenis van leiding van Hem. Het benadrukt hoe alles in het universum, inclusief de donder en de bliksem, deel uitmaken van Gods schepping en dienen als tekenen voor hen die nadenken.
Soera Ar-Ra'd onderstreept het idee dat alle macht en controle alleen aan God toebehoort. Het herinnert de gelovigen eraan om geduldig en standvastig te zijn in hun geloof, vooral in tijden van beproeving en tegenspoed. Het hoofdstuk waarschuwt ook tegen arrogantie en ongeloof, en benadrukt dat degenen die het geloof verwerpen de gevolgen in deze wereld en het Hiernamaals zullen ondervinden.
Bovendien vermeldt Soera Ar-Ra'd het concept van goddelijke openbaring en de rol van boodschappers in het overbrengen van Gods boodschap aan de mensheid. Het benadrukt het belang van het volgen van de leiding door deze boodschappers voor spirituele begeleiding en verlossing.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Ar-Ra'd als een krachtige herinnering aan Gods soevereiniteit, het belang van geloof en de noodzaak om na te denken over Zijn tekenen in de natuur. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om hun relatie met God te versterken door middel van aanbidding, dankbaarheid en gehoorzaamheid, terwijl het waarschuwt tegen achteloosheid en ongeloof.
Sura Ar-Ra'd, også kjent som Tordenkapitlet, er det 13. kapittelet i Koranen. Det består av 43 vers og tilhører kategorien mekkanske suraer, som ble åpenbart før profeten Muhammad (må Gud velsigne ham og gi ham fred) flyttet til Medina. Hovedtemaet i dette kapittelet dreier seg om tegnene på Guds eksistens, og oppfordrer folk til å reflektere over disse tegnene for å styrke sin tro.
Kapitlet begynner med å understreke viktigheten av å tro på Gud og betydningen av veiledning fra Ham. Det fremhever hvordan alt i universet, inkludert torden og lyn, er en del av Guds skaperverk og fungerer som tegn for dem som tenker seg om.
Sura Ar-Ra'd understreker tanken om at all makt og kontroll tilhører Gud alene. Den minner de troende om å være tålmodige og standhaftige i troen, særlig i tider med prøvelser og trengsler. Kapitlet advarer også mot arroganse og vantro, og understreker at de som forkaster troen, vil møte konsekvenser i denne verden og i det hinsidige.
Sura Ar-Ra'd nevner også begrepet guddommelig åpenbaring og sendebudenes rolle i formidlingen av Guds budskap til menneskeheten. Sura Ar-Ra'd understreker hvor viktig det er å følge veiledningen fra disse sendebudene for å oppnå åndelig rettledning og frelse.
Sura Ar-Ra'd er en sterk påminnelse om Guds suverenitet, viktigheten av tro og behovet for å reflektere over Hans tegn i naturen. Den oppmuntrer de troende til å styrke sitt forhold til Gud gjennom tilbedelse, takknemlighet og lydighet, samtidig som den advarer mot tankeløshet og vantro.
Sura Ar-Ra'd, znana również jako Rozdział Grzmotu, jest 13. rozdziałem Koranu. Składa się z 43 wersetów i należy do kategorii sury mekkańskiej, objawionej przed migracją Proroka Muhammada (niech Bóg go błogosławi i obdarzy pokojem) do Medyny. Główny temat tego rozdziału obraca się wokół znaków istnienia Boga, zachęcając ludzi do refleksji nad tymi znakami w celu wzmocnienia ich wiary.
Rozdział rozpoczyna się od podkreślenia znaczenia wiary w Boga i znaczenia przewodnictwa od Niego. Podkreśla, że wszystko we wszechświecie, w tym grzmoty i błyskawice, są częścią Bożego stworzenia i służą jako znaki dla tych, którzy się nad nimi zastanawiają.
Sura Ar-Ra'd podkreśla ideę, że cała moc i kontrola należą wyłącznie do Boga. Przypomina wierzącym, by byli cierpliwi i wytrwali w wierze, zwłaszcza w czasach próby i ucisku. Rozdział ten ostrzega również przed arogancją i niewiarą, podkreślając, że ci, którzy odrzucają wiarę, poniosą konsekwencje na tym świecie i w życiu ostatecznym.
Co więcej, Sura Ar-Ra'd wspomina o koncepcji boskiego objawienia i roli posłańców w dostarczaniu Bożego przesłania ludzkości. Podkreśla znaczenie podążania za wskazówkami dostarczanymi przez tych posłańców dla duchowego przewodnictwa i zbawienia.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Ar-Ra'd służy jako potężne przypomnienie o suwerenności Boga, znaczeniu wiary i potrzebie refleksji nad Jego znakami w naturze. Zachęca wierzących do wzmocnienia ich relacji z Bogiem poprzez uwielbienie, wdzięczność i posłuszeństwo, ostrzegając jednocześnie przed lekkomyślnością i niewiarą.
Surah Ar-Ra'd, även känd som Åskans kapitel, är det 13:e kapitlet i Koranen. Det består av 43 verser och tillhör kategorin mekkanska suror, som uppenbarades innan profeten Muhammad (må Gud välsigna honom och skänka honom frid) flyttade till Medina. Huvudtemat i detta kapitel kretsar kring tecknen på Guds existens och uppmanar människor att reflektera över dessa tecken för att stärka sin tro.
Kapitlet inleds med att betona vikten av att tro på Gud och betydelsen av vägledning från Honom. Det belyser hur allt i universum, inklusive åska och blixtar, är en del av Guds skapelse och fungerar som tecken för dem som funderar.
Sura Ar-Ra'd understryker tanken att all makt och kontroll tillhör Gud ensam. Den påminner de troende om att vara tålmodiga och ståndaktiga i sin tro, särskilt i tider av prövning och vedermöda. Kapitlet varnar också för arrogans och vantro och betonar att de som förkastar tron kommer att drabbas av konsekvenser i denna värld och i den efterföljande.
Surah Ar-Ra'd nämner också begreppet gudomlig uppenbarelse och budbärarnas roll när det gäller att förmedla Guds budskap till mänskligheten. Den betonar vikten av att följa den vägledning som dessa budbärare ger för andlig vägledning och frälsning.
Överlag fungerar sura Ar-Ra'd som en kraftfull påminnelse om Guds suveränitet, vikten av tro och behovet av att reflektera över hans tecken i naturen. Den uppmuntrar de troende att stärka sin relation till Gud genom tillbedjan, tacksamhet och lydnad samtidigt som den varnar för vårdslöshet och otro.
Сура «Ар-Ра'д», також відома як «Глава про грім», є 13-ю главою Корану. Вона складається з 43 віршів і належить до категорії мекканських сур, що були зіслані до переселення Пророка Мухаммада (мир йому і благословення Аллага) до Медини. Основна тема цієї глави обертається навколо знаків Божого існування, закликаючи людей замислитися над цими знаками, щоб зміцнити свою віру.
Розділ починається з підкреслення важливості віри в Бога і значення керівництва від Нього. Вона підкреслює, що все у всесвіті, включно з громом і блискавкою, є частиною Божого творіння і слугує знаменнями для тих, хто роздумує.
Сура Ар-Ра'д підкреслює ідею, що вся влада і контроль належать лише Богові. Вона нагадує віруючим бути терплячими і непохитними у своїй вірі, особливо в часи випробувань і скорботи. Глава також застерігає від зарозумілості та невір'я, підкреслюючи, що ті, хто відкидає віру, зіткнуться з наслідками в цьому світі і в Наступному житті.
Крім того, сура Ар-Ра'д згадує концепцію божественного одкровення та роль посланців у донесенні Божого послання до людства. Вона підкреслює важливість дотримання вказівок, наданих цими посланцями, для духовного керівництва та спасіння.
Загалом сура Ар-Ра'д слугує потужним нагадуванням про Божий суверенітет, важливість віри та необхідність роздумувати над Його знаменнями в природі. Вона заохочує віруючих зміцнювати свої стосунки з Богом через поклоніння, вдячність і послух, водночас застерігаючи від неуважності та невіри.
수라 유수프(요셉)(12장)는 꾸란에 나오는 수라 중 하나입니다. 111개의 구절로 구성되어 있습니다. 수라 유수프는 이슬람 역사상 가장 유명한 선지자 중 한 명인 요셉 선지자(그에게 평화가 있기를)의 이야기를 담고 있습니다.
예언자 요셉(그에게 평화가 있기를)의 이야기는 아버지인 예언자 야곱(그에게 평화가 있기를)에게 매우 사랑받는 아들이라는 소개로 시작됩니다. 하지만 요셉의 형들은 질투와 시기로 인해 요셉을 가족에서 분리할 방법을 계획하게 됩니다. 그들은 요셉을 우물에 빠뜨리고 아버지에게 요셉이 야생 동물에게 잡아먹혔다고 말했습니다.
그러나 하나님은 요셉 선지자의 운명을 간과하지 않으셨습니다(그에게 평화가 있기를). 그는 한 무리의 상인들에 의해 우물에서 구출되어 이집트의 파라오에게 종으로 팔렸습니다. 여기서 요셉 선지자(평화가 그에게 있기를)는 총명함과 지혜를 발휘하여 파라오의 왕국에서 높은 책임을 맡게 됩니다.
그러나 자신을 사랑한 파라오의 아내의 핍박을 받았을 때 요셉 선지자(평화가 그에게 있기를)는 순결의 원칙과 하나님에 대한 충성을 지켰습니다. 그 결과 그는 투옥되었지만 나중에 꿈 해석에 재능을 발휘하여 풀려났습니다.
마침내 이집트 땅과 그 주변에 기근이 닥쳤을 때, 요셉 선지자의 형제들이 식량 지원을 구걸하러 왔어요. 요셉 선지자(평화가 깃들기를)는 그들을 자비롭게 용서하고 가족을 재결합시켰습니다.
수라 유수프는 인내, 정의, 지혜, 경건에 대한 귀중한 가르침을 신에게 전합니다.
Soera Yusuf (Jozef) (hoofdstuk 12) is een van de soera's in de Koran. Het bestaat uit 111 verzen. Soera Yusuf vertelt het verhaal van Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem), één van de beroemdste profeten in de geschiedenis van de Islam.
Het verhaal van Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) begint met zijn introductie als zoon die zijn vader, Profeet Jacob (vrede zij met hem), zeer dierbaar was. Echter, de jaloezie en afgunst van Jozef's broers zorgde ervoor dat ze een manier bedachten om hem van hun familie te scheiden. Ze lieten Jozef in een put vallen en vertelden hun vader dat hij door wilde dieren was opgegeten.
Maar God zag het lot van Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) niet over het hoofd. Hij werd door een groep kooplieden uit de put gered en als knecht aan de farao in Egypte verkocht. Hier toonde Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) zijn intelligentie en wijsheid en kreeg hij hoge verantwoordelijkheden in het koninkrijk van de Farao.
Echter, toen hij werd vervolgd door de vrouw van de Farao die verliefd op hem was, hield Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) vast aan het principe van kuisheid en trouw aan God. Als gevolg hiervan werd hij gevangen genomen, maar later vrijgelaten nadat hij zijn talent in droominterpretatie had laten zien.
Tenslotte, toen hongersnood het land Egypte en omgeving trof, kwamen de broers van Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) smeken om voedselhulp. Profeet Jozef (vrede zij met hem) vergaf hen barmhartig en herenigde hun families.
Soera Yoesoef geeft waardevolle lessen over geduld, rechtvaardigheid, wijsheid en godsvrucht.
Surah Yusuf (Josef) (kapitel 12) er en af de suraer, der findes i Koranen. Den består af 111 vers. Sura Yusuf fortæller historien om profeten Josef (fred være med ham), som er en af de mest berømte profeter i islams historie.
Historien om profeten Josef (fred være med ham) begynder med hans introduktion som en søn, der var sin far, profeten Jakob (fred være med ham), meget kær. Men Josefs brødres jalousi og misundelse fik dem til at udtænke en måde at adskille ham fra deres familie på. De smed Josef i en brønd og fortalte deres far, at han var blevet spist af vilde dyr.
Men Gud overså ikke profeten Josefs skæbne (fred være med ham). Han blev reddet op af brønden af en gruppe købmænd og solgt til Farao i Egypten som tjener. Her viste profeten Josef (fred være med ham) sin intelligens og visdom og fik et stort ansvar i Faraos rige.
Men da han blev forfulgt af Faraos kone, som var forelsket i ham, fastholdt profeten Josef (fred være med ham) princippet om kyskhed og loyalitet over for Gud. Som følge heraf blev han fængslet, men senere løsladt efter at have demonstreret sit talent for drømmetydning.
Endelig, da hungersnød ramte Egypten og omegn, kom profeten Josefs (fred være med ham) brødre og tiggede om fødevarehjælp. Profeten Josef (fred være med ham) tilgav dem med medfølelse og genforenede deres familier.
Sura Yusuf giver værdifuld lærdom om tålmodighed, retfærdighed, visdom og fromhed over for Gud.
La Surah Yusuf (Giuseppe) (capitolo 12) è una delle surah presenti nel Corano. È composta da 111 versetti. La sura Yusuf racconta la storia del Profeta Giuseppe (pace su di lui), uno dei profeti più famosi della storia dell'Islam.
La storia del Profeta Giuseppe (pace su di lui) inizia con la sua presentazione come figlio molto caro al padre, il Profeta Giacobbe (pace su di lui). Tuttavia, la gelosia e l'invidia dei fratelli di Giuseppe li spinse a escogitare un modo per separarlo dalla loro famiglia. Gettarono Giuseppe in un pozzo e dissero al padre che era stato mangiato dagli animali selvatici.
Tuttavia, Dio non trascurò la sorte del profeta Giuseppe (pace su di lui). Fu salvato dal pozzo da un gruppo di mercanti e venduto al Faraone in Egitto come servo. Qui il Profeta Giuseppe (che la pace sia con lui) dimostrò la sua intelligenza e la sua saggezza e gli furono affidate alte responsabilità nel regno del Faraone.
Tuttavia, quando fu perseguitato dalla moglie del Faraone, innamorata di lui, il Profeta Giuseppe (pace su di lui) sostenne il principio della castità e della fedeltà a Dio. Di conseguenza, fu imprigionato ma poi rilasciato dopo aver dimostrato il suo talento nell'interpretazione dei sogni.
Infine, quando la carestia colpì la terra d'Egitto e i suoi dintorni, i fratelli del Profeta Giuseppe (la pace sia su di lui) vennero a implorare aiuti alimentari. Il Profeta Giuseppe (pace su di lui) li perdonò con compassione e riunì le loro famiglie.
La Surah Yusuf fornisce preziosi insegnamenti sulla pazienza, la giustizia, la saggezza e la pietà verso Dio.
Sura Yusuf (Joosef) (luku 12) on yksi Koraanissa esiintyvistä sura. Se koostuu 111 jakeesta. Sura Yusuf kertoo tarinan profeetta Joosefista (rauha hänelle), joka on yksi islamin historian kuuluisimmista profeetoista.
Profeetta Joosefin (rauha hänelle) tarina alkaa hänen esittelystään poikana, joka oli hyvin rakas isälleen, profeetta Jaakobille (rauha hänelle). Joosefin veljien kateus ja mustasukkaisuus sai heidät kuitenkin juonimaan keinon erottaa hänet perheestään. He pudottivat Joosefin kaivoon ja kertoivat isälleen, että villieläimet olivat syöneet hänet.
Jumala ei kuitenkaan jättänyt profeetta Joosefin (rauha hänelle) kohtaloa huomiotta. Eräs ryhmä kauppiaita pelasti hänet kaivosta ja myi hänet Egyptin faraolle palvelijaksi. Täällä profeetta Joosef (rauha hänelle) osoitti älykkyytensä ja viisautensa, ja hänelle annettiin korkea vastuu faraon valtakunnassa.
Kun faraon vaimo, joka oli rakastunut häneen, kuitenkin vainosi häntä, profeetta Joosef (rauha hänelle) piti kiinni siveyden ja Jumalalle uskollisuuden periaatteesta. Tämän seurauksena hänet vangittiin, mutta myöhemmin hänet vapautettiin, kun hän oli osoittanut kykynsä unien tulkinnassa.
Kun nälänhätä lopulta iski Egyptin maahan ja sen ympäristöön, profeetta Joosefin (rauha hänelle) veljet tulivat kerjäämään ruoka-apua. Profeetta Joosef (rauha hänelle) antoi heille myötätuntoisesti anteeksi ja yhdisti heidän perheensä.
Sura Yusuf tarjoaa arvokkaita opetuksia kärsivällisyydestä, oikeudenmukaisuudesta, viisaudesta ja hurskaudesta Jumalaa kohtaan.
Surah Yusuf (Iosif) (capitolul 12) este una dintre suratele care se găsesc în Coran. Este alcătuită din 111 versete. Surah Yusuf spune povestea Profetului Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!), care este unul dintre cei mai faimoși profeți din istoria islamului.
Povestea Profetului Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!) începe cu prezentarea sa ca fiu care era foarte drag tatălui său, Profetul Iacov (Pacea fie asupra sa!). Cu toate acestea, gelozia și invidia fraților lui Iosif i-a determinat pe aceștia să pună la cale o modalitate de a-l separa de familia lor. L-au aruncat pe Iosif într-o fântână și i-au spus tatălui lor că a fost mâncat de animalele sălbatice.
Cu toate acestea, Dumnezeu nu a trecut cu vederea soarta Profetului Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!). El a fost salvat din fântână de un grup de negustori și vândut faraonului din Egipt ca servitor. Aici, Profetul Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!) și-a arătat inteligența și înțelepciunea și a primit înalte responsabilități în regatul lui Faraon.
Cu toate acestea, atunci când a fost persecutat de soția faraonului, care era îndrăgostită de el, Profetul Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!) a susținut principiul castității și al loialității față de Dumnezeu. Ca urmare, a fost întemnițat, dar ulterior eliberat după ce și-a demonstrat talentul în interpretarea viselor.
În cele din urmă, când foametea a lovit țara Egiptului și împrejurimile sale, frații Profetului Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!) au venit cerșind ajutor alimentar. Profetul Iosif (Pacea fie asupra sa!) i-a iertat cu compasiune și le-a reunit familiile.
Surah Yusuf oferă învățături valoroase despre răbdare, dreptate, înțelepciune și pietate față de Dumnezeu.
Sura Yusuf (Josef) (kapittel 12) er en av surene i Koranen. Den består av 111 vers. Sura Yusuf forteller historien om profeten Josef (fred være med ham), som er en av de mest berømte profetene i islams historie.
Historien om profeten Josef (fred være med ham) begynner med at han introduseres som en sønn som var svært kjær for sin far, profeten Jakob (fred være med ham). Men sjalusien og misunnelsen til Josefs brødre fikk dem til å planlegge en måte å skille ham fra familien på. De kastet Josef i en brønn og fortalte faren at han var blitt spist av ville dyr.
Gud overså imidlertid ikke profeten Josefs (fred være med ham) skjebne. Han ble reddet opp av brønnen av en gruppe kjøpmenn og solgt til Farao i Egypt som tjener. Her viste profeten Josef (fred være med ham) sin intelligens og visdom, og han fikk et stort ansvar i Faraos rike.
Men da han ble forfulgt av Faraos kone, som var forelsket i ham, holdt profeten Josef (fred være med ham) fast ved prinsippet om kyskhet og lojalitet mot Gud. Han ble derfor fengslet, men senere løslatt etter å ha demonstrert sitt talent for drømmetydning.
Da hungersnøden rammet Egypt og omegn, kom profeten Josefs brødre (fred være med ham) for å tigge om mathjelp. Profeten Josef (fred være med ham) tilgav dem med medfølelse og gjenforente familiene deres.
Sura Yusuf gir verdifull lærdom om tålmodighet, rettferdighet, visdom og fromhet mot Gud.
Sura Jusuf (Józef) (rozdział 12) jest jedną z sur znajdujących się w Koranie. Składa się ona ze 111 wersetów. Sura Jusuf opowiada historię Proroka Józefa (niech spoczywa w pokoju), który jest jednym z najbardziej znanych proroków w historii islamu.
Historia Proroka Józefa (niech pokój z nim będzie) rozpoczyna się od przedstawienia go jako syna, który był bardzo drogi swojemu ojcu, Prorokowi Jakubowi (niech pokój z nim będzie). Jednak zazdrość i zawiść braci Józefa sprawiły, że postanowili oddzielić go od swojej rodziny. Wrzucili Józefa do studni i powiedzieli ojcu, że został zjedzony przez dzikie zwierzęta.
Bóg jednak nie przeoczył losu proroka Józefa (niech spoczywa w pokoju). Został on uratowany ze studni przez grupę kupców i sprzedany faraonowi w Egipcie jako sługa. Tutaj Prorok Józef (niech spoczywa w pokoju) wykazał się inteligencją i mądrością i otrzymał wysokie obowiązki w królestwie faraona.
Jednakże, gdy był prześladowany przez żonę faraona, która była w nim zakochana, Prorok Józef (niech spoczywa w pokoju) podtrzymał zasadę czystości i lojalności wobec Boga. W rezultacie został uwięziony, ale później uwolniony po wykazaniu się talentem w interpretacji snów.
W końcu, gdy głód nawiedził Egipt i jego okolice, bracia Proroka Józefa (niech pokój z nim będzie) przyszli błagać o pomoc żywnościową. Prorok Józef (niech spoczywa w pokoju) ze współczuciem wybaczył im i połączył ich rodziny.
Sura Jusuf zawiera cenne nauki na temat cierpliwości, sprawiedliwości, mądrości i pobożności wobec Boga.
Surah Yusuf (Josef) (kapitel 12) är en av de suror som finns i Koranen. Den består av 111 verser. Sura Yusuf berättar historien om profeten Josef (frid vare med honom) som är en av de mest kända profeterna i islams historia.
Historien om profeten Josef (frid vare med honom) börjar med att han introduceras som en son som var mycket kär för sin far, profeten Jakob (frid vare med honom). Men Josefs bröders svartsjuka och avundsjuka fick dem att planera ett sätt att skilja honom från sin familj. De släppte ner Josef i en brunn och berättade för sin far att han hade blivit uppäten av vilda djur.
Gud förbisåg dock inte profeten Josefs öde (frid vare med honom). Han räddades ur brunnen av en grupp köpmän och såldes till Farao i Egypten som tjänare. Här visade profeten Josef (frid vare med honom) sin intelligens och visdom och fick ett stort ansvar i faraos rike.
Men när han förföljdes av faraos hustru, som var förälskad i honom, höll profeten Josef (frid vare med honom) fast vid principen om kyskhet och lojalitet mot Gud. Som en följd av detta fängslades han men släpptes senare efter att ha visat sin talang för drömtydning.
Slutligen, när hungersnöd drabbade landet Egypten och dess omgivningar, kom profeten Josefs (frid vare med honom) bröder och bad om livsmedelshjälp. Profeten Josef (frid vare med honom) förlät dem med medkänsla och återförenade deras familjer.
Sura Yusuf ger värdefulla lärdomar om tålamod, rättvisa, visdom och fromhet mot Gud.
Сура Юсуф (Йосип) (глава 12) - одна з сур Корану. Вона складається з 111 віршів. Сура Юсуф розповідає історію пророка Йосипа (мир йому і благословення), який є одним з найвідоміших пророків в історії ісламу.
Історія пророка Йосипа (мир йому і благословення) починається з його представлення як сина, який був дуже дорогий своєму батькові, пророку Якову (мир йому і благословення). Однак ревнощі та заздрість братів Йосипа змусили їх замислити спосіб відокремити його від своєї родини. Вони кинули Йосипа в колодязь і сказали батькові, що його з'їли дикі звірі.
Однак Бог не залишив долю пророка Йосипа (мир йому і благословення) поза увагою. Він був врятований з колодязя групою купців і проданий фараону в Єгипет як раб. Тут пророк Йосип (мир йому і благословення) проявив свій розум і мудрість і отримав високі обов'язки в царстві фараона.
Однак, піддаючись переслідуванням з боку закоханої в нього дружини фараона, пророк Йосип (мир йому і благословення) відстоював принцип цнотливості і вірності Богові. В результаті він був ув'язнений, але згодом звільнений після того, як продемонстрував свій талант тлумачення снів.
Нарешті, коли в Єгипті та його околицях почався голод, брати пророка Йосипа (мир йому і благословення) прийшли до нього з проханням про продовольчу допомогу. Пророк Йосип (мир йому і благословення) з милосердя простив їх і возз'єднав їхні сім'ї.
Сура «Юсуф» містить цінні повчання про терпіння, справедливість, мудрість і побожність до Бога.
꾸란 11장은 수라 후드로 알려져 있으며, 꾸란의 11번째 장으로 123구절(아야트)로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 장의 이름은 '아드' 사람들에게 그들의 잘못을 경고하고 유일신을 숭배하도록 촉구하기 위해 신이 보낸 예언자 후드(평화가 그에게 있기를)의 이름을 따서 지었습니다. 이 장에서는 예언자, 일신교, 신의 자비, 책임이라는 주제를 다룹니다.
수라 후드는 인류를 위한 지침을 제공하는 명확한 책으로서의 꾸란에 대한 논의로 시작합니다. 그런 다음 과거 예언자들과 그들의 공동체에 대한 이야기를 들려주며 신의 인도를 거부했을 때 어떤 결과가 초래되는지를 강조합니다. 노아(그에게 평화가 있기를)와 그의 백성들의 이야기는 하나님의 계명에 불순종하는 사람들에게 닥칠 형벌에 대한 경고의 역할을 합니다.
이 장에서는 또한 후드, 살리, 아브라함, 롯, 슈아이브, 모세(모두 평화가 있기를)의 이야기를 강조하는데, 이들은 모두 백성들을 의로 인도하기 위해 사자로 파견된 사람들입니다. 각 선지자는 공동체의 거부와 반대에 직면했지만 신에 대한 믿음과 헌신을 굳건히 지켰습니다.
수라 후드는 하나님의 유일성에 대한 믿음의 중요성을 강조하고 파트너를 하나님과 연관시키는 것에 대해 경고합니다. 또한 구원을 얻기 위해서는 회개와 겸손, 하나님의 계명에 대한 순종이 필요하다고 강조합니다.
이 장은 모든 개인이 자신의 행동에 대해 책임을 져야 할 심판의 날을 상기시키며 마무리됩니다. 선을 행한 사람은 낙원에서 보상을 받고, 악을 행한 사람은 지옥에서 형벌을 받게 될 것입니다.
전반적으로 수라 후드는 믿음, 의로움, 하나님의 뜻에 대한 복종의 중요성을 강력하게 상기시키는 역할을 합니다. 이 구절은 신자들이 과거 선지자들의 경고에 귀를 기울이고 신에게 경건하고 헌신적인 삶을 살도록 독려합니다.
Koran hoofdstuk 11, bekend als Surah Hud, is het 11e hoofdstuk van de Koran en bestaat uit 123 verzen (ayat). Het is vernoemd naar de Profeet Hoed (vrede zij met hem), die door God naar de mensen van 'Aad werd gestuurd om hen te waarschuwen voor hun wandaden en hen op te roepen één God te aanbidden. Het hoofdstuk behandelt de thema's profeetschap, monotheïsme, goddelijke barmhartigheid en verantwoording.
Soera Hoed begint met een bespreking van de Koran als een duidelijk boek dat leiding geeft aan de mensheid. Daarna worden verhalen verteld van vroegere profeten en hun gemeenschappen, waarbij de nadruk wordt gelegd op de gevolgen van het verwerpen van goddelijke leiding. Het verhaal van Noach (vrede zij met hem) en zijn volk dient als waarschuwing voor de bestraffing van hen die ongehoorzaam zijn aan Gods geboden.
Het hoofdstuk belicht ook de verhalen van Hoed, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib en Mozes (vrede zij met hen allen), die allen als boodschappers werden gezonden om hun volk naar rechtschapenheid te leiden. Elke profeet werd geconfronteerd met afwijzing en tegenstand van hun gemeenschap, maar bleef standvastig in hun geloof en toewijding aan God.
Soera Hoed benadrukt het belang van het geloof in de Eenheid van God en waarschuwt tegen het associëren van deelgenoten met Hem. Het benadrukt de noodzaak van berouw, nederigheid en gehoorzaamheid aan Gods geboden om verlossing te verkrijgen.
Het hoofdstuk eindigt met een herinnering aan de Dag des Oordeels waarop alle individuen verantwoording zullen moeten afleggen voor hun daden. Zij die goed deden zullen beloond worden met het Paradijs, terwijl zij die kwaad deden gestraft zullen worden in de Hel.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Hoed als een krachtige herinnering aan het belang van geloof, rechtschapenheid en onderwerping aan Gods wil. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om acht te slaan op de waarschuwingen van vroegere profeten en te streven naar een leven van vroomheid en toewijding aan God.
Koranens kapitel 11, kendt som Surah Hud, er det 11. kapitel i Koranen og består af 123 vers (ayat). Det er opkaldt efter profeten Hud (fred være med ham), som blev sendt af Gud til folket i 'Aad for at advare dem om deres forseelser og opfordre dem til at tilbede én Gud. Kapitlet behandler temaerne profetskab, monoteisme, guddommelig barmhjertighed og ansvarlighed.
Surah Hud begynder med en diskussion af Koranen som en klar bog, der giver vejledning til menneskeheden. Derefter fortælles historier om tidligere profeter og deres samfund, og der lægges vægt på konsekvenserne af at afvise guddommelig vejledning. Historien om Noa (fred være med ham) og hans folk tjener som en advarsel om den straf, der rammer dem, der ikke adlyder Guds bud.
Kapitlet fremhæver også historierne om Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib og Moses (fred være med dem alle), som alle blev sendt som budbringere for at lede deres folk mod retfærdighed. Hver profet mødte afvisning og modstand fra deres samfund, men forblev standhaftige i deres tro og forpligtelse over for Gud.
Surah Hud understreger vigtigheden af at tro på Guds enhed og advarer mod at knytte partnere til Ham. Den understreger behovet for omvendelse, ydmyghed og lydighed mod Guds bud for at opnå frelse.
Kapitlet afsluttes med en påmindelse om dommedag, hvor alle individer vil blive holdt ansvarlige for deres handlinger. De, der har gjort det gode, vil blive belønnet med Paradis, mens de, der har gjort det onde, vil blive straffet i Helvede.
Overordnet set er Surah Hud en stærk påmindelse om vigtigheden af tro, retfærdighed og underkastelse af Guds vilje. Den opfordrer de troende til at lytte til tidligere profeters advarsler og stræbe efter et liv i fromhed og hengivenhed over for Gud.
Il capitolo 11 del Corano, noto come Surah Hud, è l'11° capitolo del Corano ed è composto da 123 versetti (ayat). Prende il nome dal Profeta Hud (pace su di lui), che fu inviato da Dio al popolo di 'Aad per avvertirlo delle sue malefatte e invitarlo ad adorare un solo Dio. Il capitolo affronta i temi della profezia, del monoteismo, della misericordia divina e della responsabilità.
La Surah Hud inizia con una discussione sul Corano come libro chiaro che fornisce una guida all'umanità. Poi racconta le storie dei profeti del passato e delle loro comunità, sottolineando le conseguenze del rifiuto della guida divina. La storia di Noè (pace su di lui) e del suo popolo serve da monito sulla punizione che colpisce coloro che disobbediscono ai comandamenti di Dio.
Il capitolo evidenzia anche le storie di Hud, Salih, Abramo, Lot, Shu'aib e Mosè (pace su di loro), tutti inviati come messaggeri per guidare il loro popolo verso la rettitudine. Ogni profeta ha affrontato il rifiuto e l'opposizione delle loro comunità, ma è rimasto saldo nella sua fede e nel suo impegno verso Dio.
La Surah Hud sottolinea l'importanza di credere nell'Unicità di Dio e mette in guardia dall'associare partner a Lui. Sottolinea la necessità del pentimento, dell'umiltà e dell'obbedienza ai comandamenti di Dio per ottenere la salvezza.
Il capitolo si conclude ricordando il Giorno del Giudizio, quando tutti gli individui saranno chiamati a rispondere delle loro azioni. Chi ha fatto il bene sarà ricompensato con il Paradiso, mentre chi ha fatto il male affronterà la punizione dell'Inferno.
Nel complesso, la Surah Hud serve a ricordare l'importanza della fede, della rettitudine e della sottomissione alla volontà di Dio. Incoraggia i credenti a prestare attenzione agli avvertimenti dei profeti del passato e a impegnarsi per una vita di pietà e devozione a Dio.
Koraanin 11. luku, joka tunnetaan nimellä Sura Hud, on Koraanin 11. luku ja koostuu 123 jakeesta (ayat). Se on nimetty profeetta Hudin (rauha hänelle) mukaan, jonka Jumala lähetti 'Aadin kansalle varoittamaan heitä heidän vääryyksistään ja kehottamaan heitä palvomaan yhtä Jumalaa. Luvussa käsitellään profeetallisuutta, yksijumalaisuutta, jumalallista armoa ja vastuuvelvollisuutta.
Sura Hud alkaa keskustelulla Koraanista selkeänä kirjana, joka antaa opastusta ihmiskunnalle. Sen jälkeen siinä kerrotaan tarinoita menneistä profeetoista ja heidän yhteisöistään ja korostetaan jumalallisen ohjauksen hylkäämisen seurauksia. Tarina Nooasta (rauha hänelle) ja hänen kansastaan toimii varoituksena rangaistuksesta, joka kohtaa niitä, jotka eivät tottele Jumalan käskyjä.
Luvussa tuodaan esiin myös Hudin, Salihin, Aabrahamin, Lootin, Shu'aibin ja Mooseksen (rauha heille kaikille) tarinat, jotka kaikki lähetettiin sanansaattajina ohjaamaan kansaansa kohti vanhurskautta. Kukin profeetta kohtasi yhteisönsä hylkäämisen ja vastustuksen, mutta pysyi lujana uskossaan ja sitoutumisessaan Jumalaan.
Sura Hud korostaa Jumalan ykseyteen uskomisen tärkeyttä ja varoittaa liittämästä Häneen kumppaneita. Siinä korostetaan parannuksen, nöyryyden ja Jumalan käskyjen noudattamisen tarvetta pelastuksen saavuttamiseksi.
Luku päättyy muistutukseen tuomiopäivästä, jolloin kaikki ihmiset joutuvat vastuuseen teoistaan. Ne, jotka tekivät hyvää, palkitaan paratiisissa, kun taas ne, jotka tekivät pahaa, kohtaavat rangaistuksen helvetissä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Hud toimii voimakkaana muistutuksena uskon, vanhurskauden ja Jumalan tahtoon alistumisen tärkeydestä. Se rohkaisee uskovia ottamaan huomioon menneiden profeettojen varoitukset ja pyrkimään hurskaaseen ja Jumalalle omistautuneeseen elämään.
Capitolul 11 din Coran, cunoscut sub numele de Surah Hud, este cel de-al 11-lea capitol al Coranului și constă din 123 de versete (ayat). Este numit după Profetul Hud (Pacea fie asupra sa!), care a fost trimis de Dumnezeu la oamenii din 'Aad pentru a-i avertiza de greșelile lor și a-i chema să se închine unui singur Dumnezeu. Capitolul abordează temele profeției, monoteismului, milei divine și responsabilității.
Surah Hud începe cu o discuție despre Coran ca o carte clară care oferă îndrumare omenirii. Apoi relatează povești ale profeților din trecut și ale comunităților lor, subliniind consecințele respingerii îndrumării divine. Povestea lui Noe (Pacea fie asupra sa!) și a poporului său servește drept avertisment cu privire la pedeapsa care se abate asupra celor care nu se supun poruncilor lui Dumnezeu.
Capitolul evidențiază, de asemenea, poveștile lui Hud, Salih, Avraam, Lot, Shu'aib și Moise (pacea fie asupra lor!), care au fost trimiși ca mesageri pentru a-și îndruma poporul către dreptate. Fiecare profet s-a confruntat cu respingerea și opoziția comunităților lor, dar a rămas ferm în credința și angajamentul lor față de Dumnezeu.
Surah Hud subliniază importanța credinței în Unicitatea lui Dumnezeu și avertizează împotriva asocierii partenerilor cu El. Ea subliniază nevoia de pocăință, umilință și supunere față de poruncile lui Dumnezeu pentru a obține mântuirea.
Capitolul se încheie cu un memento al Zilei Judecății, când toți indivizii vor fi trași la răspundere pentru acțiunile lor. Cei care au făcut binele vor fi răsplătiți cu Paradisul, în timp ce cei care au făcut răul vor fi pedepsiți în Iad.
În general, Surah Hud servește drept o reamintire puternică a importanței credinței, a dreptății și a supunerii față de voința lui Dumnezeu. Ea îi încurajează pe credincioși să țină cont de avertismentele profeților din trecut și să se străduiască să ducă o viață de pietate și devotament față de Dumnezeu.
Koranens kapittel 11, kjent som Sura Hud, er det 11. kapittelet i Koranen og består av 123 vers (ayat). Det er oppkalt etter profeten Hud (fred være med ham), som ble sendt av Gud til folket i 'Aad for å advare dem mot deres ugjerninger og oppfordre dem til å tilbe én Gud. Kapitlet tar for seg temaene profetskap, monoteisme, guddommelig barmhjertighet og ansvarlighet.
Sura Hud begynner med en diskusjon om Koranen som en klar bok som gir veiledning for menneskeheten. Deretter fortelles historier om tidligere profeter og deres samfunn, og det legges vekt på konsekvensene av å avvise guddommelig veiledning. Fortellingen om Noah (fred være med ham) og hans folk tjener som en advarsel om straffen som rammer dem som ikke adlyder Guds bud.
Kapitlet trekker også frem historiene om Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib og Moses (fred være med dem alle), som alle ble sendt som sendebud for å veilede sitt folk mot rettferdighet. Alle profetene møtte avvisning og motstand fra sine samfunn, men forble standhaftige i sin tro og forpliktelse overfor Gud.
Sura Hud understreker viktigheten av å tro på Guds enhet og advarer mot å knytte partnere til Ham. Den understreker behovet for omvendelse, ydmykhet og lydighet mot Guds bud for å oppnå frelse.
Kapitlet avsluttes med en påminnelse om dommens dag, da alle mennesker vil bli stilt til ansvar for sine handlinger. De som har gjort det gode, vil bli belønnet med paradiset, mens de som har gjort det onde, vil bli straffet i helvete.
Alt i alt er Sura Hud en sterk påminnelse om viktigheten av tro, rettskaffenhet og underkastelse under Guds vilje. Den oppmuntrer de troende til å ta hensyn til advarslene fra tidligere profeter og strebe etter et liv i fromhet og hengivenhet til Gud.
11 rozdział Koranu, znany jako Sura Hud, jest 11 rozdziałem Koranu i składa się ze 123 wersetów (ayat). Został on nazwany na cześć Proroka Huda (niech spoczywa w pokoju), który został wysłany przez Boga do ludu 'Aad, aby ostrzec ich przed ich złym postępowaniem i wezwać ich do oddawania czci jednemu Bogu. Rozdział ten porusza tematy proroctwa, monoteizmu, boskiego miłosierdzia i odpowiedzialności.
Sura Hud rozpoczyna się od omówienia Koranu jako jasnej księgi, która zapewnia wskazówki dla ludzkości. Następnie opowiada historie poprzednich proroków i ich społeczności, podkreślając konsekwencje odrzucenia boskiego przewodnictwa. Historia Noego (niech spoczywa w pokoju) i jego ludu służy jako ostrzeżenie przed karą, która spotyka tych, którzy są nieposłuszni Bożym przykazaniom.
Rozdział ten podkreśla również historie Huda, Saliha, Abrahama, Lota, Szu'aiba i Mojżesza (niech pokój będzie z nimi wszystkimi), z których wszyscy zostali wysłani jako posłańcy, aby poprowadzić swój lud ku prawości. Każdy z proroków spotkał się z odrzuceniem i sprzeciwem ze strony swoich społeczności, ale pozostał niezłomny w swojej wierze i oddaniu Bogu.
Sura Hud podkreśla znaczenie wiary w Jedność Boga i ostrzega przed łączeniem z Nim partnerów. Podkreśla potrzebę skruchy, pokory i posłuszeństwa Bożym przykazaniom, aby osiągnąć zbawienie.
Rozdział kończy się przypomnieniem o Dniu Sądu, w którym wszyscy ludzie zostaną pociągnięci do odpowiedzialności za swoje czyny. Ci, którzy czynili dobro, zostaną nagrodzeni rajem, podczas gdy ci, którzy czynili zło, zostaną ukarani w piekle.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Hud służy jako potężne przypomnienie o znaczeniu wiary, prawości i poddania się woli Boga. Zachęca wierzących, by zważali na ostrzeżenia dawnych proroków i dążyli do życia w pobożności i oddaniu Bogu.
Koranens 11:e kapitel, känt som Surah Hud, är Koranens 11:e kapitel och består av 123 verser (ayat). Det har fått sitt namn efter profeten Hud (frid vare med honom), som sändes av Gud till folket i 'Aad för att varna dem för deras felaktiga handlingar och uppmana dem att dyrka en enda Gud. Kapitlet tar upp teman som profetskap, monoteism, gudomlig nåd och ansvarighet.
Surah Hud inleds med en diskussion om Koranen som en tydlig bok som ger vägledning för mänskligheten. Därefter återges berättelser om tidigare profeter och deras samhällen, med betoning på konsekvenserna av att avvisa gudomlig vägledning. Berättelsen om Noa (frid vare med honom) och hans folk fungerar som en varning om det straff som drabbar dem som inte lyder Guds bud.
Kapitlet lyfter också fram berättelserna om Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib och Moses (frid vare med dem alla), som alla sändes som budbärare för att vägleda sina folk mot rättfärdighet. Varje profet mötte avvisning och motstånd från sina samhällen, men förblev orubblig i sin tro och sitt engagemang för Gud.
Surah Hud betonar vikten av att tro på Guds enhet och varnar för att associera partner med Honom. Den betonar behovet av ånger, ödmjukhet och lydnad för Guds bud för att uppnå frälsning.
Kapitlet avslutas med en påminnelse om domedagen då alla människor kommer att ställas till svars för sina handlingar. De som har gjort gott kommer att belönas med paradiset, medan de som har gjort ont kommer att straffas i helvetet.
Sammantaget fungerar Surah Hud som en kraftfull påminnelse om vikten av tro, rättfärdighet och att underkasta sig Guds vilja. Den uppmuntrar de troende att lyssna till tidigare profeters varningar och sträva efter ett liv i fromhet och hängivenhet till Gud.
Глава 11 Корану, відома як Сура Худ, є 11-ю главою Корану і складається з 123 віршів (аятів). Вона названа на честь пророка Худа (мир йому і благословення), який був посланий Богом до народу Аада, щоб застерегти його від гріхів і закликати поклонятися єдиному Богові. У цій главі розглядаються теми пророцтва, єдинобожжя, божественного милосердя та відповідальності.
Сура Худ починається з обговорення Корану як ясної книги, що дає настанови для людства. Потім розповідається про минулих пророків та їхні громади, наголошуючи на наслідках відкидання божественного керівництва. Історія Ноя (мир йому і благословення) та його народу слугує попередженням про покарання, що спіткає тих, хто не слухається Божих заповідей.
У розділі також висвітлюються історії Худа, Саліха, Авраама, Лота, Шуаіба та Мойсея (мир їм усім), які були послані як посланці, щоб спрямувати свій народ на шлях праведності. Кожен пророк стикався з неприйняттям і протидією з боку своїх громад, але залишався непохитним у своїй вірі та відданості Богові.
Сура Худ підкреслює важливість віри в Єдність Бога і застерігає від того, щоб пов'язувати з Ним партнерів. Вона підкреслює необхідність покаяння, смирення та послуху Божим заповідям для досягнення спасіння.
Розділ завершується нагадуванням про Судний день, коли всі люди будуть відповідати за свої вчинки. Ті, хто робив добро, будуть винагороджені раєм, а ті, хто чинив зло, понесуть покарання в пеклі.
Загалом, сура Худ слугує потужним нагадуванням про важливість віри, праведності та підкорення Божій волі. Вона заохочує віруючих прислухатися до застережень минулих пророків і прагнути до життя, сповненого побожності та відданості Богові.
예언자 요나(평화가 그에게 있기를)의 이름을 딴 수라 유누스는 꾸란의 10번째 장입니다. 109개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며, 예언자 무함마드(신의 축복과 평화가 그에게 있기를)가 메디나로 이주하기 전에 계시된 메카의 수라로 분류됩니다.
이 장은 천지 창조에서 하나님의 존재와 능력의 표징을 강조하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 인류를 인도하기 위해 메신저를 보낸 목적을 강조하고 이러한 메시지를 거부할 경우의 결과에 대해 경고합니다.
수라 유누스는 노아, 모세, 아론과 같은 선지자들의 이야기를 들려주며 신자들에게 교훈을 전합니다(그들 모두에게 평화가 있기를). 이 수라는 타위드(신의 유일성)의 개념과 역경의 시기에 믿음, 인내, 인내의 중요성을 강조합니다.
이 수라는 또한 모든 사람이 자신의 행위에 대해 책임을 지게 될 심판의 날에 대해서도 이야기합니다. 이 구절은 신이 정의롭고 자비로우시며 선을 행하는 자에게 상을 주고 악을 행하는 자에게 벌을 내리신다는 사실을 신자들에게 안심시켜 줍니다.
전반적으로 수라 유누스는 하나님의 능력과 지혜, 자비를 상기시키며 신자들이 그분에 대한 믿음을 유지하고 영적 인도와 도덕적 행동을 위해 그분의 메신저가 제공하는 지침을 따르도록 촉구하는 역할을 합니다.
Soera Yunus, genoemd naar de Profeet Jona (vrede zij met hem), is het 10e hoofdstuk van de Koran. Het bestaat uit 109 verzen en is gecategoriseerd als een Mekkaanse soera, geopenbaard vóór de migratie van Profeet Mohammed (moge God hem zegenen en vrede schenken) naar Medina.
Het hoofdstuk begint met een nadruk op de tekenen van Gods bestaan en macht in de schepping van de hemelen en de aarde. Het benadrukt het doel van het zenden van boodschappers om de mensheid te leiden en waarschuwt voor de gevolgen van het verwerpen van deze boodschappen.
Soera Yunus vertelt verhalen van voorgaande profeten, zoals Noach, Mozes en Aäron (vrede zij met hen allen), om lessen te trekken voor de gelovigen. Het benadrukt het concept van Tawheed (de Eenheid van God) en het belang van geloof, geduld en volharding in tijden van tegenspoed.
De soera bespreekt ook de Dag des Oordeels, waar iedereen verantwoording zal moeten afleggen voor zijn daden. Het verzekert de gelovigen dat God rechtvaardig en barmhartig is, en degenen die goed doen beloont en degenen die kwaad doen straft.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Yunus als een herinnering aan Gods macht, wijsheid en barmhartigheid, waarbij gelovigen worden aangespoord om in Hem te blijven geloven en de leiding van Zijn boodschappers te volgen voor spirituele begeleiding en moreel gedrag.
Surah Yunus, opkaldt efter profeten Jonas (fred være med ham), er det 10. kapitel i Koranen. Det består af 109 vers og er kategoriseret som en mekkansk sura, åbenbaret før profeten Muhammeds (må Gud velsigne ham og give ham fred) udvandring til Medina.
Kapitlet begynder med at lægge vægt på tegnene på Guds eksistens og magt i skabelsen af himlen og jorden. Det fremhæver formålet med at sende budbringere for at vejlede menneskeheden og advarer mod konsekvenserne af at afvise disse budskaber.
Sura Yunus fortæller historier om tidligere profeter, såsom Noa, Moses og Aron (fred være med dem alle), for at lære de troende noget. Den understreger begrebet Tawheed (Guds enhed) og vigtigheden af tro, tålmodighed og udholdenhed i modgangstider.
Suraen diskuterer også dommedag, hvor alle vil blive holdt ansvarlige for deres gerninger. Den forsikrer de troende om, at Gud er retfærdig og barmhjertig og belønner dem, der gør det gode, og straffer dem, der gør det onde.
Alt i alt tjener Surah Yunus som en påmindelse om Guds magt, visdom og barmhjertighed og opfordrer de troende til at bevare troen på Ham og følge den vejledning, som Hans budbringere har givet om åndelig vejledning og moralsk adfærd.
La sura Yunus, che prende il nome dal Profeta Giona (pace a lui), è il 10° capitolo del Corano. Consta di 109 versetti ed è classificata come una sura di Meccan, rivelata prima della migrazione del Profeta Muhammad (che Dio lo benedica e gli conceda la pace) a Medina.
Il capitolo inizia ponendo l'accento sui segni dell'esistenza e del potere di Dio nella creazione dei cieli e della terra. Evidenzia lo scopo dell'invio di messaggeri per guidare l'umanità e mette in guardia dalle conseguenze del rifiuto di questi messaggi.
La Surah Yunus narra le storie dei profeti precedenti, come Noè, Mosè e Aronne (la pace sia su di loro), per trarre insegnamenti per i credenti. Essa enfatizza il concetto di Tawheed (l'Unicità di Dio) e l'importanza della fede, della pazienza e della perseveranza nei momenti di avversità.
La sura parla anche del Giorno del Giudizio, in cui ognuno sarà chiamato a rispondere delle proprie azioni. Rassicura i credenti sul fatto che Dio è giusto e misericordioso, ricompensa chi fa il bene e punisce chi fa il male.
Nel complesso, la Surah Yunus serve a ricordare il potere, la saggezza e la misericordia di Dio, esortando i credenti a mantenere la fede in Lui e a seguire le indicazioni fornite dai Suoi messaggeri per la guida spirituale e la condotta morale.
Sura Yunus, joka on nimetty profeetta Joonan (rauha hänelle) mukaan, on Koraanin 10. luku. Se koostuu 109 jakeesta, ja se luokitellaan mekkalaissuraksi, joka ilmestyi ennen profeetta Muhammedin (Jumala siunatkoon häntä ja suokoon hänelle rauhan) muuttoa Medinaan.
Luku alkaa painottamalla merkkejä Jumalan olemassaolosta ja voimasta taivaan ja maan luomisessa. Siinä korostetaan lähettiläiden lähettämisen tarkoitusta opastaa ihmiskuntaa ja varoitetaan näiden viestien hylkäämisen seurauksista.
Sura Yunus kertoo tarinoita aiemmista profeetoista, kuten Nooasta, Mooseksesta ja Aaronista (rauha olkoon heidän kaikkien kanssa), saadakseen opetuksia uskoville. Siinä korostetaan Tawheedin (Jumalan ykseyden) käsitettä sekä uskon, kärsivällisyyden ja sinnikkyyden merkitystä vastoinkäymisissä.
Sura käsittelee myös tuomiopäivää, jolloin jokainen joutuu vastuuseen teoistaan. Se vakuuttaa uskovia siitä, että Jumala on oikeudenmukainen ja laupias ja palkitsee ne, jotka tekevät hyvää, ja rankaisee niitä, jotka tekevät pahaa.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Yunus toimii muistutuksena Jumalan voimasta, viisaudesta ja armosta ja kehottaa uskovia säilyttämään uskonsa Häneen ja seuraamaan Hänen lähettiläidensä antamaa opastusta hengellisen ohjauksen ja moraalisen käyttäytymisen osalta.
Surah Yunus, numită după Profetul Iona (Pacea fie asupra sa!), este capitolul 10 din Coran. Este alcătuit din 109 versete și este clasificat ca o sura din Mecca, revelată înainte de migrația Profetului Muhammed (Dumnezeu să-l binecuvânteze și să-i dea pace) la Medina.
Capitolul începe cu un accent pe semnele existenței și puterii lui Dumnezeu în crearea cerurilor și a pământului. Acesta subliniază scopul trimiterii mesagerilor pentru a ghida omenirea și avertizează cu privire la consecințele respingerii acestor mesaje.
Surah Yunus relatează povești ale profeților anteriori, precum Noe, Moise și Aaron (pacea fie asupra tuturor), pentru a trage învățăminte pentru credincioși. Ea subliniază conceptul de Tawheed (Unicitatea lui Dumnezeu) și importanța credinței, a răbdării și a perseverenței în momentele de adversitate.
De asemenea, sura discută despre Ziua Judecății, în care fiecare va fi tras la răspundere pentru faptele sale. Ea îi asigură pe credincioși că Dumnezeu este Drept și Milostiv, răsplătindu-i pe cei care fac binele și pedepsindu-i pe cei care fac răul.
În general, Surah Yunus amintește de puterea, înțelepciunea și mila lui Dumnezeu, îndemnându-i pe credincioși să își păstreze credința în El și să urmeze îndrumarea oferită de mesagerii Săi pentru îndrumare spirituală și conduită morală.
Sura Yunus, oppkalt etter profeten Jona (fred være med ham), er det tiende kapittelet i Koranen. Det består av 109 vers og er kategorisert som en mekkansk sura, åpenbart før profeten Muhammad (må Gud velsigne ham og gi ham fred) flyttet til Medina.
Kapitlet begynner med å legge vekt på tegnene på Guds eksistens og makt i skapelsen av himmelen og jorden. Det fremhever formålet med å sende budbringere for å veilede menneskeheten og advarer mot konsekvensene av å avvise disse budskapene.
Sura Yunus forteller historier om tidligere profeter, som Noah, Moses og Aron (fred være med dem alle), for å trekke lærdommer for de troende. Suraen legger vekt på Tawheed (Guds enhet) og betydningen av tro, tålmodighet og utholdenhet i motgangstider.
Suraen tar også for seg dommens dag, der alle vil bli stilt til ansvar for sine gjerninger. Den forsikrer de troende om at Gud er rettferdig og barmhjertig, og at han belønner dem som gjør det gode og straffer dem som gjør det onde.
Sura Yunus fungerer som en påminnelse om Guds makt, visdom og barmhjertighet, og oppfordrer de troende til å bevare troen på Ham og følge veiledningen fra Hans sendebud når det gjelder åndelig veiledning og moralsk oppførsel.
Sura Yunus, nazwana na cześć Proroka Jonasza (niech spoczywa w pokoju), jest 10 rozdziałem Koranu. Składa się ze 109 wersetów i jest sklasyfikowana jako sura mekkańska, objawiona przed migracją Proroka Muhammada (niech Bóg go błogosławi i obdarzy pokojem) do Medyny.
Rozdział rozpoczyna się od podkreślenia znaków istnienia i mocy Boga w stworzeniu niebios i ziemi. Podkreśla cel wysyłania posłańców, aby prowadzili ludzkość i ostrzega przed konsekwencjami odrzucenia tych wiadomości.
Sura Yunus opowiada historie poprzednich proroków, takich jak Noe, Mojżesz i Aaron (niech pokój będzie z nimi wszystkimi), aby wyciągnąć wnioski dla wierzących. Podkreśla koncepcję Tawheed (Jedności Boga) oraz znaczenie wiary, cierpliwości i wytrwałości w czasach przeciwności.
Sura omawia również Dzień Sądu, w którym każdy zostanie rozliczony ze swoich uczynków. Zapewnia ona wierzących, że Bóg jest sprawiedliwy i miłosierny, nagradzając tych, którzy czynią dobro i karząc tych, którzy czynią zło.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Yunus służy jako przypomnienie o mocy, mądrości i miłosierdziu Boga, zachęcając wierzących do podtrzymywania wiary w Niego i podążania za wskazówkami Jego posłańców w zakresie duchowego przewodnictwa i moralnego postępowania.
Surah Yunus, uppkallad efter profeten Jonah (frid vare med honom), är det 10:e kapitlet i Koranen. Det består av 109 verser och kategoriseras som en mekkansk sura, uppenbarad innan profeten Muhammad (må Gud välsigna honom och skänka honom frid) flyttade till Medina.
Kapitlet inleds med en betoning av tecknen på Guds existens och makt i skapandet av himlarna och jorden. Det belyser syftet med att sända budbärare för att vägleda mänskligheten och varnar för konsekvenserna av att avvisa dessa budskap.
Sura Yunus återger berättelser om tidigare profeter, såsom Noa, Moses och Aron (frid vare med dem alla), för att dra lärdomar för de troende. Den betonar begreppet Tawheed (Guds enhet) och vikten av tro, tålamod och uthållighet i tider av motgång.
Suraen tar också upp domedagen, då alla kommer att ställas till svars för sina gärningar. Den försäkrar de troende om att Gud är rättvis och barmhärtig, och att han belönar dem som gör gott och straffar dem som gör ont.
Sammantaget fungerar Surah Yunus som en påminnelse om Guds makt, visdom och barmhärtighet, och uppmanar de troende att behålla tron på honom och följa den vägledning som hans sändebud ger för andlig vägledning och moraliskt uppförande.
Сура «Юнус», названа на честь пророка Йони (мир йому і благословення), є 10-ю главою Корану. Вона складається з 109 віршів і відноситься до категорії мекканських сур, що були зіслані до переселення Пророка Мухаммада (мир йому і благословення) до Медіни.
Розділ починається з акценту на ознаках Божого існування та могутності у створенні небес і землі. У ній підкреслюється мета послання посланців, щоб наставляти людство, і застерігається від наслідків відкидання цих послань.
Сура Юнус розповідає історії попередніх пророків, таких як Ной, Мойсей та Аарон (мир їм усім), щоб винести уроки для віруючих. Вона підкреслює концепцію Тавхід (Єдність Бога) і важливість віри, терпіння і наполегливості в часи випробувань.
У сурі також йдеться про Судний день, коли кожен відповідатиме за свої вчинки. Вона запевняє віруючих, що Бог справедливий і милосердний, винагороджує тих, хто чинить добро, і карає тих, хто чинить зло.
Загалом сура Юнус слугує нагадуванням про Божу силу, мудрість і милосердя, закликаючи віруючих зберігати віру в Нього і слідувати настановам, що їх дають Його посланці для духовного наставництва і моральної поведінки.
Surat at-Tawba, også kjent som Omvendelsens kapittel, er det niende kapittelet i Koranen. Kapitlet fokuserer først og fremst på temaer knyttet til anger, tilgivelse, krigføring og de troendes forpliktelser overfor de ikke-troende. Det består av 129 vers og er et av de lengste kapitlene i Koranen.
Kapitlet begynner med en erklæring om å ta avstand fra avtaler inngått med flergudsdyrkere, og understreker viktigheten av å holde fast ved sine forpliktelser overfor Gud. Det diskuterer også begrepet omvendelse og fremhever Guds barmhjertighet og tilgivelse overfor dem som oppriktig søker omvendelse.
Sura at-Tawba tar også opp spørsmålet om krigføring og gir retningslinjer for forsvarshandlinger mot angripere. Den understreker viktigheten av å stå opp mot urettferdighet og forsvare det muslimske fellesskapet når det er truet, samtidig som den tar til orde for fred og forsoning når det er mulig.
Kapitlet diskuterer de troendes forpliktelser overfor ikke-troende, og oppfordrer dem til å invitere andre til islam med visdom og god oppførsel. Det understreker behovet for tålmodighet og utholdenhet i møte med motgang og motstand.
Surat at-Tawba fungerer som en påminnelse om viktigheten av omvendelse, standhaftighet i troen og å stå opp for rettferdighet. Den oppmuntrer de troende til å holde fast ved prinsippene sine, samtidig som de streber etter fred og forståelse med andre.
La Surat at-Tawba, nota anche come Capitolo del pentimento, è il nono capitolo del Corano. Questo capitolo si concentra principalmente su temi legati al pentimento, al perdono, alla guerra e agli obblighi dei credenti nei confronti dei non credenti. È composto da 129 versetti ed è uno dei capitoli più lunghi del Corano.
Il capitolo inizia con una dichiarazione di dissociazione dagli accordi presi con i politeisti, sottolineando l'importanza di mantenere i propri impegni verso Dio. Discute inoltre il concetto di pentimento e mette in evidenza la misericordia e il perdono di Dio verso coloro che cercano sinceramente di pentirsi.
La Surat at-Tawba affronta anche il tema della guerra e fornisce le linee guida per le azioni di difesa contro gli aggressori. Sottolinea l'importanza di opporsi all'ingiustizia e di difendere la comunità musulmana quando è minacciata, sostenendo al contempo la pace e la riconciliazione ogni volta che è possibile.
Il capitolo discute gli obblighi dei credenti nei confronti dei non credenti, esortandoli a invitare gli altri all'Islam con saggezza e buona condotta. Sottolinea la necessità di avere pazienza e perseveranza di fronte alle avversità e alle opposizioni.
Nel complesso, la Surat at-Tawba serve a ricordare l'importanza del pentimento, della costanza nella fede e della difesa della giustizia. Incoraggia i credenti a sostenere i propri principi, cercando al contempo la pace e la comprensione con gli altri.
Soera at-Tawba, ook bekend als het Hoofdstuk van Berouw, is het negende hoofdstuk van de Koran. Dit hoofdstuk richt zich voornamelijk op thema's die te maken hebben met berouw, vergeving, oorlogvoering en de verplichtingen van gelovigen tegenover ongelovigen. Het bestaat uit 129 verzen en is een van de langere hoofdstukken in de Koran.
Het hoofdstuk begint met een verklaring dat men zich distantieert van overeenkomsten met veelgodenaanbidders en benadrukt het belang van het nakomen van zijn verplichtingen tegenover God. Het bespreekt ook het concept van berouw en benadrukt de genade en vergeving van God voor hen die oprecht berouw zoeken.
Soera at-Tawba behandelt ook het onderwerp oorlogvoering en geeft richtlijnen voor defensieve acties tegen agressors. Het benadrukt het belang van het opstaan tegen onrechtvaardigheid en het verdedigen van de moslimgemeenschap wanneer deze bedreigd wordt, terwijl er ook gepleit wordt voor vrede en verzoening waar mogelijk.
Het hoofdstuk bespreekt de verplichtingen van gelovigen tegenover ongelovigen en spoort hen aan om anderen met wijsheid en goed gedrag uit te nodigen tot de Islam. Het benadrukt de noodzaak van geduld en volharding in het aangezicht van tegenspoed en tegenstand.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera at-Tawba als een herinnering aan het belang van berouw, standvastigheid in het geloof en het opkomen voor rechtvaardigheid. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om hun principes hoog te houden en tegelijkertijd te streven naar vrede en begrip met anderen.
Surat at-Tawba, även känt som kapitlet om ånger, är det nionde kapitlet i Koranen. Detta kapitel fokuserar främst på teman som rör ånger, förlåtelse, krigföring och de troendes skyldigheter gentemot icke-troende. Det består av 129 verser och är ett av de längre kapitlen i Koranen.
Kapitlet inleds med en förklaring om avståndstagande från avtal som ingåtts med polyteister och betonar vikten av att upprätthålla sina åtaganden gentemot Gud. Det tar också upp begreppet ånger och betonar Guds barmhärtighet och förlåtelse gentemot dem som uppriktigt söker ånger.
Surat at-Tawba tar också upp frågan om krigföring och ger riktlinjer för defensiva åtgärder mot angripare. Här betonas vikten av att stå upp mot orättvisor och att försvara den muslimska gemenskapen när den hotas, samtidigt som man förespråkar fred och försoning närhelst det är möjligt.
Kapitlet diskuterar de troendes skyldigheter gentemot icke-troende och uppmanar dem att bjuda in andra till islam med visdom och gott uppförande. Det understryker behovet av tålamod och uthållighet inför motgångar och motstånd.
Överlag fungerar surat at-Tawba som en påminnelse om vikten av omvändelse, ståndaktighet i tron och att stå upp för rättvisa. Den uppmuntrar de troende att hålla fast vid sina principer och samtidigt sträva efter fred och förståelse med andra.
Surat at-Tawba, cunoscut și ca Capitolul Pocăinței, este cel de-al nouălea capitol din Coran. Acest capitol se concentrează în principal pe teme legate de pocăință, iertare, război și obligațiile credincioșilor față de necredincioși. Cuprinde 129 de versete și este unul dintre cele mai lungi capitole din Coran.
Capitolul începe cu o declarație de disociere de acordurile încheiate cu politeiștii, subliniind importanța respectării angajamentelor față de Dumnezeu. De asemenea, abordează conceptul de pocăință și evidențiază mila și iertarea lui Dumnezeu față de cei care caută în mod sincer pocăința.
Surat at-Tawba abordează, de asemenea, problema războiului și oferă orientări pentru acțiunile defensive împotriva agresorilor. Acesta subliniază importanța de a se ridica împotriva nedreptății și de a apăra comunitatea musulmană atunci când este amenințată, pledând în același timp pentru pace și reconciliere ori de câte ori este posibil.
Capitolul discută despre obligațiile credincioșilor față de necredincioși, îndemnându-i să îi invite pe alții la islam cu înțelepciune și bună purtare. Acesta subliniază nevoia de răbdare și perseverență în fața adversității și a opoziției.
În general, Surat at-Tawba reamintește importanța pocăinței, a statorniciei în credință și a apărării dreptății. Îi încurajează pe credincioși să își susțină principiile și, în același timp, să lupte pentru pace și înțelegere cu ceilalți.
회개의 장이라고도 알려진 수랏 앳 타우바는 꾸란의 아홉 번째 장입니다. 이 장은 주로 회개, 용서, 전쟁, 비신자에 대한 신자의 의무와 관련된 주제에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 129개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 꾸란에서 가장 긴 장 중 하나입니다.
이 장은 신에 대한 약속을 지키는 것의 중요성을 강조하면서 다신교도와의 합의로부터의 결별을 선언하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 또한 회개의 개념에 대해 논의하고 진심으로 회개를 구하는 사람들에 대한 하나님의 자비와 용서를 강조합니다.
수랏 앳 타우바는 또한 전쟁 문제를 다루고 침략자에 대한 방어 행동에 대한 지침을 제공합니다. 불의에 맞서 싸우고 위협을 받을 때 무슬림 공동체를 보호하는 것의 중요성을 강조하는 동시에 가능한 한 평화와 화해를 옹호합니다.
이 장에서는 비신자에 대한 신자의 의무에 대해 논의하며 지혜와 선한 행동으로 다른 사람들을 이슬람으로 초대할 것을 촉구합니다. 역경과 반대에도 불구하고 인내와 인내의 필요성을 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수랏 앳 타우바는 회개, 굳건한 믿음, 정의를 옹호하는 것의 중요성을 일깨우는 역할을 합니다. 또한 신자들이 자신의 원칙을 지키면서 다른 사람들과의 평화와 이해를 위해 노력하도록 장려합니다.
Surat at-Tawba, znany również jako Rozdział Skruchy, jest dziewiątym rozdziałem Koranu. Rozdział ten koncentruje się głównie na tematach związanych ze skruchą, przebaczeniem, wojną i obowiązkami wierzących wobec niewierzących. Składa się on ze 129 wersetów i jest jednym z dłuższych rozdziałów Koranu.
Rozdział ten rozpoczyna się deklaracją oderwania się od umów zawartych z politeistami, podkreślając znaczenie dotrzymywania zobowiązań wobec Boga. Omawia również koncepcję skruchy i podkreśla miłosierdzie i przebaczenie Boga wobec tych, którzy szczerze szukają skruchy.
Surat at-Tawba porusza również kwestię wojny i zawiera wytyczne dotyczące działań obronnych przeciwko agresorom. Podkreśla znaczenie przeciwstawiania się niesprawiedliwości i obrony społeczności muzułmańskiej, gdy jest ona zagrożona, jednocześnie opowiadając się za pokojem i pojednaniem, gdy tylko jest to możliwe.
Rozdział ten omawia obowiązki wierzących wobec niewierzących, zachęcając ich do zapraszania innych do islamu z mądrością i dobrym postępowaniem. Podkreśla potrzebę cierpliwości i wytrwałości w obliczu przeciwności i opozycji.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, Surat at-Tawba służy jako przypomnienie o znaczeniu pokuty, niezłomności w wierze i stawaniu w obronie sprawiedliwości. Zachęca wierzących do przestrzegania swoich zasad, jednocześnie dążąc do pokoju i zrozumienia z innymi.
Surat at-Tawba, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Katumuksen luku, on Koraanin yhdeksäs luku. Tässä luvussa keskitytään ensisijaisesti aiheisiin, jotka liittyvät katumukseen, anteeksiantoon, sodankäyntiin ja uskovien velvollisuuksiin ei-uskovia kohtaan. Se koostuu 129 jakeesta, ja se on yksi Koraanin pidemmistä luvuista.
Luku alkaa julistuksella, jossa sanoudutaan irti monijumalaisten kanssa tehdyistä sopimuksista ja korostetaan, että on tärkeää pitää kiinni sitoumuksistaan Jumalaa kohtaan. Siinä käsitellään myös parannuksen käsitettä ja korostetaan Jumalan armoa ja anteeksiantoa niitä kohtaan, jotka vilpittömästi etsivät parannusta.
Surat at-Tawba käsittelee myös sodankäyntiä ja antaa ohjeita puolustautumiseen hyökkääjiä vastaan. Siinä korostetaan, että on tärkeää vastustaa epäoikeudenmukaisuutta ja puolustaa muslimiyhteisöä, kun se on uhattuna, ja samalla puolustetaan rauhaa ja sovintoa aina kun se on mahdollista.
Luvussa käsitellään uskovien velvollisuuksia ei-uskovia kohtaan ja kehotetaan heitä kutsumaan muita islamiin viisaasti ja hyvällä käytöksellä. Siinä korostetaan kärsivällisyyden ja sinnikkyyden tarvetta vastoinkäymisten ja vastustuksen edessä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Surat at-Tawba toimii muistutuksena katumuksen, uskon lujuuden ja oikeudenmukaisuuden puolustamisen tärkeydestä. Se rohkaisee uskovia pitämään kiinni periaatteistaan ja pyrkimään samalla rauhaan ja ymmärrykseen muiden kanssa.
Surat at-Tawba, også kendt som Omvendelsens kapitel, er det niende kapitel i Koranen. Dette kapitel fokuserer primært på temaer relateret til omvendelse, tilgivelse, krigsførelse og de troendes forpligtelser over for ikke-troende. Det består af 129 vers og er et af de længere kapitler i Koranen.
Kapitlet begynder med en erklæring om afstandtagen fra aftaler indgået med polyteister og understreger vigtigheden af at holde fast i sine forpligtelser over for Gud. Det diskuterer også begrebet omvendelse og fremhæver Guds barmhjertighed og tilgivelse over for dem, der oprigtigt søger omvendelse.
Surat at-Tawba behandler også spørgsmålet om krigsførelse og giver retningslinjer for defensive handlinger mod angribere. Den understreger vigtigheden af at stå op mod uretfærdighed og forsvare det muslimske samfund, når det er truet, samtidig med at man går ind for fred og forsoning, når det er muligt.
Kapitlet diskuterer de troendes forpligtelser over for ikke-troende og opfordrer dem til at invitere andre til islam med visdom og god opførsel. Det understreger behovet for tålmodighed og udholdenhed over for modgang og modstand.
Overordnet set tjener Surat at-Tawba som en påmindelse om vigtigheden af omvendelse, standhaftighed i troen og at stå op for retfærdighed. Den opfordrer de troende til at holde fast i deres principper og samtidig stræbe efter fred og forståelse med andre.
Сурат ат-Тавба, також відомий як глава про покаяння, є дев'ятою главою Корану. Ця глава зосереджена на темах, пов'язаних з покаянням, прощенням, війною та обов'язками віруючих по відношенню до невіруючих. Вона складається з 129 віршів і є однією з найдовших глав Корану.
Розділ починається з декларації про відмежування від угод, укладених з багатобожниками, підкреслюючи важливість дотримання зобов'язань перед Богом. У ній також обговорюється поняття покаяння і підкреслюється милість і прощення Бога до тих, хто щиро прагне покаяння.
Сурат ат-Тавба також торкається питання війни і дає вказівки щодо оборонних дій проти агресорів. У ній підкреслюється важливість протистояння несправедливості та захисту мусульманської спільноти, коли їй загрожує небезпека, а також заклики до миру та примирення, коли це можливо.
У розділі обговорюються обов'язки віруючих щодо невіруючих, закликаючи їх запрошувати інших до ісламу з мудрістю та доброю поведінкою. Наголошується на необхідності терпіння та наполегливості перед лицем негараздів і протистояння.
Загалом Сурат ат-Тавба нагадує про важливість покаяння, стійкості у вірі та відстоювання справедливості. Він заохочує віруючих відстоювати свої принципи, водночас прагнучи миру та порозуміння з іншими.
“전쟁의 전리품"이라고도 알려진 수라 알 안팔은 꾸란의 여덟 번째 장입니다. 이 수라는 메디나에서 계시되었으며 75개의 구절로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 장은 주로 메디나의 무슬림과 메카의 쿠라이쉬 부족 사이에 벌어진 바드르 전투에 대해 이야기합니다.
수라는 신자들 사이의 믿음, 순종, 단결의 중요성을 강조하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 수라는 전투를 준비하고 역경 속에서도 굳건함을 유지하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 또한 이 장에서는 전쟁 전리품의 분배와 정의와 자선의 중요성에 대해서도 다룹니다.
수라 알 안팔은 바드르 전투에 이르기까지의 사건과 양측의 준비 과정을 설명합니다. 무슬림이 수적 열세와 장비 열세에도 불구하고 어떻게 승리를 거두었는지 설명하며, 성공은 신의 지원과 신자들의 믿음에서 비롯된다는 점을 강조합니다.
이 장은 또한 용서, 자비, 화해라는 주제를 다루고 있습니다. 이 장은 신자들이 평화를 추구하고 불필요한 갈등을 피하도록 권장합니다. 전쟁 중에도 도덕적 가치를 지키는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수라 알 안팔은 신자들이 신앙을 굳건히 지키고 정의와 화합을 위해 노력하며 모든 상황에서 하나님의 인도와 지원을 신뢰하도록 상기시키는 역할을 합니다.
Soera al-Anfal, ook bekend als “De buit van de oorlog”, is het achtste hoofdstuk van de Koran. Deze Soera werd geopenbaard in Medina en bestaat uit 75 verzen. Het hoofdstuk bespreekt voornamelijk de Slag bij Badr, die plaatsvond tussen de moslims van Medina en de Qoeraisj-stam van Mekka.
De Soera begint met het benadrukken van het belang van geloof, gehoorzaamheid en eenheid onder de gelovigen. Het benadrukt het belang van de voorbereiding op de strijd en het handhaven van standvastigheid in het aangezicht van tegenspoed. Het hoofdstuk behandelt ook de verdeling van oorlogsbuit en het belang van rechtvaardigheid en liefdadigheid.
Soera al-Anfal beschrijft de gebeurtenissen die leidden tot de Slag bij Badr, inclusief de voorbereidingen van beide partijen. Het verhaalt hoe de moslims de overwinning behaalden ondanks het feit dat ze in de minderheid en slecht uitgerust waren, en benadrukt dat succes voortkomt uit de steun van God en het geloof van de gelovigen.
Het hoofdstuk behandelt ook thema's als vergeving, barmhartigheid en verzoening. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om vrede te zoeken en onnodige conflicten te vermijden. Het benadrukt het belang van het handhaven van morele waarden, zelfs in tijden van oorlog.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera al-Anfal als een herinnering voor gelovigen om standvastig te blijven in hun geloof, te streven naar rechtvaardigheid en eenheid, en te vertrouwen op Gods leiding en steun in alle omstandigheden.
Surah al-Anfal, også kendt som »Krigsbyttet«, er det ottende kapitel i Koranen. Suraen blev åbenbaret i Medina og består af 75 vers. Kapitlet handler primært om slaget ved Badr, som fandt sted mellem muslimerne i Medina og Quraysh-stammen i Mekka.
Suraen begynder med at understrege vigtigheden af tro, lydighed og sammenhold blandt de troende. Den fremhæver betydningen af at forberede sig til kamp og bevare standhaftigheden i modgang. Kapitlet omhandler også fordelingen af krigsbytte og vigtigheden af retfærdighed og velgørenhed.
Sura al-Anfal beskriver begivenhederne op til slaget ved Badr, herunder begge siders forberedelser. Den fortæller, hvordan muslimerne opnåede sejr på trods af, at de var i undertal og dårligere udrustet, og understreger, at succes kommer fra Guds støtte og de troendes tro.
Kapitlet berører også temaer som tilgivelse, barmhjertighed og forsoning. Det opfordrer de troende til at søge fred og undgå unødvendige konflikter. Det understreger vigtigheden af at opretholde moralske værdier selv i krigstider.
Alt i alt tjener Surah al-Anfal som en påmindelse til de troende om at forblive standhaftige i deres tro, stræbe efter retfærdighed og enhed og stole på Guds vejledning og støtte under alle omstændigheder.
La Surah al-Anfal, nota anche come “Il bottino di guerra”, è l'ottavo capitolo del Corano. Questa Surah fu rivelata a Medina ed è composta da 75 versetti. Il capitolo tratta principalmente della battaglia di Badr, che ebbe luogo tra i musulmani di Medina e la tribù Quraysh della Mecca.
La Surah inizia sottolineando l'importanza della fede, dell'obbedienza e dell'unità tra i credenti. Evidenzia l'importanza di prepararsi alla battaglia e di mantenere la fermezza di fronte alle avversità. Il capitolo tratta anche della distribuzione del bottino di guerra e dell'importanza della giustizia e della carità.
La Surah al-Anfal descrive gli eventi che portarono alla battaglia di Badr, compresi i preparativi fatti da entrambe le parti. Narra come i musulmani ottennero la vittoria nonostante fossero in inferiorità numerica e di equipaggiamento, sottolineando che il successo deriva dal sostegno di Dio e dalla fede dei credenti.
Il capitolo tocca anche i temi del perdono, della misericordia e della riconciliazione. Incoraggia i credenti a cercare la pace e a evitare conflitti inutili. Sottolinea l'importanza di sostenere i valori morali anche in tempo di guerra.
Nel complesso, la Surah al-Anfal serve a ricordare ai credenti di rimanere saldi nella loro fede, di lottare per la giustizia e l'unità e di confidare nella guida e nel sostegno di Dio in ogni circostanza.
Sura al-Anfal, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä ”Sotasaalis”, on Koraanin kahdeksas luku. Tämä Sura ilmoitettiin Medinassa, ja se koostuu 75 jakeesta. Luvussa käsitellään ensisijaisesti Badrin taistelua, joka käytiin Medinan muslimien ja Mekan Quraysh-heimon välillä.
Sura alkaa korostamalla uskon, kuuliaisuuden ja uskovien välisen yhtenäisyyden merkitystä. Siinä korostetaan taisteluun valmistautumisen ja vastoinkäymisten sattuessa lujuuden säilyttämisen merkitystä. Luvussa käsitellään myös sotasaaliin jakamista sekä oikeudenmukaisuuden ja hyväntekeväisyyden merkitystä.
Sura al-Anfal kuvaa Badrin taistelua edeltäviä tapahtumia, mukaan lukien molempien osapuolten tekemät valmistelut. Siinä kerrotaan, miten muslimit saavuttivat voiton huolimatta siitä, että heitä oli vähemmän ja he olivat huonommin varustettuja, ja korostetaan, että menestys tulee Jumalan tuesta ja uskovien uskosta.
Luvussa käsitellään myös anteeksiannon, armon ja sovinnon teemoja. Se rohkaisee uskovia etsimään rauhaa ja välttämään tarpeettomia konflikteja. Siinä korostetaan moraalisten arvojen ylläpitämisen tärkeyttä myös sodan aikana.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura al-Anfal toimii uskoville muistutuksena siitä, että heidän on pysyttävä lujana uskossaan, pyrittävä oikeudenmukaisuuteen ja yhtenäisyyteen ja luotettava Jumalan johdatukseen ja tukeen kaikissa olosuhteissa.
Surah al-Anfal, cunoscută și sub numele de „Prada de război”, este al optulea capitol din Coran. Această Surah a fost revelată în Medina și constă din 75 de versete. Capitolul discută în principal despre Bătălia de la Badr, care a avut loc între musulmanii din Medina și tribul Quraysh din Mecca.
Sura începe prin a sublinia importanța credinței, a supunerii și a unității între credincioși. Ea subliniază importanța pregătirii pentru luptă și a menținerii fermității în fața adversității. Capitolul abordează, de asemenea, distribuirea prăzii de război și importanța justiției și a carității.
Surah al-Anfal descrie evenimentele care au condus la bătălia de la Badr, inclusiv pregătirile făcute de ambele părți. Aceasta relatează modul în care musulmanii au obținut victoria în ciuda faptului că erau depășiți numeric și din punct de vedere al echipamentului, subliniind faptul că succesul vine din sprijinul lui Dumnezeu și din credința credincioșilor.
Capitolul abordează, de asemenea, teme precum iertarea, mila și reconcilierea. Acesta încurajează credincioșii să caute pacea și să evite conflictele inutile. Acesta subliniază importanța susținerii valorilor morale chiar și în timp de război.
În general, Surah al-Anfal le reamintește credincioșilor să rămână fermi în credința lor, să lupte pentru dreptate și unitate și să aibă încredere în călăuzirea și sprijinul lui Dumnezeu în orice situație.
Sura al-Anfal, også kjent som «Krigsbyttet», er det åttende kapittelet i Koranen. Suraen ble åpenbart i Medina og består av 75 vers. Kapitlet omhandler først og fremst slaget ved Badr, som fant sted mellom muslimene i Medina og Quraysh-stammen i Mekka.
Suraen begynner med å understreke viktigheten av tro, lydighet og samhold blant de troende. Den fremhever betydningen av å forberede seg til kamp og å være standhaftig i møte med motgang. Kapitlet tar også for seg fordelingen av krigsbytte og betydningen av rettferdighet og nestekjærlighet.
Sura al-Anfal beskriver hendelsene som ledet opp til slaget ved Badr, inkludert forberedelsene som ble gjort på begge sider. Det fortelles om hvordan muslimene vant til tross for at de var i mindretall og dårligere utrustet, og det understrekes at suksess kommer fra Guds støtte og de troendes tro.
Kapitlet berører også temaer som tilgivelse, barmhjertighet og forsoning. Det oppfordrer de troende til å søke fred og unngå unødvendige konflikter. Det understreker viktigheten av å opprettholde moralske verdier selv i krigstid.
Sura al-Anfal fungerer som en påminnelse til de troende om å holde fast ved sin tro, strebe etter rettferdighet og enhet og stole på Guds veiledning og støtte under alle omstendigheter.
Sura al-Anfal, znana również jako „Łupy wojenne”, jest ósmym rozdziałem Koranu. Sura ta została objawiona w Medynie i składa się z 75 wersetów. Rozdział ten omawia przede wszystkim bitwę pod Badr, która miała miejsce między muzułmanami z Medyny a plemieniem Kurajszytów z Mekki.
Sura rozpoczyna się od podkreślenia znaczenia wiary, posłuszeństwa i jedności wśród wierzących. Podkreśla znaczenie przygotowania do bitwy i zachowania niezłomności w obliczu przeciwności losu. Rozdział ten odnosi się również do podziału łupów wojennych oraz znaczenia sprawiedliwości i dobroczynności.
Sura al-Anfal opisuje wydarzenia prowadzące do bitwy pod Badr, w tym przygotowania poczynione przez obie strony. Opowiada o tym, jak muzułmanie odnieśli zwycięstwo, mimo że mieli przewagę liczebną i byli gorzej wyposażeni, podkreślając, że sukces zawdzięczają wsparciu Boga i wierze wierzących.
Rozdział ten porusza również tematy przebaczenia, miłosierdzia i pojednania. Zachęca wierzących do poszukiwania pokoju i unikania niepotrzebnych konfliktów. Podkreśla znaczenie podtrzymywania wartości moralnych nawet w czasach wojny.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura al-Anfal służy jako przypomnienie dla wierzących, aby pozostali niezłomni w swojej wierze, dążyli do sprawiedliwości i jedności oraz ufali Bożemu przewodnictwu i wsparciu w każdych okolicznościach.
Sura al-Anfal, även känd som ”Krigsbytet”, är det åttonde kapitlet i Koranen. Sura uppenbarades i Medina och består av 75 verser. Kapitlet handlar främst om slaget vid Badr, som ägde rum mellan muslimerna i Medina och Quraysh-stammen i Mecka.
Suraen inleds med att betona vikten av tro, lydnad och enighet bland de troende. Den belyser betydelsen av att förbereda sig för strid och att vara ståndaktig inför motgångar. Kapitlet tar också upp fördelningen av krigsbyten och vikten av rättvisa och välgörenhet.
Surah al-Anfal beskriver händelserna som ledde fram till slaget vid Badr, inklusive de förberedelser som gjordes av båda sidor. Det berättas hur muslimerna uppnådde seger trots att de var i numerärt underläge och dåligt utrustade, vilket understryker att framgång kommer från Guds stöd och de troendes tro.
Kapitlet berör också teman som förlåtelse, barmhärtighet och försoning. Det uppmuntrar de troende att söka fred och undvika onödiga konflikter. Det understryker vikten av att upprätthålla moraliska värden även i krigstider.
Sammantaget fungerar sura al-Anfal som en påminnelse för de troende att vara orubbliga i sin tro, sträva efter rättvisa och enighet och lita på Guds vägledning och stöd under alla omständigheter.
Сура аль-Анфаль, також відома як «Воєнні трофеї», є восьмою главою Корану. Ця сура була знайдена в Медині і складається з 75 віршів. У ній передусім йдеться про битву при Бадрі, що відбулася між мусульманами Медіни та мекканським племенем курайшитів.
Сура починається з підкреслення важливості віри, послуху та єдності між віруючими. Вона підкреслює важливість підготовки до битви і збереження стійкості перед лицем негараздів. У розділі також йдеться про розподіл військової здобичі та важливість справедливості й милосердя.
Сура аль-Анфаль описує події, що передували битві при Бадрі, в тому числі підготовку обох сторін. Вона розповідає про те, як мусульмани здобули перемогу, незважаючи на те, що їх було більше і вони були краще озброєні, підкреслюючи, що успіх приходить завдяки Божій підтримці та вірі віруючих.
Глава також зачіпає теми прощення, милосердя і примирення. Вона заохочує віруючих шукати миру та уникати непотрібних конфліктів. Наголошується на важливості відстоювання моральних цінностей навіть під час війни.
Загалом Сура Аль-Анфаль нагадує віруючим залишатися непохитними у своїй вірі, прагнути справедливості та єдності, довіряти Божому керівництву та підтримці за будь-яких обставин.
Sura al-A'raf, Koranens syvende kapittel, består av 206 vers. Kapitlet tar for seg ulike temaer, blant annet fortellingene om tidligere profeter og deres samfunn, viktigheten av å følge Guds veiledning, konsekvensene av vantro og dommens dag.
Kapitlet begynner med en diskusjon om Adams (fred være med ham) skapelse og hans fall fra paradiset på grunn av Satans bedrag. Deretter fortelles det om flere profeter som Nuh (Noah), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) og Shu'aib (fred være med dem alle), og det legges vekt på deres kamp for å kalle folket til å tilbe den ene sanne Gud og følge Hans bud.
Sura al-A'raf fremhever også konseptet om ansvarlighet på dommens dag, der hver enkelt vil bli dømt på grunnlag av sine gjerninger. Den understreker viktigheten av å søke tilgivelse hos Gud og adlyde Hans befalinger for å oppnå frelse i det hinsidige.
Kapitlet advarer mot farene ved arroganse, stolthet og det å følge egne ønsker fremfor guddommelig veiledning. Det understreker betydningen av ydmykhet, tro og rettskaffenhet for å oppnå suksess både i denne verden og i den neste.
Sura al-A'raf fungerer som en påminnelse til de troende om å holde fast ved sin tro, søke kunnskap i Koranen og bestrebe seg på å leve et liv i samsvar med islamsk lære for å oppnå Guds nåde og velsignelser.
꾸란의 7번째 장인 수라 알-아라프는 206개의 구절로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 장에서는 이전 예언자들과 그들의 공동체에 대한 이야기, 신의 인도를 따르는 것의 중요성, 불신의 결과, 심판의 날 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
이 장은 아담의 창조와 사탄의 속임수로 인해 낙원에서 타락한 아담에 대한 이야기로 시작됩니다(평화가 그에게 임하길). 그런 다음 누(노아), 후드, 살레, 루트(롯), 슈아이브(그들 모두에게 평화가 있기를) 등 여러 선지자의 이야기를 들려주며 백성들에게 유일신 하나님을 경배하고 그분의 계명을 따르도록 촉구하는 그들의 고군분투를 중점적으로 다룹니다.
수라 알-아라프는 또한 심판의 날에 모든 개인이 자신의 행위에 따라 심판을 받게 될 책임의 개념을 강조합니다. 또한 내세에서 구원을 얻기 위해 하나님의 용서를 구하고 그분의 명령에 순종하는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
이 장에서는 오만과 교만, 신의 인도보다 자신의 욕망을 따르는 것의 위험성에 대해 경고합니다. 이 세상과 내세에서 모두 성공하는 데 있어 겸손, 믿음, 의로움이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수라 알-아라프는 신자들이 굳건한 믿음을 유지하고 꾸란에서 지식을 구하며 하나님의 자비와 축복을 얻기 위해 이슬람의 가르침에 따른 삶을 살도록 노력하도록 상기시키는 역할을 합니다.
La Surah Al-A'raf, il settimo capitolo del Corano, è composta da 206 versetti. Questo capitolo tratta vari temi, tra cui le storie dei profeti precedenti e delle loro comunità, l'importanza di seguire la guida di Dio, le conseguenze della miscredenza e il Giorno del Giudizio.
Il capitolo inizia con una discussione sulla creazione di Adamo (pace su di lui) e sulla sua caduta dal Paradiso a causa dell'inganno di Satana. Narra poi le storie di diversi profeti, come Nuh (Noè), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) e Shu'aib (la pace sia su di loro), sottolineando le loro lotte nel richiamare il loro popolo all'adorazione dell'unico vero Dio e al rispetto dei suoi comandamenti.
La Surah Al-A'raf evidenzia anche il concetto di responsabilità nel Giorno del Giudizio, dove ogni individuo sarà giudicato in base alle sue azioni. Sottolinea l'importanza di chiedere perdono a Dio e di obbedire ai suoi comandi per ottenere la salvezza nell'altra vita.
Il capitolo mette in guardia dai pericoli dell'arroganza, dell'orgoglio e del seguire i propri desideri piuttosto che la guida divina. Sottolinea l'importanza dell'umiltà, della fede e della rettitudine per raggiungere il successo sia in questo mondo che nell'altro.
Nel complesso, la Surah Al-A'raf serve a ricordare ai credenti di rimanere saldi nella loro fede, di cercare la conoscenza del Corano e di sforzarsi di vivere una vita in accordo con gli insegnamenti islamici per ottenere la misericordia e le benedizioni di Dio.
Sura Al-A'raf, siódmy rozdział Koranu, składa się z 206 wersetów. Rozdział ten obejmuje różne tematy, w tym historie poprzednich proroków i ich społeczności, znaczenie podążania za Bożym przewodnictwem, konsekwencje niewiary i Dzień Sądu Ostatecznego.
Rozdział rozpoczyna się od dyskusji na temat stworzenia Adama (niech pokój z nim będzie) i jego upadku z raju z powodu oszustwa szatana. Następnie opowiada historie kilku proroków, takich jak Nuh (Noe), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) i Shu'aib (niech pokój będzie z nimi wszystkimi), podkreślając ich zmagania w nawoływaniu ludzi do czczenia jednego prawdziwego Boga i przestrzegania Jego przykazań.
Sura Al-A'raf podkreśla również koncepcję odpowiedzialności w Dniu Sądu, w którym każda osoba zostanie osądzona na podstawie swoich uczynków. Podkreśla znaczenie szukania przebaczenia u Boga i posłuszeństwa Jego nakazom, aby osiągnąć zbawienie w życiu ostatecznym.
Rozdział ten ostrzega przed niebezpieczeństwami związanymi z arogancją, pychą i podążaniem za własnymi pragnieniami ponad boskim przewodnictwem. Podkreśla znaczenie pokory, wiary i prawości w osiąganiu sukcesów zarówno na tym świecie, jak i w przyszłym.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Al-A'raf służy jako przypomnienie dla wierzących, aby pozostali niezłomni w swojej wierze, poszukiwali wiedzy z Koranu i starali się żyć zgodnie z naukami islamu, aby osiągnąć Boże miłosierdzie i błogosławieństwa.
Soera Al-A'raf, het 7e hoofdstuk van de Koran, bestaat uit 206 verzen. Dit hoofdstuk behandelt verschillende thema's waaronder de verhalen van voorgaande profeten en hun gemeenschappen, het belang van het volgen van Gods leiding, de gevolgen van ongeloof en de Dag des Oordeels.
Het hoofdstuk begint met een bespreking van de schepping van Adam (vrede zij met hem) en zijn val uit het Paradijs als gevolg van Satans misleiding. Daarna worden verhalen verteld over verschillende profeten zoals Nuh (Noach), Hoed, Saleh, Lut (Lot) en Shu'aib (vrede zij met hen allen), waarbij de nadruk wordt gelegd op hun strijd om hun volk op te roepen om de ene ware God te aanbidden en Zijn geboden te volgen.
Soera Al-A'raf benadrukt ook het concept van verantwoording op de Dag des Oordeels waar ieder individu beoordeeld zal worden op basis van zijn daden. Het benadrukt het belang van het vragen om vergeving van God en het gehoorzamen van Zijn geboden om redding te verkrijgen in het Hiernamaals.
Het hoofdstuk waarschuwt voor de gevaren van arrogantie, hoogmoed en het volgen van eigen verlangens boven goddelijke leiding. Het benadrukt het belang van nederigheid, geloof en rechtschapenheid voor het behalen van succes in deze en de volgende wereld.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Al-A'raf als een herinnering voor gelovigen om standvastig te blijven in hun geloof, kennis te zoeken in de Koran en ernaar te streven een leven te leiden in overeenstemming met de Islamitische leer om Gods genade en zegeningen te verkrijgen.
Koraanin seitsemäs luku, Sura Al-A'raf, koostuu 206 jakeesta. Tässä luvussa käsitellään erilaisia aiheita, kuten kertomuksia edellisistä profeetoista ja heidän yhteisöistään, Jumalan johdatuksen noudattamisen tärkeyttä, epäuskon seurauksia ja tuomiopäivää.
Luku alkaa keskustelulla Aatamin (rauha hänelle) luomisesta ja hänen putoamisestaan paratiisista Saatanan petoksen vuoksi. Sen jälkeen kerrotaan tarinoita useista profeetoista, kuten Nuh (Nooasta), Hudista, Salehista, Lutista (Lootista) ja Shu'aibista (rauha heille kaikille), ja korostetaan heidän kamppailuaan kutsuessaan kansaansa palvomaan yhtä ainoaa todellista Jumalaa ja noudattamaan Hänen käskyjään.
Sura Al-A'raf korostaa myös vastuun käsitettä tuomiopäivänä, jolloin jokainen yksilö tuomitaan tekojensa perusteella. Siinä korostetaan, kuinka tärkeää on pyytää Jumalalta anteeksiantoa ja totella Hänen käskyjään, jotta pelastuksen voi saavuttaa tuonpuoleisessa.
Luvussa varoitetaan ylimielisyyden, ylpeyden ja omien halujen seuraamisen vaaroista jumalallisen ohjauksen sijaan. Siinä korostetaan nöyryyden, uskon ja vanhurskauden merkitystä menestyksen saavuttamisessa sekä tässä että seuraavassa maailmassa.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura al-A'raf toimii muistutuksena uskoville, jotta he pysyisivät lujana uskossaan, etsisivät tietoa Koraanista ja pyrkisivät elämään islamilaisten opetusten mukaista elämää saavuttaakseen Jumalan armon ja siunaukset.
Surah Al-A'raf, det sjunde kapitlet i Koranen, består av 206 verser. Detta kapitel behandlar olika teman, bland annat berättelserna om tidigare profeter och deras samhällen, vikten av att följa Guds vägledning, konsekvenserna av otro och domedagen.
Kapitlet inleds med en diskussion om Adams (frid vare med honom) skapelse och hans fall från paradiset på grund av Satans bedrägeri. Därefter berättas historier om flera profeter som Nuh (Noa), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) och Shu'aib (frid vare med dem alla), där deras kamp för att få sina folk att dyrka den ende sanne Guden och följa hans bud betonas.
Sura Al-A'raf lyfter också fram begreppet ansvarighet på domedagen då varje individ kommer att bedömas utifrån sina gärningar. Den betonar vikten av att söka förlåtelse hos Gud och lyda hans befallningar för att uppnå frälsning i det hinsides.
Kapitlet varnar för farorna med arrogans, stolthet och att följa sina egna önskningar i stället för gudomlig vägledning. Det betonar betydelsen av ödmjukhet, tro och rättfärdighet för att nå framgång både i denna värld och i nästa.
Sammantaget fungerar sura al-A'raf som en påminnelse för de troende att hålla fast vid sin tro, söka kunskap i Koranen och sträva efter att leva ett liv i enlighet med den islamiska läran för att uppnå Guds nåd och välsignelser.
Sura Al-A'raf, det 7. kapitel i Koranen, består af 206 vers. Dette kapitel dækker forskellige temaer, herunder historierne om tidligere profeter og deres samfund, vigtigheden af at følge Guds vejledning, konsekvenserne af vantro og dommedag.
Kapitlet begynder med en diskussion om skabelsen af Adam (fred være med ham) og hans fald fra Paradiset på grund af Satans bedrag. Derefter fortælles historier om flere profeter som Nuh (Noah), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) og Shu'aib (fred være med dem alle), og der lægges vægt på deres kamp for at få deres folk til at tilbede den ene sande Gud og følge hans bud.
Sura Al-A'raf fremhæver også begrebet ansvarlighed på dommens dag, hvor hver enkelt person vil blive bedømt ud fra sine gerninger. Den understreger vigtigheden af at søge tilgivelse hos Gud og adlyde hans befalinger for at opnå frelse i det hinsidige.
Kapitlet advarer mod farerne ved arrogance, stolthed og ved at følge sine egne ønsker frem for guddommelig vejledning. Det understreger betydningen af ydmyghed, tro og retfærdighed for at opnå succes både i denne verden og i den næste.
Alt i alt tjener Sura Al-A'raf som en påmindelse til de troende om at forblive standhaftige i deres tro, søge viden fra Koranen og stræbe efter at leve et liv i overensstemmelse med islamisk lære for at opnå Guds nåde og velsignelser.
Soera Al-An'am, ook bekend als het Hoofdstuk van het vee, is het zesde hoofdstuk van de Koran. Het bestaat uit 165 verzen en werd in Mekka geopenbaard. Het hoofdstuk behandelt verschillende thema's, waaronder de eenheid van God, het belang van het volgen van Zijn leiding en de gevolgen van ongeloof.
Het hoofdstuk begint met het benadrukken van de eenheid van God en Zijn rol als Schepper en Onderhouder van het universum. Het benadrukt de tekenen in de natuur die wijzen op Zijn bestaan en macht, en spoort mensen aan om na te denken over deze tekenen en zich te onderwerpen aan Zijn wil.
Soera Al-An'am behandelt ook het concept van shirk, of het associëren van partners met God, wat in de Islam als een ernstige zonde wordt beschouwd. Het waarschuwt tegen het volgen van de misleide overtuigingen en praktijken van polytheïsten en afgodendienaren, en spoort gelovigen aan om standvastig te blijven in hun geloof en alleen God te aanbidden.
Het hoofdstuk vertelt verhalen van vroegere profeten, zoals Noach, Abraham, Mozes en anderen, die te maken kregen met tegenstand van hun volk, maar standvastig bleven in hun missie om anderen op te roepen tot monotheïsme. Deze verhalen dienen als lessen voor gelovigen over het belang van geduld, volharding en vertrouwen in Gods plan.
Soera Al-An'am bespreekt ook het concept van goddelijk besluit (qadar) en benadrukt dat alles gebeurt volgens Gods wil en wijsheid. Het stelt gelovigen gerust dat ze op Gods plan moeten vertrouwen en tevreden moeten zijn met wat Hij voor hen verordent.
Over het algemeen dient Soera Al-An'am als een herinnering aan de fundamentele principes van de Islam, zoals monotheïsme, profeetschap, goddelijk bevel en verantwoording in het Hiernamaals. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om na te denken over hun geloof en daden, leiding te zoeken in de Koran en te streven naar een rechtvaardig leven in overeenstemming met Gods geboden.
Surah Al-A'raf, cel de-al 7-lea capitol al Coranului, este alcătuit din 206 versete. Acest capitol acoperă diverse teme, inclusiv poveștile profeților anteriori și ale comunităților lor, importanța urmării călăuzirii lui Dumnezeu, consecințele necredinței și Ziua Judecății.
Capitolul începe cu o discuție despre crearea lui Adam (Pacea fie asupra sa!) și căderea sa din Paradis din cauza înșelăciunii lui Satana. Apoi relatează poveștile mai multor profeți, cum ar fi Nuh (Noe), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) și Shu'aib (pacea fie asupra lor toți), subliniind eforturile lor de a-și chema poporul să se închine unui singur Dumnezeu adevărat și să urmeze poruncile Sale.
Surah Al-A'raf subliniază, de asemenea, conceptul de responsabilitate în Ziua Judecății de Apoi, când fiecare individ va fi judecat pe baza faptelor sale. Ea subliniază importanța căutării iertării de la Dumnezeu și a ascultării de poruncile Sale pentru a obține mântuirea în Viața de Apoi.
Capitolul avertizează împotriva pericolelor aroganței, mândriei și urmării dorințelor proprii în detrimentul îndrumării divine. Acesta subliniază importanța umilinței, a credinței și a dreptății în obținerea succesului atât în această lume, cât și în cealaltă.
În general, Surah Al-A'raf le reamintește credincioșilor să rămână fermi în credința lor, să caute cunoștințe din Coran și să se străduiască să trăiască o viață în conformitate cu învățăturile islamice pentru a obține mila și binecuvântările lui Dumnezeu.
Сура «Аль-Араф», 7-й розділ Корану, складається з 206 віршів. Ця глава охоплює різні теми, включаючи історії попередніх пророків та їхніх громад, важливість слідування Божому керівництву, наслідки невір'я та Судний день.
Розділ починається з обговорення створення Адама (мир йому і благословення) і його падіння з раю через обман сатани. Далі розповідається про кількох пророків, таких як Нух (Ной), Худ, Салех, Лут (Лот) і Шуаіб (мир їм усім), підкреслюється їхня боротьба за те, щоб закликати свій народ поклонятися єдиному істинному Богові і слідувати Його заповідям.
Сура Аль-Араф також висвітлює концепцію відповідальності у Судний день, коли кожна людина буде судима на основі своїх вчинків. Вона підкреслює важливість просити прощення у Бога і слухатися Його заповідей, щоб досягти спасіння в потойбічному житті.
Розділ застерігає від небезпеки зарозумілості, гордості та слідування власним бажанням, а не Божому керівництву. Вона підкреслює важливість смирення, віри та праведності для досягнення успіху як у цьому світі, так і в потойбічному.
Загалом сура «Аль-Араф» слугує нагадуванням для віруючих залишатися непохитними у своїй вірі, шукати знання з Корану та прагнути жити згідно з ісламським вченням, щоб досягти Божої милості та благословення.
Surah Al-An'am, også kendt som kapitlet om husdyr, er det sjette kapitel i Koranen. Det består af 165 vers og blev åbenbaret i Mekka. Kapitlet dækker forskellige temaer, herunder Guds enhed, vigtigheden af at følge hans vejledning og konsekvenserne af vantro.
Kapitlet begynder med at understrege Guds enhed og hans rolle som universets skaber og opretholder. Det fremhæver de tegn i naturen, der peger på hans eksistens og magt, og opfordrer folk til at reflektere over disse tegn og underkaste sig hans vilje.
Sura Al-An'am behandler også begrebet shirk eller det at knytte partnere til Gud, hvilket betragtes som en alvorlig synd i islam. Den advarer mod at følge polyteisters og afgudsdyrkeres vildledte tro og praksis og opfordrer de troende til at stå fast i deres tro og kun tilbede Gud.
Kapitlet fortæller historier om tidligere profeter som Noah, Abraham, Moses og andre, som mødte modstand fra deres folk, men forblev standhaftige i deres mission om at kalde andre til monoteisme. Disse historier tjener som lærestykker for de troende om vigtigheden af tålmodighed, udholdenhed og tillid til Guds plan.
Sura Al-An'am diskuterer også begrebet guddommeligt dekret (qadar) og understreger, at alt sker i overensstemmelse med Guds vilje og visdom. Den forsikrer de troende om, at de skal stole på Guds plan og være tilfredse med det, han bestemmer for dem.
Overordnet set fungerer Sura Al-An'am som en påmindelse om de grundlæggende principper i islam, såsom monoteisme, profetskab, guddommelige dekreter og ansvarlighed i det hinsidige. Den opfordrer de troende til at reflektere over deres tro og handlinger, søge vejledning i Koranen og stræbe efter at leve et retfærdigt liv i overensstemmelse med Guds bud.
Surah Al-An'am, även känt som kapitlet om boskapen, är det sjätte kapitlet i Koranen. Det består av 165 verser och uppenbarades i Mecka. Kapitlet behandlar olika teman, bland annat Guds enhet, vikten av att följa hans vägledning och konsekvenserna av otro.
Kapitlet inleds med att betona Guds enhet och hans roll som universums skapare och upprätthållare. Det lyfter fram de tecken i naturen som pekar på hans existens och makt, och uppmanar människor att reflektera över dessa tecken och underkasta sig hans vilja.
Sura Al-An'am tar också upp begreppet shirk, eller att associera partner med Gud, vilket betraktas som en allvarlig synd inom islam. Den varnar för att följa polyteisternas och avgudadyrkarnas vilseledande tro och sedvänjor och uppmanar de troende att hålla fast vid sin tro och dyrka endast Gud.
Kapitlet återger berättelser om tidigare profeter, såsom Noa, Abraham, Moses och andra, som mötte motstånd från sina folk men förblev orubbliga i sitt uppdrag att kalla andra till monoteism. Dessa berättelser tjänar som lärdomar för de troende om vikten av tålamod, uthållighet och tillit till Guds plan.
Sura Al-An'am diskuterar också begreppet gudomligt dekret (qadar) och betonar att allt sker i enlighet med Guds vilja och visdom. Det försäkrar de troende om att de bör lita på Guds plan och vara nöjda med vad han än föreskriver för dem.
Överlag fungerar sura al-An'am som en påminnelse om islams grundläggande principer, såsom monoteism, profetskap, gudomligt påbud och ansvarighet i det kommande livet. Den uppmuntrar de troende att reflektera över sin tro och sina handlingar, att söka vägledning i Koranen och att sträva efter att leva ett rättfärdigt liv i enlighet med Guds bud.
Sura Al-An'am, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Karjan luku, on Koraanin kuudes luku. Se koostuu 165 jakeesta, ja se ilmoitettiin Mekassa. Luvussa käsitellään erilaisia aiheita, kuten Jumalan ykseyttä, Hänen johdatuksensa noudattamisen tärkeyttä ja epäuskon seurauksia.
Luku alkaa korostamalla Jumalan ykseyttä ja Hänen rooliaan maailmankaikkeuden luojana ja ylläpitäjänä. Siinä korostetaan luonnossa esiintyviä merkkejä, jotka viittaavat Hänen olemassaoloonsa ja voimaansa, ja kehotetaan ihmisiä pohtimaan näitä merkkejä ja alistumaan Hänen tahtoonsa.
Sura Al-An'am käsittelee myös shirkin käsitettä eli kumppaneiden liittämistä Jumalaan, jota pidetään vakavana syntinä islamissa. Siinä varoitetaan noudattamasta monijumalaisten ja epäjumalanpalvelijoiden harhaanjohtavia uskomuksia ja käytäntöjä ja kehotetaan uskovia pysymään lujana uskossaan ja palvomaan vain Jumalaa.
Luvussa kerrotaan tarinoita menneistä profeetoista, kuten Nooasta, Aabrahamista, Mooseksesta ja muista, jotka kohtasivat kansansa vastustusta mutta pysyivät lujana tehtävässään kutsua muita yksijumalaisuuteen. Nämä tarinat toimivat uskoville opetuksina kärsivällisyyden, sinnikkyyden ja Jumalan suunnitelmaan luottamisen tärkeydestä.
Sura Al-An'amissa käsitellään myös jumalallisen määräyksen (qadar) käsitettä ja korostetaan, että kaikki tapahtuu Jumalan tahdon ja viisauden mukaan. Se rauhoittaa uskovia siitä, että heidän tulisi luottaa Jumalan suunnitelmaan ja tyytyä siihen, mitä Hän määrää heille.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Al-An'am muistuttaa islamin perusperiaatteista, kuten yksijumalaisuudesta, profeetallisuudesta, jumalallisesta päätöksestä ja vastuusta tulevassa elämässä. Se rohkaisee uskovia pohtimaan uskomuksiaan ja tekojaan, etsimään opastusta Koraanista ja pyrkimään elämään vanhurskasta elämää Jumalan käskyjen mukaisesti.
Het audioboek bespreekt de fout van het tonen van de Koran als bewijs voor de evolutietheorie, in het bijzonder de concepten van mutatie en natuurlijke selectie. Het betoogt dat de Koran de evolutionaire schepping niet ondersteunt en dat de verzen die vaak als bewijs worden aangehaald verkeerd zijn geïnterpreteerd. Het luisterboek benadrukt dat de Koran duidelijk stelt dat Allah (God) alle levende dingen heeft geschapen en dat de evolutietheorie onverenigbaar is met de islamitische leer. Het benadrukt ook de wetenschappelijke gebreken en het gebrek aan bewijs voor de evolutietheorie. Het luisterboek spoort moslims aan om zich niet te laten misleiden door de beweringen van de evolutionaire schepping en in plaats daarvan te vertrouwen op de duidelijke leer van de Koran.
Waarom steunen sommige moslims de evolutietheorie?
Belangrijke waarheden genegeerd door moslim evolutionisten.
De Wetenschap van Allah's Schepping.
De fouten van degenen die Koranverzen gebruiken om Evolutie te "bewijzen".
Wat als Darwinisme niet als een bedreiging wordt gezien?
Das Hörbuch erörtert den Fehler, den Koran als Beweis für die Evolutionstheorie darzustellen, insbesondere die Konzepte der Mutation und der natürlichen Selektion. Es wird argumentiert, dass der Koran die evolutionäre Schöpfung nicht unterstützt und dass die Verse, die oft als Beweis angeführt werden, falsch interpretiert wurden. Das Hörbuch betont, dass der Koran eindeutig besagt, dass Allah (Gott) alles Lebendige erschaffen hat, und dass die Evolutionstheorie mit den islamischen Lehren unvereinbar ist. Es hebt auch die wissenschaftlichen Mängel und den Mangel an Beweisen für die Evolutionstheorie hervor. Das Hörbuch fordert Muslime auf, sich nicht von den Behauptungen der evolutionären Schöpfung täuschen zu lassen und sich stattdessen auf die klaren Lehren des Korans zu verlassen.
Warum unterstützen einige Muslime die Evolutionstheorie?
Wichtige Wahrheiten, die von muslimischen Evolutionisten ignoriert werden.
Die Wissenschaft von Allahs Schöpfung.
Die Irrtümer derer, die Koranverse zum „Beweis“ der Evolution verwenden.
Was, wenn der Darwinismus nicht als Bedrohung wahrgenommen wird?
가축의 장이라고도 알려진 수라 알안암은 꾸란의 여섯 번째 장입니다. 165개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 메카에서 계시되었습니다. 이 장은 하나님의 유일성, 그분의 인도를 따르는 것의 중요성, 불신의 결과 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
이 장은 하나님의 하나됨과 우주의 창조자이자 유지자로서 그분의 역할을 강조하는 것으로 시작합니다. 그분의 존재와 능력을 가리키는 자연 속 표징을 강조하며 사람들에게 이러한 표징을 묵상하고 그분의 뜻에 복종할 것을 촉구합니다.
수라 알안암은 또한 이슬람에서 중대한 죄로 간주되는 회피, 즉 신과 파트너를 맺는다는 개념에 대해서도 언급합니다. 다신교와 우상 숭배자들의 잘못된 믿음과 관습을 따르지 말라고 경고하며 신자들이 신앙을 굳건히 지키고 오직 하나님만 경배할 것을 촉구합니다.
이 장에서는 노아, 아브라함, 모세와 같은 과거 선지자들이 백성들의 반대에 직면했지만 다른 사람들을 유일신교로 불러들이는 사명을 굳건히 지켰던 이야기를 들려줍니다. 이러한 이야기는 신자들에게 인내와 끈기, 하나님의 계획에 대한 신뢰의 중요성에 대한 교훈을 줍니다.
수라 알안암은 또한 모든 일이 하나님의 뜻과 지혜에 따라 일어난다는 점을 강조하며 신의 명령(카다르)의 개념에 대해 설명합니다. 이는 신자들이 하나님의 계획을 신뢰하고 그분이 정하신 모든 것에 만족해야 한다고 안심시킵니다.
전반적으로 수라 알안암은 일신교, 예언자, 신의 명령, 내세에 대한 책임 등 이슬람의 기본 원칙을 상기시키는 역할을 합니다. 수라는 신자들이 자신의 믿음과 행동을 되돌아보고 꾸란의 지침을 구하며 하나님의 계명에 따라 의로운 삶을 살기 위해 노력하도록 장려합니다.
Sura al-An'am, også kjent som kapittelet om husdyrene, er det sjette kapittelet i Koranen. Det består av 165 vers og ble åpenbart i Mekka. Kapitlet tar for seg ulike temaer, blant annet Guds enhet, viktigheten av å følge Hans veiledning og konsekvensene av vantro.
Kapitlet begynner med å understreke Guds enhet og Hans rolle som universets Skaper og Opprettholder. Det fremhever tegnene i naturen som peker på Hans eksistens og makt, og oppfordrer folk til å reflektere over disse tegnene og underkaste seg Hans vilje.
Sura al-An'am tar også opp begrepet shirk, eller det å knytte partnere til Gud, noe som regnes som en alvorlig synd i islam. Den advarer mot å følge flergudsdyrkernes og avgudsdyrkernes villedende tro og praksis, og oppfordrer de troende til å stå fast i troen og tilbe bare Gud.
Kapitlet forteller historier om tidligere profeter, som Noah, Abraham, Moses og andre, som møtte motstand fra folket sitt, men som forble standhaftige i sitt oppdrag om å kalle andre til monoteisme. Disse historiene tjener som lærdom for de troende om betydningen av tålmodighet, utholdenhet og tillit til Guds plan.
Sura al-An'am diskuterer også begrepet guddommelig dekret (qadar), og understreker at alt skjer i henhold til Guds vilje og visdom. Den forsikrer de troende om at de bør stole på Guds plan og være tilfreds med det Han bestemmer for dem.
Sura al-An'am fungerer som en påminnelse om islams grunnleggende prinsipper, som monoteisme, profetskap, guddommelige påbud og ansvarlighet i det hinsidige. Den oppfordrer de troende til å reflektere over sin tro og sine handlinger, søke veiledning i Koranen og strebe etter å leve et rettskaffent liv i samsvar med Guds bud.
Sura Al-An'am, znana również jako Rozdział o Zwierzętach, jest szóstym rozdziałem Koranu. Składa się ze 165 wersetów i została objawiona w Mekce. Rozdział ten obejmuje różne tematy, w tym jedność Boga, znaczenie podążania za Jego wskazówkami i konsekwencje niewiary.
Rozdział rozpoczyna się od podkreślenia jedności Boga i Jego roli jako Stwórcy i Podtrzymującego wszechświat. Podkreśla znaki w naturze, które wskazują na Jego istnienie i moc, wzywając ludzi do refleksji nad tymi znakami i poddania się Jego woli.
Sura Al-An'am odnosi się również do koncepcji szirk, czyli łączenia partnerów z Bogiem, co w islamie uważane jest za ciężki grzech. Ostrzega przed podążaniem za błędnymi wierzeniami i praktykami politeistów i bałwochwalców, wzywając wierzących do pozostania mocnymi w wierze i oddawania czci tylko Bogu.
Rozdział ten opowiada historie dawnych proroków, takich jak Noe, Abraham, Mojżesz i inni, którzy spotkali się z opozycją ze strony swoich ludzi, ale pozostali niezłomni w swojej misji wzywania innych do monoteizmu. Historie te służą jako lekcje dla wierzących na temat znaczenia cierpliwości, wytrwałości i zaufania w Boży plan.
Sura Al-An'am omawia również koncepcję boskiego dekretu (qadar), podkreślając, że wszystko dzieje się zgodnie z wolą i mądrością Boga. Zapewnia wierzących, że powinni ufać Bożemu planowi i być zadowoleni z tego, co On dla nich zarządzi.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Al-An'am służy jako przypomnienie podstawowych zasad islamu, takich jak monoteizm, proroctwo, boski dekret i odpowiedzialność w zaświatach. Zachęca wierzących do zastanowienia się nad swoimi przekonaniami i działaniami, szukania wskazówek w Koranie i dążenia do prowadzenia prawego życia zgodnie z Bożymi przykazaniami.
La Surah Al-An'am, nota anche come Capitolo del bestiame, è il sesto capitolo del Corano. È composto da 165 versetti e fu rivelato alla Mecca. Il capitolo tratta vari temi, tra cui l'unicità di Dio, l'importanza di seguire la Sua guida e le conseguenze della miscredenza.
Il capitolo inizia sottolineando l'unicità di Dio e il suo ruolo di Creatore e Sostenitore dell'universo. Evidenzia i segni in natura che indicano la Sua esistenza e il Suo potere, esortando a riflettere su questi segni e a sottomettersi alla Sua volontà.
La Surah Al-An'am affronta anche il concetto di shirk, ovvero l'associazione di partner a Dio, considerato un grave peccato nell'Islam. Mette in guardia dal seguire le credenze e le pratiche sbagliate dei politeisti e degli idolatri, esortando i credenti a rimanere saldi nella loro fede e ad adorare solo Dio.
Il capitolo racconta le storie dei profeti del passato, come Noè, Abramo, Mosè e altri, che hanno affrontato l'opposizione del loro popolo ma sono rimasti fermi nella loro missione di chiamare gli altri al monoteismo. Queste storie servono da lezione ai credenti sull'importanza della pazienza, della perseveranza e della fiducia nel piano di Dio.
La Surah Al-An'am tratta anche il concetto di decreto divino (qadar), sottolineando che tutto avviene secondo la volontà e la saggezza di Dio. Rassicura i credenti che devono confidare nel piano di Dio e accontentarsi di ciò che Egli decreta per loro.
Nel complesso, la Surah Al-An'am serve a ricordare i principi fondamentali dell'Islam, come il monoteismo, la profezia, il decreto divino e la responsabilità nell'Aldilà. Incoraggia i credenti a riflettere sulle proprie convinzioni e azioni, a cercare una guida nel Corano e a sforzarsi di vivere una vita retta in conformità con i comandamenti di Dio.
Surah Al-An'am, cunoscută și sub numele de Capitolul animalelor, este cel de-al șaselea capitol al Coranului. Este alcătuit din 165 de versete și a fost revelat în Mecca. Capitolul abordează diverse teme, inclusiv unicitatea lui Dumnezeu, importanța de a urma îndrumarea Sa și consecințele necredinței.
Capitolul începe prin a sublinia unicitatea lui Dumnezeu și rolul Său de Creator și Susținător al universului. Acesta evidențiază semnele din natură care indică existența și puterea Sa, îndemnându-i pe oameni să reflecteze asupra acestor semne și să se supună voinței Sale.
Surah Al-An'am abordează, de asemenea, conceptul de shirk, sau asocierea de parteneri cu Dumnezeu, care este considerat un păcat grav în islam. Aceasta avertizează împotriva urmării credințelor și practicilor greșite ale politeiștilor și idolatrilor, îndemnându-i pe credincioși să rămână fermi în credința lor și să se închine doar lui Dumnezeu.
Capitolul prezintă povești ale profeților din trecut, precum Noe, Avraam, Moise și alții, care s-au confruntat cu opoziția poporului lor, dar au rămas fermi în misiunea lor de a-i chema pe alții la monoteism. Aceste povestiri servesc drept lecții pentru credincioși cu privire la importanța răbdării, perseverenței și încrederii în planul lui Dumnezeu.
Surah Al-An'am discută, de asemenea, conceptul de decret divin (qadar), subliniind faptul că totul se întâmplă conform voinței și înțelepciunii lui Dumnezeu. Aceasta îi asigură pe credincioși că ar trebui să aibă încredere în planul lui Dumnezeu și să fie mulțumiți cu ceea ce El decretează pentru ei.
În general, Surah Al-An'am reamintește principiile fundamentale ale islamului, precum monoteismul, profeția, decretul divin și responsabilitatea în Viața de Apoi. Ea îi încurajează pe credincioși să reflecteze asupra credințelor și acțiunilor lor, să caute îndrumare în Coran și să se străduiască să trăiască o viață dreaptă, în conformitate cu poruncile lui Dumnezeu.
Сура Аль-Анам, також відома як Глава про худобу, є шостою главою Корану. Вона складається з 165 віршів і була об'явлена в Мецці. Глава охоплює різні теми, включаючи єдність Бога, важливість слідування Його настановам і наслідки невір'я.
Розділ починається з підкреслення єдності Бога і Його ролі як Творця і Підтримувача Всесвіту. У ній висвітлюються знамення в природі, що вказують на Його існування та могутність, закликаючи людей замислитися над цими знаменнями та підкоритися Його волі.
Сура «Аль-Ан'ам» також розглядає поняття ширку, або ототожнення партнерів з Богом, яке в ісламі вважається тяжким гріхом. Вона застерігає від наслідування хибних вірувань і практик багатобожників та ідолопоклонників, закликаючи віруючих залишатися твердими у своїй вірі та поклонятися лише Богові.
У розділі розповідаються історії пророків минулого, таких як Ной, Авраам, Мойсей та інші, які стикалися з протидією свого народу, але залишалися непохитними у своїй місії закликати інших до монотеїзму. Ці історії слугують уроками для віруючих про важливість терпіння, наполегливості та довіри до Божого плану.
Сура Аль-Ан'ам також обговорює поняття божественного веління (кадар), підкреслюючи, що все відбувається згідно з Божою волею та мудрістю. Вона запевняє віруючих, що вони повинні довіряти Божому плану і задовольнятися тим, що Він для них визначив.
Загалом, сура «Аль-Анам» нагадує про фундаментальні принципи ісламу, такі як єдинобожжя, пророцтво, божественне веління та відповідальність у потойбічному житті. Вона заохочує віруючих замислитися над своїми переконаннями та вчинками, шукати настанов у Корані та прагнути жити праведним життям згідно з Божими заповідями.
那些用古兰经经文 “证明 ”进化论的人的错误。
El audio analiza el error de mostrar el Corán como prueba de la teoría de la evolución, en particular los conceptos de mutación y selección natural. Sostiene que el Corán no apoya la creación evolutiva y que los versículos citados a menudo como prueba han sido malinterpretados. El audio subraya que el Corán afirma claramente que Alá (Dios) creó todos los seres vivos, y que la teoría de la evolución es incompatible con las enseñanzas islámicas. También destaca los defectos científicos y la falta de pruebas de la teoría de la evolución. El audio insta a los musulmanes a no dejarse engañar por las afirmaciones de la creación evolutiva y a confiar en las claras enseñanzas del Corán.
The audio discusses the error of showing the Quran as evidence for the theory of evolution, particularly the concepts of mutation and natural selection. It argues that the Quran does not support evolutionary creation and that the verses often cited as evidence have been misinterpreted. The audio emphasizes that the Quran clearly states that Allah (God) created all living things, and that the theory of evolution is incompatible with Islamic teachings. It also highlights the scientific flaws and lack of evidence for the theory of evolution. The audio urges Muslims to avoid being deceived by the claims of evolutionary creation and to instead rely on the clear teachings of the Quran.
00:00 Introduction
05:18 Why Do Some Muslims Support the Theory of Evolution?
20:05 Important Truths Ignored by Muslim Evolutionists.
01:29:32 The Science of Allah's Creation.
02:13:03 The Errors of Those Who Use Quranic Verses to "prove" Evolution.
03:06:12 What If Darwinism Is Not Perceived as a Menace?
03:23:41 Conclusion.
The Quran, revealed 14 centuries ago, contains countless proofs that it is the word of God. Its literary qualities, consistency, and ability to foretell the future and contain hidden information are just a few examples. The Quran also contains a remarkable number of scientific truths that were only discovered with modern technology. For instance, it accurately describes the creation of the universe, the expanding universe, creation from clay, fingerprints, and the three dark stages of a baby in the womb. It also mentions the hearing, sight, and understanding in the order of human organ development, the secret in iron, the relativity of time, and the water cycle. The Quran even reveals information about the female honeybee, the function of mountains, and the barrier between seas and many more. In order to understand some of these points more fully, let us listen at some of these scientific miracles revealed in the Quran together.
14 个世纪前启示的《古兰经》包含无数证据,证明它是真主之言。它的文学性、一致性、预言未来的能力以及包含隐藏信息的能力只是其中的几个例子。古兰经》还包含大量现代科技才发现的科学真理。例如,它准确地描述了宇宙的创造、宇宙的膨胀、从粘土中创造、指纹以及婴儿在子宫中的三个黑暗阶段。古兰经》还提到了按照人体器官发育顺序排列的听觉、视觉和理解力、铁中的秘密、时间相对论和水循环。古兰经》甚至还揭示了雌蜜蜂、山脉的功能、海洋之间的屏障等信息。为了更全面地了解其中的一些内容,让我们一起聆听《古兰经》中揭示的一些科学奇迹。
Koranen, der blev åbenbaret for 14 århundreder siden, indeholder utallige beviser på, at den er Guds ord. Dens litterære kvaliteter, konsistens og evne til at forudsige fremtiden og indeholde skjult information er blot nogle få eksempler. Koranen indeholder også et bemærkelsesværdigt antal videnskabelige sandheder, som først er blevet opdaget med moderne teknologi. For eksempel beskriver den nøjagtigt universets skabelse, det ekspanderende univers, skabelsen af ler, fingeraftryk og de tre mørke stadier hos en baby i livmoderen. Den nævner også hørelse, syn og forståelse i den rækkefølge, de menneskelige organer udvikles, hemmeligheden i jern, tidens relativitet og vandets kredsløb. Koranen afslører endda oplysninger om den kvindelige honningbi, bjergenes funktion og barrieren mellem havene og mange flere. For at forstå nogle af disse punkter bedre, så lad os sammen lytte til nogle af disse videnskabelige mirakler, der er åbenbaret i Koranen.
De Koran, die 14 eeuwen geleden werd geopenbaard, bevat ontelbare bewijzen dat het het woord van God is. De literaire kwaliteiten, de consistentie en het vermogen om de toekomst te voorspellen en verborgen informatie te bevatten zijn slechts enkele voorbeelden. De Koran bevat ook een opmerkelijk aantal wetenschappelijke waarheden die pas met moderne technologie werden ontdekt. Het beschrijft bijvoorbeeld nauwkeurig de schepping van het universum, het uitdijende universum, de schepping uit klei, vingerafdrukken en de drie donkere stadia van een baby in de baarmoeder. Het vermeldt ook het horen, zien en begrijpen in de volgorde van de ontwikkeling van menselijke organen, het geheim in ijzer, de relativiteit van tijd en de watercyclus. De Koran onthult zelfs informatie over de vrouwelijke honingbij, de functie van bergen en de barrière tussen zeeën en nog veel meer. Laten we, om sommige van deze punten beter te begrijpen, samen luisteren naar enkele van deze wetenschappelijke wonderen die in de Koran worden onthuld.
Koraani, joka ilmestyi 14 vuosisataa sitten, sisältää lukemattomia todisteita siitä, että se on Jumalan sana. Sen kirjalliset ominaisuudet, johdonmukaisuus ja kyky ennustaa tulevaisuutta ja sisältää kätkettyä tietoa ovat vain muutamia esimerkkejä. Koraani sisältää myös huomattavan määrän tieteellisiä totuuksia, jotka löydettiin vasta nykyteknologian avulla. Siinä esimerkiksi kuvataan tarkasti maailmankaikkeuden luominen, maailmankaikkeuden laajeneminen, savesta luominen, sormenjäljet ja vauvan kolme pimeää vaihetta kohdussa. Siinä mainitaan myös kuulo, näkö ja ymmärrys ihmisen elinten kehitysjärjestyksessä, raudan salaisuus, ajan suhteellisuus ja veden kiertokulku. Koraani paljastaa jopa tietoa naaraspuolisesta mehiläisestä, vuorten toiminnasta ja merten välisestä esteestä sekä monista muista asioista. Jotta ymmärtäisimme joitakin näistä seikoista paremmin, kuunnellaan yhdessä joitakin näistä Koraanissa paljastetuista tieteellisistä ihmeistä.
Le Coran, révélé il y a 14 siècles, contient d'innombrables preuves qu'il est la parole de Dieu. Ses qualités littéraires, sa cohérence, sa capacité à prédire l'avenir et à contenir des informations cachées n'en sont que quelques exemples. Le Coran contient également un nombre remarquable de vérités scientifiques qui n'ont été découvertes qu'avec la technologie moderne. Par exemple, il décrit avec précision la création de l'univers, l'expansion de l'univers, la création à partir de l'argile, les empreintes digitales et les trois phases d'obscurité d'un bébé dans le ventre de sa mère. Il mentionne également l'ouïe, la vue et la compréhension dans l'ordre de développement des organes humains, le secret du fer, la relativité du temps et le cycle de l'eau. Le Coran révèle même des informations sur l'abeille femelle, la fonction des montagnes, la barrière entre les mers et bien d'autres choses encore. Afin de mieux comprendre certains de ces points, écoutons ensemble quelques-uns de ces miracles scientifiques révélés dans le Coran.
Der Koran, der vor 14 Jahrhunderten offenbart wurde, enthält unzählige Beweise dafür, dass er das Wort Gottes ist. Seine literarischen Qualitäten, seine Konsistenz und seine Fähigkeit, die Zukunft vorherzusagen und verborgene Informationen zu enthalten, sind nur einige Beispiele. Der Koran enthält auch eine bemerkenswerte Anzahl wissenschaftlicher Wahrheiten, die erst durch die moderne Technik entdeckt wurden. So beschreibt er zum Beispiel genau die Erschaffung des Universums, das sich ausdehnende Universum, die Schöpfung aus Lehm, Fingerabdrücke und die drei dunklen Stadien eines Babys im Mutterleib. Er erwähnt auch das Hören, Sehen und Verstehen in der Reihenfolge der Entwicklung der menschlichen Organe, das Geheimnis im Eisen, die Relativität der Zeit und den Wasserkreislauf. Der Koran enthüllt sogar Informationen über die weibliche Honigbiene, die Funktion von Bergen, die Barriere zwischen Meeren und vieles mehr. Um einige dieser Punkte besser zu verstehen, wollen wir uns gemeinsam einige dieser im Koran offenbarten wissenschaftlichen Wunder anhören.
Koranen, som uppenbarades för 14 århundraden sedan, innehåller otaliga bevis för att den är Guds ord. Dess litterära kvaliteter, konsekvens och förmåga att förutspå framtiden och innehålla dold information är bara några exempel. Koranen innehåller också ett anmärkningsvärt antal vetenskapliga sanningar som först upptäckts med modern teknik. Till exempel beskriver den exakt universums skapelse, det expanderande universum, skapelsen av lera, fingeravtryck och de tre mörka stadierna hos ett barn i livmodern. Den nämner också hörsel, syn och förståelse i den ordning som mänskliga organ utvecklas, hemligheten i järn, tidens relativitet och vattnets kretslopp. Koranen avslöjar även information om det kvinnliga honungsbiet, bergens funktion och barriären mellan haven och mycket mer. För att förstå några av dessa punkter mer fullständigt, låt oss lyssna på några av dessa vetenskapliga mirakel som avslöjas i Koranen tillsammans.
El Corán, revelado hace 14 siglos, contiene innumerables pruebas de que es la palabra de Dios. Sus cualidades literarias, su coherencia y su capacidad para predecir el futuro y contener información oculta son sólo algunos ejemplos. El Corán también contiene un notable número de verdades científicas que sólo se han descubierto con la tecnología moderna. Por ejemplo, describe con precisión la creación del universo, el universo en expansión, la creación a partir del barro, las huellas dactilares y las tres etapas oscuras de un bebé en el vientre materno. También menciona el oído, la vista y el entendimiento en el orden de desarrollo de los órganos humanos, el secreto en el hierro, la relatividad del tiempo y el ciclo del agua. El Corán revela incluso información sobre la abeja hembra, la función de las montañas y la barrera entre los mares, y muchas cosas más. Para comprender mejor algunos de estos puntos, escuchemos juntos algunos de estos milagros científicos revelados en el Corán.
Коран, открытый 14 веков назад, содержит бесчисленные доказательства того, что он является словом Божьим. Его литературные качества, последовательность, способность предсказывать будущее и содержать скрытую информацию - вот лишь несколько примеров. Коран также содержит поразительное количество научных истин, которые были открыты только с помощью современных технологий. Например, в нем точно описаны сотворение Вселенной, расширяющаяся Вселенная, создание из глины, отпечатки пальцев и три стадии развития ребенка в утробе матери. В нем также упоминаются слух, зрение и понимание в порядке развития органов человека, секрет железа, относительность времени и круговорот воды. Коран также раскрывает информацию о самке медоносной пчелы, назначении гор, барьере между морями и многом другом. Чтобы лучше понять некоторые из этих моментов, давайте вместе послушаем о некоторых научных чудесах, раскрытых в Коране.
Coranul, revelat acum 14 secole, conține nenumărate dovezi că este cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. Calitățile sale literare, coerența și capacitatea de a prezice viitorul și de a conține informații ascunse sunt doar câteva exemple. Coranul conține, de asemenea, un număr remarcabil de adevăruri științifice care au fost descoperite doar cu ajutorul tehnologiei moderne. De exemplu, el descrie cu exactitate crearea universului, universul în expansiune, crearea din lut, amprentele digitale și cele trei stadii întunecate ale unui copil în pântece. De asemenea, menționează auzul, vederea și înțelegerea în ordinea dezvoltării organelor umane, secretul din fier, relativitatea timpului și ciclul apei. Coranul dezvăluie chiar și informații despre femela albină, funcția munților și bariera dintre mări și multe altele. Pentru a înțelege mai bine unele dintre aceste puncte, să ascultăm împreună câteva dintre aceste miracole științifice revelate în Coran.
O Alcorão, revelado há 14 séculos, contém inúmeras provas de que é a palavra de Deus. Suas qualidades literárias, consistência e capacidade de predizer o futuro e conter informações ocultas são apenas alguns exemplos. O Alcorão também contém um número notável de verdades científicas que só foram descobertas com a tecnologia moderna. Por exemplo, ele descreve com precisão a criação do universo, o universo em expansão, a criação a partir do barro, as impressões digitais e os três estágios de escuridão de um bebê no útero. Também menciona a audição, a visão e a compreensão na ordem de desenvolvimento dos órgãos humanos, o segredo do ferro, a relatividade do tempo e o ciclo da água. O Alcorão ainda revela informações sobre a abelha fêmea, a função das montanhas, a barreira entre os mares e muito mais. Para entender melhor alguns desses pontos, vamos ouvir juntos alguns desses milagres científicos revelados no Alcorão.
Koran, objawiony 14 wieków temu, zawiera niezliczone dowody na to, że jest słowem Boga. Jego walory literackie, spójność i zdolność do przepowiadania przyszłości oraz zawierania ukrytych informacji to tylko kilka przykładów. Koran zawiera również niezwykłą liczbę prawd naukowych, które zostały odkryte dopiero dzięki nowoczesnej technologii. Na przykład dokładnie opisuje stworzenie wszechświata, rozszerzający się wszechświat, stworzenie z gliny, odciski palców i trzy ciemne etapy rozwoju dziecka w łonie matki. Wspomina również o słuchu, wzroku i rozumie w kolejności rozwoju ludzkich organów, tajemnicy żelaza, względności czasu i cyklu wodnym. Koran ujawnia nawet informacje o samicy pszczoły miodnej, funkcji gór, barierze między morzami i wielu innych. Aby lepiej zrozumieć niektóre z tych punktów, posłuchajmy razem o niektórych z tych naukowych cudów objawionych w Koranie.
Koranen, som ble åpenbart for 14 århundrer siden, inneholder utallige bevis på at den er Guds ord. Koranens litterære kvaliteter, konsistens og evne til å forutsi fremtiden og inneholde skjult informasjon er bare noen få eksempler. Koranen inneholder også et bemerkelsesverdig antall vitenskapelige sannheter som først er blitt oppdaget med moderne teknologi. For eksempel beskriver den nøyaktig universets tilblivelse, universets ekspansjon, skapelsen av leire, fingeravtrykk og de tre mørke stadiene hos et spedbarn i mors liv. Den nevner også hørselen, synet og forståelsen i rekkefølgen for utviklingen av menneskelige organer, hemmeligheten i jern, tidens relativitet og vannets kretsløp. Koranen avslører til og med informasjon om den kvinnelige honningbien, fjellenes funksjon, barrieren mellom havene og mye mer. For å forstå noen av disse poengene bedre, la oss sammen lytte til noen av disse vitenskapelige miraklene som er åpenbart i Koranen.
14세기 전에 계시된 꾸란은 하나님의 말씀이라는 수많은 증거를 담고 있습니다. 꾸란의 문학적 특성, 일관성, 미래를 예언하고 숨겨진 정보를 담고 있는 능력은 몇 가지 예에 불과합니다. 또한 꾸란에는 현대 기술을 통해서만 발견할 수 있는 놀라운 과학적 진리도 많이 포함되어 있습니다. 예를 들어 우주의 창조, 팽창하는 우주, 진흙으로부터의 창조, 지문, 자궁에 있는 아기의 세 가지 어두운 단계에 대해 정확하게 묘사하고 있습니다. 또한 인간의 장기 발달 순서대로 청각, 시각, 이해력, 철의 비밀, 시간의 상대성 이론, 물의 순환에 대해서도 언급하고 있습니다. 꾸란은 암컷 꿀벌, 산의 기능, 바다 사이의 장벽 등에 대한 정보도 알려줍니다. 이러한 점들을 좀 더 완벽하게 이해하기 위해 꾸란에 나타난 과학적 기적들을 함께 들어보겠습니다.
Il Corano, rivelato 14 secoli fa, contiene innumerevoli prove del fatto che è la parola di Dio. Le sue qualità letterarie, la sua coerenza, la sua capacità di predire il futuro e di contenere informazioni nascoste sono solo alcuni esempi. Il Corano contiene anche un numero notevole di verità scientifiche che sono state scoperte solo con la tecnologia moderna. Per esempio, descrive accuratamente la creazione dell'universo, l'universo in espansione, la creazione dall'argilla, le impronte digitali e le tre fasi oscure di un bambino nel grembo materno. Cita anche l'udito, la vista e la comprensione nell'ordine di sviluppo degli organi umani, il segreto del ferro, la relatività del tempo e il ciclo dell'acqua. Il Corano rivela anche informazioni sulla femmina dell'ape, sulla funzione delle montagne, sulla barriera tra i mari e molto altro ancora. Per comprendere meglio alcuni di questi punti, ascoltiamo insieme alcuni di questi miracoli scientifici rivelati nel Corano.
Коран, відкритий 14 століть тому, містить незліченні докази того, що він є Словом Божим. Його літературні якості, послідовність, здатність передбачати майбутнє і містити приховану інформацію - це лише кілька прикладів. Коран також містить вражаючу кількість наукових істин, які були відкриті лише завдяки сучасним технологіям. Наприклад, він точно описує створення Всесвіту, розширення Всесвіту, створення з глини, відбитки пальців і три темні стадії розвитку дитини в утробі матері. У ньому також згадується про слух, зір і розуміння в порядку розвитку людських органів, про секрет заліза, відносність часу і кругообіг води. Коран навіть розкриває інформацію про самку медоносної бджоли, функції гір, бар'єр між морями та багато іншого. Щоб краще зрозуміти деякі з цих моментів, давайте разом послухаємо про деякі з цих наукових чудес, описаних у Корані.
"Чи є Коран Словом Божим?" д-ра Закіра Наїка обговорює походження Корану і те, чи є він Словом Божим, чи його автором є Пророк Мухаммад (мир йому і благословення). У ній наведено кілька аргументів, що спростовують твердження про те, що пророк Мухаммад є автором Корану, зокрема
1. Пророк Мухаммад ніколи не претендував на авторство Корану і завжди приписував його божественному одкровенню.
2. Коран містить інформацію та знання, які були невідомі в той час, що робить дуже малоймовірним, що людина могла бути його автором.
3. Коран містить виклики та тести на фальсифікацію, з якими жодна людина не змогла б впоратися, наприклад, написати главу, подібну до нього.
4. Стиль, структура та зміст Корану значно відрізняються від того, що могла б створити людина, особливо неписьменна, як Пророк Мухаммед.
5. Життя і характер Пророка Мухаммада несумісні з тим, що він був брехуном або обманщиком, який сфабрикував Коран.
В аудіозаписі робиться висновок, що Коран є Словом Божим, об'явленим пророкові Мухаммаду, і що це єдине логічне пояснення його походження і змісту.
The Quran Is God's Word? by Dr. Zakir Naik」は、コーランの起源と、それが神の言葉なのか、それとも預言者ムハンマド(かれに平安と神のご加護がありますように)によって書かれたものなのかについて論じている。預言者ムハンマドがコーランを執筆したという主張に対して、以下のような反論を提示している:
1. 1.預言者ムハンマドはコーランの著者であると主張したことはなく、常に神の啓示によるものである。
2. 2.クルアーンには当時未知であった情報や知識が含まれており、人間がそれを著した可能性は極めて低い。
3. コーランは、それに類似した章を作成するなど、人間が満たすことのできない挑戦と改竄のテストを提供している。
4. コーランの文体、構造、内容は、人間が、特に預言者ムハンマドのような文盲の人間が作成できたものとは大きく異なっている。
5. 5.預言者ムハンマドの人生と性格は、彼がコーランを捏造した嘘つきや欺瞞者とは相容れない。
"Er Koranen Guds ord?" av Dr. Zakir Naik diskuterer Koranens opprinnelse og hvorvidt den er Guds ord eller ble forfattet av profeten Muhammad (måtte Guds fred og velsignelser være med ham). Den presenterer flere argumenter for å tilbakevise påstandene om at profeten Muhammad forfattet Koranen, blant annet
1. Profeten Muhammad har aldri gjort krav på å være forfatter av Koranen, og har alltid tilskrevet den guddommelig åpenbaring.
2. Koranen inneholder informasjon og kunnskap som var ukjent på den tiden, noe som gjør det svært usannsynlig at et menneske kan ha forfattet den.
3. Koranen inneholder utfordringer og falsifiseringstester som ingen mennesker kan ha møtt, som for eksempel å produsere et kapittel som ligner på den.
4. Koranens stil, struktur og innhold er svært forskjellig fra alt et menneske kunne ha produsert, spesielt en analfabet som profeten Muhammad.
5. Profeten Muhammeds liv og karakter er uforenlig med at han skulle være en løgner eller bedrager som har fabrikkert Koranen.
Lyden konkluderer med at Koranen er Guds ord åpenbart til profeten Muhammad, og at dette er den eneste logiske forklaringen på dens opprinnelse og innhold.
"Czy Koran jest Słowem Bożym?" autorstwa dr Zakira Naika omawia pochodzenie Koranu i to, czy jest on słowem Bożym, czy też został napisany przez proroka Mahometa (niech spoczywa w nim pokój i błogosławieństwo Boga). Przedstawia kilka argumentów obalających twierdzenia, że Prorok Muhammad jest autorem Koranu, w tym:
1. Prorok Muhammad nigdy nie twierdził, że jest autorem Koranu i zawsze przypisywał go boskiemu objawieniu.
2. Koran zawiera informacje i wiedzę, które były nieznane w tamtym czasie, co czyni wysoce nieprawdopodobnym, że jego autorem mógł być człowiek.
3. Koran dostarcza wyzwań i testów falsyfikacji, którym żaden człowiek nie byłby w stanie sprostać, takich jak stworzenie rozdziału podobnego do tego.
4. Styl, struktura i treść Koranu znacznie różnią się od wszystkiego, co mógłby stworzyć człowiek, zwłaszcza analfabeta, taki jak prorok Mahomet.
5. Życie i charakter Proroka Muhammada są nie do pogodzenia z tym, że był on kłamcą lub oszustem, który sfabrykował Koran.
Audio stwierdza, że Koran jest słowem Boga objawionym prorokowi Mahometowi i że jest to jedyne logiczne wyjaśnienie jego pochodzenia i treści.
O livro 'Is The Quran God's Word? by Dr. Zakir Naik' discute as origens do Alcorão e se ele é a palavra de Deus ou se foi escrito pelo Profeta Muhammad (que a paz e as bênçãos de Deus estejam sobre ele). Ele apresenta vários argumentos para refutar as alegações de que o Profeta Muhammad foi o autor do Alcorão, incluindo:
1. O Profeta Muhammad nunca reivindicou a autoria do Alcorão e sempre o atribuiu à revelação divina.
2. O Alcorão contém informações e conhecimentos que eram desconhecidos na época, o que torna altamente improvável que um ser humano tenha sido o autor.
3. O Alcorão apresenta desafios e testes de falsificação que nenhum ser humano poderia ter cumprido, como produzir um capítulo semelhante a ele.
4. O estilo, a estrutura e o conteúdo do Alcorão são muito diferentes de tudo o que um ser humano poderia ter produzido, especialmente uma pessoa analfabeta como o Profeta Muhammad.
5. A vida e o caráter do Profeta Muhammad são incompatíveis com o fato de ele ser um mentiroso ou enganador que fabricou o Alcorão.
O áudio conclui que o Alcorão é a palavra de Deus revelada ao Profeta Muhammad e que essa é a única explicação lógica para suas origens e conteúdo.
"Este Coranul cuvântul lui Dumnezeu?" de Dr. Zakir Naik discută despre originile Coranului și dacă acesta este cuvântul lui Dumnezeu sau a fost scris de Profetul Muhammad (pacea și binecuvântarea lui Dumnezeu fie asupra sa). Acesta prezintă mai multe argumente pentru a respinge afirmațiile conform cărora Profetul Muhammad a fost autorul Coranului, inclusiv
1. Profetul Muhammad nu a revendicat niciodată paternitatea Coranului și l-a atribuit întotdeauna revelației divine.
2. Coranul conține informații și cunoștințe care erau necunoscute la acea vreme, ceea ce face foarte puțin probabil ca un om să fi putut fi autorul său.
3. Coranul oferă provocări și teste de falsificare pe care niciun om nu le-ar fi putut îndeplini, cum ar fi producerea unui capitol similar cu acesta.
4. Stilul, structura și conținutul Coranului sunt extrem de diferite de orice ar fi putut produce un om, în special o persoană analfabetă precum Profetul Muhammad.
5. Viața și caracterul Profetului Mahomed sunt incompatibile cu faptul că acesta ar fi fost un mincinos sau un înșelător care a fabricat Coranul.
Audio conchide că Coranul este cuvântul lui Dumnezeu revelat Profetului Muhammed și că aceasta este singura explicație logică pentru originile și conținutul său.
Il libro "Il Corano è una parola di Dio?" del Dr. Zakir Naik tratta le origini del Corano e se sia la parola di Dio o se sia stato scritto dal Profeta Muhammad (che la pace e le benedizioni di Dio siano su di lui). Presenta diversi argomenti per confutare le affermazioni secondo cui il Profeta Muhammad sarebbe l'autore del Corano, tra cui:
1. Il Profeta Muhammad non ha mai rivendicato la paternità del Corano e lo ha sempre attribuito alla rivelazione divina.
2. Il Corano contiene informazioni e conoscenze sconosciute all'epoca, il che rende altamente improbabile che un essere umano possa esserne l'autore.
3. Il Corano fornisce sfide e test di falsificazione che nessun essere umano avrebbe potuto affrontare, come la produzione di un capitolo simile.
4. Lo stile, la struttura e il contenuto del Corano sono molto diversi da qualsiasi cosa possa aver prodotto un essere umano, specialmente un analfabeta come il Profeta Maometto.
5. La vita e il carattere del Profeta Maometto sono incompatibili con il fatto che egli sia un bugiardo o un ingannatore che ha fabbricato il Corano.
L'audio conclude che il Corano è la parola di Dio rivelata al Profeta Maometto e che questa è l'unica spiegazione logica delle sue origini e dei suoi contenuti.
자키르 나익 박사의 '꾸란은 하나님의 말씀인가? '는 꾸란의 기원과 꾸란이 하나님의 말씀인지 아니면 예언자 무함마드(하나님의 평화와 축복이 그에게 임하기를)가 저술한 것인지에 대해 논의합니다. 예언자 무함마드가 꾸란을 저술했다는 주장을 반박하는 몇 가지 논거를 다음과 같이 제시합니다:
1. 예언자 무함마드는 꾸란의 저자를 주장한 적이 없으며 항상 신의 계시에 기인한다.
2. 꾸란에는 당시에는 알려지지 않았던 정보와 지식이 포함되어 있어 인간이 저술했을 가능성은 거의 없다.
3. 꾸란은 이와 유사한 장을 만드는 등 인간이 감당할 수 없는 도전과 위조 테스트를 제공합니다.
4. 꾸란의 스타일, 구조 및 내용은 인간, 특히 예언자 무함마드와 같은 문맹자가 만들 수 있는 어떤 것과도 크게 다릅니다.
5. 예언자 무함마드의 삶과 성격은 그가 꾸란을 조작한 거짓말쟁이 또는 사기꾼이라는 것과 양립할 수 없다.
이 오디오는 꾸란이 예언자 무함마드에게 계시된 하나님의 말씀이며, 이것이 꾸란의 기원과 내용에 대한 유일한 논리적 설명이라고 결론짓습니다.
Книга "Является ли Коран Божьим словом?" доктора Закира Наика рассказывает о происхождении Корана и о том, является ли он словом Божьим или его автором был пророк Мухаммад (да благословит его Бог и приветствует). В книге приводится несколько аргументов, опровергающих утверждения о том, что автором Корана является пророк Мухаммад, в том числе:
1. Пророк Мухаммад никогда не претендовал на авторство Корана и всегда приписывал его божественному откровению.
2. Коран содержит информацию и знания, которые были неизвестны в то время, поэтому крайне маловероятно, что его автором мог быть человек.
3. Коран содержит вызовы и тесты на фальсификацию, которые не мог пройти ни один человек, например, создать главу, подобную этой.
4. Стиль, структура и содержание Корана значительно отличаются от того, что мог создать человек, особенно такой неграмотный, как пророк Мухаммад.
5. Жизнь и характер пророка Мухаммада несовместимы с тем, что он был лжецом или обманщиком, сфабриковавшим Коран.
В аудиозаписи делается вывод, что Коран - это слово Божье, открытое пророку Мухаммаду, и что это единственное логическое объяснение его происхождения и содержания.
Is The Quran God's Word? del Dr. Zakir Naik" analiza los orígenes del Corán y si es la palabra de Dios o fue escrito por el profeta Mahoma (que la paz y las bendiciones de Dios sean con él). Presenta varios argumentos para refutar las afirmaciones de que el Profeta Muhammad fue el autor del Corán, entre ellos:
1. El Profeta Muhammad nunca reivindicó la autoría del Corán y siempre lo atribuyó a la revelación divina.
2. El Corán contiene información y conocimientos desconocidos en su época, por lo que es muy improbable que su autor fuera un ser humano.
3. El Corán ofrece desafíos y pruebas de falsificación que ningún humano podría haber superado, como producir un capítulo similar a él.
4. El estilo, la estructura y el contenido del Corán son enormemente diferentes de cualquier cosa que un humano pudiera haber producido, especialmente una persona analfabeta como el Profeta Muhammad.
5. 5. La vida y el carácter del profeta Mahoma son incompatibles con que fuera un mentiroso o un impostor que fabricó el Corán.
El audio concluye que el Corán es la palabra de Dios revelada al profeta Mahoma, y que ésta es la única explicación lógica de sus orígenes y contenidos.
"Is The Quran God's Word? by Dr. Zakir Naik" diskuterar Koranens ursprung och huruvida den är Guds ord eller författades av profeten Muhammad (må Guds frid och välsignelser vara med honom). Den presenterar flera argument för att motbevisa påståendena om att profeten Muhammed författade Koranen, bland annat
1. Profeten Muhammed gjorde aldrig anspråk på att vara författare till Koranen utan tillskrev den alltid en gudomlig uppenbarelse.
2. Koranen innehåller information och kunskap som var okänd vid den tiden, vilket gör det högst osannolikt att en människa skulle ha kunnat författa den.
3. Koranen innehåller utmaningar och falsifieringstester som ingen människa kan ha klarat av, t.ex. att producera ett kapitel som liknar det.
4. Koranens stil, struktur och innehåll skiljer sig avsevärt från allt som en människa skulle kunna ha producerat, särskilt en analfabet som profeten Muhammed.
5. Profeten Muhammeds liv och karaktär är oförenliga med att han skulle vara en lögnare eller bedragare som fabricerade Koranen.
Ljudet drar slutsatsen att Koranen är Guds ord som uppenbarats för profeten Muhammed och att detta är den enda logiska förklaringen till dess ursprung och innehåll.
Das Buch "Ist der Koran Gottes Wort?" von Dr. Zakir Naik erörtert die Ursprünge des Korans und die Frage, ob er das Wort Gottes ist oder vom Propheten Muhammad (Friede und Segen Gottes seien auf ihm) verfasst wurde. Es werden mehrere Argumente angeführt, um die Behauptung zu widerlegen, dass der Prophet Muhammad den Koran verfasst hat, darunter:
1. Der Prophet Muhammad hat nie die Urheberschaft des Korans beansprucht und ihn immer einer göttlichen Offenbarung zugeschrieben.
2. Der Koran enthält Informationen und Wissen, das zu seiner Zeit unbekannt war, so dass es höchst unwahrscheinlich ist, dass ein Mensch ihn verfasst haben könnte.
3. Der Koran bietet Herausforderungen und Falsifikationstests, die kein Mensch hätte erfüllen können, wie z. B. die Erstellung eines ähnlichen Kapitels.
4. Der Stil, die Struktur und der Inhalt des Korans unterscheiden sich erheblich von allem, was ein Mensch, insbesondere ein Analphabet wie der Prophet Muhammad, hätte verfassen können.
5. Das Leben und der Charakter des Propheten Muhammad sind nicht damit vereinbar, dass er ein Lügner oder Betrüger war, der den Koran fabriziert hat.
Der Audioteil kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der Koran das Wort Gottes ist, das dem Propheten Muhammad offenbart wurde, und dass dies die einzige logische Erklärung für seine Ursprünge und seinen Inhalt ist.
Zakir Naik" traite des origines du Coran et de la question de savoir s'il est la parole de Dieu ou s'il a été écrit par le prophète Muhammad (que la paix et les bénédictions de Dieu soient sur lui). Il présente plusieurs arguments pour réfuter les affirmations selon lesquelles le prophète Muhammad est l'auteur du Coran, notamment :
1. Le prophète Muhammad n'a jamais revendiqué la paternité du Coran et l'a toujours attribué à la révélation divine.
2. Le Coran contient des informations et des connaissances qui étaient inconnues à l'époque, ce qui rend très improbable qu'un humain ait pu en être l'auteur.
3. Le Coran présente des défis et des tests de falsification qu'aucun humain n'aurait pu relever, comme la production d'un chapitre similaire.
4. Le style, la structure et le contenu du Coran sont très différents de tout ce qu'un être humain aurait pu produire, en particulier un analphabète comme le prophète Mahomet.
5. La vie et le caractère du prophète Mahomet sont incompatibles avec le fait qu'il soit un menteur ou un trompeur ayant fabriqué le Coran.
L'audio conclut que le Coran est la parole de Dieu révélée au prophète Muhammad, et que c'est la seule explication logique de ses origines et de son contenu.
Tohtori Zakir Naikin kirjoittamassa kirjassa "Onko Koraani Jumalan sana?" käsitellään Koraanin alkuperää ja sitä, onko se Jumalan sana vai profeetta Muhammedin (rauha ja Jumalan siunaukset hänelle) kirjoittama. Siinä esitetään useita väitteitä, joilla kumotaan väitteet, joiden mukaan profeetta Muhammad olisi kirjoittanut Koraanin, muun muassa seuraavat:
1. Profeetta Muhammad ei koskaan väittänyt olevansa Koraanin kirjoittaja, vaan hän piti sitä aina jumalallisen ilmoituksen tuloksena.
2. Koraani sisältää tietoa ja tietämystä, joka oli tuolloin tuntematonta, joten on erittäin epätodennäköistä, että ihminen olisi voinut laatia sen.
3. Koraani tarjoaa haasteita ja vääristelytestejä, joita kukaan ihminen ei olisi voinut täyttää, kuten esimerkiksi tuottaa samanlaisen luvun.
4. Koraanin tyyli, rakenne ja sisältö eroavat suuresti kaikesta, mitä ihminen olisi voinut tuottaa, erityisesti profeetta Muhammedin kaltainen lukutaidoton henkilö.
5. Profeetta Muhammedin elämä ja luonne eivät sovi yhteen sen kanssa, että hän olisi ollut valehtelija tai petkuttaja, joka tehtaili Koraanin.
6. Audio päättelee, että Koraani on profeetta Muhammedille ilmoitettu Jumalan sana ja että tämä on ainoa looginen selitys sen alkuperälle ja sisällölle.
Is De Koran Gods Woord? door Dr. Zakir Naik' bespreekt de oorsprong van de Koran en of het het woord van God is of geschreven werd door Profeet Mohammed (moge de vrede en zegeningen van God op hem zijn). Het presenteert verschillende argumenten om de beweringen dat Profeet Mohammed de Koran heeft geschreven te weerleggen, waaronder:
1. Profeet Mohammed heeft nooit het auteurschap van de Koran opgeëist en schreef het altijd toe aan goddelijke openbaring.
2. De Koran bevat informatie en kennis die in die tijd onbekend was, waardoor het hoogst onwaarschijnlijk is dat een mens de Koran zou hebben geschreven.
3. De Koran biedt uitdagingen en vervalsingstests waaraan geen mens zou kunnen hebben voldaan, zoals het produceren van een hoofdstuk dat erop lijkt.
4. De stijl, structuur en inhoud van de Koran verschillen enorm van alles wat een mens zou kunnen hebben geproduceerd, vooral een ongeletterd persoon als Profeet Mohammed.
5. Het leven en karakter van Profeet Mohammed zijn onverenigbaar met het feit dat hij een leugenaar of bedrieger is die de Koran heeft verzonnen.
De audio concludeert dat de Koran het woord van God is, geopenbaard aan Profeet Mohammed, en dat dit de enige logische verklaring is voor de oorsprong en inhoud ervan.
'Is The Quran God's Word? by Dr. Zakir Naik' diskuterer Koranens oprindelse, og om den er Guds ord eller blev forfattet af profeten Muhammad (må Guds fred og velsignelser være med ham). Den præsenterer flere argumenter for at tilbagevise påstandene om, at profeten Muhammad er forfatter til Koranen, herunder:
1. Profeten Muhammad har aldrig hævdet at være forfatter til Koranen og har altid tilskrevet den en guddommelig åbenbaring.
2. Koranen indeholder information og viden, som var ukendt på den tid, hvilket gør det højst usandsynligt, at et menneske kan have skrevet den.
3. Koranen indeholder udfordringer og falsifikationstests, som intet menneske kunne have klaret, såsom at producere et kapitel, der ligner det.
4. Koranens stil, struktur og indhold er meget forskelligt fra alt, hvad et menneske kunne have produceret, især en analfabet som profeten Muhammed.
5. Profeten Muhammeds liv og karakter er uforenelig med, at han skulle være en løgner eller bedrager, der har fabrikeret Koranen.
Lyden konkluderer, at Koranen er Guds ord åbenbaret til profeten Muhammed, og at dette er den eneste logiske forklaring på dens oprindelse og indhold.
1. 先知穆罕默德从未声称自己是《古兰经》的作者,他总是将《古兰经》归功于神的启示。
2. 古兰经》包含了当时未知的信息和知识,因此由人类撰写《古兰经》的可能性很小。
3. 3. 《古兰经》提供了人类无法应对的挑战和证伪测试,例如产生与《古兰经》相似的章节。
4. 古兰经》的风格、结构和内容与人类可能创作的任何作品都大相径庭,尤其是像先知穆罕默德这样的文盲。
5. 先知穆罕默德的生平和性格不可能是编造《古兰经》的骗子。
‘Is The Quran God's Word? by Dr. Zakir Naik’ discusses the origins of the Quran and whether it is the word of God or was authored by Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of God be upon him). It presents several arguments to refute the claims that Prophet Muhammad authored the Quran, including:
1. Prophet Muhammad never claimed authorship of the Quran and always attributed it to divine revelation.
2. The Quran contains information and knowledge that was unknown at the time, making it highly unlikely that a human could have authored it.
3. The Quran provides challenges and falsification tests that no human could have met, such as producing a chapter similar to it.
4. The Quran's style, structure, and content are vastly different from anything a human could have produced, especially an illiterate person like Prophet Muhammad.
5. Prophet Muhammad's life and character are incompatible with him being a liar or deceiver who fabricated the Quran.
The audio concludes that the Quran is the word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad, and that this is the only logical explanation for its origins and contents.
Сура Аль-Маїда, п'ята глава Корану, є всеосяжним розділом, що охоплює різні аспекти ісламського вчення та законів. Глава складається зі 120 віршів і торкається цілої низки тем, включаючи закони про харчування, соціальну справедливість, правові питання та етичну поведінку.
Однією з центральних тем Сури Аль-Маїда є важливість слідування божественним настановам і дотримання принципів справедливості та праведності. У главі підкреслюється концепція підзвітності перед Богом і наголошується на необхідності для віруючих дотримуватися своїх зобов'язань і відповідальності.
Сура Аль-Маїда також містить конкретні вказівки щодо дозволеної та недозволеної їжі для мусульман. Вона окреслює дієтичні обмеження, такі як заборона споживання свинини та крові, водночас дозволяючи вживати дозволену (халяльну) їжу.
У розділі обговорюється важливість виконання обіцянок і завітів, а також важливість дотримання справедливості в усіх справах. Вона заохочує віруючих відстоювати правду і справедливість, навіть якщо це суперечить їхнім власним інтересам.
Сура Аль-Маїда також розглядає питання, пов'язані з міжконфесійними відносинами та співіснуванням. Вона підкреслює спільність між мусульманами та людьми Книги (юдеями та християнами) і закликає до взаємоповаги та взаєморозуміння.
Загалом Сура Аль-Маїда слугує для мусульман дороговказом, як вести праведне життя відповідно до ісламських принципів. Вона підкреслює важливість віри, добрих справ, етичної поведінки та дотримання божественних законів як невід'ємних складових життя віруючої людини.
Сура "Ан-Ніса" (глава 4) Корану обговорює різні аспекти прав жінок, соціальної справедливості, сімейних законів та настанов щодо підтримання гармонійних стосунків у суспільстві. Глава названа на честь жінок (Ан-Ніса), щоб підкреслити важливість захисту прав і гідності жінок в ісламі.
Однією з ключових тем сури "Ан-Ніса" є важливість справедливості та рівності у відносинах з жінками. У главі підкреслюється рівне ставлення до жінок у таких питаннях, як успадкування, шлюб і розлучення. Вона також наголошує на необхідності захисту жінок від експлуатації та насильства, підкреслюючи відповідальність суспільства за забезпечення їхнього добробуту.
Сура "Ан-Ніса" також містить настанови щодо сімейного законодавства, зокрема правил розподілу спадщини, шлюбних контрактів і поводження з сиротами. Глава підкреслює важливість підтримки міцних родинних зв'язків і виконання обов'язків по відношенню до своїх родичів.
Крім того, у Сурі Ан-Ніса розглядаються питання, пов'язані з соціальною справедливістю та добробутом громади. Вона заохочує віруючих відстоювати справедливість, виступати проти правопорушень і підтримувати тих, хто цього потребує. Глава також підкреслює важливість єдності та співпраці всередині мусульманської громади.
Загалом Сура Ан-Ніса є всеосяжним посібником для мусульман про те, як відстоювати справедливість, рівність і співчуття у взаємодії з іншими людьми, особливо з жінками. Вона надає цінну інформацію про права та обов'язки людей у суспільстві та підкреслює важливість побудови справедливої та інклюзивної спільноти, заснованої на ісламських принципах.
Сура "Імран", також відома як "Родина Імрана", є третьою главою Корану. Ця глава складається з 200 віршів і охоплює широке коло тем, включаючи історії попередніх пророків та їхніх громад, настанови для мусульман у різних аспектах життя, а також нагадування про важливість віри, наполегливості та праведності.
Одним із ключових аспектів, висвітлених у сурі "Аль-Імран", є концепція єдинобожжя, або таухіду. Вона підкреслює, що існує лише один істинний Бог, і заохочує віруючих поклонятися Йому одному. У розділі також обговорюється віра в Пророка Мухаммада (мир йому і благословення) як останнього посланця, посланого Богом.
Сура заглиблюється в різні оповіді з іудейської та християнської традицій, щоб висвітлити спільні вірування та роз'яснити хибні уявлення. У ній розповідаються історії про пророка Адама (Адама), пророка Ноя (Нуха), пророка Авраама (Ібрагіма), пророка Мойсея (Муси) та Ісуса Христа (Іси) - (мир їм усім). Ці історії слугують для віруючих уроками, щоб черпати натхнення в їхній боротьбі, стійкості та непохитній вірі в Бога.
Крім того, сура "Аль-Імран" (глава 3 Корану) містить настанови щодо різних аспектів особистої поведінки, сімейного життя, суспільних відносин і вирішення проблем, з якими зіткнулися мусульмани під час одкровення Корану. Вона заохочує до терпіння в часи труднощів, наголошуючи на прощенні та співчутті до інших.
Загалом Сура Аль-Імран слугує всеосяжним керівництвом для мусульман, щоб вести праведне життя, засноване на сильній вірі в Бога. У ній розглядаються як духовні питання, так і практичні проблеми, з якими стикаються люди в своїх сім'ях і громадах. Вивчаючи цю главу з розумінням і роздумами, віруючі можуть отримати цінну інформацію про те, як вести збалансоване життя згідно з ісламськими принципами.
Сурат аль-Бакара, також відомий як "Телиця", є другою главою Корану. Ця глава складається з 286 віршів і є найдовшою главою в Корані. Вона охоплює широке коло тем і містить настанови для мусульман щодо різних аспектів життя.
Розділ починається зі вступу, в якому підкреслюється важливість віри в Бога і настанов, що містяться в Корані. Потім вона заглиблюється в історії з ісламської історії, зокрема в історії Адама і Єви, Мойсея та Авраама. Ці історії служать для віруючих уроками віри, послуху Божим заповідям і наслідків непослуху.
Ще однією важливою темою Сурат аль-Бакара є важливість дотримання релігійних ритуалів і законів. У ній викладено різні обов'язки, такі як молитва, піст під час Рамадану, благодійність і здійснення хаджу (паломництва). У розділі також розглядаються питання, пов'язані зі споживанням їжі, шлюбним законодавством, фінансовими операціями та соціальними обов'язками.
Сурат аль-Бакара також підкреслює концепцію єдності в мусульманських громадах і не заохочує до поділу або сектантства. Він заохочує віруючих працювати разом заради спільних цілей, зберігаючи справедливість і співчуття один до одного.
Крім того, ця глава застерігає від зарозумілості та впертості у прийнятті божественного керівництва. Вона висвітлює приклади минулих народів, які ігнорували послання пророків, що призвело до їхнього занепаду.
Таким чином, Сурат аль-Бакара слугує всеосяжним керівництвом для мусульман, розглядаючи різні аспекти віри та практичних життєвих питань. Його вчення охоплює моральні цінності, релігійні обов'язки, історичні свідчення попередніх поколінь, а також підкреслює єдність мусульманських громад, застерігаючи від зарозумілості та ігнорування божественного керівництва.
Перший розділ Корану, відомий як "Початок" або аль-Фатіха арабською мовою, має велике значення для мусульман усього світу. Вона вважається суттю всього Корану і читається в кожній частині мусульманської молитви.
Глава складається з семи віршів і служить прекрасним вступом до тем і вчень, що містяться в Корані. Вона починається з прославлення і визнання Бога, милосердного і співчутливого Творця всього сущого. Мусульмани вірять, що Бог не тільки могутній, але й розуміючий і прощаючий.
"Відкриття" шукає керівництва від Бога, визнаючи, що справжнє керівництво може прийти тільки від Нього. У ній підкреслюється важливість шукати Його допомоги та покладатися на Його безмежну мудрість у подоланні життєвих труднощів.
У цій главі мусульмани також визнають свою залежність від Бога, розуміючи, що без Його підтримки вони б загубилися. Вони висловлюють своє бажання йти прямим шляхом, вказаним Ним.
Загалом, "Відкриття" задає тон смирення, покладання на Боже керівництво і визнання Його суверенітету. Це нагадування мусульманам про необхідність звертатися до Нього за силою і шукати Його милості в усіх аспектах життя.
La Surah Al-Ma'idah, il quinto capitolo del Corano, è un capitolo completo che copre vari aspetti degli insegnamenti e delle leggi islamiche. Il capitolo è composto da 120 versetti e affronta una serie di argomenti, tra cui le leggi alimentari, la giustizia sociale, le questioni legali e la condotta etica.
Uno dei temi centrali della Surah Al-Ma'idah è l'importanza di seguire la guida divina e di aderire ai principi di giustizia e rettitudine. Il capitolo enfatizza il concetto di responsabilità davanti a Dio e sottolinea la necessità per i credenti di rispettare i loro obblighi e le loro responsabilità.
La Surah Al-Ma'idah contiene anche linee guida specifiche sui cibi permessi e non permessi per i musulmani. In essa sono delineate le restrizioni dietetiche, come il divieto di consumare carne di maiale e sangue, mentre è consentito il consumo di cibi leciti (halal).
Il capitolo parla dell'importanza di rispettare le promesse e le alleanze, nonché dell'importanza di sostenere la giustizia in tutti i rapporti. Incoraggia i credenti a difendere la verità e l'equità, anche se ciò va contro i loro interessi.
La Surah Al-Ma'idah affronta anche questioni relative alle relazioni interreligiose e alla coesistenza. Evidenzia i punti in comune tra musulmani e Gente del Libro (ebrei e cristiani) e invita al rispetto e alla comprensione reciproci.
Nel complesso, la Surah Al-Ma'idah funge da guida per i musulmani su come condurre una vita retta in conformità ai principi islamici. Sottolinea l'importanza della fede, delle buone azioni, della condotta etica e dell'adesione alle leggi divine come componenti essenziali della vita di un credente.
La Surah An-Nisa' (capitolo 4) del Corano tratta vari aspetti dei diritti delle donne, della giustizia sociale, delle leggi sulla famiglia e delle indicazioni per mantenere relazioni armoniose all'interno della società. Il capitolo prende il nome dalle donne (An-Nisa') per sottolineare l'importanza di sostenere i diritti e la dignità delle donne nell'Islam.
Uno dei temi chiave della Surah An-Nisa' è l'importanza della giustizia e dell'uguaglianza nei rapporti con le donne. Il capitolo sottolinea la parità di trattamento delle donne in questioni come l'eredità, il matrimonio e il divorzio. Sottolinea inoltre la necessità di proteggere le donne dallo sfruttamento e dagli abusi, evidenziando la responsabilità della società nel garantire il loro benessere.
La Surah An-Nisa' fornisce anche indicazioni sulle leggi familiari, comprese le norme relative alla distribuzione dell'eredità, ai contratti di matrimonio e al trattamento degli orfani. Il capitolo sottolinea l'importanza di mantenere forti legami familiari e di adempiere alle responsabilità verso i propri parenti.
Inoltre, la Surah An-Nisa' affronta questioni relative alla giustizia sociale e al benessere della comunità. Incoraggia i credenti a difendere la giustizia, a parlare contro le malefatte e a sostenere i bisognosi. Il capitolo sottolinea anche l'importanza dell'unità e della cooperazione all'interno della comunità musulmana.
Nel complesso, la Surah An-Nisa' funge da guida completa per i musulmani su come sostenere la giustizia, l'uguaglianza e la compassione nelle loro interazioni con gli altri, in particolare nei confronti delle donne. Fornisce preziose indicazioni sui diritti e le responsabilità degli individui all'interno della società e sottolinea l'importanza di costruire una comunità giusta e inclusiva basata sui principi islamici.
La Surah Al 'Imran, nota anche come Famiglia di Imran, è il terzo capitolo del Corano. Questo capitolo è composto da 200 versetti e copre un'ampia gamma di temi, tra cui le storie dei profeti precedenti e delle loro comunità, la guida per i musulmani in diversi aspetti della vita e i promemoria sull'importanza della fede, della perseveranza e della rettitudine.
Un aspetto chiave evidenziato nella Surah Al 'Imran è il concetto di monoteismo o Tawheed. Il testo sottolinea che esiste un solo vero Dio e incoraggia i credenti ad adorare solo Lui. Il capitolo tratta anche della fede nel Profeta Muhammad (pace su di lui) come ultimo messaggero inviato da Dio.
La Surah approfondisce diverse narrazioni della tradizione ebraica e cristiana per evidenziare le credenze comuni e chiarire le idee sbagliate. Racconta storie come quella del profeta Adamo, del profeta Noè, del profeta Abramo, del profeta Mosè e di Gesù Cristo. Queste storie servono ai credenti per trarre ispirazione dalle loro lotte, dalla loro fermezza e dalla loro fede incrollabile in Dio.
Inoltre, la Surah Al 'Imran (capitolo 3 del Corano) fornisce indicazioni su vari aspetti della condotta personale, della vita familiare, delle relazioni sociali e della gestione delle sfide affrontate dai musulmani durante la sua rivelazione. Incoraggia la pazienza nei momenti di difficoltà e sottolinea il perdono e la compassione verso gli altri.
Nel complesso, la Surah Al 'Imran funge da guida completa per i musulmani per condurre una vita retta basata su una forte fede in Dio. Affronta sia questioni spirituali sia questioni pratiche che gli individui devono affrontare all'interno delle loro famiglie e comunità. Studiando questo capitolo con comprensione e riflessione, i credenti possono trarre preziose indicazioni per condurre una vita equilibrata secondo i principi islamici.
La Surat al-Baqarah, nota anche come "La giovenca", è il secondo capitolo del Corano. È composto da 286 versetti ed è il capitolo più lungo del Corano. Copre un'ampia gamma di argomenti e fornisce indicazioni ai musulmani su vari aspetti della vita.
Il capitolo inizia con un'introduzione che sottolinea l'importanza della fede in Dio e della guida fornita dal Corano. Poi approfondisce le storie della storia islamica, tra cui quelle di Adamo ed Eva, Mosè e Abramo. Queste storie servono come lezioni per i credenti sulla fede, sull'obbedienza ai comandi di Dio e sulle conseguenze della disobbedienza.
Un altro tema significativo della Surat al-Baqarah è l'importanza di seguire i riti e le leggi religiose. Vengono delineati vari obblighi come la preghiera, il digiuno durante il Ramadan, l'elemosina e l'esecuzione del Hajj (pellegrinaggio). Il capitolo affronta anche questioni relative al consumo di cibo, alle leggi sul matrimonio, alle transazioni finanziarie e alle responsabilità sociali.
La Surat al-Baqarah sottolinea anche il concetto di unità all'interno delle comunità musulmane e scoraggia la divisione o il settarismo. Incoraggia i credenti a lavorare insieme per raggiungere obiettivi comuni, mantenendo la giustizia e la compassione reciproca.
Inoltre, questo capitolo mette in guardia contro l'arroganza e la testardaggine nell'accettare la guida divina. Evidenzia esempi di nazioni del passato che hanno ignorato i messaggi dei profeti, causando la loro rovina.
In sintesi, la Surat al-Baqarah funge da guida completa per i musulmani, affrontando vari aspetti della fede e della vita pratica. I suoi insegnamenti comprendono valori morali, obblighi religiosi, testimonianze storiche delle generazioni precedenti e sottolineano l'unità delle comunità musulmane, mettendo in guardia dall'arroganza e dall'ignorare la guida divina.
Il primo capitolo del Corano, noto come "L'apertura" o al-Fatihah in arabo, ha un grande significato per i musulmani di tutto il mondo. È considerato l'essenza dell'intero Corano e viene recitato in ogni unità della preghiera musulmana.
Il capitolo è composto da sette versetti e funge da splendida introduzione ai temi e agli insegnamenti che si trovano in tutto il Corano. Inizia lodando e riconoscendo Dio, il creatore misericordioso e compassionevole di tutte le cose. I musulmani credono che Dio non sia solo potente, ma anche comprensivo e perdonante.
L'"Apertura" cerca poi la guida di Dio, riconoscendo che la vera guida può venire solo da Lui. Il capitolo sottolinea l'importanza di cercare il Suo aiuto e di affidarsi alla Sua infinita saggezza per affrontare le sfide della vita.
In questo capitolo, i musulmani riconoscono anche la loro dipendenza da Dio per il sostentamento e la guida, riconoscendo che senza il suo sostegno sarebbero perduti. Esprimono il desiderio di seguire la retta via da Lui indicata.
Nel complesso, "L'apertura" stabilisce un tono di umiltà, fiducia nella guida di Dio e riconoscimento della sua sovranità. Serve a ricordare ai musulmani di rivolgersi a Lui per ottenere forza e cercare la Sua misericordia in tutti gli aspetti della vita.
Surah Al-Ma'idah, al cincilea capitol din Coran, este un capitol cuprinzător care acoperă diferite aspecte ale învățăturilor și legilor islamice. Capitolul este alcătuit din 120 de versete și abordează o serie de subiecte, inclusiv legile dietetice, justiția socială, aspectele juridice și comportamentul etic.
Una dintre temele centrale ale suratei Al-Ma'idah este importanța de a urma îndrumarea divină și de a adera la principiile de dreptate și corectitudine. Capitolul pune accentul pe conceptul de responsabilitate în fața lui Dumnezeu și subliniază necesitatea ca credincioșii să își respecte obligațiile și responsabilitățile.
Surah Al-Ma'idah conține, de asemenea, orientări specifice cu privire la alimentele permise și nepermise pentru musulmani. Aceasta prezintă restricții alimentare, cum ar fi interzicerea consumului de carne de porc și de sânge, permițând în același timp consumul de alimente legale (halal).
Capitolul discută semnificația îndeplinirii promisiunilor și a legămintelor, precum și importanța respectării dreptății în toate relațiile. Îi încurajează pe credincioși să se ridice în favoarea adevărului și a corectitudinii, chiar dacă acest lucru contravine propriilor interese.
Surah Al-Ma'idah abordează, de asemenea, aspecte legate de relațiile interconfesionale și de coexistență. Ea evidențiază punctele comune dintre musulmani și Oamenii Cărții (evrei și creștini) și face apel la respect și înțelegere reciprocă.
În general, Surah Al-Ma'idah servește drept ghid pentru musulmani cu privire la modul de a duce o viață corectă în conformitate cu principiile islamice. Ea subliniază importanța credinței, a faptelor bune, a comportamentului etic și a respectării legilor divine ca fiind componente esențiale ale vieții unui credincios.
Surah An-Nisa' (Capitolul 4) din Coran discută diverse aspecte legate de drepturile femeilor, justiția socială, legile familiei și îndrumări pentru menținerea unor relații armonioase în cadrul societății. Capitolul poartă numele femeilor (An-Nisa') pentru a sublinia importanța susținerii drepturilor și demnității femeilor în islam.
Una dintre temele cheie ale suratei An-Nisa' este importanța justiției și a egalității în relațiile cu femeile. Capitolul pune accentul pe tratamentul egal al femeilor în chestiuni precum moștenirea, căsătoria și divorțul. De asemenea, subliniază necesitatea de a proteja femeile de exploatare și abuz, evidențiind responsabilitatea societății de a le asigura bunăstarea.
Surah An-Nisa' oferă, de asemenea, îndrumări cu privire la legile familiei, inclusiv reguli privind distribuirea moștenirii, contractele de căsătorie și tratamentul orfanilor. Capitolul subliniază importanța menținerii unor legături familiale puternice și a îndeplinirii responsabilităților față de rudele proprii.
În plus, Surah An-Nisa' abordează aspecte legate de justiția socială și bunăstarea comunității. Ea îi încurajează pe credincioși să se ridice în picioare pentru dreptate, să vorbească împotriva greșelilor și să îi sprijine pe cei aflați în nevoie. Capitolul subliniază, de asemenea, importanța unității și a cooperării în cadrul comunității musulmane.
În general, Surah An-Nisa' servește drept un ghid cuprinzător pentru musulmani cu privire la modul în care trebuie să susțină dreptatea, egalitatea și compasiunea în interacțiunile cu ceilalți, în special față de femei. Ea oferă informații valoroase cu privire la drepturile și responsabilitățile indivizilor în cadrul societății și subliniază importanța construirii unei comunități juste și incluzive, bazată pe principiile islamice.
Surah Al 'Imran, cunoscută și sub numele de Familia lui Imran, este al treilea capitol din Coran. Acest capitol este format din 200 de versete și acoperă o gamă largă de teme, inclusiv poveștile profeților anteriori și ale comunităților lor, îndrumări pentru musulmani în diferite aspecte ale vieții și reamintiri despre importanța credinței, a perseverenței și a corectitudinii.
Un aspect cheie evidențiat în Surah Al 'Imran este conceptul de monoteism sau Tawheed. Aceasta subliniază faptul că există un singur Dumnezeu adevărat și îi încurajează pe credincioși să I se închine numai Lui. Capitolul discută, de asemenea, credința în Profetul Mohammed (Pacea fie asupra sa!) ca fiind ultimul mesager trimis de Dumnezeu.
Surah aprofundează diverse relatări din tradițiile iudaică și creștină pentru a evidenția credințele comune, clarificând în același timp concepțiile greșite. Ea relatează povești precum cea a Profetului Adam (Adam), a Profetului Noe (Nuh), a Profetului Avraam (Ibrahim), a Profetului Moise (Musa) și a lui Iisus Hristos (Isa) - (pacea fie asupra lor toți). Aceste povești servesc drept lecții pentru credincioși, pentru ca aceștia să se inspire din luptele lor, din fermitatea și credința neclintită în Dumnezeu.
În plus, sura Al 'Imran (capitolul 3 din Coran) oferă îndrumări cu privire la diverse aspecte ale conduitei personale, ale vieții de familie, ale relațiilor sociale și ale modului de abordare a provocărilor cu care se confruntă musulmanii în timpul revelației sale. Aceasta încurajează răbdarea în perioadele dificile, punând în același timp accentul pe iertare și compasiune față de ceilalți.
În general, Surah Al 'Imran servește drept un ghid cuprinzător pentru musulmani pentru a duce o viață corectă bazată pe o credință puternică în Dumnezeu. Ea abordează atât chestiuni spirituale, cât și probleme practice cu care se confruntă indivizii în cadrul familiilor și comunităților lor. Studiind acest capitol cu înțelegere și reflecție, credincioșii pot obține informații valoroase pentru a duce o viață echilibrată în conformitate cu principiile islamice.
Surat al-Baqarah, cunoscută și sub numele de "Vița", este al doilea capitol din Coran. Acest capitol este format din 286 de versete și este cel mai lung capitol din Coran. Acesta acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte și oferă îndrumări pentru musulmani cu privire la diverse aspecte ale vieții.
Capitolul începe cu o introducere care subliniază importanța credinței în Dumnezeu și a îndrumării oferite de Coran. Apoi, el aprofundează poveștile din istoria islamică, inclusiv cele ale lui Adam și Eva, Moise și Avraam. Aceste povești servesc drept lecții pentru credincioși cu privire la credință, la ascultarea de poruncile lui Dumnezeu și la consecințele neascultării.
O altă temă semnificativă din Surat al-Baqarah este importanța respectării ritualurilor și legilor religioase. Aceasta prezintă diverse obligații, cum ar fi rugăciunea, postul din timpul Ramadanului, oferirea de caritate și efectuarea Hajj (pelerinaj). Capitolul abordează, de asemenea, aspecte legate de consumul de alimente, legile privind căsătoria, tranzacțiile financiare și responsabilitățile sociale.
Surat al-Baqarah subliniază, de asemenea, conceptul de unitate în cadrul comunităților musulmane și descurajează divizarea sau sectarismul. Acesta îi încurajează pe credincioși să lucreze împreună pentru obiective comune, menținând în același timp dreptatea și compasiunea unii față de alții.
În plus, acest capitol avertizează împotriva aroganței și a încăpățânării față de acceptarea îndrumării divine. El evidențiază exemple de națiuni din trecut care au ignorat mesajele profeților, ceea ce a dus la căderea lor.
În concluzie, Surat al-Baqarah servește drept ghid cuprinzător pentru musulmani, abordând diverse aspecte ale credinței și chestiuni practice ale vieții. Învățăturile sale cuprind valori morale, obligații religioase, relatări istorice din generațiile anterioare, precum și evidențierea unității în cadrul comunităților musulmane, avertizând în același timp împotriva aroganței sau a ignorării îndrumării divine.
Primul capitol al Coranului, cunoscut sub numele de "Deschiderea" sau al-Fatihah în arabă, are o mare importanță pentru musulmanii din întreaga lume. Este considerat a fi esența întregului Coran și este recitat în fiecare unitate de rugăciune musulmană.
Capitolul este alcătuit din șapte versete și servește ca o frumoasă introducere la temele și învățăturile care se regăsesc în întregul Coran. Începe prin a-l lăuda și recunoaște pe Dumnezeu, Creatorul milostiv și plin de compasiune al tuturor lucrurilor. Musulmanii cred că Dumnezeu nu este doar puternic, ci și înțelegător și iertător.
"Deschiderea" caută apoi îndrumare de la Dumnezeu, recunoscând că adevărata îndrumare poate veni doar de la El. Acesta subliniază importanța de a căuta ajutorul Său și de a ne baza pe înțelepciunea Sa infinită în navigarea prin provocările vieții.
În acest capitol, musulmanii recunosc, de asemenea, dependența lor de Dumnezeu pentru susținere și îndrumare, recunoscând că fără sprijinul Său, ar fi pierduți. Ei își exprimă dorința de a urma calea dreaptă stabilită de El.
În general, "Deschiderea" dă un ton de umilință, de încredere în călăuzirea lui Dumnezeu și de recunoaștere a suveranității Sale. Ea servește ca un memento pentru musulmani de a se întoarce la El pentru putere și de a căuta mila Sa în toate aspectele vieții.
Sura Al-Ma'idah, piąty rozdział Koranu, jest obszernym rozdziałem obejmującym różne aspekty islamskich nauk i praw. Rozdział ten składa się ze 120 wersetów i porusza szereg tematów, w tym prawa żywieniowe, sprawiedliwość społeczną, kwestie prawne i etyczne.
Jednym z głównych tematów Surah Al-Ma'idah jest znaczenie podążania za boskim przewodnictwem i przestrzegania zasad sprawiedliwości i prawości. Rozdział ten kładzie nacisk na koncepcję odpowiedzialności przed Bogiem i podkreśla potrzebę przestrzegania przez wierzących ich obowiązków i odpowiedzialności.
Sura Al-Ma'idah zawiera również szczegółowe wytyczne dotyczące dozwolonych i niedozwolonych pokarmów dla muzułmanów. Przedstawia ograniczenia dietetyczne, takie jak zakaz spożywania wieprzowiny i krwi, jednocześnie zezwalając na spożywanie legalnej żywności (halal).
Rozdział ten omawia znaczenie wypełniania obietnic i przymierzy, a także znaczenie przestrzegania sprawiedliwości we wszystkich działaniach. Zachęca wierzących do stawania w obronie prawdy i sprawiedliwości, nawet jeśli jest to sprzeczne z ich własnymi interesami.
Sura Al-Ma'idah porusza również kwestie związane z relacjami międzywyznaniowymi i współistnieniem. Podkreśla podobieństwa między muzułmanami a Ludem Księgi (żydami i chrześcijanami) oraz wzywa do wzajemnego szacunku i zrozumienia.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Al-Ma'idah służy jako przewodnik dla muzułmanów, jak prowadzić prawe życie zgodnie z zasadami islamu. Podkreśla znaczenie wiary, dobrych uczynków, etycznego postępowania i przestrzegania boskich praw jako podstawowych elementów życia wierzącego.
Sura An-Nisa' (Rozdział 4) w Koranie omawia różne aspekty praw kobiet, sprawiedliwości społecznej, praw rodzinnych i wskazówek dotyczących utrzymywania harmonijnych relacji w społeczeństwie. Rozdział ten został nazwany na cześć kobiet (An-Nisa'), aby podkreślić znaczenie przestrzegania praw i godności kobiet w islamie.
Jednym z kluczowych tematów Sury An-Nisa' jest znaczenie sprawiedliwości i równości w kontaktach z kobietami. Rozdział ten kładzie nacisk na równe traktowanie kobiet w kwestiach takich jak dziedziczenie, małżeństwo i rozwód. Podkreśla również potrzebę ochrony kobiet przed wykorzystywaniem i nadużyciami, podkreślając odpowiedzialność społeczeństwa za zapewnienie im dobrobytu.
Sura An-Nisa' zawiera również wskazówki dotyczące prawa rodzinnego, w tym zasad dotyczących podziału spadku, umów małżeńskich i traktowania sierot. Rozdział ten podkreśla znaczenie utrzymywania silnych więzi rodzinnych i wypełniania obowiązków wobec krewnych.
Ponadto sura An-Nisa' porusza kwestie związane ze sprawiedliwością społeczną i dobrobytem społeczności. Zachęca wierzących do stawania w obronie sprawiedliwości, wypowiadania się przeciwko złym czynom i wspierania potrzebujących. Rozdział ten podkreśla również znaczenie jedności i współpracy w ramach społeczności muzułmańskiej.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura An-Nisa' służy jako kompleksowy przewodnik dla muzułmanów na temat tego, jak stać na straży sprawiedliwości, równości i współczucia w ich interakcjach z innymi, szczególnie z kobietami. Zapewnia cenny wgląd w prawa i obowiązki jednostek w społeczeństwie oraz podkreśla znaczenie budowania sprawiedliwej i integracyjnej społeczności opartej na zasadach islamu.
Sura Al 'Imran, znana również jako Rodzina Imrana, jest trzecim rozdziałem Koranu. Rozdział ten składa się z 200 wersetów i obejmuje szeroki zakres tematów, w tym historie poprzednich proroków i ich społeczności, wskazówki dla muzułmanów w różnych aspektach życia oraz przypomnienia o znaczeniu wiary, wytrwałości i prawości.
Jednym z kluczowych aspektów podkreślonych w surze Al 'Imran jest koncepcja monoteizmu lub Tawheed. Podkreśla ona, że istnieje tylko jeden prawdziwy Bóg i zachęca wierzących do oddawania czci tylko Jemu. Rozdział ten omawia również wiarę w Proroka Muhammada (niech spoczywa w pokoju) jako ostatniego posłańca wysłanego przez Boga.
Sura zagłębia się w różne narracje z tradycji żydowskiej i chrześcijańskiej, aby podkreślić wspólne wierzenia, jednocześnie wyjaśniając błędne przekonania. Opowiada historie takie jak Proroka Adama (Adam), Proroka Noego (Nuh), Proroka Abrahama (Ibrahim), Proroka Mojżesza (Musa) i Jezusa Chrystusa (Isa) - (niech pokój będzie z nimi wszystkimi). Historie te służą jako lekcje dla wierzących, aby czerpać inspirację z ich zmagań, wytrwałości i niezachwianej wiary w Boga.
Ponadto sura Al 'Imran (rozdział 3 Koranu) zawiera wskazówki dotyczące różnych aspektów osobistego postępowania, życia rodzinnego, relacji społecznych i radzenia sobie z wyzwaniami, przed którymi stanęli muzułmanie podczas jej objawienia. Zachęca do cierpliwości w trudnych czasach, podkreślając jednocześnie przebaczenie i współczucie dla innych.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, sura Al 'Imran służy jako kompleksowy przewodnik dla muzułmanów, aby prowadzić prawe życie oparte na silnej wierze w Boga. Odnosi się zarówno do spraw duchowych, jak i praktycznych kwestii, z którymi borykają się jednostki w swoich rodzinach i społecznościach. Studiując ten rozdział ze zrozumieniem i refleksją, wierzący mogą uzyskać cenny wgląd w prowadzenie zrównoważonego życia zgodnie z zasadami islamu.
Surat al-Baqarah, znany również jako "Jałówka", jest drugim rozdziałem Koranu. Rozdział ten składa się z 286 wersetów i jest najdłuższym rozdziałem w Koranie. Obejmuje on szeroki zakres tematów i zawiera wskazówki dla muzułmanów dotyczące różnych aspektów życia.
Rozdział rozpoczyna się wprowadzeniem, które podkreśla znaczenie wiary w Boga i wskazówek zawartych w Koranie. Następnie zagłębia się w historie z historii islamu, w tym historie Adama i Ewy, Mojżesza i Abrahama. Historie te służą jako lekcje dla wierzących na temat wiary, posłuszeństwa Bożym nakazom i konsekwencji nieposłuszeństwa.
Innym ważnym tematem w Surat al-Baqarah jest znaczenie przestrzegania rytuałów i praw religijnych. Przedstawia on różne obowiązki, takie jak modlitwa, post podczas Ramadanu, dawanie jałmużny i pielgrzymka Hadżdż. Rozdział ten porusza również kwestie związane z konsumpcją żywności, prawem małżeńskim, transakcjami finansowymi i obowiązkami społecznymi.
Surat al-Baqarah podkreśla również koncepcję jedności w społecznościach muzułmańskich i zniechęca do podziałów lub sekciarstwa. Zachęca wierzących do współpracy na rzecz wspólnych celów, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu sprawiedliwości i współczucia wobec siebie nawzajem.
Co więcej, rozdział ten ostrzega przed arogancją i uporem w przyjmowaniu boskiego przewodnictwa. Podkreśla przykłady przeszłych narodów, które zignorowały przesłania proroków, co doprowadziło do ich upadku.
Podsumowując, Surat al-Baqarah służy jako wszechstronny przewodnik dla muzułmanów, odnosząc się do różnych aspektów wiary i praktycznych spraw życiowych. Jego nauki obejmują wartości moralne, zobowiązania religijne, historyczne relacje z poprzednich pokoleń, a także podkreślają jedność w społecznościach muzułmańskich, jednocześnie ostrzegając przed arogancją lub ignorowaniem boskiego przewodnictwa.
Pierwszy rozdział Koranu, znany jako "Otwarcie" lub al-Fatihah w języku arabskim, ma ogromne znaczenie dla muzułmanów na całym świecie. Jest uważany za esencję całego Koranu i jest recytowany w każdej jednostce modlitwy muzułmańskiej.
Rozdział ten składa się z siedmiu wersetów i służy jako piękne wprowadzenie do tematów i nauk zawartych w Koranie. Rozpoczyna się od wychwalania i uznania Boga, miłosiernego i współczującego Stwórcy wszystkich rzeczy. Muzułmanie wierzą, że Bóg jest nie tylko potężny, ale także wyrozumiały i przebaczający.
"Otwarcie" szuka następnie wskazówek od Boga, uznając, że prawdziwe wskazówki mogą pochodzić tylko od Niego. Podkreśla znaczenie szukania Jego pomocy i polegania na Jego nieskończonej mądrości w radzeniu sobie z życiowymi wyzwaniami.
W tym rozdziale muzułmanie uznają również swoją zależność od Boga w zakresie utrzymania i przewodnictwa, uznając, że bez Jego wsparcia byliby zagubieni. Wyrażają pragnienie podążania prostą ścieżką wyznaczoną przez Boga.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, "Otwarcie" nadaje ton pokorze, poleganiu na Bożym przewodnictwie i uznaniu Jego suwerenności. Służy jako przypomnienie dla muzułmanów, aby zwracali się do Niego po siłę i szukali Jego miłosierdzia we wszystkich aspektach życia.
Sura al-Ma'idah, Koranens femte kapittel, er et omfattende kapittel som tar for seg ulike aspekter ved islamsk lære og lovgivning. Kapitlet består av 120 vers og tar for seg en rekke emner, deriblant kostholdslover, sosial rettferdighet, juridiske spørsmål og etisk atferd.
Et av de sentrale temaene i sura al-Ma'idah er viktigheten av å følge guddommelig veiledning og holde seg til prinsippene om rettferdighet og rettskaffenhet. Kapitlet legger vekt på begrepet ansvarlighet overfor Gud og understreker behovet for at de troende overholder sine forpliktelser og sitt ansvar.
Sura al-Ma'idah inneholder også spesifikke retningslinjer for hva som er tillatt og ikke tillatt mat for muslimer. Her skisseres kostholdsrestriksjoner, som forbud mot inntak av svinekjøtt og blod, mens lovlige (halal) matvarer er tillatt.
Kapitlet diskuterer betydningen av å oppfylle løfter og pakter, samt viktigheten av å opprettholde rettferdighet i alle forhold. Det oppmuntrer de troende til å stå opp for sannhet og rettferdighet, selv om det går på tvers av deres egne interesser.
Sura al-Ma'idah tar også opp spørsmål knyttet til interreligiøse relasjoner og sameksistens. Den fremhever fellestrekkene mellom muslimer og Bokens folk (jøder og kristne) og oppfordrer til gjensidig respekt og forståelse.
Sura al-Ma'idah fungerer som en veiledning for muslimer i hvordan de kan leve et rettskaffent liv i samsvar med islamske prinsipper. Den understreker viktigheten av tro, gode gjerninger, etisk oppførsel og overholdelse av guddommelige lover som essensielle komponenter i den troendes liv.
Sura An-Nisa' (kapittel 4) i Koranen tar for seg ulike aspekter ved kvinners rettigheter, sosial rettferdighet, familielovgivning og veiledning for å opprettholde harmoniske forhold i samfunnet. Kapitlet er oppkalt etter kvinner (An-Nisa') for å understreke viktigheten av å opprettholde kvinners rettigheter og verdighet i islam.
Et av hovedtemaene i sura An-Nisa' er viktigheten av rettferdighet og likeverd i omgangen med kvinner. Kapitlet legger vekt på likebehandling av kvinner i saker som arv, ekteskap og skilsmisse. Det understreker også behovet for å beskytte kvinner mot utnyttelse og overgrep, og fremhever samfunnets ansvar for å sikre deres velferd.
Sura An-Nisa' gir også veiledning om familielovgivning, inkludert regler for fordeling av arv, ekteskapskontrakter og behandling av foreldreløse barn. Kapitlet understreker viktigheten av å opprettholde sterke familiebånd og å oppfylle sitt ansvar overfor sine slektninger.
Sura An-Nisa' tar dessuten opp spørsmål knyttet til sosial rettferdighet og velferd i samfunnet. De troende oppfordres til å stå opp for rettferdighet, ta til orde mot urett og støtte dem som er i nød. Kapitlet understreker også viktigheten av samhold og samarbeid innad i det muslimske samfunnet.
Sura An-Nisa' fungerer som en omfattende veiledning for muslimer i hvordan de kan opprettholde rettferdighet, likeverd og medfølelse i samhandlingen med andre, særlig overfor kvinner. Den gir verdifull innsikt i hvilke rettigheter og plikter den enkelte har i samfunnet, og understreker viktigheten av å bygge et rettferdig og inkluderende samfunn basert på islamske prinsipper.
Sura Al 'Imran, også kjent som Imrans familie, er det tredje kapittelet i Koranen. Kapitlet består av 200 vers og dekker et bredt spekter av temaer, blant annet fortellinger om tidligere profeter og deres samfunn, veiledning for muslimer på ulike områder i livet og påminnelser om viktigheten av tro, utholdenhet og rettskaffenhet.
Et sentralt aspekt som fremheves i sura al-Imran, er begrepet monoteisme eller tawheed. Her understrekes det at det bare finnes én sann Gud, og de troende oppfordres til å tilbe Ham alene. Kapitlet diskuterer også troen på profeten Muhammad (fred være med ham) som Guds siste sendebud.
Suraen tar for seg ulike fortellinger fra jødiske og kristne tradisjoner for å belyse felles trosforestillinger og samtidig oppklare misforståelser. Den forteller blant annet historier om profeten Adam (Adam), profeten Noah (Nuh), profeten Abraham (Ibrahim), profeten Moses (Musa) og Jesus Kristus (Isa) - (fred være med dem alle). Disse historiene tjener som lærdom for de troende, som kan hente inspirasjon fra deres kamp, standhaftighet og urokkelige tro på Gud.
I tillegg gir Sura Al 'Imran (Koranen kapittel 3) veiledning om ulike aspekter ved personlig oppførsel, familieliv, samfunnsforhold og håndtering av utfordringer som muslimer møter i løpet av åpenbaringen. Den oppmuntrer til tålmodighet i vanskelige tider, samtidig som den legger vekt på tilgivelse og medfølelse med andre.
Sura al-Imran fungerer som en omfattende veiledning for muslimer som ønsker å leve et rettskaffent liv basert på en sterk tro på Gud. Den tar for seg både åndelige spørsmål og praktiske problemer som den enkelte står overfor i sin familie og i samfunnet. Ved å studere dette kapitlet med forståelse og refleksjon kan troende få verdifull innsikt i hvordan man kan leve et balansert liv i tråd med islamske prinsipper.
Surat al-Baqarah, også kjent som "Kua", er det andre kapittelet i Koranen. Kapitlet består av 286 vers og er det lengste kapitlet i Koranen. Det dekker et bredt spekter av emner og gir veiledning til muslimer om ulike aspekter ved livet.
Kapitlet begynner med en innledning som understreker viktigheten av troen på Gud og den veiledningen som Koranen gir. Deretter tar det for seg fortellinger fra islamsk historie, blant annet om Adam og Eva, Moses og Abraham. Disse fortellingene tjener som lærdom for de troende om tro, lydighet mot Guds befalinger og konsekvensene av ulydighet.
Et annet viktig tema i surat al-Baqarah er betydningen av å følge religiøse ritualer og lover. Kapitlet beskriver ulike forpliktelser som bønn, faste under ramadan, veldedighet og hajj (pilegrimsreise). Kapitlet tar også opp spørsmål knyttet til matforbruk, ekteskapslover, økonomiske transaksjoner og sosialt ansvar.
Sura al-Baqarah legger også vekt på enhet i muslimske samfunn og fraråder splittelse og sekterisme. Den oppfordrer de troende til å arbeide sammen for felles mål, samtidig som de opprettholder rettferdighet og medfølelse overfor hverandre.
Videre advarer kapitlet mot arroganse og stahet når det gjelder å akseptere guddommelig veiledning. Det fremhever eksempler på tidligere nasjoner som ignorerte profetenes budskap, noe som førte til deres undergang.
Surat al-Baqarah fungerer som en omfattende veiledning for muslimer ved at den tar for seg ulike aspekter ved troen og praktiske livsspørsmål. Sura al-Baqarah tar for seg moralske verdier, religiøse forpliktelser, historiske beretninger fra tidligere generasjoner og legger vekt på samhold innad i muslimske samfunn, samtidig som den advarer mot arroganse og ignorering av guddommelig veiledning.
Koranens første kapittel, kjent som "Åpningen" eller al-Fatihah på arabisk, har stor betydning for muslimer verden over. Det regnes som essensen av hele Koranen og resiteres i hver eneste muslimske bønn.
Kapitlet består av syv vers og fungerer som en vakker introduksjon til de temaene og læresetningene som finnes i hele Koranen. Det begynner med en lovprisning og anerkjennelse av Gud, den barmhjertige og medfølende Skaperen av alle ting. Muslimer tror at Gud ikke bare er mektig, men også forståelsesfull og tilgivende.
"Åpningen" søker deretter veiledning fra Gud, i erkjennelsen av at sann veiledning bare kan komme fra Ham. Det fremhever viktigheten av å søke Hans hjelp og stole på Hans uendelige visdom når man skal navigere gjennom livets utfordringer.
I dette kapittelet erkjenner muslimene også at de er avhengige av Gud for å få næring og veiledning, og at de ville vært fortapt uten Hans støtte. De uttrykker et ønske om å følge den rette veien som Han har staket ut.
Alt i alt slår "Åpningen" an en tone av ydmykhet, tillit til Guds veiledning og anerkjennelse av Hans suverenitet. Den fungerer som en påminnelse for muslimer om å vende seg til Ham for å få styrke og søke Hans nåde i alle livets aspekter.
꾸란의 다섯 번째 장인 수라 알마이다는 이슬람의 가르침과 율법의 다양한 측면을 다루는 포괄적인 장입니다. 이 장은 120개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 식생활법, 사회 정의, 법률 문제, 윤리적 행동 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
수라 알마이다의 중심 주제 중 하나는 신의 인도를 따르고 정의와 의의 원칙을 준수하는 것의 중요성입니다. 이 장에서는 하나님 앞에서 책임의 개념을 강조하고 신자들이 의무와 책임을 다해야 할 필요성을 강조합니다.
수라 알마이다에는 무슬림에게 허용되는 음식과 허용되지 않는 음식에 관한 구체적인 지침도 포함되어 있습니다. 여기에는 돼지고기와 피의 섭취를 금지하는 등 식이 제한에 대해 설명하는 한편, 합법적인(할랄) 음식의 섭취는 허용하고 있습니다.
이 장에서는 약속과 언약을 이행하는 것의 중요성과 모든 거래에서 정의를 지키는 것의 중요성에 대해 설명합니다. 또한 신자들이 자신의 이익에 반하더라도 진실과 공정을 옹호하도록 장려합니다.
수라 알마이다는 종교 간 관계 및 공존과 관련된 문제도 다루고 있습니다. 이 경전은 무슬림과 유대인 및 기독교인 사이의 공통점을 강조하고 상호 존중과 이해를 촉구합니다.
전반적으로 수라 알마이다는 무슬림이 이슬람 원칙에 따라 의로운 삶을 영위하는 방법에 대한 지침서 역할을 합니다. 수라는 신자의 삶의 필수 요소로서 신앙, 선행, 윤리적 행동, 신성한 율법 준수의 중요성을 강조합니다.
꾸란의 수라 안니사(4장)에서는 여성의 권리, 사회 정의, 가정법, 사회 내에서 조화로운 관계를 유지하기 위한 지침 등 다양한 측면을 다루고 있습니다. 이 장은 이슬람에서 여성의 권리와 존엄성을 지키는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조하기 위해 여성(안-니사)의 이름을 따서 명명되었습니다.
수라 안니사의 핵심 주제 중 하나는 여성을 대할 때 정의와 평등의 중요성입니다. 이 장에서는 상속, 결혼, 이혼과 같은 문제에서 여성의 평등한 대우를 강조합니다. 또한 착취와 학대로부터 여성을 보호해야 할 필요성을 강조하며, 여성의 복지를 보장해야 할 사회의 책임을 강조합니다.
수라 안니사'는 상속 분배, 결혼 계약, 고아 처우에 관한 규칙 등 가족법에 대한 지침도 제공합니다. 이 장에서는 강한 가족 유대를 유지하고 친척에 대한 책임을 다하는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
또한 수라 안니사는 사회 정의와 지역 사회 복지와 관련된 문제를 다룹니다. 이 장은 신자들이 정의를 옹호하고, 잘못된 행위에 반대하며, 도움이 필요한 사람들을 지원하도록 장려합니다. 또한 무슬림 커뮤니티 내 단결과 협력의 중요성을 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수라 안니사는 무슬림이 다른 사람, 특히 여성과의 관계에서 정의, 평등, 연민을 지키는 방법에 대한 포괄적인 지침서 역할을 합니다. 사회 내에서 개인의 권리와 책임에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공하고 이슬람 원칙에 기반한 정의롭고 포용적인 커뮤니티 구축의 중요성을 강조합니다.
임란의 가족이라고도 알려진 수라 알임란은 꾸란의 세 번째 장입니다. 이 장은 200개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며, 이전 예언자들과 그들의 공동체에 대한 이야기, 삶의 다양한 측면에서 무슬림을 위한 지침, 믿음, 인내, 정의의 중요성에 대한 상기 등 다양한 주제를 다루고 있습니다.
수라 알 임란에서 강조되는 한 가지 중요한 측면은 일신교 또는 타위드(유일신교)의 개념입니다. 이 경전은 참된 신은 오직 한 분뿐임을 강조하고 신자들이 그분만을 경배하도록 장려합니다. 이 장에서는 또한 예언자 무함마드(그에게 평화가 있기를)를 신이 보낸 마지막 메신저로 믿는 믿음에 대해서도 설명합니다.
수라는 유대교와 기독교 전통의 다양한 이야기를 통해 일반적인 믿음을 강조하는 동시에 오해를 바로잡습니다. 수라에는 선지자 아담(아담), 선지자 노아(누), 선지자 아브라함(이브라힘), 선지자 모세(무사), 예수 그리스도(이사)의 이야기(모두에게 평화가 있기를) 등이 담겨 있습니다. 이 이야기들은 신자들이 그들의 고난과 굳건함, 신에 대한 흔들리지 않는 믿음에서 영감을 얻을 수 있는 교훈이 됩니다.
또한 수라 알 임란(꾸란 3장)은 개인 행동, 가족 생활, 사회 관계, 무슬림이 계시를 받는 동안 직면한 도전에 대처하는 다양한 측면에 대한 지침을 제공합니다. 어려운 시기에 인내심을 가질 것을 권장하는 동시에 타인에 대한 용서와 연민을 강조합니다.
전반적으로 수라 알 임란은 무슬림이 신에 대한 강한 믿음을 바탕으로 의로운 삶을 살 수 있는 종합적인 지침서 역할을 합니다. 이 장은 영적인 문제와 가족과 공동체 내에서 개인이 직면하는 실질적인 문제를 모두 다룹니다. 이 장에 대한 이해와 성찰을 통해 신자들은 이슬람 원칙에 따라 균형 잡힌 삶을 살기 위한 귀중한 통찰력을 얻을 수 있습니다.
“암소”라고도 알려진 수라트 알 바카라는 꾸란의 두 번째 장입니다. 이 장은 286개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 꾸란에서 가장 긴 장입니다. 광범위한 주제를 다루며 무슬림에게 삶의 다양한 측면에 대한 지침을 제공합니다.
이 장은 신에 대한 믿음과 꾸란이 제공하는 지침의 중요성을 강조하는 서론으로 시작됩니다. 그런 다음 아담과 이브, 모세, 아브라함 등 이슬람 역사 속 이야기를 자세히 살펴봅니다. 이러한 이야기는 신자들에게 믿음, 하나님의 명령에 대한 순종, 불순종의 결과에 대한 교훈을 줍니다.
수라트 알 바카라의 또 다른 중요한 주제는 종교 의식과 율법을 따르는 것의 중요성입니다. 기도, 라마단 기간 동안의 금식, 자선 기부, 하지(성지순례) 수행 등 다양한 의무에 대해 설명합니다. 이 장에서는 음식 소비, 결혼법, 금융 거래, 사회적 책임과 관련된 문제도 다룹니다.
또한 수라트 알 바카라는 무슬림 공동체 내 단결의 개념을 강조하고 분열이나 종파주의를 막습니다. 이 장은 신자들이 서로에 대한 정의와 연민을 유지하면서 공동의 목표를 위해 함께 일할 것을 권장합니다.
또한 이 장에서는 신의 인도를 받아들이지 않는 오만과 고집에 대해 경고합니다. 예언자의 메시지를 무시하고 몰락한 과거 국가들의 사례를 강조합니다.
요약하자면, 수라트 알 바카라는 신앙의 다양한 측면과 실제 삶의 문제를 다루며 무슬림을 위한 종합적인 지침서 역할을 합니다. 이 경전의 가르침에는 도덕적 가치, 종교적 의무, 이전 세대의 역사적 기록뿐만 아니라 무슬림 공동체 내의 단결을 강조하는 동시에 오만하거나 신의 인도를 무시하는 것에 대해 경고하는 내용이 포함되어 있습니다.
아랍어로 '시작' 또는 알 파티하로 알려진 꾸란의 첫 번째 장은 전 세계 무슬림에게 큰 의미를 지니고 있습니다. 이 장은 꾸란 전체의 핵심으로 간주되며 무슬림 기도의 모든 단락에서 낭송됩니다.
이 장은 7개의 구절로 구성되어 있으며 꾸란 전체에서 발견되는 주제와 가르침에 대한 아름다운 소개 역할을 합니다. 이 장은 자비롭고 자비로운 만물의 창조주이신 하나님을 찬양하고 인정하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 무슬림은 신이 강력할 뿐만 아니라 이해와 용서를 베푸시는 분이라고 믿습니다.
"그런 다음 ‘오프닝’은 진정한 인도는 오직 그분에게서만 올 수 있음을 인식하고 하나님의 인도를 구합니다. 이 장에서는 인생의 어려움을 헤쳐나가는 데 있어 하나님의 도움을 구하고 그분의 무한한 지혜에 의지하는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조합니다.
이 장에서 무슬림은 또한 하나님의 도움이 없으면 길을 잃을 수 있다는 것을 인식하면서 생계와 인도를 위해 하나님에 대한 의존성을 인정합니다. 그들은 신이 제시하는 곧은 길을 따르고자 하는 열망을 표현합니다.
전반적으로 '오프닝'은 겸손하고 하나님의 인도하심에 의지하며 그분의 주권을 인정하는 분위기를 조성합니다. 이 곡은 무슬림들이 삶의 모든 측면에서 힘을 얻기 위해 그분께 의지하고 그분의 자비를 구하도록 상기시키는 역할을 합니다.
Sura Al-Ma'idah, det femte kapitel i Koranen, er et omfattende kapitel, der dækker forskellige aspekter af islamisk lære og lovgivning. Kapitlet består af 120 vers og behandler en række emner, herunder kostlove, social retfærdighed, juridiske spørgsmål og etisk adfærd.
Et af de centrale temaer i Surah Al-Ma'idah er vigtigheden af at følge guddommelig vejledning og overholde principperne om retfærdighed og retskaffenhed. Kapitlet fremhæver begrebet ansvarlighed over for Gud og understreger behovet for, at de troende overholder deres forpligtelser og ansvar.
Sura Al-Ma'idah indeholder også specifikke retningslinjer for tilladte og utilladte fødevarer for muslimer. Den skitserer kostrestriktioner, såsom forbud mod indtagelse af svinekød og blod, mens den tillader indtagelse af lovlige (halal) fødevarer.
Kapitlet diskuterer betydningen af at opfylde løfter og pagter samt vigtigheden af at opretholde retfærdighed i alle forhold. Det opfordrer de troende til at kæmpe for sandhed og retfærdighed, selv om det går ud over deres egne interesser.
Sura Al-Ma'idah behandler også spørgsmål om interreligiøse relationer og sameksistens. Den fremhæver lighederne mellem muslimer og bogens folk (jøder og kristne) og opfordrer til gensidig respekt og forståelse.
Overordnet set fungerer Sura Al-Ma'idah som en vejledning for muslimer i, hvordan de kan leve et retfærdigt liv i overensstemmelse med islamiske principper. Den understreger vigtigheden af tro, gode gerninger, etisk adfærd og overholdelse af guddommelige love som væsentlige komponenter i en troendes liv.
Sura An-Nisa' (kapitel 4) i Koranen diskuterer forskellige aspekter af kvinders rettigheder, social retfærdighed, familielovgivning og vejledning i at opretholde harmoniske forhold i samfundet. Kapitlet er opkaldt efter kvinder (An-Nisa') for at understrege vigtigheden af at opretholde kvinders rettigheder og værdighed i islam.
Et af hovedtemaerne i Sura An-Nisa' er vigtigheden af retfærdighed og lighed i forhold til kvinder. Kapitlet understreger ligebehandling af kvinder i sager som arv, ægteskab og skilsmisse. Det understreger også behovet for at beskytte kvinder mod udnyttelse og misbrug og fremhæver samfundets ansvar for at sikre deres velbefindende.
Sura An-Nisa' giver også vejledning i familielovgivning, herunder regler for fordeling af arv, ægteskabskontrakter og behandling af forældreløse børn. Kapitlet understreger vigtigheden af at opretholde stærke familiebånd og leve op til sit ansvar over for sine slægtninge.
Desuden behandler Surah An-Nisa' spørgsmål om social retfærdighed og samfundets velfærd. Den opfordrer de troende til at kæmpe for retfærdighed, sige fra over for forseelser og støtte dem, der er i nød. Kapitlet understreger også vigtigheden af sammenhold og samarbejde i det muslimske samfund.
Overordnet set fungerer Surah An-Nisa' som en omfattende vejledning for muslimer i, hvordan de kan opretholde retfærdighed, lighed og medfølelse i deres interaktion med andre, især over for kvinder. Den giver værdifuld indsigt i den enkeltes rettigheder og ansvar i samfundet og understreger vigtigheden af at opbygge et retfærdigt og inkluderende samfund baseret på islamiske principper.
Surah Al 'Imran, også kendt som Imrans familie, er det tredje kapitel i Koranen. Kapitlet består af 200 vers og dækker en bred vifte af temaer, herunder historier om tidligere profeter og deres samfund, vejledning til muslimer i forskellige aspekter af livet og påmindelser om vigtigheden af tro, udholdenhed og retfærdighed.
Et centralt aspekt, der fremhæves i Sura Al 'Imran, er begrebet monoteisme eller Tawheed. Den understreger, at der kun er én sand Gud, og opfordrer de troende til at tilbede ham alene. Kapitlet diskuterer også troen på profeten Muhammad (fred være med ham) som den sidste budbringer sendt af Gud.
Suraen dykker ned i forskellige fortællinger fra jødiske og kristne traditioner for at fremhæve fælles overbevisninger og samtidig afklare misforståelser. Den fortæller historier som den om profeten Adam (Adam), profeten Noah (Nuh), profeten Abraham (Ibrahim), profeten Moses (Musa) og Jesus Kristus (Isa) - (fred være med dem alle). Disse historier tjener som lærestykker for de troende, som kan lade sig inspirere af deres kampe, standhaftighed og urokkelige tro på Gud.
Derudover giver Sura Al 'Imran (Koranens kapitel 3) vejledning om forskellige aspekter af personlig adfærd, familieliv, samfundsforhold og håndtering af udfordringer, som muslimer står over for i løbet af åbenbaringen. Den opfordrer til tålmodighed i vanskelige tider og understreger tilgivelse og medfølelse over for andre.
Overordnet set fungerer Sura Al 'Imran som en omfattende guide for muslimer til at leve et retfærdigt liv baseret på en stærk tro på Gud. Den behandler både åndelige spørgsmål og praktiske problemer, som enkeltpersoner står over for i deres familier og samfund. Ved at studere dette kapitel med forståelse og refleksion kan troende få værdifuld indsigt i at leve et afbalanceret liv i overensstemmelse med islamiske principper.
Surat al-Baqarah, også kendt som »Kvierne«, er det andet kapitel i Koranen. Kapitlet består af 286 vers og er det længste kapitel i Koranen. Det dækker en bred vifte af emner og giver vejledning til muslimer om forskellige aspekter af livet.
Kapitlet begynder med en introduktion, der understreger vigtigheden af at tro på Gud og den vejledning, som Koranen giver. Derefter dykker det ned i fortællinger fra den islamiske historie, bl.a. om Adam og Eva, Moses og Abraham. Disse historier tjener som lektioner for de troende om tro, lydighed mod Guds befalinger og konsekvenserne af ulydighed.
Et andet vigtigt tema i Surat al-Baqarah er vigtigheden af at følge religiøse ritualer og love. Det skitserer forskellige forpligtelser som bøn, faste under ramadanen, velgørenhed og Hajj (pilgrimsrejse). Kapitlet behandler også spørgsmål om fødevareforbrug, ægteskabslovgivning, finansielle transaktioner og socialt ansvar.
Surat al-Baqarah understreger også begrebet enhed i muslimske samfund og fraråder splittelse eller sekterisme. Den opfordrer de troende til at arbejde sammen om fælles mål, samtidig med at de opretholder retfærdighed og medfølelse over for hinanden.
Desuden advarer dette kapitel mod arrogance og stædighed i forhold til at acceptere guddommelig vejledning. Det fremhæver eksempler på tidligere nationer, som ignorerede profeternes budskaber, hvilket resulterede i deres undergang.
Sammenfattende fungerer Surat al-Baqarah som en omfattende vejledning for muslimer ved at behandle forskellige aspekter af tro og praktiske livsspørgsmål. Dens lære omfatter moralske værdier, religiøse forpligtelser, historiske beretninger fra tidligere generationer samt understregning af sammenhold i muslimske samfund, samtidig med at der advares mod arrogance eller ignorering af guddommelig vejledning.
Det første kapitel i Koranen, kendt som »Åbningen« eller al-Fatihah på arabisk, har stor betydning for muslimer verden over. Det anses for at være essensen af hele Koranen og reciteres i hver eneste enhed af den muslimske bøn.
Kapitlet består af syv vers og fungerer som en smuk introduktion til de temaer og læresætninger, der findes i hele Koranen. Det begynder med at prise og anerkende Gud, den barmhjertige og medfølende Skaber af alle ting. Muslimer tror på, at Gud ikke kun er magtfuld, men også forstående og tilgivende.
»Åbningen« søger derefter vejledning hos Gud i erkendelse af, at sand vejledning kun kan komme fra Ham. Det fremhæver vigtigheden af at søge Hans hjælp og stole på Hans uendelige visdom, når man skal navigere i livets udfordringer.
I dette kapitel anerkender muslimerne også deres afhængighed af Gud for at få næring og vejledning og erkender, at de ville være fortabt uden hans støtte. De udtrykker deres ønske om at følge den lige vej, som Han har udstukket.
Samlet set slår »Åbningen« en tone an af ydmyghed, tillid til Guds vejledning og anerkendelse af Hans suverænitet. Den tjener som en påmindelse til muslimer om at vende sig til Ham for at få styrke og søge Hans nåde i alle livets aspekter.
Koraanin viides luku, sura Al-Ma'idah, on kattava luku, joka käsittelee islamilaisten opetusten ja lakien eri näkökohtia. Luku koostuu 120 jakeesta, ja siinä käsitellään useita aiheita, kuten ruokavaliolakeja, sosiaalista oikeudenmukaisuutta, oikeudellisia asioita ja eettistä käyttäytymistä.
Yksi Surah Al-Ma'idahin keskeisistä teemoista on jumalallisen ohjauksen noudattamisen sekä oikeudenmukaisuuden ja vanhurskauden periaatteiden noudattamisen tärkeys. Luvussa korostetaan tilivelvollisuuden käsitettä Jumalan edessä ja korostetaan, että uskovien on pidettävä kiinni velvollisuuksistaan ja vastuustaan.
Sura Al-Ma'idah sisältää myös erityisiä ohjeita muslimeille sallituista ja kielletyistä elintarvikkeista. Siinä hahmotellaan ruokavaliorajoituksia, kuten sianlihan ja veren nauttimisen kieltäminen, mutta sallitaan laillisten (halal) ruokien nauttiminen.
Luvussa käsitellään lupausten ja liittojen täyttämisen merkitystä sekä oikeudenmukaisuuden ylläpitämisen tärkeyttä kaikissa asioissa. Se rohkaisee uskovia puolustamaan totuutta ja oikeudenmukaisuutta, vaikka se olisikin vastoin heidän omia etujaan.
Sura Al-Ma'idah käsittelee myös uskontojen välisiin suhteisiin ja rinnakkaiseloon liittyviä kysymyksiä. Siinä korostetaan muslimien ja Kirjan kansan (juutalaisten ja kristittyjen) yhteisiä piirteitä ja kehotetaan keskinäiseen kunnioitukseen ja ymmärrykseen.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura Al-Ma'idah toimii muslimeille oppaana siitä, miten he voivat elää oikeamielistä elämää islamilaisten periaatteiden mukaisesti. Siinä korostetaan uskon, hyvien tekojen, eettisen käyttäytymisen ja jumalallisten lakien noudattamisen merkitystä uskovan elämän olennaisina osatekijöinä.
Koraanin sura An-Nisa' (4. luku) käsittelee naisten oikeuksiin, sosiaaliseen oikeudenmukaisuuteen, perhelakeihin ja yhteiskunnan harmonisten suhteiden ylläpitämiseen liittyviä eri näkökohtia. Luku on nimetty naisten mukaan (An-Nisa') korostaakseen naisten oikeuksien ja ihmisarvon vaalimisen tärkeyttä islamissa.
Yksi sura An-Nisa':n keskeisistä teemoista on oikeudenmukaisuuden ja tasa-arvon merkitys suhteessa naisiin. Luvussa korostetaan naisten tasa-arvoista kohtelua esimerkiksi perintö-, avioliitto- ja avioerokysymyksissä. Siinä korostetaan myös tarvetta suojella naisia hyväksikäytöltä ja väärinkäytöltä ja korostetaan yhteiskunnan vastuuta varmistaa heidän hyvinvointinsa.
Sura An-Nisa' antaa myös ohjeita perhelainsäädännöstä, mukaan lukien perinnönjakoa, avioliittosopimuksia ja orpojen kohtelua koskevat säännöt. Luvussa korostetaan vahvojen perhesiteiden ylläpitämisen ja sukulaisiin kohdistuvien velvollisuuksien täyttämisen tärkeyttä.
Lisäksi Surah An-Nisa' käsittelee sosiaaliseen oikeudenmukaisuuteen ja yhteisön hyvinvointiin liittyviä kysymyksiä. Se kannustaa uskovia puolustamaan oikeutta, vastustamaan vääryyksiä ja tukemaan apua tarvitsevia. Luvussa korostetaan myös yhtenäisyyden ja yhteistyön merkitystä muslimiyhteisössä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Sura An-Nisa' toimii muslimeille kattavana oppaana siitä, miten pitää yllä oikeudenmukaisuutta, tasa-arvoa ja myötätuntoa vuorovaikutuksessa muiden kanssa, erityisesti naisia kohtaan. Se tarjoaa arvokasta tietoa yksilöiden oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista yhteiskunnassa ja korostaa islamilaisiin periaatteisiin perustuvan oikeudenmukaisen ja osallistavan yhteisön rakentamisen tärkeyttä.
Sura Al 'Imran, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Imranin perhe, on Koraanin kolmas luku. Luku koostuu 200 jakeesta ja kattaa monenlaisia aiheita, kuten tarinoita aiemmista profeetoista ja heidän yhteisöistään, ohjeita muslimeille elämän eri osa-alueilla sekä muistutuksia uskon, sinnikkyyden ja vanhurskauden tärkeydestä.
Yksi keskeisistä näkökohdista, joita Sura Al 'Imranissa korostetaan, on yksijumalaisuuden eli Tawheedin käsite. Siinä korostetaan, että on olemassa vain yksi oikea Jumala, ja uskovia kannustetaan palvomaan vain Häntä. Luvussa käsitellään myös uskoa profeetta Muhammadiin (rauha hänelle) Jumalan lähettämänä viimeisenä lähettiläänä.
Sura syventyy erilaisiin kertomuksiin juutalaisesta ja kristillisestä perinteestä korostaakseen yhteisiä uskomuksia ja selventääkseen samalla väärinkäsityksiä. Siinä kerrotaan tarinoita esimerkiksi profeetta Aadamista (Adam), profeetta Nooasta (Nuh), profeetta Abrahamista (Ibrahim), profeetta Mooseksesta (Musa) ja Jeesuksesta Kristuksesta (Isa) - (rauha heille kaikille). Nämä tarinat toimivat oppina uskoville, jotta he saisivat inspiraatiota heidän kamppailuistaan, lujuudestaan ja horjumattomasta uskostaan Jumalaan.
Lisäksi Surah Al 'Imran (Koraanin 3. luku) antaa ohjeita henkilökohtaisen käyttäytymisen eri osa-alueista, perhe-elämästä, yhteiskunnallisista suhteista ja muslimien kohtaamien haasteiden käsittelystä sen ilmestymisen aikana. Se rohkaisee kärsivällisyyteen vaikeina aikoina ja korostaa samalla anteeksiantoa ja myötätuntoa muita kohtaan.
Kaiken kaikkiaan Surah Al 'Imran toimii muslimeille kattavana oppaana, jonka avulla he voivat elää vanhurskasta elämää, joka perustuu vahvaan uskoon Jumalaan. Siinä käsitellään sekä hengellisiä asioita että käytännön kysymyksiä, joita yksilöt kohtaavat perheissään ja yhteisöissään. Tutkimalla tätä lukua ymmärtäväisesti ja pohdiskellen uskovat voivat saada arvokasta tietoa tasapainoisen elämän johtamisesta islamilaisten periaatteiden mukaisesti.
Surat al-Baqarah, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä ”Lehmä”, on Koraanin toinen luku. Tämä luku koostuu 286 jakeesta, ja se on Koraanin pisin luku. Se kattaa monenlaisia aiheita ja antaa muslimeille ohjeita elämän eri osa-alueista.
Luku alkaa johdannolla, jossa korostetaan Jumalaan uskomisen ja Koraanin antaman opastuksen merkitystä. Sen jälkeen siinä syvennytään islamilaisen historian tarinoihin, kuten Aatamin ja Eevan, Mooseksen ja Aabrahamin tarinoihin. Nämä tarinat toimivat uskoville opetuksina uskosta, kuuliaisuudesta Jumalan käskyjä kohtaan ja tottelemattomuuden seurauksista.
Toinen merkittävä teema Surat al-Baqarahissa on uskonnollisten rituaalien ja lakien noudattamisen tärkeys. Siinä hahmotellaan erilaisia velvollisuuksia, kuten rukousta, paastoamista ramadanin aikana, hyväntekeväisyyttä ja pyhiinvaelluksen (Hajj) suorittamista. Luvussa käsitellään myös ruoankäyttöön, avioliittolakeihin, rahaliikenteeseen ja sosiaalisiin velvollisuuksiin liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Surat al-Baqarah korostaa myös muslimiyhteisöjen yhtenäisyyden käsitettä ja vastustaa jakautumista tai lahkolaisuutta. Se rohkaisee uskovia toimimaan yhdessä yhteisten päämäärien saavuttamiseksi ja samalla säilyttämään oikeudenmukaisuuden ja myötätunnon toisiaan kohtaan.
Lisäksi tässä luvussa varoitetaan ylimielisyydestä ja itsepäisyydestä jumalallisen ohjauksen hyväksymistä kohtaan. Siinä tuodaan esiin esimerkkejä menneistä kansakunnista, jotka jättivät profeettojen viestit huomiotta, mikä johti niiden tuhoon.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Surat al-Baqarah toimii kattavana oppaana muslimeille, sillä siinä käsitellään uskon ja käytännön elämän eri näkökohtia. Sen opetukset sisältävät moraalisia arvoja, uskonnollisia velvollisuuksia, historiallisia kertomuksia aiemmista sukupolvista sekä korostavat muslimiyhteisöjen yhtenäisyyttä ja varoittavat samalla ylimielisyydestä tai jumalallisen ohjauksen sivuuttamisesta.
Koraanin ensimmäisellä luvulla, joka tunnetaan nimellä ”Avaus” eli arabiaksi al-Fatihah, on suuri merkitys muslimeille kaikkialla maailmassa. Sitä pidetään koko Koraanin ytimenä, ja se lausutaan jokaisessa muslimirukouksen yksikössä.
Luku koostuu seitsemästä säkeestä, ja se toimii kauniina johdantona Koraanin eri osissa esiintyviin teemoihin ja opetuksiin. Se alkaa ylistämällä ja tunnustamalla Jumalaa, kaikkien asioiden armollista ja myötätuntoista Luojaa. Muslimit uskovat, että Jumala ei ole vain voimakas vaan myös ymmärtävä ja anteeksiantava.
”Avaus” hakee sitten opastusta Jumalalta ja tunnustaa, että todellinen opastus voi tulla vain häneltä. Siinä korostetaan, miten tärkeää on pyytää hänen apuaan ja luottaa hänen äärettömään viisauteensa elämän haasteissa selviytymisessä.
Tässä luvussa muslimit tunnustavat myös olevansa riippuvaisia Jumalasta elatuksen ja opastuksen suhteen ja tunnustavat, että ilman hänen tukeaan he olisivat hukassa. He ilmaisevat halunsa seurata Hänen viitoittamaansa suoraa tietä.
Kaiken kaikkiaan ”Avaus” sävyttää nöyryyttä, luottamusta Jumalan johdatukseen ja Hänen suvereeniutensa tunnustamista. Se toimii muslimeille muistutuksena siitä, että heidän on käännyttävä Hänen puoleensa saadakseen voimaa ja etsittävä Hänen armoaan kaikilla elämän osa-alueilla.
Sura Al-Ma'idah, det femte kapitlet i Koranen, är ett omfattande kapitel som täcker olika aspekter av islamiska läror och lagar. Kapitlet består av 120 verser och tar upp en rad olika ämnen, bland annat kostlagar, social rättvisa, juridiska frågor och etiskt uppförande.
Ett av de centrala temana i Surah Al-Ma'idah är vikten av att följa gudomlig vägledning och att följa principerna om rättvisa och rättfärdighet. Kapitlet betonar begreppet ansvarighet inför Gud och understryker behovet av att de troende upprätthåller sina skyldigheter och sitt ansvar.
Sura Al-Ma'idah innehåller också specifika riktlinjer om tillåtna och otillåtna livsmedel för muslimer. Här beskrivs kostrestriktioner, t.ex. förbud mot konsumtion av fläskkött och blod, samtidigt som konsumtion av lagliga livsmedel (halal) tillåts.
I kapitlet diskuteras betydelsen av att uppfylla löften och förbund samt vikten av att upprätthålla rättvisa i alla sammanhang. Det uppmuntrar de troende att stå upp för sanning och rättvisa, även om det går emot deras egna intressen.
Sura Al-Ma'idah tar också upp frågor som rör relationer och samexistens mellan olika religioner. Den lyfter fram de gemensamma nämnarna mellan muslimer och Bokens folk (judar och kristna) och uppmanar till ömsesidig respekt och förståelse.
På det hela taget fungerar suran Al-Ma'idah som en vägledning för muslimer om hur man lever ett rättfärdigt liv i enlighet med islamiska principer. Den betonar vikten av tro, goda gärningar, etiskt uppförande och efterlevnad av gudomliga lagar som väsentliga komponenter i en troendes liv.
Sura An-Nisa' (kapitel 4) i Koranen tar upp olika aspekter av kvinnors rättigheter, social rättvisa, familjelagar och vägledning för att upprätthålla harmoniska relationer i samhället. Kapitlet är uppkallat efter kvinnor (An-Nisa') för att understryka vikten av att upprätthålla kvinnors rättigheter och värdighet inom islam.
Ett av de viktigaste temana i Surah An-Nisa' är vikten av rättvisa och jämlikhet i förhållande till kvinnor. I kapitlet betonas att kvinnor ska behandlas lika i frågor som rör arv, äktenskap och skilsmässa. Det betonar också behovet av att skydda kvinnor från exploatering och övergrepp, och lyfter fram samhällets ansvar för att säkerställa deras välbefinnande.
Surah An-Nisa' ger också vägledning om familjelagstiftning, inklusive regler för fördelning av arv, äktenskapskontrakt och behandling av föräldralösa barn. I kapitlet betonas vikten av att upprätthålla starka familjeband och att fullgöra sina skyldigheter gentemot sina släktingar.
Surah An-Nisa' tar dessutom upp frågor som rör social rättvisa och samhällets välfärd. Den uppmuntrar de troende att stå upp för rättvisa, säga ifrån mot felaktigheter och stödja de behövande. I kapitlet betonas också vikten av enighet och samarbete inom den muslimska gemenskapen.
Sammantaget fungerar suran An-Nisa' som en omfattande vägledning för muslimer om hur de ska upprätthålla rättvisa, jämlikhet och medkänsla i sina interaktioner med andra, särskilt gentemot kvinnor. Den ger värdefulla insikter om individens rättigheter och skyldigheter i samhället och betonar vikten av att bygga ett rättvist och inkluderande samhälle baserat på islamiska principer.
Surah Al 'Imran, även känd som Imrans familj, är det tredje kapitlet i Koranen. Kapitlet består av 200 verser och täcker ett brett spektrum av teman, inklusive berättelserna om tidigare profeter och deras samhällen, vägledning för muslimer i olika aspekter av livet och påminnelser om vikten av tro, uthållighet och rättfärdighet.
En viktig aspekt som lyfts fram i Surah Al 'Imran är begreppet monoteism eller Tawheed. Här betonas att det bara finns en sann Gud och de troende uppmuntras att tillbe honom ensam. I kapitlet diskuteras också tron på profeten Muhammad (frid vare med honom) som Guds sista sändebud.
Suraen fördjupar sig i olika berättelser från judiska och kristna traditioner för att belysa gemensamma trosföreställningar och samtidigt klargöra missuppfattningar. Den återger berättelser om bland andra profeten Adam (Adam), profeten Noah (Nuh), profeten Abraham (Ibrahim), profeten Moses (Musa) och Jesus Kristus (Isa) - (frid vare med dem alla). Dessa berättelser tjänar som lärdomar för de troende som kan hämta inspiration från deras kamp, ståndaktighet och orubbliga tro på Gud.
Sura Al 'Imran (Koranen, kapitel 3) ger dessutom vägledning om olika aspekter av personligt uppförande, familjeliv, samhälleliga relationer och hantering av utmaningar som muslimerna ställdes inför under dess uppenbarelse. Den uppmuntrar till tålamod under svåra tider samtidigt som den betonar förlåtelse och medkänsla med andra.
Överlag fungerar Surah Al 'Imran som en omfattande guide för muslimer att leva ett rättfärdigt liv baserat på stark tro på Gud. Den tar upp både andliga frågor och praktiska problem som enskilda människor ställs inför i sina familjer och samhällen. Genom att studera detta kapitel med förståelse och eftertanke kan troende få värdefulla insikter om hur man lever ett balanserat liv enligt islamiska principer.
Surat al-Baqarah, även känd som ”Kvigan”, är Koranens andra kapitel. Kapitlet består av 286 verser och är det längsta kapitlet i Koranen. Det täcker ett brett spektrum av ämnen och ger vägledning för muslimer om olika aspekter av livet.
Kapitlet inleds med en introduktion som betonar vikten av att tro på Gud och den vägledning som Koranen ger. Därefter fördjupar man sig i berättelser från den islamiska historien, bland annat om Adam och Eva, Moses och Abraham. Dessa berättelser fungerar som lärdomar för de troende om tro, lydnad för Guds befallningar och konsekvenserna av olydnad.
Ett annat viktigt tema i surat al-Baqarah är vikten av att följa religiösa ritualer och lagar. Här beskrivs olika skyldigheter som att be, fasta under ramadan, ge välgörenhet och utföra Hajj (pilgrimsfärd). Kapitlet tar också upp frågor som rör livsmedelskonsumtion, äktenskapslagar, ekonomiska transaktioner och socialt ansvar.
Surat al-Baqarah betonar också begreppet enhet inom muslimska samhällen och avskräcker från splittring och sekterism. De troende uppmanas att arbeta tillsammans för gemensamma mål och samtidigt upprätthålla rättvisa och medkänsla gentemot varandra.
Vidare varnar detta kapitel för arrogans och envishet när det gäller att acceptera gudomlig vägledning. Det lyfter fram exempel på tidigare nationer som ignorerade profeternas budskap, vilket ledde till deras undergång.
Sammanfattningsvis fungerar surat al-Baqarah som en omfattande guide för muslimer genom att ta upp olika aspekter av tro och praktiska livsfrågor. Dess läror omfattar moraliska värden, religiösa skyldigheter, historiska berättelser från tidigare generationer samt betonar enighet inom muslimska samhällen samtidigt som den varnar för arrogans eller att ignorera gudomlig vägledning.
Det första kapitlet i Koranen, som på arabiska kallas ”Inledningen” eller al-Fatihah, har stor betydelse för muslimer över hela världen. Det anses vara kärnan i hela Koranen och reciteras i varje del av den muslimska bönen.
Kapitlet består av sju verser och fungerar som en vacker introduktion till de teman och läror som finns i hela Koranen. Det inleds med att man prisar och erkänner Gud, den barmhärtige och medkännande Skaparen av allting. Muslimerna tror att Gud inte bara är mäktig utan också förstående och förlåtande.
”Öppningen” söker sedan vägledning hos Gud och inser att sann vägledning bara kan komma från honom. Här betonas vikten av att söka hans hjälp och förlita sig på hans oändliga visdom när man ska navigera genom livets utmaningar.
I detta kapitel erkänner muslimerna också sitt beroende av Gud för försörjning och vägledning och inser att de utan hans stöd skulle vara förlorade. De uttrycker sin önskan att följa den raka väg som Han har stakat ut.
Sammantaget anger ”The Opening” en ton av ödmjukhet, tillit till Guds vägledning och erkännande av hans suveränitet. Den fungerar som en påminnelse för muslimer att vända sig till honom för att få styrka och söka hans nåd i livets alla aspekter.
Soera Al-Ma'idah, het vijfde hoofdstuk van de Koran, is een uitgebreid hoofdstuk dat verschillende aspecten van de Islamitische leer en wetten behandelt. Het hoofdstuk bestaat uit 120 verzen en behandelt een reeks onderwerpen waaronder dieetwetten, sociale rechtvaardigheid, juridische zaken en ethisch gedrag.
Een van de centrale thema's van Soera Al-Ma'idah is het belang van het volgen van de goddelijke leiding en het naleven van de principes van rechtvaardigheid en rechtschapenheid. Het hoofdstuk benadrukt het concept van verantwoording tegenover God en benadrukt de noodzaak voor gelovigen om hun verplichtingen en verantwoordelijkheden na te komen.
Soera Al-Ma'idah bevat ook specifieke richtlijnen met betrekking tot toegestaan en ontoelaatbaar voedsel voor moslims. Het beschrijft dieetbeperkingen, zoals het verbieden van de consumptie van varkensvlees en bloed, terwijl het de consumptie van wettig (halal) voedsel toestaat.
Het hoofdstuk bespreekt het belang van het nakomen van beloften en verbonden, evenals het belang van het handhaven van rechtvaardigheid in alle handelingen. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om op te komen voor de waarheid en eerlijkheid, zelfs als dit tegen hun eigen belangen ingaat.
Soera Al-Ma'idah behandelt ook kwesties met betrekking tot interreligieuze relaties en samenleven. Het benadrukt de overeenkomsten tussen moslims en Mensen van het Boek (joden en christenen) en roept op tot wederzijds respect en begrip.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Al-Ma'idah als een gids voor moslims voor het leiden van een rechtschapen leven in overeenstemming met de islamitische principes. Het benadrukt het belang van geloof, goede daden, ethisch gedrag en het naleven van de goddelijke wetten als essentiële onderdelen van het leven van een gelovige.
Soera An-Nisa' (Hoofdstuk 4) in de Koran bespreekt verschillende aspecten van vrouwenrechten, sociale rechtvaardigheid, familiewetten en richtlijnen voor het onderhouden van harmonieuze relaties binnen de samenleving. Het hoofdstuk is vernoemd naar vrouwen (An-Nisa') om het belang van het handhaven van de rechten en waardigheid van vrouwen in de Islam te benadrukken.
Een van de belangrijkste thema's van Soera An-Nisa' is het belang van rechtvaardigheid en gelijkheid in de omgang met vrouwen. Het hoofdstuk benadrukt de gelijke behandeling van vrouwen in zaken als erfenis, huwelijk en scheiding. Het benadrukt ook de noodzaak om vrouwen te beschermen tegen uitbuiting en misbruik en benadrukt de verantwoordelijkheid van de samenleving om hun welzijn te waarborgen.
Soera An-Nisa' geeft ook richtlijnen over familiewetten, waaronder regels over de verdeling van erfenissen, huwelijkscontracten en de behandeling van wezen. Het hoofdstuk benadrukt het belang van het onderhouden van sterke familiebanden en het nakomen van verantwoordelijkheden jegens familieleden.
Verder behandelt Soera An-Nisa' kwesties met betrekking tot sociale rechtvaardigheid en het welzijn van de gemeenschap. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om op te komen voor rechtvaardigheid, zich uit te spreken tegen wandaden en mensen in nood te steunen. Het hoofdstuk benadrukt ook het belang van eenheid en samenwerking binnen de moslimgemeenschap.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera An-Nisa' als een uitgebreide gids voor moslims voor het handhaven van rechtvaardigheid, gelijkheid en medeleven in hun interacties met anderen, in het bijzonder ten opzichte van vrouwen. Het biedt waardevolle inzichten in de rechten en verantwoordelijkheden van individuen binnen de samenleving en benadrukt het belang van het opbouwen van een rechtvaardige en inclusieve gemeenschap gebaseerd op Islamitische principes.
Soera Al 'Imran, ook bekend als de Familie van Imran, is het derde hoofdstuk van de Koran. Dit hoofdstuk bestaat uit 200 verzen en behandelt een breed scala aan thema's, waaronder de verhalen van voorgaande profeten en hun gemeenschappen, richtlijnen voor moslims in verschillende aspecten van het leven en herinneringen over het belang van geloof, volharding en rechtvaardigheid.
Een belangrijk aspect dat in Soera Al 'Imran wordt benadrukt is het concept van monotheïsme of Tawheed. Het benadrukt dat er maar één ware God is en moedigt gelovigen aan om Hem alleen te aanbidden. Het hoofdstuk bespreekt ook het geloof in Profeet Mohammed (vrede zij met hem) als de laatste boodschapper die door God gezonden is.
De Soera gaat in op verschillende verhalen uit joodse en christelijke tradities om gemeenschappelijke overtuigingen te benadrukken en misvattingen op te helderen. Het vertelt verhalen zoals die van Profeet Adam (Adam), Profeet Noah (Nuh), Profeet Abraham (Ibrahim), Profeet Mozes (Musa) en Jezus Christus (Isa) - (vrede zij met hen allen).
Deze verhalen dienen als lessen voor gelovigen om inspiratie te putten uit hun strijd, standvastigheid en standvastig geloof in God.
Daarnaast geeft Soera Al 'Imran (hoofdstuk 3 van de Koran) richtlijnen voor verschillende aspecten van persoonlijk gedrag, het gezinsleven, maatschappelijke relaties en het omgaan met uitdagingen waarmee moslims te maken krijgen tijdens de openbaring ervan. Het moedigt geduld aan in moeilijke tijden en benadrukt vergeving en medeleven met anderen.
Over het geheel genomen dient Soera Al 'Imran als een allesomvattende gids voor moslims om een rechtschapen leven te leiden gebaseerd op een sterk geloof in God. Het behandelt zowel spirituele zaken als praktische kwesties waarmee individuen in hun families en gemeenschappen te maken krijgen. Door dit hoofdstuk met begrip en reflectie te bestuderen, kunnen gelovigen waardevolle inzichten krijgen in het leiden van een evenwichtig leven volgens Islamitische principes.
Soera al-Baqarah, ook wel bekend als “De Vaars”, is het tweede hoofdstuk van de Koran. Dit hoofdstuk bestaat uit 286 verzen en is het langste hoofdstuk in de Koran. Het behandelt een breed scala aan onderwerpen en geeft moslims richtlijnen voor verschillende aspecten van het leven.
Het hoofdstuk begint met een inleiding die het belang van het geloof in God en de begeleiding door de Koran benadrukt. Vervolgens wordt ingegaan op verhalen uit de islamitische geschiedenis, waaronder die van Adam en Eva, Mozes en Abraham. Deze verhalen dienen als lessen voor gelovigen over geloof, gehoorzaamheid aan Gods geboden en de gevolgen van ongehoorzaamheid.
Een ander belangrijk thema in Soera al-Baqarah is het belang van het volgen van religieuze rituelen en wetten. Het beschrijft verschillende verplichtingen zoals het gebed, het vasten tijdens de ramadan, het geven van liefdadigheid en het verrichten van de hadj (bedevaart). Het hoofdstuk behandelt ook kwesties met betrekking tot voedselconsumptie, huwelijkswetten, financiële transacties en sociale verantwoordelijkheden.
Surat al-Baqarah benadrukt ook het concept van eenheid binnen moslimgemeenschappen en ontmoedigt verdeeldheid of sektarisme. Het moedigt gelovigen aan om samen te werken voor gemeenschappelijke doelen en tegelijkertijd rechtvaardigheid en medeleven voor elkaar te behouden.
Verder waarschuwt dit hoofdstuk tegen arrogantie en koppigheid ten opzichte van het accepteren van goddelijke leiding. Het benadrukt voorbeelden van vroegere naties die de boodschappen van profeten negeerden, wat resulteerde in hun ondergang.
Samengevat dient Soera al-Baqarah als een allesomvattende gids voor moslims door verschillende aspecten van het geloof en praktische levenszaken te behandelen. De leerstellingen omvatten morele waarden, religieuze verplichtingen, historische verslagen van vorige generaties en het benadrukken van eenheid binnen moslimgemeenschappen terwijl er gewaarschuwd wordt tegen arrogantie of het negeren van goddelijke leiding.
Het eerste hoofdstuk van de Koran, bekend als “De Opening” of al-Fatihah in het Arabisch, is van grote betekenis voor moslims wereldwijd. Het wordt beschouwd als de essentie van de hele Koran en wordt in elke eenheid van het moslimgebed gereciteerd.
Het hoofdstuk bestaat uit zeven verzen en dient als een prachtige inleiding op de thema's en leringen die in de hele Koran te vinden zijn. Het begint met het prijzen en erkennen van God, de genadige en barmhartige Schepper van alle dingen. Moslims geloven dat God niet alleen machtig is, maar ook begripvol en vergevingsgezind.
“De Opening” zoekt vervolgens leiding bij God, erkennend dat ware leiding alleen van Hem kan komen. Het benadrukt het belang van het zoeken naar Zijn hulp en het vertrouwen op Zijn oneindige wijsheid bij het navigeren door de uitdagingen van het leven.
In dit hoofdstuk erkennen moslims ook hun afhankelijkheid van God voor hun levensonderhoud en leiding, in het besef dat ze zonder Zijn steun verloren zouden zijn. Ze drukken hun verlangen uit om het rechte pad te volgen dat door Hem is uitgezet.
Over het algemeen zet “De Opening” een toon van nederigheid, vertrouwen op Gods leiding en erkenning van Zijn soevereiniteit. Het dient als een herinnering voor moslims om zich tot Hem te wenden voor kracht en Zijn genade te zoeken in alle aspecten van het leven.
Surah Ta-ha is one of the surahs (chapters) found in the Quran. It is the 20th surah and consists of 135 verses. Surah Ta-ha is named after the letters of the Arabic alphabet found in the first verse of the surah.
Surah Ta-ha tells the story of Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) when he was chosen by God to deliver His message to Pharaoh, the oppressive king of Egypt. In this surah, God reveals important events in the history of Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him), such as when he was thrown into the Nile, the meeting with God on the hill of Tursina, and the battle against Pharaoh.
In addition, Surah Ta-ha also contains moral teachings that can be taken as a guide to life for mankind. The surah teaches about the oneness of God, the importance of faith and piety.
Surah Ta-ha also emphasizes the importance of praying to God in all situations and difficulties of life. Its verses provide comfort and hope to people in distress and encourage them to trust in God's plan even when it is incomprehensible to the human mind.
By listening and studying Surah Ta-ha, we can increase our understanding of the history of Islam and gain life guidance given by God. This surah reminds us of God's power and compassion, and the importance of living a life of piety and following His commands.
Сура Та-ха - одна из сур (глав) Корана. Она является 20-й сурой и состоит из 135 стихов. Сура "Та-ха" названа по буквам арабского алфавита, которые встречаются в первом стихе суры.
Сура "Та-ха" рассказывает историю пророка Моисея (мир ему), когда он был избран Богом, чтобы передать Его послание фараону, деспотичному царю Египта. В этой суре Бог открывает важные события в истории пророка Моисея (мир ему), такие как бросок в Нил, встреча с Богом на холме Турсина и битва с фараоном.
Кроме того, в суре "Та-ха" содержатся нравственные наставления, которые можно принять как руководство к жизни для человечества. Сура учит о единстве Бога, важности веры и благочестия.
Сура "Та-ха" также подчеркивает важность молитвы к Богу в любых жизненных ситуациях и трудностях. Ее стихи дают утешение и надежду людям, попавшим в беду, и побуждают их доверять Божьему замыслу, даже если он непостижим для человеческого разума.
Слушая и изучая суру "Та-ха", мы можем расширить свое понимание истории ислама и получить жизненные наставления, данные Богом. Эта сура напоминает нам о могуществе и сострадании Бога, а также о том, как важно жить в благочестии и следовать Его повелениям.
La sourate Ta-ha est l'une des sourates (chapitres) du Coran. Il s'agit de la 20e sourate, composée de 135 versets. La sourate Ta-ha est nommée d'après les lettres de l'alphabet arabe présentes dans le premier verset de la sourate.
La sourate Ta-ha raconte l'histoire du prophète Moïse (que la paix soit sur lui), choisi par Dieu pour transmettre son message à Pharaon, le roi oppresseur d'Égypte. Dans cette sourate, Dieu révèle des événements importants de l'histoire du prophète Moïse (sur lui la paix), comme le moment où il a été jeté dans le Nil, la rencontre avec Dieu sur la colline de Tursina et la bataille contre Pharaon.
En outre, la sourate Ta-ha contient également des enseignements moraux qui peuvent être considérés comme un guide de vie pour l'humanité. La sourate enseigne l'unicité de Dieu, l'importance de la foi et de la piété.
La sourate Ta-ha souligne également l'importance de prier Dieu dans toutes les situations et difficultés de la vie. Ses versets apportent réconfort et espoir aux personnes en détresse et les encouragent à faire confiance au plan de Dieu, même lorsqu'il est incompréhensible pour l'esprit humain.
En écoutant et en étudiant la sourate Ta-ha, nous pouvons améliorer notre compréhension de l'histoire de l'islam et bénéficier des conseils de vie donnés par Dieu. Cette sourate nous rappelle la puissance et la compassion de Dieu, ainsi que l'importance de mener une vie de piété et de suivre ses ordres.
塔哈经》是《古兰经》中的经文(章节)之一。它是第 20 经,由 135 节经文组成。塔哈经》以第一节经文中的阿拉伯字母命名。
A Surah Ta-ha é uma das surahs (capítulos) encontradas no Alcorão. É a 20ª surah e consiste em 135 versículos. O nome da Surah Ta-ha vem das letras do alfabeto árabe encontradas no primeiro versículo da surah.
A Surah Ta-ha conta a história do Profeta Moisés (que a paz esteja com ele) quando ele foi escolhido por Deus para entregar Sua mensagem ao Faraó, o rei opressor do Egito. Nessa surata, Deus revela eventos importantes na história do Profeta Moisés (que a paz esteja com ele), como quando ele foi lançado no Nilo, o encontro com Deus na colina de Tursina e a batalha contra o Faraó.
Além disso, a Surah Ta-ha também contém ensinamentos morais que podem ser tomados como um guia para a vida da humanidade. A surata ensina sobre a unicidade de Deus, a importância da fé e da piedade.
A Surah Ta-ha também enfatiza a importância de orar a Deus em todas as situações e dificuldades da vida. Seus versículos proporcionam conforto e esperança às pessoas em dificuldades e as incentivam a confiar no plano de Deus, mesmo quando ele é incompreensível para a mente humana.
Ao ouvir e estudar a Surah Ta-ha, podemos aumentar nossa compreensão da história do Islã e obter orientação para a vida dada por Deus. Essa surata nos lembra do poder e da compaixão de Deus e da importância de viver uma vida de piedade e seguir Seus mandamentos.
La sura Ta-ha es una de las surahs (capítulos) del Corán. Es la sura número 20 y consta de 135 versículos. La sura Ta-ha recibe su nombre de las letras del alfabeto árabe que aparecen en el primer versículo de la sura.
La sura Ta-ha narra la historia del profeta Moisés (la paz sea con él) cuando fue elegido por Dios para entregar Su mensaje al faraón, el opresor rey de Egipto. En este surah, Dios revela acontecimientos importantes en la historia del Profeta Moisés (la paz sea con él), como cuando fue arrojado al Nilo, el encuentro con Dios en la colina de Tursina y la batalla contra el Faraón.
Además, la surah Ta-ha también contiene enseñanzas morales que pueden tomarse como guía de vida para la humanidad. Enseña la unicidad de Dios y la importancia de la fe y la piedad.
La sura Ta-ha también destaca la importancia de rezar a Dios en todas las situaciones y dificultades de la vida. Sus versículos proporcionan consuelo y esperanza a las personas en apuros y las animan a confiar en el plan de Dios incluso cuando es incomprensible para la mente humana.
Al escuchar y estudiar la surah Ta-ha, podemos aumentar nuestra comprensión de la historia del Islam y obtener una guía de vida dada por Dios. Este surah nos recuerda el poder y la compasión de Dios, y la importancia de vivir una vida de piedad y seguir Sus mandamientos.
Surah Ta-ha ist eine der Surahs (Kapitel) im Quran. Sie ist die 20. Sura und besteht aus 135 Versen. Surah Ta-ha ist nach den Buchstaben des arabischen Alphabets benannt, die im ersten Vers der Surah vorkommen.
Die Sure Ta-ha erzählt die Geschichte des Propheten Moses (Friede sei mit ihm), als er von Gott auserwählt wurde, dem Pharao, dem unterdrückerischen König von Ägypten, seine Botschaft zu überbringen. In dieser Sure offenbart Gott wichtige Ereignisse in der Geschichte des Propheten Moses (Friede sei mit ihm), wie zum Beispiel, dass er in den Nil geworfen wurde, die Begegnung mit Gott auf dem Hügel von Tursina und der Kampf gegen den Pharao.
Darüber hinaus enthält die Sure Ta-ha auch moralische Lehren, die den Menschen als Leitfaden für ihr Leben dienen können. Die Sure lehrt über die Einheit Gottes, die Bedeutung des Glaubens und der Frömmigkeit.
Surah Ta-ha betont auch, wie wichtig es ist, in allen Situationen und Schwierigkeiten des Lebens zu Gott zu beten. Ihre Verse spenden Menschen in Not Trost und Hoffnung und ermutigen sie, auf Gottes Plan zu vertrauen, auch wenn er für den menschlichen Verstand unverständlich ist.
Durch das Hören und Studieren der Sure Ta-ha können wir unser Verständnis für die Geschichte des Islam vertiefen und von Gott gegebene Lebenshilfe erhalten. Diese Sure erinnert uns an Gottes Macht und Barmherzigkeit und daran, wie wichtig es ist, ein Leben in Frömmigkeit zu führen und seine Gebote zu befolgen.
Surah Maryam (Mary) is the 19th surah (chapter) in the Quran consisting of 98 verses. This surah is called Maryam - it tells the story of Prophet Zakaria (Zechariah) (Peace be upon him) and his family, as well as the birth of Prophet Isa (Jesus) (Peace be upon him) and his mother, Maryam (Mary) (may God be pleased with her). This surah also contains some important stories such as the story of the encounter between Maryam (may God be pleased with her) and the angel Gabriel and also the story of the destruction of the Samud people who disbelieved in God.
Surah Maryam has various important teachings. Among the main teachings contained in this surah is about God's power to give offspring to those who are childless like Prophet Zakaria (Peace be upon him) and his wife. In addition, this surah also emphasizes faith in God and reminds mankind to always do good and avoid sin.
Surah Maryam also conveys the order that Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) was a prophet sent by God to carry His message. The story of the birth of Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) from his mother (may God be pleased with her) without a father is also a miraculous sign for humans to believe in the power and greatness of God.
In conclusion, Surah Maryam is one of the suras in the Quran that contains various important stories and moral teachings. It carries orders about the power of God, faith in Him, virtue, and the prophethood of Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him). By studying this surah, we can increase our understanding and faith in Islam.
Сура Марьям (Мария) - это 19-я сура (глава) Корана, состоящая из 98 стихов. Эта сура называется "Марьям" - в ней рассказывается о пророке Закарии (Захарии) (мир ему) и его семье, а также о рождении пророка Исы (Иисуса) (мир ему) и его матери Марьям (Марии) (да будет доволен ею Аллах). Эта сура также содержит несколько важных историй, таких как история встречи Марьям (да будет доволен ею Бог) с ангелом Гавриилом, а также история уничтожения народа Самуд, который не верил в Бога.
Сура Марьям содержит различные важные наставления. Среди основных учений, содержащихся в этой суре, - о власти Бога даровать потомство тем, кто бездетен, как пророк Закария (мир ему) и его жена. Кроме того, в этой суре подчеркивается вера в Бога и напоминается о необходимости всегда творить добро и избегать греха.
Сура Марьям также передает мысль о том, что пророк Иса (мир ему) был пророком, посланным Богом, чтобы нести Его послание. История рождения пророка Исы (мир ему) от его матери (да будет доволен ею Аллах) без отца также является чудесным знамением, заставляющим людей верить в силу и величие Бога.
В заключение следует отметить, что сура Марьям - одна из сур Корана, содержащих различные важные истории и нравоучения. В ней содержатся повествования о могуществе Бога, вере в Него, добродетели и пророчестве пророка Исы (мир ему). Изучая эту суру, мы можем укрепить свое понимание и веру в ислам.
La sourate Maryam (Marie) est la 19e sourate (chapitre) du Coran, composée de 98 versets. Cette sourate s'appelle Maryam - elle raconte l'histoire du prophète Zakaria (Zacharie) (que la paix soit sur lui) et de sa famille, ainsi que la naissance du prophète Isa (Jésus) (que la paix soit sur lui) et de sa mère, Maryam (Marie) (que Dieu soit satisfait d'elle). Cette sourate contient également des récits importants tels que l'histoire de la rencontre entre Maryam (que Dieu soit satisfait d'elle) et l'ange Gabriel, ainsi que l'histoire de la destruction du peuple de Samud qui ne croyait pas en Dieu.
La sourate Maryam contient plusieurs enseignements importants. L'un des principaux enseignements de cette sourate concerne le pouvoir de Dieu de donner une descendance à ceux qui sont sans enfants, comme le prophète Zakaria (que la paix soit sur lui) et son épouse. En outre, cette sourate met l'accent sur la foi en Dieu et rappelle à l'humanité de toujours faire le bien et d'éviter les péchés.
La sourate Maryam transmet également l'ordre selon lequel le prophète Isa (que la paix soit sur lui) était un prophète envoyé par Dieu pour transmettre son message. L'histoire de la naissance du prophète Isa (que la paix soit avec lui) de sa mère (que Dieu soit satisfait d'elle) sans père est également un signe miraculeux pour que les humains croient au pouvoir et à la grandeur de Dieu.
En conclusion, la sourate Maryam est l'une des sourates du Coran qui contient plusieurs histoires importantes et des enseignements moraux. Elle contient des ordres sur la puissance de Dieu, la foi en Lui, la vertu et la prophétie du prophète Isa (que la paix soit sur lui). En étudiant cette sourate, nous pouvons améliorer notre compréhension et notre foi en l'islam.
玛丽亚姆》(Maryam)是《古兰经》的第 19 经(章),共 98 节。该经卷名为《玛丽亚姆》,讲述了先知撒迦利亚(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)及其家人的故事,以及先知伊萨(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)和他的母亲玛丽亚姆(愿主喜悦之)的诞生。该经文还包含一些重要的故事,如玛丽亚姆(愿主喜悦之)与天使加百列相遇的故事,以及不信神的萨穆德人被消灭的故事。
A Surah Maryam (Maria) é a 19ª surah (capítulo) do Alcorão, composta por 98 versículos. Essa surah é chamada Maryam - conta a história do Profeta Zacarias (Zacarias) (que a paz esteja com ele) e sua família, bem como o nascimento do Profeta Isa (Jesus) (que a paz esteja com ele) e sua mãe, Maryam (Maria) (que Deus esteja satisfeito com ela). Essa surata também contém algumas histórias importantes, como a história do encontro entre Maryam (que Deus esteja satisfeito com ela) e o anjo Gabriel e também a história da destruição do povo Samud, que não acreditava em Deus.
A Surah Maryam tem vários ensinamentos importantes. Entre os principais ensinamentos contidos nessa surah está o poder de Deus de dar descendência àqueles que não têm filhos, como o Profeta Zakaria (que a paz esteja com ele) e sua esposa. Além disso, essa surah também enfatiza a fé em Deus e lembra a humanidade de sempre fazer o bem e evitar o pecado.
A Surah Maryam também transmite a ordem de que o Profeta Isa (que a paz esteja com ele) foi um profeta enviado por Deus para levar Sua mensagem. A história do nascimento do Profeta Isa (que a paz esteja com ele) de sua mãe (que Deus esteja satisfeito com ela) sem um pai também é um sinal milagroso para que os seres humanos acreditem no poder e na grandeza de Deus.
Em conclusão, a Surah Maryam é uma das suras do Alcorão que contém várias histórias importantes e ensinamentos morais. Ela traz ordens sobre o poder de Deus, a fé Nele, a virtude e a profecia do Profeta Isa (que a paz esteja com ele). Ao estudar essa surata, podemos aumentar nossa compreensão e fé no Islã.
La surah Maryam (María) es la surah (capítulo) número 19 del Corán y consta de 98 versículos. Esta surah se llama Maryam - cuenta la historia del Profeta Zakaria (Zacarías) (la paz sea con él) y su familia, así como el nacimiento del Profeta Isa (Jesús) (la paz sea con él) y su madre, Maryam (María) (que Dios esté complacido con ella). Este surah también contiene algunas historias importantes como la del encuentro entre Maryam (que Dios esté complacido con ella) y el ángel Gabriel y también la historia de la destrucción del pueblo Samud que no creía en Dios.
La sura Maryam contiene varias enseñanzas importantes. Entre las principales enseñanzas contenidas en esta surah se encuentra el poder de Dios para dar descendencia a quienes no la tienen, como el Profeta Zakaria (la paz sea con él) y su esposa. Además, esta sura también hace hincapié en la fe en Dios y recuerda a la humanidad que siempre debe hacer el bien y evitar el pecado.
La surah Maryam también transmite la orden de que el Profeta Isa (la paz sea con él) fue un profeta enviado por Dios para llevar Su mensaje. La historia del nacimiento del Profeta Isa (la paz sea con él) de su madre (que Dios esté complacido con ella) sin padre es también un signo milagroso para que los seres humanos crean en el poder y la grandeza de Dios.
En conclusión, la sura Maryam es una de las suras del Corán que contiene varias historias importantes y enseñanzas morales. Contiene órdenes sobre el poder de Dios, la fe en Él, la virtud y la condición de profeta del Profeta Isa (la paz sea con él). Estudiando esta surah, podemos aumentar nuestra comprensión y fe en el Islam.
Surah Maryam (Maria) ist die 19. Surah (Kapitel) im Quran und besteht aus 98 Versen. Diese Sure heißt Maryam - sie erzählt die Geschichte des Propheten Zakaria (Zacharias) (Friede sei mit ihm) und seiner Familie, sowie die Geburt des Propheten Isa (Jesus) (Friede sei mit ihm) und seiner Mutter, Maryam (Maria) (möge Gott mit ihr zufrieden sein). Diese Sure enthält auch einige wichtige Geschichten, wie die Geschichte der Begegnung zwischen Maryam (möge Gott mit ihr zufrieden sein) und dem Engel Gabriel und auch die Geschichte der Vernichtung des Volkes der Samud, das an Gott ungläubig war.
Die Sura Maryam enthält verschiedene wichtige Lehren. Eine der wichtigsten Lehren dieser Sure ist die über Gottes Macht, den Kinderlosen, wie dem Propheten Zakaria (Friede sei mit ihm) und seiner Frau, Nachkommen zu schenken. Darüber hinaus betont diese Sure auch den Glauben an Gott und erinnert die Menschen daran, stets Gutes zu tun und Sünden zu meiden.
Sura Maryam vermittelt auch den Auftrag, dass der Prophet Isa (Friede sei mit ihm) ein von Gott gesandter Prophet war, um seine Botschaft zu überbringen. Die Geschichte von der Geburt des Propheten Isa (Friede sei mit ihm) von seiner Mutter (möge Gott mit ihr zufrieden sein) ohne einen Vater ist ebenfalls ein wunderbares Zeichen für die Menschen, an die Macht und Größe Gottes zu glauben.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Sura Maryam eine der Suren im Koran ist, die verschiedene wichtige Geschichten und moralische Lehren enthält. Sie enthält Anweisungen über die Macht Gottes, den Glauben an ihn, die Tugend und das Prophetentum des Propheten Isa (Friede sei mit ihm). Wenn wir diese Sure studieren, können wir unser Verständnis und unseren Glauben an den Islam stärken.
結論として、マーヤーム章はクルアーンの中で様々な重要な物語と道徳的教えを含む章の一つである。神の力、神への信仰、美徳、預言者イサ(かれに平安あれ)の預言者としてのあり方についての命令を含んでいる。イスラームの メッセージこの小冊子は、全ての預言者がそこへと人々をいざなったイスラームの信仰箇条と、イスラームへの改宗の仕方について説明しています。
Surah Al-Kahf, the 18th chapter of the Quran, is a profound and spiritually enriching chapter that holds significant lessons for believers. This chapter consists of 110 verses and is named after the "Cave" where a group of young believers sought refuge from persecution and were miraculously protected by God.
The chapter begins with a story about the People of the Cave, a group of righteous youths who retreated to a cave to protect their faith from the oppressive rule of their society. God caused them to sleep for many years, preserving them from harm and making them a sign of His power and mercy.
The story then transitions to Prophet Musa (Moses) and Khidr (peace be upon them all), highlighting the importance of humility, patience, and trust in God's wisdom. Through a series of encounters and experiences, Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him) learns valuable lessons about divine decree and the hidden wisdom behind seemingly unjust events.
Surah Al-Kahf also warns against materialism, arrogance, and heedlessness of the Hereafter through the parable of the two gardeners. The story emphasizes the transient nature of worldly possessions and the importance of gratitude and charity as pathways to spiritual growth.
Furthermore, the chapter discusses the concept of faith and disbelief, emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge, staying steadfast in faith, and warning against blindly following one's desires or society's norms.
Surah Al-Kahf concludes with a reminder of the Day of Judgment, urging believers to prepare for the Hereafter by performing righteous deeds and seeking God's forgiveness.
Overall, Surah Al-Kahf serves as a source of guidance, inspiration, and reflection for Muslims, encouraging them to uphold their faith, seek knowledge, and remain steadfast in the face of trials and tribulations.
Сура "Аль-Кахф", 18-я глава Корана, - глубокая и духовно обогащающая глава, содержащая важные уроки для верующих. Эта глава состоит из 110 стихов и названа в честь "Пещеры", где группа молодых верующих укрылась от преследований и была чудесным образом защищена Богом.
Глава начинается с рассказа о людях из пещеры, группе праведных юношей, которые уединились в пещере, чтобы защитить свою веру от деспотичного правления общества. Бог заставил их спать в течение многих лет, оберегая от бед и являя собой знак Своего могущества и милосердия.
Затем история переходит к пророку Мусе (Моисею) и Хидру (мир им всем), подчеркивая важность смирения, терпения и доверия к мудрости Бога. Через ряд встреч и переживаний пророк Муса (мир ему) извлекает ценные уроки о божественном предписании и скрытой мудрости, стоящей за, казалось бы, несправедливыми событиями.
Сура "Аль-Кахф" также предостерегает от материализма, высокомерия и безразличия к Загробному миру через притчу о двух садовниках. Эта история подчеркивает преходящий характер мирских благ и важность благодарности и благотворительности как путей к духовному росту.
Кроме того, в главе рассматривается понятие веры и неверия, подчеркивается важность поиска знаний, стойкости в вере и предостережения от слепого следования своим желаниям или нормам общества.
Сура "Аль-Кахф" завершается напоминанием о Судном дне, призывая верующих готовиться к нему, совершая праведные поступки и прося у Бога прощения.
В целом сура "Аль-Кахф" служит источником наставлений, вдохновения и размышлений для мусульман, побуждая их поддерживать свою веру, стремиться к знаниям и оставаться стойкими перед лицом испытаний и бед.
La sourate Al-Kahf, le 18e chapitre du Coran, est un chapitre profond et spirituellement enrichissant qui contient des leçons importantes pour les croyants. Ce chapitre comprend 110 versets et porte le nom de la "grotte" où un groupe de jeunes croyants s'est réfugié pour échapper à la persécution et a été miraculeusement protégé par Dieu.
Le chapitre commence par l'histoire du peuple de la caverne, un groupe de jeunes justes qui se sont retirés dans une caverne pour protéger leur foi de la domination oppressive de leur société. Dieu les a fait dormir pendant de nombreuses années, les préservant de tout danger et faisant d'eux un signe de sa puissance et de sa miséricorde.
Le récit passe ensuite au prophète Musa (Moïse) et à Khidr (que la paix soit sur eux tous), soulignant l'importance de l'humilité, de la patience et de la confiance en la sagesse de Dieu. À travers une série de rencontres et d'expériences, le prophète Moussa (que la paix soit sur lui) apprend de précieuses leçons sur le décret divin et la sagesse cachée derrière des événements apparemment injustes.
La sourate Al-Kahf met également en garde contre le matérialisme, l'arrogance et l'indifférence à l'égard de l'au-delà à travers la parabole des deux jardiniers. L'histoire met l'accent sur la nature éphémère des possessions matérielles et sur l'importance de la gratitude et de la charité comme voies d'accès à la croissance spirituelle.
En outre, le chapitre aborde le concept de foi et d'incrédulité, soulignant l'importance de la recherche de la connaissance, de la fermeté de la foi et de la mise en garde contre le fait de suivre aveuglément ses désirs ou les normes de la société.
La sourate Al-Kahf se termine par un rappel du jour du jugement, exhortant les croyants à se préparer à l'au-delà en accomplissant de bonnes actions et en recherchant le pardon de Dieu.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-Kahf est une source de conseils, d'inspiration et de réflexion pour les musulmans, les encourageant à maintenir leur foi, à rechercher la connaissance et à rester fermes face aux épreuves et aux tribulations.
古兰经》第 18 章 "卡夫经 "寓意深刻,精神丰富,为信徒们提供了重要的启示。本章共有 110 节经文,以 "山洞 "命名,一群年轻的信徒在那里寻求庇护,躲避迫害,并奇迹般地得到了真主的保护。
本章以 "山洞里的人 "的故事开头,这群正义的年轻人为了保护自己的信仰不受社会的压迫,躲进了一个山洞。真主让他们沉睡多年,保护他们免受伤害,并让他们成为真主力量和仁慈的象征。
Surah Al-Kahf, o 18º capítulo do Alcorão, é um capítulo profundo e espiritualmente enriquecedor que contém lições significativas para os crentes. Esse capítulo consiste em 110 versículos e recebeu o nome da "Caverna" onde um grupo de jovens crentes buscou refúgio da perseguição e foi milagrosamente protegido por Deus.
O capítulo começa com uma história sobre o Povo da Caverna, um grupo de jovens justos que se retirou para uma caverna para proteger sua fé do governo opressivo de sua sociedade. Deus os fez dormir por muitos anos, preservando-os do mal e tornando-os um sinal de Seu poder e misericórdia.
A história passa então para o Profeta Musa (Moisés) e Khidr (que a paz esteja com todos eles), destacando a importância da humildade, da paciência e da confiança na sabedoria de Deus. Por meio de uma série de encontros e experiências, o Profeta Musa (que a paz esteja com ele) aprende lições valiosas sobre o decreto divino e a sabedoria oculta por trás de eventos aparentemente injustos.
A Surah Al-Kahf também adverte contra o materialismo, a arrogância e a falta de atenção à outra vida por meio da parábola dos dois jardineiros. A história enfatiza a natureza transitória das posses mundanas e a importância da gratidão e da caridade como caminhos para o crescimento espiritual.
Além disso, o capítulo discute o conceito de fé e descrença, enfatizando a importância de buscar conhecimento, permanecer firme na fé e advertir contra seguir cegamente os próprios desejos ou as normas da sociedade.
A Surah Al-Kahf conclui com um lembrete sobre o Dia do Juízo Final, instando os crentes a se prepararem para a outra vida realizando ações justas e buscando o perdão de Deus.
No geral, a Surah Al-Kahf serve como fonte de orientação, inspiração e reflexão para os muçulmanos, incentivando-os a manter sua fé, buscar conhecimento e permanecer firmes diante de provações e tribulações.
Surah Al-Kahf, el capítulo 18 del Corán, es un capítulo profundo y espiritualmente enriquecedor que contiene lecciones significativas para los creyentes. Este capítulo consta de 110 versículos y lleva el nombre de la "Cueva" donde un grupo de jóvenes creyentes buscaron refugio de la persecución y fueron milagrosamente protegidos por Dios.
El capítulo comienza con una historia sobre el Pueblo de la Cueva, un grupo de jóvenes justos que se retiraron a una cueva para proteger su fe del gobierno opresor de su sociedad. Dios los hizo dormir durante muchos años, preservándolos de todo daño y convirtiéndolos en un signo de Su poder y misericordia.
La historia pasa luego al Profeta Musa (Moisés) y a Khidr (la paz sea con todos ellos), destacando la importancia de la humildad, la paciencia y la confianza en la sabiduría de Dios. A través de una serie de encuentros y experiencias, el Profeta Musa (la paz sea con él) aprende valiosas lecciones sobre el decreto divino y la sabiduría oculta tras acontecimientos aparentemente injustos.
La sura Al-Kahf también advierte contra el materialismo, la arrogancia y el olvido del Más Allá a través de la parábola de los dos jardineros. La historia subraya la naturaleza transitoria de las posesiones mundanas y la importancia de la gratitud y la caridad como vías para el crecimiento espiritual.
Además, el capítulo aborda el concepto de fe e incredulidad, insistiendo en la importancia de buscar el conocimiento, mantenerse firme en la fe y advertir del peligro de seguir ciegamente los propios deseos o las normas de la sociedad.
La sura Al-Kahf concluye con un recordatorio del Día del Juicio, instando a los creyentes a prepararse para el Más Allá mediante la realización de obras rectas y la búsqueda del perdón de Dios.
En general, la sura Al-Kahf sirve de guía, inspiración y reflexión para los musulmanes, animándoles a mantener su fe, buscar el conocimiento y permanecer firmes ante las pruebas y tribulaciones.
Surah Al-Kahf, das 18. Kapitel des Quran, ist ein tiefgründiges und spirituell bereicherndes Kapitel, das bedeutende Lektionen für Gläubige enthält. Dieses Kapitel besteht aus 110 Versen und ist nach der "Höhle" benannt, in der eine Gruppe junger Gläubiger Zuflucht vor Verfolgung suchte und auf wundersame Weise von Gott beschützt wurde.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit einer Geschichte über das Volk der Höhle, eine Gruppe rechtschaffener Jugendlicher, die sich in eine Höhle zurückzogen, um ihren Glauben vor der unterdrückenden Herrschaft ihrer Gesellschaft zu schützen. Gott ließ sie viele Jahre lang schlafen, bewahrte sie vor Schaden und machte sie zu einem Zeichen seiner Macht und Barmherzigkeit.
Die Geschichte geht dann zum Propheten Musa (Moses) und Khidr (Friede sei mit ihnen allen) über und hebt die Bedeutung von Demut, Geduld und Vertrauen in Gottes Weisheit hervor. Durch eine Reihe von Begegnungen und Erfahrungen lernt der Prophet Musa (Friede sei mit ihm) wertvolle Lektionen über göttliche Entscheidungen und die verborgene Weisheit hinter scheinbar ungerechten Ereignissen.
Surah Al-Kahf warnt auch vor Materialismus, Arroganz und Achtlosigkeit gegenüber dem Jenseits durch das Gleichnis von den beiden Gärtnern. Die Geschichte unterstreicht die Vergänglichkeit weltlicher Besitztümer und die Bedeutung von Dankbarkeit und Nächstenliebe als Wege zu geistigem Wachstum.
Darüber hinaus erörtert das Kapitel das Konzept des Glaubens und des Unglaubens und betont, wie wichtig es ist, nach Wissen zu streben, im Glauben standhaft zu bleiben und davor zu warnen, blindlings den eigenen Wünschen oder den Normen der Gesellschaft zu folgen.
Surah Al-Kahf schließt mit einer Erinnerung an den Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts und fordert die Gläubigen auf, sich auf das Jenseits vorzubereiten, indem sie rechtschaffene Taten vollbringen und Gott um Vergebung bitten.
Insgesamt dient Surah Al-Kahf als Quelle der Führung, Inspiration und Reflexion für Muslime und ermutigt sie, ihren Glauben aufrechtzuerhalten, nach Wissen zu streben und angesichts von Prüfungen und Bedrängnissen standhaft zu bleiben.
Atoms are the smallest building blocks of the universe, made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, as well as electrons in orbit around the nucleus. The structure of atoms is incredibly complex and detailed, and it is believed that their formation points to the existence of a Creator, or God. Atom is made up of a nucleus and electrons, revolving around it in orbits. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, and comprises 99.95% of the atom's mass. Elements on Earth are differentiated by the number of protons in their nucleus, and electrons are incredibly tiny but travel at incredible speeds. The atom is held together by four forces - the strong and weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, and gravitational force. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter, and the nucleus is the center of the atom.
The four fundamental forces in the universe have a delicate balance that allows atoms to remain stable. If this balance was slightly different, the atoms in our bodies would instantly fragment. Carbon atoms have unique properties that enable them to form over 1.7 million compounds, which are essential for all forms of living matter. Scientists are still discovering the immense capacity of the carbon atom to form various compounds.
Atoms are the building blocks of all living and inanimate things, and the nucleus of the atom is where a great power is stored. This force, known as the strong nuclear force, is so powerful that it has been used to create artificial climates, make canals, and build mountain passes. It can also be released artificially through the process of fission, which is what caused the Hiroshima and Nagasaki disasters. Despite this great power, the perfect balance of the atom keeps it under control, and it is only through artificial means that a chain reaction can be triggered.
This equilibrium in the atom proves that all life is the result of a conscious and flawless creation, and that the Creator of all is Almighty God. Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter in the universe. They are composed of negatively charged electrons orbiting a small, dense nucleus, which is composed of positively charged protons and neutrons. The nucleus of an atom is where most of its mass is located. It is held together by the strong nuclear force.
By understanding the structure and behavior of atoms, we can learn more about the properties of matter and the universe around us.
1. “Miracle in the Atom Introduction”
2. “The Structure of the Atom”
3. “The Power Stored in the Nucleus”
4. “The Space in the Atom”
5. “Inside the Nucleus: Protons and Neutrons”
6. “The Other Aspect of the Atom: Electrons”
7. “The Four Forces of the Universe”
8. “The Second Step on the Path to Matter: Molecules”
9. “The Building Block of Life: The ”Çarbon” Atom”
10. “Atoms Coming to Life”
11. “The Power of the Atom”
12. “Conclusion”
В этом эпизоде рассказывается об атоме, самом маленьком строительном блоке Вселенной. Атомы встречаются повсюду и составляют все, что мы называем материей. Электроны на орбите атома сталкиваются с фотонами, что позволяет нам воспринимать их как материю. Структура атома сложна и содержит тонкий баланс, который указывает на существование Творца. Ядро атома состоит из протонов и нейтронов, которые составляют почти всю массу атома. Электроны вращаются вокруг ядра с невероятной скоростью - 1 000 километров в секунду. Атом удерживают вместе четыре силы: сильная ядерная сила, слабая ядерная сила, электромагнитная сила и гравитационная сила. Сила этих сил тонко сбалансирована, и любое незначительное отклонение приведет к нестабильности атома. Атом углерода - это строительный блок всего живого, поскольку все живые существа построены из соединений углерода. Сила, заключенная в ядре атома, огромна, и ядерная энергия используется в различных целях. Безупречная гармония, порядок и равновесие в атоме доказывают, что все живое - продукт сознательного и безупречного творения. Создатель Вселенной - Всемогущий Бог, Владыка миров.
Dans cet épisode, nous explorons l'atome, le plus petit élément constitutif de l'univers. Les atomes sont omniprésents et constituent tout ce que nous appelons la matière. Les électrons dans l'orbite d'un atome entrent en collision avec les photons, ce qui nous permet de les percevoir comme de la matière. La structure d'un atome est complexe et contient un équilibre délicat qui indique l'existence d'un Créateur. Le noyau d'un atome est composé de protons et de neutrons, qui constituent la quasi-totalité de la masse de l'atome. Les électrons tournent autour du noyau à la vitesse incroyable de 1 000 kilomètres par seconde. Quatre forces maintiennent l'atome ensemble : la force nucléaire forte, la force nucléaire faible, la force électromagnétique et la force gravitationnelle. La force de ces forces est finement équilibrée, et la moindre variation rendrait l'atome instable. L'atome de carbone est l'élément constitutif de toute vie, car tous les êtres vivants sont construits à partir de composés de carbone. La puissance stockée dans le noyau d'un atome est immense, et l'énergie nucléaire a été exploitée à diverses fins. L'harmonie, l'ordre et l'équilibre parfaits de l'atome prouvent que toute vie est le produit d'une création consciente et parfaite. Le Créateur de l'univers est le Dieu tout-puissant, Seigneur des mondes.
在本集节目中,我们将探讨原子这一宇宙中最小的构件。原子无处不在,构成了我们所说的一切物质。原子轨道上的电子与光子碰撞,使我们能够将其视为物质。原子的结构十分复杂,其中的微妙平衡表明造物主的存在。原子核由质子和中子组成,它们几乎构成了原子的全部质量。电子以每秒 1000 公里的惊人速度围绕原子核旋转。四种力将原子维系在一起:强核力、弱核力、电磁力和引力。这些力的强度是微妙平衡的,任何微小的变化都会导致原子不稳定。碳原子是所有生命的基石,因为所有生物都是由碳化合物构成的。原子核内蕴藏着巨大的能量,核能已被用于各种用途。原子中完美无瑕的和谐、秩序和平衡证明,所有生命都是有意识的完美创造的产物。宇宙的创造者是全能的上帝,万物之主。
Neste episódio, o átomo, o menor bloco de construção do universo, é explorado. Os átomos estão em toda parte e constituem tudo o que chamamos de matéria. Os elétrons na órbita de um átomo colidem com fótons, o que nos permite percebê-los como matéria. A estrutura de um átomo é complexa e contém um equilíbrio delicado que aponta para a existência de um Criador. O núcleo de um átomo é composto de prótons e nêutrons, que constituem quase toda a massa do átomo. Os elétrons giram em torno do núcleo a uma velocidade inacreditável de 1.000 quilômetros por segundo. Quatro forças mantêm o átomo unido: força nuclear forte, força nuclear fraca, força eletromagnética e força gravitacional. A força dessas forças é finamente equilibrada, e qualquer variação mínima tornaria o átomo instável. O átomo de carbono é o bloco de construção de toda a vida, pois todos os seres vivos são construídos a partir de compostos de carbono. A energia armazenada no núcleo de um átomo é imensa, e a energia nuclear tem sido aproveitada para vários fins. A harmonia, a ordem e o equilíbrio impecáveis do átomo provam que toda a vida é produto de uma criação consciente e impecável. O Criador do universo é Deus Todo-Poderoso, Senhor dos mundos.
En este episodio se explora el átomo, el componente más pequeño del universo. Los átomos están en todas partes y constituyen todo lo que llamamos materia. Los electrones en la órbita de un átomo colisionan con los fotones, lo que nos permite percibirlos como materia. La estructura de un átomo es compleja y contiene un delicado equilibrio que apunta a la existencia de un Creador. El núcleo de un átomo está formado por protones y neutrones, que constituyen casi toda la masa del átomo. Los electrones giran alrededor del núcleo a la increíble velocidad de 1.000 kilómetros por segundo. Cuatro fuerzas mantienen unido al átomo: la fuerza nuclear fuerte, la fuerza nuclear débil, la fuerza electromagnética y la fuerza gravitatoria. La fuerza de estas fuerzas está finamente equilibrada, y cualquier ligera variación provocaría la inestabilidad del átomo. El átomo de carbono es el componente básico de la vida, ya que todos los seres vivos están formados por compuestos de carbono. La energía almacenada en el núcleo de un átomo es inmensa, y la energía nuclear se ha aprovechado para diversos fines. La armonía, el orden y el equilibrio perfectos del átomo demuestran que toda la vida es producto de una creación consciente y perfecta. El Creador del universo es Dios Todopoderoso, Señor de los mundos.
In dieser Folge wird das Atom, der kleinste Baustein des Universums, erforscht. Atome sind überall und machen alles aus, was wir als Materie bezeichnen. Die Elektronen in der Umlaufbahn eines Atoms kollidieren mit Photonen, wodurch wir sie als Materie wahrnehmen können. Die Struktur eines Atoms ist komplex und enthält ein empfindliches Gleichgewicht, das auf die Existenz eines Schöpfers hinweist. Der Kern eines Atoms besteht aus Protonen und Neutronen, die fast die gesamte Masse des Atoms ausmachen. Die Elektronen kreisen mit einer unglaublichen Geschwindigkeit von 1.000 Kilometern pro Sekunde um den Kern. Vier Kräfte halten das Atom zusammen: die starke Kernkraft, die schwache Kernkraft, die elektromagnetische Kraft und die Gravitationskraft. Die Stärke dieser Kräfte ist fein ausbalanciert, und jede geringfügige Abweichung würde das Atom instabil werden lassen. Das Kohlenstoffatom ist der Baustein allen Lebens, da alle Lebewesen aus Kohlenstoffverbindungen aufgebaut sind. Die im Atomkern gespeicherte Kraft ist immens, und die Kernenergie wurde für verschiedene Zwecke nutzbar gemacht. Die makellose Harmonie, Ordnung und das Gleichgewicht im Atom beweisen, dass alles Leben das Produkt einer bewussten und makellosen Schöpfung ist. Der Schöpfer des Universums ist der allmächtige Gott, der Herr der Welten.
Surah al-Isra' (Quran chapter 17) is one of the surahs (chapters) found in the Quran. Surah al-Isra' consists of 111 verses and belongs to the 15th volume of the Quran. It was revealed in Mecca during the time of Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). This surah contains many important instructions and moral teachings for Muslims.
The main content of Surah al-Isra' covers several important aspects such as creed, morals, community law, and the commands of God. Among the issues discussed are tawhid (the oneness of God), social justice, human responsibility for their deeds, and the importance of obeying God's commands.
One of the important stories told in this surah is about the Prophet Muhammad's (may God bless him and grant him peace) experience of traveling at night from the Grand Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque and then to the seventh heaven (Mi'raj). This experience is a clear evidence of the glory of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) and the position of Islam as the true religion.
In addition, Surah al-Isra' also contains various exhortations for Muslims to maintain good relationships with their families, neighbors, and society as a whole. The verses provide guidance on the importance of doing good, staying away from injustice, and being fair in every aspect of life.
Overall, Surah al-Isra' is a surah that has many important values and teachings for Muslims. It reminds us of our responsibilities as servants of Allah and guides us in living our lives in the right way.
The Quran
Super-Easy to Listen - For Ages 9 to 99
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Music by Sufi Sama from Pixabay.
Сура аль-Исра' (глава 17 Корана) - одна из сур (глав) Корана. Сура аль-Исра состоит из 111 стихов и входит в 15-й том Корана. Она была открыта в Мекке во времена пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует). В этой суре содержится множество важных наставлений и моральных поучений для мусульман.
Основное содержание суры "Аль-Исра" охватывает несколько важных аспектов, таких как вероучение, мораль, законы общины и повеления Бога. Среди обсуждаемых вопросов - тавхид (единство Бога), социальная справедливость, ответственность человека за свои поступки и важность повиновения Божьим повелениям.
Одна из важных историй, рассказанных в этой суре, повествует о том, как Пророк Мухаммад (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) совершил ночное путешествие из Большой мечети в мечеть Акса, а затем на седьмое небо (Ми'радж). Этот опыт является ярким свидетельством славы Пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) и положения ислама как истинной религии.
Кроме того, сура "Аль-Исра" содержит различные призывы к мусульманам поддерживать хорошие отношения со своими семьями, соседями и обществом в целом. В стихах содержатся наставления о том, как важно творить добро, держаться подальше от несправедливости и быть справедливым во всех сферах жизни.
В целом, сура "Аль-Исра" - это сура, содержащая множество важных ценностей и наставлений для мусульман. Она напоминает нам о нашей ответственности как рабов Божьих и наставляет нас на правильный образ жизни.
La sourate al-Isra' (chapitre 17 du Coran) est l'une des sourates (chapitres) du Coran. La sourate al-Isra' se compose de 111 versets et appartient au 15e volume du Coran. Elle a été révélée à La Mecque à l'époque du prophète Mohammed (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix). Cette sourate contient de nombreuses instructions et enseignements moraux importants pour les musulmans.
Le contenu principal de la sourate al-Isra' couvre plusieurs aspects importants tels que le credo, la morale, le droit communautaire et les commandements de Dieu. Parmi les questions abordées figurent le tawhid (l'unicité de Dieu), la justice sociale, la responsabilité de l'homme pour ses actes et l'importance d'obéir aux ordres de Dieu.
L'une des histoires importantes racontées dans cette sourate concerne l'expérience du prophète Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix), qui a voyagé de nuit de la Grande Mosquée à la Mosquée Aqsa, puis au septième ciel (Mi'raj). Cette expérience est une preuve évidente de la gloire du prophète Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix) et de la position de l'islam en tant que vraie religion.
En outre, la sourate al-Isra' contient diverses exhortations pour que les musulmans entretiennent de bonnes relations avec leurs familles, leurs voisins et la société dans son ensemble. Les versets fournissent des conseils sur l'importance de faire le bien, de s'éloigner de l'injustice et d'être juste dans tous les aspects de la vie.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate al-Isra' contient de nombreuses valeurs et enseignements importants pour les musulmans. Elle nous rappelle nos responsabilités en tant que serviteurs de Dieu et nous guide pour vivre notre vie de la bonne manière.
Surah al-Isra'(《古兰经》第 17 章)是《古兰经》中的苏拉(章节)之一。Surah al-Isra' 由 111 节经文组成,属于《古兰经》第 15 卷。它是先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)时期在麦加降示的。该经文包含许多对穆斯林的重要指示和道德教诲。
伊斯拉经》的主要内容涉及信条、道德、社会法律和真主的命令等几个重要方面。其中讨论的问题包括 "真主独一"(tawhid)、社会正义、人对自己行为的责任以及服从真主命令的重要性。
La sura al-Isra' (capítulo 17 del Corán) es una de las surahs (capítulos) que se encuentran en el Corán. La sura al-Isra' consta de 111 versículos y pertenece al volumen 15 del Corán. Fue revelada en La Meca en tiempos del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz). Esta sura contiene muchas instrucciones y enseñanzas morales importantes para los musulmanes.
El contenido principal de la sura al-Isra' abarca varios aspectos importantes, como el credo, la moral, la ley comunitaria y los mandamientos de Dios. Entre los temas tratados están el tawhid (la unicidad de Dios), la justicia social, la responsabilidad del ser humano por sus actos y la importancia de obedecer los mandatos de Dios.
Una de las historias importantes que se cuentan en esta surah es la experiencia del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) de viajar por la noche desde la Gran Mezquita a la Mezquita Aqsa y luego al séptimo cielo (Mi'raj). Esta experiencia es una prueba clara de la gloria del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) y de la posición del Islam como religión verdadera.
Además, la sura al-Isra' también contiene varias exhortaciones para que los musulmanes mantengan buenas relaciones con sus familias, vecinos y la sociedad en su conjunto. Los versículos orientan sobre la importancia de hacer el bien, alejarse de la injusticia y ser justo en todos los aspectos de la vida.
En general, la sura al-Isra' contiene muchos valores y enseñanzas importantes para los musulmanes. Nos recuerda nuestras responsabilidades como siervos de Dios y nos guía para vivir nuestras vidas de la manera correcta.
A Surah al-Isra' (capítulo 17 do Alcorão) é uma das surahs (capítulos) encontradas no Alcorão. A Surah al-Isra' consiste em 111 versículos e pertence ao 15º volume do Alcorão. Ela foi revelada em Meca durante a época do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz). Essa surata contém muitas instruções importantes e ensinamentos morais para os muçulmanos.
O conteúdo principal da Surah al-Isra' abrange vários aspectos importantes, como o credo, a moral, a lei da comunidade e os mandamentos de Deus. Entre as questões discutidas estão tawhid (a unicidade de Deus), justiça social, responsabilidade humana por seus atos e a importância de obedecer aos mandamentos de Deus.
Uma das histórias importantes contadas nessa surah é sobre a experiência do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) de viajar à noite da Grande Mesquita para a Mesquita de Aqsa e depois para o sétimo céu (Mi'raj). Essa experiência é uma clara evidência da glória do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) e da posição do Islã como a verdadeira religião.
Além disso, a Surah al-Isra' também contém várias exortações para que os muçulmanos mantenham bons relacionamentos com suas famílias, vizinhos e a sociedade como um todo. Os versículos fornecem orientação sobre a importância de fazer o bem, evitar a injustiça e ser justo em todos os aspectos da vida.
De modo geral, a Surah al-Isra' é uma surah que contém muitos valores e ensinamentos importantes para os muçulmanos. Ela nos lembra de nossas responsabilidades como servos de Deus e nos orienta a viver nossas vidas da maneira correta.
Surah al-Isra' (Quran Kapitel 17) ist eine der Surahs (Kapitel) im Quran. Surah al-Isra' besteht aus 111 Versen und gehört zum 15. Band des Quran. Sie wurde in Mekka zur Zeit des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren) offenbart. Diese Sura enthält viele wichtige Anweisungen und moralische Lehren für Muslime.
Der Hauptinhalt der Sura al-Isra' umfasst mehrere wichtige Aspekte wie Glaubensbekenntnis, Moral, Gemeinschaftsrecht und die Gebote Gottes. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Tawhid (die Einheit Gottes), soziale Gerechtigkeit, die Verantwortung der Menschen für ihre Taten und die Bedeutung des Gehorsams gegenüber Gottes Geboten.
Eine der wichtigsten Geschichten, die in dieser Sure erzählt werden, handelt von der Erfahrung des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren), der nachts von der Großen Moschee zur Aqsa-Moschee und dann in den siebten Himmel (Mi'raj) reiste. Diese Erfahrung ist ein klarer Beweis für die Herrlichkeit des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren) und die Stellung des Islam als die wahre Religion.
Darüber hinaus enthält die Sura al-Isra' auch verschiedene Ermahnungen an die Muslime, gute Beziehungen zu ihren Familien, Nachbarn und der Gesellschaft insgesamt zu pflegen. Die Verse geben Hinweise darauf, wie wichtig es ist, Gutes zu tun, sich von Ungerechtigkeit fernzuhalten und in jedem Aspekt des Lebens gerecht zu sein.
Insgesamt ist die Sura al-Isra' eine Sura, die viele wichtige Werte und Lehren für Muslime enthält. Sie erinnert uns an unsere Verantwortung als Diener Allahs und leitet uns an, unser Leben auf die richtige Weise zu führen.
Übersetzt aus: Koran auf Englisch von Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
クルアーン17章(Surah al-Isra')は、クルアーンにあるスラー(章)の一つである。スラー・アル・イスラは111節からなり、クルアーン第15巻に属する。預言者ムハンマドの時代にメッカで啓示された。この章には、ムスリムに対する多くの重要な指示と道徳的教えが含まれている。
イスラームにおける人権と そこに蔓延する誤解著者はこの小冊子の中で、ムスリムにとっての2大法源であるクルアーンとスンナに基づき、人権のテーマを論じています。議論されている問題の中には、タウィッド(神の唯一性)、社会正義、行いに対する人間の責任、神の命令に従うことの重要性などがある。
This episode explores the concept that God's existence can be recognized through the evidence of design and order in the world around us. The construction of man-made structures, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramids of Egypt, demonstrate the need for a designer and builder. The same can be said for the complex bodily systems found in living creatures, including the human body. The brain, with its billions of nerve cells and trillions of connections, displays a perfect design that could not have come about through coincidence. The five senses, the skeleton, the heart, and the hands also exhibit an excellent design that points to a Creator.
The episode also highlights specific examples of nature that showcase God's design. The vast array of living species, from single-celled organisms to animals and plants, all have unique bodily systems and purposes for existence. Polar bears, with their thick fur and insulation, demonstrate a detailed design that allows them to survive in harsh environments. Eagles have superior eyesight that is a product of their light-sensitive cone cells, and this is evidence of God's design.
The episode concludes by reminding listeners that our existence in this world is a result of God's will and design. We live in a world that has been created and formed for us, and we should be grateful for the blessings we receive. Recognizing the evidence of design and order in the world around us is our responsibility, and it helps us understand the existence of God.
В этом эпизоде рассматривается концепция, согласно которой существование Бога можно познать через свидетельства дизайна и порядка в окружающем нас мире. Строительство рукотворных сооружений, таких как Эйфелева башня или египетские пирамиды, демонстрирует необходимость в дизайнере и строителе. То же самое можно сказать и о сложных телесных системах живых существ, включая человеческое тело. Мозг с его миллиардами нервных клеток и триллионами связей демонстрирует совершенный дизайн, который не мог возникнуть по случайности. Пять органов чувств, скелет, сердце и руки также демонстрируют превосходный дизайн, указывающий на Творца.
В эпизоде также приводятся конкретные примеры из природы, демонстрирующие Божий замысел. Огромное количество видов живых существ, от одноклеточных организмов до животных и растений, имеют уникальные телесные системы и цели существования. Белые медведи с их густым мехом и изоляцией демонстрируют детальный дизайн, который позволяет им выживать в суровых условиях. Орлы обладают превосходным зрением, которое является результатом работы их светочувствительных колбочковых клеток, и это свидетельствует о Божьем замысле.
В конце эпизода мы напоминаем слушателям, что наше существование в этом мире - результат Божьей воли и Божьего замысла. Мы живем в мире, который был создан и сформирован для нас, и мы должны быть благодарны за те благословения, которые получаем. Признание свидетельств замысла и порядка в окружающем нас мире - наша обязанность, и это помогает нам понять существование Бога.
Cet épisode explore le concept selon lequel l'existence de Dieu peut être reconnue par la preuve de la conception et de l'ordre dans le monde qui nous entoure. La construction de structures artificielles, telles que la tour Eiffel ou les pyramides d'Égypte, démontre la nécessité d'un concepteur et d'un bâtisseur. Il en va de même pour les systèmes corporels complexes que l'on trouve chez les créatures vivantes, y compris le corps humain. Le cerveau, avec ses milliards de cellules nerveuses et ses billions de connexions, présente une conception parfaite qui n'aurait pas pu être le fruit d'une coïncidence. Les cinq sens, le squelette, le cœur et les mains présentent également une excellente conception qui indique l'existence d'un Créateur.
L'épisode met également en lumière des exemples spécifiques de la nature qui illustrent le dessein de Dieu. La vaste gamme d'espèces vivantes, des organismes unicellulaires aux animaux et aux plantes, ont toutes un système corporel unique et une raison d'être. Les ours polaires, avec leur épaisse fourrure et leur isolation, présentent une conception détaillée qui leur permet de survivre dans des environnements difficiles. Les aigles ont une vue supérieure grâce à leurs cellules coniques sensibles à la lumière, ce qui est une preuve de la conception de Dieu.
L'épisode se termine en rappelant aux auditeurs que notre existence dans ce monde est le résultat de la volonté et de la conception de Dieu. Nous vivons dans un monde qui a été créé et formé pour nous, et nous devrions être reconnaissants pour les bénédictions que nous recevons. Il est de notre responsabilité de reconnaître les preuves de la conception et de l'ordre dans le monde qui nous entoure, et cela nous aide à comprendre l'existence de Dieu.
Este episódio explora o conceito de que a existência de Deus pode ser reconhecida por meio da evidência de design e ordem no mundo ao nosso redor. A construção de estruturas feitas pelo homem, como a Torre Eiffel ou as Pirâmides do Egito, demonstra a necessidade de um projetista e construtor. O mesmo pode ser dito sobre os complexos sistemas corporais encontrados em criaturas vivas, incluindo o corpo humano. O cérebro, com seus bilhões de células nervosas e trilhões de conexões, exibe um projeto perfeito que não poderia ter surgido por coincidência. Os cinco sentidos, o esqueleto, o coração e as mãos também apresentam um design excelente que aponta para um Criador.
O episódio também destaca exemplos específicos da natureza que demonstram o design de Deus. A vasta gama de espécies vivas, desde organismos unicelulares até animais e plantas, todos têm sistemas corporais e propósitos únicos para a existência. Os ursos polares, com sua pelagem espessa e isolamento, demonstram um projeto detalhado que lhes permite sobreviver em ambientes adversos. As águias têm uma visão superior que é produto de suas células cone sensíveis à luz, e isso é uma evidência do projeto de Deus.
O episódio termina lembrando aos ouvintes que nossa existência neste mundo é resultado da vontade e do projeto de Deus. Vivemos em um mundo que foi criado e formado para nós, e devemos ser gratos pelas bênçãos que recebemos. Reconhecer a evidência do design e da ordem no mundo ao nosso redor é nossa responsabilidade e nos ajuda a entender a existência de Deus.
Este episodio explora el concepto de que la existencia de Dios puede reconocerse a través de la evidencia del diseño y el orden en el mundo que nos rodea. La construcción de estructuras hechas por el hombre, como la Torre Eiffel o las Pirámides de Egipto, demuestran la necesidad de un diseñador y constructor. Lo mismo puede decirse de los complejos sistemas corporales de los seres vivos, incluido el cuerpo humano. El cerebro, con sus miles de millones de células nerviosas y billones de conexiones, muestra un diseño perfecto que no podría haber surgido por casualidad. Los cinco sentidos, el esqueleto, el corazón y las manos también muestran un diseño excelente que apunta a un Creador.
El episodio también destaca ejemplos específicos de la naturaleza que muestran el diseño de Dios. La gran variedad de especies vivas, desde los organismos unicelulares hasta los animales y las plantas, tienen sistemas corporales y propósitos de existencia únicos. Los osos polares, con su pelaje grueso y aislante, demuestran un diseño detallado que les permite sobrevivir en entornos hostiles. Las águilas tienen una vista superior gracias a sus células cónicas sensibles a la luz, y esto es una prueba del diseño de Dios.
El episodio concluye recordando a los oyentes que nuestra existencia en este mundo es el resultado de la voluntad y el diseño de Dios. Vivimos en un mundo que ha sido creado y formado para nosotros, y debemos estar agradecidos por las bendiciones que recibimos. Reconocer la evidencia del diseño y el orden en el mundo que nos rodea es nuestra responsabilidad, y nos ayuda a comprender la existencia de Dios.
In dieser Folge wird das Konzept untersucht, dass die Existenz Gottes durch den Nachweis von Design und Ordnung in der Welt um uns herum erkannt werden kann. Die von Menschen errichteten Bauwerke wie der Eiffelturm oder die ägyptischen Pyramiden zeigen, dass es einen Planer und Erbauer geben muss. Das Gleiche gilt für die komplexen Körpersysteme von Lebewesen, einschließlich des menschlichen Körpers. Das Gehirn mit seinen Milliarden von Nervenzellen und Billionen von Verbindungen zeigt ein perfektes Design, das nicht durch Zufall entstanden sein kann. Auch die fünf Sinne, das Skelett, das Herz und die Hände weisen ein hervorragendes Design auf, das auf einen Schöpfer hindeutet.
Die Episode hebt auch spezifische Beispiele aus der Natur hervor, die Gottes Design zeigen. Die vielen lebenden Arten, von Einzellern bis hin zu Tieren und Pflanzen, haben alle einzigartige Körpersysteme und Daseinsberechtigungen. Eisbären mit ihrem dicken Fell und ihrer Isolierung sind so konzipiert, dass sie in rauen Umgebungen überleben können. Adler haben ein hervorragendes Sehvermögen, das auf ihre lichtempfindlichen Zapfenzellen zurückzuführen ist, und das ist ein Beweis für Gottes Plan.
Die Folge schließt mit der Erinnerung daran, dass unsere Existenz in dieser Welt das Ergebnis von Gottes Willen und Design ist. Wir leben in einer Welt, die für uns geschaffen und geformt wurde, und wir sollten für die Segnungen, die wir erhalten, dankbar sein. Es liegt in unserer Verantwortung, die Beweise für Design und Ordnung in der Welt um uns herum zu erkennen, und es hilft uns, die Existenz Gottes zu verstehen.
Surah an-Nahl (Quran chapter 16) is one of the surahs (chapters) in the Qur'an. It is the 16th surah and consists of 128 verses. The name "an-Nahl" means "bee" in Arabic.
Surah an-Nahl contains various teachings and instructions relevant to human life. In this surah, God reminds people of His greatness and the gifts given to them. God also emphasizes the importance of being grateful to Him for all the blessings given.
One important aspect of Surah an-Nahl is the emphasis on the signs of God's greatness around the universe. Humans are taught to pay attention to His creations such as the sky, earth, sun, moon, stars, sea and living creatures as signs of proof of God's existence and power.
In addition, Surah an-Nahl also emphasizes the need to maintain relationships with fellow humans by being fair, honest and kind. The surah also provides guidance on the prohibition of slaughtering animals for purposes other than the worship of God and prohibits idol worship.
By reading and studying of Surah an-Nahl in the Quran, we will get a teaching on the importance of being grateful to God for all the blessings that have been given as well as the importance of maintaining good relations with fellow humans and avoiding actions that are prohibited by religion.
Сура ан-Нахль (глава 16 Корана) - одна из сур (глав) Корана. Это 16-я сура, состоящая из 128 стихов. Название "ан-Нахль" в переводе с арабского означает "пчела".
Сура "Ан-Нахль" содержит различные учения и наставления, имеющие отношение к жизни человека. В этой суре Бог напоминает людям о Своем величии и дарах, которыми они наделены. Бог также подчеркивает, как важно быть благодарным Ему за все дарованные блага.
Одним из важных аспектов суры "Ан-Нахль" является акцент на признаках величия Бога во всей Вселенной. Людей учат обращать внимание на Его творения, такие как небо, земля, солнце, луна, звезды, море и живые существа, как на знаки, подтверждающие существование и могущество Бога.
Кроме того, в суре "Ан-Нахль" подчеркивается необходимость поддерживать отношения с окружающими людьми, будучи справедливыми, честными и добрыми. В суре также содержатся указания на запрет заклания животных для иных целей, кроме поклонения Богу, и запрет на поклонение идолам.
Слушая и изучая суру "Ан-Нахль" в Коране, мы получим наставление о том, как важно быть благодарным Богу за все дарованные блага, как важно поддерживать хорошие отношения с ближними и избегать действий, запрещенных религией.
La sourate an-Nahl (chapitre 16 du Coran) est l'une des sourates (chapitres) du Coran. Il s'agit de la 16e sourate, composée de 128 versets. Le nom "an-Nahl" signifie "abeille" en arabe.
La sourate an-Nahl contient divers enseignements et instructions relatifs à la vie humaine. Dans cette sourate, Dieu rappelle aux hommes Sa grandeur et les dons qui leur ont été faits. Dieu insiste également sur l'importance d'être reconnaissant envers Lui pour tous les bienfaits reçus.
Un aspect important de la sourate an-Nahl est l'accent mis sur les signes de la grandeur de Dieu dans l'univers. Il est enseigné aux humains de prêter attention à ses créations, telles que le ciel, la terre, le soleil, la lune, les étoiles, la mer et les créatures vivantes, qui sont autant de preuves de l'existence et de la puissance de Dieu.
En outre, la sourate an-Nahl met l'accent sur la nécessité d'entretenir des relations avec ses semblables en étant juste, honnête et bon. La sourate fournit également des conseils sur l'interdiction d'abattre des animaux à des fins autres que l'adoration de Dieu et interdit le culte des idoles.
En écoutant et en étudiant la sourate an-Nahl dans le Coran, nous recevrons un enseignement sur l'importance d'être reconnaissant envers Dieu pour tous les bienfaits qui nous ont été accordés, ainsi que sur l'importance de maintenir de bonnes relations avec nos semblables et d'éviter les actions interdites par la religion.
Surah an-Nahl(《古兰经》第 16 章)是《古兰经》中的苏拉(章节)之一。它是第 16 经,由 128 节经文组成。an-Nahl "在阿拉伯语中是 "蜜蜂 "的意思。
A Surah an-Nahl (capítulo 16 do Alcorão) é uma das surahs (capítulos) do Alcorão. É a 16ª surah e consiste em 128 versículos. O nome "an-Nahl" significa "abelha" em árabe.
A Surah an-Nahl contém vários ensinamentos e instruções relevantes para a vida humana. Nessa surata, Deus lembra as pessoas de Sua grandeza e das dádivas que lhes foram concedidas. Deus também enfatiza a importância de sermos gratos a Ele por todas as bênçãos concedidas.
Um aspecto importante da Surah an-Nahl é a ênfase nos sinais da grandeza de Deus em todo o universo. Os seres humanos são ensinados a prestar atenção às Suas criações, como o céu, a terra, o sol, a lua, as estrelas, o mar e as criaturas vivas, como sinais de prova da existência e do poder de Deus.
Além disso, a Surah an-Nahl também enfatiza a necessidade de manter relacionamentos com outros seres humanos, sendo justo, honesto e gentil. A surata também fornece orientação sobre a proibição do abate de animais para outros fins que não a adoração a Deus e proíbe a adoração de ídolos.
Ao ouvir e estudar a Surah an-Nahl no Alcorão, receberemos um ensinamento sobre a importância de sermos gratos a Deus por todas as bênçãos que nos foram concedidas, bem como sobre a importância de mantermos boas relações com nossos semelhantes e evitarmos ações proibidas pela religião.
Surah an-Nahl (Quran Kapitel 16) ist eine der Surahs (Kapitel) im Qur'an. Sie ist die 16. Sura und besteht aus 128 Versen. Der Name "an-Nahl" bedeutet auf Arabisch "Biene".
Die Sura an-Nahl enthält verschiedene Lehren und Anweisungen, die für das menschliche Leben von Bedeutung sind. In dieser Sure erinnert Gott die Menschen an seine Größe und die ihnen gegebenen Gaben. Gott betont auch, wie wichtig es ist, Ihm für alle Segnungen dankbar zu sein.
Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Sura an-Nahl ist die Betonung der Zeichen von Gottes Größe im Universum. Die Menschen werden gelehrt, auf seine Schöpfungen wie Himmel, Erde, Sonne, Mond, Sterne, Meer und Lebewesen als Zeichen des Beweises für Gottes Existenz und Macht zu achten.
Darüber hinaus betont die Sura an-Nahl die Notwendigkeit, Beziehungen zu den Mitmenschen zu pflegen, indem sie fair, ehrlich und freundlich sind. Die Sure gibt auch Hinweise auf das Verbot des Schlachtens von Tieren zu anderen Zwecken als der Anbetung Gottes und verbietet die Anbetung von Götzen.
Wenn wir die Sura an-Nahl im Koran lesen und studieren, lernen wir, wie wichtig es ist, Gott für alle Segnungen, die uns gegeben wurden, dankbar zu sein, wie wichtig es ist, gute Beziehungen zu den Mitmenschen zu pflegen und Handlungen zu vermeiden, die in der Religion verboten sind.
La sura an-Nahl (capítulo 16 del Corán) es una de las surahs (capítulos) del Corán. Es la sura 16 y consta de 128 versículos. El nombre "an-Nahl" significa "abeja" en árabe.
La sura an-Nahl contiene varias enseñanzas e instrucciones relevantes para la vida humana. En esta surah, Dios recuerda a la gente Su grandeza y los dones que les ha concedido. Dios también subraya la importancia de serle agradecidos por todas las bendiciones recibidas.
Un aspecto importante de la sura an-Nahl es la insistencia en los signos de la grandeza de Dios en el universo. Se enseña a los seres humanos a prestar atención a Sus creaciones, como el cielo, la tierra, el sol, la luna, las estrellas, el mar y los seres vivos, como signos de prueba de la existencia y el poder de Dios.
Además, la surah an-Nahl insiste en la necesidad de mantener relaciones justas, honestas y amables con los demás seres humanos. El surah también proporciona orientación sobre la prohibición de sacrificar animales con fines distintos a la adoración de Dios y prohíbe la adoración de ídolos.
Al escuchar y estudiar la sura an-Nahl del Corán, recibiremos una enseñanza sobre la importancia de ser agradecidos con Dios por todas las bendiciones que nos ha concedido, así como la importancia de mantener buenas relaciones con los demás seres humanos y evitar acciones prohibidas por la religión.
アラビア語で "蜂 "を意味する。この章では、神は人々に神の偉大さと与えられた賜物を思い出させる。神はまた、与えられたすべての恵みに対して神に感謝することの重要性を強調している。
さらに、Surah an-Nahlは、公正、正直、親切であることによって、仲間の人間との関係を維持する必要性も強調しています。また、神への崇拝以外の目的で動物を屠殺することの禁止や、偶像崇拝の禁止についても説かれている。
Surah Al-Hijr, also known as The Rock, is the 15th chapter of the Quran with 99 verses. This chapter covers various themes including the stories of past prophets, the consequences of rejecting messengers, the power and mercy of God, and the Day of Judgment.
The chapter begins with a description of the Quran as a clear revelation and a reminder for humanity. It narrates the story of Adam's creation, his temptation by Satan, and his subsequent expulsion from Paradise. The chapter also mentions the stories of other prophets like Noah, Hud, Saleh, and Lot (peace be upon them all), who were sent to guide their people but were rejected by them.
Surah Al-Hijr emphasizes the importance of heeding the warnings of God's messengers and following the guidance provided in the Quran. It warns of the consequences of disbelief and disobedience, highlighting the fate of past nations that were destroyed due to their transgressions.
The chapter also describes the Day of Judgment when all individuals will be held accountable for their deeds. It vividly portrays scenes from that day, including the resurrection of the dead, the reckoning of deeds, and the division between the righteous and the sinful.
Overall, Surah Al-Hijr serves as a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty, His mercy towards those who believe and follow His guidance, and the severe punishment awaiting those who reject His message. It calls on humanity to reflect on their actions and seek forgiveness before it is too late.
Сура Аль-Хиджр, также известная как "Скала", - это 15-я глава Корана, состоящая из 99 стихов. В этой главе рассматриваются различные темы, в том числе истории о прошлых пророках, последствия отвержения посланников, могущество и милость Бога, а также Судный день.
Глава начинается с описания Корана как ясного откровения и напоминания для человечества. В ней рассказывается история сотворения Адама, его искушения сатаной и последующего изгнания из Рая. В главе также упоминаются истории других пророков, таких как Ной, Худ, Салех и Лот (мир им всем), которые были посланы для наставления своих народов, но были отвергнуты ими.
Сура "Аль-Хиджр" подчеркивает важность того, чтобы прислушиваться к предостережениям посланников Божьих и следовать указаниям, содержащимся в Коране. Она предупреждает о последствиях неверия и непослушания, рассказывая о судьбе прошлых народов, которые были уничтожены из-за своих проступков.
В главе также описывается Судный день, когда все люди будут отвечать за свои поступки. В ней ярко изображены сцены того дня, в том числе воскрешение мертвых, воздаяние по делам и разделение на праведников и грешников.
В целом сура "Аль-Хиджр" служит мощным напоминанием о суверенитете Бога, Его милости к тем, кто верит и следует Его руководству, и о суровом наказании, которое ждет тех, кто отвергает Его послание. Она призывает человечество задуматься о своих поступках и попросить прощения, пока не стало слишком поздно.
La sourate Al-Hijr, également connue sous le nom de "Le Rocher", est le 15e chapitre du Coran et compte 99 versets. Ce chapitre aborde différents thèmes, notamment les histoires des anciens prophètes, les conséquences du rejet des messagers, la puissance et la miséricorde de Dieu, ainsi que le jour du jugement.
Le chapitre commence par une description du Coran en tant que révélation claire et rappel pour l'humanité. Il raconte l'histoire de la création d'Adam, de sa tentation par Satan et de son expulsion du Paradis. Le chapitre mentionne également les histoires d'autres prophètes tels que Noé, Hud, Saleh et Lot (que la paix soit sur eux tous), qui ont été envoyés pour guider leur peuple mais qui ont été rejetés par celui-ci.
La sourate Al-Hijr souligne l'importance de tenir compte des avertissements des messagers de Dieu et de suivre les conseils fournis par le Coran. Elle met en garde contre les conséquences de l'incrédulité et de la désobéissance, en soulignant le sort des nations passées qui ont été détruites à cause de leurs transgressions.
Le chapitre décrit également le jour du jugement, où tous les individus seront tenus responsables de leurs actes. Il dépeint de manière vivante des scènes de ce jour, notamment la résurrection des morts, le décompte des actes et la division entre les justes et les pécheurs.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-Hijr constitue un puissant rappel de la souveraineté de Dieu, de sa miséricorde envers ceux qui croient et suivent ses conseils, et du châtiment sévère qui attend ceux qui rejettent son message. Elle appelle l'humanité à réfléchir à ses actes et à demander pardon avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Surah Al-Hijr,又称 "岩石",是《古兰经》的第 15 章,共有 99 节经文。该章涉及多个主题,包括历代先知的故事、拒绝使者的后果、真主的力量和仁慈以及审判日。
A Surah Al-Hijr, também conhecida como A Rocha, é o 15º capítulo do Alcorão, com 99 versículos. Esse capítulo aborda vários temas, incluindo as histórias dos profetas do passado, as consequências da rejeição dos mensageiros, o poder e a misericórdia de Deus e o Dia do Juízo Final.
O capítulo começa com uma descrição do Alcorão como uma revelação clara e um lembrete para a humanidade. Ele narra a história da criação de Adão, sua tentação por Satanás e sua subsequente expulsão do Paraíso. O capítulo também menciona as histórias de outros profetas, como Noé, Hud, Saleh e Lot (que a paz esteja com todos eles), que foram enviados para guiar seus povos, mas foram rejeitados por eles.
A Surah Al-Hijr enfatiza a importância de dar atenção aos avisos dos mensageiros de Deus e seguir a orientação fornecida no Alcorão. Ela adverte sobre as consequências da descrença e da desobediência, destacando o destino das nações do passado que foram destruídas devido às suas transgressões.
O capítulo também descreve o Dia do Juízo Final, quando todos os indivíduos serão responsabilizados por seus atos. Ele retrata vividamente cenas desse dia, incluindo a ressurreição dos mortos, o cálculo das ações e a divisão entre os justos e os pecadores.
De modo geral, a Surah Al-Hijr serve como um poderoso lembrete da soberania de Deus, Sua misericórdia para com aqueles que acreditam e seguem Sua orientação e o severo castigo que aguarda aqueles que rejeitam Sua mensagem. Ela conclama a humanidade a refletir sobre suas ações e a buscar o perdão antes que seja tarde demais.
Surah Al-Hijr, también conocido como La Roca, es el capítulo 15 del Corán con 99 versículos. Este capítulo trata varios temas, como las historias de los profetas del pasado, las consecuencias de rechazar a los mensajeros, el poder y la misericordia de Dios y el Día del Juicio.
El capítulo comienza con una descripción del Corán como una revelación clara y un recordatorio para la humanidad. Narra la historia de la creación de Adán, su tentación por Satanás y su posterior expulsión del Paraíso. El capítulo también menciona las historias de otros profetas como Noé, Hud, Saleh y Lot (la paz sea con todos ellos), que fueron enviados para guiar a su pueblo pero fueron rechazados por éste.
La sura Al-Hijr subraya la importancia de prestar atención a las advertencias de los mensajeros de Dios y de seguir la guía del Corán. Advierte de las consecuencias de la incredulidad y la desobediencia, destacando el destino de las naciones del pasado que fueron destruidas debido a sus transgresiones.
El capítulo también describe el Día del Juicio, cuando todos los individuos tendrán que rendir cuentas de sus actos. Describe vívidamente escenas de ese día, como la resurrección de los muertos, el recuento de los actos y la división entre justos y pecadores.
En general, la sura Al-Hijr es un poderoso recordatorio de la soberanía de Dios, de Su misericordia hacia quienes creen y siguen Su guía, y del severo castigo que aguarda a quienes rechazan Su mensaje. Hace un llamamiento a la humanidad para que reflexione sobre sus actos y busque el perdón antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Surah Al-Hijr, auch bekannt als "Der Fels", ist das 15. Kapitel des Korans mit 99 Versen. Dieses Kapitel behandelt verschiedene Themen, darunter die Geschichten früherer Propheten, die Folgen der Ablehnung von Gesandten, die Macht und Barmherzigkeit Gottes und den Tag des Gerichts.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit einer Beschreibung des Korans als klare Offenbarung und Mahnung für die Menschheit. Es wird die Geschichte von Adams Erschaffung, seiner Versuchung durch Satan und seiner anschließenden Vertreibung aus dem Paradies erzählt. Das Kapitel erwähnt auch die Geschichten anderer Propheten wie Noah, Hud, Saleh und Lot (Friede sei mit ihnen allen), die gesandt wurden, um ihr Volk zu leiten, aber von diesem abgelehnt wurden.
Surah Al-Hijr betont, wie wichtig es ist, die Warnungen der Gesandten Gottes zu beherzigen und die im Koran gegebene Führung zu befolgen. Sie warnt vor den Folgen von Unglauben und Ungehorsam und verweist auf das Schicksal vergangener Völker, die aufgrund ihrer Übertretungen vernichtet wurden.
Das Kapitel beschreibt auch den Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts, an dem alle Menschen für ihre Taten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Anschaulich werden Szenen von diesem Tag geschildert, darunter die Auferstehung der Toten, die Abrechnung der Taten und die Trennung zwischen den Gerechten und den Sündern.
Insgesamt erinnert Sura Al-Hijr eindringlich an Gottes Souveränität, an seine Barmherzigkeit gegenüber denen, die glauben und seiner Führung folgen, und an die schwere Strafe, die diejenigen erwartet, die seine Botschaft ablehnen. Sie ruft die Menschen auf, über ihr Handeln nachzudenken und um Vergebung zu bitten, bevor es zu spät ist.
Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (chapter 14) is one of the surahs (chapters) in the Quran. Surah Ibrahim consists of 52 verses and is named after the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (peace be upon him) who is mentioned in this surah.
Quran chapter 14 carries important messages to mankind. It invites people to reflect and think about the greatness of God and His power in creating the universe. This chapter also emphasizes the importance of faith, piety, and obedience to God.
In Surah Ibrahim, God also provides meaningful parables to describe the life of the world and the hereafter. He reminds us of the importance of being grateful for God's favors and avoiding shirk and misguidance.
Surah Ibrahim also tells the stories of previous prophets such as Noah, Hud, Saleh, Lut, and Moses (peace be upon them all). These stories provide lessons for mankind not to repeat the mistakes that have been made by previous people.
Overall, Surah Ibrahim (Quran chapter 14) is a chapter full of wisdom and lessons for every individual. It invites us to improve our relationship with God and improve the quality of our faith and practice as His servants. By understanding and practicing the contents of Surah Ibrahim, we can achieve happiness and blessings in this world and the hereafter.
Сура Ибрахим (Авраам) (глава 14) - одна из сур (глав) Корана. Сура "Ибрахим" состоит из 52 стихов и названа в честь пророка Ибрахима (Авраама) (мир ему), который упоминается в этой суре.
Глава 14 Корана несет в себе важные послания человечеству. Она призывает людей задуматься и поразмышлять о величии Бога и Его могуществе при создании Вселенной. В этой главе также подчеркивается важность веры, благочестия и послушания Богу.
В суре "Ибрахим" Бог также приводит содержательные притчи, описывающие жизнь в этом мире и в будущем. Он напоминает нам о том, как важно быть благодарными за милости Бога и избегать ширка и заблуждений.
В суре "Ибрахим" также рассказываются истории предыдущих пророков, таких как Ной, Худ, Салех, Лут и Моисей (мир им всем). Эти истории служат уроком для человечества, чтобы оно не повторяло ошибок, совершенных предыдущими людьми.
В целом сура "Ибрахим" (глава 14 Корана) - это глава, полная мудрости и уроков для каждого человека. Она призывает нас улучшить наши отношения с Богом и повысить качество нашей веры и практики как Его слуг. Понимая и применяя на практике содержание суры "Ибрахим", мы сможем достичь счастья и благословений в этом мире и в будущем.
La sourate Ibrahim (Abraham) (chapitre 14) est l'une des sourates (chapitres) du Coran. La sourate Ibrahim se compose de 52 versets et porte le nom du prophète Ibrahim (Abraham) (que la paix soit sur lui) qui est mentionné dans cette sourate.
Le chapitre 14 du Coran est porteur de messages importants pour l'humanité. Il invite les gens à réfléchir et à penser à la grandeur de Dieu et à son pouvoir dans la création de l'univers. Ce chapitre souligne également l'importance de la foi, de la piété et de l'obéissance à Dieu.
Dans la sourate Ibrahim, Dieu fournit également des paraboles significatives pour décrire la vie du monde et de l'au-delà. Il nous rappelle l'importance d'être reconnaissant pour les faveurs de Dieu et d'éviter le shirk et l'égarement.
La sourate Ibrahim raconte également les histoires des prophètes précédents tels que Noé, Houd, Saleh, Lut et Moïse (que la paix soit sur eux tous). Ces histoires fournissent des leçons à l'humanité pour qu'elle ne répète pas les erreurs commises par les peuples précédents.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Ibrahim (chapitre 14 du Coran) est un chapitre plein de sagesse et de leçons pour chaque individu. Elle nous invite à améliorer notre relation avec Dieu et à améliorer la qualité de notre foi et de notre pratique en tant que Ses serviteurs. En comprenant et en mettant en pratique le contenu de la sourate Ibrahim, nous pouvons atteindre le bonheur et les bénédictions dans ce monde et dans l'au-delà.
易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)经》(第 14 章)是《古兰经》中的经章之一。易卜拉欣经》由 52 节经文组成,以其中提到的先知易卜拉欣(亚伯拉罕)(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)命名。
古兰经》第 14 章向人类传达了重要信息。它请人们反思和思考真主的伟大和他创造宇宙的力量。这一章还强调了信仰、虔诚和服从真主的重要性。
总的来说,《易卜拉欣经》(《古兰经》第 14 章)是充满智慧的一章,为每个人提供了教训。它邀请我们改善与真主的关系,提高我们作为真主仆人的信仰和实践质量。通过理解和实践《易卜拉欣经》的内容,我们可以在今世和后世获得幸福和祝福。
A Surah Ibrahim (Abraão) (capítulo 14) é uma das surahs (capítulos) do Alcorão. A Surah Ibrahim consiste em 52 versículos e recebeu esse nome em homenagem ao Profeta Ibrahim (Abraão) (que a paz esteja com ele), que é mencionado nessa surah.
O capítulo 14 do Alcorão traz mensagens importantes para a humanidade. Ele convida as pessoas a refletir e pensar sobre a grandeza de Deus e Seu poder na criação do universo. Esse capítulo também enfatiza a importância da fé, da piedade e da obediência a Deus.
Em Surah Ibrahim, Deus também fornece parábolas significativas para descrever a vida no mundo e no futuro. Ele nos lembra da importância de sermos gratos pelos favores de Deus e de evitarmos o shirk e o desvio.
A Surah Ibrahim também conta as histórias de profetas anteriores, como Noé, Hud, Saleh, Lut e Moisés (que a paz esteja com todos eles). Essas histórias fornecem lições para que a humanidade não repita os erros que foram cometidos por pessoas anteriores.
De modo geral, a Surah Ibrahim (capítulo 14 do Alcorão) é um capítulo repleto de sabedoria e lições para todos os indivíduos. Ele nos convida a melhorar nosso relacionamento com Deus e a melhorar a qualidade de nossa fé e prática como Seus servos. Ao compreender e praticar o conteúdo da Sura Ibrahim, podemos alcançar a felicidade e as bênçãos neste mundo e no outro.
La sura Ibrahim (Abraham) (capítulo 14) es una de las surahs (capítulos) del Corán. La sura Ibrahim consta de 52 versículos y lleva el nombre del profeta Ibrahim (Abraham) (la paz sea con él), que se menciona en esta surah.
El capítulo 14 del Corán contiene mensajes importantes para la humanidad. Invita a la gente a reflexionar y pensar sobre la grandeza de Dios y Su poder al crear el universo. Este capítulo también hace hincapié en la importancia de la fe, la piedad y la obediencia a Dios.
En la sura Ibrahim, Dios también ofrece parábolas significativas para describir la vida del mundo y del más allá. Nos recuerda la importancia de agradecer los favores de Dios y de evitar el shirk y el extravío.
La sura Ibrahim también narra las historias de profetas anteriores como Noé, Hud, Saleh, Lut y Moisés (la paz sea con todos ellos). Estas historias sirven de lección para que la humanidad no repita los errores cometidos por los profetas anteriores.
En general, la sura Ibrahim (capítulo 14 del Corán) es un capítulo lleno de sabiduría y lecciones para cada individuo. Nos invita a mejorar nuestra relación con Dios y a mejorar la calidad de nuestra fe y práctica como siervos Suyos. Si comprendemos y ponemos en práctica el contenido de la sura de Ibrahim, podremos alcanzar la felicidad y las bendiciones en este mundo y en el más allá.
Surah Ibrahim (Abraham) (Kapitel 14) ist eine der Surahs (Kapitel) im Quran. Surah Ibrahim besteht aus 52 Versen und ist nach dem Propheten Ibrahim (Abraham) (Friede sei mit ihm) benannt, der in dieser Surah erwähnt wird.
Koran-Kapitel 14 enthält wichtige Botschaften für die Menschheit. Es lädt die Menschen dazu ein, über die Größe Gottes und seine Macht bei der Erschaffung des Universums nachzudenken und zu reflektieren. Dieses Kapitel unterstreicht auch die Bedeutung des Glaubens, der Frömmigkeit und des Gehorsams gegenüber Gott.
In der Sure Ibrahim beschreibt Gott in aussagekräftigen Gleichnissen das Leben in der Welt und im Jenseits. Er erinnert uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, für Gottes Wohltaten dankbar zu sein und Schirk und Irreführung zu meiden.
Sura Ibrahim erzählt auch die Geschichten früherer Propheten wie Noah, Hud, Saleh, Lut und Moses (Friede sei mit ihnen allen). Diese Geschichten sind eine Lehre für die Menschheit, nicht die Fehler zu wiederholen, die von früheren Menschen begangen wurden.
Insgesamt ist Sura Ibrahim (Kapitel 14 des Korans) ein Kapitel voller Weisheit und Lehren für jeden Einzelnen. Sie lädt uns ein, unsere Beziehung zu Gott zu verbessern und die Qualität unseres Glaubens und unserer Praxis als seine Diener zu steigern. Wenn wir den Inhalt von Sura Ibrahim verstehen und praktizieren, können wir Glück und Segen im Diesseits und im Jenseits erlangen.
Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray is an educational film that teaches the basics of prayer. It covers topics such as the story of the Miraculous Night Journey, general hygiene, ablution, dry ablution, bathing, and the prayer itself. The film emphasizes the importance of prayer and provides a detailed guide on how to perform it. Additionally, it highlights the medical benefits of prayer and ablution. Overall, the film serves as a valuable resource for those looking to learn more about prayer in Islam.
Source: https://kalamullah.com/
Surah Ar-Ra'd, also known as the Chapter of Thunder, is the 13th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 43 verses and falls in the category of Meccan surahs, revealed before the migration of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) to Medina. The main theme of this chapter revolves around the signs of God's existence, urging people to reflect on these signs to strengthen their faith.
The chapter begins by emphasizing the importance of belief in God and the significance of guidance from Him. It highlights how everything in the universe, including the thunder and lightning, are part of God's creation and serve as signs for those who ponder.
Surah Ar-Ra'd underscores the idea that all power and control belong to God alone. It reminds believers to be patient and steadfast in their faith, especially in times of trial and tribulation. The chapter also warns against arrogance and disbelief, stressing that those who reject faith will face consequences in this world and the Hereafter.
Moreover, Surah Ar-Ra'd mentions the concept of divine revelation and the role of messengers in delivering God's message to humanity. It emphasizes the importance of following the guidance provided by these messengers for spiritual guidance and salvation.
Overall, Surah Ar-Ra'd serves as a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty, the importance of faith, and the need to reflect on His signs in nature. It encourages believers to strengthen their relationship with God through worship, gratitude, and obedience while warning against heedlessness and disbelief.
Сура Ар-Ра'д, также известная как глава "Гром", - это 13-я глава Корана. Она состоит из 43 стихов и относится к категории мекканских сур, явленных до переселения пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) в Медину. Основная тема этой главы вращается вокруг признаков существования Бога, призывая людей задуматься над этими признаками, чтобы укрепить свою веру.
В начале главы подчеркивается важность веры в Бога и значимость руководства от Него. В ней подчеркивается, что все во Вселенной, включая гром и молнию, является частью Божьего творения и служит знамением для тех, кто размышляет.
Сура "Ар-Ра'д" подчеркивает идею о том, что вся власть и управление принадлежат только Богу. Она напоминает верующим о необходимости проявлять терпение и стойкость в вере, особенно во времена испытаний и несчастий. Глава также предостерегает от высокомерия и неверия, подчеркивая, что те, кто отвергает веру, столкнутся с последствиями в этом мире и в загробном.
Кроме того, в суре "Ар-Ра'д" упоминается концепция божественного откровения и роль посланников в передаче Божьего послания человечеству. В ней подчеркивается важность следования указаниям этих посланников для духовного руководства и спасения.
В целом сура "Ар-Ра'д" служит мощным напоминанием о Божьем суверенитете, важности веры и необходимости размышлять над Его знамениями в природе. Она призывает верующих укреплять свои отношения с Богом через поклонение, благодарность и послушание, предостерегая от беспечности и неверия.
La sourate Ar-Ra'd, également connue sous le nom de chapitre du tonnerre, est le 13e chapitre du Coran. Il se compose de 43 versets et appartient à la catégorie des sourates mecquoises, révélées avant la migration du prophète Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix) à Médine. Le thème principal de ce chapitre tourne autour des signes de l'existence de Dieu, invitant les gens à réfléchir à ces signes pour renforcer leur foi.
Le chapitre commence par souligner l'importance de la croyance en Dieu et la signification de la guidance de sa part. Il souligne que tout ce qui se trouve dans l'univers, y compris le tonnerre et les éclairs, fait partie de la création de Dieu et sert de signes pour ceux qui réfléchissent.
La sourate Ar-Ra'd souligne l'idée que tout pouvoir et tout contrôle appartiennent à Dieu seul. Elle rappelle aux croyants qu'ils doivent être patients et inébranlables dans leur foi, en particulier dans les moments d'épreuve et de tribulation. Le chapitre met également en garde contre l'arrogance et l'incrédulité, soulignant que ceux qui rejettent la foi en subiront les conséquences dans ce monde et dans l'au-delà.
En outre, la sourate Ar-Ra'd mentionne le concept de révélation divine et le rôle des messagers dans la transmission du message de Dieu à l'humanité. Elle souligne l'importance de suivre les conseils fournis par ces messagers pour l'orientation spirituelle et le salut.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Ar-Ra'd constitue un puissant rappel de la souveraineté de Dieu, de l'importance de la foi et de la nécessité de réfléchir à ses signes dans la nature. Elle encourage les croyants à renforcer leur relation avec Dieu par l'adoration, la gratitude et l'obéissance, tout en mettant en garde contre l'insouciance et l'incrédulité.
阿尔-拉德经》又称《雷章》,是《古兰经》的第 13 章。它由 43 节经文组成,属于麦加古兰经的范畴,是在先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)迁徙到麦地那之前降示的。本章的主题围绕真主存在的迹象展开,敦促人们思考这些迹象,以坚定自己的信仰。
A Surah Ar-Ra'd, também conhecida como o Capítulo do Trovão, é o 13º capítulo do Alcorão. Ela consiste em 43 versículos e se enquadra na categoria das suras de Meca, reveladas antes da migração do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) para Medina. O tema principal desse capítulo gira em torno dos sinais da existência de Deus, incentivando as pessoas a refletirem sobre esses sinais para fortalecer sua fé.
O capítulo começa enfatizando a importância da crença em Deus e o significado da orientação Dele. Ele destaca como tudo no universo, incluindo o trovão e o relâmpago, faz parte da criação de Deus e serve como sinais para aqueles que ponderam.
A Surah Ar-Ra'd ressalta a ideia de que todo poder e controle pertencem somente a Deus. Ela lembra os crentes de serem pacientes e firmes em sua fé, especialmente em tempos de provação e tribulação. O capítulo também adverte contra a arrogância e a descrença, enfatizando que aqueles que rejeitam a fé enfrentarão consequências neste mundo e no outro.
Além disso, a Surah Ar-Ra'd menciona o conceito de revelação divina e o papel dos mensageiros na entrega da mensagem de Deus à humanidade. Ela enfatiza a importância de seguir a orientação fornecida por esses mensageiros para obter orientação espiritual e salvação.
De modo geral, a Surah Ar-Ra'd serve como um poderoso lembrete da soberania de Deus, da importância da fé e da necessidade de refletir sobre Seus sinais na natureza. Ela incentiva os crentes a fortalecer seu relacionamento com Deus por meio da adoração, gratidão e obediência, ao mesmo tempo em que adverte contra a negligência e a descrença.
La sura Ar-Ra'd, también conocida como el Capítulo del Trueno, es el capítulo 13 del Corán. Consta de 43 versículos y pertenece a la categoría de las surahs de La Meca, reveladas antes de la migración del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) a Medina. El tema principal de este capítulo gira en torno a los signos de la existencia de Dios, instando a la gente a reflexionar sobre estos signos para fortalecer su fe.
El capítulo comienza resaltando la importancia de creer en Dios y de que Él nos guíe. Destaca cómo todo en el universo, incluidos los truenos y relámpagos, forman parte de la creación de Dios y sirven como signos para quienes reflexionan.
La sura Ar-Ra'd subraya la idea de que todo poder y control pertenecen sólo a Dios. Recuerda a los creyentes que deben ser pacientes y firmes en su fe, especialmente en tiempos de prueba y tribulación. El capítulo también advierte contra la arrogancia y la incredulidad, subrayando que quienes rechazan la fe se enfrentarán a las consecuencias en este mundo y en el Más Allá.
Además, la sura Ar-Ra'd menciona el concepto de revelación divina y el papel de los mensajeros en la entrega del mensaje de Dios a la humanidad. Enfatiza la importancia de seguir la guía proporcionada por estos mensajeros para la orientación espiritual y la salvación.
En general, la sura Ar-Ra'd es un poderoso recordatorio de la soberanía de Dios, la importancia de la fe y la necesidad de reflexionar sobre Sus signos en la naturaleza. Anima a los creyentes a fortalecer su relación con Dios mediante la adoración, la gratitud y la obediencia, al tiempo que advierte contra la negligencia y la incredulidad.
Die Sure Ar-Ra'd, auch bekannt als das Kapitel des Donners, ist das 13. Kapitel des Quran. Sie besteht aus 43 Versen und fällt in die Kategorie der mekkanischen Suren, die vor der Auswanderung des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren) nach Medina offenbart wurden. Das Hauptthema dieses Kapitels dreht sich um die Zeichen der Existenz Gottes und fordert die Menschen auf, über diese Zeichen nachzudenken, um ihren Glauben zu stärken.
Das Kapitel beginnt damit, dass es die Bedeutung des Glaubens an Gott und die Bedeutung der Rechtleitung durch Ihn hervorhebt. Es hebt hervor, dass alles im Universum, einschließlich Donner und Blitz, Teil von Gottes Schöpfung sind und als Zeichen für diejenigen dienen, die darüber nachdenken.
Sura Ar-Ra'd unterstreicht die Idee, dass alle Macht und Kontrolle allein Gott gehört. Sie ermahnt die Gläubigen, geduldig und standhaft in ihrem Glauben zu sein, besonders in Zeiten der Prüfung und Bedrängnis. Das Kapitel warnt auch vor Arroganz und Unglauben und betont, dass diejenigen, die den Glauben ablehnen, mit Konsequenzen im Diesseits und im Jenseits rechnen müssen.
Darüber hinaus erwähnt Sura Ar-Ra'd das Konzept der göttlichen Offenbarung und die Rolle der Gesandten bei der Übermittlung von Gottes Botschaft an die Menschen. Sie unterstreicht, wie wichtig es ist, der Führung dieser Gesandten zu folgen, um geistige Führung und Erlösung zu erlangen.
Insgesamt erinnert die Sura Ar-Ra'd eindringlich an Gottes Souveränität, die Bedeutung des Glaubens und die Notwendigkeit, über seine Zeichen in der Natur nachzudenken. Sie ermutigt die Gläubigen, ihre Beziehung zu Gott durch Anbetung, Dankbarkeit und Gehorsam zu stärken, und warnt gleichzeitig vor Unachtsamkeit und Unglauben.
Surah Yusuf (Joseph) (chapter 12) is one of the surahs found in the Quran. It consists of 111 verses. Surah Yusuf tells the story of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) who is one of the most famous prophets in the history of Islam.
The story of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) begins with his introduction as a son who was very dear to his father, Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him). However, the jealousy and envy of Joseph's brothers caused them to plot a way to separate him from their family. They dropped Joseph into a well and told their father that he had been eaten by wild animals.
However, God did not overlook the fate of Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him). He was rescued from the well by a group of merchants and sold to the Pharaoh in Egypt as a servant. Here, Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) showed his intelligence and wisdom and was given high responsibilities in Pharaoh's kingdom.
However, when persecuted by Pharaoh's wife who was in love with him, Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) upheld the principle of chastity and loyalty to God. As a result, he was imprisoned but later released after demonstrating his talent in dream interpretation.
Finally, when famine struck the land of Egypt and its surroundings, Prophet Joseph's (peace be upon him) brothers came begging for food aid. Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) compassionately forgave them and reunited their families.
Surah Yusuf provides valuable teachings on patience, justice, wisdom, and piety to God.
Сура Юсуф (Иосиф) (глава 12) - одна из сур, содержащихся в Коране. Она состоит из 111 стихов. Сура Юсуф повествует о пророке Иосифе (мир ему), который является одним из самых известных пророков в истории ислама.
История пророка Иосифа (мир ему) начинается с его представления как сына, который был очень дорог своему отцу, пророку Иакову (мир ему). Однако ревность и зависть братьев Иосифа заставили их придумать способ отделить его от своей семьи. Они бросили Иосифа в колодец и сказали отцу, что его съели дикие звери.
Однако Бог не оставил без внимания судьбу пророка Иосифа (мир ему). Он был спасен из колодца группой купцов и продан фараону в Египте в качестве слуги. Здесь пророк Иосиф (мир ему) проявил свой ум и мудрость и был наделен высокими обязанностями в царстве фараона.
Однако, когда жена фараона, влюбленная в него, стала преследовать его, пророк Иосиф (мир ему) отстоял принцип целомудрия и верности Богу. В результате он был заключен в тюрьму, но позже освобожден, продемонстрировав свой талант в толковании снов.
Наконец, когда на землю Египта и его окрестностей обрушился голод, братья пророка Иосифа (мир ему) пришли с мольбой о продовольственной помощи. Пророк Иосиф (мир ему) с состраданием простил их и воссоединил их семьи.
Сура Юсуф содержит ценные наставления о терпении, справедливости, мудрости и богобоязненности.
La sourate Yusuf (Joseph) (chapitre 12) est l'une des sourates du Coran. Elle se compose de 111 versets. La sourate Yusuf raconte l'histoire du prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix), l'un des prophètes les plus célèbres de l'histoire de l'islam.
L'histoire du prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix) commence par sa présentation en tant que fils très cher à son père, le prophète Jacob (sur lui la paix). Cependant, la jalousie et l'envie des frères de Joseph les poussèrent à trouver un moyen de le séparer de leur famille. Ils jetèrent Joseph dans un puits et dirent à leur père qu'il avait été mangé par des animaux sauvages.
Cependant, Dieu n'a pas négligé le sort du prophète Joseph (que la paix soit sur lui). Il fut sauvé du puits par un groupe de marchands et vendu au pharaon d'Égypte en tant que serviteur. Là, le prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix) a fait preuve d'intelligence et de sagesse et s'est vu confier de hautes responsabilités dans le royaume de Pharaon.
Cependant, lorsqu'il fut persécuté par la femme du pharaon qui était amoureuse de lui, le prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix) défendit le principe de la chasteté et de la loyauté envers Dieu. En conséquence, il a été emprisonné, puis libéré après avoir démontré son talent pour l'interprétation des rêves.
Enfin, lorsque la famine a frappé le pays d'Égypte et ses environs, les frères du prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix) sont venus quémander de l'aide alimentaire. Le prophète Joseph (sur lui la paix) leur a pardonné avec compassion et a réuni leurs familles.
La sourate Yusuf fournit de précieux enseignements sur la patience, la justice, la sagesse et la piété envers Dieu.
优素福经》(约瑟夫)(第 12 章)是《古兰经》中的经文之一。它由 111 节经文组成。 优素福经》讲述了先知约瑟夫(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)的故事,他是伊斯兰教历史上最著名的先知之一。
A Surah Yusuf (José) (capítulo 12) é uma das surahs encontradas no Alcorão. Ela consiste em 111 versículos. A Surah Yusuf conta a história do Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele), que é um dos profetas mais famosos da história do Islã.
A história do Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele) começa com sua apresentação como um filho que era muito querido por seu pai, o Profeta Jacó (que a paz esteja com ele). No entanto, o ciúme e a inveja dos irmãos de José fizeram com que eles planejassem uma maneira de separá-lo da família. Eles jogaram José em um poço e disseram a seu pai que ele havia sido comido por animais selvagens.
No entanto, Deus não ignorou o destino do Profeta Joseph (que a paz esteja com ele). Ele foi resgatado do poço por um grupo de comerciantes e vendido ao Faraó no Egito como servo. Ali, o Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele) mostrou sua inteligência e sabedoria e recebeu grandes responsabilidades no reino do Faraó.
Entretanto, quando foi perseguido pela esposa do Faraó, que estava apaixonada por ele, o Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele) defendeu o princípio da castidade e da lealdade a Deus. Como resultado, ele foi aprisionado, mas depois libertado após demonstrar seu talento na interpretação de sonhos.
Finalmente, quando a fome atingiu a terra do Egito e seus arredores, os irmãos do Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele) vieram implorar por ajuda alimentar. O Profeta José (que a paz esteja com ele) perdoou-os com compaixão e reuniu suas famílias.
A Surah Yusuf fornece ensinamentos valiosos sobre paciência, justiça, sabedoria e piedade a Deus.
Surah Yusuf (José) (capítulo 12) es uno de los surahs que se encuentran en el Corán. Consta de 111 versículos. Surah Yusuf cuenta la historia del Profeta José (la paz sea con él) que es uno de los profetas más famosos de la historia del Islam.
La historia del Profeta José (la paz sea con él) comienza con su presentación como un hijo muy querido por su padre, el Profeta Jacob (la paz sea con él). Sin embargo, los celos y la envidia de los hermanos de José hicieron que éstos urdieran una forma de separarlo de su familia. Arrojaron a José a un pozo y dijeron a su padre que se lo habían comido los animales salvajes.
Sin embargo, Dios no pasó por alto el destino del Profeta José (la paz sea con él). Fue rescatado del pozo por un grupo de mercaderes y vendido al Faraón de Egipto como sirviente. Aquí, el Profeta José (la paz sea con él) demostró su inteligencia y sabiduría y se le asignaron altas responsabilidades en el reino del Faraón.
Sin embargo, cuando fue perseguido por la esposa del Faraón, que estaba enamorada de él, el Profeta José (la paz sea con él) defendió el principio de castidad y lealtad a Dios. Como resultado, fue encarcelado pero más tarde liberado tras demostrar su talento en la interpretación de sueños.
Por último, cuando la hambruna asoló la tierra de Egipto y sus alrededores, los hermanos del Profeta José (la paz sea con él) acudieron suplicando ayuda alimentaria. El Profeta José (la paz sea con él) los perdonó compasivamente y reunió a sus familias.
La sura Yusuf proporciona valiosas enseñanzas sobre la paciencia, la justicia, la sabiduría y la piedad hacia Dios.
Surah Yusuf (Joseph) (Kapitel 12) ist eine der Suren im Quran. Sie besteht aus 111 Versen. Surah Yusuf erzählt die Geschichte des Propheten Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm), der einer der berühmtesten Propheten in der Geschichte des Islam ist.
Die Geschichte des Propheten Josef (Friede sei mit ihm) beginnt mit seiner Vorstellung als Sohn, der seinem Vater, dem Propheten Jakob (Friede sei mit ihm), sehr lieb war. Die Eifersucht und der Neid von Josephs Brüdern veranlassten sie jedoch, einen Plan zu schmieden, um ihn von ihrer Familie zu trennen. Sie warfen Josef in einen Brunnen und erzählten ihrem Vater, er sei von wilden Tieren gefressen worden.
Doch Gott hat das Schicksal des Propheten Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm) nicht übersehen. Er wurde von einer Gruppe von Kaufleuten aus dem Brunnen gerettet und als Diener an den Pharao in Ägypten verkauft. Hier zeigte der Prophet Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm) seine Intelligenz und Weisheit und erhielt hohe Aufgaben im Reich des Pharao.
Als er jedoch von der Frau des Pharaos, die in ihn verliebt war, verfolgt wurde, hielt der Prophet Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm) an dem Grundsatz der Keuschheit und der Treue zu Gott fest. Daraufhin wurde er inhaftiert, aber später freigelassen, nachdem er sein Talent in der Traumdeutung bewiesen hatte.
Als schließlich eine Hungersnot das Land Ägypten und seine Umgebung heimsuchte, kamen die Brüder des Propheten Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm) und baten um Nahrungsmittelhilfe. Der Prophet Joseph (Friede sei mit ihm) vergab ihnen aus Mitleid und führte ihre Familien wieder zusammen.
Sura Yusuf enthält wertvolle Lehren über Geduld, Gerechtigkeit, Weisheit und Gottesfurcht.
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Quran chapter 11, known as Surah Hud, is the 11th chapter of the Quran and consists of 123 verses. It is named after the Prophet Hud (peace be upon him), who was sent by God to the people of 'Aad to warn them of their wrongdoing and call them to worship one God. The chapter addresses the themes of prophethood, monotheism, divine mercy, and accountability.
Surah Hud begins with a discussion of the Quran as a clear book that provides guidance for humanity. It then recounts stories of past prophets and their communities, emphasizing the consequences of rejecting divine guidance. The story of Noah (peace be upon him) and his people serves as a warning about the punishment that befalls those who disobey God's commandments.
The chapter also highlights the stories of Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib, and Moses (peace be upon them all), all of whom were sent as messengers to guide their people towards righteousness. Each prophet faced rejection and opposition from their communities but remained steadfast in their faith and commitment to God.
Surah Hud emphasizes the importance of belief in the Oneness of God and warns against associating partners with Him. It stresses the need for repentance, humility, and obedience to God's commandments in order to attain salvation.
The chapter concludes with a reminder of the Day of Judgment when all individuals will be held accountable for their actions. Those who did good will be rewarded with Paradise, while those who did evil will face punishment in Hell.
Overall, Surah Hud serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith, righteousness, and submission to God's will. It encourages believers to heed the warnings of past prophets and strive towards a life of piety and devotion to God.
Глава 11 Корана, известная как сура Худ, - это 11-я глава Корана, состоящая из 123 стихов. Она названа в честь пророка Худа (мир ему), который был послан Богом к народу 'Аад, чтобы предупредить их о неправоте и призвать к поклонению единому Богу. В главе затрагиваются темы пророчества, единобожия, божественной милости и ответственности.
Сура "Худ" начинается с обсуждения Корана как ясной книги, содержащей руководство для человечества. Затем в ней перечисляются истории прошлых пророков и их общин, подчеркиваются последствия отказа от божественного руководства. История Ноя (мир ему) и его народа служит предупреждением о наказании, которое постигнет тех, кто ослушается Божьих заповедей.
В главе также рассказывается о Худе, Салихе, Аврааме, Лоте, Шу'аибе и Моисее (мир им всем), которые были посланы в качестве посланников, чтобы направить свой народ к праведности. Каждый пророк сталкивался с неприятием и противодействием со стороны своих общин, но оставался непоколебим в своей вере и преданности Богу.
Сура "Худ" подчеркивает важность веры в единство Бога и предостерегает от соприкосновения с Ним. В ней подчеркивается необходимость покаяния, смирения и повиновения Божьим заповедям, чтобы достичь спасения.
Глава завершается напоминанием о Судном дне, когда все люди будут отвечать за свои поступки. Те, кто творил добро, будут вознаграждены Раем, а тех, кто творил зло, ждет наказание в Аду.
В целом сура "Худ" служит мощным напоминанием о важности веры, праведности и покорности воле Божьей. Она призывает верующих прислушаться к предостережениям пророков прошлого и стремиться к жизни в благочестии и преданности Богу.
Le chapitre 11 du Coran, connu sous le nom de sourate Hud, est le 11e chapitre du Coran et se compose de 123 versets. Il porte le nom du prophète Hud (sur lui la paix), envoyé par Dieu au peuple de 'Aad pour l'avertir de ses méfaits et l'appeler à adorer un seul Dieu. Ce chapitre aborde les thèmes de la prophétie, du monothéisme, de la miséricorde divine et de la responsabilité.
La sourate Hud commence par une discussion sur le Coran en tant que livre clair qui fournit des conseils à l'humanité. Elle relate ensuite les histoires des anciens prophètes et de leurs communautés, en mettant l'accent sur les conséquences du rejet de la guidance divine. L'histoire de Noé (que la paix soit sur lui) et de son peuple sert d'avertissement quant au châtiment qui frappe ceux qui désobéissent aux commandements de Dieu.
Le chapitre met également en lumière les histoires de Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib et Moïse (que la paix soit sur eux tous), qui ont tous été envoyés comme messagers pour guider leur peuple vers la droiture. Chaque prophète a été confronté au rejet et à l'opposition de sa communauté, mais est resté fidèle à sa foi et à son engagement envers Dieu.
La sourate Hud souligne l'importance de la croyance en l'unicité de Dieu et met en garde contre le fait de lui associer des partenaires. Elle insiste sur la nécessité du repentir, de l'humilité et de l'obéissance aux commandements de Dieu pour atteindre le salut.
Le chapitre se termine par un rappel du jour du jugement, où tous les individus devront répondre de leurs actes. Ceux qui ont fait le bien seront récompensés par le Paradis, tandis que ceux qui ont fait le mal seront punis par l'Enfer.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Hud constitue un puissant rappel de l'importance de la foi, de la droiture et de la soumission à la volonté de Dieu. Elle encourage les croyants à tenir compte des avertissements des anciens prophètes et à s'efforcer de mener une vie de piété et de dévotion à Dieu.
古兰经》第 11 章,又称《胡德经》,是《古兰经》的第 11 章,由 123 节经文组成。该章以先知胡德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)的名字命名,他受真主派遣前往阿德人那里,警告他们的错误行为,并号召他们崇拜独一的真主。该章论述了先知、一神论、神的仁慈和责任等主题。
O capítulo 11 do Alcorão, conhecido como Surah Hud, é o 11º capítulo do Alcorão e consiste em 123 versículos. Recebeu esse nome em homenagem ao Profeta Hud (que a paz esteja com ele), que foi enviado por Deus ao povo de 'Aad para adverti-los de seus erros e chamá-los a adorar um único Deus. O capítulo aborda os temas de profetismo, monoteísmo, misericórdia divina e responsabilidade.
A Surah Hud começa com uma discussão sobre o Alcorão como um livro claro que fornece orientação para a humanidade. Em seguida, relata histórias de profetas do passado e suas comunidades, enfatizando as consequências da rejeição da orientação divina. A história de Noé (que a paz esteja com ele) e seu povo serve como um aviso sobre a punição que recai sobre aqueles que desobedecem aos mandamentos de Deus.
O capítulo também destaca as histórias de Hud, Salih, Abraão, Ló, Shu'aib e Moisés (que a paz esteja com todos eles), todos enviados como mensageiros para guiar seus povos à retidão. Cada profeta enfrentou rejeição e oposição de suas comunidades, mas permaneceu firme em sua fé e compromisso com Deus.
A Surah Hud enfatiza a importância da crença na Unicidade de Deus e adverte contra a associação de parceiros a Ele. Ela enfatiza a necessidade de arrependimento, humildade e obediência aos mandamentos de Deus para alcançar a salvação.
O capítulo conclui com um lembrete do Dia do Juízo Final, quando todos os indivíduos serão responsabilizados por suas ações. Aqueles que fizeram o bem serão recompensados com o Paraíso, enquanto aqueles que fizeram o mal enfrentarão a punição no Inferno.
De modo geral, a Surah Hud serve como um poderoso lembrete da importância da fé, da retidão e da submissão à vontade de Deus. Ela incentiva os crentes a darem atenção às advertências dos profetas do passado e a se esforçarem para levar uma vida de piedade e devoção a Deus.
El capítulo 11 del Corán, conocido como Surah Hud, es el capítulo 11 del Corán y consta de 123 versículos. Lleva el nombre del Profeta Hud (la paz sea con él), que fue enviado por Dios al pueblo de 'Aad para advertirles de sus malas acciones y llamarles a adorar a un solo Dios. El capítulo aborda los temas del profetismo, el monoteísmo, la misericordia divina y la responsabilidad.
La surah Hud comienza con un análisis del Corán como libro claro que sirve de guía a la humanidad. A continuación relata historias de profetas del pasado y sus comunidades, haciendo hincapié en las consecuencias de rechazar la guía divina. La historia de Noé (la paz sea con él) y su pueblo sirve de advertencia sobre el castigo que recae sobre quienes desobedecen los mandamientos de Dios.
El capítulo también destaca las historias de Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib y Moisés (la paz sea con todos ellos), todos los cuales fueron enviados como mensajeros para guiar a su pueblo hacia la rectitud. Cada profeta se enfrentó al rechazo y la oposición de sus comunidades, pero se mantuvieron firmes en su fe y su compromiso con Dios.
La surah Hud subraya la importancia de creer en la unicidad de Dios y advierte contra la asociación con Él. Subraya la necesidad del arrepentimiento, la humildad y la obediencia a los mandamientos de Dios para alcanzar la salvación.
El capítulo concluye con un recordatorio del Día del Juicio, cuando todos los individuos tendrán que rendir cuentas de sus actos. Los que hicieron el bien serán recompensados con el Paraíso, mientras que los que hicieron el mal serán castigados en el Infierno.
En general, la surah Hud es un poderoso recordatorio de la importancia de la fe, la rectitud y la sumisión a la voluntad de Dios. Anima a los creyentes a prestar atención a las advertencias de los profetas del pasado y a esforzarse por llevar una vida de piedad y devoción a Dios.
Das 11. Kapitel des Korans, bekannt als Surah Hud, ist das 11. Kapitel des Korans und besteht aus 123 Versen. Es ist nach dem Propheten Hud (Friede sei mit ihm) benannt, der von Gott zu den Menschen von 'Aad gesandt wurde, um sie vor ihrem Fehlverhalten zu warnen und sie zur Anbetung des einen Gottes aufzurufen. Das Kapitel behandelt die Themen Prophetentum, Monotheismus, göttliche Barmherzigkeit und Rechenschaftspflicht.
Surah Hud beginnt mit einer Diskussion über den Koran als klares Buch, das den Menschen Orientierung bietet. Anschließend werden Geschichten über frühere Propheten und ihre Gemeinschaften erzählt, wobei die Folgen einer Ablehnung der göttlichen Führung hervorgehoben werden. Die Geschichte von Noah (Friede sei mit ihm) und seinem Volk dient als Warnung vor der Strafe, die diejenigen trifft, die Gottes Geboten nicht gehorchen.
Das Kapitel beleuchtet auch die Geschichten von Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shu'aib und Moses (Friede sei mit ihnen allen), die alle als Gesandte gesandt wurden, um ihr Volk zur Rechtschaffenheit zu führen. Alle Propheten sahen sich der Ablehnung und dem Widerstand ihrer Gemeinschaften gegenüber, blieben aber in ihrem Glauben und ihrem Engagement für Gott standhaft.
Sura Hud betont die Bedeutung des Glaubens an die Einheit Gottes und warnt davor, Ihm Partner zur Seite zu stellen. Sie unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit von Reue, Demut und Gehorsam gegenüber Gottes Geboten, um das Heil zu erlangen.
Das Kapitel schließt mit einer Erinnerung an den Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts, an dem alle Menschen für ihre Taten zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Diejenigen, die Gutes getan haben, werden mit dem Paradies belohnt, während diejenigen, die Böses getan haben, in der Hölle bestraft werden.
Insgesamt erinnert Sura Hud eindringlich daran, wie wichtig Glaube, Rechtschaffenheit und die Unterwerfung unter Gottes Willen sind. Sie ermutigt die Gläubigen, die Warnungen früherer Propheten zu beherzigen und sich um ein Leben in Frömmigkeit und Hingabe an Gott zu bemühen.
Surah Yunus, named after the Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him), is the 10th chapter of the Quran. It consists of 109 verses and is categorized as a Meccan surah, revealed before the migration of Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) to Medina.
The chapter begins with an emphasis on the signs of God's existence and power in the creation of the heavens and the earth. It highlights the purpose of sending messengers to guide humanity and warns against the consequences of rejecting these messages.
Surah Yunus narrates stories of previous prophets, such as Noah, Moses, and Aaron (peace be upon them all), to draw lessons for the believers. It emphasizes the concept of Tawheed (the Oneness of God) and the importance of faith, patience, and perseverance in times of adversity.
The surah also discusses the Day of Judgment, where everyone will be held accountable for their deeds. It reassures believers that God is Just and Merciful, rewarding those who do good and punishing those who do evil.
Overall, Surah Yunus serves as a reminder of God's power, wisdom, and mercy, urging believers to maintain faith in Him and follow the guidance provided by His messengers for spiritual guidance and moral conduct.
Сура "Юнус", названная в честь пророка Ионы (мир ему), - это 10-я глава Корана. Она состоит из 109 стихов и относится к мекканским сурам, явленным до переселения пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) в Медину.
Глава начинается с акцента на признаках существования и могущества Бога при сотворении небес и земли. В ней подчеркивается цель отправки посланников для наставления человечества и содержится предостережение о последствиях отвержения этих посланий.
В суре "Юнус" рассказываются истории предыдущих пророков, таких как Ной, Моисей и Аарон (мир им всем), чтобы извлечь уроки для верующих. В ней подчеркивается концепция таухида (единства Бога) и важность веры, терпения и настойчивости в трудные времена.
В суре также говорится о Судном дне, когда каждый будет отвечать за свои поступки. Она заверяет верующих в том, что Бог справедлив и милосерден, вознаграждает тех, кто творит добро, и наказывает тех, кто творит зло.
В целом сура "Юнус" служит напоминанием о могуществе, мудрости и милосердии Бога, призывая верующих сохранять веру в Него и следовать наставлениям Его посланников для духовного руководства и нравственного поведения.
La sourate Yunus, nommée d'après le prophète Jonas (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix), est le 10e chapitre du Coran. Il se compose de 109 versets et est considéré comme une sourate mecquoise, révélée avant la migration du prophète Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix) à Médine.
Le chapitre commence par mettre l'accent sur les signes de l'existence et de la puissance de Dieu dans la création des cieux et de la terre. Il souligne l'objectif de l'envoi de messagers pour guider l'humanité et met en garde contre les conséquences du rejet de ces messages.
La sourate Yunus raconte les histoires des prophètes précédents, tels que Noé, Moïse et Aaron (que la paix soit sur eux tous), afin d'en tirer des leçons pour les croyants. Elle met l'accent sur le concept de Tawheed (l'unicité de Dieu) et sur l'importance de la foi, de la patience et de la persévérance dans l'adversité.
La sourate évoque également le jour du jugement, où chacun sera tenu de rendre compte de ses actes. Elle rassure les croyants sur le fait que Dieu est juste et miséricordieux, récompensant ceux qui font le bien et punissant ceux qui font le mal.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Yunus rappelle la puissance, la sagesse et la miséricorde de Dieu, exhortant les croyants à garder la foi en Lui et à suivre les conseils fournis par Ses messagers en matière d'orientation spirituelle et de conduite morale.
尤努斯经》以先知约拿(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)命名,是《古兰经》的第 10 章。它由 109 节经文组成,被归类为麦加古兰经,是在先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)迁徙到麦地那之前降示的。
尤努斯经》讲述了诺亚、摩西和亚伦(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)等先知的故事,为信徒们提供了经验教训。它强调了 "真主独一"(Tawheed)的概念,以及在逆境中信仰、耐心和毅力的重要性。
A Surah Yunus, nomeada em homenagem ao Profeta Jonas (que a paz esteja com ele), é o 10º capítulo do Alcorão. Consiste em 109 versículos e é classificado como uma surata de Meca, revelada antes da migração do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) para Medina.
O capítulo começa com uma ênfase nos sinais da existência e do poder de Deus na criação dos céus e da terra. Ele destaca o propósito de enviar mensageiros para guiar a humanidade e adverte contra as consequências da rejeição dessas mensagens.
A Surah Yunus narra histórias de profetas anteriores, como Noé, Moisés e Arão (que a paz esteja com todos eles), para extrair lições para os crentes. Ela enfatiza o conceito de Tawhid (a Unicidade de Deus) e a importância da fé, da paciência e da perseverança em tempos de adversidade.
A surah também discute o Dia do Julgamento, em que todos serão responsabilizados por seus atos. Ela assegura aos crentes que Deus é justo e misericordioso, recompensando aqueles que fazem o bem e punindo aqueles que fazem o mal.
De modo geral, a Surah Yunus serve como um lembrete do poder, da sabedoria e da misericórdia de Deus, instando os crentes a manterem a fé Nele e a seguirem a orientação fornecida por Seus mensageiros para orientação espiritual e conduta moral.
La sura Yunus, llamada así por el Profeta Jonás (la paz sea con él), es el capítulo 10 del Corán. Consta de 109 versículos y se considera una sura de La Meca, revelada antes de la migración del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) a Medina.
El capítulo comienza haciendo hincapié en los signos de la existencia y el poder de Dios en la creación de los cielos y la tierra. Destaca el propósito de enviar mensajeros para guiar a la humanidad y advierte de las consecuencias de rechazar estos mensajes.
La sura Yunus narra historias de profetas anteriores, como Noé, Moisés y Aarón (la paz sea con todos ellos), para extraer lecciones para los creyentes. Destaca el concepto de tawhid (la unicidad de Dios) y la importancia de la fe, la paciencia y la perseverancia en tiempos de adversidad.
El surah también habla del Día del Juicio, en el que todos tendrán que rendir cuentas de sus actos. Asegura a los creyentes que Dios es Justo y Misericordioso, que recompensa a los que hacen el bien y castiga a los que hacen el mal.
En general, el sura Yunus sirve como recordatorio del poder, la sabiduría y la misericordia de Dios, e insta a los creyentes a mantener la fe en Él y a seguir la guía proporcionada por Sus mensajeros para la orientación espiritual y la conducta moral.
Surah Yunus, benannt nach dem Propheten Jona (Friede sei mit ihm), ist das 10. Kapitel des Quran. Es besteht aus 109 Versen und wird als mekkanische Sure eingestuft, die vor der Auswanderung des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren) nach Medina offenbart wurde.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit einer Betonung der Zeichen von Gottes Existenz und Macht bei der Erschaffung der Himmel und der Erde. Es hebt den Zweck der Entsendung von Gesandten hervor, die die Menschheit leiten sollen, und warnt vor den Folgen der Ablehnung dieser Botschaften.
Sura Yunus erzählt Geschichten von früheren Propheten wie Noah, Moses und Aaron (Friede sei mit ihnen allen), um Lehren für die Gläubigen zu ziehen. Sie betont das Konzept von Tawheed (der Einheit Gottes) und die Bedeutung von Glaube, Geduld und Ausdauer in Zeiten des Unglücks.
In der Sure wird auch der Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts besprochen, an dem jeder für seine Taten zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird. Sie versichert den Gläubigen, dass Gott gerecht und barmherzig ist und diejenigen belohnt, die Gutes tun, und diejenigen bestraft, die Böses tun.
Insgesamt dient Surah Yunus als Erinnerung an Gottes Macht, Weisheit und Barmherzigkeit und fordert die Gläubigen auf, den Glauben an Ihn aufrechtzuerhalten und der Führung zu folgen, die von Seinen Gesandten für geistige Führung und moralisches Verhalten gegeben wird.
Surat at-Tawba, also known as the Chapter of Repentance, is the ninth chapter of the Quran. This chapter primarily focuses on themes related to repentance, forgiveness, warfare, and the obligations of believers towards non-believers. It consists of 129 verses and is one of the longer chapters in the Quran.
The chapter begins with a declaration of dissociation from agreements made with polytheists, emphasizing the importance of upholding one's commitments to God. It also discusses the concept of repentance and highlights the mercy and forgiveness of God towards those who sincerely seek repentance.
Surat at-Tawba also addresses the issue of warfare and provides guidelines for defensive actions against aggressors. It emphasizes the importance of standing up against injustice and defending the Muslim community when under threat, while also advocating for peace and reconciliation whenever possible.
The chapter discusses the obligations of believers towards non-believers, urging them to invite others to Islam with wisdom and good conduct. It emphasizes the need for patience and perseverance in the face of adversity and opposition.
Overall, Surat at-Tawba serves as a reminder of the importance of repentance, steadfastness in faith, and standing up for justice. It encourages believers to uphold their principles while also striving for peace and understanding with others.
Сурат ат-Тавба, также известный как глава "Покаяние", - девятая глава Корана. Эта глава в основном посвящена темам, связанным с покаянием, прощением, войной и обязанностями верующих по отношению к неверующим. Она состоит из 129 стихов и является одной из самых длинных глав Корана.
Глава начинается с заявления об отказе от соглашений, заключенных с многобожниками, и подчеркивает важность соблюдения обязательств перед Богом. В ней также обсуждается понятие покаяния и подчеркивается милость и прощение Бога по отношению к тем, кто искренне стремится к покаянию.
Сурат ат-Тавба также затрагивает вопрос ведения войны и содержит рекомендации по обороне от агрессоров. В ней подчеркивается важность противостояния несправедливости и защиты мусульманской общины в случае угрозы, а также пропаганда мира и примирения, когда это возможно.
В главе обсуждаются обязанности верующих по отношению к неверующим, призывая их приглашать других к исламу с помощью мудрости и хорошего поведения. В ней подчеркивается необходимость терпения и настойчивости перед лицом невзгод и оппозиции.
В целом сурат ат-Тавба служит напоминанием о важности покаяния, непоколебимости в вере и отстаивания справедливости. Она призывает верующих отстаивать свои принципы и в то же время стремиться к миру и взаимопониманию с другими.
La sourate at-Tawba, également connue sous le nom de chapitre du repentir, est le neuvième chapitre du Coran. Ce chapitre traite principalement de thèmes liés au repentir, au pardon, à la guerre et aux obligations des croyants envers les non-croyants. Il comprend 129 versets et est l'un des chapitres les plus longs du Coran.
Le chapitre commence par une déclaration de dissociation des accords conclus avec les polythéistes, soulignant l'importance de respecter ses engagements envers Dieu. Il aborde également le concept de repentir et souligne la miséricorde et le pardon de Dieu envers ceux qui cherchent sincèrement à se repentir.
La sourate at-Tawba aborde également la question de la guerre et fournit des lignes directrices pour les actions défensives contre les agresseurs. Elle souligne l'importance de s'élever contre l'injustice et de défendre la communauté musulmane lorsqu'elle est menacée, tout en prônant la paix et la réconciliation chaque fois que cela est possible.
Le chapitre traite des obligations des croyants envers les non-croyants, les exhortant à inviter les autres à l'islam avec sagesse et bonne conduite. Il souligne la nécessité de faire preuve de patience et de persévérance face à l'adversité et à l'opposition.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate at-Tawba rappelle l'importance du repentir, de la fermeté dans la foi et de la défense de la justice. Elle encourage les croyants à défendre leurs principes tout en s'efforçant de parvenir à la paix et à la compréhension avec les autres.
塔瓦经》又称《忏悔章》,是《古兰经》的第九章。该章主要讲述与忏悔、宽恕、战争以及信徒对非信徒的义务有关的主题。该章共有 129 节经文,是《古兰经》中篇幅较长的章节之一。
A Surata at-Tawba, também conhecida como o Capítulo do Arrependimento, é o nono capítulo do Alcorão. Esse capítulo enfoca principalmente temas relacionados ao arrependimento, ao perdão, à guerra e às obrigações dos crentes para com os não-crentes. Ele consiste em 129 versículos e é um dos capítulos mais longos do Alcorão.
O capítulo começa com uma declaração de dissociação dos acordos feitos com os politeístas, enfatizando a importância de manter os compromissos com Deus. Ele também discute o conceito de arrependimento e destaca a misericórdia e o perdão de Deus para com aqueles que buscam sinceramente o arrependimento.
A Surata at-Tawba também aborda a questão da guerra e fornece diretrizes para ações defensivas contra agressores. Ela enfatiza a importância de se levantar contra a injustiça e defender a comunidade muçulmana quando ameaçada, ao mesmo tempo em que defende a paz e a reconciliação sempre que possível.
O capítulo discute as obrigações dos crentes para com os não-crentes, instando-os a convidar outros para o Islã com sabedoria e boa conduta. Ele enfatiza a necessidade de paciência e perseverança diante da adversidade e da oposição.
De modo geral, a Surata at-Tawba serve como um lembrete da importância do arrependimento, da firmeza na fé e da defesa da justiça. Ela incentiva os crentes a defenderem seus princípios e, ao mesmo tempo, a buscarem a paz e o entendimento com os outros.
Surat at-Tawba, también conocido como el Capítulo del Arrepentimiento, es el noveno capítulo del Corán. Este capítulo se centra principalmente en temas relacionados con el arrepentimiento, el perdón, la guerra y las obligaciones de los creyentes hacia los no creyentes. Consta de 129 versículos y es uno de los capítulos más largos del Corán.
El capítulo comienza con una declaración de desvinculación de los acuerdos hechos con los politeístas, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de mantener los propios compromisos con Dios. También aborda el concepto de arrepentimiento y destaca la misericordia y el perdón de Dios hacia quienes buscan sinceramente el arrepentimiento.
Surat at-Tawba también aborda el tema de la guerra y proporciona directrices para las acciones defensivas contra los agresores. Destaca la importancia de alzarse contra la injusticia y defender a la comunidad musulmana cuando se vea amenazada, al tiempo que aboga por la paz y la reconciliación siempre que sea posible.
El capítulo trata de las obligaciones de los creyentes hacia los no creyentes, instándoles a invitar a otros al Islam con sabiduría y buena conducta. Enfatiza la necesidad de paciencia y perseverancia ante la adversidad y la oposición.
En general, Surat at-Tawba sirve para recordar la importancia del arrepentimiento, la firmeza en la fe y la defensa de la justicia. Anima a los creyentes a defender sus principios y a esforzarse por alcanzar la paz y el entendimiento con los demás.
Surat at-Tawba, auch bekannt als das Kapitel der Reue, ist das neunte Kapitel des Quran. In diesem Kapitel geht es vor allem um Themen wie Reue, Vergebung, Kriegsführung und die Pflichten der Gläubigen gegenüber den Ungläubigen. Es besteht aus 129 Versen und ist eines der längeren Kapitel im Koran.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit einer Erklärung, sich von Vereinbarungen mit Polytheisten zu distanzieren, und betont, wie wichtig es ist, die eigenen Verpflichtungen gegenüber Gott einzuhalten. Außerdem wird das Konzept der Reue erörtert und die Barmherzigkeit und Vergebung Gottes gegenüber denjenigen hervorgehoben, die aufrichtig um Reue bitten.
Surat at-Tawba befasst sich auch mit dem Thema der Kriegsführung und gibt Richtlinien für die Verteidigung gegen Angreifer. Sie betont, wie wichtig es ist, sich gegen Ungerechtigkeit zu wehren und die muslimische Gemeinschaft zu verteidigen, wenn sie bedroht wird, und gleichzeitig für Frieden und Versöhnung einzutreten, wann immer dies möglich ist.
Das Kapitel erörtert die Pflichten der Gläubigen gegenüber Ungläubigen und fordert sie auf, andere mit Weisheit und gutem Verhalten zum Islam einzuladen. Es betont die Notwendigkeit von Geduld und Beharrlichkeit angesichts von Widrigkeiten und Widerstand.
Insgesamt erinnert die Surat at-Tawba an die Bedeutung der Reue, der Standhaftigkeit im Glauben und des Eintretens für die Gerechtigkeit. Sie ermutigt die Gläubigen, ihre Prinzipien aufrechtzuerhalten und sich gleichzeitig um Frieden und Verständnis mit anderen zu bemühen.
全体として、Surat at-Tawbaは、悔い改め、信仰を堅持し、正義のために立ち上がることの重要性を喚起するものである。この章は、信者が自らの原則を守りながら、他者との平和と理解に努めることを奨励している。
Surah al-Anfal, also known as "The Spoils of War," is the eighth chapter of the Quran. This Surah was revealed in Medina and consists of 75 verses. The chapter primarily discusses the Battle of Badr, which took place between the Muslims of Medina and the Quraysh tribe of Mecca.
The Surah begins by emphasizing the importance of faith, obedience, and unity among believers. It highlights the significance of preparing for battle and maintaining steadfastness in the face of adversity. The chapter also addresses the distribution of war spoils and the importance of justice and charity.
Surah al-Anfal describes the events leading up to the Battle of Badr, including the preparations made by both sides. It narrates how the Muslims achieved victory despite being outnumbered and out-equipped, emphasizing that success comes from God's support and believers' faith.
The chapter also touches upon themes of forgiveness, mercy, and reconciliation. It encourages believers to seek peace and avoid unnecessary conflicts. It stresses the importance of upholding moral values even in times of war.
Overall, Surah al-Anfal serves as a reminder for believers to remain steadfast in their faith, strive for justice and unity, and trust in God's guidance and support in all circumstances.
Сура аль-Анфаль, также известная как "Военные трофеи", - это восьмая глава Корана. Эта сура была явлена в Медине и состоит из 75 стихов. В ней рассказывается о битве при Бадре, которая произошла между мусульманами Медины и племенем курайш из Мекки.
В начале суры подчеркивается важность веры, послушания и единства между верующими. В ней подчеркивается важность подготовки к сражению и сохранения стойкости перед лицом невзгод. В главе также говорится о распределении военных трофеев и о важности справедливости и милосердия.
Сура аль-Анфаль описывает события, предшествовавшие битве при Бадре, включая подготовку обеих сторон. В ней рассказывается о том, как мусульмане добились победы, несмотря на то, что их было больше и они были хуже оснащены, и подчеркивается, что успех приходит благодаря поддержке Бога и вере верующих.
В главе также затрагиваются темы прощения, милосердия и примирения. Она призывает верующих стремиться к миру и избегать ненужных конфликтов. В ней подчеркивается важность соблюдения нравственных ценностей даже во время войны.
В целом сура "Аль-Анфаль" служит напоминанием верующим о необходимости оставаться твердыми в своей вере, стремиться к справедливости и единству, а также уповать на Божье руководство и поддержку в любых обстоятельствах.
La sourate al-Anfal, également connue sous le nom de "butin de guerre", est le huitième chapitre du Coran. Cette sourate a été révélée à Médine et se compose de 75 versets. Le chapitre traite principalement de la bataille de Badr, qui a eu lieu entre les musulmans de Médine et la tribu des Quraysh de la Mecque.
La sourate commence par souligner l'importance de la foi, de l'obéissance et de l'unité entre les croyants. Elle souligne l'importance de la préparation à la bataille et de la fermeté face à l'adversité. Le chapitre aborde également la distribution du butin de guerre et l'importance de la justice et de la charité.
La sourate al-Anfal décrit les événements qui ont conduit à la bataille de Badr, y compris les préparatifs effectués par les deux camps. Elle raconte comment les musulmans ont remporté la victoire malgré leur infériorité numérique et leur manque d'équipement, soulignant que le succès vient du soutien de Dieu et de la foi des croyants.
Le chapitre aborde également les thèmes du pardon, de la miséricorde et de la réconciliation. Il encourage les croyants à rechercher la paix et à éviter les conflits inutiles. Il souligne l'importance du maintien des valeurs morales, même en temps de guerre.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate al-Anfal rappelle aux croyants de rester fermes dans leur foi, de lutter pour la justice et l'unité, et de s'en remettre aux conseils et au soutien de Dieu en toutes circonstances.
安法尔经》又称 "战利品",是《古兰经》的第八章。该章在麦地那降示,共有 75 节经文。该章主要讨论麦地那穆斯林与麦加古莱什部落之间发生的巴德尔战役。
A Surah al-Anfal, também conhecida como "Os despojos da guerra", é o oitavo capítulo do Alcorão. Essa Surah foi revelada em Medina e consiste em 75 versículos. O capítulo discute principalmente a Batalha de Badr, que ocorreu entre os muçulmanos de Medina e a tribo Quraysh de Meca.
A Surata começa enfatizando a importância da fé, da obediência e da unidade entre os crentes. Ela destaca o significado da preparação para a batalha e da manutenção da firmeza em face da adversidade. O capítulo também aborda a distribuição dos espólios de guerra e a importância da justiça e da caridade.
A Surah al-Anfal descreve os eventos que levaram à Batalha de Badr, incluindo os preparativos feitos por ambos os lados. Ela narra como os muçulmanos alcançaram a vitória, apesar de estarem em menor número e menos equipados, enfatizando que o sucesso vem do apoio de Deus e da fé dos crentes.
O capítulo também aborda temas como perdão, misericórdia e reconciliação. Ele incentiva os fiéis a buscarem a paz e evitarem conflitos desnecessários. Ele enfatiza a importância de manter os valores morais mesmo em tempos de guerra.
De modo geral, a Surah al-Anfal serve como um lembrete para que os crentes permaneçam firmes em sua fé, lutem pela justiça e pela unidade e confiem na orientação e no apoio de Deus em todas as circunstâncias.
La sura al-Anfal, también conocida como "El botín de guerra", es el octavo capítulo del Corán. Esta sura fue revelada en Medina y consta de 75 versículos. El capítulo trata principalmente de la batalla de Badr, que tuvo lugar entre los musulmanes de Medina y la tribu Quraysh de La Meca.
El sura comienza destacando la importancia de la fe, la obediencia y la unidad entre los creyentes. Destaca la importancia de prepararse para la batalla y mantener la firmeza ante la adversidad. También aborda el reparto del botín de guerra y la importancia de la justicia y la caridad.
La sura al-Anfal describe los acontecimientos que condujeron a la batalla de Badr, incluidos los preparativos realizados por ambos bandos. Narra cómo los musulmanes lograron la victoria a pesar de estar en inferioridad numérica y de equipamiento, haciendo hincapié en que el éxito proviene del apoyo de Dios y de la fe de los creyentes.
El capítulo también aborda temas como el perdón, la misericordia y la reconciliación. Anima a los creyentes a buscar la paz y evitar conflictos innecesarios. Subraya la importancia de mantener los valores morales incluso en tiempos de guerra.
En general, la sura al-Anfal sirve de recordatorio para que los creyentes se mantengan firmes en su fe, luchen por la justicia y la unidad, y confíen en la guía y el apoyo de Dios en cualquier circunstancia.
Sura al-Anfal, auch bekannt als "Die Kriegsbeute", ist das achte Kapitel des Korans. Diese Sura wurde in Medina offenbart und besteht aus 75 Versen. Das Kapitel behandelt in erster Linie die Schlacht von Badr, die zwischen den Muslimen von Medina und dem Stamm der Quraisch aus Mekka stattfand.
Die Sure beginnt damit, dass sie die Bedeutung des Glaubens, des Gehorsams und der Einheit unter den Gläubigen hervorhebt. Sie unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Vorbereitung auf die Schlacht und der Standhaftigkeit im Angesicht von Widrigkeiten. Das Kapitel behandelt auch die Verteilung der Kriegsbeute und die Bedeutung von Gerechtigkeit und Wohltätigkeit.
Sura al-Anfal beschreibt die Ereignisse, die zur Schlacht von Badr führten, einschließlich der Vorbereitungen beider Seiten. Sie erzählt, wie die Muslime den Sieg errangen, obwohl sie zahlenmäßig und rüstungstechnisch unterlegen waren, und betont, dass der Erfolg auf Gottes Unterstützung und den Glauben der Gläubigen zurückzuführen ist.
Das Kapitel berührt auch die Themen Vergebung, Barmherzigkeit und Versöhnung. Es ermutigt die Gläubigen, Frieden zu suchen und unnötige Konflikte zu vermeiden. Es wird betont, wie wichtig es ist, moralische Werte auch in Kriegszeiten aufrechtzuerhalten.
Insgesamt dient die Sura al-Anfal als Mahnung für die Gläubigen, in ihrem Glauben standhaft zu bleiben, nach Gerechtigkeit und Einheit zu streben und auf Gottes Führung und Unterstützung in allen Lebenslagen zu vertrauen.
Surah Al-A'raf, the 7th chapter of the Quran, consists of 206 verses. This chapter covers various themes including the stories of previous prophets and their communities, the importance of following God's guidance, the consequences of disbelief, and the Day of Judgment.
The chapter begins with a discussion on the creation of Adam (peace be upon him) and his fall from Paradise due to Satan's deception. It then narrates stories of several prophets such as Nuh (Noah), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot), and Shu'aib (peace be upon them all), emphasizing their struggles in calling their people to worship one true God and follow His commandments.
Surah Al-A'raf also highlights the concept of accountability on the Day of Judgment where every individual will be judged based on their deeds. It emphasizes the importance of seeking forgiveness from God and obeying His commands to attain salvation in the Hereafter.
The chapter warns against the dangers of arrogance, pride, and following one's desires over divine guidance. It stresses the significance of humility, faith, and righteousness in achieving success both in this world and the next.
Overall, Surah Al-A'raf serves as a reminder for believers to stay steadfast in their faith, seek knowledge from the Quran, and strive to live a life in accordance with Islamic teachings to attain God's mercy and blessings.
Surah Al-A'raf, das 7. Kapitel des Quran, besteht aus 206 Versen. In diesem Kapitel werden verschiedene Themen behandelt, darunter die Geschichten früherer Propheten und ihrer Gemeinschaften, die Bedeutung der Befolgung von Gottes Führung, die Folgen des Unglaubens und der Tag des Gerichts.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit einer Diskussion über die Erschaffung Adams (Friede sei mit ihm) und seinen Sturz aus dem Paradies aufgrund der Täuschung durch Satan. Anschließend werden die Geschichten verschiedener Propheten wie Nuh (Noah), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) und Shu'aib (Friede sei mit ihnen allen) erzählt, wobei ihre Bemühungen hervorgehoben werden, ihr Volk zur Anbetung des einen wahren Gottes und zur Befolgung seiner Gebote aufzurufen.
Sura Al-A'raf hebt auch das Konzept der Verantwortlichkeit am Tag des Gerichts hervor, an dem jeder Einzelne auf der Grundlage seiner Taten beurteilt werden wird. Sie betont, wie wichtig es ist, Gott um Vergebung zu bitten und seine Gebote zu befolgen, um das Heil im Jenseits zu erlangen.
Das Kapitel warnt vor den Gefahren der Arroganz, des Stolzes und der Befolgung der eigenen Wünsche gegenüber der göttlichen Führung. Es betont die Bedeutung von Demut, Glauben und Rechtschaffenheit für den Erfolg im Diesseits und im Jenseits.
Insgesamt dient die Sura Al-A'raf als Mahnung für die Gläubigen, in ihrem Glauben standhaft zu bleiben, Wissen aus dem Koran zu suchen und sich zu bemühen, ein Leben in Übereinstimmung mit den islamischen Lehren zu führen, um Gottes Gnade und Segen zu erlangen.
La sura Al-A'raf, el 7º capítulo del Corán, consta de 206 versículos. Este capítulo abarca varios temas, como las historias de los profetas anteriores y sus comunidades, la importancia de seguir la guía de Dios, las consecuencias de la incredulidad y el Día del Juicio.
El capítulo comienza con un análisis de la creación de Adán (la paz sea con él) y su caída del Paraíso debido al engaño de Satanás. A continuación, narra historias de varios profetas como Nuh (Noé), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) y Shu'aib (la paz sea con todos ellos), destacando sus luchas por llamar a su pueblo a adorar a un único Dios verdadero y seguir Sus mandamientos.
La sura Al-A'raf también destaca el concepto de la responsabilidad en el Día del Juicio, en el que cada individuo será juzgado por sus actos. Subraya la importancia de pedir perdón a Dios y obedecer sus mandamientos para alcanzar la salvación en el Más Allá.
El capítulo advierte contra los peligros de la arrogancia, el orgullo y el seguir los propios deseos por encima de la guía divina. Destaca la importancia de la humildad, la fe y la rectitud para alcanzar el éxito tanto en este mundo como en el venidero.
En general, la sura Al-A'raf sirve de recordatorio para que los creyentes se mantengan firmes en su fe, busquen el conocimiento en el Corán y se esfuercen por llevar una vida acorde con las enseñanzas islámicas para alcanzar la misericordia y las bendiciones de Dios.
A Surah Al-A'raf, o sétimo capítulo do Alcorão, consiste em 206 versículos. Esse capítulo aborda vários temas, incluindo as histórias dos profetas anteriores e suas comunidades, a importância de seguir a orientação de Deus, as consequências da descrença e o Dia do Juízo Final.
O capítulo começa com uma discussão sobre a criação de Adão (que a paz esteja com ele) e sua queda do Paraíso devido ao engano de Satanás. Em seguida, narra histórias de vários profetas, como Nuh (Noé), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Ló) e Shu'aib (que a paz esteja com todos eles), enfatizando suas lutas para chamar seu povo a adorar o único Deus verdadeiro e seguir Seus mandamentos.
A Surah Al-A'raf também destaca o conceito de responsabilidade no Dia do Juízo Final, em que cada indivíduo será julgado com base em seus atos. Ela enfatiza a importância de buscar o perdão de Deus e obedecer aos Seus mandamentos para alcançar a salvação na outra vida.
O capítulo adverte contra os perigos da arrogância, do orgulho e de seguir os próprios desejos em vez da orientação divina. Ele enfatiza a importância da humildade, da fé e da retidão para alcançar o sucesso tanto neste mundo quanto no próximo.
De modo geral, a Surah Al-A'raf serve como um lembrete para que os crentes permaneçam firmes em sua fé, busquem conhecimento no Alcorão e se esforcem para viver uma vida de acordo com os ensinamentos islâmicos para alcançar a misericórdia e as bênçãos de Deus.
Al-A'raf 经》是《古兰经》的第七章,共有 206 节经文。本章涉及多个主题,包括历代先知及其群体的故事、遵循真主指引的重要性、不信道的后果以及审判日。
La sourate Al-A'raf, le 7e chapitre du Coran, comprend 206 versets. Ce chapitre aborde différents thèmes, notamment les histoires des prophètes précédents et de leurs communautés, l'importance de suivre les conseils de Dieu, les conséquences de l'incrédulité et le jour du jugement dernier.
Le chapitre commence par une discussion sur la création d'Adam (que la paix soit sur lui) et sa chute du Paradis à cause de la tromperie de Satan. Il raconte ensuite les histoires de plusieurs prophètes tels que Nuh (Noé), Hud, Saleh, Lut (Lot) et Shu'aib (que la paix soit sur eux tous), en mettant l'accent sur leurs difficultés à appeler leur peuple à adorer un seul vrai Dieu et à suivre Ses commandements.
La sourate Al-A'raf met également l'accent sur le concept de responsabilité le jour du jugement, où chaque individu sera jugé en fonction de ses actes. Elle souligne l'importance de rechercher le pardon de Dieu et d'obéir à ses commandements pour obtenir le salut dans l'au-delà.
Le chapitre met en garde contre les dangers de l'arrogance, de l'orgueil et du fait de suivre ses désirs plutôt que les conseils divins. Il souligne l'importance de l'humilité, de la foi et de la droiture pour réussir dans ce monde et dans l'autre.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-A'raf rappelle aux croyants qu'ils doivent rester fermes dans leur foi, rechercher la connaissance dans le Coran et s'efforcer de mener une vie conforme aux enseignements islamiques afin d'obtenir la miséricorde et les bénédictions de Dieu.
Сура Аль-А'раф, 7-я глава Корана, состоит из 206 стихов. В этой главе рассматриваются различные темы, в том числе истории предыдущих пророков и их общин, важность следования Божьему руководству, последствия неверия и Судный день.
Глава начинается с обсуждения сотворения Адама (мир ему) и его падения из Рая из-за обмана сатаны. Затем в ней рассказывается о нескольких пророках, таких как Нух (Ной), Худ, Салех, Лут (Лот) и Шу'айб (мир им всем), и подчеркивается, что они боролись за то, чтобы призвать свой народ к поклонению единому истинному Богу и следованию Его заповедям.
Сура Аль-А'раф также подчеркивает концепцию ответственности в Судный день, когда каждый человек будет судим по своим поступкам. В ней подчеркивается важность просить прощения у Бога и повиноваться Его повелениям, чтобы обрести спасение в загробном мире.
Глава предостерегает от опасностей, связанных с высокомерием, гордыней и следованием своим желаниям, а не божественному руководству. В ней подчеркивается значение смирения, веры и праведности для достижения успеха как в этом, так и в следующем мире.
В целом сура "Аль-А'раф" служит напоминанием верующим о необходимости оставаться непоколебимыми в своей вере, искать знания из Корана и стремиться жить в соответствии с исламскими учениями, чтобы обрести милость и благословения Бога.
Surah Al-An'am, also known as the Chapter of Livestock, is the sixth chapter of the Quran. It consists of 165 verses and was revealed in Mecca. The chapter covers various themes, including the oneness of God, the importance of following His guidance, and the consequences of disbelief.
The chapter begins by emphasizing the oneness of God and His role as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It highlights the Signs in nature that point to His existence and power, urging people to reflect on these Signs and submit to His will.
Surah Al-An'am also addresses the concept of shirk, or associating partners with God, which is considered a grave sin in Islam. It warns against following the misguided beliefs and practices of polytheists and idolaters, urging believers to stay firm in their faith and worship only God.
The chapter recounts stories of past prophets, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and others, who faced opposition from their people but remained steadfast in their mission to call others to monotheism. These stories serve as lessons for believers on the importance of patience, perseverance, and trust in God's plan.
Surah Al-An'am also discusses the concept of divine decree (qadar), emphasizing that everything happens according to God's will and wisdom. It reassures believers that they should trust in God's plan and be content with whatever He decrees for them.
Overall, Surah Al-An'am serves as a reminder of the fundamental principles of Islam, such as monotheism, prophethood, divine decree, and accountability in the Hereafter. It encourages believers to reflect on their beliefs and actions, seek guidance from the Quran, and strive to live a righteous life in accordance with God's commandments.
Сура "Аль-Ан'ам", также известная как "Глава о скоте", - шестая глава Корана. Она состоит из 165 стихов и была открыта в Мекке. В главе затрагиваются различные темы, в том числе единство Бога, важность следования Его руководству и последствия неверия.
В начале главы подчеркивается единство Бога и Его роль как Творца и Хранителя Вселенной. В ней говорится о знамениях в природе, указывающих на Его существование и могущество, и содержится призыв к людям задуматься над этими знамениями и подчиниться Его воле.
В суре "Аль-Ан'ам" также рассматривается понятие ширка, или объединения партнеров с Богом, которое в исламе считается тяжким грехом. Она предостерегает от следования заблуждениям и практикам многобожников и идолопоклонников, призывая верующих оставаться твердыми в своей вере и поклоняться только Богу.
В главе рассказывается о пророках прошлого, таких как Ной, Авраам, Моисей и другие, которые сталкивались с противодействием своего народа, но оставались непоколебимыми в своей миссии, призывая других к единобожию. Эти истории служат для верующих уроком, показывающим важность терпения, настойчивости и доверия к Божьему замыслу.
В суре "Аль-Ан'ам" также обсуждается концепция божественного постановления (кадар), подчеркивается, что все происходит по воле и мудрости Бога. Она убеждает верующих в том, что они должны доверять Божьему плану и довольствоваться всем, что Он для них укажет.
В целом сура "Аль-Ан'ам" служит напоминанием об основополагающих принципах ислама, таких как единобожие, пророчество, божественный указ и ответственность в загробном мире. Она призывает верующих задуматься над своими убеждениями и поступками, обратиться за руководством к Корану и стремиться вести праведную жизнь в соответствии с Божьими заповедями.
La sourate Al-An'am, également connue sous le nom de chapitre du bétail, est le sixième chapitre du Coran. Il se compose de 165 versets et a été révélé à La Mecque. Ce chapitre aborde différents thèmes, notamment l'unicité de Dieu, l'importance de suivre ses conseils et les conséquences de l'incrédulité.
Le chapitre commence par souligner l'unicité de Dieu et son rôle de créateur et de soutien de l'univers. Il met en évidence les signes de la nature qui témoignent de son existence et de son pouvoir, exhortant les gens à réfléchir à ces signes et à se soumettre à sa volonté.
La sourate Al-An'am aborde également le concept de shirk, c'est-à-dire le fait d'associer des partenaires à Dieu, ce qui est considéré comme un grave péché dans l'islam. Elle met en garde contre le fait de suivre les croyances et les pratiques erronées des polythéistes et des idolâtres, exhortant les croyants à rester fermes dans leur foi et à n'adorer que Dieu.
Le chapitre raconte les histoires d'anciens prophètes, tels que Noé, Abraham, Moïse et d'autres, qui ont dû faire face à l'opposition de leur peuple mais sont restés inébranlables dans leur mission d'appeler les autres au monothéisme. Ces histoires servent de leçons aux croyants sur l'importance de la patience, de la persévérance et de la confiance dans le plan de Dieu.
La sourate Al-An'am aborde également le concept de décret divin (qadar), soulignant que tout se produit selon la volonté et la sagesse de Dieu. Elle rassure les croyants en leur disant qu'ils doivent faire confiance au plan de Dieu et se contenter de ce qu'Il décrète pour eux.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-An'am rappelle les principes fondamentaux de l'islam, tels que le monothéisme, la prophétie, le décret divin et la responsabilité dans l'au-delà. Elle encourage les croyants à réfléchir à leurs croyances et à leurs actions, à chercher conseil auprès du Coran et à s'efforcer de mener une vie juste conformément aux commandements de Dieu.
安南经》又称《牲畜章》,是《古兰经》的第六章。它由 165 节经文组成,在麦加降示。该章涵盖多个主题,包括真主的独一性、遵循真主指引的重要性以及不信道的后果。
安南经》还谈到了 "尔斯克 "的概念,即把伙伴与真主联系在一起,这在伊斯兰教中被认为是一种严重的罪过。它警告人们不要追随多神教徒和偶像崇拜者的错误信仰和做法,敦促信徒坚定信仰,只崇拜真主。
A Surah Al-An'am, também conhecida como o Capítulo do Gado, é o sexto capítulo do Alcorão. Ele consiste em 165 versículos e foi revelado em Meca. O capítulo aborda vários temas, incluindo a unicidade de Deus, a importância de seguir Sua orientação e as consequências da descrença.
O capítulo começa enfatizando a unicidade de Deus e Seu papel como Criador e Mantenedor do universo. Ele destaca os Sinais na natureza que apontam para a Sua existência e poder, exortando as pessoas a refletirem sobre esses Sinais e a se submeterem à Sua vontade.
A Surah Al-An'am também aborda o conceito de shirk, ou associação de parceiros a Deus, que é considerado um pecado grave no Islã. Ela adverte contra seguir as crenças e práticas equivocadas de politeístas e idólatras, instando os crentes a permanecerem firmes em sua fé e adorarem somente a Deus.
O capítulo relata histórias de profetas do passado, como Noé, Abraão, Moisés e outros, que enfrentaram a oposição de seu povo, mas permaneceram firmes em sua missão de chamar outros ao monoteísmo. Essas histórias servem como lições para os crentes sobre a importância da paciência, da perseverança e da confiança no plano de Deus.
A Surah Al-An'am também discute o conceito de decreto divino (qadar), enfatizando que tudo acontece de acordo com a vontade e a sabedoria de Deus. Ela assegura aos crentes que eles devem confiar no plano de Deus e se contentar com o que Ele decretar para eles.
De modo geral, a Surah Al-An'am serve como um lembrete dos princípios fundamentais do Islã, como o monoteísmo, a profecia, o decreto divino e a responsabilidade na outra vida. Ela incentiva os crentes a refletir sobre suas crenças e ações, a buscar orientação no Alcorão e a se esforçar para viver uma vida justa de acordo com os mandamentos de Deus.
La sura Al-An'am, también conocida como el Capítulo del Ganado, es el sexto capítulo del Corán. Consta de 165 versículos y fue revelado en La Meca. Trata varios temas, como la unicidad de Dios, la importancia de seguir Su guía y las consecuencias de la incredulidad.
El capítulo comienza destacando la unicidad de Dios y su papel como Creador y Sustentador del universo. Destaca los signos de la naturaleza que indican Su existencia y poder, e insta a la gente a reflexionar sobre ellos y a someterse a Su voluntad.
La sura Al-An'am también aborda el concepto de shirk, o asociación de socios con Dios, que se considera un pecado grave en el Islam. Advierte del peligro de seguir las creencias y prácticas erróneas de politeístas e idólatras, e insta a los creyentes a mantenerse firmes en su fe y adorar sólo a Dios.
El capítulo relata historias de profetas del pasado, como Noé, Abraham, Moisés y otros, que se enfrentaron a la oposición de su pueblo pero se mantuvieron firmes en su misión de llamar a otros al monoteísmo. Estas historias sirven de lección a los creyentes sobre la importancia de la paciencia, la perseverancia y la confianza en el plan de Dios.
La sura Al-An'am también aborda el concepto de decreto divino (qadar) y subraya que todo sucede según la voluntad y la sabiduría de Dios. Asegura a los creyentes que deben confiar en el plan de Dios y contentarse con lo que Él decrete para ellos.
En general, la sura Al-An'am sirve para recordar los principios fundamentales del Islam, como el monoteísmo, la profecía, el decreto divino y la responsabilidad en el Más Allá. Anima a los creyentes a reflexionar sobre sus creencias y acciones, a buscar la guía del Corán y a esforzarse por llevar una vida recta de acuerdo con los mandamientos de Dios.
Surah Al-An'am, auch bekannt als das Kapitel über das Vieh, ist das sechste Kapitel des Quran. Es besteht aus 165 Versen und wurde in Mekka offenbart. Das Kapitel behandelt verschiedene Themen, darunter die Einheit Gottes, die Wichtigkeit, seiner Führung zu folgen, und die Folgen des Unglaubens.
Das Kapitel beginnt mit der Betonung der Einheit Gottes und seiner Rolle als Schöpfer und Erhalter des Universums. Es hebt die Zeichen in der Natur hervor, die auf seine Existenz und Macht hinweisen, und fordert die Menschen auf, über diese Zeichen nachzudenken und sich seinem Willen zu unterwerfen.
Sura Al-An'am befasst sich auch mit dem Konzept des Schirk oder der Assoziierung von Partnern mit Gott, was im Islam als schwere Sünde gilt. Sie warnt davor, den irregeleiteten Überzeugungen und Praktiken von Polytheisten und Götzendienern zu folgen, und fordert die Gläubigen auf, fest in ihrem Glauben zu bleiben und nur Gott zu verehren.
Das Kapitel erzählt Geschichten von früheren Propheten wie Noah, Abraham, Moses und anderen, die sich dem Widerstand ihres Volkes ausgesetzt sahen, aber in ihrer Mission, andere zum Monotheismus zu rufen, standhaft blieben. Diese Geschichten dienen den Gläubigen als Lektion über die Bedeutung von Geduld, Ausdauer und Vertrauen in Gottes Plan.
Die Sura Al-An'am erörtert auch das Konzept des göttlichen Dekrets (qadar) und betont, dass alles nach Gottes Willen und Weisheit geschieht. Sie bestärkt die Gläubigen darin, dass sie auf Gottes Plan vertrauen und sich mit dem zufrieden geben sollen, was er für sie bestimmt hat.
Insgesamt erinnert die Sura Al-An'am an die grundlegenden Prinzipien des Islam, wie Monotheismus, Prophetentum, göttliches Dekret und Verantwortlichkeit im Jenseits. Sie ermutigt die Gläubigen, über ihre Überzeugungen und Handlungen nachzudenken, sich vom Koran leiten zu lassen und sich zu bemühen, ein rechtschaffenes Leben in Übereinstimmung mit Gottes Geboten zu führen.
Surah Al-Ma'idah, the fifth chapter of the Quran, is a comprehensive chapter that covers various aspects of Islamic teachings and laws. The chapter consists of 120 verses and addresses a range of topics including dietary laws, social justice, legal matters, and ethical conduct.
One of the central themes of Surah Al-Ma'idah is the importance of following divine guidance and adhering to the principles of justice and righteousness. The chapter emphasizes the concept of accountability before God and stresses the need for believers to uphold their obligations and responsibilities.
Surah Al-Ma'idah also contains specific guidelines regarding permissible and impermissible foods for Muslims. It outlines dietary restrictions, such as prohibiting the consumption of pork and blood, while permitting the consumption of lawful (halal) foods.
The chapter discusses the significance of fulfilling promises and covenants, as well as the importance of upholding justice in all dealings. It encourages believers to stand up for truth and fairness, even if it goes against their own interests.
Surah Al-Ma'idah also addresses issues related to interfaith relations and coexistence. It highlights the commonalities between Muslims and People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and calls for mutual respect and understanding.
Overall, Surah Al-Ma'idah serves as a guide for Muslims on how to lead a righteous life in accordance with Islamic principles. It emphasizes the importance of faith, good deeds, ethical conduct, and adherence to divine laws as essential components of a believer's life.
Сура Аль-Маида, пятая глава Корана, представляет собой всеобъемлющую главу, охватывающую различные аспекты исламского учения и законов. Глава состоит из 120 стихов и затрагивает целый ряд тем, включая диетические законы, социальную справедливость, правовые вопросы и этическое поведение.
Одна из центральных тем суры "Аль-Маида" - важность следования божественному руководству и соблюдения принципов справедливости и праведности. В главе подчеркивается концепция ответственности перед Богом и необходимость соблюдения верующими своих обязательств и обязанностей.
Сура "Аль-Маида" также содержит конкретные указания относительно допустимой и недопустимой пищи для мусульман. В ней описываются диетические ограничения, такие как запрет на употребление свинины и крови, и разрешается употребление законной (халяль) пищи.
В главе говорится о важности выполнения обещаний и заветов, а также о том, как важно соблюдать справедливость во всех делах. Она призывает верующих отстаивать истину и справедливость, даже если это противоречит их собственным интересам.
Сура "Аль-Маида" также затрагивает вопросы, связанные с межконфессиональными отношениями и сосуществованием. Она подчеркивает общие черты между мусульманами и людьми Книги (иудеями и христианами) и призывает к взаимному уважению и пониманию.
В целом сура "Аль-Маида" служит для мусульман руководством к тому, как вести праведную жизнь в соответствии с исламскими принципами. В ней подчеркивается важность веры, добрых дел, этического поведения и следования божественным законам как важнейших составляющих жизни верующего.
La sourate Al-Ma'idah, cinquième chapitre du Coran, est un chapitre complet qui couvre divers aspects des enseignements et des lois islamiques. Le chapitre se compose de 120 versets et aborde une série de sujets tels que les lois alimentaires, la justice sociale, les questions juridiques et la conduite éthique.
L'un des thèmes centraux de la sourate Al-Ma'idah est l'importance de suivre la guidance divine et d'adhérer aux principes de justice et de droiture. Le chapitre met l'accent sur le concept de responsabilité devant Dieu et souligne la nécessité pour les croyants d'assumer leurs obligations et leurs responsabilités.
La sourate Al-Ma'idah contient également des directives spécifiques concernant les aliments permis et interdits aux musulmans. Elle décrit les restrictions alimentaires, telles que l'interdiction de consommer du porc et du sang, tout en autorisant la consommation d'aliments licites (halal).
Ce chapitre traite de l'importance du respect des promesses et des engagements, ainsi que de l'importance de la justice dans toutes les transactions. Il encourage les croyants à défendre la vérité et l'équité, même si cela va à l'encontre de leurs propres intérêts.
La sourate Al-Ma'idah aborde également des questions liées aux relations interconfessionnelles et à la coexistence. Elle souligne les points communs entre les musulmans et les gens du Livre (juifs et chrétiens) et appelle au respect et à la compréhension mutuels.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-Ma'idah sert de guide aux musulmans sur la manière de mener une vie vertueuse en accord avec les principes islamiques. Elle souligne l'importance de la foi, des bonnes actions, de la conduite éthique et de l'adhésion aux lois divines en tant que composantes essentielles de la vie d'un croyant.
Al-Ma'idah 经》是《古兰经》的第五章,是涵盖伊斯兰教义和法律各个方面的综合性章节。该章共有 120 节经文,涉及饮食法、社会正义、法律事务和道德行为等一系列主题。
麦尔彦达》经文还涉及不同信仰间的关系和共存问题。它强调了穆斯林与 "经上之民"(犹太教徒和基督教徒)之间的共性,并呼吁相互尊重和理解。
Surah Al-Ma'idah, o quinto capítulo do Alcorão, é um capítulo abrangente que cobre vários aspectos dos ensinamentos e leis islâmicos. O capítulo consiste em 120 versículos e aborda uma série de tópicos, incluindo leis dietéticas, justiça social, questões legais e conduta ética.
Um dos temas centrais da Surah Al-Ma'idah é a importância de seguir a orientação divina e aderir aos princípios de justiça e retidão. O capítulo enfatiza o conceito de prestação de contas perante Deus e destaca a necessidade de os crentes cumprirem suas obrigações e responsabilidades.
A Surah Al-Ma'idah também contém diretrizes específicas sobre alimentos permitidos e não permitidos para os muçulmanos. Ela descreve as restrições dietéticas, como a proibição do consumo de carne de porco e sangue, enquanto permite o consumo de alimentos lícitos (halal).
O capítulo discute o significado do cumprimento de promessas e convênios, bem como a importância de manter a justiça em todas as negociações. Ele incentiva os crentes a defenderem a verdade e a justiça, mesmo que isso vá contra seus próprios interesses.
A Surah Al-Ma'idah também aborda questões relacionadas às relações inter-religiosas e à coexistência. Ela destaca os pontos em comum entre os muçulmanos e o Povo do Livro (judeus e cristãos) e pede respeito e compreensão mútuos.
De modo geral, a Surah Al-Ma'idah serve como um guia para os muçulmanos sobre como levar uma vida justa de acordo com os princípios islâmicos. Ela enfatiza a importância da fé, das boas ações, da conduta ética e da adesão às leis divinas como componentes essenciais da vida de um crente.
La sura Al-Ma'idah, el quinto capítulo del Corán, es un capítulo exhaustivo que abarca diversos aspectos de las enseñanzas y leyes islámicas. Consta de 120 versículos y aborda diversos temas, como las leyes dietéticas, la justicia social, los asuntos legales y la conducta ética.
Uno de los temas centrales de la sura Al-Ma'idah es la importancia de seguir la guía divina y adherirse a los principios de justicia y rectitud. El capítulo hace hincapié en el concepto de rendición de cuentas ante Dios y subraya la necesidad de que los creyentes mantengan sus obligaciones y responsabilidades.
La sura Al-Ma'idah también contiene directrices específicas sobre los alimentos permitidos e inadmisibles para los musulmanes. Describe las restricciones dietéticas, como la prohibición del consumo de cerdo y sangre, mientras que permite el consumo de alimentos lícitos (halal).
El capítulo aborda el significado de cumplir las promesas y los pactos, así como la importancia de defender la justicia en todos los tratos. Anima a los creyentes a defender la verdad y la justicia, aunque vayan en contra de sus propios intereses.
La sura Al-Ma'idah también aborda temas relacionados con las relaciones interconfesionales y la coexistencia. Destaca los puntos en común entre los musulmanes y la Gente del Libro (judíos y cristianos) y hace un llamamiento al respeto y la comprensión mutuos.
En general, la sura Al-Ma'idah sirve de guía a los musulmanes sobre cómo llevar una vida recta de acuerdo con los principios islámicos. Destaca la importancia de la fe, las buenas acciones, la conducta ética y el cumplimiento de las leyes divinas como componentes esenciales de la vida de un creyente.
Surah Al-Ma'idah, das fünfte Kapitel des Quran, ist ein umfassendes Kapitel, das verschiedene Aspekte der islamischen Lehren und Gesetze behandelt. Das Kapitel besteht aus 120 Versen und behandelt eine Reihe von Themen wie Speisegesetze, soziale Gerechtigkeit, Rechtsfragen und ethisches Verhalten.
Eines der zentralen Themen der Sura Al-Ma'idah ist die Bedeutung der Befolgung der göttlichen Rechtleitung und der Einhaltung der Grundsätze von Gerechtigkeit und Rechtschaffenheit. Das Kapitel hebt das Konzept der Rechenschaftspflicht vor Gott hervor und betont, dass die Gläubigen ihren Verpflichtungen und Verantwortlichkeiten nachkommen müssen.
Surah Al-Ma'idah enthält auch spezifische Richtlinien bezüglich erlaubter und unerlaubter Nahrungsmittel für Muslime. Sie umreißt diätetische Einschränkungen, wie das Verbot des Verzehrs von Schweinefleisch und Blut, während der Verzehr von erlaubten (halal) Lebensmitteln erlaubt ist.
Das Kapitel erörtert die Bedeutung der Erfüllung von Versprechen und Bündnissen sowie die Bedeutung der Wahrung der Gerechtigkeit in allen Angelegenheiten. Es ermutigt die Gläubigen, für Wahrheit und Fairness einzutreten, auch wenn dies ihren eigenen Interessen zuwiderläuft.
Die Sure Al-Ma'idah behandelt auch Fragen im Zusammenhang mit interreligiösen Beziehungen und dem Zusammenleben. Sie hebt die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Muslimen und dem Volk des Buches (Juden und Christen) hervor und ruft zu gegenseitigem Respekt und Verständnis auf.
Insgesamt dient die Sure Al-Ma'idah den Muslimen als Leitfaden für ein rechtschaffenes Leben im Einklang mit den islamischen Grundsätzen. Sie betont die Bedeutung des Glaubens, der guten Taten, des ethischen Verhaltens und der Befolgung der göttlichen Gesetze als wesentliche Bestandteile des Lebens eines Gläubigen.
Surah An-Nisa' (Chapter 4) in the Quran discusses various aspects of women's rights, social justice, family laws, and guidance for maintaining harmonious relationships within society. The chapter is named after women (An-Nisa') to highlight the importance of upholding the rights and dignity of women in Islam.
One of the key themes of Surah An-Nisa' is the importance of justice and equality in dealings with women. The chapter emphasizes the equal treatment of women in matters such as inheritance, marriage, and divorce. It also stresses the need to protect women from exploitation and abuse, highlighting the responsibility of society to ensure their well-being.
Surah An-Nisa' also provides guidance on family laws, including rules regarding inheritance distribution, marriage contracts, and the treatment of orphans. The chapter emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong family ties and fulfilling responsibilities towards one's relatives.
Furthermore, Surah An-Nisa' addresses issues related to social justice and community welfare. It encourages believers to stand up for justice, speak out against wrongdoing, and support those in need. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of unity and cooperation within the Muslim community.
Overall, Surah An-Nisa' serves as a comprehensive guide for Muslims on how to uphold justice, equality, and compassion in their interactions with others, particularly towards women. It provides valuable insights into the rights and responsibilities of individuals within society and emphasizes the importance of building a just and inclusive community based on Islamic principles.
クルアーン第4章(Surah An-Nisa')では、女性の権利、社会正義、家族法、社会内の調和のとれた関係を維持するための指針など、様々な側面について論じている。この章は、イスラームにおける女性の権利と尊厳を守ることの重要性を強調するために、女性(An-Nisa')にちなんで名付けられた。
さらに、Surah An-Nisa'では、社会正義と地域福祉に関する問題を取り上げている。この章では、正義のために立ち上がり、不正行為に対して声を上げ、困っている人々を支援するよう信者に勧めている。またこの章では、ムスリム社会における団結と協力の重要性も強調されている。
全体として、Surah An-Nisa'は、他者との交流、特に女性との交流において、どのように正義、平等、思いやりを守るかについて、ムスリムへの包括的なガイドとなっている。社会における個人の権利と責任に関する貴重な洞察を提供し、イスラームの原則に基づく公正で包括的な共同体を築くことの重要性を強調している。
Die Sure An-Nisa' (Kapitel 4) im Koran behandelt verschiedene Aspekte der Rechte der Frauen, der sozialen Gerechtigkeit, der Familiengesetze und der Anleitung zur Aufrechterhaltung harmonischer Beziehungen innerhalb der Gesellschaft. Das Kapitel ist nach Frauen (An-Nisa') benannt, um die Bedeutung der Wahrung der Rechte und der Würde der Frauen im Islam hervorzuheben.
Eines der Hauptthemen der Sura An-Nisa' ist die Bedeutung von Gerechtigkeit und Gleichheit im Umgang mit Frauen. Das Kapitel betont die Gleichbehandlung von Frauen in Angelegenheiten wie Erbschaft, Heirat und Scheidung. Außerdem wird die Notwendigkeit betont, Frauen vor Ausbeutung und Missbrauch zu schützen, und die Verantwortung der Gesellschaft für ihr Wohlergehen hervorgehoben.
Surah An-Nisa' gibt auch Hinweise zum Familienrecht, einschließlich der Regeln für die Aufteilung des Erbes, Eheverträge und die Behandlung von Waisen. Das Kapitel betont, wie wichtig es ist, starke Familienbande aufrechtzuerhalten und die Verantwortung gegenüber seinen Verwandten zu erfüllen.
Darüber hinaus befasst sich die Sura An-Nisa' mit Fragen der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und des Gemeinwohls. Sie ermutigt die Gläubigen, für Gerechtigkeit einzutreten, sich gegen Unrecht auszusprechen und diejenigen zu unterstützen, die in Not sind. Das Kapitel betont auch die Bedeutung von Einigkeit und Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der muslimischen Gemeinschaft.
Insgesamt dient die Sura An-Nisa' als umfassender Leitfaden für Muslime, wie sie Gerechtigkeit, Gleichheit und Mitgefühl in ihrem Umgang mit anderen, insbesondere mit Frauen, aufrechterhalten können. Sie bietet wertvolle Einblicke in die Rechte und Pflichten des Einzelnen in der Gesellschaft und unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Aufbaus einer gerechten und integrativen Gemeinschaft auf der Grundlage islamischer Prinzipien.
La sura An-Nisa' (capítulo 4) del Corán aborda diversos aspectos de los derechos de la mujer, la justicia social, las leyes familiares y la orientación para mantener relaciones armoniosas en la sociedad. El capítulo lleva el nombre de la mujer (An-Nisa') para resaltar la importancia de defender los derechos y la dignidad de la mujer en el Islam.
Uno de los temas clave de la sura An-Nisa' es la importancia de la justicia y la igualdad en el trato con las mujeres. El capítulo hace hincapié en la igualdad de trato de las mujeres en asuntos como la herencia, el matrimonio y el divorcio. También subraya la necesidad de proteger a las mujeres de la explotación y el abuso, destacando la responsabilidad de la sociedad de garantizar su bienestar.
La sura An-Nisa' también orienta sobre las leyes familiares, incluidas las normas relativas al reparto de la herencia, los contratos matrimoniales y el trato a los huérfanos. El capítulo subraya la importancia de mantener fuertes lazos familiares y cumplir con las responsabilidades hacia los parientes.
Además, la sura An-Nisa' aborda cuestiones relacionadas con la justicia social y el bienestar de la comunidad. Anima a los creyentes a defender la justicia, denunciar las malas acciones y apoyar a los necesitados. El capítulo también subraya la importancia de la unidad y la cooperación dentro de la comunidad musulmana.
En general, la sura An-Nisa' es una guía completa para los musulmanes sobre cómo defender la justicia, la igualdad y la compasión en sus relaciones con los demás, especialmente con las mujeres. Aporta valiosas ideas sobre los derechos y responsabilidades de los individuos en la sociedad y subraya la importancia de construir una comunidad justa e integradora basada en los principios islámicos.
A Surah An-Nisa' (Capítulo 4) do Alcorão discute vários aspectos dos direitos das mulheres, justiça social, leis familiares e orientação para manter relacionamentos harmoniosos na sociedade. O capítulo recebeu o nome das mulheres (An-Nisa') para destacar a importância de defender os direitos e a dignidade das mulheres no Islã.
Um dos principais temas da Surah An-Nisa' é a importância da justiça e da igualdade no trato com as mulheres. O capítulo enfatiza o tratamento igualitário das mulheres em questões como herança, casamento e divórcio. Ele também enfatiza a necessidade de proteger as mulheres da exploração e do abuso, destacando a responsabilidade da sociedade de garantir seu bem-estar.
A Surah An-Nisa' também fornece orientação sobre as leis familiares, incluindo regras relativas à distribuição de herança, contratos de casamento e tratamento de órfãos. O capítulo enfatiza a importância de manter fortes laços familiares e cumprir as responsabilidades para com os parentes.
Além disso, a Surah An-Nisa' aborda questões relacionadas à justiça social e ao bem-estar da comunidade. Ela incentiva os crentes a defenderem a justiça, a se manifestarem contra as transgressões e a apoiarem os necessitados. O capítulo também enfatiza a importância da unidade e da cooperação dentro da comunidade muçulmana.
De modo geral, a Surah An-Nisa' serve como um guia abrangente para os muçulmanos sobre como manter a justiça, a igualdade e a compaixão em suas interações com os outros, especialmente com as mulheres. Ela fornece informações valiosas sobre os direitos e responsabilidades dos indivíduos na sociedade e enfatiza a importância de construir uma comunidade justa e inclusiva com base nos princípios islâmicos.
古兰经》中的 An-Nisa' 经文(第 4 章)讨论了妇女权利、社会正义、家庭法以及维护社会和谐关系的指导等各个方面。该章以妇女(An-Nisa')命名,突出了伊斯兰教维护妇女权利和尊严的重要性。
An-Nisa' 经文的关键主题之一是在与妇女打交道时公正和平等的重要性。该章强调在继承、结婚和离婚等问题上平等对待妇女。它还强调了保护妇女免受剥削和虐待的必要性,突出了确保妇女福祉的社会责任。
La sourate An-Nisa' (chapitre 4) du Coran aborde divers aspects des droits de la femme, de la justice sociale, du droit de la famille et des conseils pour le maintien de relations harmonieuses au sein de la société. Le chapitre porte le nom d'une femme (An-Nisa') pour souligner l'importance de la défense des droits et de la dignité des femmes dans l'Islam.
L'un des principaux thèmes de la sourate An-Nisa' est l'importance de la justice et de l'égalité dans les relations avec les femmes. Le chapitre met l'accent sur l'égalité de traitement des femmes dans des domaines tels que l'héritage, le mariage et le divorce. Il insiste également sur la nécessité de protéger les femmes de l'exploitation et des abus, en soulignant la responsabilité de la société de veiller à leur bien-être.
La sourate An-Nisa' fournit également des conseils sur le droit de la famille, notamment sur les règles concernant la répartition de l'héritage, les contrats de mariage et le traitement des orphelins. Ce chapitre souligne l'importance de maintenir des liens familiaux solides et d'assumer ses responsabilités envers ses proches.
En outre, la sourate An-Nisa' aborde des questions liées à la justice sociale et au bien-être de la communauté. Elle encourage les croyants à défendre la justice, à dénoncer les actes répréhensibles et à soutenir ceux qui sont dans le besoin. Le chapitre souligne également l'importance de l'unité et de la coopération au sein de la communauté musulmane.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate An-Nisa' constitue un guide complet pour les musulmans sur la manière de respecter la justice, l'égalité et la compassion dans leurs relations avec les autres, en particulier avec les femmes. Elle fournit des informations précieuses sur les droits et les responsabilités des individus au sein de la société et souligne l'importance de construire une communauté juste et inclusive basée sur les principes islamiques.
В суре "Ан-Ниса" (глава 4) Корана рассматриваются различные аспекты прав женщин, социальной справедливости, семейных законов и руководства по поддержанию гармоничных отношений в обществе. Глава названа в честь женщин (Ан-Ниса'), чтобы подчеркнуть важность соблюдения прав и достоинства женщин в исламе.
Одна из ключевых тем суры "Ан-Ниса" - важность справедливости и равенства в отношениях с женщинами. В главе подчеркивается равное отношение к женщинам в таких вопросах, как наследование, брак и развод. В ней также подчеркивается необходимость защиты женщин от эксплуатации и злоупотреблений, а также ответственность общества за обеспечение их благополучия.
Сура "Ан-Ниса" также содержит указания по семейному законодательству, включая правила распределения наследства, брачные контракты и обращение с сиротами. В главе подчеркивается важность поддержания крепких семейных уз и выполнения обязанностей по отношению к своим родственникам.
Кроме того, в суре "Ан-Ниса" рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с социальной справедливостью и благосостоянием общества. Она призывает верующих отстаивать справедливость, выступать против правонарушений и поддерживать нуждающихся. В главе также подчеркивается важность единства и сотрудничества внутри мусульманской общины.
В целом сура "Ан-Ниса" служит исчерпывающим руководством для мусульман по соблюдению справедливости, равенства и сострадания в общении с другими людьми, особенно с женщинами. Она дает ценные знания о правах и обязанностях людей в обществе и подчеркивает важность создания справедливого и инклюзивного сообщества, основанного на исламских принципах.
The episode discusses the concept that God encompasses everything and is not confined to any place or direction. It argues that while many believe God resides in heaven, God exists everywhere and nothing can exist outside of God's control and knowledge. The Quran verses cited state that God's dominion covers the heavens and earth and He does not feel fatigue from preserving creation. God exists beyond time and space and His manifestations can be found everywhere.
1. What does the episode argue about where God exists?
2. What Quran verses are cited to support the claim about God encompassing everything?
3. According to the episode, where can the manifestations of God be found?
1.The episode argues that God exists everywhere and is not confined to any specific place or direction. It emphasizes that God is not limited by time and space and that His manifestations are present everywhere.
2.The Quran verses cited to support the claim about God encompassing everything are Chapter 2 verse 255 and verse 92 of Quran chapter 11 (Hud).
3.According to the episode, the manifestations of God can be found everywhere, as God is manifested in the whole universe.
1. 神が存在する場所について、このエピソードは何を論じているのか?
2. 神がすべてを包含しているという主張を支持するために、どのようなクルアーンの節が引用されていますか?
3. エピソードによると、神の顕現はどこにあるのですか?
In dieser Folge wird das Konzept erörtert, dass Gott alles umfasst und nicht auf einen bestimmten Ort oder eine bestimmte Richtung beschränkt ist. Es wird argumentiert, dass viele glauben, Gott wohne im Himmel, aber Gott existiert überall und nichts kann außerhalb von Gottes Kontrolle und Wissen existieren. In den zitierten Koranversen heißt es, dass Gottes Herrschaft die Himmel und die Erde umfasst und er nicht müde wird, die Schöpfung zu bewahren. Gott existiert jenseits von Zeit und Raum, und seine Manifestationen sind überall zu finden.
1. Was sagt die Episode darüber aus, wo Gott existiert?
2. Welche Koranverse werden zitiert, um die Behauptung zu untermauern, dass Gott alles umspannt?
3. Wo kann man laut der Episode die Manifestationen Gottes finden?
1) In der Episode wird argumentiert, dass Gott überall existiert und nicht auf einen bestimmten Ort oder eine bestimmte Richtung beschränkt ist. Sie unterstreicht, dass Gott nicht durch Zeit und Raum begrenzt ist und dass seine Manifestationen überall zu finden sind.
Die Koranverse, die zitiert werden, um die Behauptung zu untermauern, dass Gott alles umfasst, sind Kapitel 2 Vers 255 und Vers 92 von Koran Kapitel 11 (Hud).
Der Episode zufolge sind die Manifestationen Gottes überall zu finden, da Gott sich im gesamten Universum manifestiert.
El episodio analiza el concepto de que Dios lo abarca todo y no está confinado a ningún lugar o dirección. Sostiene que, aunque muchos creen que Dios reside en el cielo, Dios existe en todas partes y nada puede existir fuera del control y el conocimiento de Dios. Los versículos del Corán citados afirman que el dominio de Dios abarca los cielos y la tierra y que Él no siente fatiga por preservar la creación. Dios existe más allá del tiempo y el espacio y Sus manifestaciones pueden encontrarse en todas partes.
1. Qué argumenta el episodio sobre dónde existe Dios?
2. ¿Qué versículos del Corán se citan para apoyar la afirmación de que Dios lo abarca todo?
3. 3. Según el episodio, ¿dónde pueden encontrarse las manifestaciones de Dios?
1.El episodio sostiene que Dios existe en todas partes y no está confinado a ningún lugar o dirección específicos. Subraya que Dios no está limitado por el tiempo y el espacio y que sus manifestaciones están presentes en todas partes.
2.Los versículos del Corán citados para apoyar la afirmación de que Dios lo abarca todo son el versículo 255 del capítulo 2 y el versículo 92 del capítulo 11 del Corán (Hud).
3.Según el episodio, las manifestaciones de Dios pueden encontrarse en todas partes, ya que Dios se manifiesta en todo el universo.
O episódio discute o conceito de que Deus abrange tudo e não está confinado a nenhum lugar ou direção. Ele argumenta que, embora muitos acreditem que Deus reside no céu, Ele existe em todos os lugares e nada pode existir fora do controle e do conhecimento de Deus. Os versículos do Alcorão citados afirmam que o domínio de Deus abrange os céus e a terra e que Ele não se cansa de preservar a criação. Deus existe além do tempo e do espaço e Suas manifestações podem ser encontradas em toda parte.
1. O que o episódio argumenta sobre onde Deus existe?
2. Que versículos do Alcorão são citados para apoiar a afirmação de que Deus abrange tudo?
3. De acordo com o episódio, onde podem ser encontradas as manifestações de Deus?
1. o episódio argumenta que Deus existe em toda parte e não está confinado a nenhum lugar ou direção específica. Ele enfatiza que Deus não é limitado pelo tempo e pelo espaço e que Suas manifestações estão presentes em todos os lugares.
2) Os versículos do Alcorão citados para apoiar a afirmação de que Deus abrange tudo são o capítulo 2, versículo 255, e o versículo 92 do capítulo 11 do Alcorão (Hud).
3 De acordo com o episódio, as manifestações de Deus podem ser encontradas em todos os lugares, pois Deus se manifesta em todo o universo.
这一集讨论了 "上帝包罗万象,不局限于任何地方或方向 "这一概念。节目认为,虽然许多人认为真主居住在天堂,但真主无处不在,没有任何事物可以在真主的控制和知识之外存在。古兰经》中引用的经文指出,真主的统治权覆盖天地,他不会因维护创造物而感到疲倦。真主的存在超越了时间和空间,他的显现无处不在。
1. 这一集是如何论证真主存在于何处的?
2. 引用了哪些《古兰经》经文来支持真主包罗万象的说法?
3. 根据该插曲,在哪里可以找到真主的显现?
2.《古兰经》第 2 章第 255 节和《古兰经》第 11 章(胡德)第 92 节是支持真主无所不在这一说法的经文。
Cet épisode aborde le concept selon lequel Dieu englobe tout et n'est pas confiné à un endroit ou à une direction. Il affirme que, bien que beaucoup croient que Dieu réside au ciel, Dieu existe partout et rien ne peut exister en dehors du contrôle et de la connaissance de Dieu. Les versets du Coran cités indiquent que la domination de Dieu s'étend aux cieux et à la terre et qu'il ne ressent aucune fatigue à préserver la création. Dieu existe au-delà du temps et de l'espace et ses manifestations peuvent être trouvées partout.
1. Quel est l'argument de l'épisode concernant l'endroit où Dieu existe ?
2. Quels versets du Coran sont cités à l'appui de l'affirmation selon laquelle Dieu englobe tout ?
3. D'après l'épisode, où peut-on trouver les manifestations de Dieu ?
Réponse :
1) l'épisode affirme que Dieu existe partout et qu'il n'est pas confiné à un lieu ou à une direction spécifique. Il souligne que Dieu n'est pas limité par le temps et l'espace et que ses manifestations sont présentes partout.
2) Les versets du Coran cités à l'appui de l'affirmation selon laquelle Dieu englobe tout sont le chapitre 2, verset 255, et le verset 92 du chapitre 11 du Coran (Hud).
3) Selon cet épisode, les manifestations de Dieu peuvent être trouvées partout, puisque Dieu se manifeste dans l'univers tout entier.
В этом эпизоде обсуждается концепция, согласно которой Бог охватывает все и не ограничивается каким-либо местом или направлением. В нем утверждается, что, хотя многие считают, что Бог обитает на небесах, Он существует везде, и ничто не может существовать вне Божьего контроля и знания. В приведенных стихах Корана говорится, что владычество Бога охватывает небеса и землю, и Он не чувствует усталости от сохранения творения. Бог существует вне времени и пространства, и Его проявления можно найти повсюду.
1. Что утверждает этот эпизод о том, где существует Бог?
2. Какие стихи Корана приводятся в поддержку утверждения о том, что Бог охватывает все?
3. Согласно эпизоду, где можно найти проявления Бога?
1. Эпизод утверждает, что Бог существует везде и не ограничен каким-либо конкретным местом или направлением. В нем подчеркивается, что Бог не ограничен временем и пространством и что Его проявления присутствуют везде.
2.Стихи Корана, приведенные в поддержку утверждения о том, что Бог охватывает все, - это 255-й стих 2-й главы и 92-й стих 11-й главы Корана (Худ).
3.Согласно этому эпизоду, проявления Бога можно найти повсюду, поскольку Бог проявляется во всей Вселенной.
This episode discusses the oneness and control of God over the entire universe and everything in it. It provides verses from the Quran emphasizing that God is the sole creator of everything from the heavens and earth to living beings. Everything that exists and all events happening are perfectly ordained by God. Perfect order and balance in creation is evidence of a single divine Creator. The essence of Islam is recognizing that there is no god but the one God.
1. What is the key message about God's role according to the episode?
2. Which book is being quoted from in the episode?
3. What evidence does the episode provide for there being one God?
4. What would result if the universe was left to its own will?
5. What is the essence of Islam?
В этом эпизоде рассказывается о единстве и контроле Бога над всей Вселенной и всем, что в ней находится. В ней приводятся стихи из Корана, подчеркивающие, что Бог - единственный создатель всего, начиная с небес и земли и заканчивая живыми существами. Все, что существует, и все происходящие события идеально предписаны Богом. Идеальный порядок и равновесие в творении свидетельствуют о едином божественном Творце. Суть ислама заключается в признании того, что нет бога, кроме единого Бога.
1. Какова ключевая идея о роли Бога в этом эпизоде?
2. Цитата из какой книги приводится в этом эпизоде?
3. Какие доказательства того, что Бог един, приводит этот эпизод?
4. К чему бы привело, если бы Вселенная была предоставлена самой себе?
5. В чем суть ислама?
Cet épisode traite de l'unicité de Dieu et de son contrôle sur l'univers tout entier et sur tout ce qui s'y trouve. Il présente des versets du Coran soulignant que Dieu est le seul créateur de tout, des cieux et de la terre aux êtres vivants. Tout ce qui existe et tous les événements qui se produisent sont parfaitement ordonnés par Dieu. L'ordre et l'équilibre parfaits de la création sont la preuve de l'existence d'un Créateur divin unique. L'essence de l'islam est de reconnaître qu'il n'y a pas d'autre dieu que le Dieu unique.
1. Quel est le message clé sur le rôle de Dieu selon l'épisode ?
2. Quel est le livre cité dans l'épisode ?
3. Quelle preuve l'épisode fournit-il de l'existence d'un seul Dieu ?
4. Que se passerait-il si l'univers était laissé à sa propre volonté ?
5. Quelle est l'essence de l'islam ?
1. 这一集关于真主角色的关键信息是什么?
2. 该插曲引用了哪本书的内容?
3. 这一集提供了什么证据来证明只有一位上帝?
4. 如果宇宙任其发展,会产生什么结果?
5. 伊斯兰教的本质是什么?
Esse episódio discute a unicidade e o controle de Deus sobre todo o universo e tudo o que há nele. Ele apresenta versículos do Alcorão que enfatizam que Deus é o único criador de tudo, desde os céus e a terra até os seres vivos. Tudo o que existe e todos os eventos que acontecem são perfeitamente ordenados por Deus. A ordem e o equilíbrio perfeitos na criação são evidências de um único Criador divino. A essência do Islã é reconhecer que não existe outro deus além do único Deus.
1. Qual é a principal mensagem sobre o papel de Deus de acordo com o episódio?
2. Qual livro está sendo citado no episódio?
3. Que evidência o episódio fornece de que existe um único Deus?
4. Qual seria o resultado se o universo fosse deixado por sua própria vontade?
5. Qual é a essência do Islã?
In dieser Folge geht es um die Einheit und die Kontrolle Gottes über das gesamte Universum und alles darin. Sie enthält Verse aus dem Koran, in denen betont wird, dass Gott der alleinige Schöpfer von allem ist, von den Himmeln und der Erde bis zu den Lebewesen. Alles, was existiert, und alle Ereignisse, die geschehen, sind von Gott perfekt geplant. Die perfekte Ordnung und das Gleichgewicht in der Schöpfung sind der Beweis für einen einzigen göttlichen Schöpfer. Das Wesen des Islam besteht darin, anzuerkennen, dass es keinen Gott gibt außer dem einen Gott.
1. Was ist die Kernaussage über die Rolle Gottes in der Episode?
2. Aus welchem Buch wird in der Episode zitiert?
3. Welchen Beweis liefert die Episode dafür, dass es nur einen Gott gibt?
4. Was würde passieren, wenn das Universum seinem eigenen Willen überlassen würde?
5. Was ist das Wesen des Islam?
1. エピソードによると、神の役割に関する重要なメッセージは何ですか?
2. このエピソードで引用されているのはどの本ですか?
3. このエピソードは、神が唯一であることのどんな証拠になりますか?
4. もし宇宙が自らの意志に任されていたら、どのような結果になるでしょうか?
5. イスラム教の本質とは何か?
Este episodio habla de cómo Dios es el único Creador del universo entero y de todo lo que hay en él. Menciona que el orden y la creación perfectos de los seres vivos demuestran que debe haber un único Creador, Dios. Se afirma que si hubiera otros dioses, prevalecería el desorden. El episodio subraya que antes de la creación no existía nada y que fue Dios quien creó el tiempo, la materia y el espacio. Dios simplemente ordena "¡Sé!" y es. Se afirma que atribuir divinidad a cualquier cosa que no sea Dios carece de sentido. Se subraya la unicidad de Dios y se dice que Dios no tiene hijo ni compañeros.
1. ¿Cuáles son las ideas/temas clave que se tratan en el episodio sobre Dios?
2. 2. ¿Qué pruebas se aportan sobre la existencia de un solo Dios?
3. Cuál era el estado de la existencia antes de que Dios creara el universo?
4. 4. ¿Qué implica el versículo del Corán "El Originador de los cielos y la Tierra. Cuando Él decide algo, sólo le dice: "¡Sé!" y es" implica acerca del poder de Dios?
Сура Али 'Имран, также известная как "Семейство Имрана", - это третья глава Священного Корана. Она состоит из 200 стихов и считается одной из самых длинных глав Корана. Эта сура охватывает широкий круг тем, включая истории предыдущих народов, уроки из жизни пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) и наставления для верующих.
В начале суры (главы) подчеркивается важность веры в Бога и следования Его руководству. В ней подчеркивается, что Аллах (Бог) - единственный истинный Бог, и содержится призыв к верующим полностью подчиниться Ему.
Одним из важных аспектов суры Али 'Имран является ее акцент на пророке Иисусе (Исе) (мир ему) и его семье. В ней упоминается чудесное рождение Иисуса (мир ему) у его матери Марьям (Марии) (да будет доволен ею Бог) и уточняется, что он был пророком, посланным Богом, а не самим Богом. В суре подчеркивается, что все пророки избраны Богом, чтобы донести Его послание до человечества.
Еще одна важная тема этой главы - концепция единства мусульман. Она призывает верующих держаться вместе, избегать разногласий и работать сообща во имя ислама. В суре также рассматриваются некоторые заблуждения относительно пророка Мухаммада (да благословит его Аллах и приветствует) и дается защита от ложных обвинений, выдвигаемых его противниками.
Кроме того, сура Али 'Имран содержит наставления по различным аспектам жизни, таким как брак, семейные отношения, социальное взаимодействие и нравственное поведение. В ней подчеркивается важность стремления к знаниям, терпения в трудные времена и опоры на помощь Бога во всех делах.
В целом сура Али 'Имран содержит ценные наставления для мусульман, касающиеся веры в Бога, следования Его руководству, единства среди верующих, правильного понимания пророчества и ведения праведной жизни на основе исламских принципов.
Коран на русском языке Глава 3 Аудио и текст: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/3_48.html
Переведено с: Коран на английском языке Талала Итани. www.clearquran.org
La sourate Ali 'Imran, également connue sous le nom de "La famille d'Imran", est le troisième chapitre du Saint Coran. Il se compose de 200 versets et est considéré comme l'un des plus longs chapitres du Coran. Cette sourate couvre un large éventail de sujets, notamment des histoires des nations précédentes, des leçons tirées de la vie du prophète Mohammed (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix) et des conseils pour les croyants.
La sourate (chapitre) commence par souligner l'importance d'avoir foi en Dieu et de suivre ses conseils. Elle souligne qu'Allah (Dieu) est le seul vrai Dieu et encourage les croyants à se soumettre entièrement à Lui.
L'un des aspects importants de la sourate Ali 'Imran est l'accent mis sur le prophète Jésus (Isa) (que la paix soit sur lui) et sa famille. Elle mentionne la naissance miraculeuse de Jésus (sur lui la paix) de sa mère Maryam (Marie) (que Dieu soit satisfait d'elle) et précise qu'il s'agissait d'un prophète envoyé par Dieu, et non d'une personne divine. La sourate souligne que tous les prophètes sont choisis par Dieu pour délivrer son message à l'humanité.
Un autre thème important de ce chapitre est le concept d'unité entre les musulmans. Il encourage les croyants à rester unis, à éviter les divisions et à travailler ensemble pour le bien de l'islam. La sourate aborde également certaines idées fausses sur le prophète Muhammad (que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix) et le défend contre les fausses accusations de ses opposants.
En outre, la sourate Ali 'Imran fournit des conseils sur divers aspects de la vie, tels que le mariage, les relations familiales, les interactions sociales et la conduite morale. Elle souligne l'importance de la recherche du savoir, de la patience dans les moments difficiles et du recours à l'aide de Dieu dans tous les domaines.
En résumé, la sourate Ali 'Imran offre aux musulmans des enseignements précieux sur la foi en Dieu, le suivi de ses directives, l'unité entre les croyants, la compréhension correcte de la prophétie et la conduite d'une vie vertueuse fondée sur les principes islamiques.
Coran en français Chapitre 3 Audio et texte : https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/coran-audio-traduction-francaise_29.html
Traduit de : Coran en anglais par Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
阿里-伊姆兰经文又称 "伊姆兰家族",是《古兰经》的第三章。它由 200 节经文组成,被认为是《古兰经》中最长的章节之一。该章内容广泛,包括前人的故事、先知穆罕默德(愿主赐福之,并使其平安)的生平以及对信徒的指导。
古兰经》中文第 3 章音频和文本: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/3_21.html
翻译自 www.clearquran.org
A Surah Ali 'Imran, também conhecida como "A Família de Imran", é o terceiro capítulo do Alcorão Sagrado. Ele consiste em 200 versículos e é considerado um dos capítulos mais longos do Alcorão. Essa Surata abrange uma ampla gama de tópicos, incluindo histórias de nações anteriores, lições da vida do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) e orientação para os crentes.
A Surah (capítulo) começa enfatizando a importância de ter fé em Deus e seguir Sua orientação. Ela destaca que Allah (Deus) é o único Deus verdadeiro e incentiva os crentes a se submeterem completamente a Ele.
Um aspecto significativo da Surah Ali 'Imran é seu foco no Profeta Jesus (Isa) (que a paz esteja com ele) e em sua família. Ela menciona o nascimento milagroso de Jesus (que a paz esteja com ele) para sua mãe Maryam (Maria) (que Deus esteja satisfeito com ela) e esclarece que ele foi um profeta enviado por Deus, não o próprio divino. A Surah enfatiza que todos os profetas são escolhidos por Deus para transmitir Sua mensagem à humanidade.
Outro tema importante desse capítulo é o conceito de unidade entre os muçulmanos. Ele incentiva os crentes a permanecerem unidos, evitarem divisões e trabalharem juntos em prol do Islã. A Surata também aborda algumas concepções errôneas sobre o Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz) e o defende contra falsas acusações feitas por seus oponentes.
Além disso, a Surata Ali 'Imran fornece orientação sobre vários aspectos da vida, como casamento, relações familiares, interações sociais e conduta moral. Ela enfatiza a importância de buscar conhecimento, manter a paciência em momentos desafiadores e contar com a ajuda de Deus em todos os assuntos.
Em resumo, a Surah Ali 'Imran oferece ensinamentos valiosos para os muçulmanos com relação à fé em Deus, ao seguimento de Sua orientação, à unidade entre os crentes, à compreensão correta da Profecia e à condução de uma vida justa com base nos princípios islâmicos.
Alcorão em português (brasileiro) Capítulo 3 Áudio e texto:
Traduzido de: Alcorão em inglês por Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
イスラームにおける人権と そこに蔓延する誤解著者はこの小冊子の中で、ムスリムにとっての2大法源であるクルアーンとスンナに基づき、人権のテーマを論じています。知識を求めること、困難な時に忍耐を保つこと、すべての事柄において神の助けに頼ることの重要性を強調している。
日本語によるコーラン 第3章 音声とテキスト: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/3.html
翻訳 コーラン(英語):Talal Itani著 www.clearquran.org
Сура Аль-Бакара, которая является второй главой Корана, имеет огромное значение в исламской вере. Это одна из самых длинных глав Корана, которая охватывает широкий круг тем, актуальных как для отдельных людей, так и для общества в целом.
Сура (глава) начинается с вступления, в котором подчеркивается важность руководства от Бога и награды для тех, кто верит и следует Его учениям. Затем в ней рассказываются различные истории из жизни различных пророков, в том числе Адама, Ибрахима (Авраама), Мусы (Моисея) и многих других.
Во всей суре "Аль-Бакара" делается сильный акцент на единобожии и важности поклонения только Богу. В ней также содержатся наставления по таким вопросам, как молитва, пост, благотворительность, паломничество и социальная справедливость. В суре рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с семейной жизнью, деловыми операциями, этикой и управлением.
Кроме того, сура "Аль-Бакара" содержит стихи, устанавливающие законы, связанные с наследованием, брачными контрактами, процедурами развода и финансовыми операциями. Эти предписания направлены на обеспечение честности и справедливости в обществе.
В целом сура Аль-Бакара служит для мусульман всеобъемлющим руководством в повседневной жизни, позволяющим придерживаться исламских принципов. Ее учение дает ценные знания о нравственности, духовности, социальном взаимодействии, личностном развитии и повиновении Божьим заповедям.
Коран на русском языке Глава 2 Аудио и текст: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/2_26.html
Перевод с английского: Коран на английском языке Талала Итани. www.clearquran.org
Сура Аль-Фатиха (глава 1 Корана), одна из первых сур Корана, имеет большое значение для мусульман. Она считается открытием Корана и часто читается в молитве. Аль-Фатиха" - короткая сура, состоящая из семи стихов и несущая в себе глубокий смысл.
Название суры "Аль-Фатиха" означает "открытие" или "начало". Это название объясняется тем, что сура находится в начале Корана. Основные темы суры "Аль-Фатиха" - восхваление Бога, молитва к Нему и обращение к Нему за руководством.
Первый стих суры начинается со слов "Бисмилляхиррахманиррахим", что означает "Во имя Бога, Милостивого и Милосердного". Эта фраза напоминает мусульманам о необходимости обращаться к Богу в любом деле и является знаком благополучного начала.
В суре "Аль-Фатиха" также затрагиваются следующие темы:
1. Восхваление: В суре воздается хвала Богу и воспевается Его безграничное могущество, милость и благодать.
2. Молитва: В этой суре мусульмане молят Бога о руководстве, прощении и помощи.
3. В суре также содержится просьба о прощении и отпущении грехов. Мусульмане просят у Бога прощения за прошлые ошибки и наставления, чтобы следовать правильным путем в будущем.
Сура Аль-Фатиха играет основополагающую роль в молитве мусульман. Читаемая в начале молитвы, она подчеркивает духовное измерение поклонения.
Переведено с: Коран на английском языке Талала Итани. www.clearquran.org
La sourate Al-Baqarah, qui est le deuxième chapitre du Coran, revêt une grande importance dans la foi islamique. C'est l'un des plus longs chapitres du Coran et il couvre un large éventail de sujets qui concernent à la fois les individus et la société dans son ensemble.
La sourate (chapitre) commence par une introduction soulignant l'importance de la guidance de Dieu et les récompenses pour ceux qui croient et suivent ses enseignements. Elle se penche ensuite sur les histoires de différents prophètes, dont Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moïse) et bien d'autres.
Tout au long de la sourate Al-Baqarah, l'accent est mis sur le monothéisme et l'importance de n'adorer que Dieu. Elle fournit également des conseils sur des sujets tels que la prière, le jeûne, la charité, le pèlerinage et la justice sociale. La sourate aborde des questions liées à la vie familiale, aux transactions commerciales, à l'éthique et à la gouvernance.
En outre, la sourate Al-Baqarah contient des versets qui établissent des lois relatives à l'héritage, aux contrats de mariage, aux procédures de divorce et aux transactions financières. Ces directives visent à promouvoir l'équité et la justice au sein de la société.
Dans l'ensemble, la sourate Al-Baqarah sert de guide complet aux musulmans pour les aider à mener leur vie quotidienne tout en adhérant aux principes islamiques. Ses enseignements offrent un éclairage précieux sur la moralité, la spiritualité, les interactions sociales, le développement personnel et l'obéissance aux commandements de Dieu.
Coran en français Chapitre 2 Audio et Texte : https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/coran-audio-traduction-francaise_16.html
Traduit de : Coran en anglais par Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
La sourate Al-Fatiha (chapitre 1 du Coran), l'une des premières sourates du Coran, revêt une grande importance pour les musulmans. Elle est considérée comme l'ouverture du Coran et est souvent récitée dans la prière. Al-Fatiha est une sourate courte, composée de sept versets, dont le contenu est lourd de sens.
Le nom de la sourate, "Al-Fatiha", signifie "l'ouverture" ou "le commencement". Ce nom provient du fait que la sourate se trouve au début du Coran. Les principaux thèmes de la sourate Al-Fatiha sont la louange de Dieu, la prière et la recherche de sa guidance.
Le premier verset de la sourate commence par "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim", ce qui signifie "Au nom de Dieu, le Tout Miséricordieux et le Très Miséricordieux". Cette phrase rappelle aux musulmans qu'ils doivent se tourner vers Dieu dans toutes leurs activités et qu'elle est le signe d'un début sûr.
La sourate Al-Fatiha aborde également les sujets suivants :
1. La louange : La sourate loue Dieu et exalte son pouvoir infini, sa miséricorde et sa grâce.
2. La prière : Dans cette sourate, les musulmans prient Dieu de les guider, de leur pardonner et de les aider.
3. La sourate comprend également une demande de pardon et de rémission des péchés. Les musulmans demandent à Dieu de leur pardonner leurs erreurs passées et de les guider pour qu'ils suivent le bon chemin à l'avenir.
La sourate Al-Fatiha joue un rôle fondamental dans la prière des musulmans. Récitée au début de la prière, elle met l'accent sur la dimension spirituelle du culte.
Traduit de : Coran en anglais par Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Contenu islamique en langue française: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/coran-audio-traduction-francaise.html
它还提供了两个例子--公元 79 年维苏威火山的爆发摧毁了古罗马城市庞贝。它强调了庞贝人是如何骄傲自大并最终毁灭的,以此提醒我们必须向过去的国家学习。另一个例子是 1912 年的泰坦尼克号灾难,这艘被誉为永不沉没的轮船在首航时沉没,造成 1500 多人死亡。这表明人们无法逃避上帝设定的命运。
1. 这一集举了哪些例子来说明人们的生活会发生意想不到的变化?
2. 这一集提到了人类生活不完美的哪些证据?
3. 这一集说人们往往忽视或拒绝接受自己的什么问题?
4. 这一集说老年对人体的感官和器官有什么影响?
5. 这一集提到了哪些自然灾害?
6. 本集中提到的两起往事是什么?
7. 关于这个世界的生活,主要的信息或教训是什么?
8. 根据这一情节,死后身体会发生什么变化?
Esse episódio fala sobre a natureza transitória e as imperfeições da vida humana e a impotência do homem. Ele discute como as pessoas podem adoecer ou morrer inesperadamente a qualquer momento, apesar de sua juventude, beleza ou sucesso. Acidentes podem tirar vidas a qualquer momento. São destacados os efeitos humilhantes da velhice, em que a beleza e a força desaparecem com o tempo.
Esse episódio também discute vários desastres naturais que podem ocorrer, como impactos de meteoros, erupções vulcânicas, terremotos, enchentes, tsunamis, furacões e tornados. Ele observa que, embora a tecnologia moderna e as precauções sejam tomadas, os grandes desastres ainda podem ocorrer inesperadamente e causar destruição generalizada. Nosso planeta é frágil e os seres humanos são vulneráveis a esses eventos catastróficos que servem como lembretes de nossa mortalidade.
Além disso, o episódio discute a morte e como ela é inevitável para todos os seres humanos. Ele menciona como as pessoas tentam evitar pensar em suas próprias mortes, mas a morte está ao nosso redor. Também fala sobre o que acontece com o corpo após a morte por meio de imagens térmicas. Afirma que, após a morte, a pessoa será ressuscitada e julgada por Deus, e aqueles que acreditam Nele encontrarão o paraíso, enquanto os descrentes serão punidos. Ele fala sobre como a vida neste mundo é temporária e que a única coisa eterna é Deus.
Também fornece dois exemplos - a destruição da antiga cidade romana de Pompéia pela erupção do Monte Vesúvio em 79 d.C. Ele destaca como o povo de Pompéia se orgulhou e foi destruído como um lembrete de que devemos aprender com as nações do passado. O outro exemplo fala sobre o desastre do Titanic em 1912, quando o navio considerado inafundável afundou em sua viagem inaugural, matando mais de 1.500 pessoas. Isso mostrou que as pessoas não podem evitar o destino estabelecido por Deus.
1. Quais são alguns exemplos dados no episódio para mostrar como a vida das pessoas pode mudar inesperadamente?
2. Que prova o episódio menciona sobre a natureza imperfeita da vida humana?
3. Que questão o episódio diz que as pessoas tendem a ignorar ou se recusam a aceitar sobre si mesmas?
4. Quais efeitos o episódio diz que a velhice tem sobre os sentidos e os órgãos do corpo humano?
5. Quais são alguns dos desastres naturais mencionados no episódio?
6. Quais são os dois exemplos de incidentes passados mencionados no episódio?
7. Qual é a principal mensagem ou lição destacada sobre a vida neste mundo?
8. De acordo com esse episódio, o que acontece com o corpo após a morte?
Este episodio habla de la naturaleza transitoria y las imperfecciones de la vida humana y de la impotencia del hombre. Habla de cómo la gente puede enfermar o morir inesperadamente en cualquier momento a pesar de su juventud, belleza o éxito. Los accidentes pueden acabar con la vida en cualquier momento. Se destacan los efectos humillantes de la vejez, donde la belleza y la fuerza se desvanecen con el tiempo.
En este episodio también se habla de las diversas catástrofes naturales que pueden ocurrir, como impactos de meteoritos, erupciones volcánicas, terremotos, inundaciones, tsunamis, huracanes y tornados. En él se señala que, aunque se tomen precauciones y se utilice la tecnología moderna, las grandes catástrofes pueden seguir ocurriendo de forma inesperada y causar una destrucción generalizada. Nuestro planeta es frágil y los seres humanos son vulnerables a estas catástrofes que nos recuerdan nuestra mortalidad.
Además, el episodio habla de la muerte y de cómo es inevitable para todos los seres humanos. Menciona cómo la gente intenta evitar pensar en su propia muerte, pero la muerte está a nuestro alrededor. También habla de lo que le ocurre al cuerpo después de la muerte mediante imágenes térmicas. Afirma que después de la muerte, una persona será resucitada y juzgada por Dios, y los que creyeron en Él encontrarán el paraíso mientras que los incrédulos serán castigados. Habla de que la vida de este mundo es temporal y lo único eterno es Dios.
También ofrece dos ejemplos: la destrucción de la antigua ciudad romana de Pompeya por la erupción del Vesubio en el año 79 de nuestra era. Destaca cómo el pueblo de Pompeya se enorgulleció y fue destruido como recordatorio de que debemos aprender de las naciones pasadas. El otro ejemplo se refiere a la catástrofe del Titanic en 1912, en la que el barco considerado insumergible se hundió en su viaje inaugural matando a más de 1.500 personas. Esto demostró que la gente no puede evitar el destino fijado por Dios.
1. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los ejemplos que se dan en el episodio para mostrar cómo la vida de las personas puede cambiar inesperadamente?
2. Qué pruebas menciona el episodio sobre la naturaleza imperfecta de la vida humana?
3. Qué cuestión dice el episodio que la gente tiende a ignorar o se niega a aceptar sobre sí misma?
4. 4. ¿Qué efectos tiene la vejez en los sentidos y órganos del cuerpo humano?
5. 5. ¿Cuáles son algunos de los desastres naturales mencionados en el episodio?
6. 6. ¿Cuáles son los dos ejemplos de incidentes pasados que se mencionan en este episodio?
7. ¿Cuál es el principal mensaje o lección que se destaca sobre la vida de este mundo?
8. 8. ¿Qué le ocurre al cuerpo después de la muerte según este episodio?
Diese Episode spricht über die Vergänglichkeit und Unvollkommenheit des menschlichen Lebens und die Hilflosigkeit des Menschen. Es wird erörtert, wie Menschen trotz ihrer Jugend, ihrer Schönheit oder ihres Erfolgs jederzeit unerwartet krank werden oder sterben können. Unfälle können jederzeit das Leben kosten. Die demütigenden Auswirkungen des Alters werden hervorgehoben, wo Schönheit und Stärke mit der Zeit schwinden.
In dieser Folge werden auch verschiedene Naturkatastrophen wie Meteoriteneinschläge, Vulkanausbrüche, Erdbeben, Überschwemmungen, Tsunamis, Wirbelstürme und Tornados erörtert, die auftreten können. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass trotz moderner Technologie und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen große Katastrophen immer noch unerwartet auftreten und weitreichende Zerstörungen verursachen können. Unser Planet ist zerbrechlich und die Menschen sind anfällig für diese katastrophalen Ereignisse, die uns an unsere Sterblichkeit erinnern.
Darüber hinaus wird in der Episode der Tod und seine Unausweichlichkeit für alle Menschen erörtert. Es wird erwähnt, wie die Menschen versuchen, den Gedanken an ihren eigenen Tod zu vermeiden, aber der Tod ist überall um uns herum. Außerdem wird anhand von Wärmebildern gezeigt, was mit dem Körper nach dem Tod geschieht. Es wird erklärt, dass der Mensch nach dem Tod wieder auferstehen und von Gott gerichtet werden wird, und dass diejenigen, die an ihn glauben, das Paradies finden werden, während Ungläubige bestraft werden. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das Leben in dieser Welt nur vorübergehend ist und das Einzige, was ewig ist, Gott ist.
Es werden auch zwei Beispiele angeführt: die Zerstörung der antiken römischen Stadt Pompeji durch den Ausbruch des Vesuvs im Jahr 79 n. Chr. Es wird hervorgehoben, wie die Menschen in Pompeji stolz wurden und zerstört wurden, um uns daran zu erinnern, dass wir von den Völkern der Vergangenheit lernen müssen. Das andere Beispiel handelt von der Titanic-Katastrophe im Jahr 1912, bei der das als unsinkbar angepriesene Schiff auf seiner Jungfernfahrt sank und über 1500 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Dies zeigte, dass die Menschen dem von Gott bestimmten Schicksal nicht entgehen können.
1. Welche Beispiele werden in der Episode angeführt, um zu zeigen, wie sich das Leben von Menschen unerwartet verändern kann?
2. Welcher Beweis wird in der Episode für die Unvollkommenheit des menschlichen Lebens angeführt?
3. Welches Problem wird in der Episode genannt, das Menschen dazu neigen, zu ignorieren oder sich zu weigern, sich selbst zu akzeptieren?
4. Welche Auswirkungen hat das Alter laut der Episode auf die Sinne und Organe des menschlichen Körpers?
5. Welche Naturkatastrophen werden in der Episode erwähnt?
6. Welche zwei Beispiele für vergangene Ereignisse werden in dieser Episode erwähnt?
7. Was ist die wichtigste Botschaft oder Lektion, die über das Leben in dieser Welt hervorgehoben wird?
8. Was geschieht mit dem Körper nach dem Tod, wie es in dieser Episode heißt?
1. このエピソードの中で、人の人生がいかに予期せぬ変化を遂げるかを示す例をいくつか挙げてください。
2. 人間の人生の不完全性について、このエピソードはどのような証明をしていますか?
3. このエピソードは、人々が自分自身について無視したり受け入れようとしない傾向があると述べているが、それはどのような問題か?
4. 老いが人体の感覚や器官に及ぼす影響とは?
5. エピソードに登場する自然災害にはどのようなものがありますか?
6. このエピソードで言及されている過去の事件にはどのようなものがありますか?
7. この世の生活について強調されている主なメッセージや教訓は何ですか?
8. このエピソードによると、死後肉体はどうなりますか?
This episode talks about the transitory nature and imperfections of human life and the helplessness of man. It discusses how people can fall ill or die unexpectedly anytime despite their youth, beauty or success. Accidents can take lives anytime. The humbling effects of old age are highlighted where beauty and strength fades away with time.
This episode also discusses various natural disasters that can occur such as meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes. It notes that although modern technology and precautions are taken, major disasters can still occur unexpectedly and cause widespread destruction. Our planet is fragile and humans are vulnerable to these catastrophic events which serve as reminders of our mortality.
In addition, the episode discusses death and how it is inevitable for all humans. It mentions how people try to avoid thinking about their own deaths but death is all around us. It also talks about what happens to the body after death through thermal imaging. It states that after death, a person will be resurrected and judged by God, and those who believed in Him will find paradise while disbelievers will be punished. It talks about how the life of this world is temporary and the only thing that is eternal is God.
It also provides two examples - the destruction of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. It highlights how the people of Pompeii grew proud and were destroyed as a reminder that we must learn from past nations. The other example talks about the Titanic disaster in 1912 where the ship touted as unsinkable sank on its maiden voyage killing over 1500 people. This showed that people cannot avoid the destiny set by God.
1. What are some examples given in the episode to show how people's lives can change unexpectedly?
2. What proof does the episode mention about the imperfect nature of human life?
3. What issue does the episode say people tend to ignore or refuse to accept about themselves?
4. What effects does the episode say old age has on senses and organs of the human body?
5. What are some of the natural disasters mentioned in the episode?
6. What are the two examples of past incidents mentioned in this episode?
7. What is the main message or lesson highlighted about the life of this world?
8. What happens to the body after death according to this episode?
巴卡拉经》又称 "小母牛",是《古兰经》的第二章。该章共有 286 节经文,是《古兰经》中最长的一章。它涵盖了广泛的主题,为穆斯林提供了生活各方面的指导。
古兰经》中文第 2 章音频和文本: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/2_21.html
翻译自 www.clearquran.org
古兰经》第一章,阿拉伯语称为 "开端 "或 al-Fatihah,对全世界的穆斯林都具有重大意义。它被认为是整部《古兰经》的精髓,在穆斯林的每个单元祷告中都要诵读。
然后,"开示 "向真主寻求指引,认识到真正的指引只能来自真主。它强调了寻求真主的帮助和依靠真主的无穷智慧来应对人生挑战的重要性。
总的来说,"开篇 "定下了谦逊、依靠真主指引和承认真主主权的基调。它提醒穆斯林向真主寻求力量,并在生活的各个方面寻求真主的怜悯。
古兰经》中文版(音频和文本): https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/1.html
翻译自 古兰经》英文版,作者:塔拉勒-伊塔尼。www.clearquran.org
O episódio discute vários ensinamentos do Profeta Muhammad (que Deus o abençoe e lhe conceda paz), conforme mencionado no Alcorão. Fala sobre como ele enfatizou o tawhid (monoteísmo islâmico), transmitiu que somente Deus merece ser adorado e é o Criador e Controlador de todas as coisas. O Profeta advertiu as pessoas contra a associação de parceiros a Deus e as informou que ninguém pode prejudicar ou beneficiar outra pessoa sem a vontade de Deus. Ele lembrou as pessoas da importância da oração, da prática de boas ações e da gratidão a Deus. O episódio também menciona alguns dos lembretes do Profeta, como o fato de ninguém saber a hora do Dia do Juízo, exceto Deus, aprender com o fim das nações descrentes anteriores, o fato de a outra vida ser verdadeira e a morte não ser o fim.
In dieser Folge werden verschiedene Lehren des Propheten Muhammad (möge Gott ihn segnen und ihm Frieden gewähren) erörtert, wie sie im Koran erwähnt werden. Es geht darum, wie er den Tawheed (islamischen Monotheismus) betonte und vermittelte, dass nur Gott allein es verdient, angebetet zu werden, und dass er der Schöpfer und Lenker aller Dinge ist. Der Prophet warnte die Menschen davor, Gott Partner zur Seite zu stellen, und wies sie darauf hin, dass niemand einem anderen ohne Gottes Willen Schaden oder Nutzen zufügen kann. Er erinnerte die Menschen daran, wie wichtig es ist, zu beten, gute Taten zu vollbringen und Gott dankbar zu sein. In der Episode werden auch einige der Mahnungen des Propheten erwähnt, wie z. B. dass niemand außer Gott den Zeitpunkt des Jüngsten Gerichts kennt, dass man aus dem Ende früherer ungläubiger Völker lernen kann, dass das Jenseits wahr ist und dass der Tod nicht das Ende ist.
イスラームにおける人権と そこに蔓延する誤解著者はこの小冊子の中で、ムスリムにとっての2大法源であるクルアーンとスンナに基づき、人権のテーマを論じています。預言者ムハンマド(かれに平安と神のご加護がありますように)は、クルアーンに記されているいくつかの教えの中で、タヒード(イスラームにおける一神教)を強調し、神のみが崇拝に値し、万物の創造者であり支配者であることを説いた。預言者は人々に、神とパートナーを結びつけることを戒め、誰も神の意志なしに他を害することも利益を得ることもできないことを伝えた。彼は人々に、祈り、善行を行い、神に感謝することの大切さを思い出させた。このエピソードでは、審判の日の時刻は神の他には誰も知らないこと、以前の不信心な国々の末路から学ぶこと、来世は真実であること、死は終わりではないことなど、預言者の訓戒についても述べられている。
1. アッラーとその預言者とは誰か?
2. 預言者は神について何を強調し、何を宣言しましたか。
3. 預言者は人々に何を警告したのか。
4. 預言者の教えには、どのようなものがありますか。
El episodio trata varios aspectos del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz). Habla de cómo recalcaba que sólo era un ser humano y no divino. Menciona versículos en los que afirma que no pide ningún salario ni recompensa por transmitir el mensaje de Dios. Recordaba a la gente que era responsable de transmitir el mensaje con claridad y guiar a la gente por el camino correcto. Sin embargo, el éxito final depende de Dios. Decía a la gente que los que buscaban orientación debían seguirle y obedecerle, pues ése era el único camino hacia la salvación.
El episodio trata de cómo el profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) transmitió el monoteísmo islámico y se sometió por completo sólo a Dios. Recordó a su pueblo que Dios es la única deidad y creador de los cielos y la tierra. Declaró que ninguno de los ídolos o falsos dioses que la gente asignaba como compañeros de Dios poseía poder o control alguno sobre nada. El Profeta advirtió que seguir cualquier religión que no fuera la completa sumisión a Dios solo conduciría al castigo en el fuego del infierno. Afirmó que el conocimiento de lo oculto/futuro sólo lo tiene Dios. El Profeta dijo a su pueblo que no adoraría a ningún otro dios aparte del único Dios verdadero y que no seguiría a los incrédulos ni transigiría en su fe.
El Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) predicó a su pueblo sobre la unicidad y la grandeza de Dios. Explicó cómo Dios ha creado todo a propósito y controla todas las cosas. Advirtió a su pueblo de que no asociara compañeros a Dios. El Profeta les recordó que nadie puede perjudicar o beneficiar a otro sin la voluntad de Dios. Declaró que Dios perdona a quienes se arrepienten y buscan el perdón. El Profeta dijo a su pueblo que seguir sólo el camino de Dios conduce a la salvación.
El Profeta afirmó que la perfección lingüística del Corán y su revelación divina demostraban que no podía ser obra humana. Transmitió que el Corán sirve de guía a los musulmanes y recordó a la gente que debía estar agradecida por la fe. El Profeta subrayó la importancia de la oración, instó a la gente a rezar a Dios y explicó que, el Día del Juicio, los individuos sólo serán responsables de sus propios actos. Aclaró que Dios es el único protector y que ningún otro ser puede ayudar como Dios.
El episodio también analiza varias enseñanzas y recordatorios del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz). Algunos de los puntos clave tratados son
- Sólo Dios conoce el momento del Día del Juicio, los profetas sólo pueden advertir a la gente de su proximidad.
- Los incrédulos que niegan el Más Allá serán testigos del poder de Dios el Día del Juicio y se someterán a Él.
- La gente debe aprender del final de las naciones incrédulas del pasado que se opusieron a los mensajeros de Dios.
- La muerte no es el final, sino el regreso a Dios, donde la gente rendirá cuentas de sus actos.
- Los beneficios de la otra vida superan con creces los placeres temporales de este mundo.
- Los incrédulos que niegan la resurrección serán ciertamente resucitados y cuestionados.
- Nadie puede escapar a la muerte ni posponer el momento determinado por Dios.
- Advertencia para quienes valoran las posesiones mundanas por encima de la aprobación de Dios.
- Los incrédulos serán finalmente derrotados, mientras que los creyentes saldrán victoriosos con la ayuda de Dios.
El episodio comparte enseñanzas del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) mencionadas en el Corán. Habla de cómo el Profeta declaró que quienes temen a Dios alcanzarán el paraíso. El Profeta ordenó a su pueblo que fuera justo y dijo que sólo Dios rescata al hombre de las aflicciones. Invitó a la gente a adorar sólo a Dios y dijo que los nombres más hermosos pertenecen a Dios. El Profeta advirtió a quienes no creyeran en los versículos de Dios que irían al infierno y declaró que el infierno es un lugar donde los incrédulos permanecerán por toda la eternidad.
The episode discusses several aspects of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). It talks about how he emphasized that he was only a human being and not divine. It mentions verses where he states that he does not ask for any wage or reward for delivering God's message. He reminded people that he was responsible for conveying the message clearly and guiding people to the right path. However, the ultimate success lies with God. He told people that those seeking guidance should follow and obey him as that is the only path to salvation.
The episode discusses how the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) conveyed Islamic monotheism and submitted himself completely to God alone. He reminded his people that God is the only deity and creator of the heavens and earth. He declared that none of the idols or false gods people assigned as partners to God possessed any power or control over anything. The Prophet warned that following any religion other than complete submission to God alone would lead to punishment in hellfire. He stated that knowledge of the unseen/future is only known to God. The Prophet told his people he would not worship any other gods besides the one true God and would not follow the disbelievers or compromise on his faith.
The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) preached to his people about the oneness and greatness of God. He explained how God has created everything purposefully and controls all things. He warned his people not to associate partners with God. The Prophet reminded them that no one can harm or benefit another without God's will. He declared that God forgives those who repent and seek forgiveness. The Prophet told his people that following God's path alone leads to salvation.
The Prophet stated that the Quran's linguistic perfection and revelation from God proved it could not be authored by humans. He conveyed that the Quran provides guidance for Muslims and reminded people to be grateful for faith. The Prophet stressed the importance of prayer, summoned people to pray to God, and explained that on Judgment Day, individuals will be responsible only for their own deeds. He clarified that God is the sole protector and no other beings can help like God.
The episode also discusses several teachings and reminders of Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). Some of the key points discussed are:
- Only God knows the time of Day of Judgment, prophets can only warn people of its nearness.
- Disbelievers who deny the Hereafter will witness God's might on the Day of Judgment and be submissive to Him.
- People should learn from the end of past disbelieving nations who opposed God's messengers.
- Death is not the end, but a return to God where people will be accounted for their deeds.
- Benefits of afterlife far outweigh temporary pleasures of this world.
- Disbelievers who deny resurrection will certainly be resurrected and questioned.
- No one can escape death or postpone the time determined by God.
- Warning for those who value worldly possessions over God's approval.
- Disbelievers will ultimately be defeated while believers will be victorious with God's help.
The episode shared teachings from Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) as mentioned in the Quran. It discusses how the Prophet declared those who fear God will attain paradise. The Prophet commanded his people to be just and said God alone rescues man from afflictions. He summoned people to worship God alone and said the most beautiful names belong to God. The Prophet warned those who disbelieved in God's verses that they would go to hell and declared that hell is a place where disbelievers will remain for eternity.
要約すると、Surat al-Baqarahは、信仰の様々な側面と実際的な生活問題を扱うことによって、ムスリムへの包括的なガイドの役割を果たしている。その教えは、道徳的価値、宗教的義務、前世からの歴史的記述、ムスリム共同体内の結束を強調する一方で、傲慢や神の導きを無視することへの警告を含んでいる。
日本語によるコーラン 第2章 音声とテキスト: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/2.html
翻訳 Talal Itani著『コーラン・イン・イングリッシュ』 www.clearquran.org
コーランの第1章は、アラビア語で "The Opening "またはアル・ファティーハとして知られ、世界中のイスラム教徒にとって非常に重要な意味を持つ。この章はクルアーン全体のエッセンスであると考えられており、ムスリムの祈りのすべての単位で暗唱される。
全体として、"The Opening "は、謙虚さ、神の導きへの信頼、神の主権を認めるというトーンになっている。イスラム教徒にとって、人生のあらゆる局面において、神に力を求め、神の慈悲を求めることを思い起こさせるものとなっている。
翻訳 Talal Itaniによる英語のコーラン www.clearquran.org.
The episode discusses how verses from the Quran appear to reference the sun eventually using up all its fuel and expiring in the future. It discusses scientific research showing that the sun generates heat through nuclear fusion, which can only last as long as it has hydrogen to fuse into helium. Eventually the sun will run out of hydrogen fuel and the nuclear reactions will stop, causing the sun to die. The episode cites sources like NASA and National Geographic documentaries discussing how the sun will grow hotter and expand as it ages, evaporating oceans and destroying life on Earth before collapsing into a white dwarf. It argues this shows remarkable knowledge about the sun's life cycle and expiry was revealed in the Quran over 1400 years ago.
1. What is the Arabic term in the Quran that refers to the sun's appointed time or place?
2. What will the sun eventually turn into after exhausting its hydrogen fuel?
3. What will happen to Earth as the sun grows older and expands according to the sources cited?
Surat al-Baqarah, também conhecida como "A novilha", é o segundo capítulo do Alcorão. Esse capítulo consiste em 286 versículos e é o capítulo mais longo do Alcorão. Ele abrange uma ampla gama de tópicos e fornece orientação para os muçulmanos sobre vários aspectos da vida.
O capítulo começa com uma introdução que enfatiza a importância da crença em Deus e a orientação fornecida pelo Alcorão. Em seguida, ele se aprofunda em histórias da história islâmica, incluindo as de Adão e Eva, Moisés e Abraão. Essas histórias servem como lições para os crentes sobre fé, obediência aos mandamentos de Deus e as consequências da desobediência.
Outro tema significativo da Surat al-Baqarah é a importância de seguir os rituais e as leis religiosas. Ela descreve várias obrigações, como a oração, o jejum durante o Ramadã, a caridade e a realização do Hajj (peregrinação). O capítulo também aborda questões relacionadas ao consumo de alimentos, leis de casamento, transações financeiras e responsabilidades sociais.
A Surat al-Baqarah também enfatiza o conceito de unidade dentro das comunidades muçulmanas e desencoraja a divisão ou o sectarismo. Ela incentiva os crentes a trabalharem juntos por objetivos comuns, mantendo a justiça e a compaixão uns com os outros.
Além disso, esse capítulo adverte contra a arrogância e a teimosia em aceitar a orientação divina. Ele destaca exemplos de nações do passado que ignoraram as mensagens dos profetas, resultando em sua queda.
Em resumo, a Surat al-Baqarah (Capítulo 2 do Alcorão) serve como um guia abrangente para os muçulmanos, abordando vários aspectos da fé e assuntos da vida prática. Seus ensinamentos abrangem valores morais, obrigações religiosas, relatos históricos de gerações anteriores, além de enfatizar a unidade dentro das comunidades muçulmanas, alertando contra a arrogância ou a ignorância da orientação divina.
O primeiro capítulo do Alcorão, conhecido como "A Abertura" ou al-Fatihah em árabe, tem grande significado para os muçulmanos em todo o mundo. Ele é considerado a essência de todo o Alcorão e é recitado em todas as unidades da oração muçulmana.
O capítulo consiste em sete versículos e serve como uma bela introdução aos temas e ensinamentos encontrados em todo o Alcorão. Ele começa louvando e reconhecendo Deus, o Criador misericordioso e compassivo de todas as coisas. Os muçulmanos acreditam que Deus não é apenas poderoso, mas também compreensivo e perdoador.
Em seguida, "A Abertura" busca a orientação de Deus, reconhecendo que a verdadeira orientação só pode vir Dele. Ela destaca a importância de buscar Sua ajuda e confiar em Sua infinita sabedoria para enfrentar os desafios da vida.
Nesse capítulo, os muçulmanos também reconhecem sua dependência de Deus para sustento e orientação, reconhecendo que, sem o Seu apoio, estariam perdidos. Eles expressam seu desejo de seguir o caminho reto estabelecido por Ele.
De modo geral, "The Opening" estabelece um tom de humildade, confiança na orientação de Deus e reconhecimento de Sua soberania. Serve como um lembrete para que os muçulmanos se voltem para Ele em busca de força e busquem Sua misericórdia em todos os aspectos da vida.
Traduzido de: Alcorão em inglês por Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
This episode talks about some verses from the Quran that refers to knowledge and attributes granted to Prophets David and Solomon (peace be upon them). It mentions that the terms used in those verses like "echoing" and describing iron as soft or malleable can be references to modern radar technology. It provides explanations about how radar works using reflection of electromagnetic waves, how soft iron is used to strengthen magnetic fields and how the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) controlling the winds could indicate controlling electromagnetic signals. It notes that the Quran remarkably described principles of advanced technology like radar centuries before their invention.
1. What verses from the Quran are mentioned in the episode as referring to knowledge granted to Prophets David and Solomon (peace be upon them)?
2. What term used in one of the Quranic verses that refers to echoing is believed to be reminiscent of the operating principle of radar technology?
3. What property of iron mentioned in one of the verses and what does it indicate about iron's use in radar and satellite technology according to the context?
4. What is mentioned in the episode as reference to how the Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) controlling the winds could indicate?
5. What does radar technology do according to the episode?
This episode talks about how verse 23-25 from Surah Maryam (chapter 19) in the Quran describes how Mary (peace be upon her) shook the palm tree during labor which facilitated her birth process. It discusses how modern medicine shows that squeezing or pulling on objects during labor helps the baby's movement through the birth canal by using the same muscles. It mentions how a U-shaped bar called a "squat bar" is used today during labor to help with squatting motions, keeping the mother immobile, and allowing for more room in the pelvis through expansion and contraction. The shaking of the palm tree branches by Mary (peace be upon her) similarly helped her birth process through this pulling and movement.
1. What Surah and verses from the Quran are mentioned in the episode?
2. What object does modern medicine show can help facilitate labor when squeezed or pulled on?
3. What is the U-shaped bar used during labor called?
4. How did shaking the palm tree branches help Mary (peace be upon her) according to the episode?
1. http://pregnancy.about.com/cs/laborbasics/a/squatting.htm
2. http://parenting.ivillage.com/pregnancy/plabor/0,,midwife_8swr,00.html?iv_arrivalSA=
In dieser Folge werden einige Schlüsseleigenschaften Gottes anhand von Versen aus dem Koran erörtert. Es wird erklärt, dass Gott das Universum und alles darin, einschließlich der Menschen, erschaffen hat. Er ist der Erste und wird der Letzte sein. Das Universum entstand aus einer Explosion eines winzigen Punktes vor Milliarden von Jahren, was Gottes unendliche Macht zeigt. Gott versorgt die Menschen mit verschiedenen Segnungen wie Nahrung, Wasser, Luft usw. Er weiß alles, was offen oder heimlich geschieht. Gott vergibt den Menschen, wenn sie für ihre Fehler Buße tun. Er heilt Menschen, wenn sie krank sind, wenn er es will.
Wer hat die Menschen und alles andere im Universum erschaffen?
Wie ist das Universum nach den Erkenntnissen der modernen Wissenschaft entstanden?
Welche Segnungen erwähnt Gott für die Menschen?
Wie viel Wissen hat Gott?
Was sollten Menschen tun, wenn sie Fehler machen?
Este episodio analiza algunos atributos clave de Dios basándose en versículos del Corán. Explica que Dios creó el universo y todo lo que hay en él, incluidos los seres humanos. Él es el Primero y será el Último. Dios proporciona a los seres humanos diversas bendiciones, como alimentos, agua, aire, etc. Sabe todo lo que ocurre, abierta o secretamente. Dios perdona a los seres humanos cuando se arrepienten de sus errores. Si Él quiere, cura a las personas cuando están enfermas.
Este episodio discute algunos principios básicos del Islam basados en información del Corán y las enseñanzas del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz). Enfatiza que la mejor manera de entender el Islam es aprendiendo directamente del Corán y de los hadices auténticos. El Corán se considera la palabra final e inmutable de Dios, en contraste con las escrituras anteriores que fueron distorsionadas con el tiempo. Los musulmanes deben entender y aplicar el Corán junto con la Sunnah (tradiciones) del Profeta (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz). La vida del Profeta (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz) es un ejemplo para los musulmanes en la práctica de la sabiduría y la rectitud.
1. 1. ¿Cuáles son las principales fuentes para comprender el Islam?
2. Qué cualidades del Corán menciona que lo hacen diferente de las escrituras anteriores?
3. Cuál es la relación entre entender el Corán y seguir la Sunnah?
4. Sobre qué aspectos de la fe y las formas de vida ofrece orientación el Corán?
5. Según un hadiz del Profeta Muhammad (que Dios le bendiga y le conceda paz), ¿cuál se considera la mejor forma de hablar o de discurso?
This episode discusses the solidity of atoms and electron orbits mentioned in the Quran. It notes that very strong structures exist even in nuclear weapons and nuclear fission/fusion processes. It suggests that the Quranic verse refers to the strength of atoms that cannot be broken, as well as the cloud-like motion of electrons orbiting the atomic nucleus, similar to how clouds move.
1. What are some examples given in the episode of very solid structures found?
2. What are the two processes mentioned for splitting and combining atoms?
3. What is the verse from the Quran being referred to?
4. How is the motion of electrons in atoms described?
5. What is the proposed interpretation of the phrase "to everything its solidity" in the verse?
1 Henrik Stapelfeldt, "Electrons Frozen in Motion", Nature, 16 December 2004, Vol. 432, pp. 809-810; Adrian Cho, "Whispering Atoms", New Scientist, 16 September 2000, Vol. 2256, p. 15; Albert Stolow, David M. Jonas, "Multidimensional Snapshots of Chemical Dynamics", Science, 10 September 2004, Vol 305, no. 5690, pp. 1575-1577.
2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_cloud
This episode discusses the Rosette Nebula, a large cloud of gas and dust in the Milky Way that appears reddish like a rose when viewed through telescopes. It mentions that modern astronomy has provided new insights into what powers the beautiful glow of the Rosette Nebula, including evidence that crashing stars within the nebula produce very hot gas. It also notes similarities between verses in the Quran that reference a "rose-colored" sight in the sky and the current appearance of the Rosette Nebula.
1. What is the Rosette Nebula and how does its appearance resemble that of a rose?
2. What new insights has modern astronomy provided about what powers the glow of the Rosette Nebula?
3. What similarities are noted between descriptions of a "rose-colored" sight in the sky mentioned in the Quran and current observations of the Rosette Nebula?
How did the endless universe we live in come into being? How did the equilibrium, harmony, and order of this universe develop? How is it that this Earth is such a fit and sheltering place for us to live in? Questions such as these have attracted attention since the dawn of the human race. The structure and order of this universe are one of the evidences of the existence of Almighty God, the supreme Creator ruling over the whole universe.
The episode discusses evidence for the Big Bang theory of the origins of the universe. It describes how observations by astronomers like Hubble showed that galaxies are moving away from each other, implying an expanding universe moving backwards in time to an initial singularity. This supported the idea that the universe began approximately 14 billion years ago in a massive explosion. Other evidence mentioned includes cosmic microwave background radiation and the relative abundances of light elements formed in the early universe.
This episode discusses how the Big Bang theory contradicted earlier ideas of a static, unchanging universe and was resisted by supporters of philosophical materialism. It discusses how the formation of order after the Big Bang points to a supernatural creator. It notes how finely tuned the expansion rate and physical constants are, and how unlikely it is that such order could arise from chance. The physics professor Stephen Hawking is quoted saying the expansion rate was extremely precise. The context argues that explosions normally cause disorder, not order, so the ordered formation of galaxies after the Big Bang implies intelligent design. It discusses how the Big Bang overturned the idea of eternal matter and proved the universe had a beginning. This Creator must exist outside the universe and created both matter and time.
Surah al-Ahqaf (chapter 46) is one of the surahs found in the Qur'an. It is the 46th surah and consists of 35 verses. The surah is called "al-Ahqaf" which means "the sand dunes" because in this surah, God tells the story of the 'Ad people who lived among the sand dunes.
Surah al-Ahqaf contains important teachings to mankind. One of the main teachings in this surah is the oneness of God and His power as the Creator and Ruler of the universe. The verses in this surah also warn people not to disobey God's commands and not to associate Him with anything or anyone.
In addition, Surah al-Ahqaf also touches on the afterlife and the reward for good or bad deeds in the world. It invites people to believe in the treatises of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) and follow his instructions and teachings.
As Muslims, we are encouraged to read, study and gain an understanding of Surah al-Ahqaf and the messages contained therein. By deepening our knowledge of the Qur'an, we can improve our relationship with God and apply the values of each surah to our daily lives.
Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1rMfrXFFj1W5c2fZ5KQnZr?si=ef590444e74c489b
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah ar-Rahman is a surah found in the Quran and is the 55th surah (chapter). It is a Makkiyah surah, which means it was revealed in Makkah before the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) migrated to Madinah.
Surah ar-Rahman has 78 verses and is one of the most beautiful surahs full of God's majesty. The surah begins by mentioning the name of God, indicating that all praise is due to Him.
The content of Surah ar-Rahman talks a lot about the favors that God has bestowed upon mankind. The verses remind people of how great and vast God's bounties are, such as creating the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the stars, the seas, plants, animals and various other types of sustenance.
Surah ar-Rahman (Quran chapter 55) also reminds people of the importance of being grateful for these favors. The verses emphasize that everything in this world is His creation solely for the benefit of man.
The surah also highlights the afterlife as the place of retribution for man's good or bad deeds while living in the world. The verses describe the punishment of the disbelievers and the reward of the believers.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah Qaf is the 50th surah (chapter) in the Quran, consisting of 45 verses. This surah was revealed in the city of Makkah before the Prophet Muhammad's (may God bless him and grant him peace) migration to Madinah.
Surah Qaf is named after the letter Qaf which is the first letter in the first verse of this surah. This surah contains many useful messages and lessons for Muslims.
One of the main themes discussed in Surah Qaf (Quran chapter 50) is life after death and the Day of Judgment. God emphasizes that He has the power to bring people back to life after they die and reward them according to their deeds in the world.
The surah also highlights the importance of taking lessons from events in the universe as evidence of God's power. God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them with the intention that humans can derive thoughts and teachings from His creation.
In addition, Surah Qaf also conveys the message of how great the favors that God has given to humans. Humans must be grateful for all these gifts and not neglect to carry out His commands.
By listening and studying Surah Qaf, Muslims can gain a deeper understanding of the concept of the afterlife, the importance of introspection on the signs of God's greatness in the universe, and the importance of being grateful to God. This surah provides clear and valuable guidance in living life in this world with the right perspective.
In conclusion, Surah Qaf is a Qur'anic surah that discusses important themes such as the afterlife, the signs of God's greatness in the universe, and the importance of giving thanks to Him.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah al-Fath, also known as the 48th Surah of the Qur'an, is one of the surahs (chapters) that has an important meaning and message. The surah consists of 29 verses.
Surah al-Fath (Quran chapter 48) narrates the events of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah that took place in the 6th year of hijriyah. This agreement was a peace treaty between the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) and the Quraysh in Mecca. Through this agreement, Muslims were given the opportunity to visit the Temple Mount in Mecca for three days without fear of enemy attack.
Surah al-Fath also emphasizes the importance of belief in God and having firm hope in gaining victory. In addition, this surah also emphasizes the importance of brotherhood and cooperation among Muslims. It teaches the values of tolerance, mutual respect, and the importance of maintaining good relations with fellow Muslims.
By listening to Surah al-Fath, we can gain a better understanding of the main messages that God wants to convey through the surah. This surah inspires Muslims to remain energetic in the face of life's obstacles and strive to achieve victory and glory in this world and the hereafter.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah Muhammad (chapter 47) is one of the surahs found in the Quran. It consists of 38 verses and belongs to the group of Madaniyah surahs. The name "Muhammad" refers to the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) who is the messenger of God.
Surah Muhammad carries an important message about the sacrifice and patience of Muslims in upholding their religion. It also emphasizes the importance of believing in God and following the teachings of the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace).
In this surah (chapter), God reminds Muslims to obey His commands and stay away from His prohibitions. This surah also tells about the battles faced by Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his companions in upholding the religion of Islam.
Surah Muhammad also warns those who deviate from the right path and obstruct the spread of Islam. It encourages Muslims to always be patient in the face of life's challenges and tests.
The overall summary of this surah is to encourage Muslims to stick to the teachings of Islam with full sacrifice, steadfastness, and to obey the commands of God and the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace).
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
In the quest for knowledge, few questions captivate our curiosity and intrigue us quite like the origins of life itself. How did life begin? This age-old question has fascinated scientists, philosophers, and theologians for centuries. This episode, "How Did Life Begin?" delves into this enigmatic subject with meticulous research and compelling arguments.
It takes us on a captivating journey through the realms of biology, chemistry, and physics to explore the intricate mechanisms that may have sparked the emergence of life on Earth. With an insightful blend of scientific evidence and philosophical contemplation, this episode challenges conventional theories and offers intriguing alternative explanations.
Drawing upon a rich tapestry of scientific discoveries and advancements in fields such as genetics, biochemistry, and paleontology, it presents a compelling case for intelligent design as a plausible explanation for life's origins. It highlights the complexity and intricacy found in even the simplest living organisms, suggesting that their existence points towards a deliberate purpose rather than mere chance.
Moreover, this episode skillfully addresses various theories proposed by scientists throughout history while critically examining their strengths and limitations. From abiogenesis to panspermia to divine creationism – no stone is left unturned in his pursuit of unraveling this age-old mystery.
Ultimately, "How Did Life Begin?" challenges listeners/viewers to question their preconceived notions about life's origins while encouraging them to explore alternative perspectives. Whether you are an ardent believer in traditional theories or open-mindedly seeking new insights into this profound mystery, this episode is sure to ignite your curiosity and leave you pondering our place in the grand tapestry of existence.
So listen/watch into "How Did Life Begin?" and embark on a captivating journey that will expand your understanding of the origins of life, forever changing the way you perceive our remarkable existence.
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, provides profound insights into the nature and purpose of the life we lead in this world. It offers guidance and wisdom on how to navigate through the complexities of existence, reminding us that our actions in this life have consequences both in this world and the hereafter.
According to the Quran, this world is not a mere coincidence or a product of random chance. It is a carefully designed creation by God, with a purposeful intent behind it. The verses of the Quran emphasize that life in this world is temporary and transient, serving as a test for human beings to determine their faith and actions.
The Quran encourages believers to strive for righteousness and good deeds while reminding them that worldly possessions and desires are temporary distractions. It highlights the importance of seeking knowledge, showing kindness towards others, practicing patience during trials, upholding justice, and maintaining strong moral character.
Furthermore, the Quran also emphasizes accountability for one's actions in this world. It stresses that every individual will be held responsible for their choices on the Day of Judgment. The righteous will be rewarded with eternal bliss in paradise while those who transgressed will face consequences according to their deeds.
By understanding and reflecting upon these teachings from the Quran, we can find meaning and purpose in our lives amidst its challenges and uncertainties. It guides us towards living a fulfilling life based on principles such as compassion, integrity, gratitude, humility, forgiveness; leading to personal growth both spiritually and morally.
In conclusion, according to the Quran's teachings about life in this world; it emphasizes its temporary nature as a test from God where our choices matter greatly. By adhering to its guidance with sincerity and steadfastness; we can derive true fulfillment by aligning our actions with righteous values ultimately leading towards eternal salvation.
The Quran is a generous gift from God to humanity, a profound manifestation of His name, the All-Merciful and Most Merciful. It serves as the primary source through which people can learn about the true religion. As the word of God, Who created the universe and possesses perfect knowledge of all things, it is a testament to His infinite mercy. The Qur'an is truly a blessing bestowed upon us by our Lord.
In a great manifestation of His mercy, God sent down books to teach people, explain His decrees, and reveal Himself to them. Through His own words and wisdom, He enlightened them with knowledge they did not possess. God revealed that the Quran would be protected until the Day of Judgment.
The Qur'an is the last divinely revealed book of God, and His protection of it is a mercy to humanity.
The simple and clear style of the Qur'an enables everyone to understand its perfect wisdom. Therefore, individuals can learn from the contents of the Quran by reading / listening and comprehending the wisdom it imparts about life in this world and the Hereafter.
The Qur'an, which contains clear truths and serves as a reliable guide to the straight path, reveals the most authentic knowledge bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) by God. Therefore, those who adhere to the teachings of the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet (hadiths) will receive God's mercy and guidance.
He refrains from doing anything that he would not want Allah to see or hear and leads a life in the awareness that Allah is watching him. Allah is in control of all events and has predetermined our destiny, and by sincerely intending to be truly pious and remembering that He is always watching us, we can be rescued from worldly sorrows. Living with honesty, avoiding selfish interests, and preferring the morality of the Quran can lead to a life of comfort and peace in both this world and the next. This episode discusses the importance of following Allah's will in order to achieve happiness and joy. A person who knows Allah listens and sees all, strives to avoid behaviors that lead to insincerity, and acts in ways that will earn Allah's approval. By doing this, they will experience a pure, conscientious, honest and sincere life, surrounded by peace, security, and internal cheerfulness.
Allah calls on people to do what is easy and encourages them to adopt a morality that will bring them joy in this world and the Hereafter. Ultimately, following Allah's will leads to feelings of peace, security, and love.
Allah created the world for us to live in and be tested. Those who live with honesty and sincerity, humility and submission, and faith will be rewarded in the Hereafter with Paradise. Those who are wrapped in sin and evil will be repaid with Hell. No matter how much they try to convince others that they are superior in the life of the world, in the Hereafter they will be humbled and brought low.
Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and who do not live out the kind of morality and faith Allah loves, will be repaid with the continuation of the same troubles, torments and unhappiness in the Hereafter. We must make every effort to attain the morality approved by Allah, and fear the danger of Hell awaiting us. Allah warns us against wrongdoings, and the World is the place where we have the opportunity to heed the warnings and be blessed. Those who ignore the warnings are destined for Hell, a place of eternal suffering and argumentation.
People should take heed of the warning signs in the World and practice self-sacrifice in order to avoid the regret and anguish of Hell. Allah is ultimately the only one who will judge on the Day of Judgement. In this world, one should be aware of the consequences of their deeds and be grateful for the blessings they have been given; otherwise, they will be punished in the Hereafter. Those who do not behave with sincerity towards the faithful should fear being placed with unbelievers in the afterlife, as those of similar morality will be brought together in Hell for eternity.
The faithful should remain loyal to Allah and His prophets and remember that in the world and the next, they will only have these friends.
The Day of Judgment is a fearful prospect for those who have been insincere in their faith and actions. Allah will repay such people in full in the Hereafter, with punishments such as blindness, terror and debasement. To avoid such consequences, believers should strive for honesty and sincerity towards Allah and the world. Allah warns us that insincerity will be punished in the Hereafter.
We should all strive to be sincere in our behavior in order to avoid such punishment and become pious believers. Worldly actions should reflect our commitment to faith so that we may be rewarded in the afterlife.
Allah is a forgiving and merciful God, who will accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and quickly repent. The true believers, as mentioned in the Quran, are those who remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their bad actions and do not persist in insincerity. Allah knows what we divulge and what we conceal, and He will call us to account for our insincerities. Those who are arrogant, disdaining warnings and refusing to change their behavior, may be cursed and have their comprehension closed down.
The Qur'an reminds us of people who, when in distress, make their religion sincerely His and sincerely seek His help. Through this we can see that we have the power to be sincere even before we experience torment. Allah can bring down torment in the form of spiritual, material, and physical suffering for those who practice insincerity. To be on Allah's good side, people should refer to their consciences and heed warnings to be sincere. People should use the time they are given wisely and not be deceived by it, as Allah can punish them at any moment.
To avoid Allah's wrath, people should strengthen their faith and morality, and reconsider verses from the Qur'an to ensure sincerity in their lives.
Allah desires sincerity in His followers, and those who grasp this strive to explain it to others. However, some people do not respond well to admonishment and behave in ways contrary to the Quran. A sincere believer can offer advice to help their brother see his weaknesses and strive to improve himself, and if someone is invited to sincerity, they should recognize it as such and not deceive themselves and others. Allah loves those who purify themselves, and He is ever-forgiving and merciful to those who repent and put things right.
Satan, on the other hand, does his best to prevent believers from achieving true sincerity and thinking for themselves. Allah is the one who warns us of our wrongdoings and the consequences of insincerity. Those who are insincere ignore this warning, choosing instead to rely on their own opinions and avoid listening to admonitions. This attitude leads to internal conflict, worry and lack of tranquility, and can be recognized through their voice and manner of speaking. Those who fear Allah, on the other hand, are willing to take advice and learn from it. Allah expects sincerity from people in all aspects of life; from their thoughts and actions, to their words and tone of voice.
A person's tone of voice can be a sign of his insincerity when he is receiving advice or warnings; he may express a lack of trust or agreement in his speech, and become irrational in his attempts to turn the situation in his favor. This is a sign of the "rejection tone of voice" which is a manifestation of secret insincerity. Those who are sincere and humble in their words and behavior, follow the morality of the Qur'an and are conscious of Allah's presence. Those who deny the morality of the Qur'an and persist in their insincerity will be punished for their deception.
Allah demands a behavior of sincerity and honesty from people who believe in Him. A person must admit their mistakes and take effort to overcome them without wasting time. Allah uses the reminder of Hell to motivate people to think in accordance with the Qur'an. People who forget that Allah knows what is hidden in their hearts resort to affected speech and attitude to hide the truth from others.
Such behavior is unacceptable and will result in Allah's torment. Believers should listen to criticism and seek to understand it. Allah's teachings warn against hypocrisy and deceitful behavior. People who practice this type of behavior create misery for themselves by pretending to accept advice they secretly oppose. They also resort to using contrary words and expressions to deceive others.
However, Allah knows the most carefully guarded secrets they keep inside. To abide by Allah's morality, one must develop a humble and submissive behavior, and fear Allah to his utmost. Expressions in one's eyes can give away true thoughts and spiritual state, and people should strive to demonstrate honesty and live what they feel. Allah is a source of mercy and generosity for those who trust in Him. A person who acknowledges their own flaws and mistakes, and is aware of Allah's power, will not despair when given warnings or reprimanded for their behavior.
Lack of submission to Allah's will results in fear, worry, and tension as one attempts to control events in their life. Any criticism should be seen as a means of improving oneself and not as an attack. Allah is just and no one will ever suffer an injustice due to Him. Believers should remain calm and submissive in any situation, trusting in Allah's justice and power.
People with sincere faith understand that protesting with inappropriate behavior, such as slamming doors or refusing to do tasks, is not consistent with the morality of the Qur'an. Such people cannot enjoy themselves and live in a state of turmoil. The only way to find peace and happiness is to devote oneself to the morality of the Qur'an and avoid all that displeases Allah.
Allah instructs the faithful to summon others to virtue and to protect one another from wrong. They should do this by only speaking the best, and trusting that Allah will guide those He wills. The faithful wish everyone to know the beauty and true happiness of sincerity, and remind those with insincerity of the morality of the Qur'an.
The faithful have a sixth sense that allows them to sense the insincerity of people who hide their immorality from them. This sixth sense comes from Allah and allows them to recognize a person's state of morality based on their behavior, words, and the impression they give off. It is not something that can be explained with evidence, but it is felt by everyone in the room. The faithful can also tell when someone is speaking insincerely, and it is important to be honest about one's wrongdoings.
Allah alone knows the unseen, but He grants His faithful the ability to sense insincerity. A person of faith is aware that mistakes can be made, and that Allah is the only one who can truly judge someone's heart. The faithful remain cautious when forming impressions about the sincerity of others, understanding that these impressions are not evidence. Instead, they take any necessary measures to protect themselves from possible harm, knowing that only Allah can know the truth of a person's inner intentions.
PART 8 OF 8:
29. Scrupulousness Regarding Religious Observances
30. The Morality Of Religion Is In Conformity With The Natural Inclination Of Mankind
31. Believers Must Be Together And Cooperate
32. The Last Word
29. Scrupulousness Regarding Religious Observances
Prayer is an essential religious observance commanded by Allah that believers must perform 5 times a day in order to be close to Him and stay away from wickedness. The Qur'an contains many verses about the importance of prayer, and the prophets were all examples of this observance. They were commanded to perform prayer and also instructed to command their people to do the same. The times of the prayer have been specified in the Qur'an and must be done at morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night.
Through prayer, believers can remember Allah, establish a powerful spiritual bond, and live their lives according to His commandments. Prayer is an important obligation in Islam, and our Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) revealed the five prescribed prayer times of the day for Muslims to follow.
30. The Morality Of Religion Is In Conformity With The Natural Inclination Of Mankind
It is virtually impossible to control this passion and to make it disappear. It is easy to understand why Allah calls upon people to seek the help of Him alone, for He alone has the power to save them from this situation. Allah, the Creator of mankind, knows mankind's natural inclinations and provides guidance to help them live according to these values. The religion of Islam is in perfect harmony with these values, and Allah commands mankind to adhere to these values in the Qur'an. Through these values, people can attain true freedom of conscience and be content with their lives, while those who do not adhere to these values remain deprived of spiritual freedom due to the false values and criteria imposed by society.
Islam encourages people to seek help from Allah to overcome their insatiable desires and the corruption of their own souls, so that they can lead a life of satisfaction and peace. Islam is a religion that is tailored to the nature of man, providing relief from endless desires and slavery to passions. The Prophet is described as freeing people from heavy loads and chains. The religion is simple and easy to practice, with Allah desiring ease and not difficulty for His servants. Ultimately, Allah is pleased with Islam as a religion for man, and it is through faith in Him and surrender that one can attain true freedom.
31. Believers Must Be Together And Cooperate
Allah commands us to remain together and cooperate as believers. We must remember Allah's blessing to us, when He joined our hearts together and rescued us from the brink of the Fire. We must associate with those who possess similar qualities of character, such as being honorable and honest, and avoid those with wicked behavior. We must strive to be self-sacrificing and compassionate and refrain from befriending those who reject the truth of the Qur'an. Ultimately, our true friends are Allah, His Messenger, and all believers who attend their prayers, pay the welfare tax, and kneel down in worship.
32. The Last Word
This audiobook focuses on the most important facts about life: that man is created by Allah and will ultimately return to Him. Listeners should consider their goals in life, and reorient their actions and direction in light of these facts. The ultimate purpose of life is to serve Allah and turn towards Him. He is Lord of all, and those who worship and serve Him faithfully will have a happy life in this world and a blissful life in the Hereafter.
PART 7 OF 8:
25. Paradise And Hell
26. Everything Is Positive In Paradise, And Everything Is Negative In Hell
27. The Aim Is To Attain The Good Pleasure Of Allah
28. Sin And Repentance
25. Paradise And Hell
Allah offers believers the chance to experience eternal life in Paradise. The Companions of Paradise will be the victors, set apart from the Companions of the Fire, who will be punished for disobeying Allah's commands. Allah has made it possible to appreciate the beauty of Paradise by allowing us to first experience the world, where good and evil exist simultaneously. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will save the believers from the Fire and will offer them an eternity in Paradise with its rivers, couches, and delights. Allah promises Paradise to His believers as a reward for their righteous deeds. Paradise is a place of bliss and beauty, with eternal youth, flowing springs, bountiful fruits, dark-eyed maidens, and thornless lote-trees. For the companions of the right, there are maidens of like age, devoted and passionate. On the other hand, Allah warns unbelievers that they will be sent to Hell, where they will suffer punishment, including eating the tree of Zaqqum and drinking scalding water.
26. Everything Is Positive In Paradise, And Everything Is Negative In Hell
But in Paradise it will be so sweet that you will not need to add sugar. Everything is perfect. In Paradise, Allah has created an environment of positivity and beauty in which all of one's desires are fulfilled. Human souls burn with love of Allah, and there are conversations with Prophets, spouses manifested in beautiful forms, and houris. In contrast, Hell is a place of vile smells, filth, darkness, and disgusting food. In Paradise, Allah has made everything perfect and free from flaws. Everything is of the highest quality, and it is only through His grace that we can enjoy it.
27. The Aim Is To Attain The Good Pleasure Of Allah
The ultimate goal in life should be to seek Allah's good pleasure. Allah's infinite might should not be forgotten, and instead we should strive to make our religion sincerely His. The reward for achieving this good pleasure is eternal life in Paradise, while the punishment for being ungrateful and seeking the pleasure of others is eternal hellfire. The Qur'an expresses that people should conduct themselves correctly and self-sacrifice for the sole purpose of attaining Allah's good pleasure. The greatest honor and gratification man can ever attain is Allah's good pleasure, while Allah rewards believers with eternal happiness in Heaven. Ultimately, our entire life should be oriented towards one single aim - Allah's good pleasure.
28. Sin And Repentance
Allah's mercy is infinite and He always gives people the opportunity to repent and be forgiven for their sins. Repentance means asking for forgiveness and being committed to never committing the same sin again. Although a person may fall back into sinning after repenting, Allah will forgive him if he is sincere. He will not accept an insincere repentance and warns those who think they can repent later.
The Quran is the primary source of knowledge for Muslims and it provides a deep understanding of God. In the Quran, God is described as the Almighty and All-Knowing Creator. He created the universe and everything in it with certain wisdom.
God is also described as the Most Compassionate and Merciful. He is always present to hear the prayers and supplications of His servants. The Quran teaches us to fully surrender to Him, trust His plans, and hope in His mercy and kindness.
In addition, the Quran also teaches us about God's justice. He provides fair guidance for mankind. God judges each of our deeds based on our own intentions and deeds. He does not look at a person's social status or wealth, but rather their sincerity and effort in worshipping Him.
Through the Quran, we also learn about patience in facing life's trials. God tests His servants with different tests so that they can improve their faith. Taking examples from the Quran, we are taught to be patient in the face of adversity and believe that all such tests are part of a greater plan from God.
By studying the Quran about God, Muslims can gain a deep insight into His attributes. The Quran guides our lives and helps us develop a closer relationship with God.
On the Day of Judgment, this world will come to an end. Allah is the Creator of the world and all that is in it. Life in this world is a short trial, and after death, humans will live on into eternity, either in Paradise or Hell, depending on their faith in Allah and observance of His limits.
The purpose of life is the life in the Hereafter, where one will be judged according to their deeds and receive either reward or punishment. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will bring an end to the physical existence of the world, unleashing a chain of disasters and rendering physical laws ineffective.
He has given us life and the world for us to live in. We should remember our duties and responsibilities towards Allah and use this life to make sure we are rewarded with Paradise in the Hereafter. Allah will judge all humans at the end of their lives based on their deeds. The believers will be rewarded in the afterlife whereas the disbelievers will be punished.
Everyone will receive justice and be accountable for their actions in life. Allah is the ultimate ruler of the world and His justice will prevail.
Part 6 of 8:
21. Belief In The Hereafter
22. Faith In The Day Of Judgment
23. The Resurrection
24. The Day Of Judgment.
Believers are those who believe and follow the teachings of God sincerely in all aspects of their lives. They have a strong belief in the truth of the Quran as their life guide.
Believers in the Qur'an are also given noble traits and characteristics. They are people who are patient in the face of trials and difficulties, and remain grateful to God in any circumstances. They also always keep themselves from sinning, and always remember and get closer to God through worship.
In addition, the Qur'an also provides concrete examples of believers such as Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who had unwavering faith, Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) who was loyal to his religion despite being faced with severe trials, and Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) as the main example for Muslims.
The Quran provides an in-depth explanation of the importance of being a believer. It states that only with firm faith can we achieve true happiness in this world and in the hereafter.
Therefore, as Muslims we need to constantly reflect on these verses of the Qur'an to increase our faith and live our lives in accordance with its teachings. We should strive to become believers who are obedient and pious to God and carry out the duties of faith with gratitude and sincerity.
The Garden (Paradise) is one of the concepts often mentioned in the Quran. According to Islamic teachings, the Paradise is a beautiful and perfect place provided by God for believers and pious people.
In the Quran, the description of the Paradise is described with great beauty and pleasure. It is described as a place with rivers flowing underneath, dense fruit trees, and various types of food and drink that are abundant.
In addition, the paradise or heaven is also said to have ideal weather conditions with cool temperatures and soothing winds. There is no fatigue or weariness, and no sickness or disease.
It also promises a life without darkness or sorrow. People in it will live in eternal bliss with their families. They will experience peace of mind and tranquility of heart.
In the Quran, it is emphasized that only those who obey God and carry out His commands well are entitled to enter the Garden. Thus, the concept of the Garden or heaven in the Quran teaches Muslims to live with piety and devotion so that they can reach the most beautiful place in the afterlife.
Surah al-Jathiyah (Quran chapter 45) consists of 37 verses. Surah al-Jathiyah carries the main theme of faith in God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. This surah (chapter) also invites people to contemplate the signs of God's greatness seen in His creation, such as natural phenomena, life on earth, and historical events that have passed.
In this surah, God also emphasizes the importance of following His guidance and avoiding misguidance. Humans are given lessons from the stories of previous nations that were destroyed because they opposed the Messengers.
The surah also conveys the message of the rewards of the hereafter for those who believe and do righteous deeds and the threat to the disbelievers and disobedient.
Overall, Surah al-Jathiyah teaches mankind to pay attention to the signs of God's greatness around them, obey Him, take lessons from historical events, and accept the Messengers as guidance for life.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
According to the teachings of the Quran, hell is a place described as a place of punishment for people who commit sins and disobey God. Hell is described as a place that is extremely hot and full of unimaginable suffering.
In the Quran, hell is stated to be a place for unbelievers and those who ignore God's commands. Hell is also described as a place for those who commit crimes such as murder, theft, and persecuting others.
In many verses of the Quran, God emphasizes the importance of staying away from sinful deeds in order to avoid the torment of hell. He also emphasizes the need to do good and repent in order to earn His mercy and enter heaven.
Hell in Quranic teachings is not just a physical place, but also reflects a person's inner state of separation from God's affection. This includes a sense of regret and sadness for not living a life in obedience to Him.
However, the Quran also emphasizes that God is forgiving and merciful. If one truly repents and tries to improve oneself, then there is hope of earning His forgiveness and avoiding the punishment of hell.
In general, the concept of hell in the Quranic teachings plays an important role in encouraging Muslims to live a pious life and avoid sinful deeds.
In the Qur'an, there is an important story about the life of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). This story plays a significant role in our understanding of the creation of man and man's relationship with God.
The story of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) begins when God created him from clay. In surah Al-Baqarah, verses 30 to 39, God tells how Iblis refused to bow down to Adam at God's command and instead asked arrogant questions.
Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was then placed in Jannah (paradise) with his wife, Siti Hawa. They were given the freedom to enjoy all the beauty and pleasure in it. However, they were also given a prohibition to approach one particular tree.
Unfortunately, Iblis managed to persuade Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and Siti Hawa to violate the ban. They both finally ate the fruit of the tree and realized their mistake. They felt ashamed and realized that they had committed a sin.
After that, God forgave them both because they repented sincerely to Him. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) descended from Jannah to earth as the first human being in this world along with Siti Hawa. They began to live as ordinary humans with all the limitations and trials of life.
The story of Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) provides an important teaching to mankind. It teaches about obedience to God, avoiding temptation and admitting mistakes and repenting sincerely. This story also shows how God is the Most Forgiving and gives a second chance to His repentant servants.
The life of this world is fleeting, temporary and a test. People should love and fear Allah, be devoted to Him, love Him passionately and never forget Him. That is the reason for our existence. This episode speaks about how Allah has created the world as a trial for humanity. He warns us against becoming too attached to the temporary allurements of this world, and instead focus on Paradise.
The believer understands that the things of the world are of short duration and thus does not pursue them out of greed. The unbeliever, however, is deceived by the satan, and makes the attainment of worldly things the ultimate purpose of their lives. We should all strive to love Allah with passion and not forget Him, as He is the reason for our existence in this temporary world. Allah has created the world and its inhabitants to serve His purpose of testing humans for their faith. He has given us all the resources necessary for a comfortable life; however, most people fail to recognize the purpose of life and instead choose to pursue worldly pleasures.
People who accept Allah's will and strive to abide by His words will find true joy and delight in this life and the next. For those who choose to reject Allah, this life and death will hold little meaning and significance. Allah, the Creator, has set limits on mankind and demands a true and sincere faith to be demonstrated in order for one to attain His good pleasure. In life, man is tested to see how dedicated he is to his faith, and how he responds to the events that occur. Allah will test man with both fear, hunger, losses and blessings, and man must show patience and trust in Allah whatever the circumstance.
Death is a part of Allah's trial and is the end of this world and the beginning of the next. Believers are not afraid of death, as it marks the end of their trial.
Part 5 of 8:
17. The Temporary Nature Of The Life Of This World
18. It's A Magnificent Blessing To Love Allah With Passion
19. Man Is Being Tested
20. Death Is Not The End
Fear of Allah will bring man closer to Him. Allah is the All-Compassionate, the Most Merciful and the Most Just, and fear of Him implies showing respect to Him and avoiding exceeding His limits. Through fear of Allah, man is motivated to avoid that which is evil, and it gives rise to increased spiritual strength and peace of mind. Love of Allah and fear of Allah are mutually exclusive, and it is through fear of Allah that man can draw nearer to Him and earn His love.
Allah is the Creator of all, and the Qur'an is His final revelation to mankind. It is a guide that contains guidance for those who have fear of Allah, and is the definitive criterion for distinguishing right from wrong. The Qur'an is full of wisdom and has miraculous attributes that attest to its divine origin. It also contains no contradictions, and is a book that admonishes humanity. The true love that brings joy and peace is love of Allah, and those who truly fear Allah will recognize the beauty of His Creation and love all His blessings, out of love for Him.
Allah revealed the Quran as the book by which humanity is responsible in our time and the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as the last of the prophets. Faith in the angels is essential to faith in the Qur'an and Islam, as Allah assigns them different tasks, such as delivering revelation to prophets and taking back souls. Angels are obedient, never arrogant and continually glorify Allah. Throughout history, they have delivered Allah's commands to mankind, appearing to many prophets and sincere believers.
Part 4 of 8:
13. Love Of Allah And Fear Of Allah
14. The Qur'an Is A Guide
15. Belief In The Books Revealed By Allah And Belief In His Messengers
16. Faith In The Angels
Surah Fussilat is the 41st surah (chapter) in the Quran. The surah consists of 54 verses and was revealed in Makkah. The name "Fussilat" comes from the verb "fassala", which means "to explain in detail".
Surah Fussilat contains many important issues, including warnings about the power of God, the wonders of His creation, and the rejection by the disbelievers of the Prophet Muhammad's (may God bless him and grant him peace) message. The surah also emphasizes the importance of faith and good deeds to the believers.
One of the most famous verses in Surah Fussilat is verse 33, where God says that nothing can match or equal His Book. This verse emphasizes the exalted position of the Quran as the perfect divine revelation.
In addition, Surah Fussilat also includes some instructions on how humans should act in their lives, such as listening carefully to God's revelation and staying away from shirk and pride.
All in all, Surah Fussilat provides essential explanations and teachings for Muslims to strengthen their faith and practice the teachings of Islam in their daily lives. It also invites us to reflect on the power and glory of God and to respect and appreciate His revelations contained in the Holy Quran.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah az-Zumar (Quran chapter 39) consists of 75 verses. This surah (chapter) carries the main message of purity and worship of God. It emphasizes that only God deserves to be worshipped, and there is no god besides Him. Surah az-Zumar also emphasizes the importance of taqwa, i.e. piety towards God in all aspects of life.
In addition, this surah touches on the concept of the Day of Judgment and the reward that humans will receive for their deeds in this world. It outlines that those who believe and do good deeds will be rewarded in the afterlife, while those who disbelieve will be punished.
Surah az-Zumar also teaches us to contemplate the greatness of God's creation through the universe and His evident Signs around us. It reminds us to always be grateful for the blessings given by God and to improve our relationship with Him through worship and good deeds.
With this summary, it is hoped that Muslims can better understand the content of surah az-Zumar and take guidance from the lessons and values contained therein.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
In Islam, conscientious restraint from committing sins is essential for achieving a life of good character. This concept is known as "istiqamah" or "keistiqamahan". Istiqamah refers to a state in which one persists steadfastly in observing Allah's commands and staying away from His prohibitions.
In this context, conscientious restraint means that one takes the necessary steps to avoid committing sins. This involves a heightened awareness of the acts forbidden in Islam and a persistent effort to avoid committing such sins.
Conscientiously refraining from committing sins also involves strict self-monitoring and control of passions. It requires a deep awareness of the possible negative consequences of committing a sin as well as a willingness to sacrifice immediate gratification for long-term good.
This practice also requires a deep knowledge of Islamic religious laws and a proper understanding of moral values. By understanding the teachings of Islam thoroughly, one can make wise decisions and avoid actions that go against religious principles.
Through perseverance in refraining from committing sins, one can improve his relationship with Allah and achieve a more harmonious and meaningful life. It also helps the individual to develop the self-strength, fortitude and discipline necessary to lead a life of high morals and achieve spiritual perfection.
In Islam, not allowing Satan's influence on one's behavior and thinking is very important. In Islam, Satan or Iblis is considered a real enemy and seeks to tempt people into committing sinful acts and away from the right path.
To avoid Satan's influence, it is important for a Muslim to have a strong faith and a good understanding of religious teachings. Acceptance and implementation of Islamic teachings will help one to resist temptations and negative influences coming from Satan.
In addition, there are several steps that can be taken to protect oneself from Satan's influence. One of them is to try to stay away from all forms of sin and immorality. Having a strong self-awareness and improving the relationship with Allah through worship, such as praying, reading the Quran, and giving alms can also help in resisting Satan's influence.
In addition, avoiding environments or situations that can strengthen Satan's influence is also very important. Keeping company with people who believe and have good moral values will help a person stay strong in the face of temptation from Satan.
In Islam, understanding the existence of Satan and countering his influence is an integral part of a Muslim's life. By understanding the importance of not condoning Satan's influence in behavior and thinking, one can maintain purity of heart and live a more meaningful life in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
Believers are encouraged to be generous and take care of their relatives, the poor, and travelers. However, they must also exercise caution and not be wasteful when it comes to their wealth. It is important to strike a balance between generosity and prudence; avoiding both extreme extravagance and excessive frugality. The Quran emphasizes this in its verses, which promote responsible and moderate spending habits for believers.
Islam is a religion that advocates monotheism or belief in the oneness of God. One important concept in Islam is the avoidance of idolatry. In this context, idolatry refers to the worship or veneration of anything other than Allah, be it a physical object or an abstract concept.
In Islam, any form of idolatry is considered a violation of monotheism and is strictly forbidden. This includes worshipping statues, statues of deities, natural objects such as the sun or moon, animals as well as humans or famous figures thought to have supernatural powers.
In addition, there are also modern forms of idolatry that need to be avoided in Islam. For example, when one places complete reliance on material wealth and possessions as the object of their worship. Similarly, popularity and fame become the center of their attention without recognizing that only Allah is worthy of worship.
In Islam, the belief is that Allah alone deserves to be worshipped and to have the full devotion of His servants. Hence, it is important for Muslims to shun all forms of idolatry in order to wholeheartedly practice the teachings of monotheism and maintain the sanctity of their faith.
It must be remembered that the concept of idolatry in Islam does not only relate to physical objects, but also involves one's attitude and intentions. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to constantly self-correct and ensure that their faith remains firm in the oneness of Allah, as well as shun any forms of idolatry that may arise in their daily lives.
Listen to the full audiobook here: https://free-islamic-audiobooks.blogspot.com/2024/02/the-worst-slander-idolatry.html
Allah is the Creator of the universe and all of its contents. It is also necessary to understand that He is the Controller of all things, and that nothing can happen without His Will. Allah is the one true God, and He alone has the power to create and control all things. He is not subject to any weaknesses or imperfections, and He is the originator of the heavens and the Earth. The Quran is the only book revealed by Allah to have survived intact, and it reveals the false beliefs about Allah which have been adopted by the adherents of other divine books.
The Qur'an also explains the correct beliefs about Allah,and clarifies that He is the Creator and Controller of the universe, and nothing can happen without His will. Allah is the Owner of all things, exercising command over creation, near to man, and Most Merciful and Just. He has the Power to do anything, sees and hears all, and is the King of the Day of Judgment. Idolatry is ascribing associates to Allah, such as worshipping false gods, pursuing goals other than pleasing Allah, or loving a being more than Allah. Muslims believe that everything is created by Allah, and deviation from this is idolatry.
Allah does not forgive idolatry, and those who reflect on His Creation come to recognize His greatness. Allah is the Creator of the universe. He brings the Earth to life, and scatters creatures of every kind and varying winds. Muslims remember Allah and reflect on His Creation, recognizing His infinite power and knowledge.
The order of the universe and its details point to Allah's greatness. He has power over all things, and His knowledge encompasses even that which is unknown to us. He can create many other things, and has created billions of humans, each with their own unique set of eyes, fingerprints, and tissues. He also has the power to create many other beings and worlds which we cannot see.
All of these facts demonstrate Allah's magnificent Creation.
Allah's knowledge is infinite and beyond human comprehension. We can only come to know to the extent that Allah permits us. The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) referred to Allah's eternal power when he said that the seven heavens and the seven Earths are no more in Allah's Hand than a mustard seed. The Qur'an also explains Allah's infiniteness of knowledge.
No matter how hard we strive, we cannot grasp the extent of His knowledge because it is unlimited. Everything in the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him and He knows what is before them and what is behind them. We must remember that Allah is Almighty, All-Wise, and that He is the Self-Sustaining and Living, with no drowsiness or sleep.
Part 3 of 8:
9. False beliefs about Allah
10. Faith in Allah free of idolatry
11. Assessing Allah with a just assessment
12. Allah’s infinite greatness and power
Allah is the All-Knowing, All-Aware, and all beings are under His control. Allah is the absolute and infinite Creator of all beings, including Truth and time itself. He knows all events, past and future, and sustains all systems of the universe. His perfect Creation is destiny and nothing happens without His will. He is the sole Possessor of Power, and His Word is the Truth.
We must recognize Allah's infinite might and that He is the Maintainer of all things in Heaven and Earth. Allah is the source of all Truth, and all Beings are subjected to Him. He is omnipresent and omniscient, always watching and knowing all that we do. He created the heavens and the Earth in six days and has the power to bring the dead to life.
His Might is demonstrated by the elaborate processes taking place in the bodies of living things, like the kidney cells which can filter and eliminate molecules that a giant haemodialyser would be needed for. We are reminded to have no fear and to rely on Him for guidance and protection. Allah is the Creator and Ruler of all beings, including man and satan. He has given us examples of His power in the world, so that we may reflect on His truth. Allah has endowed satan with the ability and authority to call mankind to disbelief, but this is only for the purpose of testing us and distinguishing the righteous from the corrupt.
Ultimately, satan is under Allah's control, and is not a being possessing an independent will.
Part 2 of 8:
5. Allah created everything according to a fixed decree
6. Allah has power over everything
7. Allah sees and knows everything
8. All beings are subjected to Allah
The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is an integral part of Islam, as he delivered the teachings of the Quran to the believers. The Qur'an is the final revelation from Allah and is the only holy book to have survived intact. It serves as guidance for mankind and is full of wisdom, instructions and stories of the prophets. The Sunnah, or hadiths, is the living interpretation of the Quran by the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), and provides insight into how to lead one's life.
Together the Qur'an and the Sunnah provide the foundation of Islam, which teaches us to be responsible, considerate and to ponder the wonders of the Universe. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was sent to us to teach us about Allah, the universe, and Islam. He taught us that Allah is the only true existence and all else is His Creation. The universe and all living things were created by Allah, and are under His control. We must accept the truth that there is no god but Allah and understand that He has no son.
Through this knowledge we can draw closer to Allah and gain infinite bliss and salvation. Allah, mentioned in Islam, is everywhere and all-encompassing. He is the only absolute being and holds all creatures by the forelock. This is made clear in the verses of the Qur'an, which state that Allah's Footstool encompasses the heavens and the Earth. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also taught that Allah is very close to us and hears our prayers, even our innermost thoughts. He is closer than our own jugular veins and answers our call when we call on Him. We must remember that Allah is near to us and all-encompassing, so that we will believe in Him and be guided.
Part 1 of 8:
1. Introduction
2. There is no god but Allah
3. Allah encompasses everything
4. Allah is near to man
Surah Yasin is one of the suras (chapters) in the Quran. It is the 36th surah in the order of the Quran and has 83 verses. Yasin is the name given to this surah, taken from the Arabic letter "Ya Sin" which is the opening.
Surah Yasin (Quran chapter 36) has a very important meaning and influence in the lives of Muslims. This surah contains various moral and spiritual messages that can inspire and guide people in living their daily lives.
One of the important messages contained in Surah Yasin is about the importance of teaching the Qur'an as a guide to life. This surah emphasizes that the Qur'an is not only a holy book, but also a guide to direct people towards the right path.
In addition, Surah Yasin also teaches about resurrection and Judgment Day. The verses convey that every good or bad deed will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment. This is a reminder for Muslims to always do good deeds seriously and be responsible for their actions.
Surah Yasin is also known as "qalbun Quran" or the heart of the Quran because of the amount of wisdom and gratitude it contains. Many Muslims recite this surah regularly in the hope of receiving blessings and protection from God.
In conclusion, Surah Yasin is one of the most important suras in the Qur'an. It provides moral and spiritual teachings that can guide Muslims in their daily lives. By listening and understanding the contents of this surah, Muslims are expected to get the right life guidance and preparation for the Day of Judgment.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Surah Fatir is the 35th surah (chapter) of the Quran. It consists of 45 verses and belongs to the Makkiyah category of surahs. The name "Fatir" is derived from the Arabic word meaning ‘’Originator’’, which describes one of the main themes of the surah.
One of the main messages conveyed by Surah Fatir (Quran chapter 35) is about the oneness of God and His power as the Creator of the universe. The verses of this surah invite mankind to contemplate God's creation around them, such as the sky, earth, sun, moon and stars. In contemplating His creation, mankind is expected to gain confidence in the greatness of God and develop a sense of awe and gratitude towards Him.
Surah Fatir also emphasizes the importance of faith and devotion to God. The verses in this surah remind people that everything in this world is temporary and ephemeral. Only by making God the main goal of life and devoting oneself to Him properly can one achieve true success in this world and in the Hereafter.
Surah Fatir also warns the disbelievers who do not believe in the day of reckoning and their equality before God. The verses in this surah describe how the disbelievers will regret and regret their actions in this world when they see the consequences of their disbelief and negligence.
In conclusion, Surah Fatir is one of the suras in the Qur'an that teaches about the oneness of God, His wondrous creation, the importance of faith and devotion to Him, as well as a warning of the Hereafter and the recompense that each individual will receive for his or her actions in this world.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Idolatry, known as "shirk" in Islam, refers to the act of associating partners or objects with Allah (God). It is considered a major sin and a violation of the fundamental principle of monotheism in Islam. Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah and consider any form of worship or reverence towards anything other than Allah as idolatrous.
In Islamic teachings, idolatry is seen as a grave offense that goes against the core principles of Islam. The Quran explicitly prohibits idol worship and emphasizes the importance of worshipping Allah alone. Muslims are required to have faith in the unseen and to submit themselves completely to Allah's will.
Idolatry can take various forms, including worshipping statues, images, or symbols as divine beings or intermediaries between humans and God. It can also involve attributing divine qualities to natural elements such as trees, rivers, or celestial bodies.
Islam encourages believers to focus their devotion solely on Allah and to avoid any association with partners or objects. Muslims are urged to engage in acts of worship that strengthen their connection with Allah through prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage (Hajj), recitation of the Quran, and living a righteous life.
The concept of shirk is not limited to physical idols but also extends to internal beliefs and attitudes that undermine pure monotheism. This includes seeking help from anyone other than Allah for matters that only He has control over.
In summary, idolatry in Islam refers to associating partners or objects with Allah through acts of worship or reverence. It is considered a major sin that goes against the fundamental principle of monotheism in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to have faith solely in Allah and engage in acts of devotion that strengthen their connection with Him.
Listen to the full audiobook here: https://free-islamic-audiobooks.blogspot.com/2024/02/the-worst-slander-idolatry.html
Surah al-Qasas (Quran chapter 28 - History) is one of the surahs (chapters) found in the Quran. It is the 28th surah and consists of 88 verses.
Surah al-Qasas contains the story of Prophet Moses (pbuh), one of the most important prophets in Islam. This surah tells the life journey of Prophet Moses (pbuh) from childhood to becoming a prophet and leader sent by God to free the Children of Israel from the slavery of Pharaoh.
In this surah, God describes how Prophet Moses (pbuh) was saved from death as a baby by his mother and raised in Pharaoh's palace. Later, Prophet Moses (pbuh) was guided by God and escaped after killing an Egyptian man who was oppressing the Israelites.
God also tells of Prophet Moses' (pbuh) journey to Madyan, where he helped Shu'aib's family and eventually married one of Shu'aib's daughters. After that, God told Moses to return to Egypt and confront Pharaoh to ask for the release of the Children of Israel.
Surah al-Qasas also contains important moral teachings such as patience, fortitude, trust in God and hope for His help. The stories in this surah inspire Muslims not to despair in the face of life's challenges and to expect God's help in every situation.
By listening and understanding surah al-Qasas, Muslims can learn important lessons in their daily lives and gain peace and strength from the stories contained therein.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Music by Sufi Sama from Pixabay.
Surah al-Hajj is the 22nd surah (chapter) in the Quran and consists of 78 verses. This surah is called "al-Hajj" which means "hajj" or "pilgrimage" because in this surah God provides instructions and commands related to the pilgrimage.
Surah al-Hajj begins with an introduction to the Last Day and the power of God as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Furthermore, this surah reminds people of the attitude of humility and submission to God and the importance of worshiping earnestly.
The surah also explains the commandments of Hajj such as ihram (becoming pure), tawaf (going around the Kaaba), sa'i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwah), wuquf at Arafat, stoning the Jamrah, and slaughtering sacrificial animals. This surah also emphasizes that the purpose of performing the Hajj is to get closer to God.
In addition, Suruh al-Hajj also highlights the importance of maintaining good social relations and emphasizes that every human action will be accounted for in the afterlife. This Surah reminds Muslims to always adhere to the teachings of Islam by staying away from polytheism and jahiliyyah practices.
Overall, Surah al-Hajj provides important guidance and instructions for Muslims in performing the Hajj pilgrimage and reminds them of the importance of living in accordance with Islamic teachings. The surah also teaches the values of sincerity, tawakkal, and piety to God.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Music by Sufi Sama from Pixabay.
Human creation is one of the unrivaled signs of Allah's greatness. In Islam, humans are considered the most noble and special creatures created by Allah. Allah created humans with intelligence, the ability to think, and the potential to develop and achieve perfection.
Humans have complex bodies, organ systems that function harmoniously, and lives that are full of mystery. All this shows the wisdom of Allah's creation in creating humans as unique and special creatures among all His creations.
In addition, Allah also gave humans reason and the potential to understand the world around them. Humans are given the ability to think rationally, distinguish between right and wrong, and make the right decisions. This is one of the clear evidences of the existence of the One True God.
However, although humans are created so perfectly by Allah, they also have certain limitations. These limitations make humans aware of their dependence on Him and recognition of His power as the Creator of all things.
Therefore, appreciating human creation as a sign of Allah's existence is important in strengthening our faith in Him. By observing the wonders of our own bodies and minds and seeing the beauty of the universe that surrounds us, we can better understand and appreciate the greatness of Allah as the Almighty Creator.
To this end, superficiality should be abandoned. Allah shows us that the only way to change what is in ourselves is to make a sincere and profound change with a sense of fear of Him, faith and zeal. Allah has promised great blessings to those who change what is in themselves and adopt the moral perfection which is worthy of His good pleasure. This change must be sincere, profound, and made with a sense of fear of Allah, faith and zeal. A person must recognize the wickedness of their lower-self and not surrender to its desires and passions, instead purifying and disciplining it, reproaching and criticizing it.
To make such a change, superficiality must be abandoned. Allah's promise of blessings is a powerful incentive to make this change, and those who do not heed it may find their blessings reduced. Allah merely wants to punish them by means of them in this world and for them to expire while they are unbelievers."A person must strive to change and be sincere in order to earn Allah's good pleasure. Allah will never wrong anyone, and if he has not changed, it's because of weaknesses that must be addressed.
Allah listens and knows all, and demands sincerity in a person. The change Allah speaks of is a deep, sincere intention to not display a morality displeasing to Allah. If one is sincere, he can find the right path with Allah's help and increase his blessings. However, Allah can also test faith by decreasing blessings, and these changes may not always be a sign of bad morality. Allah's blessings can be seen as a blessing or a test, depending on the situation.
Believers should consider all possibilities and examine their own shortcomings if they are experiencing a loss in blessings. Seeking Allah's refuge and repenting are also important steps to take. On the other hand, if a person is experiencing an increase in blessings, they should give thanks to Allah and strive to be more moral and deserving of Allah's mercy.
Surah as-Sajdah is the 32nd surah (chapter) in the Quran consisting of 30 verses. The surah is named after the word "as-Sajdah" which means "prostration". This surah is also recognized as one of the Makkiyah surahs, which means it was revealed before the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) migrated to Medina.
Surah as-Sajdah (Quran chapter 32) contains various important teachings and reminders to mankind. It emphasizes the importance of being grateful to God and illustrates how great the blessings He has bestowed upon us are. This surah also outlines how powerful God is as the Creator of the universe and the true purpose of human creation.
In this chapter, God also warns about the day of reckoning in the Hereafter. It states that on that day, every individual will be confronted with their own deeds and will receive rewards or punishments according to what they did while living in the world.
In addition, surah as-Sajdah emphasizes the importance of believing in the revelations delivered by Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) and obeying the commandments of God. It also reminds mankind to constantly contemplate the signs of God's greatness in His creation.
In conclusion, surah as-Sajdah is one of the surahs that provides many important teachings and reminders for mankind. It invites us to be grateful to God, obey His commands, and prepare ourselves for the day of reckoning in the Hereafter. By understanding and practicing the contents of this surah, we can increase our faith and have a more meaningful life.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
The first chapter of the Quran, known as "The Opening" or al-Fatihah in Arabic, holds great significance for Muslims worldwide. It is considered to be the essence of the entire Quran and is recited in every unit of the Muslim prayer.
The chapter consists of seven verses and serves as a beautiful introduction to the themes and teachings found throughout the Quran. It begins by praising and acknowledging God, the merciful and compassionate Creator of all things. Muslims believe that God is not only powerful but also understanding and forgiving.
"The Opening" then seeks guidance from God, recognizing that true guidance can only come from Him. It highlights the importance of seeking His help and relying on His infinite wisdom in navigating life's challenges.
In this chapter, Muslims also acknowledge their dependence on God for sustenance and guidance, recognizing that without His support, they would be lost. They express their desire to follow the straight path set forth by Him.
Overall, "The Opening" sets a tone of humility, reliance on God's guidance, and recognition of His sovereignty. It serves as a reminder for Muslims to turn to Him for strength and seek His mercy in all aspects of life.
Quran in English (Audio and Text): https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/search/label/English
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
La sura Al 'Imran, también conocida como la Familia de Imran, es el tercer capítulo del Corán. Consta de 200 versículos y abarca una amplia gama de temas, como las historias de profetas anteriores y sus comunidades, orientaciones para los musulmanes en distintos aspectos de la vida y recordatorios sobre la importancia de la fe, la perseverancia y la rectitud.
Un aspecto clave que destaca la sura Al Imran es el concepto de monoteísmo o tawhid. Destaca que sólo hay un Dios verdadero y anima a los creyentes a adorarlo sólo a Él. El capítulo trata también de la creencia en el profeta Muhammad (la paz sea con él) como el último mensajero enviado por Dios.
La sura se adentra en varios relatos de las tradiciones judía y cristiana para poner de relieve creencias comunes y aclarar conceptos erróneos. Relata historias como las del profeta Adán (Adam), el profeta Noé (Nuh), el profeta Abraham (Ibrahim), el profeta Moisés (Musa) y Jesucristo (Isa) (la paz sea con todos ellos). Estas historias sirven de lección para que los creyentes se inspiren en sus luchas, su firmeza y su fe inquebrantable en Dios.
Además, la sura Al Imran (capítulo 3 del Corán) ofrece orientación sobre diversos aspectos de la conducta personal, la vida familiar, las relaciones sociales y los retos a los que se enfrentan los musulmanes durante su revelación. Fomenta la paciencia en los momentos difíciles y hace hincapié en el perdón y la compasión hacia los demás.
En general, la sura Al Imran es una guía completa para que los musulmanes lleven una vida recta basada en una fe firme en Dios. Aborda tanto asuntos espirituales como cuestiones prácticas a las que se enfrentan las personas en sus familias y comunidades. Al estudiar este capítulo con comprensión y reflexión, los creyentes pueden obtener valiosos conocimientos para llevar una vida equilibrada según los principios islámicos.
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Corán en Español Capítulo 3 Audio y Texto: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/coran-audio-en-espanol-capitulo-3.html
Traducido de: Corán en español por Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Surah Al 'Imran, auch bekannt als die Familie von Imran, ist das dritte Kapitel des Korans. Dieses Kapitel besteht aus 200 Versen und deckt ein breites Spektrum an Themen ab, darunter die Geschichten früherer Propheten und ihrer Gemeinschaften, Hinweise für Muslime in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen und Ermahnungen zur Bedeutung von Glauben, Ausdauer und Rechtschaffenheit.
Ein wichtiger Aspekt, der in Sura Al 'Imran hervorgehoben wird, ist das Konzept des Monotheismus oder Tawheed. Darin wird betont, dass es nur einen wahren Gott gibt, und die Gläubigen werden aufgefordert, ihn allein anzubeten. Das Kapitel erörtert auch den Glauben an den Propheten Muhammad (Friede sei mit ihm) als den letzten Gesandten Gottes.
Die Sura geht auf verschiedene Erzählungen aus der jüdischen und christlichen Tradition ein, um gemeinsame Glaubensvorstellungen zu verdeutlichen und Missverständnisse auszuräumen. Sie erzählt Geschichten wie die des Propheten Adam (Adam), des Propheten Noah (Nuh), des Propheten Abraham (Ibrahim), des Propheten Moses (Musa) und von Jesus Christus (Isa) - (Friede sei mit ihnen allen). Diese Geschichten dienen den Gläubigen als Lektion, um sich von ihren Kämpfen, ihrer Standhaftigkeit und ihrem unerschütterlichen Glauben an Gott inspirieren zu lassen.
Darüber hinaus gibt die Sure Al 'Imran (Kapitel 3 des Korans) Hinweise zu verschiedenen Aspekten des persönlichen Verhaltens, des Familienlebens, der gesellschaftlichen Beziehungen und der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen, mit denen die Muslime während der Offenbarung konfrontiert werden. Sie ermutigt zur Geduld in schwierigen Zeiten und betont Vergebung und Mitgefühl gegenüber anderen.
Insgesamt dient die Sura Al 'Imran den Muslimen als umfassender Leitfaden für ein rechtschaffenes Leben, das auf einem starken Glauben an Gott beruht. Sie befasst sich sowohl mit spirituellen Fragen als auch mit praktischen Problemen, mit denen der Einzelne in seinen Familien und Gemeinschaften konfrontiert wird. Durch ein verständnisvolles und reflektiertes Studium dieses Kapitels können Gläubige wertvolle Einsichten in ein ausgewogenes Leben nach islamischen Grundsätzen gewinnen.
Quran auf Deutsch hören, Quran in deutscher Sprache, Quran Rezitation auf Deutsch, Surah Al 'Imran auf Deutsch, Kapitel 3 des Quran auf Deutsch, Quran Übersetzung auf Deutsch, deutsche Übersetzung des Quran, Quran Audio auf Deutsch, deutsche Rezitation des Quran, Quran Vorlesung auf Deutsch
Quran auf Deutsch Kapitel 3 Audio und Text: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/quran-audio-auf-deutsch-kapitel-3.html
Übersetzt aus: Koran auf Englisch von Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Surah Luqman is one of the surahs (chapters) in the Quran that has its own special features. It is the 31st surah in the Qur'an and consists of 34 verses. Surah Luqman is so named because it tells the story of a wise man named Luqman.
In this surah, God describes Luqman as a servant who is very wise and full of wisdom. His verses provide advice and guidance to his son on various aspects of life, including his relationship with God, good manners, and the importance of knowledge and patience.
One of the main messages of Surah Luqman is the importance of tawakkal or surrendering to God. The verses in this surah also emphasize the importance of being kind to one's parents, avoiding pride, guarding one's words so as not to fall into sin, and staying away from sinful acts.
Surah Luqman also emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the universe as signs of God's greatness. In some of its verses, the surah mentions examples of the universe that show the existence of an Almighty Creator.
Through the stories and advice contained in Surah Luqman, we are invited to reflect on the meaning of life and improve our spiritual quality. This surah serves as a reminder for Muslims to take the Quran as a guide in their daily lives.
Thus, Surah Luqman in the Qur'an is a surah that contains many valuable values and teachings. Through the listening and understanding of this surah, we can get guidance and inspiration to live life wisely and be devoted to God.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
No soul knows what it will gain tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. God is Knowing and Aware. The Quran Chapter 31 - Luqman speaks of the Heavens, Gratefulness and Punishment. It speaks of how those who perform prayer, charity and believe in the Hereafter will be guided and successful.
It also states that those who buy false stories and treat it as a joke will be punished. It mentions Luqman's advice to his son, to be grateful to God, and to follow the path of those who turn to God. It also speaks of God's creation, how He created the Heavens without any pillars, spread out animals and make rain fall from the sky. It also mentions that those who disbelieve will have a severe punishment, and that those who are patient and grateful will have a reward.
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Allah revealed the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as the last Prophet to set right all the errors that had been incorporated in the old religions. Despite facing many difficulties and groundless accusations, Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, communicated the message of Allah. Obeying the Prophet is one of the most important principles of Islam, and is a manifestation of one's obedience to Allah. Furthermore, Allah showed great kindness to the believers by sending Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to recite His signs, purify them, and teach them the Book and Wisdom.
To receive Allah's love, we must follow and obey our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
Prophet Muhammad biography, life of Prophet Muhammad, teachings of Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Muhammad quotes, Prophet Muhammad in Islam, Prophet Muhammad's miracles, Prophet Muhammad's character, Prophet Muhammad's leadership.
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Corán en Español Capítulo 2 Audio y Texto: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/coran-audio-en-espanol-capitulo-2-la.html
Traducido del Corán en inglés por Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Corán, Capítulo 1 - La Apertura. Es una oración a Dios, alabandolo como Señor de los mundos y pidiendo su guía en el camino correcto. Pide el camino de quienes han sido bendecidos por Dios, no el camino de quienes están condenados o perdidos.
Corán en español (audio y texto): https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/search/label/Espa%C3%B1ol
Traducido del Corán al inglés por Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Gott ist der Herr der Menschen, und er ist barmherzig und gerecht. Er hat allen Menschen durch den Koran Führung gegeben, und diejenigen, die seinen Lehren folgen und an das Unsichtbare glauben, werden belohnt und geführt. Er hat uns auch davor gewarnt, seine Gebote und Bündnisse zu brechen, denn diejenigen, die ihnen nicht gehorchen, werden schwer bestraft. Er ist verzeihend und barmherzig, und er akzeptiert Reue und ist bereit, denen zu vergeben, die ihm Unrecht getan haben. Gott und die Menschen haben eine besondere Beziehung;Gott ist barmherzig und verzeihend und sendet Propheten und Schriften, um die Menschen zu führen. Er ermutigt sie, gute Werke zu tun, einschließlich Fasten, und belohnt diejenigen, die seinen Lehren gehorchen. Er bestraft diejenigen, die Unrecht tun, hart und ermutigt die Gläubigen, den Bedürftigen Almosen zu geben. Gott ist mächtig, weise und unendlich und gibt denen Kraft und Trost, die seine Führung suchen. Die Menschen sollten ihm dankbar sein und an bestimmten Tagen an ihn denken und danach streben, einen gerechten Weg zu gehen. Letztlich kehren alle Dinge zu Gott zurück und Er wird die Menschen nach ihren Taten richten.
Quran auf Deutsch hören, Quran Rezitation auf Deutsch, deutsche Übersetzung des Quran, Quran Kapitel 2 auf Deutsch, Quran in deutscher Sprache, deutsche Audioaufnahme des Quran, deutsche Interpretation des Quran, deutsche Version des Quran
Koran, islamische Schrift, heiliges Buch, göttliche Führung, religiöser Text, Koranlehren, Koranverse, Koranweisheit, Koranprinzipien, Koraninterpretation, Koranstudium, Koranwissen, Koranverständnis, Koranführung, Koranbotschaften, Koranlektionen, Koranlehren über das Leben, Koranlehren über Moral, Koranlehren über Spiritualität
Quran auf Deutsch Kapitel 2 Audio und Text: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/quran-audio-auf-deutsch-kapitel-2-die.html
Aus dem Koran ins Englische übersetzt von Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Diese Passage aus dem Koran, Kapitel 1, ist eine Anrufung an Gott. Es lobt und verehrt Gott, den Herrn der Welten, und sucht seine Führung. Es verlangt nach dem Weg der von Gott Gesegneten, nicht nach dem Weg der Verdammten oder Verlorenen. Es ist ein Aufruf, einen Weg der Gerechtigkeit zu finden und Gottes Barmherzigkeit zu suchen.
Aus dem Koran ins Englische übersetzt von Talal Itani. www.clearquran.org
Allah is the one who delivers us from every hardship and relieves us of every trouble. He responds to the oppressed when they call on Him and removes their distress. He also appointed us as inheritors of the earth. When harm occurs, it is He alone who rescues us.
He joins the hearts of believers together and guides them. He also punishes those who do evil and rescues the Messengers and the believers. He also rescued Nuh and his family from the Flood, Ibrahim from the fire, and Lut and his family from the wrongdoers. Allah is a great Responder and Protector, who helped Musa, Harun, and Lut in their times of distress. He gave them a Safe Haven from evil and no sorrow would touch them.
Allah rescued the tribe of Israel from Pharaoh and provided them with food and protection. He also saved the family of Lut from a squall of stones. Through their faith in Allah, they are reminded that no one can protect them from Him and that He is the only refuge.
These verses of the Quran discusses how life is short and how people will be asked how long they tarried on Earth. It explains that they will say they tarried there for a day or part of a day, and that on the Day they see what they were promised, it will be as if they had only tarried for just one hour of a single day. The episode ends with a reminder that God had let them live long enough for anyone who was going to pay heed to pay heed and that the warner came to them. In summary, this episode is about how life is fleeting and how tarried on Earth will be brief, and that people should pay attention while they are alive.
God is the ultimate authority on life and death, and is the one who creates and controls the universe according to His will. He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward, and has knowledge of all things. God has given us our talents and qualities, and can take them away at any time. He is capable of extraordinary feats, and can even make the impossible possible.
We should remember His immense power and thank Him for His blessings, and come to know Him better by obeying His commands. Ultimately, Wills are in the hands of God.
Surah Ash-Shu'araa' is the 26th surah (chapter) in the Quran consisting of 227 verses. The surah is called "Ash-Shu'araa'" which means "The Poets" because it touches on the stories of the prophets and poets of old.
The surah begins by introducing the reader to the story of Prophet Moses (pbuh) and how he was given revelation by God to deliver His message to Pharaoh and his oppressive people. There are also stories of Prophet Abraham (pbuh), Prophet Hud (pbuh), Prophet Saleh (pbuh), and many more prophets and their people who rejected the message they brought.
In addition, this surah also contains moral teachings and guidance for mankind. It emphasizes the importance of believing in God, abandoning shirk (idolatry), clinging to virtuous values and shunning evil behavior.
Surah Ash-Shu'araa' teaches us the importance of obeying God's commands and avoiding His prohibitions. It also inspires us to be firm preachers like the prophets in conveying the truth.
By listening to the Surah Ash-Shu'araa' (Quran Chapter 26), we can gain a deeper understanding of God's messages in the Qur'an and reflect on the moral teachings contained therein.
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Music by Alfa Relaxing Music from Pixabay.
Music by Sufi Sama from Pixabay.
A Muslim has faith in Allah from the moment of conversion and is devoted to earning His good pleasure in each moment. This dedication is driven by an innate desire to strengthen and deepen faith, and to strive to perform good deeds. Every day, every hour, every moment is an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment to serve Allah and to use spiritual and physical power to do so. By doing so, one can become one of Allah's most beloved servants, characterized by sensitivity, positivity, love, and compassion.
The continuous effort to deepen one's faith and morality will ultimately lead to perfection.
People long for true happiness, but they often search in the wrong places. No matter how much success and worldly possessions people have, they cannot find true peace and joy unless they turn to Allah and lead lives dedicated to His pleasure. Allah reveals in the Qur'an that the only way to true happiness is through a sincere faith, profound loyalty, deep awe, and love of Allah. Through these alone can hearts find peace and experience true joy.
He never forgets that the way he looks can also be an important part of his faith. A person's faith in Allah is expressed in many ways, one of which is through their eyes. For believers, having a sincere and meaningful gaze is very important, conveying their honest, scrupulous and sincere personality. When faith is profound, this is reflected in the way one looks, inspiring trust and security in the people around them. For this reason, a believer strives to use their eyes in the most beautiful fashion in order to earn Allah’s good pleasure.
No matter how good a person's morality may be, if they remain indifferent, this will be reflected in the way they look. However, if they remain vigilant and thankful for blessings, Allah will open their heart to beautiful feelings, allowing their gaze to convey many meanings. A person's character can be judged by their looks, according to Allah's teachings in the Qur'an. Allah encourages us to have a meaningful, trustworthy, and smart look in order to create good in this world and in the Hereafter, and open the path to many blessings. Faith in Allah is important to understand that He is aware of our looks and what they convey, and He sees all.
Believers have a greater love for Allah than those who set up equals to Him. This is because Allah is infinitely good, just, compassionate, and loves His servants infinitely. Believers express this love by displaying the compassion and forgiveness that the morality of the Qur'an grants them. This creates a deeper bond between Allah and the believers, and they experience a profound feeling of love and respect from Him in return.
This is a blessing that is only granted to believers, and is the most perfect and beautiful form of love.
Allah informs us in the Qur'an that aging is an unavoidable process that can't be stopped, and results in physical weakness and impaired thinking. Old age requires care and attention.
We are reminded of the temporary nature of life, and that life both begins and ends in an infant-like state. Life is slipping away, and that we should use our time wisely. Life is a fleeting journey that comes to an end in physical deterioration and death.
Allah explains this through the stages of creation, and warns us of the inevitability of growing old.
Celebrities provide a stark example of this truth, and remind us of the insignificance of this life.
The only assurance of eternal bliss is to have faith in Allah and spend life doing good deeds.
A Muslim is aware that Allah has given them the strength to control their lower self. They do not surrender to every spontaneous emotion they feel, instead they assess their feelings against the morality of the Qur'an in order to make sure they are in compliance. This is possible only with the profound love and fear of Allah, and Muslims strive to control their lower self in order to achieve success in Allah's eyes. Allah has given the Person the strength to defeat their lower self, as long as they are Muslim and follow the teachings of the Qur'an. Every Person has the burden of fighting their lower self, and if they have fear of Allah and obey His teachings, He will make matters easy for them.
Muslims should not surrender to their lower self, and instead should strive to defeat it in order to reach true success.
The Universe is an incredible place, as the delicate balance between the elements essential to life on Earth is maintained due to the Big Bang, the explosion of a single point of zero volume that contained all matter in the Universe. This explosion created countless conditions that had to be precise in order for a state of equilibrium to exist; any variation in the speed of the explosion could have meant the destruction of the Universe. However, due to the perfect level of balance, we can enjoy the extraordinary stasis, calm and perfection that exists in the Universe, a flawless artistry and miracle created by Almighty Allah.
Dragonflies are amazing insects that possess incredible flying abilities. With two pairs of wings, they can make sudden, sharp turns and remain suspended in the air. They have inspired advanced technology such as Sikorsky helicopters which use a computer to create special drawings of the dragonfly's wings. Furthermore, dragonflies have excellent vision with 30,000 lenses in each eye, enabling them to have a wide view of their surroundings.
All of these perfect features prove that they were created by Allah and are able to live at ease.
Believers should exchange ideas in a friendly, courteous and respectful way. This is a means to good outcomes and an important opportunity for believers to demonstrate their trust in God. Believers should therefore not forget to seek each other’s advice and consult one another on any subject. Believers should take advice from each other, as it is encouraged in the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) demonstrated this exemplary behavior. As God inspires ideas in people's minds, it is important to seek input from those whose intelligence, conscience, and honesty is trusted.
This will help believers to avoid admiring their own ideas and instead understand that knowledge comes from God. When exchanging ideas, believers should be courteous and respectful, as this is an opportunity to demonstrate trust in God, and it will lead to better outcomes. Believers must strive to build an Islamic world with a bright future by engaging in respectful dialogue with each other, listening to the ideas of others, and avoiding boastful language. This will reinforce the spirit of unity among Muslims and strengthen their moral values.
The Lord has created the heavens, night and day, and all the signs on Earth that demonstrate His perfect order. From the distance between the Sun and Earth to the ideal levels of gases in the atmosphere, these signs attest to His limitless power and wisdom.
He has created the night as a cloak and day as a time for rising, and He has caused the Sun, Moon and stars to be subservient to His command. He has created everything on Earth for us, from the mountains to the water and the animals, fruits, vegetables, clouds, wind, and our own bodies.
All of these are reminders to people with inner sight that the Lord has the keys to the heavens and Earth, and it is He Who originated and regenerates creation. He is the Lord of the heavens and Earth, the Almighty and the Endlessly Forgiving.
The Lord is glorified for His magnificent creation of the heavens and Earth, with firmly embedded mountains and luxuriant plants. He also created night and day for those who seek to pay heed or give thanks. His mercy is abundant, with rivers, springs, and plentiful rain sent from the sky.
The Lord of the heavens and Earth is praised for His wisdom and strength, and those who believe and do right action will be rewarded with eternal delight in gardens with rivers flowing beneath them. The Lord promises that they will have all of their desires fulfilled in Heaven forever. The Lord has dominion over the heavens and the Earth, and He is all-powerful and all-sufficient.
This episode is about the Signs of God's perfection in the universe. It highlights God's creation of the heavens and Earth, and His power to bring things into being with just a single command. It also emphasizes the importance of worshipping the Lord Who created the universe. The universe is a reminder of the greatness of the Lord, and we should acknowledge His power and purpose by worshipping Him.
Surah Al 'Imran, also known as the Family of Imran, is the third chapter of the Quran. This chapter consists of 200 verses and covers a wide range of themes, including the stories of previous prophets and their communities, guidance for Muslims in different aspects of life, and reminders about the importance of faith, perseverance, and righteousness.
One key aspect highlighted in Surah Al 'Imran is the concept of monotheism or Tawheed. It emphasizes that there is only one true God and encourages believers to worship Him alone. The chapter also discusses the belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the final messenger sent by God.
The Surah delves into various narratives from Jewish and Christian traditions to highlight common beliefs while clarifying misconceptions. It recounts stories such as that of Prophet Adam (Adam), Prophet Noah (Nuh), Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim), Prophet Moses (Musa), and Jesus Christ (Isa) – (peace be upon them all). These stories serve as lessons for believers to draw inspiration from their struggles, steadfastness, and unwavering faith in God.
Additionally, Surah Al 'Imran (Quran Chapter 3) provides guidance on various aspects of personal conduct, family life, societal relations, and dealing with challenges faced by Muslims during its revelation. It encourages patience during times of difficulty while emphasizing forgiveness and compassion towards others.
Overall, Surah Al 'Imran serves as a comprehensive guide for Muslims to lead a righteous life based on strong faith in God. It addresses both spiritual matters and practical issues faced by individuals within their families and communities. By studying this chapter with understanding and reflection, believers can gain valuable insights into leading a balanced life according to Islamic principles.
Quran in English Chapter 3 audio and text: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/quran-audio-in-english-chapter-3-family.html
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Quran in English audio, Quran recitation in English, English translation of Surah Al 'Imran, Surah Al 'Imran in English, Quran English translation chapter 3, listen to Quran in English online, Quran audio with English translation, Surah Al 'Imran English recitation, English Quran audio chapter 3,
Surat al-Baqarah, also known as "The Heifer," is the second chapter of the Quran. This chapter consists of 286 verses and is the longest chapter in the Quran. It covers a wide range of topics and provides guidance for Muslims on various aspects of life.
The chapter begins with an introduction that emphasizes the importance of belief in Allah and the guidance provided by the Quran. It then delves into stories from Islamic history, including those of Adam and Eve, Moses, and Abraham. These stories serve as lessons for believers on faith, obedience to Allah's commands, and the consequences of disobedience.
Another significant theme in Surat al-Baqarah is the importance of following religious rituals and laws. It outlines various obligations such as prayer, fasting during Ramadan, giving charity, and performing Hajj (pilgrimage). The chapter also addresses issues related to food consumption, marriage laws, financial transactions, and social responsibilities.
Surat al-Baqarah also emphasizes the concept of unity within Muslim communities and discourages division or sectarianism. It encourages believers to work together for common goals while maintaining justice and compassion towards one another.
Furthermore, this chapter warns against arrogance and stubbornness towards accepting divine guidance. It highlights examples of past nations who ignored prophets' messages resulting in their downfall.
In summary, Surat al-Baqarah serves as a comprehensive guide for Muslims by addressing various aspects of faith and practical life matters. Its teachings encompass moral values, religious obligations, historical accounts from previous generations as well as emphasizing unity within Muslim communities while warning against arrogance or ignoring divine guidance.
Quran, Islamic scripture, holy book, divine guidance, religious text, Quranic teachings, Quranic verses, Quranic wisdom, Quranic principles, Quranic interpretation, Quranic studies, Quranic knowledge, Quranic understanding, Quranic guidance, Quranic messages, Quranic lessons, Quranic teachings on life, Quranic teachings on morality, Quranic teachings on spirituality.
Quran chapter 2 audio and text: https://quran-in-audio.blogspot.com/2024/02/quran-audio-in-english-chapter-2-cow.html
The Quran
Translated by Talal Itani
Allah is the eternal and infinite Creator of the universe. He has knowledge of all things and has existed for eternity. Allah is not subject to the same limitations of life and time as the rest of creation, instead He is the First and Last, unaffected by time and space. The Qur'an emphasizes that Allah is everlasting and full of majesty and generosity.
This episode discusses the incredible complexity of a fly's compound eyes, which have 8,000 lenses and a nervous system capable of perceiving and interpreting what it sees. This is reflective of the greatness of Allah, Who created all living things as matchless marvels of His Creation.
Note 1- Sidney Fox, Klaus Dose, Molecular Evolutionand The Origin of Life, New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977, s. 2
Allah has given us the ability to seek help and pray to Him for all matters. He promises He will respond to His sincere servants' prayers, which is a great blessing. To achieve sincere prayer, one must focus on loving Allah, trusting Him, believing in His promises, and understanding His omnipotence. However, many people lack sincerity in prayer, only calling upon Allah when facing troubles, or not believing in Him at all.
They must make sure to approach Him with the understanding that His power transcends our worldly conditions and analyses, and that He can answer prayers that may seem impossible. Allah shows in the Qur'an that He is capable of anything He desires, and will help His sincere servants in any situation - no matter how unexpected. The examples in the Qur'an illustrate Allah's infinite creative power and compassion, to remind us that He is always near and will answer the call of even the oppressed. We must rely on Allah and have faith in His power to bring about the best outcome, and be humble and sincere in our worship to Him.
They are unaware that the reason behind this behavior is pride and admiration of their own intellect, which brings about such behavior. Allah has warned us of such behavior. A hubristic person should recognize the repulsiveness of their behavior and not act in a way that they would not want done to them. The hubristic person believes that they are the most important person in any incident and must put forward an idea, no matter their knowledge. This is a sickness that creates discomfort and restlessness in the environment.
People should recognize that this behavior is far removed from the intellect revealed in the Quran and instead admire Allah's intelligence.’» Allah is the ultimate source of intelligence and the true owner of knowledge. Those who ascribe partners to God are guilty of the highest sin, and can go on to develop a hubris attitude. A person with this personality type will claim to be knowledgeable and right about every subject, criticize others, and not accept when they are wrong. It is important for them to recognize that the world does not rely on them, and that they must rely on Allah for knowledge and insight.
This reinforces the idea that Allah's will is supreme and that those who act with wisdom and understanding will receive His favor.
The Day of Judgment is an unavoidable reality that all of humanity will face. It is a crucial matter that many people avoid thinking and talking about. On this day, the world and all its inhabitants will cease to exist and all will be judged according to their belief in Allah. Those who believed will be welcomed into Paradise, while the deniers will be cast into Hell.
The Day of Judgment is drawing ever closer and is in the hands of Allah, and it is essential to reflect on these facts in order to attain the eternal life of Paradise. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will be revealed in His majestic power. People will face a scene they have never seen before as the universe and all living things cease and end. Filled with terror, fear, and suffering, deniers will experience regret, fear, and humiliation. The Trumpet will be blown as a warning to those who have deviated into unbelief, heralding the end of the life of this world and the beginning of the Hereafter.
Everyone will be helpless against the events that have been promised by Allah, with no way of learning the causes of these things or finding solutions to them. This is the day when all will be faced with the truth of Allah and the Hereafter. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will cause the world to experience immense tremors that will cause ruination and lava to pour out from the cracks. This is a pre-warned event that no one can escape from, and that will bring all of the world's luxuries and possessions to an end. Everyone will be filled with fear and terror as the sound of the trumpet heralds the events that will take place, and realize that there is no way back from this truth.
On the Day of Judgment, Allah will unleash an earthquake of unprecedented intensity, causing mountains to shift and collapse, and the seas to boil and solidify. All of these phenomena will be accompanied by clouds of flame and smoke, consuming the oxygen in the air. This terrifying display of Allah's power will leave the Earth as a barren, level plain, with no mountains or seas to be seen. On The Day of Judgment, Allah will pass judgement on all of humanity and unleash catastrophes on land and sea.
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will lead to giant waves that will flood the world and cause immense terror. People will forget their loved ones and flee in fear of Allah's wrath. On this day, mountains will be like tufts of coloured wool and Heaven will be split apart in clouds. Everyone will be judged and left to face their fate.
This episode warns of the Day of Judgment, which is an eternal reality that every human being must face. Allah will create this day with great events, and those who deny its existence will be burdened with regret. In order to attain true blessings, one must have faith in Allah and give thanks for his blessings. Ultimately, the aim of this episode is to remind us of the importance of preparing for the Day of Judgment before it arrives.
Allah creates a tendency in human souls towards goodness and blessings, but also demands effort to attain them in order to be rewarded with His Garden. The Qur'an emphasizes the importance of making a lasting effort in order to attain a better reward, and encourages believers to persevere in their efforts, even if success is not immediate. Morality is essential to receive Allah's blessings - striving for the spread of Islam, treating others with respect, and displaying exemplary behavior are all necessary. Trust in Allah and His infinite wisdom should provide hope and comfort in times of hardship.
Life is short and fleeting, yet full of miracles. From the innocence of a newborn, to the awakening of consciousness, to the sudden arrival of age and ultimately death, life is a cycle that no human can escape. As we grow older we strive with passion for the world, but it is a waste of time since everything we own and even our own bodies will eventually have to be left behind. This realization should lead us to think rationally and turn to God for a peaceful and honorable life not only here, but also in the eternity that follows.
This episode discusses the importance of living for God and the need to prioritize acts that comply with the good pleasure of God. Emphasizes the need to know God in order to live for Him. One should live a life seeking God's approval for salvation in this world and the Hereafter. God's guidance is given to those who follow what pleases Him, while those who prioritize their own selfish earthly passions will remain in darkness.
Strive to live a life pleasing to God by prioritizing His good pleasure over all else and acting according to His commands and prohibitions. The importance of striving for the Hereafter, as the current world is a fleeting existence. God demands that we put in effort to strive for the Hereafter and follow our good conscience in order to please Him. We must remember that all our acts, living and dying are for God alone, the Lord of all the worlds.
A Muslim woman is strong-willed and courageous, never giving in to weaknesses or discouraged by criticism. She knows that Allah is infinitely just, and her faith in Him makes her brave, as she is confident that He will reward her for her obedience to His teachings. A Muslim woman takes her cues from the Qur'an, relying on it for morality and courage to face any challenge, never making concessions to anything that goes against Allah's will. She trusts that all difficulties and harms in her life ultimately turn into beauty and goodness due to Allah's wisdom and goodness, and remains steadfast in seeking His approval.
Allah bestows many favours on mankind, from the moment we wake up in the morning to the many senses and abilities we possess. The delicious tastes, odours and colours of fruits and vegetables are all gifts from Allah, as are the animals that add beauty to our lives. Allah's blessings are innumerable and we should be grateful for the favours that He bestows upon us.
Allah is the absolute Being who is everywhere. He is not confined to any place, but is present in all places, East and West. He is the Self-Sustaining, the All-Knowing, and the All-Merciful. He is closer to us than our own jugular veins and sees and hears all things.
He has power over all things and has predetermined the destiny of all humans. Understanding these truths will help people to better comprehend the verses of the Qur'an and accept Allah's will. They could not comprehend the fact that Allah is everywhere. Allah is everywhere.
He encompasses everything. Allah encompasses everything; He encompasses the things we say, the things we do, the things we think. Allah is the ultimate creator and controller of Destiny and all Things. He encompasses all things in the heavens and on earth, and knows what will occur before it happens. We must not assume an arrogant attitude and think we have more control than we do, as Allah is everywhere and aware of our every action.
We must accept that Allah is in control of our lives and that we should not think of ourselves as divine, as this is forbidden. Allah is outside of time and space, and is not an entity that can be seen or touched. No matter where one is in the world, they will point towards the sky when they pray to Allah. It is important to remember that free will exists, but it is within the destiny that Allah has created. Therefore, Allah determines our destiny and what things will happen in our lives.
Allah is an infinite source of wisdom, justice, compassion and grace, and a real believer should never lose hope or succumb to negative thoughts in difficult situations. Allah commands His followers to remain hopeful and to trust in His infinite power and mercy, even when facing difficult circumstances. Following this morality will lead to peace, tranquility and joy of expecting Allah's help and closeness, even in the most difficult of situations. Allah is the source of both blessings and difficulty, and He is the only one who can provide His guidance and help for any person. It is important to trust in Allah and to pray with hope and sincerity, as He will always create the best outcome for Muslims in this world and in the Hereafter.
The story of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) is an example of how Allah can provide a way out of seemingly impossible situations.
1 http://www.star.le.ac.uk/astrosoc/whatsup/stars.html (Leicester edu dept of Physics & astronomy); http://www.site.uottawa.ca:4321/astronomy/index.html#Sirius (University of Ottowa); http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~hrs/ay45/Fall2002/ChapterIVPart2.pdf (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
2 Dr. Mazhar, U. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur’an, Crescent Publishing House, New York, 1997, p. 110-111; http://www.wamy.co.uk/announcements3.html; from Prof. Zighloul Raghib El-Naggar’s speech.
3 Malcolm T. Sanford, APIS /Apicultural Information and ISsues from IFAS/University of Florida, Vol. 14, no. 4, April 1996; http://apis.ifas.ufl.edu/apis96/apapr96.htm
Scientific Miracles of the Quran & Modern English Translation of the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/SdPA8
The Qur'an, which is a great manifestation of Allah's mercy; it is a blessing from our Lord which provides clear insight for humanity and is a sure guide to the straight path. It is a source of healing, counsel, and good news for believers, and enables them to lead a life that is not like that of the unbelievers.
According to the Qur'an, Allah is the distinguisher between right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Believers are determined to follow the Qur'an and the Prophet's example, not attempting to find a middle ground between its teachings and a life of ignorance.
Therefore, they are urged to hold fast to what has been revealed to them, as it is a reminder from Allah and they will be questioned on it.
Scientific Miracles of the Quran & Modern English Translation of the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/bXPGd
A sincere person has a deep fear for Allah, profoundly believes in Him, sees and advocates the righteousness in the best way. A sincere person is the one who believes in Allah with certainty, the Hereafter, prophets, the Heaven and the Hell and angels.
This episode discusses the discovery of the expansion of the universe and its implications for the Big Bang Theory. Edwin Hubble's red shift observations and Albert Einstein's theoretical calculations showed that the universe is constantly expanding, and that it originated from a single point with zero volume and infinite density. This great explosion that marked the beginning of the universe was named the 'Big Bang' and the theory started to be so called. The Big Bang Theory is supported by the Quran, which states that the universe was created out of nothing, and was formed by all the objects being parted from each other. This discovery of the Universe's volume and expansion has been a major breakthrough in the scientific community.
Scientific Miracles of the Quran & Modern English Translation of the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/MRBB8
Allah is the Creator of all things and has ordained all that will happen in the future. He is not bound by time and is aware of events which have yet to occur, as He is the First and Last, Absolute and Infinite. He is the One Who wills, determines and creates all events, and nothing occurs without His knowledge. Therefore, Allah is the ultimate Authority in all matters, both present and future.
Allah is a very close and intimate presence in our lives. He is near enough to hear our quietest thoughts, to know what is in our hearts, and to answer our prayers. He hears and answers the call of the caller when they call on Him, and He knows all things. Allah is a merciful and forgiving presence, always near and always listening.
This episode speaks of how God has created the perfect life for His servants in Paradise, which is beyond the limited world of this life and its imperfections. It explains that the blessings of Paradise, which will fulfill the desires of the heart, can only be attained through faith, moral perfection, and determination. The Qur'an warns those who doubt the existence of Paradise and Hell due to their misconceptions about matter and the life of the Hereafter. By reminding us of the importance of the Hereafter and the beauty of Paradise, this episode encourages us to strive to win God's favour and be rewarded with an eternal life in Paradise.
The Qur'an describes the beauties of Paradise as including trees with trunks of gold, branches of silver, and leaves of pearls, as well as rivers flowing under them. These natural beauties give us a sense of well-being and happiness, as God has created us to take pleasure in the beauties of Paradise. Paradise is a beautiful and abundant place, with luxurious dwellings made of precious stones and rivers of milk, honey, and wine. The Tuba tree provides robes for the dwellers and the wealth of Paradise is vast and everlasting. This world has nothing to compare with the perfect life, landscape, and abundance that Paradise offers.
The Hadith reveals that believers in Paradise are blessed with an abundance of luxurious dwellings, markets, and food. The dwellings of Paradise are made of the most precious stones and are filled with blessings. These include tents made of pearls and palaces of pearl with seventy residences, each of which contains seventy homes made of green beryl. The markets of Paradise are abundant with blessings and have no lack of anything desired.
Furthermore, the people of Paradise are provided with delicious fruits and bird-meat. All of these blessings are provided by Almighty God so that believers may enjoy a life of true joy and delight. Paradise is an eternal blessing promised to believers on the Day of Reckoning. The Qur'an and Hadith provide details of the many qualities that make Paradise a paradise, such as its abundance of fruit, its fragrant aromas, and its colourful varieties of food. God has promised happiness for all His servants in Paradise, and each person will receive a rank in Paradise corresponding to their piety.
Therefore, it is important for everyone to remember that one can pass over to the Hereafter at any moment and be prepared to attain the eternal blessings of Paradise in this world. Paradise is a place of abundant blessings, as described in a hadith. The least of those in Paradise will have eighty thousand servants and seventy two wives and a dome of pearls, aquamarine and rubies between two cities. A sincere Muslim must strive to be worthy of the highest rank in God's Presence in Paradise, as God is pleased with those who have perfected faith and desire to be close to Him in this world and the next.
Believers must always exhibit trust in God and submit to His will, no matter what the situation. This is exemplified through the stories of prophets such as Moses, Joseph and Abraham (peace be upon them all) whose seemingly unfavorable circumstances turned out for the best. Person must recognize that their life is within a destiny set out by God, and that all of their words, attitudes and thoughts are known and will be judged in the afterlife. This judgement will result in either eternal salvation or everlasting suffering, depending on how a person has lived their life in accordance with God's moral values. Believers will be rewarded for living a life of good conscience and faith.
God has promised His faithful and patient servants the highest of rewards, lodging them in lofty chambers in the garden with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, forever. Such is the excellent reward of those who do right actions and are steadfast in their trust in the Lord.
The Prophet Moses (pbuh) was a role model for believers, displaying a powerful submission to God in the face of troubles. When faced with the pagans, he reminded his companion to submit to God if He did not help them. Prophet Moses' (pbuh) struggle with Pharaoh showed how even an unfavorable situation can suddenly be turned around by God's will. When Pharaoh and his army chased after Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the believers, Prophet Moses (pbuh) expressed his trust that God would guide them and they were able to cross the sea safely.
The life of Prophet Joseph (pbuh) provides another example of how believers should interpret events as auspicious and submit to God. Lastly, Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) experience with the unbelievers who wanted to throw him into the fire, and God's command to the fire to be peaceful for him, show that all events are tests and work to the benefit of believers. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) taught us that faith in God and living according to the moral values desired by Him is the path to a good life. Believers who stay steadfast and trust in their Lord will be rewarded with a lofty chamber in the Garden, with rivers flowing beneath it, and they will remain there timelessly and forever.
Believers strive to live according to moral values prescribed in the Quran. They listen to their conscience, speak honestly and encourage goodness. They engage in conversations that involve remembrance of God and verses from the Quran, and seek to establish the atmosphere of paradise here on earth. Believers also show compassion towards one another by helping each other to goodness and not to wrongdoing, and by praying for each other's good. Believers possess an elevated moral code that is encouraged in the Quran.
They demonstrate their moral virtues by showing consideration for their brothers and seeking God's approval. These believers fear God and are characterized by their trustworthiness, altruism, and unity. They display these qualities through good deeds, seeking only the approval of God and expecting no reward in return. Ultimately, those who possess these moral values will receive the finest recompense from God.
Believers demonstrate compassion by listening to their conscience, speaking honestly and encouraging moral values. They remember God in their conversations, and engage in godly conversation rich in verses from the Quran. This is the best way to find peace, according to the Quran. They also show compassion by encouraging one another to do good and to stay away from wrongdoing, and by praying for one another's good.
In this way, they strive to create an atmosphere of paradise here on earth, in accordance with the Quran. Believers are called to show compassion to their brothers, as exemplified in the Quran. The episode emphasizes that when one turns to God and seeks His good pleasure, they will be rewarded with forgiveness from the Lord and the eternal joy of gardens with rivers flowing under them. These superior moral values, such as fear of God, submission, trustworthiness and altruism, are all important traits that believers strive for in order to receive the finest recompense.
Believers can be distinguished by their reliance on Allah's plan and their unwavering commitment to moral values revealed in the Quran. This brings great peace and comfort in this world and the Hereafter and is the only way to achieve Allah's blessings. Such blessings include not only forgiveness of sins but also assurance of a place in Paradise for those who abide by Qur'anic morality. Therefore, living a life of faith and trust in Allah is a tremendous blessing and a source of joy for believers.
By living in accordance with Allah's commands and never straying from the moral values of the Qur'an, a believer can experience reason, will power, peace and comfort in this world and in the Hereafter. This moral behavior sets believers apart from other individuals in the world, and is the only way to gain Allah's forgiveness and enter Paradise. Allah promises this victory to all who believe and guard against evil.
Allah is the sole absolute being, encompassing the entire universe and all within it, from the heavens to the Earth. He is unfettered by time and space, closer to us than our jugular veins, and can be found wherever we look. We are subjected to His power and wisdom, and He holds us by the forelock. He knows what is before and behind us, and His Footstool encompasses everything. His presence is manifested in the whole universe.
Atoms are incredibly small particles that cannot be viewed with the most powerful microscopes and make up everything we see, touch, and feel. Each atom is composed of a nucleus and a number of electrons in orbital shells that are located far away from the nucleus. Inside the nucleus are smaller particles called protons and neutrons, and its mass makes up 99.95% of the atom's mass, while it only occupies a tiny fraction of the atom's space.
The strong nuclear force is the most powerful force in nature, and holds the nucleus of an atom together. Atoms are made up of a nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons, and electrons which revolve around the nucleus. The protons have positive charges and repel each other, but the strong nuclear force, which is 100 times stronger than the electro-magnetic force, keeps them together. This precise balance of forces is what allows the universe to exist and creates the tremendous equilibrium and design observed.
Electrons are small particles carrying a negative charge, and therefore must obey certain laws of physics. These laws, however, do not explain the extraordinary escape velocity of electrons, the repelling force between them, or the force of attraction of the nucleus. All of these must be perfectly balanced for the atom to exist. This balance is only possible through Allah's power and will, as He alone holds all the forces of the universe in harmony.
Thus, the atom is a testament to the intervention of Allah, the all-powerful Creator. Electrons have been found to possess both particle and wave characteristics, and it is known that light is spread in a similar way to ripples created on the surface of water. This perplexed scientists until Richard P. Feynman proposed that electrons have an inimitable "quantum mechanical" behavior. Scientists studying this behavior have been awarded prizes and honoured for their work; however, it is Allah, Who created the system, that should be praised for His infinite might, knowledge, artistry and wisdom, which is evident in the perfect measure, order, and equilibrium of the universe.
From the smallest sub-atomic particle to the gigantic celestial bodies in space, Allah has appointed a measure for all things, and He created everything and determined it most exactly. When these electrons come back to their own shells, they emit photons. These photons form the colours we perceive.
Electrons are integral to the formation of colour in our world, as they absorb photons which cause them to jump to higher energy shells, and then emit photons when they return to their original shells. This process is so complex that scientists could not explain it and called it "Quantum Mechanical Motion". However, the only answer to the question of why this process works is Allah, the Creator of the universe who brought it into existence with extraordinary balances and equilibriums.
13. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 62
14. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 62
15. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 62
16. Ümit Şimşek, Atom (The Atom), Yeni Asya Yayınları, p.7
17. Taşkın Tuna, Uzayın Ötesi (Beyond Space), Boğaziçi Yayınları, 1995, p. 53
18. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 62
19. Taşkın Tuna, Uzayın Ötesi (Beyond Space), Boğaziçi Yayınları, 1995, p. 52
20. David Filkin, Stephen Hawking's Universe:The Cosmos Explained, Basic Books, October 1998, pp. 143-144
21. Richard Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, The M.I.T. Press, March 1967, p. 128
22. Richard Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, The M.I.T. Press, March 1967, p. 129
23. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 5
Allah is a forgiving and powerful being, Who pardons us for the mistakes we make and the wrong decisions we take. He encourages us to repent in order to attain Paradise, but only if we are sincere in our repentance. He will not accept repentance from those who merely say they are sorry and then return to their former ways without feeling any regret. Therefore, it is important for us to be mindful of Allah and His mercy, and to sincerely turn to Him in repentance.
Allah commands us to act with justice, for He is the most Just Judge. He knows what is in our hearts and minds and will judge all of our deeds according to His justice. He rewards good deeds and punishes those who do evil. Allah will also take into account all of the difficulties that people have faced and grant them rewards or punishments accordingly.
On the Day of Judgment, no soul will be wronged in any way, as Allah is infinitely Just. He will separate those who believe in Him from those who do not and calls us to be just in all of our dealings.
Those who believe in Allah and accept His decree are always cheerful and joyful. It also shows up in their daily lives and is the fundamental source of their character. For believers, there is no source of material or spiritual discomfort because their love and devotion to Allah, and their submission to Him, remove any cause for material or spiritual discomfort. As a result of the guidance of the Qur'an, they are aware that Allah will turn "bad" things to their advantages and benefits. Because of their faith, believers always have cheerfulness and joy. They remain cheerful even in an environment where everyone else is unhappy or pessimistic because nothing can make them unhappy.
The universe is an infinite scientific wonder created by Allah, Who has superior might and infinite wisdom. Studies of the atom, the basis of all animate and inanimate things, reveal perfect order, unerring balance, and conscious design. Through research and questioning, we can uncover the reasons behind this miraculous design, leading us to the truth of Allah's infinite power and wisdom. The Universe is an infinite scientific mystery that has been contemplated for centuries. Ancient Greeks believed in an infinite universe without a beginning, which was revived during the Renaissance and embraced by materialistic philosophies.
In the 20th century, the Big Bang theory proved this wrong, and showed that the universe was created from nothing. This finding of Creation was seen by Sir Fred Hoyle and others as a challenge to their "steady-state" theory, which proposed an infinite universe without beginning or end. The Big Bang has since been accepted as the standard model for the universe, and is widely accepted by the scientific community.
Edwin Hubble's discovery of red shifted light from stars in the California Mount Wilson Observatory showed that stars and galaxies were moving away from each other, proving that the universe is expanding. This further pointed to the Big Bang Theory, where the universe was created from nothing in a single point-mass with zero volume due to immense gravitational force. This was confirmed by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson's discovery of cosmic background radiation.
The atoms that make up the entire universe formed after the Big Bang, and the formation and combination of these atoms have enabled an incredibly complex universe to come into being. The Big Bang created particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, which formed the atom, the building block of the universe. In order for the material universe to form, more electrons than positrons had to be present. This perfect balance of particles allowed the universe to form, and the atoms that make up the universe are a result of this balance along with Allah's will.
1. David Filkin, Stephen Hawking's Universe:The Cosmos Explained, Basic Books, October 1998, pp. 85-86
2. Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time A Reader's Companion (Edited by Stephen Hawking; prepared by Gene Stone), New York, Bantam Books, 1982, p. 62-63
3. Henry Margenau, Roy Abraham Vargesse, Cosmos, Bios, Theos, La Salla IL: Open Court Publishing, 1992, p. 241
4. H. P. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution", Physics Bulletin, vol. 138, 1980, p. 138
5. Taşkın Tuna, Uzayın Sırları (The Secrets of Space), Boğaziçi Yayınları, p.185
6. Colin A. Ronan, The Universe Explained, The Earth-Dwellers's Guide to the Mysteries of Space, Henry Holt and Company, pp. 178-179
7. Taşkın Tuna, Uzayın Sırları (The Secrets of Space), Boğaziçi Yayınları, p.186
8. Steven Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Basic Books, June 1993, p. 87
9. Stephen W. Hawking, A Brief History of Time, Bantam Books, April 1988, p. 121
10. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos, How Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the Century Reveal God, Colorado: NavPress, Revised Edition, 1995, p. 76
11. Michael Denton, Nature's Destiny: How The Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, The New York: The Free Press, 1998, pp. 12-13
12. Paul Davies, The Accidental Universe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982, Foreword
In insincere people, the lack of wisdom is one of the most apparent symptoms of their spiritual states. People deceive themselves by believing in their own interpretations and ignoring the truth, which leads to spiritual and material harm. This is especially seen in those with weak faith who lack wisdom and fail to measure their behavior against the Quran. By not taking the Qur'an as their guideline, they turn away from Allah and succumb to their selfish desires. This leads to a lack of spiritual fulfillment and a lack of understanding of one's true relationship with Allah. Allah speaks of a special type of wisdom granted only to those who fear and take refuge in Him.
People who lack this wisdom and become distanced from the morality of the Qur'an cannot distinguish right from wrong. This deficiency leads to spiritual and physical lethargy, and material and spiritual impurity. Allah grants purity and spiritual light to those who believe in Him with a sincere heart.
Those who lack faith and sincerity, however, are afflicted with spiritual impurity, and the negative "vibes" they emit can be felt by others, manifesting itself in a lack of illumination in their faces and a darkening of their expressions. Even with great care in personal hygiene, these people cannot save themselves from this spiritual lack. When they turn towards Allah with sincerity, however, they are blessed with a beauty and health that brings a blessing to those around them.
The laws of physics, discovered by physicists, are evidence of the perfection of Allah's creation. Water's viscosity, the gravity of masses, and Planck's Constant are examples of these laws and how they are perfect for the use of living beings.
These laws are necessary for the balance of the universe, or else the Earth would be lost in space. Allah is responsible for these laws, as He sends down water from the sky and creates crops to sustain life. The laws of physics are a testament to the divine design of the universe. Without these laws, energy would be completely different: a small fire could burn us up, while even a giant fireball wouldn't be enough to warm the earth. Frictional forces are essential, as they are necessary to keep objects in place and allow us to brake our cars.
These laws of physics demonstrate the sovereignty of Allah, and how he has put them in service for us to reflect upon and understand His power.
Allah is the source of all blessings, and to stay close to Him one must appreciate these blessings and fill their heart with love and fear of Him. Being aware of His greatness, power and judgment means one can distinguish between good and evil and make sound decisions. Such a person will have a clear mind and radiating face, and will find true peace and joy in their heart through remembrance of Allah.
Allah's blessings and power are all around us, yet many people refuse to think about their responsibilities to Him. Living a moral life, being respectful of others, and always remembering Allah and His name are important to create a deep relationship with Him and avoid displeasing Him.
We must trust in His absolute existence and power, and strive to be servants of whom He approves. This will bring us closer to His mercy and blessings, and ultimately lead to a life of joy and spiritual delight in this world and the hereafter. Allah is nearer to us than our jugular vein. According to the Quran, He is witness of everything. To be with Allah at every moment, we must seek help from Him in difficult situations and trust Him, while not placing any hope in natural causes or other people.
Prayer is a great way to connect with Him and turn to Him in all tasks. We must remember that all blessings come from Him and give thanks for them, as it is one of the best ways to serve Him alone.
Note 1: (IHYA-U ULUMUDDİN, Vol. 1 p. 201, Hacetü’l İslam, Imam Gazali)
Person's natural inclination is to lead a stable and uniform life, free from sudden changes. But Allah, in His infinite wisdom, creates ups and downs in a person's life as a blessing, as it forces them to use their intelligence and will power to make fast track progress and improvements in their personality. Ultimately, the sudden changes and surprises in life, although difficult, are beneficial. A person should embrace the changes in their life that Allah creates as they may not always understand the purpose of these changes. Despite the challenges that may arise, these changes can be used to develop one's personality, open up new opportunities, and ultimately lead to a life of prosperity and blessings.
Allah always has the best intentions for a person, even if it may be difficult to see at first. Therefore, a person should trust Allah and have faith that good will come out of every situation.
Allah is merciful and forgiving, and believers who err should not despair. The Quran speaks of the many consolations given to those who have made mistakes, and Allah has promised to forgive when a person repents. However, many people are too proud to admit they have erred, and this can lead to despair. A believer finds peace by accepting their imperfections, and this helps them better appreciate Allah's perfection.
The Universe was created with an explosive "Big Bang" from a single point-mass of matter and energy with zero volume. This discovery disproves the notion of an infinite universe and implies the existence of a Creator. Scientists have confirmed the Big Bang's existence with observational evidence, showing that the universe was created from "nothing" in a planned and controlled manner. The Explosion was balanced, resulting in galaxies, stars, the sun, the earth, and other heavenly bodies.
The Big Bang has challenged the materialist view of an eternal universe and has caused much trouble for those who deny the existence of a Creator. The Universe was created with a Big Bang Explosion, and laws of physics were formed from it that are uniform throughout the universe and have not changed in 15 billion years. These laws are so precise that even a slight alteration would cause destruction. This incredible order and balance indicates a creation with a purpose, supported by the fact that the universe is habitable and the rate of expansion after the Big Bang was finely tuned. Scientists like Fred Hoyle, Paul Davies, Stephen Hawking, and George Greenstein all agree that this points to a supernatural agency. The Universe, created by Allah, is a powerful testament to His existence and His supreme power.
Through the alternating night and day, the changing winds, and the clouds that move between heaven and earth, the creation of the heavens and earth with its precise balances and all its life forms illustrates Allah's command and authority. The Qur'an, revealed fourteen centuries ago, confirms this truth and proclaims Allah's greatness as the Lord of all worlds. Thus, the Universe was created through an explosion of power, and serves as further evidence of Allah's perfect creation and command.
1 Henry Margenau, Roy Abraham Vargesse, Cosmos, Bios, Theos,
La Salle IL: Open Court Publishing, 1992, p. 241
2 Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How Greatest
Scientific Discoveries of The Century Reveal God,
Colorado: NavPress, revised edition, 1995, p. 76
3 Fred Hoyle, The Intelligent Universe, London, 1984, pp.184-185
4 Paul Davies, Superforce: The Search for a Grand Unified Theory of Nature, 1984, p. 184
5 Stephen Hawking, ABrief History Of Time, Bantam Press, London: 1988, pp. 121-125
6 Paul Davies, God and the New Physics, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983, p. 189
7 George Greenstein, The Symbiotic Universe, p. 27
Allah is the most merciful and compassionate, and this is demonstrated by the scientific research that has revealed that when infants receive affection from their mothers, fewer genes are expressed than when they experience pain or lack of affection. This has positive short-term and long-term effects on the infant's brain, reducing pain and improving early brain development. It is this sensitivity to love and affection that leads people to seek refuge in Allah's mercy. Allah is the All-Merciful and Most Merciful, and His love and compassion is extended to His servants throughout their lives. His love is most evidently manifested in Paradise, the eternal destination for believers possessing deep faith who seek the shelter of His love.
The Qur'an highlights Allah's mercy when it mentions His response to the plea of forgiveness from Adam and his brother, and when it recounts the prayer of Ayyub. Thus, Allah's mercy and affection for mankind is everlasting and incomparable.
Wisdom is a quality of a person of faith, distinct from mere intelligence, and provides insight and understanding far greater than that of an intelligent person. A firm faith in God and adherence to the teachings of the Quran are necessary to acquire this virtue. Wisdom allows believers to properly employ their mental abilities, judgement, and logic.
Those without faith lack this virtue and can lead to disastrous outcomes. Wisdom provides peace, well-being, and happiness, and is the source of the believer's knowledge of God's control, fate and presence. It also helps believers to adapt to changing conditions and situations, and if possessed by society as a whole, could lead to extraordinary peace, security, and abundance. Wisdom is an invaluable quality for any person to possess, as it enables them to bring benefit to society and to live out their faith in a meaningful way.
The Qu'ran encourages us to be wise, to protect the oppressed, care for the needy, and to show justice in all matters. We need more people of wisdom in our society in order to prevent chaos and to discover solutions to the problems we face. Fear of God and faith in Him are essential for true wisdom to be realised, and it is through this wisdom that we can lead meaningful and productive lives.
Allah is the Creator of Destiny and Fate. He predetermined all events and their respective positions on the timeline of eternity, and no one can overcome or change it. This absolute truth should be accepted by believers with unconditional submission, as trying to do otherwise displeases Allah. Those who don't fully understand this concept may mistakenly think that destiny can be changed, but this is impossible, as it is predetermined by Allah.
Everything is part of Allah's plan to benefit religion and believers, and no matter what happens, it is predetermined and should be respected. Allah is the Creator and Ruler of all, and He has predetermined our destiny and fate. Believers must place their trust in Allah, knowing that He is testing them with good and bad so that they may be rewarded in the hereafter. No matter the outcome, it is all for the best and it is Allah's will. Those who accept their destiny and submit to Allah's will will find strength and peace of mind, for Allah is ever-forgiving and all-forbearing.
He is closer to us than our jugular vein and knows all things. Knowing this, we must fear Allah and remember that whatever happens to us is a part of His plan.
We must be mindful of our attachment to the world and be generous in spending our wealth on Allah's path, for this is the only way to receive a great reward in the Hereafter. Greed and meanness will harm us in the long run, and disasters from Allah are a reminder that our time in this world is limited. Believers are aware of this and use their wealth as a means to draw closer to Allah, understanding that true praise lies in His sight. The Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) is the finest example of someone who had great wealth and assets, but used them to further Allah's path.
Believers, who have faith in Allah and spend their wealth on His path, will be rewarded with Allah's mercy and Paradise in the Hereafter. These people have chosen the infinite wealth and salvation of the Hereafter over the transient wealth of this world, thus making the best possible bargain.
Allah's existence can be seen through conscience, which is a spiritual quality that comes from following one's inner guidance. Evidence of His power and wisdom is seen in the perfect and flawless design of the universe, the sun, the atmosphere, and the human body. Intelligence alone is not enough to comprehend the evidence; wisdom is required to draw the correct conclusions. Conscience leads to wisdom, and wisdom leads to acknowledgement of Allah as the one and only Creator.
Conscience is a powerful tool that helps us to understand the existence and glory of Allah. Through his insight and understanding, Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was able to comprehend the existence of Allah despite no one telling him.
Despite our intelligence and knowledge, if we refuse to accept the bare facts before our eyes, we will become misguided.
Allah's existence can be found through wisdom and conscience, and by employing them we can find the truth.
Allah's existence is clear and manifest and those who reject it do so because it does not align with their interests. Prophet Ibrahim's story is an example of how those who deny Allah's truth struggle with their conscience. People are encouraged to use their intellect to recognize the truth of Allah and His power and to accept the moral code they must observe as believers.
Information is a key concept in understanding the universe, science, and life itself. Scientists today are realizing that the universe is formed by "matter, energy and information", replacing the materialistic philosophy of the 19th century. DNA is the most comprehensive example of this, as the information it contains is so vast that it would take up 900 volumes of encyclopedias if written down. This discovery has sent materialism and its theories, such as Darwinism, into a dead end, as it cannot explain how information could be produced by chance. Materialists attempt to reduce information to matter, but this has been proven erroneous as information and matter are two separate domains.
This reveals the importance of an intelligent being as the source of information. Information is a fundamental entity of science that cannot be reduced to matter, and its origin is best explained by an intelligent source. Biology, astronomy, and physics all point to this conclusion, showing the existence of a Mind that existed before matter and created the universe. Modern science has revealed that the universe and life as we know it are created using a blueprint of magnificent information that existed before.
This conclusion aligns with the teachings of divine religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which state that God existed before matter and that matter is created and ruled by God's infinite knowledge. The Lawh Mahfuz, mentioned in the Qur'an, is the source of this endless knowledge, containing all the information of the universe and the destinies of all life on earth. The findings of science have proven the truth of divine religion, that God is truly the "All-Knowing".
This episode speaks of how we are all going through a trial, as God tests us with both good and evil. He tests us with fear, hunger, loss of wealth and life, and even our own wealth and children. He does this to test our faith and actions, and He rewards those who are steadfast. God is swift in retribution and ever-forgiving. This reminds us to be aware that we are all going through a trial.
Living in accordance with the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/NiEL9
Satan strives to lead believers away from Allah, His religion, and the Quran. He is a sly enemy, capable of seeing believers from where they cannot see him, and employs a variety of methods to ensnare them. He is completely under Allah's control, but can tempt all who are not sincerely devoted to Allah. However, Allah's mercy is greater than Satan's deceit, and He will protect those who trust in Him and repent of their sins. Satan is a constant enemy of man, whose main goal is to lead people astray and make them forget about Allah.
He strives to make people forget their responsibilities to Allah by engaging them in trivial and idle matters, making their wrongdoings seem attractive, and making the life of this world seem alluring. To protect themselves from Satan's whispers and provocations, believers must seek refuge in Allah and remember that He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. Meanwhile, Allah promises forgiveness and abundance to those who turn towards Him, and His mercy and tranquillity envelopes those who faithfully remember Him. Satan is an enemy of Allah and His believers, as he seeks to deceive people by making them forget their faith and the existence of the hereafter. He is powerless to influence true believers, instead their faith is only reinforced by his actions.
Allah has revealed to us that Satan has no power over the disbelievers, and that if an evil urge from Satan eggs them on, they should seek refuge in Allah. His ultimate goal is to mislead people and guide them to the punishment of the Searing Blaze, and believers should treat him as an enemy.
By reflecting on the Quran and by understanding the verses, one can discover the truth and the actual purpose of his existence. Allah created the world with a purpose and truth, and He has given people the capacity to think and reflect in order to uncover the secrets of His creation. Deep thinking can help people become aware of how quickly life passes and how they will soon depart from the world; it can also help them understand their purpose of existence and the destination they will reach on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, people should strive to think deeply and earnestly in order to grasp the truth and gain in the hereafter. Allah is the source of true understanding and peace. Thinking deeply about His attributes, and living in accordance with His commands, can lead to a deeper appreciation of beauty and a rejection of worldly greed.
The rewards for those who search for the truth and remember Allah in all that they do, are infinite: His love, approval, mercy, and paradise. These blessings are more valuable than any worldly gain, and are reminders to all to reflect on the marvels of Allah's creation.
This episode discusses the Prophet Muhammad's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) teachings that Allah is the one true God, and that none of the other things people ascribe to him can do any good or harm. He challenges people to produce divine knowledge or a book that predates the Qur'an, or to show him which of their partner gods have created a part of the Earth or have a share in the heavens. Ultimately, Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) teaches that Allah is the Almighty and All-Wise, and that any promises made by wrongdoers are just delusions. In conclusion, the episode emphasizes Allah's power and authority over all things, both in the heavens and on Earth.
The Prophet Muhammad (saas), who reminded his people that Allah was one God, also conveyed in various ways that none of the things which they ascribed as partners to Allah, would harm anyone or do any good. Some of the relevant verses are as follows:
Say: “Pray if you will to those whom you deify besides Him. They cannot relieve your distress nor can they change it.” (Surat al-Isra’, 56)
Say: “Have you pondered on those you invoke besides Allah? Show me what part of the Earth they have created. Or do they have a share in the heavens? Produce a Book for me revealed before this one or some other shred of divine knowledge, if you are telling the truth.” (Surat al-Ahqaf, 4)
Say: “Call on those whom you deify besides Allah. They have no power over even the smallest particle, either in the heavens or on Earth. They have no share in them. Nor has He any helpers among them.” (Surah Saba’, 22)
Say: “Show me those you have appointed to Him as associates. No indeed! Allah alone is the Almighty, the All-Wise.” (Surah Saba’, 27)
Say: “Have you seen your partner gods, those you call upon besides Allah? Show me what part of the Earth they have created, or do they have a share in the heavens?" Have We given them a Book whose Clear Signs they follow? No indeed! The wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion. (Surah Fatir, 40)
Allah encompasses all knowledge and power. He created the universe with precise detail, allowing us to comprehend His greatness. His wisdom, knowledge, and might is infinite and encompasses all things, both known and unknown. Through His creation, we can see He has the power to create many different worlds, beings, and situations.
He has predetermined Paradise and Hell, the former being a place of eternal beauty and the latter being a place of unimaginable suffering. Ultimately, we must seek to understand Allah's power and greatness. Allah is infinite in knowledge and power and His might exceeds human understanding. We can only comprehend what He allows us to know. The Quran also reveals that Allah's knowledge is unlimited and His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth. We cannot fathom the depth of Allah's knowledge and power, but we can be sure that He is capable of anything.
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There is nothing that does not glorify Allah with praise, but you do not understand their glorification. He is Clement, Forgiving. Conscience is a spiritual quality given to us by Allah to guide us towards good behaviour and thought. It is universal, and speaks to all of us in the same way when given the same conditions. Through conscience, Allah lets us know what pleases Him, and it helps us to distinguish right from wrong.
Though it is our own responsibility to follow our conscience, failure to do so will bring regret and punishment in the afterlife. We must listen to our conscience, follow the Quran and the Messenger, and never turn away from the truth in order to gain entry to Allah's heaven. Life, therefore, is about listening to Allah's voice through our conscience, and taking action accordingly. Conscience is an integral part of understanding our life purpose and relationship with Allah. We are all subject to wrong-doing, but Allah's forgiveness is always available to us if we ask for it with a sincere heart.
His mercy and forbearance are infinite, and He will always forgive us.
Believers know that they should use their time wisely and not waste it on worthless things. They use their conscience and reason to distinguish between useful and useless matters, and aim to gain Allah's approval in all of their deeds. Consequently, when they hear anything that is not relevant to the benefit of the religion and of Muslims, they turn away and refuse to engage in it.
Islamic Audiobooks: https://soundcloud.com/islamic-audio-book/sets
Those who are safe-guarded from the avarice of their own selves, those are the ones who are successful. Fear of Allah is essential for believers, as it draws them closer to Him, helps them develop a deeper faith, and guides them to live according to the values of the Quran.
Fear of Allah differs from mundane fears as it is expressed by a different Arabic word that conveys overwhelming respect. Fearing Allah motivates people to avoid evil and increases their wisdom and understanding, bringing peace of mind and preventing the self from succumbing to selfishness. Additionally, fear of Allah enables believers to take heed of warnings and to recognize God's magnificence and power.
The ultimate goal is to cultivate a more profound fear of Allah, and to strive to earn His love. Evil is no match for the power of Allah. A person who truly believes in Allah and follows his teachings will be safeguarded from the avarice of their own selves and will be successful. Through following Allah's will, a person will find love for His creations, and ultimately the highest form of love, which is love for Allah. They will also have the fear of Allah, which is the best provision, and the knowledge that only Allah can protect them from evil.
Allah is the ultimate truth and Ruler of the universe. He created all physical laws and controls all the systems in the universe, whether we are aware of them or not. The intricate order of the earth and the universe is evidence of His power, such as the precision of the earth's orbit around the sun. Even our ability to take a step forward is thanks to countless predetermined details.
Living things are also a testament to Allah's power, such as the single kidney cell that can carry out tasks that normally require a lot of thought. Allah's infinite wisdom and knowledge are apparent in every aspect of the universe. Allah is the Creator of the entire universe and all its components. He is All-Powerful and All-Knowing, and has the ability to bring the dead to life.
The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) knew this truth and acknowledged it daily by praising Allah for His might and power. Allah is the ultimate source of truth and has power over all things.
Allah is the only Lord and the Quran is the only guide. Reflecting deeply on the verses of the Qur'an is necessary to understand the admonitions and commands given by Allah, and to become a believer. The Qur'an makes clear that those who choose to comply and live by the Qur'an will be granted salvation, while those who disbelieve will remain deaf and blind to its guidance. Allah is the Lord of all, and those who do not believe in His teachings are disbelievers. Believers understand and accept the Quran, conforming to its beautiful message and thereby earning salvation in this world and the hereafter.
Disbelievers, however, question Allah's purpose and doubt the truth of the Qur'an, thus leading themselves astray. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will judge all people according to their obedience to the Qur'an, and believers who have followed its commands will receive Paradise and deliverance from eternal punishment, while disbelievers will be doomed to punishment.
He strives to make sure that his behavior and words comply with Allah's commands. Perfected faith is the highest level of maturity and depth of faith an individual can achieve. It involves having faith in Allah as the sole Creator and Owner of everything, submission to Him in all moments of life, a profound fear and love of Allah, and strict compliance with the commands of the Quran. To attain perfected faith, one must listen to their conscience in order to make moral decisions that comply with the Qur'an. People of perfected faith are distinguished by their unconditional observance of Allah's commands and their determination to do good.
They excel in their efforts to earn Allah's approval. The faith of a person who is perfected by Allah is one that follows their conscience and remains steadfast in their attitude, no matter the difficulties they may face.
Perfected Faith Playlist: https://on.soundcloud.com/upy2U
Allah is the Lord and Creator of all things - from the sun and moon to the microorganisms living on earth. He created the universe with a perfect and intricate design, as seen in the complex working of the human body. From the functioning of the brain, to the respiration of air, to the delicate equilibrium of sight, the body is a masterpiece of harmonious design. We can be certain that it was not a coincidence or happenstance that created the world and all living things, but Allah, the Lord and Creator of all. Allah is the Lord and Creator of all things; His might and grandeur are evident throughout the universe, from the seven heavens to the smallest details of our bodies.
He encourages us to reflect on His greatness, and reminds us that He has power over all things and that He is the All-Penetrating, All-Aware Creator. We are created for the purpose of worshipping Him. He is the only God, and all praise be to Him.
Living In Accordance With The Quran: Starting The Day Knowing That Every Moment Is Predestined To Happen
You do not engage in any matter or recite any of the Qur’an or do any action without Our witnessing you while you are occupied with it. Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Chapter 10 verse 61)
Nothing occurs, either in the earth or in yourselves, without its being in a Book before We make it happen. That is something easy for God. That is so that you will not be grieved about the things that pass you by or exult about the things that come to you. God does not love any vain or boastful man. (57 : 22 to 23)
“... God created both you and what you do” ( 37 : 96)
Say: ‘I possess no power to harm or help myself except as God wills..’ (10 : 49)
Say: ‘Nothing can happen to us except what God has ordained for us. He is Our Master. It is in God that the believers should put their trust.’ (9 : 51)
(Hud said,) ‘I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is on a Straight Path.’ (11 : 56)
... God’s command is a pre-ordained decree. (33 : 38)
There is no creature on the earth which is not dependent upon God for its provision. He knows where it lives and where it dies. They are all in a Clear Book. (11 : 6)
Certainly there is no hidden thing in either heaven or earth which is not in a Clear Book. (27 : 75)
Everything they did is in the Books. Everything is recorded, big or small. (54 : 52 to 53)
When you were on the nearer slope, and they were on the further slope and the caravan was lower down than you. If you had made an appointment with them you would have broken the appointment. However, it happened so that God could settle a matter whose result was preordained: so that those who died would die with clear proof, and those who lived would live with clear proof. God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (8 : 42)
Remember when God made you see them as few when you met them, and also made you seem few in their eyes. This was so that God could settle a matter whose result was preordained. All matters return to God. (8 : 44)
“...You stayed some years among the people of Madyan. Then you arrived at the pre-ordained time, Musa! ( 20 : 40)
No self can die except with God’s permission, at a predetermined time... (3 : 145)
Allah is Compassionate and Merciful to His servants. Believers in Allah understand they are prone to mistakes and strive to repent often, as an act of worship. Allah is All-Merciful and All-Forgiving, and He gives people the opportunity to ask for forgiveness. Repentance is a sign of humility and brings relief and a sense of peace to a person's heart. It is important to submit to Allah right after making a mistake and not delay repentance, as faith and repentance at the moment of death may not be accepted.
Allah is Compassionate and Merciful and will forgive mistakes as long as they are asked for with a sincere heart. Allah is ever-forgiving and merciful, and calls for repentance for those who have wronged. He rewards good deeds and turns mistakes into good, increasing the degrees of those who repent and demonstrate the right behaviour. Satan tries to deceive people by discouraging them from repentance and suggesting they can sin again, but this is false as Allah can forgive all who sincerely repent and strive to not commit that sin again.
Faith: The Way to Happiness (Full Audiobook): https://on.soundcloud.com/SRF2k
Mountains play an important geological role in stabilizing the Earth's crust. The Qur'an attested to this fact, although it was not known by anyone at the time it was revealed. It was discovered only recently, through modern geological research. Mountains have deep "roots" that extend downwards, sometimes as far as 10-15 times their own height.
They emerge from the movements and collisions of the Earth's crust plates, and act similarly to nails or pegs holding a tent down. The density of the crust beneath mountains is different than beneath plains, which helps to balance the force of gravity and the force of the mantle. This balancing is known as isostasy. The role of mountains in maintaining the stability of the Earth's crust is essential to life on Earth. Mountains act like nails, holding the plates of the Earth's rocky surface together and preventing them from shifting.
This fixing effect of mountains is revealed in the Qur'an and is further confirmed by modern geological and seismic research, which reveals the necessity of mountains in maintaining the density of the Earth's crust.
The Arabic word "dahaw" meaning "to spread" is used in the Qur'an to describe how Allah smoothed out the Earth. This word also refers to children dropping a ball into a hole in the ground, games involving throwing stones into holes and games played with walnuts. The slightly flattened spherical shape of the Earth is known as geoid, which is similar to an egg and was revealed in the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago. Therefore, the use of the word "dahaw" in the Qur'an provides insight into the shape of the Earth that Allah has given us.
Miracles of the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/6Cd3Q
The universe has been a topic of debate for centuries, with the static universe model maintaining that it is infinite and unchanging. However, with the advancement of science and technology in the 20th century, this view has been disproven. Scientists now agree that the universe was created from nothing in a single moment in a huge explosion, and is constantly changing and expanding. This is supported by the Qur'an, which states that God created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. This is known as the Big Bang, and occurred about 15 billion years ago.
Miracles of the Quran: https://on.soundcloud.com/w5Lfk
The Quran is a divine book of immense importance, written over 1400 years ago. It contains many miraculous scientific facts which were unknown at the time of its revelation. These include the constant expansion of the universe, the unchanging orbits of heavenly bodies, the fertilizing winds, and the wrapping of day and night like a turban - which accurately hints at the roundness of the world. The scientific miracles of the Quran are undeniable evidence of its divine origin.
Happiness is something many people strive for, yet it often eludes them. No matter how much money, possessions, or loved ones they have, true happiness can only come from Allah. This audiobook explains how people's own systems of faith often prevent them from experiencing joy and how, without a sincere heart towards Allah, there can be no true happiness. Believers are the ones who are successful and can find real happiness and joy in life.
Allah is the source of true happiness. He is Ever-Forgiving and Most Merciful, and has equipped the world with all manner of wonders for everyone to enjoy. People can find lasting joy, tranquility, and happiness through faith in Allah and living their lives in accordance with religious morality. In order to experience the blessings of life and appreciate the beauty of what Allah has created, they must form a relationship with Him that is based on true faith and submission to the Qur'an.
Without this, they will not be able to find the true happiness they seek. Allah has provided us with the Qur'an as a mercy to guide us towards a life of happiness. We must strive to live in accordance with Allah's wishes and the nature He has created us with to be truly happy. Those who stray off the path will find themselves in despair, pessimism and hopelessness, and they will be punished in the afterlife. We can protect ourselves from these punishments by following the teachings of Allah, having sincere faith and trusting in Him.
Allah is prepared to bestow the true faith upon those who make the effort. Allah is a source of strength and guidance in life. Those who accept the faith may vary in the level of fear and faith they have in Him, and one must strive to adhere to the Qur'an and His teachings in order to experience the bliss of a true believer. Unbelievers and those who are lukewarm in their faith may fail to recognize how their behavior may conflict with Allah's teachings, and by not separating themselves fully from ignorant morality, they will suffer in this life and the Hereafter. Everyone who declares faith in Allah should strive for a life in accordance with the Qur'an, as Allah desires ease and not difficulty for them. Allah is the creator of all living things and all events that occur in life, so Muslims should live in submission to His will.
Faith in Allah brings true, heartfelt happiness and internal tranquility, and this blessing is only granted to sincere followers who practice their faith in everyday life. Despite tests and difficulties, believers should think positively, as Allah has promised them great rewards in this life and the Hereafter.
Allah tells us that pride and ignorance are two factors that will drive people to secret sorrow. In order for people to be able to lead a life of peace and beauty, they must comprehend the perfection of the morality of the Qur'an and understand Allah's commands and prohibitions. Those who demonstrate sincere faith and adopt the morality of the Qur'an will lead a beautiful and content life in this world, and receive great rewards in the Hereafter. Allah is the source of morality, and a person must accept and live by His instructions to be rewarded in this world and the afterlife.
People who demonstrate insincerity suffer from secret sorrows due to their inability to comprehend and live out the perfection of the Qur'an's morality. Pride and false superiority are two of the main factors that drive people away from Allah and into torment. Allah warns us against this extremely dangerous characteristic in the Qur'an. Allah commands us to be humble and He reveals that humility leads to faith, to superior morality, and to a life of happiness and contentment. Prideful people prioritize their own interests and desires over Allah's approval and their own morality, leading to wickedness and low morality.
They can never experience real love or demonstrate affection, kindness, and the warmth of friendship, and are unable to be loved due to their cold and formal character. Prideful people are unable to accept defeat, and this damages friendships and leads to a difficult and quarrelsome attitude. Unable to experience love, friendship, and superior morality, prideful people are forced to live in a cold and lonely world. To escape this, one must submit to Allah and develop humility, which leads to faith, superior morality, and a life of happiness and contentment. Allah is an all-powerful being who has predetermined events in the world and has control over the Hereafter.
A person who is submissive to Allah, displays gentle and inoffensive behavior, and avoids serious wrong actions, will be rewarded with a Gate of Honor in the afterlife. Those who ignore this and seek worldly greatness will face bitter torment. Allah tells us that even when something is bad for us, it is possible that it is good for us. We should trust in Allah and remember that He has predestined good for us in every event.
Allah is the source of true faith and peace. A person who seeks Allah's approval and follows the Qur'an will live a tranquil and beautiful life, regardless of what others think or do. Idolatry is a terrible crime and those who practice it will suffer unless they adhere to Allah's teachings. If one is feeling distress or hopelessness, they should look to Allah and the Qur'an for guidance, and live according to their faith - then they will find true peace and salvation.
Atoms combine to form molecules, the second step on the way to matter. Molecules are made of two or more atoms and are held together by chemical bonds, which are determined by the electrons on their outermost shells. Carbon is an example of an atom which forms molecules and is essential for the formation of matter, as it forms strong and weak bonds with other atoms. Different combinations of molecules give rise to the diversity of matter we see around us.
Ionic, covalent and metallic bonds are the three main types of bonds that form between atoms. Summarizing, atoms, molecules, and carbon are essential components of life, and scientists have discovered that carbon has the ability to form up to 1.7 million compounds. Atoms are the building blocks of life, and scientists have studied how they bond together. Some atoms swap electrons, while others share their electrons to form covalent bonds. Examples of covalent bonds include the H2 molecule, where two hydrogen atoms share each other's single electron. Metallic bonds occur when a large number of atoms come together by sharing electrons, forming metals like iron, copper, zinc, and aluminium.
Carbon is the most significant element for living beings, as it is able to form 1.7 million compounds, forming structures like cell membranes, horns, trunks, lenses, and venom. Carbon is unique in its ability to form chains with many links, as well as branched or polygonal shapes. This versatility is critical for life, and compounds of carbon range from a few atoms to millions. Hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the main components of water, are very light and non-polar. This means that they have no affinity for each other and do not easily combine to form molecules. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter, and molecules are formed when atoms bond together.
Carbon is an unusual element, forming over a quarter of a million compounds, including hydrocarbons which form the basis of the petrochemical industry and are found in natural gas, paints and fire extinguishers. Carbon is also a vital element for life on Earth, forming proteins with its unique ability to form strong and weak bonds between atoms and molecules. These bonds are essential for the formation of the complex three-dimensional shapes of proteins, which form the basis of all living things. Therefore, without the presence of carbon and its unusual properties, it is unlikely that there would be life on Earth.
The summary of this podcast is that atoms, oxygen, and life are all connected and all dependent on Allah. Oxygen molecules are formed from atoms that are held together by Allah's permission. Taste and smell are created by molecular interactions that happen in our sense organs.
Without taste and smell, life and the world would be dull and ordinary. Thanks to Allah, we have been given these blessings in return for nothing and should strive to be pleasing to Allah for an eternal life filled with blessings.
27. L. Vlasov, D. Trifonov, 107 Stories About Chemistry, 1977, p. 117
28. L. Vlasov, D. Trifonov, 107 Stories About Chemistry, 1977, p. 118
29. David Burnie, Life, Eyewitness Science, London: Dorling Kindersley, 1996, p.8
30. Nevil V. Sidgwick, The Chemical Elements and Their Compounds, vol.1, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1950, p.490
37. Taşkın Tuna, Uzayın Ötesi (Beyond Space), Boğaziçi Yayınları, 1995, p. 166
We are surrounded by a living world, but how did this happen? How did life suddenly develop? Atoms are the building blocks of both animate and inanimate objects, and it is quite remarkable that inanimate atoms can come together to form living organisms. If we mix different materials such as aluminum, plastic and gasoline, the result cannot come to life. The only way for life to arise is through perfect design, and this is something that can only be achieved by Allah.
It is impossible for unconscious atoms to form the DNA molecule. Atoms, which formed the universe, have been found to be the building blocks of life. Inanimate atoms are unable to form living organisms spontaneously.
Atoms, Life, and Inanimate matter cannot combine to form life by sheer coincidence. DNA molecules and protein molecules, each consisting of thousands of different types, cannot assemble themselves in a way that results in life. In addition, the wrong kind of chemical reactions would take place if left to chance, preventing the formation of living beings.
Ultimately, only Allah has the power to create life and the universe from nothing.
38. Henry M. Morris, Impact No. 111, Septemberl 1982
39. Carl Sagan, Cosmos, Random House, April 1983, p. 24
40. C.D. Darlington, Evolution for Naturalists, (NY, John Wiley, 1980) p. 15
41. Dr. Gary Parker, Impact No: 62, August 1978
42. Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science:Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris:Grasset, 1991, p. 38
43. Michael Behe, Darwin's Black Box, Free Press, 1996, p.x
We now know how atoms, the building blocks of the whole universe and everything therein, animate-inanimate, form matter in an extraordinary way. As we have examined, these extremely minute particles have a perfect organisation within themselves. Yet, the miraculous aspect of the atom does not end there; the atom also houses tremendous energy.
Life is full of fleeting moments that come and go, leaving behind only memories. Though humans may forget the details of their lives, God does not; He remembers and records every word and thought. By living a life of submission to God and faith in His infinite wisdom, one can recognize the good in every moment and find eternal salvation. This audiobook encourages us to recognize the beauty of living with faith that there is good in every moment, and how it can bring blessings in this life and the next. Life is full of moments that require faith.
This audiobook encourages us to adopt moral principles and be thankful for the destiny ordained by God. It reminds us to enjoy the pleasure of submission to His infinite wisdom, and to turn difficult moments into ones of gratefulness and patience.
A believer, with his knowledge of faith, is far more patient, and never gives up hope of a better future. He remains hopeful, and looks forward to the good in all that happens. A person of strong faith is one who sees good in all that happens. Believers understand faith to mean not feeling disappointment for any event that occurs, and that all events have a divine purpose and good hidden within.
Additionally, they are patient, hopeful, and never forget that there is always something good behind everything, no matter how, when, or where it takes place. A person who is a true believer must strive to remain faithful to their faith, and put their trust in God in every situation. They should not be impetuous and should be willing to accept the events that come to them, no matter what, knowing that there must be a divine purpose behind them. While they should take all appropriate action to address their problems, they should not be complacent or unrealistic in their optimism, as this is not true faith. The story of the Prophet Hud (peace be upon him) serves as an example of this, as he showed complete submission to God despite the threats of his people.
Events in life are often perceived as good or bad, depending on the individual's perspective. However, life is full of unexpected events, and when faced with them, people's reactions can vary greatly. Those mired in ignorance may feel angry and disappointed, while there are those who still try to look for the good in these events. On the other hand, some may mouth the words without understanding their true meaning and revert to their old ways when faced with significant events that may have a negative impact.
Ultimately, the ability to see the good in what one experiences comes from faith - in understanding that God preordains each and every event in one's life and that there is good in whatever befalls us.
One must remember that all events in one's life are determined by God. God has created every event for the benefit of His true servants, and for this reason, one must never forget the good and blessings that lie in everything that befalls them. Destiny is an important factor in life and it is God who pre-ordains all events for the benefit of His true servants. People should remember the good and blessings that lie in all the events that occur in their lives, and should not attribute them to false notions such as luck or coincidence. With every difficulty there is ease, and the patience and courage exhibited by believers will be rewarded in the Hereafter. Destiny is an integral part of life, as everything that happens is predestined by God.
Events, from the smallest detail to major occurrences, are all part of a person's destiny, which has been determined within the infinite wisdom of God. A believer must remember that all events are part of God's creation and show patience in the face of difficulties, striving to recognize their reasons. Even if a person may not be able to detect their actual purposes, they must remain assured that, when something happens, it is certainly for some good and for a purpose. Knowing this reality helps people to be pleased with every moment of their lives, as they recognize that it is God who created their destiny without a flaw.
Events that seem bad may be part of God's plan, and it is not up to people to determine what is good or bad. Faithful individuals should recognize the good and divine purpose of events and trust in God's infinite wisdom. Whatever happens, God has predetermined it and it is for the best, even if it doesn't seem so. People should learn to discern the blessings in all events, and feel joy instead of distress.
Believers are aware of this, for they are aware that God is the real Possessor of all wealth and that He alone is the One Who gives and takes away. Difficulties and tests from God can bring good to believers, and it is important to remember that God is the real Possessor of all wealth and that He alone is the One Who gives and takes away. God may test us with the loss of wealth, but believers should not despair or exult in times of affluence, but rather show gratitude and conduct themselves moderately.
This is the key to understanding blessings and rewards, both in this life and the afterlife. Wealth can be taken away in an instant. Unbelievers, ignorant of the true purpose of life, experience great despair when this happens, not recognizing it as a warning from God. Believers, however, understand that wealth can be taken away for a greater good or a reminder, and serve as a reminder to put their trust in God. Life is full of tests and reminders from God, and although wealth may be taken away, the eternal blessings of paradise are incomparably better.
Believers and disbelievers alike should take heed that a long life is not necessarily a gift from God. Those who disbelieve should be aware that the extra time they have is not beneficial for them, as it only increases the chances for them to do more wrong. Those who pursue the temporary pleasures of this world without taking God and the Day of Judgement into account fail to understand the value of time they waste. Moreover, what one may perceive as "good" or "bad" may not always be so, according to God's statement.
Thus, it is important to be mindful of how one uses their time.
Believers strive to conduct themselves in a way that earns God's consent. They understand that life is a test, and their outlook is in compliance with the commands of the Qur'an. This audio explains that life is a test created by God to judge which of us is the best in action. People who understand this strive to conduct themselves in a way that earns God's consent, while those who do not adhere to the commands of the Qur'an think that much of their lives is subject to coincidence. Ultimately, life is temporary and everyone is vulnerable to death, which is why we must all contemplate the purpose of our creation on earth: to be a servant to the Creator.
This knowledge should inform how we live our lives, as person, in this life, for the world. This audio speaks to the importance of understanding the trials of life, in order to be able to conduct oneself with virtue and patience. God does not impose a burden greater than we can bear, and He promises that we will never be wronged. It is essential to remember that the world is a place of test, and that when we meet difficulties, we must not despair but rather consider the good in it. Through this understanding, a person can develop the qualities of courage, patience, compassion, loyalty, devotion, love, and self-sacrifice, which will lead to a reward in the hereafter.
Ultimately, by understanding the trials of life, a person will gain a better appreciation of the blessings and offerings in Paradise. People of faith understand that any difficulties they face in life will ultimately lead to bliss in the Hereafter. They accept the morality commanded in the Qur'an and are aware that any misfortune that befalls them is from themselves. With patience, wisdom, forgiveness, and compassion, they can experience a happiness that can only come from faith and will continue into eternity. Believers understand that all events in life are predetermined by God and submit themselves to destiny, knowing that all will turn out for the best.
Satan encourages humans to rebel against God and be ungrateful by appealing to their weaknesses and whispering deceptive ploys. He attempts to instill fear of poverty and hinders people from seeing the good of their own deeds. However, true believers understand that an ultimate good exists in all circumstances and can never be swayed by Satan's plans. They put their trust in God and accept hardships without becoming rebellious or complaining.
Those who, when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, they take it patiently and their patience is indeed commendable. Believers of today must also follow in the footsteps of the prophets and true believers of the past, by responding to the physical and verbal attacks of disbelievers with patience and wisdom. This is the only way to attain true success in life, both in this world and in the hereafter.
The examples of the lives of the prophets and true believers provide us with a superior trait: no matter how difficult the circumstances or how abusive the verbal or physical attacks of disbelievers, these people always responded with moderation and patience, putting their trust in God. This attitude sets a good example for all believers, who must recognize the good in this treatment, knowing that it is ordained by God for a purpose, and that true righteousness is to show patience and putting trust in Him.
Believers are those who are true righteousness, who believe in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Prophets, and who give away their wealth to the needy. The story of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) illustrates how believers act in tough situations, with faith, courage, and trust in God.
In contrast, disbelievers react with fear and doubt, leading them to further disbelief.
Emigrating for God's cause is a form of worship, and those who do so can expect God's mercy and infinite rewards. Believers can learn from the exemplary faith of Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) and Prophet Muhammad, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) as they put their trust in God in the face of adversity.
The Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) was able to overcome the oppressive Pharaoh with God's help, and the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), despite being pursued by disbelievers, was unharmed and reached Medina safely. These stories demonstrate God's power and mercy, and serve as a reminder to believers to maintain faith in their Lord in the face of opposition from disbelievers.
Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) is an exemplary figure for all believers, showing patience and trust in God despite the difficulties of imprisonment. In return for his patience and recognition of the good in his situation, Yusuf was granted authority over the state-treasury and was made a ruler in the country. His story serves as a reminder of the rewards believers receive for their sincerity and trust in God, and that any event, no matter how small, is definitely ordained in favour of believers.
Believers are aware that God will help them and provide them with victory if they turn to Him and ask for help. Believers have faith in God's promise that He will protect and help them no matter what they encounter in life. Disbelievers, on the other hand, form alliances against them, yet these plots are doomed from the outset and will ultimately come back upon the plotters. No matter how outnumbered they may be, believers are confident in the fact that God will create a way for them. Believers understand that God's help is always with them and know that every event ultimately has a purpose and a good, even if it is not immediately visible. Even if they face difficulty and trials, they keep their faith in God and remain patient.
This faith will differentiate the true believers from the weaker ones and will lead to blessings and bounty from God. Disbelievers, on the other hand, feel anxious and hopeless and will never be able to free themselves from fear and despair. The only way to achieve peace and comfort is to remember that everything is part of God's plan and to trust in Him. Achieving God's pleasure and avoiding Hell is the ultimate goal of believers, and by keeping close to God they will eventually be permitted to enter Paradise.
People who forget Allah and the Hereafter, seeking happiness solely in the life of this world, are brought to a dead end and are unable to find true happiness. True happiness can be found through faith in Allah and striving for a life in the Hereafter. People naturally strive for happiness and comfort, but often the things they pursue--material wealth, admiration, and 'fringe' living--ultimately do not bring true satisfaction. Allah warns that such desires can lead to unhappiness and humiliation, while those who follow His guidance can find true peace and joy. True happiness comes from submitting to Allah and living a life in accordance with His commands. People who do not do this will not experience true happiness, and will instead find themselves constantly frustrated.
The Prophet has taught us that gains in this world are only temporary, and the true gain comes from focusing on the Hereafter. We must be aware of our deeds and have fear in Allah, for we will meet Him one day. The audiobook will explain the source of true happiness and how it can be achieved by following the teachings of the Qur'an.
Allah has created life in this world as a test for us, where we must strive to gain His approval. Unbelievers, however, do not recognize this and instead focus solely on gaining material gains and power. This leads to a society where people are constantly in conflict, pursuing their own individual interests and not considering the approval of Allah. This life of this world is nothing but a diversion and only through striving to gain Allah's approval can we make our life meaningful and have true value. Allah reminds us that the most important thing in life is to strive for His approval, and that any task performed with this intention is valid and of great value in His sight.
Those who are bound to their worldly goods are often overwhelmed with fear of loss, as they are unaware of the real purpose of what they possess. Ignorant people waste their opportunities on empty and harmful things, and end up feeling disappointed. Believers, however, use their time to gain Allah's approval and strive to make the eternal Hereafter their main target. Allah has given us life as a test to see how we respond to the blessings of the world. We must be careful and moderate in our actions, and seek His pleasure over earthly satisfactions.
The life of this world is an opportunity to earn Allah's approval, and those who ignore this truth will regret it on the Day of Judgment. We should be aware of the insignificance of worldly life and direct our efforts, desires, and deeds towards Allah and the Hereafter.
The true purpose in life is to gain Allah's approval and Paradise. Allah has created this world as a test and has given us the opportunity to gain His approval. We should use our intellect and consciences to recognize this truth and strive to gain Allah's approval. Allah has created this world with decorations that may be attractive and pleasing to people, however these are all temporary and illusory.
Allah has created this world as a test and these decorations are a blessing, providing an opportunity for earning His pleasure. People should use their intellect to understand this truth and strive to gain Allah's approval, as their true life is in the next world and what is truly permanent are the blessings which Allah will give His sincere servants there. When his people said to him, "Do not gloat. Allah does not love those who gloat." (Qur'an, 28: 76). Allah has given us this world as a test. We should use our possessions to show gratitude to Him and not to boast or take pride in them.
If we do not, we will be led to disappointment in this world and the next. We should remember the example of Qarun and strive to please Allah in all aspects of our lives.
Allah is the source of all blessings, so if people are to be truly happy they should live their lives in accordance with His teachings. Unfortunately, many people ignore this and instead seek happiness in boasting of their possessions and competing with others in wealth and children. This leads to unhappiness, as they never feel satisfied and develop strained relationships with those around them. Thankfully, Allah reminds us of the consequences of this misbehavior, so we should remind ourselves of the real purpose of life and be grateful for the blessings we have been given.
Allah has given people everything they need for life, but some are not content and strive to acquire more and more in order to be happy. This leads to an ungrateful attitude towards Allah, and selfishness in society. The desire to possess the blessings of the world harms both the individual and the community, with some people clinging to their possessions and encouraging others to do the same, despite the fact that Allah has warned that this is not the path to true happiness. In order to understand the real nature of life, Allah has compared it to a rain shower - transient and beautiful, but soon gone.
Such a person's love is directed towards those who are not worthy of it, and the unhappiness caused by this can never be removed. Allah is the one true deity who should be feared, obeyed, and loved. Ascribing partners to Allah is a grievous wrong and is never forgiven, and leads to unhappiness in life. Loving other than Allah, despite His infinite might, leads to disappointment and pain. Therefore, it is important to love Allah and follow His instructions in order to have a fulfilling life.
Allah is the only divine being with power and intelligence. A person who accepts Allah as their only God will strive to gain His approval and love, unlike someone who has adopted several false gods and is left in a state of psychological turmoil, dealing with conflicting interests and never obtaining the best result. Allah gives us this wise example to help us understand the difference between these two types of person and protect ourselves from setting up false gods. Fate is in Allah's hands, and He is the only One Who can help us and make us well.
We must remember that it is Allah Who causes everything to be done and no creature has any power of its own. Allah is the only one with power and fate, not any beings or objects. People are heedless and deceived if they expect help from anything other than Allah, as all their efforts are in vain. This wrong path of ascribing partners to Allah will only result in regret and psychological collapse on the Day of Judgment with no hope of happiness in their lifetimes. To be free from this deception, people should turn towards Allah, listen to their conscience, and praise His power and omnipotence.
This person, who does not believe in fate, will be full of anxiety and tension during the examination. He will be in a state of inner conflict, because he knows that the result of the examination is very important for his life, and that even the slightest mistake could cause him to fail. This person will be in a state of constant worry and fear. Allah informs us of this in the Qur'an: Belief in Allah and submission to fate is essential for a person to experience happiness and peace.
Allah is All-Strong, Almighty, and if He helps you, no one can vanquish you. Everything in a person's life has been planned by Allah before they are even born, and it is impossible to escape or change one's fate. With trust in Allah and a proper understanding of fate, a person can be at ease and accept the outcome of their life with peace, whether it is good or bad.
Allah warns us that Satan is an implacable enemy and commands us to be aware of him and to avoid him. Satan is an implacable enemy of mankind, attempting to distance people from Allah and the Qur'an, and causing them to be like himself. He deceives and corrupts people with his cunning and provocations, and some people are unaware of his existence. His goal is to divert people from the path of Allah, and he uses a variety of methods to do so. Allah warns of Satan's danger and his determination to deceive people, and those who take him as a protector have lost everything.
Satan's misgivings bring people harm and loss, and he deceives them into believing they will be happy living in this state. People must be aware of Satan and avoid him to protect themselves. Allah tests persons with hardship and distress to humble themselves and learn His strength. Satan, however, prevents persons from seeing the divine wisdom in this and damages them by making their hearts insensitive.
To counteract this, persons should act in a way Allah approves, remember Him, and remain patient. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was an example of this, as even in the most dangerous moment, he never lost hope in Allah and was saved.
This audio discusses the importance of having faith in Allah and not giving up hope in challenging circumstances. It is explained that those who do not have faith in Allah from the heart are in the habit of giving way to despair, and Allah warns them not to do so. Additionally, Satan is mentioned as a source of influence which makes people unhappy by inspiring emotionalism.
Allah is the only One Who can give true hope, while Satan is a source of confusion, and it is up to the individual person to trust in Allah and not despair.
The Qur'an is sent down by Allah to guide people and give them real intelligence, which makes it a powerful weapon against Satan's guile. Allah tells us to not follow our whims and desires, as that will lead us astray from His path. Satan is only an enemy of humanity because Allah wills it, and his power is limited to those who resist Allah and ascribe partners to Him. Believers, however, are protected from Satan's influence by their knowledge of him and his tactics, as well as their close relationship with Allah and sincere faith.
Allah warns us to beware of him, for he will seek to lead us astray and undermine our commitment to Allah. We must remain vigilant in our faith and reject the temptations of Satan, for only then can we be true friends and loyal servants of Allah.
They love Allah with all their hearts, never forget Him and never take anyone or anything as a partner to Him. In the Qur'an, Allah commands believers to make Him the only goal of their lives, to devote themselves to Him and to strive in His cause. Believers never forget that they will be called to account for their lives in the Hereafter and they strive only for His good pleasure. Allah is central to believers' lives. They strive to seek His good pleasure and understand that they will be held accountable for their actions in the Hereafter.
Believers love Allah with all their hearts and never forget Him, making Him the only goal of their life. They do not hesitate to make sacrifices for Him, knowing that they will be rewarded far more than they lose in this life. In contrast, those who are devoted to their own gain ignore Allah and His teachings, seeking only their own comfort and happiness. This ultimately leads to unhappiness and despair.
Prophet Yusuf (Peace be upon him) sought Allah's protection from her and preferred captivity and a hard life to the slightest deviation from the path of Allah. He said, «My Lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me.»Believers have an immense love and devotion to Allah, and they strive to earn His approval and admission to Paradise. Rather than chasing after worldly gains, they are content with the blessings given to them, and in times of difficulty, they direct their efforts towards gaining Allah's pleasure. An example of the moral excellence of believers is Prophet Yusuf , who refused to deviate from Allah's path even when faced with difficult tests.
Allah rewards those who follow His will, granting them a good life here and in the hereafter. Believers, by striving to please Allah, can find true joy and peace in their lives. The example of Prophet Yusuf, who chose imprisonment over compromising his morals, illustrates this and serves as an important reminder of the eternal happiness that comes with Allah's approval. This is a blessing only available to believers, and Allah guides those who follow His ways to a path of peace and out of darkness. Those without faith, however, are unable to understand this joy and are deprived of the lasting happiness that comes with earning Allah's approval.
Allah has promised believers that they will be given many blessings in this world and the Hereafter and that they will experience true joy and spiritual peace. He has granted them His boundless mercy and love and will never leave them alone or without aid. This mercy of Allah will be most apparent in the Garden of Paradise, which will be a reward for those who have devoted their lives to gaining His good pleasure. Allah is a source of mercy and love for believers.
He has promised them good news in this life and the Hereafter, and that they will be granted a home in Paradise filled with blessings. Allah has also promised to never leave believers alone and without aid, and to provide them with security and comfort. His mercy and generosity is a pledge of His to believers, and He asks them to show their gratitude and praise His name in return. Allah is telling us in that believers are freed from all such fears. Believers experience deep devotion to Allah and trust in His mercy and benevolence.
This brings them spiritual contentment and joy, and they are comforted by the knowledge that Allah will answer their prayers and forgive their mistakes. Allah's boundless mercy is the source of believers' happiness, and His great benevolence gives them peace and security throughout their lives. Believers take refuge in Allah and trust in His plans for them, so they are free from worldly fears and concerns. Believers who submit to Allah from the heart are carefree, cheerful, and optimistic. They are able to see the good in all situations, while ignorant people are crushed by troubles and become increasingly distant from Allah.
Through His mercy, Allah grants believers the privilege to experience good in every affair, bringing them closer to Him and allowing them to remain content and tranquil.
Yusuf and Ibrahim (peace be upon him) are two of the Prophets that are mentioned in the Qur'an, and their lives serve as examples of faith, courage, submission to Allah, and intelligence. These Prophets were content, tranquil, and secure in their faith, and their stories serve as a reminder to believers of the importance of following Allah's teachings. Allah tells us in one verse that: He (Prophet Yusuf) said, «My Lord, the prison is dearer to me than what they call on me to do; and if You do not avert from me their machinations, I will incline towards them and become one of the ignorant.» The Prophet Ya‘qub (peace be upon him), father of Prophet Yusuf , was also a prophet and he was also a very righteous and devoted servant of Allah.
He was constantly praying to Allah and was always aware that, no matter how difficult the situation he was in, Allah would respond to his prayers. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) respectfully advised his father to abandon his false gods, but his father was unwilling to see him and even threatened to kill him. In spite of this, the Prophet Ibrahim left his father in order to act according to Allah's guidance. Similarly, Prophet Zakariyya (peace be upon him) prayed for a pious son and Allah answered his prayer. Finally, Prophet Yusuf and his father Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) were devoted to Allah and faced difficulties and slander from others.
Despite the adversity, they stayed true to their faith in Allah and were ultimately rewarded with contentment. Prophet Ya'qub (Jacob) demonstrated superior conduct and conformed to Allah's guidance despite the difficult test of his son, Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), being thrown into a well by his jealous brothers. Prophet Ya'qub waited patiently, trusting Allah, and was eventually rewarded with the reunion of both his sons. His example shows that those who remain steadfast in their faith in Allah and His teachings will be rewarded with joy and happiness.
Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace. Believers have true faith and joy and come to Allah with tranquil hearts. Believers are rewarded with perpetual joy and cheerfulness. Through submission to Allah and the guidance of the Qur'an, believers are aware that every situation can be turned to their benefit. This ensures that believers are always happy, in contrast to disbelievers who are always unhappy and unable to find true contentment.
Believers act with sincerity and bring calm and cheer to those around them, as they possess the incomparable blessing of faith. In contrast, people of ignorance and immorality cannot enjoy life and are plagued by worry and anxiety. Believers are the only ones who can truly have fun and enjoy themselves due to their sincere faith in Allah and the great victory it brings. The power of faith in Allah is strong for believers; it brings them peace of heart and spiritual strength, allowing them to strive for Allah's approval and remain active and vigorous in the face of difficulty. This strength creates in them a desire to do good and never tires them in their efforts, leading to joy in this life and the next.
Believers have a deep faith in Allah and demonstrate their sincerity by their eagerness and willingness to reach their goals. This is contrasted by disbelievers, who are unable to be enthusiastic in any task they do, as they lack faith in Allah and only seek personal gain. Allah rewards the faith of believers by sending them security and peace, and will ultimately provide them with the greatest Abode.
A believer should also note the mercy and justice with which He administers His world, and how He treats His servants with compassion and understanding. Believers have faith in Allah and rely on Him for help and guidance. This faith brings them peace and comfort, allowing them to face their problems calmly and take precautions against further suffering. In return, Allah rewards them with a beautiful life, both materially and spiritually, which can be seen in their open and clear faces. On the other hand, deniers of the faith lack this faith and suffer from psychological and physical distress.
They resort to unhealthy habits like alcohol and drugs in an effort to relieve their suffering, only causing them more harm in the long run. On the Day of Judgment, believers will have radiant faces, while the faces of unbelievers will be gloomy and dust-covered. Allah's infinite might is revealed in every detail of His creation and when believers look at them they are filled with awe and acknowledge Allah's supremacy. Believers have faith in Allah and understand that He is the source of all intelligence and creativity.
They are able to see the divine wisdom in the signs of His creation and remember Him in all things. By looking at the proofs of the creation with insight and wisdom, they can come closer to Allah and experience the true happiness that comes with faith. Deniers of the faith, however, are unable to see this meaning due to their lack of spiritual tranquility and focus on worldly concerns. They cannot experience the joy that comes with acknowledging Allah's supremacy. For believers in Allah, faith is an important part of life that leads to greater appreciation of the beauty around them.
Through faith, believers can recognize that all of the beauty in the world is a gift from Allah, and they can thank Him for it by showing gratitude. This gratitude leads to approval from Allah and greater happiness for believers.
Allah has promised that believers will enjoy the company of beautiful spouses. Allah says:"In them are fair ones, good and beautiful." and"Spouses of equal age" who are "Immortal youths" and "wide-eyed houris." Allah has created everything believers need in order to enjoy the highest level of physical and spiritual pleasure. In Paradise, Allah promises believers eternal bliss and freedom from the defects and shortcomings of life in this world. Believers will be surrounded by natural beauties such as a perfect climate, unceasing water, and lush gardens. They will live in high-ceilinged halls, wear beautiful clothing, and be served by handsome servants.
They will also be accompanied by beautiful spouses who are immortal and ever-youthful. All of these blessings are granted to believers by Allah, who has promised that those who follow His guidance will be rewarded with eternal happiness in Paradise. Believers who have earned Allah's approval will be rewarded with the ultimate luxury and joy in Paradise. They will be clothed in silk and satin, adorned with gold and pearls, and blessed with spouses of unblemished beauty. Allah will also provide them with an abundance of all that they need and desire, and they will be surrounded by other pure believers free from any negative characteristics.
Through this, believers will receive the greatest comfort and peace, experiencing eternal happiness in gratitude for Allah's mercy. Believers strive throughout their lives to gain Allah's approval and Paradise. As a result, they experience true happiness in this world, derived from their faith, and will be rewarded with joy and salvation in the eternal Paradise. Disbelievers, on the other hand, will never know the peace and happiness of faith, and will experience unhappiness and regret in this world and the Day of Judgment.
At higher elevations, oxygen levels in the atmosphere and air pressure decline, causing difficulty in breathing and even anoxia. This can lead to extreme fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and a loss of judgement, and someone at 5,000-7,500 metres above sea-level may faint and go into a coma. To combat this, oxygen bottles and special clothing are needed to survive at such heights, as well as systems that regulate air pressure on airplanes at 9,000-10,000 metres. Oxygen deficiency can occur at heights of 3,000-4,500 metres, and people may even lose consciousness at such elevations, but can be saved with immediate oxygen treatment.
In the comparison made in the verse below, this physical truth, the changes that take place in the chest with increasing height, is indicated in these terms:
When Allah desires to guide someone, He expands his breast to Islam. When He desires to misguide someone, He makes his breast narrow and constricted as if he were climbing up into the sky. That is how Allah defiles those who have no faith. (Quran chapter 6:125)
Night is a time of stillness and rest for both humans and other living things. In humans, melatonin is secreted which slows down physical movement, making them sleepy and tired. During the night, humans store energy and several chemicals vital for the immune system and growth hormones are secreted. Plants also rest at night, with perspiration in leaves and photosynthesis slowing down as the temperature falls.
At the molecular level, radiation emitted by the Sun during the day activates atoms and molecules in the Earth's atmosphere, which fall to lower energy levels and give off radiation at night. This is further proof of the Qur'an's miracles.
180. "Melatoning the Growth Hormone," Health Journal; www.bodyandfitness.com/Beauty/Anti-Aging/melatonin1.htm
181. "Melatonin;" www.stenlake.com.au/ShowDocument.asp?DocumentId=53
182. Dr. William H. Philpott, M.D. and Sharon Taplin, "Therapeutic Sleep;"
183. Marshall Brain, "How Sleep Works," http://fitness.howstuffworks.com/sleep.htm?printable=1
184. "Light, Temperature and Humidity," Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M
University System College Station, Texas; http://aggie-
185. "Night-time on Venus", January 18, 2001; http://beta.physicsweb.org/article/news/5/1/10
You would have supposed them to be awake, whereas in fact they were asleep. We moved them to the right and to the left, and, at the entrance, their dog stretched out its paws. If you had looked down and seen them, you would have turned from them and run, and have been filled with terror at the sight of them. (Quran chapter 18 verse 18)
This passage discusses the importance of movement in sleep, and how it affects a person's health. It makes reference to the Companions of the Cave, who remained asleep for hundreds of years without encountering any health issues. It also explains how, when people remain in the same position for a long time, they can suffer from circulation difficulties, sores, and blood clotting. These sores, known as "bed sores" or "pressure sores," are caused by the pressure on one part of the body not moving for a long period of time.
The sores can become serious and even lead to death if not treated, but they can be avoided by changing the position of the body every 15 minutes. This idea was only discovered in the last century, yet it is referred to in the Qur'an, making it a miracle. Thus, the importance of movement in sleep and its effect on sores, blood, and pressure is highlighted.
177. Ibid.
178. Treating Pressure Sores (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: 1994).
179. Kenneth Davis, Jr., "The Acute Effects of Body Position Strategies and Respiratory Therapy in Paralyzed Patients with Acute Lung Injury," Critical Care 5 (2001): 81-87;
According to the Qur'an, these residences are made of the most precious materials, such as gold and silver bricks, pearls and rubies, and saffron. The hadith further describe the Garden as having abundant wealth, with its walls made of golden and silver bricks and its dust of saffron. These dwellings are said to be in perfect and splendid condition and are never subject to the destructive ravages of time.
Moreover, they are often surrounded by greenery and water, increasing their beauty.`Gold is used to adorn the cities, pillars and buildings, which have been created according to people's desires and are found to be splendid and extravagant. Gold is a rare and valuable metal, and its aesthetic and artistic value makes it the choice for fine works of art.
In the Garden, gold is used to make skyscrapers, mansions, villas and summer houses. Allah has created many beautiful blessings for human beings in the Garden, including a pleasant climate and sweet-smelling musk as mortar for buildings. In the Garden, however, due to the blessings of Allah, the people of the Garden will be able to go around the markets there as much as they wish, and will never tire. The Garden, created by Allah, is a place of luxury and blessings where believers can experience the joys that surpass anything in this world. From palaces composed of emeralds and jewels to pavilions made of pearls and rubies, every aspect of the Garden is perfect and eternal.
People in the Garden will have plenty of food, their own tents of gold, and access to markets of endless variety. Allah has promised these blessings to those who have faith and work to gain entrance to the Garden.
In the Garden, the people will be blessed with a market where they can meet and enjoy each other's company without buying or selling anything. Instead, they will be able to change their physical features - such as their hair and eye colour - at will, and have access to beautiful clothing. Furthermore, they will be able to talk and connect with each other in the Garden, remembering and reflecting on their experiences in the world. This is a great blessing from the Hadith, that those in the Garden will be able to enjoy each other's company and physical beauty without any of the worldly restrictions.
Wealth is often seen as a goal to strive for in life, however this world's wealth is flawed and imperfect. Allah created the world as a transitory place to appreciate the wealth of the Garden, which is everlasting and will bring true pleasure. The Garden is a harmony of Allah's bounty and splendour, and its treasures are limitless. These treasures emphasise the splendour of the Garden, and are given out to those of Allah's slaves whom He wills. Wealth is a major goal for many people, but its power and influence is limited to this world.
Allah, however, offers a wealth of an entirely different nature in the Garden: treasures of beauty and abundance that are beyond any price, such as jewels, precious stones, and pearls. The Garden is a place of eternal abundance, with blessings that never run out and food that never fails. Allah will offer these treasures to His chosen slaves free of charge, offering a wealth unlike any in the world.
Allah knows all that is in the land and the sea; there is not a single leaf that falls without His knowledge. Allah is the source of all things and is responsible for both good and evil. He is all-knowing and all-hearing, and He is aware of everything that happens in the heavens and on earth. He guides those who believe in Him and He tests them with both good and evil. He is informed of all things, and He knows what is said openly and what is kept secret.
He is the Preserver of all things and the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He is the Knower of the Unseen and the keys of the Unseen are in His possession. Allah suffices as a Guardian. Allah is the Everlasting Sustainer of all, who knows everything in the land and sea and has power over all things.
He creates out of nothing, knows the Unseen, and sends down abundant rain. He is Rich Beyond Need of any being and has no partner in His Kingdom. He has no son and was not born. Musa and Isa were called upon to spend in the Way of Allah, and Zakariyya was given the good news of a son.
Allah has power over the Hour, which hangs heavy in the heavens and the earth, and will not come upon them except suddenly. He is Exalted Above Any Defect and Praiseworthy. Allah is an all-powerful Lord who has dominion over the heavens, earth, and all things. He is the Inheritor of all things and He knows the exact number of everything. He is the Lord of the East and has the Keys to the heavens and earth.
He sends down provision to His servants in a known measure and is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Intercession is only possible with His permission. Believers should put their trust in Him and call on Him with sincerity, for He is the Living One and Lord of all the worlds.
Allah states in the Qur’an that the number of believers unearth would be always very few and that only this minority of believers would attain Paradise. For this reason, faith is one of the favours that could be granted to a person. However, during our Prophet’s (saas) time, once having faith, certain people attempted to lay our Prophet (saas) under obligation, as if they had done him a favour. In order to explain this very erroneous logic—”They think they have done you a favour by becoming Muslims!”—our Prophet (saas) was commanded to speak thus:
Say: “Do not consider your Islam a favour to me. No indeed! It is Allah Who has favoured you by guiding you to faith, if you are telling the truth.” (Surat al-Hujurat, 17)
Life on Earth is a miracle that is made possible by Allah's perfect plan. All of the processes that take place in our bodies, lightning strikes, births, and countless balances in the universe, are all part of Allah's plan and are necessary for life to continue. The environment on other planets of the Solar System is not suitable for life, however the Earth is specially created to provide the perfect conditions for living things. Without Allah's perfect plan, life on Earth would not exist.
This is an astounding fact, and one that bears witness to Allah’s infinite might. Life on Earth is protected and sustained by Allah's mercy. The atmosphere acts as a natural shield and melts away thousands of meteors that would otherwise cause catastrophic consequences. Allah also keeps a firm hold on the heavens and earth, preventing them from vanishing away. The delicate equilibrium between the gravitational attraction of the Sun and the centrifugal force of the planets ensures that they do not spin off into outer space.
This immaculate order is a testament to Allah's infinite might. He is the sovereign Lord of all things, and through His command and control, the Earth is in a perfect location within the Solar System and is kept stable by the position of Jupiter. The atmosphere on Earth is within the narrow range for life to exist, due to the distance from the Sun, its rotation, and thermal energy emitted. Global warming, as seen in "The Day After Tomorrow," can cause irreparable damage to the delicate balance of the universe and the life it supports.
Allah's mercy and compassion provide us with an ideal environment in which to live.
Allah is the Creator of the universe, with its intricate order and perfect balance of energy that allows human life. The size, thickness and seismic activity of the Earth, as well as the Sun and Moon, are all set to a specific balance to allow human life to survive. In addition, Allah has endowed human bodies with miraculous systems, such as eyes, respiratory systems, digestive systems, and a defense system, that allow us to live and breathe every second of our lives. Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all, is the source of all energy and the source of all life. He creates and sustains us, protects us, and gives us blessings for which we should be thankful. Allah is the source of all blessings, beauty, and energy.
Humans are called to appreciate and be thankful for these blessings, as they will be held accountable for them on the Day of Judgment. Our appreciation should manifest in love and fear of Allah, expressed in constant thanksgiving and binding ourselves to Him. Man must recognize that all they have is from Allah, and if they tried to number His blessings, they would be unable to.
The sole friend and protector of man is his Creator, Allah. Those who are not God-fearing, however, refuse to accept this fact. They condition themselves to ignore Allah’s existence and His superior might. However, there are such moments when man very well grasps that no one but Allah can help him.
This is the fact of which the Prophet Muhammad (saas) reminded his people. For instance, when something harmful afflicts man, he has no one but Allah on Whom He can call. When faced with such an experience, he understands that those partners he ascribes to Allah can offer no benefit to him. This being the case, while there is still time, the individual should reflect upon this fact, and remember that he has no one from whom to seek help. About this issue, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) gave the following reminder:
Say: “What do you think? If Allah’s punishment were to smite you or the Hour of Doom overtook you, would you call on any but Allah to help you? Answer me, if you are truthful!” No, on Him alone you call on and, if He wills, He will relieve your affliction; and you will forget what you associated with Him. (Surat al-An’am, 40-41)
While engaging in a hidden wicked deed, there are those who assume that nobody sees them and thus feel relieved. The fact is, however, that Allah sees everything in the heavens and on the Earth. Moment by moment, He witnesses everything a man does. People will give an account of everything they do on the Day of Judgment, when everyone congregates in Allah's presence. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) called attention to this important fact, and reminded his people that, whether one is open or secretive, Allah knows everything. Some of the verses about this issue are as follows:
Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your breasts or make it known, Allah knows it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is on the Earth. Allah has power overall things.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 29)
Say: “Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. He is certainly aware of and sees His servants.” (Surat al-Isra’, 96)
If they turn their backs, then say: “I have warned you all alike, though I do not know if the scourge you have been threatened with is near or far. He knows what is said openly and He knows what you hide.” (Surat al-Anbiya’,109-110)
Say: “Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. He knows everything in the heavens and on the Earth. Those who believe in falsehood and reject Allah shall have much to lose.” (Surat al-’Ankabut, 52)
Say: “Do you presume to teach Allah your religion when Allah knows everything in the heavens and everything on the Earth? Allah has knowledge of all things.” (Surat al-Hujurat, 16)
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) Declared That Allah’s Path Is The Sole Straight Path
The only way to lead an honorable and beautiful life is to tread the path to which Allah summons man. Those who associate partners with Allah and seek the approval of other beings, will be punished by a great humiliation both in this world and in the Hereafter. For this reason, the Prophet Muhammad (saas)told his people that the main way to salvation both in this world and beyond is the way of Allah:
Say: “Are we to call on something besides Allah which can neither help nor harm us, and to turn on our heels after Allah has guided us, like someone the devils have bewitched, leaving him confused and stupefied, despite the fact that he has companions calling him to the right path, saying, ‘Come with us’?” Say: “Allah’s guidance, that is true guidance. We are commanded to submit as Muslims to the Lord of all the worlds.” (Surat al-An’am,71)
Allah is the most compassionate of all. When Allah’s sincere servants make any mistake, they should not be seized by pessimism, for upon making a mistake, they should not be depressed but turn to Allah and ask His forgiveness. Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad (saas) to say the following about this issue:
Say [from Me]: “My servants, you who have transgressed against yourselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Truly, Allah forgives all wrong actions. He is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.” (Surat az-Zumar, 53)
Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad to remind them that he was only a human being and that he was as vulnerable as they were. In the verses below, Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad to remind his people that he was only a human. Say: «I am only a human being like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your God is One God. So, whoever looks forward to meeting his Lord, let him do righteous deeds and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord. »The Prophet Muhammad was the last of all prophets sent by Allah and was the messenger of His message.
He called for strict obedience to Himself and to the rulers appointed by Him, stressing the importance of this in many hadiths. He emphasized to his people that he did not ask for any wage in return for his services and that his reward from Allah alone. He also reminded them that he was only a human and that they were not to refuse him out of pride. Ultimately, he made it clear that faith and good deeds were necessary to meet Allah, and that non-God fearing people who looked for excuses to not believe would be exposed to a degrading torment. »All who obey Allah and the Messenger shall be with those whom Allah has blessed—the Prophets, the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the Righteous.
How excellent is such a fellowship! Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them Gardens of perpetual bliss, wherein they shall abide.
The Prophet Muhammad taught people that Allah is the only God and summoned them to believe in Him. He warned them of a grievous punishment if they disobeyed Allah and the Messenger. He also stated that he was only a human being with no supernatural power and that only Allah could provide salvation. Muhammad further instructed his people not to associate anyone with Allah and to obey both Allah and the Messenger.
Those who follow Allah and the Prophet Muhammad will be rewarded with eternal bliss and a fellowship of the blessed. Allah, the Almighty and All-Wise, has predetermined the destiny of all things. Prophet Muhammad reminded his followers to trust in the destiny ordained by Allah, as nothing can happen to us except what Allah has ordained. Allah is our Guardian and we must put our trust in Him. Everything, even incapacity and ability, is by the decree of Allah.
We must ask for all favors from Allah, as no one can benefit us except what He has already recorded, and no one can harm us except what He has already recorded. We must remember, the pens are withdrawn and the pages are dry.
Compilation 1:
And We have sent down iron, wherein is great strength and many benefits for mankind, so that Allah may test who it is that will help Him and His Messengers, unseen. Certainly Allah is Most Strong, Almighty. Allah is the Creator, Maker, and Giver of Form, and He bears witness that He is the only God. He is the All-Merciful, Most-Merciful, the King, Most Pure, Perfect Peace, Trustworthy, Safeguarder, Almighty, Compeller, and Supremely Great. He has sealed up people's hearts, so they are unaware, and He regulates all affairs from heaven to earth.
He created all things and all might belongs to Him. Thus, Allah is the One, All-Knowing, and All-Wise, who is glorified in the heavens and on earth. He will have mercy on you if He wills, or He will punish you if He wills. We have not sent you to be a guardian over them. Allah is an all-powerful, almighty being who has created the heavens and all things in them.
He has given mankind the gift of iron to use and has promised to be victorious with his messengers. People should love Allah with their whole heart, and those who do not will face punishment. He has subjected the mountains to glorify Him and promised those who respond to their Lord the best. Allah has power over all things, and all things are subservient to Him.
He encompasses everything in His knowledge and determines the pre-ordained decree. The end result of all affairs is with Him and He does whatever He wills. He purifies those He wills and admits those who believe and do right actions into Heavens with rivers flowing under them. Allah knows us best and has mercy or punishes us according to His will. Allah has power over all things in the heavens and earth and is entitled to be feared and to forgive.
He has power to punish and guide whoever He wills, and to bring us all together. He is Almighty and All-Wise, and tests us with the things of this world as a test to know the truthful and fighters among us.
Compilation 1:
Believers in Allah are aware that all desires and dreams, no matter how fantastic, can be fulfilled in the Garden. Allah has limitless blessings prepared in the Hereafter, far beyond what any human can imagine. The Prophet encouraged people to strive to reach the Garden, where they will receive all they desire and more. The Garden's blessings are absolute and perfect, surpassing all beauty in this world. People must remember that they can only conceive of a fraction of the Garden's delights due to their limited senses. The Garden holds surprises and blessings beyond our present knowledge.
Life in this world is limited and imperfect, and Allah has created it as such to remind us of the perfect and eternal life that awaits us in the Hereafter. We must strive to live our lives according to Allah's will, so that we may win His favor and be rewarded with the everlasting bliss of the Garden.
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) made his people—who knew about Allah’s existence but did not think about His superior might and thus failed to appreciate His grandeur—admit Allah’s existence and grandeur. Then, he summoned them to take warning and to have fear in Him:
Say: “To whom does the Earth belong, and everything and everyone in it? Tell me if you know the truth.” They will reply: “To Allah.” Say: “So will you not pay heed?" Say: “Who is the Lord of the Seven Heavens and the Lord of the Mighty Throne?” They will reply: “Allah.” Say: "So will you not fear Allah?” Say: “In Whose hands is the dominion over everything, He Who gives protection and from Whom no protection can be given? Tell me, if you know the truth.” They will reply: “Allah’s.” Say: “So how have you been so bewitched?” (Surat al-Muminun, 84-89)
One of the most important attributes of the societies who are ignorant of the morality of the Qur’an is their faith in Allah despite their failure to appreciate His Might and grandeur. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) told his people—those who said that Allah created them in reply to the question, “Who created you?" yet failed to appreciate Him—that Allah had everything underHis control and that ascribing partners to Him would bring nobenefit to them:
If you ask them, “Who created the heavens and theEarth?” They will say, “Allah.” Say: “So what do you think? If Allah desired harm for me, could those you call upon besides Allah relieve my affliction? Or if He desired mercy for me, could they withhold His mercy? "Say: “Allah is enough for me. In Him let the faithful put their trust.” (Surat az-Zumar, 38)
Say: “Who is going to shield you from Allah if it is His will to scourge you? And who can prevent Him from showing you mercy?” They will find no one to protect or help them besides Allah. (Surat al-Ahzab, 17)
Man is a weak being with many inadequacies. He can only lead his life if Allah wills. However, Allah, Who is the Owner of everything, is far removed from all sorts of inadequacies and is exalted above all weaknesses. He is not in need of anything. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was commanded to speak thus to his nation:
Say: “Am I to take anyone other than Allah as my Protector, the Creator of the heavens and the Earth, He Who feeds and is not fed?” Say: “I was commanded to be the first of the Muslims,” and, “You shall serve no other god besides Him.” Say: “I will never disobey my Lord, for I fear the punishment of a dreadful Day.” (Surat al-An’am, 14-15)
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) told his people that Allah is the One and that He is the sole Possessor of everything.
Say: “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the Earth?” Say: "Allah.” Say: “So why have you taken protectors apart from Him who possess no power even to help or harm themselves?” Say: “Are the blind and seeing equal? Or are darkness and light the same? Or have they assigned partners to Allah who create as He creates, so that all creating seems the same to them?” Say: “Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One, the All-Conquering.” (Surat ar-Ra’d, 16)
The phrase "We sealed their ears" from the Qur'an has a metaphorical meaning of "We have made them sleep". Recent science shows that the ear is the only sensory organ active while a person is asleep, and this explains why an alarm clock is needed to wake up. This suggests that Allah closed the hearing of certain people, causing them to remain in a deep sleep for years. Therefore, the text is about how ears can be sealed to induce a long and deep sleep.
Note 176. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an, 108.
Dead creatures are essential to the food cycle, as bacteria turn organic wastes into minerals which living things use for food. The Qur'an mentions this cycle, which was unknown at the time it was revealed, when it says "He brings forth the living from the dead, and produces the dead out of the living". Bacteria are responsible for the winter "spring cleaning" so when living things reawaken, they find food ready for them. This transition is proof that the Quran is from Allah.
Note 175. Bilim ve Teknik, no.234, May 1987, 17.
That it is He Who brings about both laughter and tears. (Qur'an, 53:43)
It is Allah Who creates every condition that people need to survive. The location of the Earth in the solar system, the atmosphere that provides the required environment for life, water, an essential part of life that covers a great part of the Earth, the movements of the Earth that enables the rise of the Sun every morning and its sinking every evening and many such other happenings take place by Allah’s Will.
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) reminded his people about Allah's superior might:
Say: “Think! If Allah made it permanent night for you till the Day of Rising, what god is there other than Allah to bring you light? Do you not then hear?” Say: “Think! If Allah made it permanent day for you till the Day of Rising, what god is there other than Allah to bring you the night to rest in? Do you not then see?” (Surat al-Qasas, 71-72)
The Prophet Muhammad told his people to look at the signs of creation in this world and to take lessons from them. Seeing these flawless signs of creation, people should grasp another important fact. Allah, Who is able to create all these things, will surely create their exact counterparts in the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad(saas) explained this important fact to his people:
Say: “Travel about the Earth and see how He brought creation out of nothing. Then later Allah will bring about the Second Creation. Allah has power over all things.” (Surat al-’Ankabut, 20)
The word “unseen” in the Qur’an means everything beyond one's perceptions and knowledge, everything concealed from the eyes. Knowledge of the unseen is Allah’s alone. And Allah informs us that He grants this knowledge only to those He wills. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) stated that it was Allah alone Who knew the “unseen":
Say: “Allah knows best how long they stayed. His are the secrets of the heavens and the Earth. How perfectly He sees, how well He hears! Man has no protector apart from Him. Nor does He share His rule with anyone.” (Surat al-Kahf, 26)
Say: “No one in the heavens and on Earth knows the Unseen except Allah.” Men shall never be aware of when they will be raised to life. (Surat an-Naml, 65)
Say: “My Lord hurls forth the Truth—the Knower of all unseen things.” (Surah Saba’, 48)
Ants are small animals with complex communication networks to organise their social lives. They use a variety of methods to communicate, such as alarm, recruitment, grooming and exchange of oral and anal liquid, with 500,000 nerve cells squeezed into their 2-3 mm bodies. Most communication is on the chemical level, using semiochemicals known as pheromones which are secreted by internal glands. These pheromones are emitted according to the needs of the colony, and their intensity varies according to the urgency of the situation. Thus, ants rely heavily on chemical communication in order to organise their social lives.
The scientific miracle of the Qur'an in regards to ants is that it accurately described the complex communication network of ants and their use of semiochemicals, or pheromones, to organize their societies 1,400 years ago, when there was no such knowledge about ants.
172. National Geographic 165, no. 6, 777.
173. Bert Hölldobler and Edward O. Wilson, The Ants (Cambridge: Harvard University Press: 1990),227.
174. Ibid., 244.
The Qur'an compares people's situation in the Hereafter to swarming locusts. Using micro-cameras, researchers in the twentieth century discovered that locust swarms contain huge numbers of individuals that behave as a single body and can cover 1,200 square kilometres. They deposit their eggs in sandy soils and emerge in large groups. Up to 1,000 egg pods have been found in one square metre. Special units and NASA satellite data are used to identify and study locust swarms over an 18 million square kilometre area. This comparison of the Hereafter to swarms of locusts is a proof that the Qur'an is the revelation of the Omniscient Allah.
170. "The Reach of the Desert Locust;" http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Locusts/locusts2.html
171. Frequently Asked Questions, Desert Locust Information Service;
Every event in the eternal past was predetermined by Allah. A man is also bound by a destiny ordained for him. The Prophet Muhammad (saas) told his people that they would not encounter anything other than what was predestined for them, for which reason they need to trust in Allah moment by moment and earn the rewards of such an attitude:
Say: “Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Guardian. It is in Allah that the believers should put their trust.” (Surat at-Tawba, 51)
The Prophet (saas), by his submission to Allah, was an example to all Muslims, and he warned people that they would never have the power to change anything that came from Allah:
"Everything is by decree—even incapacity and ability.” (Malik’s Muwatta)
“… When you ask for anything ask it from Allah, and if you seek help seek it from Allah. Know that if the people were to unite to do you some benefit, they could benefit you only with what Allah had recorded for you, and that if they were to unite to do you some injury, they could injure you only with what Allah had recorded for you. The pens are withdrawn and the pages are dry.”(Tirmidhi)
Nature is an incredible source of inspiration for scientists and R&D experts, leading to the development of biomimicry: a new branch of science that seeks to imitate living things. Through biomimicry, researchers are able to develop new technologies by studying and imitating the designs created in nature by Allah. This approach has been applied in the world of technology, particularly in nanotechnology, robot technology, artificial intelligence, medicine, and the military. By drawing from these natural systems as models, humans are able to create more sustainable technologies than those in use today.
Biomimicry has surprised scientists and revealed incomparable structures and systems that have the potential to enrich technology in a wide range of fields. Nature is a source of inspiration for scientists, and biomimicry is a way of using the extraordinary designs in living things in the service of humanity. Scientists are making important gains with regard to time and labor, and using less material resources by imitating nature. There are many scientific papers that discuss these topics, such as "Science is Imitating Nature," "Life's Lessons in Design," "Biomimicry: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight," and more. In the 19th century, nature was only imitated aesthetically, but in the 20th century, scientists began studying natural mechanisms at the molecular level and learned from living things, as revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.
159. Frederick Pratter, "Stories from the Field Offer Clues on Physics and Nature," Christian Science Monitor; www.biomimicry.org/reviews_text.html
160. "Biomimicry;" www.bfi.org/Trimtab/spring01/biomimicry.htm
161. Michelle Nijhuis, High Country News, July 6, 1998, vol. 30, no. 13,
162. "Biomimicry Explained: A Conversation with Janine Benyus," www.biomimicry.org/faq.html
163. Bilim ve Teknik, August 1994, 43.
164. Philip Ball, "Life's lessons in design," Nature 409 (2001): 413-16; www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v409/n6818/full/409413a0_fs.html&filetype=&_UserReference=C0A804EF465069D8A41132467E093F0EDE99.
165. "Biomimicry: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight," NBL (New Bottom Line) 6, no. 22, November 17, 1997; www.natlogic.com/resources/nbl/v06/n22.html
166. Janine M. Benyus, Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.: 1998); www.biomimicry.org/reviews_text.html
167. Ed Hunt, "Biomimicry: Genius that Surrounds Us," Tidepool,
168. Robin Eisner, "Biomimetics: Creating Materials from Nature's Blueprints," The Scientist, July 8, 1991; www.the-scientist.com/yr1991/july/research_910708.html
169. Jim Robbins, "Engineers Ask Nature for Design Advice," New York Times, December 11, 2001.
Many animals and birds live in societies and form a structured social order, with different roles and tasks assigned to each. For example, honey bees build their nests in colonies with a queen, workers and males, and the queen's main responsibility is laying eggs. Ants live in colonies with a communication network, advanced town planning and military strategies. Smaller birds protect themselves from predators by surrounding and producing sounds to draw other birds.
Mammals also protect their young as a group, such as zebras and dolphins. Through long years of research, we can see that these animals' social behaviour is mentioned in the Qur'an, proving it is the word of Allah.
156. Edward O. Wilson, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, (England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: 1975), 123.
157. Russell Freedman, How Animals Defend Their Young, (USA: Penguin USA: 1978), 69.
158. Ibid., 66-67.
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) Stated That He Would Never Follow Disbelievers
To his people, who strove to divert him from the straight path, slandered him, threatened him with murdering and exiled him, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) conveyed the following message:
Say: “I am forbidden to worship those you invoke besides Allah.” Say: “I will not yield to your whims and desires. If I did, I would go astray and cease to be on the right path.” Say: “I have received veritable proofs from my Lord and yet you deny Him. I have no power to hasten that which you challenge. Jurisdiction over this is Allah's alone. He tells the truth and He is the Best of Arbiters.” (Surat al-An’am, 56-57)
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) explained his people that Allah is the only god and summoned them to believe in Allah. He warned against a grievous torment. Some of the relevant verses are as follows:
Say: “This is my path. With inner sight, I call on you to believe in Allah, I and all who follow me. Glory be to Allah! I am not one of the idolaters!” (Surah Yusuf, 108)
Say: “I call only upon my Lord and do not associate anyone else with Him.” Say: “I have no control over any good or evil that befalls you.” Say: “No one can protect me from Allah and I will never find any refuge apart from Him. My mission is only to make known His Messages.” “As for one who disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he shall abide in the Fire of Hell, remaining in it timelessly, for ever and ever.” (Surat al-Jinn, 20-23)
Say: “I am commanded to serve Allah, and to worship none besides Him. And I am commanded to be the first of the Muslims.” Say: “I fear, were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Terrible Day.” Say: “It is Allah I serve, and Him alone I worship. As for yourselves worship anything you will apart from Him!” Say: “The real losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Rising. That shall be the ultimate loss.”(Surat az-Zumar, 11-15)
Surely worthier is He Who originates creation and then regenerates it and provides for you from the Earth and sky. Is there another god besides Allah? Say: “Bring your proof if you are being truthful.” (Surat an-Naml, 64)
The Qur'an pointed to the existence of microscopic life forms that are invisible to the naked eye and consist of a single cell. Today, modern technology has enabled us to discover this secret world, with an estimated 20 times more microorganisms than animals on Earth. These tiny life forms are essential for life on Earth, such as the nitrogen cycle, photosynthesis and decomposition of organic substances.
Fourteen centuries ago, the Qur'an indicated the existence of living things beyond those which can be seen with the naked eye. This is another spectacular miracle contained within the verses of the Qur'an.
As with all disbelieving nations, the Prophet Muhammad’s(saas) people also attempted to argue about Allah. Against his nation who assumed such an ugly attitude, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) communicated them that he submitted himself to Allah:
Say, “Do you argue with us about Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? We shall both be judged by our actions. To Him alone we are devoted.” (Surat al-Baqara,139)
If they argue with you, say, “I have submitted myself completely to Allah, and so have all who follow me.” Say to those given the Book and those who have no Book, "Will you surrender yourselves to Allah?” If they become Muslim, they shall be rightly guided. If they give no heed, you are responsible only for warning them. Allah is watching all His servants. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 20)
The Qur'an provides advice to Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him) to "stamp the foot" in the face of exhaustion and suffering inflicted by Satan. This movement is beneficial for health, as it increases blood flow and oxygen to cells, eliminates fatigue, and increases resistance to microbes, prevents heart disease, regularizes blood sugar, and raises good cholesterol. Additionally, walking barefoot is a great way to release static electricity from the body, washing reduces stress and tension, and drinking water cleanses the body of impurities and combats fatigue, tiredness, and drowsiness.
153. Prof. Fehmi Tuncel, Bilim Teknik, January 1993.
154. Barbara A. Brehm, "Your Health and
Fitness," Fitness Management Magazine, 1990.
155. Kathleen Mullen, Some Benefits of Exercise, (Medical Times C. Brown Publishers: 1986).
Coronary By-Pass Surgery is a modern day medical procedure to treat hardening of the arteries in the coronary artery which can lead to chest pains and heart attacks due to insufficient blood flow to the heart. The procedure involves splitting the breastbone and removing blockages, allowing the blood to flow again and eliminating chest pain. The verse "Didn't we open up and expand your breast for you" may be a sign of heart disorders and present-day coronary by-pass surgery. Allah then swore by the olive, which is beneficial to the heart.
Out of pride, non-God fearing people decline to obey a human being or accept that he could be superior to them, in spite of their own certainty about him. As we have also seen in the case of the past nations to whom messengers were sent, such people believe that messengers should possess attributes beyond ordinary human ability and power; in order not to obey them, they offer many excuses, saying that he could not have been a Prophet, for he was an ordinary person “walking in the market place.
" The Prophet Muhammad (saas) told people who had such expectations that he was only a human being and that those who had any intention of attaining salvation should turn to Allah alone.
Say: “I am only a human being like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your god is One God. So let him who hopes to meet his Lord act rightly and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.” (Surat al-Kahf, 110)
Say: “Had the Earth been safe enough for angels to dwell in, We would have sent down to them an angel from heaven as a messenger.” Say: “Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. He is certainly aware of and sees His servants.” (Surat al-Isra’, 95-96)
Again, in the face of such expectations on the part of his people, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) told them that he was only a reminder, that he only fulfilled his Lord’s commands and that those following him would find salvation:
Say: “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger. Then if they turn away, he is responsible only for what he is charged with just as you are responsible for what you are charged with. If you obey him, you shall be rightly guided.” The Messenger is responsible only for giving a clear warning. (Surat an-Nur, 54)
“I have simply been ordered to worship the Lord of this land which He has declared sacred—everything belongs to Him—and I have been ordered to be one of the Muslims and to recite the Qur’an.” Whoever is guided is only guided for his own good; if someone is misguided, just say, “I am only a warner.” Then say: “Praise be to Allah. He will show you His Signs and you will recognise them. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.”(Surat an-Naml, 91-93)
Olive oil is an important source of health, as mentioned in the Qur'an. It is high in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which do not contain cholesterol and help keep levels under control. Research has revealed that consuming olive oil lowers LDL and raises antioxidant levels, which helps prevent cell damage. Studies have also shown that olive oil prevents heart and artery disease, as well as breast and prostate cancer. The University of Oxford has also found that olive oil has a protective effect against intestinal cancer.
Riccardi, S. Giacco. Olive oil is beneficial for health, particularly for health of bones, the elderly, and babies. It also has a positive effect on rheumatic arthritis and high blood pressure, and can reduce the risk of cancer and strengthen the immune system.
It contains vitamins E, A, D and K and minerals which support bone development and mineralisation, and act as anti-oxidants that protect the body from damage, delay aging and support hormones. Olive oil is a natural source similar to mother's milk, and is recommended for mothers and their babies. Olive oil is an excellent health choice, as research has shown it to help reduce insulin resistance and improve glucose control. It also lowers the risk of certain diseases, and is more effective than a low-fat diet for controlling and treating obesity. Scientists suggest that an olive oil-based diet is the ideal nutrition model, as its properties have been praised in the Qur'an.
Therefore, including olives and olive oil in one's daily nutrition programme is beneficial for health.
138. Scientific Encyclopedia, 207.
139. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April 2002, 56: 114-120.
140. Archives of Internal Medicine 1998; 158: 1181-1187.
141. Keys A, Menotti A, Karvonen MJ, "The diet and 15-year death rate in the Seven Countries Study," Am J Epidemiol 124: 903-915 (1986); Willett WC, "Diet and coronary heart disease," Monographs in Epidemiology and Biostatistics 15: 341-379 (1990); World Health Organization, "Diet, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic diseases," Report of a WHO Study Group. WHO Technical Report Series 797, Geneva 1990.
142. "The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids;"
143. Journal of the American Heart Association, September 1999.
144. Archives of Internal Medicine 1998; 158: 41-45.
145. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1999; 70: 1077-1082.
146. Ibid.
147. Diane H. Morris, PhD., RD., "Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Adults and Infants," A Health and Nutrition Primer, 28-34.
148. Dr. Joseph Mercola, "Infant Formula Fortification Protocol;"
149. Muammer Kayahan, "Saglikli Yasam ve Zeytinyagi," (Healthy Life and Olive Oil) Bilim Teknik, April 1995, 48.
150. Ibid.
151. Ibid.
152. The Olive Tree World; www.olivetree.eat-online.net/framehealth.htm
Although the signs of Allah’s existence are obvious, disbelivers find pretexts not to believe and ask for miracles from Allah. The Prophet Muhammad’s (saas) people also asked him to work miracles in order not to adhere to him; the reason why such people asked for miracles was not to have faith or to deepen their faith; it was simply a pretext for their unwillingness to submit themselves to Allah. Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad (saas) to say the following to these people:
They have solemnly sworn by Allah that if a Sign be given them, they will believe in it. Say: “The Signs are vouchsafed by Allah alone.” How can you tell that even if a Sign be given them, they will indeed believe in it?(Surat al-An’am, 109)
Every man is destined to die on a certain day, which is decided in Allah’s sight. When that time comes, angels assigned by Allah descend on man to take his soul. If it is the death of a faithful person, then angels greet him, giving him the good news of Paradise and take his soul with ease. If it is the death of a disbeliever, on the other hand, then angels inform him that he will be exposed to a degrading torment. At that very moment, seeing what should have been obvious to them, those who disbelieve will submit themselves. However, after that point, nothing, not even having faith, will avail the disbeliever, for the time granted to him is already up. Allah conveyed this fact to those seeking excuses for their disbelief and commanded the Prophet Muhammad (saas) to address the people as follows:
Are they waiting for the angels to come to them or for your Lord Himself to come, or for one of your Lord's Signs to be given to them? On the day that one of your Lord's Signs does come, faith shall not avail the soul that had no faith or did not put its faith to good uses. Say: "Wait, then if you will; we too are waiting.”(Surat al-An’am, 158)
The Qur'an reveals that eating pork is forbidden and provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions. This commandment of our Lord's provides complete protection from the harmful effects of pork under any conditions. Until the 20th century, it was impossible to be aware of the danger posed to human health by pork. The fact that the Qur'an, revealed fourteen centuries ago, warns against this harm which has been incontrovertibly revealed with modern medical equipment is remarkable.
The wisdom behind the prohibition on the consumption of pork is to protect human health. Eating pork is harmful to health in a great many regards, and no matter how clean the farms and environments on which it is raised may be, the pig is not by nature a clean-living animal. The pig produces much higher levels of antibodies and growth hormone compared to other animals and human beings, which can pass across to and collect in the pig's muscle tissue. Pork meat also contains high levels of cholesterol and lipids. It has been scientifically proven that these significant amounts of antibodies, hormones, cholesterol and lipids in pork represent a serious threat to human health. Additionally, the trichina worm found in pork can settle directly in the muscles of the heart and represents a potentially fatal threat.
As all other messengers, the Prophet Muhammad (saas),stated first and foremost that he did not ask for any recompense in return for his communicating Allah’s message. He stated that he did everything to earn Allah’s approval and that he awaited his reward from Allah alone. Some of the verses through which Allah commanded the Prophet Muhammad (saas) to tell people that he did not ask for any rewards from them are as follows:
They were the ones whom Allah guided, so follow their guidance. Say, “I do not ask you for any recompense for this. It is simply a reminder to all mankind.” (Surat al-An’am, 90)
Say: “I have not asked you for any recompense: Keep it for yourselves. My reward is the responsibility of Allah alone. He is the witness of all things.” (Surah Saba’, 47)
In another verse, on the other hand, the Prophet Muhammad(saas), who told his people that he did not expect any rewards, made his main goal clear, saying:
"I do not ask you for any recompense for it—only let anyone who will, take the right path to his Lord.” (Surat al-Furqan, 57)
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the Messenger of Allah and the final seal of the prophets. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Surat al-Ahzab, 40)
As is stated in the above verses, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) is the last prophet. Through the verses that begin with "Say”, Allah conveyed to our Prophet (saas) what needed to be said to people. Through these verses, our Prophet (saas) communicated Allah's message.
The Prophet Muhammad (saas) said that those who fear Allah and seek to be forgiven, should follow him:
Say, “If you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you and forgive you for your wrong actions. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 31)
This call of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) still applies universally. Allah enjoined strict obedience on the messengers He sent, and in many verses, states that obedience to the messengers is, in actuality, obedience to Allah.
The Prophet (saas) also stressed the importance of obedience in the hadiths:
“Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me.” (Sahih Bukhari)
For this reason, obedience to the messenger is at the heart religion and showing this obedience surely comes about through strict submissiveness to the issues conveyed by messengers.
It has only been possible to reveal the health benefits of fish by a great many scientists working in well-equipped research laboratories. The fact that such a valuable source of nutrition is indicated in the Qur'an, and especially that it is described as a fatigue eliminator in Surat al-Kahf (chapter 18), is nothing short of awe-inspiring. All the benefits provided by fish are a great blessing given us by our Lord. As with all foods, it is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who has created the superior structure in fish for our benefit.
Fish is an essential source of nutrition for the healthy functioning of the heart, and the prevention of heart disease. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which act as a shield for our health, and can reduce the risk of heart disease, strengthen the immune system, and provide essential fatty acids that the body does not manufacture. These Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in marine plankton, and are more effective for human health than those found in vegetable oils. Omega-3 fatty acids are of particular importance for the elderly, as inflammation increases with age and can be a major cause of health problems. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, have numerous health benefits, such as increasing energy levels, improving concentration, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
They are also important for the development of newborn babies, joint health, and the healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as having an anti-inflammatory function. Eating a diet rich in fish is a great way to get the necessary Omega-3 fatty acids to ensure a healthy body and mind. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish and are known to have a variety of health benefits. These include improved cardiovascular health, decreased risk of asthma and psoriasis, and improved skin health.
Studies also show that societies with diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as the Greenland Eskimos and Japanese, have lower incidences of heart and artery disease. Fish is recommended as a form of treatment for its proven benefits for coronary health, and more benefits are being discovered every day. This blessing from God is described as a fatigue eliminator in the Qur'an, demonstrating the superior structure in fish that Allah has created for our benefit.
With the superior moral values he possessed, Prophet Muhammad brought peace and security to all Arab lands and furthermore constitutes a role model for all humanity with the principles he taught. It should be known that these characteristics and resignation in the face of events are universal values ones that will apply at all times. The solution to many present-day problems therefore lies hidden in Islamic moral values and the Sunnah of our Prophet. The duty of Muslims is to adopt these characteristics of the Prophet as a role model and to present them to all humanity. God addresses all humanity in the words of the Quran.
''Oh Humanity! The Messenger has brought you the truth from your Lord, so it is better for you to believe. But if you do not believe, everything in the heavens and the Earth belongs to God. God is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Surat an-Nisa':170)
Our Lord provides the substances required by human beings in this fruit, which is so pleasant to eat, already packaged and at the ideal levels for human health. The way that this special blessing from Allah is mentioned in the Qur'an may indicate the importance of the fig for human beings. (Allah knows best.) From the point of view of human health, the nutritional value of the fig was only established with the advance of medicine and technology. This is another indication that the Qur'an is indisputably the word of Allah, the Omniscient.
Figs are rich in fibre and are known to reduce cholesterol levels, protect against colon cancer, and contain antioxidants, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and phytosterol. Therefore, figs are a highly beneficial fruit for human health, providing essential fibre, reducing cholesterol, and protecting against cancer and other diseases. They contain insoluble and soluble fibre, which can accelerate the digestive system, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and reduce cholesterol levels in the body. They also contain antioxidants, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and phytosterol, which help protect against disease and reduce cholesterol.
Figs contain more fibre than any other fruit or vegetable, with one single dried fig providing 20% of the daily recommended intake. Therefore, regular consumption of figs is an ideal way to increase fibre intake and improve human health. Figs are a nutritious fruit with numerous health benefits. They are low in fat, sodium, and cholesterol and high in fibre, making them ideal for those trying to lose weight. Figs also contain high levels of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and iron.
They are an excellent source of calcium, providing the same amount as a crate of milk. Figs are also used to treat asthma, coughs, and chills and are believed to provide strength and energy to long-term patients in recovery. They are high in sugar, with 51-74% of the fruit being composed of sugar, making them a sweet and beneficial treat.
122. "Nutrition;" www.californiafigs.com/nutrition/
123. Ibid.
124. Ibid.
125. Dr. Joe A. Vinson, "The Functional Food Properties of Figs," Cereal Foods World, February 1999, vol. 44, no. 2.
126. Ibid.
127. "California Figs;" www.californiafigs.com/industry/page2.html.
128. Ibid.
At the time when Muhammad was charged with the prophethood a terrible custom prevailed in Arabia. Some families regarded daughters as a source of shame and killed them as soon as they were born.
Our Prophet interest in and love of children swiftly did away with such barbarity. He told them to make no distinction between male children and female. He also taught them that killing their daughters was a grave sin and an act of cruelty. By demonstrating equal love for and interest in both, he set an excellent example to the whole society.
The following is an example of what the Prophet said about female children.
''A daughter is a lovely child; affectionate, eager to help, mild and full of sacred feelings of motherhood.''
Our Prophet also warned the faithful to treat their children justly and said,
''Fear God and treat your children with equal justice.''
Dates are also a good source of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. This fruit is particularly important for pregnant women, who need to consume a great many vitamins, minerals and proteins. Dates are a nutritious fruit mentioned in the Qur'an, and are an excellent choice for pregnant women. They have a high sugar content which increases energy levels and stimulates milk hormones. The substance oxytocin, found in dates, is used in modern medicine to aid childbirth and increase milk production.
Dates also contain a form of sugar which prevents blood sugar levels from rising too quickly, beneficial for those with diabetes, and a range of vitamins, minerals and proteins essential for pregnant women. Dates are a nutrient-rich food, containing minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine, along with vitamins A, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Folic acid, a B vitamin, is especially important to pregnant women for its role in the formation of new blood cells and cell renewal. Potassium helps regulate water balance and oxygen to the brain, while iron helps control haemoglobin synthesis. Phosphorus and calcium protect against bone weakness.
Additionally, dates contain vitamin B6 and magnesium which reduce stress, and vitamins B1 and A which boost immunity and strengthen bones and teeth. Eating dates during pregnancy can provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals to protect against anaemia, infection, and other disorders.
The benefits of the date, especially during pregnancy and only recently established by modern medical science, were indicated in the Quran many years ago.
Although the Prophet bore a heavy responsibility and despite all the difficulties he faced, he was a most humble and peaceful man, one submissive to God. He lived the joy an order of belief every moment of his life his companions describe his state of being.
He [the Messenger] was always cheerful, gentle, and mild.''
The Prophet also advised his companions to smile and said
''God loves the simple and those having smiling countenance.''
Honey has been revered for centuries for its healing and medicinal properties. It is a natural source of antioxidants and is composed of vitamins, minerals, and free sugar molecules, making it an easily digestible and quick source of energy. Honey is beneficial for regulating and facilitating blood circulation and supports blood formation, as well as being a bactericide and helping to prevent illnesses like heart problems and cancer. Honey can also be used to heal wounds due to its anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and antimicrobial properties. Honey is known for its healing properties due to its natural composition, which is effective even against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It does not impede the healing process like antiseptics and antibiotics, thus making it an ideal natural remedy. Furthermore, its antioxidant content helps to boost the body's natural defences. Honey, Blood, and Antioxidants are all important factors in the healing process.
112. "Honey A Source of Antioxidants," Journal of Apicultural Research, 1998, 37:221-225,
www.nutritionfarm.com/health_news/1998/antioxidants4.htm; Janet Raloff, "The Color of Honey," www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc98/9_12_98/Bob1.htm.
113. Angie Knox, "Harnessing honey's healing power," June 8, 2004;
114. "Honey As Medicine-Australia Produces A World's First!," San Diego Earth Times, January 2000; www.sdearthtimes.com/et0100/et0100s17.html.
Prophet Muhammad also called on the people of the book to believe in God's final religion. Yet, he never of course pressured them merely advising them to do so. He left the people of the book free to worship as they saw fit, allowed them to maintain all their own customs and ordered his own people to treat them with justice. His words on this subject have been reported as follows.
Whoever oppresses any Dhimmi (non-Muslim), I shall be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment.''
The following articles in the text of the agreement prepared by the prophet and his followers for the Christian even Harris Bean Cobb and his co-religionists are particularly striking.
"The religion, churches, lives, chastity and goods of all Christians living in the East are under the protection of God and all believers. None of those living by Christianity will be forced to turn to Islam. If any Christian is subjected to any killing or injustice, Muslims must help him.''
Honey bees are an incredibly important species, with a structured society of different bee types. The female honey bee has many tasks, such as cleaning the hive, maintaining the larvae and young, feeding the queen and males, producing honey, constructing the honeycomb and guarding the hive. The male honey bee's only function is to inseminate the queen bee. In the Qur'an, Allah reveals that the honey bees are females, an unknown fact at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. This is just one example of the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.
110. Hayvanlar Ansiklopedisi-Bocekler (Encyclopedia of Animals-Insects) (Istanbul: C.B.P.C. Publishing Ltd./Phoesbus Publishing Company: 1979), 97.
111. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an, 68-69.
Death is one of the things many people fear the most. In such people's eyes, death is the end of everything. They are unaware of the reality of the life of the hereafter. They are thus strongly attached to the life of this world and imagine that they will lose everything when they die for which reason they refuse to reflect on it. The fact is however that death will come at the time and in the form God wills. Nobody has the power to postpone or advanced this. The Prophet recommended that people think about death and the true life to follow.
''Those who are most aware of death and prepare themselves for it. They are the wisest of people.''
Fingerprints are unique to each individual and have been used to determine identity since the late 19th century. Despite being overlooked for centuries, the Quran emphasizes the importance of fingerprints, which has only been fully understood in modern times. Fingerprints remain unchanged throughout a lifetime, making them an effective and reliable source of identification. Therefore, fingerprints are an important factor in verifying identity.
Note 109. "What is a fingerprint?;" www.ridgesandfurrows.homestead.com/fingerprint.html
Mother's milk is a miraculous gift from Allah that provides essential nutrition, protection, and development to babies. Research has revealed its anti-infection properties, helping to protect against respiratory and digestive illnesses, as well as its beneficial effects on blood pressure, heart health, and obesity prevention. The presence of omega-3, alpha linoleic acids, and hormones like adiponectin and leptin provide further evidence of the importance of mother's milk for health, growth, and development. Mother's milk plays a vital role in protecting against many illnesses, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease, and is also essential for brain development. In addition, it is 90% water and is the most hygienic source of liquid for babies.
Studies have shown that breast-fed babies have a higher IQ than those fed on formula, and that mother's milk can protect against many forms of cancer. This was revealed by Allah 14 centuries ago when He commanded mothers to nurse their children for two full years. Mother's milk is a miraculous gift from Allah which meets the specific needs of babies at each stage of development.
99. "High-Risk Newborn-The Benefits of Mother's Own Milk," University of Utah Health Sciences Center; www.uuhsc.utah.edu/healthinfo/pediatric/Hrnewborn/bhrnb.htm
100. Ibid.
101. C. Billeaud, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997, vol. 51, 520-526.
102. "Breast milk 'does cut heart risk'," March 1, 2004; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3523143.stm
103. "Breast milk helps reduce obesity," May 2, 2004; http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3673149.stm
104. Ibid.
105. Tim Whitmire, "IQ Gain from Breastfeeding;"
106. "Breakthrough in Cancer Research;" www.mediconvalley.com/news/Article.asp?NewsID=635
107. Peter Radetsky, "Human Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells," Discover 20, no. 06, June 1999.
108. Rex D. Russell, "Design in Infant Nutrition;" www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-259.htm
During and after the time of the Prophet there have been those who denied that the Quran is a Divine book. Some of these people even went so far as to claim it was the Prophet himself who had written it. Yet, this was a grave error and a manifest slander.
The Quran is the word of God and contains many miracles and superior wisdom the like of which no human being could ever conceive of. The Prophet reminded people of this and announced that the Quran had been sent by God. This fact also appears in the Quran.
Say: ''The One Who sent it down is He Who knows all hidden secrets in the heavens and Earth. He is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'' (Surat al-Furqan:6)
Those who allege that the Quran was written by a human being are unaware of the Miracles that contains and that its wisdom comes from God.
Our Prophet was commanded to reveal this truth to his people.
Say: ''If both men and jinn banded together to produce the like of this Quran, they could never produce anything like it, even if they backed each other up.'' (Surat al-Isra':88).
In another Hadith the Prophet stated that the Quran was the word of God.
''Honesty descended from the Heavens and settled in the roots of the hearts of men (faithful believers), and then the Quran was revealed and the people read the Quran, (and learned from it) and also learned it from the Sunnah. Both the Quran and Sunnah strengthened their (the faithful believers') honesty.'' (Sahih Bukhari)
Our Prophet had other most important advice. The Quran is the most important guide to salvation. This fact is set out as follows in the Hadith.
''Acquire the knowledge and impart it to the people. Learn the Quran and teach it to the people; for I am a person who has to depart this world.'' (Tirmidhi Hadiths, 279)
One of the most important errors that the Prophet has warned against is ascribing partners to God or shirk. God is the one and only and all other entities are solely what he has created. The Prophet explained these truths to his people and attempted to free them from idolatry. This is revealed as follows in verses from the Quran.
Say: ''I call only upon my Lord and do not associate anyone else with Him.'' (Surat al-Jinn:20)
The Prophet has warned all Muslims against idolatry in the Hadith and has stated that ascribing partners to God is a grievous sin.
"The most severe sin is to associate partners with God (known as shirk), while He has created you.'' (Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)
The formation of milk is an amazing process of creation, and its details were revealed in the Quran. Through digestion, food is broken down and carried by the blood to the milk glands where it is transformed into high-nutritional milk. Human beings cannot directly consume blood or the half-digested food in an animal's stomach, as it can cause severe illness or death. Instead, Allah provides clean and healthy food from these fluids. The blood plays a crucial role in collecting nutriments from foodstuffs, and in the formation of milk, a miraculous process. Therefore, the topics of Blood, Food, and Formation are all connected in the miraculous formation of milk.
Everyone on it will pass away; but the Face of your Lord will remain, Master of Majesty and Generosity. (Qur'an, 55:26-27)
The Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet charged with warning humanity like all the other Messengers the Prophet called people to the true path, to have faith in God, to live for the hereafter and to exercise good morality. In his time, some people have elected to follow the most mistaken paths in order to supposedly find salvation. These paths were full of perversion, superstition and nonsense.
Our Prophet aroused them from their ignorance and heedlessness calling them to the path of God. He made great efforts for their salvation in their lives of this world and of the hereafter. When he communicated the message of the Quran our Prophet was exposed to enormous oppression and animosity. Yet he took no notice of these. Our Prophet upon whom great compassion was bestowed drew his power from the love of God and knew that our Lord was always with him.
God commands the prophet thus in one verse. Proclaim what you have been ordered to and turn away from the idolaters. We are enough for you against the mockers. (Surat al-Hijr:94-95)
The prophet Muhammad first told people of God's might and of the proofs of His incomparable creation. He then explained them that God had no equal and was the sole Lord of all.
Say: ''What do you think? If God made it permanent night for you till the Day of Resurrection, what deity is there other than God to bring you light? Don't you then hear?'' Say: ''What do you think? If God made it... permanent day for you till the Day of Resurrection, what deity is there other than God to bring you night to rest in? Don't you then see?'' (Surat al-Qasas:71-72)
Allah has provided humans with the gifts of hearing, sight, feeling, and understanding. Through research, it has been found that the human foetus's ears begin to develop at 22 days and become fully functional by the fourth month. This highlights the accuracy of the order of the senses given in the Qur'an, as hearing comes before sight and understanding. Through Allah's power and grace, humans are able to develop these senses and show gratitude for His gifts.
Note 98. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an, 78-79.
The blessing of Allah is evident in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. The foetus is formed from a drop of sperm and develops fully during the uterine incubation period. The birth canal is made easier for the foetus to pass through with the expansion of the joints in the pelvic bones, the relaxation of the muscles and the lubrication of the canal with amniotic fluid. These physiological changes were only recently discovered with the help of technological devices and were already indicated in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.
Note 96. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an, 96-97.
Note 97. Laurence Pernoud, J'attends un enfant, (Paris : Pierre Horay : 1995), 138.
You who are enveloped in your cloak! Arise and warn. Magnify your Lord. Purify your clothes. Shun all filth. (Surat al-Muddaththir:1-5) As is clearly revealed in the verses of the Quran, a believer must always be clean and well-groomed. The cleanliness of Muslims body, clothing, home and food is just as important as that of their hearts and moral values. A Muslims hair, face, body and clothing are always immaculate, clean and fragrant as are the places where he lives or works. The finest examples of this characteristic of believers is again our Prophet.
The prophet also advises the faithful to be clean in one of the Hadith. ''Surely, Islam is pure, therefore be pure...''
Because of his being both a messenger of God and the head of state, the Prophet was in constant contact with people from all walks of life from the wealthy leaders of states and tribes to poor defenseless women and orphans. The levels of culture and courtesy of some of these people were very low. Nonetheless, he always employed the pleasantest ways to warn those around him of their crude behavior, won them over to him and educated them with great patience and endeavor. The Prophet was most kind above reproach, amiable and thoughtful. He practiced the rules of courtesy and politeness in the best and most ideal way throughout his entire life.
Aisha described the exquisite morality she saw in the Prophet in these terms. The Prophet's (peace be upon him) nature was the Quran.'' (Sahih Muslim Hadith)
The menstrual period is a recurring event in women where an unfertilised egg is expelled from the body due to the contraction of the womb, and the body begins preparations for it to occur again. Allah knows the exact measure of the shrinking and swelling of the walls of the womb during this period, which can only be identified through medical examination. The mucous on the walls of the womb is 0.5 mm thick at the beginning and grows to a thickness of 5-6 mm before being discarded. All of these stages are mentioned in the Qur'an.
This podcast explains how genes, molecules, and cells work together in the creation of a human being. The sperm and the egg join and the parents' genes combine to determine the baby's physical characteristics. The first cell that forms is the fertilised egg and it forms the first copy of the DNA molecule which carries the code in every cell of the person's body. DNA is a molecule of considerable size and contains the genes which determine the colour of the eyes and hair, height, facial features, skeletal shape and other details. The coordination of this complex structuring is brought about by the DNA molecule, which contains enough information to fill a million encyclopaedia pages. This is a miracle of design and creation within our bodies, and the Qur'an pointed to the concept of "genetic planning" in an age when knowledge was limited.
The Prophet was a compassionate person full of love and understanding. He took an interest in the physical and spiritual problems of his friends, relatives, and all those around him and took all appropriate measures to ensure their health, security, and happiness. God's commandment to our Prophet is revealed thus in the Quran.
And take the believers who follow you under your wing. (Surat ash-Shu'ara':215)
The believers educated by our Prophet and sincerely devoted to the Quran, followed in his path always protecting captives,the poor, and orphans. These exemplary moral values of the faithful are revealed as follows in verses.
''They give food, despite their love for it, to the poor and orphans and captives.
''We feed you only out of desire for the face of God. We do not want any repayment from you or any thanks. Truly We fear from our Lord a glowering, calamitous Day. (Surat al-Insan: 8-10)
One Hadith in which our Prophet commands people to be merciful reads.
''Those who have mercy will receive the mercy of the Most Merciful. Have mercy on those who are on Earth, the One in heavens will have mercy on you.'' (Tirmidhi Hadiths)
Human beings are the miraculous creation of Allah, made from clay. The Qur'an states that the human body is composed of many elements that can be found on Earth, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur. It also states that the creation of humans comes from an "extract of clay," which modern science confirms as the same elements found in the soil.
Our Prophet was a protector and administrator for believers. Muslims therefore referred to him in all matters and sought his permission and opinion before engaging in anything. When they disagreed among themselves or were unable to resolve an issue, they immediately communicated this to the Prophet and implemented the most auspicious and reliable solution by learning it from him. Because they knew that he was the most intelligent of the community, his commands and judgments were under the protection of God. His decisions were there for always the most auspicious.
Our Prophet Muhammad a chosen individual is a role model in our time and his Sunnah is an important guide for all humanity. Therefore obedience to him is the true path to salvation both in this world and the eternal life of the hereafter.
It is revealed in the Quran that those who obey the Prophet are actually obeying God. Those who rebel against him on the other hand actually rebel against God.
''Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed God. If anyone turns away, We did not send you to them as their keeper. (Surat an-Nisa':80)
Believers, Muslims should read and strive to live in accordance with the Qur'an, as it is equally close, accessible, comprehensible and straightforward to anyone. The Qur'an encompasses all aspects of life in its entirety and is the most reliable source that people of all ages and standings can turn to regarding every moment of their lives. It helps people make sense of themselves and their lives, find the most beautiful of paths, and make accurate judgments and take good actions. The Qur'an is a guide for Muslims that encompasses their entire lives, both personally and socially. It teaches believers the characteristics of disbelievers, hypocrites, and people of weaker faith, how to wage scientific struggle, and provides moral and behavioral guidance.
Additionally, it instructs believers on how to build a world of art, beauty, hygiene, quality, and courtesy. Ultimately, the secret to sincere piety is to practice the verses of the Qur'an without fail, in full compliance with God's wishes, so as to bring oneself closer to God and be worthy of God’s love.
This audio discusses the miracle of Allah's creation of human beings and other living things from water. This scientific fact was not known until hundreds of years after the Qur'an was revealed, yet it was expressed in the Qur'an. This highlights Allah's power over all things, and emphasizes that He is the One Who created human beings from water and gave them relations through blood and marriage.
Be upholders of justice, bearing witness for God alone, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. Whether they are rich or poor, God is well able to look after them. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth... (Surat an-Nisa':135)
Prophet Muhammad lived in a place where people of different religions, languages, races, and tribes, all coexisted.
It was very difficult for those societies to live together in peace and security.
Yet the justice of the Prophet was a source of peace and security for other communities living in the Arabian Peninsula just as much as it was for Muslims. During the time of the Prophet, Christians, Jews, and pagans were all treated equally.
The prophet explained the true religion to everyone but left them free to make up their own minds because God's commandment was crystal clear and absolute.
''There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned...'' (Surat al-Baqara:256)
In other verses, God reveals, ''So remind them! You are only a reminder. You are not in control of them. (Surat al-Ghashiyya: 21-22)
The constitution of Medina signed by the Muslim immigrants from Mecca, the indigenous Muslims of Medina, and the Jews of Medina is another important example of justice.
The aim of this treaty was to ensure justice among communities holding different beliefs to found a common order. One of the most outstanding features of the treaty is the freedom of belief it established. One of the articles ...
The Jews of Banu Áwf are one nation with the Muslims; the Jews have their religion and the Muslims have theirs...''
In our day the only solution to the fighting and conflict going on all over the world is to adopt the morality of the Quran and like the prophet never to depart from the path of justice, making no distinction between different religions, languages or races.
Because only in that way can humanity attain the peace, security, and happiness it needs and peace security, and justice prevail all over the world, just as in the time of our Prophet.
There were people with varying characters and ideas that surrounded the Prophet. Throughout his life however, he showed an interest in each and everyone warned them about their mistakes and failings and tried to educate them in all matters from cleanliness to matters of faith.
That compassionate, tolerant, understanding, and patient attitude of his was the means by which many people's hearts were warmed to Islam and developed a genuine love for the Prophet.
God describes this pleasing attitude adopted by the Prophet towards those around him in the Quran.
''It is a mercy from God that you were gentle with them. If you had been rough or hard of heart, they would have scattered from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them... (Surah Al Ímran:159)
The prophet never pressured those around him to accept the religion nor imposed conditions on them. Instead, he always used the pleasantest means to tell them about it.
Imam Ghazali the great Islamic scholar summed up the Prophet's treatment of those around him in light of the information found in the Hadith.
Everyone thought that the Prophet honored him more. Whoever came to him could see his face. ...He used to call his companions by their surnames with honor and he used to give a surname to anyone who had no surname. He was very affectionate and kind in dealing with the people.''
The male has an «X» and a «Y» chromosome, while the female has two «X» chromosomes. Therefore, the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm and not by the egg. The creation of a Human Being is an incredible process. The Qur'an explains that the embryo is formed from a drop of semen, which is only a part of the whole, and that the sex of the baby is determined by the sperm from the male. In the 7th century, it was impossible for anyone to have known these details, but modern technology has validated that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
The embryo adheres to the mother's uterus like a leech and develops in three dark regions. The mother has no role in determining the sex of the baby, and the sperm is created in the best possible way. Embryo formation begins with combining the X and Y chromosomes from the mother and father. If a sperm containing an X chromosome unites with the female's ovum, a female baby is born. If it unites with a sperm containing a Y chromosome, a male baby is born.
The Qur'an reveals that the baby's sex is determined by the sperm from the father, not the mother. The zygote then divides and becomes an embryo that clings to the uterus, where it obtains its essential substances from the mother's body. Finally, the bones of the embryo develop first and then the muscles form to wrap around them. The Qur'an states that human beings are created through a three-stage process in the mother's womb. Modern embryology has revealed that these stages occur in three distinct regions of the mother's body, involving the placenta, the lateral abdominal wall, and the wall of the womb.
Each layer consists of three distinct layers, and the baby undergoes three phases of development in the womb: pre-embryonic, embryonic, and fetal. This information was only made available through modern scientific advances, yet it is accurately described in the Qur'an, demonstrating its divine origin.
In communicating the message of God, Prophet Muhammad encountered all kinds of obstacles placed in his path by the idolaters. They behaved aggressively and sought to set traps for the Prophet. Eventually they went further, exiling and seeking to imprison or even kill him.
However, no matter what befell him our Prophet was always patient and resigned and maintained his submission to God. With great determination he continued to preach the word of God.
Because he knew that there was goodness and something auspicious in all things created by God even the very worst difficulties. One of the clearest examples of this is his words when he was hiding in a cave with Abu Bakr after leaving Mecca. Our Prophet's words are related as follows in the Quran.
''If you do not help him, God did help him when those who did not believe drove him out and there were two of them in the Cave. He said to his companion, ''Do not be despondent, God is with us.'' Then God sent down His serenity upon him and reinforced him with troops you could not see. He made the word of those who did not believe undermost. It is the word of God which is uppermost. God is Almighty, All-Wise. (Surat at-Tawba:40)
The prophets words and actions are the best possible models for believers because interpreting events auspiciously is an important virtue stemming from sincere faith in God and a way of life and imposed by that faith.
Believers face up to everything that befalls them with great maturity and know that there is a reason for these events. They first do all they can to resolve a matter. They then place their trust in God and accept the outcome and try to see its auspicious aspect.
In one Hadith our Prophet described the reward that those who put their trust in God can expect.
''If you put your faith completely in God, He will arrange for your sustenance in the same way as He provides for the birds. They go out in the morning with their stomachs empty and return filled in the evening.'' (Tirmidhi Hadiths)
Blood pressure, cholesterol levels, adrenaline, cortisol, and glucose levels can all be affected by stress and depression, which are the result of not submitting to Allah. The physical effects of these mental illnesses include mental illness, drug addiction, insomnia, skin, stomach, and blood pressure disorders, colds, migraines, bone diseases, kidney imbalances, respiratory difficulties, allergies, heart attacks, and brain swelling. To avoid these, believers must live by the moral values of the Qur'an, trust in Allah, look for the good in all things, and accept what happens with the hope of His promise.
Excess insulin in the blood is a major contributor to coronary heart disease, and stress has a negative effect on the immune system. Stress weakens the immune system by increasing production of cortisol, and can lead to a variety of disorders.
Allah promises serenity to believers, who are best protected from the effects of stress by living according to the Qur'an.
Throughout his life Prophet Muhammad abided solely by the revelations of God doing only what was revealed by God without considering the approval of other people or fearing them.
Yet the idolaters of his time opposed this incomparable virtue of his and wanted him to bring commandments in line with their own interests. Despite their being powerful and in large numbers, the Prophet opposed them, scrupulously and determinately keeping to the Quran and the Commandments of God. In His verses God reveals the Prophet's response to these people's insistence.
''When Our clear signs are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet Us say, ''Bring a Quran other than this one or change it.'' Say: It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I follow nothing except what is revealed to me. I fear were I to disobey my Lord, the punishment of a Dreadful Day.'' (Surah Yunus: 15)
The Prophet never made any concessions to what such people wanted. He conveyed the Quran to humanity with no alteration to what
God had revealed taking no one's personal interests into account and did so simply in the spirit of fear of God. This characteristic of our Prophet sent as a mercy on the world's is revealed thus in the Quran.
''Your companion is not misguided or misled; nor does he speak from whim. It is nothing but Revelation revealed, taught him by one immensely strong, [i.e., Gabriel]...
Prayer is an important part of a person's relationship with Allah. It serves as a reminder of our dependence on Him, and as a means of seeking His help in times of sickness. Additionally, research has demonstrated the positive effects of faith and prayer on the recovery of the sick, with studies showing that prayer reduces symptoms and accelerates treatment. Allah is the One who hears and responds to the prayers of His people. The Qur'an provides examples of those who have prayed to Allah, such as Ayyub, Dhu'n-Nun and Zakariyya, who were all answered and saved from their grief. Person should not only pray for physical needs but also for guidance and spiritual growth, and Allah will respond to that prayer as well. The Qur'an provides assurance that Allah is always near and will answer the call of the caller if he/she calls upon Him.
The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) possessed an exemplary morality that he called upon the world to adopt, and which was revealed to him by God. He also counseled Muslims to follow his moral example, which included such advice as to not envy or hate one another, to not undersell each other, to show reverence both externally and internally, to speak truthfully, and to forgive those who injure us. These nine moral values are a timeless example of the Prophet's exemplary morality that all of us should strive to emulate.
The Prophet possessed a morality that constitutes a model for the whole world. He called on others to conform to that morality and described what kind of morality and behavior would be pleasing to God. God reveals in verses the kind of superior moral values possessed by Prophet Muhammad.
''Nun. By the Pen and what they write down! By the blessing of your Lord, you are not mad. You will have a wage which never-fails. Indeed you are truly vast in character. (Surat al-Qalam:1-4)
Our Prophet also counseled Muslims to abide by his own moral values. Some of this advice is described in these terms in the hadith.
''Do not envy one another; do not hate one another; do not turn away from another; and do not undercut one another, but be you, O servants of God, brothers.'' ''My Cherisher has ordered me nine things: To reverence Him, externally and internally, to speak true, and with propriety, in prosperity and adversity, moderation in affluence and poverty, to benefit my relations and kindred who do not benefit me; to give alms to him who refuses me; to forgive him who injures me; that my silence should be in attaining knowledge of God; that when I speak, I should mention Him; that when I look on God's creatures, it should be as an example for them.''
Forgiveness is a virtue strongly recommended in the Qur’an and practiced by believers. It is the best way to ensure peace of heart, mind and body, and to lead a healthy and happy life. Allah commands that we should forgive those who have wronged us, as He will forgive us when we seek His forgiveness.Forgiveness is essential to a healthy life, both physically and psychologically. Studies have found that religious people are less prone to depression, stress, and mental illness due to forgiveness being encouraged by their faith.
Anger, however, has been scientifically linked to a higher risk of heart disease, increased production of inflammatory proteins, and a greater chance of heart attack. Harvard Gazette and The Times have both published articles that further support this notion. Forgiveness is a positive virtue that eliminates the physical and psychological effects of anger and is pleasing to Allah.
73. Jennifer Desai, "Stanford Forgiveness Project's Dr. Frederic Luskin studies why learning to forgive might be good for the body as well as the soul," Almanac, June 9, 1999;
74. Ibid.
75. Frederic Luskin, Ph.D., "Forgiveness," Healing Currents Magazine, September-October 1996;
76. Ibid.
77. Claudia Kalb, "Faith & Healing," Newsweek, November 10, 2003;
78. William J. Cromie, "Anger is Hostile to Your Heart," Harvard Gazette;
79. Ibid.
80. Peter Lavelle, "Anger trigger to heart disease found?," ABC Science Online, August 5, 2003;
81. Ibid.
82. Ibid.
83. Mark Henderson, "Anger Raises Risk of Heart Attack," The Times, London, April 24, 2002;
84. Ibid.
Belief in Allah is a powerful force that can lead to physical and mental health benefits. David B. Larson, of the American National Health Research Center, and his team compared devout and non-religious Americans and found that religious people suffer 60% less heart disease, 100% lower suicide rate, and far lower levels of high blood pressure than those with little or no religious belief. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine reported that those with no beliefs are twice as likely to suffer stomach-intestine diseases and their mortality rate from respiratory diseases is 66% higher than that of believers.
Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical Faculty concluded that worship and belief in Allah have a more positive effect on human health than that observed in anything else and that no belief provides as much mental peace as belief in Allah. This is because people who believe in Allah, trust and pray to Him, are behaving in accordance with the purpose of their creation and philosophies that go against it always lead to unhappiness. Scientific research has confirmed that religious belief is correlated with overall mental health and happiness.
Note 69. Patrick Glynn, God: The Evidence, The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World, (California: Prima Publishing: 1997), 80-81.
Note 70. Herbert Benson, and Mark Stark, Timeless Healing, (New York: Simon & Schuster: 1996), 203.
Note 71. Ibid., 193.
Note 72. Glynn, God: The Evidence, The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World, 60-61.
Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) is a blessed individual to whom God revealed his final Divine scripture and whom He made a role model with his excellent moral values and faith. With his powerful faith, our beloved Prophet fulfilled the responsibility given him by God in the finest possible way. He called people to the path of God to salvation. With his excellent moral values, he was a guide and beacon for all believers. In our day these incomparable moral values and our Prophet's sound approach to difficulties maintain his universality and shed a light for all humanity.
The duty of Muslims is to become acquainted with these superior attributes of the Prophet to take him as a role model and introduce him to all humanity. At the same time they must do all in their power to resemble him and in order to take him as their close friend in the hereafter.
*Abbreviations used: (saas) - sall-Allahu 'alyahi wa sallam: May Allah bless him and grant him peace (following a reference to the Prophet Muhammad)
The area of the cerebrum responsible for planning, motivation, and initiating good and sinful behaviour, such as lying and truth-telling, is located in the frontal part of the skull. This region, known as the prefrontal area, was pointed out in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago, and only discovered by scientists in the last 60 years. Those who fail to act responsibly can be grabbed by the 'lying, sinful forelock', indicating the importance of being responsible.
Note 67. Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Stephens, and Philip Tate, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 2nd ed., (St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book Inc.: 1996), 211; Charles R. Noback, N. L. Strominger, and R. J. Demarest, The Human Nervous System, Introduction and Review, 4th ed., (Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger: 1991), 410-411.
Note 68. Seeley, Stephens, and Tate, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 211.
The depths of the oceans and seas are dark and mysterious, and cannot be explored without special equipment. It is a miracle of the Qur'an that 1,400 years ago it described this darkness, and the recent discovery of internal waves that cover the deep waters. This evidence shows that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
Note 65. Danny Elder, and John Pernetta, Oceans, (London: Mitchell Beazley Publishers: 1991), 27.
Note 66. M. Grant Gross, Oceanography, A View of Earth, 6th ed., (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc.: 1993), 205.
The Qur'an reveals an important property of seas that has only recently been discovered by oceanographers: the two seas meet, yet do not intermix due to surface tension, a physical force caused by the difference in the density of their waters. This remarkable phenomenon, despite having no knowledge of physics or oceanography, was revealed by the Qur'an centuries ago, demonstrating the insight and power of its teachings.
Note 64. Richard A. Davis, Principles of Oceanography, (Don Mills, Ontario: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company), 92-93.
Photosynthesis is a process by which plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, a vital source of life. It is a complex process, and scientists still do not understand it fully. In the morning, when the Sun's rays are most concentrated, photosynthesis is most productive, creating the highest levels of oxygen essential for respiration. This is referenced in the Qur'an, which emphasizes the importance of the morning hours. Through photosynthesis, plants have been providing us with essential oxygen, food and energy for millions of years.
Pressure and temperature differences in the atmosphere create wind, which can be very strong and lead to the formation of tornadoes. Fortunately, Allah's order in creation tempers the force of the winds between the poles and the equator, avoiding a dead planet constantly battered by tornadoes. The Arabic expression “tasreefi al-riyaah” describes Allah's orderly directing of the winds, showing that it does not occur by chance.
Particles play a major role in the fecundating quality of the wind; aerosols, with a diameter of one hundredth of a millimetre, are produced when air bubbles burst on the surface of oceans and seas. The wind carries these particles, along with dust from the land, to higher altitudes, where they mix with water vapour and condense into droplets that form clouds. The wind is also responsible for the pollination of plants, carrying pollen from one plant to another of the same species, thus fertilising them. This formation process was recognised centuries ago in the Qur'an.
He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son when He has no wife? He created all things and He has knowledge of all things. (Qur'an, 6:101)
Lightning and hail are formed in rain clouds due to the accumulation of electrical charges caused by freezing raindrops and contact between droplets and hailstones. The hailstones become negatively charged, while the upper parts of the cloud become positively charged. When the voltage between these two areas reaches 1 billion volts, a spark, or lightning, is discharged from the cloud, sometimes from within the cloud, or sometimes to the ground. This spark forms dazzling lightning strikes, and the sudden increase in electrical charge causes intense heat which leads to the loud noise of thunder.
Everything modern science has established about clouds, and has to say about the causes of thunder and lightning, is in complete accord with the descriptions in the Qur'an.
... He sends down mountains from the sky with hail inside them, striking with it anyone He wills and averting it from anyone He wills. The brightness of His lightning almost blinds the sight. (Quran chapter 24 verse 43)
Or [their likeness is] that of a storm-cloud in the sky, full of darkness, thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps, fearful of death... (Quran chapter 2 verse 19)
Note 61. C. Donald Ahrens, Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate and Environment, 3rd ed., (St. Paul: West Publishing Company: 1988), 437.
Note 62. Athar Lila, "The Quran and Modern Physics," December 10, 1998;
Note 63. Ibid.
The Quran speaks of the miraculous power of rain to bring a dead land back to life. Rain is essential for living things, and also has a fertilizing property that brings elements and mineral salts necessary for plants to grow. Rain provides 150 million tons of fertilizer every year and is essential for the balance of life. This is just one of the many miraculous properties of the Quran.
This verse in the Qur'an reveals the three stages of the movement of particles, verse and movement when rain falls on dry ground. First, the soil particles quiver due to electrostatic charge and the collision with water particles. Second, the soil swells as the space between particles increases and allows water and minerals to enter. Finally, the soil brings forth luxuriant plants of every kind as the seeds become active and absorb simple nutritious material. This process is further confirmed by Robert Brown's discovery of the Brownian motion.
60. Brian J. Ford, "Brownian Movement in Clarkia Pollen: A Reprise of the First Observations," The Microscope, 1992, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 235-241; http://www.brianjford.com/wbbrowna.htm
Allah is all-powerful, with control over all things in the heavens and earth. He can take away their hearing and sight, and knows all that we keep hidden. He is the Living, Self-Sustaining, All-Wise God, and His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth. Truly, Allah has power over all things.
The prefrontal area in the frontal part of the skull is responsible for a variety of functions, including planning, motivation, initiating good and evil behavior, and telling lies and the truth. It is also thought to be the functional center for aggression. This is supported by a Quranic verse from 14 centuries ago, which mentions the "lying sinful forelock" as an indicator of this area's importance.
Research carried out in recent years has revealed that the prefrontal area lying in the frontal part of the skull is responsible for the management of particular functions of the brain.
This area of the cerebrum is also responsible for planning, motivation and initiating good and evil behavior. And it is responsible for telling lies and the truth. A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology says:
In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression. Parallel information to these scientific facts discovered by scientists in the last 60 years was also imparted in the Quran 14 centuries ago.
No, indeed. If he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock. (Surat al-'Alaq: 15-16)
The expression the lying sinful forelock in this verse is most remarkable. This demonstrates a close parallel to the activities carried out in the front part of the brain.
How rain was formed remained a great mystery for quite some time. Only after the weather radar was invented was it possible to discover the stages by which rain is formed. According to this discovery, the formation of rain takes place in three stages. First, the "raw material" of rain rises up into the air with the wind. Later, clouds are formed, and finally raindrops appear. The Qur'an's account of the formation of rain refers exactly to this process.
Note 58. Richard A. Anthes, The Atmosphere, 3rd ed., (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company: 1981), 268-269; Albert Millers, Jack C. Thompson, Elements of Meteorology, 2nd ed., (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company: 1975), 141.
Note 59. Anthes, The Atmosphere, 269; Millers, and Thompson, Elements of Meteorology, 141-142.
Information provided in the Qur'an about rain is that it is sent down to Earth in "due measure." This is mentioned in Surat az-Zukhruf as follows: It is He Who sends down water in measured amounts from the sky by which We bring a dead land back to life. That is how you too will be raised [from the dead]. (Quran chapter 43:11). This measured quantity in rain has again been discovered by modern research.
Note 57. Keith C. Heidorn, Ph.D., "Philipp Lenard: Brushing the Teardrops from Rain;" www.islandnet.com/~see/weather/history/lenard.htm
At the time when the Qur'an was revealed, of course, it was quite impossible to have any information about the weight of clouds. This information, revealed in the Qur'an, but discovered only recently, is yet another proof that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
Praise belongs to Allah Who created the heavens and the Earth and appointed DARKNESS AND LIGHT... (Qur'an, 6:1). We all know that without light a person cannot see his surroundings with the naked eye. However, the light that we can see is only a very small part of all light-emitting energy. There are other kinds of light-emitting energy that human beings cannot perceive, such as infra-red, ultra-violet, x-rays and radio waves. Human beings are effectively blind to such light waves. It is interesting, therefore, that the word for "darkness" in the Qur'an is always in the plural.
Note 55. Husaini, Qur'an for Astronomy and Earth Exploration from Space, 175-182.
The star Sirius appears in Surat an-Najm (meaning "star"). The double stars that comprise Sirius approach each other with their axes in a bowshape once every 49.9 years. This astronomical phenomenon is indicated in the verses Surat an-Najm 9 and 49.
52. Leicester edu dept of Physics & astronomy; www.star.le.ac.uk/astrosoc/whatsup/stars.html; University of Ottowa; www.site.uottawa.ca:4321/astronomy/index.html#Sirius; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~hrs/ay45/Fall2002/ChapterIVPart2.pdf
53. "Exposes Astronomiques, La troisième loi de KEPLER;"
54. http://www.dharma.com.tr/dkm/article.php?sid=87
In one verse of the Quran, the fecundating characteristic of the winds and the resulting formation of rain are mentioned. And We send the fecundating winds, then cause water to descend from the sky, therewith, providing you with water in abundance... (Surat al-Hijr:22). This fact set out in the Quran was definitely unknown until the beginning of the 20th century.
All obstacles come into existence because Allah wills a good for believers. If people are to understand this submission fully, they must take Allah as their sole Friend and Protector and turn to Him the Almighty in complete sincerity. A most telling characteristic of the morality that Allah wills for believers is that they do not become sad or negative or fall into despair, no matter what they may encounter.
Hopelessness indicates disbelief or weak faith, and is a consequence of one’s failure to comprehend that everything takes place according to destiny. Allah draws our attention to this error, for under despair lies a mood and rationale opposed to the very values of the Qur’an. Such an attitude is forbidden, because Allah advises people to trust in Him, be hopeful, and see good in all that happens.
[I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]! (Qur'an, 86:1-3). The stars described as Tariq in the Qur'an bear a close similarity to the pulsars described in the 20th century, and may reveal to us another scientific miracle of the Qur'an.
51. "First Double Pulsar Found," January 9, 2004; www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/double_pulsar/
Electricity. It is one of the greatest discoveries in the history of the world. It lights almost the entire world by means of bulbs. In fact, this great discovery was noted in verses of the Quran 14 centuries ago.
The revelation in the Qur’an about human remains petrifying and fossilizing leading to an iron-dominant state, is a fact that has now been scientifically confirmed. In the same way that no archaeological, paleontological, geological or astronomical research was possible at the time the Qur'an was revealed, neither was it possible to identify the elements using an electron microscope. Thus, the facts revealed in the verse in Surat al-Isra’ once more confirm that the Qur'an is a divine text. https://youtu.be/CtU8hxnkv_M
When a star has consumed all its fuel, it collapses in on itself, eventually turning into a region with infinite density and zero volume and an immensely powerful magnetic field. This is called a Black Hole.
Following the development of the atomic theory of the Greek philosopher Democritus, people used to believe that matter consisted of minute, indivisible and indestructible particles known as atoms. However, advances in the study of atoms have refuted this notion. At the present time, modern science has revealed that the atom, previously regarded as the smallest particle, can actually be split. This fact only emerged in the last century, but was revealed in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
... He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom not an atom's weight eludes, either in the heavens or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that which is not in a Clear Book. (Qur'an, 34:3)
... Not even an atom's weight eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book. (Qur'an, 10:61)
This verse refers to "atom" and smaller particles still.
Up until 20 years ago, it was believed that the smallest particles were the protons and neutrons which comprise the atom. Very recently, however, even smaller particles of which these themselves consist were discovered. A specialised branch of physics, called "particle physics," emerged to study these "sub-particles" and their particular behaviour. Particle physics research has revealed that the protons and neutrons which comprise the atoms actually consist of sub-particles known as quarks. The size of these quarks, the basic components of protons, whose small size is beyond human conception, is astonishing: (0.000000000000000001 of a metre). Note 50.
Another point worthy of note is that these verses draw particular attention to the weight of the atom. The word "mithqaal," in the expression "mithqaalu tharratin" (an atom's weight) in the above verses, means weight. In fact, it has been discovered that the protons, neutrons and electrons which form the atom are also compounds which give the atom its weight. Therefore, it is yet another scientific miracle of the Qur'an that attention is drawn instead to the weight of the atom and not its size or any other feature.
50. L.M. Ledermann, and D.N. Schramm, "Demonstration: Die Bausteine der Materie," 1989;
God, the All-Mighty, Merciful and Compassionate, revealed in the Qur'an that He is close to man and will answer people when they pray to Him. One of the relevant verses is as follows:
If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call of the caller when he calls on Me. They should therefore respond to Me and believe in Me so that they will be guided aright. (Surat al-Baqara: 186)
As stated in the verse above, God is close to everybody. He has knowledge of everyone's wishes, feelings, thoughts, every word uttered, anything whispered and even what is concealed deep in one's thoughts. Consequently, God hears and knows everyone who turns to Him and prays to Him. This is God's blessing on mankind, and a manifestation of His mercy, grace and infinite power.
Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs: from what the earth produces and from themselves and from things unknown to them. (Qur'an, 36:36)
While "male and female" is equivalent to the concept of "pair," "things unknown to them," as expressed in the Qur'an, bears a broader meaning. Indeed, we encounter one of the meanings pointed to in the verse in the present day. The British physicist Paul Dirac, who discovered that matter was created in pairs, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933. This finding, known as "parity," revealed the duality known as matter and anti-matter. Anti-matter bears the opposite characteristics to matter. For instance, contrary to matter, anti-matter electrons are positive and protons negative. This fact is expressed in a scientific source as follows:
... every particle has its antiparticle of opposite charge... [T]he uncertainty relation tells us that pair creation and pair annihilation happen in the vacuum at all times, in all places.48
Another example of duality in creation is plants. Botanists only discovered that there is a gender distinction in plants some 100 years ago.49
Yet, the fact that plants are created in pairs was revealed in the following verses of the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
It is Allah Who created the heavens with no support-you can see them-and cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so that it would not move under you, and scattered about in it creatures of every kind. And We send down water from the sky and make every generous plant grow in it, in pairs. (Qur'an, 31:10)
It is He Who made the earth a cradle for you and threaded pathways for you through it and sent down water from the sky by which We have brought forth diverse pairs of plants. (Qur'an, 20:53)
In the same way, fruits, are of two types: male or female. As the Qur'an proclaims:
He stretched out Earth and placed firmly embedded mountains and rivers in it, and made two types [male and female] of every kind of fruit. He covers over day with night. There are signs in that for people who reflect. (Qur'an, 13:3)
The word "zawjayni," translated as "two types," comes from "zawj," meaning "one of a pair." As we know, fruits are the final product produced by ripening plants. The stage before fruit is the flower. Flowers also have male and female organs. When pollen is carried to the flower and fertilization takes place, they begin to bear fruit. The fruit gradually ripens and starts to release seeds. The fact that fruits have gender-specific features is another piece of scientific information indicated in the Qur'an.
48. Henning Genz, "Nothingness: The Science of Empty Space," 205,
49. "Wanna C A Miracle: Quran: The Living Miracle," The Revival 5, Issue 2,
The outer layer of the earth's atmosphere consists of a great many gases, particularly oxygen. However, energy explosions on the sun cause some of these gases to disperse into space. Researchers have obtained its first concrete evidence thanks to the NASA spacecraft. It was first observed that the Earth experiences a loss of matter from its outer layers on September 24 and 25th 1998. In other words, this occurred 14 centuries after this information was imparted in the quran.
Don't they see how We come to the land eroding it from its extremities? (Surat al-Anbiya':44)
These verses may also be referring to the loss of land on Earth in another regard. At the present time, the polar ice caps are melting and the water level in the oceans is rising. As coastal areas come underwater, the land surface, or total amount of land is decreasing. The expression eroding it from its extremities in the verses may well be pointing to coastal areas being covered by water. God knows best.
But you will not will unless Allah wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Qur’an, 76:30)
As a result of experiments he performed in 1973, Professor Benjamin Libet, a neurophysiologist at the University of California, revealed that all our decisions and choices are set out beforehand, and that consciousness only comes into play half a second after everything has been determined. Note 45. This is interpreted by other neurophysiologists as meaning that we actually live in the past and that our consciousness is like a monitor which shows us everything half a second later.
45. Benjamin Libet, “Unconscious cerebral initiative and the role of conscious will in voluntary action,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1985, 529-566.
In one verse, we are informed that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant motion.
You see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds. (Quran, 27:88)
Continental drift is something that could not have been observed at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, and Allah clearly indicated how it was to be understood: "You see the mountains you reckoned to be solid." Though, He described a fact afterward, stating that the mountains were going past like clouds. As has been indicated, attention is clearly drawn to the movement of the layer in which the mountains are fixed.
It is without doubt a great miracle that this scientific fact, only recently discovered by science, should have been revealed in the 7th century, when conceptions of the nature of the universe were based on superstition and myth. This is another very important proof that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
He is Allah–there is no god but Him.
He is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible.
He is the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful.
He is Allah–there is no god but Him.
He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace,
the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty,
the Compeller, the Supremely Great. Glory be to
Allah above all they associate with Him.
He is Allah–the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form.
To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names.
Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him.
He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.
(Qur'an, 59:22-24)
One item of information about the Earth given in the Quran is its similarity to the seven-layered sky:
It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the Earth the same number, the command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Qur'an, 65:12)
The information in the above verse is confirmed in scientific sources.
A perfect system is at work high above the Earth. It surrounds our world and protects it against external threats. Centuries ago, Allah informed us in the Qur'an of the world's atmosphere functioning as a protective shield. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
One example of the harmony between the Qur'an and modern science is the subject of the age of the universe. Cosmologists estimate the age of the universe as 16-17 billion years. The Qur'an states that the entire universe was created in six days. These two time frames, which may seem contradictory, are actually surprisingly compatible.
The fact that the relativity of time is so definitely mentioned in the Qur'an, which began to be revealed in 610, is more evidence that it is a divine book.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/32-the-formation-of-petrol/
Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Qur'an.
And We also sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind…(Qur'an, chapter 57 verse 25)
The word “anzalnaa,” translated as “We sent down” and used for iron in the verse, could be thought of having a metaphorical meaning to explain that iron has been given to benefit people.
But, when we take into consideration the literal meaning of the word, which is, “being physically sent down from the sky,” as in the case of rain and Sun rays, we realize that this verse implies a very significant scientific miracle.
Not only the iron on Earth, but also the iron in the entire Solar System, comes from outer space, since the temperature in the Sun is inadequate for the formation of iron. The Sun has a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Celsius (11,000oF), and a core temperature of approximately 20 million degrees (36 million degrees Fahrenheit). Iron can only be produced in much larger stars than the Sun, where the temperature reaches a few hundred million degrees.
All this shows that iron did not form on the Earth, but was carried from supernovas, and was “sent down,” as stated in the verse.
In the expression “We also sent down iron” in the verse, the word “also” may well be referring to that idea. However, the fact that the verse specifically mentions iron is quite astounding, considering that these discoveries were made at the end of the 20th century.
There would be no protective magnetic field, no Van Allen radiation belts, no ozone layer, no metal to make hemoglobin , no metal to tame the reactivity of oxygen, and no oxidative metabolism.
Moreover, iron oxide particles were used in a cancer treatment in recent months and positive developments were observed.
As a result of this technique, first performed on the 26-year-old Nikolaus H., no new cancer cells were observed in the patient in the following three months.
A liquid containing iron oxide particles is injected into the tumour by means of a special syringe. These particles spread throughout the tumour cells. This liquid consists of thousands of millions of particles, 1,000 times smaller than the red blood corpuscles, of iron oxide in 1 cm3 that can easily flow through all blood vessels.
The patient is then placed in a machine with a powerful magnetic field.
This magnetic field, applied externally, begins to set the iron particles in the tumour in motion. During this time the temperature in the tumour containing the iron oxide particles rises by up to 45 degrees Celsius .
In a few minutes the cancer cells, unable to protect themselves from the heat, are either weakened or destroyed.
The spread of this technique is a major development in the treatment of this potentially lethal disease. In the treatment of such a widespread disease as cancer, the use of the expression “iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for humanity” in the Qur'an is particularly noteworthy. Indeed, in that verse, the Qur'an may be indicating the benefits of iron for human health.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog:
The Big Bang theory, which the scientific world unanimously accepted in the 20th century, proves that the universe came into being with a giant explosion. One verse of the Quran that reveals this fact 1400 years ago reads, Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the Earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Surat Al-Anbiya':30).
The word ratq, translated as sewn together, means mixed in each blended in the Arabic vernacular. The phrase We unstitched is the verb fataqa. And in Arabic it implies the tearing apart of a structure of things that are sown to one another. A very important scientific fact is being described here the separation of the heavens and the Earth. Intriguingly, at the first moments of the Big Bang, the entire matter of the universe collected at one single point. The heavens and earth which were not created yet were within this single point. Then this point exploded violently, causing its matter to disunite. This is just as is described in the verse.
People 14 centuries ago, of course, possessed no scientific knowledge or technology by which to know that the Earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and everything they saw, or that which was invisible in the skies had initially been united in a single point.
A divine scripture was sent down to humanity 14 centuries ago. This sacred book is the Quran. From the day of its revelation to the day of judgment, it will remain as the last and sole guide for humanity. There are countless proofs that the Quran is the word of God. In the first film, scientific miracles of the Quran were examined and shown as proof. In this film, we shall continue to look at these scientific miracles that prove that the Quran is the revelation of God. We shall see that a great many scientific facts we have only recently been able to establish using modern day technology, from the layers of the earth to continental drift, and from the gender of a baby to atomic sub particles were revealed in our book 14 centuries ago.
Miracles of the Quran Page: https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/29-land-loss-at-the-extremities/
One of the properties of seas that has only recently been discovered is related in a verse of the Qur'an as follows:
He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Qur'an, 55:19-20)
This property of the seas, that is, that they meet and yet do not intermix, has only very recently been discovered by oceanographers.
It is interesting that, during a period when there was little knowledge of physics, and of surface tension, or oceanography, this truth was revealed in the Qur'an.
Another item of information provided in the Qur'an about rain is that it is sent down to Earth in "due measure." This is mentioned in Surat az-Zukhruf as follows:
It is He Who sends down water in measured amounts from the sky by which We bring a dead land back to life. That is how you too will be raised [from the dead]. (Qur'an, 43:11).
This measured quantity in rain has again been discovered by modern research.
Every year, the amount of water that evaporates and that falls back to the Earth in the form of rain is "constant": 513 trillion tons. This constant amount is declared in the Quran by the expression "sending down water in due measure from the sky." The constancy of this quantity is very important for the continuity of the ecological balance, and therefore, life.
Today, the relativity of time is a proven scientific fact. This was revealed by Einstein's theory of relativity during the early part of the 20th century. He showed that time is dependent on mass and velocity.
However, the Qur'an had already included information about time's being relative! Some verses about the subject read:
… A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count. (Qur'an, 22:47)
He directs the whole affair from heaven to Earth. Then it will again ascend to Him on a day whose length is a thousand years by the way you measure. (Qur'an, 32:5).
The fact that the relativity of time is so definitely mentioned in the Qur'an, which began to be revealed in 610, is more evidence that it is a divine book. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/different-points-in-the-rising-and-setting-of-the-sun/
n one verse, we are informed that mountains are not motionless as they seem, but are in constant motion.
You see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds. (Qur'an, 27:88)
This motion of mountains is caused by the movement of the Earth's crust that they are located on. The Earth's crust "floats" over the mantle layer, which is denser. It was at the beginning of the 20th century when, for the first time in history, a German scientist by the name of Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents of the Earth had been attached together when it first formed, but then drifted in different directions, and thus separated as they moved away from each other.
It is without doubt a great miracle that this scientific fact, only recently discovered by science, should have been revealed in the 7th century, when conceptions of the nature of the universe were based on superstition and myth. This is another very important proof that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
Your Lord revealed to the bees: "Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow." From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for humanity. There is certainly a sign in that for people who reflect. (Quran, 16:68-69)
In Arabic, there are two different usages of verbs. By means of the usage, it is possible to determine whether the subject is a female or a male. As a matter of fact, the verbs (italic words) used for the honey bee in the verses are used in the format of the verb for females. Through this, the Qur'an indicates that the honey bees that work in the making of the honey are females. We should not forget that it is impossible for this fact to have been known about the honey bees in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saas). Yet, Allah has pointed at this fact and shown us yet another miracle of the Qur'an.
The fact that a mass of 300,000 tons of water can remain aloft is truly amazing. Attention is drawn to the weight of clouds in other verses of the Qur'an:
It is He Who sends out the winds, bringing advance news of His mercy, so that when they have lifted up the heavy clouds, We dispatch them to a dead land and send down water to it, by means of which We bring forth all kinds of fruit... (Qur'an, 7:57).
This information, revealed in the Qur'an, but discovered only recently, is yet another proof that the Quran is the word of Allah.
The verse 11 of Surat at-Tariq in the Qur'an, refers to the "returning" function of the sky.
[I swear] by heaven which returns. (Qur'an, 86:11)
The word "raj`" interpreted as "return" in Qur'an translations has meanings of "sending back" or "returning." As is known, the atmosphere surrounding the Earth consists of many layers. Each layer serves an important purpose for the benefit of life on Earth. Research has revealed that these layers have the function of turning the materials or rays they are exposed to back into space or back down to the Earth.
The fact that this property of the atmosphere's layers, that was only demonstrated in the recent past was announced centuries ago in the Qur'an, once again confirms that the Qur'an is Allah's word.
At the time when the Quran was revealed, people had no telescopes with which to study bodies millions of kilometres away in space, advanced observation technology or our modern knowledge of physics and astronomy. It was therefore impossible to establish that space had "its oscillating orbits," (Qur'an, 51:7) as described in the verse. The Qur'an however, revealed at that time, provided clear information concerning that fact. This is proof that this book is indeed Allah's word. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
Iron is one of the elements highlighted in the Qur'an. In Surat al-Hadid, meaning "iron," we are informed:
And We also sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind… (Quran, 57:25).
The word "anzalnaa," translated as "We sent down" and used for iron in the verse, could be thought of having a metaphorical meaning to explain that iron has been given to benefit people. But, when we take into consideration the literal meaning of the word, which is, "being physically sent down from the sky," as in the case of rain and Sun rays, we realize that this verse implies a very significant scientific miracle. Because, modern astronomical findings have disclosed that the iron found in our world has come from giant stars in outer space... https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
It is He Who has created hearing, sight and minds for you. What little thanks you show! (Qur'an, 23:78). The above verse refers to a number of senses given to human beings by Allah. These are always referred in a specific order in the Qur'an: hearing, sight, feeling and understanding. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
Information on the development in the mother's womb became available only after observations with modern devices. Yet, just like many other scientific facts, in a miraculous way, Allah draws our attention to these items of information in the verses of the Qur'an. The fact that such detailed and accurate information was given in the Qur'an at a time when people had scarce information on medical matters is clear evidence that the Qur'an is the word of Allah. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
Does man reckon he will be left uncontrolled [without purpose]? Was he not once a drop of ejected semen? (Qur'an, 75:36-37)
The Quran informs us that man is made not from the entire semen, but only a small part of it. That the particular emphasis in this verse announces a fact only discovered by modern science is evidence that the Quran is the word of Allah. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
We placed firmly embedded mountains on the Earth, so it would not move under them… (Qur’an, 21:31). The verse states that mountains perform the function of preventing shocks in the Earth. This fact was not known by anyone at the time the Quran was revealed. It was, in fact, brought to light only recently, as a result of the findings of modern geological research. https://islamic-audio-book.com/26-mountains-role/
In the Quran, which was revealed in the 7th century, the roundness of the world was hinted at. https://islamic-audio-book.com/16-the-spherical-earth/
While it is stated in the Qur'an that it is easy for Allah to bring man back to life after death, peoples' fingerprints are particularly emphasized:
Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Quran, 75:4).
What is important is that this feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people regarded fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning. However in the Quran, Allah points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time, and calls our attention to their importance. This importance has only been fully understood in our day. https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
The first human being was created by Allah shaping clay into human form and breathing a soul into it:
Your Lord said to the angels, "I am going to create a human being out of clay. When I have formed him and breathed My Spirit into him, fall down in prostration to him!" (Qur'an, 38:71-72)
Then inquire of them: Is it they who are stronger in structure or other things We have created? We created them from sticky clay. (Qur'an, 37:11)
We created man from an extract of clay. (Qur'an, 23:12)
The information revealed in the Quran 1,400 years ago confirms what modern science tells us-the fact that the same elements are employed in human creation as those found in the soil.
In the Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago at a time when the science of astronomy was still primitive, the expansion of the universe was described in the following terms:
And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur’an, 51:47)
This fact was explained in the Qur’an in a time when telescopes and similar technological advancements were not even close to being invented. This is because the Qur’an is the word of Allah: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe.
https://islamic-audio-book.com/the-expanding-universe/ https://islamic-audio-book.com/miracles-of-the-quran-page/
The origin of the universe is described in the Qur'an in the following verse: He created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. (Qur'an, 6:101).
This information is in full agreement with the findings of contemporary scientists. As we stated earlier, the conclusion that astrophysics has reached today is that the entire universe, together with the dimensions of matter and time, came into existence as a result of a great explosion that occurred a long time ago. This event, known as "The Big Bang," is the catalyst for the creation of the universe from nothingness. This explosion, all parties in the scientific community agree, emanated from a single point some 15 billion years ago. https://islamic-audio-book.com/the-formation-of-the-universe/
Allah revealed the Quran 14 centuries ago as the sole guide for humanity, containing perfect literary language, wisdom, and many scientific truths. The Qur'an contains facts that could not have been known at the time of its revelation. In the 7th century, when it was sent down, Arab society was awash with superstitious and groundless notions, but the Qur'an replaced ignorance with knowledge and illogical conjecture with guidance and certainty. Its verses contain key facts about the creation of the universe, the development of the human being, the structure of the atmosphere and more, proving that the Qur'an is the word of Allah.
During earthquakes, the heavy substances below the surface have an opportunity to rise, and the Earth thus disgorges its charges, as revealed in the Qur'an. Moreover, those regions where metal reserves are most concentrated are also those with the greatest volcanic activity. These scientific findings, which emerged only recently, and as a result of wide-ranging research, are just some of the scientific facts indicated by Allah in the Qur'an. https://islamic-audio-book.com/25-the-earths-disgorges-its-charges/
One item of information about the Earth given in the Quran is its similarity to the seven-layered sky. The truth of this similarity between the sky and the layers of the Earth, only identified by 20th century technology, is without doubt another of the Quran's scientific miracles.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog:
This property of the atmosphere’s layers, that was only demonstrated in the recent past was announced centuries ago in the Quran. https://islamic-audio-book.com/23-the-sky-that-returns/
The Qur'an describes the sky as a dome, and the Earth as a couch for you. The Quran mentions the protective properties of the atmosphere and the special creation of the Earth. https://islamic-audio-book.com/22-the-sky-made-a-dome/
Centuries ago, Allah informed us in the Quran of the world's atmosphere functioning as a protective shield. https://islamic-audio-book.com/21-the-well-guarded-sky/
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/20-atmospheric-layers/
The Qur'an reveals that the sky comprises seven layers and that the Earth's atmosphere consists of different layers that lie on top of each other.
The seven layers of the atmosphere are as follows: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere. Each layer has a particular function, ranging from forming rain to preventing harmful rays, from reflecting radio waves to averting the harmful effects of meteors.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/19-the-diameters-of-the-earth-and-space/
The Quran uses the plural form of the word "qutr" to refer to the Earth's many diameters, and this is important because it indicates the Earth's geoid shape.
The second noteworthy subject in the verse is that the Earth and the heavens are mentioned separately in reference to diameters. The definition of the "confines of the heavens" in Surat ar-Rahman 33 indicates the spherical structure of space.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/17-the-earths-direction-of-rotation/
Cloud masses are pulled from West to East by the rotation of the Earth. When the Qur'an revealed this scientific fact 1,400 years ago, the Earth was believed to be flat and resting on the back of an elephant.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/16-the-spherical-earth/
The Qur'an uses remarkable words to describe the universe, such as "to wrap the night up in the day" and "to wrap the day up in the night".
The Qur'an gives accurate information about the shape of the world, even though the understanding of astronomy of the time perceived the world differently.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/15-the-force-of-gravity-and-orbital-movements/
The word "khunnas" in Surat at-Takwir 15 refers to shrinking and cowering, retracting and turning back. The word "jawaar" refers to one that moves and flows, and the word "khunnas" refers to the attraction of the planets towards their own centres and the Sun.
The Qur'an indicates that gravity, the force that attracts objects to the centre, already existed in the universe, but that it could only be revealed with mathematical formulae by Sir Isaac Newton.
The Moon is a means of measurement for people to calculate the year. The positions of the Moon as it revolves in its orbit change, making it possible to see the Moon in different forms at different times.
In former times, a month was calculated by the time between two full moons, but in the Gregorian calendar, a year is the time it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun. The Qur'an contains information about this difference in calendars.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog:: https://islamic-audio-book.com/13-the-moons-orbit/
The Moon follows a constant pattern resembling the letter "S" in space as it orbits the Earth and moves with the Earth around the Sun. This pattern is described in the Qur'an as resembling an old date branch.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/12-the-suns-trajectory/
The Sun and Moon follow specific trajectories, which were discovered by means of astronomical advances in our own time. The Sun travels 17.28 million km (10.74 million miles) a day and all the planets and satellites within its gravitational field travel the same distance.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/11-orbits-and-the-rotating-universe/
The universe functions within a finely-tuned order, just like the wheels in a factory. Celestial bodies follow specific paths, and the Solar System and even other galaxies exhibit considerable motion around other centres.
The earth follows an orbit around the sun that deviates only 2.8 millimetres from a direct course. If the deviation were any larger, the earth would freeze.
The Qur'an indicates that heavenly bodies have cyclical systems and that they rotate around their own axes. At the time the Qur'an was revealed, people had no telescopes or advanced observation technology.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/10-the-structural-differences-between-the-sun-the-moon-and-the-stars/
The Sun is the only source of light in the Solar System, and the Moon merely reflects the light reaching it from the Sun.
The word "light" in Arabic refers to the Moon, while the word "lamp" refers to the Sun. The word "star" comes from the Arabic root "najama," meaning "appearing, emerging, visible."
We now know that the Moon does not emit its own light, but reflects that reaching it from the Sun. The Sun and stars also emit their own light.
These facts were revealed in the Qur’an in an age when mankind simply did not have the means to make scientific discoveries of their own accord. It was an age when peoples’ knowledge of celestial bodies was severely restricted, to say the least. This further emphasises the miraculous nature of the book of Islam.
Materialist philosophy claims that the systems in nature and the universe were like machines that functioned on their own. However, scientific discoveries have demonstrated that the systems were created and that the universe was created from nothing.
The conditions necessary for life are found only on the Earth. The conditions are created by the forces of the Big Bang, the levels of the four basic forces, the chemical processes in the stars, the type of light emitted by the Sun, etc.
Allah created the universe in measure and harmony, and revealed in Surat al-Mulk 3 that those who seek disharmony will fail to find it. The term "fine-tuning" represents this truth revealed in the verses, and many scientists have shown that the universe has an extraordinary design.
Professor George F. Ellis refers to the fine-tuning of the universe as "amazing" and claims that it makes human life possible.
The balances established with the Big Bang are one of the proofs that the universe did not come into being by chance.
Modern physics describes the interaction and equilibrium of four forces as follows: gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.
If the gravitational force was a trillion times stronger, the universe would be far smaller and its life history far shorter. If the strong force was just slightly weaker, the universe would have no stars, no supernovae, no planets, no atoms, no life.
The distance between supernovae and stars is critical for the existence of life on Earth. If the distance were much less, planetary orbits would be destabilized, and if the distance was much more, planetary systems like our own would never form.
If the depth of the oceans were any greater, there would be constant upheaval for living things.
The Earth's inclination of 23 degrees causes the seasons, which are marked by hot summers and cold winters.
If the Moon and Earth were even a little closer, the Moon's effect on the Earth's tides would reach dangerous dimensions, and the temperature of the oceans would rise, endangering life on Earth.
The existence of carbon, the basis of all life, depends on the temperature remaining within specific limits. The Earth's climate must be stable at -20 degrees and no higher than 120 degrees Celsius (248oF) for carbon to exist.
The harmony and proportion therein were described with magnificent accuracy fourteen centuries ago in the Qur’an.
He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur’an, 67:3-4)
Don’t you see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur’an, 71:15)
He to Whom the kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs. He does not have a son and He has no partner in the Kingdom. He created everything and determined it most exactly. (Qur’an, 25:2)
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog: https://islamic-audio-book.com/8-the-perfect-equilibrium-in-the-universe/
The All-Merciful created the seven heavens in layers, and the billions of stars and galaxies in the universe move in perfect equilibrium in the paths set out for them.
The speed of the Earth as it rotates around the Sun is 1,670 kmph (1,038 mph), and the speed of the Solar System as it orbits the centre of the galaxy is 720,000 kmph (950,000 kmph). Yet, despite these speeds, the Earth is in complete safety.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog. https://islamic-audio-book.com/7-the-creation-of-what-lies-between-the-heavens-and-the-earth/
The Qur'an contains many verses concerning the creation of the Earth, the heavens and what lies between them, and how everything belongs to Allah.
Scientists state that the universe was first in a state of "ratq" (fusion), and then became "fataqa" (divided into parts). After each division, a few particles remained outside the new, fundamental bodies forming in space, and these extra particles are called interstellar galactic material.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog. https://islamic-audio-book.com/6-the-separation-of-the-heavens-and-the-earth/
The verse about the creation of the heavens says that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then unstitched, and that water was used to create every living thing.
You can also read and listen to this episode on our blog. https://islamic-audio-book.com/5-creation-from-hot-smoke/
He placed mountains on the Earth, blessed it, and laid out its nourishment for those who seek it.
The Arabic word for "heaven" is "samaa'", which refers to the entire universe. The word "dukhaanun" for "smoke" describes the matter before the universe took its shape-the hot, cosmic smoke present during the creation of the universe, as now acknowledged by scientist.
The Universe is ever-expanding, according to scientific theories. However, when the mass of the universe has reached a sufficient level, this expansion will come to an end due to gravity, resulting in a fierce heat and contraction known as the 'Big Crunch'. This will lead to the end of all forms of life as we know them. Renata Kallosh and Andrei Linde, professors of physics from Stanford University, have stated that this collapse will be like being inside a black hole, and that dark energy may be the cause of the universe becoming unstable and eventually collapsing. This scientific theory is also mentioned in the Qur'an, where it states that the heavens will be folded up in His right hand. (Allah knows best).
The universe is constantly expanding, as per the Qur'an and modern science. Stars and galaxies are moving away from one another due to the expansion of space. This phenomenon was discovered in the 20th century by Alexander Friedmann and Georges Lemaître, and verified when Edwin Hubble observed that the stars emit redder light depending on their distance. This fact was explained in the Qur'an in a time when telescopes and similar technological advancements were not even close to being invented. This is because the Qur'an is the word of Allah: the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe.
The episode discusses how the Quran was revealed 14 centuries ago as a book of guidance and wisdom for humanity. It calls people to the truth and instructs them to adhere to the values and teachings within.
The Quran has an easily understandable language and tone that has been accessible to people of all times. It contains definitive proofs that it represents the word of God, including the perfection of its literary style and superior wisdom. It contains many scientific truths that were only discovered recently with modern technology, showing it could not have been authored by humans at the time. Some of the scientific concepts it discussed include the creation of the universe and human development, atmospheric structure and balances that support life.
This episode emphasizes the Quran should not be viewed as a science book but primarily for moral and spiritual guidance. It then discusses the lack of scientific knowledge in 7th century Arab society, with beliefs like mountains supporting the sky and the earth being flat, to showcase how extraordinary it is that the Quran contains so many scientific facts.
Miracle In The Atom Documentary: https://islamic-audio-book.com/the-miracle-in-the-atom-documentary/
Miracle In The Atom AudioBook (Read/Listen) : https://islamic-audio-book.com/the-miracle-in-the-atom-audiobook-and-ebook/
Why? 00:00
The Creation of the Universe 00:05:19
The Expansion of the Universe and the Big Bang 08:48
Big Bang with Evidence 13:14
Allah Created the Universe from Nothing 16:37
The Signs of the Qur'an 19:26
Creation of Matter Moment by Moment 22:52
Fundamental Forces In the Universe 40:23
1. The Giant Power in the Nucleus: The Strong Nuclear Force 42:11
2. Safety Belt of the Atom: the Weak Nuclear Force 44:03
3. The Force That Keeps Electrons in Orbit: The Electro-magnetic Force 45:10
4. The Force Holding the Universe Together: The Gravitational Force 46:22
The Power Hidden in the Nucleus 52:23
The Space in the Atom 56:41
Inside the Nucleus: Protons and Neutrons 58:35
Source of the Diversity in the Universe 59:34
The Borderline of Physical Existence: the Quarks 1:00:58
The Other Aspect of the Atoms: Electrons 1:04:44
Orbits of Electrons 1:13:12
Wave or Particle? 1:16:09
The World Full of Colour Whose Gates are Opened by Electrons 1:19:45
Chemical Bonds 1:31:50
Ionic Bonds 1:33:18
Covalent Bonds 1:34:57
Metallic Bonds 1:36:01
The Next Step: Compounds 1:36:01
The Building Block of Life: the "Carbon" Atom 1:37:49
Intermolecular Bonds: Weak Bonds 1:42:12
A Miracle Molecule: Water 1:44:24
The Miraculous Properties of Water 1:47:03
An Interesting Property of Water 1:51:54
The Protective Ceiling: Ozone 1:55:11
Molecules We Taste and Smell 1:57:34
How Do We Perceive Matter? 2:01:25
Power Hidden in the Nucleus 2:20:57
Fission 2:22:43
Fusion 2:27:15
Effects of the Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2:31:59
Radiation Emitted By the Atom 2:37:10
Conclusion 2:40:03
Notes 02:45:39
You alone we worship. You alone we ask for help. (Surat al-Fatihah, 4)
Mankind! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that hopefully you will guard against evil. (Quran, Surat al-Baqarah (The Heifer) verse 21)
My servants, you who believe, My earth is wide, so worship Me alone! (Quran, Surat al-Anqabut (The Spider) verse 56)
And Ibrahim, when he said to his people, ‘Worship God and have fear of Him. That is better for you if you only knew.’ (Quran, Surat al-Anqabut (The Spider) verse 16)
Say: ‘It is God I worship, making my religion sincerely His.’ (Qura, Surat az-Zumar (Throngs) verse 14)
Say: ‘My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for God alone, the Lord of all the worlds.’ (Surat al-An’am, 162)
I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 56)
Music by Ashot-Danielyan-Composer from Pixabay
There is a perfect order in the universe. In order to support life on Earth, a variety of factors were designed flawlessly, including the size and position of celestial bodies, the expansion of the universe, the position of the Earth in our galaxy, the Sun and the Moon, gravity, and many others.
There are verses from the Qur'an that deal with the universe, revealing the artistry of God's creation.
In the Qur'an, God says, "We did not create heaven and Earth and everything between them to no purpose. That is the opinion of those who do not believe..." (Qur'an, 38:27), the universe was created for a purpose. So, humans should act in a way that acknowledges this purpose, and worship our Lord Who created it all.
Allah Keeps the Entire Universe and the Systems in it under His Simultaneous Control.
Music by Jeremusic70 from Pixabay
Living with hope is a fundamental part of life for believers. They hope to be better servants of God and draw closer to Him each day. Despite facing tests, hardships, and difficulties, they never lose hope in the Lord. On the contrary, deniers abandon hope in the Hereafter, and in doing so, forego the chance to live with a flourishing spirit. Hope in the Lord is the greatest hope a believer can have, as they anticipate one day entering Paradise with peace.
Believers should never forget Allah, and should always turn to Him in their thoughts and deeds. Prayer is not merely sending one's wishes to God; believers should also express gratitude to Him for His blessings. Prayer is an essential part of connecting with Allah and is a way for believers to call upon Him in times of hardship and stress. It is a way of acknowledging one's weaknesses and limited power before Allah's infinite might and asking for help. It also serves as a reminder of Allah's existence, greatness, and might.
Those who understand prayer recognize that Allah is always listening and responding to one's sincere prayers and requests. The Qur'an emphasizes that it is an easy way to reach God and that He is always near and responsive to those who call on Him. Prayer is not an obsolete tradition, but rather serves as a reminder of Allah's presence and of one's place as His servant, and can bring a sense of relief and security to the believer. Prayer is an important spiritual practice for believers of Allah, and it does not need to be accompanied by any particular ritual or ceremony. It is instead a sincere act of submission and remembrance of Allah's existence.
Superstitious practices, such as fastening clothes to trees or blowing into water, are seen as an opposite of the Qur'anic rationale and are misguided attempts to ask for help from unknown sources. Visiting tombs should instead be done to remember death and the power of Allah. Ultimately, it is important to remember Allah's command to “Remember the Name of your Lord, and devote yourself to Him completely” and to turn to Him alone in prayer.
Before any decision we have to make, we hear a voice that shows us the way and directs us toward what is right. From the moment we wake up in the morning, wherever we may go and whatever we may do, this voice accompanies us. Nobody else can hear it but that voice speaks to us of justice, moral virtue, humility, honesty and sincerity; in short everything that is good.
Music by EvgenyBardyuzha from PixabayAllah tells us that believers will undergo many tests in this world. For example, they will be tested in their personal lives and with their possessions. In other words, they may encounter difficulties at every stage in their lives. But the important thing is that they continue to practice the Qur'an's morality in difficult times, remember Allah without ceasing, give thanks, and realize that everything will turn out well.
Music by ZakharValaha from PixabayMuslims must always remember that they are under God's protection, and accept that whatever happens in their lives is part of their destiny.
It must not be forgotten that everything that happens to us, great or small, is in our destiny. Muslims must always be on their guard against satan’s whisperings saying ‘These things have nothing to do with destiny.’ Therefore, always remembering and never forgetting this is a great means for achieving spiritual profundity because one will then experience the love of God with greater intensity and thus look at everything that happens and all that is created by God with love and see the goodness in it. And that will make one more peaceful, tolerant, joyful and healthy.
The fact is that looking at every incident and everything that occurs through the eyes of wisdom, and knowing that everything is created for the best by God in destiny, is a crucial necessity for one's peace of mind in this world. Entrusting oneself to God and surrendering their whole souls to Him is a great blessing and a source of tranquility and happiness for believers.
Muslims must turn to the Qur'an for guidance every day in order to live their lives according to its teachings and achieve a peaceful life. The Quran is the key to success, and by following its teachings, Muslims can lead a life of true happiness. The Qur’an not only shapes the personal lives of Muslims, but also their social lives, tastes and the quality of their lives. It provides guidance on how to wage a scientific struggle against disbelievers, how to handle double-dealing hypocrites, and how to treat those with weaker faiths, deviators, isolators and irreligious. It also teaches about the importance of morality, art, beauty, hygiene, quality and courtesy.
In order to remain good believers, Muslims must strive to practice the tenets of the Quran without fail. This book is a reminder of how to put the verses into practice in everyday life, to increase effort to become more pious, and to seek God's approval. May God help us to remember what is essential so we can make every minute of our lives count.
Even the faithful vary in their fear of Allah and the faith in Him which they hold in their hearts. These individuals may live with their faith, but at moments when their interests are challenged or when they are faced with problems, may also demonstrate the behavior of unbelievers instead of behaving in accordance with the Qur'an.
The people concerned may conform to most provisions of the Qur'an and behave like believers throughout a large portion of their lives. On certain matters, however, they may not like to be aware that according to the Qur'an, they are in the wrong.
For a person who suffers trouble and sorrow throughout his life, the solution is simple. Every person with faith in Allah and every believer who conforms to the Qur'an must approach the Book with greater sincerity and must be protected from any kind of act or thought that runs counter to the behavior of the faithful described in its verses. He should not regard the truths contained in the Qur'an as theoretical, but should apply them in practice in his life and feel and experience them at all times.
He must not forget that Allah encompasses everything and that He knows all the secret emotions inside a person, including concealed insincerity. A Muslim should not regard simply performing religious observances as sufficient and view the insincerity inside himself as insignificant.
All living creatures bow to Allah and act according to His instructions. Muslims should live in submission to their destiny without forgetting these truths and knowing that in every event, there is a goodness and a blessing. When a person arrives at awareness of these truths, he will see a different, beautiful life begin for him. When we speak of «living a beautiful life,» you should not take this to mean that people will experience no difficulty, for this world is a place where everyone is tested, and a person will be tested by various events until the end of his life.
As Allah tells us in the verses of the Qur'an, everyone will suffer difficulties and problems. Thinking positively about events and submitting to the will of Allah, the Possessor of boundless knowledge, brings lasting and genuine happiness.
Music by ZakharValaha from PixabayAllah has created everything with a purpose; just like His blessings. Each one of these blessings—our life, faith, sustenance, health, eyes, and ears—is an endowment for mankind to be grateful to Allah.
Music by ZakharValaha from Pixabay... put your trust in Allah. Allah suffices as a Guardian. (Quran, 4:81)
Allah is the Protector of those who believe... (Quran, 2:257)
Blessed be the name of your Lord, Master of Majesty and Generosity. (Quran, 55:78)
He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward. He has knowledge of all things. (Quran, 57:3)
Allah has created billions of galaxies, stars, and cells in the universe, and is in control of them every moment. The Earth and its inhabitants occupy a tiny place in this vast universe, and yet Allah maintains the balance of countless processes on and within it. Every second, 50 million cells die and are replaced, 10 million bits of info are sent to the brain, and quadrillions of plants and animals live on land and in the seas. Every fly beats its wings 500 times a second and insect populations reach 10 quintillion.
All of these events are taking place in every second, and it is through the power of Almighty Allah that they are kept in balance. The power of Allah is astounding. From the 7 billion people living on Earth, to the trillions of cells in each person, to the millions of proteins and quintillions of amino acids produced each hour, to the billions of nerve cells and synapses in the brain, all these details are ordered and maintained by Allah. Furthermore, Allah has also created other wondrous systems in nature, such as the hummingbird's heart that beats 300-1200 times a minute, the 10 trillion processes performed each second by a honey bee, and the billions of snowflakes that fall from the sky each year. By His leave, these systems are all running perfectly, and humans can only attempt to understand a fraction of His infinite knowledge. Billion of cells exist in the universe, and Allah is the one responsible for their creation.
He is powerful enough to create them as He wishes at any time, and no one knows the keys of the Unseen but Him. Everything in the land and sea, from the smallest leaf to the most abundant seed, is known to Him and recorded in a Clear Book. We should reflect on His greatness and give thanks for His blessings, as we will be questioned on them in the Day of Reckoning. Allah has given us countless blessings, yet we are often ungrateful.
In present day life almost all people complain because they have been totally unable to achieve true peace and because despite their efforts and their attempts at happiness, they are not happy at all. The reason why people end up in such a predicament is because they try to find happiness in the wrong places and with the wrong people.
For some, happiness is the material wealth they obtain, being able to spend their money as they like, buy whatever they want and consume more and more each day. For some, happiness is being known and admired, someone whose favor or company is sought by everyone. Such people want to be admired and imitated in everything they do. For others, happiness is escape even for a short time from the troublesome and monotonous life they lead and its problems. However, the happiness achieved by all these people is false and fleeting. Achieving everything they want and reaching targets still do not change the end result: a melancholy life filled with unhappiness and the troubles it brings with it... except for the true believers, who seek Allah's approval and are aware that their true abode is in the Hereafter.
In this audiobook we explain what the source of true happiness is and where and under what conditions it is possible to be truly happy and at peace in the light of the verses of the Qur’an.
In this audiobook we shall get to know micro-organisms and germs and witness the way our bodies fight against them. You will listen in amazement the way that friendly and hostile forces behave in an intelligent manner. You will also realise that the intelligence which prevails in this war and during each and every phase of it, belongs to Allah, their Creator, and you will also understand why it is that He creates disease.
1. The Miracle Of The Immune System - Introduction 00:00
2. Immune System - The Defence System 10:37
3.Besieged Castle - The Human Body. 15:34
4. Intelligent Weapons - The Antibodies 30:03
5. Organs Employed In Defence 53:51
6. Cells On Duty In The System 01:06:09
7. Step By Step To All-Out War 01:41:46
8. The Enemies Of The System 02:00:03
Allah does not wrong people in any way rather it is people who wrong themselves. (Surah Yunus: 44)
Whatever their circumstances may be, there is one significant feature that a great many people have in common: The great majority lead unhappy lives.
The goods and property they own, the jobs they perform, and their loved ones are not enough to make these people happy in any real sense.
The reason why they suffer from sorrow and feel unhappy even in the best of circumstances is because they live at a distance from Allah. Allah grants people happiness only through faith, and only in this way it is possible to take full pleasure in the beautiful things of life. So long as no sincere faith in accordance with the Qur'an exists, it is impossible to achieve true happiness by any means whatsoever.
This audiobook highlights this important truth and calls on people to live out true and sincere faith. It explains that people really create with their own efforts the systems that prevent them from being happy and enjoying life's blessings, and which plunge them into sorrow. It makes it clear that the only way to be protected against secret unhappiness is to believe in Allah with a sincere heart. It reminds the readers that so long as people do not achieve this sincerity towards Allah, they cannot experience real happiness by any means whatsoever—and that the secret sorrows of this world may well turn to eternal torment in the Hereafter.
Have you ever looked into the question of how you came into the world? Of who made your body? Who built your eyes, hands and organs?
If you examine these questions a little you will encounter a most interesting fact: many years ago, you were a tiny, microscopic living thing, too small to be seen with the naked eye, consisting of a single cell. Neither your size nor the substances which comprised you were very different to those of a bacterium. Yet a miracle happened, and that bacterium-sized cell grew billions of times in size and turned into a baby.
That baby also grew, and became a rational human being. And that person is now reading the cover of a book about his own creation!
How did that miracle take place?
You will find the answer to that question in this audiobook. You will see what a great miracle the creation of a human being truly is, as well as the proofs of the infinite might of God, Who created man from a drop of water.
Allah's Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an:
Part 2 - Allah's Scientific Miracles in the Qur'an
… only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace. (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 28). In other words, only when we understand the mercy and blessings He bestows upon His servants and believe in Him can we escape unhappiness and boredom, and thereby enjoy real pleasure in this life and appreciate the value of beautiful things
Prayer is the key to destiny, and the Prophet's examples in the Qur'an show how Allah has answered their prayers with miraculous outcomes. When Muslims pray with love and determination, and embrace natural causes, Allah will heed their prayers and their desired outcomes will come to fruition. This is a secret mystery of Allah that not many people are aware of. Prophets Abraham and Jacob (peace be upon them all) persist in prayer. This episode speaks of Allah's power to make the "impossible" a reality and encourages prayer as the key to destiny.
It references several prophets, including Moses, Jonah, Abraham, Zechariah and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) to highlight how Allah has helped them despite impossible situations.
Muslims should pray with absolute faith, knowing that Allah may respond with mercy and make their wishes come true. The Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) instructed his people to have faith in Allah and to pray with powerful conviction for their needs to be met. According to the Prophet, Allah will always answer His people's prayers if they are sincere. Therefore, trusting in Allah and praying is a sure way to receive Allah's blessings.
prayer, destiny, Prophet's examples, Qur'an, answered prayers, miraculous outcomes, Muslims, love and determination, natural causes, Allah, desired outcomes, secret mystery, Prophets Abraham and Jacob, power of Allah, impossible situations, absolute faith, mercy, wishes come true, Prophet Moses, conviction, sincere prayers, trusting in Allah, blessings
By surrendering to God and trusting in His destiny, one can live a life free of worries, fears, unhappiness and depression. Trusting and surrendering to God's destiny is a great comfort for those aware of His infinite knowledge. Every person, moment, and detail of their life is predetermined by God, and those who accept this can live without fear, unhappiness, or depression. Each moment, even the smallest, is part of a larger plan and has great wisdom in it.
Believers have no need to worry, as God's destiny for them will always be the best. Destiny is something that is created by God and is out of a person's control. Believers are content with their destiny, understanding that everything that happens to them is for the best. No matter what moment they are in, they put their trust in God and understand He has the Sole Power. They accept that even difficult moments are part of their destiny and appreciate it for its ability to lead to blessings and beauties.
An example of this is Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) who stayed in prison for many years, yet he was content with this destiny as he was hopeful for God's pleasure and help. Trust in God and surrender to His destiny is essential for a righteous life. Believers understand the infinite power and friendship of God, and trust and surrender to Him is the natural path to follow. Without this, a person will suffer the weight of life's problems and worries. The words of God bring comfort and peace of mind despite the difficulties of life, and those who trust in Him will enjoy protection and never fear the moment.
For Allah's true servants, the basic aim of their lives is Allah's good pleasure. Believers are people who know very well that it was Allah Who created them from nothing and Who is the giver of everything and the owner and sole controller of everything, that all events occur through Allah's will and that He is the bringer of both mercy and torment. Because of this the devotion and loyalty of the believers to Allah and their love of Him are very strong.
Throughout their lives believers worship only Allah, ask for help from Him alone and fear none but Him. Due to this powerful love and devotion they feel for Allah they always behave gratefully towards Him and never slacken in serving Him. They show great enthusiasm and determination in their striving to earn His approval.
Increasing their property, enriching themselves or improving their status are never amongst the goals of believers. They know that everything is a blessing given to them by Allah and that they have to be grateful to Him. They never neglect what is pleasing to Allah for the sake of trivial and temporary worldly gains.
The Qur’an has been sent down from the Presence of Allah to bring mankind from the darkness to the light. Our Almighty Lord Who created all the living things and mankind, shows the true and the straight path to His servants through the Qur’an. Allah says in the Qur’an: “Mankind! admonition has come to you from your Lord and also healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers.” (Quran, 10:57).
Allah invites the mankind in many verses of the Qur’an to think about the wisdom in the creatures He created, the transience of the life in this world and about the life in the Hereafter. Apart from these, in the Qur'an we can also find passages of the lives of the prophets; their sincerity in faith, their commitment to our Almighty Lord's cause, and their determination in spreading the divine message. Finally, a number of verses in the Qur'an also provide us with insight into how we should conduct ourselves in our everyday lives. In this book, based on the information provided by the Qur'an, we have talked about Allah, His Names, the real purpose of our existence in this world, what we need to do to comply with it, the reality of death and that which awaits us, the Hereafter.
We highly recommend that you listen this audiobook carefully, and reflect upon its lessons, because they are intended to draw you nearer to our Creator, Almighty Allah and show you the way to infinite bliss and salvation.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
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Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
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Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
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Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran
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Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
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Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
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Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Believers feel a close love for and closeness to Allah in order to win His approval, and they take Him as their close friend and guide.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living in accordance with the Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living in accordance with the Quran.
Living in accordance with the Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Living in accordance with the Quran.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
The Qur'an is the sole guide for Muslims, being the eternal and unaltered Word of God. It is described in various verses as a guide, a light, a measure, evidence, a miracle, medicine, glad tidings, advice, a reminder, a law, guidance, an explanation, and a warning. Our Prophet was guided solely by the Qur'an, and had no authority to make anything outside of it lawful or unlawful. Through the Qur'an, humanity can read and understand God's unaltered speech, learn how to worship Him, and abide by His commands.
It must be the most important reference for those seeking to be guided, and it is the duty of every Muslim with wisdom, a conscience, and common sense to convey its message to all people.
Allah is the true Friend and Lord of all. He is the Creator and the Provider of everything, and His help and support are always with His believers. He is the only one we can trust with our lives and eternity, and He is the only one who can protect us from all harm. Believers in Allah put their trust in Him as their Lord and Friend, knowing that He is the protector of all who put their trust in Him. Allah has promised that He will guard His faithful believers, providing them with strength and courage, guiding them "with His eye that is always upon them, and saying to them, "Fear not! I am with you, and I will protect you" (Quran 9:40).
Furthermore, He has promised them victory in their trials, and everlasting reward in Paradise. Allah is also aware of our limitations, and will not burden us with anything beyond our capacity. As the Quran states: "Nothing can happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Master. It is in Allah that the believers should put their trust". Allah is thus the Lord and Friend of all who put their trust in Him, providing them protection, strength and courage, victory, and the promise of an eternity of paradise.
A person of faith arranges his whole life according to the Holy Quran, and strives to apply carefully from day to day what he has read and learned from its verses. In everything he does from the moment he gets up in the morning till the time he falls asleep at night, he aims to think, speak and act according to the teachings of the Quran.
How Should One Look at Possessions in Order to Earn Almighty Allah’s Approval and Paradise?
"Design", briefly, means a harmonious assembling of various parts into an orderly form towards a common goal. Going by this definition, one would have no difficulty in guessing that a car is a design. This is because there is a certain goal, which is to transport people and cargo. In realization of this goal various parts such as the engine, tires and body are planned and assembled in the plant.
What is the underlying cause of the way that some people suddenly become infuriated or emotional and start weeping or behave in some unexpected way in the face of day-to-day events? Why is it essential to avoid falling prey to this disorder, which mainly damages the victim himself and is generally described as someone “having a hair trigger?” What must be done to free oneself from the condition?
The aim of life for a believer is solely that of being a servant of Allah. People are not created to fulfil their vain desires and greed, or to pursue their passions; the one and only reason for our creation is to serve Allah. The way to achieve this is by taking the Qur’an as our unique guide. We should give all our attention to applying every decree of the Qur’an. Our target should be to observe every decree of the Qur'an as much as possible.
Conscience is a spiritual quality that bids man good attitude and thought, and helps him think straight and tell right from wrong. One of the important aspects of conscience is that it is common to all people. In other words, what feels right to the conscience of a man also feels right to the conscience of all others provided that the same conditions prevail...
Religion has taught the truth of creation, which all people can grasp through reason and personal observation, since the creation of first human being...
People cannot see Allah unless He wills, being the main reason why some often falsely presume that Allah cannot see them (truly, Allah is far above that which they ascribe to Him). Allah sees and knows all things, down to the minutest detail...
In order to know Allah Who created all living creatures and the universe and to comprehend His power, a person should consider everything our Lord has created and try to appreciate the manifestations of His boundless knowledge and will.
Following the morals of the Quran gives one a sublime character; for this reason, Muslims, by adhering to Quran, should set a great example to all people with their behaviour, demeanour, manner and lifestyle.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
A Muslim capable of beautifying his own life and surroundings with his moral values and presence is someone who lives by Islam in the finest manner...
Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), the prophet of Islam, spent his entire life spreading God’s message.
In the human body, all the systems simultaneously work in a co-ordinated way and in full harmony for a definite purpose, namely, to keep the body alive. Even the smallest movements we do everyday, such as breathing or smiling, are outcomes of perfect co-ordination in the human body.
The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. When compared to other planets, it is evident that in all its aspects the earth is specially designed for human life. Built on delicate balances, life prevails in every spot of this planet, from the atmosphere to the depths of the earth.
One of the important characteristics of a Muslim is that he remains in a positive state of mind, whatever the circumstances. He tries for the best and look for wisdom.
It is important to turn one's full attention to God, always remember and think about God, and never forget Him, since God never forgets us. Whatever we do, wherever we are, God is always with us. The Lord is with us during all stages of our daily lives, whether we eat, sleep, watch television, have fun, or go about our daily routines. God created the Earth that is beneath our feet and the skies above us. He protects, loves, and mercifully cares for us. He gives us breath and gives us health, strength, and power. In return, we should never forget God and turn towards Him with great love and exuberance. We should be asking everything we want from Him, and above all, we should aim to attain His approval.
Basic Tenets of Islam Full Audiobook: https://anchor.fm/islamicaudiobooks/episodes/Basic-Tenets-Of-Islam-e15csq9/a-a6936hd
The maneuverability of the dragonfly, the firefly's ability to generate light at one hundred percent efficiency, the owl having the most silent flight among all the bird species: The characteristics many creatures have that are similar to these have long fascinated people for centuries. So much so that these characteristics have been an inspiration to particularly scientists, leading to the emergence of a new scientific field.
References: http://www.livescience.com/57247-ways-animal-flight-inspires-drone-designs.html
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Allah, the Creator of everything, is the sole possessor of all beings. It is Allah Who heaps up the heavy clouds, heats and brightens the Earth, varies the direction of the winds, holds birds suspended up in the sky, splits the seed, makes a man's heart beat, ordains photosynthesis in plants, and keeps planets in their separate orbits.
Have you ever considered the value of time? Have you ever thought about the passing seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years? When we reflect a little, we can see that the time we have left in this world is diminishing rapidly. A person experiences many things between babyhood and maturity; such as school, working life and career; then one’s day-to-day activities add onto that as well. When things like tests in school, a busy work environment and responsibilities awaiting at home piles up, one finds himself totally wrapped up in those. That leads to one forgetting the real purpose of life, the reason for one’s presence in this world, in other words.
Each person has an average of 100 trillion cells, each of which contains a DNA molecule. Just one of these contains information regarding 3 billion different subjects, enough information to fill approximately 1,000 volumes of books, each one containing 1 million pages. If we were to lay these pages out side by side, they would stretch from the North Pole to the Equator. If we were to read it 24 hours a day, it would take 100 years to finish it. This glorious information belongs to a single DNA molecule, which exists everywhere in our body, such as in a single fingernail or a single hair.
Do they not see the birds suspended in mid-air up in the sky? Nothing holds them there except Allah. There are certainly signs in that for people who believe. (Surat an-Nahl, 79)
What we should do is to know that everything is under God’s control and that we must trust in Him with all our hearts. The sole remedy to insecurity, uneasiness and apprehension in the lower-self is to put one’s trust in God.
People are on a journey wherein hundreds of blessings are on display. Everywhere they look, they see the unbounded wisdom and artistry of Allah.
Basic Tenets Of Islam.
If you were asked to guess the number of all trees in the world, what would your answer be? 10 million? 250 million? 250 billion? No, none of them is the answer. According to the latest researches, there are a total of 3.1 trillion trees in our world. And now think about the number of leaves on all these trees. An enormous number comes up. The leaves in all these trees are working ceaselessly to maintain the oxygen - carbon dioxide balance in the atmosphere.
Nature, 10 September 2015, Vol. 525, p. 201
National Geographic, 3 September 2016, http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2016/03/09/the-earth-has-lungs-watch-them-breathe/
Allah brings those who follow His guidance the good news of a Paradise filled with blessings where they will live eternally and warns them not to be deceived by the life of this world and place it above Paradise: "The life of this world is nothing but a game and a diversion. The abode of the Hereafter—that is truly Life if they only knew." (Surat al-‘Ankabut: 64) and "... the best homecoming is in the presence of Allah." (Surah Al ‘Imran: 14).
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
The basic structural unit of creatures, the cell, is incredibly complex enough to leave people amazed. Just like the existence of a single cell, the harmony and cooperation in the cell is very impressive. As the structure of the cell and systems in it are further investigated and new details are found, this perfect order is seen more clearly.
Let’s take a look around us. Everything is in an extraordinary state of stasis, calm, and perfection, because nothing in the universe is coincidental. In fact, everything depends on a flawless and perfect level and the extraordinarily delicate balances created and set into motion by Almighty Allah, Who rules everything...
… A Light has come to you from God and a Clear Book. By it, God guides those who follow what pleases Him to the ways of Peace. He will bring them from the darkness to the light by His permission, and guide them to a straight path. (Qur'an, 5:15-16)
Living in Accordance with the Quran.
Islamic ethics is the code of morals that a believer follows in their daily life. That is the total code of conduct that shapes his life and guides him through this world into the Hereafter, which is the true abode for a believer for all eternity.
"The leader of the people is their servant." - The Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Mohammed was an excellent human being. Born and raised in the brutal atmosphere of ancient Arabia, where violence and bloodshed was the norm, he shone as a symbol of pure integrity, kindness and nobility. This fineness of character was so prominent, it earned him the name Ameen (the trustworthy) even before he became a Prophet.
By praying believers can show their submission to Allah, their only friend and advocate, ask for and expect help from Him alone.
Allah advises believers to reflect on the extraordinary creation they witness and to learn the knowledge of the creation of the Earth and sky. In Surah Ale-Imran, our Lord says: “Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the Earth saying: ‘Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire’.” (Qur’an, 3:191)
This feature of enamel is certainly a great blessing from Allah because if the enamel were full of nerves, then biting and sucking and chewing would be very painful. As with the example of dental enamel, Allah has bestowed so many blessing on us that it is impossible to generalize.
Those who seek happiness should know that only God and His love will make them happy.
Our planet’s atmosphere is part of Almighty and All-Powerful Allah’s magnificent artistry.
In the creation of the heavens and Earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships that sail the seas to people’s benefit, and the water that Allah sends down from the sky–by which He brings the ground to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind–and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds [that are] subservient between heaven and Earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect. (Surat al-Baqarah, 164).
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Many people think Allah is far away. However, as stated in the Qur'an, "...Surely your Lord encompasses the people with His knowledge..." (Surat al-Isra': 60), He is very near. He sees and knows every aspect of a human being, and hears every word he utters. He is knowledgeable of even one's inner thoughts.
Allah , there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Everything in the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills. His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the Earth and their preservation does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent. (Surat al-Baqara: 255)
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Those who do not practice the Qur’an’s morality appear to be overcome with anxiety about their environment and situation.
It is only through His mercy and with His will that Allah makes all events part of our destiny. Allah is the Creator of all events, both expected and unexpected. He determines our destiny before we are even born, so it is important to submit to His will and trust in Him. We can find comfort in knowing that Allah has predetermined every detail of life events, no matter how suddenly they may come. Believers should not fall into despair or regret, but instead remain grateful and look for the best in every situation. Believers in Allah submit to His control over all events.
They understand that even if something appears to be negative, it is part of Allah's perfect plan and can be seen as having some good. On the contrary, hopelessness is a sign of disbelief or weak faith and is discouraged by Allah. The Qur'an encourages believers to trust in Allah, be hopeful, and see good in all that happens.
What is the audio's main point?
What can Muslims do when faced with unexpected and sudden events?
How does the audio explain the occurrence of unexpected events?
What is the difference between believers and unbelievers in terms of their reaction to events?
What does the audio say about attributing events to causes other than Allah?
What does a true Muslim believe about Allah?
What is the logic used by people when faced with an unexpected event?
He created death and life to test which of you acquitted himself best. He is the Almighty, the Ever-Forgiving. (Surat al-Mulk: 2)
Everyone is tried, trained and tested by God through various details created in their destiny that match their unique personalities, sensitivities and shortcomings. And every person, albeit in different ways, will be tested, because this is what this world is created for. The world is a place of testing, a place of trial created to make people worthy of a beautiful welcome in the Hereafter.
The vision system that we have is immeasurably superior to the display technologies designed by experts in several techniques. This system has a characteristic which the advanced technology cannot imitate...
If there were no such thing as a memory, what would happen?
Allah has sent down the Quran to all people as a guide. This is why the Quran is extremely comprehensible and clear.
Modesty is mentioned in the Qur'an as an important attribute of believers.
Living In Accordance With The Qur'an.
Science ‘discovered’ in the 20th century what the Quran had revealed 1400 years ago about the expanding universe.
The elements of the defense system fight against the enemies that will harm the body just like ordered and disciplined soldiers. Allah created the defense system with impeccable equipment.
In reality, idolatry comprises everything that people set up as a goal that does not involve seeking Allah's approval, in who or which they place their hopes or desire for approval, or every entity regarded as possessing true power and control other than Allah. Given the subtlety of this definition, idolatry needs to be considered as something that may be very close at hand.
The essence of Islam is to know of the existence of Allah, and to understand that there is no god but Allah. To practice Islam is to allow this truth to manifest itself in every aspect of one's life.
You who believe! If you fear Allah, He will give you discrimination and erase your bad actions from you and forgive you. Allah's favor is indeed immense. (Surat al-Anfal: 29)
So fear Allah as much as you can, and listen and obey and spend in charity for the benefit of your own soul. It is the people who are safeguarded from the avarice of their own selves who are successful. (Surat at-Taghabun: 16)
Living In Accordance With The Quran.
As with all living things, Allah created human beings for a purpose and explains that purpose in the Qur'an, which He sent down to guide all people: "Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us?" (Surah Ghafir, 115) and "I only created jinn and man to worship Me" (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 56). In other words, all people were created to serve Allah.
One of the most serious, but largely unacknowledged misconceptions, is the supposition that the life of this world is the only real life for human beings. In fact, the world is a temporary place created by Allah to test man. What is real is the life after death. Therefore, everything that charms people and preoccupies them in the fleeting and short-lived existence of this world is an enjoyment of delusion.
People who believe in Allah, and who humbly obey Him, organize their lives in accordance with Allah’s recommendations in the Quran. He who lives the religion leads his life, complying with the right things his conscience inspires in him and abandoning everything bad that his self, the negative voice within him, orders.
He is Allah–there is no god but Him. He is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the All-Merciful, the Most Merciful. He is Allah–there is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great. Glory be to Allah above all they associate with Him. He is Allah–the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Qur'an, 59:22-24)
There are questions about religion that people seek answers to and hope to be enlightened in the best way. However in most cases, people base their opinions on hearsay rather than acquiring them from the real source of religion: the Quran. In this audiobook, you will find the most accurate answers to all the questions you seek answers for and learn your responsibilities towards your Creator.
They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and compete in doing good. They are among the true believers.(Surah Al 'Imran, 114)
The adjective "kamil" in Arabic means perfect, genuine, and complete. The "perfected faith" (kamil iman) discussed in this audiobook represents the highest level of maturity and depth of faith an individual can ever attain. Everyone is responsible for aiming at moral perfection and striving towards that end. No boundaries limit such a noble human endeavour. Each believer who has a deep-seated faith in Allah and strives sincerely to draw closer to Him can display this moral perfection and thus attain the "maturity of faith". One of the purposes of this book is to define the "perfected faith" one can attain through turning to Allah for every deed, striving to earn the approval and friendship of Allah and displaying moral perfection under all circumstances. Another purpose is to make it clear that nothing hinders man from attaining the moral perfection displayed by prophets, provided that he fears and reveres no one but Allah and strives sincerely for His cause. Over and above this, the intention in writing this book is to stress that putting forth a "sincere" effort to attain the hereafter is a praiseworthy act in Allah's sight. In one verse, Allah states the following about this issue:
But as for anyone who desires the hereafter, and strives for it as he ought to, being a true believer, shall have his endeavours be gratefully acknowledged. (Surat al-Isra’, 19)
You dissipated the good things you had in your worldly life and enjoyed yourself in it. So today you are being repaid with the punishment of humiliation for being arrogant in the land without any right and for being deviators. (Surat al-Ahqaf: 20)
The world is filled with countless blessings, but many people are not even aware of them. Buried in their own pains and anxieties, they cannot see the beauty around them or take pleasure in the things they experience. If you asked them, they would say that life is a difficult struggle up a steep slope, for they are bored with it and exhausted. They continually complain that they find no pleasure in it any more, that they want to die in order to escape it. Some even go so far as to attempt suicide.
But life does not have to be this way. Of course, it has been created together with many imperfections and limitations. But the way to face them is not to struggle with life; rather, the solution lies in believing in Allah.
This audiobook seeks to show the deprivation, loss, and anxiety that come from living apart from religion, show people the state into which they have fallen, inform them how to keep their blessings in this world, and save themselves from the pangs they will suffer in the Hereafter. In addition, we would like to remind all people that this life is full of blessings and other good things that people can enjoy, provided that they believe in Allah. And finally, this book invites everyone to follow His Way, submit to the Qur’an, and live a life of belief.
O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord? (Qur’an, 82:6).
The lifestyles and life goals of the millions of people who live in non-religious communities are very similar to one another. The years pass quickly and then all of a sudden, they face the greatest and most inescapable truth of life: The time of death comes. However, until that moment, they have thought of death very little or not at all. They have been unable to understand the true purpose of life by reflecting upon such realities. While in this condition, they meet with death when they least expect it, unprepared for the Hereafter.
There are various mechanisms people use to ignore the truths of life and to console themselves by doing so. One of these, perhaps the most effective, is self-deception. A person who deceives himself believes he can evade all realities including death and all responsibilities. In fact self-deception is not a solution. What a person really needs to accomplish is to avoid deceiving himself by ignoring the truth, and to take the maximum possible advantage of the period that Allah has allotted to him in the world.
Do not forget that waking up and seeing the truth at the moment of death does nobody any good.
There is one important fact about the beauties of this world which needs to be understood by man. As our Lord has revealed, “The life of this world is just the enjoyment of delusion” (Surah Al ‘Imran, 185).
It is therefore a major error for any person to become disproportionately infatuated with the world’s transitory blessings during his brief existence in this life. In the Qur’an, Allah reveals that the benefits of this world are ultimately worthless, and promises that He will give “a good life” to those who seek the Hereafter. On the other hand, there is a “dark and narrow life” for those who are unaware of these truths.
Believers are aware of these truths revealed in the Qur’an. They know that all they experience is part of a test set for them by Allah. They feel no great passion for the blessings of this world. They instead spend their whole lives in such a way as to attain the Hereafter promised to them.
In this audiobook, by using examples which may be encountered at any time and any place, the unnecessary sufferings and woes of those who are deceived by the false baubles of this world are considered. Ways in which these can be avoided, and the trouble-free lives of believers who spend all their energies on attaining the Hereafter are explored. Recalling Allah’s revelation in the Qur’an, “Anything you have been given is only the enjoyment of the life of this world and its finery. What is with Allah is better and longer lasting. So will you not use your intellect?” (Surat al-Qasas, 60), people are invited to lead lives better suited to the approval of Allah.
9. Growth Hormone
10. The Clock in Our Bodies That Never Goes Wrong
11. The Miraculous Molecule That Regulates Body Temperature
12. An Extraordinarily Delicate Balance
9. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of The Human Body, Marshall Cavendish Books, London, 1974, p. 81.
10. Guyton & Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 7th ed., W.B. Saunders, s. 1264-1275.
11. Biological Science, A Moleculer Approach BSCS Blue Version--6th ed., Colorado, 1990, p. 521.
12. Op cit, , p. 521.
5. The Sugar Factory
6. Emergency Assistance The Hormone Adrenaline
7. The Lysosomal Enzymes That Purify the Body
8. The Flowless System That Regulates Blood Pressure
5. Eldra Pearl Solomon, Insan Anatomisine ve Fizyolojisine Giris (“Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology”), translated by Dr. L. Bilkem Suzen, Istanbul, Birol Basin Yayin Dagitim, Aug 1997, p. 140
6. Musa Ozet, Osman Arpaci, Biyoloji 2 (“Biology 2”), p. 133.
7. Kemalettin Buyukozturk, Ic Hastaliklari (“Internal Diseases”), Istanbul: Nobel Tip Kitapevi, 1992, p. 275.
8. Terzioglu Meliha, Oruc Tulin, Yigit Gunnur, Fizyoloji Ders Kitabi (“Physiology Course Book”), Istanbul, I. U. Basimevi ve Film Merkezi, 1997, p. 398.
1. Monitors That Control the Level of Fluids in the Blood
2. The Body's Impeccable Security System
3. Mother's Milk and the Hormone Oxytosin
4. Calcium Measurers
1. Terzioglu Meliha, Oruc Tulin, Yigit Gunnur, Fizyoloji Ders Kitabi (“Physiology Course Book”), Istanbul, I. U. Basimevi ve Film Merkezi, 1997, p. 399.
2. Musa Ozet, Osman Arpaci, Biyoloji 2 (“Biology 2”), Surat Yayinlari, Feb 98, p. 127.
3. Helena Curtis, Sue Barnes, Invitation To Biology: 4th ed., New York, Worth Publisher, INC, August 1985, p. 472.
4. Biological Science: A Molecular Approach, BSCS Blue Version6th ed., Colorado 1990, p. 517.
The Enemies Of The System.
11. Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi (Journal of Science and Technology), Vol 26, No 309, August 1993 p. 567
12. Michael J. Behe, Darwin's Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, p. 39
13. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 204
14. Stephen Jay Gould, "Not Necessarily a Wing", Natural History, October 1985, p. 13
15. J. A. Endler ve T. McLellan (1988), "The Process of Evolution: Toward A Newer Synthesis", Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 19, 397
16. Pierre P. Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York, 1977, p. 88s
17. Klaus Dose (1988), "The Origin Of Life: More Questions Than Answers", Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 13, 348
18. Francis Darwin, Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin to W.B. Carpenter
Step By Step To All-Out War.
Cells On Duty In The System
7. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Yayınları p. 79
8. Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box, New York: Free Press, 1996, p. 30
9. Scientific American, September 1993, p. 58
10. Mahlon B. Hoagland, Roots Of Life, p. 106-107
Organs Employed In Defence
6. Scientific American, September 1993, p. 65
Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies
3. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Yayınları p. 416
4. Scientific American, September 1993, p. 54
5. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Yayınları p. 61
Besieged Castle: The Human Body
2. George Gamow, One Two Three... Infinity, Bantam Books, 1971, p. 245
The Defence System.
1. Edward Edelson The Immune System, Chelsea House Publisher, 1989, p. 13-14
46. Laurence Pernoud, J'ettends un enfant, Pierre Horay, Paris, 1995, p. 138
47. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 103
48. Health in Islam, Mother's Mİlk by Hwaa Irfan, (www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/Issues/Health/Mothers_Milk.htm)
49. Rex D. Russell, Design in Infant Nutrition, (http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-259.htm)
50. G. G. Simpson, W. Beck, An Introduction to Biology, Harcourt Brace and World, New York, 1965, p. 241.
51. Keith S. Thomson, "Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated," American Scientist, vol. 76, May/June 1988, p. 273.
52. Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, Ticknor and Fields, New York, 1982, p. 204.
20. Williams P., Basic Human Embryology, 3rd ed., 1984, p. 64
21. Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin, Claude V. Willee, Biology, 3rd ed., Saunders College Publishing, p. 1066
22. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 28.
23. Gerard J. Tortora, Introduction to the Human Body: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, p. 556
24. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 38
25. Science et Vie, Gérard Couly, March 1995, No.190, pp. 48-50
26. Hoimar von Ditfurth, Im Anfang War Der Wasserstoff (In the Beginning was Hydrogen), p. 126
27. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 42
28. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, pp. 42-43
29. Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, Oxford University Press, New York, 1976, p. 37
30. National Institute of Health, Researchers Discover How Embryo Attaches to the Uterus News Release, January 16, 2003 (http://www.nichd.nih.gov/new/releases/embryo.cfm)
31. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, pp. 21-22
32. Intimate Universe, The Human Body, Vol. 1, 1998, British Broadcasting Corporation,
33. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall,, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 946
34. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, pp. 119-120
35. Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin, Claude V. Willee, Biology, 3rd ed., Saunders College Publishing, p. 1069.
36. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 73
37. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, p. 88
38. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, p. 94
39. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 74
40. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 64
41. Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human, W.B. Saunders Company, PA, 1982, p. 126
42. Science et Vie, March 1995, No.190, pp. 112-113
43. Geraldine Lux Flanagan, Beginning Life, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1996, p. 87
44. 1999-2003, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/svc/dept-div/skin/medical.htm)
45. Laurence Pernoud, J'ettends un enfant, Pierre Horay, Paris, 1995, p. 135
With the onset of puberty, there is a similarity in the developments in the male and female bodies. The female reproductive cell, the egg, along with the female reproductive system is prepared to complement the male reproductive system.
With the coming of puberty in women, just as in men, the hypothalamus knows exactly when the time has come to send commands to the pituitary gland to produce the hormones required to bring the egg cells to maturation. The pituitary gland receives these commands, immediately obeys them and begins to produce the needed hormones...
Reference list (Notes)
12. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Human Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease, p. 659
13. Britannica 2002 Expanded Edition, "Corpus Luteum", "Menstruation: Phases of the menstrual cycle"
14. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 918
15. Britannica 2002 Expanded Edition, "Fertilization"
16. FastHealth Dictionary, published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. © 1997-2000 (http://www.fasthealth.com/dictionary/f/fertilizin.php)
17. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 920
18. Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin, Claude V. Willee, Biology, 3rd ed., Saunders College Publishing, p. 1056
19. Eldra Pearl Solomon, Linda R. Berg, Diana W. Martin, Claude V. Willee, Biology, 3rd ed., Saunders College Publishing, pp. 1056-1057
Think of an immense army composed of millions of soldiers. They are advancing toward a common target, they encounter obstacles on the way and find themselves in mortal danger, but in spite of all these difficulties the army does not give up. The space these soldiers must traverse in order to reach their target is one hundred thousand times larger than they are themselves. Of course, such a crowded army setting out on such a difficult road will need guides and equipment to help them reach their goal. This huge army with 300 million soldiers is inside the male body. The soldiers are the sperm. Each one is about one hundredth of a millimetre in size. Their target is to reach the egg cell, and to do this, they must travel a very long road.
Reference lists:
2. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 916
3. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Human Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease, 6th edition, p. 649
4. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 916
5. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 1005
6. Vander, Sherman, Luciano, Human Physiology, p. 654
7. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 919
8. Dr. Gerald E. Poesnecker, One Flesh, A New Look at Human Sexuality, chapter 3. (http://www.oneflesh.org/OF-Chap%203.html)
9. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 917
10. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Human Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease, p. 12; Gerard J. Tortora, Introduction to the Human Body: Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, p. 527.
11. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, p. 919
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The continuation of the human race in the world is possible with the perfect working of the reproductive system.
Note 1. Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., Harcourt International Ed., PA, 2000, pp. 918, 929.
The human body is the most complex machine in the world.
WHEN our beloved Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), was born 1,400 years ago, the Arabian peninsula was a scene of true barbarism and savagery. Complete lack of law and order, a crushing culture of constant fighting and blatant disregard for females dominated the land. However, years later, a bright civilisation was rising fast with great momentum, bringing along with it unparalleled peace, love, equality, women’s rights and order. This was all by the grace of God, and by means of His Messenger the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), the epitome of moral perfection. Let’s remember one more time the beauty and grace of his honourable character, and why he was and is a great example to the world.
Scientific Miracles of the Quran: It is He Who has created hearing, sight and minds for you. What little thanks you show! (Quran, 23:78)
Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs knowing nothing at all, and gave you hearing, sight and minds so that perhaps you would show thanks. (Quran, 16:78)
Say: "What do you think? If Allah took away your hearing and your sight and sealed up your hearts, what deity is there, other than Allah, who could give them back to you?"… (Quran, 6:46)
We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing. (Quran, 76:2)
The above verses refer to a number of senses given to human beings by Allah. These are always referred in a specific order in the Quran: hearing, sight, feeling and understanding.
In a paper published in the Journal of the Islamic Medical Association, Dr. Keith Moore states that during the development of the foetus, the eye begins to form after the inner ear has assumed its first form. He says the brain, the centre of feeling and understanding, begins its development after the ear and the eye.98
The foetus' ears begin to develop as early as the twenty second day of pregnancy and become fully functional in the fourth month. After that, the foetus can hear sounds in its mother's womb. For that reason, the sense of hearing forms before the other vital functions for a new born baby. The order set out in the Quran is striking from that point of view.
Pick up a leaf and look at it closely. Although it appears quite ordinary, what you cannot see are the wide-ranging and magnificent chemical processes that enable it to carry out photosynthesis. Its countless factories, which are invisible to the naked eye, accomplish in seconds a process that is so sublime that scientists equipped with the most modern laboratory facilities cannot replicate it. This chemical process, which is performed very quietly by a usually unnoticed part of creation, is one of the main reasons why humanity is still present on this planet.
Every square millimeter of each leaf contains around 500,000 chlorophylls, the magnificent molecules that are necessary for photosynthesis. Were we able to examine this molecule, a great many more details would become apparent. For example, the entire photosynthesis process that takes place inside this particular molecule occurs within one ten-millionth of a second. In other words, the complex process initiated by the light reaching a leaf’s water and then activating the relevant subatomic particles and changing their orbits is repeated 10 million times a second. In addition, this process takes place separately in each chlorophyll molecule.
If Allah willed chlorophyll molecules to cease their activities or the wavelength of the light reaching the leaf to change, no means of locating another source of oxygen would exist. If photosynthesis stopped, there would be no other way to convert into oxygen the carbon dioxide that human beings and animals exhale. It would be illogical to expect a chlorophyll molecule, which is essential for continued life, to come into being and set about cleaning the air and giving rise to nutrients all by itself.
The fact that a plant can consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen is a great miracle. This extraordinary system is a great blessing and astonishing work of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds:
Good land yields up its plants by its Lord’s permission, but that which is bad only yields up scantily. In this way, We vary the Signs for people who are thankful. (Surat al-A‘raf, 58)
Allah gives people knowledge and possibilities in a wide range of fields. For example, modern-day technology allows us to observe the formation of many things in a laboratory environment. However, some fundamental events can neither be brought about nor even observed in such an environment. One of these great blessings is water, which covers much of Earth and meets our most basic needs. During the Earth’s formation, water was created, and then its production period ended.
In order for hydrogen and oxygen molecules to create water, they first have to collide so that their bonds will weaken and enable the atoms that make up these molecules to combine into a new molecule: H2O (water). Such a collision can only occur at a very high temperature and energy level. As Earth does not possess a sufficiently high temperature to permit water’s formation, no new water can be formed. As stated above, all water that exists was created during our planet’s formation. In other words, its amount never changes. The water we drink and use is always exactly the same water, because it evaporates and then returns as rain. Allah has revealed this in His verses:
Have you thought about the water that you drink? Is it you who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender? (Surat al-Waqi‘ah, 68-69)
If the water that Allah created in a ready state on Earth were to dry up and disappear, nothing could bring it back. If Allah willed to suspend the water cycle of evaporation, it would never rain again: All blessings come from Allah. It is Almighty Allah Who constantly places blessings at human beings’ disposal and Who creates them out of nothing.
We sent down a measured amount of water from heaven and lodged it firmly in the ground, and We are well able to remove it. (Surat al-Mu’minun, 18)
Answers from the Qur'an
Answers from the Qur'an
Answers from the Qur'an.
People’s skin is in constant contact with many things for varying lengths of time (e.g., clothing, watches, and furniture), and yet they do not constantly perceive their presence. There is a very important reason for this: after a certain length of time, the skin’s receptors grow used to whatever is touching the skin and stop sending the relevant signals to the brain. This marvelous system, comprised of countless flawless details, enables people to live without constant discomfort.
Were it not for this familiarization system, even such an ordinary matter as wearing clothes would become a major concern. The receptors’ constant perception would turn wearing clothes into a torment, and we would find it hard to perceive the signals from other things that we touched. People might concentrate forever on how much their socks were squeezing their ankles or on how their wristwatches were sliding up and down their arms. In such a situation, one could neither sleep nor rest properly. In short, life would become very unpleasant.
Just as the sense of touch is a blessing, our gradually decreasing awareness of it is also a blessing. A single detail makes human life easier and provides a significant degree of comfort. Evolutionists’ imaginary mechanisms have no consciousness that can direct the body to feel or when to get used to that feeling. Only the Sufficient, Almighty Allah, Who bestows this blessing and meets the needs of everything that exists, can do so:
Any blessing you have is from Allah. Then when harm touches you, it is to Him you cry for help. (Surat al-Nahl, 53)
A carnation always smells the same to you. The second time you smell a perfume, you recognize it immediately, because even if you only smell something once in your life, that smell always retains its place in your memory.
The human nose has around 1,000 different scent receptors. Human beings can perceive more than 10,000 different smells through combinations of these different receptors. When you smell a carnation, the molecules that allow you to perceive its fragrance combine with scent receptors and establish the carnation’s code. This code, which has long existed in your memory, reminds you that you are smelling a carnation.
What would happen if this system did not exist? Since the perception of taste is closely linked to the sense of smell, it is generally smell that causes you to realize that a piece of food has spoiled and should be spat out. If this sense ceased functioning, you would be unable to perceive the item’s full taste and thus would be unaware of this danger. You would not realize a fire had broken out in your home until you saw the smoke, for you would be unable to perceive the smell of burning things all around you.
The information stored in your memory consists solely of molecules. Nobody has the power and knowledge needed to install thousands of smells in your memory or to endow molecules with smells and make them compatible with the relevant parts of the brain. Only Allah, the Lord of all life, can do all of this; only He can create smells, the olfactory system, and the memory with its perfect characteristics:
He laid out Earth for all living creatures. In it are fruits and date-palms with covered spathes, and grains on leafy stems and fragrant herbs. So which of your Lord’s blessings do you both then deny? (Surat ar-Rahman, 10-13)
Scientific Miracles of the Quran: In the Quran, it is related that man is created through a three stage process in the mother's womb.
... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in threefold darkness. That is Allah, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no deity but Him. So what has made you deviate? (Quran, 39:6)
The expression "fee thulumaatin thalaathin," translated into English as "a threefold darkness," indicates three dark regions involved during the development of the embryo. These are:
a) The darkness of the abdomen
b) The darkness of the womb
c) The darkness of the placenta
As we have seen, modern biology has revealed that the embryological development of the baby takes place in the manner revealed in the verse, in three dark regions. Moreover, advances in the science of embryology show that these regions consist of three layers each.
The lateral abdominal wall comprises three layers: the external oblique, the internal oblique, and transverses abdominis muscles.91
Similarly, the wall of the womb also consists of three layers: the epimetrium, the myometrium and the endometrium.92
Similarly again, the placenta surrounding the embryo also consists of three layers: the amnion (the internal membrane around the foetus), the chorion (the middle amnion layer) and the decidua (outer amnion layer.)93
It is also pointed out in this verse that a human being is created in the mother's womb in three distinct stages.
Indeed, modern biology has also revealed that the baby's embryological development takes place in three distinct regions in the mother's womb. Today, in all the embryology textbooks studied in departments of medicine, this subject is taken as an element of basic knowledge. For instance, in Basic Human Embryology, a fundamental reference text in the field of embryology, this fact is stated as follows:
The life in the uterus has three stages: pre embryonic; first two and a half weeks, embryonic; until the end of the eight week, and fetal; from the eight week to labor.94
These phases refer to the different developmental stages of a baby. In brief, the main characteristics of these developmental stages are as follows:
Pre embryonic Stage
In this first phase, the zygote grows by division, and when it becomes a cell cluster, it buries itself in the wall of the uterus. While they continue growing, the cells organize themselves in three layers.
Embryonic Stage
The second phase lasts for five and a half weeks, during which the baby is referred to as an "embryo." During this stage, the basic organs and systems of the body start to appear from the cell layers.
Foetal Stage
From this stage onward, the embryo is called a "foetus." This phase begins at the eighth week of gestation, and lasts until the moment of birth. The distinctive characteristic of this stage is that the foetus looks much like a human being, with its face, hands and feet. Although it is only 3 cm (1.18 inch) long initially, all of its organs have become apparent. This phase lasts for about 30 weeks, and development continues until the week of delivery.
Information on the development in the mother's womb became available only after observations with modern devices. Yet, just like many other scientific facts, in a miraculous way, Allah draws our attention to these items of information in the verses of the Quran. The fact that such detailed and accurate information was given in the Quran at a time when people had scarce information on medical matters is clear evidence that the Quran is the word of Allah.
All of the other alternatives that surface after the voice of one’s conscience are the “voices of the self” that try to suppress the conscience. The self tries with all its might to prevent one from behaving righteously and to make one do evil deeds.
It may not do this very openly. It may outline certain excuses which may seem sensible. It may cause one to say “all this will come to nothing.” Allah states this truth in the Quran:
“By the soul and Him that moulded it and inspired it with the knowledge of sin and piety: blessed shall be the man who has kept it pure.” (Surat ash-Shams: 7-9)
As stated in the verse, man is a prey to sin but knows he has a duty to guard against it. Man is tested on his choice between good and evil.
Allah always inspires the most proper course of action through the conscience of one who fears Him. In a verse, Allah says:
You who believe! if you go in fear (taqwa) of Allah, He will give you a criterion (by which to judge between right and wrong) and will cleanse you of your sins and forgive you. Allah’s favour is indeed immense. (Surat al-Anfal: 29)
It should not be forgotten that the first voice the individual hears in his heart is the voice of his conscience which helps him to judge between right and wrong, and it is this very voice which tells him the behaviour that will please Allah. People who fear Allah arrive at the truth by listening to the voice of their conscience.
Any individual would know without doubt that he would be burned if he stuck his hand into a fire. He would never have to think whether it was really going to get burned or not. This means that this person has the implicit belief that the fire is going to burn his hand. In the Quran, “implicit belief” is referred to as follows:
This (the Quran) is a clear insight for mankind, and guidance and a mercy for people who believe with certainty. (Surat al-Jathiyyah: 20)
“Having implicit faith” means believing in Allah’s existence and uniqueness, the day of resurrection, heaven and hell with absolute certainty, without any doubt, with full confidence as to their truth. It is like believing in the existence of the beings around one, whom one sees and talks to, and the intuitive knowledge demonstrated by the example of the fire given above. Faith built on believing with certainty develops in the individual a conscience which will prod him into spending every moment of his life acting in a way that will please Allah.
The atom consists of a nucleus, containing neutrons and protons, and electrons revolving around it.
The smallest components of the atom are two types of quarks, and the electrons. All the matter in the universe, all odors, all tastes, all colors, hardness, softness and everything else is created out of these three tiny components.
Electrons are extraordinarily minute compared to the nucleus. An electron is just one 2000th of the protons that make up the nucleus.
If we put a dot on a piece of paper and take this as the nucleus of the atom, the electron revolving around it would be 50 meters away.
If we think of the nucleus as an apple, the electron orbiting it would be 50 kilometers away. It would be impossible for a human being standing there to see the electron.
No blow, impact or explosion that could take place in this world can displace either the atom, the nucleus or the electrons. Even when a living thing made up of atoms dies, the atoms that constitute it will keep on turning.
The atoms that constitute a burning tree do not burn up and cease to exist with it; they continue revolving in the air and combine with different atoms to produce new substances.
The nucleus inside the atom is constantly revolving. Electrons revolve both around the nucleus, and around their own axes. The quarks inside the nucleus also revolve endlessly in the same way. Each one revolves at a specific speed. They never make a mistake and never impair the order set out for them. The electron revolves both around its own axis and around the nucleus at an extraordinary speed ranging from 2000 to 100,000 kilometers PER SECOND.
Not a single electron has ever collided with another electron throughout the 15 billion years since they were first created. No such collision could ever happen.
Electrons revolve around the nucleus in seven different orbits, and the number of electrons circling the nucleus may sometimes exceed 100.
Electrons jump into one another’s orbits and change places at a very high rate of speed. But despite their stupendous speeds and movements they still never collide with one another.
Electron exchanges between two atoms takes place with a very low energy. This is a great blessing to us in terms of the continuation of life, as this is one of the reasons behind the existence of everything, from the cells in our bodies to the objects we use, from the stars in the skies to the Earth itself.
In a single moment, there is as much electrical transmission in our brains as the number of stars in an average-size galaxy. This electrical transmission is made possible by electrons.
Electrons also revolve around their own axes. This is known as “spin”. Were it not for that, all electrons would combine in a single orbit, no electron exchange would ever take place, and matter could never form.
While we think we are sitting quietly at home, the Earth is revolving around its own axis at 500 meters per second . And we are revolving with it. The Earth revolves around the Sun at 30 kilometers per second. And we again revolve with it. The Solar System revolves within the Milky Way at a speed of 250 kilometers per second. And we revolve with it. And every one of the atoms in our bodies, all around us and where we live also constantly revolve. Everything, from giant galaxies down to the tiniest quark, is under the knowledge and control of Almighty Allah, Creator and Lord of all the worlds.
Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. He knows what you are engaged upon. On the Day when they are returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. Allah has knowledge of all things. (Surat an-Nur, 64)
Sperm undertake a journey into the mother's body until they reach the ovum. Only a thousand out of 250 million sperm succeed in reaching the ovum. At the end of this five minute race, the ovum, half the size of a grain of salt, will let only one of the sperms in. That is, the substance of man is not the whole semen, but only a small part of it. This is explained in the Surat al Qiyama as follows:
Does man reckon he will be left uncontrolled [without purpose]? Was he not once a drop of ejected semen? (Quran, 75:36 37)
As we have seen, the Quran informs us that man is made not from the entire semen, but only a small part of it. That the particular emphasis in this verse announces a fact only discovered by modern science is evidence that the Quran is the word of Allah.
What would you do if the place you lived in suffered a flood disaster? Would you climb to the top floor and wait to be saved, or would you climb floor by floor as the waters arose? While climbing to the roof, would you act slowly or try with all your might to reach the roof as soon as possible? Obviously, the wisest thing to do at such a moment would be to choose out of all the alternatives that would save you, the one which would yield the fastest result. Any other course would be quite out of the question. The person in this situation would be considered to have done his best by reaching the top floor in the fastest manner possible. This is “choosing the best course.”
The believer makes use of all his material and spiritual means, every hour and even every second of his life in accordance with the will of Allah. In doing so, if he is required to make a choice among certain alternatives, he draws on his wisdom and listens to his conscience, thus behaving in a way which would please Allah. This means that he acts in compliance with Allah’s approval at the highest level.
First of all, one has to confirm from his heart that Allah is the only god, all power belongs to Him, and no being other than Him can possess any power to provide help or cause harm. A person who affirms these truths conclusively serves Allah alone and never ascribes partners to Him. Allah advised people that they must turn completely to Him to be saved from idolatry.
It is Him alone you call on and, if He wills, He will relieve your affliction; then you will forget what you associated with Him (your idols). (Surat al-An’am: 41)
The radical change experienced by a person who is freed from ascribing partners to Allah and turns to Allah, first occurs in his heart. The person who is saved from ascribing a partner to Allah gains a totally different point of view and mindset. He now leads his life which, until then, he had pursued under the sway of certain rules of ignorance, as well as his own wishes and obsessions, for Allah’s approval and pleasure alone.
In conventional speech, “idolizing” only means worshipping certain things or beings. Yet, this concept has a much wider meaning and is not limited to past ages alone. In every age, there have been ignorant people who have ascribed partners to Allah, adopted other gods and worshipped idols or totem poles. It is not necessary for a person who idolizes something to say “this is a god, and I worship this” about the thing he idolizes, or to prostrate himself in front of it.
Idolatry is basically a person’s erroneous preference for something or someone over Allah. For instance, preferring someone’s approval to Allah’s approval, or fearing someone as one fears Allah or loving someone as one loves Allah can serve as some examples.
In the Quran, Allah states that the idols that people ascribe as partners to Allah will not be of any help to them.
Instead of Allah you worship only idols. You are inventing a lie. Those you worship besides Allah have no power to provide for you. So seek your provision from Allah and worship Him and give thanks to Him. It is to Him that you will be returned.’ (Surat al-Ankabut: 17)
Idolatry means considering a person or another being, or a concept as equal to or higher than Allah in terms of estimating, attributing significance, preference, and holding superior, and to act with this distorted point of view. Allah describes this situation as “associating with Allah any other God”. In other words, to claim that somebody or something else has any of the attributes of Allah means ascribing a partner to Allah. Allah has proclaimed in the Quran that idolatry will not be forgiven:
Allah does not forgive anything being associated with Him but He forgives whoever He wills for anything other than that. Anyone who serves gods other than Allah is guilty of a terrible crime. (Surat an-Nisa: 48)
Allah's Scientific Miracles in the Quran. The Quran draws attention to a very important geological function of mountains:
We placed firmly embedded mountains on the Earth, so it would not move under them... (Quran, 21:31)
The verse states that mountains perform the function of preventing shocks in the Earth. This fact was not known by anyone at the time the Quran was revealed. It was, in fact, brought to light only recently, as a result of the findings of modern geological research.
It takes just a few seconds to read a sentence. Yet if one of the body’s enzymes failed to work, it would take 1,500 years to read that same sentence. Enzymes activate cells and initiate and accelerate reactions up to 1010 (10 billion) times. In their absence, those cells that are waiting to go into action and perform many other reactions that keep you alive, even though they are unaware of each other and motionless, would start to die one by one before you even finished reading this sentence. As a result, you would die before you reached the end of this sentence....
Anyone who carefully considers this world and the things that enable him to live for even a few minutes will be completely astonished. Our planet, which was specially created for life in one of the giant galaxies in the endless void of space, constantly revolves within that boundless void. The Sun, just one of the universe’s billions of stars, sends its rays to Earth within that same void. As a result, our planet is warmed; the various food, water, and nitrogen cycles occur, and human beings, animals, plants, and micro-organisms are able to survive due to the countless conditions that make their continued life possible. Countless details have been combined and presented to human beings in the most beautiful and flawless manner to meet the requirements of human life and/or to bestow beauty and blessings. Each detail, which has its own artistry, is a distinct marvel of creation. Sometimes, these details are so crucial that life would cease without them and Earth would become a dead planet. Scientists cannot come anywhere close to creating or imitating most of them, let alone create them out of nothing...
The nature of destiny has been debated throughout human history. The most straightforward definition of destiny is that God created the universe, life and all events, both past and future, in a single instant.
This means that every event from the moment of the universe’s creation to the Day of Judgment has already taken place and ended in the presence of God.
Therefore, anything that hasn’t happened yet are only events that haven’t happened for us, not for God: After all, God is unbound by time or space as He, Himself, created time and space.
Therefore, for God, the past, present and future are all one and everything has already begun and completed.
[1] (Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze & John-Dylan Haynes, Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain. Nature Neuroscience April 13th, 2008)
[2] (Smith, Kerri (2011), "Neuroscience vs philosophy: Taking aim at free will", Nature, 477 (7362): 23–5)
[3] Libet,B., Gleason, C.A., Wright, E.W.&Pearl, D.K. Brain 106, 623–642 (1983)
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[5] (Bem D, Tressoldi P, Rabeyron T and Duggan M. Feeling the future: A meta-analysis of 90 experiments on the anomalous anticipation of random future events [version 2; referees: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2016, 4:1188 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.7177.2)
Scientific Miracles of the Quran : The Spherical Earth
He has created the heavens and the Earth for truth. He wraps the night up in the day, and wraps the day up in the night. (Quran, 39:5)
In the Quran, the words used for describing the universe are quite remarkable. The Arabic word which is translated as "to wrap" in the above verse is "yukawwir." In English, it means "to make one thing lap over another, folded up as a garment that is laid away." For instance, in Arabic dictionaries this word is used for the action of wrapping one thing around another, in the way that a turban is put on. The information given in the verse about the day and the night wrapping each other up includes accurate information about the shape of the world. This can be true only if the Earth is round. This means that in the Quran, which was revealed in the 7th century, the roundness of the world was hinted at.
However, it should be remembered that the understanding of astronomy of the time perceived the world differently. It was then thought that the world was a flat plane and all scientific calculations and explanations were based on this belief. However, the glorious Quran has employed the most definitive words when it came to describing the universe. These facts, which we could only correctly fathom in our century, have been in the Quran for a vast length of time.
Until the mid 20th century, the prevalent view across the world was that the universe was infinite, had existed forever and that it will continue to do so for all time. According to this view, known as the "static universe model," the universe had no end or beginning.
In maintaining that the universe is a collection of fixed, static and unchanging substances, this view has constituted the basis of materialist philosophy and has consequently rejected the existence of a Creator. However, as science and technology progressed during the 20th century, the static universe model has been completely uprooted.
We have now entered the 21st century and a new dawn is upon us. Through numerous experiments, observations and calculation conducted by some of the world's most prominent thinkers, modern physics has proven that the universe did indeed have a beginning, that it came into being from nothing in a single moment in a huge explosion. Furthermore, it has been established that the universe is not fixed and static, as materialists still stubbornly maintain. On the contrary, it is undergoing a constant process of movement, change and expansion. These recently established facts all act as nails in the coffin of the static universe theory. Today, all these facts are universally accepted by the scientific community.
The origin of the universe is described in the Quran in the following verse:
He created the heavens and the Earth from nothing. (Quran, 6:101)
This information is in full agreement with the findings of contemporary scientists. As we stated earlier, the conclusion that astrophysics has reached today is that the entire universe, together with the dimensions of matter and time, came into existence as a result of a great explosion that occurred a long time ago. This event, known as "The Big Bang," is the catalyst for the creation of the universe from nothingness. This explosion, all parties in the scientific community agree, emanated from a single point some 15 billion years ago.
The Quran contains within its words many miracles which prove it to be Allah's word. One of these attributes is the remarkable number of scientific truths which are contained in the Book of Islam. In this book which was revealed over fourteen centuries ago to the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), there are innumerable examples of information humanity have only been able to uncover by the technology of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Of course, we should not view the Quran as a book of science for it is primarily a book of moral and spiritual guidance. However, many scientific facts that are expressed in an extremely concise and profound manner, within the verses of the Quran, have only been discovered by scientists with the aid of the technological advancement of the 20th and 21st centuries.
While it is stated in the Quran that it is easy for Allah to bring man back to life after death, peoples' fingerprints are particularly emphasized:
Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Quran, 75:4)
The emphasis on fingerprints has a very special meaning. This is because shapes and details on everyone's fingerprint are unique to each individual. Every person who is alive or who has ever lived in this world has a set of unique fingerprints. Furthermore, even identical twins having the very same DNA sequence have their own set of fingerprints. ("What is a fingerprint?;" www.ridgesandfurrows.homestead.com/fingerprint.html)
Fingerprints attain their final shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar appears. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity, exclusive to their owner. The science of fingerprints has been used as a non erring identity determination method.
However, what is important is that this feature of fingerprints was only discovered in the late 19th century. Before then, people regarded fingerprints as ordinary curves without any specific importance or meaning. However in the Quran, Allah points to the fingertips, which did not attract anyone's attention at that time, and calls our attention to their importance. This importance has only been fully understood in our day.
Scientific Miracles of the Quran. Brought to you by IslamicDocumentaries.com
Scientific Miracles of the Quran. Brought to you by IslamicDocumentaries.com
To be a servant of Allah means leading one’s whole life for the purpose of gaining Allah’s pleasure and approval. It means trying to carry out all actions in the best possible manner so as to gain Allah’s approval, fearing Allah alone and orienting all one’s ideas, words, and deeds to this purpose. Allah has brought it to our attention in the Quran that being a servant to Him covers the whole life of the individual:
Say: ‘My salat (prayers) and my devotions, my living and my dying, are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds.’ (Surat al-An’am: 162)
I only created jinn and man to worship Me. (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 56)
It is again the perfect creation throughout the universe that introduces to us the supreme power of Allah. However, Allah has principally introduced Himself to us in the Quran, which He has sent down to people as a guide to right living. In the Quran, all the supreme qualities of Allah, His wisdom, knowledge, compassion, mercy, justice, omnipresence, His seeing and hearing everything, His being the sole owner and sole God of the Heavens, the Earth and all that lies between and His being the sole sovereign of the kingdom are conveyed to us.
He is Allah – there is no god but Him. He is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible. He is the Compassionate and Most Merciful. He is Allah – there is no god but Him. He is the King, the Most Pure, the Perfect Giver of Peace, the Trustworthy, the Safeguarder, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great. May Allah be exalted above all they associate with Him. He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Form. To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surat al-Hashr: 22-24)
In this audio you will journey through a miraculous place where its features-mass, structure, temperature and so on-are designed "just right for life and for the survival of living beings". That is our Earth… Millions of animals, plants, insects and sea creatures, all with different structures, colors and features live together on this special planet. The great harmony on Earth and the wonderful life on it are proofs of the existence of God and the artistry of His creation.
1. Evidence for Creation on Earth
2. The Temperature of the Earth
3. Earth's Mass and its Protective Shield
4. The Perfect Measure in the Atmosphere
5. The Measure in Respiration
Cells are the basic building blocks of life on Earth, and viruses are constantly trying to invade and destroy them. Our immune system is our body's defence against these invading viruses, and it is a miraculous system that uses cells, antibodies, and proteins to combat viruses and other foreign bodies. The human body is surrounded by germs and viruses. Cells are the basic building blocks of life on Earth, and viruses are constantly trying to invade and destroy them. Our immune system is our body's defence against these invading viruses, and it is a miraculous system that uses cells, antibodies, and proteins to combat viruses.
It carefully identifies whether or not the cell is suitable for it, then uses dissolving enzymes to open a hole in the cell membrane, through which it deposits its genetic code inside the cell. This remarkable system is responsible for protecting us from the tiny yet powerful viruses that we cannot see. This intelligence is provided by lymphocytes, which are specialised cells in the blood.
Cells are often unaware that they are in danger when a virus infects them, and will continue to create proteins from the new DNA. This causes the cell to become filled with viruses and explode, releasing the new viruses to infect other cells. Viruses are highly selective, with rabies targeting the brain, cold viruses targeting the nose and sinuses, mumps targeting the saliva glands, hepatitis targeting the liver, and flu viruses targeting the immune system.
Overall, viruses have a clever reproductive strategy which indicates the existence of an intelligent Creator, God, Who created them and our cells from nothing. Our bodies have macrophages to try and eradicate viruses, and lymphocytes to provide intelligence for the war. When a macrophage catches and swallows a virus, it carries an information packet to be recognised from the outside by the immune system's "helper T cells".
The helper T cells then disseminate this intelligence to the other cells, leading to the production of antibodies by B lymphocytes. These antibodies are specifically designed to target the virus and neutralise it. Killer T cells are also called in to destroy any cells that have been invaded by the virus. Memory cells are also given long lives and keep records of the past invaders, so that the body is better prepared for future invasions.
All of this is a result of the intelligence and design of Almighty God.
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